Consuming Fire (DA-XO, L/A, UC, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Consuming Fire (DA-XO, L/A, UC, Adult) [COMPLETE]

Post by elfangel01 »

Title: "Consuming Fire"

Author: elfangel01

Pairing: centered on Liz/Alec

Rating: Adult (it's my first time doing one so please be kind)

Summary: Liz is an X5 named Kat... she's the youngest out of the escapees and was recaptured post Destiny. Everything else will explain itself hopefully. Also, Zack is alive in this and the timeline goes with Roswell... Liz was seventeen at the time of the shooting and like I said, hopefully everything else will be explained to you guys.

Disclaimer: I don't "Roswell" or "Dark Angel" they belong to Fox and the WB/UPN... *tear* I wish I did...

A/N # 1: thanks to Sam for the beautiful banner! And thanks to Laura for being my beta! I love you guys!

A/N #2: For those who have read my stories... you know I love using music in the chapters. Well for this one almost every chapter has music, probably all of them and they will be credited! The dupes came in season one and everyone has all the knowledge of what happened on Antar... I think that's it! Oh plus I love feedback so feel free guys! I will try to update every Saturday, this fic is almost complete so there should be no worries!

CH 1

She grabbed her head, wincing as she felt the pounding grow to an excruciating level. Her eyes fluttered open and took in the gray steel around her. Beneath her, she felt the hard cot her body had been laid on and she felt the pain shooting through her limbs as the past months of endless torture were finally taking their toll on her. She allowed her mind to drift back to that last day of freedom, before she was brutally brought down and taken back into custody. She had known all along that becoming attached to the humans wasn’t good, but she had allowed herself that one luxury and it had made her too comfortable, she hadn’t been on guard. So that day when they grabbed her, driving her bike after the whole ordeal at the pod chamber, that had been her consequence for becoming to lax. She knew it had to have been at least a year ago, ever since she had been brought back to Manticore, the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into seasons.

It had gotten cold again, snow had blanketed the ground and her thoughts had automatically drifted back to that night nine years ago when the escape happened. She had swallowed back painful memories during the winter, kept them to herself, locked inside, and always stayed on her guard whenever Renfro and Lydecker were around... which if rumors were true, now Lydecker was gone and it was all Renfro. She never let herself break; they had tried every trick in the book on her and finally had almost given up. She was now allowed access to the training yards at all times as the other soldiers and ate and showered with them as well, regardless of the fact that she wasn’t their perfect little soldier. No, in her mind, in her being… she knew she was more. Her schedule was almost the same, except she was segregated. She was the outsider, the reason for the upgrade in security and they all hated her for it. When she wasn’t beat down in regular training, she was ganged up on later, when she wasn’t facing tests, she was being treated for the injuries sustained during her dog fights with the others. One thought kept her sane through all this, her family. Every punch, she took for them, all the pain she was feeling now, was to keep them safe.

Sure, she had kept in shape, trained her ass off every chance she got, but being lined up for a beat down every day that she wasn’t in PsyOps has a way of getting to you. She propped herself up on one elbow as she looked around again, something felt different, the subtle sounds that came from this base were gone, she wondered at that but only briefly as her muscles began protesting their harsh treatment again. She stretched out her poor abused muscles as she swung her legs over the edge and placed her feet on the cold floor. She glanced at her clothes briefly and realized she had been dressed in black fatigues once again; at least they were better than the medical scrubs she was put in for tests. Shrugging off the last effects of her coma like sleep she stood and began to pace the small cell again, like she did every waking moment, she felt once again like a caged animal. And only God could save these monsters if this animal ever got out. Her thoughts drifted once again to the people she left behind in Roswell.

Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
On my shoulders
All alone I pierce the chain
And on and on the sting remains
And dieing eyes consume me now
The voice inside screams out loud

She knew they were probably worried about her, God only knows how long she had really been gone. She just hoped that enough time had passed that perhaps they had given up on any search for her; that would only get them into more trouble. Hopefully her ‘parents’ had concocted a good enough alibi that no one questioned her absence. She loved the Parker’s as best she could under her circumstances. They had found her and taken her in that winter after she escaped. She had no idea where she was or what she was going to do, she just knew she didn’t want to be cold anymore, so she headed south, separating from the others as per Zack’s orders. They had found her, wandering down the road on their way to take over the Crashdown Café in Roswell, New Mexico. They knew what she was, rumors had circulated, and yet they took her in anyways. Rumors, that’s all they were post Pulse, any concrete evidence was wiped out and those bastards got to keep on their merry way. But the Parkers, they had kept her safe and adopted her, never trying to change her and working around her moods that resulted from being what she was. They had loved her unconditionally and hopefully, they were safe, as well as her friends. Her heart clinched at the thought of putting any of them in danger, she had been on semi good terms with them when she left, well considering the boy who loved her had just been captured and tortured and then she abandoned him after she found out about his destiny. It’s not how it looks though, he loved her, but she could never completely love him.

That didn’t make her cold, it made her realistic… she knew she would fall in love when she was meant to, until then love was a distraction she couldn’t afford to have. Her thoughts flew back to Max, poor, sweet, innocent, Max who had given his heart to her had learned of his destiny on another planet, and she had done her duty and left him. His wife, Tess, had come back to teach him, his sister Isabel and his second in command Michael of their destiny. How she loathed that word, not because it took Max and what friendship they had away from her, but for what it meant for her… her own destiny. But she had left him, left all of them without so much of a backward glance. She knew Maria and Alex, her best friends from the time she stepped foot into Roswell, were probably devastated, not knowing what had happened to her and being left alone to deal with the fall out of the alien’s revelations. She snorted bitterly as she remembered that they didn’t even know who she really was. She had never told any of them, out of fear for herself and them. She had allowed herself to become close, attached she even let herself date, and look where that landed her, and Kyle… poor Kyle, he had been shot and brought back by Max, the same as she had, but in his mind, he was alone. He didn’t believe he had anyone on his side, so he too had run, he ran off to football camp to try and escape the alien abyss, as it had come to be called.

I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside

She thought back on that day in September, a day that changed her life in a dramatically different way than she had ever thought possible, and she had been through enough and seen enough to never even come close to believing that possible. She had been working in the Crashdown as always when two men started arguing, her attention flashed to them when they pulled the gun and she froze as images of Eva, being shot and falling to the snow covered ground flew before her eyes. She was frozen in place, unable to move or think rationally as all the pain and hatred washed over her once again. She didn’t even feel the bullet hit her, sinking into her soft skin as her warm, sticky blood oozed out of her. She knew as she looked into the warm amber eyes that were begging for her focus that she would live, regardless of this miraculous healing touch and she knew then and there that her life had just changed yet again.

As she thought back on that day she frowned, knowing that because of him saving her, when she hadn’t even needed saving that their lives had just become a lot more complicated than necessary. However, he did seem to provide her with some sort of excuse. If he hadn’t of done what he did, she would’ve wound up in the hospital, healing faster than anyone should and that would have probably alerted someone. Her musings turned to righteous anger at the realization that that day set off a chain of events that led her here, back to hell, sure she could have wound up here sooner, but the fact remained she was still here. She felt her anger dissolve, she couldn’t remain mad, her decision to stay, to not remain on the move is what landed her in here… she stopped, freezing in place as she heard the bolt on her door snick open. Hesitantly she walked towards it; she pulled gently on the handle and stepped back in shock as the door swung open. She poked her head out, flicking her eyes up and down the hallway and that was when she smelled the smoke. Her eyes opened wide in surprise as she began to slink down the hallway, apparently devoid of any other inhabitants. She mentally berated herself for becoming distracted by her thoughts as she picked up her pace.

As she ran she heard the other transgenics in the building stirring, they too were running. They were fleeing this hell on earth, escaping to an outside world that they had no concept of and she knew they would not receive a warm welcome. Her brain was on overload as she tried to process everything that was going on. Only one thing could possess Renfro to fry everyone, especially her and that was her family, a breach of security that would force Renfro into destroying all of this. The Committee must not be happy; Manticore must have finally been unveiled as what they really were… Liz just hoped it was Eyes Only that did it, he seemed like a decent guy, well as decent as sixty seconds of broadcast can portray. Her thoughts were brought back to her family as an explosion rocked the building. They must have breached the perimeter and rather than have all of their creations on the loose, they would kill them all. Bastards, she thought viciously. She kept running through the endless maze of corridors until she ran straight into another body. Immediately springing to her feet she then dropped into a defensive crouch, ready for whatever was about to happen. Nothing could have prepared her for looking into brown eyes identical to her own, eyes she hadn’t seen in nine years. “Max?” The girl before her narrowed her gaze and tensed up before relaxing and choking back a surprised sob.

Every day a new deception
Pick your scene and take direction
And on and on I search to connect
But I don't wear a mask and I have no regrets

“Kat?” she asked hesitantly, not daring to believe that her little sister stood before her in the flesh. “Is it really you?” she still stood back, unsure of how to react especially after Ben, Tinga, and Brin… Kat may have been brainwashed the same as Brin.

“It’s really me big sister, and it’s about time you got me out of this hell hole.” She grabbed Max in a fierce hug, almost crying at the feeling of her big sister in her arms again. She and Max had always been the closest girls; the only other one in their family that they related too like this was Zack.

“What do you mean, how long have you been in here?” asked Max in trepidation.

“What’s the month?” asked Liz calmly on the exterior but tension and fear was bubbling on the inside in preparation for what Max’s answer would be.

“It’s the beginning of April.”

Liz covered her mouth in a sob and watched as Max’s eyes began to glaze over in horror. “I’ve been in here for almost a year then.” She leaned against the wall and let this revelation wash over her, processing it and storing the possible ramifications in her mind.

“How is that possible? I was recaptured about three months ago, how did we never hear of the other?”

“I guess since we showed them how easy it was to get out before, they tightened security, especially information. If they had both of us together, well it wouldn’t have been pretty for them.” Liz frowned, it all seemed too much like a set up, but she figured she’d have to think on it more later. She slowly felt herself turn off and fall into soldier mode as she brought herself back to face Max. “So what did you do?” she gestured around them.

“I had a friend bypass the system and I unlocked all the cells. We’re all free Kat, free to go to normal lives or as normal as some of them can be.” She looked around as the smoke began to intensify. “We better hurry before this entire place goes… Renfro’s people won’t hesitate to pull the plug completely now that she’s dead.”

“Wait… Renfro’s dead?” asked Liz in shock, her shock giving way to anger, knowing her revenge had been taken. She knew revenge was wrong, it was self serving and she should be looking for justice. Justice had a way of working for all the wronged parties, but she couldn’t bring herself to be the bigger person. One of the people she hated most in the world was dead, and she had been robbed of that singularly defining moment when she would’ve looked down at Renfro and that bitch would’ve seen all the hate in her eyes before her throat would’ve been ripped out. She growled to herself but was jolted out of her murderous thoughts by Maxie.

I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside

“Yeah, she took a bullet to the gut for me, said we were the ‘ones’-“

“Wait, we, as in you and me?” asked Liz motioning between her and her sister.

“That’s what she said, but if you ask me she’s seen ‘The Matrix’ one to many times.” Max shrugged before turning to go back down the hallway she had come from. “Let’s go.”

“No, I can’t leave yet… I have to make sure Alec gets out. I’ll be out as soon as I can, where do we rendezvous?” asked Liz even as she started to run the other direction.

“Five miles east of here, black van… but who the hell is Alec?” Max growled to herself as she heard Kat yell ‘go’ to her. Same old Kat, she thought dryly. She turned and ran back down the hall, praying her sister would get out in time. It had been too long and she had things to make up for… like not getting her out sooner.


Liz ran, she ran until her lungs were burning and then she kept running. Normally she wasn’t this winded so soon, but with all the shit that she had gone through it tended to wear a girl down. As she ran she couldn’t get Maxie’s words out of her mind… Renfro couldn’t be dead. Even as the thought crossed her mind she felt a chill go up her spine and knew that it wasn’t really over, this was just the beginning, and she had a feeling that Renfro wasn’t dead. She finally made it to Alec’s sector and she bolted through the gate. She didn’t understand why she was checking on him… he had probably already left, but if he didn’t make it out she would never forgive herself. She shuddered as the sterile white hallways gave way to more of the same. Alec better be grateful she grumbled. She had met Alec when she had been brought back in, he was in PsyOps the same time as she was and on the brief times they let her out to train, he was her watchdog. A strange friendship bloomed between the two after she had kicked his ass for intruding on her in the shower, turns out he was supposed to be her breeding partner… she snorted in wry amusement over that memory, things got rough then but after that things seemed to be smooth, well as smooth as they could be. She was even the one to give him his name… she called him Alec because he was a smart aleck, and it was better than her other choice of Dick.

She was almost to his door when she was grabbed around the waist and pulled to a firm body. Gasping she looked up into twinkling blue eyes and that cocky smirk that helped him earn his name. Slapping him on the chest she pulled back and grabbed his hand. “We have to go now. They’re getting ready to blow the building and we have to rendezvous with my sister.”

“Woah, slow down… what?” asked Alec, a puzzled expression marring his handsome face. “They wouldn’t really blow this place would they… after letting us all out? Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?”

“They didn’t let us out, Max did, and yes they would blow us all straight to hell. We have to get out of her right now Alec, times running out.” She grasped her side wincing as she felt various wounds reopening. She batted his hands away as he tried to help her until she felt the ground give way beneath her and felt herself being carried in Alec’s arms. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Carrying you,” he replied evenly, his face hard. “You’re in no condition to get out of here like this, so just tell me where to go and I’ll go. You can run once we’re clear.” Feeling her relax in his arms, he picked up the pace, turning where she told him to turn, until they were over the fence and clear of what the blast radius should be. He gently put her on the ground and staggered back in shock when she decked him.

“Don’t you ever do something like that again! I am a soldier and I can handle myself,” she growled, glaring at him. He glare deepened when she just watched him wipe away the blood and smirk at her once again. “You, self absorbed, cocky, pig headed, asshole!” she raged, “don’t just smirk at me! I knew I should have named you Dick.”

“Kat, we should meet up with this sister of yours,” he chuckled to himself as he began walking away, listening to her mutter about male transgenics having their heads stuck up their asses. They walked about five miles before coming to a clearing that held nothing except an unlabeled black van. He paused as he realized that this was it, there was no going back, he was free and he was in the real world. Sure he had been out before on assignments, but this was different. He took in a deep, cleansing breath and looked up at the stars twinkling in the frosty night.

“Hey, you ok?” asked Liz hesitantly, she had turned back to him when she no longer felt his presence beside her.

“Yeah, it’s just…” he gestured around helplessly.

“I know what you mean,” she walked back to him and gently took his hand in her own before pulling him forward again. The two freed transgenics began walking towards the van when an explosion shook the area. Liz and Alec were flung apart and the last thing Liz thought of before darkness claimed her was that the blast was a lot bigger than it should have been. When she came to, she looked around and didn’t see Alec or Maxie, shrugging she stood and shook off some of the debris that had landed on her, small scraps and what not. Looking around she sighed and began walking toward the road, it was a long way back to Roswell, and the others would find her when it was time.

I can't escape the pain
I can't control the rage
Sometimes I think that I'm gonna go insane
I'm not against what's right
I'm not for what's wrong
I'm just making my way and I'm gone

lyrics "Fly From the Inside" by Shinedown
Last edited by elfangel01 on Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:26 pm, edited 33 times in total.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: WOW! That's a lot of feedback so soon, I feel special :D I know I said I wouldn't post until Saturday... but I have it almost all done and it's just sitting here, and alas I am weak... This part is a flashback of sorts... there will be a few in this story.

Those wondering about them leaving her... it will be vaguely explained, there is no real reason until the end.

I'm referring to Liz as both Liz and Kat... her family and Alec know her as that but the others know her as Liz... so I hope that doesn't confuse anyone.

Thanks again guys for all the great feedback! You all are awesome!

Renee :wink:

CH. 2

Liz stepped out of the shower, pulling her wet hair back and attempting to ring it out as best she could. Ever since she had been brought back, her hair had grown to an extreme length for her. They only trimmed it when necessary, stating that hair was the last thing a soldier should worry about, so where her hair had once only been slightly past shoulder length, now it was down around her mid to lower back. She walked into the changing room and stopped, stunned. “Who the hell are you?” she snarled at the blonde standing before her.

you can be right
and I'll be real
honesty won't be a pain that you'll have to feel
cause I don't need your approval
to find my worth
I'm trapped inside of my own mind
afraid to open my eyes cause of what I'd find and I
don't want to live like this anymore

“Designation’s 494 and I’m assuming you’re 254 from your sunny disposition.” When she didn’t acknowledge what he had said, he sighed. He had known from the moment he got this assignment that it was going to be difficult. For God’s sake she had been on the outside for nine years, he could catch something if he wasn’t careful… damn her family for blowing up the DNA lab. If they hadn’t of done that then he wouldn’t have to be here now because Renfro and her science goons would still be mixing up nice little cocktails. He glanced back up at her and noted her rigid posture, clutching the towel that was wrapped around her small frame, tightly to her chest. “We’re breeding partners,” he stated, rolling his eyes at her confused expression.

“Excuse me, we’re what?” asked Liz, not believing her ears. “I don’t think so buddy… you’re not touching me!”

“We have to, mission stipulations are that we have to copulate until you get pregnant. Hey don’t look at me like that, if your family hadn’t destroyed the DNA lab then we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
there it goes

Liz approached him suddenly. “You have news on my family?” she asked hopefully, not noticing their sudden closeness.

“Yeah, a few weeks ago four of them up and destroyed the lab. All that’s known is three of them got away… the fourth’s status is unreported.” He looked down at the small girl before him, noticing for the first time how close she had gotten to him and how intense her gaze was; it seemed to penetrate all the way through him, seeing everything. He shuddered at the thought, suddenly he was very uncomfortable. Turning her attention back to the task at hand he smirked, “So are we going to do this?” He stumbled back as she kicked him in the stomach. “What the hell was that for?”

“That’s for being an ass and it’s the only physical contact you and I will ever have… you hear me? Now get out!”


“Eyes front soldier!” barked the man in front of her. Liz straightened her back and focused straight in front of her, no need to bring a beat down where it wasn’t needed or wanted. She felt the soldier stir next to her and next thing she knew Renfro was in her face.

“Where is the rest of your family 254?”

“Safe from you,” she bit out, never even sparing a glance at the bitch in front of her. “m’am” she growled out derisively.

Renfro leaned in close, she knew the other transgenics would be able to hear but that couldn’t be helped. “We will have them… every last one and once I have them all back in my grasp, I will proceed to destroy all of you.” She looked on with spite in her eyes as 254’s eyes flickered with uncertainty.

“You wouldn’t do that,” hissed Liz. “We’re too valuable to you.”

“I already killed Tinga and willingly sacrificed Brin… why stop there?” She walked away in smug satisfaction at having rattled the female X5’s chains. “Oh 254,” she called. “Although you are the youngest, you are still the alpha female of your little family, and that is a very big deal. This is why I paired you with 494; he’s the alpha male of his unit. You’re failure to copulate is unacceptable, if you don’t complete mission requirements tonight, you will be terminated. Like I said, no problem… we have plenty of other alpha females here, and while we want the best with the best, we will settle.”

Liz shifted her weight uncomfortably as she heard Alec call out for Renfro. “M’am?” he questioned, eyes front, back straight, feet together… just like a good little soldier.

“Yes, 494?” asked Renfro, coming back to stand before Liz and Alec.

“M’am, 254 and myself copulated successfully last night… twice,” he added on as an afterthought.

“Very good, 494. Well 254 looks like you’re safe for another day.”

“Looks like,” muttered Liz. “Oh m’am,” she called, smirking when Renfro turned back to her.

“Yes 254?”

“Know this, no matter what happens, when all this is over… I’ll be the one to kill you,” she whispered, feeling immense satisfaction at the terror that flashed through the bitch’s eyes for a brief moment. So she wasn’t immune to a little intimidation… Renfro knew exactly who she was dealing with and it scared the shit out of her. “Oh and by the way… the name’s Kat.” She stared into the cold blue eyes, watching them widen before Renfro abruptly turned away, calling for the ranks to be dismissed.

does it scare you that I can
be something different than you
would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't
you can't control me
and you can't take away from me who I am


“What the hell was that?” she asked Alec as she paced her small cell. The two had been training partners for the past month and she had come to enjoy having him around… not that she would ever admit it to him.

“I was trying to save your ass,” he replied, shutting his eyes as he propped his arms under the pillow. “As much as I pretend to loath having you around… you’re kind of growing on me and I think I would miss you if you got killed.”

“Gee thanks for that touching moment brought to you straight from the Hallmark channel,” gritted Liz, rolling her eyes.

“What the hell is… never mind, the point is Kat, we should just do what Renfro wants,” sighed Alec. He was lying on Kat’s cot, currently staring up at the ceiling. They had two hours left in their ‘time’ together and he was trying to convince her to sleep with him. He knew there was nothing going on between the two of them, but she had grown on him… he didn’t want to see her terminated because of a stupid thing like sex.

“NO Alec, we’re not sleeping together… end of discussion,” growled Liz. She really didn’t want to have this conversation with him, but it was a night that she knew he was going to push the subject.

“Why the hell not? We sleep together, save your ass for sure and forget about it tomorrow.” He really didn’t understand her; she was so different than he was. She was a foreign concept that he was desperately trying to figure out. She growled low and deep, he had never heard anything like that come from her and he looked up concerned.

Liz sighed, rubbing her temples in exhaustion, trying to relieve the tension that was mounting there. “I really don’t want to have this conversation with you of all people,” she muttered. She looked at him, compelling him with her eyes to stay quiet and not make a smart ass comment. “I… I uh… I’mstillavirgin,” she blurted out, averting her gaze immediately.

“What?” he asked dumbfounded, sitting up, he looked at her hard. He sighed in both sadness and pity for the girl before him. “You’re still a virgin?” he asked, just to confirm. When she nodded her head he moved over and patted the spot next to him. Grinding his teeth when she seemed hesitant to come over. “I’m not going to bite you, or jump you,” he soothed, relieved when she hesitantly made her way over and sat next to him on the bed. He tentatively put his arm around her, rubbing her back in what he hoped was a soothing manner.

“I wanted to save myself for that one guy, you know?” she whispered. “You must think I’m the biggest idiot,” she sighed, chuckling derisively at herself.

“No,” he soothed, “I don’t think you’re an idiot… I’m actually in awe of you. I’ve seen how bad it can get when a female goes into heat… how did you manage?”

“The first time… I didn’t know what was happening and I almost messed up. Every time after that I would spend the few days in the desert, no one around, no temptation... ‘sick days from school’” She shrugged slightly, “I didn’t want to do something stupid and end up in trouble. Roswell is a small town so word travels fast… I couldn’t do that to the people that took me in or to anyone who I might have done the deed with. I was safe, alone in the desert.”

have you ever felt
like your only comfort was your cage
you're not alone
I've felt the same as you
have you ever felt
like your secrets give you away
you're not alone
I've been there too

“Alec,” asked Liz quietly.

So quietly Alec was actually surprised it had come from her, he had never heard her sound so… small. “Yeah,” he whispered, from behind her. They had shifted positions and were now sprawled out on what little space was accommodated to them on Liz’s bunk. He was lying behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her small frame, seeming to give comfort and protect her at the same time.

“Don’t leave me, everybody leaves me,” she whispered, clutching onto his hand. She fell asleep like that, feeling safe for the first time in years.

Alec lay there until he was forced to leave, quietly shifting his body away and smiling down at her gently when she automatically whimpered and shifted… instantly missing his body heat. He moved her hair out of her eyes and gently kissed her forehead. He knew as he walked out of her cell that things had just changed between them. They had formed a bond, a connection as friends and he knew he would try his hardest to never let her down.

there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
cause I don't want it
I don't want it
you can't change me
you can't break me

lyrics: "Quasimodo" by Lifehouse

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: Okay so bear with me on this. When Liz was captured she was at the end of her junior year. Everything that took place in sophmore year was moved up. So now that Liz has been back inside Manticore for a year... she's 18. Just wanted to clarify before this chapter.
Thanks guys for the amazing feedback, I hope you enjoy!

CH. 3

Liz pulled into Roswell, the next night, sighing in relief, glad to be back. The one good thing about this town was it had apparently remained unchanged after the Pulse. It had never been a large industrial city with huge sky scrapers and everything. Most people had retained their normal homes, their everyday routine and nothing changed. They still had their cd players, their nice cars, their dvd players and a lot of other things the rest of corporate America lacked. Liz realized after some time that this is what life should be like. Not scrapping for every little bit she could get, not living in confinement, but living like a normal person, where each day you know you won’t be gunned down in the street. She paused knowing that regardless of how ‘safe’ Roswell might be she would find her family and they were worth giving all of this up. She gunned the engine and took off again.

After she had left what were the charred remains of her own personal hell, she began making her way south again. She had walked for what seemed like ages until she happened upon a bike shop. Smirking, she had ‘opened the door’ and walked in. When she saw a bike she wanted, she ‘borrowed it’ and walked it down the road a few miles before starting the engine. She drove off into the night on a brand new jet black, Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R. When she saw the Crashdown come into view, the neon lights and that stupid space ship hanging above the diner she had called home the last nine years of her life, she slowed to a stop and turned the engine off before walking the bike the rest of the way. She parked the bike next to her fire escape and climbed the ladder, crawling in through her old window; she collapsed on the bed and fell instantly asleep. Normally she wouldn’t need that much sleep, but after driving straight through the past two days, as well as the hell that she had been put through, she needed it. The next morning, she rolled over, smelling bacon frying in the other room and sunlight peeping in through the cracks in her curtains. Yawning, she rolled over and stretched like a cat, smiling at the thought. She ran her fingers through her hair before standing and walking into the kitchen. She smiled softly to herself, watching her mom making breakfast before jumping at the sound of breaking glass. She whirled around and saw her father standing there, the sound came from him when he dropped his coffee mug on the floor.

this is my life
its not what it was before
all these feelings i've shared
and these are my dreams
that i'd never lived before
somebody shake me
'cause i
i must be sleeping

“Lizzie?” he asked hesitantly, his face pale as if he’d seen a ghost.

She smiled slightly, “It’s me daddy,” she turned back to her mom who was shaking, “mommy.” She felt tears come to her eyes as she embraced her parents. “I’m back,” she cried, “I’m back.” She couldn’t bring herself to think of this place as home anymore. She had found her home in Alec, and now that she had her sister back, wherever they were was home. They stayed there like that, motionless on the floor, a huddle of comfort, relief and love. Jeff and Nancy finally pulled back, looking at their daughter, question in their eyes.

“I escaped,” she shrugged. “Shit went down and I got out.” Her eyes clouded over briefly. “I was reunited with my sister for a few minutes before we were separated again, and Alec, oh God Alec… he’s all alone in the real world for like the first time! I have to find him, them…” she stood and began to pace, chewing on her lower lip in thought.

“Honey, honey… I don’t know what happened, I don’t really care, all that matters is you’re back with us,” exclaimed Nancy. She looked at Jeff whose eyebrows were furrowed in concern. “Everything else will work out when it’s supposed to.”

now that we're here,
it's so far away
all the struggle we thought was in vain
all the mistakes,
one life contained
they all finally start to go away
now that we're here its so far away
and i feel like i can face the day i can forgive
and i'm not ashamed to be the person that i am today

Liz stopped abruptly, brushing herself off and taking a seat at the table. “So, what did you tell everybody to explain my absence?”

“We managed to get false papers saying you were at boarding school.”

“I love you guys, but I can’t spend any more time here in school… I have to find my family and help the other transgenics get accustomed to this world. Daddy,” she pleaded with him with her eyes, “Is there anything we can do?”

He rubbed a hand wearily over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose in thought. “I guess we can say that you finished early at boarding school, but you want to graduate a little early and the only way to do that is to get your diploma at West Roswell. It’s not like you even need school, we just had to keep up appearances…” he trailed off, thinking about how much his little girl had changed. She had suffered horrors unknown to he and Nancy and yet here she stood, strong and with a passionate need to find her family. He snapped his attention back onto Liz, “You know, officially graduate from a school since it’s too late at the other one?”

Liz stood and began pacing again, she snapped her fingers as it all came together, “Yeah,” she exclaimed, her face lighting up. “Yeah, that could work! Can you set it up for me? I wouldn’t have to be back at school until next week, it will take at least that long for everything to be set in motion.”

“Sweetheart, what are you going to do until then? I mean, shouldn’t you see your friends or something? You know, get back into the regular routine here.”

“I can’t, have to make a phone call.” She turned away, grabbing her secure cell phone out of the drawer where she kept it.

these are my words
that i've never said before
i think i'm doing okay
and this is the smile
that i've never shown before
somebody shake me 'cause i
i must be sleeping

“Honey, you’re not calling Zack are you?” asked Nancy, looking in fear at Jeff. “We just got you back!”

“I know, and I’m not going anywhere permanently… for now,” she muttered under her breath. “I just have to find out where Maxie is; maybe she can help me find Alec.” She looked at her parents faces. “I know you don’t like it, but I’m an adult now. I need to do this, they’re my family.”

Jeff wrapped his arms around Nancy’s shoulders, squeezing gently. “We understand honey; just do what you have to do. I’ll go make some calls about you starting school next week.”

Liz nodded, stepping away from her parents to dial the number she knew by heart. She tapped her fingers against the wall, waiting for him to answer.

“Kat?” came a husky voice from the other end.

“Yeah Zack, it’s me,” she breathed, tears threatening to fall at hearing her brother’s voice for the first time in a year. It wasn’t safe for any of them to really see each other unless there was danger, but she and Zack had kept in contact, always through secure lines and never talking more than necessary. They were always concerned about her safety, but she missed her big brother and wanted to see him again, last summer just wasn’t enough time.

“You were inside,” he stated bluntly. “She told me.”

“Where is she? I need help finding a friend, plus we got separated before we reached the rendezvous point.”

“Seattle,” he replied, “I’ll come see you when I can.”

“Thanks,” she whispered, “Why didn’t you call me?” She knew he understood what she was talking about.

“I couldn’t drag you in… I wanted to keep you safe,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, but I did what I thought was best.”

“They’re my family,” she growled, “you’re my family. You’ve seen them all and Maxie has seen almost all of them… when do I get to see them? Hell I’ll never be able to see Tinga, Brin, or Ben again! ” She held back the tears, sadness mixing with anger as she waited with bated breath for her brother’s response.

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too,” she hung up, letting out a muffled sob as she walked back into her room. Stripping out of her grimy, trashed clothes she stepped into her bathroom and turned on the hot water. Sighing she stepped under the spray and quickly scrubbed her body of the dirt and dust of traveling. She looked down at her battered body, wishing there was more time to heal before she began moving again but knew there was not time. She threw on a pair of black jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt, covering her body as best she could. She didn’t want to alarm her parents anymore than she already had. There was no time to waste; she could tell something was coming. As she thought back on the other night, everything had been off, culminating in that blast. And now, Zack was coming down… not that she didn’t want to see her brother but regardless of the fact that she was now free, he shouldn’t be coming.

She began moving around her room, packing what little she could carry on her bike, grabbed her sunglasses and walked back in to say goodbye to her parents. “I’ll be back soon, and maybe I’ll have company,” she smirked.

“Be careful Liz,” sighed her mother.

“I will.” She walked back into her room, slinging her bag over her shoulder and slid down the fire escape. She walked over to her bike and instead of leaving subtly she roared out, knowing she had no time to waste.

i'm so afraid of waking
please don't shake me
afraid of waking
please don't shake me


“We have to find her!” shouted Alec, not believing the fact that his only friend’s sister wasn’t paying attention to him, after said friend had been missing for four and a half days now. He had been brought to some guy named Logan’s penthouse and the three had stayed holed up in here for those four damn days, when they should have been out looking for Kat! He didn’t understand how they could just not start looking. Kat had told him about Maxie, what she remembered of her big sister, Zack’s other second in command, a shared position with Kat, some second in command she was turning out to be. He didn’t know what he would do without Kat; she was his sole connection in this world. He grimaced as he glanced over at Maxie and Logan, or as he thought of him… wheels. Sure he felt bad for the guy, being in a wheelchair some of the time, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach just staying with them. Kat could calm him, inspire him, she was his best friend, his only real friend, the only one who saw him for who he was and could be not what they wanted to see.

“I know,” raged Maxie, glaring at the blonde in front of her. She didn’t know what her sister saw in him, he was cocky, arrogant, self centered… well not self centered she amended to herself; he did care about her sister. She figured he’d just have to grow on her… like a leech. They had stayed here, Logan using his resources to try and find her and Maxie, hesitant to go back out and face the world, the only place she considered home. Who knew what was coming now, if any of the directors managed to escape, it was the unknown all over again. “You think I don’t want to find her? I had her back in my life for all of five minutes before she went running off to save your ass,” she seethed. “Want to tell me again what happened?”

Alec growled, glaring at the brunette before him that looked like and reminded him so much of Kat. “We made it to what should have been a safe distance away from the blast radius and had just started walking to the rendezvous point when that damn explosion shook the entire fucking world, and we were blown apart. I came too when you found me and I haven’t seen her since we were ripped apart.” They were so involved in their argument that they failed to notice Logan enter the room.

“Hey guys,” he said, sighing and rubbing his temples when he realized that A. they were still arguing and B. they were completely ignoring him. “Guys,” he tried again, finally he stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply, smirking when they both turned to glare at him. “I just thought you two might want to know that a girl matching Kat’s description was seen entering Seattle a few hours ago.”

“Where?” barked Alec and Maxie at the same time, both shooting glares at each other.

“Umm… last spotted near Crash,” Logan shrugged as he suddenly looked up to an empty apartment. Guess he better get another room ready. He hoped they found her, she appeared to mean a lot to both of them. Logan had never seen Max get so invested in any of her siblings as she was now. Not to say that she didn’t care about her other siblings, she just seemed more attached to this one. From what she had told him, Kat was the youngest out of all of them. She, Kat, and Zack were the closest out of all of them, even with Zack and Max the two oldest. Kat had been with Zack when the escape happened and by the time Maxie made it to their chosen rendezvous spot; he had already sent their baby sister on her way to safety. Max hadn’t seen her since. He shrugged as he stiffly got out of the wheelchair, he would be grateful when, if ever he didn’t have to use it anymore. He would be even more grateful if he got to touch Max again. They had wasted so much time last year, now this damn virus would attack him any time they touched and she had closed herself off again, never letting them get close.


Liz had been searching all over this damn city for hours now; she hadn’t found one trace of her sister or Alec. Well that’s not true, she had found a messenger service, Jam Pony, one that she could potentially see herself in if she moved up here. She had found a girl, called herself Original Cindy, from their conversation she and Maxie had been tight, roommates. Liz had pulled her to the side and found out that O.C. knew about Maxie’s… differences. Liz was startled to realize that Cindy knew who she was, said Maxie had told her all about her siblings, plus Liz looked just like Maxie. Liz told Cindy what she could, relieving the girls fears that Maxie was dead, told her what she knew, four days ago, she was alive. She had promised to get Maxie back with her once everything had worked itself out and then she left. Cindy had tried to help her out, telling her the places Maxie frequented, but she couldn’t remember Logan’s address… just the general part of town. Now she was in yet another part of town, walking down another alley and seriously considering going back to Jam Pony.

Sighing she leaned up against the side of a building and thought of all the places she could possibly go, she had just made a decision and moved away from the building when she felt a prick in her neck. Gasping she pulled a dart out of her neck before crashing to her knees, she faintly saw two people running towards her and they looked familiar but her vision was becoming hazy. She didn’t want to go back and the last thing she heard was the sound of breaking bones before darkness claimed her… again.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 4

The next morning Liz rolled over and slammed her hand down on the alarm when it went off, and the first thought that went through her mind was how much she hated being knocked unconscious, she knew eventually she and the others would have to talk about it, but now was a time to just simply enjoy being reunited. She could faintly hear the sounds of her sister and Alec arguing and relaxed her guard when she realized she was safe.

Flipping the radio on she groggily rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She scanned the room and decided that wherever she was, it was definitely bitchin’, especially for post Pulse. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was not only dressed in a fresh wife beater but she was also wearing a pair of boxers. She was wrapped in blankets in the center of a king sized bed, but the room although sparsely decorated was beautiful. The walls were a deep blue and the curtains that were currently allowing light to filter through what appeared to be the balcony doors were a blood red, the same as the sheets and comforter she was currently snuggled in. There was a dresser and mirror against one wall that also seemed to hold the closet, and the door that led to the rest of this place. When she rolled onto her side she saw another door, this one open, against the same wall as the bed, it must lead to the bathroom she figured. Sighing she stretched out, wiggling her toes as she felt a shiver of comfort travel up her spine. She rolled out of bed and dropped to the ground, immediately beginning her morning exercise.

She sits in her corner
Singing herself to sleep
Wrapped in all of the promises
That no one seems to keep
She no longer cries to herself
No tears left to wash away
Just diaries of empty pages
Feelings gone astray
But she will sing

She felt the pushups come easier as her muscles stretched and adjusted to her moving again. She started dropping faster as the words and music flowed through her. She was sick of crying, sick of being alone. She had found her sister and found a guy that she actually trusted outside of her family, and she didn’t want to give that up. There wasn’t anything romantic going on between her and Alec of course, but he had been there for her over these past eight months and without him she might have actually given up.

She had felt herself fading, fading back into X5-254 and that was a person she didn’t want to be anymore. She was now closer to Alec than she had ever been to anyone before. And as much as that frightened her it also gave her a new sense of hope and faith… faith in the few people she surrounded herself with. She knew the road ahead of all them would be difficult, hell probably a new form of torture. Twice now something weird had gone down that would result in her either being dead or captured and something tugging at the back of her mind said it wasn’t Manticore… or not completely.

Til everything burns
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this hate
And all of this pain
I'll burn it all down
As my anger reigns
Til everything burns

She growled as she flipped over to do her crunches at the thought of Manticore, that wretched place and those people who had played God with their lives. She had never hated anyone or anything as much as she did that place. She forced herself to calm down as she felt her anger begin to spiral out of control. She knew they were gone now, burned up, their greed and their pride and joy also their destruction. The very things they had created had turned on them. She hoped it had been worth it to them.

She knew it wasn’t completely over with; no… they would try to get them all back. They would go on a nationwide manhunt until they had every single transgenic back under their thumb, under their control. She hoped that everyone who had escaped last night would be safe; maybe they would get to experience the normal life that she had always wanted. She knew that she would have to go back to Roswell for at least the next two months… maybe Alec and Maxie would go with her.

She grimaced at the realization that she had things to take care of in Roswell outside of school… her friends were there. Some super soldier she was turning out to be, almost taken out twice in the span of four days and scared to face a bunch of teenagers, alien or otherwise. How could she enjoy her freedom if she was scared… no, not scared, anxious.

Walking through life unnoticed
Knowing that no one cares
Too consumed in their masquerade
No one sees her there
And still she sings

She felt fire ignite inside of her at the realization that she was free. There was no dark hole that she could be dragged back to now. She was free to live and love, as she should have been able to do since the beginning. She dropped her arms to her sides as she lay there; sweat pouring off of her, having soaked through her clothes. She chuckled bitterly, but it gave way to a relieved laughing sob as reality came crashing through her.

She was free, and that fire was burning strong and sure in her soul, in her heart, and in her mind. It consumed all of her, and she was happy, happier than she had ever been. She was free and with people she loved. Even with the threat looming over their heads of what was to come, she knew they would handle it one step at a time. Hell, what was the fun of being genetically enhanced if she never got to use those abilities? She was finally making peace with who she was, and it had been a long time in coming.

Til everything burns
Everything burns
(Everything burns)
Everything burns
Watching it all fade away
(All fade away)
Everyone screams
Everyone screams
(Watching it all fade away)
Oooh, ooh
(While everyone screams)

She rolled over, pushing herself up once more as she walked into the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and didn’t even recognize the girl staring back at her. She had dark circles under her eyes, and her face was sunken in, hollow. Her eyes, her eyes were the worst. They looked dead, but as she stared at herself she noticed the spark there that had been missing back in Manticore. She knew that with time, she could become more than what she was. She had a future now, one of her own choosing. She smiled, the first real one in a long time as she stripped off her clothes and turned the water on.

She winced as she looked at her battered body, it was all she could seem to do lately, and this was the worst she had ever looked. Cuts and bruises marring her normally flawless brown skin, and it wasn’t conceit on her part… Manticore had made her perfect… the perfect girl, the perfect soldier. She stepped into the water, letting the scalding heat wash away her pain and past. It burned through her with the same intensity as the fresh fire in her.

Burning down lies
Burning my dreams
(All of this hate)
And all of this pain
I'll burn it all down
As my anger reigns
Til everything burns
(Everything burns)
Watching it all fade away
(Oooh, ooh)
(Everything burns)
Watching it all fade away

The water burned away all the pain and anguish she had suffered in her life. It washed away her sins and the marks on her body and soul. She knew it would take time but this was a new beginning for her and she intended to make the most out of it that she could. She stood there in the shower, eyes closed, listening to the song end, and when her eyes opened again, she felt at peace.


She walked out into the main part of wherever she was, and her mouth dropped open in shock. She hadn’t seen this much luxury since before the Pulse hit… her sister sure knew how to pick ‘em. Speaking of her sister, she tuned her ears and followed the voices into a room filled with computers. She looked around in awe, hardly listening to the argument going on around her between Alec and her sister. So involved were they that they hadn’t even noticed her… humph, transgenic senses indeed. She glanced over at them and smirked as she saw Alec standing toe to toe with her big sister, this could get interesting.

Her eyes glanced around the room and she spotted a man sitting in the adjoining room in a wheelchair looking out the windows at the city below him. She strolled over and dropped onto the couch next to him, smirking when he jumped, startled. She sat there silently for a minute, gently rubbing the towel over her hair, drying it and running her fingers through it. When she had stepped out of the shower she had snooped, finding clothes in the dresser she threw on the tight black long sleeve shirt and black cargos. There wasn’t a great expanse of skin showing between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her pants and she wished there was, it had been to long since she had been in what she considered regular clothes, but she didn’t want anyone to see the extent of her injuries... not yet at least.

She ran her eyes over the man before her and felt an instant liking of him. His hair was spiked up in disarray and his blue eyes glimmered behind silver glasses. He had a few days growth of stubble and a cute smile; not even giving it a second thought, she could understand what Max saw in him. The clearing of his throat drew her out of her musings, and she smirked as she noticed him shifting uncomfortably. “So, you’re Eyes Only, huh?”

“What? How did you know? Not that I mind… because you’re Max’s sister and all but huh?” Logan looked stunned at the ease with which the girl before her carried herself. Even Max didn’t have this kind of relaxed air around her, but they were definitely sisters, besides the shared features, both were blunt as hell.

“Well, it’s post Pulse and you have an electronics set up in there that would rival the current governments, you know Max and help her, and your eyes.” She smiled to herself at his confused look. “Eyes are the first thing I notice about a person, so with your streams showing nothing except your eyes it’s only natural.”

“Oh,” he sat back in contemplation, a frown marring his face, as he pondered what she had just revealed. He was broken out of his thoughts when she asked him what was wrong. “What do you mean?” he asked carefully.

“Well, I can tell you two are jonesin’ for each other, but somethin’s up. So spill.” She turned to face him, crossing her legs Indian style as she made herself more comfortable. She was also glad that Max and Alec still hadn’t noticed her… she didn’t know what they were talking about, just as long as it kept them distracted.

Logan sat there silently for a moment, wondering if he should tell her everything. One look at her face and it was decided, he could tell she really wanted to know and wanted to try and help. What the hell? “When Max was recaptured, they implanted a virus into her specifically designed to attack my DNA and kill me. So we can’t exactly touch each other”

“Well that sucks,” replied Liz. She looked at him, her face scrunched up in thought. “When was Max recaptured?”

“Apparently a few months after you were,” he shrugged. “She was shot when the four of them blew up the DNA lab, she was taken in for treatment otherwise it would have been fatal. She didn’t know you were in there or else she would have gotten you out when she escaped.”

“No biggie, I’m out now, anyways,” she looked back at Alec before facing Logan again. “I think this worked out for the better.” She cocked her head to the side before sticking her hand out to him. “Last night doesn’t really count as an introduction, considering I was unconscious so hi, I’m Kat, 254 or Liz, whichever you prefer to call me.”

Logan chuckled before grabbing her hand and shaking it. “I’m Logan Cale. Why are you Kat and Liz?” he asked curiously.

“Well, Zack named me Kat and my foster parents named me Liz, or Elizabeth Marie Parker,” she shrugged.

“Well then, I think I’ll call you Kat, I’m assuming that’s what your family and Alec calls you.”


“Then Kat it is.”

“You love my sister don’t you?” asked Liz quietly, before Logan could answer they were jolted out of their conversation by Alec and Max finally realizing she was awake and in fact sitting not a few feet from them. However, Liz could see it in his eyes all the same.

“Hey, what are you doing awake?” asked Alec as he came over to sit next to her. Max leaning against the wall and facing them.

“It’s what one does when sleep ends… they tend to rejoin the real world by waking up,” teased Liz.

“Smart ass,” muttered Alec under his breath as he slung his arm around her shoulders.

“So are you two together?” asked Logan, flicking his gaze to Max before resettling it on the two transgenics on his couch.

“Nope,” said Liz. “We’re just really comfortable around each other. If I hadn’t had Alec then I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

“I’m still currently trying to change our status as just friends,” joked Alec, but Max could see the seriousness in his eyes and laughed to herself when she realized her sister had no idea what she was getting into.

“So did she name you?” asked Max.

“Yep, said my name was Alec because I’m a smart aleck, or…” he trailed off sheepishly.

“Or what?”

“Or Dick” crowed Liz, giggling uncontrollably.

“So you didn’t meet under very good circumstances then?” asked Max amused.

“Not really, but that’s another story,” snickered Alec. Silence descended on the foursome, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, it was… nice.

Liz looked at Max and Logan, weighing her words carefully before speaking. “What if I told you two that there might be a way to get rid of this virus and completely heal your legs Logan?” She was met with silence and the stares of three very confused people boring their way through her skull.

lyrics: "Everything Burns" by Ben Moody ft. Anastacia

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 5

“Ummm, what are you talking about Kat?” asked Max, not even daring to get her hopes up. She didn’t know what she would do if she were able to be with Logan again. She had wasted so much time before and she regretted it now.

“When we escaped, I ended up in Roswell, New Mexico… alien capital of the world.” She looked down at her hands clasped tightly in her lap and laughed bitterly before looking back up and meeting the gazes of those around her. “Last year, after I turned seventeen, I was shot.” She held up her hand to ward off the questions she knew were coming and she looked at Alec when she felt his hand squeeze hers. She thankfully squeezed back. “I froze, everything rushed back to me about that night when Eva…” she trailed off, unable to continue and she was grateful the others understood. “It wasn’t fatal, I would’ve lived regardless, but there was this guy.” She felt Alec tense next to her and wondered but brushed it off as she moved on. “He apparently has been in love with me since I moved to Roswell. Anyway, it turns out he’s an alien… and before you laugh think about it, if there are genetically empowered humans then why not aliens?”

Pausing, she let it sink in before continuing. “He saved me and it turns out that his sister and best friend were also aliens. I ended up having to tell two of my friends, Maria and Alex, and they ended up dating Michael, the best friend and Isabel, the sister. While all of this is happening Max is pursuing me, in a way. I broke up with my current boyfriend, he was a good guy, but I couldn’t handle keeping two secrets like that from someone. If it had just been me, I would’ve been fine, but I got sucked into the alien abyss as it became known and if something happened so I was recaptured, I couldn’t handle that… Anyway, Max and I eventually got together, kind of. Before to long his former wife came to town. Shit happened and they found out their destiny was to be together. My ex got shot and was also revived by Max so he and his father were let in on the secret… his father is also the sheriff.” She stopped talking and leaned back into the couch, letting out a deep sigh. “So that’s it… that’s the story, at least the condensed version and if we go back to Roswell then Max might be able to heal you. That is if he and the others don’t hate me.”

“First off, wow! Can’t you do anything the easy way? Secondly, do you really think it would work?” asked Alec as he looked between Logan and Max and the looks of longing that passed between them. He hoped for their sake it would, he had only just met them but already through Liz felt a new connection, a feeling of being wanted, and he liked it. Big, tough, man whore, Alec enjoyed the feeling of being wanted for being himself, nothing more, nothing less… no expectations. Even though he and Maxie were on thin ice, the usual, personality clashes, he wanted them to be happy and he considered her a part of his new family.

“I really think it could work. I don’t really know how to explain everything from the past year away, but we can think of something. If he agrees, I’m ninety nine percent sure it will work.”

“That’s good enough for me,” exclaimed Logan as he looked into Max’s eyes, waiting for her response.

“Let’s see what this bitch can do,” she said determinedly.

“Looks like we’re going on a road trip,” smirked Alec. He couldn’t keep the boyish delight off his face. “So what’s the plan?”

“Logan can bring the van with all of our equipment in it… you know just in case. The three of us will take bikes,” said Max already sharing a grin with her sister. They may not have seen each other in eight years, but they both knew how the other operated.

“You mean?” asked Liz giddily.

“Yep, we found your bike, plus two other brand new Ninja ZX-6R’s just came in from my… associate. There’s a midnight blue one and a deep green one.”

“I’m so glad you found it, I was worried I’d have to find an alternate means of transportation” exclaimed Liz, nearly jumping out of her skin.

Max looked at Alec in amusement before raising a brow in question. He merely shrugged and grunted, “Ladies first,” he smirked.

“Then midnight blue for me it is, and green for you.”

Logan looked at the three transgenics and sighed, rolling his eyes in amusement at their barely suppressed eagerness. “Go ride, for the love of God… go ride. It’ll take me at least the rest of the day to get everything set up for us to leave, so go have fun and don’t get caught!”

“Thanks Logan,” exclaimed Liz as she jumped to her feet, pulling Alec up after her. “We need to pick up some clothes of our own anyway.”

“Shopping?” whined Alec.

“Yes, shopping. But it’s necessary for us… unless you want to wear that for the rest of your life. Plus I was planning on picking up some toys while we were at it,” smiled Liz impishly as Max just sighed and threw an extra leather jacket at her sister.

“Toys?” Alec perked up before turning to Logan. “She said toys,” he smirked before following the two brunettes out the door.

Logan sighed to himself, choking back a sob of relief, hope, love, he didn’t know what. He ripped off his glasses as he vigorously wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall. He shuddered with suppressed feelings as he stared at the door the other three had just walked out of. Standing hesitantly he braced himself before trusting his legs to carry him around to pack up. He thrust his feelings to the back of his mind so he could carry out what he needed to. He shut down his computers and packed up his laptop. He grabbed clothes and other gadgets before packing them away in safe transport boxes. He didn’t know how long they would be gone so he grabbed his Eyes Only files in case he had to make a broadcast from the van. He grabbed his exoskeleton and took everything down to the van before returning to his penthouse and starting dinner. If Max’s sister and Alec were anything like her when it came to food then he had better have something ready when they came in, in fact he better have a lot of something ready.


Let's Get It Started, in here...
In this context, there's no disrespect,
so, when I bust my rhyme, you break your necks.
We got five minutes for us to disconnect,
from all intellect collect the rhythm effect.
Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition,
free your inner soul and break away from tradition.

Liz let out a squeal of pure joy when she saw the bikes lined up before her in the garage. She ran to the black one and skimmed her hand along the body, nearly purring at the feel of it beneath her hand. She hadn’t had time to appreciate it before, to concerned with other important things like… survival. She shrugged the leather jacket on before straddling the bike. She sat like that for a moment completely in her own world, unnoticing of her sister and friend still standing before her. She started the bike and her eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets when she revved the bike, hearing the delicious hum of the engine.

“Is she always like this?” asked Max as she stared in fascination at her little sister.

“Kat says for her riding a bike is orgasmic. Hey! Don’t look at me like that, that’s just what she said.” Alec turned to go to his own bike, muttering about the injustices of being a male transgenic around nothing but females. “Hey Kat, you ready?” he smirked as her attention shot to him.

“Max, we gotta worry about sector cops?” she turned to her sister, eyebrows raised in question.

“How fast you wanna go?”

“As fast as this baby’ll let me… it’s been too long since I’ve been free to really ride, and my bike is an extension of my soul-”

“-me too,” smirked Maxie.

“I say we let our souls run free, and fast,” she seemed to add as an afterthought, she smirked at the two beside her.

“We’ll hit the area near Terminal City; we’re immune because of our little genetic cocktail so there won’t be any cops around. Then we can hit wherever you two wanna go for toys and shit.”

Everybody, everybody, let's get into it.
Get stupid.
Get it started, get it started, get it started.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.
Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here.

“Alright, lets blaze,” smirked Liz as she revved the engine and slid her sunglasses on. She turned to glance at Alec and Max before hitting the gas and speeding out onto the road. The drive over to Terminal City was uneventful; Liz just got a glimpse of the problems in Seattle and realized how lucky she had been to end up in Roswell. But like she had said before, she would willingly give up the ‘safety’ of Roswell for her family. Once they reached the border, she picked up speed, she was in a new level of exhilaration as she felt the wind blowing through her long hair, she closed her eyes, simply allowing herself to feel and relish the moment before reopening them and smirking as she pushed harder and harder on the gas. She was pushing the limit on the speed of her bike and Alec looked on in wonder at the smile that stretched across her face. She looked over at him and smirked, “You wanna race?”

“Hell yeah, bring it on.” They took off darting between the buildings and going up and over ramps. They hit the air and when they hit the ground they took off again, just as fast as they had been going. Finally they screeched to a halt in front of Max and both laughed as their adrenaline high began to come back down. “I so won,” chuckled Alec.

“Oh no, I won… Maxie tell him!” exclaimed Liz.

“I won, and now we’re going for drinks, we’re going to hit Crash a bar that my boo hits with the others after work.”

“Works for me… we should probably get going before we alert the sector cops anyway. They might not voluntarily come in here, but I bet if we’re loud enough, they’ll come a runnin’.” Liz turned her bike and fell into line behind Max for the drive to Crash.

Let's get ill, that's the deal.
At the gate, we'll bring the bud top drill. (Just)
Lose your mind this is the time,
Ya'll test this drill, Just and bang your spine. (Just)
Bob your head like me APL de, up inside your club or in your Bentley.
Get messy, loud and sick.
Ya'll mount past slow mo in another head trip. (So)
Come then now do not correct it, let's get ignant let's get hectic.


Logan looked up when he heard the snick of his lock coming open; he smirked and relaxed his stance when he heard Alec complaining about something. Turning back to the pot before him, he continued to stir the sauce; it was almost done and just in time from the sound of it.

“Listen, all I’m saying is that it was rude of a four hundred pound woman to hit on you when you were so obviously with me,” shrugged Alec.

“But I’m not with you and I guess the pole shaped bruise on your back doesn’t bother you?” snickered Liz.

“No, I get thrown into poles all the time-“

“-but not by four hundred pound women… I guess she got jealous,” chuckled Max, effectively cutting him off.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up ladies. I was hurled into that pole to defend your honor, dear Kat. I can see when I’m not wanted.”

“Then why aren’t you gone?” asked Liz in all seriousness, brow arched in question.

“Now, that’s just mean,” he huffed and walked over to the couch before placing his hand over his heart and sighing mournfully. He dropped onto the couch with his eyes closed and peeked them open again before sighing even louder.

“Oh you big baby,” scolded Liz as she walked over. “You know I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”

“Did I miss something?” asked Logan, baffled by the conversation before him. “And don’t any of you know how to knock?” he joked.

“Must be in our genes,” mused Liz.

“Nope, just Kat and Alec being their normal immature selves, is everything here set?” asked Max turning to Logan.

“Yep, and I figured if we were ready then we could pull out after dark… it’ll be easier to get us all out of the city that way.”

“Sounds good, I’m all loaded up,” shrugged Liz from her place next to Alec. She looked over at him and he nodded his head too.

“Yeah, you’re ready only after the two of you nearly buy everything in that store, clothing and otherwise,” sighed Max, rolling her eyes at her sister and friend.

“Hey, we have needs and some of those needs are clothes and some are guns and knives, so sue me,” replied Alec, waving his hand in disregard.

“So we’re going to be ready to roll after dinner… which smells great by the way,” stated Liz, looking around for confirmation. “Great…” she trailed off.

“Hey, you’re not having second thoughts are you?” asked Max, coming to sit on the other side of Liz.

“No, no second thoughts… for you two anyway, just for me. I don’t know how they will all react to my being back… well kind of back. I’m not going to hold back on who I really am. I suppressed myself for long enough and, well now that I have you two… Roswell won’t know what hit it. And as happy as that makes me, it also worries me, because I will probably have to hurt people who meant a lot to me.”

“Hey, you’ll be good, don’t stress, like you said we are here for you. I’m your knight in shining armor remember?” asked Alec, letting out a whoosh of breath when Liz’s had connected with his stomach. “Damn, I was just trying to help!” he exclaimed, sounding offended.

“Ok for now no more beating up on Alec.“

“But that’s my favorite pastime,” cried Liz, sticking her tongue out in return at Alec.

“Real mature guys,” chuckled Logan as he loaded plates with spaghetti. “Dinner is served by the way.” He stepped back just in time before being run over by three hungry transgenics. Smiling fondly at them, he helped himself and sat down at the table with them. They were going to have a long trip ahead of them and he felt it in his gut that something was coming… he didn’t know what yet, but it probably wouldn’t be good.

lyrics: "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas[/b]

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 128
Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 7:23 pm
Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: Hey guys, my computer is back up for now so I'm going to take this oppurtunity to post! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your patience! Hopefully everything will work itself out and I can continue on normally. For now, enjoy! :D

CH. 6

As the ‘Welcome to Roswell’ sign came into view, illuminated by their headlights, Liz heaved a mixed sigh of relief and anxiety. She didn’t really know what to expect from her old friends, she chuckled self depreciatingly as she realized that all of her soldier training wasn’t about to help her in this face off. She looked up and saw the town looming on the horizon and thanked the Blue Lady that at least they had made it safely. It had been a long trip that had taken two days, the three transgenics could have driven it straight through but because of Logan’s human status, they had to break it up.

So here they were, night had fallen and it was swelteringly hot as the four pulled into town. The others followed Liz’s lead, driving down the quiet streets until they reached Main Street and she pulled them into an alley. She waited for them to cut the engines off before lifting herself off of the bike and turning to face them once more. “We’re heading for the Crashdown Café, as you saw; it’s a bit further down the road. We’ll walk so we don’t attract any more attention. Hopefully, it will be closed by now, especially with all the preparations my dad had to make for me, we can talk in there. Load up, just in case, not taking any chances with the crazies from Manticore still out there. Plus, getting shot by a tranq. dart tends to put me on the defensive.”

“Yeah, plus the fact that Alec and I got a little carried away and killed the dick before we could get answers…” replied Maxie sheepishly.

“It’s okay for now, because we’re all okay, we just have to watch out backs from now on. We don’t know who the attack came from or why.” She turned and shoved a fresh clip into her gun before sliding it into the waistband of her pants. She slid her knife into the sheath wrapped around her calf and turned back to face her friends, noting that Max and Alec had just finished as well. “We’ll move the bikes later, but for now just leave them here.”

“Let’s move,” said Max, shrugging as she followed Liz out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. The four tried to stay out of any direct light from the storefronts and street lamps around them, keeping to the shadows. They had almost made it when a single shot was heard and Liz grunted in pain.

“God Damn It!” she grimaced as she clutched her side, after the many times she had been shot, she thought she would have been used to it... but each time the searing pain took over it felt like the first time. She felt Alec and Max come up on either side of her and helped support her as they rushed into the Crashdown. Logan came in last, guarding their backs. She couldn’t see anything due to the curtain of hair covering her eyes, but she could hear the gasps of everyone around her, well there goes the thought that we’d be alone.

Oh here you are there's nothing left to say
You're not supposed to be that way
Did they push you out
Did they throw you away

“Who the hell are you?” demanded Max as he watched the four strangers come storming in. “We’re closed, get the hell out!” He trailed off as one of the female brunettes whirled around and pointed her gun at him.

“Where are Jeff and Nancy Parker?” she barked looking around the room, surveying each person and categorizing them in her memory. “You must be Max,” she chuckled derisively. “Nice to meet a person who has my name even if it is someone like you.” Her attention shifted, ignoring the gasps and demands of who she was when she saw two people step forward. An older man and his wife both looked worn around the edges but she could see the hope in their eyes. “You must be the Parkers.” At their nods, she holstered her gun and stepped back.

Everyone was still standing stunned when the other female made a gasping noise and started cussing and yelling at the guy standing by the door. “Logan,” she growled, “get out of the way.” She shoved her hair back and out of her eyes with one hand before returning it to her side and with the other, whipped her gun out, aiming it towards the front and the door. She faintly heard the hysterics going on behind her now that she had revealed herself, but she couldn’t pay them any attention because someone had shot her and she was damn sure that they were going to get taken out. “Max, you see anyone out there?” she turned to her sister and sunk back down when she gave a negative response.

Touch me now and I don't care
When you take me I'm not there
Almost human but I'll never be the same

Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own
Long way down I don't want to live in here alone
Long way down I don't think I'll make it on my own

“Fuck,” she exclaimed trying to stand, “I let my guard down for one fucking second and I get nailed in the fucking side.” She looked up and saw everyone staring at her in horrified fascination, and when she said everyone, she meant everyone. Her parents were standing there along with all of her…“Fuck me,” she exclaimed when she saw her friends, Max, Maria, Michael, Isabel, Alex, Tess, and Kyle… but that wasn’t the worst part, “Fuck me sideways,” she whined when she saw Amy Deluca, Sheriff Valenti, Charles and Sarah Whitman and Philip and Diane Evans were all standing there too.

“Elizabeth Parker, where did you pick up such bad language?” scolded her mother.

“Hell,” she bit out, wincing slightly as the pain in her side began to grow. “And from him,” she motioned towards Alec, snickering at the deer in headlights look that came over him. “Alright, we’ll have time for introductions later… right now I’m going to find the bastard that shot me!”

“Liz, you’re shot?” yelped Maria, waving a vial of cedar oil under her nose. Her entire world had just been flipped on its axis. Her best friend was here, alive… and with a bad attitude, with other people, and she was… shot!

Everyone started talking at once after that. The parents all wanted to call the hospital and her friends wanted Max to heal her. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore; she put her fingers between her lips and whistled as hard and as loud as she could. When they all turned toward her stunned, she shrugged and looked at Maxie who was shaking her head in amusement. “What?” she hissed as fresh pain washed over her again. She felt her eyes start to roll into the back of her head and could feel shakes coming on, she was going into shock.

“I’m just imagining what it would be like if you were a female version of Zack,” she shrugged, almost cracking up at the look of horror on her little sister’s face.

“I can’t believe you would say something so horrible about me…” she turned to Alec, “Did you just hear what my sister said? Can you say et tu Brutus, as if I would ever be like Zack?” She had to keep consciousness a little bit longer or else everyone would freak out even more, and they didn’t have time for that shit. “You know not that I don’t love the guy, but…”

“I’m not getting into this, you’re hurt and you need to get patched up. So come over here and sit your raggedy ass down so I can patch you up,” he scolded gently.

“Some friends you turned out to be,” she muttered as she walked over to Alec. When she reached him, her energy completely gave out and she sagged against him, her face washing completely pale and her breathing becoming shallow.

“Alright, somebody want to explain what the hell is going on here?” shouted Michael, not noticing Liz’s growing predicament. “I mean first Liz comes bustin’ up in here after almost a year and she’s shot… not only is she shot but she’s waving a gun around and screaming and cussing, she is with three other people that I have no idea who the fuck they are!” he growled.

“Hey shut up and I’ll explain,” intervened Logan. He looked at Alec and Maxie, “you two just get her patched up, now.” The tone of his voice brought everyone’s attention back to the brunette sagged weakly against the tall hunky blonde, well at least those were the girl’s thoughts.

“Liz, why don’t you just let Max heal you?” asked Isabel, trying to be the voice of reason.


“But why, I mean he can heal you and you’ll be as good as new. OR you can go to the hospital… at least let them take care of you properly if you won’t let Max heal you.” Amy Deluca tried to reason with her.

“No. I’m not going to a hospital and I don’t know how all the parentals found out about their status, but I’m not letting Max heal me. No offense… it’s just there are too many bad things inside of me.” She winced as Maxie and Alec helped her take her shirt off. It was basically in tatters now anyway… at least it wasn’t new. She heard the gasps again as the shirt was peeled away from her body and as she lifted up her under shirt so Alec could reach the wound. “Can you all stop gasping at me… it’s making me a little self conscious,” she smirked, grimacing when Alec gently placed his hands on her side.

“Well Parker when you show up looking like this after a year, the gasps tend to just come,” shrugged Alex, inwardly wincing at the condition his best friend was in and also wondering just what the hell was going on.

“Alright I need whiskey, cleaning alcohol, a lighter, some towels and some new clothes for Kat,” said Alec as he held his hand over Liz’s wound. He turned and when he saw that nobody was moving he sighed, growing aggravated. “Let’s move it along people! Logan can explain while I work.” He smiled when he saw the blonde with the cedar oil bring him the lighter, cleaning alcohol and towels. Mr. Parker brought him the whiskey while Maxie brought in some of Liz’s clothes, she had made a reconnaissance trip back to the bikes and had come back with their bags. He tuned everything out as he prepared Liz.

“There’s no one out there,” she said, kneeling down next to her sister and Alec. “Whoever it was did a hit and run job… pansies can’t even stay and fight against us,” she muttered darkly.

“Yeah, well you’re just itching for a decent fight, whereas Alec and I have been in more than enough over the past year.” grumbled Liz, oblivious to the stares she and her family were receiving.

“Hi, I’m Logan,” he said trying to distract Liz’s friends. “I’m a friend of Max… and now apparently Kat and Alec-“he was cut off by Max.

“Who is Kat?”

Logan turned confused eyes on him but the realization dawned, he motioned over towards Alec and Liz before saying, “Sorry, you know her as Liz.”

“There’s no knowing her as Liz, she is Liz,” glared Maria.

“Ok, you know what, how about we wait and let her explain it to you guys so I don’t get shot for being the messenger,” said Logan a bit uncomfortably. He noted that everyone’s eyes drifted over to where Liz and Alec were laid out on the floor.

Never put you down I never pushed you away
You're not supposed to be that way
And anything you want there's nothing I could say

Is there anything to feel
Is it pain that makes you real
Cut me off before it kills me

“All right Liz, sit up and drink as much as you want, then tell me when,” said Alec as he helped prop her up and handed her the bottle of whiskey, he then poured the alcohol over her side, cleaning off the blood and sanitizing the wound. She started downing it, and got about three fourths of the bottle down before she laid back and gritted out ‘now’. Before and while she had been drinking he had been heating it with the lighter, he had to cauterize the wound so it wouldn’t get infected.

Alec looked at her carefully, meeting her chocolate eyes with his emerald green, comforting her as best he could. “I don’t have to tell you, this is gonna hurt like hell,” he removed the towel and placed his knife against the wound, his heart squeezing at her agonized screams. He felt her squeeze his hand as hard as she could; she reared up and sunk her teeth into his shoulder to muffle her screams as her skin sizzled. He could hear the shuffles of the people around him as they stared down at the two of them. “Hey there, you okay?” he asked gently as he smoothed her hair back. He grinned down at her as she smiled up at him lazily, the pain, seared away was nothing but a bad dream.

“I’m good… thanks,” she whispered. She stood with him and they both changed shirts, a lot of Liz’s blood had gotten on his shirt. She watched him strip off his shirt and noticed all the girls immediately start drooling over his body. His perfectly tanned body, his rippling muscles and abs, and a dragon tattoo from his time on the outside rippled on his right shoulder blade. She stepped up to him quickly, halting him in the process of sliding the t-shirt over his chest. “Alec wait.”

“Kat, if you wanted to get my shirt off all you had to do was ask, you never had to get shot… besides I don’t think these people are looking for that kind of show,” he joked.

“Perpetual smart ass,” she grumbled as she ran her fingertips over his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, burying her head in his chest.

“About what?” he soothed, running his hand up and down her back, not missing the glares he was being shot by her friends, especially Max.

“I bit you,” she grimaced, her face flushed as she tried to avoid his eyes.

“What?” he asked confused before glancing down and indeed seeing bite marks punctured into his skin from when he was closing her wound. “Those?” he asked, brushing them off and trying to make her feel better. “You’re upset about those when I was trying to save your life please what I just did to you, plus what we’ve done to each other before is a lot worse than those.”

“Yeah,” she said quietly, “but before we didn’t have a choice.”

He looked down at her small body huddled into his and realization dawned on him that all she saw was that she had hurt him. Sure he hadn’t felt it, but she had hurt him nonetheless, and after everything that had happened to them, she didn’t want to hurt anyone else she loved. It was trivial to him but to her it meant a lot. It meant they were finally moving away from the animals they had been, they had been made to be, and she didn’t want to hurt him. He was brought out of his musings by the clearing of multiple throats and he looked down and realized that he and Liz were still half dressed and they had a lot of angry and curious people to answer questions for.

I never put you down I never pushed you away
Take another piece of me
Give my mind a new disease
And the black and white world never fades to gray


“So, you’re probably wondering why we’re here…” started off Liz. She glanced down at her hands clasped firmly in her lap. Some soldier she was, afraid of what these people were going to say. She looked up and locked eyes with Max, she grimaced as she could still see the love in his eyes, overshadowed by hurt and anger, but it was still there. ”I need your help,” she said addressing him, deciding to get straight to the point. “Well more accurately, they need your help,” she motioned to her sister and Logan who were sitting next to her on one side and Alec was on the other. The four of them were sitting at a table still downstairs in the Crashdown, facing the firing squad, more accurately known as her old friends and their parents.

“That’s it, you’re gone for a year and you come back here demanding help?” asked Tess in disbelief.

“Don’t talk to her that way Blondie, just because you never got your claws into Max doesn’t mean you can take it out on Liz like this,” challenged Maria, glaring at the blonde alien before her.

“Hey, don’t yell at her just because you have issues with Liz being back” scolded Kyle, trying to defend Tess’s honor.

“How about we cut the bullshit and let Liz just tell us what’s the what and what she needs” suggested Michael.

“Michael Guerin, the voice of reason… I think hell is freezing over,” quipped Alex.

“Children,” the parents tried to scold, but Valenti held them off, explaining that they needed to do this themselves.

“All right here’s the dealio. My sister Max here and her boy Logan have a problem… it’s a virus specifically altered to attack his DNA. Max if you would be so kind as to heal them I would appreciate it, and I’m sure they would too. And if you can heal his legs completely, that would be a bonus.”

“Sister?” asked Isabel skeptically. “I mean yeah you look alike, but Liz, the Parkers don’t have any other children.”

“Well now that’s easy to explain Princess, it’s cuz I’m not the Parker’s daughter.” Liz sat back and stared down Max, waiting for him to make his decision. “Also for the record, they know about you because me and mine decided a long time ago not to keep any secrets from each other. Our survival depends on it.”

“Survival… you make it sound like you’re in danger,” whispered Maria.

“Not anymore,” joked Alec…”the smack down has been laid out.”

“But Liz was just shot, doesn’t that mean you’re still in danger?” reasoned Alex.

“We are most definitely not getting into this conversation until Max heals my sister and Logan… so what’s it gonna be?” She watched Max hesitantly walk over to Maxie, kneeling down in front of her.

“You’re going to have to connect with me, that’s the only way this works.”

“Kat?” questioned Maxie, turning to her baby sister… she didn’t want this guy to see any of the stuff she kept inside, Kat had warned her of what would happen, the flashes.

“Just block them… allow him access but block that,” she advised, flicking her eyes to see the confused looks on everyone’s faces. She sat back and watched her sister, Logan, and Max sink into a connection. She saw sweat start to bead on Max’s face and neck and the next thing she knew it was over with. “Did it work?”

“Yeah, it worked. He’s completely healed and they can touch now. The virus is gone.” He looked hard at her, his gaze flicking to Alec behind her. “Now you guys have questions to answer, that virus strain wasn’t natural… so what the hell is going on?”

lyrics: "Long Way Down" by Goo Goo Dolls

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 7:23 pm
Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: thanks for all the great feedback guys! I'm glad you're all enjoying this!

Roswell Slayer: I'm glad I amused you there, it cracked me up writing it...

Zans Angel: thanks for your feedback, I'm glad my story is keeping you in suspense.

Thanks to everyone else who has left feedback... and you know more is always welcome!

CH. 7

Liz faced her former friends, staring at each and every one of them, memorizing everything before turning to the parents. When she had left, they hadn’t been in on the loop, but now it looks like the ‘I know an alien club’ had grown exponentially. So she would have to tell them as well, and it may hit them harder as parents. She looked over at Alec and Max and as one the three shut off their emotions. Something that made Logan’s heart break for all of them, but he knew it had to be done. In a mechanical voice Liz began speaking.

I took a walk around the world
To ease my troubled mind
I left my body laying somewhere
In the sands of time
But I watched the world float
To the dark side of the moon

“After Vietnam, a military project called Manticore was started. They were working in genetics and trying to mix a flawless cocktail to create the perfect soldier. Once they had the combination they would place it in a surrogate mother. She would carry the fetus to term and deliver. She was then more than likely killed, put in psychiatric wards or sometimes kept around for another delivery.

The first four batches failed, X1-X4… the fifth batch, the X5’s were perfection. The X was a symbol for transgenic and the number was the designation of which group you were in. They were the ideal humans, only they weren’t completely human, due to the different DNA used they were genetically empowered.

They looked like humans and Manticore was happy, the government was happy. Except some of them were subject to seizures and due to the cat DNA in their cocktails the females go into heat three times a year. They could see farther and better in general plus better at night than a normal person. They had feline agility and could go without sleep, sometimes up to two or three weeks. They could also hold their breath underwater for up to if not more than ten minutes and their speed and strength was off the charts.” She trailed off and looked at the people around her, varying looks of shock and disbelief covered their faces and she could understand that this was a lot to take in, even more so than the fact that humans were not alone in the universe. She slid her glance to Maxie and silently implored her to pick up the story.

Maxie looked around before starting, she cleared her throat to regain everyone’s attention, making sure everyone was focused. “Manticore trained these children to be soldiers; perfection out on the battlefield… one of these children alone could do more than entire squads. Why send in thousands and lose hundreds when you could send in ten, lose none, and get the same if not better results?

Life at Manticore was hell on earth; if they had one toe out of line they were severely punished. X5’s can go up to a week with no food, so those monsters would push that limit. They would be put in isolation or PsyOps,” she stopped when she felt Liz’s frame rack with shivers and placed her hand gently on her sister’s knee, seeing Alec take her hand out of the corner of her eye she smiled softly and continued.

“There was no rest, no play time, no childhood… the transgenics weren’t meant to be individuals, to have thought outside the good of the unit, until in ’89 a unit decided to escape. It was winter when one of the soldiers began having a seizure… instead of letting the guards take her away to be dissected; the Commanding Officer led them out. They didn’t all make it, one was shot and after that, they all scattered. These children have grown up on the outside and now Manticore has been destroyed and the rest of the soldiers inside have been set free.” She stopped and looked to Alec, knowing he had been there the longest and had things to say from after the escape.

I watched the world float
To the dark side of the moon
After all I knew it had to be
Something to do with you
I really don’t mind what happens now and then
As long as you’ll be my friend at the end

Alec looked down, feeling Liz’s hand squeeze his in reassurance before starting. “After the ’89 escape, Manticore cracked down. They were furious that these kids had managed to escape and since that time until now at their destruction, they have tried to recapture them, they succeeded with five, five out of the original twelve. One was reindoctrinated with no catches, the second ended up dying when tests to extract something out of her DNA failed…” he paused and felt Liz squeeze his hand and Maxie look at him with encouraging eyes… it was time to officially face the music. “Two are sitting before you now. Kat was recaptured a year ago and Maxie, three months ago. And the fifth one,” he swallowed thickly, thinking of the twin that he never knew yet had been a part of Liz and Maxie’s unit… one of their brothers.

“The fifth one went insane and began recreating the murders he had been forced to complete inside. Through all of this, Manticore continued to make new cocktails and there are rumors of X series up through nine. The X7’s are exact replicas of the X5’s only they are still in their young years and have hive minds…” He trailed off, not really knowing what else to say. He knew that all three of them didn’t want to reveal anymore than what had been said, the rest was hitting to close to home, nothing they really wanted to rehash in front of everyone. The three X5’s were still carrying the weight and emotional and for Liz physical scars of what Manticore could and did dish out. He cleared his throat once more, “All the transgenics were branded with a barcode, Manticore’s very own property tag,” he finished bitterly.

Silence descended on the room, some sniffles were heard and the women all seemed to be wiping tears away from their eyes. The general mask on each face was that of shock and horror. Liz, Maxie and Alec all looked at each other, faces stoic, never revealing anything to anyone except each other. They took comfort in each other’s presence, Maxie personally wondered how long her sister and Alec were going to dance around each other, or if her sister even realized how Alec felt about her. The silence was broken a few minutes later when Diane timidly raised her hand. Liz smiled faintly and nodded at her.

“So you three are transgenics?” she asked, just to clarify. All three stood and turned around, Maxie and Liz lifted up their hair and Alec flipped down his jacket collar so the three barcodes stood out even against all three’s tanned skin.

“Manticore seal of approval right here,” muttered Liz.

If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman
If I’m alive and well, will you be
There a-holding my hand
I’ll keep you by my side
With my superhuman might

“Liz, I met you at the beginning of 1990, so you must have just escaped, what about you?” asked Maria, pointing hesitantly to Alec. She didn’t know how she felt about her supposed best friend lying to her all these years, or the fact that these other three strangers knew so much about her. Maria realized that she never knew Liz at all… hell Liz wasn’t even her real name. “Then again,” she sneered, “Liz isn’t even your real name.”

“Maria, that’s enough,” scolded Amy, swatting at her daughter and looking apologetically at Liz.

“No, it’s okay Amy, she’s right… Liz isn’t my real name. My designation is X5-254, Zack, my older brother and CO, and Maxie named me Kat. I’m the youngest out of our unit, Maxie’s the oldest girl and Zack’s the oldest guy. The Parker’s found me on their way here and adopted me… they took me in knowing what I was” Liz trailed off, turning gratitude filled eyes on her parents before turning to Maxie and Alec so they could make their official introductions.

“My designation is X5-452. Zack and Kat named me Max or Maxie… I guess that’ll be less confusing around here. Also I was the one having the seizure that led to the escape. Afterwards, I ended up in Seattle” she trailed off, thinking about that night and felt the tears start to gather but she pushed them away.

“Designation X5-494 and my name is Alec. Kat named me, she said it should be Alec because I’m a smart aleck or Dick… as you can see I went with Alec. My twin brother who I never knew was X5-493 also known as Ben, he’s the one who went crazy. I didn’t escape until Kat here rescued me when the building was on fire, my whole life has been Manticore.” He looked to Liz, his face impassive until she cupped his cheek gently and gave him a watery smile.

She looked back over at the people around her. “Maxie and I are Zack’s SIC’s, second in commands for those of you who don’t speak soldier. We will do whatever it takes to protect our own; we’ve had to hide who we are for most of our life, always being hunted. This took a lot of balls to come to you guys, remember that…” She glanced at Michael and saw understanding dawn in his eyes; she knew the two of them would have to talk more later. “If that’s it for tonight, we have had a rough last few days and while we normally wouldn’t need sleep… it’s very much a necessity right now.” She looked at her parents, “Is it alright with you two if we stay here tonight? We can find alternate establishments tomorrow.”

Nancy rushed over to her daughter. “Honey, stay as long as you like. All four of you are always welcome. Remember the discussion we had, everything’s been taken care of,” she hugged Liz tightly and closed her eyes, relishing having her daughter home for at least a little while.

“Thanks… Mom, I appreciate it.” She looked at everyone once more. “If you guys have any questions, think of them now, and we might answer them tomorrow. Some things are a little to rough to talk about, hence the might, for now we’re crashin’.” She grabbed her bag off the floor and pulled Alec up with her, the two of them would share Liz’s room while Maxie and Logan took the spare room. Although she could feel herself and the other three under everyone’s scrutiny she really didn’t care at the moment, all that mattered was she would soon be asleep.

You called me strong, you called me weak,
But still your secrets I will keep
You took for granted all the times
I never let you down
You stumbled in and bumped your head,
If not for me then you'd be dead
I picked you up and put you back
On solid ground


“What the hell was that?” asked Kyle after the four went upstairs. He looked dumbfounded, sure he had always known Liz was different, but he never suspected her to be that different. He didn’t know how to even begin to approach something like this.

Kyle looked around at the other’s faces and could see they were going through some of the similar dilemmas as he was. Like how did she hide something like this from them, especially Max when they got the flashes. He couldn’t understand why he didn’t notice something off about her. The only thing he could come up with was he and the others were too ignorant to be looking for those kinds of clues or she hid extremely well… he figured it was both.

“So, umm…. That was interesting,” commented Jim, he looked around trying to gauge everyone’s reactions to see just who would be causing the most trouble, and sadly it looked like it would be Max. “What do you all think?”

“I got Liz’s back” Kyle said it so simply and quietly that it took a minute for everyone to register what he had said.

“I can’t believe the government would do something like that to children,” gasped Diane. “Why would they do that?”

“I don’t know honey, I don’t know,” said Philip as he pulled his wife into a loose embrace, letting her rest her head against his shoulder. “We can only be there for Liz and her friends now.”

“Her name is Kat, didn’t you hear?” asked Max snidely.

“Maxwell,” barked Michael. “That’s no way to treat your friend… I don’t want to hear you belittle her after everything she’s obviously gone through.”

“Why are you defending her Michael, she betrayed us, lied to us,” raged Maria, her green eyes flashing in anger.

“Because he can relate,” whispered Alex. He looked over at the tall, brooding alien. “Can’t you? You know what it’s like being abused, being a soldier, and being alone. Liz is the closest you’ll ever get to being completely relatable.” He shrugged off the stares he was receiving… “Think about it. I for one am going to back her with whatever she needs… just because I know what she is doesn’t change who she is. She’s still my best friend… just slightly enhanced.” He smiled at Isabel when he felt her grab his hand in support she smiled gently at him before speaking.

“He’s right, no matter what, Liz is still our friend and I’m standing with her. She was there for us even when she didn’t have to be, I’m not turning my back on her.” Everyone’s gaze turned to Tess; she was the only one left who hadn’t spoken up on her position.

If I go crazy then will you still
Call me Superman
If I’m alive and well,
Will you be there a-holding my hand
I’ll keep you by my side
With my superhuman might

“I’m with Liz, no matter what.” She grabbed Kyle’s hand then turned and grabbed Isabel’s. Isabel took Michael’s hand and the five friends stood there, looking at Max and Maria, awaiting their decision.

“I don’t think I can do this,” sighed Max. “She left us-“

“You mean she left you, Max the rest of us are backing her… think about what you’re doing, the friendship you could be giving up because you have a case of the ex” warned Tess. Her statement brought on shouting and arguing from Maria and Max, which brought in all the other teenagers and the parents just stood there in shock.

“Shut up!” shouted Amy Deluca… “All of you! That’s better. Listen, Liz is messed up and needs us. Sure she has her sister and that guy Logan.“

“Don’t forget that blonde dick,” muttered Max darkly, shutting up when he saw all the glares pointed to him.

“The point is, we shouldn’t leave them alone… they could probably use our help whether they think so or not. So, are we going to help them?” A chorus of yeas was heard and finally Maria and Max reluctantly agreed; their glares still mutinous.


“Well that actually went better than I had hoped,” muttered Alec as he climbed into bed next to Liz.

“You were listening in?” she shrieked in outrage.

“Oh don’t pretend you weren’t doing the same thing,” he said pointedly, smirking in satisfaction when her face flushed slightly. “That’s more like it. Now, shall we get in bed and sleep our troubles away… or we could do something a little more constructive and active” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Liz pushed his chest gently and snickered at him as she climbed into bed, pulling back the sheets and patting the spot next to her. “That would be a resounding no… even if we were together, that would not be happening with everyone here.” She gulped silently as she watched him strip down to his boxers, praying to the Blue Lady to give her restraint where she never realized she needed it. What’s wrong with me, it’s Alec. But nevertheless, he was hot.

The muscles in his back shifted and bunched as he settled down next to her, she traced his tattoo with her eyes before he rolled over to face her and that was even worse. His abs and chest stood out starkly with the pale moonlight filtering in and illuminating his features. Along with, his high cheekbones and that cheeky smile, his hair slightly mussed from everything that had happened and his eyes, darkened and mysterious in the shadows. Liz thought she was safe until he grabbed her around the waist and wrapped his strong arms around her tiny body. “What are you doing?” she choked out.

He froze; he hadn’t even thought it through before he grabbed her. He knew her presence would comfort him during the night, she was the only real thing that he had left, but if it made her uncomfortable he would let her go. “I’ll uhh… sleep better, but if you don’t want me to, then-“

“No, no, it’s ok… I know what you mean…” she trailed off, averting her gaze so she wouldn’t get herself into trouble. “Goodnight Alec,” she mumbled sleepily as she rested her head against his chest, letting his steady heartbeat lull her to sleep.

“Goodnight Kat,” he said softly. He sighed sadly as she unconsciously snuggled closer to his body, seeking out warmth. He knew they would never be more than friends, that’s all she saw him as. Although he wished with all his heart that she would one day realize that he could be her happy ending in their twisted world of lies and deception. They danced a strange dance everyday, between friendship and flirtation. He knew how he felt and wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but he knew he would keep quiet. Content to simply be there for her, be her best friend. He looked down and smiled sadly at her beautiful features, etched out by the moonlight. “Goodnight Kat.”


“When do you think Kat’ll realize how Alec feels?” asked Logan as lay in bed, wrapping his arms around Max. He couldn’t believe the feel of having her in his arms again, of simply being able to touch her. Their reunion when she escaped had been short lived when the virus that they had no idea about attacked his body. Now, now he knew that he would never be able to live without this. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead when she rolled over to face him, never releasing his grip on her.

“You’re never going to let me go are you?” she smirked.


“That might make my job kind of hard, not to mention everyday activities,” she smiled as she leaned up and kissed him gently. She moaned as his lips caressed hers softly, their tongues darting out to tangle before they pulled away from each other. Max sighed as she looked towards the door. “I don’t know what it will take for my sister to realize how Alec feels, but I’m actually kind of scared to see what happens before they do. They’re both extremely headstrong people and things could get ugly.”

“Until then, you have me to take your mind off of them,” smirked Logan, practically leering down at her.

“Uh uh, I think I’ll keep you around longer than that.”

“Glad to see I’m not expendable” he chuckled, rolling onto his back and bringing Max with him.

“Not to much anyways.” She yawned and looked down sheepishly. “Guess I’m more tired than I thought… Goodnight Logan,” she reached up and planted a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth before laying her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

“Goodnight Max.”

lyrics: "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: for all of you wondering when Alec and Liz will get together... you will have to wait, I'm sorry. They do get together, but it's a while. If it makes you feel better, I'm already writing the sequel and planning lots of Alec/Liz goodness. There is some in this, but not as much as a lot of you are probably wanting! Just bear with me! Now please enjoy!

CH 8

The next morning, the three transgenics were up before anyone else and they slowly made their way downstairs. The chairs were all stacked and the place was silent, they looked around the empty diner for a moment before looking at each other smirking. “Food!” they all shouted, before snickering and trying to quiet down.

Liz looked over at Alec and motioned for him to pick a song. “Come on Maxie, let’s get some food ready.” The two sisters walked over to the counter and grabbed three plates before Liz walked into the kitchen. “Omelets sound good?”

“And toast,” called Alec. “You can’t forget the toast!”

“And sausage!” came Maxie’s muffled reply as she searched for cups.

“All right, omelets, sausage, and toast it is,” laughed Liz. She began making breakfast, subconsciously moving her head to the beat, laughing at Maxie and Alec’s antics in the front. They were arguing over who got what cup out of the three alien themed glasses before them. Alec was holding the one that both he and Maxie wanted above his head. Maxie finally got so irritated that she jumped and put more power behind it to clear his head, as she was flipping over she snatched the cup out of his hand and landed on the other side of the bar. She turned and stuck her tongue out at him.

“That’s not fair,” he pouted, turning puppy dog eyes on Liz. “She stole it, and used our abilities as an unfair advantage.”

“Darling Alec,” snickered Liz. “You said it yourself… our abilities, besides it’s not like there aren’t more cups.”

“But that’s beside the point, it’s the principle of the thing!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah, you and principle…in the same sentence, that’s funny,” snorted Maxie.

“OH MY GOD, you snorted!” shouted Liz; she started cracking up as she passed the other two their plates. Things calmed down as they ate, but just as soon as they finished shoveling food Logan came down to eat too. “Hey man, there’s food still in there for you.”

“Thanks Kat,” he smiled softly at the three of them happy that they could act normal for once. He sat down at the counter to eat and watched them clear room out on the floor. Every now and then one would come over to say hey as they moved tables to the back to clear the entire room. “What are you three doing?” he finally asked as Liz was moving the last table.

“Making a dance floor,” she shrugged, looking to Alec and Maxie as a new song started. “Hurry up and eat so my dear sister has a dance partner.” She turned away from him and sauntered up to Alec as the three transgenics began singing along.

Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing
And watch the last one die

“How do you know the words?” asked Logan in wonder. As far as he knew, none of them ever really listened to music.

“We’re not devoid of pop culture Logan. We all listen to music and have learned the words to almost every song out there some of them we just repress,” shuddered Alec. He grabbed Liz around the waist and began spinning her around the room laughing as the chorus started.

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

Logan stood and wrapped his arms around Maxie as the two of them started dancing, all four laughing and having a good time. They were acting like normal kids for once. Outside of the issues they dealt with in Seattle, the way they had grown up or not grown up for Liz, Alec and Maxie. They were having fun with the people they loved for once. They never noticed their growing audience.

I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything is alright...

Liz looked at Alec, smirking as they both sang along. They stood in each others arms, subtly moving before he twirled her around as the music picked up again when the chorus started.

I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly

All four of them were red faced from laughing and singing along. Alec wrapped his arms around Liz as they jumped and danced around to the beat of the rock song. Maxie and Logan were currently strutting back and forth and Logan had a wooden spoon in his mouth doubling as a rose. Everyone was cracking up and their audience was near tears at the antics of the four before them. Even with the superior senses the three possessed the others went unnoticed, they were too far gone in the rare moment of pleasure. They felt safe and that was all that mattered. They kept dancing and Maxie and Logan almost lost it when Alec dipped Liz backwards as he crooned out the next part of the song.

Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own
Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone
Try and make this life my own

With the chorus slowly fading off, as the song finished, the four finally stopped for a breather only to look up into the laughing eyes of the Parkers and the other parents as well as the amused eyes of Isabel, Alex, Kyle, Tess, and Michael. However Maria and Max’s eyes were not amused… they were hard and Alec could’ve sworn he saw jealousy flash in Max’s eyes. He wrapped his arm tighter around Liz’s waist and stared coolly at the boy in front of him. “Hey guys,” blushed Liz as she leaned into Alec. She was still laughing slightly and she could feel the laughter rumbling up in his chest as well. “Umm… how long have you been standing there?”

“Since the first chorus,” supplied Jim, smiling at the innocence they still seemed to possess, no matter how much the world had jaded them.

“Oh,” she squeaked, looking to Maxie and Logan who also seemed slightly embarrassed. She schooled her features before looking back at the people before her. “So what’s up?”

“You’re supposed to be answering our questions, not throwing yourself all over your boy toy!” Maria bit out. She wasn’t so much mad that Liz had lied anymore she had come to terms with that and was ready to forgive her. No, what bit at her heart was the sight of Liz having so much fun with people other than the group. It hit home all over again that Liz had a life that excluded her and everyone else. It never even entered her mind of what Liz had gone through to end up with this other life. All that mattered was her jealousy that her best friend was being taken away from her.

“Hey, you have a problem with me take it out on me don’t bring my friends and sister into it,” glared Liz. Anger flared in her eyes, no one in Roswell had ever seen her this mad before, although the transgenics knew it was only the tip of the iceberg. “I don’t know what your problem is, but leave them out of it, Maria.”

“My problem is the fact that I’m losing my best friend,” she screamed, feeling tears come to her eyes but she angrily swiped them away. “I always thought we were tight, but now I found out that not only are you not technically the same species as me, but you have a sister and two new guy best friends that you failed to mention.”

“Hello, government secret, not like I could go blabbing what I am or else I would have been recaptured!” shouted Liz. “I used to think I would trade anything to not be what I am to be able to be normal. But that all changed when I realized that I wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t for the monsters in that place. You wouldn’t have had the chance to have me as a best friend and the three of us wouldn’t be standing here.” She shoved her hair out of her face, subconsciously grabbing Alec’s hand before continuing her rant. “I know who I am now; I’m comfortable in my own skin. I don’t have restraints around my wrists and ankles I don’t have people beating me I have love from my family and if you are jealous of what we went through as children then you’re crazy. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That’s right; I have no idea who you are anymore. Is anything we experienced together true, is it real?”

“Of course it was real just because you know about my past now doesn’t change anything we went through together. Maria, you and Alex are my best friends and that will never change. I’m still the same person I always was; now you just know more about that person.” She looked at Maria as she seemed to think it over. She didn’t want to lose her best friend, but she wasn’t going to change or apologize for who she is or how she handles herself now compared to back then. She would wait and see how Maria would handle this and that could give her an idea of the rest of them. She glanced up when Maria hesitantly stepped forward.

“I don’t want to lose you Liz… Kat,” she amended. “It’s going to be hard getting used to you unrestrained but I’ll do my best. I just want my chica back. You forgive me?”

“I’m yours Maria, you’re my best friend,” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Maria and hugged her, hard. “I’m glad you got me.” She looked up at the others to see how they would handle it. Her parents spoke first.

“We’ve known what you are from the moment we took you in, nothing’s changed sweetheart,” smiled her father.

Kyle looked around at the others and he got reassuring nods from everyone except Max. He frowned briefly but looked back at Liz smiling cheekily. “I speak for all of us when I say we got your back… Kat.”

“Thanks guys,” she felt immense relief flood her system, knowing that her friends were there for her. Now she just hoped they could handle the real her. “I just hope you guys can handle the real me” she smirked.

“Yeah, she’s a hell cat” joked Alec before gasping as the air left his lungs. He opened his eyes to look up at Liz. She had swept his legs out from underneath him and was currently pinning him to the floor. Her dark brown eyes were twinkling in mischief.

“You were saying?” she cocked her head to the side, studying him, trying to see what he would pull.

“Don’t have to say anything. You’re proving my point,” he shrugged as best he could before sliding his leg between hers and flipping them. They lifted off the floor and spun a couple of times from the force used before landing again in a tangle of limbs and Liz let out a startled puff of air as Alec pinned her, using his body weight to comfortably stretch out over her effectively pinning her to the ground. She glared at him and he just smirked. None of them ever noticed Max’s glare as he stalked out of the diner, no one except Liz. Everyone was too busy laughing at Alec and Liz’s antics. She stood and brushed herself off, pulling Alec up in the process, then excused herself as she rushed out to follow him.

“What was that about?” asked Logan, looking at the door as it clanged shut, signaling the departure of two of the Crashdown’s former occupants.

“Here comes World War Three,” muttered Michael, scratching his eyebrow in concern for both his brother and Liz. Everyone looked at each other, all having an idea of what was about to go down between the ex-paramours.


Liz ran down the street, following Max until she reached him and grabbed his collar, dragging him into an alley so they wouldn’t have this confrontation before what could be the whole town. “What the hell is your problem?” she glared at him.

“My problem, Liz? I have so many problems right now and they all seem to be centered around you.” Max took a ragged breath of air before staring hard at the girl before him, the girl he thought he had loved, and believed at one time he truly did. “I saved your life,” he hissed. “I saved your life, bringing you into a secret that Michael, Isabel and I had always sworn to never tell anyone. I trusted you, even after Maria and Alex were let in. I defended you.” He turned away from her, wiping his eyes angrily. “I loved you,” he whispered brokenly.

Liz walked towards him, gently placing her hand on his arm and was unsurprised when he jerked away from her. She shrugged her shoulders helplessly, not knowing what to say to the broken man before her. She could only tell him the truth, tell him what she felt, and she knew that it would break both their hearts. “I would have survived the bullet,” she started quietly, matching him stare for stare when he whirled back around, looking at her in disbelief. “I would have.” she insisted.

“It wasn’t fatal and once I was patched up, like last night, I would have been fine, but I want to thank you for what you did regardless, it took guts.” She sighed, dreading this conversation even though it had now started. “I guess I’m honored by the fact that you cared enough about me enough to risk exposure to save me” she glared at him when he snorted derisively. “I know you feel betrayed but I couldn’t tell you guys the truth, even after how deep the three of us got into your ‘alien abyss’. You had Michael and Isabel to take care of. My unit, my family has eight of us now.”

She schooled her features, trying to avoid the tears at the thought of her fallen siblings. “Eva died the night of the escape. She took a bullet for me, pushing me to safety while she threw her body in front of it. Ben went insane a year ago; he began recreating the horrible things Manticore had us do on innocent people, Maxie had to kill him. He decided he would rather die than go back there. Tinga,” she choked back a sob, waving off Max’s comforting embrace. She could see the tears swimming in his eyes just from hearing this, but he had to understand, no matter how emotionally draining it was.

“Tinga had a normal life once we escaped. She met a guy, fell in love and together they had a son. Those bastards,” she spat out, “kidnapped him and held him ransom for Tinga’s life. She went with them and after they finished experimenting on her, they killed her. And Brin, Brin suffered from the aging disease progeria, the only way to save her life was to send her back to them. They reprogrammed her and we assume she’s dead now. So you see Max, you see what my secret costs myself and the people I love? I wasn’t on some vacation when I left Roswell, I was recaptured. I spent a year back in hell until Maxie got me out.

My secret affects hundreds of people, other transgenics, who would be in danger if word of them ever got out. Some of them don’t even have the luxury of looking like you or I do. They look exactly like what they were created to be. Half man and half animal, one guy Maxie knows, Joshua looks like a dog man, because they put canine in his DNA and he came out that way. If they recapture any of us, it will be a million times worse than what you experienced in the White Room.”

Liz grimaced as his face paled. She hadn’t wanted to remind him of that, but it was necessary, it was integral to him accepting her and her family. “I loved you once Max,” she sighed. “It wasn’t what you wanted and it’s still not, but I did. I want you in my life, as my friend. Can you handle that, can you handle this secret?” She turned away, watching the kids play in the park across the street. She watched as mothers and fathers run around with them and watched the joy flicker across each face, through each eye. She and her siblings had never experienced that. She turned back around when she felt a hesitant touch on her arm.

“I want to be there for you Liz. It will take time, but I won’t abandon you. I understand why you did what you did. It hurts, knowing you won’t ever love me but I understand.” He started to walk away, turning when he heard her call his name. He smiled softly and waved, “I just need time to think. Give me a call later and maybe we can all hang out or something.”

“Or something,” she whispered, turning to go back into the Crashdown.

lyrics: "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters[/i]

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to get this out... my comp. was glitching again and then I had no computer access over the weekend. Oh well, hope you enjoy!

CH. 9

See the devil on the doorstep now (my oh my)
Telling everybody oh just how to live their lives
Sliding down the information highway
Buying in just like a bunch of fools
Time is ticking and we can't go back (my oh my)

“Sir,” exclaimed the officer as he ran into his superior’s tent. “Sir, we recovered missing files on X5-452 and 254 from Renfro’s office.” He handed the man before him a briefcase, stepping back and waiting to be dismissed.

“Good work, now get back to work,” replied the man distractedly. He popped open the case and stared down at the files before him. They held everything, 452 and 254’s medical charts and entire life history. He glanced at the diskettes briefly before turning and walking out of the room. “Sergeant, load up-“

“Sir, what about the search for the other missing transgenics?”

“They’re unimportant at this stage; priority has just been moved to these two right here.” He threw a packet of surveillance photos at the man before him. “We move out in four hours, we have no time to lose.”

“Sir?” asked the sergeant hesitantly.

“They’re the keys,” the man grunted before turning and seeing a shadow dart away from his tent. “Damn it,” he hissed before running back over. “Who was admitted into this camp?” he barked across the comm. channels.

“A man claiming to be Colonel Lydecker,” was the static response. “We tried to detain him, but he evaded us and we couldn’t locate you, sir. He left this for you, sir.”

The man looked down at the scrawled message, White, I will find out what all you’re doing, you won’t win. White ran back into his tent and saw the opened case, everything was gone. “Shit,” he growled as he hurled it out the door, hitting a poor messenger in the process.

“Sir, should we pursue?”

“No, it doesn’t matter anymore… what’s done is done. Let him warn them, even if they do believe him, it’s too late. We know where they are and where they’ll be headed.”

“Sir, yes, sir.” The men saluted before hurrying off to complete the destruction of the camp.

What about the world today
What about the place that we call home
We’ve never been so many
And we've never been so alone


Max walked slowly back home. He understood everything Liz had told him but it still broke his heart knowing that she had never truly loved him and would never love him. He knew he should be the bigger man and let her go, not that he could do much if she didn’t like what he had to say or do. He knew this all but it didn’t stop it from hurting like hell. He looked down at the pavement as he trudged slowly home, memories of the previous year flitted around in his brain and he smiled at some and frowned at others.

He had too many memories of Liz to let her go like this. He would do what he could, be there for her as a friend. That was the only position open to him right now, especially with that Alec guy always around. He knew Liz didn’t see it, the attraction that was simmering just beneath the surface but one day she would and he owed it to her to let her discover what love could really be like.

When he reached his house he walked in, the silence echoing around him. He walked tiredly up to his room and collapsed on his bed, sleep overtaking him immediately. A peace settled on him as he finally realized and came to terms with his place in Liz’s life and in the group.


When Liz had walked back into the diner, she took the back entrance. Everyone had been talking quietly amongst themselves, so she stood quietly in the back, looking out. She allowed herself to take a moment and study the group dynamics, before revealing herself. It was very telling by Michael and Maria’s body language that they had slept together, not to mention the smells of them on each other were stronger than when she had left.

Alex and Isabel seemed to be reaching a closeness they had lacked when she left. In fact the Ice Princess had pushed poor Alex away to protect him and herself from falling too deeply. Looks like Alex had managed to worm his way back into her heart and begin melting her. Even Tess and Kyle seemed closer, Liz was happy for them, they all deserved happiness. The parents were all conversing together, Logan presiding, probably trying to answer their questions as best he could, while Alec and Maxie were attempting to get to know the others, without the air of doom, gloom and betrayal hanging over their heads. She finally stepped out of her little nook and walked back into the room, immediately every eye turned to her.

“You didn’t kill him did you?” asked Maria directly.

“What? No, I didn’t kill him!” exclaimed Liz in shock.

“I was just making sure,” she trailed off.

“Don’t feel bad Liz, I know he probably deserves it,” shrugged Isabel. “He pushes too hard and you’re not a person whose buttons need pushing.”

“Yeah,” snickered Kyle… “Whatever you did to Dumbo, he probably deserved.” Everyone else nodded their agreement except for the parents who looked horrified. Although they knew their children’s secret, they had never actually seen the group dynamic in action.

“Kids, I can’t believe you’d say something like that” exclaimed Sarah Whitman.

”We’re just kidding mom,” pacified Alex. “Only slightly,” he mumbled under his breath, much to the amusement of the others.

“I wish I could just take Tess home, right now…” muttered Kyle softly to himself, unaware that the transgenics could hear him. “Buddha says that it’s good to trim your lamp, and as much as I love Liz, I can learn more about her enhanced abilities later…” he trailed off as he thought over what he had just said before looking up at the three. All had identical looks of disgust mixed with amusement etched across their faces and all three had their eyebrows arched in question. “You heard that didn’t you?” he asked, his face turning bright red.

“Oh yeah,” chuckled Alec, delighting in the boys discomfort.

“That’s gross,” shuddered Maxie.

Liz wasn’t as subtle in her thoughts “Kyle James Valenti! I can’t believe you, that’s just wrong and way more information than I needed. Control yourself, please for the sake of us all!” she screeched.

“Do we want to know?” asked Jim, looking at his son in amusement.

“Not really,” he squeaked.

“All right,” trailed off Jim, shaking his head in amusement.

“Ok, so if tweedle dee and tweedle dum over here are done,” called Maxie, gaining the attention of an arguing Liz and Alec. Over what, who knew, the two both had fiery personalities and were very close so it could have been over anything, from the serious to the completely ridiculous. “Can we do something?” She looked at everyone, waiting for ideas to come popping up.

“You know you love us. Anyways, don’t you think you’re getting a little rusty there big sis? I mean I did pull you down with ease earlier.”

“You would do well to remember that I am only a few years older than you, punk, so I am not rusty and… respect your elders!”

“I follow my elder’s lead, so it’s simply your fault if I don’t do it.” Liz sat back thoroughly satisfied at the look on Maxie’s face. “But speaking of getting rusty,” she switched to soldier mode immediately. The others stood there in shock at the ease she slid into each role. “Is there anyplace we can train… we can’t be caught off guard.”

You keep watching from your picket fence
You keep talking but it makes no sense
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are
You wash your hands and come out clean
Fail to recognise the enemies within
You say we're not responsible
But we are, we are, we are, we are

“I thought you guys were leaving again today?” asked Tess. She didn’t really want them to leave she enjoyed this Liz. Plus she also wanted to make up for last year and all the problems she had caused. It seemed like Liz was over Max, especially if the tall blonde next to her was any indication. She recalled Alec being his name, but Liz didn’t seem overly into him. However, Tess could see it in every action and look passed between them. Maybe she and the other girls could do a little matchmaking…

“I think it’s safe to stay here for a while… there’s no one looking for us right now that can’t wait,” shrugged Liz.

“But weren’t you just shot last night?” asked Alex. His question brought everyone’s attention to that facet of information.

“That’s right, are you ok? Are you sure you should be training?” asked Maria carefully.

“OH I’m fine guys… really I swear.” She lifted up the hem of her shirt and showed everyone the already closing bullet wound. She looked down and didn’t understand the grimaces on their faces. “What? I’ve had worse than this,” she shrugged motioning to the wound. “Besides, I’m fine.”

“Kat, I don’t think they’re used seeing something like that,” muttered Alec. “Well maybe the sheriff…” He trailed off looking at the others queasy faces, lightweights.

Kyle looked around for a moment before a smirk slid over his face. “They named you Kat…” he looked at Liz and her sister, nodding his head when he saw Maxie nod hers. “You do realize the irony in that?” At their quizzical looks he snickered. “You’re name is Kat and you have feline DNA… you are your name.”

“That’s right,” laughed Alec… “plus, the way you act, well your name definitely matches your personality.”

“What does he mean?” asked Tess.

Liz elbowed Alec in the gut before covering his mouth with her hand. “If the girls want to know later, I think I can tell you.” She turned to glare at Alec. “You however will not tell the guys a thing.” She flicked her glare to the other guys when she heard their groans.

”Aww… c’mon Kat, you’re spoiling our fun!” protested Kyle, raising his eyebrows in amusement when Alec began motioning over Maxie and Liz’s heads that he would tell them later.

“If you’re sure then you could train down at the quarry,” suggested Isabel, bringing everyone’s attention back to the subject at hand. “Do you think we could come watch?” she asked hesitantly.

“I don’t see why not,” shrugged Alec having finally moved far enough away from his two female counterparts.

“Yeah, you can come watch us beat Alec’s ass,” snickered Max.

“Hey, considering I have more training than either one of you, I’d like to see you try.”

“I don’t know,” mused Liz sadly. “I might be at the same level as you.” The three grew silent as they were brought back to the reality of the extra time Liz had spent there… and the tests she had been made to endure.

One step forward making two steps back (my oh my)
Riding piggy on the bad boys back for life
Lining up for the grand illusion
No answers for no questions asked
Lining up for the execution
Without knowing why

She pushed away the dark thoughts before turning to their audience. “Let’s go get changed into more appropriate training gear. In fact, why don’t you guys go ahead and go… we’ll meet you.” She turned smiling to the other two. “We have alternate modes of transportation.”

“Oh Lord,” moaned Logan. He looked at the others, “Can I get a ride with you guys… I really don’t want to see this.”

Nancy walked up to Liz and wrapped her arms around her. “Your father and I have to go to a convention. It’s been planned for months and I wish we didn’t have to go but we have lots of reservations for certain events that we can’t pass on. You and your family and friends can stay here as long as you like.” She stepped back and smoothed down her daughters hair, a watery smile crossed her face as she realized just how grown up Liz was. She and Jeff had been blessed to find her eight years ago and she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Thanks mom,” whispered Liz. She cleared her throat before continuing. “If we’re gone when you and dad get home…”

“I know honey, I know.” She turned and walked back upstairs after hugging her once more and saying goodbye to everyone else.

“Kat, you okay?” asked Logan.

“Yeah, five by five.”

“Ok guys, well let’s go,” shrugged Tess, trying to get the others on outside.

It’s all about power then
Take control
Breaking the will
Breaking the soul
They suck us dry till there’s nothing left
My oh my, my oh my

Although the others had no idea what was going on or what was meant by Logan’s previous comment, they agreed to meet the transgenics at the quarry and they all slowly trickled out of the diner after Maxie, Liz and Alec ran upstairs to change. Logan rode with Isabel and Alex. He hit it off well with Alex, the two proceeded to talk non stop about computers, much to Isabel’s chagrin.

lyrics: "We Are" by Ana

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH 10

“What’s taking them so long?” grumbled Maria. She sat on the hood of the Jetta, surrounded by her friends and the Sheriff; they all were dispersed between the Jetta, Kyle’s Bronco, and Alex’s Corolla. They all sat anxiously, some looking to Logan for answers on why the other three were late.

“Hey,” he held up his hands in surrender. “I’m not their keeper, but if they are doing what I think they’re doing… then they’ll be here soon.” Right as he finished talking the faint hum of engines could be heard. The Roswellians craned their necks, turning to see who it could be. No one else that they knew of would be coming out here and why would the other three bring more than one car? Logan simply sat back and smirked, waiting to see the others reactions.

From out of nowhere three blurred bikes came speeding past and the Roswellians mouths dropped open. As all three turned, kicking up dust everywhere, they all heard the engines gun and saw the three figures look at each other before stepping on it again and come rushing towards them. The air was silent save for the three engines, everyone else reduced to muteness as the bikes drew closer and closer all three stopping a hairs breadth from the front bumpers of the gathered cars.

Liz, Alec, and Maxie stopped the engines and dropped the stands before standing, still straddling their bikes and removing their sunglasses. They looked at each other, smirking at the reactions they gathered from the others. “You guys alright?” asked Maxie, looking at each face and wondering if they were really ready to see everything they were capable of.

I've got another confession to make
I'm your fool
Everyone's got their chains to break
Holdin' you

“We’re good” squeaked Alex. He couldn’t believe the precision and control with which they rode. It was amazing, he’d never seen anything like it, and to think his best friend could do it was beyond real. Then again, he mused, she’s probably capable of a lot more so it shouldn’t surprise him.

“Are those?” asked Michael, trailing off in wonder. He glanced up at Liz briefly before walking hesitantly towards the bike. He stopped when she grabbed his arm, looking at her in confusion.

“I know I probably don’t have to tell you of all people this, but don’t put a scratch or even a smudge on that bike.” She looked at him pointedly, arching a brow, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

“Are you crazy, like I would ever do anything to hurt a bike like this…” he turned back to the bike when he got Liz’s nod of approval and walked around the bike, almost to the point of drooling over the beautiful piece of machinery before him. “How did you afford something like this?” he looked back up and the three transgenics looked… guilty?

“Guys, how did you afford this?” asked Tess, picking up on their hesitancy to respond.

“Don’t tell me you guys stole them,” joked Kyle laughing before realizing that the three of them weren’t laughing along. “You’re serious?”

“Things aren’t that easy in Seattle and we do what we have to do,” shrugged Maxie. “Besides, I know Kat; she didn’t keep her hands to herself while she was down here. Stealth is in our nature… what better way to practice than to rob? However just to clarify, these we did not steal they came from the Black Market, well at least mine and Alec’s.” She turned away to start stretching, her muscles moving fluidly under her black tank top and running pants.

“Black Market, theft?” asked Alex weakly. He sagged back against the hood of his car and put his hand against his forehead. “After all this, I definitely need a drink.”

“You’re not?” asked Valenti, trailing off as he looked at Liz questioningly. “You’re not the cat burglar from two years ago?”

Liz sighed, standing from stretching to look at the Sheriff. “Do you want the truth or do you want what will make you feel good?”

“The truth.”

“Aren’t you wondering now, why the break-in’s stopped when I left town last May? As for the bike, I needed a quick way to get home from Manticore.” She left it at that before turning back to her sister and Alec.

Were you born to resist or be abused?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

Liz and Alec, as much as they hated them had decided to go with their fatigues today, at least for the pants. They may have been a reminder for something they hated but they were damn easy to work out in, and they weren’t going to be able to move on if they didn’t even attempt to accept their past. They were both in loose fitting black camo pants and Liz was wearing a black tank top like Maxie’s, one that conformed to her skin and moved with her, while Alec was just in a simple wife-beater.

She looked at her friends. “Don’t freak out when you see us in action. Don’t interfere, if we become too involved we may not hesitate in reaction.” Her warning seemed to wrap around the minds of all present and each wondered if things were really about to become as intense as it seemed. They all watched in awe as the three began fluidly moving around the desert floor.

Liz stood in the middle of the other two as they both dropped to fighting stances. She simply stood and waited, closing her eyes and clearing her mind. She heard the faint rustle of clothing as they moved and her eyes snapped open, moving she blocked Alec’s punch and brought her leg up in the opposite direction, effectively pushing Maxie back as she charged. She spun around, dropping to the ground and flicked her eyes back and forth. The two charged again, this time they left no room for hesitation as they came together.

Are you gone and onto someone new?
I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose
You gave me something that I didn't have
But had no use

Blows rained down on either side of Liz as she held her ground, moving swiftly to counterattack and keep on the defensive, as the fight continued, they picked up speed, moving faster and faster until they were simply a blur to the others eyes. She punched Alec, sending him to the ground, winded, so she turned her attention to Maxie.

Liz could see the sweat pouring off of her sister and the winded look she wore and marveled at the fact that she didn’t feel drained at all, especially considering her current physical condition. Liz moved to the offensive and ran straight at her, moving her upper body to appear as if she were going to come down on her, she swiftly changed directions and swept her legs out from under her. Maxie went crashing to the ground and Liz quickly put her foot over her sister’s windpipe, staring down at her. Maxie nodded and Liz removed her foot, turning back to Alec as Maxie stood and walked over to the cars. She took the offered bottle of water gratefully as she watched her sister begin to beat the shit out of Alec. It amazed her that so much time had passed, yet it felt like mere minutes.

“She moves so gracefully considering,” marveled Tess.

“How can you three voluntarily do this?” asked Maria in slight horrified fascination. “You’re not in that prison anymore, so why continue?”

“It’s what we were made to do,” answered Maxie simply. She herself was in awe of Liz. She had never seen any of the X series move as fast as her sister was doing now.

The fight kept going, neither transgenic giving up any ground. Punches were thrown and blocked and both had enough cuts and bruises marring their bodies now to have put a normal person in the hospital for months. Yet, they kept going, the hardened look in their eyes the only indication that they could still hear or react to anything. They were completely immersed in soldier mode. Liz suddenly dropped her stance as memories and flashes came over her.

I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I break loose
My head is giving me life or death
But I can't choose
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse

Her being beaten mercilessly by the soldiers back in Manticore.


Being put into PsyOps and then hearing Renfro tell the guards not to let her out for another week.


Being strapped down on that cold metal table and having tests run.


Her being shown pictures of Ben, Tinga, and Eva’s dead bodies and being given to Brin for ‘re-indoctrination’.


Meeting Alec the first time, and having him barge in on her while she was in the shower.

The memories suddenly changed to events she had never seen before.

A coffin, tears, pain

A body, her body covered in strange symbols and warm hands caressing her

Passion, heat swelling up inside, but she couldn’t see a face

Her, Maxie, and Alec standing a top a building while a flag was being raised, cops surrounded them

She zoned back in, feeling her body fill with new strength even after the beating she had been given in her shutdown. She pulled back, letting out a growl and flew at Alec, she sent him flying with one well placed sidekick. She came out of her trance in horror as she watched him land in a heap about a hundred yards away. She blurred over to him and placed his head in her lap. “Alec, Alec, come on, are you ok? Can you hear me?”

Alec groggily opened his eyes, shielding them against the bright desert sun that beat down on him. “Damn, I haven’t felt like that… ever. Did you eat your Wheaties today?” He squinted up at her, giving her his patented lop sided smirk. “I’m okay,” he whispered as their friends began to come running up.

“Jesus, what the hell was that?” asked Maxie, concerned. She had never seen anything like that. Something weird was going on.

Liz shrugged, looking thoroughly confused and just a little frightened. “I don’t know, I kind of zoned out in the middle of the fight. I saw flashes, memories echoed in my mind along with Honor, Mission, Duty…” she trailed off and the other two looked at her in understanding. “But then, everything changed. I think I saw the future, or at least flashes of it.” She shuddered as she remembered some of the flashes and the feelings that came with them. She looked back up at her friends and smiled weakly. “I think that’s enough training for now. How about you guys let the three of us go home and shower. Then later you can come over and we can order pizza and watch a movie?”

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
You trust, you must
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

“Sounds good,” replied Michael. He began walking back to the cars, quietly herding the others with him, giving Liz, Alec, and Maxie their space.

“Hey Isabel,” called Liz. “Make sure Max comes.” She rolled her eyes at the disbelieving looks she received. “How are we ever going to become comfortable as friends if we’re never around each other?”

“Ok Liz,” stuttered Isabel. “If you’re sure.”

“I am.” Liz turned to the others as her friends began driving away. “So Logan, you riding back with Maxie?”

“Yeah, if she’s not going to do death defying stunts again with you two.” He turned away as his phone rang; flipping it open he put it to his ear as he squinted out at the desert sun. “Hello? How did you get this number?” his tone tightened and the three looked at him quizzically. He waved them off and listened to the voice on the other end. “How can we trust you? Fine, I’ll be in touch.” Logan looked at Maxie and the others, sadness sweeping over him at having to tell them this. Clearing his throat he studied them for a minute before speaking. “That was Lydecker,” he paused, allowing it to sink in. Their anger ridden faces disturbed him but he continued. “He says a man named Ames White is searching for you two,” he pointed to Liz and Maxie. “He stole the files on you two back from White and is currently in hiding. He wants to meet with you three, help you… at least that’s what he said.”

“When’s he going to be here?” asked Liz tightly.


“Call him back later and tell him to meet us down here in the desert alone, we won’t hesitate to take him out if he’s not alone and if he doesn’t help us then we’ll still take him out” she replied.

“Why later?” asked Maxie. “If we’re going to do this, shouldn’t we do it now?”

“I’ve spent too long wanting to be in the open, I’m taking time with my family and friends tonight, everyone else can shove it.” She looked at Alec and he simply nodded his head, and continued rubbing her back soothingly.

Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
The life, the love
You die to heal
The hope that starts
The broken hearts
You trust, you must

“So, back to my original question,” chuckled Logan, trying to lighten the mood. “No death defying stunts?”

“I don’t think after that little show, any of us will be doing that stuff soon.” She was cut off by Alec and Kat’s suddenly laughing forms running back to their bikes and taking off racing into the sun back to town. “Or, I could be wrong,” she shrugged, leaning into Logan’s loose embrace.

“Well, c’mon lover, let’s get you back so you can get cleaned up.”

“Only if you join me,” winked Maxie as she straddled her bike, smiling as she felt Logan wrap his arms tightly around her waist.


Later that night, the gang all showed up at Liz’s, Max hesitantly followed the others into the apartment, a little unsure of his place here tonight. They followed the sounds of laughter coming from the living room and were surprised to see the four playing Twister. Alec was shirtless with a pair of baggy jeans hanging loose around his trim hips and Logan was wearing black cargos and a black wife beater, his glasses at the moment were precariously perched on his nose as they all tried to shift their right feet to yellow.

Liz and Maxie were dressed alike in black linen pants and black wife beaters, their hair up in ponytails. Their hair being up may not have seemed like much but it was, due to the fact that their barcodes were glaringly obvious. It showed their comfort with these people. As Liz shifted her body she found herself almost laying across Alec and an idea suddenly popped into her mind.

Grinning devilishly she glanced over at Maxie, signaling with her eyes what she was about to do. She looked up and said hi to the gang as they watched on in amusement. When the next turn came, they all had to move their left hand to red, when Liz brought her hand up to shift it, she came into contact with Alec’s exposed side, and she knew how ticklish he was there. Deftly she brought her fingers up and attacked mercilessly, when Alec began bucking and laughing so hard, his leg kicked out from under him, bringing both him and Logan down hard on the floor. Maxie and Liz both leapt away from the fray before they could be pulled in. Laughing, Liz stepped away from the two men on the floor and greeted her friends. “Hey guys,” she smirked, chuckling to herself at their faces.

I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new

“Didn’t at least two of you beat the crap out of each other today?” asked Tess, ignoring Max’s choking cough of astonishment.

“We were just working out the kinks,” shrugged Maxie. “Nice hot showers and stretching takes all the pain away. So,” she squatted down and began to pick up the game mat, “you guys ready to watch a movie?”

“Yeah, Michael grabbed the pizza,” announced Maria.

“The drinks are in the fridge, and please if there are any alcohol problems, don’t drink it!” exclaimed Liz. “The last thing I need is any of you getting drunk and puking all over the apartment.” She looked at Alec and he nodded, walking into the kitchen to grab at least four beers. Michael spread out the pizza boxes and the gang began to dig in while Kyle grabbed himself a beer and the others opted for cherry coke and mountain dew. Alec tossed Liz her beer and plopped himself down in the armchair, Liz took up residence next to him, the two squished together. She nodded to Logan as the others got comfortable around the room and sat back as Logan put the DVD in.

“Umm… Liz, since when do you drink?” asked Alex, at the others looks; he obviously spoke for all of them.

“I spent the summer with Zack last year, before everything got crazy… and in post Pulse America, bars apparently don’t check ID. So we went out and Zack introduced me to the wonderful world of liquor. I got pretty hammered that night, haven’t really had the right kind of company to do it since.”

Kyle waved his hand in the air, “Hey, I would’ve been more than happy to be that company!”

“Yeah, but what would you have said if little Lizzie Parker drank you under the table one night?” She arched a brow as he seemed to mull it over. “Exactly.”

“Wait a second,” exclaimed Maxie. “Zack never told me about this” she pouted for a second, “anyways what happened to our advanced metabolism, you shouldn’t have been able to get drunk.” She looked accusingly at her little sister.

“Yeah, it was a lot of alcohol, what can I say?”

“So what are we watching?” asked Max, trying not to let his slight unease show over everyone seeming to be paired off except him, especially Liz and Alec.

Were you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse

“Fight Club,” grinned Liz, looking over at Maxie with barely suppressed glee. She glared at the other girls when they all groaned but smiled when Michael, Kyle and Alex let out a whoop of excitement.

“The first rule of Fight Club is?” asked Michael looking sternly at Kyle

“You do not talk about Fight Club!”

“The second rule of Fight Club is?” he turned to Alex.

“You DO NOT talk about Fight Club!”

“I am Jack’s utter lack of surprise,” sighed Tess melodramatically. “What?” she asked when all the guys and Liz and Maxie’s mouths dropped open. “I live with Kyle for God’s sake.”

“Tess,” said Liz in awe. “I’m so proud,” she wiped away a fake tear and started cracking up. “So we ready?” At the both enthusiastic and slightly depressed nods, she pressed play and they all settled in. Two and a half hours later Liz pressed stop and Isabel waved her hand, making the lights come back on. Everyone stood and stretched, yawning and gathering their stuff. “You guys can stay here if you want, you know that right?” she asked, slightly amused as they all turned owlish expressions on her.

“My room and the guest room are obviously taken, but anywhere else, you guys can crash.” She stood, pulling Alec up with her, she turned to walk into her room, gathering their trash and depositing it in the kitchen on her way. “Alex and Maria know where everything is, so whoever wants to stay, just have at it. We’ll,” she looked at her sister, Alec, and Logan, “see you guys in the morning.” As everyone settled down for the night, Liz and Alec walked out onto the balcony. Liz turned on the Christmas lights before settling down to wait on Maxie.

“Logan,” whispered Maxie. “I’ll come to bed soon, for now… I think we’re just going to talk.” She looked up at him, smiling as he lightly kissed her forehead. She was so grateful to Max for giving them this gift. She was grateful her sister was back in her life and she knew they had had their issues and would probably still have future problems to deal with, but for now she knew peace for the first time in a lifetime of war.

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
You trust, you must
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

“Go be with your family,” smiled Logan. “I’m going to bed; we ordinaries tend to need sleep.”

“Logan,” she smiled, caressing his face gently, feeling the prickle of the stubble on his face. “You’re part of my family too.” She turned, letting go of his hand at the last minute before sliding through the open window and breathing in the hot desert night air, so unlike the dreary, disgusting Seattle air. She smiled at Liz and Alec before making herself comfortable on the ledge.

lyrics: "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters
quotes: "Fight Club"

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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