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Post by StormWolfstone »


I can hardly believe that my husband is standing her completely ignorant of the fact that we're married, acting as though it had only been a short time since Zan had died, when it had in fact been years now. "Hello. I'm Alex. Can you two tell me where we are?" I suddenly hear and turn around to see a guy that looks the way most did before the virus. He seems to exude an air of friendship, his aura is clear.

"I'm Tai-San and this is Lex. As to where we are, I'm not completely certain myself, other then the fact that this is the Phoenix Mall where the Mallrats live." As I glanced up at it I shrugged, "At least, I think it is. It appears a bit different then it did a few days ago." I comment and start to step forward, "Maybe we can figure out what's going on if we go inside first." I say as I look at the boy.
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Post by isabelle »


Location: Outside the Mall's West Entrance with Tai-San and Lex

"Okay," I say as the girl, 'Tai-San' suggests that we look inside the mall. That's a very unusual name but right now everything seems unusual. A name like that isn't as strange as a girl who disappears or me waking up in the middle of this place when I'd been in Amy's shop a moment before...

"A round-faced girl did tell me to go to the mall. I guess we should see what we can find there, although I'm not sure how far we can get when the place is locked up like that..."

As I take one more step closer, I hear an almost familiar giggle and suddenly the gate grinds open. "Well, I guess that answers that," I say, looking back at the strange girl and guy. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

I step inside, feeling like a pigeon or a pawn. What if this is some sort of trap. What if the FBI is behind this? I don't know what to do, but I know I have to find out what's going on so I can get home to Isabel. I only hope she's not caught in this madness, too...



Location: Inside the Mall's East Entrance with Moon, Angel, Xander and Willow.

The girl, Willow, suggests that Moon and I stay behind because we're 'unused to the preternatural life.' I think they're all insane with their talk of vampires, demons, werewolves and who knows what-else they're trying to frighten us with. Moon dashes ahead, and I gotta say, I'm all for that. I am not 'unused' to infiltration operations, although I'd prefer to have some sort of information on the layout of the place, first.

"Moon," I heard Willow hiss behind me, "It's not safe to go on ahead. Someone please talk some sense into her."

"yeah, I'll do that," I say, rolling my eyes. "Perseus, scout ahead," I tell my mechanical pet as I activate the view screen so I can see what she sees.

Then I step cautiously behind Moon, tapping her on the shoulder as Perseus flies ahead of us. "Wait up, Let's see what's there," I tell her, pointing to the viewscreen on my wrist.
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Post by magikhands »

Location: Inside the Mall's East Entrance with Moon, Angel, Xander and Willow.


I open my mouth to say something to Willow and her take charge attitude but the girl Moon pushes past us and enters into the mall.

"Moon," Willow hisses at her, "It's not safe to go on ahead. Someone please talk some sense into her."

Yeah, right. Like I'm going to tell this strange girl what to do? I think to myself. The Zeus rushes in behind her with his cool little mechanical bird. Talk about strange? Where did that thing come from?

I look at Willow's shocked expression and Angel's stern grimace and shrug my shoulders.

"What the hell? I'm supposed to be dead right now anyway." I say as I walk passed the two. I no longer care about if this Willow is the one that was about to kill me. Something in me is changing, I can feel it. As each minute passes within the funky world, I feel as if I'm becoming someone else. I'm still the smart ass guy as always and I still have all my memories but inside...I'm just not the same. Something is churning and it's strong. Is it this world? Or is something else causing this?
Last edited by magikhands on Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by magikhands »

Location: Inside the mall near the food court


I stick close to Max as we walk down the silent hall. My fingers flex as my eyes shift back and forth. I'm ready for battle, just the way my Max and Michael taught me when I learned to control my powers.

Hearing voices ahead has a strange way of comforting me. At least we know that we are not the only four here. But are these people friendly? Are they enemies? The Pod Squad had a lot of enemies...those essentially becoming mine also.

We stop and listen right before we round a corner. That's when it hits me. I know two of those voices and my heart pounds. I look to Max.

"Kyle...and Michael." I said full of excitement and my lips form a big smile. I glance back at Liz and Isabel. "Do you hear them? They are here too." I know they are not from my reality but still, Kyle and Michael could be from any of our realities.

I start to move forward, opening my mouth to greet them when Max stops me.

"What? It's Michael and Kyle. Maybe they know something about why we are all here." I argue.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I watch in anger as Xander trapses off down the hall and after the other two. Bloody Hell, I snarl silently. I hear a growl reverberate in my chest and stomp off to catch up with Xander muddering to myself. "Idiots! Gonna get themselves killed...." I fall silently in step beside Xander without a word and extend my senses.

I feel Xanders Eyes on me with a sneeringly quizical expression, but I stay silent. The boy wouldn't understand the reasons behind my admittedly protective actions and I'm not sure I want to volenteer the information. Though I'm far from stupid, I know the subject will eventually surface. Till then, the boy would do well to enjoy its benifits. It's not often a Master Vampire extends his protection beyond that of thier Childer.... Even if thats the reason for it.

I sniff tentatively. "There are...Three to the west somewhere and a that direction (Ooc: In the direction of the Food Court)" I inform him stoically.
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Post by KatnotKath »

Location: In the mall, near the food court


Max and Maria are talking as we walk into the mall, but it's a little too wierd for me at the moment... Just seeing him there, listening to him speak... I know he's not my Max, I know he's not my husband, but still... I look at him, and I see someone that I should know better than anyone in the world... Yet in truth, I know he's little more than a stranger right now...

The more I watch him, the more similarities I see, and yet I know he's not 'him'... The walls I've build around my emotions right now feel a little shaky, but I know that I have to stay strong, and as I hear Isabel in my head, asking if I'm okay, I force a small smile as I glance in her direction. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to the rest of the group while we were gone, they're my responsibility now... *Been better, but you know, we've had worse days too I guess... I just hope the others are okay back home* I send my response back to her, feeling her hand on my shoulder as we walk inside.

The mall's nothing like I've seen at home, but considering everything else that's hardly coming as a surprise now.

"Wait! I hear voices!" Max puts out his hand to show to slow down, and I look around carefully, trying to get an idea of where we are as I raise my hand, ready to use my powers if neccessary. Our group slows, still moving forward, but more slowly now, and just before we turn the corner, Maria suddenly announces it's Michael and Kyle. She's smiling, as she looks back at Isabel and I, asking if we hear them. I nod slightly, although whether they're from any of our realities remains to be seen... I close my eyes, deciding to find out about Michael anyway.

Before I have a chance though, Maria is stepping forward to greet them. Luckily, Max stops her and as she protests, I shake my head. "Or maybe it's not them, maybe it's skins, or shapeshifters, or something different even... I don't know about you, but I've leant to err on the side of caution, and considering how we were brought here, I think I'll stick to that..." I don't intend to be caught out again, I won't risk it happening again... I look at her. "Stay here for now, I'm going to see if there's another way around..." I tell her, my words coming out as an instruction rather than a suggestion this time...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by magikhands »


I look shocked at Liz. She was commanding me to stay where I was? I understand that Liz isn't from my reality but I won't have her or anybody bossing me around. I have powers of my own and Michael and Max in my world could barely tell me what to do.

I turn and stand straighter. "I don't think so." I tell her. "I can hear Michael and Kyle's voices. If they are skins or our enemies, so be it. I will destroy them, but I think we should give them the benefit of doubt. The four of us are here...why? I don't have a clue but surely whoever this Mena is, she brought us here and I have a feeling that she brought us all. We just need to find them."

I turn toward Max. "You coming or staying?"
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Post by isabelle »


"Coming, of course," I tell Maria as she starts challenging Liz. It's all a bit sureal to see them at odds like that, to see Liz trying to take charge. Liz usually has a lot of great ideas and I often feel that her suggestions are the wisest, but this isn't spoke like a suggestion. And Maria's response is more of a challenge than a discussion.

"We're not going to figure out where we are or how to get home by hiding here. And Maria's right, we should have power enough to defend ourselves. Just, go cautiously. Don't attack until we know what we're up against," I say. The last is wasted breath on Maria. I can see that she has no intention of attacking those she perceives as friends. I only hope that she's right.

"Stay behind me," I suggest. That way I can use my sheild to protect our group. I step forward, quietly, wondering if it really is Michael and Kyle. "Let's go."
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Post by KatnotKath »


Maria doesn't take kindly to the instruction, and perhaps I shouldn't be surprised... If she's anything like Maria in my reality, she'll be stubborn as a mule anyway, but at least my Maria understands now that all I want to do is keep them safe. She insists that she's coming too, and somehow I don't think they understood my plan.

"I can hear Michael and Kyle's voices. If they are skins or our enemies, so be it. I will destroy them, but I think we should give them the benefit of doubt. The four of us are here...why? I don't have a clue but surely whoever this Mena is, she brought us here and I have a feeling that she brought us all. We just need to find them."

Of course as she asks Max if he's coming too, I'm hardly surprised to find him confirming that he is and I purse my lips, biting back a retort as he goes on, sounding rather like he's chiding me for a bad suggestion as he objects to the idea of 'hiding'.

I wasn't actually suggesting hiding, just placing ourselves in a slightly better situation than both approaching from the same side...

Still, I know that fighting between ourselves is going to do little good, so I don't say the things which come to mind as Max takes the lead again...

"Fine but as for giving the benefit of the doubt, Im afraid I'll stick with being certain...I gave someone the benefit of the doubt before, my whole group did, and my husband ended up dead because of it!" I respond sharply in a clipped tone, trying hard to keep up the facarde I put on, hiding my feelings when I talk about what happened. We trusted Tess, and she betrayed us... I won't risk losing someone else, be it Isabel, or one of these alternate reality versions of my friends... Part of me just wants to step aside and let Max take over, it seems almost natural given that's what used to happen, but then I remind myself that this isn't 'my' Max...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by magikhands »


"Fine but as for giving the benefit of the doubt, Im afraid I'll stick with being certain...I gave someone the benefit of the doubt before, my whole group did, and my husband ended up dead because of it!" Liz says sharply as I turn to follow Max.

Her words stop me from continuing. I stop and turn to her. "Yeah, well, I didn't say we'd trust them." My eyes narrow on her. "I learned my lesson when MY family lost Alex." I retort. "But if either of them are from my reality, I'm willing to take that chance."

I turn and start after Max leaving Liz and Isabel gapping at me and my own sharp tongue.
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