Faded Tears (AU,CC,M/M,TEEN/ADULT) Pt 8 - 11/2 [WIP]

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Faded Tears (AU,CC,M/M,TEEN/ADULT) Pt 8 - 11/2 [WIP]

Post by baby_bre »

*OMG I love the banner sooo much!!!! Thank you Tess_Harding!!!*

Title: Faded Tears

Authors: Baby_Bre


Category: M/M, CC

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, just borrowing them :).

Author Notes: This just came to me a moment ago, so I wrote it all down and here's the first chapter. Please read and review!

Mod Note: Genre - AU with Aliens

Part One

Maria threw herself onto the bed, she felt like pulling her hair out from the roots. How could he do this to her? She couldn't understand how he could just up and leave her. She loved him more then he would ever know and he had left, just like that, without an explanation, not even a goodbye. If it hadn't been for Max and Isabel, Maria wouldn't have even known he was gone, at least not for a week or more. As it was quite common for Michael to go missing for days at a time.

The tired girl, pulled her knees up to her chest, pushing a stray curl behind her ear, she let all of her feelings turn into tears. Allowing them to cascade freely down her flushed cheeks, her body shaking with sobs. She wondered if he had ever loved her, in her heart Maria knew he had, she had seen into his heart on many occasions. But she was scared, alone and pregnant.

What could she do, Maria sobbed hardly, trying not to let them take over her body but failing miserably. She hadn't even gotten the chance to tell him, who would she tell now? No one, because if they found out they'd pity her and that wasn't something she wanted. Max and Isabel, she thought bitterly might even want her to get rid of it, but she wouldn't, it was all she had left of him, and it was symbol.

So, she made her decision, she was to leave Roswell and not return, because as much as she loved everyone in Roswell, she knew it'd be too difficult to stay there without him and the baby growing inside of her, it would turn her life upside down.

Quietly, Maria packed her things, quickly she wrote a few letters to those she cared about, wanting them to know why she had to what she was about to do. It was important that they didn't hate her, that they understood and respected her reasons for leaving.

Michael... That name brought tears to her eyes again, she suppose that anme would haunt her until the day she died, as Maria was sure of that. Because she loved him, more then anything in the entire world, but he had left and now it was her turn to go, she would find a better life for herself and for her child. One away from Roswell, away from all that comes with being an alien, and one away from the memories that would haunt her every thought, if she stayed.
Last edited by baby_bre on Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:12 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by baby_bre »

Part Two

Maria quietly closed her front door, letting it close meant shutting the door on her past, and moving on. She made her way across their tiny lawn, tears silently cascading down her cheeks, scorching them. Maria shivered sadly, it wasn't cold out, but she felt as though she'd just been hit by death.

In a way, she supposed she had been, because she didn't feel alive anymore, her insides were cold and lifeless, without him she was nothing, if it weren't for her baby growing inside her tummy, she didn't think she'd be able to go on. But her baby was more important, she wanted it to have a life, one that wasn't filled with sadness, one that was filled with all the joys life had to offer.

And she'd provide that for her baby, Maria didn't care what it took, if she had to kill for it, she would, because her baby was all that mattered now. It wouldn't grow up knowing the things it lacked in life, instead it'd grow up knowing that it's mommy love him or her very much and no matter what it would never know that it's daddy had left her. It'd grow up thinking highly of it's father, she'd make sure of it, because Maria knew she'd never see Michael again, she thought there'd be no problem in her telling her child that it's daddy had died.

In a lot of ways, she was being naive, running off to a new life, someplace she'd never been before without knowing anyone, it made her scared but she knew it was for the best. Maria was thankful that she had saved part of her cheeks since she started working at the Crashdown, at least she'd have some sort of funds to live on, at least until she settled in enough to get a job.

Approaching the ticket booth, Maria smiled at the worker, "A one way ticket to Portland, Oregon please?" She asked, moving her bag to her other shoulder nervously.

"That'll be 172." He says with a grin, "Thank you." He tells her once she hands over the money.

It's too late to turn back now and I don't think I'd want to even if I could.
Last edited by baby_bre on Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by baby_bre »

Thanks for the FB, I appreciate it!

Part Three

Maria lightly rested her tired head against the soft pillow. The young girl's eyes filled with tears and she wondered if she'd ever quite crying, things felt so hopeless, but giving up was not an option, because she had to be strong for her baby, in order to survive, Maria was thankful for their baby, because without it she would be nothing.

The bus ride seemed to go on forever, it felt like it had taken years to finally reach Portland, instead of days. Stepping down off the bus, Maria shivered lightly, pulling her coat tighter against herself, the weather here was definately different then Roswell's, it was dark, cold and rainy, a lot more lonely than anything.

She wasn't sure where she was meant to go now, Maria had made it this far, but where did she go from there? How would she find a place to live and a job, without even knowing where to start looking? Making her way down the almost deserted street, Maria watched both ways before crossing the street, heading towards a tiny diner she had spoted when she'd climbed down off the bus. Maria figured it was as good a time as any to get some food, as she was going to be eating for two from now on.

Entering the cozy diner, Maria shrugged out of her jacket, the atmosphere wasn't as lonely as it had been outside, it was actually kind of friendly in there. Finding an empty booth, she sat down, waiting for one of the waitresses to come over, it was an extreme change from the alien themed diners she was used to eating in back... home.

The thought of home brought tears to her eyes, never again would she seem home again, because it was now a distant memory. Her daughter would never know of the life Maria had once lived, of the pain she had felt, of all the time she'd thought she wasn't good enough to be anything other then Maria Deluca, Liz Parkers quirky best friend, the girl no one thought was worth listening to, the daughter of Amy Deluca, who's husband had left her.

It was kind of strange how things worked out, when she was with Michael, he made her feel like she was more then whacky Deluca, more then the perfect Liz Parker's best friend, more then all of that, and he too left without a word. Her mom knew how it felt, Michael hadn't been Maria's husband, but he had left her, just as her father had left her and her mother. Maria felt guitly, for leaving her mother because she loved Amy more then anything, but she didn't want to stay in Roswell, to disappoint her, because after all the worrying her mother had done, all the warnings she'd been give, she had done exactly what Amy had wished she wouldn't, went and got herself knocked up by a guy who didn't even know.

Maria loved her mom far too much to hurt her in that way, too much to make her feel like she hadn't been good enough, because Maria had gone and made the same mistakes Amy had. She hated herself for it, but part of Michael was growing inside of her, so it was worth it, because no matter where life took her and her baby, Michael would always be a part of that child, and so she would always know what happened between them was real and so would her daughter.

"What can I get you?" A friendly voice broke through her thoughts.

Staring blankly at her menu, Maria finally decided, "Can I get a cheesebuger with fries?"

"Sure thing kiddo," The lady said with a smile.

Maria told her quietly, biting her lip, she thought about what she was going to do for the night, figuring she would check herself into a hotel for the night, Maria was glad that at least she had some sort of plan of action.
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Post by baby_bre »

Thanks for all the lovely feedback

Part Four

The lady says as she sets the cheesebuger and fries in front of Maria, the aroma instantly asulting her tastes bud, it looks good, that's all Maria has to say about that. Digging into it, she doesn't worry about how she looks, because she's quite positive she looks messy and appears to not have eaten in weeks, but she's starving, so it doesn't make a difference.

Maria had given her leaving alot of thought, she knew that it was wrong for her to leave her bestest friends in the entire world back in Roswell, without a word, just letters, but they had each other. Liz and Max would marry eventually, once they finished school, she was positive Isabel and Alex would follow their lead and do the same. Though she didn't know Tess that well, she figured it was only a matter of time before Kyle and her got together, seeing as how they had been flirting ever since she'd come into town.

She didn't mean to sound bitter, but Maria knew it would have been too hard to deal with watching them all together, each of them landing their alien, while they pitied poor, knocked up and alone Maria Deluca. Having friends meant a lot to her, and Maria thought perhaps one day, she would call home, call them, see how they were managing, but would it be fair to any of them? By then, when it was safe, would any of them still want to hear from her?

"Can I get you anything else?" The lady appeared, bringing Maria out of her thoughts once again.

"A glass of milk, please." She ordered, watching as the lady went over behind the counter.

"Here you are," She told her, appearing again, a smile on her face. Maria liked the warmness in her expressions, something about it made her want to trust this lady, though she couldn't have been much older then 35, something in her eyes made her seem a lot wiser.

"Thank you." Maria replied, flashing her a smile.

"New in town?"

"Yeah, how could you tell."

"Besides the luggage?" The lady said with a grin, "I can always tell, there's just something in their faces."


"I'm Maddy," the lady introduced herself.


"It's nice to meet you, Maria."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you know of any hotels in this area?"

"Well, it just so happens if you walk down the block and turn right, you'll run into a pretty decent hotel, 66 bucks a night."

"Awesome," Maria replied brightly. "How much do I owe you?" She questioned, pulling out her wallet.

"It's on the house," Maddy said, motioning her to put her wallet away.

"Thanks, thanks a lot."

"No problem, you be safe alright?"

"I will be," Maria said with a nod, getting up from the table she made her way over to the exit, feeling content and full as she made her way down the empty street, her destionation, Hotel Baxster.
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Post by baby_bre »

Thanks for the feedback guys! I really means a WHOLE lot to me :D! Michael, well he isn't in Roswell, and he isn't in Portland, no one knows where he is.... :/ heehe... but I do ;)

Part Five

Maria woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed, she felt better then she had since Michael had left. She was no longer in Roswell, no longer being haunted by the demons that were her memories of their time together, as she had spent the last few hours before she'd finally fallen asleep from exhaustion wiping him out of her mind.

Standing up Maria stretched, letting a low yawn escape her lips before she made her way into the tiny bathroom, wanting to get ready for the day she pulled her bag along with her. Maria was planning on searching for a job, figuring it'd be the best thing to find, and then a place to stay could come next.

Feeling her stomach grumble, Maria giggled knowing she'd have to first stop off and grab a bite to eat. The only place Maria knew of was the diner and she thought it was good a place as any, seeing as how their food had been good the night before and also it was only a block away.

Glancing down at her watch, it read 9:00 as she made her way down the semi full block, being careful not to run into anyone as Maria quickly pushed her way into the small diner. The smell of food already overwhelming her senses as she noticed the booth she'd sat in just the night before was still empty.

"What can I get you, Maria?" Maddie appeared, already a bright smile plasted on her face.

"Don't you think it's a little early for you to be working again?" The question popped out of Maria's mouth before she had the chance to stop it.

With a small laugh Maddie shrugged, "I own the place, what do you expect?"

"Really?" Maria wondered silently why she would be working there then, didn't most bosses do behind the scence things, not waitressing?

"It just so happens one of my one of my waitresses quit yesterday, so here I am."

"Oh?" Maria asked, her interest sparked, working as a waitress was something she was qualified for. "Does this mean you'll be looking for people to hire?"

"It just so happens I am." Maddie said, her eyes twinkling as she gave Maria a once over. "Are you interested?"

"Well, I am, I mean you don't know me and I just got here but it would save me time." Maria rambled on and on.

"I just have one question, have you ever waitressed before?"

"For practically my whole life," She told her smiling, "My best friends parents own a diner back home."

"Oh, well if you'd be willing to start tomorrow, then you have the job." Maddie told her, deciding she might as well take a chance on the girl who looked so lost.

"Thank you!" Maria shrieked, forgetting she barely knew the lady, she jumped up and hugged her for all her worth.

Patting her back, Maddie grinned, "It's no problem, it saves me a lot of time."

"What time do you need me here?"

"Eight O'clock sharp." Maddie told her, hoping she'd be on time, seeing as how her other waitress Serena never was, or else she would already have been there by now.

"I'll be here, right on time!" Maria exclaimed, before her stomach grumbled again and she remembered what she'd came for in the first place. "Can I order a stack of pancakes, a platter of meat and orange juice, please?"

"Sure thing," Maddie told her before heading off to put in her order.
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Post by baby_bre »

Thanks so much for the feedback! I totally love the banner she made me, it's beautiful!!! Isn't Maria and Michael's daughter to be cute !? hehehe...

Part Six

Over the next few weeks, Maria's life slowly turned into a solid routine, all she could think about these days was work, which she loved by the way. The other waitress Serena helped her find a place in the building she lived in, Maria was grateful for her help and to be settled into one place, her own place, the place she would raise her baby.

It'd be a lie to say Maria had completely forgotten her past, forgotten Michael and her worries about him, even despite herself, that she had forgotten her friends, but she knew it'd be one big fat lie. At night, while she was lying alone on her bed, Maria thought about them, missed them, cried for them. She tried to picture what the others were doing, how they were doing, if school was going well for them.

Maria missed them, more then she could say, she couldn't help wondering about them, even if she didn't want to. Maria didn't want to even consider about whether Michael had settled down someplace, somewhere he'd be happy and at peace. Because obviously those were things she could never provide him with.

Taking a deep and calming breath, Maria locked the door of her apartment before continuing on her way to work, it was on about a seven minute walk, but it always made her feel fresh walking about the neighborhood. She was still trying to get the hang of things, because she hardly knew the area. Maria had talked herself into finally telling Maddie all about her baby situation, after that she confessed to Serena, of course leaving out all of the alieness.

Maddie told her, she'd still have have a place for Maria, no matter what she wouldn't lose her job and Serena suggested their moving in together, and then she could be Aunt Serena. "Ria!" Serena called, driving up alongside Maria. "Should you be walking around in your condition?"

Rolling her eyes, as she'd have to walk around all day at work anyways, "I'll be fine, don't worry so much, it's not that long a walk and besides I'm too excited, we find out the sex tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah I remember, that's why we took the day off isn't it?" Serena says, scratching her eyebrow, in a manner that reminded Maria of Michael, Michael his name brought tears to her eyes.

"You okay?" Serena asks, instantly worried.

"I'm fine," She tells her, "It's nothing, really."

"You sure?"

"Yup, just a little pregnancy hormones thing." Maria lied, trying to push down all her thoughts, feelings and memories of Michael.

"Well, get in." She orders, and Maria goes around to the other side and hops in.

"So, what do you think it'll be?"

"A baby girl." Maria tells her, ever since she'd found out she was pregnant, Maria had a feeling, like she knew it was going to be a girl, maybe it was because of the whole alien thing or just mothers intuition.
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Post by baby_bre »

Sorry for the long wait!

Chapter Seven

"Oh! Baby girls are so cute!" Serena exclaims. "Have you thought of any names yet?"

"Not really. I mean there's a few names I like."

"Really?" Serena looks at her for a moment, "And they would be?"

"Sandra... Alexandra... Evie." Maria rambles on, "There's more but I can't really think of them."

"Yeah I can't wait until I have kids." She says longingly, Maria knew it was just because Serena really wanted to name them.


As expected the doctor confirmed her beliefs, it was a healthy baby girl and Maria couldn't have been more excited. A little baby girl, it was going to be so much fun, she could do her hair, teach her about life and when she got old enough Maria would tell her all about her father. She had thought long and hard about the possibility of this baby having powers, it seemed unlikely but then there was always that chance, wasn't there? Then what would she do?

Maria wasn't prepared to teach her baby about its powers, assuming it would have any but she'd do her best. If all else failed there were always two people she trusted, Max and Isabel, they would help her and she knew they would, after they got over the initial shock that her daughter was Michaels.

"Orders up Ria." The cook called, breaking her out of her thoughts, at least she wouldn't have to worry about her baby having powers for awhile yet.


So much had changed over the course of seven years. Maria was no longer the lonely girl from Roswell she had been when she'd first arrived in Portland. She was no longer a little girl or five months pregnant but instead she was a woman with a career and a beautiful seven year old daughter. It was amazing to think that Michael and her had made this little girl, this person and that he had missed her up bringing.


"Yeah baby?" She asks turning to look at her. Her daughter was a beautiful reminder of Michael with her light brown hair and intense brown eyes. She looked so much like Michael that sometimes it hurt but then everyone said she was the spitting image of Maria, minus the hair and eyes.

"Miriam's picking on me again." The young girl announces while sticking her tongue out at Maria's best friend daughter.

"Am not!" The five year old protests.

"Are too!"

"Sweetie you guys need to be good, right Serena?"

"Yeah what she said." Sometimes Maria felt bad for little Miriam, because Serena wasn't always the most attentive mother.

"Where are we going?" Miriam asks, her crystal blue eyes wide as she stared out at the passing scenary.

"Didn't you listen when my mommy told you?!"

"Yes but I forgot." The little girl pouts, her short black hair framing her face as she stared down at the floor.

"It's okay. We're going to Roswell."

"Where's Roswell?"

"A world away from here."
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Post by baby_bre »

Chapter Eight

Roswell was one of the few places Maria never thought she'd see again. Okay so in her wildest dreams she had imagined she would, even wished that she would have a reason to return to her hometown and now she did and she wished she didn't. Years ago she contemplated whether her baby might have powers like its father and she had ruled that out but apparently she was wrong because her beautiful daughter had developed powers and she didn't know how to help her manage them.

"Are you sure they're going to be there?" Serena asks, her voice full of concern once the kids have fallen asleep.

She honestly didn't know because it had been seven years, seven long years and for all she knew Liz was living in England and the rest of the gang had left Roswell. She thought they might have even forgotten her by now but either way she was going to track either Isabel or Max down, one of them was going to help her little girl figure out how to control her powers so that they didn't have to worry when she got upset or tried to use them that she didn't send a million things flying across the room or that everything on the sheleves wouldn't come crashing to the floor.

"I don't know. They might not be there but someone will be and I'm going to find that someone." It was the end of the dicussion because she knew as well as Maria did that she wouldn't stop until she'd tracked down one of them. She was just glad Serena had come with her, Miriam too. She didn't know what she would have done had they not. Sure she hadn't exactly meant for Serena to find out about her past, about the aliens and everything else but it had happened and now she was just glad she didn't have to face her demons alone.


"Are we there yet??" Miriams impatient voice made her feel bad. She was pulling them along for the ride and what a long ride it had turned out to be. They should have flown but the kids got scared at the prospect of being on a plane and truthfully Maria hadn't been all that enthusastic about the idea either.

"Almost." Serena answers her and she wondered how much longer it was going to take. An hour maybe? Her stomach was already killing her with nerves. So many memories were rushing to the surface and she couldn't seem to stop any of them. She was suprised that Katie was still asleep though, because normally at home she couldn't get her to take a nap as Katie said six year olds were too grown up to take naps like babies.

"But I'm boooooored Mommy."

"I know sweetie but we're almost there and when we get there I promise if you behave that I'll buy you a fudge sundae." Maria grins at Serena, she was always bribing the kids with sweets, Miriam practically lived on them but then again the girl was a very well behaved child.

"Yummy and can I have a cherry on top?" She asks and Maria glances back to see her batting her eyelashes at her Mom.

"Of course you can."

When was Katie going to wake up? Maria wondered, she didn't really want her to sleep through the trip into town but then waking her up was not a good idea, she had learned her lesson. Katie tended to be a bit of a cranky little Princess when she got woken up before she was ready. Katie said she needed her beauty sleep, sometimes it was uncanny how much she reminded her of well.... her.


"We're here." Maria announces as they pass the welcome to Roswell sign, it sends her stomach to her knees. She felt sick already but at least Katie had woke up 10 minutes ago. She wasn't cranky which was a good thing because it seemed like her powers worked even worse when she wasn't with it and that'd be all they needed was to go into town and have her powers freak out in public.

"Yay!" The girls squeal and she smiles. She hadn't spoken to her mom in years and she was hoping Amy still lived in Roswell because she really wanted her to meet Katie. She just knew they were going to love each other and hopefully her mom didn't completely hate her. It wasn't like she'd come back to Roswell to see her mom but since she was back it couldn't hurt anything, could it?

"So where to first?" Serena asks and she has to think about it. If it had been seven years ago she'd gone rushing to the Crashdown but who knew if the Parkers still owned it? And even if they did why would Max as an adult still be hanging out there everyday? Part of her figured she should go straight to her moms house but what good would that do her? As far as she knew her mom had no idea about the alien status of her friends and had not really been that close to Isabel or Max.

"The Valenti home." It seemed like the most obvious place and Maria hoped that the Sherrif was still living there but she would have no way of knowing. If anyone knew where Max and Isabel were it would be Jim.


A few minutes later they were parked outside the Valenti home, it seemed like someone was still living there, whether it was Jim Valenti Maria had no idea. Only one way to find out. She thought as she got out of the car, asking Serena and the girls to remain seated for the time being, no need to crowd the place if it was someone she didn't knows house. A lot could change in seven years and so she figured it was very possible that this was no longer the Sherrif's home.

Maria was hesitant to knock but finally worked up the courage, what good would she be to Katie if she couldn't find the people she needed to because she was too much of a chicken? She had to be strong for her daughter and so she knocked, lightly at first but then a little harder until someone opened the door, that someone wasn't someone she expected to see.

".... Mom?" She nearly choked, wondering if her mom would reconginze her, in seven years Maria had changed darastically, okay not darastically but she had changed quite a bit.

"Maria?" It was like Amy was just now reconginzing her. She felt a bit dizzy from the shock, she hadn't seen her baby in years and now there she was standing on the doorstep looking as lost as ever.

"Yeah. Its me." She admits lamely, not knowing what else to say or do so she starts fittling with her hands and looking down at the ground uncertainly.

"Wha.... what are you doing here?" She stutters, confusion clearly plastered all over Amy's face.

"I well. I uh. I came to see Jim actually."

"Oh... okay." Amy steps out of the way.

"Who was it Amy?" He calls once Amy's shut the door.

"Uh well you'll never guess whos come to visit."

Seconds barely pass before Jims lean figure appears in the doorway, utter amazement showing on his face. "Maria? Maria Deluca back in Roswell? Well I'll be damned."

She stayed quite unsure of what to say and feeling very uncomfortable. Her mom and Jim had finally shacked up? Were they married or just living together? That's when it finally hit Maria that she had missed so much in the years since she'd left and it hurt knowing that things like this she didn't know.

"So what brings you to Roswell Maria?" The formality of it all cut her like a knife, it was like they were all strangers and she was welcoming her to their town, but then what had she expected?