Liz the Vampire Slayer (BTVS,XO,CC,TEEN) {WIP}

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Chapter 7: Tess' Mindwarp

Post by maxandlizforever »

Chapter 7: Tess’ Mindwarp

Liz dropped Tess as she turned. Tess scampered away with her tail between her legs.

Liz waited for Buffy to stop and then waved at the others and went out the back leaving Angel to comfort Buffy. She walked slowly towards her car and got in. Then she drove towards the Sunnydale Inn. She parked next to Max’s rented car. She went to the front desk.

“Hi, my boyfriend and friends are staying at this hotel. Could you tell me which rooms?” she asked.

“Who are you looking for?” the receptionist requested back.

“Max Evans.”

“Hold on,” she said looking at the records, “I can’t tell you without asking him.”

The receptionist started to reach for the phone when Liz entered her mind making her think that she had in fact already called and then the answer had been yes.

“It’s room 223. Have a nice day!”

Back at the Hotel

Max was sitting on his bed. He was confused. Liz had said a lot tonight and it was a lot to chew. Just as he was about to take a shower, a knock was heard on his door.

He knew immediately that it was Liz. He walked to the door and opened it without even looking through the peephole…


Liz knocked on the door. When it opened, Tess stood there in little more then a towel.

“Liz, you shouldn’t have come! We just got out of the shower! Max is an excellent lover, you know? Oh wait, you don’t! You haven’t slept with him yet!”

This pissed Liz off she threw her hand up and Tess went crashing into the opposite wall. Liz had not meant to tip her hand just yet. She had meant to never tell Tess that she had powers.

“Bitch! Since when do you have powers?” Tess asked as she spit some blood out of her mouth.

Liz ignored her and stepped into the room and glanced over at Max who was naked and resting on the bed, staring at Tess. He seemed to be trying to undress her with his eyes.

Liz stumbled back and said, “Max, what are you doing?”

He didn’t seem to hear her at all, if anything, his eyes glazed over even more.

Liz suddenly realized he was in a mindwarp.

“Liz come here!” Max said.

Tess started to walk over to him but before she did she looked at Liz and said, “He will only look at me if I look like you! I’ll take him anyway I can though!”

Liz had had enough though. She closed her eyes and bent her head in defeat, but instead she got into Tess’ mind. She started taking memories and distorting them and mixing them up to the point where Tess’ mind was almost nothing. She left it intact enough to survive.

She opened her eyes to see a confused Max and Tess. But, Max quickly realized what was going on and looked down. When he did, he blushed and dove for the covers.

Liz walked more fully into the room. Tess still had a confused look on her face but it was more innocent.

“Tess? Are you okay?”

“Who is Tess?” Tess asked.

“Liz, are you ok? Oh my Gosh!” Tess has been mindwarping me ever since she got to Roswell. He glanced at the girl who was giving him a look of total confusion.

“Who am I?” Tess asked.

Max glanced at Liz before saying, “Your name is Tess.”

“What is a mindwarp?”

“Nothing, Tess. I was joking with Liz.”

Tess shook her head and headed out of the room.

“What is with her?”

“I mindwarped her.”

“You did what?” Angel asked as he entered the room.

“How did you get in here, Angel?” Liz asked annoyed.

“I followed you. I wanted to talk to you after overhearing what you and your friends were saying,” Angel answered.

“Where am I?” Tess questioned.

“You’re in Sunnyhell, I mean Sunnydale, California. My name is Liz Parker and this is my boyfriend, Max Evans. We are friends of yours. We are in a hotel because I’ve been staying with my Aunt Joyce and cousin Buffy Summers. You, Max, Maria DeLuca, Michael Guerin, Isabel Evans, and Alex Whitman came to visit me. I’ve been gone all summer and I wasn’t going to return until next summer. You live with our friends, Kyle and Sheriff Valenti.”

Before Liz could say anymore, the door banged open. Everyone walked in. Michael lifted his hand preparing to blast Tess.

Max blushed and lifted the covers even higher.

“Maxwell, get out of your bed and come over here, away from Tess. She needs to be blasted to hell and back.”

Max’s blush deepened and Liz spoke up, “He can’t. Don’t ask why and before you say anything more, there is someone else in here.”

This distracted Michael as he glanced over and found a tall, brooding Angel.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Angel,” Angel glowered.

Switching POVs

‘He’s the guy that was being rude earlier’

His attention went to Liz as she spoke, “Angel, you say anything and I swear, I’ll kill you! I don’t care what Buffy does, you will be a pile of dust.”

“I followed you for some answers! And if you think you can take me on, try me.

‘What is her problem? She has hated me since she met me! Oh yeah, I’m a vampire!’

“You know him?” the Maria girl asked.

Switching POVs back

“Yeah, this is Angel. He is one of Buffy’s friends. Angel this is Maria Deluca, Michael Guerin, Max and Isabel Evans, Alex Whitman and Tess Harding. They are my best friends. Lets step outside the room so that Max can get dressed.”

Max got even redder if that’s possible. He was now as read as a cherry.

“What…?” Michael never finished the question because Maria pushed him out the door.

“Michael don’t ask!” Liz pleaded, then she turned to Isabel, “Will you help me get her a room and settled in.

Max’s POV

Max stepped out of his room fully dressed. When he looked around he noticed that Liz, Tess and Isabel were gone.

“Where did they go?” Max asked. No one had to ask who he was talking about.

Surprisingly, It was Angel that answered, “Isabel and Liz took Tess to get a room. Can someone tell me what is going on? I heard something about aliens, Czechoslovakians, and powers. I will tell you what I am if you tell me what is going on.”

Everyone looked shocked when he said this. They all took several steps back. They refused to answer him, frightened he might be FBI.
They stayed quiet staring at each other, Max and Michael with their hands raised. They surrounded him to make sure he didn’t move.

Liz’s POV

‘This is amusing. They don’t trust him as far as Maria could throw him and they don’t either.’

“Angel, what have you done to piss them off?” Liz asked innocently knowing full and well there was only one way that they would do this. They were scared that he was FBI.

“I didn’t do anything I requested information on their earlier conversation and I would tell them what I was.”

“Angel, one, Buffy would have your ass for that one. Two, you are saying the one thing that is likely to scare the living crap out of my friends.”

“I thought they would be more comfortable if they found out,” Angel sulked.

“It’s your choice, Angel.”

The Roswellians kept looking back and forth between Liz and Angel not sure what to say.

Max took that it was fine to say something so he spoke out first, Michael, “Isabel, Tess, and I are the Roswell Aliens. We were in the ’47 crash. I’m the beloved King Zan of my planet, Antar. Isabel is my sister, Princess Vilandra. Michael is Rath, my second-in-command who was engaged to Vilandra on Antar. Tess was my wife, Queen Ava.”

Liz broke in before he could say anymore, “Welcome to the I-Know-An-Alien Club.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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next chapter

Post by maxandlizforever »

sorry, i think i confused readers. They did not have sex. She mindwarped Max into thinking they were going to have sex and that she was Liz. Then Liz knocked on the door
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Author's note

Post by maxandlizforever »

Hey Everyone! I wanted to tell you i'm having trouble coming up with the next chapter I was happy cause i thought that spike came in the next episode but i was doing something with my Buffy collection and i had the dvd in my computer when i realized the 2nd chapter is "Some Assembly Required". I put a question to readers should i just skip it and advance my story a couple weeks or do you want me to write it?
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Chapter 8

Post by maxandlizforever »

An: This is going to be a very short chapter but it will be broken in parts. I did this because it has been so long since I have written anything. I didn’t want you to think that I would never update this story.

Chapter 8: Parent/Teacher Conferences part 1

Buffy’s POV

Things between her and Liz had gotten better now that the Master’s bones had been crushed a couple of weeks ago but she was starting to get jealous of how much time Liz spent with Angel. As much as she claimed to love Max Evans, why did she hang out with Angel so much?

She had asked him once, and he had said that it was a personal issue and that he couldn’t discuss it with her. Max seemed oblivious of his girlfriends actions. He was headed right now to the library where Max had been hanging while she and the others were in school, when Principal Snyder grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to his office.

Inside sat a punk. She was blowing bubbles.

“Do you know why you are here?” Asked Snyder.

“No!” Buffy exclaimed.

“You two, I have no idea which is worse. One of you burnt down the school and the other threatened a teacher. You both cut as often as the other.”

“Wow, what is our prize?” the other girl asked.

“One of you will be expelled. Now, as you know, Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up. I expect you both of you to set everything up. If everything is not perfect, I will tell your parents assuming you have any left.” At this Snyder looked pointedly at the other girl.

After a while, Snyder finally let them go. Buffy resumed her trek to the library. When she went in, Max was nowhere to be found, neither was Giles. Max’s friend Michael sat at the table glancing through a book. For some reason, this looked completely out of place. Isabel, Alex, and Maria sat across from. They were all doing the same thing. On the table sat a large stack of books. Just then, Max came out from the stacks, followed by Giles who seemed rather flustered.

Giles saw Buffy and nodded her toward his office.
When they were both in and the door safely closed behind them, Giles turned to Buffy.

“It is the strangest thing, they are looking at all our books on aliens. Even a few of them are on a place called Antar. I don’t know what this is about! I want you to…”

Just then Liz walked into Giles’office.

“Liz, do you know what your friends are doing?”

“No. Why?”

“I was just about to ask Buffy to investigate something. They are up to something and I would like to know what.”

Liz’s POV

Liz panicked but quickly recovered.

“In Roswell, we have a junior project called ‘Find an Alien’. We all have to write a research paper on people’s findings on aliens because it is Roswell and you know the rumor about aliens crashing in Roswell. I told them you had a good section on aliens and such so they decided to start their research project now,” Liz quickly recovered.

Buffy and Giles nodded.

When she walked out into the library she grabbed Max’s arm and said very loudly, “I know the perfect place for us to make out. No one ever comes into the library so we can go into the stacks.”

Max gave her a ‘What-the-hell-is-going-on?’ look.

Liz just looked at him and then pulled him toward the stacks.

Liz pulled him down for a kiss. As usual they got flashes.

Max and Liz looking up at the sky in the desert.

Max and Liz professing their love to an audience.

Max and Liz making love on a beach. As Liz looked around she realized that this was no Earth beach. The sand was a pale blue and the water was the greenest green she had ever seen. It had to be on Antar.

Liz pulled away and looked stunned. She recovered quickly but leaned into Max as if to kiss him again and whispered in his ear, “They’re onto you. They don’t know it yet, but they are. They are starting to get suspicious of the books you are looking at. I made up some lame excuse of a Junior project in Roswell. Tell the others.”

Liz pulled him down for another make out session.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Chapter 8 part II

Post by maxandlizforever »

Chapter 8 Parent Teacher Conferences part 2

Max’s POV

Max’s flashes seemed personal, yet he wondered if they were part of his imagination. He had dreamed that Liz came from his planet yet he kept having flashes of her being there. Max sighed and went over to the rest of the Roswellians.

Spike POV

Spike walked into the factory. A little kid sat on top of a crate he held power. He was the so called Anointed One. More like the Annoying One. Spike never had been much for the roll of tradition. He didn’t want to listen to this kid but it was his lands. They were talking about the Slayer.

“Anyone who kills the Slayers will become the Master,” the Anointed One was saying, “they ruined our revival of the Master. This will not be tolerated.”

Spike grinned and vamped out and entered the room, “I hear you have a Slayer problem. I don’t like to brag, oh wait, what am I saying I love to brag…”

He was interrupted by someone coming in behind him. His face softened and he turned around. His Drusilla had just come in.

“Dru, you are ill you shouldn’t have come in.”
She walked up to him and cut his cheek and then leaned in and licked it up.

The Anointed One ask, “You can kill the Slayer?”

“I’ve killed two slayers this one should be easy!”

“There are two slayers.”

“Fine I will kill them on St. Vigius.”

Later at the Bronze

Spike noticed three girls and a boy. He thought maybe one or, maybe if he was lucky, two of them were the Slayers. He turned to two of the Annoying One’s goons and said, “Go eat!”

They walked off and he waited a few minutes and walked toward the middle and said, “Quick someone call 911! There are two girls outside they are bleeding from the neck.

Normal POV

Liz looked at Buffy and they nodded. Buffy headed toward the door while Liz grabbed a couple of stakes. She glanced up just in time to see Max walk in. He looked right at her and she nodded. She wished she could go greet him but first she needed to slay the vampires. She ran out of the Bronze leaving a stunned Max.

Buffy stood there. She had just saved one of the two girls. Liz jumped into the fray and kicked the other vampire in the face stunning it and it let the girl go. She threw Buffy a stake and as she did the other vampire tripped her. Liz kicked it in the face again and jumped to her feet.
While the vampire started to recover, Liz staked it in the heart. Buffy’s vampire had just yelled out, “Spike, I need some help!”

Buffy looked at Liz before quickly staking the vampire. As she did, they heard a clapping. A peroxide blonde came out of the shadows. He was a big fan of black and leather.

“Slayers! Two of you! I can’t wait for St. Vigius.”

As he said this, Max walked out of the Bronze.

“Liz, what is going on?”

“I’d watch your girlfriend if I were you. You never know, she might end up dead suddenly. We wouldn’t want that would we?”
He laughed and walked away.

“What is he talking about Liz? Was he threatening you? I could go after him.”

Liz put a restraining hand on his arm and glanced over at Buffy giving her a ‘lets-meet-in-the-library-later’ look. Then she pulled Max back into the Bronze. She picked a table and they both sat down.

“So this is what the clubs are like around here? I think I prefer the Crash Down,” Max teased.

“Hey, that is not funny!”

Max reached in and kissed Liz. She kissed him back leading to flashes.

Max and Liz looking up at the stars. They sighted the 5 stars that made up Max’s home planet and the other surrounding it.

Max and Liz getting married.

Max and Liz going to her parent/teacher Conference. A blonde in a leather trench coat broke the window. He marched in and said, “I couldn’t wait.” Liz recognized the vampire as the one she had seen earlier that night. Then everyone began to scatter. The vampire said, “Slayers, come out, come out where ever you are. When I find one of your friends. I’m going to eat them and use their bones to bash your head in.” Then he grabbed the vice-principal and says, “You’re to old to eat.” The man looked relieved until the Blonde snapped his neck and said, “but not to old to kill.”

The vision ended and Liz stepped back.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Author's Note

Post by maxandlizforever »

Dear Readers,
I've had a lot of troubles so i'm sorry for not updating recently. First I had finals after i updated and then I went to my dad's house in GA, which mind you his computer is a piece of shit because internet is slow plus if i had written the chapter on my computer i wouldn't have been able to transfer it to another computer cause my dad's computer as i said is a piece of shit. He has had it for over 10 years! I can't get the internet on my computer at his house. Then i start having problems on my computer, so i took my computer to best buy yesterday and they told me after dealing with my computer for 2 hours that it had a virus. I will start the next chapter on paper and i will complete it so please be patient and then i will update it as soon as i can.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Post by maxandlizforever »

Guys, hopefully the computer virus is gone i have cleared off my whole computer so I still need to readd microsoft but the internet is getting added so i will be able to update soon. I've also had a slight case of writers block so i know what i'm going to do. It will hopefully be out within the week. If it isn't, i will give you what i have.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Chapter 8 Part III

Post by maxandlizforever »

Hey Everyone. I know i said only a week, so sorry. Well here is the next part. I'm warning you, the next chapter is probably going to be short. I want all my readers to reply to this message. Do you want Max to stay and let the others go home as the jealous boyfriend (of her watcher who she calls John) or would you like him to stay the long distance jealous boyfirend? Either way everyone else is going home within the next couple chapters. please let me know before i write the next couple chapters.
Thanx. By the way, I will be trying to write more quickly. i get bored during work and work on it, so i've already started Ch. 9. It is not very long so far. I may change the title of the chapter and make it longer. I would like to thank all my reviewers and my very patient readers.

Chapter 8 Part III Parent Teacher Conferences.

Normal POV

Liz stepped back. Max was a little stunned. He started to pull her back in but Liz stepped farther away.

“I need to go meet Buffy at the school library. We have to work on a history project for Mr. Tripper. Can you drop me off there?”

Max nodded. He needed to talk to Michael anyway. He could drop her off on his way back to the hotel.

They drove silently to Sunnydale High School. Liz kissed Max on the cheek before hurrying in.

Giles was in his office reading over a book, prophecy’s probably. John sat at the table in front of the office. He was looking through papers, homework probably.

“We have a problem,” Liz said without any kind of greeting in way of entering.
John looked over before asking, “Liz, what is it?”

“Buffy, the others, and I were at the Bronze. All of a sudden we heard someone say something about someone being injured. Buffy and I ran out into the alley and I killed one of them before the other asked for someone named Spike. He mentioned something about not waiting for St. Vigius…”

Giles came out and started looking through books as the Scooby Gang walked in. Buffy looked like she was going to repeat her story, but Giles interrupted, “Ah hah! St. Vigius. It is on Saturday.”

“Well, I just want to get through Parent/Teacher Conferences and then we can worry about St. Vigi-whatever.”

“St. Vigius,” Giles corrected before saying, “it is important. Now that we know what to prepare for, you should be getting ready.”

“My mother found out about the conference and said if she doesn’t hear good things about us from our teachers. We will be grounded.”

“She technically can’t ground me, I’m her niece, not her daughter,” Liz said back before remembering what she was going to tell Giles, “Giles, I had a vision. Spike is going to attack during the parent/teacher conferences. The lights were turned out and then I saw him break through the glass in the lounge at the school.”

Giles went through his books.

“Spike can’t be that bad, he’s barely 200, not even as old as Angel.”

Angel then walked in and said, “Worse, he sees something he wants and he goes after it until it is finished.”

They turned around to see him walking back out.

“We need to get a bell for that guy,” Xander joked.

They got sidetracked and Liz decided she needed to talk to Angel before he got to far. She ran out the door and caught up with Angel, just as she did she heard someone make a noise behind her. It was Buffy.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend? Wouldn’t he get mad if he saw you with another guy?”

Liz laughed at this. She found it rather funny. Buffy was jealous of her hanging out with Angel.

“What is so funny?”

“If you knew how Max and I started dating, you would laugh also. Anyway, we are just friends. I only have eyes for Max. He and I are going to meet Max and the gang. We have something to do. Angel hit it off with Max and my Roswell friends. We have been hanging out with them. Usually I run into Angel on the way to the Sunnydale Inn. That is why you see us together all the time. Max trusts me. He knows there is nothing going on with Angel and me.”

Liz then continued to follow Angel.

“I discovered a new power. I have the power of premonition. We need to be careful of the Parent/Teacher Conferences. Spike is going to attack.

“Are you sure?” Angel asked skeptically. “It could have been a dream.”

“One, I was awake. Two, I wouldn’t imagine him attacking there.”

“Buffy did say if something went wrong, her mother would ground her. Maybe you were unconsciously fearing the worst.”


Liz wasn’t convinced but it was either convince Angel of the severity of the situation or tell Max the truth about what was going on. Buffy would kill her. Plus, as Angel said, it could have been her fears

Night of the Parent/Teacher Conferences at the Summers’ House

The doorbell ran and Liz ran down to answer it. She was in a short black dress that ended mid-thigh. She had curled her hair and put it up in a French twist letting some of it fall down her shoulders.

Buffy glanced over, “A little much for a Parent/Teacher Conference, don’t you think?”

Liz gave her a look and opened the door to admit Max, Isabel and Alex, and Maria and Michael.

“Come on in. We will be leaving in about five minutes. Buffy has to help finish setting up,” the others nodded and Max kissed her before she asked, “Where is Tess?”

“Valenti came and got her yesterday. He had two days off. We offered to fly him here, but he declined saying he would like to see the countryside,” Max said thoughtfully.

Buffy came in and said, “Lets go. Giles needs to talk to you when we get there, remember?”

At Sunnydale High

Liz heads into the library. Giles and John are sitting at the table in the main part of the library.

“So everything is almost finished with the St. Vigius preparations?” Liz asked.

“I think so. There is no such thing as being too prepared rather then not enough,” John cut in before Giles could speak.

“We are thinking training after school tomorrow,” Giles said afterwards.

He would have said more if Max hadn’t walked in just then.

“Liz you need to come out here, your cousin forgot to put sugar in the punch!” Max exclaimed.

Liz walked into the lounge to see Principal Snyder finish talking to Aunt Joyce.

Aunt Joyce looked disappointed. That did not bode well for Buffy.

“Buffy, we’re going home. Get in the car. Liz you may stay with your friends but I’m not very happy with you. You’ve both been skipping, but the difference is you have been maintaining straight A’s. A 4.0 average even. I don’t like it but you’re keeping your grades up somehow.”

She started to walk away, when Principal Snyder turned out the lights off and the glass broke.

Spike came in and said, “I couldn’t wait.”

Chaos broke out. Buffy, a couple teachers, her mom, and Snyder ran into an empty classroom.

Liz grabbed the other Roswellians and ran for the library. She got there just as Giles, John, and Xander were going to moves something in front of it. They quickly got in.

“I’m going to kill Angel the next time I see him,” Liz said without preamble, “I saw this happening, he said it was only something that I imagined when the worst possible thing happening. Damn!”

With that she headed toward the weapons cabinet. She took out a couple crossbows and some more stakes. She set them on a table.

“Can I borrow your office to change? I brought some clothes just in case.”

Giles nodded and she changed into a pair of forest green cargo pants with a lot of pockets. (AN: Thing Buffy in Season Three in the episode “Wish” when she comes to Sunnydale after Cordy makes the wish.) Complete with a black tank top. She takes her hair down and takes a brush and a hair band out of her purse. She puts her hair in a simple ponytail and walks out. She puts the crossbows around her neck and the stakes in her pockets.

She pulled the table over to the air vent and opens it.

Before she could go up, Max stops her, “What do you think you’re doing? It’s dangerous out there. You can’t go out there.”

Liz rolls her eyes before turning to Xander, “Get Angel. He knows Spike better then any of us. We could use his help. Max, I’m going whether you like it or not!”

“If you go, Isabel, Michael, or I will go with you. Choose. Because, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Liz looked at the three, sizing them up, “Michael has the power to blast. He will be most useful.

“They know too much Giles, go ahead and tell them the whole truth, Liz said as she turned around.

Buffy came down through the air vent she had opened.

“Where is everyone?” Giles asked.

“My mom, Principal Snyder, and a couple others are in the classroom down the hall. Cordelia and Willow went the opposite way.”

“Xander is getting Angel,” Liz said before continuing, “Michael and I are going to take some of the vampires out, you coming?”

“Of course. We need to get my mother to safety.”

“Well then Let’s go!”

Liz jumped into the air vent and held her hand to Michael. He shook his head and jumped, missing the air vent by a foot. Buffy got in and they both held out their hands to help. He finally accepted their help. When all three were in, they stated crawling.

“So, what’s going on?”

“We’re Vampire slayers,” Liz said.

Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Author's Note

Post by maxandlizforever »

I'm here to tell you a few things. I have lost what i had on ch. 9 so i will be trying to find it soon. Also, I hate Tess which is why she is evil, but i may just make her "amnesia" (i don't mean that in the sense that it is fake but as in it isn't really amnesia if the info was swiped from your brain on purpose) permanent and make her nice and eventually trusted and a friend or just eventually have her remember and kill her off for the sake of getting rid of her. Although i really did have fun in Alexizing her (mindwarping her instead of her mindwarping Alex). The last thing was for the last review i got (which i totally agree on the whole Max thing by the way) but then agian if u think circumstances he was acting that way because of them. I'm still debatin the whole Max staying fiasco. I haven't been as much writing this fic as it has been writing "itself". I start to write and my thoughts take a backseat to my fingers so i write as it comes to me. Although i do like input from my readers. Hehe. This is a really long AN so i'm going to go. please reply.
Last edited by maxandlizforever on Wed May 31, 2006 11:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Chapter 9: They're What?!

Post by maxandlizforever »

Chapter 9: They’re what?!

Michael’s POV

“You’re a what?!” “Liz!!!!” Michael and Buffy said at the same time.

“A slayer! Look it up. She who hangs out in cemeteries a lot. ‘One girl in all the world…”

Max’s POV

“…‘Stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer,’” Giles informed.

‘Slayer! What could this mean. Does this mean she is in danger like this all the time?’ Max thought.

Buffy’s POV

‘What does she think she is doing? She promised not to tell them…’ before Buffy could continue the thought Michael was heard.

“Liz, you got away from all of our shit to go to Sunnydale. Just to be dragged back into this shit?! Shit! When Maxwell finds out, the shit is going to hit the fan! You know how he is Liz. He won’t leave. You told him you came here to get away from our shit. You know how overprotective he is!”

“What do you mean dragged back in?” Buffy asked.

Isabel’s POV

Max was pacing back and forth in the library. He looked like he was no where near ready to stop.

“Iz, I’m not leaving. You can’t make me. I refuse to let her face this stuff alone.”

“Max, you can’t just pack up and move here. What about Mom and Dad? What about Michael and me?”

“You have lives.”

“Yeah but ever since OUR mom talked to us we decided it would be for the best for the four of us to stick together.”

‘This is bad. I knew Max would react badly when they started saying what she was. Damn it! The thing is, after everything that has happened, I can’t force him to go home either.’

“You can’t protect her. She can take care of her self not to mention she has back up. There is Buffy of course. Then there is John and me. Then of course Buffy’s friends Xander and Willow. Sometimes Cordelia helps. Plus Buffy’s love, Angel. You can’t ask for better help. What are you going to do? You don’t know the first thing about vampires!” Giles exclaimed before giving the rest of the Scoobies a glare as if to say not to say a word.

I glanced at Max. I knew what he was going to say before he said it. I mean, this is Max we are talking about. Although it didn’t come out the way I thought it would.

“My friends and I have powers. I can heal, make a shield, and manipulate molecular structures. These could be very handy.”

Liz’s POV

Liz knew that Michael was going to be pissed at what she was about to say but she couldn’t help it. It needed to be said. Buffy was pissed at her for telling her what she was. She might as well piss Michael off by telling Buffy what Michael and the rest were.

“Michael, Isabel, Max, and Tess are aliens. They all have powers. That is why I am still alive. You know I was shot. What you don’t know is that Max healed me. I was dying and would have died if Max hadn’t run up to me and healed me. He risked everything to keep me alive. Last year, the FBI found out about him and kidnapped him to run tests on him in what is dubbed the ‘White Room’. When he escaped with the help of Michael, Isabel, Tess and their protector Nascedo, we got into three cars. Max and I got into one car and we were chased. We made it to a bridge. We jumped off of the bridge and ran as far as we could. We made it to a junkyard where we spent the night in a van. We talked. Mostly about whether it was a mistake for him to heal me and to change his life. Ruin it even.”

“Is that why you left Roswell?” Buffy asked curiously.

“No. We made it out of there the next morning and started making it out to the desert where we had decided everyone would meet since we decided to split up. When we got there we found out Nascedo was missing. He had been killed by the FBI. So, we found out they were transporting him in an armored truck. We came up with a plan and started to execute it flawlessly. Tess mind warped the agents into thinking that Pierce, the head of the Special Unit into meeting somewhere. Sheriff Valenti’s son, Kyle, was being watched by the FBI. So Max found him. He locked him into a closet and then knocked out the FBI agent. We got Pierce out of the armored car and Max healed him. We took Pierce and started to interrogate him. When we walked away, we didn’t realize that Kyle had been let out. So he untied Pierce thinking he was one of his Dad’s deputies. Not really knowing the truth. Then Pierce took the gun and Kyle went to hide. Pierce stared shooting at us so Michael started to blast at him. And Sheriff Valenti started to shoot. When he stopped Pierce was dead. They ran up to him and we realized that the gun Pierce had was in fact Sheriff Valenti’s gun. So the Sheriff looked around and found his son. He had been shot through the chest. Max healed him and then we found out there were two orbs. Max and the others wanted to see it. Nascedo reluctantly agreed saying that it would give off their location. Max, Nascedo, Tess, Michael, Isabel and I headed to where their ship landed and used the orbs. The orbs are a way to communicate with their home planet. It was a message from their mother. It said that she had sent her son and daughter (Max and Isabel) down to Earth after they had been killed on Antar. She had mixed their essence with the essence of humans to send them to earth. So they were half human. She told them she had sent with them Isabel’s fiancé and Max’s young wife. She said that he was the king of their planet. Michael was his second-in-command. After the message, Tess tried to claim Max but he refused. I ran from the cave. I didn’t want to hear anymore. Max tried to stop me saying that it didn’t matter that I was his destiny. I kept running. That is why I came here.”

Before anything more could be said, an air vent fell open and Liz and the others fell through.

“Let’s separate. We can do more damage that way!” Buffy whispered before she took off in a direction

“Here are a few stakes. Shove them through the hearts. Or cut off the vampires head” Liz said and went in another direction before Michael could say anything.

Xander’s POV

He found Angel’s apartment and knocked on the door.
"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10