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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: no problem Liz_Parker, glad you're still wanting her though.

Ok Candice, so the answer to your question would appear to be that Maria is the only character currently open. As far as the OC goes, if you're wanting to introduce one I need to see what you have in mind to see if the idea will work within this story.



For a moment I forget all about where we are…all that seems to matter is that Max is there with me. There’s still a lot to tell him I know, but given time it will all come out and I just know that he’s not going to be driven away by it. Max squeezes my hand again and I’m drawn back to the present though, and reminded of the fact that Ainsling is there as well.

“What did you want to see us about…?”

Max finally asks the question I know is needed…why are we here…? Is Ainsling about to give me permission to do what I’ve already done…? Whether she is or not, I don’t think I would ever regret having told him. The only thing is, I wish I had done it sooner… Max has trusted me for so long with his secret, and yet I’ve been keeping my own from him… I’m just glad that he doesn’t seem too upset by that, and that he hasn’t taken it as a sign that I didn’t trust him… I would never say that I didn’t trust him…I trust him with my life…

Given how I feel about Max, it was only a matter of time before I told him I think… Only a matter of time before I broke one of the rules that is but there to protect us… See the funny thing is that I’ve always been one to follow rules…I like plans and structure, but I don’t feel guilty about this at all… I feel guilty about having had to reveal Serena and Ainsling too sure…because it’s their secret as well as mine, but I don’t feel guilty for having told the man I love the truth about me…for having made it so that he sees me for what I am, not the front I put up for most people…

Still, I’m nervous about what Ainsling will want… Whether her intention is for me to tell Max or not, I’ve already done that, and sometime, I’m going to have to come clean about that. Nervously I sit next to Max and wait for her answer.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by M »


What did you want to see us about?

Still unsure as to the wisdom of what I'm about to do I take a deep breath and launch right in.

'Liz, I've been thinking about our conversation at lunch. I understand your feelings and I think that ultimately it really doesn't matter what I think, does it? I think you are probably going to do what you feel is right, and it seems that would be talking to Max about your family history. Given that, I think it wise to stop trying to disagree with you.
You are almost an adult Liz. These are decisions you are going to have to make and although I can advise you, I can't make the decisions for you. So, tell him. The only thing I ask is that I can be here, I would rather be involved then not, and that means being here while you tell him.'

I turn to Max.

'Max, I only ask that you listen. I don't know you, other then your schoolwork. I have no idea if you are trustworthy. I know Liz says she loves you and I trust her. I hope I'll have a chance to get to know you.'

I take another deep breath and sit back in my chair, my piece said, allowing Liz to direct the conversation where she wants to.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Before I can really think of why it seemed as though I was being blown off, Isabel came up and joined in and then Max and Liz still made a break. Frustrated now, I turned to Isabel and shook my head. "You know, I'm actually wondering the same thing. Things seem to be rather out of sorts and strange. Have you noticed anything different about Maxwell lately?"

I have to wonder whether I am the only one that has seen the changes and I'm not yet ready to share what happened earlier until I know Isabel's point on things. I will of course tell her, it's not a question of keeping it since Isabel and Max have always been like a family and I never keep anything from them... well almost never.

Sorry it took so long, again... didn't get here when I was supposed to (library)
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Spending the day rather busily, I have found that it certainly does seem to be a rather interesting town. I could have some untold measure of fun. With the finances I've earned over the years and saved, I could live peacefully without suffering for a few years. Yet, rather then do that, I found the land office and purchased a couple of acres and then headed toward several other businesses to start the process of building a business that I knew would liven up this town.

I had plenty of contacts from my past that could well come in handy and at the same time would keep my busy until I figured out just why I was drawn to Roswell.

Once I'd set up most things, I went into the Crashdown Cafe' and ordered lunch. I decided to start working on the sign patterns that would be used for my club/shop. Goddess knows, I was going to cater to the warlock and witch community and stir up some fun in the process. Of course, blood would join the foundation blocks as was always necessary for a place of power. It would be a neutral ground as I have always believed that there is not white nor black magic, only the heart of the practicioner makes it so.

I sat in a booth and drew out several symbols of celtic and egyptian power. Each representing different things that the community I was a part of would understand. Well, most would. A few of the symbols were from relics of power, one's that I had found during one of my followings such as the one that brought me to Roswell.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


I give Ms. Brennan a look of slight puzzlement as she gives her cryptic explanation to Liz. Of course, I already know exactly what she's talking about but I've had ten years of experience in pretending ignorance when I have knowledge; pretending interest, or even excitement, when I'm really feeling fear and anxiousness. This case is the former one and an easy one to play. Although inside, I feel my heart is giving a little victory dance. Ms. Brennan is going to let me know. That's so fantastic. I'm very excited but I keep all of that off my face.

When she talks to me, I nod, as 'though I don't fully understand but I'm ready to keep listening until I do. "Sure," I tell her, letting just a hint of nervousness into my voice. "I do love her, nothing could stop that. And I would never do anything to hurt her," I promise, to both of them.

I give Liz's hand a soft squeeze as I turn to her with a look of curiosity. I'm ready to play the part of the surprised but supportive boyfriend in a replay of our conversation this past hour, but without the alien references. I wait to see just what she's going to say.
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Post by KatnotKath »


Watching Ainsling I can see that she’s torn about something but I don’t dare hope she’s about to say what it seems she might be. I can’t allow myslf to think about that unless it actually happens… Instead, I remain silent, giving her the time to say what she needs to. Taking a deep breath, she looks up at me.

“Liz, I’ve been thinking about our conversation at lunch. I understand your feelings and I think that ultimately it really doesn’t matter what I think does it? I think you are probably going to do what you feel is right and it seems that would be talking to Max about your family history. Given that, I think it wise to stop trying to disagree with you. You are almost an adult Liz. These are decisions you are going to have to make and although I can advise you, I can’t make the decisions for you. So tell him. The only think I ask is that I can be here, I would rather be involved than not, and that means being here while you tell him…”

The way Ainsling is talking, I can hardly believe this is the same person I talked to earlier. I know that it has taken a lot to make her say this though…she doesn’t give in easily and her mention that I’m almost an adult makes me smile. She’s told me over and over that my mom would be proud of me, I wonder what she’ll think when I come clean though… I can’t give her what she’s asking for, because we’ve already had this conversation and although it might be easier, I can’t lie to her, I can’t just put in a charade and pretend that the conversation in the eraser room never happened.

'Max, I only ask that you listen. I don't know you, other then your schoolwork. I have no idea if you are trustworthy. I know Liz says she loves you and I trust her. I hope I'll have a chance to get to know you.'

All of Ainsling’s words are chosen carefully…enough to show me what she’s meaning but not enough that Max would understand had he not already been told. I notice the look Max gives her but I know it’s all a front. He knows exactly what she means…

She sits back in her chair and I know that she’s waiting for me to speak. I take a breath, trying to work out how to say this. I guess there’s no easy way t do this. If I could tell her about Max, maybe it would be understood more, but as it is all she’s going to know is that I went against what she said. I broke the rules and took this into my own hands before listening to what she wanted to say. Of course she has already said she gets the feeling that I will do what I think is right, so maybe she won’t be that surprised…afterall, that’s exactly what I did… I did what I needed to…I refused to lie to Max again…

"Sure…I do love her, nothing could stop that. And I would never do anything to hurt her,"

I can’t help thinking that I’m surprised by what a good actor Max seems to be. I know that we could pull this off if we wanted…have me ‘tell’ him the truth in front of Ainsling… He would act the part of a surprised and supportive boyfriend much as he did in reality, but it wouldn’t be real… I would know that we were in effect lying, and I think I’ve done enough of that. My secret means that I lie to my friends everyday… Lying to Ainsling is something I just can’t do. I need to tell her the truth…

Max squeezes my hand reassuringly and I smile at him before looking back at Ainsling. I know my next words aren’t what she’s expecting, but they have to be said. I won’t lie to another person…I have to tell the truth…

“I wish I could give you what you’re asking for Ainsling…but I can’t… You were right in saying that in truth it didn’t matter what you said… I wanted you to agree, but even when you refused I knew I couldn’t lie to Max any more…” I take a breath and continue with my confession. “I know that you said not to, and I know that you said to meet you here this afternoon, but it wouldn’t wait… Max already knows, because I told him… I couldn’t let my secret come between us any longer…” I swallow nervously and look back at Max as I wait to see how Ainsling will react.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


As soon as Liz starts talking, I can tell, just from her tone and the fact that she's talking to Ms. Brennan and not me, that she isn't planning on acting out this little conversation. My eyes widen in real surprise as Liz tells her about our conversation. There's no reason to hide it, any longer.

"...Max already knows, because I told him… I couldn’t let my secret come between us any longer…”

I can only guess what Ms. Brennan must be thinking. What she was worried about from the start when she wondered aloud if I were trustworthy. I move closer to Liz, releasing her hand only to wrap my arm around her so our sides are touching. I look at Ms. Brennan straight on without hiding anything, hoping she'll see that I'm sincere. "Everything I learn about Liz only makes me love her more. She trusts me and you can, too. I assure you, this secret is safe with me."
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'Well I have to say Liz that I'm surprised at you. I really didn't expect this. I'm not sure what to say'

We sit in silence for a moment. Liz doesn't apologise, she just lifts her chin slightly and looks me directly in the eye. I take her measure and try to sift out the individual emotions from the maelstrom in her eyes.

I see her fear, her conviction, her faith and above all her love for this young man sitting next to her. I'm not sure what he's done to capture her attention, or how she is so sure she can trust him, but I know that what I've told her stills hold true. Liz is coming to that point where I simply have to trust that I've taught her well and let her go.

Our discussion at lunch was eye opening to me because no matter what I said I just had the gut feeling that she had already made up her mind and that nothing I could say would make a difference. It wasn't until the end when she was explaining how she loved him that I really knew what I needed to do. In this I was being tested as much as she was. A part of being a mentor is knowing when to let go, when to trust and when to realise that you might have been wrong. Liz does love Max, but not just in an individual way. Her willingness to put him first, to be totally unselfish convinced me that they will be able to handle the difficulties, and that even if he couldn't, even if it didn't work out, it would still be valuable. Max is worth the risk, and although I don't understand it, I can- actually I have to- support it.

'In some ways I'm very disappointed in you Liz, but in others, I'm very proud.'
I allow the wry smile that's bubbled up to emerge onto my face.

'Obviously I'm upset that you went against my wishes, and didn't have the patience to wait, even when you knew we were meeting this afternoon, however I'm very impressed that you were honest with me now. You could have lied, and pretended to be telling him now, but the fact that you didn't shows me so much about the woman that you are becoming. A woman I respect and trust. I know I've said this a lot recently, but I wish your mother could see the amazing young woman you are.'

I'm surprised by the tears that spring to my eyes and I smile as I blink them back and then laugh slightly.

'Look at me, I must be getting old if I'm getting sentimental. And Max, you must think I'm crazy. I guess I should ask if you have any questions, although Liz has probably answered those already as well?' I raise my eyebrow teasingly at her before turning back to smile at Max.

'I asked Serena to come and see us as well as this effects her too and she should be here soon. I asked her to give us some time but as you were late she shouldn't be too long. There are several things we need to discuss with regards to safety, both ours and yours, and we need to decide where to go from here'

'So, Max, why don't you talk now, and I'll... stop.'
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Post by liz_maria »


"You know, I'm actually wondering the same thing. Things seem to be rather out of sorts and strange. Have you noticed anything different about Maxwell lately?"

I am rather surprised by this question coming from Michael. It seems to me that he knows more about this than I do. But I still have to keep my suspicions for myself until I find out about the truth, so I answer his question.

"No, not really," I say. I was tempted to tell him about how Max had recently came to my room and asked me about visions, but I didn't want Michael worrying about something that could be nothing. "except for what happened just now, I'd say things are looking average.", I lied.
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Post by isabelle »


Ms. Brennan doesn't even seem to notice me as she talks to Liz about what she did. She's disappointed, understanding and proud. I feel a small smile reaching the corners of my mouth. Quite a range of emotions, but one I understand. I'm glad she's not angry.

Then she asks me if I have any questions. I have so many questions, but I don't know that I want to share all of them with Ms. Brennan. I'm certainly not ready to talk about the box with her here. That and other things will have to wait until I'm alone with Liz.

I shake my head, looking at Ms. Brennan. "Actually, no. Liz didn't really have time to answer a lot of questions. We were trying to make it to your meeting on time. And then we ran into my friends," I tell her. I don't want her to think I lied about that.

Pausing for a moment, I wonder what would be the best question to start with. "I'm sure at least 50% of what people believe about ... witches ... is false." I say. I'm not exactly sure I should even say the word alloud, seeing how sensative Michael and Isabel and I have always been about using the 'a-word.' But then, most likely they've spelled the room so we can't be overheard. "Can you start by telling me what your magic can really do?"
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