Love's Mistake (AU M/L Mature) A/N pg 12 6/1 [WIP]

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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hello Everybody!! It is thursday so I am here with a NEW part!! I hope you all like it and it will answer some questions for you.

So I'm guessing that the general idea is that most people feel sorry for Kyle and HATE What I find funny is that here people hate Tess but on my feedback for Communication you are all LOVING Tess lol...makes me laugh!

Michelle17 wrote:Great new part
Thank you!
Earth2Mama wrote:Awesome update! I'm so happy that Liz put Kyle in his place and Nancy did the same to Jeff. Max telling Tess off was the icing on the cake!
I can't wait for the next part. Post more when you can :D
Glad you liked it! Yes the Parker women are good at putting those men in their place aren't they :wink:
urpersonaloddball wrote:Jeff need to get over himself and accept max ane liz's marriage. i hope that he comes to the wedding, it would mean a lot to liz.

post more
You will find out this chapter! I hope you enjoy!
behrlyliz wrote:Phillip and Diane are the best. They're also a riot. It was too funny when Phillip said
“Well, it’s good to know I don’t need to talk to you about that one son.” Philip said as he walked into the room, obviously hearing Liz’s comment.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, I have no sympathy for Kyle and Tess and I'm getting a little tired of them playing the victims. Yes, Maria and Michael got them drunk and I guess some people feel that they had no control of their actions but it still doesn't change the fact that they were just going to get a quick annulment and hide the truth from Max and Liz about them getting married and losing their virginity to each other. And that would have been no way to start a marriage

Anyway, loved the update. Hurry back with more and I'll give A Roswellian's Fantasies a look-see.
Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the site. We are a small one but we are just getting started!
RASaero611 wrote:I kind of felt a little bad when Kyle left with tears in his eyes, but I just love Max and Liz too much to really care. and Philip was so funny when he told Max that he didn't have to teach him after hearing Liz's comment.

great update
Lol I'm glad you liked Philips comment I loved writing it!
anonymousarfan wrote:I actually felt a little bad for Kyle, not for Tess because she was being mean and......the rest of their friends were great!!
And Jeff!! What is wrong with that man!!!!!!! But I'm still have my bets on him showing up at the last minute to give her away!
Great part!!!
Please post more soon!!! :D
You will find out about Jeff in this chapter...lets see how much I owe you lol!
DreamerAZ04 wrote:Great part!!!! I loved the part where Michael, Maria , Isabel, and Alex said they were going to support their relationship.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
FamersAmers wrote:So damn Kyle...what the hell was he thinking..I know I said that in my last post...but geez. But Liz sure did tell him!

And while their friends supported them I have to wonder if they are only doing it out of guilt. Tess I can understand how she felt, and while i dont agree with the her actions that led her to that point I understand how her plans that she had been making and dreaming were crushed.

Nancy...she sure told Jeff!! LOL it made me think of Max talking to Diane in season three about losing Isabel if they didnt go to her wedding! I like her!!

So you know I think you did great and awesome and I cant wiat for next week!! :D

You didnt PM me bum!!! LOL :( :cry: :D :wink:
I'm not a bum!! know you love me! HA HA! I'm glad you liked Nancy I wanted to show her strong...she seemed so weak at times on the show but others she was a brave woman. I'm glad to hear that everything is ok with you...well sort of..hope the doc can figure out what the hell is up and fix it! I don't want Ams in pain!
LoveIsForever wrote:I feel sorry for Kyle but what did he expect Liz is married to Max.

Tess is just unbelieveable thinking that the plans she and Max made to marry is as important as real marriage is. I just had to laugh at how outrages she was thinking that.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the part! Let me know what you think about this one.
AppleJacks wrote:great new part i am glad that the rest of the gang is sooo supportive... I can not wait for the wedding!
Lol here it is!
FSUMSW94 wrote:Great update! Liz talk with Kyle was sad but had to be done. At least he appears to finally accept he's lost her. Tess will have to accept she screwed up royally and it cost her a good man. She cannot blame this on Liz, no one forced her to marry Kyle even while intoxicated. I was happy for M/L their friends chose to stand by them. They all probaly won't be seeing much of Kyle and Tess anymore. It is kind of sad how the group had to be split. I hope Jeff comes around, but glad Nancy vowed to be there.

Post more soon please!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it and I agree with you on Tess...she has no reason to blame Liz.
taressa05 wrote:Great new part. While I absolutely hate Tess and Kyle and don't want them to be with either Max or Liz, I do sort of feel sorry for them. I can actually sort of understand why they're acting the way they are. They've just had all this thrown at them, and the people they thought loved them have turned their backs on them. It doesn't excuse their assholey behavior, but at least it makes sense to me. But I still think that there is no excuse for Jeff. He's just being a prick.

One thing I do kind of wonder about is whether or not Max and Liz are in love. I know that they love each other, but there are times, especially in this chapter where they seem like they don't love each other in the romantic way, but more in the platonic friends way. But in other chapters it seems like the romantic kind of way. I just refuse to believe that there weren't some buried, hidden romantic feelings for each other, because otherwise they would be friends with benefits now who made an impulsive decision and are choosing to stick with it simply because they feel it's right to stay married. I guess it's probably not realistic to have them just out of the blue realize that they are in love with each other and always have been, but dammit that's how I want it to be. :lol:

But enough of my rambling on about crap that I'm not even sure made sense. :lol: Oh, and you're right, it would be freaky and disturbing to hear your sibling having sex. Hell, I'd be disturbed if I heard anyone having sex. There are some things that are meant to be private and I'd just as soon not know about them, so I can really sympathize with Isabel.

Lol I know you want them to just BUST out with secret love pangs ( lol I always loved that line from Get Over It...anyway.) but like you said it is not realistic. Liz and Max will talk more about their feelings in the last couple of all will be revealed!
hazz wrote:Glad everything is working out. Good riddance about Tess and Lyle..opps I meant kyle.. :roll: Great part

Lol Lyle...I always loved that part of Blind Date...soo funny!
adreamer wrote:Great update!!!! I am gald that Maria, Michael,Isabel, Alex, and the Evans are so supportive.Can't wait to read what happens in the wedding!!!!Post soon!!! :D
I'm back and I'm glad you liked the friends and the parents!
begonia9508 wrote:Great part!
Loved that Max and Liz are so in tune with each other and their marriage!
And Tess must have had something for Kyle bc - even drunk, it remains always a little bit of sense not to do what they did!
And being too drunk then - you sleepa and are inconscius !!!! :lol: :lol:

EVE :wink:
Lol that is correct about the sleeping and unconscious thing.
vampyrax wrote:Great part I'm glad that things went so well with Kyle and Tess so many bad things could have happened but I'm glad it didn't Jeff on the other hand is being a stubborn ass who is going to miss out on his daughters life if he doesn't come around. I can't wait for more.
You are right about Jeff. Hope you like this chapter.
su-lyn wrote::D Lol you make me blush, but thanks.

Jeff is one stubborn man. I still think he'll be at Liz's wedding. No matter how angry and hurt he is, he's still Liz's father. He would want to walk Liz down the aisle. This is his last chance to make things right and Nancy will let him know.

Phillip and Diane are the 21st century parents. They are open, understanding, reasonable and compassionate, quite the opposite of the Parkers. I guess they are more in touch with society due to their careers. Max and Liz didn't need lectures but support and understanding. They need all the help they could get, whether from their parents or friends.

It's nice to see their friends supporting their decision to make their marriage work. Kyle's acceptance of Liz's decision meant a lot to them. So glad Max defended his wife and stood up against his ex-girlfriend. Tess is kinda self-absorbed to think Max's marriage will not last and openly insulting Max's commitment to Liz. Sore loser and sour grapes came to mind regarding her behaviour. It's better for her not be in their lives at this moment. She will only continue to feed Liz's mind with insecurities.

I can't believe I rambled again. See what you do to me with your story. Fantastic, Maxsgurl. :lol: Seriously, I love it and see you next Thursday. :D
I like your ramblings lol...very insightful! And once will have to read and see how right you are lol. I think you are hacking into my computer or my!
rigel wrote:I've been busy these days and missed few parts! :(

I'm glad the situation with the parents better than I expected. Diane is very sweet. Jeff a bit difficult though I thought he would be more accepting after Max and Liz invite him to the real wedding but it looks he needs more time.

It also great their friends quite supporting, especially Isabel. although I understand Kyle and Tess reactions I kinda don't like them right now :P

great parts :D
Welcome back! Glad you caught up with us. Lol you are not alone with not liking Tess and Kyle.
tijuana_lady wrote:
Maxsgurl wrote:You are just showing up everywhere aren't you? I LOVE IT!!
I'm your personal stalker. :lol: :lol:
Maxsgurl wrote: “IT’S CALLED FOREPLAY KYLE!!” Liz’s voice said from upstairs.

“Apparently it isn’t such a private thing to Liz.” Michael said with a smirk as Max blushed.

Another great part. Hopefully Jeff will change his mind.

Can't wait for more! :D
I've actually had a stalker and let me tell you that you are A LOT better! Glad you liked my foreplay line he he he...and read on about Jeff!
LegalAlien wrote:Great part!!!
I lauged so hard when Liz screamed out her comment about foreplay! :D
It's sad though that Jeff continues to be an ass...

Please post more soon!
Jeff will surprise you lol.
BehrObsession wrote:I just got caught up on the last two updates and they were great. I can't believe that Kyle attacked Max the way he did. And Tess just doesn't get it at all. She's in denial about the whole thing. I just can't see either Tess or Kyle as victims. They may have been slipped alcohol, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they got married and consumated the union. That mistake is what gave Max & Liz the push they needed to accept their feelings for each other and marry. Only, they're choosing to make their relationship work because of the deep love they share. The others are just going to have to deal with it. And this includes Jeff. If he can't find his way past his shock, he's going to lose his daughter for good. Can't wait to read more.
Thank you and I'm glad you are caught up!
Emz80m wrote:great part chica

cant believe i almost missed this... i have so many updates to catch up on

cant wait for more

I felt sorry for Kyle though
Lol I know what you mean hard to keep track of so many AMAZING stories on the board.

Chapter 9

Two weeks had gone by and it was finally the wedding day…the real wedding day. Liz had been surprised when her mother had agreed to be at the wedding, but she was even more surprised when her mother showed up at every meeting and every dress fitting.

Everyone had been supportive of Max and Liz’s wedding and the couple couldn’t have been more appreciative of that. Along with the support of the whole Evans family, Max and Liz had received blessings from the Deluca’s, Whitmans, and Guerins. What shocked them the most was when they received a blessing from Jim Valenti, Kyle’s dad.


Jeff was gone for the week at some restaurant convention and Nancy thought it would be a good time to have Max and Liz at the Crashdown for lunch. She invited the couple to the restaurant and they immediately thanked her saying that they had truly missed the food.

“So, when is the last dress fitting?” Nancy asked as she sat in a booth across from Liz and Max. She thought they were adorable together. She could tell that they were comfortable around each other because of their friendship but they were still getting used to the idea that they had a spouse to think of now. Whenever the three of them got together to plan the wedding each of them would quickly make a decision and then remember that they had to worry about pleasing someone else as well…it was very interesting and cute to watch.

“It’s tomorrow at 1 p.m.” Liz told her mother excitedly before she took a sip of her alien blast. She thought that she would have been tired of this food since she had eaten it her whole life…but these last few days away had really shown Liz how addicted she was. “And before you ask…you can’t go Max.”

“Why not? I have to be there anyway for the tux fitting…I don’t see why I can’t go with you.” Max grumbled. They had been arguing about this for a week and Max was still losing.

“Because it’s tradition Max. You aren’t supposed to see the dress before the wedding.” Liz teased and Max just smirked at her. “What?”

“I don’t think it counts if we are already married.” Max said and he pulled Liz closer to whisper into her ear. “Or if I’ve already seen you naked…multiple times.”

“Max.” Liz scolded him quietly and turned to her mother who was giving her a knowing look. “Sorry.”

“Please, don’t apologize.” Nancy said with a warm smile. She admitted it freaked her out to know that Max and Liz slept together…but they were married and they should enjoy it. “You’re only a newlywed once in your marriage…enjoy it while you can.”

The trio talked quietly for a few more minutes until the bell on the door jingled signaling a new customer. Nancy looked up to make sure one of her waitresses was going to take care of the new arrival and she was shocked to see the sheriff; and he was walking straight to them.

“Nancy.” Jim Valenti, the local sheriff, said as he tipped his head towards the woman with a smile. “How are you today?”

“Fine Jim.” Nancy replied politely. Jim was a nice guy…but Kyle was his son and Nancy knew that he could possibly be here to yell at Max and Liz. “Can I help you with something?”

“I was wondering if I could actually talk to your daughter…and Max.” Jim said as he turned to the couple for the first time and noticed the shocked and scared looks on their faces. “Max? Liz?”

“Um…sure.” Liz said hesitantly and she looked at Max who just shrugged his shoulders. “Can we go upstairs Mom?”

“Of course.” Nancy said as she got up and led them to the stairs to the apartment. “Key is where it’s always been.”

“Thanks.” Liz said and she grabbed Max’s hand before heading up the stairs.

“So, what can we do for you Sheriff?” Liz asked once they entered the apartment and sat down in the living room. She was nervous as hell that he was here to cause trouble before the wedding.

“I wanted to talk to the both of you about your marriage and your up coming wedding.” Jim said calmly without allowing the tone in his voice to show what he was planning.

“What about it?” Max asked as he felt Liz’s nails dig into the back of his palm. He knew she was scared and he admitted he was terrified at as well. This man had so much power in this town and if Jim wanted Max and Liz to be unhappy…he could do it.

“I just wanted to let you both know personally that I’m happy for you.” Jim said and he watched as the young couple before him just stared at him in shock. “Look, I know you probably think I should be supporting Kyle here and I do, but I’ve been watching the two of you. And not just since you got back…but your whole lives. There has always been something more to you than just friendship.”

“Sheriff I don’t think--” Liz tried to say but the sheriff interrupted her.

“No, you don’t see it because you were doing it…but I saw it. Everyone saw it. You may not realize it now, but eventually you will look back and realize you always loved each other as more than friends.” Jim explained and he watched as the couple shared a glance.

“Thank you Sheriff.” Liz said quietly. She had expected the Sheriff to come in and yell at her, call her a slut for cheating on his son; she had never thought he would be here to give them his blessing.

“Don’t thank me Liz.” The sheriff said as he got up and head to the door but Max stopped him.

“We’d be honored if you would come to the wedding next week.” Max asked and Liz stood up next to him with a smile letting Jim know she agreed with Max.

“I would love that more than anything.” Jim said sadly. “But, I have a feeling I’m going to have to take care of a very heart broken boy.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz whispered and she turned her head to not let them see her tears.

“Don’t apologize Liz…just be happy.” Jim said with a nod and he headed out the door.


Liz was drawn from her thoughts when the door to her dressing room opened and a swarm of fluffy dresses and girls flooded the room.

“You look beautiful Liz.” Isabel said as she tried not to cry but she knew it wouldn’t last long.

“Thank you.” Liz said with a shy smile. “You all look so gorgeous!”

“Well, as tradition, we are all here to give you the whole…something old, borrowed, new, and blue thing.” Maria said and everyone started to dig into their purses or bags to get their gift.

“You guys didn’t have to do all this.” Liz said as she tried to hold back her tears. Diane had hired an amazing make-up artist who promised Liz that her makeup would have lasted through the sinking of the Titatnic but she still didn’t want to test the theory out yet.

“Hog wash!” Isabel said as she stepped up to Liz with a small box in front of her. “I’m giving you something borrowed. I know that this won’t be the last time that we share things because we are family now, but I still wanted you to wear this on your wedding day.” Isabel said as she handed Liz the small jewelry box.

“Isabel, I don’t know what to say.” Liz said after she open the box and saw her friend’s beautiful heart shaped diamond bracelet. Liz had always loved it…it was a gift from Max to Isabel and it felt right to be wearing it on her wedding day. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” Isabel said as she shrugged and then pulled Liz into a tight hug. “I’ve never seen him as happy as he is with you. Thank you.”

“Ok, my turn!!” Maria said as she pulled out a medium sized bag and started to pull things out. “Ok…so I know I’m supposed to give you something blue, well I went a little overboard and got you two somethings blue!”

“Maria!” Liz laughed as her best friend preceded to hand her two gifts from the bag. “This is too much.”

“To quote Isabel from earlier ‘Hog wash!’ Enjoy it while you can Lizzie.” Maria said.

“Fine, I will!” Liz chuckled as she started to open her gifts. “Maria…all these are beautiful. Thank you.”

“I saw them…and I knew they were you.” Maria said as she watched Liz clip the beautifully designed glass and crystal flowers into her hair. “They look beautiful.”

“Thank you Maria.” Liz said with a tearing smile. “I’m not going to cry!”

“Ok move on, move on!!” Maria said as she fanned her face trying to keep back her own tears as Liz opened the last present. “You like it?”

“Maria…I love it.” Liz said as she pulled out the delicate garter belt with a light blue ribbon tied on it…it was perfect. “Thank you…for everything.”

“What are best friends for?” Maria said and she wiped her tears away. “Well damn…there goes the makeup.”

“You and me both” Liz chuckled as she wiped her own tears away.

“Ok, it’s my turn for something new.” Diane said and she turned Liz towards her. “This is for you.”

“Diane…you didn’t need to do this. You have done so much for Max and I.” Liz cried as she looked at her mother-in-law. Max and Liz were so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends.

“Well, I wanted to do this anyway.” Diane assured Liz and handed her the little box.

“Wow…they are beautiful!” Liz gasped as she open the box and saw two heart shaped diamond earrings; perfectly matching Isabel’s bracelet.

“Oh, I so get to borrow those!!” Isabel commented and all the girls laughed.

“Deal.” Liz said as she put her earrings in and as she was looking in the mirror she saw her mother’s reflection come next to her and she turned.

“You look absolutely perfect Liz…but you’re missing one thing.” Nancy said as she approached her daughter and gently placed a necklace around her daughter’s neck. “It was your grandmother’s…your something old.” Liz reached up and touched the delicate necklace and she fingered the heart pendant that hung on her neck before she looked at her mother.

“Thank you.” Liz said as she turned and hugged her mother.

“I tried Liz…I’m sorry, but he isn’t here.” Nancy whispered into her daughter’s ear and she felt Liz hold her tighter.

“I know, thank you. I’m just happy you’re here for me.” Liz responded and they pulled back and Liz wiped her tears.

“I’ll always be here for you.” Nancy vowed and they all turned towards the door when Philip knocked.

“Wow…you all look so beautiful.” Philip commented and his eyes settled on his daughter-in-law. “You ready to get married again?”

“Yup…let’s do this.” Liz said and she got kisses and hugs from all the ladies before she was left with Philip. “Thank you for doing this.”

“It means a lot to me that you asked me.” Philip said as he stood in front of his son’s wife. The past two weeks living with the couple opened his eyes to their love and he couldn’t imagine his son with anyone else. “I would be so honored to walk you down the aisle.”

“Knock knock.” Jeff said as he looked in the room and saw his daughter hugging her father-in-law. “Am I too late?”

“I think you’re right on time.” Philip said and he turned to kiss Liz on her cheek. “I’ll see you out there.”

“You look beautiful Lizzie.” Jeff said as he hesitantly walked towards his daughter. She looked so grown up and his heart broke thinking that he may have missed this moment because of his stubbornness.

“Thank you.” Liz said shyly and she felt the tears pooling in her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“I am so sorry.” Jeff cried. “I was so foolish…I was upset that you got married without me and then I was stupid and almost lost the chance to walk you down the aisle anyway. Can you forgive me Liz? Will you let me walk you to your husband?”

“Oh daddy!” Liz cried as she hugged her father tightly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

“Then let’s not keep Max waiting.” Jeff said and he took Liz’s hand before they headed into the church.


The ceremony had gone off with out a hitch, and Max was so surprised to see Jeff walking Liz towards him but he saw the smile on Liz’s face and he was so happy that Jeff had changed his mind. After the minister pronounced them man and wife, again, Liz and Max kissed while their family and friends cheered for the newly re-married couple.

“I haven’t told you how amazingly beautiful you look.” Max said as he held Liz in his arms as they stood for their pictures. Max was stunned speechless when he saw Liz walking down the aisle towards him in an off white strapless dress that gently flowed down her body and gently touched the tops of her feet. Max loved the way Liz had curled her hair and pinned a few strands back leaving her face open for him to look at. She radiated beauty and love…she was perfect.

“You look very handsome yourself.” Liz said with a blush as Max leaned down and kissed her. The photographer saw the special moment and quickly took the shot, he had a feeling it would be one of their favorites because he had honestly never seen a couple who loved each other as much as these two kids did.

“You happy your dad showed up?” Max asked even though he already knew the answer to that question.

“Max…our wedding day will always be special to me,” Liz vowed as she looked up into her husbands eyes. “But to be able to say my father approved and showed up to the ceremony made it even more special than it already was…if that’s possible.”

“I know baby, I know.” Max said as they posed for a few more pictures before they headed to the country club for their reception


“Well, um, as Max’s best man I must say it’s pretty weird for me to be up here talking to you all.” Michael said as he was standing with his glass in his hand giving his toast. “Because if you know our group of friends, you know that Max’s best friend is Liz…but she obviously couldn’t be the best man and bride at the same time.” Michael commented with caused the guests to laugh. “But as I stand here in Liz’s place, I just want to say that our friends are so happy that Max and Liz found each other…they did it their own way…but they did it and we couldn’t be more blessed that you chose to share this special day with us all. To Max and Liz.”

“Um, so pretty much like Michael said, I’m here to fill in Max’s place as Liz’s best friend because let’s face it…Max would not look as good as I do in this dress.” Maria teased and Max blushed as their friends and family laughed. “But seriously, I talked to Max about what to say, and he gave me an idea…so I decided to sing you two a song and have you dance your first dance as man and wife to it. So, this is to Max and Liz.” Maria said as she walked to the stage and picked up the microphone.

As the music started to play softly in the background Max stood up and held his hand out for Liz, which she took instantly. They walked hand in hand to the dance floor and pulled each other close as Maria’s voice flowed over them.

I never had no one, that I could count on
I’ve been let down so many times.
I was tired of hurting
So tired of searching
Till you walked into my life
It was a feeling, I’d never known
And for the first time, I didn’t feel alone

Max held Liz in his arms as they swayed to the music and they listened to the words. For Max, it rang so true to him; he really was alone until he met Liz and her group of friends. The day he met them; his life changed for the better and he wouldn’t change it for the world.

You’re more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
And oh, we just get closer,
I fall in love all over, every time I look at you
I don’t know where I’d be
With out you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense.
You’re’ my best friend
You’re my best friend (oh yeah)

Liz couldn’t hold back the tears as she listened to the chorus and looked into her husband's eyes. He was everything to Liz, he was her best friend, and he was her lover. The words of this song made Liz’s heart swell because it was absolutely perfect for them.

You stand by me,
You believe in me, like no one ever has
When my world goes crazy,
You’re right there to save me; you make me see how much I have
And I still tremble, when we touch
And oh the look in your eyes when we make love

Max watched as Liz blushed at the last two lines; he loved that about her. They had been intimate countless times and yet the slightest mention of it caused Liz to blush and Max prayed she would always do that.

You’re more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh, we just get close,
I fall in love all over, every time I look at you
I don’t know where I’d be
With out you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You’re my best friend
You’re my best friend

Liz smiled as Max wiped away her tears and she leaned into his hand as it caressed her cheek. She looked into his eyes and saw all his love shining back at her and Liz knew she really would fall in love with Max all over again if he looked at her that way.

You’re more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer I fall in love all over
Every time I look at you
I don’t know where I‘d be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You’re my best friend
You’re my best friend

Max leaned down and kissed his wife gently. She was his best friend and he prayed that even though they were married and their relationship would change so much over the course of their marriage, that that part would always stay…that they would always be best friends. No matter what they went through they needed that area to survive the coming trials. “I love you Liz. I don’t understand it but life with you does make perfect sense…I can’t imagine being with anyone else”

“I love you so much and I agree…there is no one else I’d rather be with than you.” Liz said before she pulled her husband down for another kiss.


After a few hours of dancing, laughter, and loving kisses, Max and Liz were ready to leave. They said goodbye to their friends and family and were about to walk out of the country club when Jim Valenti opened the door.

“Sheriff? What are you doing here?” Liz asked as she stood shocked in front of Kyle’s dad.

“Liz, you look breathtaking.” Jim said as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek before he shook Max’s hand. “Congratulations you two.”

“Thank you.” Max said as he held Liz’s hand and smiled at her. “Did you want to stay?”

“No, no I can’t.” Jim said sadly. The truth was he wanted to be there for them badly, but his son was at home and Kyle needed his father. “I just came to drop this off.”

“Thank you.” Liz said as she took the gift from Jim’s hand and hugged him. “This means a lot to us.”

“Well, it’s the least I could do. Have fun on your honeymoon you guys…and good luck.” Jim said as he headed out of the country club but Liz’s voice stopped him.

“Is he doing ok?” Liz asked concerned. She still cared for Kyle, Liz knew they would never have worked out but she still wanted to make sure he was ok.

“He will be.” Jim said with a nod. “Just give him time.”

“You ready baby?” Max said as he caressed Liz’s cheek to get her attention. She looked so sad after they talked to the sheriff and he wanted to see how she was doing.

“Yes. I’m ready for our real honeymoon Max.” Liz said as she leaned into his caress and then placed a kiss on his palm. “Take me away.”

“It would be my pleasure.” Max said as he leaned down and kissed his wife before he led her to the limousine that would take them to the airport for their flight to the Bahamas.

When they were in the limo Liz decided to open the gift from the sheriff. She leaned against Max as she gently pulled the card from the envelope and held it so that Max could read it as well.

<center>May you find all the happiness and love that you deserve.
We love you both
Jim “Sheriff” Valenti
And Kyle

I’ll love you always Liz.</center>

. “That’s Kyle’s handwriting.” Liz sighed as she leaned onto her husband. It was harder than she thought it would be…knowing that Kyle still loved her. It hurt to know that although she was experiencing one of the happiest times of her life, one of the people she cared about most in the world was hurting…and it was her fault.

“It will all be ok Liz.” Max said as he wrapped his arms around his wife and he could tell she was hurting. After a few minutes Liz finally opened the rest of the gift.

“They are beautiful.” Liz said as she held up the silver serving utensils and read the engraving. “Max Evans and Liz Parker-Evans, best friends forever.”

“I love you, Liz.” Max said. After her reaction to Kyle’s gift, he just had to tell her how he felt…and he had to hear her say it back.

“I love you too, Max.” Liz said as she turned and kissed her husband. “It will all be ok Max…it has to be.”

Song used: My Best Friend by Tim McGraw
TBC...the next part is the honeymoon...WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE!!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

ITS THURSDAY!! And I don't have school on friday' I get a three day weekend *does happy dance around room* is the next part and I hope you all enjoy it lol...and the honeymoon is FAR from over..he he he. I'm such a perver lol.
Earth2Mama wrote:It looks like Kyle may finally be coming around to Liz and Max's marriage. Is that a blessing of sorts or what? I just hope Tess can as well. They all need to move on. Nothing in life stays the same.

Great update. Post more soon :D
I agree...nothing ever stays the same even though sometimes we want it to lol.
anonymousarfan wrote:I knew Jeff would show up!!!!!!
It was perfect!!!
So, Kyle seems to be coming to terms with the fact that Liz is married to Max....I wonder about Tess.....
I can't wait for the honeymoon!!!!!!
Great part!!!!!
Please post more soon!!!!!!!! :D
Yup Jeff came through in the end didn't he. Glad you liked ti so much!
FSUMSW94 wrote:That part was so beautiful and thank God Jeff Parker changed his mind and walked Liz down the isle :D He wouldn't have forgiven himself if he'd missed that chance...Jim Valenti was so sweet to visit Liz and Max and offer his blessing. It meant alot to them, and I am glad they were sensitive enough to acknowlege Kyle's pain. He was definitely wrong in Vegas with Tess, but he has at least accepted defeat and has left them alone. Tess on the other hand, I was so nervous thinking she would try and ruin the wedding, but thank God she was a no show. I can't wait for the honeymoon :twisted: Maria's song was so beautiful and I loved the girls sharing their special moment! This story is coming along nicely 8)
Thank you!! Glad you are liking it sooo much! It makes me happy lol
behrlyliz wrote:That was the perfect wedding. Maria and Michael's toasts were really touching. And I'm so happy Jeff put aside his stubbornness and came through for his daughter.

Thanks so much for the update. Can't wait for the honeymoon.
Lol you are welcome and here in part one of the honeymoon...he he he!
FamersAmers wrote:oh...that was really nice of Kyle...despite the fact that he didnt have to do that...And Jim that was so great of him!!!

I am gald that Jeff made it to the wedding...that is something you dont want to miss...and not something Liz could easily forgive if he didnt come.

I am so glad to see things are going the way that they are!! You are doing great!!!

And no you arent a bum...and you are right...I do love ya!! (shaking my head) LOL!!!

you are doing awesome!!!
What are you talking about Ams...I am a bum! We live in the same freaking state and I still haven't been able to catch you on-line....are you nocternal or something man! Lol!
Qtygirl411 wrote:its ok that u missed my post ...cause now im back!!!!!!!!!!! and i just caught up!!!!!!!!!!

soo please please please please please please post again soon? ive missed it soo much...the story i mean
I'm glad you are back and I hope you had a great time! I sure missed your posts around here lol!
RASaero611 wrote:I'm so happy that Jeff decided to show up for the wedding...I still feel bad for Kyle, but I'm glad that he wrote what he did on the card

great update...bring on the honeymoon!
Thanks!! Hope you like this part!
martine wrote:I can't believe that I forgot to leave a fb last time!! I'm here now.

that's was a great chapter and I'm so glad that Jeff finally came to lead her to her husband. that was so emotionnal
and I laughed for the Michael and Maria's speeches, it should be weird for the group to see them married and so in love and yet best friends.

I have to say that I was a little scared when Jim Valenti showed up, I thought that maybe he would say something about Kyle but everything wen fine and I was glad that Max told her again how much he loved her, that's a sweet music to my ears.

great part, I'm looking forward for the next part.
Thank you and I'm glad you are liking the story!
adreamer wrote:The wedding was wonderful!!!! Max and Liz make the cutest newlyweds ever!!!! Can't wait to read what happens next in their honneymoon. Post soon!!! :D
Lol thanks! I think they are cute too!
lazza wrote:I'm so glad Jeff came to the wedding...

I'm still a little worried about Kyle, he doesn't seem to have gotten over it as much as people might like. Writing that on the card was weird. He should have mentioned somehting abotu friendship.
If I was Max I'd keep an eye on the ex's.....

Cute wedding, nice speech my the 'not quite' bestman. I'm glad the friends have seem the truth and are letting them just be happy.
Interesting idea on will just have to wait and find out!
confusedfool wrote:..cant wait till the honeymoon :wink:
Lol its here!
begonia9508 wrote:Wonderful part! the wedding was so dreamy and romantic....
Loved that Jeff came for his daughter!

EVE :roll: :wink:
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
su-lyn wrote:Maxsgurl, you're a hoot, aren't you. :lol: Coming up with so many great chapters, one after the other. I am refraining myself from reading your other two stories until it has more chapters or are completed. I am a very impatient woman. Somehow this story just drew me in, lol.

The wedding was beautiful. The best man and maid of honor speech is light and fun. Jeff sure didn't disappoint me. So glad he came to his senses and he made the day more special for Max and Liz. The ladies were wonderful and they have so many gifts for Liz. Liz sure is a lucky women. But I think the best present is the one from Jim and Kyle. Nothing beats having your ex and his father's approval and acceptance especially given the circumstances how it ended. I knew Tess wouldn't show her face in the wedding. She'll be humiliated when people see how much in love Max is with Liz. She might be a blond but I don't think she's that stupid.

I am looking forward to the next chapter, everybody's favourite; THE HONEYMOON. Yeah baby! :wink: See you next Thursday. Take care and have a good week. Thanks again. :D
Your very welcome and I'm glad that you atleast want to read my other stories lol...I'm not that angsty with Communications...not yet anyway...and when it comes it should be okay!
rigel wrote:the wedding is perfect :D it's good for Jeff he came and gave his blessing. Jeff is great It was nice of him not just showed his approval but also said those nice things to Max and Liz.
Maria and Michael speech are funny but at the same time it showed how much Liz and Max meant for each other, wonderful! :D
Thank you!
DramastarOF06 wrote:That was so beautiful, and even if Kyle couldn't come to grips with it yet, I think he understands that Liz never really loved him like she loves Max. Hurry back with the next part.
I'm back and thanks!
Michelle17 wrote:
DramastarOF06 wrote:That was so beautiful, and even if Kyle couldn't come to grips with it yet, I think he understands that Liz never really loved him like she loves Max. Hurry back with the next part.
Thank you!
LoveIsForever wrote:I still feel sorry for Kyle but I think understand where his Dad could be happy for Max and Liz he saw what Kyle couldn't that Max and Liz belonged together and didn't want them to figure it out down the road years later and Kyle get hurt more.

Glad that Jeff woke up before he missed his daughter's second wedding.
Thanks!! I'm soo happy you are liking where I am taking this lol.
BehrObsession wrote:That was a lovely wedding and so special for them. I'm glad that Jeff changed his mind about their marriage and decided to be there for Liz. That had to mean so much to her. I feel bad for Kyle, but he would have ended up hurt one way or another because Liz belongs with Max. Can't wait for the next part...bring on the honeymoon!
Lol the honeymoon is here!
vampyrax wrote:Great part I'm loving this story more with each new chapter. I can't wait for the honeymoon it should be fun.
Thank you!
imnotlc wrote:Wow!!!

that was incredible!! post more soon.....L.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Liz86000 wrote:Oh, I so love this story!!!!! :D

The challenge is great, & what you made of it is really a wonderful fic!!

I just can't wait for more!!! :D I'm so glad that they said (& really feel) that they love each other, and so... honeymoon, here you come!!! :lol: :oops: :twisted:

Come back soon! You do an amazing job!

Liz86000 :wink:
Thank you!! Here is the honeymoon!
LegalAlien wrote:WOW that was an absolutely wonderful wedding!
I'm glad that Jeff finally pulled the stick out of his ass and gave them his blessings! I'm also kinda happy for Kyle that the seems to have come to term with their marriage and is slowly healing.

Please update soon! ;) :D
Thank you and I hope you enjoy this part!

Chapter 10

“Sweetie…wake up.” Liz whispered into Max’s ear. He had fallen a sleep on the plane and Liz pulled him down to lay his head on her lap.

“Are we there?” Max asked groggily as he tried to snuggle deeper into Liz’s waist.

“The plane is about to land, so you need to wake up baby.” Liz said sweetly as she ran her hand through Max’s hair.

“How long was I asleep?” Max asked as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Liz smiled at the cute picture he made; his hair standing in all different directions, his eyes puffy from sleeping, and he had a little drool on the side of his mouth…in one word he was perfect.

“Only a few hours.” Liz said as she brushed back Max’s hair with her fingers. “You were sitting up and snoring, so I pulled you into my lap when the other passengers started to complain about the noise.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” Max said with a smile. “I happen to know I’m not the one that snores in this marriage.”

“Are you implying that I snore” Liz asked as she pretended to be hurt by his comment. “I don’t snore.”

“No you don’t. You make these cute little mumbly noises in your sleep.” Max said as he reached up and caressed her cheek. “I love it when you mumble my name.”

“Really?” Liz said shyly as she leaned into his caressing hand. She couldn’t believe that she made any noise when she slept but it was so romantic to know that when she did, she would say Max’s name.

“Yes, I love that when I’m watching you sleep besides me…you seem to be thinking and dreaming about me.” Max responded honestly and he leaned over and kissed his wife. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz answered out of breath from his kisses. Everything about this man was perfect…why hadn’t she noticed before?

“Come on…we have a real honeymoon to go to.” Max said with a suggestive smile as he pulled Liz to her feet once the plane landed.


“I understand what you are saying…but they are happy.” Isabel said as she sat next to Alex on the couch in her living room. The friends had gotten together to talk about Max and Liz and if they should tell them about what happened with Tess and Kyle.

“Look, they already know that they got married…what more do they need to know?” Michael asked.

“How about the fact that Tess and Kyle were drunk and had no idea what they were doing?” Alex added. It amazed him that no one wanted to own up to the blame. He saw that Max and Liz were happy but they deserved to know the truth before they spent their lives together.

“Obviously they weren’t as drunk as we thought they were.” Maria said and she sighed before she continued when everyone looked at her confused. “They were obviously sober enough that the chapel married them. Yes, it was Vegas but I still believe the people in the chapel know when someone is drunk and can’t make the decision to get married rationally.”

“She has a point.” Isabel said. She lived with the married couple and she saw how truly happy they were, Isabel didn’t want to be the one to destroy that life for them.

“Guys, come on…you all saw them at the bar. They could barely stand let alone make a decision to become legally bound to each other.” Alex said. As much as he wanted to believe that Kyle and Tess made the decision to get married for themselves, the events and evidence of the night proved otherwise.

“I think we should leave it alone…if it comes up, it comes up…but none of us should tell them.” Michael said and they all voted and finally decided to leave the issue alone…their friends were happy and obviously in love, what more could they want.


“Dance with me.” Max asked Liz after he turned from putting a cd in the stereo. They had arrived at their hotel room a couple hours ago and they both were tired from the flight…among other activities.

“Max? Now? Didn’t we dance enough at the wedding?” Liz asked from under the covers and Max just smiled at her as he lifted a finger and motioned for her to come to him. “I hope you know I’m not getting dressed.”

“That’s the point.” Max said with a devilish smile and Liz threw the covers off her body and walked towards him completely naked. “Come here.”

“No way.” Liz said as she shook her head and crossed her arms across her chest. “I am not dancing naked with you unless you’re naked too.”

“Not going to be an issue.” Max said as he bent down and removed his boxers. He looked up and watched as Liz checked him out unabashedly. “See anything you like?”

“Just what’s mine.” Liz said with a smirk and Max growled before he pulled her into his arms. “So, I thought we were dancing.”

“Fine…but after I’m showing you exactly what’s yours and what’s mine.” Max vowed and he pressed play on the stereo.

There’s a light, in your eyes tonight.
You know I know that look anywhere.
You got plans, and I’m one lucky man.
Before we get so carried away,
there’s just something I’ve been wanting to say.

Max sighed as he pulled Liz into his arms. He wanted her to listen to the words of this song and know they were true for him. Although he loved making love to her…it wasn’t just a pleasurable act to him…it completed him like nothing else had ever done in his life before. When they joined together, it was like nothing could take them apart.

When we make love
its more to me than just an affair
I want you to know how much I care
when we make love
Oh it’s such a precious time
we share our hearts, our souls and our minds...
When we make love

Liz lifted her head from its spot on Max’s chest and stared up into his eyes as the tears flowed down her checks. He wanted to tell her something and she wanted him to know she got it loud and clear. Liz sighed as Max lifted a hand and wiped her tears away before he bent down and kissed her gently before resting his forehead on hers as they continued to sway to the music.

Watching you, make your little moves
well I can tell it’s gonna be a long night

Max’s eyes closed in sweet pleasure as Liz trailed her hands over his shoulders and down his back before they rested low on his back and she pulled him closer to her body causing his arousal to rub against her.

All day long, we keep holding on
It couldn’t be any better than this
I got it all at my fingertips

Liz looked up at Max and saw the dark look in his eyes as she gently caressed his naked body; she was trying to coax him into doing exactly what the song was telling them to do and she didn’t need to try very hard.

When we make love
Oh, it’s more to me than just an affair
I want you to know how much I care.
When we make love
Oh, it’s such a precious time
we share our hearts our souls and our minds...

Max dragged his fingertips sensually up Liz’s sides, gently caressing her naked breasts on the way up to her neck. Max gently cupped Liz’s face and just held her gaze for a few moments…letting her see the unhidden love, and desire in his eyes for her and only her.

These moments...These feelings...Mmmmmm

When Liz saw his feelings right there in his eyes, she blushed and ducked her head to the side but Max tilted her back to him and finally kissed her. She opened to him easily as his tongue gently massaged and made love to hers like they both wanted their whole bodies to do.

Max gently lead Liz back to the bed without breaking their kiss and laid her down before he covered her body with his. He brought his hands up and gently caressed and massaged her breasts as Liz spread her legs wider for him to settle in more comfortably.

When we make love
its more to me than just an affair
I want you to know how much I care
when we make love
Oh, it’s such a precious time.
We share our hearts our souls and our minds...

Now lets make love, sweet love

As the song faded into the background the couple joined again, both sighing from the different emotions spreading through their bodies. They were so close; so wrapped up in each other that neither could tell where one person ended and the other person began.

Max easily moved in and out of his wife’s body slowly and sensually. He looked at her and stared as he continued to thrust in her…they just stared, both wide-eyed and completely drawn into the other person’s mind and soul.

Liz raised her hand and gently pulled Max down and sealed their lips. She needed to feel him all over her heated body as they reached their peaks simultaneously calling their lover’s names into the darkened room.


Tess paced on the porch nervously waiting for someone to open the front door. She was about to turn around and leave when she heard the door open. “Hi.”

“Hi Tess.” Isabel said to her friend. She had missed her over the last few weeks but she knew it was probably best that they let Kyle and Tess have some space to heal. “Do you wanna come in?”

“Yes, thank you.” Tess said relieved that someone was home. Although it was not the Evans sibling she had originally wanted to talk to, Tess was just happy to have someone there.

“So, how have you been?” Isabel asked sincerely as they sat down in the living room. Isabel thought Tess looked a little pale and tired but Isabel couldn’t even imagine going through what Tess was dealing with right now.

“Um, as good as can be expected.” Tess replied and she looked around the room and a couple new pictures caught her eye. She stood up and walked towards the pictures on the mantle and examined one. “When- when was this?”

“A few days ago.” Isabel said quietly about the wedding photo that she had just framed and placed on the mantle. She thought she had spoken a little too quietly but she knew Tess heard her because the shorter blonde made a gasping sound. “They um, had a real ceremony so that all their friends and family could be there. My parents paid for it.”

“That was nice of them.” Tess said as she looked at one picture that caught her eye more than the others. It was a candid shot of the couple, they were sharing a sweet kiss and you could tell they didn’t even know that the photographer took the picture…it was beautiful. Tess moved down and stared at the picture of the wedding party. Everyone was there except for Kyle and herself. “You looked very beautiful.”

“Thank you…but Liz was the belle of the ball.” Isabel said as she thought back to the wedding day. She was so happy that it worked out as planned and she was glad that she was able to help Liz plan her dream wedding.

“Maria was the maid of honor I assume?” Tess asked as she turned around and took her seat again.

“Of course.” Isabel said as she rolled her eyes. She knew she had no chance of being the maid of honor, Liz had known Maria since they were in diapers so Isabel knew she would naturally pick the crazy brunette. “Michael was the best man.”

“Figures.” Tess said with a small laugh.

“Not that I mind at all…because I don’t, I’ve really missed you Tess…but what are you doing here?” Isabel asked her friend.

“I came to talk to Max.” Tess admitted. “I tried to call his cell phone and I left a couple messages but he hasn’t returned my calls. I was wondering if you knew where I could find him.”

“He’s not here.” Isabel said and she felt bad when Tess hung her head. “He’s in the Bahamas…on his honeymoon.”

“The Bahamas? Really? Wow….” Tess said. She wondered where they would have gone for their honeymoon. Would the Evans have even spent the money to give them the proper ceremony if she had been the one Max married?

“Yeah.” Isabel said. She felt so bad sitting there while Tess’ heart broke with every word she said. “Did you want to talk to him about something specific.”

“I’m pregnant.” Tess whispered and she looked up to see Isabel staring at her with wide eyes.

“Are you sure?” Isabel asked softly. She scooted closer to Tess and placed a comforting hand on her friend’s arm. “Did you take a test yet?”

“No, not yet. It’s in my purse” Tess whispered. “I wanted…I wanted Max to be there while I took it.”

“Tess, don’t you think Kyle should be there when you take it?” Isabel asked confused. “I mean…he is the father right?”

“I don’t know…I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.” Tess cried. “This wasn’t supposed to happen! I was supposed to get married to Max! But I’m not! Now I may be pregnant and I’m not even married to the father anymore!”

“Oh Tess…” Isabel said as she hugged her friend. She didn’t know what to do or say to help the matter.


Liz woke up a few hours after she and Max fell asleep in each other’s arms and she quietly got up and put on her robe before she stepped out onto the balcony. It was such a beautiful night and the weather was absolutely perfect this time of year.

Liz stood there leaning against the balcony wall thinking about the past few days. She wondered how Kyle and Tess were doing. Although she had been rude and uncharacteristically moody to them…she still cared about them and wanted to make sure they were ok.

Liz thought back to the night she and Max got married. They originally did it because it felt right at the time…what if that was why Kyle and Tess got married? At that point in the night what if they both agreed that they should get married. If that were true then they were no different than Max and Liz.

Liz closed her eyes in pain when she thought back to walking in on Kyle and Tess. The image of Tess’ messy curls thrown over Kyle’s naked chest was forever imprinted in her mind. Liz easily remembered how she felt when she heard Max tell her they were married. Did Kyle and Tess feel that way when they found out that Max and Liz had gotten married? Did they feel the betrayal and pain that she and her husband felt…even though Tess and Kyle had married first? Did it matter to Kyle and Tess that their actions would break the hearts of the two people they had planned to vow they would never hurt? Liz was drawn from her thoughts when soft hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a hard chest. “Sorry if I woke you.”

“Not your fault.” Max answered truthfully. He had woken up to go to the restroom and when he returned to bed he realized Liz wasn’t there and went to look for her. He wasn’t surprised to find her out on the balcony because he knew she loved the night sky. “You ok?”

“Mmmm. Perfect.” Liz sighed as she snuggled closer into her husband’s arms. “Do you think things will ever go back to normal?”

“What do you mean?” Max asked as he laid his chin on Liz’s shoulder and stared out at the beautiful horizon.

“Us. Everybody. Do you think that we will all go back to the way it was? Do you think that Kyle and Tess will ever be our friends again?” Liz asked and she felt bad when Max stiffened behind her. “I’m sorry…I must be the worst wife ever. I’m here on my honeymoon in the arms of my husband talking about the man who broke my heart.”

“Hey.” Max said as he turned Liz around to face him. “Look. I don’t think you are the worst wife ever. I actually think you are doing a damn good job considering what we both have been though. I know you loved Kyle; that you still do.”

“Max I don--” Liz tried to disagree but Max interrupted her.

“I know you still love him because I still love Tess.” Max admitted and Liz looked at him strangely. “I know that I haven’t mentioned it as much as you because we handle things differently. I know you Liz…and I know that even though you love me, you will probably always love Kyle because he was your first love. He will always hold a big piece of your heart just like Tess will hold a big part of mine. We were going to marry them…that’s pretty serious, but we didn’t.” Max said and he tried to get his thoughts straight in his head. “I don’t know how to say this without soundly like a completely inconsiderate ass.”

“Just say it and explained it afterwards.” Liz urged him. “I know you Max and I know you aren’t an inconsiderate ass.”

“Thanks.” Max laughed as he leaned down and gently kissed her. “Ok…so, I think you just need to get over it Liz, move on. I’m not standing here and saying you’re the only one who has to do it or that it’s going to be easy because I know it’s not. We have a hard road a head of us. These last few weeks with you have been heaven, but they aren’t always going to be.” Max warned and Liz nodded her head for him to continue. “We chose to get and stay married Liz, if we want to keep that promise we both need to get over the past and move on to the future together…or we might as well call it quits now because I can guarantee this isn’t going to work.”

“Ok.” Liz said quietly and she looked up into Max’s eyes. “I promise to do my best to move on, but you have to give me time because I was with Kyle for almost 4 years…you don’t just forget that in a month.” Liz said and Max kissed her forehead. “I love you Max and I married you. I want this to work but we both need to give each other a little slack in the past department.”

“I promise as well.” Max vowed. “I know we can get through this Liz…if we just stick together and talk about things, we can do this.”

“I love you so much Max.” Liz swore and Max smiled as he pulled her into his arms.

“I love you too, Liz.” Max vowed and he pulled Liz to sit between his legs on one of the plastic loungers on the balcony

After a few minutes of silence Max kissed Liz’s neck to get her attention. “So, how do you like the Bahamas?”

“It’s beautiful Max.” Liz said seriously. “It’s the perfect honeymoon…but can we really afford to stay here for a full week? Don’t we need to start our budget?”

“Relax Liz.” Max said with a smile when her natural planner and control issues came out. “It will be fine…it’s all covered.”

“All covered? Do you have like a secret inheritance that I don’t know about?” Liz teased easily. “You know, since we are married now…I automatically get half.”

“I knew I should have gotten you to sign that pre-nuptial agreement.” Max joked and he raised his hands in surrender when Liz turned and started to hit his arm. “Ok! OK! I’m just kidding.”

“Jerk.” Liz said with a smile as she leaned back against Max’s chest. “So, where did you get the money for this?”

“Well, I know I was supposed to handle this myself.” Max said. They had decided that they wanted a real honeymoon and Max’s parents were doing so much already that Max and Liz agreed that they would pay for the honeymoon and Max would pick the place. “But, I didn’t know where to go and I went to your mother.”

“My mother? How did she know that I would love the Bahamas” Liz asked confused and she heard Max groan behind her. “What?”

“She read your diary a few years back.” Max confessed and Liz gasped in shock. “Apparently you wrote a whole entry about how the Bahamas was your dream honeymoon.”

“I can’t believe her!” Liz said but she wasn’t really mad because if her mother hadn’t invaded her privacy she wouldn’t be here now. “I should thank her when we get home.”

“Well you can thank her for the tickets as well.” Max said and Liz turned her head to look at him. “And for the hotel.”

“Maxwell…what did you do?” Liz asked a little angry. He promised he would cover the honeymoon.

“It wasn’t me baby! I swear!” Max said easily. “When I went to talk to her and she told me about the Bahamas she also handed me an envelope which already had the plane tickets and the hotel booking information. She wouldn’t let me pay because she said it was a wedding present.”

“Wow.” Liz said surprised…she definitely didn’t see that one coming. “I’m really happy that everyone approves of us…not that it really mattered. It’s just nice to have the support.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Max said as he caressed Liz’s soft stomach under her robe and started to move his hands higher to her breasts. “But, I have a better idea of what we could be doing right now.”

“I like the way you’re starting to think Mr. Evans.” Liz said with a smirk as she turned and straddled her husband’s waist.

“Well Mrs. Evans…let me show you exactly what I’m thinking.” Max said as he easily lifted Liz into his arms and started to carry her back inside. “It involves you and me naked in a bed.”

“I can hardly wait.”

Song used is Let's Make Love by Alabama

TBC...just a little announcement...I won a fanfic challenge at A Roswellian's Fantasies and was rewarded with an authors chat!! So I was wondering if you all would be interested in my idea...I was thinking that if you showed up to the chat I'd answer ALMOST any question you have about me or any of my stories. You can ask what will happen in the end of you want to be spoiled or you can ask me personal questions and get to know me better! Let me know what you all think please!

Also here are some AWARDS from A Roswellian's Fantasies and the next post as look how pretty they are!

Lol I basically looked around the site for scary Alien Masks and I won!!

This is for a short story called She'll Never Know...its in the Creme of the Crop...check it out!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

WOW. I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that you all liked that chapter. I was nervous you wouldn't get what I was trying to say in the Max and Liz convo or that you would think Max is a complete ass...but I'm sooo glad you all agreed with him *wipes sweat off forehead*

Ok...on the Tess matter. If Tess is pregnant...Kyle is the father. I think that part was a little confusing when Tess said she didn't know. I didn't mean she didn't know that Kyle was the father I meant she was really confused....which she is. She was at Max's house becasue they had been dating for 2 develop a bond and she needed his help but LUCKILY (cuz I'm such a cool author that way :wink:) Max was off with Liz doing it all night so Tess didn't bother them!

FSUMSW94 wrote:I must say I really loved this new part! Liz and Max are really enjoying their honeymoon and it was so special to find out Nancy Parker paid for it as their wedding present 8) I was also happy Max and Liz talked openly about the Kyle/Tess issue, because in all honesty it doesn't just completely go away over night. They each had very deep feelings for their exes and that will eventually take sometime to completely heal. But, I am glad they are truly in love with one another and acknowlege there will be difficult times ahead. No relationship is perfect.

Tess, man, if she is pregnant, Kyle will be blown away and Max and Liz may be devastated all over again. This will mean there is forever a reminder of their betrayal in Vegas. I wonder if she is pregnant, will Tess and Kyle get married again for the sake of the baby? So many questions :?

I wonder if its the right thing to do for their friends to have decided not to tell Max/Liz about their part in getting Kyle and Tess drunk that night. They might re-think that decision once news of Tess' pregnancy gets out.

Post again soon please :D
Thanks for your feedback....I loved reading it because they are the same questions and thoughts going through my own mind when I wrote this chapter...glad you liked it!
anonymousarfan wrote:That was great!!! Max and Liz are so sweet together!!!
BUt their friends are a little confused, meeting to discuss whether to tell Max and Liz about Kyle and Tess being drunk? First, it's Tess and Kyle the ones who should tell them, then what differecnce does it make? They know Max and Liz decided to make it work, otherwise they wouldn't have had the ceremony.
And Tess, that girl is really mixed up!!!! Going to Max for a pragnancy test when he's not the father and he just got married???? Poor girl!!
Again, Max and Liz are so good together, and Liz is right, you can't forget and get over 4 years in just one month
I loved it!!!!
Please post more soon!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thank you! And um..not to stick up for the friends or anything but I think they are all trying to help their own guilt because they got Tess and Kyle drunk which is one of the reasons that everything is going on right now...but I see where you are coming from!!
To_Kiss_A_Frog wrote:Okay, i don't get why in the hell Tess wanted to go to Max when the two of them had never even slept together before. Now I'm curious if it would make a difference to Max and Liz if they knew the T/K marriage was a drunken incident.

Great chapter Jennifer, the song was very pretty!
Good thoughts Cyn...but as I said up above....Tess and Max have a history, it might not be a sexual one but they were together for 2 years...there is a bond and trust there and Tess needed or wanted that.
vampyrax wrote:Great part I'm loving their honeymoon however Tess needs to go to Kyle her ex husband Max is a married man. I'm glad she got to see the wedding photo's I hope she can move on and not try to start trouble for the newly weds.
Thanks and I agree. Tess needs to move on!
Earth2Mama wrote:I think Max is right. They are married to each other now. If they want their marriage to work, get over what happened in the past and move on. Look forward to their future. A future together.

It's done. It's over. It's finished. You can't change it or wish it away. Unless, that's what Liz wants. Is she sure she wants to be with Max, or is she possibly considering forgiving Kyle and giving him another chance :? I don't like the way that sounds, but that's how she's coming across. And if she finds out about the drunken night, will that really change her view about now being Max's wife? Hmmm...quite the dilemna. I still think the truth should be told though. Especially now since Tess is pregnant with Kyle's baby.

I think Tess' pregnancy will answer that question for Liz. And Kyle...I think Kyle will need the distraction. Something or rather, someone else to consider/think about other than Liz.

Great update. Post more soon :D
Oh good idea with the baby distracting Kyle from Liz...hmmm, maybe you should write the story lol. I'm sorry if you think Liz is coming off like she still wants to be with Kyle...that is not my intention since I am a dreamer but Kyle and Liz were more serious then Tess and Max so I think Liz is intitled to a little confusion.
Emz80m wrote:great part

that was really inconsiderate of TEss. I know she's going through a hard time but why on earth would she think that Max would want to be with her while she took a pregnancy test to see if she was pregnant to the man she on him with!

great part. glad Max and Liz had that chat because they really needed to be serious about what was happening between them
Thanks Emma! Glad you liked the chat between Max and Liz...I was REALLY nervous about it!
behrlyliz wrote:I agree with everyone else, I don't know why Tess would want Max to be there while she does a pregnancy test. Maybe it's her sad & pathetic way of getting back at him and trying to see if it would cause him pain to know that she might be pregnant by Kyle. Anyway, I loved the honeymoon and the update. Please hurry back with more and congrats on the awards.
Thanks for the congrats and the feedback. I didn't want Tess to be pathetic or sad...she is just as confused about the situation as Max and Liz are...and then to add the fact she might be pregnant with Kyle's baby which would pretty much turn Max off her she is alittle out of it. Did you make a new screenname for yourself? Just checking.
Roswell 10/2/00 wrote:post mre soon!!

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Michelle17 wrote:
behrlyliz wrote:I agree with everyone else, I don't know why Tess would want Max to be there while she does a pregnancy test. Maybe it's her sad & pathetic way of getting back at him and trying to see if it would cause him pain to know that she might be pregnant by Kyle. Anyway, I loved the honeymoon and the update. Please hurry back with more and congrats on the awards.
RASaero611 wrote:I really loved the Max and Liz interaction-ness. They are just so perfect for each other and I love the way you write them in the story. I don't know if Michael, Maria, Isabel, and Alex should tell Max and Liz about Tess and Kyle being drunk. In a way, its Michael and Maria's fault because they gave them the drinks, but Tess and Kyle had to know somewhat of what they were doing.

oh well
great update
Thanks and I'm really happy you like my Max and Liz...I love them too!
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
behrlyliz wrote:I agree with everyone else, I don't know why Tess would want Max to be there while she does a pregnancy test. Maybe it's her sad & pathetic way of getting back at him and trying to see if it would cause him pain to know that she might be pregnant by Kyle. Anyway, I loved the honeymoon and the update. Please hurry back with more and congrats on the awards.
Double ditto!
Lol thanks!
FamersAmers wrote:I am on woman!!! You are always on Idle!!! LOL!!! like right now you are away and here I am on!!!

And we are in the same time zone and in the same state and um no I am not nocturnal!!!! LOL...but close to it!!!

Ok so this chapter...Max is right they have to get past the past to look to the future other wise marriage wont last...Liz is also right you cant just fall out of love with someone in a doesnt happen!!

I loved that Nancy gave them their honey moon.

Poor Tess, she really messed up and I see why she went to Max instead of too Kyle...LOL!!!

Doing great!! keep it up!! And I am here!! where are you!!! LOL
Lol thanks Ams! I'm glad you understand why Tess went where she went...may not have been the right thing to do....but she wasn't really thinking about that was she?
Eccentric One wrote:More than just a little bit "ewww" that Tess would want Max present for taking the pregnancy test. I get that they were friends before becoming a couple and all. But did she not get the message from Max that she had to accept his marriage or stay away? Add to that the complete bizarreness of planning to ask him to be present while she waits to see if her one night stand with Kyle resulted in a pregnancy, as well as the end of two romantic relationships?

Max and Liz so far have been quite adult about their rather rash decision to marry. I think their long time and close friendship has helped with that. The budgeting, the open talks about Kyle and Tess....all necessary, if they are to succeed with their marriage.

It should be very interesting to see what happens when Max and Liz get back from their honeymoon. Will Tess have found out for sure if she's pregnant by then?

One thing that made me say "ouch" was how Isabel described their "real ceremony." A chance for all their friends and family to be there. While it would have been beyond awkward to have Kyle or Tess there, it would have to hurt that they weren't being considered friends now.

I also wonder back to the drunken wedding. While I have never accidentally gotten drunk, I've definitely been drunk before. I can't imagine that as the alcohol takes affect and all the physical manifestations of that....Kyle and Tess didn't think that it was wierd how they were feeling? Did they think the fuzzy thinking, difficulty speaking clearly, vision problems, coordination problems, etc. were just pre-wedding jitters?

I didn't mean for Isabel to come off mean or rude when she talked to Tess...everybody knew that it would have been best to not invite Tess and Kyle...I mean Kyle would have been ok, but Tess would have probably started a fight in the church or something. Thanks for seeing Max and Liz as the adults they are going to have to be for their marriage to work! P.S. soo cool to have a mod reading my story...he he.
begonia9508 wrote:Bravo for your nomination!... and it's merited!

This past was so great!
I enjoyed Max and Liz's talking about their first love!... and how they have to let it go.
Remembering my first love, I must admit that - knowing what I know about life - he couldn't be anymore my dream husband! I've changed too much since 18!!!
So this experience for Max and Liz hopefully will end realizing that they have the real love.... otherwise the desillusion is going to be devastating...
And waiting for more - thanks! - EVE :roll: :wink:
I agree with you on the first love thing...I wanted to marry this guy since kingergarten but I didn't see him for four years after we dated and he was a completly different person...not a bad person at all but different from the guy I loved for 2 years...not the man I could marry anymore!
martine wrote:great part as always. Max and Liz at the Bahamas! great place for a honeymoon, and thanks to Mrs Parker, even if she read her diary's daughter, she had the good idea to offer them that gift.
I had to add that I like the way Max and Liz are dealing with their ex-bf and gf, that's true, it won't be easy, years spent together can't be forgotten but they really have to move on if they want their marriage to succeed.

a last word for Tess...I don't understand that girl, she went to ask Max to be with her since she was checking if she was really pregnant or not...and from another she crazy? or immorale? I don't know which one to choose, but she needs to clear her head and do the right thing, take the good path with Kyle since the baby is his.
I agree Tess wasn't thinking but she was hurt and confused so she didn't know what she was doing. Glad you like the honeymoon...cuz here is some more!
LegalAlien wrote:That was another wonderful part!
I'm glad Max and Liz enjoy their honeymoon and have decided to move on from the past to create a great future! The whole plane interaction was also very lovely and cute! Hoping for many more honeymoon scenes... :wink:

Congrats on your awards! Maybe I can make it to the chat.... :D
Please write more soon!
Hope you enjoy these honeymoon scenes...he he he. I think they show the couple as the young kids they are at heart. They are being sooo adult about everything, its time for them to have a little fun! :wink:
LoveIsForever wrote:I do feel sorry for Tess because now she might be pregnant and all because of a prank that was played on her that started this whole ball rolling.

But she needs to stop always thinking that she can come to Max because he isn't her boyfriend any longer.
True about Tess...very true!
BehrObsession wrote:That was a lovely part. The honeymoon seems to be going great for them. I feel a sorry for Tess having to deal with the pregnancy issue, but I have to agree with what Maria said. Okay, Kyle & Tess were drunk, but that doesn't explain the fact that they married each other. I can't imagine them being so completely drunk and out of it that they'd do something that out of character unless there was a part of each of them that wanted what they did. Whatever the reason, Max & Liz have found each other now and are truly commited to making a life together. That's what they both need to focus on. Kyle & Tess just need to learn how to deal with the consequences of their actions. Post more soon.
Thanks and I agree...I think there were feelings there in the beginning too.
Topy458 wrote:Great part! :D

I'm glad everything turned out ok for the newlyweds. It isn't certain that Tess is pregnant, so I guess she needs to take the and find out for sure. Although she still may be in love with Max, they aren't a couple anymore, and she needs to realize that. When she suspected she was pregnant, she should have gone to Kyle since he's the only possible father.

I'm glad Max and Liz are enjoying their honeymoon. Hopefully all will go well once their life starts to settle down. Now they have to concentrate on having a budget and going to school in the fall.

Can't wait for the next part! :D Continue the great work!

Thanks! Glad you liked it Jenna!
imnotlc wrote:Yes that was a great that max was able to come right out and tell liz how they both felt and the fact that they agreed to WORK at it together....Wonderful...L.
Sooo glad you liked their talk!
Qtygirl411 wrote:awsome part...glad to be bak

realli tired sentences short

please continue

post soon
I've been there before...where you are sooo tired you can't form any sentence longer than 4!
adreamer wrote:Great Post!!! I can see that Max and Liz are having a really good time in their honeymoon.I can't belive that Tess is pergnant !!!! It has to Klye or this is going to bring a lot of trouble for Max and Liz. Update soon!!! :D
Thanks and I'm back!
OmegaRam1 wrote:First, I have had many drunken nights and all I wanted to do was find a bed to fall asleep. I fail to believe that there wasn't some kind of feeling there between them and with adding the alcohol just encourage them to take it to another lever. I also have to agree with what Maria said about the people that married them didn't see two people drunk on their asses that didn't know what they were doing. I guest my question would be is why they didn't take their drunk asses back to the hotel instead of stumpling to a wedding chapel. Why was getting married to each others on their minds when they was supposely in love with other people? I know they all was out having fun, so they just left the others at the bar and go get married, but yet want to blame it on the alcohol they was given, I don't think so. Speaking of the alcohol they had to have had more than one or two drinks to be soooo drunk that they got married and then stayed sober to have sex plus sign their names on the marriage license. In my opinion they both knew what they were doing and carry it out to the fullest.
So glad Max and Liz stayed married and re-married so their parents could be there is just wonderful. Max and Liz conversation about their love for Kyle and Tess was necessary and glad that Max didn't sugar coat it to spare Liz feelings. An open marriage is a healthy one that will help two people to heal and move on together like they should.
Tess is really in denial when she stoop that low by coming to Max house so he can be with her to take a pregnancy test, how stupid and inconsiderate she can be. Did she not know that Liz is staying at the Evan's house and is his wife, so glad Isabel ask her why she is not at Kyle's finding out the results of the test. I would like to apologize to all the other blonds, but no offence, Tess is one empty head blond. Did she not hear Isabel tell her that Max and Liz got re-married and was on their honeymoon in the Bahamas, Jesus Christ woman move on.
I wonder how Max and Liz will take the news if Tess is truly pregnant.

I love this story and please hurry back soon.
Wow! What a mouthfull lol. I can tell when a reader is really into a story cuz they leave AMAZING feedback that gives me things to think about. Thanks!
othocfan4ever wrote:hey i love can u om or email me when u rigth a new chapter thanks
Of course I can! I will pm you right after I post!
rigel wrote:Just like usual Max and Liz are great! I think it help that they best friends before they married, they handled everything reasonably :)

Just like everyone I don't understand why Tess come to Max with possibility of her pregnancy. It more make sense if she coma to Isabel because she is her friend or to Kyle as the possible baby's father?

post more soon :)
Tess is hurt and confused and probably hormonal...give her a break lol.
Lizza wrote:Whoa, i totally missed like the last 7 parts!! I love where the fic has come and I'm excited to read more soon
7 parts!!! That's A LOT! But I'm glad you are back and caught up!

Chapter 11

Tess paced on the Valenti’s front porch much like she had done yesterday at the Evans’ house, waiting for someone to answer the door.

“Morning Tess.” Sheriff Valenti said to the blonde in front of him. Kyle had told him what had happened in Vegas between them and to be honest, Jim was happy they got the marriage annulled; neither of these kids was ready for that commitment.

“Morning Sheriff.” Tess said nervously. This man was not only the sheriff but also her baby’s grandfather…if she was pregnant. “Can I talk to Kyle?”

“Sure.” Jim said as he moved aside and let the girl in. “He’s in his room, go on in.”

“Thanks.” Tess said and she headed towards the room that she knew was Kyle’s. She had slept there many times over the years when she and Kyle were becoming close friends…but walking towards it today seemed completely different. Tess took a deep breath before she lifted her hand and knocked.

“Yeah?” Kyle called out on the other side of the door. He expected his father to open the door and ask him what he wanted for breakfast; Kyle was shocked to see Tess standing there. “Hey…what are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you.” Tess said and she moved into the room. She watched as Kyle stayed in his position on his bed in just his boxers. “Um, can you put some clothes on or something?”

“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.” Kyle said as he up and slipped on his jeans and a t-shirt.

“That’s not the point.” Tess said with blush and once Kyle was done dressing himself she met his eyes. “We may have a problem.”

“What’s the problem?” Kyle asked concerned and he watched as Tess opened her purse retrieving a small box before she laid it on the bed in-between them. Kyle picked it up and read the label before he turned shocked eyes to her. “A pregnancy test? Are you sure?”

“That’s what it’s for.” Tess said as the tears formed in her eyes. “I’m 2 weeks late.”

“Oh man.” Kyle said as he ran a hand through his hair. “What are we going to do?”

“If I’m pregnant, I want to keep it Kyle.” Tess explained as she played with a piece of string on Kyle’s bed, anything to distract her. “I don’t want anything from you unless you want to give it…I am fully prepared to do this on my own.”

“I was there too Tess, this is my responsibility as well. If you’re pregnant I’m going to be there for you 100% of the way.” Kyle assured her and he opened the box and pulling out the stick. “You wanna do this now?”

“I planned on it…I wanted to have someone with me.” Tess said as she gently took the stick from Kyle and headed to his bathroom. Before closing the door Tess took one last look at Kyle, preparing herself to do this.


“Liz, get back here!” Max called out to his wife and he smiled when he heard her faint laughter. “You are in such big trouble when I find you…you know that right?”

Max turned a corner too quickly and slipped on the chocolate syrup on the ground and fell flat on his face. He groaned and he heard Liz bust out laughing. “Liz…I’m hurt…please…help me.”

“I am not stupid Max!!” Liz said in a singsong voice. “I was not born yesterday so get your ass up and find me!”

“I can’t believe this…the maids are going to hate us for this.” Max said as he continued to move through the sticky mess on the floor.

“Well, this is your entire fault.” Liz yelled from her hiding place and Max looked around trying to find the source of the sound.

“How is this my fault?” Max asked as he stocked to a cupboard and quickly opened it only to frown when Liz wasn’t there.

“Nice try…the cupboard isn’t original enough for me Max.” Liz teased and she watched as Max made a face before he started his search again. “And this is your fault because you’re the one who wiped Marshmallow crème all over my stomach.”

“What?” Max asked innocently. “I just wanted to see what tasted better…you or you with marshmallows. I still didn’t get to test my theory.”

“Sure, whatever Max.” Liz sighed as she watched Max move around the room looking for her. “This shouldn’t be this difficult Max, especially with those ears of yours…those things work like sonar.”

“Hey!” Max stood up straight and covered his ears. “It wouldn’t be so damn difficult if you weren’t a munchkin who could fit into the smallest area.”

“Poor Dumbo.” Liz teased and Max growled as he wiped some chocolate that was running down his face.

“All I wanted was a relaxing day at the beach…”

FLASHBACK- Hours earlier.

“Come on Liz…we haven’t left the hotel once.” Max said as he tied the drawstring on his board shorts. He was trying to get Liz to actually go out and do something but he couldn’t get her to get dressed. He finally had to act like a cave man and carry her into the bathroom and throw her bikini at her just to get her to change.

“I hope you realize you’re a guy.” Liz said from the bathroom as she finished trying her bikini strings. “You’re a guy turning down the opportunity to stay in his hotel with a naked woman willing to have sex multiple times with you.”

“Baby, we will be having sex for the rest of our lives…I think we can wait a few hours.” Or not, Max thought as he looked down and saw a small tent forming just from listening to Liz talk about staying in bed.

“But I won’t always been hot and skinny.” Liz reminded him. “After a few years of marriage, I’m going to let myself go and gain 30 pounds…you aren’t going to want to stay in bed with me anymore.”

“Baby.” Max chuckled at the image his wife had thought up. “I’d still love you and want to stay in bed even if you gained 300 pounds. Now come out.”

“Fine. But I’ll have you know, I’m doing this in protest.” Liz said as she opened the door and walked in the room completely stunning Max. “Max? Are you ok?”

“What? Oh yeah, fine.” Max said as he let his eyes travel up the curves of his wife. No matter how many times he saw her naked, seeing her in clothes always made him want to take them off. “You look hot.”

“Whatever.” Liz said but she couldn’t hide the smile at his description of her. “Come on let’s get this over with.”

“I changed my mind.” Max said as he ran a finger up and down the valley between her breast suggestively. “I think it would be nice to stay in…relax.”

“Oh I don’t think so.” Liz said as she slapped his hand away and grabbed their beach bags. “I got dressed so I’m going to the beach to let all the guys check out my rack!!!!!”

“LIZ!!” Max yelled and he ran after his giggling wife.


“But we did have fun Max.” Liz teased him and she laughed as he started to lift the cushions off the couch and look for Liz in the hide-a-bed.

“You did. I had to practically beat those guys off you with a stick!” Max responded and his anger returned from thinking about all those guys hitting on his wife.

“Max, the guys were like 16…harmless little boys.” Liz said as she dismissed the guy’s attentions.

“I was a 16 year old boy 2 years ago and I know exactly what they were thinking.” Max said with a frown. “What they were thinking about you.”

“Aww…poor baby, the sooner you find me the sooner I can help you with that hurt ego.” Liz teased and she smirked as she watched Max adjust himself in his shorts. “You look good enough to eat with all that chocolate on your body Max…yummy.”

“Don’t start Liz.” Max warned and he heard Liz start to giggle again.

FLASHBACK- half an hour earlier

“This was such a good idea baby.” Liz said a she took another bite of her sundae. Max had decided after a hot day at the beach that ice cream would be good so they ordered room service.

“I thought it would be.” Max said as he leaned forward and kissed Liz. “MMM, you taste like Pralines and Cream…my new favorite.”

“I don’t know I’m still partial to plain Max myself.” Liz said with a smirk and she screamed when Max spread a good amount of marshmallow crème on her stomach. “MAX!! What the hell do you think you’re doing??”

“Well, you said you like me plain.” Max said seductively as he licked a finger that had some marshmallow crème on it clean. “I wanted to see if I liked you better plain or with a certain toping.”

“You have serious issues Max…serious issues.” Liz said but she had a huge smile on her face as she formed a plan for Max. She leaned back on her arms and laid down a little bit for Max. “Why don’t you have a taste?”

“Oh yea…” Max said as he leaned over her body and just as he was about to lick a little of the crème off, Liz poured the large can of chocolate syrup all over his head and back causing it to run down his chest before she jumped up laughing and ran to hide.


“Max, I’m getting bored.” Liz sighed as she watched Max look in the wrong hiding place once again. “How hard is it to just follow my voice?”

“There is an echo in here.” Max defended himself quickly. He started to slap his ear with his hand. “And I think I have chocolate in my ear.”

“I think I’m going to have to use my tongue to clean that one.” Liz teased and that was the last straw for Max.

“I give up!! I don’t know where the hell you are woman…but I need you right now or my pants are going to split down the seams from the huge boner I have!” Max said frustrated as he ran a hand through his sticky hair.

“Well, since you put it that way.” Liz said and she noticed she was rubbing her thighs together trying to relieve the pressure in her loins. “Look up baby.”

“HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET UP THERE!!” Max yelled once he saw his wife walking around in the rafters of their suite. “Get down here before you break your neck!!”

“Fine.” Liz said as she walked and stood right above Max. She sat down and swung her legs over the side of the beam she was sitting on. “Catch me.”

“Just get down here.” Max said as he held his hands out and he easily caught his wife when she dropped down into his arms. “How did you get up there in the first place?”

“I have my ways.” Liz said and she leaned forward and licked her husband’s neck. “I was right…you do taste good.”

“I’m all sticky…I think I have chocolate down my butt.” Max chuckled and he gasped when he felt Liz stick her hands in his board shorts. “What are you doing?”

“Seeing how dirty you are.” Liz ran her hand slowly back up Max’s body and it was covered in brown sauce. “You are dirty, and I think you need a shower.”

“You’re dirty now too.” Max said and Liz looked down at her body, which was quickly getting sticky with the chocolate. “I think we both need a shower now.”

“Fine…if you insist.” Liz feigned annoyance as Max carried her to the shower.


“Well?” Kyle asked anxiously when Tess emerged from the bathroom. He didn’t understand why this whole process took so long; you just pee on a stick…easy right? “What does it say?”

“Um,” Tess said as she looked at the results to make sure it hadn’t changed since the last time she looked at it. “It has two lines.”

“Two lines?” Kyle asked confused. “What does that mean?”

“You have the box Kyle, read the results.” Tess said nervously. She watched as Kyle’s eyes widened and he grabbed the box next to him on the bed.

“Right. Ok.” Kyle said as he read the back trying to find the right part. “Ok…two lines, two lines…ok here: two lines indicates a pos-positive result.”

“Oh no.” Tess cried as she slid down the wall and started to sob. She was pregnant with Kyle’s child…what was she going to do? “This can’t be happening.”

“Hey.” Kyle said as he got up and went to Tess’ side. He wrapped his arms around her in comfort and kissed her head. “It’s going to be alright, I’m going to be there for you.”

“Yeah, for now!” Tess cried as she admitted her fears to Kyle. “But what happens 5 years down the road, when you fall in love and want to start a family with your wife…you aren’t going to want to be tied down to another kid.”

“Tess.” Kyle said as he cupped her face in his hands. “I will not abandon my child ok? No matter how many children or wives I have in the future, the child you’re carrying is my baby…I will not just forget that.”

“Promise?” Tess asked, her complete vulnerability clearing in her voice.

“I promise.” Kyle said as he pulled Tess into his arms and held her.

“Is everything alright here?” Jim asked as he came in the room and saw his son holding on to a broken down Tess. “Do you need my help?”

“No dad, we’re fine.” Kyle said as he pulled away from Tess and wiped her eyes. “We just found out we're having a baby.”

“A baby?” Jim asked shocked; he hadn’t even known it was a possibility. “Are you sure?”

“I can pee on another stick if you want.” Tess said aggravated that he didn’t believe her.

“Tess.” Kyle said as he gently touched her arm. “He just wants to make sure.”

“I know.” Tess said as she looked at Jim. “I’m sorry, I’m just so tired.”

“Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” Kyle said as he pulled Tess to her feet and led her to his bed. “Lay down and sleep.”

“Thanks.” Tess said as she laid down and Kyle wrapped her in the covers and the two Valenti men left the room.


“Harder…Max!” Liz screamed as Max pounded into her body. They had gone to the shower to wash off but Liz soon found herself pinned on the shower wall with Max entering her. “HARDER!!!!”

“Liz…you feel so good.” Max moaned as he easily picked up the pace and plunged deeper into her warm walls. He could feel the familiar tightening in his groin so he brought one hand to Liz’s clit and applied gentle pressure to assure she went with him. “I’m…not going to last.”

“YES!!” Liz cried as she felt her peak easily approaching. She wrapped her legs tighter around Max’s waist and she dug her heels into his ass, causing him to go deeper. She felt him grow harder inside of her and Liz bit down on his shoulder trying to hold back her scream as she fell hard from the pleasurable highs Max had taken her.

“LIZ!!” Max screamed as he lost his seed deep in her welcoming body. He felt her bite down on his shoulder knowing it would leave a mark…but he could careless at the moment. As soon as his legs would work, Max quickly shut off the shower and carried Liz into the bedroom. He laid them on the bed and Liz instantly cuddled into his arms.

“Well that was different.” Liz said with a satisfied smile. There was no other way to describe what they had just done except fucked; simple as that. She traced her bite mark on Max’s shoulder with her fingers. “We’ve never done that before.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Max asked concerned as he quickly lifted the covers to check Liz out. He didn’t notice any blood between her legs, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t hurt somewhere else. He knew he had been too rough on her…he knew he should have been more careful with her.

“No!” Liz rushed out to say when she realized Max thought he had hurt her during their rough round of sex. “I liked it.”

“You did?” Max asked still not believing that Liz was ok.

“Yes I did.” Liz said with a blush. Max was such a gentle lover, every time they had been together they made love…they never had sex…it was making love. But what just happened between them was nothing poetic or romantic…it was purely about pleasure; not that their love making wasn’t pleasurable in itself. “I didn’t stop you did I?”

“No, but I thought I was being too rough…too hard on you.” Max said as he drew shapes on Liz’s stomach on top of the covers. No matter how many times they had been intimate, talking about it was still a little uncomfortable for both of them.

“I believe I screamed for you to go harder.” Liz said with a laugh and Max fell back on the bed rubbing his face. “Max look, I love how gentle you are with me…I can feel every single one of your emotions and it feels amazing.”

“But…” Max asked hesitantly…was he ready to hear that she didn’t like being intimate with him? They were each other’s only partners so they didn’t have any else to compare too, but it would still hurt any guy’s ego to hear his lover didn’t like his technique.

“But,” Liz said with a smirk. “Sometimes…it’s ok to get rough, I’m not going to break and if you do hurt me I promise to let you know. I really liked that you took control and were forceful. It…it turned me on.” Liz said as she blushed at her words.

“It did?” Max asked shocked. He never would have thought that sweet little Lizzie liked rough sex.

“Yeah, it did.” Liz said with a chuckle. “You let your passion come through…and it was amazing. When I said it was different, I meant it…not better or worse, it was just different.”

“So, would you be up to doing that technique again…sometime.” Max asked as he ran a hand over Liz’s shoulder and down to her breast massaging it gently.

“If you didn’t use that technique again…I’d probably divorce you.” Liz teased and she gasped when Max quickly jumped on top and entered her in one quick move. “Yes.”

“Well…I guess I’ll use that technique now…since I don’t want an unsatisfied wife.” Max said before he started to move in her again. The rest of the night the only sounds from their room were the calls of two very satisfied lovers…very satisfied indeed. I'm really nervous about this chapter cuz its a little different then I normally do...but I hope you all like it!

Also, my chats have been scheduled for the 10th at 9 EST and the 17th at 6 please come and check me out...cuz I don't want to talk to myself...even though I will have fun doing that...but it would be GREAT to see all of you! My thoughts and prayers go out to any and all of those people down south. I hope everyone is ok!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey everybody!! Glad you liked that last part and lets see what you think about this one! Thanks to everybody who is readying and hi to all those lurkers out there...I won't bite if you come out and say hi!!
vampyrax wrote:Don't be nervous this chapter was really great enough Max and Liz to keep me happy till your next post. Satisfied lovers usually makes for satisfied readers. I'm glad that Kyle is taking responsibility for his child. Keep up the good work see ya next week.
Lol thanks I'm relieved that you were satisfied by it!
Earth2Mama wrote:Sheesh! Those two won't be far behind Tess and Kyle in the baby department if they keep it up at that pace :lol:

Great update! Post more soon :D
Lol I know what you mean but Liz is still on the pill...although it is not perfect, she is still protected from Max...and she better be since they are so active lol.
begonia9508 wrote:Great and funny part (chocolate) Loved Max and Liz's complicity in everything!

EVE :wink:
Lol glad you liked the chocolate part!
hazz wrote:ahh THE everytime, of course she loved it! If that baby is Tess' ill kill myself and come back to haunt you. If its Lyles and she tries to pass if off as Max's then ill bring really mean ghosts with me. Cant wait for more.

Oh is that a threat? I'm a little scared lol!
behrlyliz wrote:You did an incredible job with this chapter. I really liked the playful interaction between Max and Liz. And I loved the nookie between them. Be very proud of yourself, this chapter was excellent. Correction, this fic is excellent. Also, thanks for clearing up why Tess wanted to have Max there while she took the test. Hearing your explanation and rereading that part, it makes perfect sense to me now. I want to say that I'm proud of the way Kyle handled the whole pregnancy situation with Tess. I'm glad to know that he's willing to be there for her and the baby. I have a feeling they will be good parents.

Anyway, I loved the update. Please hurry back with more. Oh yeah, I do have another screen name.
Lol thanks for your compliments...makes me blush! Yeah, I took a different road with the Kyle baby thing...I know its a teen pregnancy and most writers have them freak out, but I decided to make Kyle act like a grown up for once.
su-lyn wrote:Maxsgurl, I'm sorry for not leaving any feedback for your previous update. I went back to my hometown to visit my parents and was unable to go online. I just read it and it was another great update. But I can't understand how Tess would want Max's presence and support when she thought she might be pregnant. She should have condided in Isabel or Maria since both of them knew about the wedding night of hers and Kyle's. Wouldn't she think Max would be hurt? Or is she really that confident of Max's love for her? To her, Max might be married to Liz but will always love her so she comes first.

This part is so sexy and romantic for our dreamer couple. I like the hot sex as well as the loving ones. A married couple should try and experiment all aspects of lovemaking. If they are too conventional, it might get boring later on. Don't worry, you did great with the hot sex scene.

Poor Tess (I can't believe I'm saying this). It's a good thing that Kyle will stand by her regardless of their future. I'm sure Jim will support them too. If I were Tess, I will milk Michael and Maria dry by making them babysit the baby. It's partly their fault for Tess' situation.

See you next Thursday and thanks again. :D
Lol I like your idea for Maria and Michael babysitting but I don't see that going well lol. Its ok about the got to visit parents sometime you know? And believe me...I will not let Max and Liz get bored with conventional sex! :wink:
lazza wrote:Oh, some more Max and Liz loving...everthing is so new to both of them. I can just see there red faces in bed talking about it all. :oops:

I'm glad Kyle stepped up and wont let Tess have the baby alone. Although he better be over Liz because this could cause some problems if he's lusting over Liz while Tess is pregant.
Very true about Kyle's feelings...he does need to get over it!
Emz80m wrote:it was a great part girl, very hot :oops:

i have a feeling that Max and Liz are going to be a litltle upsat about Kyle and Tess's news

cant wait for more
Wow...I am really honored that you said those sex scenes were hot...since everyone knows you write the best ones lol! Thanks Emma!
LoveIsForever wrote:Kyle is taking the news that he going to be a Dad pretty well.
Yes he is...I decided to let him be a man for once.
Spicy trini1 wrote:
lazza wrote:Oh, some more Max and Liz loving...everthing is so new to both of them. I can just see there red faces in bed talking about it all. :oops:

I'm glad Kyle stepped up and wont let Tess have the baby alone. Although he better be over Liz because this could cause some problems if he's lusting over Liz while Tess is pregant.
I completely agree. It's not only Kyle we have to worry about we have to worry about Tess too. This baby could spur some jealousy with Max and Liz, but I think that it may also help them get over their previous relationships.

Looking forward to the next update!
You are right....the baby news could push our dreamers together or pull them apart.
RASaero611 wrote:LOVED the update...glad that Liz likes it uh, rough lol. I feel bad for Tess but I'm glad that Kyle is going to be there for her.

great update
Lol yes, Liz is always full of surprises isn't she?
anonymousarfan wrote:Great part!!!
I loved the interaction between Max and Liz and the playfullness!!! And it was hot!!!
I'm happy that Kyle didn't freak out and was there for Tess, it was good!!
I love this!!!
Please post more soon!!!!!! :D
Thank you and I'm glad you like all the playfullness...they are newlyweds and barely they are still young!
obsession wrote:There is nothing to worry. You did sensational. Love it.
Thank you!
BehrObsession wrote:Loved this part. Max & Liz are so cute and sexy together. They're discovering so many things about each other and loving it. I think Max will be using The Technique guite often from now on. I feel kind of sorry for Tess & Kyle. I still think there had to be some feelings between them for them to have gotten married, drunk or not. Max & Liz are very happy with their marriage and intend to keep it that way. I hope everyone accepts that. Can't wait to see what's next.
Thank you and you are right...Max will be using that technique lol!
FSUMSW94 wrote:That was a very hot nookie scene between our favorite newlyweds :twisted: I love their exploration of one another's bodies and how in love they are :P

Tess, well now she and Kyle have to face the consequences of their previous actions. Now a baby has been created and they need to figure out how to make arrangements for their futures. Maybe not marriage again, but just some kind of understanding. This is going to change their lives. Thinking about this pregnancy, I have to wonder how things would've turned out if M/L hadn't discovered them in bed together and married in Vegas, and then this pregnancy. Would Tess have slept with Max immediately and tried to pass off the baby as his :? Thank God we don't have that kind of scenario to ponder upon.

Well, it should get really interesting once everyone finds out about this pregnancy. I hope Max and Liz will be okay and not let it effect them too much!
I shudder to think about what would have happened if Liz and Max didn't find out! I have a feeling Tess would probably tried to pass it off as Max's...but as soon as the baby was board you'd be able to tell very quickly that is wasn't Max's.
Topy458 wrote:Don't be nervous, that chapter was awesome! :D

I loved how Kyle took responsibility for his child. It's great to see him accept the baby and want to be there for it and Tess. Loved all the newlywed action. Very hot!

Great part and post more soon! :D

Thank you!!
imnotlc wrote:Well at least kyle has something other than liz and max now wonder how long that will last and if he is a man he will do whatever necessary to help tess no matter if she wants it or not.......

great update and post more soon!!!

Oh, so you see this baby as a M/L distraction for Kyle...very interesting.
othocfan4ever wrote:more please
Ok! I sent you a pm!
alana wrote:For the love of Budha, i left sometime to go of vacas and in my return i see all this chapters to read. :D Life is fantastic don´t you think?
i want to thank you to make a fic like this,i have a permanent smile for all that cutes scenes whit Max and Liz. :D The bad part is that make me remenber that boys like Max don´t exist ,if they do they don´t live for this country :lol: ,
Anyway gret job , i have to say that you are bulding a great relation between them ,whitout forget all the drama with Kyle and Tess.
Is really sad that for a mistakes they lost everything and i only can say that sometimes people choose the wrong door but that don´t make them bad person, i know that they were drunks and Michael and Maria the authors of that, but in the end they were the ones that go ahead,so like the said say if you make the bed ,you have to sleep in it.
I agree with you. I write these stories with these AMAZING Max characters...but I go out of my house and can't find out anywhere! Sheesh!
roswell3053 wrote:This part was awesome. I hope that Max and Liz don't get upset when they find out that Tess (aka the Bitch) is pregnant. I can't wait for your next update.
Thank you!
LegalAlien wrote:Hmmm, that was an awesome chapter! :D

I really like that Max and Liz are having fun together (and now just in the sexual way ;))! Their playfulness really fits them and makes them an even greater couple!
And the nookie was excellent again! I'm glad Liz is teaching him to let his passion flow freely and be a little sponanous, while laying his fears of being too rough ar rest!
I also liked that they're trying out different things (like the choclate 8)) and explore their likes and dislikes together. Can't wait for more M/L in (or out of) bed experimentation! :D
Maybe you'll even let them visit a sex store at some point... ;)

I feel kinda sad for Tess though - she really has to deal with a lot coming from this mistake.

So please post more soon!
LOL!! That sex store idea is great...I may have to use that at some point!!
dreamer destiny wrote:I swear, I keep getting addicted to your fics! I like this fic, it's really good. I love how easily Liz and Max went from friends to lovers and married - they are SO perfect for each other.
At least your addiction won't kill you lol! I'm glad you found this fic and are liking it soo much!
Lizza wrote:God this is just such a good story, you are seriously talented!
Thank you :oops:
adreamer wrote:Great update!!! Can't wait for more!!!! :D
martine wrote:that was very hot between Max and Liz and I like that they are exploring everything together. it seems that their love is becoming stronger day after day but I know that they'll come back from their honeymoon to the real life and like the others, I don't think that Max and Liz will appreciate the news.

if I could give my opinion, I think that Liz and Max are so good together that they shouldn't care about Tess and Kyle anymore, even if they were in their life for years.

great part as always, and come back soon
Thank you! And your opinion is always welcome!
dreamer destiny wrote:Bump!
Lol thanks!
FamersAmers wrote:ok I must be really behind or really absent minded. Cause I havent left feedback on any of them and normally I am really good about it :(

Ok well I am going to stick on the Tess and Kyle thing...

Tess going to Kyle was the right thing, I can see why she wanted to go to Max, he has been her world for so long and to have all of this change on her it must be really hard. When people go through certain go for who makes you comfortable.

I am glad that Kyle has stepped up and taken on this task. It is not going to be easy for them and while i am sure they will make a great team, it is a lot harder to have a baby when you are unmarried and not with the dad than when you are married.

They have a long road ahead of them, they have all been through a lot!!

cant wait for more :wink:

Thanks Ams!! Glad you understood why Tess wanted to go to Max, although it wasn't the smartest thing....she was comfortable with him. And yes there is a LONG road ahead!! Oh....I sent you a pm girl!
Blink1lit wrote:fabulous please post more soon!
Thank you! I think you are new soo....WELCOME TO THE STORY!! HE HE HE...I love doing that!

Chapter 12

After a week of love making and relaxation Max and Liz finally arrived back in Roswell. They had left their car at the airport and so after paying a huge bill for parking at the airport for a week they drove home; holding hands the whole time. Over the past week they had talked about a lot of things from the past and the future but the one thing they agrred on was the fact that they had chosen to be together and nothing was going to tear them apart.

“Oh you’re home!!” Diane said as she ran towards the opening front door when she heard someone put their key in the lock. She had missed her son and new daughter-in-law all week. She had wanted to call them but decided to leave them alone…she didn’t want to interuupt anything.

“Hi Mom.” Max said as he walked in and placed a kiss on his mother’s cheek before heading upstairs with their bags.

“Hi Diane.” Liz greeted Max’s mom with a warm hug. “How are you?”

“Fine.” Diane said as she dismissed the topic. “How was the honeymoon? The Bahamas were beautiful right?”

“Yes, it was perfect.” Liz said with a huge smile and she sighed when she felt Max wrap his arms around her and kiss her neck. “I don’t think I have been so relaxed in my life.”

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Diane said as she watched the interaction between the two teens. “What about you Max? Did you have fun?”

“My favorite honeymoon.” Max teased as he placed a kiss on Liz’s cheek before heading into the kitchen.

“He’s been complaining about being hungry since we got off the plane but he didn’t want to stop and get anything.” Liz explained when she saw Diane’s confused look when Max walked out of the room.

“Oh, I see.” Diane said and she walked into the kitchen. “Do you want me to make you something?”

“No…” Max sad sadly. “I’m in the mood for something you can’t make here.”

“What?” Liz asked her husband. “You wanna go to the crashdown or something?”

“Are you serious?” Max asked excitedly. “That would be great!” Liz laughed when Max picked her up and spun her around before he headed up stairs to get his wallet.

“I guess I fixed that problem.” Liz said with a smile. “Do you want us to bring you something back?”

“No thank you dear.” Diane said with a smile. “Tell you parents I said hi.”

“I will!!” Liz called to Diane as she was being dragged out of the house by an eager and hungry husband.


“Lizzie!!” Nancy said as she watched her daughter walk into the café holding her husband’s hand. She hugged her daughter and turned to Max. “Hey Max.”

“Hi Nancy.” Max said as he hugged Liz’s mom.

“Married life definitely suits you two…you’re glowing!” Nancy said and Liz giggled. “What?”

“That glow your talking about? It’s from the wind; Max was in such a rush to get here that we practically sped here.” Liz explained and Max blushed as he scratched behind his ear.

“What? I really like the food.” Max explained non-chalantly.

“Well we don’t want to keep the man waiting. Glab a booth.” Nancy said and she left the two to get her husband who was still upstairs.

“Are you happy now?” Liz teased when Max grabbed the menu and started to look through it even though she knew he knew it by heart.

“This will only satisfy my craving for food.” Max said huskily as he checked out the part of Liz’s body he could see. “Other cravings…I’ll have to deal with later.”

“You are terrible you know that?” Liz scolded but she had a huge smile and she knew she was blushing.

“But you love me that way.” Max teased as he grabbed her hand across the table and brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “So…you did have fun on the honeymoon right?”

“Max…I enjoyed every minute of it.” Liz assured him and she smiled when he smiled brightly at her but his attention was drawn to someone behind her. “What?”

“Kyle is here.” Max told Liz who just tensed a little before she forced a smile. Max had an idea and quickly pulled Liz to her feet. “Come on.”

“Max, what are you doing?” Liz questioned while Max pulled her to stand in front of Kyle’s booth. “Um, hi.”

“Hey.” Kyle said and his eyes naturally darted to Liz’s hand intertwined with Max’s so effortlessly. They seemed so perfect together, but it still hurt to be around them.

“We just wanted to personally thank you for the wedding gift.” Max said softly. He knew that what he was saying could be taken completely the wrong way if he said it too harsh. “We really appreciate it Kyle.”

“Yes, it was gorgeous.” Liz said and she silenetly squeezed Max’s hand in appreciation. “It meant a lot to us that you would share our wedding day with us.”

“Yeah.” Kyle said as he stared straight ahead. He wanted to be strong but he knew if he looked into her eyes he would break down. “Sorry that I couldn’t be there.”

“It’s ok.” Liz said as she glanced up at Max who just smiled reassuringly. “We understand how hard this is for you.”

“Do you?” Kyle asked as he finally made eye contact with Liz and they were both struck with the pain they saw in each other’s eyes.

“Kyle--” Liz said but she was stopped when someone sat in the booth across from Kyle.

“Sorry.” Tess said as she took a sip of her water to cleanse her mouth. “I haven’t gotten the hang of this morning sickness thing yet.”

“Maybe we should ask the doctor about that?” Kyle questioned as he turned his concerned eyes to his friend who was carrying his child.

“Tess.” Max said quietly. He looked down and finally noticed that there were two plates on the table, one for Kyle and one for Tess…they were eating together. It confused Max; seeing Kyle and Tess together still hurt him...even though he was happily married to Liz.

“Um, hi.” Tess said uneasily. She hadn’t noticed the couple in front of her until Max spoke. “How you been?”

“Good.” Max said and he turned to Liz who was watching the display causiously. “We’ve been good.”

“Right.” Tess said hestitantly as she turned to Liz. “Hi Liz.”

“Hey.” Liz responded and she watched a glance shared between Kyle and Tess before she relised something. “Wait…did you say morning sickness? Are you pregnant?”

“Um.” Tess said as she looked at Kyle for help but realizing this had to happen she smiled slightly as Liz. “Yeah…I am.”

“We are.” Kyle added and he turned to Max and Liz waiting for their reactions.

“Well congradulations.” Max said and he wrapped his arm around Liz. “We are both happy for you, really.”

“Thank you.” Kyle and Tess responded together.

“We’ll just let you finish your lunch.” Liz said and she and Max walked back to their table. “I can’t believe it.”

“What?” Max asked. He knew that that conversation had affected Liz because truthfully it effected him. When he saw this ex-fiance there with his friend talking about babies and doctors appointments…it hit home for him that he was betrayed.

“She’s pregnant with his child.” Liz said softly and she felt a tear roll down her cheek. She reached up and wiped it away quickly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be…I feel the same way.” Max assured her and Liz smiled a little and nodded. “We never talked about that before.”

“What?” Liz questioned.

“Children.” Max stated. “Do you want any?”

“Eventually yeah I do…you?” Liz said with a small smile as she thought about children running around his Max’s golden brown eyes…the idea warmed her heart.

“Only if they are as beautiful as you.” Max said as he reached up and caressed Liz’s cheek causing her to blush.

“Hey you two!” Jeff said as he walked up to the table and realized they were having a moment. “Oh, sorry…I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“It’s ok.” Liz said as she shot Max an apologenic smile before she hugged her father. “Hey daddy.”

“Hi baby.” Jeff said and he turned and shook Max’s hand. “How you doing Max?”

“Good.” Max said as he scooted over to allow Jeff to sit next to him. “Just trying to keep up with your daughter.”

“Good luck with that.” Jeff said with a chuckle. “I’ve been trying to do that for 18 years.”

“You two are so horrible!” Liz said. “I’m not that bad to live with.”

“You’ve been a dream so far baby.” Max assured his wife who just blushed as his words.

“Oh yes…but has she gone through PMS yet?” Jeff said and Max just looked concerned. “She can be a real bitch when that hits.”

“DADDY!!” Liz yelled and she reached over and slapped his arm. “I can’t believe you just said that. I’m telling mom!”

“Ok, Ok.” Jeff said as he held his hands up in surrender. “Tell you what….you keep that comment a secret and you get whatever you want on the house. Deal?”

Liz looked at Max and after a few moments of silent communication she held her hand out for her father to take. “Deal.”

“Ok…so what can I get you two?” Jeff said as he got up and pulled out a order pad. After taking their orders Jeff assured them that he would place it in the kitchen. “Oh, your mother wants to show you two something upstairs…so when you’re done just go on up.”

“Thanks daddy.” Liz said and she turned to Max with a huge smile on her face. She was so incredibly happy that her parents were ok with her marriage…it made life so much more bareable.

After finishing their lunches Max and Liz went into the back of the restaurant and headed upstairs.

“Mom?” Liz called out as she pulled Max into the apartment after her.

“Oh good you’re here.” Nancy said as she came out to greet Max and Liz. “I wanted to show you something I made for you.”

“What is it?” Liz asked as she and Max followed her mother back into the living room.

“I made a little scrapbook collage of your lives." Nancy said with a shrug as she opened the beautifully decorated binder and showed the first page. "I got pictures of you two when you were born; Max your mom was nice enough to let me go through a copy any pictures I wanted."

"Mom...I don't know what to say." Liz cried as she ran her fingers over the pictures of Max as a new born; he looked so tiny and helpless. Liz turned to her husband and stared at him in awe; he was a great man. "This is truly beautiful."

"It was nothing." Nancy said as she watched the teens sit down on the couch and stare at each picture. "I got all your school pictures and family vacations...all the way up to your wedding."

"This is amazing." Max said as he looked up at Nancy with a huge smile on his face. Most of the pictures were of them together since they had been inseperable since they met but it meant so much to have all the pictures in one place. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, like I said it was nothing." Nancy said and she was surprised when Liz jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Liz!"

"I love it! I love you so much!" Liz told her mother and she pulled away to wipe her tears.

"Like I said...nothing at all." Nancy said again and she smiled at her daughter. She knew that Liz had made the right choice by staying married to Max.

" I've given you some time to get used to being married...but I was answers now." Maria said as she stood in the doorway of Max and Liz's room. "I wanna know how it was."

"Maria..." Liz whined and she quickly shut up when Maria pulled out Ben and Jerry's from behind her back. "Get your ass in here!"

"Yeah!!" Maria squealed at she jumped on the bed. " was it? Is he big? Did it hurt?"

"You aren't starting with out me are you?" Isabelle asked as she came in with her own spoon and sat down next to Liz and Maria. "Ok...continue."

"Are you sure you want to hear this?" Liz questioned surprised. "This is your brother we are talking about..."

"Not like I haven't HEARD everything already." Isabelle said with a pointed look and Liz blushed. "So...go on."

" it hurt." Liz said as she took some ice cream. "I was surprised at how much it hurt...but Max was amazing and he waited until I was ready. Then it was good...still a little painful but the pleasure was sooo much better."

" bwig?" Maria asked around her spoon and she watched Liz glance at Isabelle. "Oh..sowry."

"Go ahead." Isabelle said as she plugged her ears and acted like she wasn't paying attention.

"Big." Liz said with wide eyes. "I was so scared I wouldn't be able to walk for a week....huge."

" think size counts?" Maria asked completely intrigued by the information that her friend was giving her. Although her and Michael had gotten pretty far, they hadn't done the deed yet and Maria didn't think she was ready anyway.

"I have no real comparision...but I'm assuming it does." Liz said with a huge smile. "I don't think it would feel as amazing if he was smaller."

" are so lucky." Maria said as she shook her head. "Michael is no small fish...but it sounds like Max is packing a few more inches than spiky."

"Ok...I'm new subject." Isabelle said as she pulled her hands from her ears and addressed Liz. "Did you use protection?"

"I'm on the pill." Liz explained. "I got on it a few weeks before....cuz I knew Kyle and I were getting close."

"Aren't you the lucky one." Maria said and she noticed the sad look on Liz's face. "What's wrong?"

"She's pregnant." Liz said and she looked up tears in her eyes. "Tess is pregnant."

"She told you?" Isabelle asked surprsied that Tess would tell Liz; unless it was some way to get her jealous.

"You knew?" Liz asked confsued.

"Not really." Isabelle explained. "She came here looking for Max, she wanted to take the test with him. But I told her you two were on your honeymoon"

"Why would she want Max to be there, they didn't sleep together right?" Maria asked.

"That's what Max told me." Liz said worried. "He wouldn't lie about that right? Did she say it was his?"

"She said it was Kyle's but she was really confused, she didn't know what she was doing and I guess she just wanted to go to the person that she knew would be there for her." Isabelle said with a shrug.

"Right." Liz said and she stared down at the sheets until Isabelle asked what was wrong. "You don't think that's what Max is doing with me do you??

"What?" Maria asked confused. "Doing what?"

"Being there because in a moment of hurt he married me." Liz said quietly. "You don't think he is just pretending right?"

"I can't believe you just asked that." Isabelle said while she shook her head. "Max loves you Liz...I've never seen someone look at another person like Max looks at you."

"It's true." Maria added. "He is so far gone." Maria tilted her head down so that she could see Liz's eyes. "Why you ask?"

"Nothing." Liz said sadly and she could feel the tears coming. "Look...I hate to do this, but I need to think. Can you guys please leave?"

"Of course." Maria said as she picked up the ice cream and spoons. She knew when Liz needed some space and she could tell right now Liz was barely hanging on. "Call me if you need me."

"I will." Liz said and she accepted the hug and kiss from Maria. "Isabelle? When Max gets home can you tell him I need to talk to him?"

"Of course." Isabelle said and she watched Liz nod sadly before she turned to stare out the window. Isabelle sighed; whatever happened in Liz's head needed to be fixed and quick.

TBC...Let me know what you think!
Also just to remind you again..I have an authors chat this SATURDAY the 10th at 9 EST (THAT'S TOMORROW!)...remember I will answer QUESTIONS!! I hope to see you all there! Author's Chat There is a little underlined link that says join chat now and it will say how many people are in the that and join the fun on saturday!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey everyone!! Wow, I just wanted to thank you all for the feedback and all the noms for this fic has been nominated for best Challenge Response, Leading Kyle, and Best Dreamer and Fluff fics...thanks soo much!! Such an honor!
vampyrax wrote:Well that was just sad it's just a reminder how messed up the situation really is if it wasn't for a couple of drinks they would be married to different people. Liz needs to talk to Max it must be really hard not to be insecure in this situation.
Yes...scary isn't it...if Michael and Maria hadn't paid the bartender to spike Kyle and Tess' drinks we wouldn't have a story lol.
To_Kiss_A_Frog wrote:By asking that question about Max and then getting all sad, I can't help but wonder if she's having doubts about her own feelings now. It's obvious how Max feels but he always seems so strong and focuses on the love he has for Liz while it seems that she's the one who's always more affected by Kyle and what happened in the past.

It could just be a girl thing or maybe she and Kyle were closing than M/T but that's just the way it seems to me.

The whole "size talk" was very amusing by the way! Not that I don't write it this way too, because I do, but I wonder why Max is always portrayed as being really "endowed" in that area *shrugs*.

Anyway, enough babbling. Great chapter, come back soon please!
You are right..Kyle and Li were a lot closer than Max and Tess ever I think its right to assume that Liz would be more affect by Kyle's actions. And I think we say Max is "big" because if he wasn't...there would be a lot of VERY dissappointed gals around the world lol.
behrlyliz wrote:I feel that Max and Liz's reaction to Tess' pregnancy was very realistic. I wouldn't expect them to react any other way. They were both in love and ready to marry Tess and Kyle and would have if it hadn't been for Tess and Kyle getting drunk. I'm really glad to know that Liz was smart enough to get on the pill. Although, I would love for Max and Liz to have a baby, I really want them to have the time to be a married couple, finish college and experience life before they become parents (did that make sense?).

To comment on To_Kiss_A_Frog's question regarding Max being described as really "endowed" in that area, Max is so HOT that my brain won't let me process anything less in that regard. He has to be totally packing or at least a very decent/pleasing size. I would get permanent 'brain freeze' if he were ever written as Mini Max.

Anyway, I loved the update and am so looking forward to more of the story.
Lol I agree with your "endowed" comment...I would be very upset if there was a mini max lol. And you are right...they aren't ready for a baby yet...
BehrObsession wrote:Great part, but I hate that Liz is now having doubts about Max's love for her. I hope he can make her see how much he truly loves her. Those feelings were always there between them, just under the surface. Otherwise, I don't think they would be so happy together and they really are. I just hope all this insecurity is coming from the fact that everything has happened so fast and so differently than any of them anticipated. Post more soon.
I agree, there is no way they would be as happy as they are if they didn't love each other before.
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:poor Liz!!! SHe must be so confused. But I know Max loves her and she has nothing to worry about.
Lol yes..we know that but we get to know what Max is thinking lol...Liz is in the dark on that one
FSUMSW94 wrote:
behrlyliz wrote:I feel that Max and Liz's reaction to Tess' pregnancy was very realistic. I wouldn't expect them to react any other way. They were both in love and ready to marry Tess and Kyle and would have if it hadn't been for Tess and Kyle getting drunk. I'm really glad to know that Liz was smart enough to get on the pill. Although, I would love for Max and Liz to have a baby, I really want them to have the time to be a married couple, finish college and experience life before they become parents (did that make sense?).

To comment on To_Kiss_A_Frog's question regarding Max being described as really "endowed" in that area, Max is so HOT that my brain won't let me process anything less in that regard. He has to be totally packing or at least a very decent/pleasing size. I would get permanent 'brain freeze' if he were ever written as Mini Max.

Anyway, I loved the update and am so looking forward to more of the story.
I completely agree here :wink: Post again soon please :!:
Lol thank you!
dreamer destiny wrote:Uh oh. Poor Liz. And Max. They rushed into the marriage so quickly, and although they love each other and are right for each other, their significant others of several years did cheat on them and they never processed the betrayal and anger they felt because of it, and I'm hoping that they don't have too rough of a road trying to do that now. Hopefully they'll be able to talk their feelings out together and end up stronger for it.
I hope so too!
anonymousarfan wrote:
FSUMSW94 wrote:
behrlyliz wrote:I feel that Max and Liz's reaction to Tess' pregnancy was very realistic. I wouldn't expect them to react any other way. They were both in love and ready to marry Tess and Kyle and would have if it hadn't been for Tess and Kyle getting drunk. I'm really glad to know that Liz was smart enough to get on the pill. Although, I would love for Max and Liz to have a baby, I really want them to have the time to be a married couple, finish college and experience life before they become parents (did that make sense?).

To comment on To_Kiss_A_Frog's question regarding Max being described as really "endowed" in that area, Max is so HOT that my brain won't let me process anything less in that regard. He has to be totally packing or at least a very decent/pleasing size. I would get permanent 'brain freeze' if he were ever written as Mini Max.

Anyway, I loved the update and am so looking forward to more of the story.
I completely agree here :wink: Post again soon please :!:
That was great!!!
Why would Liz doubt Max's love?! After all they've been through!!!
Please post more soon!!!!!! :D
Thank you!
hazz wrote:BUMP
Lol thanks Hailey
begonia9508 wrote:Great part!.... but now Max must have accepted the fact that Tess slept with Kyle!... I can't understand: they are married and happily its seems... so why cry about Tess and Kyle.... for me its looks like they've got married for the wrong reason!

EVE :wink:
I understand what you are saying...but then again, Kyle and Liz were in love...they dated for years and were actually going to get married. Tess and Max, alrhough I don't think they loved each other, they did care for one another. I think Max and Liz have a right to feel for their signficant others.
cocopucks wrote:i cant believe that you left it more soon
Lol sorry!
imnotlc wrote:max LOVES liz

and i like the fact that kyle is sticking by tess i just hope that thery can all get past what has happened to become friends again.....

great update

please post more soon...

Yes Max does LOVE she just has to realize it. Yes...I wouldn't have let Kyle not stick by Tess...he was in that bed too!
lazza wrote:Well in true marriage style, the honeymoon is over. So it's time for real life to begin, so that means talking about things that might not be so much fun.

Although I don't see where Liz's insecurity’s are coming from, I do. Max is sweet, loving and caring, but he is to everyone, I can almost see where he might have married her in pity and anger at Kyle and Tess. But I don’t think he would have gone this far if that was the case, I would have flaunted the license at them, made out in public then got in annulled. He slept with her, he lives with her and is planning a future with her, it’s real (or damn well better be, this is my happy fic :) ) I would have thought the last month of life would have proved to her that he’s in this for the long run.

Seeing Kyle and Tess, and finding out that she is pregnant would have to be hard. I mean it’s hard to find out any ex is having a child, let alone with your husbands ex, and she fell pregnant while he was married to her, but on the day of there wedding. Ok writing it like that makes it sound kinda like a soap opera.

Liz and Max need to have a talk, a real adult hard conversation. About what they want from the marriage, what they need from the marriage and each other. This means collage, work, money, children, all the easy stuff!!!! :lol:

Max and Liz are so sweet together and I doubt Max isn’t feeling some of what Liz is to a certain extent, so to stop any future trouble, I think honesty all round is the best thing right now.

I’m glad that everyone is so happy for them, well except Kyle and Tess. It’s good that the friends and family are all just letting them be married, it’s done so why not jump on the happy band wagon? got it all! just stole the thoughts out of my head when I was writing this part. Although I love how Max and Liz are together, you are right they need to grow up and fast...its all nice to have some fun and games...but they need to talk about the future.
LoveIsForever wrote:Of course Max and Liz are going to feel hurt learning that their exs are having a baby together because that baby was made while they were still in a relationship with their exs.
Thanks, glad you understand lol, other people seem to want them to get over it quick.
roswell3053 wrote:What is she thinking? I hope she is not thinking that Max doesn't love her. Please update soon. I can't wait.
Thank you.
obsession wrote:I really hope Max can show Liz that he really loves her and that she is not the rebound.

Great part. Hope to see more.
Thank you and I know Max will show her lol.
Emz80m wrote:Being the dreamer that i am i'm glad that Liz and Max are together and married but in a way i have to admit that it was a massive mistake. The two of them weren't ready and i think that their feelings for Kyle and Tess are constantly going to interfere in their marriage

great part
I agree Emma.
LegalAlien wrote:That was a great and really realistic chapter!
I hope Max can dispel any insecurities and doubts about their love!

Please post more soon!

PS: Great that you liked my idea with the shop... ;)
Thank you! Glad you thought it was realistic
su-lyn wrote:I understand the confusion going through Max and Liz right now. The news about Tess' pregnancy hit them squarely in the face. Liz knows that Max loves her but she's also aware that Max still loves Tess and the doubt is there especially since Tess is now pregnant.

Would Max wished that he was the baby's father? Does he regret even for a moment marrying her? Did they make the right choice in staying married? These questions will keep popping through her mind until she talk to Max. I believe Max has some reserve regarding Liz's feelings too. It's only natural for them to have some doubts once in a while considering the circumstances they got married.

I love the photo album that Nancy made for them. It was very sweet and thoughtful. See you next week and well done with this part. :D
Man...everytime you are on the ball lol.
adreamer wrote:Great update!!! I wonder whats going on in Max head. What he thinks about the whole situatiton.I mean it must hurt to know that your ex is having a baby with someone you trusted.How can Liz think that Max might not love her.If he didn't love her he wouldn't have married her twist. Can't wait to read what happens next. Post Soon!!! :D
You will find ot how Max feels in this chapter.
martine wrote:great part as always. that was hard for Max and Liz to hear about Tess's pregnancy, after all Max could have been this child's father if things hadn't been messed by Kyle and Tess being drunk.

I think that they'll be affected for long, Liz's reaction shows it. I don't know why she needs to talk to Max unless that she has doubts about their marriage. she shouldn't have them, Max loves her and she can see it in every move, every look or every kiss.

I'm looking forward for the next part...
You are right...but I think Liz just needs to talk to Max to see where he is...what he thinks.
Earth2Mama wrote:You know what...Max and Liz are together now. That's all that should matter. Not Kyle, Tess or their baby. In my opinion...get over it and move on.

Or else, meet the doom of your failing marriage. It's about 2 people. Not 4 and a baby.

Post more soon :D
Hmmm I must say I understand what you are saying...but I don't agree. Normal circumstances yes...the marriage is about 2 people...but this is not normal...they got married on a whim after their own fiances got drunk and married.
Lizza wrote:great part, your getting me nervous though, Max would never pretend would he?
No...not in my stories lol.
rigel wrote:I forgot to leave fb before and almost forget to leave one for this chapter :lol: :oops:

I didn't really think Tess really pregnant before but it's quite brave she decided to keep the baby and good for Kyle he took his responsibility (or I will hate him). That this cause problem to Max and Liz I think it's quite reallistic.

great parts :D
I'd hate Kyle too if he didn't take responsibility for Tess and the baby. And I'm glad you think this is realistic...that was the hard part with writing this story lol...making it fun and true to life
brillantsmiles wrote:I love this

I love the couples and the way you have paced it.

great job!
Thank you!! Glad you like it soo much!
SarahWhitman wrote:Oh DANG I missed the chat :x
It's ok...there is another one tonight if you can make 6 EST and 3 PST
RASaero611 wrote:great update :D
Thank you!!

Chapter 13

Max walked in the house after hanging out at Michael’s house for some guy time. Basically they sat around and talked about sports, T.V. and sex.


“So, you like it?” Michael asked Max not once taking his eyes of the hockey game on the screen.

“Of course I do…what the hell is not to like.” Max said with a shrug but still watching the game.

“Well…she’s a lot smaller than Tess, so I just wondered if you cared.” Michael said as he took a sip of his soda.

“Ok first off…I never saw Tess naked so I don’t have anything to compare with. And secondly, Liz can be very….surprising.” Max said with a smile when he thought about how Liz liked to surprise him. He had lost count how many times he had woken up to Liz sucking him or even riding him…great alarm clock.

“Cool.” Michael said when he heard the tone of his friend with the last word. “So…condoms?”

“Nah, pill.” Max said and he turned to Michael. “Why?”

“Just wanting to know what’s better…for when Maria and I get there.” Michael explained and Max nodded before he tunred back to the T.V.

“Pill.” Max said easily. “I have nothing to compare to....but I would think that skin to skin is better.”

“True.” Michael said and they finished the game in silence.


“Hey.” Max said as he walked into the kitchen and saw his sister at the table. He glanced at her when he went to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator and saw her worried face. “What’s wrong?”

“Liz wants to talk to you about something.”Isabelle said and Max looked at her to continue and give him something more to go with. “Something happened…I don’t really know.”

“Tell me what happened as best you can and I’ll deal with it.” Max said as he sat down with Isabelle. He truthfully just wanted to get to Liz but he wanted to have some information before he talked to her and Isabelle could give him a little.

“Maria and I were in with Liz just having girl talk…you know about sex.” Isabelle said and Max blushed when he thought about his talk with Michael earlier today.

“Ok…go on.” Max asked a little worried. They had been a little rougher during this mornings round of sex…did he hurt her?

“She mentioned that Tess was pregnant and then got really quiet.” Isabelle said and Max sighed. “She asked us to leave and told me to tell you to go see her when you got home.”

“Thanks Izzy.” Max said as he got up and placed a kiss on his sister’s head. “I’ll go talk to her.”

Liz sat on their bed clutching Max’s pillow in her arms. She needed to feel him around her and this was the closest thing she had right now. She sniffed the pillow and closed her eyes when she was flooded with Max’s sweet scent.

“Hey.” Max said quietly when he entered the room and he moved to the bed when Liz turned and offered him a small smile that didn’t quiet reach her eyes. “Isabelle said you wanted to talk to me.”

“Hold me?” Liz asked desperately and Max quickly pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently.

“I got you baby.” Max whispered into her ear and kissed her temple. “I’m here.”

After a few minutes of Max rocking her Liz pulled herself together and disentangled her arms and legs from his body and wiped her eyes. “Sorry.”

“For what?” Max said as he pushed Liz’s hair out of her face and caressed her cheek.

“For being such a girl.” Liz said with a giggle and Max kissed her forehead.

“Liz, I think I realized you were a girl when you made me play house with you in the 3rd grade.” Max chuckled and he sighed when Liz genuinely smiled at his comment. “Wanna tell me what’s wrong?”

“You won’t understand.” Liz sighed and she tried to get off the bed but Max pulled her back easily.

“I may not understand but that doesn’t mean I don’t care Liz.” Max said sincerely and he stared into her eyes. “I hate seeing you cry.”

“Sorry.” Liz said again and she started to tear up because she was making him feel bad.

“Liz.” Max said and he pulled her into his arms again. “You’re scaring me here.”

“Sor--” Liz was going to say but Max silenced her with his hand on her mouth.

“I don’t want to hear that word again…just let me help you.” Max pleaded and Liz nodded.

“It hurts Max.” Liz said and she looked into his eyes. “It hurts soo much.”

“What baby…tell me what hurts.” Max said as he started to panic. He was trying to figure out how to get to the Roswell General Hospital as soon as she told him what was wrong.

“They’re having a baby.” Liz whispered but Max heard her loud and clear. He knew that was bugging her. They had talked very little about it at the crashdown but Max knew they still needed to talk. He was heart broken that Tess was carrying another man’s baby…so he knew exactly what Liz was feeling.

“I know.” Max said quietly and he hugged Liz tighter to him. He felt her tears soaking his shirt and he felt his tears rolling down his cheeks onto her head. “You wish it was you huh?”

“I don’t know.” Liz said. She felt hurt that they were having a baby…but she didn’t want to give up Max for anything. “If I was in Tess’ place I wouldn’t have you.”

“But you’d have Kyle’s baby.” Max sad sadly. “And Tess would be carrying mine.” Liz pulled away and looked into Max’s eyes.

“You wish she was having your baby don’t you?” Liz questioned him; the thought that Max wanted to have babies with Tess had never entered her mind until he mentioned it.

“I had dreamed of it since we started to date.” Max admitted and Liz nodded slightly. “Probably just as you dreamed that you would have Kyle’s babies.”

“I don’t want Kyle’s babies anymore.” Liz confessed. “I don’t want to be with Kyle but…I feel like every time I see that child it will be a reminder of what happened.”

“I thought the same thing.” Max admitted sadly. The thought of walking through Roswell and seeing a perfect mixed of Kyle and Tess made his stomach turn. “So…you’re not upset that they are having a baby…just that it is with each other?” Max questioned just to make sure he understood. “Right?”

“Yeah.” Liz said and she looked into her husband’s eyes. “What about you?”

“I feel the same.” Max said and Liz nodded. “So…this isn’t about you wanting a baby right?”

“Why?” Liz questioned instantly. “Do you?

“I asked you first.” Max said with a smirk but he quickly dropped it when Liz’s face turned even more serious.

“Yes.” Liz said honestly. “I want nothing more than to carry your child Max.”

“I want that too.” Max said with smile as he pictured Liz’s stomach round with his baby.

“But I don’t want it now.” Liz said she sent an apologenic glance to Max. “I think that if we had a baby now…it would make things difficult. We are still at your parents house and we haven’t even started college yet.”

“I agree.” Max said as he lifted Liz’s chin with his finger. “When you’re ready…I’ll be here.”

“I know.” Liz smiled and she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck. “I love you so much Max.”

“I love you too.” Max said as he kissed Liz’s temple. Max got off the bed and held out his hand for Liz “Come here.”

“Where we going?” Liz asked as Max pulled her downstairs and out into the backyard. “Max?”

“Sit with me.” Max said as he sat down on the porch swing and Liz curled up to his side. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“It is.” Liz agreed as she watched the sunset in Max’s arms. She felt completely content that they had talked about the baby issue. The fact that Max knew and felt the same way she did, helped Liz understand what was happening to them.

“When we have kids…how many do you want?” Max asked Liz after a few minutes of silence.

“At least one boy and one girl.” Liz said after she thought about it for a few minutes. “But if we have more I would be completely happy. You?”

“The same.” Max said as he placed a kiss on Liz’s temple. “Promise me something?”

“Anything.” Liz said quickly and she turned to her husband.

“When we have a girl…she has your hair.” Max said as he ran a hand through Liz’s soft locks. “It’s so soft and beautiful; I want our daughters to look just like you.”

“Only if our sons look like you.” Liz countered. “I love your eyes…I’d want all our boys to have your eyes…because I’d see you in them.”

“Deal.” Max said as he kissed his wife with all the love he had. He smiled when he pulled away. “Can they all have your ears though?”

“You got it.” Liz said with a laugh and Max kissed her again. “Why don’t we go upstairs and practice.”

“Practice?” Max asked confused.

“Yes practice…for when I am ready.” Liz said with a smirk and she watched as Max’s eyes widened in understanding and he quickly picked her up and carried her into the house.

“So, she’s pregnant?” Alex asked Maria and Isabelle when they were all sitting around the Crashdown talking.

“Apparently.” Isabelle said with a sigh. “Liz was really upset about it though.”

“Why?” Alex asked and Isabelle shrugged. “Do you think she is jealous that she isn’t pregnant?”

“I don’t think so.” Maria added quickly. “She’s not ready to have a baby yet.”

“She’s still on the pill anyway.” Michael announced and he watched as everyone’s eyes turned to him. “What?”

“Just how do you know that she is on the pill Michael?” Maria asked a little pissed that her boyfriend knew an intimate detail about Liz.

“Max told me today.” Michael explained quickly trying to get the attention off of him.

“So that’s what you guys talked about when he was at your house? Sex? His sex life with Liz?” Isabelle asked Michael with a frown. “That’s just sick.”

“Oh please!” Alex said with a laugh. “Didn’t you just tell me that you and Maria were begging Liz for questions about if the first time hurt?”

“Oh really?” Michael said as he crossed his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow at Maria who wouldn’t make eye contact. “Maria, weren’t you just mad at me for asking Max about his form of protection?”

“Shut up.” Maria mumbled as she got up and went to refill her soda; grumbling something about Michael being as asswhole when she heard him laughing at her.


“So does your scholarship full ride or do you have to pay for room and board?” Max asked later that night when he and Liz were snuggling after they had practiced making babies. Max had driven Liz into a fit of giggles when he said that if school was this much fun he’s be a perfect student.

“It’s full ride. Why? What about yours?” Liz asked as she intertwined their hands as she curled into Max’s side. These were the moments she loved with Max; they weren’t making love (at the moment) but they were just as intimate as they would be when they were making love…they were talking and sharing their feelings and thoughts with eachother.

“Mine is full ride as well.” Max said as he sat up and leaned against the headboard while pulled Liz to sit in front of him leaning her back against his chest.

“Why did you want to know?” Liz asked as she glanced over her shoulder to watch Max’s face as he thought about something. “Max?”

“Sorry.” Max said and he kissed her shoulder when he realized that he had zoned out on her. “I was just wondering if there was extra money what would happen to it.”

“Well I’d have to check, but basically I think it’s ours.” Liz said as she thought about where her scholoarship details where. She could go to her parents tomorrow and get the councelors number to ask about it. “They gave us the money…any extra we could use for whatever we wanted. Why?”

“Well, we can’t really stay on campus unless we live in the dorms and I will not let you live somewhere else now that we are married, you belong in my arms at night and no where else.” Max said and Liz sighed at his words.

“I agree. But if it came down to it, we could live in the dorms, once of us could get a single and the other could move in there with them. We’d live together but on paper we would be at our own dorms.” Liz explained. After hearing Max say her place was in his arms she knew that she was wrong to doubt his love for her.

“I don’t like it.” Max said as he wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist tighter. “The single dorms are smaller than my bedroom Liz, and we barely have room to move here. I love you but that space might be a little too small for the next 4 years.”

“Your right, it was just a thought.” Liz said with a shrug. “So, why you asking about the money?”

“I was thinking that we could deposit our money from the room and board scholarships into a joint account.” Max said as he laid his head on Liz’s shoulder. “That way we would have money saved up…we could even use it for emergencies or on a down payment for a house.”

“That’s a really good idea baby.” Liz said as she turned and kissed Max gently. “We just have to call our respective councelors and see how much money room and board is and if we can get that instead of it going to the school.”

“I can’t wait to live with you.” Max said as he pulled Liz back down on the mattress and laid his hard body over hers.

“We already live together silly.” Liz said as she reached up and brushed Max’s bangs off his forehead just to have them fall back to their place again.

“I know, but I can’t wait until we live together alone.” Max said as he kissed Liz’s forehead. “We’d have the freedom to do anything we want…I could kiss you whenever I wanted to--”

“You already do that Max.” Liz interrupted with a giggle. Max was really open with affection, Liz couldn’t count how many times one of the Evans or their friends walked in on them making out in the kitchen, the hallway, the bathroom, livingroom, dinningroom, game room….basically no room was safe from Max’s addictive kisses.

“Well then I want the freedom to make love to you whenever I want to.” Max stated as he entered her body causing them both to gasp in pleasure.

“You do that already too.” Liz sighed as Max began to move inside of her. “You are right now.”

“But I want you to be able to scream for me.” Max whispered in her ear as his thrust picked up. “Like on our honeymoon…the way you screamed for me to go harder.”

“Yes Max…” Liz moaned in his ear as she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck to hold him closer to his body. “Yes.”

“Would you like that Liz?” Max said as he kissed and licked her neck and jaw line. “Do you want to scream my name as I make love to you every night?”

“Yes!” Liz whispered the scream as best as she could. Max sped up the pace even more and he would pull completely out of her before thrusting back in. “I’m soo close.”

“I got you baby.” Max promised as he felt Liz start to shake in his arms as she climaxed and he soon followed after her calling her name.

“I love you.” Liz said as she snuggled next to her husband. They were a little louder tonight and she knew Isabelle if not Diane and Phillip had heard them and would mention it tomorrow, but she didn’t care…she was perfect where she was.

“I love you too Liz, so much.” Max vowed as he wrapped his arms around her tighter and held her throughout the night. They both fell asleep with smiles as they dreamed about the future. there it is.

If you want answers come to my chat! TODAY! At 6 P.M EST which is 3 P.M PST...I don't know any others sorry lol. I hope to see you all there! A Roswellian's Fantasies You need Java to get into the if you don't have it go to the Help Needed thread and there is a link to download it!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Thanks to everybody that read and left feedback. I love that you all are loving this story...but sadly it is coming to a close..BUT DON'T CRY YET!! I still think there are 3-4 parts left...I'll have to check...but there is still some time!

Erina258 wrote:Great part!

Loved Max's and Michael's guy's talk! :D
I am glad that Max and Liz also talked about their issues about dealing with Tess's pregnancy.

Well I can not wait until Max and Liz live together ! :D
Thank you....I can't wait either!
dreamer destiny wrote:I'm so glad that they talked about everything and that they want babies together eventually. I loved Max's speech about wanting to hold her and kiss her and make love to her loudly whenever he wanted - so cute (and very guy-ish). I'm glad they're so happy together.
Lol yup those guys just want the loud loving lol
martine wrote:you were right they needed to talk. I'm glad they did, they have to be sure that despite the pain they feel about the baby and Tess and Kyle, they really love each other.

I laughed when I read the interaction between the guys and the girls, each of them has been surprised to see that the others were talking about the same subject with Max and Liz

I like that part, the moment between Max and Liz are so sweet, I hope they'll always be.

and congrats for the nominations!
Thank you and I hope Max and Liz will alwasyb be so sweet too!
FSUMSW94 wrote:I am so happy Max and Liz talked openly about their feelings regarding Tess' pregnancy. It was realistic for them to feel the way they did, and it will always be a reminder of the betrayal. Yet, life goes on, and hopefully in time, since I am assuming their full scholarships are at the same college away from Roswell for awhile, they'll fully get over it. It's not the child's fault and I hope the whole town doesn't treat the kid any differently because of how he/she was conceived. Small towns can be a little strange in that regard. I am also happy Max and Liz decided now isn't the time for them to become parents. They are young and should start their careers first, plus have this time as newlyweds to live together and work on themselves as a family unit first :D Loved the update, thanks for writing :wink: :!:
Yes they are both going to Harvard so they will be able to live together with no problems with different schools. Glad you agreed they aren't ready for a baby...yet!
2004 wrote:Awww!!! They're so perfect together! Great communication. The guys convo was interesting. Maria was being hypocritical. I wonder when the info about how Kyle and Tess got drunk will come out?

Talk to you later on your author's chat at A Roswellian's Fantasies.
Maxsgurl wrote:If you want answers come to my chat! TODAY! At 6 P.M EST which is 3 P.M PST...I don't know any others sorry lol. I hope to see you all there! A Roswellian's Fantasies You need Java to get into the if you don't have it go to the Help Needed thread and there is a link to download it![/color]
Thank you and once again thanks for showing up to the chat! I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too!
OmegaRam1 wrote:Well! I had to play catch up, but damn it was worth it. :lol:
I laughed so much when they was playing hide and go seek on their honeymoon and good god the nookie was explosive.
I just love how you write for Max and Liz, but most of all how you got them talking about what is causing them pain from the other couple. Max and Liz will make wonderful parents, and can't hardly wait for when that time comes.
Keep up the good work, and hurry back.
Wow you were behind! But I'm glad you did catch up and that you enjoyed the last couple of chapters!
vampyrax wrote:It's a good thing that they are in the same boat it would be very difficult to understand each others feelings if they had not gone through the same situation together. You had me a little worried after the last chapter that there would be some small problems but Max smoothed them out rather well. I'm glad they are open and discussing their future. Come back soon.
Yes I agree...they wouldn't be doing so well if they didn't understand what the other was going through completely.
begonia9508 wrote:Nice talk!... It's good to know that your husband has the same dream as you regarding kids!!!

EVE :roll: :wink:
Lol yup...personally it's one of the first things I ask about when a relationship gets serious. If he isn't interested in kids at all, why bother because I know I won't be happy without them.
LoveIsForever wrote:Glad that Liz told Max what was upsetting her. And that Max understood that she wasn't wanting Kyle back just feeling hurt by everything that had happened.
Emz80m wrote:great part chica

I'm glad that they're talking about everything, it will make such a big difference in the long run
Yes it will Emma
FamersAmers wrote:Ok Ass Amy...that is what I am!! You would think that I could get my act together...but NO!!!

sheesh!! That was a great part and I am glad that they told each other how they was much needed!

awesome part!! cant wait for more!!
Thanks ams and we are both having ass days lol.
anonymousarfan wrote:Great part!!!
It's a good thing they have such good communication and can talk about thier feelings!!!
I love this!!!
Please post more soon!!!!! :D
Thank you!
behrlyliz wrote:I'm so glad Max and Liz discussed the Kyle and Tess baby situation. Communication is the key to a successful marriage and it seems like the duo are on the right track. Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to more.
Yes Communication is the key!
obsession wrote:I so happy that they are looking toward the future because the future is where things will happen.

I really enjoy this story. Can't wait for more.
Yup looking forward!
LegalAlien wrote:That was a really awesome and sweet chapter! I especially liked the scene where Max and Liz are talking about kids and their future. :D

I hope they'll find a nice flat for themselves so that can really feel like a family in the making! Anyway, please post more soon!
Thanks and I'm glad you are liking it!
adreamer wrote:Great update!!! Can't wait for more!!! :D
Thank you!
lazza wrote:Great talk, they seem to be feeling just what the other one is...they really are two halves of a whole.

The difference's betweem the two sex talks was so funny, the girls are so sweet and loving and the guys are so blunt!!!

So I guess they're off to school soon then?
Guys usually are blunt lol...some of my best friends are guys and I am shocked when they talk around me. Girls would be so subtle while these guys just blurt things out...quite the experience.
rigel wrote:Ha3 the talk between Max and Michael was so funny plus Michael blurted Liz on pill :lol: :lol:
I agree with behrlyliz those two on the right track of a good married. I like how they can talk about anything and planning for the future. this kind of marriage is the long last marriage.

Maxsgurl you did great with this fic. It is fun and true to life :D
Thank you soo much, I'm glad you are liking this so much. Such a compliment that you find it believable but still fun!
roswell3053 wrote:I am glad that Max and Liz were able to talk about what they wanted for their furture. I can't wait for the next part.
Thank you!
imnotlc wrote:fantastic update and awww tess and kyle having a baby that is AWESOME!!!

good that max and liz talked about what was happening and realizing that they needed each

post more soon....L.
Thank you and I'm glad they realize they need each other too.
brighteyes wrote:Ooooh poor liz!

I love this!
su-lyn wrote:Max and Liz are so adult in this part. Talking openly about the pain they were both feeling and sharing the pain. It is vital they understand what is happening to Kyle and Tess and how it affects them even if just a small fraction. If they try to hide the hurt and pain from each other, it would just grow and grow till the insecurities are too much to ignore and will cause a crack in their marriage.

Them talking about money and living arrangements in college are very Max and Liz like. They are sensible and responsible. Then in the next part, they are teenages in lust. Damn, you're getting very good in the nookie imaginations. A bold and horny Max is sexy and fun too. Love this part and see you on Thursday. :D
Lol yes I thought it was weird at first how they could go from adult to teens in lust so quickly but it works with the story! And even though they are married and trying to make it work...they are still only 18 and need a little "fun" every now and then.
BehrObsession wrote:Loved the update. It's great that Liz & Max were able to talk about what was bothering her so much. They've dealt with that, so now on to better living alone, etc. They're so in love and happy together. I hope going to college and living together is all they're hoping it will be. Can't wait to read more.
Thank you! And I'm sure college and living together (alone) will be!
Earth2Mama wrote:Guy talk and blushing girls.

Poor Liz. She shouldn't feel that the baby is a reminder of what happened. Maybe the guys should tell them what happened. I think they should.

Post more soon :D
They will find out eventually....
Lizza wrote:great part, i love their plans for the future. Hurry back
Thanks glad you love them!
RASaero611 wrote:i just love those two together

and i found Michael and Max talking about sex just funny, cause then they just went back to watching the football game

great update
Lol yes guys and their football. My whole fam is into football so most serious talks are inbetween plays and they better be over before the next one starts lol.
Corinne_85 wrote:Great part. I love this plot and the way you had max and liz get togeather. Keep up the good work. Cant wait for the next part.
Thank soo much although I sadly can't take credit for the amazing plot...that is all LoveIsForever's!

Chapter 14

“You almost ready Liz?” Max asked from the doorway of their bedroom at his parents house.

“I think so.” Liz said as she zipped up her last suitcase and then did a quick glance around the room to make sure she didn’t forget anything. “I still can’t believe it’s time already.”

“I know.” Max agreed as he crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist while resting his chin on her shoulder. “These last 3 months have flown by so fast.”

Today had been dubbed “moving” day by all their friends. Although they had already sent the big things back to Boston, today was the day that Max and Liz finally boarded the plane and flew to their new apartment a few blocks from the Harvard campus.

It had been a hard decision picking a place to live but after talking with a local realistate agent who was a friend of Philips, Max and Liz had decided on a small condo about 5 minutes away from the Harvard campus. There was a park across the street and plenty of stores and transportation for them to get around.

“Are you scared?” Liz asked and she sighed when she felt Max kiss her neck.

“Not if you’re with me.” Max promised and Liz turned her head so she could kiss him properly. ‘I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“Do we have to do this?” Liz questioned and she tried to keep her tears away as she looked at the crashdown. “Can’t we just go?”

“Liz, our flight doesn’t leave for another 6 hours…you want to sit around the airport?” Max questioned and he sighed when Liz nodded causing the tears to fall down her face. “Baby…you have to say good bye to your parents.”

“What about yours?” Liz asked as she reached up and wiped her tears away. Knowing she was leaving had not been hard until Max stopped in front of the Crashdown and said they were there to spend time with her parents. “You didn’t say bye to them.”

“I know, that’s why I asked them to meet us here.” Max explained and he saw Liz nod lightly before he opened his door and went to open hers. “Come on.”

The couple walked to the Crashdown hand in hand trying to take in everything for what might be the last time. Liz noticed one of the bulbs on the Crashdown sign was out still…she smiled when she remembered telling her dad a year ago about it; obviously he’d forgotten.

Max looked across the street at the UFO Center…Roswell’s very own tourist trap. He remembered when they were young they would spend days walking through the museum and debating if the evidence actually proved if aliens existed. Max noticed that they were standing in front of the crashdown door and he opened it before letting Liz enter first.

“Max…” Liz whispered and she heard his breath catch in his throat at the sight before them. The whole restaurant was decorated with streamers and balloons surrounding a huge sign that said “Bon Voyage!” and was surrounded with messages and writings from their friends and loved ones.

“What? You didn’t think we would let you just walk out did you?” Maria asked as she approached the couple. “No way kiddos! You are too important for that.”

“We wanted you to know how much we are going to miss you two and also how much we love you both.” A teary eyed Nancy said as she approached the Liz and hugged her tightly. “I’m going to miss you so much Liz.”

“Mom, it’s not like you’ll never hear from me, plus we will most likely be here for holidays.” Liz tried to assure her mother who just shook her head no. “What?”

“It’s different now. You aren’t living in a dorm by yourself.” Nancy explained through her tears. “You have a real place in Boston and a husband…you’ll probably just spent the holidays together.”

“Mom…” Liz said sympathetically. She knew her mother was partially right. They were college students and although they were able to take the money from their scholarships for room and board for 4 years they were still going to be struggling to keep their heads out of the water. They wouldn’t be able to fly home every year.

“It’s ok sweetie…I understand I just wish it didn’t have to be that way.” Nancy said and Liz nodded before pulling her into a hug.

“I love you Mommy.”

“I love you too baby.” Nancy responded and she finally pulled away to let Liz say goodbye to her father.

“So this is it.” Jeff said as he stood a few feet away from Liz. “You’re leaving home…sort of.”

“Yup.” Liz said as she stared at the man who raised her. “I hope you aren’t disappointed in me.”

“For what?” Jeff asked confused. His daughter was the model student and a perfect young woman, why would he be disappointed?

“For my decision to stay married.” Liz answered as she glanced at Max across the diner with his sister and parents. “I’m sorry if you don’t like that.”

“Liz, I admitted I was wrong already.” Jeff said as he took a step forward and placed a hand on Liz’s shoulder. “I was so scared that I was losing my baby girl forever that I almost lost you myself. I just want you to be happy.”

“I am daddy.” Liz vowed as fresh tears spilled from her eyes. “More than I ever thought possible and Max does that.”

“That’s all I wanted to know.” Jeff said as he pulled Liz into his arms and held her tight. “I love you so much Lizzie.”

“I love you too daddy.” Liz responded. “Thank you for everything.”


“You ok?” Max asked when Liz came to his side and he wrapped his arms around her as he placed a kiss on her head.

“Yeah.” Liz smiled before leaving Max’s arms and heading to his parents. “Hey.”

“Hello Dear.” Diane said as Liz sat down across from her and Philip. “How you holding up?”

“Ok I guess.” Liz said with a small smile. “I don’t think I could ever thank you two enough for what you did for Max and I…mainly me. You took me in when I had no place else to go and you made me feel like part of the family.”

“Liz, you didn’t have to get married to Max to be part of the family.” Philip assures his second daughter. “You are always welcome in our home.”

“Thank you again.” Liz said as she wiped her eyes. “I love you both.”

“Oh sweetie, we love you too.” Diane said as she pulled Liz into her arms and hugged her. “Call us if you ever need anything ok?”

“I will, I promise.” Liz vowed as she hugged Philip.


Across the café Max was quietly talking to Jeff after he said goodbye and thank you to Nancy. “I’m not going to do the typical father thing by threatening to kill you if you ever hurt my baby girl Max…because I truthfully know you wouldn’t even know how to do that.”

“I’d never hurt her Jeff.” Max promised as he stared directly into Jeff’s eyes allowing him to see the truth in his words. “She’s my everything.”

“You and me both Max, you and me both.” Jeff said as he watched Liz laughing across the café with Maria and Alex. “Just love her Max…that’s all I ask.”

“I promise you I will.”


“I love you. Promise to call?” Maria questioned as she hugged Liz before Liz and Max were getting into the cab to go the airport.

“I love you too and I’ll call every moment I can spare.” Liz promised and she pulled away to look into Maria’s eyes. “You too. I don’t care what it’s about…anything. Even if it’s just to say my mom got a haircut or Alex said something really stupid.”

“Hey!” Alex said which caused both his girls to laugh before he held out his arms. “I love you Lizzie.”

“I love you too Alex.” Liz said and she leaned up and kissed his cheek causing him to repeat the gesture.

“Hey…Alex, keep your hands off my wife.” Max teased as he approached the group after saying a tearful goodbye to his sister and parents. “Ready.”

“I guess so.” Liz said with a small smile and she turned to enter the cab when someone calling her name caused her to turn. “Kyle?”

“Wait.” Kyle called out as he ran towards her. “I wanted to say goodbye.”

“You didn’t have to do that Kyle.” Liz said knowing that it was probably very hard on him to be here. “But thank you.”

“I wanted to let you know that I love you Liz…no matter what.” Kyle said but he continued when he saw Liz try to protest. “I get that your with Max now…I’m not getting in the way, I just want you to know that I love you Liz…and I hope your happy.”

“Thank you Kyle.” Liz said and she hugged him. “Be happy with Tess and the baby.”

“We’ve decided to raise it together…we aren’t meant to be like you and Max.” Kyle admitted and he smiled when he saw Max come up behind them. “Hey Max.”

“Kyle.” Max said as he glanced between the exes.

“You’re a lucky guy Max…she’s a great girl.” Kyle admitted and Max wrapped his arm around Liz waist.

“Thank you Kyle…but you’re pretty lucky too.” Max said as he made a movement with his head causing Kyle to turn and see Tess standing a few feet away from them. She was only about 3 months pregnant but because of her small stature her small stomach could already be seen.

“I’m excited.” Kyle beamed as he thought about being a father. “She’s scared I’m going to leave her and the baby.”

“Well you just have to make sure she knows that won’t happen.” Liz said and Kyle nodded.

“I’ll let you two go…I just had to say goodbye.” Kyle said as he glanced back at Tess and saw her standing there nervously. “She isn’t ready yet.”

“It’s ok.” Max said as he sent a smile towards Tess who returned it before turning away. “Thanks Kyle.”

“Bye you two…have a safe trip.” Kyle said as he hugged Liz and shook Max’s hand before heading to Tess’ side.

“Ready?” Max said and Liz nodded before heading to the cab. Once they were both in they rolled down the window and said last minute goodbyes to their friends and family.

As the cab was pulling away Maria yelled at the top of her lungs at the Liz. “I don’t want to get a phone call telling me your pregnant!”

“MARIA!” Was all the answer she got from 2 sets of parents who didn’t want to know about their kid’s sex life.


“So what do you think?” Max asked as he and Liz walked around their new condo in Boston. It was actually bigger than they had thought it would be so they would need more furniture eventually.

“It’s nice.” Liz said as she checked out the small backyard. “Different than I thought…but nice.”

“You don’t like it.” Max stated sadly…he wanted everything to be perfect.

“No Max, it’s fine!” Liz said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his stomach. “I won’t lie and say I love it…but it will do for now. I’m just happy I’m with you.”

“Me too Liz…me too.” Max stated as they headed to their bedroom to finish unpacking.


After an exhausting day of unpacking and moving things the couple lie in bed snuggled in each other’s naked bodies trying to wind down from the hard day. “So, you excited classes start in a week?”

“Max, do you even need to ask?” Liz questioned playfully and she laughed when Max pinched her arm. “Ouch…that hurt.”

“I’m sorry…want me to kiss it and make it better?” Max question and he rolled his eyes when Liz held her arm out while her bottom Liz was sticking out in a pout face. “You look so sexy like that.”

“Shut up.” Liz said in a mopey voice as she bobbed her arm in Max’s face letting him know he still needed to kiss it. “Make it better.”

“Aww, I’m sorry baby.” Max cooed as he kissed the pink and tender skin of her arm. After placing a few innocent kisses on her skin he started to place wet open mouthed ones that were soon leading up to Liz’s shoulder. “Liz…I want you.”

“You have me.” Liz promised as her breath speed up at his caresses. “You’ll always have me.”

“Good cuz I’ll always want you.” Max said before he finally sealed their lips. His hands came to caress her breasts before moving down in between her legs to find her ready for him. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz replied as Max positioned himself at her heat and entered her in one move. “You feel so good.”

“Liz.” Max moaned as he started to move in her body. Knowing he wasn’t going to last very long he brought had down in between their bodies and rubbed her nub while thrusting harder. “I’m…almost there.”

“Me too.” Liz promised, the pace and friction of his thrusts combined with the rubbing of her clit caused Liz to reach her peak faster and she soon found herself falling over the crest with Max falling behind her. Both screaming their lovers names in release.

“Welcome to Boston.” Max said and Liz giggled as she though about what the future in Boston could bring them. brother is in town for his 25th b-day and I honestly don't know when I'll have time to write the next part...should be out by next weekend but I don't make any promises. Sorry but my bro is one of my best friends and I haven't seen him in 6 we are going to be catching up!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Wow...thank you all for your kind words and thoughts...I really appreciate it.
Just to let you know I had a blast with my brother though it was a month ago lol...we went tot he movies and out to lunch and just spent time together which is always fun for us.

My grandpa is out of the hospital doing well so yeah!

dreamer destiny wrote:I'm glad that Kyle is being so mature about this. :D And Liz's dad too.

Max and Liz are going to have so much fun in Boston, living and loving each other. It's going to be so good for them.
I will be good for the couple. Thanks for your feedback!
lazza wrote:It's good that hey are finally starting real life, new condo, new school, new town. No one there knows the whole Kyle/Tess drama, they can just be in love without all the hassle.

Great part, the parents are happy for them, there friends are happy for them, heck I'm happy for them!!!
Lol I'm happy for them too!
2004 wrote:Great part. Have fun with your brother. Just come back with an extra long part to make up for the delay, K?
dreamer destiny wrote:I'm glad that Kyle is being so mature about this. :D And Liz's dad too.
I agree. I'm glad for the turn around with both of them.
lazza wrote:It's good that hey are finally starting real life, new condo, new school, new town. No one there knows the whole Kyle/Tess drama, they can just be in love without all the hassle.

Great part, the parents are happy for them, there friends are happy for them, heck I'm happy for them!!!
It was hard for them to establish themselves as a couple in Roswell. Being in a place where no one knows them will be good for them. At the same time they'll miss their friends and get homesick. But for their relationship as newlyweds this will be good.
Thank you!! I agree it will be good for them as newlyweds although the fact that no one knows will get to'll find out this chapter.
Erina258 wrote:Great part!

It is hard to go to another city, far from home and without parents and friends. I am glad that they had a party, before leaving...

Loved Maria being Maria...

I feel a little bit sorry for Tess too...3 months ago she was going to get married with Max, now she is not married, but she is pregnant with another's man child and she is scared that he would leave them...Life has her own suprises, huh?

Post more soon!
Yes and the surprises are not over...although they will be some sad surprises as well.
Emz80m wrote:great part

glad that Kyle said goodbye :D
Me too Emma!
FSUMSW94 wrote:Great part, I really like your Kyle, he has matured and really come around. Although he was devastated, he was willing to accept things and was always civil to Liz and Max after the incident in Max's bedroom. Tess, I do kind of understand how she feels not ready to make amends with L/M, but whats done is done, and now she has to make plans for life with a new baby. I don't believe Kyle will leave her to raise the baby alone.

L/M going away to college was bittersweet, but they will enjoy the time away. This will give them the time as a married couple to live together without parental interference, or their friends getting in the way. I hope its an exciting journey for them both.

Enjoy your time with your brother, we'll be here waiting patiently :D
Thank you!
LoveIsForever wrote:Kyle is being very good about everything he's got so much going on yet he finds the time to say goodbye to Liz and Max without coming off as a jealous ex.
I didn't want Kyle to be the bad guy anymore lol
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. I'm glad that Kyle is finally coming to terms with Liz and Max's marriage. They've moved to Boston and are ready to start their married life together. Can't wait to read more.
Thank you, glad you liked it!
begonia9508 wrote:Enjoy your brother!..... we can wait for a new part... as far as its come one day!.... :lol:

Max and Liz are starting an important part of their life! I'm pleased that they are alone in Harward so they can consolidate their relationship!

EVE :wink:
Thank you!
vampyrax wrote:Great part how cute they are starting their lives together. That was kind of weird that Tess didn't even say anything I really can't relate to her much I mean it's like she feels betrayed but the proof of her betrayal is sitting right there in her belly. I guess her and Kyle don't really talk about what happened much because it seems like he has put things into perspective which doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he seems to understand it.
True about the Tess thing.
LegalAlien wrote:Awesome new part!
I'm glad their housing situation has worked out and that the condo is big enought for them! It's also good to see that Kyle is ready to move on and everyone said their goodbyes in peace.

Will we get a few more nookies before the end? ;)
I can only imagine all the room they have to induct! :D I'm also curious if you're going to have that mentioned sex shop scene or maybe some experimentation on their part... :oops: :twisted:

Please post more soon!
Oh you will get more nookies don't you worry!!
RASaero611 wrote:yay now that they have their own place they can christin every room :wink:

great update
Lol it has been the majority vote that the should christin every room lol.
anonymousarfan wrote:I can't believe the new part has been up for two days and I didn't see it!!!!
It was great!!! Yes, it's gonna be hard for them, I just hope the stress doesn't brake them up!!
It was very noble of Kyle, the gesture and his words.
Great part!!!
Please post more soon but not before you enjoy your time with your brother, I understand the feeling!! My brother is one of my best friends two, so ENJOY and happy birthday to him!!!!! :D
I'm glad that your brother is one of your best friends as is such a blessing and from what I've seen in my life very rare. Most people either hate or can barely stand their brothers.
rigel wrote:I think what makes me think this fic believable is they are best friens beforehand. I know it's not in the challenge :wink:

This chapter is great. Finally they are going to college. Now is where the real test to their marriage begin.

Can't wait :D
Thank you and your friends wasn't in the challenge but heck I added it as an authors perogative lol and it makes it work.
martine wrote:that was a great part!

I liked what Maria and the others did to wish them a good trip. did Max know about the surprise?
and I'd like to say that when Kyle came, I was wondering what he would do and I was scared that he would try to hold her back again.
but he grew up and he knows where are his priorities. good!

and thank you for the Max and Liz' s moments, it's always a pleasure to read!
Thank you I'm glad you like the M/L moments...I really love writing them!
su-lyn wrote:It's always sad especially for the parents when their children leave home for college. It's so nice for them to put up a bon voyage party for Max and Liz. Kyle sure is an upstanding man and I'm beginning to like him more. Can't say the same about Tess though. If Liz wasn't with Max, I wouldn't mind her with Kyle. He does love her very much. :lol:

Will Max and Liz have time for each other with their busy schedule and do they have to work part time for some extra money? Will it put a damp to their time together? I have so many question but will wait patiently for your next update.

Enjoy your time with your brother and don't worry about the next part. :D
Thanks for your patience and understanding. You have great questions but they won't really be answered this part or the next most likely...but they will be answered.
Corinne_85 wrote:Good part! Already in boston and everything! Enjoy your time w/ your brother and have a great time!
Thank you!
obsession wrote:Girl, you always have something good to read. Love the part as per usual.

Hey don't sweat it about updating the story. Your brother is definitely more important. Spend as much time with him as you need. We will be here patiencely waiting.

See you.
Thank you and I did have a lot of fun with my bro...he's awesome!
Earth2Mama wrote:That was nice of Kyle to come and see Liz off.

I'm glad that he and Tess have decided to work together to raise their child.

Post more whenever you get the chance. And have fun seeing your brother! :D
I did have fun so thanks!
roswell3053 wrote:Great update. I am glad that Kyle came around and understands that Max and Liz should be together. Hurry back with another update.
Thank you!
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
2004 wrote:Great part. Have fun with your brother. Just come back with an extra long part to make up for the delay, K?
Totally agree. I'm glad Kyle came up and said goodbye. The "bon voyage" party was great. Glad both Max and Liz got to talk to both sets of parents. Loved the Max/Liz lovin' of course. Perfect way to end the chapter.
Lol thanks and more lovin will be coming!
FamersAmers wrote:*shaking my head* I dont know how I manage to do it...maybe aliens take my body and i dont remember :lol: are having so much fun you leave me without an is ok because I have been having fun with you...*flashback* i hope you know what I am talking is a GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! lol

lol so that chapter was great and I am so glad they are starting thier life together and being there for one another and all that good stuff that is going on...and I should probably go back and read the chapter :oops: !! lol! Ok nice that Kyle came to see them off and that their family did all that for them. They are two very lucky people!

I cant wait to know more and see how life in Boston away from everyone is!!! great are awesome!!

Lol of course I remember the get out of my head and my bro do seriously share the same mind sometimes. I kid you not...I don't remember what it was but an hour after he said I get your pm and you say the same thing...FREAKY-DEAKY! lol
Earth2Mama wrote:Oh no! I pray that everything is o.k. with your grandfather. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

Don't worry about the new part. :D
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...they worked!
POM wrote:I'm a new fan!! :lol: I love this story :wink: Max and Liz how they got married and always loved eachother but never really knew it, till it stared them in the face. AWWW how cute is that!! :D Sharing there lives togther, and how much they love eachother!! I love Max and Liz...I am an ultimate Dreamer and with all these Max/ Liz dreamer stories...this is one of the best stories out there on the boards...TOO CUTE!!

Update when you can...I know it will be well worth the wait!! :) Life gets in the way...we all know that... :)

Thank you soo much for your kind words. I'm glad that you found this story and are loving it. It makes me blush and smile when people let me know how much they are enjoying and especially when new readers let me know they are reading. Thanks soo much!
LoveIsForever wrote:Take all the time you need family comes first.
rigel wrote:Thanks for the note. I hope everything will be fine.
LegalAlien wrote:I hope everything is alright!
anonymousarfan wrote:Thanks for letting us now!!!
I can't wait!!! :D
POM wrote:bumping... COME BACK SOON!!!!!!
lazza wrote:I on behalf of me, say YEA. Can't wait, but if I have to I will. :) :) :)
FSUMSW94 wrote:Yipee :lol: I can't wait! I've really missed all of your stories :D
2004 wrote:Yeah!!!
Maxsgurl wrote:it's super long!
roswell3053 wrote:
FSUMSW94 wrote:Yipee :lol: I can't wait! I've really missed all of your stories :D
I agree!
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
FSUMSW94 wrote:Yipee :lol: I can't wait! I've really missed all of your stories :D
My thoughts exactly!
Erina258 wrote:I'm glad that you will be posting a new part soon...Especially that long!!!! :lol: I love your stories, so I hope you will update the others soon too!!!! :lol:
POM wrote:
Erina258 wrote:I'm glad that you will be posting a new part soon...Especially that long!!!! :lol: I love your stories, so I hope you will update the others soon too!!!! :lol:
I love them too...and I love this story and can't wait! :D
Earth2Mama wrote:Cool! :D
hazz wrote:
2004 wrote:Yeah!!!
Maxsgurl wrote:it's super long!
Haha ditto
Group thanks: THANKS SOOO MUCH!! I'm glad you are all happy about the SUPER long's taken me like an hour just to post all the feedback much support from you guys!

Chapter 15

4 years later.

Liz Parker-Evans placed the last book in the cardboard box in front of her. She sighed before standing up from her kneeling position and walked around the empty room that had been her bedroom for the last 4 years.

“If these walls could talk.” Liz said to herself as she let memory after memory flood her mind. Years of happy memories came to her, but there were also some sad ones.


“How did it happen?” Max asked his sister over the phone. Liz and he had been snuggling on the couch while watching a movie when the phone rang. Max had excused himself and went into the kitchen for some privacy when he heard Isabelle’s sad voice. They talked for a few minutes before hanging up.

“Max?” Liz asked as she walked into the kitchen and saw Max standing next to one of their moving boxes while staring at the phone in his hand. They had been in Boston for a month now but still hadn’t thrown away their boxes so they all cluttered up one of the hallways. “Is something wrong?”

“Liz.” Max said as he looked up and saw his wife’s worried expression. He hadn’t meant to scare her, but he was about to give her some bad news. “Baby, something happened back in Roswell.”

“What!” Liz asked as she felt her stomach jump into her throat. She absentmindedly tried to sit down on the dinning room chair and would have missed it if Max hadn’t rushed forward and helped her. “Is it my parents?”

“No, your parents are fine.” Max assured her as he kneeled in front of her and pushed her hair away from her face. “And before you ask my parents are okay too.”

“Then who?” Liz questioned relieved that the Evan’s were not harmed at all. “Alex? Maria?”

“No.” Max said and he took a deep breath and steadied himself. “It’s Tess. She-she lost the baby.”

“Oh no.” Liz cried as she fell into Max’s arms and he carried her into their room where she cried all night.

End of Flashback

Liz blinked back the tears that were always brought forward when she thought about Tess and Kyle’s loss. Tess had only been 4 months along when her body seemed to reject the pregnancy all of a sudden and she miscarried. Kyle and Tess had been devastated as well as everyone else.

Liz and Max had openly talked about the situation both feeling for their friends. Although they had originally thought badly of the child, Max and Liz soon realized the child was innocent and they couldn’t hold its parents choices against it.

Liz walked out of the bathroom into the living room and frowned at the wall. To the untrained eye it looked like nothing was wrong but Liz easily saw the dent from her and Max’s biggest fight.


“Can I use your bathroom?” Liz looked up at her study partner with a smile.

“Sure. It’s down the hall, first door on the left.” Liz said and she sighed when he left. Brian was a nice guy and they worked well together so when he asked to get together to study she suggested her place so it was quiet and private.

“I’m home.” Max called into the house and he headed to the living room when he heard Liz call to him. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Liz responded as she lifted her lips up for a kiss, which Max did not deny her. “MMMM, I missed you today.”

“I missed you too.” Max assured as he ran a hand through her hair. “What did you do today?”

“Just studied.” Liz replied as she glanced around at all the books. “Actually…about that.”

“You have a great place Liz.” Brian said as he walked in and he was stunned to see a dark haired guy kneeling next to Liz. “Oh, you must be the roommate.”

“Excuse me?” Max chuckled before he glanced at Liz to see her just as confused. “Liz who is he?”

“Max this is Brian.” Liz said as he motioned between the two men completely aware of Brian’s confused smile and Max’s stiff form. “Brian this is Max Evans…my husband.”

“Husband? You’re married?” Brian asked shocked and he watched as Max turned to Liz, a look of hurt clear in his eyes.

“Of course I’m married!” Liz said as she pleaded with her eyes for Max to believe that this was just a misunderstanding. “My name is Liz Parker-Evans.”

“I know, but I just thought you added his name for tax purposes or something.” Brian said with a shrug. “If you were married why did you invite me here?”

“TO STUDY!” Liz screamed as she threw her hands in the air. “I have a wedding ring!”

“So…girls wear rings on their fingers all the time…since I didn’t see an engagement ring I just assumed it was just a ring.” Brian explained.

“Well it’s not.” Liz replied easily. She couldn’t believe this was happening. “I’m so sorry Brian, but this has been a huge misunderstanding.”

“I can tell.” Brian stated as he leaned against the door frame. “You sure you’re really married? Cuz I really like you Liz.”

“Get out.” Max finally spoke up and he stood in front of Brian; he had had enough of this guy and wanted him the hell away from his wife. “Get out of my house now.”

“Don’t get mad at me dude, you should tell your wife to wear a sign or something.” Brian replied as he gathered up his books and headed to the door. “See ya, Liz.”

“Max?” Liz questioned once Brian left. Liz could see his shoulders moving up and down and she knew he was taking deep breathes to calm himself. “I’m sorr-”

“AGHHHHH!” Max screamed as he picked up a book and threw it against the wall causing Liz to flinch. Although it wasn’t even close to Liz she still felt it as if he had slapped her physically. “How could you Liz?”

“I’m sorry Max; it was a misunderstanding cuz I told him about you.” Liz vowed as she looked through her teary eyes into Max’s equally teary ones.

“Obviously you didn’t give him any inclination that this was a real marriage.” Max sneered as he looked at Liz before snarling and grabbing his jacket and keys. “Forget this I’m leaving.”



Liz ran her hand over the dented wall. Although Max had patched and painted it, she could still see the imprint of where the book hit the wall. Liz fingered the textured surface and a flicker of light caught her eye and she smiled; her engagement ring.


Liz sat curled up in a ball on the coach crying after Max left. She had called his cell and left multiple messages but he never picked up or returned her messages.

Liz jerked up when she heard the door opening and she tried to make herself look presentable. She glanced at the mirror on the wall and rolled her eyes. It was clear she had been crying; the red nose and puffy eyes gave her away.

“Hey.” Liz said quietly to Max’s back as he placed his keys and wallet on the counter. She was expecting an angry man to come home and demand answers but what she got was anything but an angry man.

“Hi.” Max said calmly as he grabbed Liz’s hand and led her back to the couch. He ran a hand over her cheek and gently wiped away the tears still there. “I’m sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry about?” Liz questioned as she shook her head. “I’m the one who should be--”

“Please just let me talk.” Max said and he continued when Liz nodded. “I have a lot to be sorry about.” Max said as he cast a glanced to the wall and Liz followed his gaze. “I’m sorry about that…I never meant to be violent.”

“I know.” Liz said as she caressed his cheek. “I know you and you’d never hurt me Max.” Max smiled.

“I’m also sorry I let this thing with Brian get so far.” Max commented causing Liz’s eyes to widen.

“What? How is that your fault?! It’s my fault Max…mine not yours.” Liz declared and Max kissed her hand.

“Thanks for saying that but its not true.” Max said and he placed a finger on Liz’s mouth when he saw her about to talk. “I should have done this along time ago.”

“What?” Liz asked as Max dug into his pocket and pulled out a black box.

“This.” Max said as he slid off the couch and on to one knee before opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond ring that would match her wedding band perfectly. “Liz Parker-Evans, I know we’ve done this twice already…but will you make me the happiest man in the world again and marry me?”

“Oh Max.” Liz sighed as she wiped a tear from her eye. “You didn’t even have to ask; you never have to ask.”


Liz had come to her senses and freaked about the cost of the ring. They both had part-time jobs and were barely making ends meat so she was naturally worried about the money.

Max had assured her it was ok since he had actually wanted to tell her earlier but Brian got in the way. The lab he worked in had given him a raise and practically doubled his salary. The ring wasn’t cheap but could easily be paid off in a couple of months.

They had made love all night and in-between rounds three or four (or was it four or five? Liz had lost track) they had sat back and talked.


“So where are we going to live?” Max asked and he continued when Liz rested her chin on his chest. “After college?”

“Don’t really know.” Liz said with a slight shrug. “Always though we’d be starting our family after college.”

“Me too.” Max smiled as he caressed Liz cheek. “So then, where do you want to raise our children?”

“The only place I call home.” Liz said and Max instantly knew.


“You got everything?” Max asked as he came up and wrapped his arms round Liz’s waist letting them lie on her stomach.

“Yeah.” Liz leaned back and soaked up the feeling of being in her husband’s arms. “I’ll just get the box out of the bedroom.”

“No you won’t.” Max commanded and he held Liz firmly in place. “I don’t want to see you lifting a thing.”

“Max.” Liz sighed but Max just glared at her to argue. “I’m not an invalid you know.”

“I know.” Max agreed. “Just let me take care of you…please.”

“You’re enjoying this already aren’t you?” Liz said as she winked at Max who just beamed.

“Every second.” Max promised with a kiss. “I’ll go grab the box.”

“Fine.” Liz play pouted and she started to walk out the door oblivious to the way that Max watched her walk.

“Damn.” Max said to himself as he tilted his head to watch Liz and he felt a shudder of desire when he noticed she already had a slight waddle in her step.

Max went into the bedroom and saw the box. He frowned when he saw the size of it knowing that it was too big for Liz to pick up but when he actually picked it up he groaned at the weight of it. He juggled the box to get a better hold and then walked out of the room.

“There is my big strong husband.” Liz teased as Max struggled with the box.

“Jeez Liz, what the hell did you pack in this; rocks?” Max questioned as he dropped the box on the floor and cracked his back…he really had to start working out again.

“Nice, but no those are your books.” Liz laughed when Max raised a brow in shock. “That’s right big boy…all those medical books add up don’t they.”

“Shut up.” Max said as he leaned down and kissed her. Max smirked before bending down and struggling to picking up the box with a groan.

“I’m not the doctor, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to bend at the knees.” Liz teased and she yelped when Max pinched her butt. “Jerk.”

“I love you too.” Max grinned as he lifted the box and walked out the door. “Coming?”

“Wherever you go.” Liz promised as she followed her husband out of their apartment in Boston and they headed to their new future back to the place they both called home.


“I’m hungry.” Liz grumbled as she leaned forward and searched threw the small bag of snacks at her feet. After finding nothing that appealed to her Liz flopped back in her seat with an exaggerated sigh. “I’m starving.”

“Aww my poor baby.” Max cooed as he reached over and laid a hand over Liz’s stomach and rubbed it with a bright smile. “Having cravings already?”

“I don’t know why.” Liz said as she reached down and covered Max’s hand with her own. “I’ll just get sick and throw it up later.”

“I’m sorry.” Max said guiltily. He always felt bad when Liz got sick…he could never stand seeing her that way but he was always there holding her hair back and wiping her face to make her comfortable. “I wish I could make it go away.”

“It’s a part of the process.” Liz said with a small smile and pulled Max’s hand up to kiss his palm. “I’m still hungry.”

“Alright.” Max chuckled as he glanced at the road to make sure he was still driving properly before looking into Liz’s eyes and caressing her cheek. “I’ll stop us once we reach the next town. We should get a room for the night while we’re here too.”

“Ok.” Liz said happily as she curled up in her seat and closing her eyes. “Wake me up when we get there.”

“Sweet dreams baby.” Max whispered and he smiled when he saw Liz naturally hold her hands over her stomach protectively. Life couldn’t get any better for the Evans’.


“I think I’m going to be sick.”

Liz looked up at Max and saw the color draining quickly from his face. “Oh don’t be a baby…it’s good.”

“No way that tastes good Liz.” Max said as he shook his head. They’d been sitting at the small restaurant that reminded Max of the Crashdown when Liz had an instant craving and started to combine things together. “I don’t even know what’s in that.”

“Potatoes, chilies, olives, a little ranch dressing and my personal favorite…pickles.” Liz announced as if it was the most delicious concoction in the world. “You should try it.”

“No thanks…I can smell it from here.” Max said as he rubbed his tongue on the roof of his mouth with a grimace. “I can taste it in the air…god baby, how can you eat that.”

“HEY!” Liz yelled suddenly as she threw her fork down on her plate and glared at Max. “Don’t you dare sit there and judge what I like to eat. I have no control over this and you being the damn doctor should know that! Besides you’re one to talk…how many times have I had to watch you eat Tabasco sauce on your damn ice-cream in bed!”

“Liz, I’m sor-” Max tried to say but Liz rolled her eyes before throwing her napkin at him and got up to head out the door. When Liz suddenly yelled at him Max’s eyes widened in fear of what could happen because her hormones had been out of it for the last few days and Max seemed to do everything under the sun to piss her off.

Max stood up quickly and threw enough money down on the table to cover the cost of the meal and a generous tip. One good thing about being married to a former waitress was that Max knew how to tip well, he’d heard horror stories of what Liz had to deal with when helping customers and Max learned to appreciate the good service.

Max walked outside and saw Liz leaning against their new Cadillac Escalade with her arms across her chest. Her stance screamed pissed off and Max sighed as he walked to her knowing it was going to be a long night. As soon as Max got closer he pulled out the keys and unlocked the doors before moving to help Liz into the car but she pushed his helping hands away while climbing into the car and slamming the door on her own.


“We’re in room 216.” Max said as he returned to the car after checking in at the front desk. “The manager said it was right up here.”

“Great.” Liz said coldly which caused Max to sigh. Every time he apologized for making her mad she would just tell him she wasn’t angry and go back to not talking to him. “I just want to go to bed and forget this day ever happened.”

“Liz.” Max sighed as he pulled up to a spot outside the room marked 216. Max turned the ignition off and turned to Liz again. “I said I was sorry. What is it going to take for you not to be mad at me?”

“I’m not mad.” Liz said with an eerie smile as she reached over and grabbed the room key from Max and jumped out of the car. “Since I’m incapable of doing anything in my present condition…you’ll grab the bags won’t you?”

“Sure.” Max mumbled as he watched Liz walk to their room and open the door before going inside. Once again he thought it was going to be a long night.


“There is nothing on television.” Liz declared as she threw the remote on the end of the bed and flopped down on the pillows with a sigh. “There are 15 channels and not one of them have anything worth watching.”

“I’m sure we can find something to do.” Max replied as he sat down on the bed next to Liz but just as he was about to lie down next to her Liz jumped up and went to her suitcase. “What are you doing now?”

“I’m going to take a shower.” Liz said as she grabbed her shampoo and conditioner and walked to the bathroom and shut the door either oblivious or purposefully ignoring the longing look Max sent her.

As soon as Liz stepped under the warm spray of the shower she felt the tension of the day wash off her and she sighed deeply before grabbing the soap and washing her body and then her hair. Liz inhaled the sweet floral fragrance of the shampoo as she massaged it into her scalp. There was a woody spice undertone to the scent that always reminded Liz of Max and she smiled; it was probably that smell that caused her to always buy this shampoo…she loved how Max smelled and wanted to smell like him.

“Liz?” Max called out hesitantly as he knocked and then opened the door slightly. “I’m just going to use the toilet ok?”

“Sure.” Liz said quietly and she just stood there as she watched Max’s silhouette through the shower curtain. She loved this man so much that it hurt to be shut off from him and Liz instantly felt the tears start to come from the thought that she caused the separation.

Max turned towards the shower when he heard a soft whimper and he could tell from Liz’s shadow that she was crying. Max quickly flushed the toilet and pulled his clothes off before opening the curtain to peak in. Max’s heart broke at the image of Liz in the shower. She was standing under the spray with her arms crossed over her body protectively and soap bubbles from her shampoo were sliding down her body. Max quickly stepped into the shower and took the last few steps until he stood in front of her.

The small movement was all it took for Liz to crumble and the sobs to break free. “I’m so sorry.” Liz cried and Max instantly took her into his arms and rubbed her back.

“Shhh, it’s ok.” Max assured her and he wiped the soap from her face making sure it would not get into her beautiful eyes. “I’m here ok…I’m not going anywhere.” Max said and he tilted Liz’s head back so that he could rinse her hair. “Let me help you.”

Liz stayed there letting Max gently rinse the shampoo from her hair and she watched as he lovingly applied the conditioner to her hair before rinsing it out and then turning off the shower. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” Max promised with a kiss as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Liz before grabbing one for himself and wrapping it around his waist. Max helped Liz out of the shower and helped her dry off a little bit before picking her up into his arms and carrying her out to the bed. After safely placing her on the bed Max turned to her suitcase and pulled out her pajamas which just happened to be a pair of his boxers and an old t-shirt, also his. “Sit up a little.”

Liz did as Max said and she sat quietly as Max removed the towel and slipped the shirt on before helping her with his boxers. Max lifted her gently and placed her under the covers of the bed before turning around to get into his own boxers and t-shirt and turned to her side on the bed. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” Max assured her with a gentle kiss to her forehead. Max knew something had happened in the shower and he’d wait all night for her to tell him what it was. “I know you didn’t mean it.”

“I don’t.” Liz guaranteed him but a tear slipped down her face. “I don’t know what’s going on Max…one minute I feel fine and then next I want to wring your neck.”

“Thanks.” Max joked and he sighed when Liz’s lip quivered as a sign of more tears. “Liz it’s ok baby. It’s your hormones and I understand that. I can’t say it doesn’t hurt at first but I know it’s not you really saying these things.”

“Can’t you help me?” Liz questioned as she pleaded with him pathetically. “You’re a doctor…prescribe me something.”

“Baby, I’m a pediatrician.” Max reminded her. “I’m only good for after the baby is born not before….and besides you’re a little to old to be my patient.”

“I hate this.” Liz said as she rolled over on to her back and threw an arm over her eyes. “This is the worst experience ever.”

“Being pregnant?” Max questioned hurt. Liz didn’t like being pregnant with his child and he felt miserable for putting her in that situation. “Carrying my child?”

“Oh no.” Liz said as she quickly turned and caressed his cheek. “I meant the hormones I love our baby…but these hormones are driving me crazy.”

“You just need to take your mind of them.” Max said with a smirk and he pulled Liz into his arms and laid over her slightly. “And I know just the way to do that.”

“Oh, so do I.” Liz said with a grin as she threaded her fingers through Max’s hair. “You know what I want Max.”

“Yes I do; I want it too.” Max grinned as he lowered his head and started to place wet kisses on Liz’s collarbone. “I want it just as bad.”

“Good.” Liz moaned and she pulled Max’s mouth away from her neck and kissed him passionately before pulling away and looking into his dazed eyes. “Then what are you still doing here.”

“Wait, what?” Max questioned as soon as Liz’s words registered in his mind. “What do you mean ‘what am I still doing here’?”

“Well the store should be closing soon so you better get dressed and leave if you want to get there before it closes.” Liz reminded him as she slightly pushed him off her body. “Go.”

“What? Liz, why am I going to the store?” Max asked as he looked down at his crazy wife. “I thought we were going to make love?”

“What? Where did you get that idea?” Liz asked while looking at Max with a weird face. “I want you to go to the store and get me some watermelon.”

“Watermelon?” Max questioned as he watched Liz just nod. “It’s not watermelon season Liz.”

“Oh.” Liz frowned…she really craved watermelon right now. “How about you just get me things that taste like watermelon. Like candy or juice or something.”

“You want watermelon flavored candy? Liz, don’t you know that watermelon candy is the hardest flavor to find?” Max asked and Liz’s lip started to quiver and Max caved easily. “Fine…but can you think of a second flavor…just encase I don’t find a lot of watermelon.”

“Kiwi!” Liz exclaimed excitedly. She had started to think about a second flavor and all of a sudden she got a craving for Kiwi. “I would love some Kiwi.”

“Kiwi is usually as hard to find as watermelon but for you I’ll do it.” Max sighed as he got up and pulled his clothes back on. Max finished tying his shoes and was about to get off the bed to leave when a hand on his arms stopped him. “Liz?”

“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” Liz said with a flirtatious tone and Max instantly sat back down next to her so she could wrap her arms around him. “How grateful I am to have you in my life.”

“Hmm, I don’t think you have today.” Max replied as he leaned down to kiss her sweet lips. After kissing passionately for a few seconds he pulled back. “I do like the way you say it though.”

“Good.” Liz said as she leaned up kissed Max gently. “I love you.” Max smiled at the sincerity in her eyes. “Hurry back so I can reward you.”

“You’ll never know I was gone.” Max promised and with one last kiss he walked to the door. “You better be awake when I get back.”


Much to Max’s frustration Liz was indeed asleep when he got back. With a sigh Max placed the bag of watermelon flavored objects on the small table in the room before sitting on the bed to remove his shoes.

“You’re back.” Liz said softly as she reached out and placed her hand on the small of Max’s back. She had woken up when Max sat down and instantly felt bad that she hadn’t been able to wait for him.

“Yeah.” Max said as he looked over his shoulder and smiled at Liz’s sleepy eyes. He’d gone to two different stores and when he finally found watermelon flavored Jolly ranchers he bought 6 bags. “I got you some watermelon hard candies to suck on.”

“Thank you.” Liz said as she crawled up and wrapped her arms around Max’s waist while taking his ear lob into her mouth and sucking on it gently. “I’d like to suck on you too.”

“You’re tired.” Max groaned. The sensations Liz was causing in his body were amazing but he could tell in her eyes that she was really tired from all the stress today and he didn’t want to wear her out even more.

“Wake me up then.” Liz challenged as she trailed her lips down Max’s neck and then used her tongue to carefully taste his jaw. “Please baby…I want to reward you for your hard work.”

“Liz.” Max moaned before he quickly turned around and pressed his lips to hers. Four years of marriage had taught them the ways and wants of each others bodies. They both easily knew what the other wanted or needed without being told.

Max released Liz’s sweet lips and gazed into her eyes lovingly as he lowered her back against the bed and carefully covered her body with his own. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz assured and she reached her hand up and ran her fingers threw Max’s hair before bringing his lips down to hers. “Make love to me.”

“Always and forever.” Max vowed as he kissed Liz with so much love that it caused her eyes to tear up. Max brought his hands up to cup her face and he wiped away her fallen tears before reaching down and removing his shirt from her body. Max brought his hands back up to Liz’s face and after memorizing the contours of her face with the tips of his fingers Max’s hands trailed down to her throat and then to the smooth skin between her breasts. Max met Liz’s eyes when she sucked a breath at his caresses and kept her gaze as he slowly lowered his mouth to her breast.

“Max.” Liz moaned when he finally pulled one of her nipples into his mouth. Liz had noticed her breasts becoming more sensitive over the last few months and it didn’t take long for her to get worked up from Max’s single caresses.

“You ok?” Max asked against her skin as he moved to pay her other breast the same attention. He loved how responsive Liz was now but sometimes he worried she was over-sensitive and in pain so he always asked.

“Don’t stop, please.” Liz begged as she let her hands massage Max’s shoulders and neck. Liz sighed as Max let go of her breast and moved down her body. She knew where he was going and she couldn’t wait because that was one skill Max had definitely perfected over the last few years.

Max released Liz’s breast when he could tell she was ready for more and he moved down to kiss the delicate skin of her stomach. Max paid special attention to her navel as he dipped his tongue in it causing Liz to squirm in anticipation. As he started to move down her body, Max was distracted by the small almost unnoticeable bump on Liz’s stomach that was the evidence of their child, but Max easily noticed it.

Liz noticed Max had stopped moving and she looking down to see him staring and gently caressing her bump with his fingers before framing it in his hands and placing the gentlest kiss against their child. “Max.”

Max stared through his teary eyes into the equally teary eyes of his wife. His previous goal forgotten, Max crawled up Liz’s body and kissed her while rubbing her stomach. “I still can’t believe it sometimes. We made a baby Liz.”

“I know.” Liz agreed as she let her hand drift down and join Max’s on her belly. “Some days I forget; thinking it’s a dream until I’m dressing and notice it and then I smile because my dreams are coming true.”

“Mine too.” Max said and he kissed Liz again before he felt her push him away from her. “What? What’s wrong? The baby?”

“No.” Liz assured him as she helped him pull his shirt off and then pushed him on to his back and straddled his waist. “I just want a chance to love you. After all it’s your reward time.”

“Oh that’s right it is isn’t it.” Max grinned as Liz lay on top of his body and started to kiss his neck. “Liz, baby…that feels so good.”

“That’s good.” Liz giggled as she moved down and started to nip and lick his chest leaving her mark all the way down his body. “Cuz, I’m going to make you feel real good.”

“Liz.” Max groaned in frustration when Liz suddenly jumped from the bed and crossed the room to the bag of candy that Max picked up earlier. “Now is not the time for a craving baby.”

“I know, but I wanted some water” Liz smirked as she opened a bag of Jolly Ranchers and headed to the bathroom in nothing but Max’s boxers. When she returned she had a glass of water and placed it on the bed-side table before climbing back on top of Max. “Now, where was I?”

“Right about here.” Max said as he kissed Liz and pushed his hips up against hers causing her to groan. “Does that ring a bell?”

“Clearly.” Liz said as she scooted down and unbuttoned Max’s jeans and pushed them and his boxers down his raised hips causing his hard member to stand at attention. Liz raised an eyebrow at his erection because it looked painful and then reached up and grabbed the glass of water and took a sip. She carefully made sure she got the object she put in there earlier in her mouth before swallowing the water. “Aww, that’s good stuff.”

“Liz, I’m dying here.” Max reminded her as he watched her lick the water drops off her lips and Max groaned when he imagined her mouth and tongue on him. Max closed his eyes in a mixture of pain and arousal. “Please.”

“Ok.” Liz said as she finally took Max into her mouth and the corners of her mouth lifted up in a smile as he hissed in pleasure. Liz pulled her mouth away to be able to move the object to the front and she let it stick out before moving back to his body.

“Liz?” Max jumped when he felt something small and hard touching him instead of Liz’s soft mouth and tongue. He opened his eyes and watched as Liz rolled the sticky candy all over his shaft and he could barely hold his control at the sensations. Max felt Liz shift and realized she was rolling the candy in her mouth all over his body up to his face where she probed his lips apart and deposited the candy into his mouth and licked his lips clean.

“Keep that ready for me.” Liz said with one final kiss as she moved quickly back to his shaft and instantly pulled it into her mouth and groaned loudly then released him with a loud pop. “That’s my new favorite flavor.”

“Liz.” Max said as he thrashed his head back at forth when Liz returned to pleasuring him. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer so he warned Liz. “I’m not going to make it baby…I’m sorry.”

“Let go for me.” Liz asked and that was all it took for Max to send his warm seed deep down Liz’s throat as he called out her name. Liz cleaned his member off and then followed her earlier trail cleaning his skin of the sticky flavor until she reached his lips. “You ok?”

“That was the hottest thing ever.” Max panted as he opened his eyes and saw Liz smirking widely. “Where do you come up with these things baby?”

“I have my ways.” Liz teased and she caressed Max’s lips with her own and probed into his mouth. “Hey, where’s my candy?”

“Oh sorry, I swallowed it.” Max said sheepishly and he watched as Liz shrugged and reached for the glass of water.

“No worries, I have another.” Liz said as she took the rest of the water into her mouth and Max watched as the second candy slid into her mouth with the water.

“So that’s where you hid it you sneaky devil.” Max joked and an idea came into his mind and he roughly grabbed Liz and kissed her deeply.

“What was that for?” Liz asked dazed and she gasped when she saw Max triumphantly hold the candy in his mouth and raise his eye brows suggestively while he pulled her boxers down. “And what are you going to do with that mister?”

“Just returning the favor.” Max said as he pushed Liz onto her back and trailed the candy down her body paying special attention to her breasts and nipples. “Or should I say flavor.”

“Yes!” Liz cries when Max settled between her open thighs and thrust his candy coated tongue into her core mixing the flavor of the candy with Liz’s natural taste. Liz’s hips naturally pushed up into Max’s mouth begging for more of his attentions but he placed his hands plat against her stomach to hold her down. “Max!”

“You taste so good.” Max moaned as he closed his mouth around Liz’s clit and sucked eagerly which caused her to fall over the edge easily. “They should package that…Liz and candy; it would be a best seller…I’d buy stock and be a millionaire.”

“You want to sell my…taste?” Liz said with a disgusted face. “To other people? Other guys?”

“On second thought…hell no.” Max commanded as he shook his head violently. “I don’t want anyone else to know how good you taste.”

“Then they won’t.” Liz promised as she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck and pulled him to lie on her body. “Now, I remember asking you to make love to me.”

“Oh we aren’t done yet?” Max asked with a smirk as he lowered his head and nipped at Liz’s collarbone. “I thought I’d loved you already.”

“Nope not yet.” Liz assured him as she thrust her hips up and against his stiff erection. “I see you’re ready so let’s get to it.”

“You’re such a charmer.” Max teased as he entered her in one swift push and when their eyes met both knew the playful tone of the moment was gone and it was quickly replaced with the need of two soul mates to become one again. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz groaned as Max began his slow and torturous pace on her body. “So much.”

“You complete me in so many ways Liz.” Max was able to moan as he dropped his head to the side of Liz’s neck where be began to pant hard. Their earlier foreplay and teasing had done nothing but weaken their self control and Max knew they wouldn’t last long so he wanted it to be good. “You make me so happy.”

“I’m happy too.” Liz promised as she wrapped her legs around Max’s waist to hold him tightly against her causing him to fall deeper into her body; almost becoming one person for that moment in time.

“With me baby.” Max said and he felt Liz’s jerky nod before he pushed into her one last time and both fell of their peaks together calling their named and vowing their love forever.
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey Everybody!! Here is the next part as promised! I'm hoping to get back to my weekly schedule soon...but I don't know exactly when yet....but I'm already working on the next part so look for that soon!

Thanks for all your patience and thoughts during my time away. Also thanks so much for the nomination as your Favorite NewComer...I encourage you all to go out and vote!!

Here is the next part...I hope you like it!

Chapter 16

Max sighed as he pulled into a parking spot and looked at the building in front of him. He hadn’t been here in years but he’d always called this place home.

Max turned to the woman sleeping next to him and he frowned. She was sleeping a lot lately but he knew it was good for her and their baby…he’d just wish she’d stay up and talk with him…driving all day in silence was getting to him. “Liz baby, wake up. We’re here.”

“Mmm…Max.” Liz said as her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. “Morning.”

Max smiled and his heart warmed. Even before she opened her eyes she would always say his name…it always reminded him he was on her mind the first thing in the morning. “Morning? Baby…it’s 2:30.” Max chuckled as Liz looked around trying to get reacquainted with reality. “We’re here Liz.”

“Already?” Liz yawned as she sat up in her seat and saw the familiar place. “Wow, it hasn’t changed has it?”

“Come on.” Max smiled as he got out of the car and walked around to help Liz out. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Liz replied as Max opened the door for her and lead her in with a hand on her lower back. Liz smiled as she looked around the alien themed restaurant and noticed a few changes but it was mostly the exact same as the day they left four years ago. “Your booth is open.”

“Great.” Max smiled as he pulled Liz to his booth and they sat down across from each other. “God I really missed this place.”

“Max…I make the exact same food at home.” Liz reminded him as she grabbed a menu.

“It just taste better here.” Max shrugged as he looked up when he saw the back door swing open and he smiled. “Looks like my second favorite waitress it working today.”

Liz turned around and saw what Max was talking about and she smiled. “Just don’t let her hear you say that…she still thinks she’s your favorite.”

Maria make her way to the couple in her section. She was tired and not in the mood for this today. She’d been at school all night last night and then she had to get up early because she promised to help Mr. Parker out when one of the regulars called in sick. “Welcome to the Crashdown, I’m Maria…how can I help you.”

“Well you can get the manager so I can complain about the lousy service.” Max said when he heard Maria’s less than enthusiastic greeting.

Maria rolled her eyes and started to tell the customer off before she looked up from her order form. “Listen here buddy…I’m busting my ass off and I don’t need to hear any complaints from…MAX?!”

“Hey Maria.” Max laughed and looked across from him which caused Maria to do so and the restaurant was filled with a shriek when Maria noticed Liz and pulled her into her arms.

“LIZ!! Oh my god!! I haven’t seen you in forever!” Maria started to jump up and down in excitement. “Do you’re parents know you’re here?”

“Yeah…we told them at graduation.” Liz said as she smiled at her best friend. Maria was still as gorgeous as ever and the stupid teal and silver uniform did nothing to upset that. “They were thrilled that we were coming home.”

“Listen…I’m so sorry I couldn’t make your graduation.” Maria said sadly. “I really wanted to but with night classes and the shop I couldn’t get off.”

“Don’t worry about it Ria…I completely understood.” Liz hugged her friend before turning to Max. “Let Max catch up with you now…cuz I REALLY have to pee.”

“Ok.” Maria giggled as she watched Liz run towards the bathroom. “God she looks amazing…she’s glowing!”

“Yeah she is.” Max said as he thought about the reason behind the glow. “But you look amazing too Maria…I can see Michael is still treating you well.”

“He better be. I don’t want him thinking that just cuz I said yes he can slack off until the wedding.” Maria explained. “But he’ll be so happy to know you’re home. Why are you home?”

“There are some reasons but Liz will kill me if I tell you before she gets a chance too.” Max replied and Maria nodded.

“You know you’re wife well.” Maria said as she studied Max. “You’re happy though right…everything is good?”

Max smiled behind Maria’s shoulder when he saw Liz walking towards them. “Everything is perfect Maria…I could never ask for anything else.”

Maria turned and saw what made Max take on that sappy love sick face and she groaned. “After four year of marriage she still makes you weak in the knees when she walks in the room.”

“She doesn’t have to walk Maria…just has to breath.” Max replied honestly as Liz reached them. Max stood from the booth and pulled her into his lap. “I missed you.”

“Oh god…she was gone 4 minutes tops and you’re freaking out…I swear if Michael gets like that I’ll kill him.” Maria said and Liz laughed while Max pouted.

“In Max’s defense we’ve been driving for days…we’ve gotten used to being together all day.” Liz answered as she turned and kissed Max. “And I missed you too.”

“So Lizzie…Max said there is a reason you’re home…so tell me. What brings you two back to Roswell?” Maria asked as she sat down across from the couple.

“Well…” Liz turned to glance at Max who nodded his support. “We decided that when we graduated we would start our family and there was no place we could think to raise one that here…surrounded by our family and friends.”

“Aww…I’m so excited for you guys!” Maria said with a huge smile. “You waited long enough…when you going to start trying?”

“Don’t have too.” Max answered easily. “We brought our family with us.”

“Huh? I don’t get it.” Maria shook her head. “You brought who with you?”

“He means I’m pregnant Maria.” Liz answered as her friend’s jaw dropped. “Four months to be exact.”

“WHAT?” Maria yelled as she slipped out of her seat and fell flat on the floor. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yup.” Max smiled as he kissed Liz’s neck and placed a hand on her abdomen. “We’re going to have a baby in 5 months.”

“But you’re four months pregnant…why didn’t you tell me?” Maria asked as she got off the ground and sat in the booth. Now that she knew to look she could definitely see Liz’s cute little belly…and it explained the glow. “We talked just last week and you didn’t say anything.”

“Because Maria you told me when we were leaving Roswell not to call and tell you I was pregnant so I didn’t.” Liz smiled. “I showed up and told you.”

“I’m going to be an aunt!” Maria said as she leaned forward and hugged Liz. “I’m going to be the coolest Aunt!”

“Um…well technically…Isabel is the baby’s Aunt since she’s my sister.” Max said as he scratched his eyebrow nervously.

“That’s bull shit!” Maria said causing a few customers to look her way. “I’ve been Liz’s best friend for years…and Alex gets to be a freaking Uncle cuz he’s getting married to Isabel? That’s not far.”

“We know that’s why…wait…Alex is marrying Isabel?” Liz asked as she turned to Max. “Did you know anything about this?”

“No…but they have been together longer than we have sweetie…it was bound to happen.” Max smiled.

“You’re right I guess.” Liz sighed before turning to Maria. “We know it isn’t fair to you and Michael. It doesn’t matter that you’ve with us for years and are close to us like siblings…so our children can definitely call you their Aunt but we wanted to add something else to that.”

“Like what…sexiest fake aunt around?” Maria said not hiding her disappointment at not truly being an aunt.

“No, although that is very true…we were thinking more of godparent.” Liz said as she smiled at her friend.

“Excuse me?” Maria asked shocked. “You want me to be a godparent?”

“Well you and Michael.” Max added. “We couldn’t think of anyone else to trust our child to if something happened to us.”

“You guys!” Maria said as she cried. “Of course I’ll be the god mother…awww…I’m so excited! I have an even better reason to spoil the kid rotten.”

“You think Michael will accept?” Liz asked and she saw Maria roll her eyes.

“Are you kidding? I’d kill him if he said no.” Maria answered. “And besides…he’d say yes to anything right about now. I’m so stressed with this wedding that I’m all bitchy all day long.”

“If you want I can totally help you.” Liz added. “I still have all the notes from when Isabel, Diane and I planned our wedding. I know it’s pretty close with the wedding a month away…but any help I can give…I am the maid of honor.”

“Really?” Maria asked. “That would help me out a ton.”

“Of course…just give me time to unpack it.” Liz said and she turned when she felt Max squeeze her hand to get her attention. “What?”

“I don’t want you lift anything heavy or over working yourself.” Max said and he quickly continued when he saw Liz start to protest. “No buts Liz…I mean it…I don’t want you over doing it.”

“You’re the doctor.” Liz sighed as she leaned forward and kissed Max gently.

“I still can’t believe you’re a freaking doctor Max…it’s only been four years.” Maria commended. “Doesn’t it usually take 8?”

“Yes it does but mister smarty pants here finished his psychology degree in a year in a half…and then took extra classes at Medical school.” Liz said but she beamed with pride. “He was one of the leading residents at Harvard and they were so sad to see him go.”

“But don’t you need your residency to practice medicine?” Maria asked. She thought once you got out of medical school you still needed to complete a certain number of years before you could legal practice.

“You do.” Max nodded. “I was accepted to Harvard for residency but I turned them down to go to Roswell Memorial. It’s not as prestigious but it’s got a great pediatrics department and hopefully I can help develop it even more as I get more experience.”

“Well it sounds like you two have your work cut our for you.” Maria smiled at her friends. “A new baby on the way and Max’s residency…what about you Liz…are you still working at the lab?”

“Well Max thinks I’m going to stab myself and doesn’t want me near any bio hazards…so I asked to transfer to Roswell Memorial’s diagnoses center and until I’m ready I’m going to just do paper work.” Liz explained. “I hate to have worked so hard for 4 years and then type up results…but it’s for the safety of the baby and I’ll get to do the work when the baby is older.”

“Sounds great.” Maria said. “And if everything goes well…in a few weeks you’ll see me at Roswell Memorial as the new nurse.”

“That’s right…how are night classes going?” Liz asked really listening to her friend. Although they talked all the time and Maria knew all the details of their lives…it was just nicer to hear it in person…no matter if it was the 5th time she heard it.

“Really good…but hard.” Maria explained with a shrug. “I love the classes but working at my mom’s shop during the day, planning the wedding during breaks and then going to school is affecting me…and that affects Michael.”

“I’m sure he’s happy though.” Max added. “He loves you and I know he probably doesn’t say it…but he’d do anything for you…just have to ask.”

“I know.” Maria shrugged but Liz noticed the happy twinkle in Maria’s eyes at the mention of her fiancé. “So…when can you come for the dress fitting?”

“Oh I don’t know.” Liz cringed. “No matter what they do…it will have to be changed since my stomach will be bigger in a month. Thank god your getting married so soon or else I’d be a whale!”

“I resent that.” Max said with a frown. “My wife is damn sex in anything she wears and it will be even sexier with you pregnant.”

“Nice save.” Liz chuckled as she leaned over and kissed him. Max started to deepen it when they were interrupted by a male voice.

“Knocked my daughter up and already trying for another one?”

“JEFF!” Nancy scolded as she walked out after her husband and slapped his arm after his comment. She saw her daughter in Max’s lap and opened her arms. “Welcome home baby!”

“Hi mom.” Liz got up and hugged her mom tightly. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Nancy replied as she pulled back to look at Liz’s slightly swollen belly. “With you having a baby…I can’t really call you my baby anymore can I?”

“Mom.” Liz groaned as she wiped away a tear. “I’m pregnant…not 50!”

“You knew she was pregnant?” Maria asked and Liz and Nancy nodded. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“I was sworn to secrecy Maria...sorry.” Nancy said as she shrugged and moved to great her son-in-law while Liz caught her dad’s eyes. Maria saw the family moment and moved to make an important call.

“Hi daddy.” Liz whispered as Jeff pulled her into his arms and she sighed as she smelled his familiar scent. She easily admitted she was a daddy’s girl…just being about to see her dad brought a smile to her face. Liz wondered if she had a girl if she’d be the same with Max.

“You look amazing.” Jeff said as he pulled Liz back and caressed her check as he moved his eyes down her body. “You barely look pregnant.”

“Well I am like four pregnant and my small body doesn’t help it.” Liz chuckled as she placed a hand on her growing stomach. She looked up and saw her dad watching her with interest. “You wanna feel?”

Jeff met his daughters eyes quickly but he seemed nervous to Liz. “Can…can I?”

“Of course.” Liz smiled as Jeff slowly extended a hand. “The baby wants to meet it’s grandpa.”

Liz gently slid her father’s hand to the side of her belly and held it there for a second. “Hold on….there…did you feel it?”

Jeff waited a few more seconds and smiled when he felt a small knock against his hand. “Wow.”

“I know.” Liz smiled as she held her father’s hand to her stomach. “Max freaked when he first felt it…kinda makes it real.”

“Yeah it does.” Jeff commented with tears in his eyes. “The baby has a strong kick like it’s mom did.”

“Really?” Liz asked and Jeff nodded. “Little one’s very active today…all the excitement.”

“They tend to feed of that stuff.” Jeff remembered many times that Liz had kept Nancy up all night before a big day. “I still can’t believe how strong the baby is…it’s only like 3 inches long right?”

“Last ultrasound showed around 5 inches, so baby’s pretty big for barely 4 months. My doctor assures me everything is perfect and because of the larger size of the baby and my small figure…I’m feeling the movement more.” Liz explained with a proud smile as her father kissed her cheek and removed his hand.

“I’m so proud of you Liz.” Jeff said sincerely. “Not just for making a baby…but for everything. Your making your marriage work and this baby is living proof of that.”

“Thanks Daddy.” Liz hugged her father and when she back away she felt a hand where her father’s was and leaned to look back at Max. “Hi.”

“I see it’s in it’s favorite spot.” Max smiled when he felt the baby react to his presence and his eyes widened. “Active today.”

“Happy to be home.” Liz kissed Max’s cheek. “Should we go see your parents?”

Max straightened and looked at his watch. “Yeah…before it gets late.”

“Ok…everyone cancel your plans for dinner cuz you have knew ones.” Maria said as she rejoined the family. “Everyone is invited to my mom and the sheriffs for a big celebration dinner. Max your parents are coming too.”

“Um ok.” Max laughed as Liz smiled. “Did you call Alex and Isabel.”

“Got Michael to do it.” Maria replied. “ Mom says dinner is at arrive at 6.”

“Ok…see you then!!” Liz and Max hugged and kissed their family before heading out to Max’s parents house.


“Welcome home!” Amy greeted Max and Liz when she opened the door. “We sure missed you around here.”

“Hey Amy, thanks for having us.” Max said as he followed Liz in and hugged Maria’s mom. “We couldn’t wait to have some of your amazing food.”

“God Max…you sound like I’m a horrible cook or something.” Liz said offended.

“Not even baby…it’s just we grew up with Amy and your dad cooking for us.” Max explained. “It’s comfort food, a great memory.”

Liz seemed satisfied with his answer and leaned forward to kiss him while all the women who heard the small “argument” just laughed before agreeing. “God he’s good isn’t he?”

“What?” Liz said as she pulled away from Max’s mouth. “Good at what?”

“Saving his ass.” Maria explained. “That’s the second time I’ve seen him get away with murder.”

“What can I say…I have many talents.” Max said before he swooped Liz into his arms and bent her over his arm and kissed her passionately.

“Max!” Liz screeched once he stood them both back up and Liz started to slap his arm. “Jerk…I can’t believe you just did that in front of our friends.”

“I can.” Isabel said as she walked into the room. “I thought I got enough of that 4 years ago when I had to hear you two going at it all night.”

“Hey Izzy.” Max said as he moved forward and hugged his sister. They were still so close and talked everyday but being able to hug her and see what a beautiful woman she had grown into was well worth the wait. “You look so beautiful.”

“Well from the beauty spewing off Liz I can tell its from the love of a good man.” Isabel said and Max blushed. “Glad to have you back.”

“Hey sister!” Liz said as she hugged the taller blonde. “Missed you at graduation.”

“I know…I know.” Isabel held up a hand. “But in my defense I had to be with the man I love at his graduation.”

“Say no more.” Liz giggled before looking around. “Where is Alex anyway?”

“He just got off work so he’ll be here soon.” Isabel answered. “I made him promise not to kill himself speeding to get here.”

“Aww…missed me that much did he?” Max asked and Liz laughed while Isabel rolled her eyes. “What…I can dream can’t I?”

“Hey what’s everybody doing in here?” Jim said as he walked in from the backyard and he smiled when he saw the guests of honor. “Well…no one told me how much you two had grown.”

“Hey sheriff.” Liz smiled as she stepped up and hugged one of her second fathers. “How are you?”

“I’m wonderful now.” Jim winked and touched Liz’s stomach with a knowing smile. “I’ll wait for the announcement.”

Liz was flabbergasted at Jim’s action. He started to walk away but she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. “What are you talking about?”

“The baby Liz.” Jim chuckled softly. “It’s pretty obvious…congratulations.”

“Um…thanks.” Liz said and then she added. “Don’t say anything yet…we’re telling people at dinner.”

“Don’t worry…mum’s the word.” Jim kissed her cheek before turning to the rest of the group. “Ok...drinks are on the counter everybody!”

The kids headed outside and noticed that the Parkers, Evans, and Whitmans were already outside on the deck. After greeting everyone’s parents the kids all sat down and caught up.

“Liz…you don’t want a drink?” Amy asked as she handed out mixed drinks. She had taken everyone else’s orders and as she gave Max his drink she saw Liz drinking water. “It’s the first time you kids can have some of our mixed drinks.”

The parents watched as the kids made eye contact at Amy’s comment and started to laugh. Every time the parents got together Jim would be in charge of making drinks and the kids always wanted some but being the Sheriff he would never give them any. Jeff finally spoke up and voiced all the parents thoughts. “What’s with the looks?”

“We’ve had them before.” Liz explained and the parents jaws dropped. “When you all would have your weekly parties we would all hang out in someone room until you guys went outside. After we were sure the coast was clear…we’d sneak down and take what was left in the blenders.”

“I knew it!” Philip Evans laughed causing all the parents to turn to him. “Come on…you can’t honestly believe that the kids were that giggly and hyper for no reason. Plus we always had to keep making more drinks…when we didn’t remember emptying the blender.”

“I can’t believe you kids would do that.” Jim scolded. “You were under age and I could have gotten in a lot trouble for giving alcohol to minors.”

“Come on Jim…they were kids.” Jeff laughed. “Besides they were with their parents…not out driving under the influence.”

Everybody talked and laughed after Jim calmed down. Max turned to Maria after a few minutes. “So…when is Michael getting here?”

“He went to pick Alex up at work so he should be getting here any minute.” Maria answered as she looked at her watch. As soon as she finished talking the group heard the front door open.

Alex came out the backdoor looking around wildly before his eyes landed on Liz and he dove at her feet laying his head in her lap and wrapping his arms around her waist. “Please don’t ever leave us again…I’m miserable here without you.”

“Alex!” Isabel scolded her boyfriend. He was acting like a child. “Get off of Liz. And get off the floor, you’ll ruin your pants.”

“I don’t care.” Alex vowed as he glanced up at Liz. “I can’t bare for you to leave.”

“A little over dramatic don’t you think Alex?” Maria said as she laughed at the antics of her best friend. Michael walked over and sat on the edge of her chair watching the scene before him. “It hasn’t been that bad.”

“Shh! You‘ll ruin my plan.” Alex turned a murderous glare to Maria. “I’m trying to make her stay and if she thinks its really bad she’ll stay.”

“Alex…we aren’t leaving.” Max laughed as he stared at Liz who was giggling at her friend. “We just bought a house on Myrtle Street.”

“Really?” Alex said as he glanced up at Liz who nodded. Myrtle Street was about 5 minutes from Main Street and still very much in Roswell. “You’re staying in Roswell for me?”

“Yes we’re staying.” Liz answered as she smiled at Alex. “But I can’t tell you its only for you.”

“But your staying…so that’s all that counts.” Alex said as he stood up brushed of his pants and walked over to Max. “Good to have you home man.”

“Always the goof ball.” Max said as he grabbed a hold of Alex’s offered hand and pulled the lanky guy into a manly hug. “Still treating my sister right?”

“She trained me well.” Alex answered as he went and kissed Isabel hello. “Where are the drinks?”

“Inside on the counter…but apparently you guys already know.” Jim huffed causing everyone to laugh. Alex looked at everyone confused and Jim just wagged his finger at him. “That’s right…I heard all about you cleaning out the blender…you should be ashamed.”

“Sorry sheriff…it was over 4 years ago…can’t do anything about it.” Alex said as he disappeared into the house and returned with two drinks. He walked over to Liz’s chair and held out a drink for her. “Here you go…I saw your glass was empty.”

“I’ll take that for you.” Max said as he grabbed the drink from Alex and took a sip. “Liz isn’t really drinking right now.”

“Oh? Why not?” Alex asked as he sat next to Isabel. “Did you have a bad experience?”

“No.” Liz smiled as she took Max’s hand. “But I am pregnant.”

A loud crash was heard from the door way and everyone turned to see Kyle standing there wide eyed and a broken glass on the floor in front of his feet. “You’re pregnant?”

TBC....See you in a few and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

HI YALL!!! I'm BACK!! Can you believe it??

Thanks for the feedback everyone, sorry but I don't have time for any personal responses but just know I appreciate you all for taking the time to read and leave feedback thanks all!


Chapter 17

“Kyle?” Liz asked shocked at the presence of her ex-fiancé. She had known there was a chance that Kyle would be there but when they had arrived and he was not there…she had thought he wasn’t coming. Obviously she was wrong.

“Um…hi!” Kyle said embarrassed as he looked around and saw everyone’s shocked faces before he looked down and saw the broken glass. “Oh man…sorry dad.”

“Don’t even worry about it Kyle.” Jim said as he got up and walked to the shed to get a broom and dust pan.

Liz smiled at Max before she got up and walked towards Kyle who was mumbling to himself as he started to soak up his drink with the single napkin he had. “Here let me help you.”

“No don’t!” Kyle said as he quickly grabbed both of Liz’s helping hands. “I don’t want you cutting yourself.”

“Always overprotective.” Liz teased as they both stood up. Liz looked down at their hands and cleared her throat as she pulled her hands from Kyle’s. “, how you been?”

“Good.” Kyle nodded as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked anywhere but at Liz’s eyes. “You?”

“Same.” Liz smiled as she placed a hand on her belly. “I think we already covered that though.”

“Right.” Kyle said as he stared at her growing stomach and finally looked up into Liz’s eyes. “How far along are you?”

“4 months.” Liz explained as she nervously held her hand out for Kyle’s. “Want to feel?”

“Oh, I don’t think I should.” Kyle shook his head adamantly but movement behind Liz got his attention and he looked up to see Max standing in front of his chair. “H-hey Max.”

“Hi Kyle.” Max smiled as he stepped up and stood behind Liz. “You know you should touch her stomach…Liz will bug you all night if you don’t.”

“Shut up.” Liz teased her husband before turning back to Kyle. “You can if you want to. I’m not going to bite you.”

“Yeah I guess.” Kyle said as he looked up into Max’s accepting eyes and placed his hand in Liz’s open one. He knew they were not trying to be mean or showing off that they were having a baby so he didn’t take offense. Kyle had moved on years ago but any pregnant woman had always brought back thoughts of Tess and their miscarriage.

Liz smiled as she took Kyle’s hand and led it to her stomach. Just as she placed his hand on her belly a beautiful brunette came walking out of the house behind Kyle with a small child on her hip. “Sorry everyone, Amy isn’t feeling too well. Seems to not like her—Oh I didn’t know we had company.”

Liz watched as this mystery woman eyed Kyle’s hand on Liz’s stomach so Liz quickly released it and looked at Max to see if he knew who she was. Max was also staring at the woman trying to figure out who she was so Liz didn’t feel like she was the only one. Liz turned back to watch Kyle’s face color before he turned to the woman and motioned for her to join them.

Everyone watched with baited breath as Kyle placed his arm around the woman’s waist and turned to Liz and Max. “Serena this is Max and Liz Evans. Max and Liz this is Serena Walker…my fiancée.”

“Fiancée?” Liz asked confused and she turned to glare at all her friends who were looking at her guiltily. They all knew but had not warned Liz or Max of the fact that Kyle was getting married. Liz turned back to Kyle and Serena and smiled before extending her hand. “I’m Liz Parker-Evans, and this is my husband Max; it’s nice to meet you Serena.”

“You too.” Serena smiled at them as she adjusted her daughter on her hip but her eyes widened with understanding. “Parker? You’re Liz Parker?”

“Yeah.” Liz looked at Serena confused as she watched the other girl look at Kyle unsurely before turning and walking inside. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No…it’s my problem.” Kyle smiled sadly before he excused himself and walked inside after his fiancée.

Max turned murderous eyes to their friends and family. “How could you not tell us?”

“Oh, calm down Max.” Michael waved him off as he took another sip of his drink. “It wouldn’t have changed anything.”

“It probably could have prevented what just happened.” Liz sighed as she turned around and watched as everyone accepted her point and nodded. “Why did she run off like that?”

“She just realized who you are.” Isabel explained but Liz just shrugged her shoulders. “To Kyle.”

“So we used to be involved…it’s not a big deal.” Liz said but Maria stood up and walked to stand in front of her. “What?”

“Kyle wasn’t in a good place when you left Liz.” Maria sadly explained. “He wasn’t as well as he told everyone and after the miscarriage it grew worse. He got into a little bit of a drinking problem and it wasn’t pretty. After months of therapy he was finally able to talk about the baby with Tess. They had decided to go their separate ways and Kyle met Serena. She makes him really happy and I guess you being back might have made her think she might lose him to you or to his past.”

“Oh man.” Max sighed as he sat down and ran a hand through his hair. “Why didn’t you tell us? All this time he was going through this and you didn’t tell us?”

“You were away at school and besides we didn’t think you two were the best one’s to help.” Alex advised and Max and Liz nodded at his reasoning. Kyle had issues with letting Liz go so she probably wasn’t the best person for him to see. “Serena and Amy have helped him grow and focus his energy.”

“Amy? Is she his?” Liz asked and everyone nodded. Liz was not shocked. Kyle was a very handsome man and undoubtedly his children would be gorgeous as well. “She’s beautiful.”

“Thank you.” A voice said and everyone turned to see Serena standing at the door looking some what lost.

“Look I’m sorry.” Liz said as she carefully took a step forward with apologetic eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you earlier. No one told us about you or Amy…I just feel so stupid being here.”

“It’s ok, I’m fine.” Serena nodded but her arms wrapped around her waist showed she was anything but fine. “I was wondering if I could talk to you alone Liz.”

“Um sure.” Liz nodded and just as she began to walk away Max pulled her back to him. “Max what?”

“Be careful.” Max pleaded his wife. “I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby Liz…one scream and I’m in there in a heartbeat.”

“I’ll be fine.” Liz assured him as she turned and glanced at Serena; she looked so lost. “From the looks of her, I doubt I’m in any danger.” Liz kissed Max softly and quietly followed Serena into the house.

Once inside the house Liz followed Serena into the living room where they sat down on the couch awkwardly. Liz thought she could hear the clock ticking but her musing were cut short when Serena finally spoke up. “I’m scared.”

“Of what?” Liz asked and she looked utterly surprised when Serena locked eyes with her. “Me?”

Serena nodded sadly. “You have no idea how much Kyle cares for you. He may not be in love with you anymore but one word from you could change everything for us…for me.”

“Serena, I know you don’t know me…but I would never do anything like that.” Liz tried to assure the fragile woman in front of her. “All my friends say you are good for Kyle…I wouldn’t ever want to get in the way of his happiness.”

“I’m sorry.” Serena said as she burst into tears and cried in her hands. Liz didn’t even hesitate to pull her into her arms and let Serena cry on her shoulder. After a few minutes Serena’s cries had died down and she lifted her head from Liz’s shoulder and smiled embarrassed. “I’m sorry…that’s not how I planned on this going.”

“How did you plan on this going? Threatening me to leave Kyle and your family alone?” Liz joked but when she saw Serena’s guilty face she gasped. “Oh god, I’m right aren’t I?”

“I feel like such an ass.” Serena laughed as she wiped her tears away. “I was going to threaten you…tell you to leave Kyle alone or else. But then I saw you with your husband and I knew I couldn’t do anything you have a right to be here; probably more than I do.”

“I don’t know about that.” Liz smiled as she reached over and patted Serena’s hand. Kyle had made a good choice in Liz’s eyes; this girl was perfect for him. “This is your future father-in-laws house. These people are your family.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Serena quickly disagreed. “No matter what happens you will always have a place in their hearts and in Kyle’s.”

Liz frowned; Serena was really stuck on the whole Kyle thing. “In time you will too. And the Kyle thing isn’t as serious as you think.”

“No you don’t understand.” Serena explained. “Since the day I started seeing Kyle it was ‘Liz did this,’ or ‘Liz would have done this’…everything I did was compared to how you had done it or how Kyle thought you would have. I’ve lived in your shadow for years.”

“I’m sorry you felt that way but that isn’t my problem.” Liz said honestly. “Yes Kyle will always hold a special place in my heart but that’s about it…I made my choice to marry Max 4 years ago and I don’t regret it. I loved Kyle but I love Max so much more.”

“So you aren’t here to take him back?” Serena asked hopeful. She wanted to like Liz but the fact is that she was a direct threat to her and her daughter’s safety.

“Oh no!” Liz quickly moved to assure Serena. She was starting to understand why this girl was so hot and cold with her. Serena wasn’t just scared of who Liz represented but of what Liz could do to her family. “I’m not here to take Kyle back at all. Max and I are moving here to raise our family…we are staying in Roswell but not for me to take Kyle from you. To be honest I think you two are perfect for each other. Just from this small conversation I can tell you have a lot of spunk in you and Kyle needs that.”

“Really? You think we are perfect together?” Serena asked and Liz couldn’t help but laugh at the pretty blush on her cheeks.

“Absolutely, have you seen your daughter? You two obviously have some good jeans.” Liz teased causing Serena to blush and giggle. “I’ve been meaning to ask how old is she?”

“7 months last week.” Serena answered and she nodded when Liz’s eyes widened. “She’s a handful…are you sure you want one?”

“A little too late now.” Liz smiled as she patted her stomach. She honestly loved this part…letting people in on her little secret. They had held onto the news for so long that Liz could see herself telling every person she met on the street that she was pregnant. “I’m 4 months pregnant.”

“Oh wow congratulations!” Serena smiled as she hugged Liz. When the two new friends pulled apart, Serena leaned in and looked around to make sure no one was listening. “And I’ve seen your husband…you will have no trouble making beautiful babies.”

“I know right!” Liz squealed in excitement of her future children. “My hubby is so handsome!”

“If I wasn’t completely in love with Kyle and Max wasn’t so obviously in love with you…I’d give you a run for your money.” Serena warned Liz and they both broke out laughing which is exactly how a baffled Max and Kyle found them a few minutes later.


“No I’m serious!” Liz said in-between giggles. She looked around the patio and saw all her friends and family bent over laughing at her story about Max’s horrible Halloween freshman year. “He had to spend the whole night dressed as Marilyn Monroe.”

“Oh man Maxwell; I never knew you were into cross dressing.” Michael laughed as Max just fell back onto his chair with a grunt. “I would never have thought you would look good as a blonde.”

“Trust me I didn’t.” Max commented as he glared a Liz who just blew him a kiss. “If I were you, I wouldn’t start something you can’t finish.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Max.” Liz smiled while batting her eyelashes but there was clear warning in her tone; Max just smirked mysteriously.

“Oh really, let me remind you.” Max smiled before turning to their friends and family. “How about I tell them how many times I’ve woken you up by placing my mou--”

Liz smacked her hand over her husband’s mouth quickly and raised an amused and aroused eyebrow when he licked her palm sensually. “I don’t think they need to know about that.” Liz chuckled nervously as her friends tried not to laugh at her embarrassment. She leaned in so that only Max could hear her and whispered in his ear, “My dad is right there Max…behave.”

“What will you give me if I do?” Max whispered back and he had to hold in a groan when Liz blew in his ear.

“If you behave…I’ll give you anything you want.” Liz purred as she ran her hand up Max’s thigh. They had all moved to the patio table and no one could see what they were doing but Maria was shaking her head at Liz knowingly. “Just wait ‘til we get home.”

“Spoil my fun.” Max pouted before he turned and decided to bring a silent Kyle and Serena into the conversation. “So Kyle, where did you meet Serena?”

“Oh um, in college.” Kyle nodded at Max. He was sitting right next to Max and he could see and hear everything that was going on with them. Kyle was far from being bashful or innocent (hell he had a kid for petes sake) but it was still a little tough to hear about Liz and Max’s sexual endeavors. “I was actually roommates with her brother so she was always around. I got tired of her begging me for a date so I finally agreed and I haven’t been able to get rid of her since.”

“Kyle.” Serena laughed as she slapped his arm. “That’s not true at all. Yes my brother Sean was roommates with Kyle but I didn’t chase him around…Kyle followed me like a lost puppy.”

“That I can believe.” Liz laughed at the picture Serena made. “I bet he followed you around for months explaining why he would be a great boyfriend for you.”

“Yes!” Serena squealed with laughter as she wiped some tears from her eyes. “He is so predictable isn’t he?”

“Hey! I resent that!” Kyle huffed as everyone laughed and agreed with his fiancée. “I surprised you when I asked you to marry me didn’t I? You weren’t expecting that.”

“You’re right, you surprised me when and how you asked…but I knew you were going to ask eventually.” Serena smiled and chuckled when Kyle looked at her surprised and slightly hurt. “Baby, we have a child together…I knew you’d ask.”

“Not everyone who has kids with people get married Serena.” Kyle explained. Although she was absolutely right and that no matter what Kyle would have asked her to be his wife…he didn’t need her to know how truly tight she had him wrapped around her finger. “I was having a baby with Tess and we weren’t getting married.”

Silence fell over the table as everyone saw how uncomfortable Max, Liz, and Kyle got at the mention of the baby. Although the child was innocent in itself, it represented a whole night of changes; some that nobody wanted to talk about either. Finally growing tired of the discomfort Max spoke up to anyone who would know. “How is she?”

“She lives a few minutes outside of Roswell but she’s in town a lot visiting family.” Kyle explained with a sad smile. After they had lost the baby, he had gone out of his way to make sure she was ok, that she grieved but Tess was stubborn and didn’t talk to anyone about it. “She’s been through a lot.”

All the friends agreed with Kyle’s comment but they also couldn’t help but think that they all had been through a lot these last four years.


2 Weeks Later

“Are you sure this will fit there?” Max said as he scratched his eyebrow and stared at the large dresser in front of him. When they had initially moved in Liz had told the movers to place the dresser on the wall next to the window but after living in their new house for a few days Liz decided she didn’t like the fact that she couldn’t get to the window easily; the dresser was in the way and had to be moved.

“Positive.” Liz assured her husband as she looked over her schematic for their bedroom. She had made a detailed and perfectly scaled floor plan and had even made little models of all the furniture to scale as well. Liz moved the dresser around on her schematic and although she really loved the original spot by the window she really didn’t want the window obstructed in any way. “I’ve measured and re-measured the dresser and the new area countless times Max…trust me.”

“I trust you.” Max explained to Liz as he started to move the dresser an inch. He grunted and fell against it heaving. “It’s my back that doesn’t trust you.”

“Well if you’d just let me help you we wou-” Liz said as she moved to help push but was quickly picked up and placed over Max’s shoulder. “Max! What are you doing? MAXWELL ZANDER EVANS PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!”

“I will when you are safe.” Max said as he carried Liz out of their bedroom and down the hall. Max knew that if Liz was still in the room she wouldn’t let him get any of the work finished that needed to be done because he would have to worry about her not helping at all. Max also knew he had to be careful of her delicate condition when he carried her in this position so he was carrying her on her side so she didn’t lie on her stomach. When Max reached the desired “safe” room he gently placed Liz on her feet and caught her hands when they moved to slap his chest and used them to pull her to him and kiss her before releasing her. “There…you’re safe now.”

“What am I going to do in here?” Liz questioned and she gestured to the bare room with her hands. While they were unpacking, the spare room was used as storage but now that is was basically clear except a few boxes it was going to be the baby’s nursery. Liz huffed and raised a sarcastic brow to her husband. “Open the closet door and make sure it works?”

“No.” Max said in a “don’t be stupid” voice as he moved forward and wrapped his arms around his wife while secretly pulling the tape measure from her back pocket. Max easily removed the object and lifted it to show Liz who just frowned at him and he explained. “I want you to do one of those schematic things so we can go pick out some furniture.”

“Really?” Liz asked as her excitement started to bubble up inside of her and she could hardly contain it. “We can pick out the baby furniture?”

“Yes.” Max said and he tried to hold Liz down when she started to jump up and down in front of him. “But!!!” Liz stopped immediately and waited for him to continue. “We can’t go over board Liz…we can look at some pieces and maybe buy one or two….nothing big yet you understand?” Liz nodded eagerly. “I’m serious…I’m still a resident and we don’t make that much money.”

“I know but I’m just so excited!” Liz squealed as she hugged Max before running to measure one of the walls. “It’s all really coming together you know? I’m showing now and buying furniture; it’s finally hit me we are having a baby Max!”

“You didn’t realize that when the stick turned blue?” Max teased his wife who just stuck her tongue out before returning to her measurements. Max watched her graceful movements for a few seconds before sighing and heading back to the dresser from hell.

Later that day.

“You sure this is the one you want?” Max asked as he put his hand on the crib in front of him. It was a dark cherry color and it was simply designed but beautiful. Max knew his wife and so he knew she was very picky about the baby’s furniture; she wanted everything to be perfect and she didn’t care how long it took. “I mean this is only the first store we have really looked at…I don’t want to take this one and you not want it in 4 months.”

“Don’t worry Max…this is the one!” Liz stated excitedly. She had been walking around the store for an hour and every time she kept coming back to this crib because it was perfect. “And this isn’t the first store I’ve been too…I stopped in a few in Boston and I’ve looked on. This is our crib Max…I promise.”

“Ok fine.” Max sighed as he rubbed his forehead. It bugged him a little bit that Liz had gone out without him but he was happy she hadn’t just gone out and bought everything with out him. Max reached over to the crib and started to push down on the sliding side and jiggling it around causing Liz to laugh. “What? I want to make sure its safe.”

“You do realize this isn’t the crib you will be buying correct? You are going to have to put ours together Max.” Liz tried not to laugh at his surprised look. “Don’t worry it shouldn’t be that hard.”

“Fine.” Max said as he straightened and glanced around the store. “Let’s find a salesperson and find out what the damage is.”

“Ok.” Liz smiled as she turned and saw a brunette woman walking there way. “Let’s ask her.”

“Hi I’m Stephanie, can I help you with anything today?” The saleswoman said as she approached the couple. She was a few years older than Max and Liz and seemed very cheerful. “Need any help finding the perfect gift?”

“Hi actually it’s not a gift but for us.” Liz smiled as she placed a hand on her stomach and watched Max wink at her. “We’re having our first baby.”

“Oh I’m sorry, congratulations!” Stephanie said as she saw Liz’s hand on her stomach. Liz’s stomach had been blocked by Max’s arm so Stephanie hadn’t seen the bulge. “How far along are you?”

“22 weeks.” Liz nodded and smiled as Stephanie put her hand out to touch Liz’s stomach. “I know it’s a little soon to buy furniture but I just couldn’t wait.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Stephanie waved off Liz’s concerns. “Some women come in as soon as they find out they are pregnant and buy the place out.”

“Ok good.” Liz laughed along with the woman and she turned to her husband who seemed a little nervous about the “buy the place out” comment. “Don’t worry…we’re starting simple and going with a crib for now.”

“Well you came to the right place that’s for sure.” Stephanie smiled and noticed the couple was standing next to their classic crib style. “Is this one that you like?”

“Yes it is.” Liz answered as she ran her hand over the smooth surface. “Could you tell us about it?”

“Of course.” Stephanie smiled as she moved closer to show off the model. “Well this is our classic crib style; nothing extremely fancy but very beautiful. It’s convertible which means that as the baby grows the bed can too. For example, if you like this style enough and want to continue to use it, it can be converted to a daybed for a toddler or young child and then eventually the back board and this sliding front can be used as head and footboards for a full size bed when a steel frame is connected. Its slopping backboard which would be the head board of the full size bed option is classic looking with the middle being the highest and the sides curving down. The side opens easily with one hand as so.” Stephanie demonstrated the ease of the cribs sliding side and then moved for Liz and Max to both try it.

“The mattress can be placed at 4 different levels for you and your baby’s comfort.” Stephanie explained as she lifted the mattress pad and showed the couple how to change the levels. “The crib comes with an easy sliding drawer on the bottom to store extra blankets and things. You can also install rollers for the legs if you want for easy moving around the room.”

“What about color options?” Max asked as he inspected how the crib was put together. From what he could see it would come in a few pieces and he would need a few tools to screw it all together; easy enough for a doctor to figure out. “Is this the only one?”

“No it comes in cherry like it is here, honey, oak, and white.” Stephanie explained and she pointed behind her to the counter. “I can get you the color samples if you want to look at them.”

“I like this color.” Liz stated as she tapped her finger against the wood. They had already agreed to paint the room a light yellow so it would work for either a boy or a girl since they had decided to be surprised. “It will go good with the wall color.”

“What color do you have in mind?” Stephanie asked.

“We chose the universal light yellow so it’s unisex.” Max explained and Stephanie nodded knowingly.

“Want to be surprised do you?” Stephanie asked and the couple nodded. “Well then I think this crib is great for it….its very unisex and could work with either a little boy or girl.”

“Well what do you think?” Liz asked her husband and she noticed how Stephanie took a step back to allow them some privacy. “I’m already giving it my vote so it’s up to you now.”

“Oh put all the pressure on me huh?” Max smiled as he looked over the crib one more time before nodding. “Ok fine…how much is it?”

“Well you are in luck because we are sadly closing this location and moving so we are selling everything in sets and at REALLY low prices to get them out as soon as possible.” Stephanie explained and she pulled a small calculator out of her pocket and started to punch in some numbers. “The crib is usually $269.99 but I can give it to you for 65% off and that’s a total of 94.59 plus tax.”

“Are you serious?” Max asked surprised at how low the price was. He’d heard stories from his colleagues that cribs were usually the most expensive and they had wished him luck at finding one under two hundred dollars. “Less than a hundred for this?”

“Yes.” Stephanie smiled. The sale was outrageous in her opinion but it had definitely moved the merchandise out fast.

“Sets?” Liz questioned with an interested look in her eyes. “What kind of sets?”

“For this crib we have a dresser, and changing table.” Stephanie explained as she checked her notes in her pocket. She had a feeling these kids would want the set and they were so young; probably needed all the help they could get. “Would you like to see them?”

“Are they under the same 65% off sale?” Max asked before he made his final decision. With a sale like this he might as well just get everything he could.

“Yes everything in the store is on sale.” Stephanie said and she watched the couple silently communicate before nodding their heads eagerly. “Ok follow me this way please.”

An Hour Later

“Ok so do we have everything now?” Stephanie said as she checked over their list of merchandize. “We have the crib, 3 drawer dresser, and changing table; all in cherry finish. The reclining glider with ottoman in cherry finish with camel color cushions. We have the sleigh style cradle in cherry and 2 mattress pads…one for the crib and one for the cradle. Is that correct?”

“Ok…why do we need the cradle if we are getting the crib?” Max asked as he tried to knock down the list…he didn’t understand how a baby needed more furniture than he had. “What’s the point of having both?”

“The crib will be for the nursery of course.” Liz said and Max nodded. “And the cradle can go in our room for when we want the baby near.”

“The room is down the hall.” Max reminded Liz but he saw her pout and he couldn’t deny her. “Fine but it’s on your side.”

“Of course.” Liz smiled as she squeezed Max’s arm in appreciation. “That’s everything.”

“Ok…are you ready for this?” Stephanie asked as she put everything in the computer and drew up a total. “Normally everything you are getting would be $4349.32 but with the 65% discount its only $1522.26. How does that sound?”

“I think I found a new best friend.” Max joked as he easily pulled out his credit card and handed it over. “I can say I am truly happy this store is closing.”

“I can tell.” Stephanie laughed as she completed their transaction and then handed all the paper work over. “Ok…here is your receipt and everything will be delivered on Saturday. The movers will call before hand and let you know the time and they will come and set everything up for you.”

“Great thanks so much Stephanie.” Max said as he shook the woman’s hand who had saved him almost three thousand dollars.

“No problem guys…good luck!” Stephanie called out as they walked out of the store.

“Ok now are you happy?” Max asked Liz as they walked out of the store. “We have everything we need to get…everything else can be at the shower.”

“Yup.” Liz smiled as she laced her fingers with her husbands but stopped suddenly and turned back to the store. “Shoot I have to pee. I’m just going to run back ok?”

“Sure I’ll wait out here.” Max said as he leaded against the window and prepared to wait for his wife.

Max had been standing there for a few minutes when he heard someone approach and say his name. “Max?”

His eyes almost popped out of his head as he turned to the voice and studied the blonde in front of him. “Tess, how are you?” Max moved forward and hugged her awkwardly.

“I’m good. You?” Tess said as they pulled apart and she self consciously pushed her hair out of her face.

“Great.” Max nodded and they stood there in silence for a few seconds. “Heard you moved out of Roswell?”

“Yeah and I love it.” Tess explained before gesturing to Max. “What are you doing here? Last I heard you and Liz were happy in Boston.”

“We were, but now we moved back to Roswell to be closer to family and friends.” Max explained with a smile. “We had a get together and Jim and Amy’s a couple weeks back; I was surprised you weren’t there.”

“Yeah I got Maria’s message but I’m not really comfortable there.” Tess explained with a weird face. “Serena doesn’t really like me…jealousy or something; I don’t know.”

“She seemed perfectly nice to me.” Max said as he quickly held his frown in. This Tess was nothing like the girl he used to be in love with. “Liz and Serena became friends fast.”

“Figures.” Tess said quietly but Max heard her anyway. She spoke up when she saw him about to comment. “So what are you doing waiting out here?”

“Liz had to use the restroom.” Max explained as he decided to let the comment go. “What about you?”

“Friend of mine is having a baby and I wanted to pick something up.” Tess explained as she smiled brightly. Max had gotten so much more handsome in her eyes and she remembered how it felt to be with him. “What about you Max? You and Liz have any plans for kids in the future?”

“Actually,” Max started but he heard the door open behind him and he turned to see Liz walking out with a surprised look. “Yes.”

“Oh.” Tess said as she turned and saw a pregnant Liz walk towards them. Tess remembered when they were younger and used to play house. The girls would stick pillows up their shirts and pretend they were pregnant; Liz was always the cutest of all the “pregnant” girls and it still held true today. “Hey Liz.”

“Tess.” Liz smiled as she stepped up and stood next to Max. She had to hold her self from wrapping her arms around Max; she knew Max loved her but the way Tess was staring at him made her want to mark her territory. “How are you?”

“Fine.” Tess smiled but the couple could easily see it was false. “I was telling Max here my friend is having a baby so I was buying a gift. I see you are also expecting…congrats.”

“Thanks Tess.” Liz answered before feeling Max wrap his arms around Liz and she had to hold in a smile at the fact that she could tell Max wanted to be marked. “Tell your friend congrats as well.”

“Oh I will.” Tess nodded before looking down at her watch. “Listen I have to go…it was great talking to you again Liz.” Tess met Max’s eyes and her voice dropped to a husky tone. “Max.” She smiled and turned to the door. “Tootles.”

The couple watched her flounce away and into the store before turning to each other before busting out laughing and stating together. “Tootles?”

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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey everyone well i finally found this part again lol :oops: I promise I do know how to use computer but for some reason when I save something....sometimes it doesn't end up where I want it to be.

Ams knows what I'm talking about cuz I was almost in tears with her when i couldn't find this part! But you can breath cuz I found all my updates soo...YEAH!!

Strawberry88 wrote:SO cute!! I can't wait until you post more!!
Thanks I'm glad you liked it!
lazza wrote:So Tess still has something for Max then? She seems a little angry and bitter at everyone, I hope she keeps her paws off Max.

So cute going to the store just to look at things, and then coming out with almost everything they need. But 65% off, who couldn't say no?

I'm glad the whole Kyle situation is cleared up, it seems that he's really happy with Serena, although I can't believe everyone managed to keep Amy a secret for so long. It looks like they can all be friends can be well friends!!

Great part, I'm so glad you're back... :lol:
Lol thanks! Yes I think Tess isn't quite through with Max yet...
FSUMSW94 wrote:I'm so glad you're back and with a nice long update :) I was very glad Kyle has moved on with Serena and they have a beautiful daughter and are going to be married soon. He'll always care about Liz, that's understandable, and it is good after he was able to finally heal from the miscarriage with Tess and getting over Liz that he's happy again. I was glad Serena and Liz were able to clear any confusion b/w them and become fast friends. Serena's initial insecurity is understandable though, especially since in the beginning of their relationship Kyle would wrongly compare her to Liz. That had to hurt :(

Tess has sure changed, and it looks like she isn't beyond going after Max. Glad he isn't the least bit interested in her though. I hope Liz continues to have a stress free pregnancy.

Thanks for writing and come back soon please :wink: :D
Thanks and I agree with you...Serena and Liz are going to be really good friends!
dreamer destiny wrote:I'm glad Tess doesn't even have a semblance of a chance. Great part, glad everything is coming together.
You are right about Tess...lets just hope she gets the picture soon.
roswell3053 wrote:Awesome update, and so worth the wait. I want to know where that baby store is because my sister-n-law is pregnant and we have to buy all of that stuff. :lol: Just kidding...I can't wait for the next part. Hurry back soon.
I hear you on the baby thing. 3 close friends of mine are getting married this summer and I have a dreadful feeling that just when I finish buying wedding presents I'll have to go and buy baby presents as well!
behrlyliz wrote:Super part. I'm glad that things worked out for Kyle and that he's happy with his family. Also, I'm glad that Liz and Serena worked out their issues and are now friends.

Anyway, thanks for updating and please hurry back with more.
Thanks I'm glad you liked my version of Kyle's family!
vampyrax wrote:Great part is it just me or does Tess seem to be someone to worry about? I sure hope she has given up on Max and gone on with her life but she worries me. Max and Liz are just so damn cute together and I love that Max wanted to be marked.
Yea...I'd mark Max real quick! :twisted:
Erina wrote:Great part! :D

I was kind of worried about Tess and Kyle, but Kyle doesn't look like a treat, but what about Tess? :? Was that olny my imagination or she really was weird?

Why anyone didn't tell Max and Liz about Kyle and his situation? Okay, I understand that they were in Boston and so on, but they came back, couldn't anyone tell that then? I know that time between their arrive and dinner was kind of short, but someone could have find time and place to inform about Kyle. Because that moment with Kyle, Serena and Liz was so akward, although in the end everything was fine. It's just they could prevent that! Ha, and I was worried about Kyle, but he already has a daughter! Although it looks that he hasn't healed properly....

And 65%!?!? :shock: Yikes, I bet Max is happy! :lol: Yeah, who wouldn't be?

Can't wait for more! :D
Yeah that Tess was weird....she will just get weirder though.
su-lyn wrote:I believe Tess is hiding a lot of resentment towards Liz. It would have been different if she did not miscarry. I think she will try to stir trouble for our dreamer couple. Great part and come back sooner, please. Thanks. :lol:
Sorry...I tried to come back sooner..but yeah!
Emz80m wrote:I have to say a few things here.

Firstly, great part I'm so glad that you're back

1. I think its absolutely ridiculous that the friends chose not to tell Liz and Max that Kyle had a child!!! I mean that's so wrong.

2. Kyle and Tess need to seriously get over it. It's been four years and now Kyle is dating someone else while still playing the what if game. I have a feeling that Tess is also doing that and that she might cause problems for Max and Liz. God I hope not.

Can't wait for more
I always love hearing your opinions emma...keep them up!!
Earth2Mama wrote:Nope...don't trust that this is the last anyone is going to hear from Tess. She's up to something.

Post more soon :D
You are very preceptive!
Maxssoulmate wrote:I love this new part! i'm so glad that kyle found someone. but the tess thing, ya shes up to somethin. she was just to perky then the way she was actin towards max, yep defently dont trust her.

post more soon! :D

<3 Tay
Yeah that Tess lol
LoveIsForever wrote:Yeah with 65% off you would be a fool not to buy everything then.

Well it seems that Tess still has feelings for Max I just hope she realize that Max isn't into her anymore.
Thanks for the FB and yeah I'd buy everything real quick too!
BehrObsession wrote:You've made my day. I was so happy to see that this story was finally updated. In a way, I feel sorry for Kyle and Tess. They're the two whose actions resulted in Max & Liz being together and they're the only two who haven't faired well because of it. Kyle has moved on with Serena, but he hasn't completely let go of the past. He needs to do so if he expects to have a happy life with Serena and his daughter. And Tess needs to simply get Max out of her mind and find someone of her own. If she has any ideas of stealing Max away from Liz, she's going to be in for a rude awakening. Can't wait for you to post more soon!
Hope this makes your day as well!!
begonia9508 wrote:Great part! Loved Serena at the first sight!.... she seems to be a lot like Liz and they are certainly going to be friends!

And Tess?... that just Tess....

So pleased to read something again from this great story! - EVE
Thanks I had a lot of fun writing Serena lol
janesdilemma wrote:Wonderful update!

Things were seemingly happy until the Kyle/Tess thing.. I dont think Kyle is going to be pinning away so much... He seems happy with Serena. And I can totally understand why Serena doesnt like Tess. Hello, she practically raped Max with her eyes....

And tootles? Yeah, umm.. freak! Max and Liz are so in love though, I cant see anything breaking them up!

And can I say, I would make Stephanie my new bestfriend too! 65% off baby furniture!

Great chapter! Hope we dont have to wait so long for the next chapter!

You know Stephanie....I had a teacher who would say Tootles every time we left class and by the 3rd day I wanted to punch her tottles right out lol. And you are showing up in a lot of fics lately aren't you :wink:
youre my dreamgirl wrote:I am really NOT trusting Tess right now. I hope that Liz's hormones don't affect things too much :(

Can't wait for more
Don't aren't the only one not trusting Tess.
RASaero611 wrote:glad to see that you are back! its good to see kyle with a family now, serena makes him happy and so does their baby, so thats good. i'm glad that serena is looking out for kyle too.
everything else was great as usual

great update

Chapter 18

“I can’t believe I’m getting married to Michael Guerin!” Maria confessed in a slur as she downed another drink. She’d been freaking about this for the last hour and the last 3 shots. “What am I thinking?”

It was the night before Maria and Michaels wedding and it was the bachelor and Bachelorette parties. The guys had gone out to a bar on one side of town while the girls had gone to one on the other side both sets trying to do their best to stay away from the other set.

“Come on Maria…it’s not that bad.” Liz laughed and rolled her eyes at her friend. She glanced around the room and saw all the girls giggling and having fun…obviously with the help of alcohol. “You love Michael.”

“So?” Maria huffed as she slammed her shot glass down signaling the bartender to refill it. “Just cuz you love someone doesn’t mean you should be with them. Hell look at you and Kyle!”

Liz sighed as Maria gagged as the alcohol ran down her throat. She was very happy she was pregnant and couldn’t drink. “I guess you’re right.”

“Oh you know I am.” Maria slurred as she wagged a finger at Liz. “If you would have married Kyle you would have not married Max…cuz you can’t marry two people at one time!”

“Very true Maria.” Liz rolled her eyes. Drunk people were amusing.

“And if you hadn’t married Max he wouldn’t have knocked you up with my god person!” Maria explained with a dramatic nod. “And Kyle wouldn’t have screwed Serena and Amy wouldn’t be here.”

“Again you hit the nail on the head.” Liz said as she turned and laughed when she saw Isabel and Serena trying to dance but both of them being as drunk as Maria were failing.

“Hit the nail on the head.” Maria pondered as she lifted her glass and started to look around the room through the bottom of it. “I wonder why they say that…I mean have you actually tried to hit a nail’s head? Its not as easy as it looks. If you are off by one little thing….then BAM! You nail the wood…ha ha! Nail the wood.”

“Ok!” Liz said as she reached over and took the glass from Maria before signaling to the bartender that she was done. “Lets get you some coffee shall we?”


“I’m telling you man…she’s the bestestest!” Michael explained as he leaned against a sober Max across town. “She even cleans my underwear…that’s how I knew she was the one for me!”

“Cuz she cleaned your drawers?” Max clarified and Michael nodded. “But your mom used to do that too Michael.”

“But that’s gross dude.” Michael crunched his face up. “Its like that dude in the stories….that loved his mom…epido…epidist…eddy…edmont…”

“Oedipus?” Max offered and he actually jumped when Michael slammed his hand down on the bar.

“That’s the one!” Michael held his hands up in triumph. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”

“Cuz I can pronounce words?” Max asked and Michael wagged his finger at him before drinking the rest of his drink. “You think you’ve had enough yet?”

“Nope…I just finished my share.” Michael explained as he watched the bartender fill his glass again. “Now I’m starting on yours. You’re a pansy you won’t drink at my bachelor party, so I’m drinking for you.”

“I’m being supportive.” Max offered his practiced speech. Truth was that Max would have loved to be drinking right now with his best friends but truth be told he was looking out for Liz. Every time he’d gotten drunk before Liz had stayed up with him carrying him around as best she could and Max knew that she shouldn’t be doing that in her condition. Plus he didn’t want her to get mad at him tomorrow when he was hung over. “That’s what husbands do.”

“That’s right!” Michael said as he turned around and yelled to get everyone’s attention. “I want everyone to listen to my friend Max here…he knows how to be a husband…cuz he’s one. He’s going to teach me how to be a good one too.”

“Ok Michael easy does it.” Max helped his friend back on to his stool before turning to the bartender. “No more for him.”


“WHOOO!!” Maria screamed as she danced on the table making everyone laugh. “Come on Lizzie!! Get up here and dance with me.”

Liz laughed as she looked up at her friend and shook her head. “No way. I am not getting up there 5 and a half months pregnant to dance with you…sorry.”

“You’re no fun Liz!” Isabel offered from next to her. She and Serena were laughing about the fact that they could see up Maria’s skirt…and that the word skirt was funny to say; they’d repeated it about 40 times already. “This is like your Bachelorette party too!”

“No thanks girls.” Liz smiled. “I rather like being sober right now.”

“Whatever you do Lizzie, don’t let me out of your sight!” Maria said as she stumbled before making her way off the table and fell into a chair on the other side of Liz. “I don’t want to run off and get married like Kyle and Tess did.”

“That was a little different Maria.” Liz said as she watched Maria shake her head.

“I got myself drunk tonight and I got them drunk too.” Maria confessed in a small whisper. “I got them drunk and lost them so they went and got married because of me! They never wanted to be together; they loved you and Max.”

“What?” Liz asked shocked as she listened to Maria explain what happened between the friends 4 years ago.


“There are a lot of pretty girls here tonight Max.” Michael advised his friend as he glanced around the girls in the bar. “Lots of danger.”

“I guess.” Max said as he quickly surveyed the room. It wasn’t that he didn’t find them attractive it was just not what he was interested in anymore. Liz and their baby were the only people that mattered to Max anymore and nothing these girls could do would change that. “Not really looking.”

“Me either.” Michael confessed but he still looked worried. “Keep your eyes on me Max…cuz I don’t want to run off and marry the wrong girl. I won’t be at fault again.”

“At fault?” Max asked confused. “What are you talking about?” He sat there shocked as he listened to Michael explain what exactly happened all those years ago and how everything was just a huge mistake.


Liz walked into a small hallway and pulled her cell out of her pocket before taking a deep breath. Everything that she heard from Maria made so much sense…little facts she had learned years ago were coming back to the surface and the pieces started to fit together.

Kyle and Tess hadn’t meant to get married that night…they hadn’t purposefully been unfaithful to Max and Liz. The fact that they did get married was still there but the reasoning behind it was so much clearer now.

Liz didn’t know what to make of the fact that her closest friends had kept this information hidden for so long. Why didn’t they just tell them what happened? Would Max and Liz even have listened to them if they had tried?

So many thoughts were flowing through her head that Liz didn’t know how to process them. She knew she had to talk to someone and there was only one person she could think that could help her. She quickly dialed the number and waited for it to ring.

Liz rolled her eyes when she got his voice mail. Just when she need him he wasn’t there; typical man. She sighed and waited for that damn tone so she could record her message. “Hey its me…look I really need to talk to you right now. Um, we are almost done here so I was wondering if we could meet up before heading home? You remember the place? See you in an hour? Hopefully you get this and meet me there…bye.”


Max rubbed the back of his neck as he leaned against the bathroom door. Michael had just explained everything about that night to Max; the night that changed his life.

He loved Liz so much but Max was scared that the fact that Maria and Michael’s decision to pay a bartender to spike a couple drinks had allowed their lives to get so lost. What would have happened if Kyle and Tess hadn’t been drinking? Would they have still gotten married or would their original plans have gone through?

Max sighed as he pushed away from the bathroom door and put his hand in his pocket to grab his phone before he found it empty. “Shit.” Max started to think of where he had left his phone. As Liz got later in her pregnancy Max always wanted to have his cell on him and be available just in case something happened and she needed him at anytime.

Max left the bathroom and headed back to the bar. He saw Michael where he left him with Kyle. “I left my cell in the car…can I use yours?”

Michael wordlessly handed his phone over as he studied the bar top causing Max and Kyle to laugh and Max noticed Kyle was sober as well. “You aren’t you drinking tonight?”

“Baby duty when I get home.” Kyle explained and then winced. “Oh and I’ll be in charge of a very drunk Fiancée if Liz’s call earlier prepared me for anything.”

“So glad my girl is pregnant and can’t drink.” Max laughed and he flipped open Michael cell and dialed his cell number and accessing his messages. After a few entertaining drunk calls from his sister he listened to one message from Liz and then a call he never expected to get. He hung up before searching Michael’s contact list for the number he wanted and pressed send.

He waited for her to pick up and he rubbed his forehead when she picked up. “Its me…I remember the place and I’ll be there in an hour.”


Liz waited patiently on the swings at the small park across from Roswell High. This place held a lot of memories and she smiled as she envisioned bringing her own child here one day.

He’d called her back a few minutes after she left the message agreeing to meet her. She had played designated driver and drove all her inebriated friends home and even helped pour them all into their beds; what she did for her friends.

She thought back to what she learned tonight and why she was even here. Good old Maria. The woman was like a steel trap of secrets but as soon as you got enough alcohol into her system she seemed to flood open like a damn. Not only did she learn about the marriage secret but Maria also told Liz and her and Michael’s exploits into Role-playing in the bedroom; very interesting stuff.

Liz rubbed her arms as she shivered in the cold; she knew she should have grabbed her jacket. Since the day he found out she was pregnant he’d been all over her about being careful; she knew he was going to have a field day with this one cuz he was the expert after all.

She felt someone watching her and turned around the park but didn’t see anyone. It was 2 in the morning so her chances of actually seeing anyone were slim. Pushing her feeling aside she started to kick her feet around letting her actions move the swing a little bit.


Max sighed as he got out of his car and headed to the decided destination. He didn’t know what was so important for them to meet like this but he decided he didn’t just get it over with.

He was still thinking about what he heard tonight from his friend. Although the alcohol doesn’t excuse their actions that night it does give a reason for them. Max still couldn’t understand how everyone was able to keep it from them for so long but then again he and Liz had stayed pretty much to themselves in Boston and rarely called home.

This place used to be so special to him; to them. They had run here to steal quite moments together when they couldn’t be alone anywhere else. It has always been some kind of refuge for them.

He looked up and saw her sitting there by herself. He frowned when he saw her shiver and held himself in check from running over there and yelled at her for not bringing a jacket; he knew she knew better. He sat down on a bench out of her view but still in a place where he could easily see her.

He watched as she looked around, probably for him before she went back to sitting there and kicking the ground with her feet. After a few minutes he decided it was time to see what she called about so he got up and head towards her.


Liz was about to give up and go home, hoping to catch him before the wedding madness tomorrow when she heard someone approach and she smiled when she saw him walking towards her.

She knew she probably scared him with her call because the look on her face showed confusion and also relief that she was indeed ok. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“Not a problem.” He answered as he sat next to her before he started to swing himself. “I’ve always loved this place.”

“I haven’t been here in a while.” Liz answered as she glanced around. “I can’t believe its still so beautiful.”

“Amy loves it here.” He confessed and he blushed when she glanced at him. “I wanted to show her all the special places in my life…this is one of them. The day we met here was one of the best of my life until I ruined it in Vegas.”

“Kyle.” Liz whispered as she turned and stared into his eyes. “I know what really happened in Vegas.”


He saw her smile at him and he smiled back as he walked over and sat down next to her. “So what’s up?”

“I just wanted to talk.” Tess said as she swung her legs under the bench and she looked around them. “I thought this place would bring back memories you know?”

“I guess.” Max shrugged. He glanced behind him to the Roswell Cinemax and smiled faintly. They all had fun being obnoxiously teens here and getting kicked out of every movie they saw because they had thrown popcorn or talked to loud during the movie “We all had some fun times here.”

“I meant for us.” Tess frowned; this guy never took a hint did he? “We had some good times here too.”

“We did…but that’s over Tess.” Max reminded her as he ran a hand through his hair. “So what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Vegas.” Tess said bluntly. She finally realized the only way to get Max back would be to tell him the truth and she knew he didn’t know what his friends had kept from him all these years. “I can’t hold it in any longer Max…I need you to know.”

“I do know.” Max confessed and he saw Tess blink in surprise. “But it doesn’t make a difference.”

Enjoy guys...and I'll be back sooner lol!!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.