Early Gifts, A/I, 1/1, Teen 11/24/2005[COMPLETE]

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Early Gifts, A/I, 1/1, Teen 11/24/2005[COMPLETE]

Post by Sternbetrachter »

Early Gifts

By Sternbetrachter/Trude
Disclaimer: I own nothing, neither Roswell nor the Christmas song that is used (We wish you a Merry Christmas). This is just written for fun and not to make money.
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Up to ARCC I guess
Author’s Note/Summary: this was written in response to the 2005 stargazer challenge – here’s the whole challenge
Stargazer Challenge:
~rating is up to you
~must be no shorter than 250 words
~any season is fine and you can include the other couples or
~has to be around Christmas time
~must include the following phrases and things:
1) "It's like we're on a merry go round"
2) "hard to breathe"
3) Gift exchange
4) The word "stargazer" or "stargazing"
5) "you're my Christmas miracle"
6) "dude, your chestnuts are on fire!"
7) A bell has to ring
8) A Christmas song must be featured somewhere in the fic
9) "always belong to someone else"

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas

“We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” Maria sang softly along with the song that could be heard all over the Roswell Santa Village while she adjusted mistletoe on her mother’s booth/stand in the Santa Village.

The big “Christmas is in three days” celebration was tomorrow but a lot of people were making sure that everything was perfect for the big event, after all, everyone knew what would happen if everything was not perfect.

Oh bring us a figgy pudding
Oh bring us a figgy pudding

“It’s funny,” Maria mused, “how much terror an 18 year old (not so human) girl could inflict with her mere presence. People were so easily fooled by the show said girl put on.

Grinning when the mistletoe was finally fixed, Maria once again started to sing along while turning for the next mistletoe. “… figgy pudding and a cup of good … Argh!”

Maria almost jumped back when she turned around when she saw the menacing figure of Isabel Evans towering over her.

“Hello Maria!” Isabel greeted the shorter blonde with a bright, cheerful and oh so very scary smile. Like every year at this time, Isabel was dressed in only green and red with a matching hat. She had a clipboard in her left hand and a (of course) red pen in her right.

There were many urban legends about Isabel Evans’ Christmas clipboard.

We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some, so bring some out here

“Amazing how easy such a cheery Christmas song could resemble the music from ‘Jaws’, right before the shark strikes,” Maria thought bitterly.
“Isabel! You really scar.. … I mean, you really caught me by surprise!” Maria exclaimed a little too cheerfully, noticing how Isabel’s eyes inspected the booth. Maria insisted the urges to hop from one foot to the other or to glare at Mrs. Miller from the next booth who was watching the girls.

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Turning back to Isabel, Maria got the sinking feeling that her Christmas would not be very merry – Isabel was writing down something on her clipboard and Amy Deluca had made a point of telling Maria that she’d hold her responsible if Isabel showed up at the Deluca house, wanting to discuss some ‘slight suggestions’ for their booth.

“So, Isabel … how’s it going?”

“Fine, actually. Thanks for asking.” Isabel briefly glanced up, offering Maria another bright smile. She then took a few steps to the side and checked something from this angle, Maria watching her like a hawk. Like a very worried and terrified hawk.

“So … you’re having fun then?” Maria inquired, certain that the alien took some sadistic pleasure out of the holidays. ‘Wanting to make things perfect, my ass.’ Maria thought dryly. ‘She’s just trying to torment us unsuspecting, naïve humans.’

“It’s like we are on a merry go round.” A familiar gruffly voice muttered before Isabel could say anything.

Maria was about to briefly greet Michael and then focusing on Isabel again but that was before she caught sight of what he and Kyle, who was next to him were wearing. She quickly put her hand over her mouth but she still couldn’t help the giggles that escaped her.

Both guys glared at the small blonde. At least Maria thought they were glaring, with the elves ears and especially the noses and fake beards, it really was hard to tell. ‘Where’s a camera when you need one?’ Maria thought mournfully.

Forgetting ‘Ms. Christmas’ for a minute, Maria gave the guys a once over. Like Isabel, they were dressed solely in green and red but unlike the blonde, they were clearly not comfortable in their outfits. Both were wearing rather tight, red pants – Maria decided it was wise to not call them tights out loud – and red shirts with matching red vests and, of course, the obligatory elves hats which had small bells on top.

“So,” Maria grinned, “how are you two doing?”

Michael just growled slightly while Kyle tugged on the collar of his shirt. “Well, to be true, the shirts are a bit tight so it is actually a little hard to breathe.”

“But you can’t forget that you two really look … charming.” Maria sniggered.

“That’s it!” Michael roared. “I’m done with this elves crap, I’m going to …” he didn’t get any further because Isabel interrupted him.

“Michael, you do remember our little deal, don’t you?” the alien girl asked calmly, not even taking her eyes off of Mrs. Millers six feet plastic Santa that was next to her booth.

Maria watched Michael shut up without another word. She really had to have a talk with Isabel when the holidays were over. She had to find out how Isabel had managed to turn both Michael and Kyle into … such merry elves. Who knew, maybe she could do that too?

Since the Christmas spirits were obviously kind on her and made Isabel focus on another booth, Maria decided to not make anymore fun of the guys. There were more important things she had to find out after all.
“So Michael, I bet I’ll get a kick ass gift from you this year!”

“A gift?” Michael echoed.

Staring at her boyfriend, Maria realized that he was serious, he did not have a gift for her!
“Oh you …!” Maria growled before turning on her heel and stalking back to the Deluca booth.

Michael shook his head at Maria’s behavior. As if the world would end when she got one present less. Turning around, he was surprised that Kyle looked at him disapprovingly. Isabel’s glare was to be expected so it was easier to ignore.


“What?” Isabel mocked. “Michael, this is Christmas” she said slowly as if speaking to little kid. “A holiday about family and love.”

When Michael opened his mouth to argue, Isabel swiftly stopped him with a sharp fingernail trust into his chest. “Don’t even think about talking how Christmas is just another day when you’re supposed to throw money out the window!” she hissed.

Knowing that he couldn’t win here, Michael simply turned to Kyle. “And why are you so upset?”

“When Maria is upset, then sooner or later everyone in our little group has to suffer.” Kyle muttered. He exchanged a glance with Isabel who nodded at his words. “Apologize!” he ordered.

“What for?” Michael asked annoyed.

“Oh, where to start?” Isabel spoke to herself, loud enough for both guys to hear her. “Buy her a gift and tell her also something romantic.”

”Why?” Michael asked again.

“Maybe something like ‘I don’t give a damn about destiny and I don’t love Isabel because my heart will always belong to someone else and that’s you, Maria.” Kyle mused, ignoring Michael’s question.

“Wow, that is really sweet.” Isabel said impressed. “Who would have thought you had it in you?”

“Thanks.” Kyle grinned.

“I’m not going to say something so … so stupid!” Michael growled. Did the sheriff know what mushy nonsense his son was saying?

“How about ‘You are my Christmas miracle’ then?” a cheerful voice asked behind Isabel.

Taking a deep breath, Isabel turned around to Alex, seeing him happily munching on some chestnuts.

“God, that is cheesy!” “Awful!” The other two boys exclaimed.

“It is not cheesy.” Isabel said absently, still smiling at Alex who was goofily grinning back. “It is sweet.”

Kyle and Michael made disgusted faces and mouthed ‘sweet’ to each other while Alex and Isabel continued to just stare at each other.
After a minute of this, Kyle and Michael grinned before Michael asked, “So what should we check now, Isabel?”

No response.

“Or are we done?” Michael continued hopefully.

When there was again no sign that Isabel or Alex had heard him, Kyle decided to use more drastic methods. “Dude, your chestnuts are on fire!”

Alex yelped and was about to throw the small bag with nuts away when he realized that Kyle was only teasing him. Glaring at him and Michael who were both laughing, Alex muttered some curses under his name and ate another chestnut.

When the two had calmed down, they saw Isabel glaring at them and both took a step back.

“Why don’t you two head over to where Santa will talk with the children and check if the bell’s functioning?”

“Why should it not work?” Michael asked. When Isabel raised an eyebrow, he grabbed Kyle’s arm. “Let’s go man!”

“Michael!” Isabel called after him. “I swear, if you don’t get Maria a great present …” she left the sentence unfinished, knowing that Michael would know that she was serious.

Turning back to Alex, Isabel smiled again. “I see you are doing some last minute shopping.” She said while looking at the bag in his hand.

“No, that’s actually for you.” He replied, also looking at the bag now.

“For me?” Isabel asked surprised.

“Yeah. You see, my family and my aunt’s family always celebrate Christmas together. Last year, they were visiting us and this year it is our turn to visit them.” Alex explained. He sighed before adding, “They live in California and we leave tomorrow and will probably back around New Year.”

“Oh.” Was all Isabel could say. To say she was disappointed was putting it mildly. She had hoped to spend the day before Christmas with Alex in the Santa Village. Last year, she had been slightly uncomfortable around Alex because he had just learned about her origins and there had been that dream she had seen. This year, there was again some tension between them but Isabel had hoped that they could overcome their problems before Christmas.

After a short silence, Alex continued, “Well, that’s why I’m here. I already gave Liz and Maria their presents and I knew I’d find you here so … here you go. Merry Christmas.” He lifted the simple white bag which contained Isabel’s present and held it out to her.

Isabel stared at it for a moment before looking up at Alex again. “But .. I don’t have your gift here.”

“No problem. Just give it to me when I’m back again.” Alex said with an easy smile, feeling happy that she actually had a gift for him.

“No, that’s .. against .. tradition.” Isabel stammered mostly to herself.

Alex looked a bit perplexed at that. “Uhm so, … do you want me to take this home again and keep it till next year?”

Isabel thought fast, wanting to have a proper gift exchange with Alex. “Do you have plans tonight?” she asked, an idea blossoming in her.

“Tonight? No, I don’t.” Alex answered truthfully, curious what Isabel had in mind.

“It is going to be a clear night, so I wanted to go stargazing like I do every year around Christmas, why don’t you come along and we’ll exchange the gifts then?” Isabel explained.

“Won’t it be a bit … cold tonight?” Alex asked cautiously, mentally slapping himself for not jumping at the opportunity to spend time with Isabel.

“That’s why I’m bringing hot chocolate and blankets.” Isabel smiled impishly. “So, what do you say? Are you going to join me?” Isabel gave Alex her most charming smile, hoping that he’d not turn her down.

Alex had never been in the slightest immune against Isabel’s charms and now, when she was even asking him out, he didn’t stand a chance either. “Sure, I’ll come.” He agreed with a happy grin that was matched by Isabel. “Should I bring something too?”

“No, that won’t be necessary.” Isabel replied. “I’ll pick you up at 8 okay?”

“Sure.” Alex said, a little surprised that Isabel wanted to pick him up instead of the traditional ‘boy picks girl up’ routine.

The two stood there silently, both unsure what to do or say next. Luckily, the decision was made for them when suddenly a bell started to ring. Both looked to where the sound came from and their eyes landed on Kyle and Michael who stood next to the big bell where Isabel had sent them earlier, looking pleased with themselves.

“Well, I better get going. I still have lots of stuff to do.” Isabel sighed.

“Okay.” Alex nodded. “Just … don’t work too hard. I mean, you’ve already done so much in the last weeks … it can’t get any more perfect than it already is. Take a day off to relax or to enjoy what you accomplished.”

With another smile, Alex turned and left, leaving Isabel to stare after him. Many people had told her to take a step back, mostly out of annoyance or fear but Isabel knew that Alex said it because he cared for her well being and didn’t want her to collapse under the stress. Smiling to herself, Isabel headed over to her two elves, already looking forward to tonight.
“We are not stargazing in Frasier Woods?” Alex asked as they passed the turn to the woods.

“No. In winter, I prefer to stargaze in the desert.” Isabel blushed slightly before continuing. “The woods always are a bit … spooky in winter. I know it is silly but … I can’t help it.”

“Oh, that’s okay. It is reassuring to know that even you with your powers are uncomfortable in some places.” Alex told her smiling. “So, the desert it will be then.” He said, knowing that Isabel would appreciate not talking about her fears.

“Yeah, only two miles out of town, there is this great place with a few rocks that will shield us from the wind.”

The rest of the drive was spent in comfortable silence and when they arrived at their destination, the two quickly put out the blankets and everything else they had brought along.

“Thanks.” Alex said gratefully when Isabel handed him a cup with steaming hot chocolate. “You were right, it really is a perfect place for stargazing.” He commented while looking up at the clear night sky.

“Yeah, and before Christmas stargazing always holds a little more magic than usually.” Isabel grinned, also staring up.
The next minutes were spent with looking for different constellations and talking about the legends behind them. After some time, Isabel caught herself stealing glances at the gift Alex bought for her repeatedly. It didn’t look as if Alex was in any hurry to find out what his present was.

Not caring if she appeared impatient, Isabel finally asked. “Do you want to do the gift exchange now?”

Alex looked a bit surprised. “I thought you’d want to wait till the end of the …” he was about to say ‘date’ but he still remembered what last happened when he used that word during stargazing, “… when we are done with stargazing. But sure, let’s do it now.”

Isabel couldn’t help the wide grin that spread over her face when she saw Alex reach for the bag which contained her gift. She also took the present she got him in her hand. It had been a surprise for Isabel how difficult it turned out to find the perfect gift for Alex. Normally, she had no problems with buying gifts but Alex’s had turned out to be quite a challenge and even now she was unsure if she’d gotten the right thing.

“So, uhm … here you go.” Alex said nervously. “Merry early Christmas.”
“Thanks.” Isabel said as she giddily took the bag and looked inside where she found a medium sized golden package. “You don’t mind me opening it now, do you? I don’t think I can wait till Christmas morning to find out what is in it.”

Alex chuckled slightly. “It’s a bit against tradition but sure, go ahead. As long as I get to open my present too.”

“Of course you can.” Isabel answered absently, already fishing out the present and briefly gliding her fingertips over the surface before carefully starting to unwrap it, trying to not tear the wrapping.

Alex sat quietly next to her, unconsciously biting his lower lip in anticipation of Isabel’s reaction.

Finally having taken care of the golden wrapping, Isabel stared at the simple yet elegant black book, tracing the “Isabel” that was imprinted on it in golden letters.

“It’s a diary.” Alex commented unnecessary. “I have to admit that I really had no idea what to get you at first but then I remembered you once telling me that you have more questions about yourself than anyone else could possibly have. I know that her diary is very important for Liz so I thought writing down your thoughts, feelings and fears might help you too to … well, maybe not find answers about yourself but to figure some things out. Maybe.” Alex sighed. “That didn’t make much sense, did it?”

“It makes perfect sense.” Isabel told him softly, touched by this thoughtful gift. “It’s perfect, thank you, Alex.” Impulsively, she leaned over and hugged him tightly.

Releasing the surprised boy, Isabel took a deep breathe and handed Alex his gift. “Your turn!”

Grinning, Alex took his gift – wrapped in blue with a red bow – looking at it curiously for a moment before starting to unwrap it. Opening the blue box underneath the wrapping, Alex discovered a silver watch. Smiling, he took it out of the box and was about to put it on when Isabel softly said, “There’s something engraved on the back.”

Turning the watch, Alex looked at the words, ‘Thank you. Isabel.’ For a moment before looking at the blonde next to him. “It is really beautiful, Isabel … but .. ‘Thank you’? What for?”

Isabel shrugged a bit uncomfortable. “Well for … everything. For, accepting what I am and not freaking out, for always being there for us, especially me when I need a shoulder to lean on … for … thank you for just being you.”
“You’re welcome.” Alex said, blushing slightly as he put the watch on. “Oh wow, it’s already past 9:30, how long did you actually intent to stargaze?”
“I was thinking of ten. But if you want to leave earlier …”

“No, not at all! Ten is fine with me.” Alex said. “Do you want more chocolate?” he asked as he reached for a refill.

“No, thanks.” Isabel watched Alex pour himself another cup and then they continued to gaze at the stars for a few minutes before Isabel spoke again.
“Alex … I know that lately I acted like a total bitch around you.” She raised her hand when Alex opened his mouth to say something. “Really Alex, we both know that it is true even though you’d probably put it nicer. I … I just wanted to apologize for that, not that a simple apology is enough.”

“Isabel, it’s okay. Really. You were going through some really tough stuff …” Alex started to say but was interrupted by Isabel.

“That doesn’t allow me to treat you like crap.” She said. At Alex’s surprised look, she added, “Michael told me about you coming to his apartment and hitting him.”
They were silent again for a few seconds before Isabel continued, “I don’t even know why I went out with Grand and ..”
“Isabel!” This time, Alex interrupted her, “I’d really appreciate it if we didn’t talk about him.”

“Oh, okay.” Isabel murmured, now lost on how to continue what she wanted to say. “We are still friends, aren’t we?” she asked instead.

“Of course we are.” Alex sighed. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

Shyly, Isabel took Alex’s hand in hers. “I like you Alex, I really do even though I’m horrible at showing it most of the time.”

Alex gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay, I know that we are friends and that you didn’t mean to hurt me.”

Isabel winced slightly at that, knowing that she had hurt Alex, whether she wanted to or not.

“We better get going, it is almost ten.” Alex said and started to gather their stuff.

Isabel watched him silently for a moment before helping him. The evening really hadn’t turned out how she wanted it to and she hated that she had no one to blame but herself for that. Both teens were silent on the drive back to town.

Parking the car in the Whitman’s driveway, Isabel watched as Alex gathered his belongings. He turned to her before getting out of the car. “Listen Isabel, I’m sorry if I reacted harshly earlier, that really wasn’t my intention.”

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have brought him up in the first place.” Isabel said with a sad smile. “Uhm, this is probably the worst time to ask but … maybe when you get back from California, we could hang out … watch a movie or something.”

“Sure, I’ll call you when I get back, we can arrange something then.” Alex said with an easy smile.

“Okay, it’s a date then.” Isabel smiled.

“A date?” Alex echoed surprised.

“Uh, yes. I … like I said, I … like you Alex and I’d like to give ‘us’ another try.” Isabel said softly, “if … you give me another chance.”

Alex was silent for a moment, trying to process what Isabel just said. Did she really ask him for another chance? Him?

Isabel bit her lip nervously, not liking the long silence and fearing that Alex was currently thinking of a gentle way to tell her that she lost her chance with him.
“Of course you have another chance, Isabel.” Alex finally said. “But … I only want to give us another try if you really want that too and aren’t only saying it because you feel lonely, guilty or something like that.”

“No, Alex!” Isabel cried out. “I am not saying that because I feel lonely or guilty on how I treated you even though I do feel guilty. I’m saying it because I like you and I like spending time with you, I like how you make me feel like it is okay to not be normal and … well, last spring, for the short time when we were actually together, all the alien stuff and danger we were in didn’t seem so scary because I knew I had you to lean on and that I wasn’t alone with all that.” Isabel gave a short laugh.” You really were right when you said it is easier when you are not alone. I just wish I had realized it sooner.”

“Better late than never, I guess.” Alex said absently. He looked up startled when Isabel put her hand on his left cheek.

”Alex, I can totally understand if you are tired of running after me and dealing with my insecurities but it would really make my Christmas if you’d give me another, last chance.” Isabel chuckled embarrassed. “God, that sounded cheesy.”

Alex smiled slightly and also put his hand on Isabel’s left cheek, causing the two to lean closer together. “It doesn’t sound cheesy at all, Isabel and I’m more than willing to give you another chance since you really seem to mean it.”

Isabel let out a happy laugh and impulsively closed the distance between them to kiss Alex. Alex gasped in pleasant surprise which Isabel used to push her tongue into his mouth, effectively deepening the kiss with Alex running his hand through her hair to hold her close.

Forgetting where they were, Isabel tried to get even closer to Alex, the excitement and happiness rushing through her body letting her ignore that they were still in her mother’s car. When she tried to put her left arm around Alex’s shoulder, she accidentally hit the horn, which caused the two to jump apart in shock.

Realizing what happened, Alex chuckled slightly. “Guess that’s my cue to leave.” He said ruefully, glancing over at Isabel who didn’t appear very happy either.

“Yeah, I guess. My mom is probably wondering why I’m not home yet anyway.” She sighed, running her hand through her mussed up hair. Smiling shyly, she asked, “You’ll call me when you get back?”

“Of course.” Alex grinned, “I might even call you before we leave tomorrow or when we arrive at my aunt’s house.”

“Great.” Isabel grinned back goofily before leaning over for a last gentle kiss.

“Merry Christmas, Isabel.” Alex murmured against her lips before tearing himself away from her and getting out of the car.

”You too.” Isabel said softly. A mischievous grin appeared on her face then. “See you tonight.” She said before pulling out of his driveway and waving at Alex one last time before she drove off.

Grinning to himself, Alex waved back before making his way inside, wanting to be asleep as soon as possible. Yes, even though he wouldn’t be in Roswell, he knew that this year, Christmas would really dreamy. Literally.

The End

AN: Sorry to the Candies for making Michael so clueless about Christmas and even though I didn’t write about it, I’m sure he managed to get Maria the perfect present.
Colin Hanks
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