Deceptive Appearences (MATURE/ADULT) *Kyle, Tess OPEN*

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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: ok, how I got something this long i have no idea...I guess because I'm backtracking over about 4-5 posts or something but still, I guess I got carried away sorry :oops: . Hope this works for you both anyway. Doesn't take it any further I know, but it does give some insight into Liz's thoughts about all this too :wink:



As I sit there, waiting to see how Ainsling will respond, I feel Max’s hand slip from mine, replaced by his arm which slips round me, pulling me into him. I look up and smile at him. Maybe my life is crazy…in fact I don’t think there’s any doubt about that, but I’m lucky too… Max now knows and accepts my secret…he’ll be right there for me whatever happens I know and that’s a wonderful feeling.

Following his gaze, I see him look at Ainsling and as he opens his mouth I wonder what he’s going to say.

“Everything I learn about Liz only makes me love her more. She trusts me and you can too. I assure you, this secret is safe with me…”

I listen to him saying this and there’s no doubt in my mind that I have done the right thing… I wanted to tell Max for so long, but if we were going to continue our relationship – something which I know I want, I couldn’t keep him in the dark any longer. It didn’t matter about rules, or advice…I knew what I had to do…

Finally Ainsling speaks and even if she didn’t say it, I’d know that she was surprised.

“Well I have to say Liz that I’m surprised at you. I really didn’t expect this. I’m not sure what to say…”

She falls silent and we all sit in silence for another few moments. Ainsling looks at me, and maybe she expects me to appologise but the fact is that I can’t…I can’t appologise for something that I know was the right thing to do… I want to look down, worried that I’ve disappointed her but I won’t let myself do that. Chewing my lip nervously, I look back at her, waiting to see what she will say next.

I’m scared of having disappointed her…but I’m not scared of the fact that I’ve told Max… I know that he won’t turn against me…I know that he’s going to be there… I love Max, and I just couldn’t lie to him anymore… I know that Ainsling might not understand, but that’s something I can’t do anything about. The reasons for me trusting Max I can never tell her and that’s just a fact I have to accept… My secret isn’t the only one I carry…If everything that I’ve been though has taught me anything, it’s that Max is someone that I can trust with my life…

Serena has commented more than once these last few months that I’ve changed…and I guess that is true. Before, when Ainsling and Serena both said they didn’t think I should have been seeing Max, I would have broken it off…I would never have gone to Ainsling as I did this lunchtime anyway, but even if I had, I wouldn’t had told Max after because I would have followed what she said. When it comes to Max now though, I won’t let people tell me what to do…I make my own decisions and somehow I just know they’re the right ones to make. For one of the first times I let my heart overrule my mind but strangely enough that doesn’t make me feel weak, because when I’m with Max I feel complete, and I feel whole in a way I can never do when I’m alone…

Finally Ainsling opens her mouth and begins to speak again.

“In some ways I’m very disappointed in you Liz, but in others, I’m very proud…”

Her first words make me look down. As much as I know that this was the right thing for me, I hate the fact that I’ve disappointed her… Then, the next words come and I look up in surprise. I see a small wry smile appear on her face and I can’t help feeling relieved…

“Obviously I’m upset that you went against my wishes, and didn’t have the patience to wait, even when you knew we were meeting this afternoon, however I’m very impressed that you were honest with me now. You could have lied, and pretended to be telling him now, but the fact that you didn’t shows me do much about the woman you are becoming. A woman I respect and trust. I know I’ve said this a lot recently, but I wish your mother could see the amazing young woman you are…”

I’m so relieved that I didn’t try and put on a charade…her words show just what a good decision it was. I know that I must seem impatient to her…she has no way of knowing, nor will she ever, about why I had to tell Max when I did… It’s enough to know that she respects my decision though, and the things she says next cause me to swallow and bite my lip. The mention of my mother makes me feel like crying but I refuse to let myself break down. In concentrating on this, I realise that there’s something else I need to talk to Max about…the fact that Nancy isn’t my real mother…I wonder whether he’ll pick up on this and I’m not certain that I’ll be able to keep it together if he does.

Looking at Ainsling, I see a face which mirrors my own. The difference is that she’s losing her battle and I can see a few tears forming. She blinks them back and laughs.

“Look at me. I must be getting old if I’m getting sentimental. And Max, you must think I’m crazy. I guess I shuld ask if you have any questions, although Liz has probably answered those already as well?”

The look on her face banishes any lingering worries that she might be angry and me and I laugh softly while shaking my head. Without really thinking about it, I stand up and go over to her. It’s not a normal thing for me to do, but I hug her briefly and swallow. “Thank you Ainsling…for everything…”

I’m not usually this emotional and when I’ve finished I pull away awkwardly and return to Max, sitting down next to him once more.

Her next comments cause me to stiffen though.

“I asked Serena to come and see us as well as this effects her too and she should be here soon. I asked her to give us some time but as you were late she shouldn’t be too long. There are several things we need to discuss with regards to safety, both ours and yours, and we need to decide where to go from here…”

Serena’s coming… I knew I was going to have to tell her eventually of course, but the idea of telling Serena what I’ve done worries me even more than doing the same thing with Ainsling… Serena has made no secret of the fact she thinks my relationship with Max is risky and she even went as far as to suggest that I was letting down my guard because of it the other night… Whatever is said, I know this is one conversation that is going to be far from easy.

Of course there’s not only Serena though…Ainsling is right, there’s still so much to tell Max, to explain… And now that I’ve done part of it, I have to finish because giving him some information and not the rest just isn’t fair… I need to tell him everything because that means he will be prepared and that’s the most important thing, that he is safe…

“So Max, why don’t you talk now, and I’ll…stop…”

I laugh softly at this and look to Max to see what he will say. I know that he’ll still have plenty of questions…just going through the basics took long enough after telling him…we didn’t have time for anything more… Part of me would rather answer some questions when we’re alone though, and I’m relieved to see that he doesn’t seem to have picked up on Ainsling’s mention of my mother. I have to tell him…I want to tell him even, but that’s something I think I need to do one on one…not in front of Ainsling, or with Serena…

I’m more than pleased to see Max smiling and I feel like a weight has been lifted from my mind. This is all going to work out…I just know it…

“Actually no. Liz didn’t really have time to answer a lot of questions. We were trying to make it to your meeting on time. And then we ran into my friends…”

He pauses and I can see him thinking. “I’m sure at least 50% of what people believe about…witches…is false…”

He’s nervous, I can see… I think he’s also hesitant about using the ‘w’ word just as he is about using the ‘a’ word. Usually I’d be the same, but my little spell should keep any eavesdroppers from hearing what we’re saying, and I’m sure Ainsling has put up her own blocks too. I smile reassuringly at him, slipping my hand over his free one and leaning against his chest slightly. I feel his arm around me tighten, pulling me closer and I smile as I think about how perfect this feels.

“Can you start by telling me what your magic can really do…?”

He doesn’t go in for easy questions does he…? I’ll tell Max everything I can about my own powers later…expand on what I’ve already said, but for now I remain silent and since Max asked Ainsling, I’ll let her answer…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by M »

Hope this is ok- I wasn't sure what to say so I did some research, not sure if you'll like it but I can edit if you want

Some information gratefully taken from:


...what your magic can really do?

'Well Max, thats a complicated question. It changes depending on a variety of factors: our individual personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and fears; the needs of a given situation; the energy around us and our ability to hear it; and the love in our hearts. Love and an ability to be in tune with our surroundings is the basis for our powers, other things play a role, but that is the fundamental. We can cast spells, and make potions. We can travel to other plains of existence, through time and space. Individuals have particular abilities as well, to move things, or see things, or feel things. Some can change others perceptions, or play with time. Some can take on other shapes, or alter other shapes. It's really very individual.
We try to be in tune with the earth and stop harm from happening. The God and Goddess energy is contained in all things manifest and non-manifest. We include ourselves as part of that devine energy.We have a belief in one universal energy that is polar and balanced. It is the union of this polar masculine and feminine energy (the God and the Goddess) that creates the perfect whole.
Witches hold a deep reverence for nature and animals. There is no need to try and steal power from another being. Witches are secure in their inner strength and the power that comes from this harmony balance and peace. Some witches have more powers then others, yet all who attempt to live in harmony and feel themselves to be are witches.
Some of us do have powers that may at times seem fantastic, but really these are just the manifestations of a long line of people in harmony, coming together to demonstrate the possibility and protect the fragile. We try to fight evil, in all its forms, wherever it appears and in this, our lives are often dangerous.
Some people choose this life, and others have it chosen for them. We attempt to mentor each other, and give support where it is necessary.
That is the role I play for Liz and Serena, and the role that they, in time, will play for others as well, likely their children, but possibly others as well.
Magic is not static, it is fluid and organic, changing through time and the continuum. The question is often What do we need or want magic to do? How do we create that outcome?
Magic is the outer-most limits of ones imagination, creativity, and resolve. It can do nothing alone, yet with it, we can do anything we wish- as long as we do no harm, and remain in harmony.'

I can see Max looking a little overwhelmed and decide to give him and Liz a moment to themselves as I rise and move to the door, taking down my blocks and Liz's as well before stepping into the hall to check for Serena. I see her hurrying towards me and smile and the look of determined concentration on her pretty face.

'Hi Serena, how was your day?'
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by isabelle »

looks okay to me, M. :D


My eyes widen as Ms. Brennan starts her explaination. It sounds like she's teaching a theory class, but I guess she is a teacher, in more ways than one. Still, I expected something more like a list. Teleport, transmortify, whatever. Seems that there's a lot of flexibility in what they can do. How will I know what is possible or not?

I guess that's a question for another time, because only a few moments after she finishes up, she leaves the room without a word. Well, no word save the whispered ones that she uses before opening the door. A practice I now recognise as casting or negating magic.

"Wow," I say as the door shuts. "That sounds a lot more complicated than I thought."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: :? OK, what happened to my post, I was sure I put it up here before going to bed... Ok then, take two lol

Also, I forgot to mention that we're needing a Tess for this too, if anyone's interested please feel free to say.


Ainsling’s answer is far more complex than any that I would have come up with. Probably I would have stuck with exactly what we could do, while she’s trying to explain why we can as well… Her mention of the things that wicca is based on might puzzle Max given that I insisted it wasn’t the same thing, but I still maintain it’s not… The majority of those who practice wicca are not true wiches…they’re people something like the flower-power sect of the past. I am of the view that wicca and wiches do not go hand in hand…

As she finishes up, Ainsling stands and heads out of the room. I hear her mutter a few words, lifting the blocks which were in place before leaving Max and I alone. From what she said earlier I know this isn’t over…Serena’s going to be here soon so the most difficult part of this encounter is still to come I guess.

It’s nice to get a few more minutes alone though, and when I hear the door shut behind her I quickly replace the blocks to ensure our privacy.

I look at Max, noting that he looks a bit overwhelmed…even more so than when I first told him about me I think… “Hey…you ok…?” I ask him softly, reaching out to touch his arm.

He nods, still looking a little bewildered. “Wow…That sounds a lot more complicated than I thought…”

I nod. I guess I don’t think about it so much because it’s something I’ve grown up with, but listening to the way Ainsling explained it I can well understand why he thinks that now. “I know… Is there anything else you want to know…?”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »

M Speaking from the essence of one that is a follower of the Goddess and her Consort, you did great and the site you found actually is one of the best descriptions of the belief's.

I know this is short... sorry... couldn't really think of much.


"No, not really," Isabel responds, and I can't help but feel she's hiding something as much as I am, "except for what happened just now, I'd say things are looking average."

I shook my head and looked at her stoicly, "Iz, we've known each other too long for something like this. I'll make you a deal, I'll tell you anything I know if you do the same. Maybe together we can get your brother to talk." My curiousity and frustration over that damn black box had my thought process on one thing and one thing only. Learning what it was and why our powers couldn't open it.

I walked toward the eraser room and held the door open for Isabel showing that what I had to say was not something that would be simple.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Liz_Parker »


"Oh you know how high school is. Boring, tests, drama....and all that other junk", I smile at her.

Something tells me this meeting isn't social. I wonder if something more's going on with my sister and her boyfriend....God knows they're beginning to get extremely close. I only wish I could find a guy like that.....

"So anyway Ainsling....what's this meeting about?".

The Original Rivalry that we all love :) ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by isabelle »


"Sure," I tell her, starting to get my bearings again. "I have so many questions, I don't even know what they all are. There's so much I want to ask. So much I want to tell..."

I do have to tell her about the lunch-time trip and trying to open her box, but who knows how soon Serena will be here. I should tell her quick, I decide. But even as I'm thinking this, the other things that Ms. Brennan said come back into my head. 'You would have made your mother proud.' It seems to fit with something I saw --

"What was that she said about your mom? I saw a flash of you and Serena calling someone-else mom when you were little..." I trail off, not sure how much more to say. Ms. Brennan said that one day Liz would be teaching her own children about Magic, but Mrs. Parker isn't her teacher. She isn't Liz's Mom, is she? I look to Liz, wondering what she'll say.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: no time to formatt now I'm afraid, have to get to work. I'll format to add the italics for thoughts when I get back tonight but I think you can just about follow this and I wanted to get it up. Hope you like it Isabelle ;)


“Sure…I have so many questions. I don’t even know what they all are. There’s so much I want to ask, so much I want to tell…”

To tell…? His choice of words seems strange but I know they will be explained eventually. Max did say that he wanted to talk to me later, after this meeting, so perhaps that’s what he means. I nod but don’t actually say anything, waiting for him to speak. There’s a lot of stuff I can tell him, but for now I think giving him the information he actually wants is the best way to go. There’s plenty of time to tell him more, but the time we’re going to have alone before Ainsling returns with Serena is bound to be short. As much as people might tease Serena about being disorganised and such, relative punctuality is something that I know she tries to keep to for the exact same reasons as I do. I don’t want to worry Ainsling, Serena, my father or Nancy… They all know about what we do, something about what we have to deal with, and causing them worry when there’s no need is something I like to avoid when at all possible.

I smile as I look at Max though. “Well when you want to ask, I’m here to answer…” I tell him softly as I squeeze his hand reassuringly. I know this is all a lot to take in, and I’m just so glad he seems to be handling it ok.

Of course maybe that makes sense…he’s had enough practice dealing with his own secret, but still, had I remained silent, there is no doubt in my mind that this would have been the end of us. You can’t share one way and not the other…

Finally Max nods and looks back at me. “What was that she said about your mom? I saw a flash of you and Serena calling someone else mom when you were little…”

I close my eyes as memories come flooding back to me. This is a question, or rather subject, that I knew would have to be addressed eventually, but a little more time wouldn’t have gone amiss. Still, at least now I know one of the things he’s seen… I’m guessing that would have been before our discussion earlier, or even during it… I know that my memories of my mother are locked so deep down usually that I can’t imagine he saw it yesterday. Then again of course, my connection to Max is so intense that who knows what memories might surface… I have to admit I’d like to know, and I make a note to ask after, but for now I have to give the explanation I have been dreading.

Taking a deep breath, I look at him again. “S-she said my mother would have been proud of me…” I start by clarifying, knowing that Max is probably wondering if he had misheard or misunderstood. “Nancy isn’t my mother…she died when I was about five…before you…” I trail off, knowing that even if I do have my blocks up, Ainsling can take them down so I shouldn’t mention anything that might give away the fact that Max is different. Swallowing, I blink back a few tears, trying desperately to keep a rein on my emotions. I can do this, I can deal. I always do… It’s not that simple though…how many times have I ended up in tears over this without even having mentioned it. Even after so long, just thinking about her, looking at her picture, can be enough to break me. I stay strong around other people, I have to, but alone is another matter… “S-she was k-killed by a d-demon…” I struggle over the words as I try to explain. “N-no one talks about it because it was s-so brut-tal, I-I think they t-tend to think it’s best left to lie…n-not to bring it up for the sake of S-serena and I… My dad mo-ved on…he found Nancy q-quickly and was happy…why advertise something so devastating…”

Despite all my efforts, tears are starting to run down my cheeks and my voice is breaking. This is one of the hardest things I can ever imagine having to talk about…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


As Liz starts to talk, I can hear her stuttering, and see how her breathing becomes forced. I can see this is hard for her and it’s easy to understand why. I put my arm around her waist, holding her close, hoping to give her some comfort as she fights her way through it. I’m tempted to have her stop, but I can see this is something she needs to say, as much as I need to hear it.

When she finishes, her voice is breaking and she’s crying openly. I gently turn her body into my chest, allowing her to cry into my shoulder, drying her tears on my shirt. I stroke her back slowly. As she calms herself, I try to decide if I should pursue the topic any further, since it obviously upsets her. Still, there are so many other questions about this. She’d told me that Maria and Alex didn’t know anything about her and Serena being witches, but she hadn’t mentioned any others. Her parents? And what about what Ms. Brennan said about Liz’s children? If we have a family together will they be both aliens and witches? My mind is swimming in the possibilities, although it's still likely that my biology is different enough that we couldn't have children at all...

“I’m so sorry, Liz. I didn’t want to upset you,” I tell her, sincerely. “I should have realized this would be a hard thing to talk about…”
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Post by liz_maria »


"Iz, we've known each other too long for something like this. I'll make you a deal, I'll tell you anything I know if you do the same. Maybe together we can get your brother to talk."

So, Michael isn't clear on the mystery too. This surprised me, since he looked in on this the whole time. But I guess, he must've found out something too. Otherwise, he wouldn't be making me such an offer, right?

Now, I see Michael moving to the eraser room and opening the door, looking at me expectantly. He has a message in his eyes that clearly tells me that this wasn't even coming close to joking.

I am hesitating. What do I know anyway? But I walk to the eraser room hoping to find out as much as I can.
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