Unusual Loves (UC,Slash,ADULT) (Complete)

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 884
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Part 48

Post by magikhands »

Part 48

Max looked over at Liz as they drove the rental car from the airport. Michael had let them use one of his smaller planes so they could land at a small airport in Ruidoso and was now driving the hour and half trip to reach Roswell. They both thought it was a good time to finally go and introduce Max to Liz’s parents and let him see where she and Maria grew up.

Max was holding Liz’s hand and trying hard to keep his eyes on the road instead of her when his cell phone rang. He let go of Liz’s hand and took the phone in hand, looking at who was calling. He hit a button then set it back down.

“Kyle.” He said looking to Liz.

Liz smiled and nodded. “He’s probably missing you or Isabel is driving him mad.”

Max chuckled as a picture of Isabel, planner in hand, looking around the large house for Kyle who is probably hiding in a closet somewhere.

A few minutes later Liz’s cell phone rang. She picked it up and then hit the off button.


“I don’t think that we will get much rest from them.” Max said but held a smile on his lips. They both loved their lovers and knew that they were going to be missed this week.

They were about ten minutes away from Roswell when Max’s phone rang again. Max looked at the caller and answered it.

“Hey.” Max paused then looked to Liz. “Yeah, wait a minute, here she is.” Max handed Liz the phone.

“Hello?” Liz’s face brightened. “Oh, hi. Yes we are almost there…Really. Well how about tomorrow…No we don’t have anything planned yet…That sounds great. Ok…See you tomorrow.”

Liz hung up the phone and handed it back to Max. “I have a shopping date tomorrow.” Max smiled thankful for the call. It was perfect timing.

Jeff and Nancy Parker greeted Max warmly. He could not believe the décor of the restaurant that Liz called home. It was alien themed with a large spaceship jutting out over the doorway serving as a sign for the Crashdown Café. The Parkers live in a spacey apartment above the restaurant and Liz was more than happy to show him where she’d grown up.

They shared a nice lunch with the Parkers then Liz took Max around Roswell, showing him all the sights. He really got a kick out of the UFO Museum near The Crash. He just couldn’t believe how touristy the place was but he was really comfortable in the small town. He inwardly wished that he could take Liz home to meet his parents but that place was no longer home and he really did not want to go back so he decided to lay back and allow Liz to let him into her world.


The bell over the door rang and Liz looked up from her place at the bar to the person entering the café. She had never seen her in person but she would know Serina Johnson anywhere. She was not a girl that could be looked over with her soft shade of red, slightly curly hair and laughing green eyes. Liz was surprised by the tan that the other woman held because most red heads had such pale skin with freckles. But it seemed that Serina was the exception to the rule with her dark, smooth, flawless skin.

Liz stood and walked to Serina who stood just a little taller than herself. She and Max had just finished their breakfast there in her parent’s restaurant and she was teasing him about how the young waitresses on shift seemed to be tripping over themselves making sure he had everything he needed. Max, being naive to how gorgeous he really was, just blushed and denied it.


The woman smiled and her eyes sparkled. “Liz. Your pictures do not do justice to how beautiful you really are. Max is one lucky man.” She said as they embraced.

Max had followed Liz over and took his turn for a hug from the woman. “Serina. It has been way to long. You are looking great.”

“I’m really sorry but I blame it on that brother of yours. He’s great at keeping me busy.”

Max laughed and nodded knowing his brother so well.

“Are you ready?” Liz asked. “Or do you want some breakfast or coffee?”

“No, I’m fine. I’ve already eaten.”

“OK.” Liz turned to Max and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. She sighed into his mouth when she felt his hardness pressed against her stomach. They both wore a dazed look when they broke apart. “Yeah, well…um..We’re going to El Paso, the shopping is so much better there but we will be home by dinner time.”

“Alright. You two have fun.” Max said but saw the promise that Liz held in her eyes for them to continue the direction their kiss could easily take them in. He then watched them leave the restaurant already talking and laughing. He was glad that they got along so well. It will make it easier when Serina meets the rest of the group.

Max sighed and looked to the door that led to the back room area. He straightened his posture and walked to the swinging door.

‘Now comes the hard part.’

Max found Jeff Parker in a small room that he called an office. He was sitting behind a desk rummaging through the mess of papers on top. Max knocked on the doorframe to get the man’s attention.

Jeff looked up and smiled. “Max, come on in. I assume Liz left with your friend to go shopping?”

“Yes sir. Just a few minutes ago.” Max sat in a chair near the desk. “Mr. Parker…er..Jeff. I was wondering if I could speak with you for a minute.”

“Sure Max. What is it?”

“Well.” Max shifted a bit in his seat. He knew that this would be hard but didn’t think it would be this hard. Isabel was so much easier. “Sir, you know I love Liz. She’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me. And well, we’ve been together almost three years now and living together as you know almost two of those years. We are both very happy and in love and well…I was wondering sir…” Max paused a minute and took a deep breath. “I guess I’m asking for your blessing to marry your daughter.”

Jeff fought back the smile that threatened to come to his lips. He knew what Max wanted to talk to him about the minute he walked into his office. It was written all over his face and saw the nervousness that filled the young man. Jeff had been impressed with Max the moment they met the day before. He had manners and was very attentive to his daughter and of course Nancy, Liz’s mother, took an immediate liking to him with that charming smile. Jeff could also see that Max had a good upraising and was thoughtful of his feelings for his daughter, enough so that he would ask permission for her hand. Jeff waited just a moment before answering Max, just so he could enjoy watching his future son-in-law squirm a bit more. Wasn’t that the prerogative of a father?

“Max, I can see that you love my Lizzie. I’ve also heard a lot of good things about you.”

“You have?”

Jeff nodded. “Isabel, Kyle, Maria, and even Michael has done nothing but sing your praises every time I’ve talked to them.” Jeff saw Max blush at the apparent compliments that his friends had given. Jeff could add modest to the list of Max’s characteristics now. “You’ve only been here a day but I can see how much Lizzie loves you and how you dote on her. So I cannot think of a reason the two of you should not get married.”

This brought a smiled to Max’s lips.


“But?” Max asked as the smile disappeared and fear gripped at his heart and squeezed.

“I also would not be a good father if I did not tell you that if you hurt my baby girl, I will personally make sure that you would never enjoy sex again.”

Max’s eyes widened and looked at Jeff’s serious face. “Er, I…um, I understand sir. But I do want you to know that I love Liz with my entire being and could not imagine my life without her. I would never intentionally hurt her. I love and respect her in every way.”

Jeff looked at Max for a moment and realized that his words were sincere. His face relaxed and smiled at his future son-in-law, rising from the chair. He went to Max and patted his shoulder.

“Good. Now that that is out of the way and the girls have left you here, why don’t you come and help me with inventory. We can get to know each other better and I won’t be stuck in the storage room all day.”

Max smiled back and got up out of the chair. “Yes, sir.”


Meanwhile back in California…

Maria sighed in relief as she pulled Michael up the stairs only to stop in front of their closed door. Isabel and Kyle were out for the evening as was Zan, leaving the two in the house alone. She looked up to her husband.

“You trust me Michael?”

Michael looked down at his wife and saw the lustful desire that lit her eyes. “Of course Pixie. With my life.”

Maria smiled at him. “Good.”

She reached in her pocket and pulled out a blindfold and placed it on his eyes. She opened the door and led him to stand near the bed. She lifted her head and captured his lips to hers, her tongue delving deep into his mouth. Michael lifted his arms and wrapped them around her body only to have Maria pull away and put his hands back down at his side.

“Uh uh. Keep your hands to yourself Michael.” Her voice was soft and seductive.

Her hands went to Michael’s shirt, running down his chest till she had the bottom in her fingers. With a deliberate slowness, she ran her hands back up his stomach and chest, taking his shirt with it. He automatically raised his arms for her to remove the shirt then let them back down where she’d put them earlier.

Maria again let her fingertips slide down his chest with the lightest touch. She watched as goose bumps flared across his skin then felt him shiver. Her hands stopped at the waist of his jeans. She dipped a finger in and lightly teased the skin around the hair that led to his groin. She smiled when Michael moaned. Without hesitation, she loosened his pants and let them fall to his ankles. Her smile grew bigger when she saw that he wore no underwear.

“Free-balling?” Maria inquired as she took his balls into her palm.

Michael just shrugged his shoulders. “My boxers were not available earlier and just never got around to putting some on.”

“Hmmm.” Maria said as she released her hold and bent to help Michael step out of his jeans.

She then helped him lie upon the bed. Michael lay upon his back then felt Maria place something on each of his wrists then something around his waist.


Maria reached up and took off his blindfold. “Yes Michael?” she asked innocently.

Michael looked down and found that his wrists were locked to a chain that was around his waist. This would only allow him to keep his arms by his side. He looked up at his wife and saw that mischievous glint to her eyes and felt his dick flinch in anticipation to what she had planned for him.

Maria got up from the bed and stood a little off to the side but made sure that Michael could see her clearly.

“What do you want Michael?” she asked, her voice so silky and husky with desire.

“You.” He hissed as he watched her hands begin to roam her body.

“How do you want me?”

“Naked.” Michael answered knowing what she was asking. He obviously knew how she was going to fuck him but this was their foreplay.

“Mmmmm…”She moaned as her hands ran down her hips. “Tell me baby.”

Michael swallowed hard and tried to keep his control as he watched the most beautiful woman caress herself. “Your shirt. Take off your shirt.” His voice was deep, filled with desire.

Maria smiled at her husband and let her hands smoothly slide up again to the buttons that kept her shirt closed. One by one she released them, letting a little more flesh show with each button. Once they were all open, she slowly slid the shirt from her body, her shoulders going back, jutting her breasts further out showing Michael that she wore no bra.

Michael gasped at the sight of Maria. He loved her breasts and the way her nipples would get so hard for him. He loved taking her nipples between his finger and giving them a pinch and listen to her groans of pleasure. He could practically taste her in his mouth, feel the hard nipple against his tongue. Just those thoughts had him close to cuming before she could even touch him.

“The skirt.” He choked out. At that moment he knew that he would not be able to say much more.

Maria’s hands slid over her bare breasts, making sure her husband saw that she made her nipples hard before going down and slipping off the short skirt she wore. This left her only in a black thong. She looked expectantly at Michael. Waiting for what else he wanted.

Michael moaned as he observed his wife standing before him in nothing but her underwear. He swore that no matter how long they were together, she would always turn him on, make him want her more than air that apparently his body was at that time having a hard time getting.

“Panties.” He said softly, his eyes blazing with want. He needed her so bad. He wanted to feel his cock inside her warmth, feel her heat surround him.

Maria turned around and hooked her fingers on each side of her thong then bent over as she took them off, giving Michael a view of her ass.

“Fuck.” She heard before turning back around. She knew he was about to lose his control and she loved the feeling that gave her. The power she had over him was amazing.

Maria went over to the bed and climbed on then straddled his waist, her pussy just an inch from his throbbing hard on.

“Maria.” Michael pleaded with her but he saw that her breathing had quickened also and that lust and want now filled her eyes.

Maria gave him what he wanted. She lowered herself upon him quickly, making him cry out as he held tightly to his control. She just sat there, not ready for him to cum yet. She let him get his breath then began to move on him. Her motions were varied, knowing just what to do to drive him to the edge only to back off.

Michael was beyond frustrated. He wanted to grab hold of her and fuck her hard and fast but with his hands restrained, it was impossible. He was her prisoner, at her complete mercy. And he loved it.

Maria bent forward and allowed Michael to take a nipple into his mouth and she moaned in delight, feeling her core tighten around him. She was on edge and knew that neither one of them could hold out much longer. Her pace quickened, her movements more frenzied as she bounced up and down upon his hard cock. Her nails dug deep into his chest where they rested as she felt him swell in her. She let her restraint go and cried out as she climaxed. Michael felt her squeeze him tightly and let his cum spray deep inside.

Maria collapsed on Michael’s chest and stayed there for a long time, her eyes closed, her breathing rapid.

“Maria?” he said quietly.


“Um…could you…?”

Maria rose a bit and looked down at his slightly raised hands. She smiled at him. “I think I like you at my mercy.”

“You don’t need chains to have me at your mercy Pixie.” He said looking into her eyes.

Maria heard the love that filled his words and knew that he meant every word. Her heart swelled knowing that this was the man she’d be with until she died and was very happy with that. Though they had other lovers and she loved them, no one compared to the special love she had with her husband.

“I love you Michael.” She said then unlocked his wrists.

The minute his hands were free, he wrapped them around her body and turned them so that he was on top of her. He was still resting inside of her and she felt him begin to harden again.

“Now, let me show you what these hands can really do.” He growled as he pinned her body to the bed and attacked her mouth.


A/N: Thank you everyone in advance for the feedback. You know how much it thrills me to see your opinion. I hope my Candies are happy with this part since I seem to have neglected Maria for a bit. On a personal note, I will be out of town for a week so there will not be an update until I return. I am hoping to have many updates when I get back off my small vacation. I hope you enjoyed and until next post....
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 884
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Part 49

Post by magikhands »

Here the next installment that I promised. I hope this cures any sex craving any of you have had lately (well, except for the actual deed :lol: ). I know that I've been tamed lately but I will see what I can do to spice it up some. You know there is a wedding cuming up in Part 51. :wink:

Part 49

Liz played the tour guide quite well with Max while they stayed in New Mexico. She took him to see the surrounding sights. One day they drove the two hours to Carlsbad. Liz wanted Max to see the beautiful caverns there. They took a tour that led them through the dark caves talking of the history and how they were made. Max liked the sight of bats that would hang from the rocky ceiling in areas.

Half way through the tour Max knew that he could wait no longer to feel Liz’s body next to him. To feel her touch on him, to taste her sweetness in his mouth. His desire flamed as he walked behind her and watched her ass move in the tight, short skirt that she chose to wear that day. He bit back a moan as they stopped once more to look out at some dark cliff. Max looked around and saw that another cave split off from the route they were taking. It was roped off but he knew that he needed to let his desire loose. He’d been uncomfortable being intimate with Liz in her childhood home, her father just down the hall.

Max took hold of Liz’s hand and when the tour guide started forward, Max took the chance and pulled her into the roped off area. He pulled her down the corridor until he found a rock jutting from the wall forming a small seat. He stopped next to it and pushed Liz against the wall claiming her mouth with his. The kiss was deep and filled with need. His tongue smoothly stroked her tongue driving her to a breathless moan. Max pulled his mouth away gasping for breath but latching it to her neck. Another moan escaped Liz.

“I need you Liz.” Max said between kisses on her neck. “I need to feel my cock inside of you.” Max pressed his body against her.

Liz felt Max’s hard bulge press against her lower stomach. She could feel his desire as his hands roamed her body. She felt her own body respond, her nipples hardening and wetness begin to drip between her legs. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. The sudden feeling was consuming.

“Max…” she whispered, throwing her head back, letting him have full access to her neck.

Max moved his hands down her body, one resting on her breast, teasing a hard nipple through her shirt while the other continued it’s journey downward. He reached the bottom of her skirt and let his hand go back up but under the material. He soon hit his target as he fingers found the waiting wetness.

“Liz.” He gasped pulling away and looking into her eyes. “You are such a naughty girl.”

Liz gave Max a sexy smile as her hands went to his hair and pulled him down for another kiss. She knew that not wearing any underwear would pay off somewhere along this trip. She could feel Max’s bulge harden more and felt him moan into her mouth. Her hands released his head and began their travel down his tight body. They sought his warmth as they went beneath his shirt up his chest pulling his t-shirt with her hands. She pulled up on the material, making them part for just the second it took to remove the shirt. Her hands ran back down his chest, feeling the goose bumps that had risen because of the chill of the cave they were in. One hand found the already hard nipple and stopped there to tease it more while her other hand traveled further down to cup the bulge that strained against his pants.

Max felt wild inside. He could not think of a time he’d wanted Liz so bad, needed her so strongly but then again, at that moment, he couldn’t think about anything but sinking his cock deep inside of Liz, the love of his life, the woman who would one day have his children, the woman who brought nothing but happiness to his life.

“I love you Liz.” He groaned, feeling her hand squeeze him.

“Show me Max. Show me how much you love me…want me.” Her voice was soft and husky as she tried to keep her breath.

Max withdrew his hands from her body to unbutton Liz’s shirt and found her breasts cradled in a black lacy bra. He silently moaned as he unhooked the front latch, setting them free of their restraints. His head dipped and took a nipple into his mouth, giving it a soft lick before completely sucking it into his mouth.

“Uuugrhhh!” Liz moaned at the sensations that rushed her body.

His hand found her moist core once again and this time he slid a finger inside. This made Liz gasp and arch her back, pressing her down onto his finger. He withdrew the finger only to replace it again joined with another one. Her wetness and heat surrounded him and he felt her squeeze him.

“Liz!” he groaned into the creamy skin of her neck.

Liz felt her body shudder with need and her hands quickly opened Max’s jeans and pulled out his hard cock. She felt him sigh with relief as she cradled it gently in her hand. Her fingers lightly ran the length of him, feeling the smoothness of the skin. She felt his body respond with a shudder. She knew he wanted her desperately and smiled at the knowledge that she could drive him into such a wild, uncontrollable frenzy. Max, her wonderful lover and friend, the man that she loved with all of her heart, could be knocked off his pedestal of control and she loved every minute of it.

Max could take no more. He had to have her. With her still in his embrace, he turned them so that he sat on the flat rock and she straddled his lap. Max gasped as his ass met the cold rock but the feel of Liz’s hot juices slid down upon his cock made the sensation more erotic. They sat still for a moment, gazing into each other’s eyes, seeing the love that reflected from each other. There was no doubt of the love they shared. It was strong and bold and they knew that it would last an eternity.

Max saw the hint of smile on his lover’s lips and almost asked what she was thinking but at that moment, she began to move her body causing all thoughts to dissipate. He loved the feel of her sliding up and down his shaft, coating him with her juices. He let out a moan and cupped her ass with his hands. Dipping his head, he kissed her breasts, laying gentle, soft kisses to the sweet flesh. He moved closer to her nipple and sucked some of the flesh into his mouth, marking her as his. He felt her tighten on his cock as he sucked driving him wild with desire.

Liz rode Max harder and faster feeling her climax on the horizon. She felt the pressure build and ground down harder on her lover.

“Max.” She begged feeling right on the edge but she needed more.

He looked into her desire clouded eyes and felt that she was right there. He knew her very well and knew what she wanted. He had released his hold on her soft flesh and locked eyes while a hand slid between their bodies. He reached up beneath the skirt and placed his thumb on her swollen clit. It was hot to the touch and slick. He gave it a gently push while moving his thumb in a small circle, his eyes never leaving hers.

He heard her gasp and felt her walls tighten as she fell over the edge and came hard. Max let go and felt his own orgasm shoot deep within her canal. Their bodies stilled as they held one another and came down from their high feeling very sedated.

Liz finally lifted her head and smiled at Max. “I love you.”

Max smiled back at her beautiful face. “I think we need to catch up with another tour to get out of here.”

Liz nodded and rose from him. Both straightened their clothing again and walked hand in hand back out the cave looking for a group to finish their tour of the caverns.


Back in California…

Isabel stood in the shower, letting the hot water pound on her body as her mind mentally went through a checklist of things to do for the day. She couldn’t believe that she was getting married in just two weeks but there was so much still to do. She sighed and wanted to curse Liz for leaving for a week vacation but she just couldn’t. She knew that she’d been hard on Liz with work and the wedding preparations and when Liz got sick last week, well, she felt the guilt consume her. How could she let her friend and lover run herself down like that? It was she that suggested to Liz to take a couple of days away but she didn’t think she’d take a whole 7 days and take Max with her to New Mexico. Well, from the phone call yesterday, Liz was feeling much better and having a good time.

She heard the shower door open then felt a body pressed against hers and a set of hands cupping her breasts. She leaned back and smiled.

“Good morning Michael.”

Michael grunted a greeting before attacking her neck. Isabel moaned and felt her body relax as his hands caressed her breasts, thumbs running over her nipples. She felt her body being turned slightly then pressed to the shower wall. Michael pushed his body against her backside, letting her feel his hardness. She turned her head so that her cheek rested on the cool tile of the wall and moaned as Michael’s lips and teeth nipped at her neck and shoulders.

Michael loved the feel of Isabel’s body against his. They were near the same height making their bodies fit comfortably together. He reached over and turned off the water then lifted from her. He saw the shiver that ran through her body as the cold air hit her hot skin.

“Michael.” Isabel moaned looking back at him.

He just smiled and took her hand, pulling her out of the shower. He quickly dried most of the moisture from her skin then picked her up in his arms and headed to her large bed.

“Michael. I can’t really. I’ve got so much to do.” Isabel protested though it was a weak one. He’d started that flame of desire in her core and knew that she wanted nothing more than to spend the day pleasing him.

Michael set her in the middle of the bed and placed his finger on her lips. “Shhh. Maria is taking care of it today.”

“Maria? But what about…?”

Michael bent and silenced her with his mouth, keeping her tongue occupied with other things besides speaking. His body moved to rest on top of hers before he pulled his mouth away.

“Don’t worry about it today. It’s taken care of.” He murmured into her neck while she groaned and her hands roamed his back and ass.

Michael’s kisses and touches filled Isabel with a strong lustful desire that filled her to every nerve ending in her body. Slowly he took her hand and raised it above her head until it was within reach of the cuff that he had strapped to the bed. He did the same with the other hand and made sure that his body pinned hers to the bed. With a swiftness that had come with practice, he cuffed each wrist before she knew what had happened.

“Michael?” Isabel asked when her mind floated down from its haze.

“Sshhh.” He said as his body slid down hers, his mouth taking a nipple into his mouth.

She began to writher and groan beneath him as he continued his assault on her breasts, making sure to leave his marks on her soft white skin. Michael slid further down when he was finished with her breasts until his mouth was level with her dripping folds.

His mouth was so close that she could feel his breath on her. “Please.” She pleaded.

Michael let his tongue swipe across her hardened clit after he spread her legs wider, giving him a perfect view of her. Isabel jumped at the touch and moaned.


Michael used his tongue to gently outline her folds and taste that sweetness that leaked from her center. He moaned against her clit and heard her gasp and felt that her body had stiffened around him. She was right there, about to come. All he had to do was draw her clit into his mouth and suck but he did not. Instead he slid away from her and stood.

“Michael?” Isabel’s voice came out as a whine. She was so filled with need and desire she felt ready to burst but her lover had pulled away from her.

Michael stood and pulled on one of her ankles before cuffing it to the bed then did the same with the other. He crawled back on the bed and laid his body upon Isabel once more; making sure his hard cock was right between her wet folds.

“Are you frustrated Isabel? Do feel the pressure so much that it fills your entire body? Would you do just about anything to get release? Do you feel out of control?”

“Yes.” Isabel said breathless.

“Good. Now you know how we’ve felt these last few weeks. To feel someone else in charge over almost everything in your life. To have someone always bossing you around.” Michael rose from the bed and went to walk out of the room.

“Wait!” Isabel called out. “Michael, where are you going?”

Michael stopped at the door, opened the door and looked back. It took every ounce of will power he possessed not to go to her and plunge his hard dick into her and fuck her.

“I’m going to let you think about how you’ve acted recently. I will be back in a bit.” He left the room, closing the door.

“Michael!” Isabel called out. “Michael, get your ass back in here!” She pulled on the bonds and found that they held fast. “Damn it, Michael!”

Michael stood on the other side of the door and listened to her yelling. She soon began to curse him, none too lady like either, and he had to laugh. Miss High and Mighty Isabel was cussing like a sailor. He looked down at his still hard cock and groaned.

“Well, buddy, I guess you’ll have to wait awhile longer.” Then headed to his room to put on some shorts.

According to the clock, Isabel had been lying bound to the bed for almost an hour now and still no sight or sound of Michael. At first she’d been fuming for leaving her like that, frustrated and in need of release then his words sank in. Had she been that bad to them? Was she really driving them all crazy? How many times had she walked in on Kyle with one of their lovers?

But as she thought of her actions she saw that she really was being a controlling bitch. She’d run Liz and Maria to exhaustion sometimes. And the guys. The poor guys. She’d barely paid attention to them, hence keeping Liz and Maria from them also at times. She knew that Kyle was finding release with Max, Michael or Zan just as she was with Liz or Maria but now she saw her wrongs. She knew that Kyle would never say anything to her; he loved her for who and what she was and would put up with whatever she dished out as long as it did not cause real physical harm. But Michael, he was not like that. Especially with her. He was the one who told her like it was without the sugar coating. She now realized that he was doing this to make her see that she was going to hurt their relationships if she kept on this path.

Isabel heard the door open and looked up. “Michael.”

“Uhuh Kitten.” Zan said entering the room.

“Zan.” Isabel smiled at him. “Come over here and release me please.” She tried using her sweetest voice for him. She’d learned her lesson and realized what he was trying to tell her, her punishment has got to be over. She was not often in this situation so her body ached to be released and move.

Zan went to the bed and looked down at his beautiful Kitten lying naked and tied to the bed, helpless and desirable. He knew what Michael had planned and supported him with his decision, knowing that they could not just sit down and tell Isabel what she was doing to them. She’d never see it. Zan drew his t-shirt over his head then pushed down his pants until he stood naked. He sat next to her, no longer amazed that he was already hard and ready for her. It had seemed like forever since he’d been with her, loved her, been deep inside of her.

Zan let a hand gently caress her body then let it cross her stomach until it reached her moist curls. Even though almost an hour had past since Michael had left her, she was still damp with need and want. Zan buried two of his fingers inside of her causing her to arch up groaning.

“Zan, please.” Isabel panted. “Let me go, let me take care of you.”

“Nope Kitten. It’s my turn to take care of you.” Zan said as he moved to kneel between her spread legs. His fingers continued its massage to her insides bringing more wetness and moans from her. He withdrew them and heard her whimper at the loss. He leaned forward and let his mouth rest upon hers.

“Don’t worry Love. You won’t be empty for long.” He opened his mouth captured hers, letting his tongue start their sensual dance.

Isabel gasped and released her hold on his mouth when she felt Zan thrust his hardness into her, letting his thickness fill her.

“Ya like that?” Zan was answered with a groan.

Isabel felt a hunger, sweet and dark, fill her as Zan began his movements. She relished the feel of her lovers deep inside of her body. She never really felt her ankles being released and then instinctively wrap around Zan’s waist. Her passion filled haze lifted enough for her to open her mouth when she felt a hard cock pressed against her lips. She looked up and found that Michael was now straddling her while Zan continued his movements in her pussy.

“Open up Baby.” Michael coaxed moving his tip back and forth on her lips.

Isabel opened and allowed Michael to fill her mouth. She began sucking while he pumped in and out of her mouth. Once more she was moaning and being very verbal about the pleasure that filled her body as Zan and Michael got into a rhythm that drove Isabel and them to their climax.

Michael came first filling Isabel’s mouth with his cum that she eagerly swallowed. She released him as she cried out in her own orgasm then felt Zan’s dick swell within her as he pushed deep, releasing his cum.

Zan sat back on his knees while Michael moved to Isabel’s side. Isabel sighed loudly and looked at both of her lovers.

“I’m sorry guys. Really I am. I did not realize what a Bitch I’d been to all of you. I’ve learned my lesson. Am I forgiven?”

Zan gently rubbed her thighs with his hands and looked to Michael. “Whatcha think Mikey? Think she had ‘nough punishment?”

Michael looked down at Isabel and saw that she was sincere with her words but he was not sure that she’d had enough. He knew that he hadn’t. He looked to Zan and tried hard but without success to keep the amused look from his face.

“I think she really is sorry and has learned her lesson but I don’t think she’s had enough punishment. This has been going on for many, many weeks. One time is not enough.”

Zan openly smiled at Michael, thinking much the same. “Neither do I.”

Isabel looked at Michael then Zan and saw their expressions and knew that she was in trouble. “Uh, guys, really…I’ve learned my lesson. I promise to be better.”

“Uh huh. I know you will because I will make sure to keep you in line.” Michael said as he bent and took a nipple in his mouth.

“Yep, and I’ll be right behind you.” Zan agreed and took the other nipple.

The next couple of hours, Zan and Michael reminded Isabel time and time again what her punishment would be if she ever did what she did again. Isabel learned a long, slow, sensual lesson that day of punishment, and loved every minute of it.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Part 50

Post by magikhands »

As promised...and another shipper group down!

Part 50

The day after the Carlsbad escapade, Liz took Max on another road trip adventure. They drove the three-hour trip to the small mountain town of Cloudcroft. There, Liz dragged Max through all of the small town’s antique shops. During her shopping expedition, Liz found the perfect wedding gift for Isabel, a set of beautiful cut diamond earrings that would go perfect with her dress. After lunch in a small café on Main street (where the burgers were not named after aliens) Liz directed Max to drive down to the city of Alamogordo.

The city is not an overly large town, mostly military but Liz had an Aunt that used to live there when she was younger. She took Max on a tour of their Planetarium and the Space Museum to kill time. By the time they ate dinner, the sun was setting and they hit the road again only instead of heading back to Roswell, Liz directed Max to a state park outside of town called White Sands. It was a full moon that evening and during certain parts of the year, the state park stayed open all night long.

Max found it interesting as he drove the car through the path between dunes of white sand. With the moon rising over them, the sand looked almost silver. It was the most beautiful sight Max had ever seen. They passed clusters of people, all trying to get settled in for the night. On top of one large dune, they saw a huge bonfire. Liz explained that all sorts of cults and other strange groups would gather on these nights and do their rituals and dances to the full moon.

“Maybe one day, we can bring our group out here and do a ritual of our own.” Max joked but his mind had wandered to his five lovers again. He was having a wonderful time with Liz but he did miss Kyle and the others.

Liz laughed. “I’m sure we’d fit right in.”

Max drove as the path narrowed and became a bit bumpier. They soon only saw the occasional car.

“Ok, park here.” Liz said indicting an area that was suitable for parking. Once stopped, Liz handed Max the blanket and smiled at him. “The last one to the top has to do what the other says for the rest of the night.”

Without waiting for a response Liz turned and began running up the large dune.

“Why you little…” Max laughed as he took off after her.

He caught up with her half way up the steep dune. He could see that she was accustomed to climbing the loose sand. At first he’d had trouble and slid back two steps for every one he took but then he’d bent over and used his hands much like Liz was doing. With his long strides to her shorter ones, he’d been able to catch up to her.

But instead of passing her, his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close to him. Together they fell in the sand and rolled down a ways. Both were laughing as Liz turned over and captured his lips. The kiss was filled with love and desire, making Max moan as he began to harden. He loved how he reacted to Liz so wholly. Together, they got up and finished their trek up the dune hand in hand, moving slowly, their laughter still floating in the air.

Once they reached the top, Max spread out the blanket and he lay down on his back looking up at the cloudless night. Liz lay next to him, her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her.

“Look at all of the stars we can see tonight.” Max said in a hushed voice. “I wish we could see the sky like this more back home.”

“Yeah, I miss it sometimes.” Liz said.

“Have you ever thought of moving back here?”

“Hmmm.” Liz said snuggling to Max, the cool desert air blowing over their bodies. “A time or two. But not really in a long time. I have a family now, where they go, I go.”

Max pulled her even closer, her answer settling peacefully in his heart. They lay there for some time enjoying the quiet, making the occasional comment or small conversation. Suddenly, they saw a star shoot across the sky, leaving a bright trail.

“Quick, make a wish.” Liz said excitement filling her voice.

Max watched it disappear and knew that it was the perfect timing he’d been waiting for. He disentangled Liz from his body and sat up. Liz looked questioningly at her lover. Max took Liz’s hands in his and looked into her eyes. He could see the moon reflecting in their dark depths. He smiled slightly as he began to feel very nervous.

“When I first met you Liz, I knew you were different than all those other women. Then as I got to know you, I found myself falling in love with you. You threw me a curve…” His smile grew. “Bringing Isabel into the mix then Kyle but I couldn’t imagine life without all of you. I was happy and couldn’t see how I could have any more people in my life to love. That is until Michael and Maria. I was head over heels in love with you by then and thought that life couldn’t get any better. But once again, I was proven wrong when Zan became a part of our family. And I have a feeling that one more is yet to join our ranks making this eccentric family complete.”

Max paused and reached into his pocket. “There is only one thing left before we can be complete, you and I. I love you Liz. You have brought me more love and happiness than I ever imagined a person could have. I make this promise to you now. You will always have my love. You are the other half of my soul and only you complete me.” Max took a breath and held up a small box.

“Elizabeth Parker. Will you make my wish come true and marry me?” max opened the box and showed the beautiful two-caret diamond solitaire ring.

Liz was speechless. She was not oblivious to the fact that Max was it. The only man she’d ever marry. She knew that Max was going to propose but she had no clue when or how. His words had hit hard in her heart and brought tears to her eyes. He had declared how happy he was with his life and gave her all the credit to his happiness. That was the most beautiful thoughts that anyone had ever voiced to her.

“Oh, Max. Yes…yes I will marry you.” Liz watched as he took the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger. “And you shall always have my love, my soul, making us one.” She said as she leaned over and kissed him deeply, conveying all of the love she felt into that one action. Max reciprocated it.

He pressed upon her body until she lay on her back, his body next to hers. Max finally left her lips for breath and lifted up her shirt and removed her bra. While he was busy with his task of removing her clothing, he felt his own shirt coming off and her small hands pushing down on the undone waist of his pants.

Soon they were both lying naked on the blanket under the full moon and twinkling stars. Their limbs tangled together so that it was hard to decipher where Max began and Liz ended. They were both almost frantic to be as close as possible to the other but then they did not want to rush this consummation of their engagement. Their lustful desires won out in the end as Max slipped his hardness into her slick, ready canal. Liz nibbled delicately on his bottom lip then sucked sharply on it as her legs wrapped around his waist drawing him further into her. Max’s breathing was ragged as he tried to keep his rhythm slow but his control waned as Liz wiggled beneath him and moaned in pleasure.

Liz looked up at her lover, one of her best friends, her fiancé and future husband. She could not believe that he was all those things to her. She smiled at the look her gave her, fraught with sensuality and unspoken promises. Tonight both of their wishes were coming true.

“Max.” She urged feeling her body close to release. Max quickened his pace, amazed how well he could read her body’s needs and knew exactly how to satisfy those needs. Together they climaxed, their loud cries of pleasure joining the chants and howls that lingered in the desert air.

In California…

Kyle walked from the kitchen toward the stairs when voices caught his attention. Loud voices. It was late and thought he was the only one up. He went toward the den, where it was unmistakable who was having an argument.

“Michael, why do you have to be the one to go? Isabel is getting married next week. There is still so much to do. You need to stay near home.”

“Maria…” Michael began.

“No. Isn’t that why we have managers and employees? Let them handle it.”

“I can’t Maria. I can’t put our businesses on hold just because Kyle and Isabel are getting married.” He said angrily. He didn’t like or want to leave anymore than she did but he was the owner and this was something he needed to deal with personally. She knew that. “I’ll be back a couple of days before the ceremony.”

“What about the crap with Tess? Did you not see the article she wrote about you? About us? She blatantly attacked our hotels.”

“I know. That is why I have to take care of this. So she can’t write anything else about it. It’s just one article. I can’t give her more ammunition to write about.”

“Fine. Whatever.” Maria said sharply then walked out head down, not looking at Kyle who stood in the doorway.

He looked back at Michael. “Lover’s spat?”

Michael sighed. “I’ve got to leave tomorrow. The hotel up in North Dakota is getting inspected and we’ve had some trouble there. Hence, Tess’s story.”

Kyle had seen the article. It was brutal, claiming that the Guerin’s ran their hotels on slave wages, charging outrageous prices and other marking accusations. Several problems from this particular hotel were specifically mentioned in the article, which brought about the inspection. Suddenly they heard the font door slam.

“Damn, doesn’t she realize the storm raging outside?”

“It’s alright. I’ll go calm her down.” Kyle volunteered knowing that when Maria and Michael had their fights, the last thing she needed to see was her husband.

Michael nodded and scratched at his eyes brow. He and Maria fought rarely but she’d been upset since Tess’s article was published. He was glad that Liz wasn’t here or he’d have had her to contend with also.

Kyle stood outside and caught a glimpse of Maria’s shadow rounding the corner, heading behind the massive house. Kyle swore as he stepped out into the pounding rain. He finally caught up with her in the garden. She was sitting in the gazebo. He sat next to her on the bench.

“You picked a hell of a night to go for a walk.” He commented.

“Sorry.” She said but Kyle saw the shiver that ran through her body. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close trying to warm her trembling body with his.

“Come on. Let’s go back inside and get you dried off.”

“No.” Maria shook her head. “I’m not ready yet. Let’s just sit here.”

Kyle did not answer but pulled her closer and kissed her head tenderly. After several minutes of silence, she finally spoke.

“I’m scared for Michael.”


“Tess knew too much for that article. She’s been snooping, digging for any little thing on us. I can’t tell you what she may be thinking. She hates Liz and me so much, she might do just about anything to ruin our lives. This could be a way to lure him away from us and …I don’t know…hurt him.”

“Maria. Michael is a big boy. He can take care of himself. Besides, I thought Tess was after my gorgeous Max.”

This remark made Maria smile a little. “She is but her and Michael have had their problems for a long time now. I see her doing something like this.”

Kyle thought a moment before speaking. “Alright. How’s this? We send one or two of Zan’s people with Michael. He’ll balk but I’ll tale to him about it. If I can’t convince him, I’m sure Zan can.”

Maria chuckled knowing that besides Isabel, Zan was Michael’s other weakness of the group. “Alright.” She agreed, feeling a little better.

“Come on. Now let’s get you inside and warmed up.”

Kyle went to stand up but Maria stopped him. She turned and her lips brushed lightly on his. “I know of another way to warm me.” She purred. Her anger had melted into desire as she felt Kyle embrace her and his scent enveloped her.

Kyle’s body shuddered as he bent and took her mouth in a deep kiss, their tongues sliding together. Within moments their clothing was gone, Maria was sitting astride Kyle, their wet bodies sliding together. Kyle had her breasts in hand, pulling one to his mouth while gently caressing the other. He lightly tongued the tight nipple as Maria gasped at the sensation and pulled his head closer. He pulled the entire puckered bud into his mouth and gave it a gentle nip.

“Kyle!” she groaned.

His hands slid from her breasts, down her sides until they cupped her ass. His fingers did a simple caress to her cheeks until he released her nipple from his mouth then he lifted her and placed her hot, ready center on his throbbing hardness.

“Damn Maria. You are so tight.” He ground out. She groaned in response.

Kyle’s fingers dug into her cheeks as he helped her begin her rhythm. She felt so damn good and tight as she clenched down upon him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her breaths came out in small pants near his ear. His mouth immediately went to her neck and found a soft spot that tasted delicious.

Suddenly Maria slowed her rhythm making long slow strokes to Kyle’s cock. She released her hold on Kyle’s neck and pushed him back to lie on the bench. What Kyle did not see was that her eyes were locked with a set of eyes just outside of the gazebo steps. She watched as Michael slowly climbed the stairs and approached the two.

Kyle saw movement out of the side of his vision and looked up to find Michael standing near them. Maria was still slowly moving up and down on his cock but saw that her eyes were completely trained on her husband. Kyle saw that Michael’s eyes were shadowed with sorrow and he knew that Michael was sorry about the argument earlier.

“Michael.” Maria beckoned holding out her arms to him but never stopping her torturous rocking on Kyle.

Michael came closer and claimed his wife’s mouth. His hands went to her breasts but ended up covering Kyle’s hands that were already there. Their fingers tangled and together they caressed her soft flesh. Michael’s lips moved from her lips to her ear then down her neck.

“I’m so sorry Maria.” Michael murmured into her soft skin. “I hate seeing you so upset.”

“Michael.” Maria gasped. Her body was being overwhelmed by too many sensations. The feel of Kyle in her, two sets of hands roaming her body and Michael’s lips and words were too much for her. Her body trembled as her orgasm exploded through her body.

“Yes!!! Oh god!!!!” she screamed as she fell into Michael’s arm, panting hard.

Michael held his wife as her body calmed. He looked down at Kyle whose breathing was ragged and had his eyes shut. He was still hard and inside of Maria and Michael knew that he was feeling the strong urge to finish what they started. Michael bowed his head and laid a kiss on Maria’s head while his fingers ran through her still wet hair.

“Maria, Baby…”

Maria said nothing but her hands slid down his wet clothing to the waist of his jeans. Her trembling fingers opened the button and lowered the zipper. He let go of her enough to help her peel his clothing off before she leaned on his stomach and began kissing it while slowly beginning her movements on Kyle again.

“Michael. Let Kyle have you.” She said softly against his smooth stomach.

Michael sighed knowing that he could not deny her anything she wanted. He took a step back from the two and waited. Maria stood from Kyle and from the sounds, his cock was thickly coated with her juices and cum. Kyle groaned as he sat up and looked at Michael. In the dim light, he saw the desire that lit Michael’s face and knew that his matched that of his lover.

Michael approached Kyle and kissed him. He inhaled Kyle’s strong scent mixed with Maria’s. They both growled, the need for release becoming stronger. Maria joined the two and took Michael’s hard dick into her hands and begins pumping. She closed her eyes and listened. All around her was the rain pounding on the gazebo’s roof, the soft sighs and moans from Kyle and Michael, and the feel of the moist air mixing with their sweat.

“I want Kyle to fuck you Michael.” Her tongue brushed over a nipple making him shiver.

Michael moved away from Kyle and Maria to lie on his back on the bench. Without a word Kyle went to him and lifted his legs. Kyle placed the tip at Michael’s opening. He knew that he was still covered in Maria’s wetness so no lubricant would be needed. But before he could push in Maria was beside him.


Kyle watched as she slid two fingers into her pussy and pumped them several times before drawing them out and held them up. Even in the dark of the night he knew that they were sopped with her cum. She placed those two fingers down at Michael’s opening and rubbed them around, giving him a little more lubricant.

“Ok. Now.”

Kyle did not wait to be told again as he pushed his entire length into Michael.

“Fuck!” Michael growled as Kyle filled his ass. His breathing was strained and harsh, his cock throbbing and hard.

“I love your tight ass Michael.” Kyle grunted as he began pumping the tight hole.

Maria kneeled beside them and took Michael’s length in her mouth. Her sucking soon matched Kyle’s as they both fucked him, one with a dick, the other with a mouth.

Michael felt as if he were in heaven as the pleasure rode through his body. His head was spinning with desire, his hips bucking wildly, and deep noises swelled from his throat.

“Oh shit! Yes, fuck yes!” Michael called out as his cum erupted into Maria’s mouth.

Kyle grunted and pushed deeper letting his cum fill Michael’s ass. The three stayed there for several minutes waiting for their senses to calm, Kyle and Maria lying upon Michael, his hands absently caressing each of his lovers. Maria began to shiver again.

“We need to get you inside Baby. I’ll fix you a deep, hot bath.” Michael said to Maria.

“Only if you guys join me.” Was her response before getting up to gather their clothing and head back to the house.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Part 51

Post by magikhands »

Part 51

Michael’s trip to North Dakota was uneventful. He was not happy having two shadows around the entire time but he did see the point in it and it kept Maria from freaking. While the hotel’s inspection was running its course, Michael found the person responsible for leaking information to Tess and took care of the problem. He was home within a couple of day, much to everyone’s relief.

Max and Liz also returned home safely from their vacation. Isabel and Maria had a fit over the ring she sported while the guys congratulated Max. The group commemorated the occasion in their own unique way the night of their return.

Zan’s business partner Serina arrived at Kyle’s place the morning before Isabel and Kyle’s wedding. Isabel was at first a little uncertain of her. Serina was new to her. She was also miffed at Zan for not telling her about Serina’ visit and an apparent relationship that he was having with her. Max, Liz and Zan had tried to assure Isabel that Serina was a good person and could be trusted. Zan had told her about all of them and she was fine with everything. Serina knew Max and Liz and for some reason it seemed right and she was comfortable with the entire concept. She also trusted Zan.

Isabel was still weary of the newcomer so they went to lunch together, just the two of them. Isabel came back with a whole new attitude about Serina and welcomed her into their home. Zan smiled and knew that Serina had worked her magical charm on Isabel.

That evening the eight gathered for a light dinner and to go over some last minute details for the celebration dinner. Serina reached out to take the bowl of salad from Zan when Liz noticed a twinkle on Serina’s finger.

“Serina.” Liz exclaimed then looked to Zan who sat next to her. She reached out and punched him in the arm.

“Ow! What was that for Sweets?” Zan asked rubbing his arm and brows scrunched together, looking confused.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us.” Liz said looking at her soon to be brother-in-law.

Uh-oh, she thought. That term just had a sudden negative meaning to it. She quickly wondered if she and Zan would have to quit having sex. She shook her head mentally and promised herself to broach the subject with Max and Zan later. For now, she was annoyed at Zan. The others looked at Liz confused by her actions.

“Liz, what are you talking about?” Kyle asked.

“It appears that our resident bad boy is finally settling down.”

“What?” Michael, Isabel, Maria and Kyle exclaimed together. Max just sat back, not saying a word.

Liz looked to her fiancé and saw that this did not surprise him. “You knew about this didn’t you?”

Max just shrugged. “Ummm…well..” he felt everyone’s eyes on him. He sighed knowing he would hear it from Liz later. “He is my twin you know.” Was his only explanation.

“When did this happen?” Maria asked now looking at Serina’s ring.

“Um…a few days ago when I went to Sacramento.” Zan said looking guilty. “Sorry guys. I didn’t want to take away from Kyle and Isabel’s big day. I was going to tell you all after the ceremony.”

Isabel looked annoyed at Zan. “You are a part of this family too Zan. Don’t ever hold back anything again. All of you are a part of Kyle and I getting married. There is no ‘taking away from’ here. Honesty and openness is the only thing that has made this all work. Do you understand?”

Zan’s eyes were downcast as Isabel reprimanded him like a small child. “Zan?” Isabel asked taking her role as matriarch serious.

Zan looked up and nodded. “Sorry Kitten. I really am.” He looked at the others. His brother gave him an encouraging smile. He knew that Isabel could sometimes be rough on them but what she said was true. He also felt for his brother because he knew that Zan was not used to having so many people care about him and what he did.

“Good.” Isabel said, her face softening as she smiled and the mood lightened. “Now, have the two of you set a date yet or are you wishy washy like your brother?” This caused everyone to laugh and Max blushed.

“We are still working on that.” Serina answered but gave a sly look to Liz. She and Liz had been talking and were thinking of a double wedding. They thought it was very appropriate and appealing.

After dinner, the guys agreed to clean up while the girls headed out to the beach cottage for the night. They were all to meet the next day out at the cliffs where Kyle and Max went when Max first found out who Kyle really was. That was where they wanted the ceremony held. After saying their goodnights to the girls, the four men quickly cleaned up and each headed off to their own rooms for bed. Isabel had given each man a specific job to do the next day before the ceremony so they knew they’d have to get up early.

Zan was lying on his stomach in his dark room. The sheet was pulled up to his waist, covering his naked ass. It was strange, since coming to live at Kyle’s, Zan had grown accustomed to sleeping in the buff and enjoyed the freedom he felt doing so.

His mind kept going back to Isabel and her tone she’d used while reprimanding him at dinner. He could hear that she was disappointed with him for holding back the information of him and Serina’s engagement. It was bad enough that he’d held their relationship from her but now he’d really done it. He felt so bad for not telling her, telling them really. Max knew then Liz but he’d kept the others in the dark. Michael, Maria and Kyle had voiced their oks with everything but it was Isabel that bothered him the most. He’d have to find a way of making it up to Isabel after all this wedding business was taken care of.

Zan’s thoughts then turned to Serina. His fiancé. That was still a little strange for him yet. He and Serina had been partners for five years now but only involved the last three years. The first two years were wasted not getting along all that well. Looking back now, Zan had to wonder how in the world they got hooked up in the business to begin with. They were always disagreeing during that time. What took Zan so long to realize was the suppressed attraction that he felt for her. All of the fighting had almost ruined their business and their love.

Zan remembered the first night they finally acknowledge their feelings and spent together. It was that night, that he realized that he truly loved Serina. He’d gone to her apartment offering to buy her part of the business from her. He wanted out of their partnership. It really wasn’t working, or so he thought. That meeting had not gone very well and they began their usual arguing.

Next thing Zan knew, he had Serina in his arms kissing her. She pulled him into her room where they spent the night releasing all of their feverish pent up desires. Needless to say, after that night, their relationship and business blossomed.

Zan was taken out of his reverie when he felt a weight lay upon him.

“I guess I should say congratulations.” Michael’s gruff but soft voice echoed in the silent room.

“That or you could say that you want me to fuck you senseless.” Zan replied, thrusting his hips up so that Michael’s cock made contact at Zan’s sheet covered ass.

“Mmmm. Or maybe that I want to fuck you.” Michael pressed against Zan, pinning him to the bed. Zan groaned as Michael’s mouth nipped at Zan’s shoulder.

Michael lifted his body and allowed Zan to turn to his back. The two men kissed, their bodies acting hungrily toward each other. Their hands lightly brushed over sensitive areas, bringing out moans of pleasure.

Zan lifted his head from Michael’s neck. “How ‘bout a compromise?” Zan used his strength and flipped Michael over onto his back. He then slid down Michael’s body until his head was level with Michael’s dick and rotated so that his own length near Michael’s mouth. Zan opened his mouth and sucked in Michael’s dick.

“Ummmm, yes. This, I can agree to.” Michael sighed before taking Zan into his mouth.

They worked each other’s dicks, sucking hard and feverishly, their lust setting their pace. Their hips jerked and thrusted into the other’s mouth, muffling the groans and moans of pleasure. With the frantic pace, they were unable to last very long. It was Michael that came first under Zan’s now expert mouth, then Zan let go and unloaded his cum into Michael waiting throat.

Both sated for the moment, Zan turned and settled himself at the head of the bed again. The two loosely embraced and sighed. As Zan began drifting into sleep, he heard Michael voice.

“Seriously, congratulations. Serina seems to be a wonderful person.”

“Yeah she is. And absolutely hot.” There was silence to Zan’s statement. He opened his eyes and looked at his lover. “Michael?” Zan saw a slight grin on Michael’s lip and looked down to a twitching dick.

“Oh, sorry. Yes, she’s very hot. I was just thinking what she’d look like without her clothing.”

Zan laughed. “I’m sure that you’ll see one day.” Zan closed his eyes and both drifted off to sleep.


Max woke to the feel of someone curling up to him. He drew the person closer and knew it was Kyle. He opened his eyes and looked at his lover.

“Kyle, is everything alright?” He asked, sleep filling his voice.

“Yeah Max. I just didn’t want to be alone. Is it ok?” Kyle’s voice sounded unsure, almost timid. So unlike Kyle.

Max lifted his head to rest upon a hand and observed Kyle. “You know you are welcome in my bed at any time Kyle.”

Kyle said nothing as they laid there in silence, Max running his fingers lovingly through Kyle’s hair.

“Are you nervous?” Max asked.

Kyle let out a heavy breath. “Yes, I think I am. Do my feet feel cold to you?” Kyle answered moving his feet on Max’s legs.

“They feel perfect to me.” Max chuckled then his tone turned serious. “Don’t worry Kyle. It’s normal for you to feel nervous the night before your wedding. I’m sure all grooms feel this way.”

Kyle laughed. “I bet that not all grooms spend the night before their wedding in the bed of a lover. A male one at that.”

“I think you are right there.”

“Thanks Max.”

“For what?”

“For always being here for me.” Kyle said.

Max’s hand stopped its caressing of Kyle’s hair and ran down his cheek. “I’ll always be here for you Kyle. I never dreamed that I could fall in love twice in a lifetime but I have. I love you and no matter what this future may bring us, a part of my heart will always belong to you.”

Kyle felt tears swell in his eyes and managed to blink them back. Max’s words had been felt all the way to the center of his heart and he knew that every word said was sincere and true.

“I love you Max.” Kyle moved so that their lips touched and gently caressed those of his lover’s. Kyle’s tongue gently lapped at Max’s before pulling his bottom lip into his mouth. Max had closed his eyes and let Kyle take the lead.

“Max love to me Max.” Kyle said softly against his lips. Max opened his eyes and their gazes locked.

Max rolled so that Kyle was on his back and Max braced himself over his lover. His mouth started at Kyle’s chest, kissing and caressing it with his warm lips. His mouth then found one of Kyle’s nipples and felt it harden under his tongue’s ministrations. Kyle moaned and writhered under Max, shifting so that his hard length rubbed against Max’s.

Max slid down Kyle’s body, his mouth trailing kisses, until he reached the stiff cock that waited for him. Max slowly sucked it into his mouth and heard Kyle sigh as his hands thread themselves in Max’s hair. Max made love to Kyle cock, sucking it with a smooth, slow pace. He knew exactly what Kyle liked as he let Kyle’s tip slide into the back of his throat.

Max withdrew his mouth and prepared his cock for Kyle. Kyle moaned in desperate frustration. He soothed Kyle with loving, soft words. Once ready, Max pulled Kyle’s legs up and placed the tip of his cock at Kyle’s entrance. Their eyes met in the dim light. He wanted to watch every emotion cross his lover’s face as he made love to Kyle.

Max slowly pushed in and did not hold back the groan as Kyle’s tightness surrounded him. He loved how he felt embedded in Kyle. Kyle moaned and closed his eyes, his face filled with sweet pleasure. Max pumped Kyle with long slow strokes, driving them both wild to the heights of pleasure.

As Max felt his climax approaching, he reached down and began stroking Kyle’s thick, hard cock in time with his thrusts.

“Oh, yes…Max…” Kyle grunted, lifting his ass a bit higher for Max to thrust deeper.

Kyle came, his cum squirting on Max’s abs and onto his own stomach. Feeling Kyle’s ass clamp down on his own cock, Max pressed harder and released his load in Kyle. Max withdrew his softened length then collapsed to Kyle’s side while tenderly gathering him into his arms.

“Are your cold feet gone?” Max asked, his breath still ragged but humor filling his voice.

“They’re close to overheating.” Kyle chuckled.

Max kissed his lover’s forehead. “Let’s get some sleep. It’s a big day tomorrow.”


The four women made their way to Kyle’s beach house. They spent about an hour laying everything out for the next day, so it would be waiting for them. Once everything was done, they all decided to try and get some sleep. Liz and Maria slept on the fold out couch while Serina insisted on taking the mattress on the floor. Isabel was given the single bedroom.

Isabel was lying in the bed; staring up at the dark ceiling when she heard footsteps come up to the bed then felt a weight settle next to her.

“Are you alright? You were quiet before we all went to bed.” Liz’s voice came out in a soft whisper as one of her hands brushed back Isabel’s hair.

“Right now, I’m not sure what I’m feeling.” She turned her head toward Liz’s silhouette. “This should be one of the happiest days of my life, right?”

Liz nodded in the dimness.

“The why do I feel so…numb? I mean, we’ve been living as husband and wife for two years. It’s just a ring and a piece of paper. Nothing will change. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way.”

“Everything will change.” Maria’s voice sounded softly before she too came and sat on Isabel’s other side. “Your love for Kyle will change. It will grow with every passing day. It will take on a life of its own. Tomorrow the two of you will become one in every sense.” Maria took one of Isabel’s hands. “It’s ok to be scared, nervous, happy and worried. It’s natural and all these jumbled emotions can be confusing.” Maria laughed. “You should have seen me the night before my wedding. I threw up all night.”

Liz and Isabel laughed.

Neither woman doubted Isabel’s love for Kyle. Anyone could see the love radiating from them, no question about it. But what Liz and Maria knew that no one else did was that Isabel doubted herself. She was wondering if she could succeed at being Kyle Valenti’s wife, both to herself and the outside world.

Liz crawled in the bed with Isabel as Maria did the same. They both wrapped their bodies around Isabel.

“Kyle doesn’t’ care about what others think. You are and have always been the center of his universe.” Liz softly spoke.

Maria chuckled. “Yeah, no one else, not even Max, measures up to that.”

Liz chuckled at Maria’s statement. “Kyle would go to hell and back if that’s what it took to be with you Isabel.”

“I know. I love him so much. I want to marry him, have a family with him, and grow old together. There’s nothing more in the world I want more.”

“Then put away all those silly fears and enjoy life. Take what he has to offer and run with it. Don’t care what anyone else thinks. This is your life, not theirs. That is the only way you can truly be happy.” Maria said while she kissed at Isabel’s neck and a hand wandered to one of her breasts seeking a nipple.

Liz was doing much the same on Isabel’s other side except her hand was trailing Isabel’s stomach and dipping inside of her panties.

“Mmmm.” Isabel sighed, closing her eyes.

“What are you feeling now?” Liz asked, her mouth next to her ear.

“H-h-heat. My body feels full of heat…ohhh!” Isabel groaned as Maria pushed up her shirt and latched onto one of her hardened nipples.

Soon all three women shed their clothing. Liz continued her assault to Isabel’s clit while Maria used her lips to caress Isabel’s breasts, lips and whatever else made its way to them. It did not take long for all three bodies to warm, their cores dripping and ready. They bit back their moans and cries knowing that Serina slept just on the other side of the door.

Mari lifted her body and laid it on top of Isabel, capturing her mouth. Maria shifted so that their wet slits were aligned and began to gently rock their bodies together. Meanwhile, Liz moved down between her lovers’ legs and bent her head, letting her tongue lap at the moisture that had gathered on the two pussies as they ground together.

The temperature rose in the room several degrees as Isabel and Maria gyrated their hips together and Liz franticly lapped at their juices. Liz gently slid two fingers into each of her lovers and began pumping them in and out.

Isabel threw her head back, opened her mouth to cry out as her climax broke through her body but Maria clamped her mouth down on Isabel’s, swallowing her cry then whimpering at her own climax.

Liz climbed back up the bodies and lay next to Isabel and Maria. Her body was wound tight and aching as her wet center throbbed with her need for release. Liz tried to get her body back under control as she concentrated on her breathing. She was so engrossed in her task that she didn’t realize that Maria had moved from Isabel to a place between her legs.

Maria used her tongue to caress Liz’s already swollen clit, making her moan and squirm in pleasure. Isabel turned to her side and found Liz’s lips with her own. Together, Isabel and Maria had Liz crying out as he body finally found its climax, none caring by now who heard.

“Beautiful.” Isabel said softly as both her lovers curled against her, settling in for the night. What they did not see was Isabel’s fixed gaze with a set of green eyes that were hidden in the shadows by the door. Isabel smiled and cuddled down into the other two women feeling much more alive and ready to start her life with Kyle.

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Post by roswellluver »

beautiful part! thanks for wriitng!
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Post by Ella1022 »

Great new part Chris!I love the Michael/Zan action and that thing about cold feet with Max and Kyle was great lol
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Post by Mariael311 »

Ok so now that everyone got their freak on...lol...comes the big day!

Great part Chris!

8 people, now that's an orgy...I'm just wondering why Serina didn't just jump on in there...perfect warmup before the big group event! :lol:

Okk..off to find a cigarette...damn...maybe a cold drink! :D
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Hey Ho!

Just checkin in to say hi! I saved all of it so far up-to-date and am reading it again as I go. Well what can I say? :( I should have listened to the warnings! :lol: :wink: You were write to slap the warnings on this baby, thank god I'm not old enough for a heartattack! :roll:
Loving it so far, wish RL could be like this. Now that would be fun!
"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by BelevnDreamsToo »

Another fantastical part!! 8)

Good thing they have each other to "lean on" when they're feeling a bit blue!! :lol: Wish I had that kind of support group!! :twisted:

Can't wait for the big day and for Serena to join in! More soon please!! Thanks J :D
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Part 52

Post by magikhands »

Part 52

The guys were out at the cliffs first. Kyle was dressed in black pants and a button up, long sleeved white shirt, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Max, being Kyle’s best man, wore kaki pants and a shirt similar to Kyle’s. Zan and Michael wore casual pants and polo shirts. Scott was next to show with the minister who would perform the ceremony. The girls were that last to arrive in the limo driven by Raul. Maria and Serina got out of the limo first and made their way over to Zan and Michael, wearing simple pastel colored sundresses. Liz came next wearing a simple blue sundress. She took her place near the minister’s right side, across from Max who stood next to a waiting Kyle.

Isabel emerged from the limo last. She wore the simple but very elegant off white dress that Maria had designed for her. The cut was perfect for her tall, slender frame. It was sleeveless for the warm weather and had a flowing skirt that whipped in the light breeze coming from the ocean. The neckline dipped low, showing some of her ample cleavage. With bouquet in hand, Isabel stood between Liz and the minister. She turned to Kyle and smiled.

“Are we ready to begin?” The minister asked. Both Isabel and Kyle nodded.

The ceremony was short and to the point. Everyone clapped and cheered when Kyle finally kissed his wife. Scott drove the minister back to the main house where his car waited. Raul waited while the eight piled into the limo and he drove them back to the main house as well. He smiled and shook his head as seven of the eight bodies clung to each other and kissed. He was happy for Kyle and the rest. As he eyed the newcomer Serina, he knew that it was just a short time before she too would be in the mesh of the group.

The eight enjoyed a brunch that was waiting for their return. Afterwards Michael and Maria excused themselves so that they could go and collect all of the girls’ belonging from the beach cottage. The others sat around in the den and relaxed, talking and just enjoying the company for they had all been busy with wedding preparations and their businesses.

Later in the afternoon, after Michael and Maria returned, Raul came around to pick up Kyle and Isabel. He was taking them back out to the beach cottage where they would spend their first night as husband and wife together. After an early dinner and a movie, the other three couples took the opportunity to spend some quality time with their own significant other and retired to their rooms.

Zan took Serina to his room. As soon as the door was closed, he had her in his arms.

“I missed you last night.” He said burying his nose into her hair and inhaling her scent.

Serina chuckled and pulled him closer to her. “I’m sure that you had someone to keep you company.”

“Hmm. Don’t tell Michael this, but no one is as good as you Baby.” Zan’s hands were busy slipping the straps of her top from her shoulders as her hands ran through his spiked hair. “I love you ‘Rina. You make me the happiest man on this Earth.”

Serina sighed. “That’s what Max says about Liz.”

“We are identical twins.” Zan said smiling right before he swooped down and clamped his mouth upon one of her nipples.

She gasped and pulled his head closer. “Zan!”

He picked her up in his arms and took her to his bed, laying her down gently. Releasing his grasp, he stood and looked down at the woman that he loved with all of his heart. This was the woman that he’d asked to spend the rest of their lives together, to grow old together, and have children. That last thought brought Zan’s eyes down to her flat stomach with her hands folded over it. He could literally see it swollen with child one day in the future and it made him feel a sense of peace.

Zan kneeled on the bed and helped Serina shed her clothing then she did the same. He lay there and embraced her, her hand having a hold on his hard length while he gently caressed her ass.

“Thank you ‘Rina. Thank you for loving me and accepting me for who I am. Thank you for accepting my family also.”

Serina smiled. “It’s easy to love you Zan. It always has been. And as for your family, how could I not love the people who look out for you and love you nearly as much as I do. They make it easy to be with them.”

Zan bent his head and kissed his fiancé, his lover, his best friend. Their tongues twirled, mingling, joining as they showed their love to each other. Zan rolled them so that Serina was lying on her back and he was above her. She spread her legs and pushed his ass down.

“Love me Zan. Show me how much you love me.”

Zan gave a growl that came from deep in his throat as he gently pressed his hard cock into her slick opening. They both moaned at their union, relishing in the feel of the other. Zan began with slow smooth strokes as he gently made love to Serina. He loved the small mewling sounds that came from her as he pleased her. He felt her walls begin to tighten as she came closer to her release. He picked up his rhythm, his own cock beginning to swell, making it tighter.

“Aaaaaahhhhhhh…Zan…..YES!” Serina cried out as she came.

“Serina!” Zan moaned letting his seed gush inside of her.

Zan’s arms gave way and he fell on top of her, his elbows taking most of his weight. Their breaths were heavy but he leaned down and kissed her passionately.

“I love you Zan.” She said when he broke the kiss and rolled them over to lie on their sides. She was tucked as close as possible to him, just the way she liked it.

“I love you Serina.” He said as his heavy eyes slid shut, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


Max and Liz had retreated to their own room. Liz went over to the dressing table and began brushing out her hair, getting ready for bed. Max came up behind her and began kissing on her neck, his arms wrapping around her.

“We really need to decide on a date. I can’t wait until I can say that you’re my wife.”

“Hmmm. That has a nice ring to it. Elizabeth Evans.” Liz smiled into the mirror.

“It sure does.” Max murmured, burying his nose into her hair. He pulled slightly away and caught her gaze in the mirror. She saw that Max’s eyes blazed with desire and mischief, a look she’d seen many times.

Without a word, he slowly ran his hands down her arms then began to undress her. Liz stood perfectly still, only moving when she had to, letting him take off her clothing piece by piece. She watched mesmerized by his hands in the mirror. His breath hitched as he cupped her breasts and ran his thumbs over her nipples, making them stand more erect. Her body shivered at his touch as his palms and fingers brushed along her sides to rest on her hips, his fingers caressing softly where they lay.

“You’re so beautiful. It’s hard to believe that you’re mine.” Max said, his voice soft and filled with the love that he held for her.

Liz smiled at him, the heat of her body rising another degree from his touch and breath that grazed her ear. Max’s right hand left her hip and opened a drawer. He withdrew a piece of black silk. Liz saw the material and her stomach began to knot in anticipation. She looked up and met Max’s eyes in the mirror. He was smiling as he released her body and tied the silk across her eyes.

Liz could now see nothing but felt everything as her sense of touch took over for her lack of sight. She gasped as Max’s lips descended upon her neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses and nips. His hands were once more wandering her naked flesh as if memorizing her body. She felt one of his hands lower until his fingers played gently in her nest of curls. She could feel her wetness seeping from her and had the urge to shift, an ache beginning to throb.

“Max.” She whispered with longing.

“I know Baby.” He replied, removing his hands from her body. She heard him chuckle at the frustrated groan she gave, her body feeling cold without his touch.

Max picked her up and carried her to their bed where he gently laid her down. She heard the sound of rustling and knew that Max was finally shedding his clothing and before long he was lying next to her, his skin touching hers. After more torturous caressing and teasing, Liz let Max raise her arms above her head. She heard familiar clicks and felt the chill of metal against her wrists. He’d handcuffed her to the headboard.

“Spread you legs Liz. Spread them wide for me.” Max said in a hushed tone, desire dripping from his words. He removed his body from hers and she felt him leave the bed as she did what he asked.

Liz felt the bed shift again, this time at the foot of the bed. She felt his hands spread her legs even wider before the heat of his breath touched her aching core.

“Aarrrhhhhh!” she cried out as a tongue first touched her. It was a light touch, as the tongue swirled around her folds, not quite hitting that special spot but going around it teasingly. She wanted so bad to grab his hair and pull him against her.

“Please.” She begged. All of their foreplay and teasing had her at her braking point, her orgasm just seconds away, if only that one spot was touched.

“Yes! Fuck!” She screamed as the lips finally pulled her clit into its warm recess, allowing her orgasm to shudder through her body. Still trembling from the intensity of her orgasm, Liz felt a body crawl up hers but it was not the hard, muscular one of her fiancé. As lips captured hers, her mind cleared from its haze enough to recognize the smell of Maria and the feel of her warm, soft body pressing against hers.

Their kiss was deep and they both moaned as their tongues twined together, Maria grinding her hips against Liz’s. Liz could taste her own juices mixed with the sweet taste of her lover. When Maria broke the kiss, she gently slid the blindfold from Liz’s eyes.

“Hey there gorgeous.” Maria’s green eyes flashing, laughing.

“Hey yourself.” Liz responded smiling.

Liz turned her head and found that Max had his hands full with Michael, literally. Michael was kissing and caressing Max’s body while Max had Michael’s length in hand, pumping it. Max’s head was tilted back but his head was turned to the bed, watching Liz and Maria. He saw Liz watching him and Michael and smiled at her. Maria had by now, unlocked Liz’s wrists and Max dragged Michael over to the bed, joining the girls.

He first kissed Liz then Maria before he went back to kissing Michael who was growling in frustration at the interruption. Together, the four touched and kissed each other, limbs entwining together. Max found himself lying on his back with Liz kneeling over his cock, taking it into her mouth.

“Oh, Liz…ysssss…” Max moaned.

Liz moved her body around and removed her mouth from Max. He groaned in protest only to grunt in pleasure as she slid him into her. Michael looked over at the two from his position between Maria’s legs. Her hands were clenched tightly in his hair, making it impossible for him to pull away. He watched as Liz rode Max, their moans filled the air. It was then that Michael realized that he was the only one not receiving. Knowing that Maria would not yet release her hold on him, he did the only thing that he could at the time. He maneuvered his body until his legs were straddling Max’s head while he was still able to eat Maria.

Max opened his mouth, allowing Michael entrance then began sucking earnestly upon the cock. Maria came first, her shrill scream of orgasm vibrating off the walls. Liz was next, her hands now rubbing on Michael’s ass and she pumped up and down on Max. Her walls spasmed and her juices flowed down on Max’s dick. Max then came, filling the warmth of her juices. Michael was the last to come, thrusting deep into Max’s throat. He was amazed at how deep he could go. Max swallowed once, the action pressing on Michael’s cock. This broke the dam, allowing Michael’s cum to slide down his throat.

The four lay in bed, all exhausted from the days of stress and activities. They fell into a slumber, curled together, four sets of limbs overlapping each other.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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