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Post by magikhands »

ooc: ok, changed the ending to my Xander post. Isabel, let me know if that is alright. Oh, and Xander's never seen Angel's hotel so it's all new to him.
Now, to go and catch up to all the rest and Angel's new post...hope I haven't messed that one up Chris :?
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Chris! why didnt you just at them on to where you left off or notice them in your next post? That messes my angel post up bad.... Its 7 oclock now, Ill be back at 8 est. talk to me then and we'll straighten this out....
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Post by StormWolfstone »

A lot of us have pet peeves about when a post is ignored or passed over. Minor things like missing like what a character is drinking, and such. But when several posts that state within where their characters are located and it's looked over repeatedly, bothers me as well as others.

I do not fault anyone for this situation. And I see absolutely nothing wrong with the alteration that magichands made in order to accommodate the situation. In games and joint posts the willingness to change things to work with other's posts is integral, to make it enjoyable for everyone. I cannot let her excellent show of adapt to be frowned upon by others.

Chris - (Antarprince) I love the way you write, your whit and chatting with you about QAF... you have wonderful ideas and thoughts on things. However, this is one thing I have to say... if what you wrote in your latest OOC was to be taken seriously.... then you need to learn take a more professional approach and be more willing to adapt with other people's writing.

All players learn to work with each other because this is a joint writing project. With many plots going on at once, the plot cannot be focused entirely around one or a few characters. This is also coming from the perspective of someone that is aspiring to being a published author and has co-authored a completed novel... when writing with others, it isn't about one becoming important but everyone is important as a whole.

Please be a willing to be helpful by editing your post slightly to work with everyone else's at a time when such a thing is pointed out. That way the fun can continue to ensue.

Now, though Isabelle may have been the one to point out the situation, I had better not hear of any fall back on her for this. She is a very dear friend and I have asked her and Kat to be my eyes many times because when I mentioned what there was and wasn't in this place it was done for a purpose.

From the very first Medina Post
With a wave of my hand I sent Zeus away from me, making certain he would land in what I'm certain would seem a strange city since it only had a mall, hotel, resteraunt, and UFO center and a little magic shop. With a thought, I created a few more buildings while I held out a hand to Quixote.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Ok first of all Chris darling Im sorry if I managed to offend you, but can you say Shitty day? Think PMS for males :lol:

As to my Angel post I have fixed it yet again. I hope this one works cuz if not Im leaving it to you three to fix.

And in light of my change I have a new note:

Reguarding Angels concern for Zeus and Moon. Although they are alright in angels experiance not only at large, but with A.I. its never pleasant to get a case.

Finally in answer to angels seemingly cluelessness that something is up... He's had now inclination that something is up and he can still Faintly feel the Sire/childe bond so... Im sure if he REALLY looked he could tell but again...

Oh and Happy anniversary Magik
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Post by isabelle »

ooc -- First off, I wanna say that while I have been annoyed on occassion for people ignoring parts of my posts, that isn't what happened here. I was only trying to keep track of where things were happening so I'd know what my characters should be seeing. There are many things happening in many places, still merging towards a single story and I was trying to keep track. I was ABSOLUTELY not upset, merely puzzled and I simply changed my post when I realized they were all in the same place.

From the tone of Storm's post, it appears that Chris and Chris were upset. I'm very sorry to hear that. Please believe that I had not intended any such thing. I hope there are no hard feelings.
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Post by isabelle »


As I try to decide if we should approach this stranger, he rises and goes to a old cabinet filled with antique weapons. Seemingly without a thought, he removes a sword and swings it around a bit. Then, he seems to notice us, turning around to give an awkward 'Hello.'

"Hey," I say.

Behind me, someone comes down the stair. "Can I help you guys" he says.

"Sure," I say. I can't help but notice that he seems older. He seems like a guy who knows what's going on. "My name is Zeus and this is Moon. We're -- I guess you can say we're lost. Could you tell us a little more about where we are?" I gesture at the pamphlets at the front desk. "What sector is Roswell NM?"

Last edited by isabelle on Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


How could he have done such a thing? Had his words of love been a lie the entire time we'd been married? Did he have such little faith after everything we'd dealt with during the Chosen occupation? This.. this is the reason that I hadn't ever wanted to get married, ever wanted to put myself out there. I loved him. As much as I hated to think it, I love him still. Even after days of traveling toward the Eco camp, his face appears in my sleep and in my waking moments. I can't believe that I was only missing for such a short time and he decided to sleep with another woman.

I wish I knew who the girl was that had saved me. She'd come out of nowhere like an avenging angel of sorts, flaming red hair flying with a fiery halo. However, there is a part of me that wishes she hadn't rescued me at all. I could have made it through anything as long as I'd had faith that Lex loved me. Now, though my legs carry me to the Eco's, I have no idea what to do. Me, the always calm, serene and centered girl, had no plan or thoughts on a future. That's such a laugh.

"Oh dear girl," I suddenly hear from behind me and turn to stare straight into the face of a very enigmatic adult woman. Her hand reaches out and touches my shoulder and before I can respond or even think I feel myself pitching forward as darkness envelops me.


I have no clue how long I laid on the ground, but I noticed after several moments that the ground was hard, not the softness of the plains which I'd been walking upon. It took several tries before I was able to open my eyes, feeling exhausted despite not knowing why. Looking around, I noticed that the land had changed. I was in a city, an odd city it seemed as I noticed a sign for a UFO Center glaring almost above my head. Sitting up quickly, I glanced around. My pack lay next to me and I reached for it, going through only to find that nothing was missing.

That concern laid to rest, I take the chance to better observe my surroundings. Behind me, was the strange UFO Center and I noticed that there was power on inside, it seemed strange to see such a thing to me because I'd been used to electric being shut off after the virus took all the adults. Slowly, I work my way into a standing position, slinging my pack over my shoulders. Looking in the glass window I can't help but feel shocked. My clothing seems to have shrunk slightly, well around the chest anyway. I look a bit taller, my hair has grown so it almost reaches my backside.

This isn't possible, and yet something tells me that I'm not where I should be. There was a feeling of misplacement running through me and I couldn't understand why. Turning away from the window, I continued my perusal of the area and saw that across the street it looked like there was a resteraunt, again it seemed to have an alien theme. This was most unusual that I would see such a thing. I shook my head and decided not to try and figure things out on my own. Maybe there would be others here.

Stepping away from the building, I look up and down the street before finally choosing to start moving left. Other buildings that were completely unfamiliar were lining the streets but suddenly I saw someone that looked very familiar and stopped dead in my tracks. From this distance, I knew that I could simply turn the other way and not face him, but his stumbling about told me he was drinking. I knew him well enough to know that he only got to drinking when he was upset about something and not wanting to think about it.

Still, he had slept around on me... I shake my head, "You're going to regret this," I muttered to myself as I began walking toward him. Lex.. my husband.. or ex-husband now that I'd caught him cheating. As I grew nearer, I noticed that the building he was in front of was the mall. With a light sigh of relief, I wonder if the others could be in there. Alice, Salene, Bray, Amber... Then I remember, Bray had gone missing when Amber was in the midst of giving birth to their daughter. (different reality lol)

Maybe Amber's there though. I wouldn't mind having her around with her calm attitude and her wise and noble heart, though sometimes I'd thought she was too weak. "Lex." I call out simply and before I'd finished saying his name, I noticed something else. His hair was different. The feather's he always wore were lower then usual which made me realize that his hair had grown longer as well. What was going on here?
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Lex - Willing and Ready?

Post by AerdrieMoonwind »

Willing and Ready?

Location: Outside the Mall’s Entrance

Rubbing at my eyes with the sides of my fists, which seems to be kinda difficult holding a bottle, hoping I could rub out whatever was making them go all blurry and clouding them up. I then hear someone call my name, “Lex.” I swing my head in the direction it came from, my head lazily turns as if my neck has no muscles at all.

Looking over my shoulder a bit, I see a woman, with healthy glowing skin tone and long black hair, and the outfit on her she seemed to be a little too big for, especially in the front, which I couldn’t keep from seeing. “Heh,” I snicker aloud, smiling, my mind already wandering into the gutter behind me.

I turn toward her, I know my name travels fast but, I’ve never seen anyone like her, and she's an adult. I would definitely remember that. Did she know me? Maybe she’s yet another girl that’s got some crush on me?

Nah, something’s a little weird, I do a slow double take, trying not to trip over my own boots. She looks kinda like someone I know, but… she’s defintely an adult. But there’s something about her that… maybe it’s my eyes playing tricks on me, because she looks a lot like Tai-San. It’s just too hard to think straight about anything. Let’s just turn the switch on and turn it up a bit.

Crooking a brow, "Hey there, Babe! I got meself an unopened bottle here of some pretty sweet stuff, wanna party with me?” I ask, and wave the bottle teasingly at her, which probably looks like I’m waving some limp rag around. I really hate being alone anyway. It’s always good to have some company, especially if she’s willing.

OOC: I’m going to start putting location at the top of my posts, thinking that maybe if we all did, it’d help everyone.

Lex hasn’t noticed the other buildings yet, he’s a little too drunk to take notice of anything at this point. And even if he did, he’d probably refuse to believe what his eyes and mind are telling him.
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Post by magikhands »


"Can I help you guys" A voice asks from the stairs. I turn and am completely shocked to see Angel coming down the stairs. I take a step back but keep a tight grip on the sword. I've never liked Angel. He barged into Buffy's life, took her heart, tried to kill her, then left, breaking her heart. Luckily I was there for her during those times.

"Sure," The strange man said gaining my attention. "My name is Zeus and this is Moon. We're -- I guess you can say we're lost. Could you tell us a little more about where we are?" He gestures to the pamphlets at the front desk. "What sector is Roswell NM?"

"Roswell, New Mexico?" I ask moving to the pamphlets he motioned to. I pick one up and look at the advertisement for the Alien Capitol of the world. I shake my head. "I don't think I can help much. I've never been here in this place and the last I remembered I was in Sunnydale, California."

I turn to Angel who had descended the stairs and looking as bewildered as me.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

As usual Magik Darling you give me the perfect angle. Sadly I fear angel may look like a loony after this hehe


"Sure," the kid says casually looking back down at the pamplet in his hand before looking back at me and introducing himself. "My name is Zeus and this is Moon. We're -- I guess you can say we're lost. Could you tell us a little more about where we are? What sector is Roswell NM?"

I smile slightly, relieved that it's not serious. It's just a couple of lost tourists. Xander beats me to the punch and goes to pick up a pamplet of the counter. "Roswell, New Mexico? I don't think I can help much. I've never been here in this place and the last I remembered I was in Sunnydale, California."

Xanders words surprise me and I'm alittle confused as he looks to me, but then I chuckle. He's pulling their chains. "Xan don't confuse the tourists. Besides, we both know you havent been to sunnydale in a few years."

OOC: Ok Notes: Angel obviously thinks they are tourists who just got lost. This is were it should start clicking for him that somethings up. And If I made a mistake that cant be worked Around tell me and I'll try and fix it
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