Intersection (CC,M/L,Mature) Outline and AN -- 6/21/06 [WIP]

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Part 31

Post by JO »

Author's Note: For those still following this, I apologize for the delay in posting a new part. Truthfully, <i>Off The Menu</i> was one of the episodes I didn't like so I've had a difficult time changing it to fit this fic.

Part 31

Liz cautiously proceeded down the stairs of the UFO Museum, the bag of hamburgers in her hands. She heard the bag rattle as she approached Brody and didn’t realize she was shaking until he jerked the bag from her hands. “So, um,” she began, glancing quickly at Max, Tess, Maria and her mother, “is that it? Can…can I get you something else?”

“No, that’s fine,” Brody growled, the gun barrel reflecting in the lights as he placed it in his back pocket so he could use both hands to eat. “You can go. And thanks for the food.”

Liz nodded, glancing around once again when fear threatened to overtake the slim amount of courage she still possessed, and turned for the door. Before she turned away, she saw Brody gnaw at one of the hamburgers. She hoped he would offer the others some food, especially if they were as hungry as he seemed to be.

“Is there a new cook at the Crashdown?”

“Excuse me?”

“These burgers,” Brody said, holding up a hamburger for her inspection. “They taste different.” He stepped toward her and Liz reflexively stepped away from him. She saw Max stand up from beside Tess on the fringes of her vision, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
“Well, there’s no power,” Liz began, Brody interrupting her before she could finish.

“So how did you cook the fries,” Brody questioned, his voice rising and Liz stepped away from him again. He seemed overly agitated and excitable, even more so than usual, and Liz wondered if the eccentric man had finally snapped.

“On a butane -”

“No you didn’t! You used alien power to cook this food,” Brody screamed, throwing the half-eaten hamburger at Liz. It fell limply at her feet but the motion was enough to cause Liz to flinch. “You’re one of them!”

“She’s not an alien, Brody,” Max said, his voice calm and unaccusatory. “She’s just an innocent girl. Please leave her alone.” Liz turned toward him, silently wondering how he could remain so calm in Brody’s presence, especially when they all knew Brody was carrying a gun in his back pocket.

The faint sounds of sirens echoed through the complex as Brody pulled his gun, waving it wildly first at Liz then at Max. “Let’s go,” he shouted, grabbing Liz’s arm and slinging her in the direction of his office. Liz almost tripped from the force of the movement but quickly regained her footing in time to see a book lying on the floor behind where Brody stood. Her mind struggled with the feeling of déjà vu as the title rolled through her brain. Infamy. She stepped into the office, followed quickly by Maria, her mother, Tess and Max.

“They always put you in the back room before they shoot you,” Maria squeaked, hugging her mother close to her. Liz felt Maria grab at her sweater and she accepted the contact though her eyes remained on Max and Tess.

“What is that thing,” Tess questioned, and Liz wriggled away from Maria’s frantic grasp to step closer to Brody’s desk and the melted object Max held. Max turned it over in his hands, and Liz thought it looked like a bicycle helmet. Or something that used to look like a bicycle helmet.

“It looks like it short-circuited or overloaded or something,” Max replied, glancing from Liz to Tess, the half-melted helmet between his palms.

“Was Brody wearing that,” Liz trailed off, her hands unconsciously going to her head. If Brody had been wearing the helmet when the power went out… Her eyes lit up and saw that Max was following the same train of thought.

“A jolt of electricity might have been sent right to his brain.”

“That’s must be how he’s accessing Larek’s memories,” Tess offered, her voice causing Liz to blink, interrupting the eye contact she and Max were maintaining as they seemingly finished each other’s thoughts.

“So what does that mean,” Maria questioned, “and in plain English for those of us with remedial science brains.”

“If this,” Liz began, pointing to the helmet Max still held in his hands, “caused some type of injury when the power went out…”

“That means I can heal him.”

* * *

Liz watched with bated breath as Maria managed to convince Brody that he was a good person. She heard Maria mention Brody’s daughter Sydney and saw a moment of recognition on Brody’s face. His façade crumbled when Maria pulled Sydney’s picture off of a bulletin board, Liz’s own tears brimming to the surface as Brody broke down. Liz watched as Maria held Brody, Max’s healing hands repairing the damage to Brody’s brain. She wondered if Brody would ever be the same following this night. She wondered if any of them would ever be the same.

She allowed her mind to blank out, searching for a moment of calm as the storm billowed around her. Maria accidentally stepped on her foot and Liz refocused herself just in time to see Tess mindwarp Amy DeLuca. A chill ran down her spine, then she felt Maria’s hand cover hers, leading her out of Brody’s office as several of Roswell's finest and Jim Valenti came into view.

Plastic flickered on the floor three steps outside of Brody’s office catching her attention. Infamy. Without breaking her stride, Liz bent and picked up the hardback book. She stared at the cover once more, willing her mind to focus on why the book seemed so familiar, before tucking the book against her chest, pulling her sweater over her to conceal her theft.


lines of dialogue from Off The Menu
Last edited by JO on Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 32

Post by JO »

Part 32

Liz sat on her balcony, her back against the brick wall underneath her windowsill, her journal and stolen copy of Infamy at her feet. In the weeks since Brody’s meltdown, Liz had made a nightly ritual of coming onto her balcony with both her journal and Infamy. And every night, she pushed them away, allowing all things alien to leave her mind as if she had amnesia. The secrets she kept were slowly suffocating her. She didn’t eat, couldn’t eat, and rarely slept more than a few hours. Something inside of her felt different and while Liz was determined to solve her inner struggles, she was also becoming very good at denial.

“Liz,” Alex called from inside her bedroom. “You out here?”

Before Liz could respond, one of Alex’s legs appeared over her, his foot landing mere inches in front of her own crossed legs. “Alex?”

“God and Jesus, Liz!” Alex all but jumped from Liz’s bedroom window, falling onto the balcony beside her without a stitch of grace. “You scared the crap of out me!”

Liz covered her mouth to hide her smile. Alex was still all legs, just as he had been since the fifth grade. “I’m sorry,” she replied, her voice cracking under the pressure of trying not to laugh at her second oldest friend.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Not much,” Liz offered with a shrug, tucking Infamy underneath her journal. “What’s up?”

“Well, I came up here to see if you wanted to grab a pizza.” Alex stood up from the balcony and dusted his blue jeans with his hands. “My treat.”

Her stomach rumbled. Liz almost agreed to Alex’s proposition then remembered it was Thursday. Alex had been eating dinner at the Crashdown every Thursday for a long as she could remember. He had always claimed it was the great food and awesome service, but it hadn’t taken Liz and Maria long to realize Alex ate at the Crashdown every Thursday because Isabel ate at the Crashdown every Thursday. “Today’s Thursday, Alex. Isn’t Isabel -”

“Don’t,” Alex replied, cutting her off with his palm in her face. He sat down beside her with a sigh and pulled his knees into his chest. “Just….don’t mention Isabel.”


“It’s….she’s….,” Alex paused and sighed again. “She wants me to ask her to the prom. She’s been hinting and following me around at school. It’s like…it’s like she’s gone insane. She’s…she’s clingy, Liz.”

“And this is bad?”

“Yes, it’s bad. It’s very bad. I’ve done really well at avoiding her since I came back from Las Cruces but since Grant’s death and Brody’s mental breakdown, it’s like all those things I said to her don’t matter anymore. She’s chasing me.”

“Again, this is a bad thing?” Liz stared at Alex, who grimaced and ran his hands across his hair. “How long have you been after Isabel, Alex? She’s just finally realized what a great catch you really are!”

“But I don’t want to give in.”

“You don’t?”

“Okay, so I do want to give in. I want to just grab her and…I…I can’t tell you the rest.” He shook his head, seemingly embarrassed for his carnal lust of Isabel, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. Liz stared at Alex, a little bit surprised as well. But she knew that unlike most of the other males of Roswell High, underneath Alex’s momentary lust, Alex really loved Isabel. “I just…I can’t be that guy again.”

“What guy?”

“You know, that guy. I can’t let her in my heart if she’s only going to toy around with me. I thought we had a chance last summer then Grant showed up and Isabel forgot I existed. I can’t be that guy anymore.”

“Do you really think that’s going to happen?”

“I don’t know,” Alex replied with a sigh, banging his head against the brick wall. “This sucks.”

* * *

Liz sat alone at one of the tables in the quad, various notebooks fanned before her. Calculus equations remained unsolved but Liz couldn’t take her eyes off of Alex and Isabel. They were sitting together at a table across the quad. Liz had been skeptical when Alex had told her Isabel was chasing him though now, based on their behavior since Liz had been watching them, she could see it was true. Isabel was in fact chasing Alex. And Alex, well, Liz could attest he was doing his best to stay away from Isabel which Liz knew wouldn’t last long.

“It’s funny, isn’t it,” Max asked as he appeared to her left. He gestured to the table and Liz moved several of her notebooks to make room for him to sit down.

“What’s funny?”

“Alex and Isabel. She talks about him all the time. She’s even asking me questions about him.”

“She…she won’t…hurt him, will she?” Liz glanced from Max to Alex and Isabel. She didn’t want Alex’s heart to be broken again.

“I think Isabel genuinely cares for Alex. And he’s a really nice guy. He’ll be good to Isabel, good for Isabel.”

Liz smiled at Max then lowered her eyes to her notebook. “I…I never thought this is how things would turn out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Things…with us. All of us. Maria and Michael are together. Isabel is chasing Alex, and you and I…”

“What are we, Liz?”

Max touched her hand and she shivered at his warmth. She longed to give in, probably more so than Alex. She ached to tell Max the truth, to beg his forgiveness, to profess her love to him. “We’re friends,” Liz whispered, slowly withdrawing her hand from Max’s grasp.
Last edited by JO on Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 33

Post by JO »

Author's Note: One of my goals for 2006 is to finish this fic. Hopefully, there will only be 10-15 more parts. Thanks to everyone for being patient.

Part 33

“Friends can still go to the prom together,” Maria argued, stepping past Liz with a tray of Galaxy Subs. Liz rolled her eyes and caught Michael rolling his eyes too. “All I’m saying is ask Max to the prom, Liz. I mean, if he’s not going to ask you. I’ve asked Space Boy over there.” Maria nodded toward Michael, working furiously in front of the grill.

“And I said no,” Michael shouted in response, his eyes never leaving the burgers.

“And he said no,” Maria echoed with a dose of sarcasm. Liz gave a little laugh and turned her attention to the milkshake machine. “But that doesn’t mean Max will say no,” Maria continued. “We all know Max is the anti-Michael.”

“It seems like we have more important things to focus on than the prom, Maria.”

Before Maria could answer, Alex burst through the café doors and made a bee-line for the counter. “Orange soda, please,” he said, slamming his fist down onto the countertop. “Make it a double.”

“What’s going on,” Maria asked, handing the full glass to Alex. He held up his finger for silence and quickly drained the soda.

“Refill,” he called as he placed the empty glass in front of Maria and Liz. Both girls exchanged knowing looks as Liz went to refill Alex’s empty glass.

“What did Isabel do now,” Liz questioned, handing Alex a full glass of orange soda.

“She…I can’t even say it,” Alex began then quickly tipped the glass to his lips and began drinking. “Can I just have this by the gallon,” he asked as a fresh glass appeared from Maria.

“What is it, Alex? What’s going on?”

“Isabel…she…she asked me to the prom. And what’s worse, I said yes. I…I couldn’t even help it. ‘Yes’ is just my natural response when it comes to Isabel. ‘Alex, do you love me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Alex, do you want to kiss me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Alex, can you hold this pile of dog poo while I go flirt with someone else?’ ‘Yes.’”

“Oh, Alex,” Liz began, she and Maria trying hard to stifle their giggles. “I’m sure Isabel really wants to go to the prom with you. She probably has guys falling all over themselves for a date.”

“And I’m one of them,” Alex quipped, scowling. “You gotta help me, girls. I can’t take Isabel to the prom. I…I just can’t. Tell her I was delirious, out of my mind, possessed, something. I just cannot take her to the prom.”

“It’s not our place to meddle in true love’s path,” Maria replied as she looped her arms around Liz’s shoulders. She fluttered her eyelashes for effect, resulting in a groan from Alex as he flattened his forehead onto the countertop.

* * *

Liz sat with her back against of the large maple trees outlining the quad, Infamy tucked in her lap. As with any other day she had attempted the read the book, her heart simply wasn’t in it.

Her eyes wandered around the interior of the quad and sighed when she realized young love was blossoming all over Roswell. She watched Isabel laugh at Alex as he demonstrated his double-jointed-ness. She could hear Michael and Maria arguing to her left, and was surprised to see Kyle and Tess almost nose to nose at one of the picnic tables. Trying to focus her attention on them, her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Max to her right.

“Hi, Max.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“Okay,” she replied, closing Infamy and depositing it into her backpack. Glancing sideways at Max, she released a small sigh.


“Oh, nothing,” Liz began, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “I just never thought things would turn out like this.”

“I’m not sure I follow you,” Max pressed, and Liz felt him shift his weight and move closer to her. She could almost hear the fabric of the shirts scratching against one another.

“Us, all of us.” She pointed to the various couples in their group, first Kyle and Tess, then Alex and Isabel and lastly, Michael and Maria whose angry stances were not difficult to misinterpret. “A year ago, I was so certain the four of us would go together. I had pictured that moment, you know, walking in through those double doors together. I…I even bought a dress.”

“You did?”

Liz nodded quickly. “A little premature, I guess, but it was around that time last year when we first kissed and, well, I was….”

“Hopeful,” Max finished for her, causing Liz to turn to look at him. Her heart gave a little flutter as he smiled at her then slowly looked away. “Well, we could go together, you know, you and I.”


“Would you like to go with me to the prom, Liz?”

“I would love to, Max,” Liz replied with a smile. “Thank you.”


lines of dialogue taken from Heart of Mine
Last edited by JO on Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Part 34

Post by JO »

Part 34

“You look beautiful,” Nancy Parker said as she stepped into Liz’s bedroom. Her mother startled her but Liz recovered quickly and gave her mother a small smile as she stepped away from her mirror.

“Thanks, Mom.” Liz sat on the bed, careful of her movements so she wouldn’t wrinkle her black dress.

“I’m sure Max won’t know what to do with himself,” Nancy replied as she sat beside Liz, brushing her daughter’s hair off her shoulders.

“It’s not like that, Mom. Max and I are friends. We’re just going to the prom together because -” Liz trailed off and avoided her mother’s knowing stare. She didn’t know why the two of them were going to the prom together. It had seemed like a good idea at the time but now, doubts swirled in Liz’s mind. “I’m sure we’ll have a good time.”

“Well, everyone is waiting downstairs. Don’t be too long. I want to take some pictures.”

“Okay,” Liz replied. Nancy closed the bedroom door on her way out.

With a sigh, Liz threw herself backwards onto the bed. Her hair and dress didn’t matter now. She was more concerned with what would happen if Max had a flash. Her emotions were certainly heightened. Anything was possible tonight and Liz didn’t know how much longer she could keep Max in the dark about Serina and Future Max.

She rolled onto her stomach, pulling Infamy from underneath her pillow. She had yet to break the spine of the book, almost tossing it into the trash several times, but she could never bring herself to fully commit. Some voice in her mind always convinced her to keep the book. Closing her eyes, she opened to a random page and began to read, hoping the book would provide a distraction.

Beware she whose abilities are the bridge between truth and lies. Her goal is to rip apart the king from his chosen.

“No, thank you,” Liz grumbled, slamming the book closed. She stood, and with one last look in the mirror, made her way down to the café to greet her friends.

* * *

Stepping through the swinging door, Liz’s eyes automatically zeroed in on Max. He stood by the front door, a plastic corsage box in his hands. As if by magic, he saw her and gave a small wave. His eyes never left her face as he crossed the café toward her, and Liz vowed that she would tell him the truth tonight. Damn the consequences.

“You look…beautiful,” Max whispered, his fingers warm on her skin as he slipped the corsage on her wrist.

“Thank you. You look, you look very nice too.” She smiled as Max intertwined his fingers with hers.

“Okay, picture time,” Nancy called, her camera at the ready. She directed Tess, Kyle, Alex, Isabel, Maria, Max and Liz to the corner of the café and began to snap pictures. Flashbulbs blinded her and she blinked several times, the warmth of Max’s hands burning her waist. As her eyes adjusted, she thought she spotted the man Michael had spoken to in the alley standing in the shadows of the café. Stepping toward him, Max’s hand tightened around her arm.

“Liz, what is it?”

She glanced over her shoulder at Max then turned back to the corner. When she looked again, the man was gone. “I…I thought I saw someone. It…it’s gone now.”

* * *

Max led her through the double doors and to a table near the dance floor. He smiled as he pulled out her chair, Liz watching their group fan out to various locations. “It all seems unreal,” she said once they were seated at the table, her voice loud to compensate for the dj.

“What do you mean?”

“That you and I are here, together. We haven’t exactly been on the best speaking terms, you know.”

“There’s something I want to tell you, Liz.”

“I…I have something I want to tell you too, Max.”

Max leaned closer to her, their fingertips touching. Liz could feel the head radiating off his body, and she wondered what Max wanted to tell her.

“Tess and I, after the summit and the thing with Brody, we’ve been working on memory retrieval. I don’t remember much, but I…I remember Michael and Isabel -”

“- and Tess,” Liz offered, her voice quiet. “You remember Tess.”

“That doesn’t change what I feel for you, Liz. When Brody threatened you, I felt so angry. And if you’d gotten hurt…” He didn’t continue but Liz could see his jaw twitching. “I’m not the same person,” he continued after several seconds. “I remember Tess, yes, but I don’t love her. Not like I love you.”

Tears pooled in Liz’s eyes. She felt powerless to stop them. Max reached for her, and she exhaled as she felt his hands caress her cheeks. He gently brushed her tears aside which succeeded in making Liz cry more. “I love you, Max,” she whispered. “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

With a tender thrust, their lips met.
Last edited by JO on Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 35

Post by JO »

Warning -- Character Death

Part 35

Liz thought she was drowning, suffocating in Max. His kisses, at first timid and cautious, filled her to her core, scalding her from the inside out. She melted against him and felt his groin press against her hip. Grinding in his lap, she snaked her arms around his neck, his arms dancing up her spine. The world felt right again. She felt at peace.

* * *

“Michael’s an asshole,” Maria shot back, sliding the photos across the table at Isabel. “But whatever, I’m over him. He is so not worth my time.”

Liz and Isabel exchanged glances as Isabel picked up the scattered photographs, placing them in their original order. “Doesn’t Alex look cute in his tuxedo?” She sighed, offering the picture first to Maria then Liz for their opinions.

“Isabel, just….don’t,” Maria grumbled as she handed the photograph of Isabel and Alex to Liz. “Not all of us at the table are happy, okay.”

“Have you talked to Michael,” Liz suggested, stealing a glance at Michael and Max who sat together at the counter. “Prom was almost three days ago, Maria.”

“Liz is right, Maria. Michael is…difficult,” Isabel continued, followed immediately by a snort of agreement from Maria. “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. It just means he’s not as easy to read as say, Alex…or Max.”

Liz nodded as Maria began yet another tangent about Michael and his no-show for the prom. Tuning her out, she focused her attention on Max, not surprised when he turned and stared at her. A blush warmed her cheeks, her lips still tingling from the brief kisses they had shared in the back room moments earlier. She itched for a repeat performance and silently wondered how long it would be before they could be alone together again.

“Where is Alex,” Isabel questioned, jolting Liz back into the conversation at hand. “He said he would be here by now.”

“If Alex said he’d be here, he’ll show up,” Maria offered. “He’s reliable!” Her words echoed through the empty café, spoken loud enough for Michael to hear.

The café doors jingled, quashing any argument Michael could make, Alex’s name already on Isabel’s lips. Instead of Alex, a rain-soaked Sheriff Valenti entered the café. He stepped toward the five teens, dripping a trail from the door to the center of the room. “There’s been an accident,” he whispered.

* * *

Seven eager faces stood beside each other at the morgue entrance behind City Hall. They watched a brown van pull into the loading dock, their appearance unnoticed. As the van parked, Max ran toward it. The remaining six watch while he enters the van.

“He'll take a deep breath,” Isabel began, her voice shaking. “He’ll put his hand on his chest, and bring him back to life.”

Liz watched the van door close behind Max and felt Maria’s cheek on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around her friend, her eyes never leaving the brown van.

“And Alex will sit up suddenly, and Max will jump back, and the whole van will shake a little.”

Liz glanced sideways at Isabel then ahead again to look at the van. There is no movement from the van.

“The whole...the whole van will shake,” Isabel continued, more determination in her voice. “And they'll come running back here with big goofy grins on their faces, and we'll have to come up with some kind of cover story for Hanson and everybody....”

The full impact the reality of their situation hit Liz squarely in her heart as Max stepped from the van alone. She felt her chest tighten, an ache she couldn’t describe manifesting itself there.

“I think you should all go home now,” Sheriff Valenti whispered, his hand resting gently on Max’s shoulder.

Liz’s chest constricted again, the pain almost unbearable. Nothing had ever hurt as much as this moment. Before she could grab onto Max, two attendants open the van door, placing Alex’s body on the gurney.

“Oh my God!”

A streak of black brushed between she and Max, Liz knowing full well it was Isabel leaving the scene. Wanting to help her friend, Liz cannot pull her eyes away from the van and the body bag being wheeled into the morgue.

“Go after her, Max,” Tess said, she and Kyle stepping toward Max and Liz.


“Go after Isabel.”

Seconds stretch into minutes and the group disappears, only Liz remaining, her gaze focused on the brown van.

* * *

Alex was dead. A car accident, killed on his way to the Crashdown.

Her parents greeted her at the door when she returned home from City Hall, hugging her. She pushed them away and gone straight to her room. Disbelief plagued her throughout the night, sleep unwelcome in her bed.

In the daylight, Liz began to see things much clearer. As dawn greeted Roswell, Liz escaped her room, bound for the junkyard.

* * *

Bribing the junkyard worker had been easy, easier than she had imagined. He told her another young girl had wanted to see the car that morning too. Isabel, she thought. She followed the maze of cars and found the rollback containing Alex’s car quickly, the remains of the car still strapped to the wrecker, a bright blue tarp covering it.

Metal destroys, she thought, as she climbed onto the rollback. Inching on the narrow foothold, she grabbed the car for leverage and began to pull at the tarp. Several tugs later, and the driver’s side door exposed what remained inside. Glass lay in the floorboard and console, a gaping hole in the windshield smudged with blood. A photograph underneath the break pedal caught her eyes, and Liz carefully placed her hands on the driver’s seat, straining to reach the photograph. Upon closer inspection, she recognized it as the photo Alex had shown her of he and Leanna the night he brought his slides of Sweden for public viewing. It was the same photo, except Alex’s face had been cut out.
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Part 36

Post by JO »

Author's Note: Thank you Smac, mareli, ruthandnina, and kay_b! I'm really excited myself!! :D

Part 36

“Oh, Liz,” Maria whispered as the two friends unintentionally met in front of Alex’s locker. “I…I can’t stand this.”

“How are you,” Liz questioned, her eyes darting down the hallway for signs of Max. The mutilated photograph burned in her coat pocket.

“Not good.”

“Just keep breathing,” Liz advised. “Keep moving forward and try to get through the day.”

“How are you,” Maria questioned, Michael appearing at her side.

“I’m fine.”

“Seriously, Liz, it’s me. You don’t have to put up this front.” Maria looked tired and pale. Liz didn’t want to think about how she looked.

“Look what I found,” Liz said, taking Maria’s hand to lead her away from Alex’s locker and out of the hallway traffic. Michael followed. She presented the picture she found of Alex and Leanna for inspection. “I found this in Alex’s car.”

“In his car? Oh my God!”

“Maria, it’s okay,” Michael said, placing his hands on Maria’s shoulders in an effort to calm her.

“This means something,” Liz continued, her attention focused on the photograph. “This is a picture of Alex and Leanna from Sweden but see, Alex’s face is missing. See?” She pointed to the hole in the photo then turned toward Maria and Michael. “Someone cut out Alex’s face.”

“I’m going to be sick,” Maria admitted, her hand automatically covering her mouth. “I can’t believe you went to Alex’s car, Liz.” She spun against Michael and the two of them walked away from Liz.

“But this means something.”

* * *

“I know that this photo means something.” Liz placed the photograph in front of Sheriff Valenti’s face, her eyes pleading with him. They stood together in the Valenti kitchen, an uncooked chicken on the stove.

“Liz,” Valenti began, his hands soft on her shoulders as he tried to guide her to the front door. “This has been a very, very difficult day, and I think maybe the best thing for you now -”

“No! I want some answers! I know what happened to Alex was not an accident. I know it with every fiber of my being, and I am going to find out the truth. Just tell me what this photo means to you.” She raised the photograph to Valenti’s eye level and waited for his response.

“You’re not going to like what I’m about to say, Liz.”

“Tell me, Sheriff. Please.”

With a shaky sigh, Jim Valenti stepped away from Liz and rested his hands on the kitchen counter. “It’s beginning to look more and more likely that Alex may have deliberately turned his car into the oncoming traffic.”

“Wha...Wh...Why would he do that?”

“People have noticed changes in Alex’s behavior over the last couple of weeks,” Valenti said. “His grades started to slip. He was moody.”

“You’re saying Alex killed himself over bad grades?” Liz’s voice cracked and she shook her head in disbelief. “I know Alex. He is one of my best friends. He wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t.”

“We may never know exactly why Alex did what he did. But,” he gently removed the photograph from Liz’s shaking hands, “this is part of the puzzle. He defaced his own image. The truck driver says he deliberately swerved -”

“Thank you for your time,” Liz replied as she snatched the photograph out of Valenti’s hands and left.

* * *

She stumbled aimlessly from Valenti’s house, unshed tears begging for release. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground in front of Max’s house. Unable to control her stomach, she began to dry heave, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. After several seconds, Liz attempted to collect herself, and she stumbled to Max’s window.

“Liz,” Max questioned as she raised her hand to peck at the glass a second time.

“I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered, her bottom lip trembling. Grabbing Max’s forearm, he pulled her inside his room.

* * *


Without turning around, Michael knew Patrick stood on Amy DeLuca’s front porch, the screen door all that separated them

“Hi Patrick.”

“Michael, I need to speak with you.”

Stirring the coffee mug, Michael shook his head, his eyes never looking at his brother. “I can’t. I…Maria needs me right now. I won’t leave her. I’m sorry.” He offered a small smile in apology as he closed the kitchen door in Patrick’s face

* * *

“That’s just not possible,” Max argued, he and Liz lying on opposite ends of his bed. “Alex wouldn’t kill himself.”

“I know. It’s ridiculous. ‘Alex Whitman commits suicide.’ It would never happen. Alex loved his life, and he and Isabel…” Liz trailed off, wiping tears from her face. Max rolled closer to her and slipped his arm around her waist.

“I’ll talk to Valenti. I’ll make him understand that it just isn’t true, no matter what anyone says. We know Alex didn’t kill himself.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “Do you want to stay here tonight? You can have the bed -”

Liz’s cell phone ring cut through their conversation. “It’s my dad,” she said as she accepted the call. “Hi, Dad. I’m at Max’s house. Okay. Yes. Okay. Bye.” She ended the call and returned the cell phone to the front pocket of her blue jeans. “My parents want me to come back home. Thank you though. I appreciate the offer.”

“I’m here if you need me, Liz. I’ll always be here.”

* * *

Kivar burst into the make-shift headquarters in the old soap factory outside of Roswell. He stalked up to Nicholas, who immediately took three steps away from his leader. “We didn’t expect you this soon, Kivar.”

“Yes, well, an opportunity presented itself and I took it.” He turned in a small circle, searching the room and its small number of inhabitants. “Where’s Tess?”

“Tess,” Lonnie questioned, stepping from the shadows. “She ain’t here. I am, if you’re interested.”

“I’m interested in seeing Tess,” he seethed, a flick of his finger sending Lonnie crashing against the opposing wall. “Where is she and I’ll go get her myself?”

“That’s not such a good idea,” Nicholas offered, splaying the front page copy of The Roswell Gazette on top of topography maps.

“I’m losing my patience very quickly, Nicholas. Who’s…Alex Whitman?”

“You are, sir,” Nicholas replied. He directed Kivar to a mirrored surface two feet from the table. Kivar scowled and stomped toward it. In the reflection, the face of Alex Whitman stared back at him.

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Author's Note

Post by JO »

I opened Intersection this morning with the intent to finish it. After reading through my outline, I've discovered I just don't have the heart.

Roswell has been very good to me. It ignited my imagination and led me back to writing. I've met some of my very, very good friends through my involvement with this community.

I want to thank those of you who've stuck with me over these past 6 years. Through marriage, deaths, childbirth -- I've experienced just about as much as a person can. I'm not sad at the thought of leaving this fandom, but it's a bittersweet moment.

If you're trolling for info about me and what I'm doing with my writing, visit me at or That's where I'll be!

Big hugs to all!! And thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Outline in the next post
Last edited by JO on Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Intersection Outline

Post by JO »

Part 37

Funeral. Liz sees Max and Valenti talking.

* * *

At Alex’s house. Liz finds the tickets in Alex’s room. Same convo w/aliens. Liz cries at café. Serina tells Liz she’s there if Liz needs a friend.

* * *

Maggie leaves Roswell. She tells Patrick this is his fight, to stay and help them. She can’t be here because Alex isn’t alive. When Alex alive, there was always hope but now, she doesn’t have any hope left. She goes back to Los Angeles.

Part 38

ITLaITB almost same. After Tess, Max arrives on Liz’s balcony. She’s trying to leave to go to Sweden again (he stopped her that afternoon). They argue. He grabs her, she slaps him, he kisses her. They fall onto the bed. Sex. Max knows she didn’t sleep with Kyle. Liz doesn’t know he slept with Tess. Liz wants to explain why but Max doesn’t care right now. They go to her balcony where Max is shot. He falls and he bleeding heavily. Liz heals him.

Part 39

Tess is pregnant. Max has to tell Liz he slept with Tess. Michael, Maria and Liz investigate Alex’s time in Las Cruces.

* * *

Nicholas and Lonnie pick Tess up and take her to Kivar. They think Max is dead and Tess tells them she’s pregnant with Max’s child. She’s surprised to discover Kivar is actually Alex Whitman.

Part 40

Alex’s coffin is exhumed. No body inside. Something is wrong with Max’s baby. Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess prepare to leave Roswell. Liz discovers Tess isn’t pregnant. She, Maria and Kyle race to the pod chamber. Kyle tells Max et al that Tess killed Alex. Patrick says that Alex isn’t dead – Kivar is using him as an emissary – and Tess knows it.

Part 41

Isabel demands to see Alex/Kivar. Patrick refuses. Patrick reveals that Liz has a sister (Serina) and that Liz is destined to be with Max. He produces a copy of Infamy and tells Liz to do homework later. Tess screams that she is pregnant with Max’s child. Patrick forces Tess to reveal the deal Nasedo made with Kivar, and that she and Max never had sex. It was a mindwarp.

Part 42

Isabel offers herself to Kivar. Max must fight to save Isabel. Nicholas and Lonnie escape with Tess in tow. Patrick tells Max they must kill Alex to save him. By killing him, it will release Kivar’s hold on his body. Michael blasts Alex; Max and Liz heal him. Patrick leaves. Alex and Isabel go to San Francisco. Serina stays in Roswell.

Part 43

Max visits Liz on her balcony. “I’ve been really wrong about a lot. But I was right about one thing: to get you into my life, to be around you, to love you.” Max wants to know if they can start over, if they can go back to the place they were before Tess. Liz tells him they can never go back, but they can move forward – together.