Prophecy of Destiny (CHMD,XO,UC,MATURE) [Complete]

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Prophecy of Destiny (CHMD,XO,UC,MATURE) [Complete]

Post by elfangel01 »

Title: "Prophecy of Destiny"

Author: elfangel01

Rating: MATURE

Pairing: focus on Chris/Liz

Summary: Liz is half sister to the Charmed Ones. She is half-n-half, like Paige is on the show. Everything up until Departure is the same, except her alien powers are already around, only nobody knows . Prue never existed in my world, it's just Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. Piper and Leo are married and have baby Wyatt. Chris is not their other son, because lets face it, that would make it weird. Everything else will come out in the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or Roswell, if I did then nothing that happened on the show would've been the same after Destiny.

CH. 1

It’s good to be back thought Liz as she walked in the door of the Crashdown. She set her bags down and looked around as everyone was running around, it was the lunch rush so nobody noticed her a first, but she didn’t want to take her chances. She slipped upstairs and breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of grease and sweat, hearing the familiar clang of silverware and plates from downstairs. She slowly walked to her room and began to unpack sighing as she realized she already missed her family. Yes, she was “home”, but home is where the heart is, and her heart was most definitely still in San Francisco. Sure she loved her “mom and dad”, but Roswell wasn’t home. Her friends would probably want to see her, but she knew she didn’t want to deal with Max and him wanting to get back together. What they had was over and even when they were together she wasn’t really happy, plus she now loved Chris more than anything. Thinking about Chris made her remember how they first met and the events of those first few days when they both realized their feelings.

“What the hell Leo? Why aren’t you going to be my whitelighter anymore? You’re my brother, or the closest thing I have to one” raged Liz.

“They think you’ll do better with a new whitelighter, I don’t know all their reasons but if they’re switching us they must have a good reason” placated Leo, as he looked at Piper, desperate for help and reinforcement. She however ignored him, believing that it should all stay in the family, she only trusted her sister with Leo.

“Damn their reasons Leo! I don’t want a new whitelighter…do you even know who this guy is?” Liz, so bent on her ranting and raving didn’t even notice another presence until he spoke.

“Hi, I’m Chris, am I interrupting something? Or are you to involved in your self to notice new people in a room? ”

“Who the hell do you think….” began Liz.

“Hi Chris, please excuse Liz, she’s a little upset over receiving a new whitelighter. She’s had Leo since she was twelve so this is kind of weird. Don’t take it personally she acts like this sometimes; she’s extremely stubborn ” said Phoebe.

“It’s weird to me as well, I’ve known of Leo for a while and knew his charges were the Charmed Ones and their half-sister. However regardless of how weird this is to you, it doesn’t give you the right to act like a spoiled brat, you have responsibilities to uphold and innocents to protect, so get over yourself and move on.” said Chris slightly irritated..

“Screw you,” said Liz, “ I’m going out, don’t wait up.”

As Liz orbed out everyone looked at each other. Piper shrugged and said, ”If you prove yourself as being able to protect my little sister then I’ll have no problem, just please don’t kill each other or destroy the house. She’s rebellious and is considered the resident badass, just thought I’d warn you, have fun. ”

“I’ll show you to the guest room if you want, that way if you ever need to stay here you’ll have a place to sleep” said Paige.

“I don’t want to impose, especially since two out of the four of you seem to have issues with me” said Chris.

“Oh Piper’s just overprotective, as soon as she sees you’re capable you’ll have no problems with her. As for Liz, well you saw her, she’s as stated; stubborn, wild, and rebellious, but she’s loyal; so as soon as she gets over not having Leo anymore you two should be fine” stated Phoebe. As Paige turned to lead him upstairs they smirked at each other. Both thinking of how interesting things were about to get at the manor.


A/N: Thanks to my wonderful beta NewYorker18! You helped me get this together...and you put up with my questions on how to get started. Feedback is most appreciated, I'm kind of nervous since this is my first fic. So whatever you guys think....please let me know.
Last edited by elfangel01 on Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:27 am, edited 28 times in total.
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“ARGH!! Just leave me the hell alone!” screamed Liz, frustration pouring off of her. It had been about two days since she met Chris and he was driving her insane. She felt her powers building and let loose a stream of flames. Liz’s powers were the elements, along with orbing and telekinesis. Plus her alien powers thanks to Maxhole and with Phoebe’s help she had martial arts.

Piper came running into the room and seeing the destruction on her wall thanks to Liz she let out a long frustrated groan. “ Liz, this is the fifth time in two days. Can’t you two just get along? I think he’s proven himself and having to constantly get Leo to fix these things seriously takes away from our alone time….”

“Eeeww, something I most definitely do not want to think about, concerning you and Leo, sister dear. I’m sorry; I’ll try and work on the anger management. It’s just he’s infuriating, nothing I do seems to be good enough, he’s always watching me and he’s even criticizing how I dress now. I mean he’s a guy for god’s sake, what reason could he possibly have to think about clothes?! And anyways as long as I do my job what basis does he have for criticism?” Liz exclaimed as she flopped down onto the couch. She was beginning to relax now that Chris was gone, he had orbed out a few minutes before her reenactment of a flamethrower.

“Honey, have you ever thought that maybe he likes you? If he’s doing all that you say he is maybe he’s hiding how he really feels. Maybe you like him back if he’s getting under your skin so much, it sounds that way especially if you are catching him looking at you then that means you have to be looking at him also” smirked Piper

“Hey guys, what are we talking about?” asked Phoebe as she walked into the living room. “AH man Liz, again? Why do you have to keep trying to burn the house down?” as she glanced at the giant burn mark on the wall.

“We were just discussing how I think Chris and Liz like each other and that’s why they aren’t getting along. Its kind of elementary schoolish but it’s cute” said Piper.

“Oh, I’ve known they like each other since they first laid eyes on each other the other day” said Phoebe.

“What? What are you talking about?! I don’t like Chris! What are you smoking Phoebe?”

“Denial. But seriously Liz, I’m an empath remember, I can feel both of you, and the lust pouring off of you two has made me steer clear of the house as much as possible. It’s just up to you two, to figure out what you’re going to do about it,” exclaimed Phoebe.

Piper just looked at her….” Who are you and what have you done with my sister? My sister isn’t that insightful.”

“Ha, ha but seriously, you should think about it, Liz.” said Phoebe, “We just want you to be happy.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll think about it…” grumbled Liz.

As the three were sitting there laughing and goofing off, orbs suddenly filled the room, and Chris collapsed on the floor, an arrow sticking out of his stomach.

“Chris! What happened? Oh god, are you okay?” exclaimed Liz, as she knelt down on the floor next to him.

“I... got ambushed by…. a darklighter….”groaned Chris. “He wants you, you can’t go Liz. I’m sorry…. I let you down.” His hand slipped from hers as he lost consciousness.

LEO!! Leo! Leo get your ass down here!” sobbed Liz.

“What, what is it? What’s wrong?” asked Leo as he orbed in.

“Leo, you have to heal Chris, please, he was shot by a darklighter” cried Liz, nearly on the verge of hysterics.

Leo knelt down next to her and placed his hand over the arrow, “Phoebe, I need you to pull the arrow out so Piper can blast it. On the count of three, one…two…. THREE!” Phoebe pulled, Piper blasted and Leo’s hands started glowing as he began to heal Chris. “I can’t do it, something’s blocking me” said Leo.

“What do you mean you can’t do it? You have to do it” screamed Liz. It wouldn’t be the same without Chris, sure he was annoying and pushy and seemed to always be around and he damn well knew how to push her buttons, but she wanted him around. If she actually admitted it to herself she’d think she loved him…. oh my god that’s it she mused, I love Chris. “You have to be able to heal him Leo, I love him, I don’t think I can do it without him” she sobbed. “Chris you have to wake up, Chris, look at me! You aren’t allowed to leave me! I won’t let you. What am I going to do without you and your orders, or just you being your normal annoying self? I thought I could keep it to myself and it would go away, maybe it was all delusions or something but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. I love you Chris, you’ve become the air I breathe. I depend on you and you can’t leave me! Now wake up damn it!” Tears were in everyone’s eyes at Liz’s impassioned speech and everyone held their breath to see if it worked.

Just as Liz was starting to break her hands began to glow, Chris sat up gasping for breath. He grabbed her and crushed her to him. “I love you too.”


They’d been together ever since, she recalled with a smile. In fact their four-month anniversary was coming up in a few days. She missed him so much and it had only been a few days, oh well she mused; we’re each only an orb away. She began to make her way downstairs to get something to eat, thinking that the café would be empty since it was well past closing time. She was so lost in thought about Chris, her sisters, and baby Wyatt; who was constantly being hunted by demons, that she didn’t register the voices while stepping through the door, but she did register the gasps and breaking plate.
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Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: First off, thank you for all the feedback guys, I'm glad I pleased some of you when I decided to write a Chris/Liz fic. I'm really enjoying writing this and I hope you continue to enjoy it as I go along. Just wanted to put a warning here that I've gotten to a point, (it starts here) where I'm not very nice to Max or Maria. Maria may change as I go along, but I'm not sure on Max. Anyways thanks again everybody.


“Liz?” gasped Max as she walked through the door. She looked so different than the last time he saw her. She was dressed in low slung, tight black jeans and a deep crimson halter-top. She had a tattoo around her right upper arm of what looked like barbed wire and some tribal tattoo around her bellybutton which was pierced, as she turned to look at him he caught a glimpse of what looked like three triangles looped together on her left shoulder blade. He didn’t know what had happened to her, but he still loved her and wanted her; and this new look, although different made her look really hot. She could get over the whole Tess thing so they could move on, he was sure of it.

“Liz, where did you go? When did you get back? Why didn’t you call? What happened to you, you look so different?” rambled off Maria, nearly on the verge of hysterics.

“Maria! Calm down, shut up and breathe” ordered Isabel “let her talk, I mean good Lord she can’t get a word in edgewise with your incessant rambling.”

“I was in San Francisco, I got back earlier, and I didn’t call because I wasn’t ready to talk to anyone…”snapped Liz. She didn’t really want to deal with this crap right now, she just wanted to get something to eat, not be put through the Spanish Inquisition. “What do you want to know?”

“Why did you leave?” questioned Michael. Of all of them he felt he identified with Liz the most so he wanted to see if he was right on why she left. He felt like a big brother to her, after all they were both protectors he reasoned. He just didn’t know how right he was when it really came down to it.

“I guess you could say that I left to find myself. When everything about Tess came out…. well I had to leave and sort through everything. I have family in San Francisco who I missed dearly, so I decided to spend the summer with them. It helped a lot; I realized I wasn’t little Lizzie Parker anymore. So I changed my look and attitude to fit the new me, hell I even love Metallica now, Michael, you should be proud” smirked Liz as she finished.

“Damn Parker, I am proud of you. “ smiled Michael, a real honest to god smile. Liz almost passed out when she saw that.

“Michael Guerin, are you smiling?” joked Liz. “Because if you are, I didn’t hear on the weather earlier that it was snowing in hell.”

“Hardy har har, Parker, you just crack yourself up don’t ya?” smirked Michael.

“Ok moving on from the new and highly disturbing camaraderie between Chewbacca and Liz” said Kyle.

“Liz, can we talk about us?” questioned Max.

Everyone cowered as they saw Liz physically bristle and her eyes blaze when Max spoke. “Us, Maxwell? There is no us. After what you pulled last year, there is no us. Do the words murdering whore from hell ring any bells? Oh no, I get it, you wanted to try one of your own kind and since you didn’t like the fuck I get you back? Well hale-frickin-luia I get you back; I guess I should feel honored huh? Newsflash Max, it doesn’t work that way.”

Steel replaced Max’s warm brown eyes as he took a menacing step towards Liz. “I thought you could get over Tess, but I was obviously wrong. Do you get pleasure out of hurting me Liz? Is this all a game to you? What happened to the girl I fell in love with?

“She grew a spine and got over you, you worthless piece of crap. And you point your finger, but there's no one around, just want one thing just to play the king. Where's your crown King nothing? I think that about sums up what you are. Nothing Max, nothing.”

He made a grab for her wrist, but this time she didn’t hide her newly developed alien powers and threw him across the room with a mental surge. Stunned the group looked at her, Max struggling to catch his breath was left abandoned as everyone just stared. Before a word could be spoken, sparkling blue lights appeared in the shape of a man, and then disappeared with Liz.
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(The Manor in San Francisco)

“What the hell did you think you were doing?” raged Liz. She had been about to tear into Max and she was still furious, her powers, both alien and witch, were surging throughout her body as she tried to control her breathing and calm down.

“Leo was blocked from orbing you out somehow, and you were so angry you couldn’t hear us calling so we had Chris bring you” placated Piper. She was bouncing Wyatt in her arms and thinking of how hard it must be on Liz to be separated from them, but that all may change soon with what they just discovered.

“I’m sorry for grabbing you like that, next time I’ll let the darklighter get you!” snapped Chris as he stepped up to tower over Liz, he didn’t know why he did it; she never backs down.

She stood still soaking everything in and then looked up at him, “I didn’t know there was a darklighter, and my powers were so out of wack then I would’ve fried you, and I’m sorry but I don’t want a char-grilled boyfriend” snarked Liz.

“Children, children; just both apologize, swear to do better next time and kiss and make up. We all know you’re going to anyways and that neither of you meant it. We have more important things to discuss” sighed Paige, exasperated with how long everything was taking. Every minute was too valuable to be wasted.

Chris and Liz looked at each other and then he held open his arms in silent invitation and apology, as she stepped into him, forgiving him and apologizing herself. They were both comforted by the others mere presence; being able to breathe the other in, that smell of soap and something just Chris and just Liz. They had missed each other so much even if it had been only a few days. Chris tilted Liz’s head up to look at him and kissed her softly, but it soon deepened until they pulled back gasping for air. He leaned his forehead against hers and smiled down at her until they were interrupted by a coughing noise.

“Ugh! You guys get a room. No wait what we have to say is too important” exclaimed Phoebe even though she was making gagging noises while sticking her finger in her mouth.

“Geez Phoebes, I’m the youngest? Anyways, moving on, what did you need to tell us?” asked Liz while smirking the entire time. Her and Chris both moved to the couch and got settled then looked at the rest of the room’s occupants. “Ok, I guess this is more serious than I thought.” The others looked at her and Leo opened his mouth to begin.

(Meanwhile in Roswell)

“Where did she go?” raged Max.

“Where and who the hell took her is more like it. My best friend is gone again” panicked Maria.

“Guys chill, we are not going to get her back if you keep freaking” stated Isabel, Ice Princess back in place. She knew she had to be strong in order to get Liz back since it seemed no one else was up to the challenge.

As everyone was panicking and talking all at once, Kyle sat back and began to process everything. Liz didn’t appear to fight the guy, and it definitely was a guy, who grabbed her. So if she didn’t fight him, she obviously knew him, and her changed look and attitude may have been a result of where she was over the summer and who she was with. “Guys…. GUYS!” everybody stopped to look at him wide-eyed and mouths hanging open. “Guys” he said again, this time a little more calmly, “I think Liz knew that guy….”
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(Still in Roswell)

“What do you mean she knew him? Why would she know something like that? No, she’s in danger; our enemies captured her. They must’ve taken her knowing how I feel about her; she’s our glue. We have to find her, I can’t live without her,” sobbed Max desperately.

“Max! God get a grip! I think Kyle’s right; I mean she didn’t fight him. In fact, she seemed to move towards him. Get over yourself and your delusion that she was taken because of you, not everything in her life revolves around you. Liz is a big girl and she can take care of herself,” shouted Michael. She was like his little sister and he was damn sure Max didn’t deserve her and he was also sure that Liz was safe. Granted he wouldn’t be completely sure until she was back where he could keep an eye on her.

“Michael! You don’t have to be so rude, Max is hurting, both by Liz’s behavior and kidnapping. We have to get her back; she’s my best friend. She didn’t go willingly, how could you think that? Liz wouldn’t just leave like that, especially with enemies,” exclaimed Maria.

“Maria, could you for one minute just shut up and go sniff some cedar oil? Let Michael talk and we may actually get something done,” said Isabel.

“Isabel, leave Maria alone, she’s concerned for her best friend. I guess some people forgot what it was like to have a best friend or brother,” said Max while looking pointedly at Michael. “If you won’t help me Michael then you should just leave. What does family mean anymore anyways? So tired of being my second that you’ve resorted to insubordination and treason? For those of you who are with me, we need to make a plan on how to rescue Liz from Khivar. He must have her somewhere on earth. I know, I’ll contact Langley and see if he knows of a way to track her. Whether or not she’s here on Earth or on Antar, I will find her. I just wish I knew where to start looking.”

“Well you know you could always try looking behind you. Then again, with those huge ears it might be kind of hard to turn your head around,” said Liz coolly.

(San Francisco)

“Remember when you healed Chris a few months ago, and we couldn’t figure out how it happened? Well we think we may have kind of figured it out,” hedged Piper.

Liz and Chris traded looks and sat back on the couch, “Spit it out guys, you’re starting to freak me out!”

“Ok, well here we go…. how do I start?” mused Leo.

“The beginning is always good,” joked Phoebe, the others just stared at her, “ok… now is obviously not a good time for jokes.”

“Ya think?” asked Paige.

Leo stood up and began to pace, “Alright, well we seem to have found this prophecy type thing. In it is described a champion, a hybrid unlike any other who will end up facing tremendous challenges in order to save the world.”

“Why can’t the world stay out of trouble for just one minute? It would make us superhero’s jobs a little bit easier,” smirked Paige, then she noticed the others glaring at her.

“Ok you know what if I can’t crack jokes then you can’t either,” said Phoebe.

“Can we please get back on topic?” strained Piper.

“Yes, well as I was saying…. We don’t know if this ‘prophecy’ is talking about you, Wyatt, or maybe even a future generation. What we do know is this champion will come from the blessed line. They will have lived before, which doesn’t say much because all of you have had past lives. What is mentioned is a guardian angel who is your soulmate, both past life and now. So when you healed Chris, it may have been a sign that it is in fact you. We have more to figure out and translate, but we thought we should tell you just in case. Especially since you would be on the look out. Remember we’re going on educated guess and ancient lore, so we don’t really know what we’re dealing with, but this is supposed to be an evil unlike anything the world has ever seen before,” concluded Leo.

“So we’re to be on the lookout for anything strange? Besides the obvious of course, you know the everyday demons and evil things we fight,” questioned Chris. At Leo’s affirmative nod, “Sounds like fun.”

“So a new big bad huh? Can we take him, if the situation arises? How are we supposed to tell if we don’t even know what exactly to look for? Could the prophecy people and the elders have made this any more complicated?” exclaimed Liz.

“Now Liz, I know all you have to do is orb, but I want Chris to go back with you. I know this is a huge task I’m asking of you, to spend time with him but can you do this for me?” smirked Piper.

“Sarcasm does not become you, sister dear,” quipped Liz.

“In all seriousness though, I do want him to go with you. Are your parents at home? Because it would make things a hell of a lot easier in case we needed to drop in,“ said Piper.

“The parentals aren’t home so it’s cool. I think they went to some convention in Florida and were planning on spending quality time with Aunt Jenny,” commented Liz. “If we’re done here, and there is no more information I think we should head back to Roswell. It was going to be hard enough to explain Chris before the little orbing escapade but now, well I hope we can pull off a decent lie or else I’ll have to tell the pod squad. A task I really don’t want to have to deal with. Call us if you find out anything new.”

“Remember to watch out for anything unusual,” cautioned Leo, as they orbed out.

When Liz and Chris orbed back into the Crashdown the pod squad didn’t even notice them, they were so embroiled in their argument over what had happened. Max was in the middle of another one of his lectures and coming up with some lame ass reason as to why she had disappeared. Liz finally couldn’t take anymore so she spoke up when he said he didn’t know where to start looking, “Well you know you could always try looking behind you. Then again, with those huge ears it might be kind of hard to turn your head around.”
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Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 6

“You know Max, for a King who has lived before, you really should know better and leave the strategies and plans to your General. Then again with the way you lead it’s no wonder Antar fell,” scoffed Liz.

“Liz! Where were you? We were so worried, we didn’t know who took you or what had happened. Wait, who the hell is this guy and why are you discussing things of the Czechoslovakian nature in front of him?” rambled Maria.

Does this girl ever take a breath mused Chris. He figured he’d let Liz handle everything; so he just prepared to sit back and watch, knowing Liz could take care of herself.

“First of all, I was fine as you can see, secondly this is Chris…. he’s my boyfriend, and thirdly he already knows about them so there’s no need in hiding it. And before you say anything let me tell you that there was no way to hide it from him and he won’t tell anyone a thing,” finished Liz. She looked at Michael first because he was the most distrustful, and if she could get him on her side she knew she’d be fine.

Michael stood there for a few minutes taking everything in then looked at Chris, seeming to size him up. He paused a beat then looked over at Liz, “If you trust him, then he must be ok, but keep this in mind Chris. I will be watching you, to make sure of it, I take my job very seriously.” As he finished he held his hand out to shake Chris’s.

“What?!? You’re going to believe him, just like that?” shrieked Maria.

“Look Maria, Michael trusts Liz and Liz trusts Chris so all in all I’d say everything is ok. Don’t freak out…here sniff some more cedar oil,” said Kyle.

“Liz, I also trust your judgment so if you trust Chris then I have no problem with him,” smiled Isabel. “I just want to make sure you really are ok, we were worried.” She looked pointedly at Kyle and Michael as if to emphasize the three of them were ok with her decisions and they were there for her. Max and Maria on the hand, well that probably wouldn’t go as well.

“Liz, how can you be with this chump when you know I love you? Look inside and you’ll realize that you love me and we can work things out. I can forgive you for telling him our secret; you must not have known what you were doing. We’ll work something out,” said Max. Inside he was fuming at the thought that this guy had made Liz think she was in love with him. He was obviously an enemy and would be dealt with at a later date. Not too much later though, they couldn’t take any chances.

“Max, I know what you’re thinking in that tiny pea sized brain of yours! Why do you have to be so damn predictable? No, Chris is not an enemy alien and yes I really do love him. How can you bring yourself to this point where you are making excuses for me? Do I even get to say what I want? Oh wait, now I remember how it goes…. the summer away must have warped my brain or something. What you say goes, doesn’t it? Damn anyone else’s opinion if it differs from yours. If you really can’t comprehend any of that then you are more sorry than I thought,” finished Liz, shaking her head in sympathy for the fallen king before her.

“Warped, mind warped that’s it! You just said it yourself Lizzie, ‘must have warped my brain’. He has to be an enemy and he mind warped you. It’s ok we won’t let him get away with it Max can heal you. Do it Max, heal her, then we can get rid of this guy,” smiled Maria. She was so proud of the fact that she could help her friend and soon everything would be back to normal.

“Don’t even think about touching me Max” growled Liz. “Maria, I thought you were supposed to be my best friend. Why are you so opposed to everything I’m telling you? Chris isn’t an enemy, I don’t love Max, and I wasn’t mind warped. If you can’t accept this then I guess we weren’t as close as I thought.”


“No, Maria, I don’t want to hear anything more from you tonight,” said Liz wearily.

Chris’s heart swelled as he heard everything Liz was saying. Yes, he knew she loved him and he was secure in that but it still felt good to hear it. These two must be crazy he thought, could they not get it through their thick heads everything she was trying to tell them. I mean this Max guy has big enough ears; he should be able to pick everything up perfectly.

“I think everyone should leave. It’s late and I’m sick of talking to two out of the five of you. I have to open the Crash tomorrow morning and we need to get some sleep,” said Liz.

“He’s staying here?” raged Max.

“Max you have no control over my life anymore so get out!” screamed Liz as she threw him backwards again. You’d think he’d get the picture she thought, I mean this is the second time tonight that I’ve had to do that. “I’ll see you guys in the morning, Michael can you lock up when you leave?” as she asked him, she looked around the room and silently communicated with her eyes that she would meet with him, Isabel and Kyle later.

“Sure thing Liz, I’ll see you tomorrow,” said Michael.

Once everyone was gone Chris and Liz began to make their way upstairs. When they reached her room she left to go shower and change in the bathroom while he stripped to his boxers and flopped down on the bed. She emerged a few minutes later, her hair still damp and hanging down over her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of Chris’s boxers and one of his t-shirts. He pulled her down on the bed and growled possessively as he placed a kiss on her lips. She sunk into him and smiled. When he pulled away he looked at her and spoke in barely a whisper, ”I love you so much. Sometimes I don’t understand why you are with me, but I thank God everyday for you and your love.”

Liz looked back up at him with tears in her eyes and said, “I love you too and I feel the same way. I don’t know what I would do without you and I never want to find out.” She leaned up and kissed him again licking his lips and asking permission to deepen it. He opened his mouth to her and their tongues clashed. He groaned deep in his throat as he pulled her closer. She pulled away from him gasping and smiled, “We should get some sleep, I have a feeling we’re going to need it.” As she said this Chris moved to lay back and then pulled her to his side. She laid her head on his chest and fell asleep to the rhythmic pounding of his heart. Chris was softly stroking her hair and once her breathing evened out and he knew she was asleep he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead then he too drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys, wanted to thank you all again for the great feedback! I'm really enjoying writing this, the next part I post will be purely Liz/Chris. Just some alone time and kind of a bridge to more of the story. Thanks again and I hope you all continue to read and enjoy it. Love the feedback :D
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CH. 7

The next morning when the alarm went off Liz rolled over and hit it when it still continued going off she blasted it.

“Still not a morning person huh?” mumbled Chris.

Liz grunted something unintelligible and rolled back over.

“What was that? I didn’t quite catch it,” smirked Chris. He loved teasing her and she looked so adorable in the mornings. Her hair all ruffled from sleep and those drowsy baby browns staring back at him.

Liz rolled back over and glared at him, “I said, just because my sleeping partner happens to be a morning person does not mean that I am or ever will become one.” She huffed at him as he began laughing at her.

“Aww honey, don’t pout, it’s just you’re so cute. You look adorable in the mornings and don’t knock it; I’ll make you a morning person yet. If it makes you feel any better you can go back to sleep while I make breakfast,” said Chris while stifling more laughter.

“No, there’s no point, I won’t be able to get back to sleep with my pillow gone,” grumbled Liz. “I will take you up on the breakfast offer though, I can go take a shower and then go open the restaurant when we’re all done.”

“All right, how about blueberry waffles and bacon?” asked Chris as he moved to grab his pants. There was no point in grabbing new ones when he was going to shower later. He padded out to the kitchen as Liz moved to go into the bathroom.

She emerged about ten minutes later, clad in her robe, after having taken a relaxing yet invigorating shower and was currently drying her hair with the towel. She stopped shocked at the site of Max slipping off her balcony. What the hell? She pulled down her shade and proceeded to get dressed and head to the kitchen. When she reached it, she looked at Chris who stopped his whistling at her confused look.

“What? I’m happy so I’m whistling.”

“It’s not that, although that is kind of strange. I’ve never heard you whistle before. No, what happened is I just saw Max slipping off my balcony as I was coming out of the bathroom. I don’t think he saw me, but I don’t know what he was doing. Did you hear anything?” queried Liz.

“I didn’t hear anything, though I was kind of lost in thought. What do you think he wanted?”

“I don’t know, maybe to check you out, talk to me again, it could’ve been a few things. I don’t want to dwell on it right now; lets just eat breakfast and head downstairs. Michael should be here soon to start his shift, and later we can have that meeting with him, Kyle, and Isabel,” mumbled Liz as she happily munched on bacon. “This is delicious Chris!”

“Well thank you, I try. I only wanted to do something nice for you” he said modestly.

There was silence in the room after that as they both ate, no words needed to be spoken they were just content with the others presence. “Why don’t you go take your shower while I go meet Michael,” she said a few minutes later as they finished up.

“Ok, sounds good. I’ll be down in a few minutes. Maybe later at the meeting we can discuss Max along with everything else. Are you going to tell them what you are?” asked Chris.

“I want to, I don’t want to lie to my friends anymore. I’m not telling Max and Maria at this point in time though. Do you think it’s a good idea?”

“Whatever you decide, I’ll back you on it. I just want you to be happy,” said Chris as he bent down to kiss her on the cheek. “As for right now, I’m going to get clean.”

“For you get clean would take a lot more than one shower,” said Liz as she looked him up down. He still only had on his jeans from the day before. Her gaze raked over his naked chest, taking in the muscle. He wasn’t overly developed but was still strong and it was all natural, no gym work at all. She licked her lips as a runaway drop of milk ran down and over his abs.

“Woman, you keep looking at me like that and we’ll never get out of your apartment,” smirked Chris.

“Would that be a bad thing?” grinned Liz. Her grin got even bigger as she heard his low groan. “Go on and shower, I’ll put you out of your misery.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Count on it, now scoot.” All she heard was his laughter as he headed down the hallway and she turned to go downstairs.
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CH. 8

Michael was already downstairs when she got there, and he was heating up the grill. “Morning Parker, how’s everything going?”

“It’s actually going pretty good Michael. Well except for Maria and Max, but then again I didn’t expect much from him, although she did disappoint me. However you and Isabel are a nice surprise. I had hoped Kyle would be on my side I was happy he proved me right; I’m going to try and let Isabel and him know about a meeting upstairs tonight between the five of us. I need to tell you guys something plus I thought it would be a way for you to get to know Chris. I figured we could rent some movies and order pizza,” said Liz.

“I could go for that. I’m guessing it’s an invite only kind of party, since Maria and Max weren’t included,” said Michael.

“Ya, I just can’t deal with her right now, I think she showed her true colors last night. I hope that doesn’t present a problem,” asked Liz, concerned that she hadn’t thought about that.

“Oh no, there’ll be no problem, as of right now we are off. And just between us, I’m thinking of making it permanently off,” confessed Michael. He didn’t know how she would take that since technically they were still ‘best friends’.

“I get that Michael, I mean she wanted to change you and if it you feel up to it, I have a cousin who you might be interested in. She’s a few years older than us, but only like 22.” Then again if things don’t go well tonight he wouldn’t be interested in her.

“I’ll think about it Parker, thanks for the thought.”

“I’d better get out there and start setting up before the hungry masses start flooding in,” grumbled Liz good naturedly.

As she busied herself with the normal routine of opening the café she began to think about tonight, and what was to come. She hoped everyone would take her news well, and they would still stick with her. They needed to come up with a plan for how to handle Max and Maria, and her and Chris still had to be on the lookout for anything ‘unusual’. Oh yes, her life was most definitely full, and look here comes the first wave of people.

The morning was pretty uneventful, Chris had come down a few minutes after they opened and decided to just kind of hang around, but it of course could not last. Around eleven, Max walked in and sat right down in his normal booth and began his normal dopey-eyed, stalker, staring routine. Liz, who had been talking to Michael at the grill stood to go get his order.

“What can I get you?” she asked all business like.

“Liz, you know what my usual is,” pouted Max.

“Sir, what can I get you?” she gritted out, trying to maintain a professional attitude.

“Fine, if you’re going to be that way. I’ll have a cherry coke and Saturn rings,” said Max still pouting. As Liz turned to walk away he grabbed her arm and said, “I don’t understand why you’re being like this. What happened to you?”

Liz snatched her arm out of his grip and glared at him. She said in the iciest voice she could manage, “Don’t ever grab me again. You don’t get to touch me anymore; you lost that right when you slept with that lying, evil, spawn of Satan tramp and got her pregnant.” As she walked away from him he just stared dumbfounded.

“His royal highass giving you problems? You want me to throw him out?” asked Michael.

“No, I’m ok. Michael just out of curiosity, what made you choose my side?”

“Max began treating you like crap and little by little you began to fade, until your light practically went out. Then something happened and you got your spark back, even though it faded again last October, I still saw some of the old Liz Parker. You fought Max tooth and nail and you never gave up. My respect for you skyrocketed, even more than when you walked away at the cave. You and me, Parker, we’re one in the same, both protectors. Max never deserved you, whether it was your love, loyalty, any of it. He threw everything he had in you away and he never even realized how special you are. As I watched everything that happened between you two I realized that as my respect for you was growing, my respect for Max was dying. He’s a psychotic, commanding, asshole and he lost me as a friend and brother when he slept with Tess. You gained a friend and brother throughout last year, even if you didn’t realize it. I’ll always be here for you Liz whenever you need me. You’re stuck with an overprotective, but devilishly charming big brother. Oh ya, and your orders up,” Michael smirked at the end.

“And so modest, you left out modest,” joked Liz as she grabbed Max’s order. “Thank you Michael.” She didn’t call any more attention to what all he had said, knowing that he wouldn’t want that.

When she reached Max’s table she dropped the food off and asked, “Can I get you anything else? No? Good.” With that she walked off and began to attend to other customers, stopping back by only to drop off his check. After she cashed him out she went to take a break with Chris.
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CH. 9

That night after cleaning and closing down the Crashdown Liz, Chris and Michael along with Isabel and Kyle, who had arrived earlier, made their way upstairs to the apartment. Once inside Liz began to fidget; Chris seeing this sent the others to gather in the living room while he and Liz got drinks. When they were alone he turned to look at her, “What’s wrong?”

Liz stood there for a minute; all of her fears and doubts began to surface again. What if they look at me like a freak? I mean, I know they’re aliens, but I’m a witch, and that’s a totally new area to them. Will they be scared of me, and the power I possess? I have more power in me just from being a witch than they ever will; my alien powers only heighten everything else and add a few new tricks. Finally coming out of her thoughts as she saw Chris looking at her expectantly she replied the only way she could, honestly, “What’s wrong with me? I’ve faced hundreds of demons and other nasty things, plus evil aliens, but I’m scared to tell three people who I really am. “

“Yes, you have faced all those things but you’ve never been confronted with telling someone your secret. Especially when it happens to be three someone’s that you really care about. Liz, if they really care about you then it won’t matter to them. And from what I’ve seen, they do care about you…. a lot,” he smiled at her “I think they may love you almost as much as I do.”

Liz knew everything he was saying was true she just needed it confirmed. “I love you too and thanks, I needed that.” She stepped into his arms and kissed him quickly on the lips, “We should get the drinks and get out there they’re probably waiting.”

They grabbed cups and cherry coke for everyone. As they began walking back into the living room they heard Isabel’s voice, “No Max, you can’t come, I’ll see you later.”

“What did Max want Isabel?” asked Liz. She watched as the three whipped around to stare at her. All three looked like deer caught in headlights and she would have laughed if the situation weren’t so serious.

“He wanted to know where Michael and I were. I told him Kyle and I were going to the movies and that I didn’t know where Michael was. He wanted to go to the movies with us and I told him no. That’s apparently when you came in.” As Isabel finished up Liz looked into her eyes and knew she was telling the truth.

“I believe you. But since that’s taken care of, we now have something very serious to talk about. This may take me a while so please don’t say anything until I am done,” pleaded Liz. The look in her eyes made everyone sit down and the tone of her voice brought their attention to what she was saying.

When everyone was seated she began to pace, “Ok, as you know I was in San Francisco over the summer. What you don’t know is why. Yes, I told you I was visiting my family, which is true, but there’s more to it. Maybe I should start at the very beginning, this may be kind of confusing, so you can ask questions at the end. My name is not really Elizabeth Parker; it’s Elizabeth Halliwell, and I was adopted.
My mother was a witch, and so are my three half-sisters. There was a prophecy; it said that our ancestor, Melinda Warren, would foster the line that would produce the Charmed Ones. These witches would be three sisters and they would be the most powerful and feared witches to ever set foot on earth. They would also be the first set of three sisters to ever be in the line. Every girl in our family is a witch, except for my nephew Wyatt. In fact, Wyatt is the first male to ever be born to our line. My mother had my sisters with her human husband, but she had an affair with her whitelighter, they are kind of like guardian angels; they protect witches and future whitelighters. Anyways, my mom had my sisters and then in her affair had me. Because at the time, witch and whitelighter ‘relations’ were to put it nicely, frowned upon, they gave me to the Parkers. Nancy knew my mom and what she was, so she knew a little bit of what to expect with me. So technically I’m half and half, a hybrid like Isabel and Michael, only I’m witch, angel, and thanks to Max kind of an alien. The alien powers aren’t necessarily there, they just enhance my witch powers, but I can manipulate molecular structure and the other basics. My three sisters are Piper, the oldest, she married her whitelighter Leo and they had Wyatt; there’s Phoebe, the middle sister, she’s a newspaper person, she has an advice column; and then there’s Paige, the youngest of the three, she’s a social worker. I think that may be about everything, are there any questions?” she asked as she looked at everyone’s shocked faces. “Guys, snap out of it.”

Kyle was the first to react, “So you’re all Sabrina huh?”

Everybody laughed and Liz breathed a sigh of relief, everything was ok. They took it well and hopefully would still be just as good when everything else came out. “Do you guys have any questions?”

Isabel was looking at Chris quizzically, “Who exactly are you, and how do you know about Liz?”

“I’m her whitelighter and boyfriend,” said Chris “I know about you guys because of Liz’s powers, plus she just couldn’t stop talking about you.”

“Aww shucks Liz, you couldn’t stop talking about me? I love you too, but this obsession you have with me isn’t healthy,” joked Kyle.

“Yeah Midget, as if any woman could resist your charms. I mean you are a God among men,” smirked Michael.

“Do I have to start watching myself around you in the shower Mufasa?”

“I thought you already ‘watched’ yourself in the shower.”

“Alright tweedle dee and tweedle dum can we please get back on topic?” strained Isabel. She glared at Liz and Chris as they stood by snickering.

“I’m not tweedle dum, I graduated from remedial science,” said Kyle in mock seriousness.

“ARGH! Children, can we please focus?! I am losing my patience and there are still questions that need to be answered!”

“Isabel,” placated Liz, “How about we order the pizza and you can ask your questions while we wait for it and while we eat?”
Last edited by elfangel01 on Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 10

“So let me get this straight, you’re a witch and you’re her guardian angel?” questioned Michael around a slice of pizza covered in tabasco sauce. At their affirmative nods he sighed, “Well if we exist, why not witches and bump in the night demon things?”

“Wait Liz, I thought you said earlier that the Charmed Ones would be only three sisters. If that’s true then how are you here?” questioned Isabel.

“I’m an enigma. The elders, they’re the hierarchy of the whitelighters and basically the supreme good guys, don’t know what I am, why I’m here, or where exactly I came from. Then again the elders aren’t that great at their job, yes they protect innocents and do what needs to be done, but sometimes they don’t let anything or anyone interfere with their plans. As long as the job gets done damn the consequences, you know? Sorry I’m a little bitter; you see a few years ago it still wasn’t ‘legal’ for a whitelighter and witch to be together. So when they found out about Piper and Leo, they took him away right as they were about to get married. They orbed him out right as he was going to say his vows. Piper was heartbroken and refused to do the elders work, as did we all. We were on strike I guess you could say, until he was returned; Piper was marrying him, but the rest of us felt like he was our brother. To get him back Piper had to prove that the relationship wouldn’t interfere with her ‘job’ as a Charmed One.” As Liz finished Chris reached across the table and grabbed her hand reassuringly.

“What’s orbing? Is that the right word?” asked Kyle.

“Orbing is what whitelighters do, it’s a way to transfer your body from one place to another, the sparkling blue lights are what shows up when we orb,” answered Chris. “Whitelighters can also heal and sense their charges, the more powerful ones can become invisible, along with the elders. The only thing that can officially kill us is a darklighter arrow; anything else is really just a wound. Darklighters are basically the antithesis of what we are.”

“What are your powers Liz? You said the alienness enhanced your witch powers, but you didn’t say what those were,” asked Isabel.

“I can control the elements. I can make fire, ice, water, and wind and can manipulate them along with the earth. I can orb since I’m half whitelighter and I have telekinesis, in other words I can move things with my mind. My powers are always growing though, so there’s no telling what I can do next. A downside is, just like Michael, my powers are influenced by my emotions, so they can get out of control. My sisters have individual powers as well. Piper can freeze time and blow things up; Phoebe has premonitions and is an empath, she can sense people’s emotions; and Paige can summon things to her, if she calls an object or thinks about an object appearing, then it will.”

As Liz listed off the powers, Chris smirked as he remembered the different times Liz had lost control when they first met. She really was a firecracker, only in the literal sense. She had burned a few holes in the manor.

“What? What’s that smirk for?” accused Liz.

“Nothing, just remembering you acting as a flamethrower when we first met,” chuckled Chris.

“Huh? What is he talking about?” questioned Kyle.

“Nothing” said Liz quickly.

“C’mon Liz, you know you want to tell us,” coaxed Kyle.

“You’re not embarrassed are you?” asked Chris

“No, I’m not embarrassed! Fine, you want to know I’ll tell you. When I first met Chris, I couldn’t stand him. He infuriated me and my emotions would always spike. I lost control a few times and almost burned the manor down. Piper got so aggravated that there were charred sections of the house, but I couldn’t help it. Anyways stuff happened and our feelings came out, he still aggravates me, but not to the extent where I lose control. At least he hasn’t yet.”

As Liz finished up she looked around the room, Kyle was smirking, Michael was snickering to himself and Isabel… well Isabel looked like she was about to pass out. “Isabel are you ok?”

“Yes” tears came to her eyes as she tried to hold in her laughter, but she failed. A very unladylike snort came out and the others lost it. They rolled on the floor laughing and as soon as one of them would finally get it together they’d just start cracking up again.

A little while later after they had wound down Liz looked at them, “Is that about it, or do you have more questions?”

“Hang on, lets recap real quick. You’re a witch/whitelighter and Chris is a whitelighter. Your sisters are the Charmed Ones and the elders don’t know what you are exactly. You fight demons and various other nasties. Does that about cover it?” asked Kyle.

“Yep, that’s about it. Anything else will come out as we go along, but there is one more thing I should probably mention,” at the look on Liz’s face everyone sat down. “My sisters and Leo recently found a prophecy we don’t know if it’s about me or not. They’re still looking into it and running on translations and educated guess. It’s all ancient lore so we’re hoping nothing comes of it, but you never know.” As Liz proceeded to tell them what she and Chris knew silence settled over the room. When she was finished she just sat and waited for their responses.

Isabel looked at the guys and then turned to Liz, “We’re behind you 100%. We’ll stand by you and help you through whatever it is you need. We’ll keep Max and Maria out of your way and help you research everything. Nothing is going to scare us away from you.”

Liz smiled brightly at Isabel’s response, but she knew inside it was only halfhearted. There would be a lot of tough times ahead she could feel it. As she looked around at her friends and watched them goof off and crack on each other, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. Like one of them possibly wouldn’t be here at the end. Stop that thinking Liz, she scolded herself. Everyone will be all right and it will all work out.


(In the underworld)

“Sire, we’ve found the one. It appears that neither her or her sisters know the depth of what is happening or of her power,” said a demon.

“Good, everything should proceed as planned then. I will have her, she escaped me once before but it will not happen again,” snarled the figure cloaked in shadow. “Report back when you have more information.”


(The elder’s sanctuary)

“Does the chosen know what is happening, Leto?” questioned the elder.

“No Gabriel, neither she nor the Charmed Ones have any idea what is about the happen. Sir, if I may be so bold, do you think it prudent to not tell Leo of what is happening?” asked Leto.

“None of them must know, even Leo. It is for their own good, we may be able to protect her and further our own plans. Now leave me, report back when you have more.”