The Good, The Bad and.. (AU, CC, Mature) AN 4/3 [WIP]

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The Good, The Bad and.. (AU, CC, Mature) AN 4/3 [WIP]

Post by baby_bre »


I totally LOVE IT! Thank you ELENA!! soooo much!

Title: The Good, The Bad and the In Between
Author: Baby_Bre
Genre: AU
Couples: CC
Rating: MATURE
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell do not belong to me. It belongs to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and some other peoples.
Summary: The good girls and the bad girls of Roswell High, what could they possibly have in common? No one can seem to figure that out. Liz Parker and Maria Deluca are best friends, they're the "Good Girls" of Roswell High, the saints, the virgins. Tess Harding and Isabel Anderson are also best friends and they're what everyone refers to as the "Bad Girls", the bad seeds, the wild childs.
Author’s Note: This fic was written for my awesome friends, Elena and Ruby. They inspired me to write it! (They're also lovely and talented!)

Chapter One

Liz climbed out her window, her hands shooting up to block the offending sun from her eyes. On her balcony sat her bestest friend in the whole wide world, Maria Deluca. Moving over to one of the empty seats she plopped down, the cushion burning hot against the skin of her back. "It's so hot out here!" She whines while pulling a face and smoothing imaginary wrinkles out of her skirt.

"But it feels so good," Maria replies with a lopsided grin. "I can't even believe it's nearly summer."

"I know, right, it's like just yesterday we were out shopping for new planners and here we are almost finished with grade 11."

"Exactly, I don't want this year to be over! You know next year is going to be so stressful, we'll be pressed for time with graduation coming up, pressured to get everything done and then poof high school will be done with." Maria rambled on and Liz laughed, it was a normal thing for Maria to go on and on about the things she felt strongly for. Fortunately very few people knew this or had ever witnessed what Liz labled the "Deluca Rant." It made her feel special because things like that showed that they were truly best friends who didn't have to act a certain way around one another, there was just no need.

Being perfect was definately not as easy as it looked or as easy as they made it seem. However they had each other there to lean on when things became tough, both of them knew how it felt to have the spotlight constantly shined on them. They both had parents who pushed them to be perfect in every single aspect of their lives and they most definately knew how it felt to have everyone in town expect things out of them. It was a tough life but the two girls enjoyed every minute of it.

"I hate change," Maria moaned and Liz knew her best friend well enough to know what she was refering to. They were both worried about what would happen after high school, because that would be when they were no longer secured by the walls of Roswell High, surrounded by a town filled with people who adored them and they'd both be away from home. Liz and Maria luckily had spent a lot of time debating on which colleges to apply to, so that took care of some of their stress.

It had been around the end of their 8th grade year when their parents sat them down and practically forced them to browse through brochure after brochure. Their parents could be a little obsessive at times but at least they had it narrowed down to four different colleges. Liz was going her best not to imagine what it'd be like if they were seperated because she was secretly scared to death that they'd get accepted to different colleges.

Not to make it sound like they've never ever spent anytime apart, it's just they've rarely spent anytime apart. Well, other then the occasional weekend here and there. They were two halves of one whole, they were like ying and yang, Laverne and Shirley. Maria and Liz were always together because they understood each other, in ways other people couldn't. Sometimes Liz mused, would they be best friends if it weren't for
their parents close friendships? Would Maria and her even have liked one another if it had been left up to them and they'd met on their own? Because as much as they had in common, like their love for school, volunteering and just any good deed, there was just as many differences. Liz was quiet, Maria was loud, Liz liked reading and writing in her journal where as Maria loved singing, dancing and performing.

But they had never let their differences or preferences come between them. For every difference there was a similiar interest, that's just how it worked. Maria wasn't Liz's only friend just as Liz wasn't hers. They had two other best friends, Isabel Anderson and Tess Harding. However, these girls were so different from them that no one in town, including their parents and sometimes themselves understood their friendship, what they had in common or even how they put up with each other. At one time Maria and Liz's parents had forbidden them to see one another, saying they were bad influences but that didn't stop them.

"Liz, chica come out of it, you okay?" Maria asks snapping Liz out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine, just caught up in thoughts." She answers and smiles reassuringly. Liz remembered how Maria went on and on about how she loved the easy goingness of their relationship. They were able to sit in complete comfortable silence, each of them doing their own thing without worrying the other person was bored or annoyed. It was normal to them and Liz wouldn't have it any other way.

"Have we talked to Isabel and Tess today?" Maria says out of no where.

"No, they're probably recovering from a hang over." Liz replies half amused at how crazy their friends could be.

"I don't know how they can drink so much," Maria says with a laugh.

Liz shrugged and leaned back against her chair, ignoring how hot it felt.


"Isn't that your mom yelling?" Maria asks and Liz sighs, going over to the window she sticks her head in, "Yes?"

"Phone!" Like she hadn't seen that one coming, reaching further into her room she grabs the phone off the table and clicks it on, "Hello?"

"Liz!" Tess screeches into the phone before Liz has a chance to pull it away from her ear.

"Blow out my ear drum why don't you," Liz scolds playfully, "Anyway, what's up? We were just speaking about you."

"Not a whole lot, just chillen. Izzy and I are hanging out." Tess tells her and Liz can hear Isabel in the background singing along to some loud song. "We want you guys to come hang out with us."

"I know, but it's not that easy, we have a lot of homework we need to be doing."

"Liz, it's only saturday and I bet anything you have to do isn't due until like wednesday."

"Regardless of when it's due, the parents say it's better to get a head start that way you'll have more time to work on other things later." Liz can picture Tess rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Scrap the rentals advice and drives your little asses over to Izzy's house! NOW!" Tess shrieks and hangs up.

"Tess?" Maria asks and Liz rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, she wants us to go over to Isabel's house."

"We have homework.... remember? Big test coming up on Friday."

"I know, but they don't care, maybe we can bring our books and talk them into studying?"

"They're going to call us boring again," Maria frowns and Liz nods.

"It's worth a shot, don't you think?"

"I guess,"


"They're doing homework... again." Tess sighs out of disgust, she couldn't imagine how anyone could want to do homework on a saturday when they've been in school all week.

"I don't know how anyone could do homework on a saturday," Isabel says taking the thoughts right out of Tess's head. Isabel sways her hips to the music not even caring that the guys were watching, it wasn't like they were lying to them, they were hanging. of course they were withholding a bit of information but it was only in their best interest because sometimes it called for desperate messures to loosen their friends up.

"Other then them I don't know anyone who would do homework on a saturday." Tess says watching as the guys reacted to Isabel's dancing. "Half my friends won't do it, ever."

Isabel nodded her agreement and continued dancing, she loved making the boys sweat. Sometimes her friends acted like they had sticks up their butts, it wasn't like she didn't love and adored them it was just there were times that their act got tiring. Parts of her knew they were raised that way and that their parents had a huge rule in their uptightness.

But Liz and Maria were too obsessive, everything they did had to be perfect, everything they said had to be thought out, everything had to be neat and organized and Isabel couldn't stand it. If Maria and Liz could forgive them for drinking, staying out late, partying instead of studying well then she thought she could forgive them for being like that and it was their mission in life to make the girls come out of their shell.

Tess watched in amusement as Isabel swung her arms up over her head repeatedly. It was giving her a lot of attention and she knew her friend was only teasing them. Isabel never let a guy get too close unless she wanted them too, because she was firm in her belief that although she was interested in having fun and liked having a good time she wouldn't have that much fun with just anyone.
Last edited by baby_bre on Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:05 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by baby_bre »

Authors Notes: Thank you all so much for your FB! It really means a lot to me and makes me want to keep writing. I hope I don't disappoint.

TeenLemon I really hope you continue to like this fic.
FamersAmers Thanks!
Sternbetrachter Thanks! I'm really glad you're reading my fic and liking it :)
tabata Thanks alot!
Liz86000 Thanks a lot, I am really glad you're liking the fic. And lets just say the guys aren't all that great in the beginning of the fic, but don't worry I love happy fics :)
CherryCoke As if, I don't have enough an ounce of the talent you have chica! Aww I love ya too and I'm soooo glad you're liking my story! It means a lot to me and yay for your liking the title, I wasn't too sure about it.

Anyway onto the next Chapt.

Chapter Two


"HEY!" Tess screams and goes running over to her two best friends, whipping her arounds them she grins. She hoped her friends wouldn't be too upset about the boys being there but then it was too late for them to turn back now without feeling like rude beotches.

"I thought it was going to be just us?" Maria comments and Tess shrugs innocently, "Because we brought our school stuff and we thought you guys might like to study." Pointing to the bag slung across Liz's shoulder.

"Look, plans change, we're here to have some fun so stop thinking about school!" She swore if those girls weren't in school, busy doing homework, projects or really any other school related thing they were going over them in their heads. They were always thinking or talking about school and if it weren't for the fact that Isabel and Tess loved them so much they would have ditched the girls years ago.

"Okay, but do we really look ready for a 'party'?" Liz asks knowing the answer and Tess looks at their outfits for the first time. Typical Maria, blue jeans and a green sweater set, the only difference between the two was that Liz was sporting a yellow one. How freaking original, did their mommy's pick out their outfits Tess wondered.

"You look awesome!" Tess lied through her teeth, forcing a smile she motioned for the dancing queen to come before turning back to them, "So, lets introduce you to the guys."

"Do we have to?" Liz and Maria whined.

"Yes!" Isabel says, "Do you want them to think you're rude and that you guys think you're too good to be introduced to them?"

"I suppose you're right..." They said and Isabel smirked, she knew them well enough to know they'd never want to leave an impression like that, not even on their worst enemy, given that they had one.

Walking through the house they meet guy after guy. The whole time Liz and Maria couldn't help but wonder where all the females were, there were all these guys and only four girls, they were out numbered. "Max, this is Maria Deluca and Liz Parker." Isabel says introducing them, "Oh and that's .... Michael."

"Thank you for the oh so special introduction Iz," Michael says sarcastically with a roll of his eyes he turns towards the girls. He couldn't deny the fact that they were cute but then cute had never interested him. He never went looking for cute, it was a word that was used to describe kittens, babies and other such things. What he'd always went for was hot, smoothering, sizzling, someone who made him feel like he was going to burn up from the inside out and these girls just couldn't cut it.

"It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance," Liz says formally. The guys were both handsome but guys didn't interest her all that much, they were nice to look at but try having a intellectual conversation and forget about it. Most guys in Roswell's brains were the size of a penut.

"What's with all the formality?" Max asks with a smile, he thought the girls were pretty, not in a way that he'd ever paid any attention to before.

"I... uh..... I... uh... don't... know... you." Liz stuttered her cheeks burning a bright pink. "Well ... I umm I umm am going to just go over there." With a point of her finger she was off to the otherside of the room, feeling like the biggest idiot in the world.

"Err, yeah I should be getting over to Liz," Maria says before scrambling over to her, she had to stop herself from running over there.

"What's with the dorks?" Michaels asks, it wasn't a normal thing for Tess and Isabel to have losers at their parties. "OUCH!" He says recieving a blow to his arm, courtesy of Isabel.

"Shut up! They're cool." Tess says in defence of her friends, glaring in the direction of Max and Michael.

"Yeah if you're into the kid of girls who can't string a simple sentence together."

"Whatever Max, I bet you do." Isabel says rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Since they're the only ones who could stand to be around you."

"I'm just not feeling the love today," Max says batting his eyelashes, "I feel so cold and alone."

"Whatever," Tess says throwing him a nasty look.

"And besides you dim wits, the two of them are the smartest people in our school." She says defending her best friends.

"They're those one chicks? The ones who are always doing stuff." Michael states it dawning on him where he'd seen the before.

"How intelligent you sound."

"Stop being a hater,"

"Stop being a small minded prick."

"You guys," Tess says in a warning like tone.

"He started it."

"Whatever you started it,"

"You guys act like little kids."

"Nuh uh!"

"We do not!"

"My point has been made."


"Okay, we're just gonna go over and talk to Liz and Ria, I mean no offense but there's only so much time a person can spend around you guys."

"Fine ditch us like that," Max says and looks around the room wondering where all the chicks were, it was typical of Tess and Iz not to want any sort of competition but still what were all those guys going to do when there were only like four girls there.
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Post by baby_bre »

TeenRoswell Don't worry I'm a happy ending kind of girl and this is a CC story so :D

g7silvers Yeah, only four girls (well there'll be another that comes in later on) as you can probably tell Iz and Tess aren't real into competition.

Liz86000 I am totally glad you're sticking with the fic! I like that you find it funny, I hope the next chapt has some funny bits in it as well. Yeah I've never been real big on the whole, 'I met him, barely spoke a word to him, but now I am going to die if I don't make him mine.' that's just not really me, I don't find it realistic but eh. I wouldn't say the couples are together, just really good friends. give or take like 15. Anyway I better shut up or I'll give away the whole story (kidding hehe) and yay for liking my title. ((I think this reply is longer then my chapter!! LOL))

Sternbetrachter I would never ever leave Alex out of one of my storys (he always plays a decent role in them) or have him dead (In my mind he never died, I have a hard time reading fics where he's dead unless he's not really dead lol) I don't think I can write well for that couple but I do adore them. Anyway without giving too much away about him lets just say he's got a good role in this fic...

tabata thanks for coming back!

WildSphinx thanks for taking an interest!

CherryCoke hahaha I love the story girl! and I'm glad you can relate to Liz, she's cool in this fic, I know you think so and if you don't well that's your problem ;) just kidding.

Anyway thanks to you all for supporting me, it inspires me to update. I hope I don't disapoint in this chapter. And yes Michael and Max are jerks in the beggining of this fic, but don't worry they get better :)

Chapter Three

"I'm ready to go." Maria busts out with a long sigh, they had a huge test coming up, a bunch of papers that needed handing in, some essays their parents insisted they do for extra credit (as if they needed it!) and some other odds and ends to tie up for their fundraiser of the month.

"I know and okay so what if they're going to call us boring and tease us about not being able to stay away from our text books for longer then an hour. I mean how unoriginal are they that we can predict their next move? And besides they don't have all these things to do and if they did they'd be a lot more understanding." Liz goes on, "I guess we'll just have to slip out quietly, perhaps they won't even notice we've left."

"Be real, that's not even an option."

"Yeah... I know. " Liz replies thoughtfully, but it sounded like a nice plan.

"Hola chicas, how you be likin the partay?"

"It's how are you liking the party, not how you be likin the partay." Liz corrects with a little smile.

"Yeah whatever you're not my teacher and we're not in school." Isabel says rolling her eyes.

"You're lucky we're not your teacher or you'd be failing."


"That's right." Maria agrees with a grin, "I mean I know you cheat on tests, copy other peoples homework and sleep in class."

"I do not!" Isabel protests and the girls smirk knowingly. "Stop it! I don't cheat, okay maybe I cheat but that's only if I haven't studied." She says defensively.

"Which would mean you cheat on like every single test considering the fact that we've never seen you study, ever." Liz says teasingly, at least they knew Izzy didn't take them seriously.

"Damn stop being the homework police and go have some fun." Isabel tells them pointedly.

"Yeah, enough of this talking, liven up girls, have a little fun, get something to drink and go get your groove on." Tess says while shaking her hips to the music, "Because you're only young once, well okay twice if you're lucky and have enough money."

"That sounds all well and good but we really should be going."


"Look, it's not that we're not having a good time, it's only that we have papers to do." Liz says in hopes they'll let them off easy, "And besides it's like 5 and we might not make it home in time for dinner and you know how our parents can be."

"You guys should be studying too." Maria chimes in.

"I get the rentals but screw studying, you're only going to be on this planet for like 80 years if you're lucky and I'd rather not spend that time with my nose in a book." Isabel says with glare, could her girls not think of anything aside from studying for longer then like five whole seconds?

"Yes but if we don't work hard now we'll have to work hard later, meaning we'll never get ahead in this world." Liz explains, "Not all of us are going to be able to live off our trust funds."

"Excuse me?"

"You know what I meant Iz. I'm not trying to offend you, it's just our parents will kill us if we don't get into a great college. They are constantly saying if I don't do this and that I'm going to ruin my only chances of getting into a good college and they don't have a trust fund set up for me for college and everything that comes after." Liz rambles on feeling like a crazy college obsessed nutcase. Often times she was embarrassed by sounding so obsessed but then she knew Maria had the same problems with her parents and knew exactly how it felt.
"Chica you so do not even have to worry about that and neither does Ria." Tess tells them with a long sigh. Hey friends could definately be a little paranoid, it was a wonder how come they didn't have a bunch of gray hairs already... or maybe they did and they dyed their hair? Not to mention the fact that Tess knew they'd soon have lots of worry wrinkles... Ugh she shuddered inwardly at the thought.

"Not to interrupt this rather touching moment," Max cut in, "But we're getting kind of bored, aren't you ladies going to show us a good time?"

"In your dreams Evans," Isabel says with a threatening glare, when Hazel arrived she knew the party would literally take off. Hazel was the only person she knew who had the gift for being the only girl in a room filled with 100 guys and none of them would be bored.

"Have you been sneaking into my dreams Anderson?" Max asks winking at her, he couldn't leave yet though he wanted to but that'd look uncool. He had to go meet Rory at the airport with his parents soon and he'd be damned if he missed his ride.

"Please like I want to watch you getting laid in your dreams."

"You could always participate in real life," He tells her with a wink and a suggestive smirk.

"Eww I so did not need that mental image."

"We could always take pictures if that's the kind of thing you're into Iz." Max smirks, knowing he's been a little gross but then Michael would smack him later.

"Sorry to interrupt your guys little 'moment', but we're going to leave now."

"You have to stay at least until Hazel gets here."

"When is that going to be?"

Isabel turned to Tess who shrugs, "I don't know, she'll show up whenever she feels like it." That was their Hazel, extremely unpredictable and sometimes unreliable.

"I suppose we can stay but only until she arrives." Liz says and Maria nods her agreement.
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Post by baby_bre »

Sternbetrachter As always thanks for reading :)
Emz80m I'm glad you think they're geeks :) That means I'm doing my job lol Thanks for reading!
FaithfulAngel24 I'm a candy girl so of course there will be some banter, not too much because Maria has an image to uphold :) Thanks for reading!
TeenRoswell I'm glad you like this fic!
CherryCoke Yay I'm glad you're liking this chica! I hope Hazel's character doesn't disappoint.

So I hope you guys like this fic and please leave FB and let me know what you think! And don't worry the guys will eventually redeem themselves! :)

Chapter Four

"Don't do us any favors," Max blurts out and the girls glare at him.

"Shut it," Isabel snaps annoyed at how dumb her best guy friends were acting. The only reason being they were blown off by the fact that they knew she knew their charm wasn't going to work on Liz and Maria, her girls were too smart for the likes of players like Max and Michael.

"Don't yell at him," Michael snaps glaring at her, "He's just saying if it bothers them that much having to be here then they should go." Michael knew he sounded like a jerk but that didn't matter, the only people he had or even wanted to be nice to were his parents, his three best friends and any hot chick he came across. In his mind everyone else could go screw themselves.

"Gee, Michael, I never knew you were so nice!" Maria exclaims with a roll of her eyes, "Jerk."

"I never said I was nice Princess, so get used to it." It wasn't like he had a real reason to be nice to the girl, it wasn't like he wanted to get in her pants cause she was hot. He didn't see any reason to turn on his charm for these bookworms, he knew these types, they were associated with saying stuff like 'What's the point in having sex with someone you're not going to spend the rest of your life with,' definately a big waste of his time.

"Now, now peeps is that anyway to act towards one another?" Hazel states appearing behind them.

"Hazel! You made it!" Izzy and Tess exclaim excitedly before lunging at their best friend.

"Of course I did, did you think I'd leave my two favorite girls hanging?"


"Oh whatever chica's. You're both nutters."

There were times when Liz thought her best friends liked Hazel much more then they liked them. It would be perfectly understandable being that Hazel was wild, fun and did lots of the same stuff her friends did. It didn't help matters any that Hazel also ran in the same crowd as Iz and Tess. She knew there was no rational reason to feel threatened or to be jealous of her but at the same time she couldn't help it. However Liz knew it was impossible to really dislike Hazel, even in the slightest. Hazel was just too likeable, even the teachers at school bowed down to her, it was like she could rule the entire world without even trying.

"Hi Hazel," Maria says with a tight smile.

"Hello darlings, hows things at planet school?"

"Real funny, haha." Liz says with a roll of her eyes.

"You know I'm only kiddin you love."

Hazel had no problem with the girls, sometimes she felt they were too uptight, well quite a lot of the time actually. It seemed like the girls weren't sure how to let their hair down but then her best friends felt strongly about them and she supposed she could go along with it. It wasn't like they were always dreadfully boring and maybe Hazel needed to put her own hair up once in a while so to speak.

"Of course you were," Maria says trying to regain control of her manners.

"Come off it,"

"Look, it was nice seeing you but I think we should be going." Liz points out, it was getting late.

"No, don't be going I've just got here."

"Yeah well we've been here for," Maria checks her watch, "43 minutes already."

"Oh my, you managed to stay away from your studies this long? How ever will you survive."

If Liz possessed a potty mouth she may have told her off just now, yes she knew Hazel was only playing around but it didn't stop the hurt she felt when she heard her say things like that. How come none of them could understand how important their studies were to them?

"Hazel," Isabel scolds, "Don't say things like that, it isn't nice. Besides you wouldn't want them to break into one of their stupid lectures about how the most important things in life are school, homework, volunteer work, organizers and whatever else it is they're always going on about."

"Right well thanks." Maria tosses Isabel her most evil glare, the one she hardly ever uses. She feels flushed from embarrassment as she tightly squeezes Liz's hand. "It was nice of you to have invited us, we really appreciated it and well we'll see you around." Turning around she tensed, glad the group wasn't able to see the tears glistening in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she pulled Liz towards the exit. It wasn't the first time they'd heard Isabel talk like that, it was just the first time they'd ever heard her talk like that about them.

Isabel doesn't know what to do, she felt like a jerk because it wasn't the nicest thing to say but then it was almost like she wasn't able to stop herself, she always did things like that.

"Cold Iz, even for you." Michael says laughing, it had been a pretty funny sight and the one chick looked like she was going to burst into tears, one hell of a night.

"Fuck off Michael,"

"Bite my head off bitch."

"If you don't watch it that won't be the only thing being bit off." With a roll of her eyes Isabel leaves and goes over to the otherside of the room, ready to reflect on what just happened.

"So, boys, what's up?" Hazel asks with a grin, completely unphased by what had just gone down.

"Nothing.. nothing at all.. this party is lame." Max tells her.

"Oh right, well what would make it less lame?"

"You could get up on the table and take your clothes off." Michael suggests helpfully.

"Pervert!" Hazel exlcaims whacking him on the back of the head.

"Tough crowd," Max says shrugging his shoulders, "And besides Hazel baby I thought you liked table dancing?" If Max remembered correctly they had been together about a day before they figured out it wouldn't work. Both of them had sat down and thought about it, coming to the same conclusion, yes they liked sex, drinking and partying but that was the problem. They knew it'd only be a matter of two days before they started fucking other people and then their friendship would be screwed.

"I do however I'm not into dancing on a table for a bunch of pervs who haven't gotten any."

"I'm sorry but that's not what Jenny was saying last night," Michael says with a smirk and Max raised an eyebrow, were things getting dry out there or was he just getting too old for nameless sex?

"Oh, right. Then what exactly was "Jenny" saying last night?"

"She was saying 'Ride me harder Mickey ride me harder."

"Right, uh huh eww like I believe that."


"Man I ain't into your sex lifeor lack of sex life for that matter, so don't bring me into this."

"Dude you guys suck."

"Don't hate because I can suck better then you." Grinning happily Hazel skips over to where Josh and Daniel were standing, college guys were the best.
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Post by baby_bre »

Sternbetrachter They really left.. Your answer about Isabel will be answered in this next part. And you're right there is no Jenny lol, Michael's just making things up to look cooler. And Alex has arrived in my fic :)

tabata Thanks for reading :) I hope this next part isn't too terrible!

CherryCoke Guys aren't supposed you call us girls bitches, you're right but eh when has Michael ever done what's expected of him? LOL :)

kittens Thanks for reading and yes all work no play can drive em crazy.

Chapter Five

"Hi Hazel," Josh says nervously, unlike every other girl he knew, Hazel had never showed him any interest. It was like he couldn't have her so he wanted her even more.

"Hey Josh," She replies with a smile before adding, "Hey Daniel. How's things at school?"

"Schools school," Daniel answers eyeing her up, he was well aware his friend had his eyes on her but Hazel was her own woman, wasn't she? "But then schools lame."

"I hear that, I mean I hate school!" She exclaims with a little squeel, " I mean honestly what do they expect for us to all act like Liz and Maria?" She asks before it dawns on her that the guys had no idea who Liz and Maria were, "Sorry."

"It's all good peaches." He says flirtasciously.

Hazel rolls her eyes inwardly, "It's been fun but," She starts, "I have to make my way over there."

"Why?" Josh is quick to ask, Hazel gives him a once over, maybe he was a little too quick.

"Because my. friends. are. over. there." She says before rolling her eyes, flashing a smile and leaving them on their own.


Isabel and Tess had been going back and forth since they'd left the group to on their own side of the room. "Isabel how could you say that?!" Tess goes on and Isabel rolls her eyes, it wasn't like the end of the world and she knew the girls would forgive her.

After about five more minutes of listening to it Isabel snaps, "LEAVE me ALONE! I am SICK of listening to this!"

"Well, then you should have thought about that before you opened your stupid mouth." Tess shouts, "I mean don't you even care that now Liz and Maria are going to watch what they say around us? Wondering if we're thinking they're losers who are obsessed with school?" Tess goes on and on and Isabel drowns her out.

"I fucking care alright?" Isabel's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she got in Tess's face, her voice dripping with anger. She hated herself for saying those things but she wasn't someone who knew how to say sorry, the word wasn't even in her vocabulary.

"Yeah, that's why you show it so well?" Tess was on her tippy toes, not backing down.

"Girls, calm down, "Hazel says sliding in between them, pulling them to the side she laced her arms through theirs, "It's going to be cool, you'll see, your friends don't seem the type who hold grudges."

"You'd be suprised," Tess says with a laugh.


"I cannot even believe she said that!" Liz states after thinking long and hard about what happened. Pulling her knees against her chest she sighs.

"We can't really blame her, can we?" I mean I know what she was true but still..." Maria trails off feeling like a joke.

"Yes, Maria we can. And you know why we can?"

"Why...?" She asks unsure.

"Because of the simple fact that she said it like that, it may have been true but how she said it was wrong, in front of all those people was just not cool."

"I know but it's..." Maria trails off as the lights on her phone flash."Hey," She says answering the phone.

"Hey beautiful," His voice coming out smooth, making Maria smile. It felt like forever had passed since her best friend, Alex Whitman had last called her. He was the kind of guy everyone wanted to know, people thought it was strange how despite everyones protests they remained friends, only friend.

People expected or wanted them to be more then that, because he was the male equivlanet of Maria. He was sweet, smart, adored and best of all the perfect catch. It would make them the perfect couple but Maria and Alex didn't see it that way.

"Hows things?" She asks silently mouthing to Liz that it was Alex, Liz smiles and nods before going back to her thoughts.

"Great, missing you though."

"Uh huh sure."

"I was, I was sitting here in my bedroom, staring at my laptop and thinking, I miss Ria."

Maria laughs and roll her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Alex asks when Maria sighs without realizing it.

"Nothing..." She lies hoping he'll drop it, it's not really an easy thing to talk about, at least not yet.

"Riiiiight, like I believe that, come on tell your big ol buddy Alex."

"I can't."

"Don't screw with the Doctor Ria, tell me what happened or I'm going to come over there and tickle it out of you." He says teasingly.

"It's just..." A small sob escapes her lips, "Isabel... made fun of Liz and me... in front of a bunch of people."

"Are you serious?" His voice full of concern.

"Unfortunately, yes." She feels bad but if there's one person other then Liz she could go to right now it's Alex, he'd always be there for her, she knew it, at least until his computer program took off and then he'd be too busy fighting off supermodels.

"How could she do that?" Alex's voice explodes into the phone, Alex wasn't a big fan of either Isabel or Tess. In his opinion they were both bitches who were out for themselves.

At one time he had liked Isabel, he'd admit that, he had even went as far as telling her in a letter which was the biggest mistake and last thing he'd ever said to her, because the next day at school his letter was multiplied by a hundred and posted all over the halls.

"She didn't mean it!" Maria instantly defends.

"Ria don't even go there."

"I know, but I'm sure she's going to have a big apology, I know she'll feel bad!"

"Riiight because Isabel Anderson is so very well known for apologizing and feeling bad when she makes other people feel like crap?" Alex states sarcastically.


"Check that attitude missy, what would your mother say?!"

"Who cares...?" Maria wasn't in the mood to keep up her little miss perfect act. At the moment she felt like going and throwing something.

"Now, now you can't go acting up." Alex warns his voice full of laughter as he stares at the people around him.

"Oh yes I can," She says with a grin, "What are you up to right now?" She asks making for a change of subject.

"Eh, I'm at a restaurant." He tells her.

"Why are you at a restaurant?" Maria asks, "Is Kyle there too?"

"I'm on a date," He says casually.

"You're on a date, sitting at the table, talking on your cell to me?"


"ALEXANDER WHITMAN!" She shrieks, "You know I would leave if I was that girl... wait who is that girl?"

"You know Shay right... She's in our English class."

"Shay? Like the same Shay who went out with Kyle two days ago?"

"Your point?"

"Do you guys generally share girls?"

"Only the desperate ones," He says and she knows he's joking, even if there are girls who practically worship the ground he walks on, Maria's suprised they don't have Alex shrines at their houses or maybe they do.... That's a very scary thought.

"Oh because being desperate makes them worthy of your time?"

"Exactly, we wouldn't want them going crazy."

"They already are.." Maria points out.

"How so?"

"They want to go out with you, shouldn't that be a warning signal right there?" She asks playfully.

"Oh please, you wish you had a piece of this ass." He jokes and his date looks at him weird.

"Who are you talking to?" She practically barks.


"Maria who?" Shay asks accusingly and Maria cringes, deciding to stay quiet while they talk.

"Maria... Deluca?" Alex feels a little bad talking on the phone during one of his dates but there was nothing to talk about, they had been sitting there for almost an hour saying nothing. He picked up his cell because it was true he was wishing Maria was there because at least they could have fun at least they had things in common.

"Maria Deluca?" She states unhappily, "Why are you talking to her? Are you guys seeing each other behind my back? Is that it? Oh my gosh you are aren't you? How could you do that to me Alex! How? What did I ever do to you, huh? You are my boyfriend and then you go and do this! I can't even believe it, just wait until everyone at school finds out about this, you are going to regret the day you cheated on me!" Shay gets up from her chair and storms out leaving a very confused and silent Alex.

Maria bursts out laughing drawing Alex out of his transe, he laughs too neither one of them could believe Shay. She was going on and on about something that made no sense, how could Alex be her boy after she'd just went out with Kyle and this was their first date? Please as if the day would ever come and besides even if it did how did Alex talking to her constitute as cheating?

"What just happened ....?"

"I have no idea, psycho barbie went on a rampage..." She offers jokingly, at least she had a sense of humor, she bet Isabel didn't know about that.

"That was nuts, I mean what did the girl think we were, getting married?"

"Probably or at least there's a very good chance she was hoping."

"I know, I mean who wouldn't want to tie the knot with me?"


"Psh, I know you Maria, if you had the chance you'd be making wedding announcements already."

"Oh, of course I would be, I mean that's why I'm so hopelessly devoted to you is it?"

Alex laughs and asks, "Where are you Ria?"

"Liz's." Maria says and looks over to Liz who is busy writing in her journal.

"Can I come over there?"

"I don't know, I'll ask Liz if she wants company."

"Let me ask her,"

"Liz, Alex is on the phone for you."
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Post by baby_bre »

Sorry if this chapter lacks.

Chapter Six


"Lizzie... Oh Lizzie." He sings into the phone, ignoring the weird looks he's receiving from the other occupants of the restaurant.


"What's up love?"

"Nothing, just spending time outside with Maria."

"Oh and you didn't invite me over?" He says sounding sad.

"You were on a date remember," Liz points out.

"Well I'm not now. So, can I come over? You know I miss you guys." Alex cuts in, wanting to partake in the outside hanging out.

"Right now?"


"I suppose so, I mean it's not like we're doing anything important."

"So you guys aren't studying?"

"No." Liz says forgetting to be offended by his presumptuous statement, because this fact shocks her too. Why aren't they studying? It was the reason all the fuse about coming home was brought up. Here Isabel had succeeded in getting them so wound up that they completely forgot amd had missed at least one valuable studying hour, one they'd never get back.

"I'm shocked..."

"I am too..." Liz admits, "I mean there's so many things to be done and yet I'm sitting here talking to you."

"Hey! Talking to me is a privilege... Do you know how many girls would kill you for your phone right now?"


"Well, lets just agree on a lot, okay?"


"So, can I come over or not?"

"Sure, you can come over, but only if you promise to bring us ice cream."

"You guys drive a hard bargain, you know that?"

"Of course we do, we want cookie dough."

"Yeah, yeah I'll see what I can do."

"You're the best."

"I know," He says his voice dripping with arrogance but his ears turn pink none the less.

"See you in a bit." Liz says before clicking off Maria's cell and handing it back to her.

"Can you believe that we're sitting here and we don't have books in our hands?" Maria asks and Liz nods, she couldn't quite believe it. How could they not be studying? If her parents came up and saw them sitting there wasting precious time she'd be in a lot of trouble. Maria would be too because it would only be a matter of seconds before her parents ran to the phone and called Maria's parents.

"Perhaps we should go over our notes for the test at least until Alex arrives?" Liz suggests helpfully and Maria nods her agreement so they sit there in silence, lost in their notes and textbooks oblivious to the outside world.

"Ladies," Alex appears shortly after holding up a half gallon of cookie dough ice cream.

Maria and Liz squeal before jumping at him, "We've missed you."

"You know I've missed you guys too."

"Uh huh sure,"

"Whos the one who picked up the phone and called...?" He put a hand behind his ear as if trying to listen better, "Right, that was me."

"Yes, and you just so happened to be on a date!" Maria says rolling her eyes and Liz did the same.

"It's not my fault the girl was boring..." He says and they glare at him, "Okay maybe that's a little mean but did you hear what the psycho said?"

They laugh and push him over onto one of the chairs before Liz goes inside to get three spoons.

"So, Ria how are you guys feeling?" He asks seriously.

"Eh it's not the end of the world right?"

"Right, but it must have hurt to hear someone you care about say something like."

"Yeah, you know it did but I think we'll get over it." Maria says with confidence, it was a hard thing for them to hear and maybe Isabel right, perhaps they were always going on about school but her delivery lacked a little something called tact.

"I know you will, cause you wouldn't be my girls if you weren't tough." He pulls a face and Maria laughs while Liz brings them the spoons.

"Dig in," Alex says and they start devouring the ice cream, making a mess in the process.


"Dude, I've got to get going."

"Where you goin man?"

"I'm going to meet up with the rents before we go pick up Rory from the airport." He couldn't wait until his little sisters plain got in. Rory was his best friend, his squirt, his one true confidant. She was the only person other then Michael he felt really comfortable around but the difference was that Michael and him talked about girls while Rory and him talked about life.

"Oh yeah, your sister gets in tonight huh?"


"Is she still hot?"

"Shut up dude," Max says pulling a face, how nasty.

"I was just askin."

"That's my sis you're talking about," Max would never ever let his baby sis hook up with someone like Michael. Michael may have been his best friend but he treated girls like yesterdays trash once he got what he wanted, there was only one though on his friends mind when it came to chicks and Max would be damned if he ever let his squirt get hurt like that. "I mean you're my boy and all but I know how you act towards women."

"Like you treat them any better?"

"Not the point, just saying don't mess with squirt cause you know how I feel about her, she's a baby.

"Man you're always dissin on my game."

"Michael, sorry to inform you hun but you don't got game." Hazel cuts in and they turn to look at her, how was it she always managed to be everywhere and no where all at the same time?

"Damn girl, why you always got to be cuttin me down like that?"

"You bring it on yourself, it's too easy." She says with a sweet smile, "Now I've got to go, see that bloke over there? He's a major hottie right? Well his number has just come up."

"You make it sound like there's some sort of waiting line." Max says with a grin.

"Right, that's because there is. Haven't you got the memo yet? You're like number 293339 so you probably should have started standing in line like yesterday." She informs him with a flirty smile, "And Michael's number 8292020338." Implying that his number would never come up, he'd never have a chance at least not in this lifetime.

"Good," Michael spits out.

"Please, you're just jealous cause you can't get some of this."

"Who would want some of you?"

"Everyone... duh."

"If you want to believe that."

"I strongly believe it cause it's true."

"Uh huh."

"I don't have time to be dealing with you." Hazel says in a huff and goes off towards the hottie she had spotted earlier.

"So, like I was saying I'm going to go."

"Alright man, I'm gonna take off too."


"Max and Michael left."

"Ugh, great now the only decent guys are gone." Isabel says rolling her eyes.


"You know what I mean, the other guys here are only here cause they're hoping that we're going to take them upstairs."

"I know, I mean they actually think we want them."

"Yeah, even if I did I'm too tired,"

"I am too but it's not like we can pack it in."

"Yeah you're right," Isabel says with a smile, "Grab me a beer?"

Isabel leans back while Tess goes to the fridge and grabs two beers.

"Yuck..." Hazel says her nose scrunched up as she points at the beers.

"What...?" Tess looks at her, batting her eyes innocently.

"That is the most distasteful drink I've ever had."


"It is!" She protests and follows Tess back over to where Isabel is standing.

"Thanks," Isabel tells her grabbing the beer from her and taking a long swig.


"Did we ask for commentary?"


"So then... ?"

"Shut up..." Tess finishes with a giggle and looks around the room, "This is so lame."

"I want to call it a night but I don't want to put anyone out."

"I know you want to put them in your bed." Hazel says cracking a smile and the girls glare at her.
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Post by baby_bre »

mm4ever2005 Thanks!

Sternbetrachter VERY into studying :) thanks as always for reading!

dreamer19 Thanks for reading :)

BehrObsession Max definately has a soft spot for Rory, she's a little sister but best friend you know? Anyway in the chapter after this one is when we should see some interaction between Iz/Tess and Ria/Liz :) Thanks for reading!

Chapter Seven

"Max!" His mothers voice booms into his cell phone as he listens to the voice message she'd left him. "I can't believe you young man. The night your sister is getting into town and you're going to make us late. Have you no decency?"

He rolls his eyes and flips his cell shut not bothering to listen to the rest of the message. Sure he was making them late because he had gone out but was that any reason to yell at him? He didn't think so, Max wanted to see his sister as much as his rents did but he wasn't going to bitch at them about it, if they were late.

"Thanks man." Max says before hopping out of Michael's ride. His car was in the shop or else he would have drove himself to the damn airport to meet Rory. At least then it would have saved all the bitching and he wouldn't have almost had to walk home if it hadn't been for his catching a ride with Michael. Calling his parents and having them come get him would have just provoked more bitching and he hated it, it was annoying and pointless.

"Maxwell Evans!" Cringing he watches as his mom stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips, his moms face is tight with anger and he wants to slink on past but continues to look casual while heading towards her. "Don't you just walk by me!" She barks, "I called you a half hour ago, where have you been?!"

"Out." He replies and stands there tapping his foot annoyed at his moms voice.

"Out? Out? you were out?!" She shouts, "Is that the only explanation I'm going to get?"

He shrugs and waits for his dad to get outside, "Can we go now?"

"Go get in the car," His father orders and Max pretends to be reluctant but eventually heads off to the car.

"Calm down Diane."

"Don't tell me to calm down, Philip. Our son has no regards for anyone but himself!"

"Not true and you know it."

"Well he needs to start acting right, the path he's heading down he's going to blow his whole future."

"Just let it go for one night, that's all I'm asking. I don't want Rory wishing she was staying away at that damn schoo, do you?"

"No, of course you know I don't." She says hesitantly but leaves and goes to sit in the car.


"It's finally over... they're gone!" Isabel says happily and flops down on the couch. She was so out of it already and didn't really know why. Perhaps it had something to do with the situation she'd gotten herself into with the girls but either way something was up because normally she loved partying and today she was lacking in the enthusiasm.

"Oh right. You do know you're behaving like some kind of boring ... nerd." Hazel states pulling a face, tonight wasn't the best night, her girls were acting strange and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Am not!"

"Are too but that's entirely not the point." She says with an easy smile, "What is going on? I mean normally you'd be all out there, getting the guys to drool and everything. And tonight? You're sitting around complaining and making it obvious you wanted them to be on their way!"

"I'm tired."

"Like that's ever stopped you and it's not even 12 AM!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just not in the mood." Isabel tells her and rolls her eyes in annoyance, couldn't her friend just let it go?

"I was in the mood to snog that sexy bloke by the telly but no you girls were bored out of your minds." Hazel went on with a long sigh, "Aren't you the least bit worried what this party could do to your reputations?"

"No... should we be?" Tess asks looking over at Isabel, she didn't want the boys of Roswell thinking they'd turned into boring stiffs.

"Please, as if I care."

"You do."

"Whatever, one party is not going to make a dent in my social calender." Isabel says with confidence.


"I'm going to die! I'm really going to die!" Maria moans loudly as she holds her stomach.

"Well maybe if a certain someone hadn't polished off 6 slices of pizza, nearly half a gallon of ice cream and a package of cookies they wouldn't be having a stomach ache right now." Alex says teasingly.

"I can't help it," Maria defends, "When I'm upset I eat."

Liz laughs and rolls her eyes before looking down at her watch, it was almost 12:30.

"It's getting late." She says stifling a yawn.

"I forgot you girls head to bed by 8, right?"

"We do not, it was almost 10 when I went to sleep last night." Maria protests, "And besides it's not like I can fall asleep here."

"Yeah you have to walk home."

"No way, you mister Whitman have just been given the priviledge of giving me a ride home."

"Is that so Ms. Deluca?"

"Of course it is," She says with a wink before going off to gather her things.

"I can tell she's tired." Liz states, "She's acting strange."


"Max!" Rory shouts before breaking into a fast run, Max awaits her with open arms.

"I've missed you sooo much." She whispers, tears in her eyes as he pulls her into a bear hug, her feet not even touching the ground as he squeezes the breath out of her.

"I missed you more Squirt." He tells her with a warm smile, allowing her feet to touch the ground again as he ruffles her hair.

"Hey mom, dad." She says turning towards her parents and noticing their presence for the first time since she'd arrived.

Rory had missed her parents a great deal, she had even missed their constant bickering and rules but she had to admit, she'd missed her big brother more. Sure they fought all the time and Max seemed to like making her life miserable but that didn't change the fact that she had missed having him around to fight with, someone to scare off all the wannabe boyfriends and mostly she had just missed her best friend.

"We missed you honey."Her parents say as they pull her into a three way hug. Max stands back and watches, glad that his baby sister had decided against staying at that dreadful school any longer.

"I missed you guys too." She tells them before pulling back, "Can we go home now?" She asks motioning for Max and her dad to grab her bags.


"But Kyle! I want to go to your place." Shay whines into the phone, now that Alex was out of the picture thanks to that bimbo Deluca she was going to have to work fast or she'd loose Kyle too.

"Shay I'm not in the mood to come pick you up, so that we can go back to my place and have sex so that you'll have something to tell everyone at school on Monday." Kyle tells her, "I've been there, done that and I don't think it's gonna happen babe."

"I can't believe you think I'm like that!" She protests angrily.

"I don't think you're like that, I know you're like that. Don't think I'm stupid, I know about your date with Alex."

"We're just friends, it didn't work out."

"I don't care," He says rolling his eyes, "I'm going to go now, so you have a nice night and I'll talk to you some other time."

"No.... Kyle... Don't hang." Click, he flips his phone shut in annoyance, when would these girls quit chasing him already? Shay had almost got him, that is until Liz gave him the heads up a bit ago about her trying to get with Alex too. It didn't make a difference to him about who Alex went out with so long as the chick didn't think she'd improve her social rep by bagging them both cause that'd never happen.
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Post by baby_bre »

Thanks guys for the wonderful FB! Sorry it took so long for the update but my muse died.

Chapter Eight

"Michael, honey, could you like please shut up already?" Tonya asks while batting her long lashes at him.

"Before I didn't talk enough... and now I talk too much?" Michael asks rubbing his eyebrow, clearly frustrated with this situation.

"Yes!" She exclaims raising up on her tippy toes to kiss the spot she knew would make him wild. Tonya figured she never should have had that conversation about him needing to talk more inorder for them to connect.

Sighing he says, "Woman, I just don't get you..." Trailing off, "You give them what they want and they don't want it anymore!"

Tonya rolls her eyes and waits for him to finish his rant, it took about five minutes of his going on about how he did what she wanted because of her being pushy, then she's not even satisified and that was he was never going to listen to her again before he shut up and gave her was she so desperately wanted.


Rory laughs while Max tells her about their moms outburst before going to get her from the airport. She couldn't believe all the things she'd missed while being away at school. Then again it seemed like somethings never change in Roswell, like Max and Michael's constant love for partying.

"Are you serious, she said that?"

"Yes, she was acting strange, even for her."

"I still can't believe everything I've missed." She told him with a half smile and snuggled further into the couch, the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "It feels good to be home."

"I bet it does," He comments with a smile, he was glad to have her back home where she belonged. Now he could keep track of her, make sure she stayed on task and didn't end up partying all the time like him. "Everyones missed you."

"Really?" She asks perking up a bit, it felt good to be home and she would be even happier if it was true and people did miss having her around.

"Of course," He tells her because it was the truth, "Hazel, Isabel, Tess and even Melinda missed you."

"I'm not suprised." She says with a roll of her eyes.

"Don't get a big head over it or anything."

"I won't get a big head over them missing me, err well at least not Tess and Isabel. They probably couldn't wait for me to get home so I could do their homework."

Max laughs because it was sort of true. Rory had been known to help them out more then once when it came to them being in a bind with school work. Or there were the times when they were drunk off their asses and had a big paper due worth half their grade the next day. It wasn't exactly like Isabel and Tess used Squirt, he wouldn't let them if they tried but there were times when they took her kindness for granted, something of which he thought Isabel had been doing a lot lately.


Isabel rolled over, her head hitting the pillow next to her, the coldness of it was comforting. Snuggling deeper into her blankets she sighed in bliss, she didn't want to wake up and she certainly didn't want to have to get up and go to school.

"Get up lovies," Hazel appeared in the doorway, "You have school in an hour."

"It's too early," Tess whines pulling the covers over her face, maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to stay the night on a school night at Hazel's. After it was almost like staying the night at Maria's or Liz's, but then they'd of had them up hours ago revising something or doing some sort of last minute homework.

Hazel went over to her stero and turned it up loud, "Get up girls, we can't be late now can we? Your faces aren't going to make themselves."

Sighing loudly Isabel sat up and covered her ears, at least for the first time in a long time she wasn't hung over. They had thought about drinking last night but decided against it. Maybe her heart felt too heavy for her to be in the mood for drinking anything but she just wasn't. Isabel hadn't had a lot of practice with apologizing, in fact if we're being honest she pretty much hated anything to do with the five letter word but she had every intention of saying sorry to Maria and Liz.

"Can't we just skip school today?" Tess asks hopefully, her head peeking out from the top of the covers.

"No way, sorry lovies but after the diaster of a party we had, we have to make an apperance." Hazel says, she wasn't planning on giving up on her girls just yet. They had to start going to school if they were planning to do anything worth while with their lives. Yes they had the looks and they had trust funds, she too had one but that didn't mean they could just skid by and live on them alone. What would people think? Keeping up apperances was very important in the world of Hazel, her parents had installed it in her mind at a young age that looks were everything. What people was thought was more important then what you thought of you.

"Fine, fine I'm up."


"Maria, did you finish the extra credit in Economics? I finished it last night but then I had to get up extra early inorder to revise." Liz tells her as they walk towards their lockers.

"I finished it first thing this morning," It was the truth she hadn't even done anything else before she got to work on it. She'd felt really overwhelmed the night before when she'd made an attempt at working on it so she decided to sleep on it and work more on it when she had a fresh mind. Because a mind that had been tired out from doing work and other such projects all day didn't work too well.


It wasn't an unusal thing to talk about school work first thing in the morning, most girls talked non stop about boys and that's how it was for them but with school instead. "My brain is totally fried."

"I know, you're starting to look like an egg." Liz comments with a smile as she notices Kyle and Alex heading their way. She loved seeing them first thing in the morning it brought a smile to her face because they were always in such good spirits, even when they'd been up for hours working on a school project too.

"The Queens are on a rampage." Alex informs us with a smirky grin, he so loves it when Isabel is being rude because it fuels his fire of hatred towards her.

"What is it this time? They forgot how to tie their shoes or something?" Maria asks and we laugh, Isabel and Tess were their friends but they had treated them like crap and that's not something they took lightly.

"I heard that Isabel and Tess's party bombed, it's not wonder they're upset." He says before going on, "So, did you guys hear Rory's back?" Maria loved teasing Kyle, he's what she refers to as the Gossip Queen errr King of Roswell High. He always knew everybody elses business, nothing went on in Roswell without his knowing about it and he just loved sharing the gossip with his friends.

"Rory Evans?" Liz asks her face scrunched up as she tried remembering where she knew her from.

"Max's little sister." Alex comments and the girls nod, they had only just met the jerk but they thought they remembered Rory at least somewhat.

"Well, anyway back to my point she's back in Roswell...."

"Meaning.... she left?"

"Yeah, apparently she was accepted into some special program and that's where she's been all this time."

"How do you know all this?" Maria asks as her eyes trail down the hall.

Kyle shrugs, "I just do." It was his job to know everything that was going on, there was no mystery in Roswell with his being around.


Busy washing her hands Liz didn't notice when Isabel walked into the girls restroom, "Liz." Isabel's voice echos off the wall causing her to jump in fright.

"You scared me!" She exclaims turning around, one hand placed directly over her heart.

"Sorry..." She says, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh," Liz trails off unsure of what to say, she didn't know what Isabel wanted.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, I talked to Maria before I came in here. The things I said at the party they weren't nice and I've been going over them in my head and I'm really sorry, they didn't come out the way I meant them too, I know it wasn't funny and I shouldn't have said that stuff but bottom line I'm really sorry."

Liz stood there stunned, unable to find words to express what had just happened. It was the first time she'd ever heard Isabel apologize for anything important that she had done to affect other people.

"Do you forgive me?" She asks hopefully after a few moments of silence, unsure of whether it was a good silence or a bad one.

"Yeah," Liz says her face breaking into a small smile, "I'll forgive you." She couldn't stay mad at one of her best friends forever and Isabel had sounded like she meant what she said about being sorry.
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Post by baby_bre »

Sorry it took so long! I hope you like it :)!! There's lots of AOL convos :)

Chapter Nine

QueenBee: Hey.
DreamQueen: What do you want?
QueenBee: What's with the attitude
DreamQueen: Nothing, sorry. I'm just trying to finish something.
QueenBee: Oh yeah? What?
DreamQueen: A stupid econ assignment, ugh.
QueenBee: I didn't know you were that into econ. Lol
DreamQueen: I'm not. But if I don't get this done I don't pass.
QueenBee: Whatever Tess, you know you'll pass
DreamQueen: Not if I don't get this done.
QueenBee: Oh right, you're no fun!
DreamQueen: And you're all play
QueenBee: Whatever. I am not. But I'll let talk to you later.
DreamQueen: Later.


Isabel leaned back in her chair, she was glad that she had patched things up between her and the girls. Yeah things weren't entirely a 100 percent back to normal yet but she was sure the girls wouldn't hold a grudge for long and she was also sure they knew she had been sincere while apologizing. Liz had been much easier to convince then Maria, at first Maria had shrieked and yelled at her to leave her alone which hadn't been the most reassuring thing but eventually she understood.

Normally Isabel would have twisted things to her favor, twisted them around until the person she was meant to be apologizing came to the conclusion that it was really their fault. For example if she hung up on someone when they called back she would bark at them that they were banged up for hanging up on her or if she flaked out she would convince the person that it had really been their fault and they had been the ones who messed up. things like that came naturally to her but admitting she was wrong was something she found plain scary.

Ha. Isabel Anderson apologizing? Who would have ever thought they'd see the day? She was pretty positive Liz and Maria would run to their little group of friends and tell them how she had said sorry but whatever it was worth it, even if it would put a dent in her hard as ice reputation. She couldn't ever remembering apologizing to anyone, not even the girls friend Alex. She hadn't told him sorry for plastering the walls with the letter he wrote her where he confessed how he felt for her. Why did she do things like that? She didn't know for sure, it was like anytime she felt anything for a guy or got close to them she hurt them because it was easier then taking the time to let them get close enough to hurt her first. It was also one of the reasons Isabel dated very little when really she knew just about any guy in school would cut off their kneecaps to get a shot at her.


SmartiesAddict: I can't believe she apologized!
FreakNasty101: I was thorougly suprised when you told me.
SmartiesAddict: I know, I'm still like what the heck about it.
FreakNasty101: I always knew Isabel had a heart somewhere in there.
SmartiesAddict: No you didn't :P
FreakNasty101: What did Alex say when you told him?
SmartiesAddict: I think it actually kind of depressed him.
FreakNasty101: Understandable, I mean she did treat him like crap and then never admitted that she was being fucked up.
SmartiesAddict: I know but I thought by now he'd have forgotten about but I can't blame him, I mean I'd never forgive a guy if he did that to me.
FreakNasty101: You'd never admit to liking a guy let alone write him a letter telling him so he'd never get the chance. :P
SmartiesAddict: Whatever Gossip King.
FreakNasty101: Ria you wish you had the guts that Alex has :P
SmartiesAddict: Stop teasing me. It isn't very nice of you.
FreakNasty101: Isn't it though? hahahahaha!
SmartiesAddict: What's so funny?
FreakNasty101: You!!!!!!! Duh!
SmartiesAddict: I swear you are so immature sometimes.
FreakNasty101: And you know you love me because of it.
SmartiesAddict: You wish. But hey I have to go, Liz is going to get here soon.
FreakNasty101: Big study date?
SmartiesAddict: Something like that. So I'll talk to you later
FreakNasty101: Yeah, bye.
SmartiesAddict has signed off


Alex was depressed. Now normally he wasn't known for his drinking but he couldn't help himselve. He knew very well that he had never meant more to her then Maria and Liz but at the time of the letter incident he knew he had meant something so how could she muster up the courage to tell them she was sorry and not him? Of course he probably wouldn't have completely forgiven her but he wouldn't have kept so much hatred towards her all this time. Why him? Why did she have to humilate him?

After that day Alex had been known as the Isabel worshiper and Isabel had made it into a game, even used it to up her status. People liked that she was cold enough to paste his personal feelings all over the halls without any sign of remorse. How could the Isabel Anderson he hung out with, made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with, the one who laughed at his terrible jokes and made him sick to his stomach at the thought of her be the same cold unfeeling girl who told everyone he was her puppy and soon he'd start wearing a leash?

He stumbled into his bedroom, flipping the lights on as he went over to the bed. He was feeling it now and a big part of him wanted to call her up and tell her how much of a slut he thought she was, how much he hated her and howhe wished she would die 100 painful deaths but it wasn't true. Everyone thought or at least figured Alex hated Isabel because he never spoke to her and generally had a very down attitude towards her and yeah part of him did but the other part of him still wanted to be the one worthy enough to change her mind about not being committed to anyone. He wanted to show her that he was good enough to be with her but even having just about everyone girl in the school after him didn't seem to change her mind.

FreakNasty101: Hey fool.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Hey...
FreakNasty101: Something wrong?
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: I hate Isabel Anderson.
FreakNasty101: Really? For some reason I don't believe you.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Whatever man I do. She's such a whore.
FreakNasty101: Yeah. yeah. say the resentful wannabe boytoy.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Shut up man. I'm sick of hearing crap like that.
FreakNasty101: I'm just telling the truth.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Right. the truth? Like the fact that you follow Tess around with your tongue on the floor?
FreakNasty101: I do not
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Yeah you do and you're saying I'm a wannabe boytoy? What about you?
FreakNasty101: Are you drunk Alex?
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: NO! NO !NO NO!
FreakNasty101: Then why are you acting like an ass for?
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: I"M NOT!
FreakNasty101: Okay... I think you should calm down. do you need me to come over there?
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: NO!
FreakNasty101: Good cause I don't want to come over right now anyway
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: hahaha whatever.
FreakNasty101: Maybe you should get some sleep? or somethin.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe: Yeah. I gotta get off here it's making me dizzy.
SwingXHerXLikeXMe has signed off


Maria and Liz were studying their notes, planning to quiz each other when Alex called them, drunk off his ass. Alex's predicament took presidency over studying, they could not quite believe what he had went and done. After telling them about talking to Kyle he had gotten offline and called Isabel. It hadn't went all that well and now they didn't know what was going to happen.

"Calm down." Liz whispers for the billionth time, "Everythings going to be fine."

"No it's not!" He exclaims, sounding a minute away from jumping off a bridge.

"Yes it will be. I'm sure Isabel will understand that you were drunk."

"No she won't, I can't believe I said those things."

"I know Alex but you'll see things are going to work out."

"No they're not! I can't believe I told her she should die, that I wish she'd just kill herself."

"You didn't mean it."

"That's just the thing, maybe I did!"

Liz gives Maria a look and she nods, "We're coming over, don't do anything stupid."


Isabel could barely believe what had just happened. She still had her cell clutched tightly in her hand, why did this have to happen now? She was already feeling so low and questioning herself and the this had to happen. She knew she was lucky Alex had waited this long to tell her all those things but it didn't make her feel better. Part of her was sure she deserved his harsh words but the other part of her was pissed, how dare he treat her like that?

You're a selfish, unfeeling cold bitch who has no heart. Alex's words rang in her ears and tears sprung to her eyes, was that what people really thought about her? You know it is. The little voice in her head reminded her, it was one of the things she had been proud of afterall. You don't even deserve to live, you think you're the hottest thing ever but really you're just a slut with a rich daddy. You're no better then any of the girls at Roswell High so why don't you stop acting that way?

He had told her he wished she was dead, no one had ever told her that before, he also said she should just kill herself already because she had nothing to live for anyway. His words had cut her but there was no way she would let him know that.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 228
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2002 8:40 am
Location: Oregon

Post by baby_bre »

Okay. I lied and forgot to update this. I'm really sorry. Things got really hectic. I'll update VERY soon and that is a promise. :)