Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by isabelle »


"Sure!" I say happily. "I told you I didn't have any other plans. I'm glad to help."

Kyle walks off to the register to help some customers who are ready to leave. I give a modified bow and smile at Liz. "I'm always ready to aid a damsel in distress," I tell her with a gallant tone that speaks of much more heroic deeds than collecting dirty dishes. But I hope it will make her smile again.

“Hey Zan if you do help Liz take Maria’s tip money!” Kyle calls back to us. I wondered if he was just telling me to take the money in order to get back at Maria for walking out. I didn't really want to get in the middle of some sibling squabble, no matter how justified it might seem to him. Maria was my best friend. I wasn't going to steal from her.

I look at Liz questioningly. "I didn't think that was the way it worked," I say. Of course, I've never waited tables or worked as a bus-boy before, so I could be mistaken.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Kyle had apologized for Maria running out but I kind of... well Zan had taken my attention off of Maria's actions rather easily.

"Sure!" Zan replies, seeming really happy about it. I can't seem to keep up with this part of Zan I don't recall seeing much of. Okay, I'd seen him like this with others, but never with me. "I told you I didn't have any other plans. I'm glad to help."

When Kyle walks of toward the register, it's obvious that he is okay with Zan helping so that makes things all the better. I watch as Zan gives a sort of bow and smiles at me and I can't help but smile in return. "I'm always ready to aid a damsel in distress," he says and I can't help but laugh softly at this. I'd never thought I'd hear words like that come out of Zan Evans mouth. Could it...? No, it wouldn't... I have to remember that getting my hopes up would be pointless. I'd just end up being hurt.

“Hey Zan if you do help Liz take Maria’s tip money!” I hear Kyle call back and I know it's because he's upset with Maria for leaving.

Zan looks at me, his expression questioning, "I didn't think that was the way it worked."

"Technically, if a customer is still in their seats at shift change, whoever finishes out the time gets the tip." I tell him with a smile. "So, basically, the tips left on Maria's tables are up for grabs, Sir Knight." Okay, so I couldn't keep from adding in my own bit of humor as I smiled at Zan. He didn't realize it but by helping Kyle and I out, that's exactly what he was being, a knight in shining armor. Though, really he's a knight in a muscle shirt and pair of jeans that make him look so good that I can't help but notice the way it fits on him.

I start to turn to get back to work but then remember he has his meal, "Zan... go ahead and finish eating first okay... And, it's on me." I give him a smile before turning, hoping that he doesn't realize that I've got more of a bounce in my step then I had before. I take a couples order and take it to the window before getting the order that's done and taking it to the proper table. My gaze traveling back to Zan. The more time passed, the more I was looking forward to hanging out with him tonight when I was off duty, even if he'd only asked me because he was trying to be a friend.
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Post by KarenEvans »


As I sit on the stool next to Isabel I give Tess a small wave "Hey Tess." I smile at her,feeling a little awkward.She must be wondering why I have joined them for lunch out of the blue.

Zan comes over at that moment and informs us about a party that going to be held at the Crash that evening,of course he's talking only to his sister,he's barely acknwoledged Tess and my presence

""The Valentis are out of town and there's going to be a party here after closing if you want to come." He says leaning close to his sister and walks off before she can order.

I notice that he's hanging around Liz a lot all of a sudden.Warning note to Max when I meet him later...'Stud brother of yours after your girl.'

Turning to look at Isabel and Tess I try to get a conversation started "So you two girls attending this party tonight?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: just so you know.... at one point Liz was there to take their order... but because of other things going on, I felt that to keep it moving it would make it easier for her to figrue she'd taken Isabel's, Alex's and Tess's order... so if ya'll wanna add what ya order into your posts.. I can make certain that Liz get's them ......
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Post by dreamer393 »


I am about to say something but Zan chooses that moment to come over.

""The Valentis are out of town and there's going to be a party here after closing if you want to come."

Party...that has possibilities. If I'm lucky maybe I can talk Tess into coming...maybe.

"So you two girls attending this party tonight?"

I shrug "I don't know. probally. Got nothing better to do."

Although inside I am hoping that Alex will be there.

"What about you....are you going?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

ooc: How does everyone feel about moving this on to the party? Its just I know how hectic its getting at the crash for poor Liz and Kyle....
Any thoughts?
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- Okay for skipping to the party soon, but two notes. First, Zan has no intention of telling Max about the party since he figures his brother isn't a 'party-person' and well, Liz. lol. So that will be up to Isabel or Alex, unless Max remains out-of-the loop.
Also, Zan and Liz won't be there at first, since he's driving her home to change her clothes.


'Sir Knight,' she says. I smile widely at that although it's as much because of the smile on her face as her playful words. She's actually had a moment to enjoy herself in the midst of all this. She smiled. I'm pleased to be the one to rescue her, if only for a brief moment.

Liz is off working again before I can say more. Understandable. This place is becoming a zoo. Although I must say, she looks great with that little spring in her step. It makes her legs look great and her hair bounces in a most wonderful way. Not to mention what it does to the hem of her skirt, shifting about a bit so as to tease the imagination.

I sit down to finish eating, but there's no way I'm going to let her pay for this. I'm not helping her for payback and I know she needs the money, too. As busy as it is, I'm sure I'll be able to get to the register and pay Kyle when Liz is otherwise occupied.

I make my way through my burger steadily as I watch Liz move around the Crashdown. I might have tried to crowd in and sit with Isabel and Alex, but I don't really want to intrude. Besides, they'll probably be taking their time over their meals and I'm not.

By the time I'm halfway done with my food, there are two tables that need to be cleared. Putting down my burger, I get up and quickly take care of those two so Liz and Kyle can put in new customers. At the first table, I leave the money there since I don't really know if it was Liz's table or Maria's. Liz will let me know and if it's Maria's I'll be sure she gets it, even if that isn't the 'usual' way.

I know the second table was Liz's. It's the one where the stupid jocks were harrassing her. I'm glad they're gone. I guess they ran out of amusement after they realized that Kyle and I weren't going to let them bother Liz. They've left only two dollars. There were four of them. I know this isn't adaquate. Glancing over my shoulder, I see that Liz is busy. I get a five from my pocket and add it to the pile as I wipe down the table. I don't know what they ordered and that might still be too little, but at least it's a little better.

After washing my hands again, I see that there's some food waiting at teh pass-through window. "Hey Jose, busy night," I say as I check the slip. It might not be much busier for him, I realize too late. It's the same food, right? He doesn't have to worry about the rest of it. I pick up the three plates and put them on a try to deliver it to table five on my way back to my booth.

Last edited by isabelle on Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KarenEvans »


After giving Liz my order of a Will Smith burger and Saturn Rings,again along with an Orange Soda...I sometimes wonder how I put away all the food I eat...I return my gaze to the object of my affection who has just asked me a question

"What about you....are you going?" she asks me

"Well I haven't really been officially invited by either of the it will be rather stupid to assume that I can just land up." Okay she is going to think that I am a loser.

Cool guys don't need invites...or do they?I'm not quite sure.Or is it just presumed that jocks go to any and every party invited or not.

I wait for her response.Tess seems bored by the whole conversation.
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Post by dreamer393 »


"Well I haven't really been officially invited by either of the it will be rather stupid to assume that I can just land up."

Isabel...quick think of something to make him convince him. I nervously begin to toy with the beaded bracelet that adorns my wrist.

"Theres going to be tons of people there. Noones going to notice your there." except me I silently add. Yes I would notice him, a mile away. But I would never let anyone know would ruin my reputation.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"There are going to be tons of people there. No ones going to notice you're there. she says casually and I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted

I mean I can take that comment of hers in two ways-First,I am such an unimportant person,a nobody,that my presence will not be detected;or Second,she's trying to make excuses so that I do attend.

It's more than likely the former...I mean when has Isabel ever really taken the time to get to know me and let's face it,she's had all the time in the world.I'm still the same guy,so why the sudden urge to hang out?Okay so I am being suspicious...but after all this time I have a right to be.

I look at her for any signs of a practical joke...that would be so totally high society,play the geek turned swimmer for a fool.Remind him of his real status.Her Face remains impassive.
"Gee make me sound like a worm or fly or something icky that no one will want to take notice of." I say sarcastically before I can stop myself and instantly regret it.

I couldn't help it...I went in to defence mode.I remember the days when I was considered a low life in school all too well.