Choosing Grounds (AU/UC/XO/ADULT) Xander and Maria needed

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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I sigh and shake my head with an irritable growl as I watch Xander walk away. "Some things never change", I mutter to myself as I swing the sword experimentally, checking its wieght.

I look toward the door and the light flicker of the sun, mentally going over all of this again in my head forming the rimnates of a plan. Ok got one reckless kid in Xander, two who I'd bet don't have any clue what we're dealing with and Willow, who Xander obviously has issues with. To top it off, as long as the sun's in play I'm out. I sigh heavily...lovly.

My mind keeps going over possible causes of all this and my mind keeps going back to one thing... Lawyers! I look over at Xander briefly, watching as he expertly checks over his weapon. ...I swear if this is thier doing I'll gut them...slowly...

"Since we don't know what's out there, I'd like a weapon as well." says the girl - Moon - behind me breaking my thoughts. " No way do I plan to face the unknown without some form of protection for the next week of my life."

As she walks away I examine my weapons cabinet for an appropriate weapon. After I make the selection I walk briefly into the kitchen to drain a bag of blood before re-entering to find Moon by the door. My mind goes back and I get a pensive look.

I wonder.... Cautiously I stick my hand in the light. I smirk wolfishly continuing my trek giving Moon the weapon and silently going to stand by Xander in the light. Well that makes 1 thing easier.... "Been a while since I could do this", I say quietly
~ - Angels Sword Moons Weapon
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Yes, We'll have a Tess! So cool Storm :) [What do you mean I have plans for her, naah...heheh].
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Post by StormWolfstone »

Isabelle- Alex can start wherever you want him to. There's no specific set point for him. He could even be in the mall already just in one of the rooms on the 1st floor or the 3rd floor.... it's up to you. I appreciate you temping him :D

Anna- LOL.... I'll be working on that post here in a few I think... *glances around and nabs the ankle of her muse*
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Post by magikhands »


"I guess it's possible. I died in their world and I'm here..." Max says but doesn't continue.

The thought is pretty freaky. In my time, Alex was dead, killed by Tess. I look back at Liz and Isabel. If what they say is true, Max was dead in their time. Looking forward to Max, I remember him denying that Tess could do something like that, but Alex was dead in his time also. My mind starts working...maybe when whatever happened to bring us here, in his time they hadn't found out about Tess yet.

I close my eyes and rub my temples for a moment. All this thinking was making my head hurt.

"Too freaky." I whisper trying to push back those thoughts for the time being and concentrate on finding others.

We arrive at the mall. We stop at the doors. They don't slide open automatically.

"Should we go in?" I ask looking around for other people. This is really getting freaky.
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Post by magikhands »


"Been a while since I could do this", Angel says softly.

I'm slightly amazed that he's standing outside like this. In theory he should be burning, the sunlight charring his skin.

"Maybe you can get a tan while you're at it." I say sarcasticly. I know I shouldn't be but I can't help it. When I get nervous I crack snide remarks.
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Post by isabelle »

*Alex* (temp)

I start to wake, feeling uncomfortable. My head's at a bad angle and it's resting on something hard. Shifting, I realize I'm on a wooden floor and I open my eyes. Where the hell am I?

Last thing I remember is being in Ms. DeLuca's alien trinket shop. I try to spend some time there, every week, or at her home. Since we've lost Maria, she's been so alone. She'd been getting very serious with the Sheriff and I swear they were close to getting engaged, but when Maria died, everything changed. Sheriff Valenti still spends time with her, and they'll probably still marry, eventually, but right now, Ms. Deluca needs time.

Of course, it's been hard on Michael, too. Unbearably hard. They were going to be married, and he still blames himself for her as well as Max. I don't know if he's stepped foot inside Ms. Deluca's shop or her home since it happened. It's been such a horrible year. First, we all lose Maria and Max, and then Isabel gets sick and there's nobody who can save our unborn baby. At least I still have Isabel. If I'd have lost her, I'm not sure I would have survived. It's like we're all just going through the motions of life, without actually living it. We're all trying to support each other, but it's hard when we have so little strength of our own to lend.

But... I was there, in the shop, when a woman came in, a customer. I'd stepped aside to let her see the merchandise. She touched my shoulder and then ... then I woke up here.

This place is NOT the alien-themed tourist shop. The herbs in jars on the wall look like something Amy would sell, but the jars are strange and it's not the same wall. The rest of the place is filled with strange things I'm not even sure I can identify and a lot of new-agey sort of books.

"Hello?" I call out, but nobody answers. "Hello!" I try a bit louder, wandering around and looking behind the counter. The place seems to be deserted. I try not to panic, but this is definately not good.

I turn and head for the door. Thankfully, it opens easily. For a moment there, I was afraid I was locked in. The street outside, however, isn't any more familiar than the shop. I step out into the road, because there isn't a car to be seen. Turning around, I scan the whole area. There's a Mall right there, and several other unmarked buildings. The place I just came out of has a sign over it that says "The Magic Box."

I need to find someone. I need to know where the hell I am and how I got here. It has to be alien-related. Things like this have been happening every since Max healed me, saved me. "Hello! Is anybody out here?!" I shout.

"Hello," a voice answers me. A girl's voice behind me. Spinning around, I see her. Round face, dark hair, huge smile. But I know she wasn't there a moment ago. I'm in the middle of an open street. How could she suddenly be here?

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask automatically as my mind starts to catch up with what I'm seeing. It's a mindwarp. It has to be a mindwarp.

"I'm a friend," she says, unhelpfully. She hands me a note, giggling. "You should go to the mall. They're waiting for you."

"Who is?" I ask as I glance at the page.

Welcome to the Choosing Grounds, Welcome to the Service of Medina. Once everyone has met and come together, I'll greet you face to face. For the moment however, enjoy the second chance from fate. Or.. better yet a second chance given to you by a Goddess.


"What does this mean? Are you Medina?" But when I look up, the girl is gone.

The mall. It sounds like a trap but it's not like I have a lot of other options. With a shrug, I head in that direction. I hope it's not a mistake.

Last edited by isabelle on Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »


Moon comes up behind me, brandishing a sword, while Angel and Xander have some sort of odd conversation about getting a tan. Unbelievable.

"You know how to use that?" I ask Moon as we start to walk down the street. I just hope she's not planning to use it on herself at the end of the week.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


"Maybe you can get a tan while you're at it." , he says sarastically as he glances at me.

Ah the ever telling snark. He hides it we'll, but even if I didn't know the boy I can smell the fear. It's faint, as if he's learned to Mask it, but once again the advantages of my age show. It's strange to think that I know this boy. So differant from My child, but the same in so many ways. I find myself resisting the urge to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, well maybe once we figure this out I'll do that", I joke knowing I cant. The UV rays in sunlight is what causes skin to tan; the same rays that are lethal to Vampires. Here - wherever we are - the UV must be removed, or somehow filtered.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

It's strange to think that I know this boy. So differant from My child, but the same in so many ways. I find myself resisting the urge to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Now... I feel as if I should explain something so I don't always seem Over Dramatic. And before I say it, be warned, this may squick some....

The Nature of a Sire/Childe relationship. While some view it in a Sexual conotation, which it is, it is also a Parent/Child Relationship. While a Sire does indeed love and Want their Charge, they also have a responsibility as a Father or a Mother Figure to their Childe. They Made them. A sire has a responsibility to teach, shelter and protect a Childe.

Angels Childe Penn in particular is a good example of this. Now any watcher of Angel will agree that w/ Penn you not only got a Sexual vibe, but that psuado perternal sense. Penn Viewed Angelus in a fatherly role. He could not understand nor except that his Sire, the man he depended on and looked up too had changed. His entire escapade was designed to get Angels attention. Like a son Pining for a fathers approval.

Another Example is in Drusilla and her constant referal to her Sire as 'Daddy'.

Now Here Angel is in a unique position. The Xander He knows is his Child to whom he is bound to do as I stated. This Xander is the spitting image of his. Add Angels soul in, it only natural he feels the way he does...
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Post by isabelle »


"Should we go in?" Maria asks.

"It would seem so," I say. There's nobody else waiting about outside and the notes did say that we were to meet 'others' here. I put my hand over the locking mechanism and use a little teleknesis to move unlock the gate. A moment later, it slowly grinds open. The noise seems to echo across the quiet street and, no doubt, into the mall. "Guess they know we're here, now," I say, not really knowing who 'they' might be.

Nobody's rushing the gate just yet, but we're all on alert, anyway. There's no telling who or what might be in this place. We do know that 'Medina' will soon be here and that's certainly a person of power. We need to be careful. I also need to know about who's with me.

"Maria?" I say. She's so much like my Maria but something's just off. I just don't think she's from the same place I am. "Tell me about your world. How did you get involved in the whole 'alien abyss'?"
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