Witches Never Lie (CHMD,XO,NR,TEEN) A/N (12-14-04) [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Part 11:

Liz looked around the apartment then back at her cousins who were watching the Football game on TV.

"Do you like not even care that Maria is up there going up in front of the Elders?!" Liz asked surprised that Kyle was sitting on the couch calmly.

"Of course I'm worried Liz I mean we don't know what they'll do. I really don't even know why she's up there in the first place..."

"Cause she's using her powers in a very violent manner." Alex said eating some Lay chips.

"Thanks Alex Look for all we know she's just going to get a warning or something so calm down."

"Your not even going to miss your sister I mean she's gone for at least a month!"

"I don't miss her right now cause well she's only been gone five minutes but eventually I will. I mean I won't miss her bitchiness but I'll miss her in general. Look Liz why don't you like go clean or something. I don't feel like talking right now...NO NO NO!" Kyle through a pillow at the screen.

"You guys keep talking about these people called Elders. Who are they?" Tess asked

"Their a group of whitelighter that rule the other whitelighters and make final decisions for what a witch should do or they give you advice when needed. Thier pretty much like the presidents of Wicca." Alex explained. Michael looked at him

"When'd you find out you were different." He asked

"Ever since we were born I mean I would orb out of my crib to the living room and Maria would set things on fire. I mean we would always do things." Alex said

"Remember when Maria set the school flag on fire in fifth grade." Kyle laughed

"Oh Yeah and Uncle Cole was all proud and Aunt Phoebe was furious." Alex said

"Nah mom was pretty cool about it after hitting dad a whole bunch of times since he would just laugh and say: 'My little girl is all grown up.'" Kyle laughed harder

"Kyle would never have control of his premonitions so every little thing he touched he would get one." Liz smiled

"Everyday I would go home with a killer headache. It's the one power I hate but I only have three so it really doesn't matter."

"What are they?" Tess asked

"I shimmer which is a different type of teleporting, Premonitions and low voltage energy balls. And martial arts I was taught by my mom."

"What about you Liz?" Tess asked

"Um I can orb which is also a different type of teleporting, I can freeze time but only a little at a time I'm an empath and I know martial arts I was also trained in martial arts by my aunt Phoebe."

"I have orbing, blowing things up and martial arts." Alex said stuffing his mouth full of chips

"and Maria?" Michael asked

"I think she has the most of everyone. doesn't she?" Alex asked

"Yeah I think so. She has shimmering, she can levitate, high and low voltage energy balls and martial arts and sword fighting...wow uncle Cole like loves her huh?" Liz laughed

"No it's just Maria got most of the demon genes so my dad thought that he should train her harder so that she can fight the bad things. I mean she has a will of her own but it's very tempting."

"Don't." Liz said

"Don't what?" Kyle asked Turning to look at her. She was standing at the window looking at the city of San Francisco.

"Don't talk like that. Talking like she's going to crossover because she's not. Right?" Kyle just looked at her.

"Yeah she's going to cross over. I'm sorry."

"Liz don't worry so much about it I mean she'll be back down in no time. I mean when she comes down she going to be the same bitchy Maria that left. Nothing is going to change ok?" Alex walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry to much abut it little sis." Everyone was looking at the siblings by the window the Football game ignored just wondering what was going to happen when they did come back down.

~Somewhere up there~

Chris orbed up to the elders once they felt their feet land on firm ground Maria snatched her arm back.

"Don't ever touch me without permission. Got that Chris!" Some of the whitelighters stopped to see what all the yelling was about but continued in their way.

"Sorry I'll remember that next time you come up here and will you lower your voice."

"Next time! Next time! There will be no next time ok and no I will not I can do whatever the hell I feel like!" Chris grabbed her arm and she started punching his arm. "No touching no touching!" Chris dragged her into a secluded spot and let go of her.

"Look her you little witch you can't do what ever you feel like here. Your on my turf now. You do what I tell you when I tell you if I say jump you say how high got it." Maria scoffed.

"Yeah right like I would ever say that. Is that what you say to Liz cause if it is it's no wonder why your not getting laid."

"Maria." Chris hissed "I mean it you have to behave in here!"

"I will once I get into the meeting in the mean time I'm going to do everything possible to piss you off!" A whitelighter walked up to them.

"The elders will see you now." The whitelighter said and walked away.

"Thank god!" Chris said and walked towards where the elders were. Maria following close behind him. They walked into the meeting room. Maria looked around. The elders were wearing their white cloaks except for her Uncle Leo who was wearing jeans and a red long sleeved shirt. They were all sitting at a long table facing Maria. Her uncle Leo pointed to the table and two chairs that were in front of them and signalled for them to sit down. Maria did as she was told. Chris was right she couldn't use any of her usual sarcastic remarks to get her out of the jam she had put herself in whatever it was. Chris sat next to her. for the first time since she had met him she really hoped he would help her. She was counting on him to defend her.

"Maria Halliwell do you know why you've been called here this evening?" An Elder asked

"Yes I do." She responded

"So you understand that we're worried about your use of you demon powers." Her uncle asked

"Yes I do understand."

"We think that you take pleasure out of killing your demons." Another Elder said

"Well you've got to understand if someone attacks me I've been trained by my father that I must defend myself."

"We understand that miss. Halliwell but you've got to understand that you are taking pleasure out of you killings."

"Yes well as you know I am half demon."

"That's no excuse." that was her uncle talking. She looked up at him. He had his serious face on that you rarely saw.

"I know it's not but..."

"Miss Halliwell we also understand that you and your brother cast a spell last month to see into your cousin future."

"Yes we did." Chris looked at her in surprise.

"And you have received the consequences. You got a look at your future didn't you?"

"Um...Ye..." Maria cleared her throat "Yes I did. And I didn't like what I saw."

"We know you didn't Maria." She looked up at her uncle.

"Look I didn't feel proud of what I was doing but you've got to understand that me and my brother are trying to change what happened and we're trying hard to figure out how I crossed over. and if you know please tell me."

"Yes we do know but it's not our job to tell you Miss Halliwell. You are responsible for your own future and destiny. If your destiny is to be evil then so be it but that doesn't mean that we aren't going to try to stop that."

"Then why can't you just tell me what the hell I did!" Maria asked standing up. She was starting to lose her temper

"Sit down Miss. Halliwell." Maria sat down and took a deep breath

"I'm sorry."

"We have also seen that temper of yours. We have heard you call us out as you would call it Miss Halliwell it to our understanding that you called us bastards for supposedly spying on you. I also understand that you have let a demon in on your secret."

"Yes but he's trustworthy."

"No demon is trustworthy." Maria looked at the elder that talked. It was a women. Maria saw that she was pretty much glaring at her.

"Excuse me but I'm half demon if you haven't noticed." Maria said icily

"Yes I have Miss. Halliwell for you have mentioned it on countless occasions and your track record isn't that...how do you say...that impressive. Even your school records."

"Wait I thought I was here to talk about magic. My magic and my school work are two completely different things."

The elder ignored her. "I have learned that by using you magic you, your brother and your cousins have broken into he school in order to change you grades."

"Excuse me but your wrong." Maria corrected. All the elders turned to look at her even Chris.

"Excuse me?"

"I told you. Your wrong. I only broke into the school once and at no point did i use any spells or active powers."

"Miss. Halliwell it says here you shimmered to prevent getting caught by security guard."

"Yes that's true. But first that is not a power. That is my form of teleportation I mean I use it to get to school. and secondly I did not use it to break into the school I used it to get out. There's a difference."

"It also says here that you and your brother tease the humans by jumping of the golden gate bridge and shimmering when you have fallen half way down."

"Yes that's true when I get mad and need to let off steam i go to the golden gate bridge and my brother finds me and we do jump but we find that half way they don't know what they really saw."

"You are endanger of exposing magic Miss Halliwell!"

"No I'm not! In no way or form have I exposed magic. All our demon fighting is done at our houses and sometimes in alleyways. Jumping off the golden gate bridge to tease people is not exposing it!" Chris leaned in

"Yes it is I have told you many time Maria." Maria turned to him.

"Your suppose to be on my side you bastard."

"I know but she telling the truth."

"Look I have more chance of exposing myself at school then jumping of the golden gate bridge!" She said to the elders

"Yes about that Miss. Halliwell We have also seen you use your magic for personal gain at school."

"Um yes I have and I have suffered the consequences."

"Yes, getting soda spilled on your white blouse is hardly what I would call a consequence."

"Well I'll have you know that that was my favorite blouse and the person that spilled it is now living at my house so screw you!" All the elders gasped when Maria had said that. and Chris turned her around to face him.

"You told me you would behave Maria."

"Yeah I know but she's a bitch."

"That's no reason you can't talk to an elder that way."

"Well I sure as hell ain't going to keep my mouth shut. I'm going to speak my mind and if she wants to talk to me that way she can go f*ck herself." She saw that Chris had bit back a laugh.

"I agree with you miss Halliwell please speak your mind I have nothing against that." One of the elders said. Maria stood up and faced the elders.

"Look I feel that you guys judge me because of who my father is or was. I have no idea what he did that made you guys dislike him. but please don't dislike me just because you hate my dad. I mean sure I'm half demon and yes I admit I have done reckless things in the past but I don't see why you guys are pulling things out of my file that I have been doing for years. The golden gate bridge thing I have been doing since I was like 13 and the whole hexing Kyle is who we fool around. I swear that I would never do anything that would expose me or my family. I would never in a million years put my family in immediate danger it would kill me. I Might be a bitch at times but I'm admitting that I love my family, however annoying they might be, but I would never do anything to hurt them. I feel like I'm treated differently because I'm more of a demon and that's just not fair. I'm a good which and hell an even better demon. Bt if you guys are worried about me crossing over I'm not going to do it not now not ever."

"We're happy you feel that way miss Halliwell. But you saw it yourself. see you say that now but what will happen when your demon side gets the better of you. I'm happy to know that you would never put your family in danger. Family is a very important thing. But like you said you have done some pretty stupid things in the past and that is precisely why we're bring it up. You don't have control over your powers."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't. You turn into a completely different person when you kill a demon. I'm glad your proud of the fat that your helping people. But Miss. Halliwell you like to make then suffer. Now what will happen when demons start to bore you?"

"Bore me? Your kidding right?"

"No I'm not."

"Look if I make them suffer its their fault I mean they attacked me and my family first they deserve to die a slow and excruciating death."

"And so do you in the future. Not only are you killing demons your killing humans."

"Again I'm trying...no I'm going to change that. I don't want to become that person I saw."

"Lets hope so Miss.Halliwell. Lets hope so."


Whhooooooo I got it up early this time. Part 12 on its way!
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like mayo...it taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Part 12:

Michael walked down the halls of John F Kennedy. Maria had been gone for two weeks already and nobody said anything. Apparently Maria missing class was a ordinary thing in San Francisco like his was in Roswell.

"hey Michael." Michael closed his locker to see some chick standing next to him.

"Do I know you?"

"I'm Val I showed you around remember on your first day."

"Oh yeah what's up?"

"Well I wanted to know if you were busy tomorrow night?"

"um I'm not sure I'll have to check with my friends why?"

"Well maybe you wanted to go out I don't know have dinner see a movie." Michael smirked

"Look Val you seem like a nice girl and all but I don't date."

"Fine see it as an outing of friends. Maybe we can rent some movies and go back to your place and watch them."

"I'll have to check with Kyle and make sure it's okay."

"Wait Kyle. as in Kyle Halliwell why would you have to make sure with him?"

"Cause I live over there. Now if you'll excuse me I got to go meet them for lunch." Michael turned and walked towards the football felids he climbed up the steps to the bleachers and sat down next to Alex who was looking at his laptop. Isabel was sitting above Liz and was braiding her hair. Tess above Isabel doing hers. Kyle was reading a sports magazine and Max was reading his biology book. 'wow we're really integrated.' he thought.

"hey Michael." Michael looked up and saw Kyle looking at him.

"Hey Kyle guess who asked me out today."


"Val that senior."

"Oh yeah I know here sits next to me in Bio." Max said Liz nodded

"She's okay but a pain in the ass and really annoying but ok. Maria doesn't like her though and Val doesn't like Maria." Liz said putting a scrunchie in Isabel's hair.

"Why not?"

"Val stole Maria's boyfriend last year. Maria cast a spell on her and the guy broke up with her. Val had suspicions that Maria had something top do with it."

"What kind of spell."

"A version of the truth spell. Val told the guy that the only reason she was into him was so that she could prove she was better then the Halliwells apparently the guy didn't like being used." Liz said smiling "that was a good spell lets see Alex what was the consequence?"

"Um...Maria told everyone in her bio class that she still slept with her Mr. Roger." Alex said not looking up

"That's right." Kyle laughed "That was hilarious."

"Mr. Roger?" Tess asked "do I want to know?"

"It's a stuffed elephant My uncle Cole gave her when she had the chicken poxes." Liz explained.

"Hey when do you think their coming back?" Isabel asked

"Um probably in two weeks or something I really don't know they've been gone for two weeks that's like two hours their time." Liz said "I wonder what their talking about."

"She is irresponsible and a menace to the Wiccan world!" Maria stood up at the comment and glared at Chris for just sitting there and not coming to her aide.

"Miss Halliwell I will not remind you again Sit down!" One elder yelled for the fifth time as Maria stood up in her seat. that one bitch elder was really starting to get on her nerves.

"No! Look I came up here to talk. Yes I've made mistakes and yes I take killing bastard demons very seriously apparently a little to seriously for your taste but I will not sit here and be insulted!"

"Miss Halliwell she was stating your faults." Leo said looking at his niece this must be hell for her.

"My faults aren't to be examined thank you very much."

"Your faults are to be discussed when there on the verge of exposing magic." the bitch elder said

"I have made my self clear I have not exposed magic in any sense!" Maria yelled. her voice echoed in the wall less room and it was starting to give her a headache.

"Must I remind you that in the future..." Maria caught her off.

"The future has nothing to do with this discussion." Maria said crossing her arms over her chest.

"For you information Miss. Halliwell this discussion has everything to do with your future."

"Oh my god now you sound like my mother. I plan on going to college thank you very much."

"You know what future I was referring to"

"Yes I do it was a little thing I like to call sarcasm. and again this discussion has nothing to do with that future because it's not going to happen."

"Miss Halliwell if you hadn't seen your future do you think you would have made the choice to change anything that might turn you?" that was one of the nice elders. Maria looked over at her. she looked too young to be an elder. She looked Maria's age. "I see I've caught you off guard." she smiled Maria blinked and shook her head. she was right if she hadn't had a sneak preview of her future would she still be on the path of turning?

"I'm sorry I zoned out. And your right on two counts. you did catch me off guard. And I really don't know. Your probably right if I hadn't seen my future I probably wouldn't be on this path to change it." The elder nodded "May I ask you something?" The elder looked at Maria and nodded again. "How old are you?" Chris just looked up at her wide eyed. The elder smiled

"18 and staying that way. Elders don't age." She responded "Why do you ask."

"You just look so young to be an elder."

"True enough I was actually like you."

"Me? What were you half demon having meeting with elders to discuss your future evilness?"

"No." She smiled. She had a sweet smile. "I was also reckless with my powers. Always showing off. and always ready to take on the consequences." Maria smiled

"You do sound like me."

"Maria." the elder went onto first name basis. "You are a very talented witch, like you said and yes an even better demon. but you must learn control. You must learn that there is a very fine line between using your powers for good and using them for bad."

"I understand that."

"Good. Your still very young and still have plenty of time to decide where your loyalties stand."

"I know where my loyalties stand."

"Not everyone can change their futures." She said and smiled. "I think we're done here aren't we?" The elder looked at the rest of the group. "Miss Halliwell you are free to go. I will only let you off on a warning. Please be more careful with your powers and be just a bit more lenient with the demons that attack you and control that temper miss Halliwell and one more thing."


"Clean up your language if I were you my mother would have cleaned my mouth with soap." Maria smiled and nodded. the elders stood and left Maria and Chris alone with Leo.

"That was good Maria." Leo said as he came up to hug her.

"Thanks Uncle Leo. I don't know what I did but if it wasn't for that one elder I would have been screwed."

"Yeah Emma is like that one of the youngest Elders we've ever had."


"yep Emma Rupert." Leo said nodding. "Now lets go home I have a daughter, son and wife to get back to."

"I'll take Maria back to her place." Chris offered Leo nodded.

"That's fine if Liz and Alex are there be sure to send them my way."

"Will do Uncle Leo." Maria gave him one last hug and walked out behind Chris. who grabbed her arm and guided her out.

Max, Isabel, Michael, Tess, Kyle, Liz and Alex all sat around the living room of Kyle's place watching TV.

"Hey Kyle."

"yeah Michael."

"Val is coming over I really didn't have a choice in the matter she just invited herself over. is that okay?"

"Aww some senior girl ahs a crush on our Michael." Isabel said in a condescending voice and pinching his cheek. Michael moved away and put a scowl on his face.

"Whatever dude. My parents are off fighting some demon that attacked them in the club last night." Kyle said there was a knock at the door. Kyle got up and answered it.


"Kyle." Val said as she walked in. "Where's Michael?"

"Couch." Kyle said "I'll be in my room doing homework if you need me." Kyle walked down the hall leaving the group and Val to the TV.

"Hey Michael."

"Hey" He said his eyes plastered to the TV. Val sat next to him. and watched TV with the group.

"Where's that bitch Maria?" Val asked

"Out." the six people responded.

"And please don't call Maria 'the bitch' only we can do that got it Val." Liz said glaring at her.

"Whatever Liz."

"Val give it up. You will never be as good as us so stop trying." Alex said standing up "I'll be in Kyle's room he's probably having trouble with his algebra Homework." Alex said standing up and walking towards Kyle's room. Val rolled her eyes.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" was heard in the elevator. Maria stormed into the room a few seconds later

"Maria stop yelling."

"Shut up you bastard you just sat there and watched me burn! you could have helped if you wanted to!"

"Oh come on you set yourself up I had to let you work it out on your own!" Chris yelled back

"SHUIT UP! I don't want to hear another word out of your god damn mouth." Maria turned to see all her friends staring at her. Well everyone and Val.' god out of all the days for her to be here.' She thought.

"I'm going to say this once. I'm in a very pissed off mood right now and if that little whore doesn't get out of my house I will give something for those people above to talk about!!!!!" Maria yelled. Kyle ran out into the hall along with Alex to see what the yelling was about. They both took a step back apparently the meeting with the elders didn't go well.

"I don't have to leave I was invited." Val said

"No you weren't" Michael said still staring at the TV. Val turned to Michael and stood up.

"Val no one likes you in this house." Liz said smiling one of her sickly sweet smiles.

"Val if you don't leave now I swear to god you will not live to see another day."

"Maria we both know that the only reason you hate me is because Sammy liked me better then you." Val said smiling.

"Look you bottle blonde according to Sammy you only liked him to prove your better them me. and we both know I'm better cause well lets face it I didn't run to Dr. Dre for a boob job." All of them stifled a laugh now was not the time.

"Maria your parents hate you! I mean their not here most of the time"

"Shut the fuck up Val cause everyone in San Francisco knows that your dad was arrested for embezzling money from his clients and your mom ran off to Cancun with the pool boy leaving you broke and all alone. Now get out before I kick your plastic paid for J. Lo ass out onto the corner where it belongs." Val just stared at Maria she grabbed her purse from the couch. "Oh and hey Val." Val turned around to look at Maria.

"What." She hissed

"If you ever see me in the halls at school you better turn and walk the other way cause if I see you I just don't know what I'll do." Maria smirked "you can go now I'm, done." Val turned and stormed into the elevator the strap of her purse getting caught on the closed elevator door. "Idiot." Maria mumbled

"You see that right there is a perfect example on why I didn't back you up!" Chris yelled

"Shut up Chris! you just got a kick of me being put in my place by that bicth elder!"

"Maria I would.."

"Don't! Or I swear I will send you flying into the nearest wall! Don't you dare lie to me! Don't tell me you would have help cause you didn't did you!"

"no." He said quietly.

"That's what I thought." Maria turned on her hell and went to the hall. "I'll be in the tub and if any of you dare to disturb me I will kick your asses! Oh and Uncle Leo is home." Maria said before closing the bathroom door. Liz and Alex both looked at each other and orbed out smiling along with Chris.

"See what did I tell you the same bitch that left." Kyle smiled and went to his room leaving four stunned people to wonder just what was it that happened.

Sorry I hadn't posted in like forever! I really should stop apologizing! anyway I've been bogged down with school work and some crap that's been going on at home so it took me forever! but I'm back and with vengeance people! My fingers are working overtime!!! LOL
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like mayo...it taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

In this part you meet Ronny Maria's good demon friend He's like Lorne from Angel with the powers but much different appearance. I really liked that Lorne can read auras if you sing so that's why I chose it.

Part 13:

Maria slowly got into the tub the bubbles closing in on her body. god it felt so relaxing especially after that meeting with the elders. thank the elders for Emma Rupert...Emma... Maria's brow furrowed. Why did that name sound familiar. Emma..."It couldn't be." Maria jumped out of the tub and dried herself off grabbed her robe and tied it around her waist. 'so much for a relaxing soak in the tub' she thought as she ran out into the living room. She scanned the room only to find Isabel and Michael were sitting on the couch they both looked at her.

"You ok Maria?" Isabel asked.

"No where's Kyle?" Isabel pointed towards the kitchen. "KYLE!" Kyle walked out of the kitchen his mouth full of rice.

"Vat?" he asked

"Do you still have our freshmen year book?" He nodded and swallowed

"Yeah mom would kill me if I threw it away I spent 60 bucks on that thing."

"I need it." Kyle nodded and went to his room. Maria sat down and tightened the robe Kyle came back out with the book and handed it to Maria. Maria sat down on the ground and flipped thought the book.

"What are you looking for...or who?" Kyle asked

"No questions just go to my room and get my magic book."


"Do it!" Maria ordered Kyle nodded and went to her room. "Rupert, Rupert."

"What are you doing Maria?" Michael asked Maria didn't answer she just kept her eyes on the book.

"here." Kyle said

"Look for Rupert." Maria said as her finger trailed over the pictures. "Here you are." She mumbled. She grabbed the book from Kyle who was flipping through it.

"What are you doing?!" Kyle asked irritated. Maria kept quiet and flipped through the book until she found the page she was looking for.

"Rupert, Emma, Youngest women Elder in history. She started out as a witch in San Francisco not much is know before that." Maria read from her magic book.

"Yeah so." Maria rolled her eyes.

"Rupert, Emma, Glee Club, Band Club, Debate Club. Student body president and homecoming queen. She died a month before graduation in a tragic car crash off highway 101 on her way to a visitation day at NYU." Maria read out of the Yearbook and looked at Kyle

"What about it. So what she's an elder big whoop. You hate the elders."

"Not her. She was the only one that stuck up for me. Well her and uncle Leo."

"What? I'm completely lost."

"there were a panel of like ten elders one was being a complete bitch and Emma stood up for me. and Uncle Leo but you know he's family."

"Maria how do you know her name?"

"Uncle Leo told me." Maria stood up and closed the book.

"then there's a reason he told you."

"Doubt it you know she really made me think Kyle." Isabel and Michael looked at the siblings

"Can I ask about what?"

"What if I hadn't gone back and seen what I had seen would I still be hell bent on trying to change." Kyle just stared at her. Maria stared back.


"It's true you know I would probably be a step away from turning."


"You just never know. I probably be in some shack working up some plan to kill innocents at this moment. but here I am looking through my magic books for an elder that stuck up for me. The only person that probably really believes that I'll change."

"I believe."

"Yeah but that's cause your helping me." Maria smiled at her twin.

"You wouldn't be in some shack. Knowing you you'd be in some abandoned mansion with some lower level demons forming a plan and blowing them up if they dare defied you." Maria laughed

"Thanks Kyle. "Maria stood up "I'm going to go change and go to Ronnie's I think it's time for me to get my groove back."

"Never lost it sis!"

"Shut up!" Maria went to her room and took of her robe. She put on her underclothes and grabbed some baggy pants and a baby white tee and pulled it on. she put on her shoes and went to her bed. "Here you are." She grabbed her journal and opened it to the first page. "Let's see I need sage, Lavender, cinnamon stick, ceremonial bowl...I think Mom has one. and that's it. It's time to find out what Michael, Isabel, Max and Tess are really doing in San Francisco." She wrote down what she needed and stuffed the paper in her pocket. she grabbed her wallet and clipped it to her pants and put it in her back pocket the chain dangling from the pants. She walked out of her room.

"Hey Kyle I'm going out. wanna go with."

"Nah you know I'm not all that into performing spell."

"That's cause your afraid of the consequences."


"Michael Isabel wanna go. I just need to get some ingredients and some oils and maybe a book and now that I think about it I think we're out of Wolfsbane." Maria thought about it. "I'll get some."

"I'll stay" Isabel said



"You want to go?"


"Sex Shop."

"Cool lets go." Maria rolled her eyes and went towards the elevator Michael following her. "Where are we going."

"I told you." Michael just shrugged and followed her onto the elevator.

"I have to get some ingredients." Maria said after a moment of silence. Michael just nodded. They walked out into the street. walking in silence.

"So what's your beef with the Val girl?" Michael asked already knowing the answer but wanting to break the silence. Maria looked at him

"Stole my boyfriend 'nough said."

"Liz said..." Michael trailed off when Maria gave him a glare.

"You asked me what my problem was with Val but you already knew the answer?" He nodded "I hexed her. I was just getting use to doing spells Mom was still in the process of teaching me and it was suppose to make her hair fall out but it ended up being a cheap version of the truth spell believe me not my best work." Maria said turning right into a shop. Michael wouldn't have even have noticed the shop if Maria hadn't turned "Invisible to the human eye." Maria said simply upon seeing his confusion. She walked in the bell over the door ringing as they entered.

"Maria? is that you?"

"He can read auras if you sing. I've sung so much he knows me by heart." Maria whispered. "Yeah it's me!" Maria yelled back A tall man with long brown hair came to greet her. when he looked at Michael. He was caught off guard by the man's piercing red eyes. He looked human. completely human but his eyes were what gave him away. He gave Maria a huge bear hug scooping her off the floor and placing her on the counter.

"How's my favorite little wiccin?" Ronny asked

"I'm fine no worries."

"You sure I sense a..." Maria covered his mouth.

"I came for ingredients not a reading." Maria said "understand you can read all of my problems later."

"Promise?" He muttered against her hand.

"Promise Witches honor." She removed her hand.

"It's just..."

"Ronny." she warned

"Ok ok I understand."

"By the way this is my friend Michael. Michael this is my best friend Ronny."

"Nice to meet you." Ronny said.

"Same here."

"Any friend of Maria's is a friend of mine. Now ingredients." Maria nodded and hopped off the counter. She took the paper out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Do you really need the bowl? I mean I'm pretty sure your mom has one."

"Oh yeah forgot to cross that out."

"Of course you did now let's see here sage. How much do you need?"

"I'm performing..." Maria reached over the counter to the book shelf for a spell book. "Michael you can take a look around but I recommend not touching anything just in case. Ronny sometimes keeps live stuff around here." Maria said as she flipped through the book Michael nodded and went around the shop. "this one." she said as she pointed to the truth spell.

"Okay then you'll need a pinch of Sage. A spoonful of lavender..."

"But it says a pinch."

"I know but lavender is your smell I'm adding some." Maria rolled her eyes. "And just one stick of cinnamon."

"I also need Wolfsbane. I'm all out"

"Ok I'll be right back with the things you need."

"okie dokie." Maria went around to find Michael looking at some of the books. "Find anything that interests you."

"Nope." Maria looked at the page he was looking at.

"How to control your powers in bed." Maria laughed. She took the book out of his hands and put it back. "That's a bunch of crap. " She grabbed his hand and lead him down the next aisle.

"What else are you getting."

"I need my oils." Maria said still leading him. She took him towards the back to a bookshelf in the middle was a cabinet. Maria opened it and there sat small vials filled with different color liquids.

"What do they do?"

"Nothing really it's all in the mind. but some say that some relax and sooth. some eliminate stress. and some just smell nice." Maria smiled "You know I think I'm happiest when I'm here." She said to no one in particular.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked trying to keep her talking maybe have herself open up. She was screwing and unscrewing the caps of each different colored vile smelling each one.

"Well Kyle says that when I'm at home I tend to zone out a lot and be preoccupied with lots of things. Work well is work . and well here I'm free to let loose.

"Maria I got your stuff!" Ronny yelled

"Ok I'll be there in a sec!"

"Take you time!" Maria smiled

"Ronny lets me come here when I'm emotional. When I'm pissed he lets me blow things up in the back. When I'm happy he lets me wonder the aisles touching everything and anything not planning on buying anything. When I'm sad he lets me read some of the books up stairs. Sometimes I do my spells here to show off. I just am when I'm here." Maria took three vials and closed the door to the cabinet.

"What'd you get?" Michael asked

"Rose, Eucalypts and Cypress." Maria wondered towards the back. she placed the vials next to the little bags of ingredients. Ronny was sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Hey Ronny."


"how much for that magic book I was looking at the other day?"

"12.50" He said simply.

"Can I get it."

"Of course. Do you need any books for you're Aunt's classes."

"Nope got them all."

"Ok I'll go get that book." Maria nodded and pulled out her wallet. Ronny came back carrying a rather large book. "Here you go all together it'll be hmmm carry the two...20 bucks even." Maria rolled her eyes and pulled out a twenty. He put all her stuff in the bag and handed it to her. "Now you promised you gave me your word." Maria sighed.

"Do I need to sing."

"Nope your hostility is radiating off you in waves darling." Maria glared at him "And I'm going to stop now cause it's starting to get violent."


"What's got you so peeved."

"That damn whitelighter of ours. I went to go see the elders like what...3 weeks ago." Michael nodded. "Chris is suppose to defend me you know say things like she's using her magic wisely, she's not putting anyone in danger she doesn't kill demons for the fun of it...oh don't worry Ronny it's the evil bastards I kill." She added after seeing his worried face.


"And the little bastard just sits there while I'm getting chewed out by some bitch elder."

"What about your uncle isn't he an elder."

"Yeah he is and he defended me but he also nodded at some things that I probably shouldn't be doing."


"Hexing Kyle." Ronny raised an eyebrow. "He chews with his mouth open it's hard not to hex the jerk."

"He's your brother."

"Liz unhexed him!" Maria said

"Sweetie what was the verdict."

"said I had to be a bit more careful and clean up my language."

"I'm guessing they heard you calling them out." Maria nodded.

"Well at least they didn't take away your active powers. You know your mom got her powers taken away."

"Yeah dad tells me every time I lose control. and I should be happy that I didn't get my powers taken away. but the fact that Chris didn't defend me bugs me. I mean I know we hate each other but you know saying I'm a good witch is that so hard to say!"

"No cause I know you are I've seen fireworks coming from you in the back."

"Thank you."


"I knew there was one coming."

"But maybe he had a reason to side with the bicth elder."

"He's my whitelighter he should stick up for me." Ronny went around the counter and hugged Maria.

"Look sweetie maybe you should take a break focus on school, "Maria scoffed

"Like school is my number one priority."

"You didn't let me finish. Focus on school, your aunts classes, work. Take a break from witch craft." She looked up at Ronny in disbelief. "Don't get me wrong. I would never betray our friendship and side with Chris but maybe you should just take a step back for a few days or weeks." Maria nodded

"I'll think about it." Maria pulled out of the embrace. She backed up and grabbed Michael's hand without thinking. She grabbed the bag and lead him out.

"My little Maria's in love who would have ever thought." Ronny muttered to himself shaking his head.

*In the underworld*

"Who the hell does she think she is!" They screamed. Sending a fireball hurtling towards an unsuspecting lower level demon.

"I know She had no right." A demon answered hesitantly. Fearing for his own life.

"God! We're going to have to do something about it! That's all there is to it! She will have to be eliminated. And immediately none the less!" They yelled

"I'll get right on it your highness." The demon answered bowing.

"No! I'm not done ranting! Who the hell does she think she is saying I got a boob job! These are 100% real! And embarrassing me like that and kicking me out! Argghhh I could just..." She sent another fireball towards another demon sending him in flames. "Well I feel better. Now you get on killing them. I want my name to strike fear into peoples hearts."

"So what are you going to do now?" The demon asked

"Now? Nothing I have bio homework."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*I am so sorry it took me so long to update! Damn writers block got to me! sorry!! So I hope you guys enjoy this part and truth be told I don't know when I'll post next! I'm having trouble with the next part! If you guys want something specific to happen just let me know and I'll make it happen! (No Chris and Liz breaking up though!!! There will be an argument in the next chapter though!) Anyways just let me know and I'll start writing again. I HATE WRITERS BLOCK!
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like mayo...it taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere