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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Nice to see you two posting :)


"Probably, but If you really thought that you wouldn't be making such a big deal outta this" Alex told me. I was a little confused but I didn't want him to see it.

"How am I making this a big deal?" I asked, sounding a little guilty. Only a little though. A littlw quilty but not so quilty.

"Oh come on Kyle. Out of everyone you call lie to, and I must say we all have gotten quite good at it in the past three years... Well 1 and a half for me, but anyway, out of everyone you can lie too Im not one of them. As much as that may scare you, we both know its true..." Alex says.

He was right. Alex always knew when I was lying. He knew me so well it frightened me. I couldn't even lie to him. Actually, I didn't even want to lie to him. Sometimes I needed to. I didn't want to show him that I was making the Max thing a big thing but he saw right through me. Scary guy. I let out a sigh and smiled a little.

"You're right. I can't lie to you. I'm making this a big deal...for nothing. I'm pathetic.." I smirked. Pathetic wasn't a right word to describe it. Really.
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Post by Roswell4ever1 »


Looking around, I do a mental check and realize that someone is missing. I tap Max on the shoulder.

"Ready when you are Maxwell. Where's Kyle?"

(OOC- Sorry, I know it's short but thought it might help move things along a bit.)
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Sorry Dom sweetie, I dont do dreamer stuff real well :oops: .


We sit in the van quietly and I can tell Michael, Maria and Isabel are getting agrivated. They have asked several times were Kyle is and why I don't go and get him. I just brush them off and tell them to give him another minute.

"Ready when you are Maxwell, wheres Kyle", He says piontedly tapping me on the shoulder.

I sigh and nod, now or never. Liz is sleeping peacfully curlled up against me and I gently move her, careful not to wake her and hop out of the Van. I start walking with no real clue were to go. He couldnt have gone far. He knows better.

Im almost afriad to find him. He was so upset when he left and I don't wanna make it worse. I walk around the side of the cafe and find him sitting quietly by himself, knees tucked against his chest. I watch quietly for a minute as he mummbles something to himself. "Kyle...", I say hesitantly and he looks up at me. Im shifting from foot to foot like a 12 year old. "...We um..gotta go.."
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I heard a voice near so I looked up with a confused face. It was Max. ah. I wasn't ready to meet him. "...We um..gotta go.." he said and was acting sort of oddly. I guess he wasn't quite sure how to face me either. I looked away and nodded, realizing that Alex wasn't there now since Max was. I got up and looked around, avoiding to look at Max.

'Like I though it's no good, I can't look at Max at all' I though.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting" I said "I didn't mean to. I just needed some time alone...So...I'll...Just go to the van shall I" I mumbled.

And with that I started walking back to the van, still not looking at Max. I couldn't. I just couldn't do it. I wasn't sure how'd I manage to avoid him in the van. It would be really hard. Well, not if either one of us drove...But it was probably either Michael or Isabel who wanted to drive this time. I sighed.
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Post by nickimlow »


I fidgeted with my book as we waited for Kyle. I felt nervous, I felt as if I was going to explode if I didn't tell someone about the dream.

And seeing Alex. Well, talking to him was one thing. Seeing him just hanging around, not seeing me- that was just weird. And seeing him - or a vision of him - around Kyle. That was even stranger and it certainly didn't help.

But the dream was what scared me. If Jesse was in trouble, I would never be able to live with myself- no, I wouldn't be able to live at all. We were so far away from each other. Maybe he was already trying to forget me- who knew, maybe he already had. But he remained in my mind everyday and I needed - desperately - to know that he was safe, even though I knew that we could never be together again.

I was also worried about Mom and Dad- God, my heart ached at the thought of them. They adopted us, brought us up, nurtured and cared for us- never knowing we were different, alien. Then we had to leave, and now they were alone- all alone. That was our way of repaying them? By deserting them? And as much as we wanted to believe that we were drawing danger away from them, it was not unlikely that our enemies - of Earth and of Antar - might use Mom and Dad, the Parkers, Sheriff Valenti, or even Amy DeLuca to get to us. So far, so good- but was anyone else here even considering the possibility?

Maybe it was because I had no one else, so I thought more about these things. Alex was dead. I had left my parents and husband to embark on this journey to nowhere. My only family now was Max, and he had tied the knot, which probably meant that he was going to grow even closer to Liz - if that was even possible. He had Liz, Michael had Maria . . . and Kyle- well, he didn't exactly have a girl back home to begin with. He hadn't had to walk away from his wife.

When I looked up again, I saw a still-depressed Kyle walking toward the van with Max not far behind. What was I going to do this round? Same as always, I suppose. Read, sleep . . . Maybe I could try dreamwalking Jesse again, just to be sure.

Or I could always do the driving. Yuck, that would mean the lovey-dovey couples were going to be smooching at the back. Well, better behind me than in front of me.
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Post by Dominicana »

hey its okie, no problem.


As I curl up next to Max and dream takes over me.

I get these weird images flash through my mind.

One and Kyle and Max, togehter holding hands kissing.

I wake up in an instant.

Kyle and Max, togehter my exs, gay? EWWW

I start to laugh uncontrollably, how stupid I can be sometimes, think of the stupidest shit, I guess I'm sexually frustrated, though I was never the type of girl to like guy with guy sex.

Damn I think Maria's finally getting to me after all these years.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

This is going a bit faster than I'd intended (For me at least) but angst is fun and Max is always one to keep the peace heehee


Kyle avoids looking at me and I sigh dryly. Oh great this is all we need, stuck in a Van and at the moment as far as I can tell traveling aimlessly through the country. Its not like we can settle at the moment, and now there's more tention. Oh peachy....

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting", he say's awkwardly. "I didn't mean to. I just needed some time alone...So...I'll...Just go to the van shall I", he mumbers steping around me.

"Kyle Wait!", I stop him grabing hold of his bicep. "Im sorry...I didnt mean..." Oh great this is nice, now what? 'Lets forget it, be buds?' Oh sure thing. I sigh before continuing. "Look, I didn't mean to upset you. Im..Im flattered I guess, but I'm married Kyle", I look at him in the eye. He has to understand that.

It not that I wanna push it in his face, its just...I dont know. It's not like I deal with this everyday..
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"Kyle Wait!" Max said ans stopped my by grabbing my bicep. "Im sorry...I didnt mean..." he continued. "Look, I didn't mean to upset you. Im..Im flattered I guess, but I'm married Kyle"

He looked me into my eyes. God I loved those eyes. Yes, they were so soulful. Always full of emotion whenever I looked into them. I shook my head and sighed.

"I know Max, but.." 'There's this connection between us. I know it doesn't show but I feel it. And I know it's there. Sort of...' was something I wanted to say, but it came out as "..but you know. I can't control my feelings. I know, so you don't need to tell me. I know it all too well.."

I hoped he would've just let go of my hand and we would've just gone into the van and be like none of this ever happened. Except that it did...
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
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Post by Roswell4ever1 »


Getting fed up with waiting around, I hollar out hoping Maxwell and Kyle would hear me. "Move your asses! It isn't getting any earlier." In reality, I just want to find a place where we can stay instead of constantly moving around. But I don't see that happening any time soon. And this whole deal with Maria is doing nothing for my mental status. I want nothing more than to take her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be ok, but I can't. I can't let her get that close. It's too dangerous. I'm too dangerous.

I lean against the side of the van and let out a deep breath. Why the hell did life have to be so complicated?
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Post by StormWolfstone »


While we're waiting for Max and Kyle, I can't shake the strange images that had flashed through my mind and yet, I doubt very much that they mean anything. I glance over at Maria who seems to keep looking at the mirror that reveals Michael from her current vantage point. I don't know why I haven't seen it before, I guess I've been a little wrapped up with being so happy with my marriage, but I see a sadness in her that wasn't always there.

Scooting over towards my best-friend, I lean over and speak quietly, "Why so grim, Ria?"

"Why else, Liz?" She says, her voice even sounding nothing like her own. Now, I've seen her get worked up over Michael. Everyone knows she loves him and he loves her, but there always seems to be something going on, causing trouble between them. And... most times it's Michael.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask, thinking that just maybe if she let's it out a little of the carefree Maria DeLuca might have the chance to shine through. She used to always feel better after she got things off her mind.

"You know, Liz. Why am I even still here?" She asks and the question surprises me. I wasn't quite expecting that from her.

"To be with Michael, for safety and because of everything..." I started and she began shaking her head.

"No!" She exclaimed, her voice rising only slightly and she instantly grew quieter. "No, how am I in danger if I find somewhere and have Max or Isabel help create a new identity for me so I could simply start over again?"


I watch my reaction cause several emotions to flash over Liz's face. She'd been so stuck in happy land I knew things had been changing in our friendship. "You can't mean that, Ria?" Her questing tone caused me to feel a twinge of guilt, it seemed as though she was upset by the prospect.

"Why can't I? Michael keeps pushing me away, so why don't I just go? If he doesn't want me here, why stay? You've got your life.. I need to make my own. A new one. Try and get past Spaceboy if.." I shook my head, saying this out loud was making it even harder for me to think about. "If he doesn't love me anymore and want me here, I need to be somewhere that I can try and find happiness elsewhere." Though, I know that no one could ever take the place of Michael. I add only in my thoughts.

"Has he told you he doesn't love you, Maria? Because as far as I know his feelings for you haven't changed? He's still the same Michael you fell for..." Liz began and I lifted a hand to stop her.

"I know... and maybe that's the problem. I never know how he feels or what he thinks. I can't keep wondering.... I.. I need to see some hints of the side of him I saw when we were in Roswell at times. The small actions that at least gave me a hint of how he felt about me. Like the dance lessons he took... the time he helped mom by getting into the wrestling ring..." I shake my head with a sad smile.

"I think the next time we stop for a bit, I'm going to look for something permanent and stay behind." I informed Liz, part of me hoping she would find a way to persuade me not to go through with it, but another part knowing that it wasn't Liz that I needed to have persuade me of anything. "Don't mention this to anyone else, Liz. Last thing I need is you trying to fix things and them only getting worse."

If I knew my best friend, I knew that without me saying what I did, she would have gone and told Max and Max would have said something to Michael... and I don't know how Michael would react. But, I know if something changed before our next stop and Liz had said something, I'd never be able to be certain that things had been done for the right reasons.

ooc: hope this works.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.