Choosing Grounds (AU/UC/XO/ADULT) Xander and Maria needed

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Post by isabelle »


Before I can answer, Willow decides we're going forward. That was pretty much my idea, too, but I'm not sure what she's talking about with protective spells? These guys must be seriously psycho. Maybe I should be planning to get as far from them as I can as soon as I find someone more sane...

On the other hand, Angel did 'smell' pretty accurately in terms of the count of people out here... Except for the bit about them not being human...

"So," I say as we inch forward. "Who's side are we coming in on? The little blonde girl and the guy protecting her, or the other two who are trying to kill her?"
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We're still wandering through the empty mall when suddenly I hear shouting up ahead. "I guess this place isn't completely deserted afterall," I say, not sure if that's good or bad.

I keep moving forward. After all, the strange girl did say this was the place to get answers and I doubt they'll be written in a destiny book. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for what I see when I arrive at the food court. Kyle and Michael are there, looking shocked and angry. I don't have to wonder why because I see Maria and Max with them, as well as Tess.

Maria and Max are dead. I know that. And Tess ... My fingers clench, wanting to help Kyle slam her into next week. Where he got powers, I have no idea, but frankly I don't care. As long as Tess doesn't get away. Damn. She's going to just mindwarp us and escape -- If she doesn't know I'm here, she can't mindwarp me.

That's it isn't it? Max and Maria are just a mindwarp! It has to be. But how did she already know I was here and why wouldn't she have both her creatures defending her?


"Thank you, Max. I have no idea what he's spouting off about," Tess says. She looks sincere, but I don't know for sure who she is either, so I don't offer her any smile of re-assurance.

Maria advocates killing her, which I understand, knowing what her Tess did, and this could very well be the same girl...

"I don't even know how I got here or where here is…" She says, after getting to her feet. She tries to take my hand but I pull away from her.

"I know exactly what they're talking about," I say, my voice cold and hard. In two worlds, Tess betrayed and killed my friends. Maybe she's innocent in mine, I don't know yet. I turn to Maria and Kyle -- Maria should understand already, but she's angry.

"Look," I say, keeping my voice calm as I try to explain. "We're not all who you think we are. We're from parrellel dimensions or something. In Maria's world, Tess killed Alex, I know. But this might be a different Tess. In the place Liz came from, I was the one who was killed, but I'm here. Just calm down and let's find out what's going on."

Only then do I realize that there are two others here. Two guys who are dressed very strangely with paint on their faces like they're going to some halloween party. I'll worry about them later. First I have to figure out where Michael, Kyle and Tess are from and if they're friends.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


"Move cautiously, but lets go in. I'll prepare a protection spell before we actually enter and as long as we remain relatively close, I can make certain we are all covered in the sphere of protection." , willow says. I nod in agreement to this. Wether Zeus and Moon believe in any of this or not Magick is real, and fact is willow is one of the most powerful spell casters I know. If only for the simple act of restoring my soul. That took a level of power not seen in...a hundred years? I'm not a follower and I don't pretend to be, but if Willow says do something there's usually good reason.

"So," the boy says irritatingly already inching forward before Willow can cast. "Who's side are we coming in on? The little blonde girl and the guy protecting her, or the other two who are trying to kill her?"

"I seggest", I say quietly "If there are no Reasonable objections, that we leave them and watch. We have little clue what we are up against. If they are after her its with reason and getting involved Might complicate matters" I conclude to the group, but I give Willow and Xander a meaningful look letting the know that if they are human we should act.
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Post by magikhands »


I turn to Max but refuse to release Kyle. He was my hold on all this craziness. He may not know it, but he's MY Kyle, from my demension.

"Calm down?" I ask him. "I think I'm beyond being able to calm down. We have been brought here by some woman and find out that we are not all from the same demension. I don't know about your Maria, but I have a brain and I see a common equation here." I turn and glance at Tess. "Her. It was she that killed Alex in my world, she who killed you in Liz and Isabel's world, and you even said that Alex died in yours. Why can you not see that this girl is pure evil." I look to Michael. I don't know if he's from the same place as the others but I had to ask. "And what about you? Huh? Did someone die from your world? Was Tess the bad guy?"
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: I just went back and read the profiles for this and damn...I'm just so evil myself asking Michael THAT questionImage
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Post by magikhands »


Watching all the goings on from afar, I can get the jest that most of those people know each other. Sort of like how I knew Angel and Willow. The conversation was heated and I certainly didn't want to interfere in that, especially once the girl talking started shouting quite angrily.

"Uh, I agree with Angel. Let's wait this out and see what happens."
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I'm waiting to learn more about just what the hell is going on here, when I hear a familiar voice, Tess. My fists clench at my side and I barely keep from doing some serious harm. "Michael, Kyle... What's going on here, where are we?"

"Tess..." I growl out, shocked. How was she here? She was dead! I killed her... "Murdering bitch!"

"What are you talking about?" Tess asks, fear showing forth from her expression.

"You..." Kyle walks closer to Tess and then next thing I know I'm watching her being thrown back as though myself, Max, or Isabel. "You evil, rotten, marsian. I don't even know what to call're a demon. We had a future together... but you... you just had to kill my friend. You just had to betray us all! Betray me... And now you come back and act all innocent. Well it doesn't work. It doesn't work!"

"Tell me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now. Tell me a good enough reason and I'll consider... You killed Alex... I thought I could trust you."

The hatred that Kyle is spewing makes me look at him. What was he talking about? Alex was still alive, it was Maria she'd killed. "Wait! Stop!" I hear a familiar, yet equally astonishing voice call out, "She might not be who you think she is."

"Thank you, Max. I have no idea what he's spouting off about." Tess replies.

I turn and look upon Max as he comes in and I can't help but look at him with shock. I'd accidently killed him too... thanks to Tess. Damn her! I closed my eyes and shook my head. "This can't be happening..." I mutter to myself.

Opening my eyes, I feel my hands shake as I lift them to run through my hair, looking at the face that had haunted my dreams and desires. Maria. "Do it." She tell's Kyle, "She must be punished for what she did to Alex...and to you."

"I don't even know how I got here or where here is…" Tess responds, looking very nervous and I find myself glance at her only to look back at Maria.

"I know exactly what they're talking about," Max sounds cold as he responds to Tess and I look over at him, wondering what was going on. Why would he jump to her defense and then speak that way toward her.

"Look," Max begins calmly, "We're not all who you think we are. We're from parrellel dimensions or something. In Maria's world, Tess killed Alex, I know. But this might be a different Tess. In the place Liz came from, I was the one who was killed, but I'm here. Just calm down and let's find out what's going on."

"Calm down?" Maria asks, my gaze remains fastened on her and all I want to do is take her in my arms. Was this some strange dream? Or had everything I'd gone through been some sort of mindwarp?

"I think I'm beyond being able to calm down. We have been brought here by some woman and find out that we are not all from the same demension. I don't know about your Maria, but I have a brain and I see a common equation here."

Maria doesn't stop, she continues speaking, "Her. It was she that killed Alex in my world, she who killed you in Liz and Isabel's world, and you even said that Alex died in yours. Why can you not see that this girl is pure evil."

When she looks over at me I can't help but notice her eyes so different, she looked older and yet still as beautiful. "And what about you? Huh? Did someone die from your world? Was Tess the bad guy?"

I hesitate, nodding slowly as I reply, "She...killed you and Max died during something she set up." Different realities? I knew this wasn't my Maria, but somehow... I'd been hoping.

"Damn it! What's going on here? My Maria is dead, I lost her some time ago. The Max I knew... we lost even before that." Alex, Liz, Isabel, Kyle and I had mourned and I doubt I'm completely done mourning.
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Post by isabelle »


I'm listening to all this, getting more and more baffled and upset. Parrellel dimensions? I guess this means I'm not being mindwarped -- so she probably doesn't know I'm here. If only I could blast her unconcious so we could be sure -- but blasting isn't one of my powers. At least not yet.

It's so hard to even look at Max and Maria, to see them alive again. It's all Tess's fault. And Max is actually defending her. Well, apparently his Tess hasn't been caught, but someone did die. I died. Damn. And Tess killed me in Maria's world, too?

I guess my powers weren't much use to me afterall... not on those worlds.

I glance back at Tai-San and Lex. I wonder if they've noticed these others using my name so often. I can't take the time to explain it to them. Max's explaination will have to be enough. Right now, I can't take it any more.

"The same thing happened on my world. If it weren't for Tess, my baby wouldn't have died," I say stepping forward and meeting Michael's eyes. Could this be the Michael I know? I've felt a certain amount of anger towards him, too, but I've tried very hard to keep the blame where it belongs, with Tess. I look at Max with a mix of emotions I can't even describe. He saved my life. He gave me powers. But he's gone now. If he hadn't died, I know he would have saved my child. Isabel's child ...

I step closer to Maria, squeezing her in a hug. "It's so good to see you alive -- even if you aren't my Maria," I tell her, my voice catching in my throat.
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Post by magikhands »


"She...killed you and Max died during something she set up." Michael said.

I couldn't help but smirk over at Max. "See? One factor in all our worlds. Someone died and she was responsible."

While I said those words -I love being right- my heart was breaking for the Michael that was here with us. He lost me? Was I the love of his life or just a friend? Then he also lost Max? Damn, that would be a hell on him. My Michael and Max were best friends, despite their arguments. They were the complete opposite of one another, but together they made each other whole.

"Damn it! What's going on here? My Maria is dead, I lost her some time ago. The Max I knew... we lost even before that." He is aggrivated and even if he's not my Michael, I still wish to sooth him.

"The same thing happened on my world. If it weren't for Tess, my baby wouldn't have died," Alex steps out from behind a corridor.

My eyes are wide with shock, I hadn't seen him in so long, I almost forgot what he looked like. His words shake me. Baby? He had a baby? With who? Isabel? Someone else? I don't know why I'm surprised by his appearance. It's obvious that we are all here. If Max was dead for Liz and Isabel, yet he's here. And me...I was dead where Michael came from...but still it's quite mind boggling.

Alex comes up to me and takes me in his arms. Tears welled in my eyes. It's been so long since I've felt his warmth and love that's been there since we were little.

"It's so good to see you alive -- even if you aren't my Maria," He says to me.

I can only nod at my voice gets stuck in my throat and a lone tear escapes my eye. I turn to Kyle and see that he's just as surprised.
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Post by isabelle »


Maria doesn't answer but I know she's feeling the same things I am. Afterall, she said that the Alex she knew had been killed. Killed by Tess.

I look up at Michael, wondering if he's the one I knew from my world. He had Max's healing powers after Max died. He could might have saved my baby, but he was still busy hiding in his alcohol, still hadn't even known that he was the new king...

And then there's Max. I helped carry his body back from the battle with the Skins. Behind him is Isabel. I've been afraid to even look at her closely. I could tell right away it wasn't my Isabel, even 'though Max said that her Max had died, just like mine. I could tell it wasn't her just by the way she stood there looking so strong and whole.

Somehow, this one is surviving without Max. She's not broken like mine. I've often wondered which was worse for Isabel, losing Max or losing our baby. Now I can see that it must have been the baby that made the difference. If we hadn't insisted on getting married after Maria died, maybe, maybe she'd still be ... Isabel. Maybe it is my fault.

I'm still looking at her, this vision of what Isabel might have been, but I approach Max. "And you. Alive. It's amazing," I tell him, wrapping my arms around him like I did for Maria.

"I -- I tried to save you," Max says, his voice broken. "I couldn't bring you back."

I know he's apologizing to me for that other Alex. "I know you tried. My Max tried to save Maria, too. You can't do everything," I assure him. Then, softly so that nobody-else can hear, I whisper in his ear. "You've got to knock her unconcious, or we won't know if she's mindwarping us."

Max is probably the only one she'll allow to get near to her since he was protecting her and his powers should make it easy to put her under...
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