Remember me (CC, AU, Mature) Thread #1

Like to Roswell Role Play? Like to roleplay for other shows too? Like writing fic, but want to write with others and play off their writing? Then you'll like this place

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Earth Angel
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Location: I'm right where you left me...silly

Post by Earth Angel »

.:* Isabel *:.

"What's Wrong"..I call after Max. I see Isabel walking towards me... "Iz..your brother has serious problems."

I turn to look at my brother as he heads to his room and slams the door. I look back at Alex.

"I think I may know alittle about why he's like that." I say as I walk into the kitchen. Alex follow's me into the kitchen. "I know that Max and Liz have been getting hot and heavy in the eraser room, but rumor is she's leaving this summer." I say as grab an apple.

"Image what everyone would of thought of Liz parker book worm and Max Evans the jock dating... remember how every acted when they found out we were dating." I say with a little laugh.

I got many different names but 2u it's all the same I be the crawlin' in your skin I be the reason 4 your sin
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Post by madroswellfan »

Walking up to school, Maria suddenly stops and points randomly at some girl and says
“Can you believe that?”
Can I believe what? I look at where shes pointibg and there is obviousely a new transfer student. I've never seen her before, but I have to say she looks hot. I bet Max will have dated and chucked her within a month.
I look back at Maria.
"It's a new student, she must ahve transfured....and?"

Post by POM »


"Yeah..I know huh...but it's not like we didnt have any doubts.." I told her as we kissed. Throughout the entire summer...thats all we did...Isabel and I--we hanged out the entire summer. Max kept to his sports, but it always seemed like something was bothering him. I never confronted him though. the summer passed quickly. and before I knew it I was getting up early...and picked Iz up to go to school..walking on to school grounds we see Michael and Maria..."Hey wuz fellow Seniors..." I yelled out.
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Post by madroswellfan »

Another year, another season, another set of girls screaming, another class......another opportunity to see Liz.

I had spent my summer, well if you can call it that, on the Liz detox diet. I spent three weeks moping in my room. And then Maria and Michael took charge and insisted I did things with them. I didn't really want to, but they were right because I did some sport practice with Michael and went to some parties with Maria. I even went on a date with a girl. But it didn't mean I had forgotten Liz. Infact I remember my date looking annoyed at the fact that I kept saying "Liz once" or "Liz did" or "Liz said". I really didn't want to see Liz, because I was making excellent progress and I didn't want to ruin that.

And now I was back. The new kids ran screaming when they saw me demanding autographs. And then the older blonds came and pushed them out of the way, wanting a kiss or a hug. I lamely waved at them and pushed on past. I headed to my first class. Science, with Mrs Labson.

So I get there fairly late thanks to the girls but as with all teachers, they seem to think the time I arrive is acceptable, but after that it isn't. I see a few people come in after me and Mrs Lawson decides not to say anything because it's the first day back. She's pretty cool like that.

So anyways, within minutes I realised my fear. Mrs Lawson said "Evans with Parker" and my mind just kept echoing "oh no" round and round my head. So I walk over to the lab station to see a girl sitting there. So I put in a smile and tell her that she was in the wrong seat when she speaks to me.

"Hey how've you been?"

It was her.

The realisation of this hit me like a ton of bricks. It was Liz! Liz Parker! her hair! Her...well not to be cruel, she looked healthier lets say. She looked incredible.

And then I realised I had been standing here with my mouth open looking at her. I tried to form words but it didn't go well.

"H-h-hi Lll-Liz. Im go-g-go-good. How ar-ar-r-e you?"

"What a muppet" I thought to myself. Well done Max within two minutes you've blown it.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Hey Is! Hey Alex! Im good, but Maria here is pointing randomly at some new transfur student and looking amazed. Im starting to wonder what she's on" I said. Maria gave me a quick look. "I was joking! You know I love you really hon."

Post by POM »

I smiled at him, and at his reply. "I'm good! Actually I'm happy..." I told him with a huge smile on my face. While the teacher was still assigning seats, I felt it was still okay to talk. "What classes did you get this year? Other than P.E." I pointed out because that one was a given. I could see that he had his schedule in this hand, I leaned next to him kind of close and read it. I read it aloud.. "Science, History, Math, Geography, English, and P.E. have Four classes together. Except I don't have art--or P.E. I'm taking a dance class instead. That's's looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of eachother." I winked at him..then after that Mrs. Labson started the class.
Last edited by POM on Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madroswellfan »

Oh my God. Four classes together. My mind was a mess of thoughts and I couldn't concentrate I was going to risk making words again when Mrs Lawson started class. But I didn't hear a word of it. I was to busy processing the thoughts in my mind and taking in the amazing and new Liz Parker sitting next to me.
God she looked like an angel
"Mr Evans?"
I looked up.
"The answer?"
I was like a deer in headlights. I had no idea. No idea at all. I don't even know what topic we're looking at....yet my textbook appeared to be on the right page.....thank god for because she's teh one that made me think like this and...."
"Mr Evans would you please answer the question!"
"Carbon dioxide?"
The class started laughing. Oh my god.
"The answer Mr Evans is leaves. Carbon dioxide is not the place where photosynthesis takes place."
I was in for it now. You watch how I get detention and miss the first football practice.
"As you have practice after school I will let you off detention but I expect better of you Mr Evans."
I nodded at her.
Damn it
Stupid Liz making me think about her.
I slipped back into dream world.

Post by POM »


Mrs. Labson was done with her lecture, and everyone when to talking..and laughing the usual free time. I took out a magazine and started to read...but I felt his eyes on me. I looked at the corner of my eye and he was, I put down the Magazine. and turned to him, "so hows the sports--the going pro thing happening?" I asked him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

The free time. Oh dear God.
She starts to read a magazine. Liz? Reading a magazine? And not studying. God I think Im going insane. This can't be Liz can it?
The way her hair moves when she turns her head, the way her hair is behind her ears, the way she turns pages...the way she puts down her magazine and looks at me.
Oh god her eyes. They sparkle like she has diamonds put in.
"so hows the sports--the going pro thing happening?"
Rite Evans. You are not gonna mess this up. Be a man and talk normally.
"Sports? Yeah Im doing ok. A guys going to come and watch me play at our first match of the season in two weeks. Pretty nervous about it. How was Florida? By the way I have to say you look great....better than great."
Evans shut up now before you say something stupid infront of everyone. She's going to be in the popular crowd soon enough....and then some other jerk will get her....No way. I doubt Liz and I can ever be after last year....but I will not let her get hurt by a jerk.

Post by POM »


"Wow Max..that wonderful, I'm happy that you are actually going after this..I'm proud of you." I smiled at him. He then commented about my new style, I smiled and replied, "Thank look great too." I told him. "Flordia was something I never new possible--I gave me an outlook on my life I never new existed...I relaized not to take everything so seriously. I should really enjoy my life." I told him. "Did you do anything interesting over your summer break?" I asked him.