More in Common (CC, M/L, MATURE) Pt 7-2/14/06 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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More in Common (CC, M/L, MATURE) Pt 7-2/14/06 [WIP]

Post by RosyLady »

Title: More in Common
Author: RosyLady
Disclaimer: Alas, nothing belongs to me. Rather depressing, huh?
Category: CC mainly M/L but some others too
Rating: Mature just to be safe
Summary: Max is a king with a lot on his plate. On one fall evening he adds something else, not that he minds. Who is this mysterious Liz and what is she running from?

A/N: Hey guys this is the first time i'm posting a fic so feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm not a hundred percent sure where this is going so don't be surprised if your comments in fb end up in the story. I don't know when i'll be able to post again as i'm moving clear across the country in 3 weeks but i'll try :D Also, if anyone would like to make a banner for me i would love you forever! Computers and me don't really mix...

Chpt 1: A Chance Meeting

A tall, darkly dressed man with a trench coat walked steadily down the path lost in his thoughts. Anyone who saw him knew he was a strong man and quite sure of himself as suggested by his posture and steady stride. He exuded power but not in an evil way. He was a lawyer or perhaps being groomed to take over the family business. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties with dark brown hair and amber eyes that peaked out from behind his bangs.

All around him, men and women were jogging this way and that. Tourists were looking everywhere, trying to take in the famous Central Park all at once. Lovers were strolling casually hand in hand, oblivious to the world.

He wished he could be like them. Sure, he knew what love was…he thought. Very deep like at the very least. But to care for someone so much, you would do anything just to see them smile. That was what he wanted.

Tess had been good, sure a little high-maintenance, but fun. She was a little crazy sometimes though. They were “destined” as she termed it, but it just didn’t fit. He had tried going out with her and he had to admit, he’d dated worse, but in the end it wasn’t enough. There wasn’t that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that he longed for.

It took months and months to convince her of this, though. He tried the “just friends” tactic, being an out right jerk, just ignoring her all together but nothing worked. Then, one day, it stopped.
She had met someone: a guy named Kyle. He was a little short but he seemed like a decent guy. The only downside was he was alone now.

That really shouldn’t be his biggest concern, however. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t have time for a girlfriend. His sister, Isabel, best friend, Michael, Tess and he always had to deal with some intergalactic crisis. Sure it sounded cheesy, like something out of a B sci-fi movie, but they were aliens. Royalty to boot.

Yeah, that’s what he said too.

He, Max Evans, was a fucking king of a fucking planet in a whole other fucking galaxy! God. It was ridiculous. He had been sent to Earth as a reincarnated hybrid who had been assassinated. Now he was 26 and ruling a planet. If a movie director got his hands on this…

He had been king of Antar in his past life with Tess as his queen, his sister Isabel, a princess, and his best friend Michael, his second in command. A terrorist had broken into the palace, killing all of them. The royal scientists had been developing a way to reincarnate “essences” and the royal four had been the first test subjects. They had been sent to Earth and kept a secret from the people in case it didn’t work out. There were a few obstacles like the ship crashing and the fact that the pods didn’t open until 40 years after they landed.

It wasn’t quite what they planned, but the new royals were healthy. The four had been taken in by humans before the officials got to them and so grew up like normal boys and girls…with one huge secret. The officials would contact them every once and a while making sure they were safe…and that no one knew their secret.

Upon them turning eighteen, the people were told of their old king’s replicate. A revolt was staged against the dictator that had taken over, and he was offered the throne again. He had accepted with the condition that he could still live on Earth. The people agreed and a senate was formed. He meanwhile attended college and worked as did his Isabel and Michael. That was when he met Tess. She had found him and told him this grand story of being his former wife which was confirmed by Antar.He went to visit at least twice a year and ruled through his reagent, Larek.

Some days he still felt he would wake up and have a good laugh at this bizarre dream, but he never did and life went on.

Max worked as an architect. It was an interesting job but he had just fallen into it. Just something to keep up appearances since being king kind of paid all the bills. He worked in a small company that specialized in office buildings and the such.

He was out walking in the park to think because of the news Larek had contacted him with. His subjects were rioting in a province near the Vuth Valley because of a new to be passed. It would make it illegal to do a sort of hazing as an induction into a religion.

On nights like these he liked to come out here to clear his mind and get rid of distractions. He would just walk, not really thinking where he was going. This night was different though. Little did he know that a major distraction was coming that would put riots from as far from his mind as possible and she was sitting under a tree right around the corner.
Last edited by RosyLady on Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:39 pm, edited 7 times in total.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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More in Common (CC, M/L, MATURE) Pt 2-7/29/05

Post by RosyLady »

A/N: thanks to everyone who's reading this story! I'm so happy you like it. This part is a little violent but nothing too graphic.

Thanks to:


Pt 2: Strangers and Knives

She had to keep running. She had to. One foot pounded into the ground followed by another and another. Her breathing steady and strong. She felt the cool autumn air being pressed into her lungs refreshing and painful all at once. She noticed nothing else. She lost track of where she was. Turn left here. Go straight. Turn right. He would catch her.

Then there was a rock. She tripped. And suddenly fear gripped her so acutely, she could not move. It was over now. Any second.

The girl stumbled back until she hit something hard. She slowly slid down in tears silently falling down her cheeks. It’s all over. It’s all over.

Max continued his casual stroll through the park watching all the people: so perfectly naïve and innocent. Something moved out of the corner of his eye and he tilted his head towards a massive oak tree off the path. There at the base, hidden partly by some bushes, was a small brunette hugging her knees to her legs, tears chasing each other down her cheeks and looking in every direction at once.

Naturally, being the do-gooder he is, Max went to help the young lady. As he got closer, he could tell she was exhausted as if just having run a great distance. She was dressed simply in jeans and a plain white tank under a large flannel shirt. She had shoulder length brown hair and big, brown eyes full of fear. Despite her disheveled look, Max couldn’t help but notice her understated beauty.

The girl kept looking around, not noticing him. Max, too, looked around to see if he could spot what she was looking for. Not seeing anything, he slowly approached. Still, she did not notice him, looking in the other direction down the path.

When he was about two feet away, he opened his mouth to ask her if she was alright when suddenly, she turned towards him. He hardly had a chance to blink before he was on his back with her knee in his chest.

She had not hesitated the second she saw him. She’d grabbed his wrist and kicked his legs out from under him. While she was surprised she had done it so easily without him fighting back, she chose to dwell on it another time.

In a cold detached voice, she spoke to him, inches away from his face, gripping his collar, “I will not be taken so easily. You can tell him that. So what message does he have for me?”

The voice was menacing and in control. Definitely not the voice of the scared, tired girl he had approached. He was at a loss of words and had no idea how to react. This, unfortunately only seemed to anger the woman more. She slid her arm so the forearm was pressing into his throat making it harder for him to breathe.

That voice again, “Answer me God damnit!”

How he managed to speak just then still amazes him but he did. Well, croak is more like it, “I-I think you have the wrong guy.”

Clearly, this wasn’t the response she was looking for, because a cloud of confusion briefly crossed her eyes and then it was gone. She released her arm from his throat and studied him. After another moment or two she removed her knee from his chest and let him sit up.

With one last glance, she got up and began walking away at a brisk walk. Without thinking why, Max reached out and grabbed her wrist. She slowly looked from her wrist back up to him. Then, moving swiftly like a cat, he was pinned up against the tree with a pocket knife at his throat.

“Let it go. You have no idea what you’re dealing with here.”

And then she let him go just a smoothly. The woman smirked at him and slipped the knife back in her pocket.

He had to know. He didn’t know what possessed him to ask but he couldn’t not. “At least tell me your name?”

She looked into his eyes. If she was surprised by his question she didn’t show it. He stared back at her, mesmerized by the depth of her eyes. There was something more to her. She had a secret. He knew the look since he had it himself. Maybe that’s why she answered him. Maybe it was some other reason. But the fact remained, that she did.


“Bye, Liz.”

She smiled a small smile and turned to walk away. She wouldn’t be so lucky though. He had caught up with her and had no hesitation in attacking. From somewhere out in left field came a man hell bent on catching the small brunette called Liz. She had been distracted though and was caught off guard. In seconds she was pinned to that ground with a much more menacing man on top of her.

“Go. Please,” was the last thing she said before the newcomer rendered her unconscious. Max wouldn’t, couldn’t just leave. The man outweighed him in at least 50 lbs of muscle and a good 4 inches taller than him and he knew he was getting in over his head, still…

He dug deep into his mind trying to recall the wrestling lessons from high school P.E. The moment he saw the guy turn towards him, though, he knew that would do him no good. He knew Michael and Isabel would be pissed, but he didn’t exactly have a choice.

The guy took a swing and he threw up a shield. The bewilderment of the man gave Max the chance to knock him over. Then put his hand on his head and burst a blood vessel, effectively knocking him out cold.

After he was sure Gargantuan was tied up securely and they had been well hidden by the tree and bushes the entire time, he went to check on Liz.

“Liz. Liz, wake up,” he said, gently nudging her.

“Mmmmm, what…?”


Upon hearing a strange male voice, Liz tensed and tried to stand up. Her body would have none of it. She was halfway up when she felt herself falling again. Then two strong arms found their way around her waist. Not expecting this, she began to struggle again but the arms held on tight.

“Liz, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”

For the first time since waking up, she looked to see who was there with her and found an extremely handsome face staring down at her in concern, “You.”

He smiled a delicious smile at this. “Me. You can call me Max. Come on we’ll go get you looked at.”

“NO!” she started panicking again, “No hospitals. No officials. I’m fine. Just let me go.”

After a second failed attempt at walking, Max just picked her up completely, “If you won’t see a doctor, at least let me take a look at you. You are hardly in any condition to look after yourself and any of this guy’s friends show up…”

This guy? What? Then she remembered. She had been attacked. This was not good. She had to keep running. Wait. So what happened to said guy? She tried twisting in Max’s arms but found her neck didn’t like that idea.

“Ugh…What happened to him?”

“I took care of him. Now, no more questions. You’re coming with me.”

Liz finally relaxed in his arms and allowed him to carry her. With anyone else, those words would have terrified Liz, but she found herself trusting him despite herself.
Last edited by RosyLady on Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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Post by RosyLady »

A/N: Hi guys. Sorry, I know it's short! Moving is a lot more time consuming than you think esp since we're selling all of our furiniture and both cars instead of shipping them across the ocean and all. There are boxes galore and I still have to go through my stuff for the garage sale this weekend! But we will be all done by the beginning of september so hopefully things will settle down. So I promise a big part with both Isabel and Michael in it!

Thanks to:
Paris Nicole
imnotlc-all in good time! :)

Max shifted her slightly in his arms so her head rested comfortably on his shoulder. Then he began the walk back to the street to catch a cab. Trying to look as casual as possible carrying a girl through the park and all, he retraced the steps he had taken earlier with distinctly different thoughts than before.

Finally reaching the street he set Liz gently down on a bench. She let out a soft moan at the transfer from his warmth to the cold hard bench. That was the moment he realized he was bringing a human back to his apartment. I woman whose last name he didn't even know and who had attacked him for no apparent reason.
Isabel was going to kill him.

He raised his hand to hail a taxi. After about the third one to pass him by, a cab pulled up to the curb. He quickly went to retrieve Liz and found her trying to walk on her own again. She certainly was a stubborn one. So, instead of out right carrying her to the car, he slid her arm over his shoulders and helped her that way. It was a good sign she could at least do that.

'See, she would just be at his place for an hour or so while she recovered' Max told himself. He could see his inner self laughing at him. He knew he wasn't just going to let her out into the night an hour after having been knocked out and in all honesty beaten up. It was the polite chivilrous boy in him that his mother had raised. Or maybe it was the inner hero who couldn't resist a damsel in distress, though he had a strong inkling she would resent that phrase.

Max gave the driver directions and slid in the back seat next to Liz. She sat there without leaning to one side or the other. It was obvious it took her concentration and strength. Max was about to say something when he thought better of it. He knew chances are she would just ignore him. She needed to be strong for her. Instead, he turned his attention to the driver who kept giving them curious looks in the rear view mirror.

“Uh, my sister partied a little hard tonight,” he offered as explanation. It sounded ridiculous to him. Not only did they look nothing alike but she was not acting drunk just extremely exhausted, but the driver, not being of the brightest bunch, seemed to buy it.

They finally pulled up outside his building about 15 minutes later. After paying, Max went around to the side to help Liz get out but she was once again trying to do it on her own. She kept her left leg stiff and hobbled as if it were in a cast. She made it to the door step without any assistance but stairs proved to difficult so Max walked her to the elevator.

Max opened the door to his apartment thankful for once that Isabel was a neat freak. Luckily, no one else was home. Isabel must have a date. and though he only lived with Isabel but Michael spent as much time there as he did his own place.

He gently guided Liz towards his room so she could lie down. His room, though not as neat as the rest of the house was presentable and he had at least just washed his sheets. The walls remained white despite Isabel's protests and only had a few paintings scattered randomly. He had a king sized bed with navy blue sheets and a matching night stand and dresser. That was the extent of his designing abilities and he liked it that way. Isabel usually closed the door when they had guests.

“I’ll get you some ice for your head. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

Liz shook her head then grimaced as the wounded area hit the pillow. “No, my head’s the only thing major. Just scrapes and bruises everywhere else.”

He nodded and went to get the ice wishing he could do more but knowing he didn’t dare. He wrapped a Ziplock bag in a paper towel like the school nurse used to do and headed back towards the bedroom.

He found her laying back on his bed grimacing with her eyes closed. She held perfectly still as if that would make the pain go away. He wanted to help but knew he couldn't.


She lifted her head slightly towards the sound and opened her eyes.

“Hey, here you go. How are you feeling?”

“Honestly? Like a giant bruise, but I’ve been worse off.”

“Who did this to you?”

“Max, please. Trust me on this. The less you know the better.”

When she saw that he still was hesitant she said, “I’m really tired. Can we just talk later?”

Liz knew wasn’t actually going to tell anymore than she already had but it was the only way to stop him. She hated lying to him. He was such a good, innocent guy, but this was the only way to spare him. She was planning on leaving via the window as soon as she was sure he had left her alone to rest. That really was the plan. Honest. She was just so tired and the bed was so warm and soft, she didn’t have the energy to move. So, against all her instincts Liz shut her eyes and relaxed telling herself it would only be 5 minutes.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by RosyLady »

A/N Hey guys! Finally an update! yay! Sorry it took so long life has been bananas, but i'm finally settled in and back to a semi-normal life. Caught up on all my school work and mostly unpacked. Adjusting to the cold has been interesting, though! I'm hoping on getting on a regular schedule of posting once every two weeks. Hope you guys like!

Thanks to:
Emz80m-your question is answered in this post :wink:

Pt 4 Old Acquaintances

Liz woke to the sound of voices outside the room she was in. Upon first waking, she panicked not sure where she was and how she got there. Slowly, as her senses returned to her, she remembered all that had happened at the park. Max.

One of the voices outside the room was his. It was muffled so she couldn’t hear clearly but he sounded stressed about something. The other voice was decidedly feminine and it sounded angry. Who was this woman? Why was she yelling at Max? Was she his girlfriend? Wife?

Liz pressed her ear up to the crack in the door so she could maybe hear what was being said.

“Iz, please, she won’t stay here long. She probably wants to leave just as much as you want her to,” Max was saying.

“Max! There was a big, burly man trying to kill her from your description. Why, tell me why, would you bring that home with you! You could have been followed! There was probably more than one there!”
“Isabel, I made sure we weren’t followed. Plus, it’s not like we don’t have protection. If we had been followed, he would have been picked off by now.”

“It was still irresponsible Max. And God, he saw you use your powers! That is not good. For all we know that woman saw you too!”

“Do you really think she would have got into a car with me if she had?”

“How did you convince Lanver to take her home with you?”

“We, um, took a cab. I think a chauffer would have been a bit much for her.”


“Look, everything is fine. You’re fine. I’m fine. Liz is fine. It all worked out.”

“This isn’t over until the fat lady sings, Max. She’s still asleep in your room.”

Liz was more than confused by the conversation. Powers and a chauffer? It might not make sense but one thing was abundantly clear. The woman wanted her gone. She was scared. At least she had some sense about her. Max had to be absolutely insane to bring home a girl who first held him at knife point, then was attack by a “big, burly man.”

She looked to the window and knew she had to go and never think of this place again. She couldn’t risk putting them in any more danger than she already had. Slowly and carefully slid the window open to the crisp, dark night. As quietly as possible she slid a leg out onto the fire escape.

But something stopped her. She couldn’t just leave without saying goodbye or thank you. She glanced around the room not quite sure what she was looking for until she saw it: a notebook and pen. Stealth as a cat she slid her leg back inside and made her way to the desk where the pen and paper were.

Hand poised delicately above the paper, she was at a loss for words. She stared at the one word she’d written: Max,. What could she say? Sorry I almost killed you and thanks for not letting that other guy kill me. See ya around!

No, it was best to be sweet and simple:

Thank you. I’m sorry for any trouble I caused. Goodbye.

Liz sighed. She was convinced she had lost it. She’d known Max only a few hours but a part of her regretted leaving. She had no choice though. She stood in the middle of the room between the window and her note. It was awfully cold out so it would be alright if she took one of his sweaters, right? She walked towards Max’s closet and stared at it. She was about to open it when she suddenly heard voices again. It was the woman, Isabel. But something was different. This time it wasn’t Max’s voice responding to her. It was someone else. Another man.

He sounded angry. Very angry. He was yelling. Liz resumed her position at the door and found out he was yelling at Max. About her. That wasn’t a surprise. There was something else though. His voice made her heart race and pound. She knew that voice. Why did she know that voice? It swirled around in her brain as she tried to place him. A name, a face, a place, anything. Hoping beyond hope that it wasn’t the voice of one of them.

“Maxwell, you have to get rid of her! She’s a threat! How could you just leave that man at the park! We’re as good as dead. Do you want to go back to the white room?”

“I couldn’t have just left her to fend for herself! The man was going to kill her!”

“Not your problem. You can’t go playing hero to everyone. You have bigger problems. And at least finish the guy off. Who knows who he’s working for. Antar needs their king. You can’t be that if you’re locked up!”

“Michael’s right Max.”

Michael! It, it couldn’t be, could it? That would be too big of a coincidence. He was supposed to be in LA anyway. Granted, she hadn’t talked to Maria in a while but… She needed to hear him speak again. She wouldn’t get her hopes up, even if he was acting just like her Michael.

“Maxwell, you need to fix this.”

It was! Without a second thought, Liz launched out of the room and ran to Michael.

“Michael! Oh my God! You have no idea…”


Liz pulled away and swiped at the tear that had managed to escape. “Oh Michael, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

“Lizzy? What are you doing here? You’re not… You…?” He let the question hang and looked at her with much softer, but imploring eyes.

Unable to speak, Liz merely nodded.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by RosyLady »

A/N: Okay sorry it took so long. I've had this part done for a little while, I was just looking for a beta so if you wanna be one let me know :D

Thx to:
L-J-L 76

Pt 5 Running Memories

To say Max was confused would be an understatement. How did Michael know Liz? When could they have possibly met? Unless…

“Lizzy, you shouldn’t be here. It’ll only get you into more trouble.”

“Well, I was about to leave until I heard your voice. So this is your Max. And your Isabel. I got to say: I pictured them differently.”

Max saw Isabel tense at the mention of her name. His mind was working furiously. There was obviously more to this girl than he thought.

“Who are you? Michael, why do you know her?” Isabel tried to sound calm but the slight waver in her voice betrayed her.

“Iz, this is Liz Parker. Her and I go way back. I, um, actually met her when I went away for those few months. I…she’s Maria’s best friend.”

“Do you live here now?” Liz asked, slightly confused as well.

“I split my time between the places. Work, as it were.”

“Right. The mysterious, unspecific job. I still say I’ll figure it out someday.”

“You work on that. What are you doing in New York? I thought you were in Detroit.”

“I was…a week and a half ago. Then trouble found me again. It’s a lot harder to avoid them without the resources I had back in L.A.”

“I offered help.”

“And I turned it down. You really are too involved already. The only reason I told you was because Maria trusted you. Have you talked to her? I haven’t gotten the chance recently.”

“She’s fine, but Liz, you can’t keep doing this.”

“I know and I won’t. As soon as I figure out all I need to know, I’ll put it all to an end. It’s just taking longer than planned.”

Max’s head was spinning. It wasn’t often he was left out of the loop of things and he discovered when he was, it was a huge annoyance. “Stop! Both of you. Explain.”


“No, it’s okay Michael,” Liz took a breath to buy time to gather her thoughts, then turned to Max. “I few years ago I got into some trouble and pissed off some people I shouldn’t have. Ever since then, I’ve kind of been on the run. Mostly just laying low and moving around California every few months. Fake ID’s, friends in key positions, that sort of thing have kept me safe. Then, about a month and a half ago, I had to leave California. Since then, I’ve been to just about every big city in the continental US.”

“Who-who did you piss off?” noticing the selective wording she used and the information she left out.

“An ex,” Liz answered with a snort. She knew how ridiculous it was, but it was her life. “Look, you’re good people and I really should go now before he finds me. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Really. You don’t know what it means to me.”

“Lizzy, you must be crazy to think I’m just going to let you go out there at night, by yourself.”

“You know I can look after myself, Michael.”

“Well, that’s just too damn bad. You know Maria would skin me alive if I just let you walk out of my apartment. Besides, look at you! You look like shit.”


“You know what I mean.”

“It’s okay Michael. I heard you before I came out here. You shouldn’t be put into danger just because you know me. I was about to go down the fire escape before I heard your voice, anyway.”

Both Max’s and Michael’s eyes widened and got a panicked look at this statement.

“What? Look, bad luck follows me. Just look at what knowing me did to Maria! Just forget me. Especially you, Michael. It’s why I’ve avoided talking to Maria.”

“Listen, Liz, you might as well give up now. I’ve known Michael my whole life and I have only heard him call one person by a nickname and that person is me. There is no way in hell he’s going to let you go anywhere if he thinks you’ll be in danger. And my dear brother her, he’s got a hero complex as you’ve seen. You’re not going anywhere whether I like it or not.”

“No offense Isabel, but you’ve never met me before. They don’t have a choice.”

“When Michael offered help, he meant more than just a little money and himself to scare off big, mean men. We have resources.”

“I do too. I can disappear, if these two pig heads would just let me!”

“Liz, I need to talk to you alone,” Michael said abruptly.

Liz gave him a skeptical look but followed him to what turned out to be his bedroom. It was messy with clothes all over. It had an oak bed and dresser. On his nightstand sat a laptop and the walls had a few posters of Metallica and hockey. It had a very bare look but was still crowded somehow. She pushed some clothes to the side and sat on his bed, looking up at him.

Michael started pacing the floor, “Liz, I think it would be a good idea to tell Max and Iz. We can help. I know you resent that you can’t do it on your own, but this is not the time to be difficult. Isabel was right. We have what it takes to keep you safe. I let you turn me down in California because you had things, seemingly, under control, but now, now you’re being attacked in parks and had to flee across the country. What happened?”

“Sean. He, um, he found Maria. I couldn’t let anything happen to her,so I went to him. He kept me locked up. The others paid visits… One night I got him drunk talking about the old times and managed to get the keys. I barely go out of there and have been on the move since. 13 states in 58 days.”

“Oh Lizzy, please, just, just let us help. At the very least, stay the night.”

“Okay, fine, but just because it’s really cold out,” she said between yawns.

“You can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch,” Michael said as he looked in his closet for something she could wear. However, when he turned around she was already passed out on top of the sheets. He sighed, frustrated that she wouldn’t let him help, then went to the door and turned off the lights.

He found Max waiting anxiously on the couch and Isabel flipping absently through one of her magazines at the kitchen table.

“She’s going to stay the night. We’ll talk about it tomorrow, but she’s just exhausted right now. I’m going to call Maria.”

“Yeah, about that Michael, why didn’t we know how serious it was with you two? We hardly know her,” Isabel asked trying to sound casual, but not quite making it.

“She’s just…I don’t want to scare her off just yet.”

“What about Liz, Michael. Why is it that you want to protect her so much?”

“Maybe some of you is rubbing off on me, Maxwell. Good night.”


“Maria? Liz is here. She’s safe. Don’t worry.”

“What? Why is she there? There’s something you’re not telling me. Why would you assume I’m worrying? Was she not safe before? Michael!”

“Maria, breathe. I said she’s fine. Her and Max accidently bumped into each other and I made her stay the night here. And I know you were worrying because you always worry. It’s why I called: so you don’t have to tonight. I’m looking out for her.”

“You better. She’s my sister.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“Love you too. Good night.”
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Caught between reality and here

Post by RosyLady »

A/N First of all, thank you to all of you for all of your support! I'm so glad at least some people like the story. Sorry I know it's kind of short, but I'm working on another story that I want to post soon so look for it :)

Thanks bunches to:
L-J-L 76

Now without further ado...

Part 6: Unexpected Visitor

The next morning was full of awkward silences despite Max’s best attempts at friendly conversation. Isabel still didn’t trust Liz and was annoyed at Michael for keeping something from her. Michael was his usual self which wasn’t much help and Liz was hesitant in this new environment.

It even surprised Liz how tired she was when she didn’t wake up until 10:30. It was just so nice sleeping in a warm, soft bed and to be able to not have to worry about someone finding and attacking her in the middle of the night. She trusted Michael, even if it was just because she was too tired not to. She trusted Max too. She knew he would protect her because that was just the kind of guy he was. He would even try to protect her when…if he found out her story, though she wouldn’t let him. It had killed the last guy, and she couldn’t let that happen again.

After breakfast, it was decided that Max would stay home from work, even after Liz protested. She was worried these people would get too involved. She had to leave soon. But for now, there was nothing she could do about it. Michael would stay with her too. What they were going to do, she had no clue but it was nice having people on her side for a little while.

“Liz?” Michael knocked on the door to his bedroom where Liz was getting dressed into some of Isabel’s clothes. “Are you decent?”

Liz pulled the door open and smiled at the tough Michael Guerin and knew once again that he was perfect for Maria. “Always. What’s up?”

“You need to tell them-“

“Michael, not again! I already told you! No! I can’t do that to them. They’re your family, not mine. Even you aren’t supposed to know. If you hadn’t been so damn stubborn and suspecting, we wouldn’t have to deal with this.”

“What can I say? I don’t trust easily. And let’s face it. You acted a little shady sometimes,” he smiled a bit ruefully. He felt like an idiot for ever suspecting Liz of being an agent out to get him and Max and Isabel. But he had and gone snooping in her room because of it and found under a loose floor board in Maria’s spare room where Liz was staying, a full account of everything Liz had been through since Liz and Maria’s parents’ death 8 years ago. Liz had been 17 then; Maria only 15.

Michael sighed knowing he was getting no where, but at the same time knew Max would become curious just like him very soon, no matter how much of a hero he was. Isabel already was.
“Fine. Let’s go out there and tell Max…I don’t know what. He’s not going to believe you.”

“And what can he do. Michael, I don’t know what I’m still doing here. I should be gone.”

“You’re still here because I made a promise to a certain sister of yours that I would keep you safe.”

“You shouldn’t make promises like that. I’m leaving tomorrow, just as soon as I figure out where I’m going.”

Michael didn’t say anything because it would be pointless, but he’d be damned if he just let her walk out come tomorrow.

Thankfully, Max refrained from asking questions having a hunch he wouldn’t get any answers, any honest ones anyway. Instead, he did his best to make sure Liz was comfortable and relaxed. She seemed to let her guard down. That is until there were sounds in the hall followed by a knock on the door.

The transformation was instant. She tensed and stood up automatically reaching for her knife that was no longer there. It was him. She knew it. She didn’t know how he’d found her, but she knew it was him with every fiber in her being. He couldn’t come in. He couldn’t know she had anything to do with Max or Michael or Isabel. She had to leave now.

Max went to open the door but Liz grabbed his arm. She had to face the music. She’d allowed herself to relax and now she was paying for it. Her only regret was that she wouldn’t get to say good-bye to Maria…and that she didn’t get to know Max better, she thought with a wistful smile as she locked eyes with the man with the hero complex.

Liz was still steeling herself against what she was about to do when there was another knock on the door, followed by the voice of an angel…kind of.

“Elizabeth Claudia Parker! I know you’re in there and if you don’t open this door I kick this door in. Well, try and most likely break a toe, but you still better let me in!”


Max hardly had time to blink before the door was open and Liz was wrapped up in the arms of a man he didn’t know. He immediately didn’t trust him and was at the ready.

“Max, Michael, this is Alex. He is my protector and love of my life.”

A/N 2: Okay, okay, I know Liz is a little paranoid right now but she gets better I promise. Also some more answers in the next part!
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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Location: Caught between reality and here

Post by RosyLady »

A/N: Just a quick thx to all loyal readers, lurkers and feedbackers alike

Part 7: A Budding Interest
Max, despite himself felt his face fall at the announcement. He didn’t think much of it at the time but later that night wondered at it, among other things. But being always the fearless leader, he needed to worry about more important things right now.


Liz laughed a little, “He’s been the big brother I never had since we were kids. Once he out grew the whole “Look Lizzie! Disgusting bugs are best enjoyed 2 inches from your face!” phase, he started trying to send me to a convent to make sure I was never harmed. Probably wasn’t a bad idea. Hind sight’s 20/20, huh?”

“Alex, this is the Michael. I’m still considering if I’m gonna let him date Maria or not.”

“Like you have for the past year and a bit?” Michael responded with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yeah, well, I like to be thorough. Anyway, this is Max, his best friend. You just missed Isabel, Max’s sister. Don’t worry; so not your type: blonde, tall, gorgeous.”

“Oh yeah, not my type at all, but it doesn’t matter, I’m here to be the pinky to my brain…so what are we gonna do tonight?”

Liz just smiled and rolled her eyes.

Liz became like a whole other person once Alex was there. She couldn’t stop smiling. It was the first time Max had heard her laugh. It was an amazing sound. It was so bubbly and innocent, in direct contrast with the women who held him at knife point not 24 hours ago.

Alex was one of Liz’s best friends. He had been Maria and Liz’s neighbor all through their childhood. He now lived near Boston where he was a college professor of musical theory at Brandeis University.

Max was still on guard though, “So, Alex how did you find us?”

“Maria. She’s a bit of a paranoid head-case and insisted I come down here right away,” he explained with an easy smile.

“How did you know where we lived?”

“That would be me, Maxwell. I told Maria in case of an emergency.”

“I need to talk to you. Now.”

Once they were closed in Max’s room, safely out of hearing distance, Max turned on Michael.

“What the hell were you thinking, giving away our address like that? Could you be more stupid!? You’re the one who’s always paranoid and convinced the world is out to get us!”

“Maxwell, don’t you think I checked up on her? Her past, her family, her record? It was ages before she even knew what city I lived in, let alone the address. The fact is I trust her. I love her,” he sighed, knowing it wouldn’t make sense to Max. “Look, I checked up on Alex too. He’s a good guy. He is who he says he is.”

“I still don’t trust him. Did you see the way Liz suddenly changed? He could be controlling her or something?”

Michael rolled his eyes, “Listen to your self, Maxwell. Alex, lanky, slightly geeky, Alex, is not some evil mastermind sent by the FBI to kill us all, alright? Just because you’re jealous he’s all over your girlfriend doesn’t mean we can’t trust him.”

“He isn’t all over her! And she’s not my girlfriend. I’m not jealous”


Meanwhile, Alex and Liz continued to catch up with each other.
“So, squirt, how’s life been treating ya? You know, beside the whole running from Monsieur Crazy and all? You been eating your vegetables?”
“Been trying but you know, they spoil so quickly without a fridge and you know I can’t stand the canned stuff.”

“That’s okay. We’ll put you on a veggie only diet while I’m here.”

“Can’t wait,” Liz said with a grimace, then she smirked up at Alex, “So what about you? Any foxy ladies throwing their panties at you in the lecture hall?”

“I should open a museum with the amount that I have now! You would not believe.”

“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

“Well, Mattie and I broke up.”

“Oh, no why?”

“She said 'supposibly',” he dead panned, “No, really, she just moved back to the Midwest to be closer to her family and we weren’t serious enough to keep up a long term relationship.”

“That’s too bad, babe.”

“I’ll live, especially since I’m back with my senorita Parker.” And he started to tickle her, knowing her weak spots dissolving her into nothing but a laughing pile on the floor.

This was how Max and Michael find them when they came out of the bedroom. Liz immediately sat up and tried to compose herself once again but Alex made it quite difficult as he continued to poke her side when she was in her seat again. Max felt a little jealous that this man could make her smile like that. It was absurd thought, he told himself. He didn’t like Liz like, like a girlfriend, did he? No. No, he’d only known her a day. So what if his stomach did a little flip flop when she turned to him and smiled? So what if he really wanted to run his fingers through her hair when she tucked a strand behind her ear? So what?

Ignoring Max’s daze, Michael suggested lunch. Everyone quickly agreed and headed to the dining table. Michael had to hold in a snort when Max cut off Alex on the way and situated himself across from Liz. Not jealous, my ass.

Michael offered to make grilled cheese and headed into the kitchen to get started.

“So, Max,” Alex started, “What do you do for a living?”

“Oh, um, I’m an architect.”

“Really? Very cool. What do you design?"

“Mostly office buildings downtown.”

“So, do you have a girlfriend or wife or significant other?”

Liz’s eyes flew to Alex with eyebrows raised. He just shrugged. He hated awkward silences was all.

Trying not to get excited about Liz’s interest in the question, he answered, “Not really. Never really had time. Only girl I was halfway serious about turned out to be a better sister than girlfriend.”

“Maybe you just haven’t met the right girl,” Alex said, his eyes flickering to Liz to catch her reaction. No one else would have caught it but he saw her bite her lip and look down slightly from Max when his eyes flew involuntarily to her for half a second. Alex liked Max, which was saying a lot. He never trusted Liz’s taste in men ever since Sean.

He wasn’t ready to give his blessing yet or anything. Max was obviously reserved and not overly willing to share the details of his life, but Alex had time to feel him out. Liz hadn’t even realized she was starting to fall for him yet, but it would be good for her to have a good experience with a man for once. Besides him. He didn’t count.

Knowing Liz though, she wouldn’t let herself stick around once she did realize she felt something for Max. It was her way. She didn’t trust herself. Michael, on the other hand, obviously had her trust. He had to give kudos to the guy. He really had to love Maria and that made him okay in Alex’s book.
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.