Revising Destiny (CC,M/L,ADULT) Updated 7/16/06[WIP]

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Devil Kitty
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Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Thanks guys so much for your feedback and for your patience. Sorry I was so slow with this update. ;)

Chapter 11

Alex sat at his computer the following morning and was typing away on the keyboard when there was a knock on his bedroom door. Assuming it was his mom, he called out, "Come in."

"Good Morning." Came a sultry voice, and Alex froze. That was not his mom's voice. He slowly turned and there in the doorway stood Isabel Evans. "May I come in?"

He jumped to his feet, and was immediately aware that they were bare and he was clothed in the rumpled pajama bottoms and tee shirt that he'd slept in. He hadn't even combed his hair yet. "Um, Isabel," he stammered, "wow, um, you're certainly out and about early." He bumped against a stack of diskettes on his desk and they scattered, ‘Oh, sorry." As he bent to retrieve them, Isabel hid a smile. "You're mom let me in. She asked me to stay for breakfast, is that alright with you?"

Isabel Evans in his house, his room, staying for breakfast... He blinked. "Um, sure, I was just about to clean up, um, for breakfast."

She smiled, "Then I'll see you in the kitchen." As she turned to leave she looked back, "Oh, Alex? Does this remind you of something?"

Confused he asked, "Huh?"

"That time when Max and Liz went missing, and I stopped by to ‘look for clues'. Remember?" When he nodded, she smiled, "Maybe this morning will end the same way." She closed the door behind her and as he remembered how that other morning ended with a kiss, he sank to the bed as his knees gave way.


Kyle walked into his room to find Tess there, making herself at home using her powers to test colors on the wall. "Hey, this is still my room, so don't be doing that bewitched crap in here. And is that my jersey?"

Glancing down at the jersey, she shrugged. Looking over her shoulder at Kyle, she said, "Fine, take it back." She started to lift it up, revealing her bare backside to him. "Woah!" Kyle cried out. "You just keep it."

Tess turned and smirked, "Kinda uptight about nudity for a guy who reads ‘Jugs', aren't ya?."

Kyle's eyes widened as he saw his nudie mags were now lying on his bed, instead of under the mattress. "You looked through my stuff?"

She laughed, "I found the post-it notes a nice touch. You also had your Buddhism guide under there. How do you think the Buddha would feel about you sticking him between Hustler and Busty Biker Babes?"

And indignant Kyle grabbed up the magazines and stuffed them back under the mattress, "You know, we have a concept here on Earth called ‘privacy'. Just because you're staying here for a while, it doesn't give you run of the house."

"Fine, I'll just leave. There's nothing keeping me here anyway."

Kyle ran a hand through his hair, "Look, Tess... I didn't mean..."

"No, you're right, I don't belong here. I'm a girl from another planet and the only three people like me in this world either hate me or just aren't interested enough to do so. The man who raised me was just murdered, so now I have no family and no friends." With tears in her eyes, "I don't belong anywhere," she brushed passed him, but he caught up with her in the hallway and grabbed her arm. "Tess, stop. You can belong here, but you have to adjust. You have to accept that Nasedo is gone, Max is with Liz, and..."

"I don't have to listen to any of this. Let me go!" Tess brought her hand up in his direction, but Kyle quickly grabbed it and twisted it behind her body, "Oh no, you aren't blasting me!"

The movement brought his body flush with hers, he looked down into her face. "If you don't change then you are going to end up..." he remembered that she was naked beneath his jersey, "alone and bitter and..." he felt how her breasts pressed into his chest and noticed how her eyes now sparked with anger, "and... oh, hell." He leaned in pressed his mouth to hers. Tess was so stunned that she automatically opened her mouth to object, and Kyle's tongue moved right in. At first Tess struggled, but he held her tight and soon she relaxed against him, unaware that she had wrapped her arms around his neck and was kissing him back until he lifted his head and whispered her name as his lips moved down her jaw to her throat, his hands sliding down to cup her bottom. Feeling his erection pressing against her, she pushed him away. Then looking at him with eyes wide, she ran back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Damn." He whispered as he brought his fingers up to touch his tingling lips.


After the surreal experience of eating breakfast with Isabel in his own kitchen as she charmed his mother, Alex and Isabel returned to his room and where Alex was presently sitting at his computer while Isabel sat on the edge of his bed. As he looked up information and printed off pages, Isabel wondered, "What if "The Vilandra Project" is the name of their plot to kill us? They've already gotten Nasedo!"

"We won't let that happen, Isabel." Alex turned to assure her. As she gave him a startled look, he amended, "I mean... I'm sure Max and Michael will protect you."

"And you, Alex?" She stood and stepped over to him, "Would you protect me?"

He rose to his feet, and swallowed hard. "With my life." He softly answered. Stepping closer, their faces just inches apart, Isabel told him, "I would never allow that to happen, but I can't tell you how it makes me feel to know that you mean it." Then she whispered, "I think that you should kiss me now, Alex." And he did.


Liz looked up as the doorbell chimed to see Alex and Isabel entering the Crashdown. She looked over at Maria to see that she too had noticed Isabel's hand on Alex's arm as she laughed at something he said. As the couple approached the counter, Isabel asked, "Max not here yet?"

Liz cut her eyes over to the clock before answering, "Max doesn't get off on break for another ten minutes, and Michael's on the grill. You guys want something?"

Isabel smiled, "Just a Cherry Coke for me. We had breakfast at Alex's."

"Orange soda." Alex added wearing a totally goofy grin. "Oh, I brought you both something." He handed each of the girls a CD. "It's a couple of songs The Whit's have been working on."

After fixing their drinks, Maria gave them to Alex, "Why don't you take these on back and see if Michael's ready for his break? I need to speak to Isabel." At his frown, she smiled, "Just a little girl talk."

But once Alex left, Maria looked sternly at Isabel. "I know that I've encouraged this, but if you hurt him again, powers or not, I will personally kick your ass all the way back to Antar. Comprende?" Isabel's eyes widened in surprise, "Si," then she smiled. "You're a good friend, Maria." As she too headed to the back, Liz cut her eyes over at Maria who shrugged, "Just saying."

Once Max made it over, they gathered in the break room. "Let's go upstairs." Liz suggested. She looked over to where her dad was helping on the grill. "Daddy, we're going to take our breaks upstairs, check out Alex's new CD." Mr. Parker smiled, "Okay, but Lizzie? Fifteen minutes, no more."

They all found seats in the Parker living room. "I didn't see Courtney downstairs, isn't she working?" Alex asked. "No, she's not on until this afternoon." Maria assured him as she plopped down on the couch beside Alex.

Alex informed them, "The only thing I could find online about ‘The Universal Friendship League' was on the Arizona Secretary of State's website. They filed for corporate status as a non-profit organization ages ago. Their corporate address is located in Copper Summit, and their registered agent is a Theodore Greer. I pulled up their corporate officers: Greer is President, and an Ida Crawford is the Secretary/Treasurer."

Liz looked at Max, "T. Greer, he's the guy who signed that letter to Courtney."

Alex continued, "So washing out on finding out anything else for UFL, I tried to find out something about Copper Summit. Seems back in the wild, wild west it was a mining town."

Maria interrupted waving her hand about, "Ooh, let me guess - copper?"

Alex winked at her, "When the mine played out it became a ghost town until the entire area was purchased by The Universal Friendship League. The population from the last census is listed as only around 50 people. It's not even a speck on the map."

"Sounds like the perfect place for a nest of skins to me." Michael said.

Maria looked around, a look of fear on her face. "You mean that there are fifty of those beings, and they're all looking for you guys?"

Michael wore a determined look, "Not if we find them first. We should head out there this weekend."

Max shook his head, "We can't go this weekend. Remember? Friday is July 2nd."

Michael groaned, "The Crash anniversary. All the more reason to get out of town what with every UFO nut in the country headed here."

"It's also one of the Crashdown's most profitable weeks." Liz informed him. "If we took off from work this weekend, my dad would kill all three of us, Michael."

Max nodded, "Yeah, I just got Milton to take me back, you know how crazy it gets at the UFO center during Crash week. I already have to work late tonight getting the Center ready."

Maria grinned, "Maybe I can get my mom to sponsor another Alien Smackdown. Interested, Spaceboy?"

Michael shook his head, "Hell, no. I'm still sore from last time."

Alex looked first at Isabel then informed them, “There’s one more thing, guys. Remember the Congresswoman who headed the dismantling of the Special Unit?”

“The one from Arizona?” Liz asked, already feeling a sense of dread.

“Make that Copper Summit, Arizona.” Alex informed her.

There were various expressions of surprise all around. “Copper Summit.” Max looked at Liz, “No wonder she was anxious to shut down the Special Unit.”

Maria shook her head in disbelief, ‘Damn, an alien is a member of Congress. Don’t they investigate people who run for office?”

Alex shrugged, “Apparently not her, or at least not too closely. See, she married Congressman Whitaker, and when he died in a car accident, she stepped in to finish out his term.”

“Who wants to bet his ‘accident’ was no accident?” Michael guessed.

Max ran a hand through his hair and noticed the time on his watch. “Damn, I have to get back to the UFO Center.” Liz nodded, “Yeah, my dad’s gonna be hollering for us soon, too.”

“Maxwell, we’ve got to figure this out.” Michael objected.

“Look,” Alex offered, “I’ll keep digging into Copper Summer, the UFL and Whitaker. See if I can come up some more information.”

Max patted him on the shoulder, “Sounds like a plan.”


The influx of visitors for the UFO festival arrived and for the next few days everyone was kept busy. Isabel even volunteered to help Max out at the UFO Center.

As evening rolled around, Maria locked the door of the Crashdown behind their last customers of the day and sighed, "Thank goodness. Come'on Lizzie, let's hurry and cleanup so we can meet the guys."

"That's okay, girls." Mr. Parker grinned at them. "Agnes and I will finish up. Go ahead, have some fun." Mr. Parker didn't catch the drop-dead look he received from the less than happy Agnes.

"Thanks, Daddy." Liz gave him a buss on the cheek. As she and Maria changed, Maria giggled, "Did you see Agnes' face?" Liz grinned back at her, "As often as we've covered for her? Payback, baby."

A short while later, the foursome walked down the midway, the air was filled with the happy squeals of children, the smell of hot buttered popcorn and the grumblings of Michael Guerin.

"I can't believe I let you guys drag me here." He looked over at Max and Liz, "Do I have to remind you two what happened at the last carnival you were at?"

"Michael, this is just a small fair that's part of the Crash festivities, hardly constitutes as a carnival." Maria rolled her eyes. "I mean, the Haunted House is put on by the folks at Baker’s Funeral Home."

Max, who had an arm slung over Liz's shoulder, grinned over her head at Maria. "I guess that's somewhat appropriate."

"Whatever," Michael groused, "but if I were you two, I'd stay out of the House of Mirrors."

"Stop your grumbling, Spaceboy. We're here, so you might as well have some fun." Maria tugged on Michael's hand. "Come on, win me a prize."

As Maria drug Michael off towards the row of games, Max and Liz followed. "What shall we play," he asked Liz, "ring toss, balloon darts? What’s your favorite game?" Liz glanced at him with pink cheeks, "Promise you won't laugh?" Max just raised an eyebrow. Liz sighed, "It's the pick up ducks."

"Ducks? You mean the baby game?" He started to chuckle. "Maaaxxx." Liz punched his arm, "It was the first fair game I ever played." Soon Max and Liz stood at the booth amidst several small children watching tiny yellow plastic ducks bobbing along a water trough. Looking at the available prizes, Max noticed a large green plush alien sitting on the top shelf, and noted it's number. When Liz reached for a duck, Max stopped her. "Wait, let me," and he reached down.

Liz's eyes opened wide and she squealed with delight when the fair worker reached up and handed her the top prize, while fixing a suspicious look at Max as he tried to figure out how that number ended up on one of the ducks.

"Oh, Max." She gave him a hug. "Wait a minute," giving him her own suspicious look, but before she could question him, she turned and saw a little girl staring at Liz’s prize as she held a strand of plastic beads. Noting the trembling lip, Liz’s heart melted.

Liz bent over, "Hi, there, what’s your name.”

“Missy.” Came the tiny voice. “That's a pretty name, and a pretty necklace. I wish I had a necklace like that. Would you like to trade?" The little girl's eyes lit up as Liz held out the plush toy. As she danced off to her mother with her prize, Max just looked at Liz with a smile as she put the tawdry beads around her neck. “What a softie.”

But he laughed out loud when they walked off arm in arm and Liz shrugged, "Well, this way, we’ll both have an alien to play with tonight."

TBC Image
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Devil Kitty
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 76
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Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Well, after a lengthy time out ;) here is the new part. :) Thanks for all your encouraging words about the situation with my vision. :hug:


Chapter 12

Just as Max and Liz joined back up with Michael and Maria, Max heard his name called out. “Maaaaxxxxx!”

He turned to see Isabel headed his way, an irritated frown on her face. “Have you guys seen Alex? He was supposed to meet me at the Ferris wheel a half hour ago.”

Both Max and Liz shook their heads. Maria answered, “Nope, we haven’t see...” Her voice trailed off as she saw a familiar figure just over Isabel’ shoulder. “You know what? You probably just missed him. Let’s head back over, he might be there by now.” She tried to maneuver Isabel back the way she came. Isabel shrugged, “Maybe you’re right.” But as Isabel turned in the opposite direction, she saw Alex standing near the cotton candy stand looking very chummy with -- Madison. Her mouth fell open as her face clouded over.

Liz tried to soothe her, “Now, Isabel, don’t jump to conclusions. I’m sure there’s a very good...” She gave Max a hopeless look as Isabel stalked off in Alex’s direction. Maria grabbed Max by the arm, “Come on, Max, you can heal while Liz and I mop up the blood.”



Alex turned around and saw Isabel bearing down with the rest of his friends close behind. “Hey guys,” he smiled guilelessly as he motioned to Madison. “You all remember Madison.”

Isabel stood with arms akimbo, “Yes, and I also remember that we were supposed to meet at the Ferris wheel.” She reminded him in an accusatory tone. “I waited forever.”

Alex reached up to scratch the side of his head, “Yeah, sorry about that. I was on my way when I ran into Madison and we got to talking and ”

Maria just shook her head and whispered, “Poor clueless boy.”

But before Alex could continue blindly down the path of destruction or Isabel could explode into an angry mass, Liz noticed that Madison’s nose was red and her eyes puffy, and she interrupted, “Madison, are you alright?”

Pushing her hair back self-consciously, Madison blushed, “Not really. My jerk boyfriend and I got into a fight and he just took off. Alex found me crying, and I’m afraid I’ve been bending his ear.” She shrugged at Isabel, “I’m sorry I made him late meeting you.”

Isabel just nodded, the wind taken out of her sails, and conceded, “Yes, Alex is a great listener.” Slipping her arm through his, she claimed her territory. “Just one of the things we all love about him.” She practically simpered. Liz and Maria shared amused looks, and Alex just looked confused.

Maria commiserated with Madison, “Sorry about the jerky boyfriend, I’ve been in your shoes and,” she tilted her head towards Michael, “believe me, I feel your pain.”

“What the hell?” Michael glared, “Maria, I’m standing right here!” Maria smirked, “And a hit dog hollers.”

Liz ignored the Bickersons and asked Madison, “He just left you here? With no way home?” Madison shook her head, “No, luckily, I have my car.” She took a deep breath, “In fact, I think I’m just going to go home.”

Madison thanked Alex for the sympathetic ear and said her goodbyes. As she slowly began walking away, Liz felt a pang of sympathy for her and called out. “Madison, wait!” When the pretty blond turned back their way, Liz offered, “You don’t have to leave, you can hang out with us.” Liz didn’t see the disbelieving look on Isabel’s face, but Madison did. She smiled, “Thanks, but I’m not in much of a carnival mood anymore. Besides I’m beginning to get a headache.”

“Another one?” Alex asked. Madison shrugged, “I’m sure its just stress.” She looked at the others, “Enjoy your night.”

After she left Isabel quickly pulled Liz aside from the guys with an “Excuse us.” She stared at Liz like she’d just grown a third eye. “Liz, whatever were you thinking?”

“What?” Liz asked, genuinely confused.

“Asking Madison to join us?” Isabel shook her head, “Look, I feel for the girl, but I’m trying to be on a date with Alex here. I don’t need some dumped hanger on getting in the way.”

“Isabel!” Liz looked to Maria for support, but she stuck up for Isabel, “Cold? Yes. But true? Yes. Here we are three couples; you know she would have felt like a fifth wheel. The best thing for her is to just go home, have a good cry and drown her sorrows in some rocky road.”

Michael called out, “If you hens are just going to stand around clucking all night, I might as well go home, too.”

With a fierce look in his direction, Maria declared, “Oh, he is so winning me everything I want tonight.”


A short while later Maria carried several stuffed animals and all three girls wore pieces of tacky carnival jewelry. Isabel placed a string of purple beads around her neck that Alex had just won and grinned at him, “How do I look?” He stared a few seconds before solemnly answering, “Beautiful.” She flushed with pleasure and taking his arm, she smiled, “Come on, buy me a caramel apple.”

As the group munched on their treats, Maria pointed her apple, “Hey, let’s go through the House of Horrors.” Liz looked askance, “I don’t know, you think it’s really scary?” Alex pointed out a family that was entering, “That little guy can’t be over 7 or 8, how scary can it be?”

“Besides,” Maria pointed out, “I heard Mr. Baker, the funeral director is playing Dracula, he’s like 70.” “What’s he gonna do? Gum their necks to death?” Michael laughed. Alex joined in, “Or maybe he’ll have some new fangled dentures.”

And so Max and Liz led the way as the group wandered through the darkened trailer that served as the haunted house. The rooms were set up with small vignettes with volunteers scattered about posing as perpetrators, victims, monsters, etc. There were hidden tubs of dry ice to create a foggy atmosphere.

In one room, the vampire scene had an aging Count Dracula bending over a squirming victim, which prompted Max to grab Liz who giggled as he nuzzled her neck, “I vant to suck your blood,” he said in a thick phony accent. Alex pointed to the corner where a female vampire lay, having been staked, “Hey, I think I know that dead vampire.” He leaned over the staked figure, “Hey, aren’t you Suzy? From the music store?” Vampira opened one eye and through gritted fanged teeth ordered, “Go away, Alex, I’m working here.”

Laughing, they moved on through the G rated amusement, where there was the prerequisite alien scene, which had Michael looking at it with disgust as a couple of threatening aliens terrorized a helpless citizen. “Give me a break.”

Finally as they neared the end, they entered a section set up as a Mad Scientist’s laboratory, Michael piped up. “Oh, come on, who’d be frightened by this?” He looked at a mannequin strapped to a table, dressed as the mad scientist’s victim. “That’s just a store mannequin with phony blood and guts smeared on it.”

“Michael! Could you at least pretend to be in the spirit?” Maria looked over at Liz, “Hey, spirit - haunted house - I made a funny.” Michael just rolled his eyes, “Haunted. And what’s scary about...” He pointed at bowls sitting on a counter, “cooked macaroni and” he reached into a bowl, “grapes?”

“Show some respect, Michael.” Liz teased him as they looked at the ‘exhibits’. “Those are the brains and eyeballs of that poor victim.” “And, oooh,” Isabel cooed, “look - here’s his liver.”

“Yeah, I might buy that if I were 5 years old.” Michael retorted as he popped a grape into his mouth.

Unseen by the group, a disguised figure slipped into the room and flipped the tabletop over that held the mannequin, quickly climbing up on the table to take its place.

“This is so lame, let’s go ride The Bullet.” Just as Michael turned for the exit, the bloodied figure suddenly sat up, grabbed Michael by the arm and moaned, “hellllppp meeee.

“Aiiiiiaaaaahhhh ” Michael screamed. The others also jumped and squealed, but then immediately began laughing and ragging on Michael for screaming like a little girl.

“You guys are so effin’ hilarious.” An embarrassed Michael complained as he made his way to the exit. A giggling Maria rushed after him, grabbing his hand, “Awww, come on, Spaceboy, I’ll buy you a corn dog.”


As Max and Liz, Alex and Isabel went off in the direction of the Ferris wheel, Michael and Maria headed to the concession area. But as they approached the corn dog stand, Maria froze when she heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, there, MickeyG.” And there was Courtney, dressed in tight jeans and a skimpy tube top that looked better suited for a head band. She held up the corn dog she’d just purchased. “I just love these, don’t you?” Placing her lips suggestively over the end, she then pulled her mouth back violating the carnival treat. As Michael stood unmoving, Maria was swamped with conflicting emotions – on one hand, she didn’t want to tangle with an alien with God knows what kind of powers. But on the other - that alien skank was going down!

Taking a deep breath, Maria stepped in front of Michael and stared Courtney down. “What did I tell you? Michael’s not interested; he’s with me, so back off.”

Courtney just smirked at her, “I think Michael can speak for himself.” But when the two blonds turned his way, Michael was frozen. “I... uh... Maria.” Maria clapped her hands together, “See... he said Maria.”

Courtney laughed, “And so eloquently, too.” She looked Michael up and down, “Later, MickeyG.” And with a wink wandered into the crowds.

“Michael!” Maria whirled on him. “Am I, or am I not your girlfriend?” Looking very uncomfortable, he shrugged, “Okay.”

“Okay!?” Maria fumed, “No, Michael, the answer is either yes or no!”

“Fine, yes, already.”

“Then why didn’t you tell her?!!!” Maria yelled in frustration.

“What’s going on?” They both turned to see Max and Liz. “I thought you were riding the Wheel?” Michael asked. Max shrugged, “Too crowded, we left Alex and Isabel in line to get tickets while we came back to grab some funnel cakes.” Liz looked from Maria to Michael, “Now, what’s going on here? We could hear Maria all the way across the field.”

Maria glared, “I’ll tell you what, Michael just made both of us look like fools in front of Courtney.” She turned to Michael, “Now what are you going to do about it?”


Kyle entered the house through his front door and headed to the kitchen where he saw Tess pouring herself a glass of juice. She’d avoided him like the plague since their kiss in the hall a few days ago. He ran a nervous hand through his hair. “Hey.”

Tess jumped splashing juice on the counter, before turning, “Oh, Kyle, I didn’t hear your car.”

“Sorry, car’s in the shop, so Tommy dropped me off. Didn’t mean to startle you.” He moved into the kitchen and reached for the paper towels, but Tess quickly swiped her hand to clean the counter.

Kyle shook his head, always amazed to see an example of their powers, but as he neared Tess, she picked up her glass and headed for the doorway. “No problem, I’ll just get out of your way.”

“Tess, wait.” She froze at his command and slowly turned to face him.

“Is this because of what happened the other morning? In the hallway? Cause, I don’t want you to think you have to be on guard -- I’m not going to suddenly jump you.”

Tess just stared, and Kyle shuffled uncomfortably under the startling blue gaze. She finally responded, “I know, but... I just think it would be better if I find somewhere else to live. You probably want your room back anyway.”

“And where would you go? You don’t have any money or a job - you can’t live on your own.” Kyle argued. “Besides, I don’t want you to leave and neither would Dad. We’ve gotten used to having you here.”

Tess raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure you aren’t just getting used to having cooked meals and clean laundry?”

“No!” He denied before he gave her a bashful shrug, “Although it is nice to eat something that didn’t come out of a cardboard freezer box.” Tess smiled as Kyle continued, “Anyway, it’s just nice having someone else in the house.”

“Even someone who’s ‘not from around here’?” she asked.

“Even someone who leaves all her frilly girly stuff hanging in the bathroom. I hate to admit it, but,” Kyle grinned at her, “ you’re becoming my favorite Martian.” Tess rolled her eyes, “Oh, brother.” But she wore a pleased blush on her cheeks.

“So, you’ll stay?”

She nodded, “I’ll stay.”
“Great, let’s celebrate.” Kyle turned to open the freezer, “How about some waffles?” Tess sat her glass down, “Frozen waffles?” She reached up for a bowl, “How about some pancakes instead?” Kyle grinned, “I’ll get the syrup.”


Liz exited her bathroom dressed in a camisole of white cotton knit paired with a pair of pink plaid boxer shorts hanging on her hips. As she entered the dimly lit bedroom, she glanced over at her desk chair and grinned, remembering... The fair was closing down, and the six friends were walking down the midway towards the exit, something caught Max’s eye. He tugged at Liz’s hand. “How about one more game?” She walked over to pick up a large stuffed alien and gave the toy a squeeze.

“Hey!” Liz turned to where Max had his head stuck through her window. “You don’t want me to get jealous do you?” As he made his way into the room, Liz dropped the toy back onto the chair and quickly danced over to wrap her arms around Max’s waist. “Awwww, you don’t have to be jealous of Marty, he’s got nothing on you.” Max quirked an eyebrow up, “Marty?” as he wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s short for Little Green Martian.”

Max chuckled and Liz continued, “Anyway, as I was saying, you have nothing to worry about.” She nuzzled his jaw, “Poor Marty is lacking in certain departments.” Max’s chuckle became a wheeze when Liz boldly squeezed the front of his pants.

Max tilted her face up to press his lips against hers in a quick kiss before giving her warning. “You’re playing with fire.”

She wore a mischievous grin as she responded, “And that’s quite a firecracker you’re packing.”

Max pushed her back, “Firecracker?” He objected, “Do you know how small a firecracker is?”

As an unrepentant Liz snickered, he scooped her up in his arms and turned to the bed. “I think you just insulted my manhood.” He laid her on the bed and leaned over her, “and now you must be punished.” He proceeded to tickle her.

“Maxxx,” she laughed as she wiggled, “Stop... You’ll make me pee my pants.”

He showed no mercy and he kept tickling her as he laughed. She tried to escape his fingers, “You’ll wake my dad...” That certainly got his attention, and he stopped to fall over to lie beside her. She rolled onto her side catching her breath, “I stand corrected,” she whispered, “I’m sure I meant to say ‘dy-no-mite’,” she leaned over to kiss him. With a smile, he wrapped his arm around her and she snuggled in against him. “Tonight was fun, wasn’t it? Even Michael seemed to have a good time – well, eventually, once Maria stopped being mad.”

“Umhmm,” he nuzzled her temple. “We needed a night like that. And the best part - no Tess.”

Liz nodded, “That’s a given.” Then rising up on her elbow, “But how funny was it when Michael talked the others into riding ‘The Bullet’? I don’t know who screamed the loudest when they got stuck upside down - Maria or Alex.”

Max laughed with her, “I thought for sure Isabel was going to puke on her shoes when they got off.”

“I’m glad he didn’t talk us into riding it.” As Liz’s sweet face smiled down at him - he felt so normal, so human... a wave of love rushed through him almost stealing his breath. The words just burst forth, “I love you, Liz Parker.”

The flippant “What’s not to...” died on her tongue as she saw the look on his face. God, she thought, as she reached out to stroke the strong jaw, the oh so kissable lips, he’s gorgeous, and he’s mine. She simply replied, “I love you too, Max.”

He pulled her down to capture her mouth with his and what began as a gentle kiss soon erupted into an ardent tongue-tangling embrace. Max rolled her onto her back to lay over her, and the headboard thumped against the wall. “Max, wait,” Liz admonished. “We have to be quiet...”

With a groan, Max stilled. Then an idea crossed his mind and he eased off the bed holding out his hand to Liz. “Come with me?" As she let him pull her up, she looked back towards the bed and pouted, “Well... that was the plan...” Max smothered a laugh, “Let me rephrase that... come outside with me?”

“Outside?” A confused Liz glanced around, “Okay... just let me change.” Max led her to the window, “Nope, you’re dressed just fine.” He looked around her room. “Here slip these on,” he handed her a pair of canvas sneakers.


As the jeep sped down the highway, Liz looked over at Max, “Max, isn’t this the way...” He finished her sentence, “... to the old radio tower? Why, yes it is.” He reached over to squeeze her hand, “Haven’t you wondered what it would have been like if we hadn’t been interrupted by the orb that night?” She nodded.

Liz felt a sense of deja vu as Max parked the jeep and cut the lights. He leaned over to kiss her before jumping out to retrieve some blankets from the back along with a light. As they walked the last bit of the way, Liz smiled as she remembered how excited and nervous she had been that cool February night.

Reaching their designation, Max sat the lantern down and spread out one of the blankets. Liz slipped up behind him and said impishly, “Sooo, we could just start digging, or... we could look for the next clue...” He grinned in remembrance as he turned to face her, “The clue idea sounds...” His words faded as he glanced down to see how the cool night air had her nipples pressing against her thin top, or maybe she was just as excited to be here as he was.

I like the way your sparkling earrings lay
against your skin, so brown
and I want to sleep with you in the desert tonight
with a billion stars all around
Cause I got a peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won’t let me down
‘cause I’m already standing
on the ground

She saw him staring at her chest. “Max?” He looked at her face and before she could say another word, his mouth crashed down on hers. He scooped her up and knelt down on the blanket, “I want you...” he whispered against her ear. “Always.” She replied as he eased her down and stretched over her. “I need you...” his mouth moved over hers as he spoke. She tugged at his shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin against hers. “Always.” He shrugged off his shirt before bending to place his mouth over her breast, his tongue moistening the thin material of her camisole. “I love you,” he murmured. She grasped his biceps as she sighed, “Forever.”

And I found out a long time ago
what a woman can do to your soul
Ah, but she can't take you anyway
You don't already know how to go
And I gotta peaceful, easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground

As clothing seemed to melt away, lips and fingertips caressed newly exposed skin, and limbs entwined. Max’s lips paid homage to Liz’s breasts, suckling and nibbling while his hand sought the slickness between her thighs. Liz writhed as Max seemed to find every erotic spot on her body. Then it was his turn to moan as Liz grasped his throbbing shaft gently stroking it before helping to roll the condom in place. As he finally slid into her warmth she sighed, “Oh, Max.” As he began to slowly move in and out of Liz’s body, she clung to him as she urged him to move harder, faster. Suddenly she surprised him by thrusting up to roll him over on his back to sit astride him. Max groaned as she rose and sank on his shaft. He leaned up so his mouth could capture a delicious nipple between his lips. Need rushed through Liz as he tugged, and she rode him harder. Max grasped her hips and tilted her to plunge even deeper inside her and she grasped his shoulders for support as every thrust bumped against her sweet spot. Soon they were both lost in a fervent haze that barred them from coherent speech as they both rushed to a place in space and time where their bodies, hearts and souls met in an explosive climax. Their cries of completion echoed across the desert.

They collapsed together, a satisfied boneless heap as they trembled with tiny aftershocks. As their bodies cooled, Max felt Liz shiver in the night air. He shifted, slipping from her body. Liz mumbled sleepily, “Ummm, no,” tightening her grasp around him, “don’t leave me.”

Max brushed his lips on her forehead, “Shhhh, I’m just getting the other blanket.” He sat up and with a wave of his hand quickly disposed of the condom he wore. Spreading the blanket over them, he pulled her back into his arms. As they snuggled tightly together, he whispered with a smile, “You know I like to keep you warm.” Sleep soon overtook them both.

** Peaceful, Easy Feeling ~ The Eagles

TBC ~ Image
Last edited by Devil Kitty on Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Devil Kitty
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Posts: 76
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Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Thanks for the welcome back :)


Chapter 13

Tess heaved a sigh as she walked alone down the darkened streets of Roswell. It was the middle of the night and most everything was closed, but she’d felt so restless that after Kyle and the Sheriff had fallen asleep, she’d snuck out of the house.

She’d enjoyed making pancakes earlier with Kyle; it had been nice to have someone to just hang out with. And he had been right, she had avoided him since that kiss. But it certainly was not because she was afraid of him ‘jumping her’. After all, she could fry him from the inside out if she so chose. She’d kissed her fair share of boys before, but she had known that her destiny was with Max. She was a Queen and she’d saved herself for her King. She inwardly shrugged, fat waste of time that turned out to be. Now, she didn’t know what she was anymore or where she belonged.

There had been one awkward moment tonight though when Kyle had asked why she wasn’t at the fair with the rest of her ‘peeps. She could tell he felt bad for her when she admitted that she hadn’t been invited. So that begged the question - why hadn’t she been included? She shook her head as she gave a humorless laugh - because they don’t want me. Not even Isabel, especially now that she was spending more time with Alex.

Tess wandered into a 24-hour quick shop and emerged a few minutes later carrying a paper sack containing a pint of ice cream. Crossing the parking lot, she walked near a parked car. As she drew even with the driver side door, it opened. “Hello, Tess.” Recognizing the driver, Tess nodded with a terse “Hi,” and passed on by.

“You know, that ice cream would taste better with a little of this.”

Tess slowly turned around, “How did you know I had...” she saw a hand holding out a small bottle of Tabasco sauce. She looked up silently from the hand to the face of the blond that stood, closed her door and leaned against it. “Looks like you’re out all alone - again.” She placed a finger on her chin. “Hmmmm, isn’t it funny how your new friends always have somewhere else to be, somewhere you aren’t.”

Although feeling disconcerted, Tess merely stared before curtly asking, “What’s it to you?”

The girl smiled at Tess. “Oh, I think you and I have more in common than you’d think.” She tapped a fingernail against the Tabasco bottle.

Tess Harding had spent her entire life hiding in plain sight, so it was with outwardly calm composure that she stared at the tapping finger for a moment before responding with a disdainful, “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” She turned to leave, quickly scanning the area to see if there were any witnesses in case she had to use her powers. But before she walked more than a few steps away, a hand grabbed her arm, “Nothing is as it seems, Ava.”

Ava? – Tess’s heart was now pounding. How had she known Tess’s past name?

“You have a higher purpose here, and it’s not playing wife to Max Evans, or should I say Zan?”

Tess pulled away, “I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but you are obviously confused…” The girl interrupted, “No, you are the one confused. I can see you aren’t ready to know the truth yet. When you are, I’ll be back in touch.” She told Tess. “All I ask is that you don’t tell anyone else about me.” With that the blond turned to open her car door as Tess stared silently after her.

When she sat down behind the wheel, she smiled in satisfaction when she heard Tess call out ~ “Wait!”


She sat in the cool shade as a slight breeze ruffled her long dark hair. Normally she’d be feeling anticipation as she waited for her love, but today it was a feeling of apprehension that surrounded her – heavy, suffocating, like a blanket in warm weather. As she unpacked a picnic repast, she sensed his approach before he rode into her line of vision and that familiar rush of excitement filled her. “Zan.” She looked over the rise to see him riding towards her. “Alisria!” He called out, excitement in his voice and his expression. He dismounted and rushed to her side, pulling her to her feet, he exclaimed, “I have great news - Father has chosen me as his representative at the trade conference on Tashir.”

”The trade conference?” She was surprised, “But that’s only a couple of rotations from now.” The sense of foreboding increased.

“I know, that’s why my transport leaves tonight.” He looked at the meal she had laid out on a colorful cover, “I’m so sorry, my love, but I cannot stay. Father’s advisors are waiting on me.”

She slowly shook her head, “You have to go now?”

“Yes, after all it is my first official duty for the House of Antar, I have to be prepared.” He reached out to pull her close to him. “Come, wish me well.”

“Zan,” she reached up to stroke his cheek with her long slender fingers, “I don’t think you should go.”

“Not go?” Confusion swirled in his large dark eyes, “Don’t you know what it means that my father has entrusted me to handle this?”

“I know, but... I have this feeling...” He reached out to entwine his fingers with hers, “Did you have a vision?” “No, but...” He cut her words off, pressing his forehead against hers, “Don’t worry, Lisi, everything will be fine. I have to go now, but when I return, we’ll start planning that royal wedding.” He kissed her goodbye, and she tried to smile as he mounted and rode away. But as he grew smaller in the distance, she had the smothering feeling that she would never see him again. She began to run as he grew smaller in the distance and she called out, “Wait! Zan! Don’t leave, Zan.” But he was too far away to hear her.

Max was awakened as Liz whimpered in her sleep, “Don’t... don’t leave... don’t.”

“Liz?” He sat up pulling her up with him, “Come on, honey, wake up.” She woke shaking and looked at him blankly, still caught up in her dream. “Zan?” He cupped her face, “It’s Max, I’m here, I’ve got you.” Her vision cleared as she looked at him, “Oh, Max,” her face crumpled and she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him, “She knew... she thought it was him... but it was her.” Max had no idea what she was talking about, he just held her close and rocked her until she was calm enough to tell him about her dream.


Max lay on his back, Liz beside him with her head on his shoulder, his arm around her. “Max, I could feel everything she felt. That feeling of dread that she would never see him again.” She raised her head to gaze sadly at him, “And she didn’t.”

Max shifted so they lay facing each other, the blankets snug around them, “Liz,” he brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers, “I know this is upsetting for you, but it was just a dream.” But as she looked at him hesitantly, biting her lower lip. he asked, “Wasn’t it?”

With a shrug of her shoulders she admitted, “I’m not sure, but I think... I think it may have been a memory.”

They lay silently for a few moments, Max fingers sliding through her hair. He softly asked, “How do you feel about this, are you scared?” She looked up at him, “Scared? Of her memories? No, not scared,” she gave him a smile, “more disconcerted, I think. I mean, it’s like I’m aware now that it’s possible that deep down inside, I might be a different person than who I’ve always believed Liz Parker to be.”

Max suggested, “Maybe we should go the library, read up on ‘reincarnation’, see if we can get a handle on what’s happening to you.”

She nodded, and as they lay quietly, she firmly ordered, “Stop it, Max.” He opened his mouth and she placed her fingers against it. “I can feel the tension, I know you are blaming yourself. You have no control over whatever this is, Max. If it is reincarnation, then that’s something that has been on this earth a lot longer than you have.”

Max sighed, “I can’t help it, Liz. You life was normal and sane until I came into it, now you’re completely sucked into the alien abyss as Maria calls it.”

She rose up on one elbow, “Do I have to remind you that if you had not come into my life I’d be dead right now? What’s sane and normal about that?”

“You know what I mean, I could have bs’d you that night, you’d have gone on with your life never knowing the truth.”

She sat up, “Do you really want to imagine that? Me continuing to date Kyle?” She waved her hand over her naked body, “Me like this with Kyle?”

A flash of jealousy rushed through him, “No! And… and… hell no!”

She smiled, “Then stop this self-flagellation. We are both learning things about ourselves, past and present. You are going to have to allow me to freak out every now and then without assuming responsibility for every little thing that happens to us.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pulled her over him, “Now, about getting rid of that nasty image of Kyle…” He pulled her down for a deep kiss, and neither thought of Kyle Valenti again.


Tess crept through the house and entered ‘her’ bedroom. She pulled the curtain back and raised the window. As the young woman crawled through, she looked around the bedroom.

“I’m not sure this is the best place.”

Tess shrugged, “Look, I wasn’t about to just hop in that car and go off with you. Besides, they’re sound asleep - don’t you hear the snores? It would take a blast to wake them.” She fixed an eye on her companion. “But know this - I can cause that blast.”

The girl calmly took a seat on the side of the bed. “That won’t be necessary.”

Tess faced the girl sitting in front of her, “Okay, now that we’re here - are you a Skin? Did you kill Nasedo?” Tess was braced to either defend or attack.

“No, I’m not a Skin.” Her mouth twisted into a grimace as if she’d just been insulted. “And I had nothing to do with the demise of ‘Nasedo’ as you call him..” She lifted a shoulder, “But as far as he’s concerned, it’s no great loss. In fact, it’s to our benefit that he is now out of the way.”

“It was a lost to me.” Tess angrily informed her, “Nasedo was our protector. He raised me.”

“He raised you because it was his duty to do so. He raised you to believe that Max Evans was your chosen mate, but he’s not - he never was.” She looked at Tess earnestly, “There was another, Ava. You had a great love back home, and he’s still waiting for you after all these years.”

“How do you know this?” Tess looked at her with suspicion. “What are you?”

The girl stood and walked over to the mirror above the dresser. She fluffed out her hair as she looked at her reflection, “I’m perfectly human.” Then she turned and smiled, “At least this body is, I’m just borrowing it while I’m here.”

“Borrowing?” Tess asked growing more confused with every word the girl spoke. “So you’re not...”

The blond turned to look at Tess, “Madison Smith? No, she’s just my little puppet for the moment. My real name is Sh’nar.” She bent her head forward.

“So you just killed Madison and took over her body?” Tess’s backed slowly towards the door.

“Please,” Sh’nar shook her head, “If I’d wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead now. Madison is just fine. Well, except for that tumor in her head.” Sh’nar shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m actually still on Antar. We’ve accomplished great leaps in technology since Zan’s mother arranged for you to be sent here. We have developed the ability to project into the human mind, making them our temporary hosts – a form of remote traveling. Madison’s mind is presently in a state of limbo. Whenever I leave, she doesn’t remember a thing.”

“That must take enormous power and concentration, why didn’t you just come in a ship?”

Sh’nar just looked at her like she was a not too bright child. “Because space is a big, big place, little girl. It’s not like hopping on a bus and riding to the next town”

Tess slowly nodded, “I see. And this other person you mentioned, the one from before?”

Sh’nar smiled as she leaned back to prop on the dresser, “I’ve peaked your curiosity, haven’t I? His name is K’var, he’s my brother, and he’s currently sitting on Zan’s throne. But he mourns that the one you were to occupy at his side stands empty.”

Tess’s mind was spinning. “But I was married to Zan, I was his Queen.”

Sh’nar sighed, “You don’t remember anything, do you? Did you fall onto your head when you hatched out of your pod?”

“No!” Tess just glared, “None of us remember our pasts.”

“That’s strange - must have been a glitch in your ‘creation’. Whatever...” Sh’nar moved back to resume her seat on the edge of the bed, she continued. “Let me give you a short history lesson.”

Tess listened intently as Sh’nar spun a tale of love, treachery, betrayal and death - and her part in it.


Max heard the snores when he opened his bedroom window. Slipping into the room, he kicked the booted foot hanging off his bed.

‘Uh..” Michael jerked awake, “Wha... “

“That’s my question, it’s 4:00 a.m., Michael - what are you doing here?”

“Well, I’m certainly not getting any,” Michael groused, “like I guess you just did.”

Max just stared, hand on his hips and Michael shrugged, “Maria’s still busting my chops about Courtney, so I came over looking for a little advice. When you weren’t here, I figured I’d wait.” Michael yawned as he stretched. “Didn’t know you and Liz were going to pull an all nighter.”

Max rubbed his face, “Michael, I’m tired, something weird happened and I just want to get some sleep. So either go home or get the sleeping bag, but get off my bed.”

“Nice hospitality, Maxwell.” But Michael got up and turned to retrieve the rolled up sleeping bag from Max’s closet. As Max stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed, Michael asked, “Wait a minute, what something weird happened?”

Max propped on one elbow, “Liz and I decided to ride out to the desert, by the old radio tower. Remember – where we found the orb?”

Michael rolled out the sleeping bag at the foot of Max’s bed, “Like anyone could forget, everyone was going nuts thinking you and Liz had run away together.”

“Anyway, once we got there we... uh, fell asleep.” Michael just rolled his eyes at that. “And Liz had a strange dream.” Max explained the details.

“So now Liz thinks she’s getting memories from Alisria?” Michael asked.

“We’re not sure, but she’s feeling confused.” Max shrugged, “It was one thing to learn that aliens exist, then be involved with one - but to start getting memories from a dead alien... she’s entitled to feel a little freaked out.”

Michael flopped back down on the sleeping bag, “Well, that tears it. I’ll have to break it off with Maria.”

Max leaned over disbelieving, “What? Why?”

“If Liz can’t handle this, then there’s no way that Maria can hang in for the long haul. Freaking out is her hobby. Best to cut my losses now, Maxwell.”

“First of all, Liz is the strongest person I know, she can handle anything.” Max lay back down, yawning. “Second, you know you and Maria are perfect for each other – you’re both drama queens...”

Michael objected with “What the... I am not.”

“...and third, if Maria had any inkling that you just said all that - your balls would be hanging on her wall.”

Michael grimaced, “Ouch.”

With a laugh, Max snapped his fingers and the light went out - “We’ll figure it all out, Michael, but now, can I please get some sleep?”


Liz stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror as she remembered her dream. It had been so real, she felt that she should be seeing large dark eyes looking back at her, a tiny nose, and small pursed lips. She reached out to touch her reflection and half expected to see long thin fingers reaching out.

Who was she - was she Liz Parker, the smallest of small town girls? Or deep inside her soul was she Alisria - an alien girl that had once lived in a galaxy far, far away? Just another girl that had once loved a boy - like she loved Max.

Was this how Max felt - like two people living in one body? A part of her felt anxious but another felt excited, exotic even. She reached for her blow-dryer and hurriedly dried her hair. She needed to talk to someone who could shed some light on what she was feeling - she needed to talk with Isabel.


Tess sat cross-legged on the bed in Kyle’s room and pondered on what she’d learned just hours earlier... The things that Nasedo had told them that night at Michael’s apartment was partially true, she and ‘Zan’ had entered into an arranged marriage - but not one of her choosing. Her head spun at the revelation that there had been another on their home planet, and he wanted her back.

She recalled the words Sh’nar told her earlier. “You need to do whatever it takes in order to become a part of their group. To make them trust you.”

“Then why kill Nasedo? That’s what he was working towards.” Tess had replied.

“No, he wanted you with Max Evans, and that’s not our goal. It’s obvious that Max Evans is obsessed with this human girl, and feels you are a threat to their relationship. You need to convince him that you have accepted his choice and are ready to move on.”

Tess frowned as she shook her head, “Then Nasedo died for nothing, everything had already changed. They all believe that Liz Parker is the reincarnation of someone called “Alisira.”

“Alisria!” Sh’nar looked startled, then contemplative. “Well, now, isn’t that interesting.”

She jumped when there was a knock on the door. “Tess?” the Sheriff’s voice called, “Kyle and I thought we’d take you out for breakfast. Interested?”

“That sounds great,” she answered, “I’ll be right there.” Remembering Kyle kissing her the other day, she thought that finding a way to fit in might not be so hard after all.


“Wow.” Isabel stared at Liz Parker who had just explained her dream and now sat cross-legged across from her on her bed. “So... I guess it’s true, you are Alisria.”

Liz shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe it was a memory, maybe it was just a dream. But, Isabel, I feel different.”

Isabel eased off the bed and crossed over to her vanity, reaching for a brush. “Different, how?”

“I’m not sure, it’s just that...” Liz looked at Isabel in the mirror as she drew the brush through her blond locks, “all these years, have you felt like you had someone else inside?”

“We had to keep what we were secret, and hide our abilities, but neither Max nor I ever felt like someone else, we were just us.”

Liz uncrossed her legs and swung them over the side of the bed, letting her upper body fall backwards on the bed. She sighed, “Maybe it was just a dream, after all. Maybe I just want to share Max’s life so badly that I created my own little alien world.”

Isabel played with the bottles and tubes on her vanity, “So, you aren’t scared? Of being an alien?”

Liz groaned as she sat up, “Et tu, Brute? I expected that from Max - Mr. Weight of the World - but you? Besides, I’m not an ‘alien’, I just have the memory of one - maybe.”

Isabel moved over to sit beside Liz and asked, ‘Liz, do you think you could show me? Or rather, let me in to see?”” Liz just looked at her, “Don’t I have to be asleep? And I doubt I’d have the same dream.”

“Don’t forget, I was able to see Pierce’s thoughts, maybe if you concentrate on your dream, I can see it.”

Liz agreed and once again she and Isabel sat cross-legged on the bed. Isabel held her hands out and Liz lay hers on top as Isabel instructed, “Just close your eyes, breath slowly and concentrate on what you saw.” Once Liz’s eyes were closed and her breathing was steady, Isabel closed her eyes and immediately was transferred into Liz’s thoughts. A few minutes later she broke the connection and blinked several times. She took several deep breaths and Liz reached out to grab her hand, “Isabel, are you alright?”

Isabel gave Liz a shaky smile and cleared her throat, “It... it was real, Liz. I could tell it wasn’t a dream. I saw them and...” She wiped at her eyes, “We’ve never had any idea what they... we looked like. Now I know. Thank you.”

Liz flashed her a sparkling smile, “They were kinda pretty, weren’t they? In a ethereal, aery way.”

Isabel returned her smile, “Come on, let’s go tell Max. Oh, and then we could go to the Mall. Swing by and get Maria.”

“We can’t. I’m already late for my shift, Maria’s covering and my dad’s probably taking my name in vain by now.”

Isabel fixed her with a look, “If it’s one thing I know, it’s how to wrap a father around my finger. Leave it to me, we’ll be shopping by lunchtime.”


“So, Mr. Parker, I was really hoping to be able to spend the afternoon with Liz and Maria.” Isabel finished up her pitch. Jeff Parker gave her a smile, “I think we can arrange that.” Isabel smiled back, satisfied with her work.

But a short while later that smile was turned upside down as she stood in the Crashdown’s changing room frowning in the mirror.. “This is sooo not what I intended.”

Liz hid a smile, but Maria grinned openly, “Now, now, Isabel, you wanted to spend the afternoon with us. Here, let me tie your apron for you.” As Isabel glared, Maria winked, “And your antennae are crooked.”

As Maria led Isabel out to the dining area, Liz stopped in the kitchen and gave her dad a look of admiration. “Pretty slick there, Dad.” Jeff just grinned, “Hey, we were short handed, and she opened herself right up.”


Sh’nar approached a doorway and requested entrance. When the door slid back, she walked up to her brother who asked, never looking in her direction. “So tell me, dear sister, any progress with your experiments?” She smiled, “More so than I had expected. The earthling I chose is a perfect candidate for mind traveling, I was finally able to control her long enough to approach Ava.”

K’var looked up in awe, “It actually worked?”

With a smug expression on her face, Sh’nar informed him of her discussion with Ava, “If possible, she is even more gullible in this new incarnation than she was in life here.”

“And she was amenable to our plan?”

“I didn’t get quite that far, I didn’t want to give her too much information, plus my time was limited.” Sh’nar assured him, “But don’t worry, I planted the seeds and with a little nurturing, she’ll do anything we ask of her - after all, she believes that her true love waits to put her back on the throne.”

“Ah, Ava, such a naïve fool, but a useful one.”

“She’s not the only useful one.” Sh’nar smiled, “I think we have the perfect weapon to use against Max Evans. Does the name ‘Alisria’ ring a bell?”

“Bell? What bell?” Confusion swirled in his black eyes.

Sh’nar just shook her head, “I really must stop using those Earth colloquialisms.”

The brother and sister shared a smile as they plotted the demise of the Royal Four.

TBC ~ Image
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Devil Kitty
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2002 11:05 am
Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Thanks for the feedback guys. This chapter has a NC-17 warning. ;)

Chapter 14

Alex walked into the Crashdown and after giving Maria a wave, took a seat at the counter. When the waitress behind the bar asked, “May I take your order?” he did a double take.

“Isabel? Wha...” She held up her pen and pointed, “Don’t say a word.” She cut her eyes over at Mr. Parker and glared, “I was shanghaied.”

Mr. Parker just laughed as he walked by on his way to the back, and Maria walked over, “Now, Isabel, no one forced you into that uniform. And don’t forget, you get a share of today’s tips.”

“Oh, gee.” Her voice rang with sarcasm. “Now I’ll be able to run out and buy that Porsche I’ve been lusting after.”

Alex grinned, “You’ve never struck me as the Porsche type.” When Isabel raised an eyebrow, he continued, “I’m thinking... Mercedes... convertible - red.”

Isabel leaned over the counter and simpered, “Well, I do look good in red.” Alex wriggled his eyebrows, “Don’t I know it.”

“For that, you get an Orange Crush... on the house.” As Isabel turned to the drink machine, Liz walked out from the back sans apron and antennae, clutching a bag in her hands. “I’ll be back, Maria, I’m just making a delivery.”

Maria blocked Liz’s way, “Uh, we haven’t received any recent delivery orders, chica.” She glanced at the clock, “But I know a certain dark haired mystery man who is due to go on break soon.”

“Busted.” Liz grinned, “Cover for me?” Maria slung an arm around her shoulder, “You know it, babe.”

As Liz headed towards the door, Maria called out, “Hey, Gidget - give Moondoggie a kiss for me.”


Liz looked around as she walked down the steps of the UFO Center, but didn’t see Max. She did, however, see Milton spinning tales to several young boys. She heard one youngster ask, “But why did the government say it was a weather balloon?” Milton was in his element, “Hysteria, my young friend. They were fearful of mass hysteria striking the nation, panic in the streets...”

She shook her head as she walked up to the lady manning the souvenir counter and asked about Max’s whereabouts. “Try the storage room in the sub-basement. We got some new shipments today, he’s probably unpacking them.”

Liz made her way down to the storage area, the lighting was dimmer down this way, and she called out, “Max? Are you down here?”

“Liz?” He looked out into the hallway, “Hey, what are you doing down here?” She held up the bag as she entered the room, “I brought you a snack.” He reached out to pull her against him kissing her, “Ummm, just what I wanted...”

She sat the bag on a shelf, “It’s pie.” Liz looked around at the shelving and boxes, “What were you do... ummmm.” Max’s lips swooped down on hers in another kiss that was slow and sweet and yet hot and toe curling at the same time. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he threaded his hand through her hair to cup the back of her head to hold her steady. Yeah, like she planned on going anywhere soon. As his lips worked at her mouth, his hands worked at the snaps of her uniform.

She pulled her lips away from his and firmly stated, “Max, we can’t. What if someone comes down here?” Max raised his hand and with a flick, the door closed and Liz heard the click of the lock. “I thought your break was only 15 minutes?”

“I only need 5.” He teased. “Max!” She laughed as she slapped at his chest. He grabbed her hand and his lips captured her smiling ones, but her laughter soon turned to moans as he pressed kisses about her face and neck. He backed her up against a small table in the corner, and pushing some boxes aside, lifted her up to sit while he stepped between her knees.

“I think I’ve created a monster.” She saucily informed him. “Grrrrrrrrr.” He mumbled against her skin. “Arggggghhh.” Making her giggle. Her uniform was unfastened down to her waist. Discovering the front clasp of her pink lacy bra, he murmured, “ahh, my favorite”.

“Well, that’s interesting. Considering it’s new and you’ve never seen it.”

He quirked an eyebrow, “I meant the clasp.” And with a flick of his finger it popped open. Bending his head, he nuzzled one of the cups aside, revealing the hidden prize. As Max suckled a rosy nipple, she shrugged her shoulders and the uniform and bra straps slid down her arms. Max pushed them down to free her arms before moving over to lave at her other breast. Now it was Liz who now clasped his head as if fearing he would stop what he was doing, and what he was doing was sending little electric currents rushing through her blood. “Max...” she moaned his name as he feasted on her. “Take… off your shirt.” With a few jerks, he shrugged off his work vest and shirt. Then he pulled her back into his arms as their heavy petting continued.

With a quick jerk, the remaining snaps of her uniform popped open and it slid off, leaving her clad only in lacy pink panties and her sneakers. His hands moved up and down her smooth toned legs before he reached for the scrap of lace, quickly jerking the garment down her legs. He pulled his mouth back away from her as his eyes scanned the length of her now naked body. “God, Liz, you are so beautiful.”

“You make me believe I am.” She wrapped her legs around him, wanting his body close to hers and shivered as the roughness of his jeans pressed against her moist core. “Max, take off your pants.” she implored reaching for the fastening. But he moved her hands away, “not yet,” and his mouth caressed her body as his lips roamed over her chest and down her stomach. He paused, “Liz?” He sounded a bit uncertain, as she looked at him, “I want… I want to…” She felt confused at his uncertainty and assured him, “I want you, too, Max.” She glanced at her nakedness, “I think that’s kinda obvious.”

He smiled, but then his face turned serious as his amber eyes gazed into her own deep brown, “Do you trust me?”

Her eyes widened at his question, “Of course, I do. Completely.”

He then knelt down and looking up at her, he grabbed her legs. Before she could blink the backs of her thighs were on his shoulders. “Maxxx?” She asked warily. He kissed the inside of one thigh and murmured, “Trust me.” She almost fell off the table when she felt his mouth give her the most intimate of kisses. “Oh, my...” She grasped the edges of the table as sensation rushed through her. Max was encouraged by the little cries she made as his lips and tongue bathed her moist folds, circling the tiny little bud of nerves. He eased first one finger inside her, then two, manipulating her passage and she cried out, “Oh, God, Max...” her hips undulated against his face as her back pressed against the wall. Feeling her inner walls begin to convulse, Max moved his fingers faster and faster as his lips clamped around her little bud and he sucked hard. Liz threw her head back and cried out, “Aughhhhhhhhhhh” as her orgasm swept through her. As her body squeezed around his fingers, his mouth traveled back up, reaching her lips. “You’re delicious,” he whispered into her mouth. Oh, God, she could taste herself on him.

He slowly removed his fingers and just held her tight until her tremors began to recede. She searched for the strength to speak, “Max... that was... that... wow.” Max blushed, “So… you liked it?” She looked at him with a blush of her own, “Oh… yeah.” She could feel his hardness pressing against her sensitive flesh and looked concerned, “but you didn’t...”

His erection was pushing painfully against his jeans. He pressed a quick kiss on her lips and with a smile, finally unfastened his jeans, sliding them down along with his boxers. When his manhood sprang free, Liz reached to caress him, as he fumbled for a condom. Once it was applied, he positioned himself, and with a grin, “Now, about those 5 minutes.” She giggled as he reached out to grasp her hips but immediately gasped as he plunged into her tight swollen channel. With only a couple of thrusts she could feel another orgasm begin to build. Max picked her up off the table, cupping her bottom with his hands as he turned to press her against the wall. As he thrust faster and harder, Liz could only cling to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, the heel of her sneakers pressing against his ass as rush after rush tore through her. She panted out words of encouragement. Suddenly Max stopped, buried deep inside her, looking into her eyes with a burning intensity in his, “You are my life, Liz, my everything.” “And you are mine.” He clamped his mouth to hers as he gave a few more thrusts, and adding a little alien zip, he joined her in an immensely satisfying climax.


“Chica, where have you been?” Maria chastised Liz when she returned to the Crashdown. “You’ve been gone over an hour! I had to make up crap to tell your Dad. You are lucky he had a meeting with one our vendors this afternoon.”

“Okay.” Liz just gave her a dopey smile, “Thanks, Maria.”

Maria first looked confused at Liz’s inane response, then her mouth fell open, “You two beyonded didn’t you? Omigod, Liz, it’s only 3:00 in the afternoon!!”

As Liz wandered back into the break area, a big grin on her face - Maria tagged after her, “Wait up - aren’t you going to tell me all about it?”


Michael opened up Max’s window and climbed inside, only to find the room empty. He knew Max’s shift had ended earlier, so either he was just late getting home, or had been waylaid by Liz.

Making himself at home, he wandered through the empty house, briefly wondering where Isabel and the Senior Evanses were. In the kitchen he opened the fridge and retrieved a can of cherry cola. He took a big swig and then added a generous splash of Tabasco to the can. Searching through the cabinets, he finally grabbed a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos and headed back to Max’s room to wait.

He stretched out on the bed, then noticing his dirty shoes, toed them off to fall on the floor. One made a soft thud on the carpet, but the other clunked. Looking over, Michael saw a book peeking out from under the bed. He reached down, picked it up and his eyes widened. “Damn, Maxwell!” With a grin he settled against the headboard and began to read.


Max pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine. Noticing his mom’s car still gone, he figured that his folks and Isabel were still out to dinner. He’d had to work a little extra at the UFO Center to make up for his long break earlier in the day. But as he exited the Jeep with a big happy smile on his face, he knew he would have worked all night just for that hour with Liz.

He entered through the kitchen, grabbed a cherry cola and opened the cabinet. He stared - hmmm, wasn’t there a new bag of Cheetos there this morning? Shrugging, he made his way down the hall and saw a light shining under his bedroom door. He stopped and slowly approached when heard a muffled laugh and recognized it as Michael. Rolling his eyes, he pushed the door open. “Michael, what are you...” he froze as he recognized what Michael was reading.

Michael looked up at Max and held up the book - How to Pleasure a Woman. “Oh, man, no wonder Liz was all grins and giggles this afternoon. What the hell did you do to her?”

Max grabbed the book out of his hands, “That’s private, Michael. What the hell were you doing snooping in my room?”

Michael shrugged Max’s indignation off, “I wasn’t snooping. Just waiting on you, and stumbled across these.” He picked up another book from the bed and started flipping pages, “Which one of these positions do you think Maria would like?”

“Forget it, Michael - I’m not about to discuss my sex life with you, and I’m certainly not going to imagine anything about you and Maria!”

Michael fixed him with a look, “Look, Maria and I haven’t gotten past the groping stage, but when we do actually do ‘the deed’, I’d like to have an idea of what the hell to do!” He looked at a page and turned the book upside down and grimaced. “That one just looks painful.”

Max reached out, “Will you give me that? I’m not comfortable talking about this with you, or anyone else for that matter.”

Michael pulled the book away from his reach, “Tough, Maxwell. You are the only other male hybrid on this planet, so who the hell else would I talk to about this stuff? Whitman? Valenti? So suck it up, besides, don’t think for a minute that Maria hasn’t nagged every detail out of Liz by now.”

Max just groaned as he pulled out his desk chair and sat down. “Why did Liz’s best friend have to be Maria Deluca?”

“We all have our crosses, and God help me, Maria is mine.” He held up the books, “Now which one should I start with?”


A few days later...

It was after hours at the UFO Center and Maria leaned against the souvenir counter. As she looked around at the cheesy exhibits, she shook a little plastic globe and grinned as she looked at the little smiling alien making a peace sign with silver stars floating about. She turned to see Max and Liz standing nearby, arms around each other as they engaged in a serious liplock.

Hmmm, no aversion to PDAs from those two. Maria thought, then again, I could use a little lip action myself. She look to where Michael sat on the steps playing with his GameBoy. He’d been acting a little weird in the romance department lately. Well, weirder than usual. She sashayed over, “Michael?” she said sweetly. He just grunted in response never looking up from the screen. “Michael?” A little firmer this time. “In a minute,” he mumbled.

Glancing over to see how ‘attentive’ Max was being to Liz, Maria spoke even louder, “Michael!”

“What?” He glared up at her, “Damnit, Maria, I was almost at the next level.” Throwing her hands up in frustration, “Oh, never mind.” She stalked off and ended up over by the alien autopsy exhibit. Glancing at the little alien cut open, guts spilling on the floor, she mentally imagined her own version with an evil little smirk.

Max reluctantly pulled his lips away from Liz’s when he heard Maria call out, “Hey, Max, are these alien guts supposed to be all over the floor?”

Max ran a hand through his hair to smooth it as he walked over to the display. “If I had a dollar for every time I had to stuff this guy’s guts back in...”

Isabel and Alex snuck into the entrance of the UFO Center and as they ran down the steps, Maria grinned. “About time you two got here - how was your threesome with Tess?”

Earlier Isabel had tried to ditch Tess by saying she and Alex were going to the movies, only to have Tess invite herself along, leaving them to scramble to change their meeting plans.

At Maria’s teasing, Alex implored, “Please do not use the words ‘threesome’ and ‘Tess’ in the same sentence ever again.” As the others laughed, he added, “But it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Tess ended up dragging Kyle along with her. And strangely, Tess was almost friendly to me.”

Liz and Maria looked at him in disbelief, he clarified, “I said - almost.”

“Guess that means she and Kyle are getting along.” Max noted. “I was a little concerned when she moved in with the Valenti’s.”

“Enough chit chat.” Michael declared, “Let’s get down to business.” Minutes later they all gathered around a table with a map of Arizona spread out on it. “Copper Summit is approximately here.” Alex pointed out an area to the northwest of Prescott.

Isabel pulled out a folder and notebook. “I’ve written up some notes...” Max and Michael both groaned. Isabel glared at them as she continued, “I’ve made a list of provisions and equipment we’ll need...” Maria looked over Isabel’s arm at the numerous items listed. “Just how many weeks do you plan on us being gone?”

Isabel cut her eyes over at Maria, “You’ll be singing a different tune when your stomach is full and you’re using toilet paper instead of cactus leaves.”

Maria grimaced, “Point taken - literally. Please continue.”

“Alex and I went online to map out a route to get us to Prescott. It’s about a 12 hour drive, and that doesn’t include rest stops”

“So unless we want to set up camp in the dark, we need to get an early start.” Alex stated as Isabel handed out copies of the map.

“Why can’t we just get a couple of motel rooms? Why do we have to really camp out?” Maria complained, and Michael answered her, “Money, blondie. We ain’t got it.”

Maria flipped her hands in the air, “Well, I’d think after all this time, you’d have learned to just hoodoo a few ones into hundreds.”

“Maria, that’s counterfeiting.” Liz admonished her. But Michael looked to Max. “Do you think...?”

“No!” Max shook his head, “Besides, we can’t risk calling attention to ourselves. The Skins might get word of a bunch of teenagers checking in to a motel in the area. It’s safer if we camp out.”

Remembering the school sponsored father’s camp out, Liz teased, “Come on, Maria, at least this should be more fun than our last camp out.” Maria wryly concurred, “I’ll say, least I won’t have to worry that my aqua bra will freeze on me.”

“Bring it with you,” Liz teased, “Alex never did get to try it on.”

“Ha, Ha.” Alex made a face at them.

Michael turned to Max, “Now that we have the trip planned, what story are we going to tell Tess and the Valentis.”

A harsh voice responded, “Yes, I’d like to hear the answer to that.”

They all whirled around to see Tess standing on the bottom step, a contentious look on her face. Kyle stood behind her with his arms crossed.

“Tess!” Max looked startled, “What are you...?

“Doing here?” She walked closer. “Interesting story there, Max. You see”, she explained sarcasm in hr voice, “Kyle and I were heading home when I saw the jeep out front. That wasn’t surprising in and of itself, but then I noticed Alex’s car parked on the corner and Michael’s bike parked behind it. We got a little curious.” She flung her hand out at the documents on the table. “Looks like you guys are planning a trip and I’m guessing that we’re not invited.”

“Look, Tess, it’s not that we don’t...” Isabel started only to be interrupted by Tess. “I’m not stupid, I know that none of you trust me or want me around.” Tess looked back at Isabel, “But I thought after tonight we were making a fresh start.”

As Isabel looked guilty, Maria blurted out, “You have no one to blame but yourself, Tess. You’ve done nothing but cause trouble since day one.”

Remembering her conversation with Sh’nar, Tess forced herself to squash the desire to send Maria crashing into the wall. She merely nodded. “I admit that, but that’s all in the past. Since that night at Michael’s apartment, I’ve accepted that Nasedo’s idea of ‘destiny’ was...” She glanced at Liz, “wrong.” She turned her attention back to Max, Michael and Isabel, “Like it or not, I am one of you. We were sent here as a unit and I have abilities you don’t have. I know I made mistakes”, her voice took on a pleading tone, “but you don’t know what it’s like being on the move all the time, always looking over your shoulder, with only Nasedo for company. I’m all alone now, and I don’t want to be left out, and I...” She suddenly stopped and shook her head, “What am I doing?” She looked around, “I’ve been reduced to begging?” She gave a self-deprecating laugh, “I don’t think so.” She turned around and made her way back to the steps, “Kyle, would you please take me back to your house?”

Casting a disapproving look on the silent group, he said, “Sure. Let’s get out of here.”


Max stopped the jeep and looked over at Liz. “Are you sure about this?” She gave him a slight smile, “We’ve already discussed it, and the majority agreed. You agreed.”

He nodded, “Let’s get this over with,” as he reached to open the door. “Wait.” Liz grabbed his arm. “I think maybe I should do this myself.”


Kyle opened the door and raised his eyebrows, “Do I know you?”

“Come on, Kyle,” Liz sighed, “don’t be that way. No one meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. I need to speak to Tess, may I come in?” Kyle stood back to let her enter, noticing Max sitting out in the jeep. Catching his look, she suggested, “Why don’t you go keep Max company?”

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Kyle stared at her. “Kyle, please?” Liz implored. “I know that Max would like to talk with you, anyway.”

“Fine.” As Kyle went outside, Liz entered and Tess rose to her feet. “What do you want? Come to rub my nose in it?”

“Look, Tess, it wasn’t easy for me to come here. I think we both agree that you and I will never be good friends...” Tess interrupted, “So what now? Is this the part where you tell me this town ain’t big enough for the both of us?”

“No one’s running you out of town, Tess.” Liz pointed to the couch, “Can we sit down?” Tess sat on the couch, and Liz took the easy chair. Once seated, Liz continued. “After you and Kyle left, we all talked and realized that you were right... we were deliberately leaving you out. But you were also right about something else, you are the same as them and you were meant to be together.” Liz held up a finger, “Just not with Max.”

Tess rolled her eyes, “Cut to the chase, Liz.”

“We’re planning a trip to Copper Summit, Arizona. We have reason to think that it’s the headquarters of the Skins. We want to include you in the trip, and we want Kyle and the Sheriff to know what’s going on, too.”

Tess just stared for a minute, “Is this a pity invite? Cause that’s even worse then not being wanted in the first place.”

Liz assured her, “No, it’s not. We don’t know what we’ll find out in Copper Summit, and you do have abilities that the rest don’t have. It’s time we put aside our differences, Tess, and find out about these Skins... find out who killed Nasedo. ”

“Okay, I’ll go.” Tess shrugged and then looked uncomfortable. “Look, you’re right that we’ll never be close, but this is important to me, too. I hope that we can at least cooperate with each other - for the good of the group.”

Liz nodded and stood up, “That’s all I ask, Tess.” As Tess also stood, Liz told her, “I’ll see myself out.”

But Tess followed Liz to the door, watching as she walked down to the jeep. Closing the door, Tess caught her reflection in the mirror over the hatrack and smiled. Pretending to hold a statuette, she simpered, “I’d like to thank the Academy for this honor, and all the little people who made this possible.”

TBC ~ Image
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Devil Kitty
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2002 11:05 am
Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Thanks for the feedback :)

Chapter 15

Max and Isabel stood in the middle of the Evans' garage arguing. "Isabel, you need to pare that list in half. There is no way we can take all of this stuff, we'd have to rent a U-Haul!" Max declared.

"Max, we need these things." Isabel objected. “Besides, Tess is taking her CR-V. We can put a lot in it.”

Phillip Evans walked in to find his children surrounded by a mound of camping gear, "What in the world is going on? I could hear you two all the way out on the street. Where I had to park by the way, since I couldn’t get in the driveway for all the cars."

Then he heard another voice, "Sorry, Mr. Evans, one’s my car." He turned to see Alex Whitman sitting on a large insulated cooler, beside him was Liz Parker.

“Hi, Mr. Evans,” Liz held up a bag, "Popcorn?" He walked over and looked at the bag, "It doesn't have any of that cheesy or garlic stuff in it, does it?" She shook her head, "Just buttery goodness." He smiled and as he reached into the bag he told her. "You're my kind of gal, Liz."

"Da-a-d," Max objected with a laugh, "you've got your own woman, stay away from mine."

Mr. Evans fixed his children with a look, "You two have some ‘splaining to do. Now, who dragged out all this stuff?"

"Isabel. Or I should say, she made Alex do it this afternoon." Max ratted her out.

"Tattletale!" Isabel cried.

As Mr. Evans looked at the stacks of equipment: tents, lamps, camp stove, pots, pans, canteens, coolers, camp stools, and other items, he shook his head. "This is every piece of camping gear we own, and some I don’t recognize. What happened to a simple weekend camp out?"

Alex grinned over at Mr. Evans as he reached into his own bag of popcorn, "Did you forget that Isabel is going?"

"Alex!" Isabel scowled at him.

"Ah," Phillip grinned back as he reached for more popcorn, "‘nuff said."

"Daddy!" Isabel stood with her hands on her hips. He at least was supposed to be on her side.

"It is supposed to be simple." Max responded, "We're only supposed to take what we can fit into backpacks."

"No way, Max! I am not sleeping outside in just a sleeping bag or a dinky pup tent." Isabel unequivocally stated. "And I want that stove and cookware. I'm not subsisting on dried goop."

"It's called gorp, Isabel, and we aren't eating that. But we don't need the stove, we'll have the campfire." Max shot back.

As Mr. Evans listened to his children argue, something caught his eye, "Is that a chemical toilet? Where did that come from?"

"I rented it." Isabel stated. "Honey," her dad gave her a pitying look, "you do realize that it has to be emptied?"

A look of disgust crossed her face, "Ewwwwww." As the others laughed, she brightened, "Wait! Max can empty it!"

"Absolutely not!" He bluntly informed her. When Isabel turned her smile on Alex, he jumped up. "I think I hear my mother calling." As he quickly made way towards the front of the garage, she relented, "Oh, alright, we'll leave that behind."

"That still leaves too much." Max stated, and the Evans twins were off again.

Taking a deep breath Mr. Evans held up his hands. "Alright, you two, that's enough. For now, just leave this stuff where it is and tonight we'll sit down and make a reasonable," he looked at Isabel, "list of what you will need for the weekend, and..." he paused for effect. "I'll let you borrow my Expedition." Isabel squealed and hugged her dad. Max just shook his head knowing that Princess Isabel would win once again.


It was still dark that early Friday morning when Max and a yawning Isabel pulled out of their driveway and headed off to pick up their friends. The night before Isabel had shanghaied Alex and Michael to carry a load of gear to put in Tess’s vehicle, so when they picked up Michael, all he had was a knapsack he tossed in the back. Next was the Crashdown where Alex and Maria waited with Liz before ending up at the Sheriff's house.

Once they arrived, they found that Kyle had decided to go along and he had already loaded up his gear along with Tess’s into her small silver SUV.

“This really isn’t necessary, Kyle.” Max insisted. “Perhaps it would be better if you stayed here with your dad. Sort of like back up for us.”

“Forget it, Evans.” Kyle wore a stubborn expression. “If I’m really going to be a part of this little Scooby gang of yours, then I’m coming along.”

Max cut his eyes over to Valenti who just shrugged, “I already tried to talk him out of it, but he has his mother’s obstinate streak.” Valenti tilted his head towards Tess, “He’s determined to go.”

Max gave in, “Fine, but this isn’t a joy ride, Kyle. This place could be a nest for these Skins. You will have to follow orders – my orders. Can you do that?”

“Sure thing, El Presidente.”

The Sheriff informed Max. "I really don't like it that all of you are going off like this without me, but I couldn't get away this weekend without it looking suspicious. So I'm trusting that you will be careful and do not take any foolish chances." He looked at Kyle, “That goes for you, too.”

"Yes, sir." Kyle nodded.

"We'll be careful, Sheriff." Max added, "This is just a recon trip to find out what we can about this Copper Summit place.”

“We’re not looking for any trouble, Dad." Kyle assured him.

“Unfortunately, son, that’s usually when it turns up.” Valenti had been holding a package and turned to give it to Max. "I don't know how the cell phone reception will be out there, so here are a couple of walkie talkies. They have a range of up to three miles."

“Thanks, Sheriff.” Max took the package and made his way to his dad’s SUV while the Sheriff gave Kyle and Tess goodbye hugs.

Finally, they were on their way. Most of Roswell was still sound asleep as they drove past the Roswell city limits sign. They hadn't made it five miles outside the city before Maria piped up, "Are we there yet?"

"Maria!" Liz laughed from her seat where she rode shotgun. Max looked in the review mirror and grinned at Maria where she sat with Michael who complained, "I didn't get to eat any breakfast, anybody got any of those chewy bar things?" Liz scrounged in her bag and handed him a granola bar, "Isabel has us scheduled to stop for breakfast in Hondo."

Reaching Hondo, they pulled into a pancake house. A short while later Maria cast disbelieving eyes over the table before catching Liz’s eye. They watched Michael and Alex chow down on pancakes, bacon and sausage like there was no tomorrow and washing it all down with large glasses of milk and juice. "Where do they put it?" Maria asked.

Max and Kyle had put away their fair share, but nowhere near the other two guys. Michael looked across the table at Maria's plate, "You gonna eat that sausage?" Rolling her eyes, Maria just shoved her plate over. "Are you and Alex in some kind of contest? Trying to see who explodes first?"

"Hmmmm?" Alex looked up from his second helping of pancakes. Isabel just shook her head, "Alex, where is that stuff going?" He grinned after taking a swallow of milk. "My mom says I have hollow legs." He looked at her plate. "That's all you are eating?"

The girls, with the exception of Tess, had ordered egg white omelets and fresh fruit plates, plus an order of sausage to share, while Tess and the guys had ordered the ‘all you can eat' pancake breakfasts. Maria flipped out her hand, "If we don't watch our figures, no one else will."

"I wouldn't know." Tess shrugged picking up a slice of bacon, "I've never had to worry about my weight."

Maria rolled her eyes, "Isn’t that just ducky for you?" She looked at Isabel, "So why are you eating the diet special?"

Isabel scowled, "Guess my human side must have an extra fat gene, cause I have to jog a mile for every order of space fries I eat."

Alex asked, "Isn't this like a vacation? My mom always pigs out on vacation."

Liz looked at her unappetizing half eaten plate, "He's right." Isabel nodded and looked around, "Oh waitress, could we have three short stacks over here? And some extra syrup?"

After finishing their meals, Max and Liz were the first ones back out to the SUV. They leaned against it, holding hands as they waited on the others. Liz looked up at Max, "So far so good, I haven’t wanted to kill Tess yet.” Max laughed. “Me neither, but then again, the day is young.”

“Courtney’s scheduled for a double shift today. Wonder if she'll suspect anything?"

Max shook his head, "I don't know, but I don't want to think about her or the Skins or anything else about this trip for the next few minutes.” He bent his head down towards hers. “I just want to concentrate on you." Liz smiled, "Works for me." Their lips met and she wrapped her arms up around his neck.

"Ewwww, you're gonna get space cooties, Liz."

Max and Liz jerked apart at the sing-song voice to see a grinning Maria walking up on them. "Very funny, Maria." Max said. "But if you're worried about cooties, you'd better stay away from Guerin."

"I heard that, Maxwell." Michael declared as Liz and Maria giggled.


After their large breakfasts, the kids had only grabbed snacks at their other ‘pit stops’, so everyone was ready for supper as they entered Prescott, Arizona.

Michael was at the wheel of the Expedition, with Maria riding shotgun, Max and Liz sitting behind them. Liz dialed Isabel’s cell, "Do you guys have anywhere in particular you want to eat?" She heard Isabel repeat the question and Kyle’s response, “Anywhere I can get a steak.”

“Steak it is.” Liz agreed. As they drove along the streets, Maria called out, "Ooh, look, there’s a Golden Corral."

They had two tables pulled together for the group of eight. Max, Liz, Michael and Maria sat at one, while Isabel, Alex, Kyle and Tess sat at the other. Although Tess sat beside the window, farthest from Max and Liz, she cast covert glances their way as Max fawned over Liz. Tess picked at her plate, inwardly rolling her eyes as Max fed Liz a bite from his plate. Sure, everyone was sharing their choices from the buffet, but those two just made her want to puke.

“Something wrong with your chicken?” Tess was startled from her musings as Kyle leaned over to question her. She looked down to see the mangled remains she was poking at. “Oh... just not what I’m in the mood for, I guess.”

“Come on, let’s get something else.” As the two of them made way to the various food stations, Kyle gave her a sympathetic look. “Don’t let those two get you down. I’ve already been down that road, and granted it’s going to take some time before you can stomach their goo-goo faces, but it does get easier.” He grimaced, “Never pleasant, mind you, but easier.”

Tess gave him a smile as she piled new selections on her plate. “So, oh learned one, what did you do to get over Liz?”

“Let me tell you a little story about a twisted ankle and Sally Jesse Raphael.”


After eating, they decided to fill up the gas tanks and pulled down the street into a convenience store. As Max and Kyle manned the tanks, the others went inside to stock up on some extra provisions. Cheetos, Pork Rinds, Cherry Coke – the staples of life.

Maria picked up a package of Ding Dongs, “Now, these just have Michael written all over them.” Liz laughed with her and then pointed at a package. “Who do those remind you of?” She and Maria looked at each other as they both said, “Tess.”


The girls whirled to see Tess standing behind them. Maria gaped as Liz recovered first, “Oh, we were just wondering what kind of snack cakes you might like.”

Tess shrugged and reached out. “These are fine,” and she tossed the package into Maria’s basket. As she walked off, Liz and Maria looked into the basket and erupted into giggles as there lay the same package they’ve been looking at earlier – HO-HOs.

Meanwhile, Isabel had struck up a conversation with a middle-aged man who was putting up stock. She mentioned that they were on a camping trip checking out old mine sites and asked if he'd ever heard of a place called Copper Summit.

"Copper Summit?" He scratched at a grizzled chin, "Sounds kinda familiar." He turned to the elderly lady behind the counter, "Ma, you heard of a place called Copper Summit?"

As the man and woman watched the two vehicles drive off, the old woman picked up the phone and dialed.


After traveling about 20 miles north of Prescott, the group located a likely area to camp and was rushing to get everything set up before the summer twilight became total darkness.

As the gear was unloaded and placed on the ground, Isabel around, "Max, why is this extra tent here?"

They had packed two large tents, one for the girls and one for the guys.

Max glanced at Liz before answering, "Well… we originally planned the two tents before we knew that Tess was coming along, so last night I decided to add that smaller one.”

Isabel looked around to be sure that Tess hadn’t heard him, and lowered her voice. “You packed a separate tent for Tess? I know how you feel about her, Max, but that’s a little insulting.”

Max avoided looking directly at her. "No, not for Tess. I thought that you, Tess and Maria could share one tent, and Alex, Kyle and Michael the other and then... "

“Ahhh,” Maria spoke up, "…and then Romeo could shack up with Juliette." Maria finished for him and looked at Liz, arms crossed. "Were you in on this plan, ‘chica?"

“Maria!” Liz was thankful that the approaching darkness camouflaged her blushing cheeks. "It's not what you're thinking. Besides, you have to admit that four to a tent would be a little crowded."

“Crowded, schmowded, and as to what I’m thinking? I’m thinking that Max here is looking to provide his own tentpole, if you get my drift.”

A dumbfounded Max opened and shut his mouth several times, much like a fish out of water, before he simply turned and walked away. Liz grabbed Maria’s arm and drew her aside, “Maria, what is the matter with you? It’s not like we’d do anything with all you guys around. And now look, you’ve embarrassed Max.”

Maria just shrugged it off, “I’m sure he’ll get over it - that is, once he has you naked in that tent.” Maria smirked.

Liz tossed up her hands, “You are hopeless, Maria. Why don’t you worry about your own sex life?” She paused a second, “Oh wait, you don’t have one.” As Liz went in search of Max, Maria called after her, “That was just cold, Liz!”

Max was standing against the front of the SUV staring off into the growing darkness as he mentally pictured Maria without a mouth. It could be done, just a little manipulation... Isabel’s voice broke through his thoughts. "You make sure that tent is far, far away from me, and I’m warning you, Max Evans,” she gave him a fierce stare, “the first moan or groan I hear - I'm throwing a bucket of water in there."


Once camp was setup, they all sat around a campfire toasting marshmallows and making s’mores. But soon there were yawns after the early morning and long day. Goodnights were said and they searched out their respective spots for the night.

As Max and Liz got up to head to their tent, Maria reached her hand out. “Wait a minute, girlfriend, you know I was just teasing earlier. I love you, don’t be mad.” She opened her arms for a hug.

Max rolled his eyes, but enfolded her in a hug, “I know, I love you, too, Maria.” After she turned to get a hug from Liz, Max told her. “Now, please, go bother Michael.”

In the girl’s tent:

Maria stretched out, “Can you believe that Liz gets Prince Charming, who thought to bring his own tent, and I get Quasimodo over yonder? All he brought was his Gameboy. Wait, what am I saying, of course I believe it.”

Isabel sat up, “Wait a minute, are you saying that you and Michael have...” She raised her eyebrows as she wiggled her hand.

“No!” Maria denied, “Not that I don’t want to. It’s like we get to a certain point, and neither is sure what to do next. Why can’t Cosmo have an article - How to Seduce Your Alien Boyfriend? What about you and Alex?”

Isabel shook her head, “No, I don’t think I’m quite ready yet to take that next step.”

Both girls looked over at Tess who replied, “Don’t look at me, I ain’t done either one of them.”

Isabel rolled her eyes, “We meant Kyle. You two have been cozy lately, anything happening there?”

Wanting the other two girls to accept her, Tess assumed a shy smile and shrugged, “Well, we did kiss the other day.”


In the guy’s tent:

“I can’t believe that lucky bastard brought his own tent.” Kyle gave a humorless laugh.

Michael rolled over onto one elbow, “You aren’t feeling jealous, are you? About Liz, I mean?”

“Nah, Liz and I made peace a long time ago. We’re just friends now. Actually, we never really got much pass that in the first place. Although, the girl is a good kisser.”

Alex popped up, “I think Kyle is just wishing he was in that tent with another petite girl - one with blond hair and blue eyes.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Whitman. Tess lives with us - she’s like a foster kid.”

Michael looked at him in disbelief, “Come on, Valenti, you’re saying that Tess is like your sister?”

Alex whooped, “If the way he’s been looking at her ass is brotherly, they’re going to have to move to Kentucky.” His laughter was cut off, “Ooomph” as Kyle hit him with a pillow. “Shut up, Whitman.”

Michael laughed but he’d seen the looks, too. “You’re telling me that you have a girl living in your house, looking like Tess does, and you’ve never once thought...”

“I’m not neutered, Guerin, of course I’ve thought, we even kissed the other day.”

“You kissed her? And lived to tell the tale?” Alex sat up, “Details, man, details.”


Max and Liz had crawled into their tent, which Max had made sure was set far apart from the others, and wriggled out of their outer clothes. Liz was left wearing a camisole of clingy cotton knit and matching pink French-cut panties, while Max was in striped boxers and a soft green tee shirt. As they lay in the dark on their joined sleeping bags she gave him a shy smile, "Well, that wasn’t quite as awkward as I expected."

Max gave her a bashful grin as he remembered the teasing and outright threats they received, "Yeah, but..." He propped up on his elbow and ran a finger across her face. "It would have been worth it. There was no way I was sleeping apart from you tonight."

“Me, neither.” Liz captured his finger in her lips and lightly sucked, and Max's eyes darkened as he felt the tug all the way down to his groin. He warned, ‘you're playing with fire, Liz."

She grinned unrepentant, "I’m sure I don't know what you mean." He leaned over to kiss her, his body aligning with hers and she felt the hardness pressing against his boxers into her thigh. He took her hand and pressed it to his growing hardness. "That's what I mean."

She gave him a squeeze before reluctantly telling him, "Max, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t tease; I know we can't. Everyone would hear, and Isabel would go on the warpath." He flopped over on his back with a groan. Liz leaned over him, "I hope Isabel didn't hear that." He couldn't help but laugh, even as his erection throbbed painfully. He looked up at Liz, "To hell with Isabel." Liz giggled, "Now I really hope she didn't hear that."

She snuggled in close and Max wrapped an arm around her and tried to think of boring things - baseball stats, mathematical equations, anything but that a near naked Liz was pressed up against him. After a few quiet moments he heard a soft, “Max?”

“Hmmm?” He brushed his lips against her forehead.

“I just wanted to ask…” She drew little circles on his chest. “The other day at the UFO Center… when you… where did you learn… you know?” She was glad it was dark, cause her cheeks were burning.

“What I did?” He looked down at her face and even though it was mostly dark in the small tent, he could tell she was blushing. She nodded, biting her lower lip. Damn, she was adorable. He mentally took a deep breath, “Okay, just promise you won’t get mad?”

“Why would I get mad?” She sat up and looked down at him, “Unless you’ve been practicing…” She raised a questioning eyebrow.

“God, no!” Max declared, as he too sat up. “You know you are the only one, Liz.” He reached out and slid a hand around the back of her head and pulled her to him. “Past...” his lips nibbled at hers, softly at first, “present…” then more pressing. “And future.” With arms wrapped around each other, Max gently pushed her back down consuming her mouth as he entwined his legs with hers.

After several tongue tangling minutes, Liz forced her lips away from his - delicious as they were. “Now about me being mad?”

“Maybe that was the wrong word, I just didn’t want you to get upset thinking that I wasn’t satisfied with what we’ve been doing, cause...” he grinned at her, “it’s been really great.”

She rolled her eyes, but grinned back. “I agree, but…?”

“Well, we’ve only had a few basic... moves. The other day I took some books back to the library for my mom and I noticed a section on family relations. I just thought maybe you’d like something more… well, more. So I borrowed a couple of books…”

“Max!” Her eyes wide as she scrambled back up. “The library?”

Max cried out, “Aughhh”, as her knee mashed the inside of his thigh coming perilously close to causing permanent damage to Big Al and the Twins. “Liz, baby, watch it.”

She ignored him. “Omigod, Max! I practically grew up in that library. Ms. Snavely has known me all my life and is in my mother’s weekly Book Club. She knows I’m dating you.” She covered her face with her hands, “and you checked out sex books from her?”

It was only the close call to his private buddies that kept Max from laughing out loud at the panic on Liz’s face. But he did give a gentle smile as he pulled her hands away. “Liz, honey,” he kissed each palm, “I said borrow, not checked out. Remember, my mom goes to that library, too.”

Now Liz looked shocked, “You stole them?” Now Max couldn’t help but laugh, “Borrowed, Liz, borrowed. As in - slipped out in my backpack, the same way I will slip them back in.”

“But what if your mom finds them while we’re gone?”

“I thought of that.” Max pointed to his backpack.

Taking a deep breath, Liz nodded, “So no one knows that you have them. Good.” As Liz lay back down beside him, Max decided that perhaps silence was the better part of valor and didn’t mention Michael finding them the other night.

“So…” A much calmer Liz peeked up from under her lashes, “Did you learn anything else from those books?”

With a mischievous look on his face, “I thought you were afraid of incurring the Wrath of Isabel?”

She gave a bashful shrug, "I don't guess it would hurt to just... you know, if we're real quiet."

He gave her a boyish smile, "I can be quiet."

She smiled back at him as she sat up and crossing her arms, pulled her camisole off, the faint light of the moon coming through the tent to highlight her firm small breasts.

"I hope, that is."

TBC ~ Image
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Devil Kitty
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2002 11:05 am
Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Finally! This part has a Image warning.


From Chapter 15 ~

“So...” A much calmer Liz peeked up from under her lashes, “what else did you learn from those books?”

With a mischievous look on his face, “I thought you were afraid of incurring the Wrath of Isabel?”

She gave a bashful shrug, "I don't guess it would hurt to just... you know, if we're real quiet."
He gave her a boyish smile, "I can be quiet."

She smiled back at him as she sat up and crossing her arms, pulled her camisole off, the faint light of the moon coming through the tent to highlight her firm small breasts.

"I hope, that is."

Chapter 16

Max sat up and Liz helped him remove his tee-shirt before he eagerly took her into his arms. They held each other tight - breast to chest as they kissed. There were sweet nibbling kisses and deep tongue kisses that left them breathless. Max drew his lips along Liz’s jaw line, dipping to softly suck on her neck. Liz tilted her head to grant better access, as she sighed, “I love you, Max.” He moved his mouth up to murmur in her ear, “I love you, too.” And a shiver ran down her spine.

He gently pressed her backwards onto the soft down-filled sleeping bags and bent to take a tight little nipple into his mouth. As he gently suckled, she held his head close, moaning with pleasure as his lips and tongue bathed one breast before moving over to give equal attention to the other.

Liz gave a delighted gasp when his hand slid down her stomach, grabbed the material of her panties and quickly disposed of them. She let her legs fall open so he could caress her slick folds, “Ah, Liz, you feel so good.” His fingers worked their magic to send her blood singing through her veins. “Oh, Max, that feels so good.” He manipulated her flesh until he felt the walls of her passage begin to tighten, then he captured her mouth with his, silencing her cry as her orgasm peaked. He held her tight pressing little kisses on her face as her body came down from the high he created within her.

Liz stroked her hands along his arms around to his strong back. “Your turn,” she whispered as her hands moved down to where her hands brushed the edge of his boxers. She demanded, “These - off.” Max was happy to oblige and his erection sprang free as he wriggled out of the garment. He stretched out along side her and took her hand and placed it on his stomach, whispering against her mouth, “Touch me?” She slid her hand down to gently grasp his shaft, “Like this?” as she began stroking and rubbing her thumb around the mushroom shaped cap. Max groaned, “oh, yeah.” She shifted so that she was partially draped over him, her hand continuing to slide up and down. She gently nibbled at his copper nipple and asked, “Does this feel as good to you and it does to me?” When Max’s head fell back and he moaned an unintelligible “uhnnnnn”, she smiled against his skin. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

She kissed her way around his chest and stomach as she slowly drove him crazy with her hand. She dipped her tongue into his navel before lifting her head, “Max?” She peeped up at him, “What you did the other day... can I do that to you?” At her hesitant question, his mind immediately pictured Liz’s mouth... oh, God! He leaned up on his elbows, “Liz, I ... you... you don’t have to...”

She gave him a shy smile, “I want to.” Max swallowed hard and his eyes opened wide as she released him to slide down to kneel between his legs. She rubbed her hands along his thighs up to his hips before once again gently grasping his shaft, “Let me know if I do this wrong.” Her tongue reached out to lick the head of his shaft and she twirled her tongue around it. When she closed her mouth over the cap and began to lightly suck on him, his eyes rolled back in his head and his head fell back on the sleeping bag. His hands fisted into the fabric underneath him. “Liz, Oh, God, Liz... ” She could hear the pleasure in his voice and thought impishly to herself, guess that means nothing’s wrong. Max was already so aroused that it didn’t take long for him to feel the quickening in his balls. Knowing he was close, he tried to tell her to wait, to stop, but he couldn’t form the words. And when she removed her mouth and sped up the pumping, he couldn’t stop his body from jerking as his release came in hot streams, gritting his teeth to keep from calling out her name.

Afterward, he saw that the evidence of his release was on his stomach and chest - and on Liz - her face, her chest. “Liz...” his face burned with mortification, “I’m so sorry, I tried… but I couldn’t stop.” He avoided looking directly at her in his embarrassment. Liz moved beside him, grabbing his hand. “Max, look at me. I didn’t want you to stop. I wanted you to...” She gave him a shy smile as she wiped at her cheek, “I wanted to do that for you.” She glanced at their bodies. “Although, we could both use a little clean up about now.” He gave her a grateful, if chagrined, smile as he reached out and swiped his hand, removing the evidence from both of them. “Thanks.” She whispered as they snuggled together, and he couldn’t keep the big grin off his face, “No - thank you.”


Liz had been sleeping a couple of hours when she awoke with a pressing need to visit the ladies room - unfortunately, the nearest restroom was miles away. With a sigh she sat up and glanced around, spying Max's discarded tee she reached over his sleeping body and dragged it over her head. After retrieving a roll of biodegradable tissue paper and a flashlight, she crawled out of the tent and made her way to the nearest bush.

When she crawled back into the tent, her flashlight caught Max's backpack, and a curious thought crossed her mind. She really shouldn't... she gnawed at her bottom lip, glanced over to see that Max had rolled over on his stomach and was facing away from her. Giving in to temptation, she eased over and removed one of the ‘books' from the backpack and holding the flashlight began flipping through the pages. She grinned when saw where Max got the idea for what he did back at the UFO Center, and what do you know - she couldn't help but snicker... earlier she had given Max a ‘page 32'. Her eyes widened at some of the illustrations, "oh, my," she whispered turning the book upside down, “how did they do that?”

"What are you doing?" A raspy voice asked. A startled Liz dropped the flashlight with a gasp. "Umm..." Busted! "I was... just...uh…"

Max rolled over to lean up on his elbow, "Doing some light reading?" He asked with a puckish grin.

Liz shrugged, pushing her hair back and nonchalantly admitting, "Something like that." Then she noticed that the way the flashlight had fallen it was illuminating the tent with a soft glow, along with Max as he lay stretched out in all his glory. And what a glory it was - as it was apparent that catching her reading the erotic book was exciting to him.

“Find anything interesting?”

Feeling a building of ‘excitement' herself, she tossed the book aside, “Maybe,” and crawled over to straddle his body as he lay back down. He wrapped his arms around her, "Ummm, I like my shirt on you. But I think I like you better without it." She leaned over to kiss him as he slid his hands down to her hips. He caressed her bare bottom and pulled back to give her a look of faux shock, "Why, Ms. Parker - I see London, I see France, but I don't see underpants."

Liz giggled at his silliness. Max was always so serious that it was charming to see him in a lighthearted mood. She reached down to drag a fingernail along his manhood, "Hmmm," she teased, "I don't see any underpants either." Max grinned, "I think we should take advantage of this situation." He stripped the tee from her body before pulling her back down as he began kissing her again.

As Max's lips traveled around Liz's face, jaw and neck, she asked him, "Weren't you going to show me something from that book?"

"I didn't think you needed it. After all, you did fine with page 32." She reared back, "Ohhhh, you certainly knew that page number pretty quick. Been thinking about that one, have you?"

He laughed, "Liz, a guy doesn't need a book to think about that." He flipped them over, so that he lay cradled between her silken thighs. Before long their kisses and caresses reached fever pitch, but while he rubbed his erection along her folds, he didn't attempt to penetrate - which was driving her crazy. She reached her hand between their bodies, grasping him and urging him to join with her, "Max, don't tease."

He sat back on his heels, “I just need to get…” Liz grasped his arms, “No condom, Max, I want to feel you – skin to skin.” Her words surprised him. “Liz, we can’t risk…”

“I’m on the pill.” He just stared at her. “I started them when we got back from Florida. I wanted to be sure they’d had time to take affect.”

He still looked uncertain, “Liz, my body may be human, but we know that my blood is alien. My… stuff… is probably alien, too. What if it could hurt you?”

“It didn’t hurt me earlier.” Liz glanced down at her chest, “No burns or anything.” Liz assured him. “Max, we literally found each other through time and space. We were meant to be together…like this.” She reached up to grasp his neck and pulled his face to hers. “Just you and me, Max, nothing between us.”

“Yes.” He whispered against her mouth, and they both gasped when he sank into her welcoming depths. She was so tight, felt so good surrounding him, flesh to flesh - he almost came on the spot. Liz, too was reveling in the fullness as they became one. She wrapped her legs around him as his body pistoned within hers. When suddenly, Max withdrew and once again sat back on his heels.

“Max, what’s wrong?” Liz was taken unaware at his abrupt withdrawal. “Shhhh, it’s okay…just a minute.” He reached for the small travel pillow and lifted her hips to slide it underneath her. Liz looked down to see her pelvis tilted up as Max situated himself and once again eased inside her. “Ohhh,” she gave a small cry, the new position bringing him even deeper inside her. He smiled at her surprised look and said, “Page 24" before bending down to grasp a nipple with his lips, tugging in rhythm to his thrusts. Liz could only cling and whimper, sensation after sensation rushed through her as each thrust bumped the head of his member against her sweet spot. When her inner walls clamped around him like a vise, Max tried to keep his word to stay quiet, gritting his teeth and groaning to keep from shouting out Liz's name. Unfortunately the same could not be said for Liz, as her low moans became keening cries. Max’s control snapped and when he let go the hot streams exploded into Liz’s body sending her into another mind-blowing climax.



In the girl's tent:

Maria sat up, "Omigod! What was that?" She asked in fear.

Another guttural moan ripped across the night air.

"Uhnnnn," Tess protested, and pulled the pillow over her head with a muffled, "I don't believe them!"

"That was Max and Liz?” Maria was wide awake and wide-eyed.

"Oooh, I warned him!” Isabel shifted to her knees and started to crawl out of the tent when Maria's words froze her. "Do you really want to see your brother naked? With a naked Liz?"

"Damn." Isabel lay back down in disgust. "I knew I should have brought ear plugs."

In the guy's tent:

“What the hell?” Kyle sat up. Alex also sat up, "Was that a coyote?" As another cry pierced the air, "Sounds like it's in pain."

Michael rolled over and groaned, "I'd say that coyote's name is Liz, and she ain't feeling no pain."

Alex's mouth dropped, "You don’t mean..."

Kyle grumbled, "Damned lucky bastard."

It was a long time before anyone in the tents fell back to sleep.


Max and Liz collapsed on the sleeping bags, their breathing ragged, "Oh, God, Max, that was incredible." He pushed back the sweaty hair from her face and pressed his lips to her forehead, "You're incredible." They lay together in the afterglow, feeling mellow and sharing soft caresses and kisses. Liz asked quietly, “Did you see?”

“The flashes?” When she nodded, he nodded back, “Yeah.” He cupped her face, “That was us… from before?” She nodded, “What did you think?” He smiled, “They looked more human that I had expected.” They lay quietly each reflecting on the quick flash of images they had seen of Zan and Alisria.

Just as Max was about to drift off to sleep, Liz whispered, "Max? Um, do... do you think anyone heard us?" Max figured they probably heard her all the way to Prescott, and couldn’t quite suppress a proud grin, but he merely shifted to spoon behind her. "Don't worry, baby, I'm sure they are all fast asleep."


The campers slept in late and it was mid morning by the time everyone gathered together and started breakfast. They fried up bacon, scrambled eggs, and made toast over the campfire.

Liz took another bite of the eggs that Michael had scrambled, “Ummm, these eggs are delicious, Michael. Did you put cheese in them? I could eat the whole pan.”

Michael looked over at Max and Liz, “Yeah, I noticed that ‘camping’ seems to have worked up your appetites.” Something in the pointed tone of his voice gave warning to Max, who stopped eating and glanced around at his companions.

Kyle, who sat beside Michael, turned toward him with a prankish look, “You know what works up my appetite?” He answered himself, “A good night’s sleep. Not that I got all that much last night. Did any of you hear those coyotes taking on?”

Liz had been happily eating, but suddenly froze, her fork half way to her mouth, “Co... coyotes?” She laid the fork back in her plate, slowly reaching for her juice as she uneasily cut her eyes over at Max.

Maria shared a look with Isabel before giving a warning growl, “Guyyyyyyys.”

Michael ignored her and took his cue from Kyle, “Did I ever. They must have been fighting, cause it sounded like one of them was being ripped in two.”

Liz swallowed her juice wrong and began coughing. “Liz!” Max jumped up and made sure she was okay before glaring at the two smirking culprits. Maria hit Michael up the back of the head, “Owwww, what was that for?” “For being a smartass jerk, that’s what for.”

“What about him?” He pointed at Kyle. “He started it.” Maria glanced over at Tess, who promptly whacked Kyle upside the head. “Hey!” He objected.

“Now hear this,” Isabel stood arms akimbo and cast her own glares around the camp. “It was bad enough having to hear the ‘coyotes’ - no one wants to talk about them.”

“Isabel’s right.” Alex looked at Max and Liz, who seemed to be looking for a deep hole to crawl into. “Can we just move on? Max, have you figured out an exact plan for going into Copper Summit?”

Max gave him a look of gratitude, “Yeah, Alex, I’ve been thinking that for all of us to suddenly show up might look too suspicious, so I think part of us should stay behind.” He looked at Isabel, “Considering their use of the name ‘Vilondra’ in their letters, I think you should be one of the ones to stay behind, Isabel.” He waited for the explosion, and it came quickly.

“Max! Absolutely not!” Isabel started to object, but Alex calmly interrupted. “He’s right, Isabel” She whirled to look at him and he held up his hands. “Just think a minute. We don’t know what the Vilondra Project is, you shouldn’t take any chances.”

Michael looked at Max, “So, Fearless Leader - who goes and who stays?”


Tess excused herself to visit the bushes. She had several missed calls on her cell and since practically everyone she knew was here - she had a very good idea who was trying to reach her. She pressed a few buttons on her phone.

“Where are you?” The irritated voice asked. “In fact, where is everyone? All ‘Madison’ is aware of is that Alex is out of town for the weekend.”

Tess responded, “You wanted me to ‘bond’ with Max and the others. Right now we’re on a camping trip - in Copper Summit, Arizona.”

Sh’nar was surprised. “Copper Summit? Why there?”

“Max calls it a ‘recon’ mission.” Tess explained, “They believe that one of the Crashdown waitresses is a Skin sent to spy on them. They searched her apartment and it led them here.”

“Listen carefully, Tess.” Sh’nar warned her. “Those idiots are Vilondra worshipers, and they tolerate Rath by association. But the Skins are no friends of Zan or Ava. ”

“Vilondra Worshipers?” Tess glanced down at her phone, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I can’t explain it all fully now, just know that on our world we have a caste system. What you call ‘Skins’ are a race on Antar known as Turians. They are a servant class. While Vilondra didn’t support Zan’s ideals to abolish the monarchy, she felt that the Turians deserved better treatment in our world. She went out of her way to provide them with better living conditions - in return, they loved her.”

Tess asked, “And Zan and Ava?”

“Not so much. You - Ava - loved being part of what you would call here the ‘aristocracy’ and she upheld the theory of ‘a place for everyone and everyone in their place’. Therefore, the Turians purpose was no more than to serve their betters. As for Zan, he just wanted to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic, so he could step down as King. But in the meanwhile, he basically ignored the Turians.”

“So how do I keep Max from going there?” Tess asked, “I sure can’t tell him this story.”

“No, I’m afraid you can’t stop him,” Sh’nar stated. “All you can do is be on guard, and stick to Max like glue - we can’t afford to lose him. We need him to get the Granolith back.”

“Why do you need Max? He doesn’t even know what it is, I didn’t know what it was.”

“It will all be explained in time. Just protect him, Tess. Without Max, the Granolith is nothing more than a piece of space junk.”


Tess’s silver SUV made its way down the old road that led into Copper Summit, the pavement cracked with age. Max was behind the wheel with Liz beside him, while Michael, Maria and Tess were crowded in the backseat. Kyle had objected to being left behind with Alex and Isabel, but Max had insisted. “We don’t want to appear suspicious. If it weren’t for the possibility of needing Tess’s powers, I’d have her stay behind, too.”

As they entered the small town, Maria noted, “This place looks old as dirt.” Liz pointed out the power and phone lines. “Guess they like some modern conveniences.” They noticed a bank building and several retail stores. Max pulled up at a service station that looked straight out of the 1950's - no self-service here. He rolled down the window as the attendant ambled towards them wiping his hands on a rag. As he reached the vehicle he gave them a cursory look over, “You folks lost? Don’t get many visitors out this way.” He looked to be in his 20’s, with stringy, greasy hair.

Max nodded, “We must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Could you tell us how to get to Prescott?” He looked at the name sewn on the shirt, “Gus, is it?” The man gave him simple directions, then Max suggested that as long as they were there, they should top off the tank.

“I could stand to stretch my legs.” Michael offered as he opened the back door. Soon they had all piled out and Liz asked if there was somewhere she could freshen up. The girls made their way to the station’s restroom. As she opened the door Liz looked around. “What a dump - doesn’t anyone ever clean this place?” Maria curled her lip, “Ewwwwww, there’s no way I’m sitting down in there.”

Tess pushed her way in front of them, “I’ll take care of it.” Then she closed the door behind her. When she came back out, the toilet and sink were clean. “When you two get through, I’ll put it back the way I found it.”

When Liz took her turn, she noticed a tattered curtain and pushed it aside, giving her a view from the side of the building, but there wasn’t much to see. As she joined Maria and Tess she told them, “Nothing to see from here, let’s take a walk and see what’s down the street.”

They rejoined Max and Michael, who were trying to chat up the gas attendant, who’s responses were monosyllabic and even less informing.


They walked down the street, noticing that in addition to the businesses they’d noticed on their way in, there was a combination General Store and Post Office. The kids entered and looked around, purchasing cans of soda. The clerk was polite, but reserved.

As they continued down the main street, they saw a bakery advertising cakes and cookies, an old fashioned ice cream parlor and a candy store. Maria stopped to look at the display of candies, “Hmmm, they sure like their sweets in this place.” Michael pointed across the street at a couple of restaurants featuring Mexican and Indian cuisines. “Spicy, too.” He looked at Max, “Sound familiar?”

At the end of the ‘business’ district they arrived in front of a two story building and over the large ornate double doors was an iron arch with the letters UFL.

“This must be the place.” Max noted, and he and Liz led the way as they approached the building. Just as they reached the top step, the doors suddenly opened and a large middle-aged man appeared. “Oh!” Liz exclaimed as she fell back against Max. She gave a shaky laugh, “You startled me.”

He just looked at her, no apology forthcoming. Then he asked, “May I help you?” giving them a stern look. Max stepped in front of the others, “Sorry, sir, we didn’t mean to disturb you. We got lost, then stopped for gas and directions” As the man just stared silently, Max’s voice dropped off. “We were just... um, stretching our legs.”

Michael popped up, “Fancy building, you got here. What’s the UFL stand for?”

“Michael!” Maria tugged at his arm, not liking this place or that man at all. “Don’t be rude.”

“You’ll have to excuse our friend,” Tess shrugged with a half smile, “He’s rather... blunt.”

Liz tried again, “It’s a very nice building, and the ironwork is lovely. I’m interested in architecture, would it be possible for us to look around?”

“Sorry,” the man shook his head, although he didn’t sound sorry at all. “This is a private organization - members only. So, if you will excuse me.” Without another word, he stepped back into the building and closed the door with a click of the lock.


“Not big on the friendly around here, are they?” Maria stated the obvious as they walked back down the street.

Liz suggested that they split up and see if any of the store clerks might be more forthcoming. She and Max hit the candy shop while Michael, Maria and Tess hit the bakery. “Be sure to purchase something. People tend to be more willing to talk if they are pleased with you.” Maria told them.

“Well, that was a waste of time...” Michael grumbled as they made their way back to the SUV, “and I spent ten bucks on this cake.”

Liz nodded, “Same for us, although I did get some nice fudge.”

Tess shrugged her shoulders. “Everyone was polite enough, but they sure clammed up when we mentioned that UFL building.”

They settled in their seats, and Max fastened his seatbelt before turning the key – only to be met by a clicking sound. He glanced at Liz before turning around to look at the others. “That didn’t sound good.” Maria observed. Max tried again - with the same results. He gave the hood pull a jerk and exited the vehicle. Michael opened his door and joined Max as he raised the hood.

Michael looked around under the hood before saying, “Maybe it’s the battery, Maxwell. Want to give it a little boost?” Max unobtrusively placed his hand on the battery, looked around the engine and various parts, “There’s nothing wrong with the battery or anything else. The distributor cap is missing.”

He looked up at Michael, “Someone doesn’t want us to leave.”

TBC Image
Last edited by Devil Kitty on Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Devil Kitty
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Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Finally, here's an update - but don't get excited, it's one of those dreaded transitional chapters ;)

From Chapter 16

They settled in their seats, and Max fastened his seatbelt before turning the key – only to be met by a clicking sound. He glanced at Liz before turning around to look at the others. “That didn’t sound good.” Maria observed. Max tried again - with the same results. He gave the hood pull a jerk and exited the vehicle. Michael opened his door and joined Max as he raised the hood.

Michael looked around under the hood before saying, “Maybe it’s the battery, Maxwell. Want to give it a little boost?” Max unobtrusively placed his hand on the battery, looked around the engine and various parts, “There’s nothing wrong with the battery or anything else. The distributor cap is missing.”

He looked up at Michael, “Someone doesn’t want us to leave.”

Chapter 17

“Shit.” Michael felt tingle of shock course through him. He swallowed and casually looked around at the buildings around them. “Do you think they know who we are? What we are?”

“Can’t say for sure, but that would be a good guess.” Max stared down at the engine. “I can use my powers to start the car, but that would definitely give us away to whoever took the distributor cap.”

Michael noted, “I’m thinking that would be Gus, our not so friendly gas attendant.”

Max agreed, “Yeah, me, too. So, what do you think we should do?”

Michael looked surprised, “You’re asking me?” Max cut his eyes over at Michael, “Well, you are my second.”

Michael seemed to stand a little taller, “Okay, if we’re being watched - and I’m guessing we are – we might as well play our parts.” He looked around the hood, “Hey, Liz.” She stuck her head out the passenger window. “Slide over and give it a try when we tell you.” He stuck his head back under the hood and played at jiggling the battery cables. “Try it now, Liz.” They heard the same clicking sound.

“Got a problem?” Max and Michael looked up to see Gus ambling towards them.

Michael rubbed his eyebrow, “Won’t crank - thought it might be the battery.”

Tess got out of the car and came around to join them, “The battery? I’ve had this thing less than a year. How can the battery be dead?”

Gus shook his head, “I’m just a gas jockey – you’d better let Eustace check it out.” Max looked at him, “I’m guessing ‘Eustace’ is a mechanic?” Gus nodded, “Yep.” Then frowned, “But he and his wife went to Flagstaff, so they won’t be back until tomorrow.”

By this time Liz and Maria had also exited the car to join the guys. “Tomorrow? We have to stay overnight?” Liz looked apprehensive while Maria asked in dismay, “Where are we going to sleep? In the car?”

Gus rubbed his chin, “We don’t have any motels, but we do have a boarding house. Maybe they could put you up.”

“Boarding house?” Max asked.

Gus gave them his first genuine smile, “I’ll give them a call.”

As Gus walked away, the teens gathered closely together. Liz looked up at Max. “I don’t like this, can’t you just fix it?”

He wrapped an arm around her, “I could, but...” Max then explained to the girls about the missing distributor cap. “So... we have to make a decision, and make it quick.” He looked over where Gus was standing inside the station speaking on the phone. “We can either stay here and see if we can learn more or use our powers and get out - exposing ourselves in the process. So…do we stay or do we go?


An old station wagon pulled up to where the SUV sat with its hood still up and a man with salt and pepper hair rolled down his window. “You the folks with car trouble?” Max moved towards him and nodded. “Yes, sir. We...”

He was interrupted, “Name’s Walt.” He laconically stated. “Wife runs the boarding house - she sent me to pick you folks up.”

Liz took a deep breath and gave him a smile, “We really appreciate this, sir. I hope we’re not causing any trouble.”

Walt just grunted, “Gather whatever you want to take with you and let’s be on our way.” He put the car in park, but did not bother to exit the car. Maria looked at Liz and rolled her eyes, “This just gets better and better.”

Michael looked at Max, “Shouldn’t we call Isabel? They’ll be expecting us back soon.” Max nodded, “As soon as we get settled, we’ll need privacy.”


Isabel rolled her shoulders to work out the kinks as she reached for a card. “I can’t believe we haven’t heard from them. They’ve been gone forever.”

Alex looked up from his laptop to where Kyle and Isabel sat cross-legged on the ground, a camp stool serving as a table for their playing cards. Checking his watch, “It’s only been a few hours. I’m sure they’re fine.”

“Yeah,” Kyle assured her, “And while Guerin might muck up the works, they have Max and Tess’s powers, plus as an added bonus - Liz’s brain.”

“I hope you’re right. I knew I should have gone with them. Waiting is torture.” Isabel took a card from Kyle and smiled, “And…I’m out.”

“Aughhhh!” Kyle tossed down the remaining card in his hand with disgust, “That’s the third time in a row that I’ve been the Old Maid.”

“And you’re surprised by that?” Alex just shook his head, “I know you didn’t expect Isabel to allow herself to be called an Old Maid.”

Kyle looked from Alex to Isabel. “You cheated?” Isabel gave an impish and totally unrepentant shrug and leaned over to wave her hand over his “old maid”. It reverted to the 7 of diamonds. Kyle shook his head, “Now, I’d expect that from Tess...”

Alex interrupted, “I thought you liked Tess?” Kyle asked, “What’s your point? You like Isabel and she’s a cheat.”

“Hey!” Isabel objected, “Just for recreational purposes. I don’t cheat in the real world.” She gathered up the cards and put them back in their box. “Now, just what is going on with you and Tess?”

Kyle shrugged, “There is no ‘me and Tess’.”

Alex grinned, “That’s not what you said last night.” Kyle glared at him, “Hey, what’s said in the tent, stays in the tent.”

Isabel gave him a long suffering look, “You might as well tell me, you know I’ll just get it out of Alex.” Alex just lifted his hands, “You know she will.”

Kyle rolled his eyes, “Wus.” As Isabel continued to stare him down, he caved. “Oh, alright. It’s no big deal - I just kissed her the other day. She freaked about it and was going to move out, so I told her that she didn’t have to worry I’d jump her. So I guess we’re trying to be just friends.”

“Hmmmm,” Isabel quirked an eyebrow, “That’s not what she said last night.”

Kyle whirled, “What did she say?” Alex laughed, “Oh man, you sound like Maria back in junior high.” He spoke in a falsetto voice, “What did he say, does he like me?”

Isabel looked away from Alex with a grin and teased, “What happened to ‘what’s said in the tent, stays in the tent’?” Kyle emitted a sound somewhere between a groan and a growl. Isabel laughed, “Okay… okay… she said that the two of you kissed, and...”

“And…” Kyle looked at her expectantly when her voice trailed off. “And what?”

Isabel slowly shook her head, “I’m not sure I should betray a confidence.”

Alex laughed out loud as Kyle looked like he was about to pop a gasket. “Isabel, put the boy out of his misery.

Isabel leaned forward, “She said that she liked it.”

Kyle jumped to his feet and pumped his fist, “Alright!”


Meanwhile, back in Copper Summit...

The five teens walked up the steps and onto the porch of the old hotel/boarding house, carrying several knapsacks with a few of their belongings. They were greeted by the owner herself, a middle-aged woman dressed casually in slacks and sensible shoes. “Oh, you poor things - first getting lost, and then your car breaking down...” She shook her head sympathetically. “You must be exhausted. Come in, come in.”

Once they stood on the porch, Liz gave the woman a smile and said, “Thank you, Mrs...?” “It’s Crawford dear, but you just call me Aunt Ida, everyone does.” She turned to look back down the steps, and missed looks that the group exchanged. Everyone but Tess recognizing the name Ida Crawford as being on the corporate files Alex had discovered for the Universal Friendship League.

“Walt, honey, don’t just stand there, go put the car up and come inside.” Ida Crawford turned back to the kids. “Just come on in and make yourselves at home.” She led them into an old fashioned parlor. “This place was once a hotel back in the day, and we’ve some extra rooms on the upper floor. I’ll just see that they get aired out a bit and you kids can get settled in before supper.”

“Oh, please don’t go to any trouble, we don’t want to be any bother.” Liz offered, “In fact, we can just get something in town.”

Ida placed her hands on her hips, “Why it’s no trouble at all, I always cook enough for an army anyway.”

Maria leaned over to whisper to Michael, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Ida looked around at the young faces, “I’m delighted to have you here and my son will be glad to see some new faces. Guests are rare as hen’s teeth out this way.” She placed a hand to her cheek, “Listen to me ramble on. You all must be thirsty; I believe we have some lemonade.”

When she left the room, Maria noted, “Wow, she’s got that homespun attitude down pat, doesn’t she?” Michael nodded, “Yeah, well, she’s had 50 years to work on it.”

At Tess’s confused expression, Liz explained. “Alex did a little research on the UFL and Ida Crawford was listed as a ‘corporate officer’ along with a T. Greer.” “Ahh,” Tess nodded, “that guy at the UFL building?”

“That’s our best guess.” Max added as he pulled out his cell phone. “Great.” He muttered in disgust and looked at the others as he held up the phone, “Out of service area.”

“We have the walkie-talkie,” Michael told him, “When they take us up to a room, I’ll give it a try.”

Everyone found a place to sit, except Liz who perused the titles in the bookcase and Maria who wandered around looking at the photos and knickknacks on the tables and shelves. “Omigod!” She grabbed a framed photo and turned it to the group, “This is that Congresswoman we saw on TV!”

A quiet voice answered her, “That’s my sister, Vanessa.” They all turned to the doorway to see a young boy of about 14 standing there. He shrugged self-consciously, “I’m Nicholas.”

Liz recovered first. “Hi, I’m Liz.” She introduced the others. “You must be proud to have such a famous sister.” The boy shrugged, “Yeah, but she hardly ever visits anymore.”

“Now, Nicky,” Ida reappeared at the door with a tray filled with glasses of lemonade, “You know that our Nessie loves you - didn’t she promise to come for a visit at the end of the month? I bet she’ll bring you something special.” He nodded, and she prompted him, “Go on and wash up for supper, it’s almost ready.” He grabbed a glass of lemonade as he left and she gave an endearing look after him before addressing the others, “He gets lonely, not many kids his age left around here.”

Since they suspected that everyone they had met was a Skin, Max couldn’t muster up any sympathy and just nodded politely. He started to sip his drink when he saw Liz and Maria scrunch their faces, but noticed Tess and Michael chugging their glasses.

Tess smiled, “Umm, this is delicious.” Maria forced a smile, “Very sweet.”

Ida smiled, “The secret is extra sugar.” Ida motioned for the kids to follow her, “Come on, and I’ll show you to your rooms. You can bring your drinks with you.”

Following Ida up to the third floor, they were shown two rooms. “I thought the guys could stay in this room.” Ida opened a door to reveal a double bed, night stand and dresser. “And the ladies over here.” She opened the door across the hall, to reveal an identical room with the addition of an old army cot. “I know they aren’t much...” Liz interrupted her, “Oh, please, these will be just fine.”

Ida smiled, “Well, I’ll let you freshen up. There’s a washroom on the second floor, first door on the right.” As she started down the stairs she added, “Just come on down when you’re ready. Supper will be in about half an hour.”

Maria grimaced as she looked at the glass in her hand, “If supper is half as sweet as this lemonade, I may fall into a diabetic coma.” Michael just looked at her, “I thought that lemonade was really good.” Liz and Maria exchanged glances. “Uh, yeah,” Maria agreed, “if you’re a Czechoslovakian.”

Tess looked confused, "A Czechowhat?"

Liz smiled at Max and handed him her glass, “Enjoy.” Then explained to Tess, "That's our pet code name for those of the..." she pointed her finger upwards and wiggled it , "... persuasion."

Tess just shrugged, "Whatever." As she started to go into the ‘girls’ room, Max stopped her. “Wait, we need to check out these rooms, see if they’ve been bugged.”


Isabel, Alex and Kyle were trying to decide whether to start something for a meal or wait for the others when they heard the squawk of the walkie-talkie, and a voice – “Anybody there?” Kyle pounced on it, “Guerin, is that you?” “Yeah.”

Isabel grabbed the instrument out of Kyle’s hand, “Michael! Where are you guys? Is everything all right? Why haven’t you called?”

Kyle grabbed it right back, “Maybe he would answer if you’d ask one question at a time.” He ignored her glare, “Go ahead, Michael.”

“Well, to answer where we are – guess you could say we’re in the belly of the beast.” He quickly explained about the cool reception in town, the UFL, the sabotaged SUV, and being put up for the night with Ida Crawford. Then he said, “Fearless Leader has some orders for you guys.”

Isabel heard Max’s voice, “Very funny, Michael. Hey, guys, how’s it going your way?” And she rolled her eyes when Kyle answered, “Well, your sister cheats at cards.” And Max’s response, “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“For Pete’s sake, give me that.” Isabel wrenched the walkie-talkie from Kyle. “Max, are you crazy staying there? They sabotaged the car! They have to know who you are. We should sneak in and get you guys out.”

“No!” Max exclaimed, “You stay put. Nothing’s changed about that. Besides, we have everything under control. Whenever we get ready to leave, I can ‘hoodoo’ the SUV. We’re going to try and snoop around that UFL building later tonight. We didn’t come all this way for nothing.”

Isabel complained, “Max, this waiting with nothing to do is driving me nuts.” He suggested, “Pack up all you can except for your immediate needs, we may have to scurry in a hurry.”

Alex asked him, “Max? Isn’t there anything we can do from here to help?” He waited for the response.

“Actually, there is. Do you think you could hack into the county building records and see if there are any plans on record for the UFL? It seems like a much newer building than the rest of the town. Maybe they had to apply for building permits or something.”

“I’ll do my best. Give me an hour or so.”

“Okay, I’d better get off and hide this thing, we’re about to go down and have supper with ‘Aunt Ida’ and her ‘family and boarders’.”

With promises to be careful, they signed off.


“Oh, God,” Maria whined as they once again entered the ‘girls’ room. “That’s four hours of my life I’ll never get back.” She sank onto the side of the bed and fell back.

Max and Michael walked around the room rechecking for ‘bugs’, but still found none.

“Agreed.” Tess sat beside her, “I’m not sure what was worse – sitting across the dinner table from those nabob boarders who stared at us the whole meal, or playing those board games with Ida and her kid.”

“I’ll see your dinner and board games and raise you Walt’s western records.” Michael joined in the complaining. “I think my ears are bleeding.”

Max and Liz shared a grin at the grumbles, although they pretty much agreed with the consensus that the evening had been painfully boring. And even though they had all tried to pump Ida and her ‘family’ about their lives in Copper Summit, they could have gotten more information out of a stop sign.

“Don’t you think it was odd that no one tried to find out anything else about us?” Liz asked. “I mean, we asked them about their lives, for all the good it did, so why not ask about us?”

“Because they already know,” Max speculated. “They know we weren’t lost, and that’s why they stole the distributor cap.”

Maria glanced up at him from her prone position, “And their master plan was to bore us to death?”

“More like lull us into complacency.” Michael propped against the wall with arms crossed, “Then they’ll move in for the kill.”

“Kill?” Maria now sat up. “My mother will be very upset if that happens.”

Max smiled, “We won’t let that happen, Maria. Once everything is quiet we’ll sneak out and investigate that building.”

“Why don’t you go ahead and check in with Alex?” Michael suggested, “See what he found out.”

“Right,” Max agreed, “then we’ll get a few hours rest.” He moved to the head of the bed and reached under the mattress. He swiped his hand around before turning wide eyed to the others, “It’s gone!” He started to lift the mattress when Tess stopped him. “Max, wait! It’s still here. I hid it.”

She moved over to the wall beside the bed and waved her hand, the wall seemed to shimmer and she reached her hand inside and retrieved the walkie-talkie. When she handed it to Max, he stared, “Just like the alien book at the library.” She nodded, “A little trick I learned from Nasedo.” At the various accusing stares she shrugged, “What? I saw Max put it there, like one of Kyle’s nudie mags. Don’t you think they searched this room?” At the continued silence, she rolled her eyes. “You’re all very welcome.”

“Whatever.” Michael tersely replied, “Call Alex, Maxwell, I want to get this over with and get the heck out of Dodge.”


Maria looked down from the third story window before turning back to Max and Liz, “No way.” Earlier, with the use of a few alien powers, they had turned the bed sheets and coverings from both rooms into a rope. Michael and Tess were already on the ground.

“Maria, you can’t just walk down the steps and out the front door.” Max argued. “If it held Michael, you know it will hold you.”

Liz placed a hand on Maria’s arm. “Max is right, ‘ria. I’ll be coming down right behind you.”

“This trip is just gets more and more fun.” Maria frowned as she threw one leg over the window sill.

Minutes later, the teens made their way to the UFL building. Max warned. “Alex said that the building plans were the minimal they could file and still get permits, but to expect some changes to the floor plans and for some security systems to be in place. Whatever they have in there, they don’t want found.”

Entering through a window at the back of the building, they cautiously made their way down a hall and came to a juncture with a set of stairs going up into the main part of the building. To the side of the steps, there was a doorway marked “Authorized Personnel Only”. After checking the door for an alarm system, Max opened it to reveal another set of steps that went down into what appeared to be the basement. “Alex said the plans showed a large basement, I'd be interested in finding out what they have stored down there.”

“Oh,” Maria grabbed Michael’s arm and whispered loudly, “Maybe they have a spaceship hidden down there.” Michael cut his eyes over at her, “Only if the basement is the size of a football field.”

Maria huffed feeling insulted by Michael’s tone, but Liz soothed her ruffled feathers when she surmised, “Actually, Michael, that’s not out of the realm of possibility. Somehow I doubt they kept to the exact plans they filed with the county. And if they arrived on a ship, they have to have it stored somewhere.”

“Okay,” Max looked at Michael, “Take Maria and Tess with you and check it out. Liz and I will go upstairs and try and find any offices, see what files they have. Maybe we can find out why they are so interested in "Vilandra'.”

As Michael, Maria and Tess started down one set of stairs; Max took Liz’s hand and started up the other.

TBC ~ Image
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Post by VeronicB »

This is a great story!
I just can't believe Tess is trusting that woman! I mean she can't trust a human abut an alien she just met she has no problem with? What if she's one of their anemis?
I hope they get out of there ok... I realy don't like it....

Can't wait to
Oh what a beautiful morning
What a butifull day,
Oh what a butifull morning
Everything's going my way.

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Devil Kitty
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Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

AN: I’m sure y’all will recognize several things in this chapter that I “borrowed” from “The Harvest” ;)

From Chapter 17 ~ Entering through a window on the back of the building, they made their way down a hall and came to a juncture with a set of stairs going up into the main part of the building. To the side of the steps, there was a doorway marked “authorized personnel only”. After checking the door for an alarm system, Max opened it to reveal another set of steps that went down into what appeared to be the basement. “Alex said the plans showed a large basement, maybe they have some equipment stored there.”

“Oh,” Maria grabbed Michael’s arm and whispered loudly, “Maybe they have a spaceship hidden down there.” Michael cut his eyes over at her, “Only if the basement is the size of a football field.”

Maria huffed feeling insulted by Michael’s tone, but Liz soothed her ruffled feathers when she surmised, “Actually, Michael, that’s not out of the realm of possibility. Somehow I doubt they kept to the exact plans they filed with the county. And if they arrived on a ship, they have to have it stored somewhere.”

“Okay,” Max looked at Michael, “Take Maria and Tess with you and check it out. Liz and I will to upstairs and try and find their office, see what files they have.”

As Michael, Maria and Tess started down one set of stairs, Max took Liz’s hand and started up the other.

Chapter 18

Max and Liz stopped at the doorway at the top of the stairs, and Max placed his ear against the door. Then he eased it open and peeked into the darkness. “Looks clear.” Easing through the doorway he and Liz found themselves at the edge of a small auditorium.

“This must be where they hold meetings.” Liz observed, “Didn’t Alex say there were around 50 people listed in the last consensus?”

Max nodded, “Yeah.” He then pointed out a door across the way, “Come on, let’s check that door.”


As Michael descended the steps, he stopped and turned his head. “Maria, will you back up? You’re going to have both of us tumbling down these steps.” She frowned, “No way, SpaceBoy, you’re my shield.” She heard a growl.

“Michael!” She whispered furiously, “did you just growl at me?”

“No!” Tess answered, “he did.”

“Oh shit.” Michael stared at the bared teeth of a large snarling Doberman pincher waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He raised his hand to blast when Maria grabbed his arm stopping him, “Michael, don’t kill it.” He looked at her in disbelief when she told him, “He’s just doing his job.”

“I’ll take care of him.” Tess closed her eyes with a scrunched face and the dog suddenly dashed up the steps beside them and through the dog door into the rest of the building.

“What did you do?” Maria asked and Tess shrugged, “I made it see Michael running away, and he chased after him.”

Maria looked back up the steps, “Hope Max and Liz don’t run into him.”

“Come on,” Michael started across the basement, “but if he comes back,” he looked at Maria, “its blast city.”


Max and Liz made their way over to the door and noticed a key pad for the security system. Placing his hand over the keypad it turned to green and Max opened the door to find a small windowless room. “Not exactly a fun place to work.” Liz grimaced. The room contained minimal furnishings of a desk, chair and a small two-drawer filing cabinet. On the desk sat a telephone, computer monitor, printer, mouse and keyboard. The CPU sat on the floor and was up and running.

Liz sat down at the computer and turned on the monitor, and a screen popped up – Welcome, please enter password. “Password protected. Any suggestions?” Liz glanced at Max who nodded, “Try ‘Vilandra’.” She did and was granted access. “Max, why don’t you look through that cabinet and the desk, while I check out what’s on here.”

Max opened the top drawer of the desk, “Just pens, some tape, a stapler, just office stuff.” He opened the lower drawer, “Nothing but some blank discs in here.” He looked in the file cabinet. “The top drawer has some file folders with individual names on the labels.” He pulled one out, “Only thing inside is a sheet with what looks like contact information.” He replaced the folder and opened the second drawer, “This one is empty. What did you find?”

“There’s not much on this computer. They have a dialup internet connection. ‘My Documents’ has several folders - here’s one for UFL Membership.” She opened it, “Max, it has the names and contact information for all the members,” she looked at him, “including Courtney.” Max nodded, “Probably corresponds with these folders.”

She clicked a few more files, “there’s an incorporation file, a file for budget, banking, investments... they’re pretty organized.” She looked up at Max, “But don’t you think this has been a little too easy? I mean, no one being around, the easy access getting in here? Well, easy for you.”

Max eased over to the door and peeked out, “I was thinking the same thing. We don’t have time to read through all those files, can you make copies?” In answer, Liz retrieved the spool of blank CDs and began the copying process


Michael, Maria and Tess explored what appeared to be your average, normal basement, they found nothing out of the ordinary. Furnace, pipes, duct work, a lot of old furnishings piled up. Maria picked up an old oil lamp, “This stuff must be from the original town; an antique store would go nuts for this.” She turned to Michael and grinned, “Maybe we could take some of these things to the ‘Antiques Road Show’.”

“Maria, we aren’t here to look at a bunch of junk.“ He looked behind a set of shelves.

Maria raised an eyebrow, “Tell that to the lady whose butt ugly urn was worth $50,000.00.”

Michael ignored her as he ran his hands along a wall, “This area is too small, there must be a secret entrance.”

“Or...” Tess’s sarcastic voice caused him to turn towards her, “it just doesn’t have a flashing neon sign.” She pointed to a small door under the staircase.

Michael merely rolled his eyes as he approached the door, and with as much caution as Michael could muster, eased the door open. They found themselves in a large underground room. There were pipes, hoses and a swooshing sound of something being pumped – pumped through those hoses and into large plexiglass containers. As they looked at the contents inside the containers, Maria stammered “Wha... who... are those things?”

“They’re pods.” Michael walked up to the nearest container and stared at the ‘body’ floating inside. He looked back at Tess and Maria, “It’s like a greenhouse, and they’re growing an army.”

Maria look horrified, “Omigod! It’s just like those pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers!”

Tess felt a little spooked herself at the sight of those bodies floating in some kind of solution, but she hid it as she looked at Maria. “Do you always have to be such a drama queen?”

Maria’s mouth dropped open, “Well, excuse me,” she waved her hand around, “I think I have a little cause for drama here.”

“Whatever.” Tess shrugged her off. “But this is nothing like that movie. They aren’t taking over humans.” She stepped up to one of the containers, “The Skins are cloning themselves.” She gazed into the face of one of the containers, “Look, here’s Ida, and there’s Walt, and...”


They all whirled at the new voice, to see Courtney herself standing there. As Maria darted behind Michael, he raised his hand in a defensive motion and Courtney held hers up in surrender. “Wait! I can explain.” Michael kept his hand upraised, ready in attack position as Courtney remained still. She looked over at the containers, “This isn’t an army or an invasion, it’s our Harvest.”


“Done.” Liz slipped the final disk out of the drive and stored it, along with the other disks in her knapsack before clearing the screen and cutting off the monitor. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

Slipping from the room, Max reset the alarm and taking Liz’s hand, began crossing back to the other side of the auditorium. Just as they reached the open aisle in the center, between the two sections of seats, the overhead lights came on and they heard, “Find everything you were looking for?”

There stood Greer and Ida on the raised platform at the front of the auditorium. “My, my,” Greer said, “If it isn’t the once and ‘would be’ future King and his little concubine.”

“Now, Ted, don’t be crude.” Ida admonished him as she smiled in that phony down home way, “I can see why he ditched the Queen, this one is a cute little thing.” Then she sneered. “Bit of snoop, though.”

Max had pushed Liz behind him at the first words, but both now stood like deer caught in the headlights. Think, Max, think. He turned to look at Liz and noticed the double doors at the back and took a guess that they led out the front of the building. If only they could get outside, they could find the others. He slowly began edging them backwards. “Liz has nothing to do with our past. She’s human, let her go.”

“But she’s a human that knows too much.” Greer stated. “We can’t afford to have any loose ends running around.”

“Let's not be hasty, Ted." Ida looked from him to Max. "Perhaps we can strike a bargain here. Truth be told, we don’t care about any of you except the Princess.”

“Why her?” Max asked.

It was Greer that answered, “You don’t remember me, but I remember you. You may not have cared about your subjects or your kingdom, but Vilandra did. She was firstborn and when it appeared there would be no more children, she was raised as heir to the throne – trained to be a ruler. But to the kingdom’s surprise the Queen delivered you just as Vilandra was reaching the age of maturity. As the eldest, Vilandra should have been Queen, but because you were a son, you inherited the throne. Fate has given us the opportunity to correct that.”

Ida declared, “It’s Vilandra's destiny to return to Antar. To free our race from that despot that now rules our planet. Just give us Vilandra and you can all go free.”

“No.” Max shook his head, “She’s not Vilandra anymore, just as I’m not Zan. Her life is here, I won’t let you force her to go back to a world she doesn’t remember.”

Max suddenly grabbed Liz around the waist and lifted her up against him as he spun and with a powerful surge dashed for the back doors. But mere feet from freedom, Max’s feet were pulled out from under him and he and Liz both fell face first onto the floor.

“Not so fast, your highness.” Greer taunted with outstretched hand and they began sliding on their stomachs towards the two Skins. “We haven’t waited 50 years to be told ‘no’ by a selfish boy. Now - where is Vilandra?”

Ida raised her hand and a yellow blast shot out just over Liz’s head. “You will tell us, or the girl dies.” Max scrambled to his feet and threw up his green shield just in time to deflect the next beam away.


Maria peeked out from behind Michael. “What’s a harvest?”

“The Harvest is the gathering where we will all be given our new husks.” She pointed at the containers. “Those aren’t clones, they’re our shells.” Courtney explained, “This planet's atmosphere is hostile to our bodies. The husks are a life form technology, each one unique to our alien DNA. They were manipulated to resemble human bodies.”

“So it’s like a space suit?” Michael asked.

Courtney nodded, “Only it’s alive, our relationship to it is essentially parasitic.” She pointed her hands inward indicating her own body, “But our present husks are dying,” she reached up to pull off a sheath of skin from her neck, “that’s why we’re peeling.”

Michael lowered his hand, “so how much longer will it last?”

Courtney shrugged, “Anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months or so. That’s why we all have to be here for the Harvest.”

Maria moved to stand beside Michael, “That explains the giant Petri dishes, but not why you’re here in the first place.”

“We followed the Royal Four to Earth in order to retrieve Vilandra and return her to her rightful place on the throne.”

“But Max is the King.” Michael informed her.

Courtney sneered, “Zan was a crappy King, that’s why they want Vilandra. She cared about our race, Zan didn’t.”

“And Nasedo? Why was he killed?” Tess glared at the girl, anger in her voice.

Courtney shook her head, “I don’t know why Nasedo was killed. It wasn’t a directive given to me.” She looked at Michael, “After Liz Parker was ‘allegedly’ shot and the FBI became involved, we had our own operatives investigating. It was obvious that the brother/sister relationship between Max and Isabel was stronger than in their past lives, but that could have been from being found and adopted together. It was Tess’s sexual pursuit of Max that confirmed for us that she was not his sister and that Isabel Evans was indeed Princess Vilandra.”

Michael glanced over at Tess and tilted his head, “Get Max, he needs to hear this.” With a parting glare in Courtney’s direction, Tess slipped out of the room.

“Look,” Courtney scratched at her arm, “I don’t care about Zan, Vilandra or Antar anymore.”

Maria frowned in disgust as she watched the flakes of skin fall to the floor. “No, we all know which one you’re obsessed with, don’t we? We saw your little school girl shrine.”

“I thought someone had been in my apartment.” Courtney had the grace to look embarrassed, “I admit I had a crush.” Then she smiled at Michael, “We could have had fun, Mickey G, unfortunately you only had eyes for someone else.” She shot a look at Maria, “Not that I could understand why.”

“Hey!” Maria objected.

“Chill, Maria, you won.” Courtney walked over to look at her ‘husk’ and made her plea, “Look just let me retrieve my husk, and I promise, I will leave here and none of you will ever see me again.”

“And just why should we believe you?” Maria glared.

Courtney never took her eyes off of the new husk, as she reached to remove more of the itchy skin from her dying husk, “Because I have spent 50 years on this planet, and I’ve come to enjoy its amenities. Here, I’m a pretty young girl, and can be for the next 50 years. Back home, I was of the servant class, born to wait hand and foot on people who thought they were better than me. But here, I’m free to be whatever I want.”

Maria looked at her in disbelief, “So you became a waitress?” Courtney turned back to face them, “That was just an assignment.”

“And just what do you really want to be?” Michael asked.

Courtney never got to answer. There was a flash of light and a loud vacuum sound, like when you opened a fresh jar of peanuts, and she just exploded in a shower of flakes. “Aughhhhhh,” Maria screamed and Michael shouted “What the hell?”

In the doorway stood the kid, Nicholas, who stated matter of factly, “Guess we’ll never know.” He shrugged, “But who really cares what a traitorous bitch wanted.”

Michael gave Maria a shove, pushing her between two rows of the husk containers, before plunging in behind her.

Nicholas called out, “Rath, please. I have no reason to want to hurt you or your little friend. “ He laughed, “Well, not as long as you give me what I want.”

Michael called out, “You’re not getting Isabel.”

Nicholas shook his head, “Think about it, Rath, on Antar you were betrothed to Vilandra. Once she’s placed on the throne, that royal wedding can still take place. Only this time around you can be more than Zan’s lapdog. How does Prince Consort sound?”


As Max’s shield protected him and Liz from Greer and Ida’s blasts, he looked at Liz. “You can make it out the front.” Liz shook her head, “Not without you.”

“Liz, I can’t hold this shield forever, you have to get to the others.” Looking anxious, she nodded, “Okay, I’ll be fast as I can.” But when she turned, the doors opened and Walt entered. Liz screamed, “Max!” Max raised his other hand and his shield twisted to form a protective tube surrounding him and Liz.

Liz wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his chest. “Oh, God!” She was now terrified; not only for Max and herself; but also for the others - had the Skins found them, too?

“How long do you think you can hold out against us?” Greer called to Max. Max responded, “As long as it takes.”

Time seemed to slow, Liz didn’t know how long it had been since the Skins began their assault against Max’s shield, but she could feel the tenseness in Max’s body and knew that his strength was waning. She lifted her hands and stretched out her own arms to grasp his forearms, “Let me help you.” She pushed up to lend her own slender strength to his. He looked down at her, “Thanks.”

“Max,” with tears in her eyes she whispered, “I just want you to know... if we... if we don’t get through this, I found you in this life, I will find you again.” Max shook his head, “Liz, don’t. We didn’t go through two lifetimes for it to end like this. We're going to get through this, just promise you won’t give up.” She gave him a shaky smile, “I promise. I love you.” She rose up on tiptoes to press her lips to his, and then as she rested her cheek once again against his chest, he echoed, “and I love you.”

Tess reached the top of the second set of steps and peeked through the door, her eyes widening at the site before her. Max stood with arms outstretched, Liz pressed against him, supporting his arms as yellow energy blasts bounced off his shield. She stood and contemplated her options... how to save Max while sacrificing Liz.


Michael whispered to Maria, “While I stall, see if you can find another way out of here.” Nodding, Maria darted between the husk containers making her way to the back of the room as Michael called back to Nicholas, “Isa... Vilandra is just like my sister. I don’t think marriage is in the cards for us.”

“It could be a political union - a marriage in name only, like Zan had with Ava.”

Maria stopped and grinned, “I knew it!” Then frowned when Nicholas continued, “there are plenty of females you could warm your bed with.”

She had to bite her tongue when Michael popped back, “I don’t know, are any of them annoying blonds with the tendency to nag?” He was sooooo going to pay for that. She looked at the system of pipes and hoses, it reminded her of the hydroponics program at the high school only they grew tomatoes not evil alien seat covers. She noticed that the pipes and hoses all ran back to one large tank, and at the base was a strange pulsating crystal. She saw a stack of tools lying nearby. Kneeling, she crawled over to them.

Michael was watching from his spot behind the containers as Nicholas paced back and forth as he spouted about Vilandra, how she would save them from some tyrant named K’Var. He showed just enough interest to keep the kid talking as he hoped to get a clear shot and take him out, before he could take them out.

Suddenly Maria’s voice rang out, “Hey, Nicky? What’s this thing do?” Nicholas turned to see Maria swinging a large wrench, he screamed out “Noooooooooo” just as she connected to smash the crystal. It was all the opening Michael needed as he jumped out and hit Nicholas with a blast that sent him crashing backwards into the wall before he slid down to the ground, unmoving.

Michael whirled to see Maria drop the wrench, “What did you do?” She shook her head, “I just broke that big crystal thingie. I think it was some kind of power source.” She looked to where Nicholas lay on the ground. “Is he dead?”

“I don’t know, but...” They heard a bubbling sound and looked to see the liquid in the containers was beginning to boil. Maria backed away, “Uh oh, that doesn’t look good.”

Michael grabbed her hand, “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


Neither Liz nor Max had noticed when the doorway to the stairwell slowly opened, nor Tess peeking through the small crack.

Just when Max began to wonder how much longer he could maintain the shield, he felt a tingling in his body. It started in his chest, where Liz’s face lay, and slowly made its way through his body to his extremities. “Liz?” She raised her face and he was shocked to see tiny green streaks lighting up her skin. Liz too was feeling the tingle, as if tiny explosions were happening in her blood stream. She saw the streaks on her arms and hands. “Max?” Fear in her voice. “What’s happening.”

Tess stood spellbound in her hiding place as the green streaks flashed on Liz’s skin. Before she could do more that wonder ‘what the hell’, Michael and Maria came dashing up the steps, yelling, “Go, go, go.”

They shoved her out into the auditorium where they came to a screeching halt when they saw Max and Liz being attacked by Greer, Ida and Walt. At their entrance, Walt turned and sent a blast in their direction. They ducked just in time for the blast to smash into the wall behind them.

Michael rose up to return fire, when bolts of lightening exploded from the ends of Max’s hands, penetrating his shield and connecting with Greer, Ida and Walt. In an explosion of light, the threesome was reduced to no more than flakes in the wind.

Max’s shield collapsed as he and Liz both fell to the floor.

TBC ~ Image
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Devil Kitty
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2002 11:05 am
Location: Painting Michael's tatoo at Fox River State Penitiary

Post by Devil Kitty »

Thanks so much for all your feedback, I really appreciate it. And Happy Belated Birthday, Spacegal :D


Chapter 19

“Liz!” “Max!” Maria and Michael ran to sides of their fallen friends while Tess followed. By the time Michael reached Max, he was already stirring. “Wha...wha... happened?” Max looked groggily at Michael, who answered, “How about you tell us.”

Maria knelt beside Liz, “Liz? Lizzie?” She gently patted Liz’s cheek. Hearing Maria, Max struggled up to a sitting position. “Liz? Is... is she alright?” Worry in his voice.

“She’s out cold.” Maria glanced at him, “What did we just see?” Max just shook his head in confusion, “I don’t know... I’m not sure.”

Michael interrupted, “No time to figure it out now, Maxwell, we’ve got to get out of here.” Tess looked between Michael and Maria, “What happened downstairs? Where’s Courtney?”

Maria answered, “Courtney’s a pile of flakes and I kinda broke their system... but what about you? What were you doing on the stairs?”

“Hey!” Michael looked at Maria and Tess, “Those containers are gonna blow soon. Move now, talk later.” He knelt down on one knee beside a still dazed Max, who helding Liz up against him. “Max!” When he looked at him, Michael told him, “I’ll carry Liz out, but we have to go now.” He quickly removed Liz’s knapsack and handed it to Maria, “You two help Max while I get Liz.” He lifted Liz up in his arms and her head lolled against his shoulder.

“Come on, Max.” Maria tugged at his arm and he stood on shaky legs. He placed an arm around each girl, and with Michael carrying Liz, they quickly made their way out of the building. Once outside, the fresh night air seemed to revive Max and soon he was able to move under his own steam without any assistance from the girls. As they hurried through the darkened streets, staying close to the shadows of the buildings, Max told Michael, “I can take her now.” But Michael held onto to Liz, “I’m fine, let’s just get to the car.”

Jogging the last couple of blocks, they arrived back at the front of the gas station - where they came to an abrupt halt. “Uhh, isn’t this where we left the car?” Maria asked. “Yeah,” Tess answered, “And without my distributor cap, how did they move it?”

“Tess,” Max gave her a look and held up his thumb, “A: They’re aliens.” He added his forefinger, “B: They have the distributor cap.” More than a little embarrassed, Tess just shrugged, “Whatever.”

Max pointed to the closed garage doors. “I bet they moved it inside.” But before they could look further, there was a loud explosion *BOOM* and the ground rocked beneath them like an earthquake tremor. “Damn,” Michael shifted Liz trying not to lose his balance and drop her.

“Look!” Maria pointed to where a light had come on upstairs in the building housing the gas station/garage. “Quick, in the alley.”

The teens darted into the shadows of the building just as Gus came rushing out of the building and ran up the street towards the UFL building. There were cries as some of the other residents came out and rushed to where the UFL was in flames. After a moment, Max edged to peek around the building, checking the street to see if anyone else was still about.

“Uhhhh.” Liz began to stir, she opened her eyes, but in the dark all she knew was that someone was holding her, someone not Max. She began to struggle. “Liz, shhhhh, it’s me, Michael.”

She blinked her eyes at him. “Mi..chael? Where are we?” Then her eyes opened wide, "Where’s Max? Is he hurt?” She wriggled to get loose, “Let me down,” as Michael whispered loudly, “Will you be still?” Maria reached out to calm her, “He’s fine, ‘chica. He’s right over there.”

Hearing Liz’s voice, Max dashed back to her, “I’m here.” Michael thrust her at Max, “Here, you take her.” Squished between the two guys, Liz objected, “Just put me down.” But when her legs buckled, Max quickly caught her. “Okay, maybe that was a bit hasty.”

He held her against him until she was steady. “You alright?” Liz nodded, “Yeah, I just feel a little wobbly.” She looked into Max’s face, “Max, what happened?”

“To quote Michael,” Tess interrupted, “Move now, talk later. We need to find my car and get out of here before they realize that we aren’t in that fire.”

The teens entered the garage and found the SUV covered with a tarp. Michael quickly removed it and asked, “Wonder if they replaced the distributor cap?” Max tossed Michael the keys, “Guess we’ll find out - Michael you drive, Tess take shotgun, Liz and Maria the backseat, and I’ll take the cargo area and cover the rear.”

Quickly taking their seats, Michael turned the key and the car fired right up, “Good, everyone buckle up.” As he shifted into drive he ordered, “Tess, take care of the doors.” But he flinched when she stuck her hand out the window and the doors flew off the front of the building. He glared, “I meant raise them. Now they’ll know for sure that we weren’t in that fire.”

Tess stared at him like he was the village idiot, “Like the missing car won’t give it away?”

Max hollered from the back, “Just step on it!”

Michael put the pedal to the metal and they tore down the street leading out of town. Max watched out the back, “I don’t see anyone. Looks like everyone went running to the UFL when it exploded.”

Liz turned to look back, the sky was orange from the light of the burning building. “The UFL exploded? How’d that happen?”

Maria grabbed her hand, “Oh, Lizzie, I saved the day! Didn’t I, Michael?” Michael ignored her. Then she pressed her other hand to her chest, “Oh, not to take anything away from what you and Max did. By the way,” with a befuddled look she asked, “just what did you and Max do?”


Pistol Pete’s Motor Lodge was a rather run down establishment watched over by an aged sign of a cowboy brandishing a couple of pistols aimed at the sky. Unfortunately, Pistol Pete had fallen on hard times after the new highway diverted the majority of traffic away. While the occasional traveling salesman still found accommodations, it was mainly used nowadays as the local ‘no tell motel’.

Tess’s SUV now sat in the cracked parking lot as Michael and Maria returned from the office and told the others about their encounter with the night ‘manager’ for lack of a better term. Maria held up a key, “We’re in the Bridal Suite.”

Max raised his eyebrow, “The ‘Bridal Suite’?” Maria laughed, “Seems when they built this place, they ended up with a big space at the end, but too small to divide, so they put in a king-sized bed and dubbed it the Bridal Suite. And it’s private.”

“Sounds like you had quite a chat.” Tess stared at Maria who shrugged, “Well, he was a jerk at first...” Michael interrupted, “He wanted to charge us an hourly rate,” and rolled his eyes. Maria grinned at him, “But then Michael negotiated a flat rate - by promising not to knock out the few remaining teeth he had.”

“Lovely.” Tess opened the door, “Let’s just get inside and wait on the others.”


“They’re here.” Michael announced from his stance at the curtain. He opened the door and waved Isabel, Kyle and Alex over. Isabel gave Michael a hug before charging into the room, followed by Alex and Kyle. “Max!” She rushed over to give him a hug also, before she let go and gave him a thump, “Hey... what was that for?”

She immediately began berating them. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been? We didn’t know what to think when the ground shook, and we could see the glow in the sky. And that phone call? You wouldn’t tell us anything, except get out and to meet you here.”

Max, Liz, Maria, Michael and Tess just stood wide-eyed and silent as Isabel raved on.

“Why wouldn’t you answer your phones?” She looked around, “And how did you find this dump?”

When she finally took a breath, Kyle fixed them with a long suffering look. “Just be glad you weren’t stuck in the car with her the last hour.”

Isabel glared at Kyle, but Alex gently took her by the arm, “Come on, Isabel.” He steered her over to sit in one of the two chairs at small table. “Let’s give these inconsiderate buffoons,” he winked at Maria and Liz, “a chance to explain themselves”.

An impressed Michael whispered to Max, “How’d he do that?” Max glanced from Isabel to where Maria sat on the edge of the bed beside Liz and shrugged, “Maybe he could give you lessons.”


Isabel, Alex and Kyle listened intently and interrupted occasionally as they were brought up to date with everything that had happened in Copper Summit as they looked from Max to Maria to Michael as each told a part of the story. “... we just made it back to the gas station when the UFL exploded. We found Tess’s car and here we are.” Max concluded.

“That’s quite a story.” Kyle looked at Liz, “Lightening bolts, huh? Guess you’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.” He grinned at Max, “and your little dog, too.”

Max rolled his eyes, “Very funny,” as a nonplused Liz shrugged her shoulders, “Not sure where I am anymore, the last thing I remember was being terrified and wishing that Max could just fry those horrid people. When I came to, Michael was holding me in a dark alley.”

“Now, that must have been scary."

Michael never said a word, he just punched Kyle in the arm. “Ouch.”

“Well, just remind me not to get on your bad side.” Alex smiled at Liz before turning his attention on Maria, “And you, Slugger, way to go. Aren’t you glad now that I made you guys play baseball with me?” He gave a faux punch towards her chin, which she laughingly swatted away before turning to fix an eye on Tess. “There is one thing I still don’t understand. Michael sent you to get Max, but when we found you, you were just standing at the top of the steps watching them like some spectator. What were you doing all that time?”

Tess looked startled, “Spectator?” Then thinking fast, went on the defensive, “Oh, because I was trying to figure out what to do without getting myself killed in the process I’m a ‘spectator’? You saw what happened when you two tore out there, you almost got us all blasted!”

“What about your powers?” Michael asked, “Couldn’t you have warped them?”

“Maybe,” Tess stood with her hands on her hips, “but what do you think would have happened if the warp failed? And how was I supposed to let Max know I was there? I can’t warp and just blithely walk around at the same time, you know.”

“And how would I know that? It’s not like you’ve ever told us the extent of your powers.”

“What?!” Tess looked disbelieving, “Who was it helping you control your blasts?”

Michael nodded, “Yeah, my blasts, but nothing about what you can do.”

Kyle stepped beside Tess with a frown, “Why are you attacking her, Guerin? I think you guys have more than enough trouble with those Skins. Besides, it’s not like you guys went out of your way to welcome her.”

Isabel’s mouth dropped open, “Excuse me? Who made friends with her first?” Then answered herself, “ Me. That’s who. Only to find out she was playing tricks on us the whole time.”

Tess objected, “Nasedo wouldn’t let me tell you who I really was. I was trying to give you hints.”

Meanwhile Maria just stared at Kyle, “Who are you and what have you done with Kyle Valenti?” When Kyle looked her way she reminded him, ‘Weren’t you the one she pretended to date in order to get to Max? And didn’t she come to you when Max and Liz were in Florida wanting you to help break them up?”

“What?” Liz looked at Maria, “You never told me that.” Maria frowned, “I didn’t? Well, she did.”

“Gah!!” Tess threw her hands up, “Can’t you get it through your thick heads that things are different now? I am trying to be a part of this group.”

“How? By hanging back and letting the chips fall where they may?” Michael fired back at her.

“That’s enough!” Max yelled as everyone seemed to argue at once. In the resulting silence, he looked at everyone in the room. “We can not be fighting among ourselves now. Kyle is right, with the Skins still out there we have to be able to work together,” he looked at Tess, “and trust each other.”

Liz interrupted the uncomfortable silence that followed Max’s words. “Okay...” She reached for her knapsack, “I copied the files off their office computer.” She pulled out the disks and handed them to Alex, “I don’t know if they’re for real or were planted for us.”

Alex took them from her, “I’ll load these into my laptop, check out the validity of what I can find.”

“Based on what Courtney told Michael, they know where to find us.” Max stated and looked at Isabel, “They may still want to find Vilandra, so I’m guessing they’ll go to Roswell.”

Isabel stared unseeing at the floor. “Isabel?” Liz looked at her, “Are you alright?”

Max's words had brought back the brunt of why they were hiding here, and Isabel experienced a rush of guilt. “I’m sorry, for arguing over... “ she glanced at Tess, “stuff when...” She pushed her hair back, “I don’t even know what to say. I can’t believe these Skins have been here all these years because of me.” She looked up at Max, “Maybe we should try and contact them, explain that they’re mistaken, that I’m not who they think I am. If I could talk to them...”

“No way!” Michael interrupted. “You didn’t hear that kid, Nicholas. They’re like religious zealots. They’ve spent 50 years waiting to find their personal Messiah, so nothing you say would change their minds.”

“He’s right, Isabel.” Max nodded, “They aren’t a negotiating bunch. If it weren’t for my shield, they would have killed Liz and me, without blinking an eye."

“And that would have been my fault.”

Max looked from Isabel to Michael and Tess, “It’s not any of our faults. We didn’t ask to be sent here, and regardless of what whoever created us expected - we aren’t their saviors.”

Isabel took a deep breath and rubbed her hands on her jeans, “So, what do we do now?”

“When we get back to Roswell, we stick close together. No one goes anywhere alone. And we’ll all go out to the reservoir and practice our powers.”

Maria patted Liz’s hand, “Guess that includes you now, ‘chica.” Liz just looked at her with a helpless shrug. “I don’t even know how or what I did.”

“You’ll figure it out, Michael will help you.” Michael looked at Maria, “Me?” “Well, yeah, isn't blowing stuff up your forte?” Michael nodded matter-of-factly, “That’s true.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” Alex looked to Max, “After all, there are about 40 something Skins still out there who are not going to be happy that you guys blew up their new husks and took out their leaders. They’ll be looking for revenge.”

Michael agreed, “Probably, but right now they’re like a ship without a rudder. They’ll need time to regroup. But while we’re holed up here we should probably sleep in shifts.”

Maria yawned, “Speaking of sleep, can we finish this discussion tomorrow? My brain’s all fuzzy.”

Max nodded, “Yeah, why don’t the girls take the bed, and we’ll use sleeping bags on the floor.”


Liz began to dream…

...she walked down the hallway on the plush coverings that lead to the private apartments of the royal family. “Alisria…” she turned when she heard her name called to see King Kronas with several of his attendants. “Come, child, I have something to show you.” She entered the King’s private receiving parlor where she took a seat beside the King as he dismissed his servants. There was a stack of gifts on a table – the King received many gifts on a daily basis from those wishing to curry favor. He reached for a golden box decorated with precious gems. “Oooh, that’s lovely.” Alisria admired the exquisite token.

“Ahhh, but what’s inside is even lovelier. Look.” He opened the box. “Is that....” She licked her small lips.

“Yes, Carobia covered Plumees.” The plumee was a rare berry that grew high in the hills for a short growing season and was prized for it’s sweetness, but coated in dark, smooth carobia – they were a treat favored by both Alisria and the King. He smiled at the young girl with paternal affection as her slender fingers reached for one of the delicious morsels. She was beautiful and elegant, and just as attractive on the inside. Not only was she the light of his son’s heart, but she would make a wonderful queen someday...

Tess woke to the bed vigorously shaking, “What the…” She heard Isabel mumble, “Is that an earthquake?” With a snap, all the lights came on, everyone now awake - everyone that is, except Liz.

Maria called out, “Liz!” Max was instantly by her side. “Liz, Liz can you hear me?”

Maria clung to Alex, both fearful for their friend, “What’s happening to her?”

“She’s convulsing.” Max called to her, “Liz! Open your eyes.”

“Evans, do something.” Kyle cried out. “Her lips are turning blue!”

“He’s trying!” Isabel yelled at him, though she was also frightened. She laid a supportive hand on Max’s shoulder just as he reached up to open one of Liz’s eyes. It was enough for him to form a connection... and everything fell away.

Max and Isabel found themselves standing in a strange fog. “Isabel! What... where are we?” But as Max spoke the fog began to clear and they saw a plush room. “Somehow we were both pulled into Liz’s dreamplane,” Isabel deduced, “Look.” Lying on the bed, at least it looked like a bed, was a small individual they both recognized from previous connections with Liz as ‘Alisria’. It was obvious that she was in distress, difficulty breathing - and standing beside her bed was Liz, who brushed Alisria’s forehead with her fingertips.

“Liz!” Max called out to her and she turned her head and ran to him. “Max, I’m so glad you’re here. You have to help her.” He shook his head as he pulled her into his arms, “Liz, this isn’t real, we’re in your dream, this happened a long time ago, we can’t do anything for her. You need to wake up.” Liz’s eyes filled with tears, “But she’s me, I can’t let her die alone.” She pulled away to resume her vigil beside the alien girl.

Max looked to Isabel who shrugged helplessly. “Maybe if you try and ‘heal’ her, Liz will wake up.” So Max moved over to join Liz and ‘Alisria’ slowly opened her large dark eyes. As Max stared into them, he felt a sensation of familiarity. She reached for him and he entwined his fingers with hers, and with labored breathing she gasped out, “Zan... you’re here. I knew... you would come for me.” Max swallowed the lump in his throat and with a smile gently squeezed her hand, “I’m here, ‘lis,” Liz moved to stand beside Max and slipped her fingers into his other hand. Alisria looked at their joined hands and an expression of peace came over her. She closed her eyes and her fingers slid from Max’s as she stopped breathing.

When Max had slumped over on Liz, she became deathly still. Isabel also stood still as a statue in what appeared to be a trance - eyes closed and her fingertips barely touching Max’s back. Alex went to grab Isabel only to be stopped by Michael. “Alex, no! It looks like a dreamwalk, it might be dangerous to wake her.”

Maria was frantic, “What are we going to do?” They were afraid to disturb them, yet how could they just stand there and do nothing?

Tess suggested, “If they’re in some trance, maybe if we carefully pull Isabel’s hand away from Max, it will break it.” But before they could agree on a course of action, Liz’s body suddenly arched with a deep gasp as she regained consciousness. Isabel’s knees buckled and she fell to the floor as Max pushed himself up off of Liz.

“Isabel!” Alex and Michael both rushed helped her up and everyone began firing questions.

“Max!” “Liz!” Everyone talked at once. “Are you alright?” “What happened?”

Max and Liz’s eyes met and Liz’s face crumpled, “Oh, Max.” She immediately burst into tears and threw her arms around him. Maria reached out to brush Liz’s hair, “Liz, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Maria turned to Max, “What happened? Max, is she going to be okay?”

With Liz clinging to him, Max assured Maria, “She’s not hurt and she’s not sick.” He managed to stand up and twisted to scoop Liz up in his arms. As she cried into his shoulder, he whispered, “It’s okay, I’ve got you, baby.” He ignored Maria’s “But, Max...” and the babble of questions around him as he turned and ordered. “Kyle - door.”

Something about the look on Max’s face prompted Kyle to open the door without question or hesitation. As Max crossed the threshold, Michael called after him, “Max, where are you going? What the hell happened to you guys?” He paused and looked back to where Isabel was now sitting on the side of the bed beside Alex, “Isabel can explain.” He left confused faces staring behind him as he marched down to an empty room and with a wave of his fingers, the door opened and he stepped inside.


Locking the door behind him, Max sat down on the single bed and held Liz in his lap, making soothing sounds as he gently rocked her, running his fingers through her hair as he let her cry herself out.

When her sobs quieted and she wiped at her face, he eased her off his lap and over onto the bed. “I’m going to get you some water.” When he entered the bathroom, he was surprised to see it was not only clean, but furnished with fresh toweling and plastic cups. There was even a small tube of shampoo and wrapped soap on the sink.

Liz pushed her hair back and attempted to pull herself together. When Max came back out with a wad of toilet paper and a cup of water, she tried to apologize. “Max...” She shook her head, “I’m sorry, I...” He stopped her with a fingertip against her lips, “Don’t...” He handed her the paper, “Blow”, she did and tossed the paper in the trash can. He then handed her the cup, “Now drink.” He returned to the bathroom and she heard the water running. After a few sips she placed the cup on the night stand as Max returned with a warm wet cloth. But when Max began to wipe her face, she reached for the cloth, “Max, I’m not an invalid.” He smiled, “I know that, but I like taking care of you.” She cut her eyes up at him and whispered a grateful, “Thanks.”

“The sun will be coming up before long, why don’t you try and get some sleep.” Her shoes had been left behind in the other room, but he helped her slip out of her jeans and top, leaving her clad in panties and bra. “Wanna wear my tee shirt?” When she nodded, he lifted it off and as she pulled it over her head he shrugged out of his jeans. Pulling back the covers, they slipped under them and Liz settled in and snuggled up beside Max. “I’m not sure I want to sleep, I don’t want to dream again.” She looked up at him, “It seemed so real. I know it all happened a long time ago, and probably not that way, but... it’s like I watched myself...” Her words trailed off. Max pressed his lips to her forehead, “I know, I felt it too.” They lay silently, lost in their thoughts, when Max began to drift off.


Max shifted and slowly opened his eyes, noticing the faint light of dawn around the curtains. He turned his head to find Liz propped on her elbow looking at him. “Hey,” he whispered huskily, “You okay?” She nodded, “Yeah.” As she continued to stare, he felt a little conspicuous, “Um, what are you doing?” She lifted a shoulder, “Just watching you sleep.” He raised an eyebrow, “Was I snoring?” She bit her lower lip, “Oh, more like a snuffle.” She shifted to lean across him, “I was also thinking how lucky we are.”

He drew her hair back, “Ummm, true, we could have been blasted by Ida and Greer.” Liz nodded, “That, too, but I meant us, here and together. We’ve been given a chance that they,” she pointed upward, “never had. What happened earlier tonight, and then the dream... I don’t think I’ve ever felt so connected to you.” Max nodded, “I feel the same.” He cupped her face and drew her down to press his lips to hers. The soft kisses grew more demanding, more intense. She murmured against his mouth, “I need you, Max.” She slid her hand down his taut stomach and into his boxers. He drew his breath in as she grasped his growing erection. “Ummm,” she smiled as she scraped her teeth over his chin, “I see you need me, too.” Max could only groan as her hand slid up and down, her thumb rubbing his tip. He moaned in disappointment when she withdrew her hand and shifted to kneel on the bed. But his breathing quickened when she crossed her arms to pull of his tee and reached behind to unhook her bra, tossing both to the floor. He reached to pull her back down against him, his hands roaming down her body to cup her firm bottom. He grabbed the side of her panties and with a quick jerk, ripped them from her.

Liz threw her leg over to straddle him, as she raised her head, “It’s a good thing you can fix those, otherwise, I wouldn’t have any left.” He just grinned unrepentantly and rolled her over so that now he was cradled between her thighs. “They were in my way.” She raised her eyebrows and snapped the waistband of his boxers, “and these?” He grabbed the boxers and in a flash they were also on the floor. Liz giggled, “Impressive, like the Chippendales.” He looked at her, “And just when did you see the Chippendales?” Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head to hers, “To quote Michael - move now, talk later.” Max laughed against her smiling lips, but soon their kisses grew more passionate.

Max’s lips traversed her body from her neck to her chest to capture the little pebble of her nipple in his mouth. Liz moaned with pleasure as the gentle tugging sent tiny shivers through her body. As his mouth worshiped her breasts, his right hand roamed to caress her moist folds. Her head tilted back into the pillows as her body arched against Max’s. Max wriggled his body down kissing her tummy, and as Liz realized his intention her body trembled in anticipation. She fisted her hands in the thin sheets when his mouth pressed against her femininity. She twisted and moaned as his tongue and lips worked their magic. Max loved hearing the little mewling sounds that Liz made as he pleasured her. And it was a delicious pressure that built, but before she could find release, Max removed his mouth to kiss the inside of her thigh. Liz reached down to try and push his head back where she throbbed in need, and giving in he returned to feast on her, but would not allow her to cross the threshold.

“Max...” she pleaded, “please...”

He pulled away and leaned up to kiss her and she shook at the taste of herself on him. Positioning himself against her core, he gently pushed deeply within her, his own body trembling. “Oh, Liz.” He was always amazed at the sense of coming home when he made love with Liz. “You’re so perfect.” She wrapped her legs around him, “No, we’re perfect, for each other.” Bracing to hold the majority of his weight off of her, Max began moving inside of her, rocking into a rhythm that brought them closer and closer to completion. “Har...harder, Max.” He grabbed her knees to push them up and tilt her hips as he pumped furiously with hard, deep thrusts until they both crashed together in a mind-blowing orgasm.


TBC ~ Image