Blind Date: Take 2 (CC,A/I,TEEN,MATURE) Pt 5 08/06/04 [WIP]

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Blind Date: Take 2 (CC,A/I,TEEN,MATURE) Pt 5 08/06/04 [WIP]

Post by Jadeling »

Title: Blind Date: Take 2
Category: CC A/I
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell, I'm just borrowing.
Author's notes: Because no one wanted it, I decided what the heck. Besides why should Max and Liz have all the fun? Timeline wise, let's pretend the whole hybrid chronicle thing never happened, okay? So after Max in the Big City. Only Maria and Liz are aware of the whole end of the world thing.

Thanks to JasonBehrsChick for the great Banner!
THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Blind Date: Take 2 -- Prologue

Two months before Valentine's Day

DJ Johnny Robbins was reading over his list of sponsors he had to announce for his show and noticed a memo announcing their next contest. "We're doing the Blind Date thing again this year? Don't you remember what happened last year?" He asked his producer.

"Yeah," she told him as she sat at her controls.

"It was a disaster! That Doug guy, what was his name Shullow, Shallow?"


"Shellow, thanks, was embarrassed in front of all of our listeners, plus, we humiliated Liz when we stormed into her bedroom to find two of her exes there. Not to mention that one of her exes managed to kidnap her." He continued to list all of the things that went wrong that night, until his producer placed a sheet showing the amount of listeners they had that night, along with transcripts from their internet forum. He just blinked at the numbers and then flipped the 'On Air' switch. "Hey ladies! Can't stand the boys at your school? Looking for a change? Then look no further than your local radio station. Back by popular demand KROZ is giving you a chance to win a free blind dream date! You can either enter yourself or your friend. Come to our website, or call in at 1-234-ufo-kroz. For a complete listing on rules and restrictions go to our website, and now let's listen to some tunes, this is fast favorite among our listeners, it's Here With Me from Dido."

Isabel shook her head as she turned off her radio, who the hell would enter such a dumb contest, and especially after what happened last year. She wouldn't be caught dead entering.

Maria heard the announcement as the radio played at the Crashdown. She pursed her lips and thought for a moment. Oh, if they ever found out she would be dead, but hey, it was harmless fun after all. Her thoughtful expression became a gleeful one as she began to grin.

A week before Valentine's Day.

Liz looked around her family's dinner and was struck by a sense of déja vu. Alex was sitting at the counter with his instrument practicing once again for the audition for the radio contest while Maria and she were cleaning up. The only difference was that both Tess and Isabel were also at the Crashdown. They were just hanging out and listening to the radio.

"An evening of fantasy and romance for one lucky listener that ends in the most exciting concert of the year. An intimate club date with a surprise mystery band that'll put this town on the map for more than just the crash and this time we promise, the band will show up." The DJ stated as the gang listened.

"My god, that contest is so lame." Isabel stated. While Liz nodded.

"Just be glad it wasn't you last year, Isabel." She reminded the girl.

"Ugh, how did you handle it?" Isabel asked.

"What happened last year?" Tess asked curious.

"That's right you weren't here. Well, besides getting tons of phone numbers from desperate guys, Kyle got Max drunk." Liz told her.

Tess started to giggle, but before she could ask anything else, Liz's eyes became wide as she noticed the DJ and a bunch of others at the door.

"Right here at one of our finer local establishments, the Crashdown Cafe! Looking for our new Queen of Hearts, Miss Isabel Evans!"

Maria shrieked and hugged the girl, while Isabel just froze horrified. "But I never entered." She finally stammered.

"I know; I entered you and Tess." Maria gushed out in a hurry to the taller blonde, "Hey don't give me that look, you needed some fun especially after the way Grant treated you."

The DJ just ignored her and gave Isabel roses and a crown just like he did last year to Liz. "Congratulations, Isabel Evans, your life is about to change because we're gonna find you that dream man you've been searching for. So what are you thinking about?"

Isabel quickly reverted to her Ice Queen persona and looked at him coldly, "Do you want your FCC license revoked?"

"Umm, no."

"Then don't ask."

Jadeling's notes: Yea, I couldn't think of anything new for the DJ to say, most of his dialogue is from the original episode. Sorry.
Last edited by Jadeling on Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:12 am, edited 8 times in total.
LIZ: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like?
MARIA: Cherry cola with arsenic?
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Post by Jadeling »

Disclaimer: What? You mean I can't own Alex, Max, Michael, or Kyle?!?!?! Well, that's just mean!

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Give JasonBehrsChick, a big round of applause and a hug, for making a banner for me. Go check it out, I placed it at the prologue. Jadeling goes over to her and gives her a great big hug and presents her with roses.

Stargazing101: Neither can I! Hee, hee, have any ideas for me? Wait, is that a new avatar? Oohh, it's cute!

hoLLyBEHRy: Hey, a new face to my fics, welcome to my little corner of insanity. Thanks for the words of encouragement! Was this soon enough?

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: Let's just hope I don't get writer's block shall we?

roswellluver: No problem, thanks for the feedback.

cardinalgirl: Well, we all know Isabel's perfect man, wiry, musically incline, goofy, great. Need I continue? However, just because we know who her dream guy is doesn't mean that she's ready to admit it. :wink:

roswellian504: Glad you liked the prologue, hope you'll like the rest of the fic.

Biged: LOL I think there were people on the other side of the country who didn't hear you Ed. I'm getting the feeling that you're happy that I'm starting this fic, I'm right aren't I?

alienlover: Hey! Another new face to my fics. Maria's great isn't she? I don't think she thought any of the girls would get chosen since she entered Liz last year, I mean what were the chances that the winner would be another friend right?

Sternbetrachter: *Jadeling sees Trude's anxiety and watery eyes, and immediately, she whips out her original challenge.* "See, it says right here 'she was acting a bit like an Ice Princess' and 'Above all, have fun and angst free!' So no worries of Isabel being taken in by a charmer. Besides, this is fluff again, why would I have Isabel with anybody else other than Alex?"

I did see your challenge on the gazer thread but wasn't sure I was up to the task.
To repeat the immortal words of Kyle Valenti, "What a wussie!" Joke! I understand your feeling, I didn't really think I was up to the task either, that's why I posted the challenge in the first place! However, I really wanted someone to write it and since no one was, I thought; oh, whet the hell, everybody seems to like my other fic, maybe I can write this type of humor as well. But if you want to take it off my hands, by all means, go ahead. Hee, hee, nah, that would be mean of me.

sam25_2003: Maria has gotten use to Isabel, to the point where she's not scared of her anymore, compared to first season, in Monsters. I bet Isabel is wishing that she could inspire some fear into Maria right now.

Mt. Gazer: Rhonda!! I hope I didn't cause you to disturb your children again when you read that line, and if I did, my bad. I have a couple of ideas running around in my head right now. I hope that you and everyone else will find them as humorous as I do. I must admit there are time when my humor goes a bit on the strange side.

vegas312: Heh, I see another newbie to my warped sense of humor, hope you survive the experience.

Before I begin, I think I should apologize for what I'm about to make Alex go through, but I promise; it's all in the name of comedy.

Blind Date: Take 2 Part 1

While Isabel and Maria were facing the radio station DJ and his flunkies, i.e. his entourage, Liz and Tess immediately went to Alex to make sure he was okay. Although he hadn't said a word, Liz knew that he was still in shock so she quickly went to the pop machine and got him his favorite, orange soda on the rocks. Meanwhile, Tess deftly removed his electric bass from his hands, so he couldn't do anything to the DJ, although by the twitching of his hands, she suspected that he wanted to.

"Alex, are you all right?" She asked softly and calmly as if she was scared of frightening him.

He didn't respond to her; his eyes were glued to the sight playing out in front of him, Isabel wearing a cheap, but cute, plastic, sparkling, tiara and holding roses, while the radio DJ started to tell her what exactly she won. His mind just kept replaying the words, 'we're going to find you dream guy-' over and over again. What if they actually find some one and she falls for him, hard. Alex mentally groaned at that the image he just imagined. What was he going to do?

Tess kept her eyes on Alex's hands; they were still twitching. She threw a glance at Liz, and signaled to the other girl the situation with his hands. Liz saw what Tess was worried about and turned Alex's body so he was now facing the counter. She then quickly shoved the drink into his hands and snapped her fingers over his face. "Alex!"

"Huh? Oh, what's the matter Liz?" Alex asked; he was abruptly taken out of his musings by her and suddenly noticed that he was no longer staring at Isabel and that there was an orange soda in his hands. "Hey, when did I get the soda?" Tess and Liz only exchanged looks of sympathy, but both wisely decided not to mention anything to Alex, yet. He didn't see the exchange and took a very, very deep drink from his straw. "So, Isabel won. That's great," he proclaimed; his voice cracked a bit, his tone a little to bright. Tess decided it was a good time to repeat her previous question. "Yeah, I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be okay? I mean it's not like they're going to introduce her to the love of her life. It's just a dumb contest, a 'lame' one to quote her. Besides, Liz's date didn't go so well remember?" He asked a bit too hopefully.

"That's because Kyle and Max decided to come up to my room." She reminded him, then mentally slapped herself for her words.

Crap. Alex said to himself. I forgot about that. Good God, Liz got over 100 phone calls from guys. If that was Liz, what's going to happen to Isabel? I'm doomed.

Recognizing the self-doubt that was beginning to enter into her friend's mind, Liz wrapped her arms around him. "Alex, no one could take your place with Isabel. She's a bit confused, but she'll come around, you'll see."

Tess nodded at Liz's words. Although, she didn't care that much for humans when she first came about 9 months ago; Tess was beginning to realize that she had underestimated and under appreciated the race. She didn't know what she would do if she didn't have the Sheriff or Kyle. Even now she was starting to get along with Maria and Alex. Things were still a bit rocky with Liz, but Tess had a feeling she knew why, and she couldn't blame the other girl for her hesitation to welcome Tess fully into the group. "Don't worry about it Alex, besides you never know, the radio station could mess up and present Isabel with a real dud."

He perked up somewhat. Tess was right; the radio station could screw up and set Isabel with some complete looser. He had a chance. Alex glanced at the two girls, finally realizing the worried looks in their eyes. "I'm fine you guys, really. This doesn't going to bother me, because everything will turn out okay in the end. You'll see." Alex assured them as he finished his pop, and then began to walk out of the Crashdown. He was about halfway there, when Tess realized that she was still holding his bass.

"Alex, your bass-” she started.

He turned back to give her to tell her just to leave it there, and he'd pick it up in the morning. Normally, Alex would be able to do this and walk right out of the dinner. However, for some reason, his brain didn't register the fact that now about 20 other people were blocking his way, and they didn't come empty handed either. Most of them were people curious about who had won the contest, just like last year, but there were a couple of people who were suppose to be holding equipment, boom mikes, and more importantly, wires. It was the job of certain people to make sure that there wasn't loose wires hanging too close to the ground because someone could trip over the wires. Unfortunately, due to the excitement of the day, someone wasn't paying too much attention to his job. So, as Alex turned around, he didn't notice the black wire that was only inches from the ground. He didn't feel his leg hit the plastic casing as he stepped forward. He didn't even hear Liz's warning about the wire until he noticed the sensation of falling forward.

The four girls winced as Alex tripped because not only did he fall, but also the wire that he tripped over was the wire going to the DJ's mike and since Alex was walking pretty quickly the mike whipped out of the Johnny's hand. Yet, that wasn't even the full extent of Alex's little trip towards the floor of the Crashdown. As the mike flew away from Johnny, it hit a couple of people, and for some of the ones who were fast enough to move out of the way, they were not fast enough to avoid crashing into Alex.

Isabel cringed as she saw the fifth person to fall due to the domino effect started by her favorite bass player. Maria put her hands over her eyes, "Tell me when it stops." She implored the other girl. Tess bit her lip, feeling incredibly guilty for distracting Alex as more bodies began to fall. Liz was also biting her lip, however, she was also trying her best not to give into the humor of the situation. Finally, the momentum of the effect ended and Liz and Maria went to help pull their friend out of the rubble. Both were able to get him out fairly quickly and he assured both of them that he was all right as he limped off.

"Umm, I think I'll just bring it by his house later." Tess stated.

Jadeling's Notes: I think I'll just leave it there and go to sleep now. Sorry, it didn't turn out quite the way I thought it would.
Last edited by Jadeling on Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
LIZ: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like?
MARIA: Cherry cola with arsenic?
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Post by Jadeling »

Disclaimer: Looks at her soundtrack and Season One DVD's. This is all that I own! That's it and I'm not sharing. However, I am borrowing. Don't worry, they'll come back fine...well, maybe a bit bruised.

Author's Notes: For those of you asking about the guy, the actor's name is Jacob Young, and he's currently playing JR Chandler on the ABC's All My Children, and before that he was Lucky Spencer for a couple of years on General Hospital a while ago. God, I love that smirk and it's certainly giving me some ideas for this fic.

hoLLyBEHRy: You want Isabel's date to go as badly as Liz's? *Gasp* How cruel do you think I am? *Grins* Well, I'll try. Yes, JasonBehrsChick did an awesome job on the banner. Gives JasonBehrsChick another hug. Don't worry, Alex doesn't have to worry...much.

Biged: You felt bad for Alex? How did you think I felt trying to find different ways to humiliate him?

Sternbetracher: *Watches as Trude calms down.* "I guess this would be a bad time to say that the guy the radio station chooses won't be a bad guy-" *Goes quiet as Trude gives her evil eyes.* "Guess so." I've decided that I was tired of seeing Tess being portrayed as the bad guy and wanted her to feel the need to belong with everyone, not just the humans. What am I going to do with the band? I haven't decided yet, but I'll probably have an idea the closer I get to that point.

cardinalgirl: Yeah, I really like the banner too. Well, Alex needs to realize that he can get Isabel to notice him, just like she needs to realize that she needs him.

Stargazing101: What do you mean you don't have any ideas, Kay? Aw, s'okay. Ooh, I'm sorry, that you had to live through something like that. To be honest, I've tripped over my fair share of wires and cords as well. Oh, I've fell down stairs before too, in fact I almost fell down some stairs about a month ago in front of my boyfriend's parents.

stargazing md: Oh, Isabel knows that Maria set her up and Alex does too, he just hasn't registered that fact yet. And yes, you will get to see what happens to her when he finally realizes what his 'best' friend has done.

roswellluver: I know I put Alex through a doosy, but I swear, I'll make it better in the end.

vegas312: I know the feeling, when I got the PM from JasonBehrsChick, I was like "Wow, that's perfect! It's so pwetty." I'm glad you liked that Tess is getting along with the humans.

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: I know I was mean to Alex. I promise; I'll be nicer in this chapter.

roswellian504: I'm certainly happy that you enjoyed the last chapter. I hope you have fun with this one as well. Like I told Trude, I was tired of Tess being portrayed as a Max stalker psycho. If the writers didn't go stupid, I think she would have been a great character on the show instead of a scapegoat.

LXC: I'm trying, I'm trying

Jadeling gets out her check list, "Okay, Isabel wins contest, check. Isabel states she didn't enter contest; Maria reveals that she entered Isabel and Tess, check. Alex pretends news doesn't affect him, and then he does something comically humiliating in front of Isabel, check. Okay, it seems I've covered three of my stipulations and I have three more to go."

Blind Date: Take 2 Part 2

After Alex's less than graceful exit out of the Crashdown, a mortified Isabel was able to make a quick escape from the diner with the help of Liz and Maria through the back door, and went home where she was greeted by Michael, Max, and…Kyle? The three of them were playing basketball in the driveway. Well Max and Michael were playing in the driveway and it seemed that Kyle was refereeing. Isabel just stared at them, since when did Max and Kyle get along? Wasn't there still some underlying tension between the two about Liz? Confused, she continued towards them, as they were still unaware of her presence. Suddenly, Kyle looked up and saw Isabel. "Hey, look who's here! It's Roswell's new Queen of Hearts." He proclaimed.

Immediately Isabel knew why the three of them were together. Max and Kyle must have declared a truce once they heard the radio broadcast, because the three of them were grinning like idiots. "Oh, by the way, there's about 10 phone messages for you from some guys at school." Her brother informed her. Isabel wished she could wipe his dopey expression off his face. Yes, they were having much too much fun teasing her like this. The bad part was she had a feeling that they were just starting.

"Did you write their names down?" She asked.

"No, we thought you should hear their messages." Isabel scrunched her nose, so that was what was making them so gleeful. She could only imagine the type of messages she got. She decided that it would be best for her to leave before she may do something stupid.

"Hey, Isabel, if you wanted a date for Valentine's Day, all you had to do was ask." Kyle sniggered.

Something in Isabel snapped. If she was thinking rationally, she would fully admit, that what she was about to do was childish, but she had just been caught unaware and embarrassed on public radio. Had to watch a very, very good friend make a complete fool of himself in front of over a dozen people due to someone's incompetence, and was about to enter a week of hell, yeah, she wasn't in a good mood. "Kyle, do you enjoy your dreams?" She asked sweetly, a bit too sweetly.

Poor Kyle, he didn't suspect a thing, "Yeah."

Isabel gave him a wide smile, "Unless you want to spend the next month haunted by nightmares featuring your father and Ms. Deluca fantasies, I suggest you won't mention the Valentine's Day Date again." Then she became the Ice Princess once more. "Got it?"

He gulped at the sudden drop to subzero temperatures. "Yeah."

Isabel turned her gaze to her brother and Michael, "That goes for you two as well."

Both quickly nodded suddenly eager for her to go inside. Satisfied that she put some fear into them, Isabel stalked into the house. Michael turned to his friend, "You know, I have a feeling that Maria is going to have trouble sleeping for the next couple of days."

Isabel sighed as she impatiently listened and erased each one of her messages. She had just finished when the phone rang. Against her better judgment, she answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Isabel Evans speaking?"

"This is she."

"Oh, hey, Isabel, it's Dave Rodney from school."

"Uh-huh..." Dave Rodney, I don't know a Dave Rodney.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tomorrow."


"Yeah, you know my dad could come by and-"

"Wait a minute, did you just say your dad?!"


"What year are you Dave?"

"Oh, I'm a freshman-"

*Click.* Yes, it was mean and rude, but Isabel hung up on the guy. Was he serious or was it a practical joke? She looked at the clock on the wall; it was around 8; hopefully she wouldn't be getting too many calls since it was a school night.


Two hours and thirty calls later, Isabel decided to put the phone of the hook so her family could get some quiet and so she could get some sleep later. She hadn't had time to check her e-mail and was secretly dreading it. Maria is so dead was the only coherent thought running through her mind, and she took comfort in it as well. Instead of reading and analyzing Swift's A Modest Proposal, she sat at her desk trying to think of all of the different things she could do to her friend. There was the obvious choice, but Maria deserved something special too. She thought for another ten minutes before a crafty grin slowly formed on her lips.


"Maria, you look terrible. Did you get any sleep?" Liz asked her friend when she saw her on their way to first period.

"Not really," Maria confessed, "At first I dreamt of my mom with Sheriff Valenti."

Liz was about to ask what was so bad about that when something clicked in her mind. Oh, Isabel must be so mad at her. Then she got confused, "What do you mean 'at first,' Maria?"

"Well, after that, I dreamt about Michael; he was fighting with Isabel about getting me a gift, and Michael wanted to...get me a bumper." Maria paused after that, lost in thought, a frown forming on her lips.


"Oh, sorry, then my dream shifted and I dreamt about Kyle, and you don't want to know what he was doing and with who."


"Then there was Jeremy from the chess club, and believe me that was even worse than Kyle. At lease Kyle wasn't with a sex bot."

"Okay a little too much there, Maria."

"Sorry, I guess Isabel is really steamed at me."

"Ya think?" Liz asked her best friend giving her a pointed look

Before Maria could respond to Liz's words, Alex walked by them. He greeted Liz amiably, but ignored Maria. When she tried to get him to speak to her, he begged off by telling them that he didn't want to be late for gym. Maria turned to Liz, "Gym? He doesn't want to be late to Gym? What's wrong with him?

"Maria, Alex has been in love with whom?"

"Isabel." Maria answered without stopping to think. "Oh, crap."

Liz gave her best friend a small pat on the back. "Good luck fixing this one," she told Maria as she went off towards her English class. As she went down the hall, she noticed Isabel trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible when she entered the school. The girl was wearing plain clothes, nothing too stylish, yet not completely relax grubby clothes like sweats. She had on a baseball cap and sunglasses; Liz was suddenly remembered how she came into school the year before. Feeling a great deal of sympathy towards Isabel, Liz quickly wrote down her phone number on a page in her notebook before tearing it out. "Isabel, are you all right?" She asked when she saw Isabel's exasperated face.

"Unless you think getting 10 calls from desperate men or women before you go to school as normal, than sure, I'm peachy."

"I'm sorry, I can totally understand." Liz told her.

Isabel was to ask how she could possibly know what she was going through when she remembered. Liz WAS the only person who could relate. "I'm sorry, Liz; I'm just so irritated. What was Maria thinking?"

"That it was romantic and all just harmless fun."

"Harmless fun? Romantic? How could she think that it would be romantic?" Isabel queried before looking Liz in the eyes.

"It's Maria." They both stated at once before giggling.

"Look, if you ever want to just talk or get away from your annoying public, just give me a call or come over to the Crashdown and go up to my room."

"Really?" Isabel asked, surprised that Liz was willing to give her an open invitation to crash over at home.

"Sure, believe me there were times when I had wished that I could escape the incoming madness."

Isabel only grimace at her words as she removed the cap, "Okay, you're not really making me feel any better."

"Well, just hope that Alex and Grant don't end up in your bedroom completely drunk and trying to pick a fight with whomever the radio station picks.

"Very true."

Jadeling's Notes: Okay, I think I ought to warn you all that I'm not sure how often I can update. I've been neglecting Musings in Water and Buried Memories, and I think my anime readers are ready to hurt me for it. So besides this fic, I have three other stories that need to be worked on. However, I will try to not to neglect this one as I had done to the others.
LIZ: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like?
MARIA: Cherry cola with arsenic?
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Post by Jadeling »

Disclaimer: Hm, maybe if I wished on a star…no? Oh well, but no I don't own Sailor Moon, oops wrong fanfic. Roswell belongs to people smarter than me.

Author's Notes: Heh, it seems that Isabel is very good at getting revenge. It also seems that Phoenix, my muse for angst and drama, has decided to take a trip without telling me, again. However, this means that I, Jadeling, can write all the fluff I want. Hears the rejoicing of several Stargazers.

Biged: Thanks for praise. I'll try not to make you guys wait too long.

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: I'm glad you liked the last chappy. I hope that this wasn't too long of a wait.

cardinalgirl: Yes, yes, the circumstances between the two couples are very different, but there is always potential for things to go wrong, very, very, wrong, but in a good way.

roswellluver: Yeah, I wasn't very nice to Maria, but then again, she did enter Isabel into the contest in the first place....

roswellian504: Well, it appears that you didn't have to wait too long. I hope you enjoy!

Now what all of you, including lurkers have been waiting for!

Blind Date: Take 2 Part 3

Liz warned Isabel about the onslaught of groupies she may pick up because they wanted to be associated with a celebrity, even if the notoriety only lasted for a couple of days. However, Liz also told Isabel that the groupies were better than the onslaught of jocks/jerks, harassing her in the halls, in Liz's own words, "At least the groupies can keep you insulated from the male population of the school." The other advice Liz gave Isabel was that if she absolutely wanted to avoid crowds in the halls, Isabel needed to think of a reason to leave the class early and then head for the next class, and to eat lunch in the library. So instead of spending an hour out in the sun with the others, Isabel spent her lunch period in the library, with Liz, but it wasn't so bad. Most of the time they surfed the Internet.

Meanwhile, Maria was having a discussion with Michael, which wasn't going the way she wanted it to. "Michael, I'm just asking you to talk to Alex."

"Maria, why don't you apologize to him yourself?”

"I told you; he's mad at me. He won't even let me come with in five feet of him before he starts walking the other way."

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Michael inquired.

Maria was ready to throttle his neck. Talking to Michael was like running in a circle, only worse because at least she knew she'd be losing weight if she were running in a circle. With Michael, she ended up losing her hair because she pulled it out so often. "Could you at least try to make him feel better? You know, tell him not to lose hope, get his spirits up."

"Why not ask Kyle or Max to do that? I don't do the 'if you don't succeed...' thing."

"Yeah, why haven’t you asked Evans or me to cheer Alex up?" Kyle demanded.

Maria snorted at his question. "As if I was going to let Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber near my best friend."

"Hey!" both boys protested loudly.

Tess laughed at their indignant faces, "Well, can you blame her? Last year both of you got drunk. By the way, I still haven't heard what exactly happened that night." Both Kyle and Max suddenly found their shoes to be highly interesting; this only caused Tess to become more curious. "Oh, come on! What happened that was so embarrassing?"

Once again, the pair wouldn't answer her.

"Am I going to have to ask Liz?"

"Don't Ask Liz!" Was their frantic reply, while Michael and Maria just laughed at their friends.

"That bad, huh?" Tess murmured. I'm really going to have to get Liz to tell me what happened. "Fine, I won't ask, but I still want to know. So, Maria, which one is Tweedle Dumb and which is Tweedle Dumber?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"What a minute, what happened to my girlfriend status?" Max asked.

"You lost that buddy."


"Yeah, you got demoted."

"Since when?"

"Since you decided that you would rather trust two complete strangers than your best friend and sister and went to New York during Thanksgiving, making your parents very upset, and I didn't find out about it until you were already gone. Therefore, I demoted you, oh, and I've decided. You're Tweedle Dumber."

"What!" An exasperated Max demanded as Tess continued to laugh, while Michael and Kyle snickered at him.

"Well, you did get drunk and broke Liz's heart on the same night."

"I plead innocence since I can't remember anything from that night."

"Yeah, well, you should have thought of that before you drank the alcohol."

"How was I supposed to know that we couldn't handle liquor?"

"Exactly, you didn't know in the first place if alcohol was dangerous for you, but you drunk anyway." Then she turned to Kyle, "And don't think you're getting off either. You were the idiot who gave it to him in the first place."

"It's not like I forced it down his throat."

"No, you only showed up at his house with your jock buddies drunk and threatened to camp out on his lawn unless he went with you to see Liz's date, which he didn't really want to do in the first place. Then you had the brilliant idea of encouraging him to drink from the flask."

"Like I was suppose to know that he was a Czechoslovakian?"

Maria only rolled her eyes at his reasoning, but turned her attentions to her boyfriend who was smirking at the two boys. "You're not off the hook either Tweedle Dumbest."

“Excuse me?” Michael looked surprised. "Hey, don't look at me like that, I wasn't even there. I had nothing to do with anything that night."

"Oh, this has nothing to do with that night."

"Then what?"

"This is about you thinking you could just get me a bumper for Christmas."

The other three teens perked up at this little piece of news as Michael began to sweat internally. "Bumper, I wasn't going to give you a bumper for Christmas, remember I gave you earrings."

"That's not what I heard."

"Look, whatever Isabel told you-"

"Who said it was Isabel?" Maria cut in, her tone deceptively calm. Michael realized too late that he made a mistake. "I haven't talked to Isabel all day, how would she know about the bumper since I never told anyone that you got me a new one. So this begs the question, why you would jump to the conclusion that Isabel told me something, when I didn't mention anyone."


"Yes, Michael?" Maria asked with a bright smile.

Looking at his girlfriend, he knew that there was no way he could get out of this without losing face. Either he gave in to Maria's request and then endure jibs and ribbing from the others about how whipped he was, or admit to the whole bumper thing, which would earn him another fight with Maria, and more jibs and ribbing. Neither seemed appealing to him, so after some careful consideration, Michael realized that if he admitted to the later he would still have to agree to Maria, if only to get back into her good graces. This way, he wouldn't actually be admitting to the bumper thing, officially. "What's Alex's next class?"

Jadeling's Notes: Sorry, it's not longer, but I can't think right now.
LIZ: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like?
MARIA: Cherry cola with arsenic?
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Post by Jadeling »

Discliamer: I don't own Roswell, but I like to 'borrow' the characters.

Author's Notes: Well, I found some feathers which Phoenix left for me, so I was writing angst, which we all know, DOESN'T BELONG HERE! So I was writing other stuff, mostly Avatar. However, that was getting a bit to angsty, and I got a bit stuck on the next part; I can't really write Michael all that well, so I'm back with this for now.

r0swell_dreamer: Thanks for the feed back. It's always nice to see a new face.

Sternbetracher: I thought you'd like the reasons behind it. Yeah, about Alex and Michael bonding, I must admit I'm not sure how I'm going to pull that one off, but it's a hole that I dug myself. *Jadeling pulls out her challenge* See, it says right there, "Michael is the guy who 'attempts' to comfort Alex by Maria's command. In other words, he's taking Kyle's place and probably ends up making things worse than better." Yeah, I have my work cut out for me. Tess being a better choice, hmmmmmmmmmm, must think of the possibilities.

A*StargazingInTheDay*I: I take it a lot of people enjoyed my short portrayal of Maria Deluca. Hope I don't make her seem too out of character in later scenes.

neodragon39: Neo, you found me, huh? What, Alex's little freak out session at the Crashdown wasn't good enough? No, I guess it really wouldn't.

StargazerUK: That's so sweet of you, David. *Gives him a hug* So you're all caught up now? Glad you liked the little conversation, I'd like to think I did good with Maria. Like I told Ed earlier, you felt bad about Alex falling in the Crash, imagine how I felt trying to figure out what to put him through.

cardinalgirl: Glad you had fun. Well, talking to Michael is only frustrating if you're not on his wavelength, which Maria isn't on most of the time.

sam25_2003: Yes, Michael got lucky with the bumper issue. Although, having him giving advice to Alex, yes, be afraid, be very afraid.

Biged: Thanks for the fb, and I'll try!

SarahWhitman: Yes, it is ironic that Isabel is hiding from the attention, but I'll explain more about that later. As for torturing Alex, I'm not doing it. He's doing it to himself. :wink: It won't last long.

roswellluver: I thought people would enjoy that little scene with Maria and Michael. It's nice to know what I wasn't wrong.

hoLLyBEHRy: Holly, glad you thought the last part was funny. Heck, I'm just happy you're still reading.

roswellian504: I'm happy that I could entertain.

vegas312: Chocolate Buddy!! Well, that's what Michael gets for thinking he could just get Maria a bumper, don't you think? I must admit, the Tweedle Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest comment isn't original. I got it off of my old gym teacher; he was great!

For all my lurkers: Enjoy!

Blind Date: Take 2 Part 4

Michael couldn't believe that he got suckered into doing what he was about to do. When he finished with Alex, he was going to have to talk to Isabel, why the hell would she let Maria know about the bumper? Shaking his head, he heard the bell ring alerting him that Alex would be walking down the hall sometime soon. Seeing the tall lanky teen, Michael quickened his pace towards him.

"Hey, did you guys hear about Isabel Evans winning that radio contest?" A group of girls asked as they passed Michael.

"Who would have thought she was so desperate for a date?" A giggler stated.

"I don't know, last year, the guy they got for Liz was pretty cute, and he was a college student, wasn't he?"

"So, who knows, they might just get Isabel an even better guy," another girl in the group speculated, not noticing a very dejected Alex walking quickly past them.

Maria really wasn't kidding about him being bent out of shape over the whole situation. He made his way through the crowd, "Hey, Alex," he stated as he wrapped on arm around the shoulders of the other boy. "How ya doing?"

Alex appeared to be surprised by the sudden interest by Michael, "Um," he stuttered as he noticed Michael's arm around his neck. "Okay, I guess."

Michael gave him a hard stare, "Really?"


"Thought so, look it's not the end of the world. So Isabel won some stupid contest; it's not like she wanted to be in it in the first place."

"Yea, that's true," Alex acknowledged slowly as if coming out of a trance.

"Besides, she's not the only girl in the school."

"I, I guess," Alex stated uncertainly.

"Plus, she may end up not liking the other guy, right?"

"Um, sure."

"You're all right, right?"


"Well, my job is done." Michael replied giving the confused boy a pat on the back and prepared to leave him at the corner of the hall, "This was fun, we should do it again soon." He told Alex half-heartedly rushing away.

Alex just stood there looking at Michael's retreating back. What just happened?

Michael was feeling all right about himself, when a flounce of blonde curls rushed him and pulled him into the eraser room, "You call that advice?" Tess hissed at him.

"What?" Michael asked genuinely surprised by her confusion.

"That, that disgusting display of, of," Tess threw up her arms in exasperation, "I don't even know what to call it. Michael, that was pathetic, I could do a better job of cheering up Alex, than you did, and I don't even know him that well."

"I don't either."

She gave him a hard stare, "Better than I do. You know if I went to Maria and told her what you just did, she'd lay it into you, right?"

"Look she just told me to go talk to him; she never mentioned once about me having to buy him ice cream, like you girls do."

Tess rolled her eyes, "At least you told him you'd be willing to talk."

Michael sputtered, "What, when did I do that?"

"When you said 'we should do it again soon.' What else did you mean by that?" Tess inquired.

"I really didn't mean for it be taken that way."

Tess rolled her eyes again, "You're really clueless aren't you?" She asked as she opened the door to leave.



"I was wondering, when do you have to meet the DJ to describe your dream guy?" Liz asked her as they made their way to study hall.

"Oh, um today at 4:30 at the Crashdown. Why?"

"Did you just want to stay at my place after school, so you won't have to bother Max to get a ride?"

"Actually, that would be nice. Thanks, Liz."

"Hey, Izzy, heard you were looking for a guy. Why don't I show you what you've been missing?" Paul Wheaterston called out as they past.

"Get a grip, Paul!" Liz shouted back, much to Isabel's surprise. She didn't think Liz had it in her. "What?' Liz responded innocently, " he was being annoying and I didn't think you appreciated the attention." She concluded. "Do you mind if I asked you another question?" When Isabel shook her head, Liz continued, "Why are you trying to hid from the attention? I mean, remember last year when we did that personal history interview for class? I told you that you were the Elle McPherson of the grade; you're still one of the most popular girls in the school."

Isabel paused for a moment partially because they had reached their destination, and partially because she was pondering the question herself all day. So the contest was cheesy, the result still wouldn't hurt her reputation that much, in fact, depending on the guy the radio station chose, it could actually help elevate it. She just honestly didn't feel comfortable with so many people swarming her, and told Liz so. It was different when she was just the popular girl in school, because she was also unapproachable due to her "Ice Princess" attitude and reputation. However, with the contest, now she was a celebrity and the rules changed. Now she had random people who she didn't know coming up to her and asking her questions, and it just didn't make her feel comfortable, like they were invading her personal space just because they thought she wanted them to. It was a bit unnerving.

Liz nodded understanding a bit with what the other girl was saying when Janie, a girl working with Liz on their history project came up with a bunch of pictures. "Here, I thought you might wanted to take a look before we used them on our poster."

"Wow, these are great, Janie."

"Thanks, but I had a couple of others you might want to use. I've e-mailed them to you, just let me know which ones you prefer."

"You're still right?"


"JasonBehrsChick? I take it you like the actor." Isabel stated.

Janie smiled and shrugged, "What can I say, he's cute."

"I guess."

"You guess? Isabel, the guy is hot, even Liz thinks so."

Isabel turned to Liz for confirmation; she squirmed a bit, "Well, he reminds me of Max."

"Umm, probably the reason why I don't think he's that good looking."

Janie gave her a sheepish chuckle, "Oh, right. Anyway, heard about the contest, congrats."

"Umm, thanks." Isabel stated giving the girl a small smile. Janie nodded and returned to her table to work on another assignment, "I think." Isabel muttered once she was out of earshot.

Liz gave her a small smile, "See, not everyone wants to mob you."

Isabel shrugged, "So, she's one of the sane few."

Alex thought what Michael had said through out the rest of the school day, but truth be known he was still operating on autopilot for most of the time. He was still focusing on the fact that Isabel would be receiving a ton of attention from better-looking, cooler guys/men. A part of him just wanted to go up to Isabel, kiss her, and remind her that he loved her and wanted her back. However, a very large part of him was scared that she'd just rebuff him like she did pretty much the whole year. Even though he had returned from Sweden with a new attitude towards Isabel Evans, it still didn't change the fact that he cared about her, deeply. What was he going to do now?

He managed to get through band practice, with them also deciding which songs they wanted to use for the audition. Although Maria had tried to apologize to him, Alex kind of ignored her again. He knew that she was sincere and honestly didn't think that Isabel would win, but he wasn't ready to forgive her, just not yet. Then after practice he went home to try and not focus on the contest, but couldn't, his mind kept wandering back to Isabel, and her potential "dream guy." He groaned; how was he suppose to get over this? Then an idea popped into his head.

When Michael opened the door he didn't expect an muttering Alex walking through his door. "Alex! What are you doing here?"

Alex looked up at the other boy somewhat surprised by the question. "You said that we should talk again later, well, now is later."

Michael only stared at him before mumbling under his breath, "Yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually take me seriously."

"What was that?"


"Look, I know this is sudden, but I don't know anyone else I could talk to. I mean, I'm still kind of mad at Maria for entering Isabel in the first place, and Liz, well, I'm not sure why I'm not talking to Liz right now."

"Great, so why don't you just go to the Crashdown and talk to her; she has a shift right now."

"Well, like you said she has a shift, so I'll probably talk to her when she finishes. Unless she knew about the whole contest thing in the first place. You know she probably did. I bet they all did. They probably thought it would be a good joke to pull on me. A good, fun, sick joke, the bastards, how could they do that to me? I thought they were my friends." He lamented.

Michael watched Alex go from the rational to the completely paranoid in less than a minute and started to dial Maria's number before realizing that that would be a bad idea, so he dialed another number.

"Thank you for calling the Crashdown Café, how can I help you?" A familiar voice asked over the phone.

"Liz, you got to help me."


"Look, Alex is over at my place and he's mumbling about you and Maria being in on some practical joke and other stuff."

Liz sighed over the phone, "Put him on."


"Put him on the phone, Michael." Liz told him; her voice full with a quiet determined authority, which Michael never heard before and immediately obeyed.


"I can't believe you'd do something like this-"

"ALEX," Liz stated loudly forcing Alex out of his ramblings, "the paranoid schizophrenia, it's coming back." She told him a little softer.

"Right, I'm just going to go and have a little talk with myself in private." Alex then handed the phone back to Michael.


"Not a problem. Anything else I can do?"

"Um, actually do you know where Isabel is?"

"Oh, she's here-"

"Great, we'll be down in there in a couple of minutes."

"I'm not sure-"

"All we need is for them to talk and then Isabel can tell the radio station to forget it."


"Bye, Liz."

Liz stared at the receiver stupidly before her mind fully registered what Michael was going to do. She glanced at the clock, 4:20 pm. Oh, this was not going to be fun.

Jadeling Note’s: Once again, I apologize for the shortness of this part.
LIZ: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like?
MARIA: Cherry cola with arsenic?
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Post by Jadeling »

Disclaimer: If I owned Roswell, we'd have more episodes like this.

Author's Notes: Sorry for taking so long with the last one. Like I said I was waiting for approval from someone. However, during the waiting period, I decided to do another chappy. Hope you like. I know there were a bunch of you who responded to my last chapter, but since Fanatics was unable to save all of those posts I'm unable to respond to your fbs! I'm sorry and for those who did leave fb thanks!

For all of you! Enjoy!

Blind Date: Take 2 -- Part 5

Liz was still holding the receiver when Kyle and Tess came into the Crashdown. Kyle wanted a snack while Tess wanted be there to support Isabel during her "interview." Tess noticed her dumbfound expression first and asked the girl what was wrong.

"Michael's coming and he's bringing Alex with him."

"He's what?!" Tess screeched. "Doesn't he know about the radio station coming here?"

"I tried to tell him, but he cut me off before I could finish. I told him that Isabel was here, and he just decided to come over." Liz explained frantically, as she saw that the radio people were almost finished with their set up. "I guess he forgot that the station came here to do the interview to find out about my preference for a date."

"Oh, who did you describe?" Tess asked momentarily distracted from the incoming disaster.

"A dark haired, mystery man from an exotic place." Liz deadpanned.

"Was Max near by?"

"He was in the booth across from me."

Tess blinked at her information. Max was across from Liz , and he didn't do anything? Hello? She had described Max to the T, and he didn't even try to get the radio to chose him? What the hell was that boy thinking? Instead he got drunk and ruined her date? Yes, there were details she was missing, and she wanted to know. Now. "Oh."

Liz gave her a faint smile, "So, what can I get you guys?"

"I'll have a Will Smith and a Coke." Kyle answered.

"Umm, I'll just have a Blood of Alien Smoothie. Could you let Isabel know that I'm here, you know, for moral support?"

"Yeah, sure." Liz stated as she made Tess's drink. After handing them their drinks she headed towards the back. While she was gone, Michael appeared with Alex in tow. Tess immediately pounced on the other hybrid.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What did I do now?" Michael sputtered as Tess stood in front of him glaring. Man, if he wanted to be treated like this he would have just gone over to Maria's.

"Why did you bring him here, now?"

"Because Isabel is here."

"Michael, of course Isabel is here, look" Tess pointed to the radio personnel testing the equipment.

"What are they doing here?'

Tess resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Isabel has to do her interview for the radio station, nitwit."

"What?! Well, this is Liz's fault she should have told me."

"She tried." Tess deadpanned, "You hung up on her before she could tell you, remember?"

Michael's mind quickly flashed back to the his recent phone call and remembered that Liz had tried to tell him something, several times, but he just would only cut her off before she finished. Oops. "Crap."

"Wait, Isabel is doing her interview now?" Alex finally stated. He had just finished reminding himself that not everyone was against him when Michael announced that they were coming to the Crashdown to see Isabel. Alex was pretty much in a dazed state after that and now, now he had to sit and watch Isabel describe her dream man? Joy. Could this get any worse?

Figuring out what Alex meant, Michael looked back at him, "Don't worry about."

"Har, har, you're not the one who's going to be humiliated again."

Isabel had ventured down the stairs when Liz saw her. "Oh, Tess is here; she wanted to know if you wanted to talk."

"I'll go out and say 'hi,' might as well get this over with." She said giving the girl a tentative smile. Isabel crossed the back room, pushed the door, only to come back a second later. "I can't go out there." She stated when Liz gave her a puzzled look. "Alex is outside." She admitted.


"I can't go out there and describe my dream guy in front of Alex. I just can't."

A fleeting glance of understanding past through Liz's eyes and she put a hand on the taller girl's shoulder. "Isabel, everything will be all right."

"Liz, I -"

"Look, it won't be so bad, just answer the DJ's questions, try not to look at Alex, and be honest."

"Be honest." Isabel repeated.

"Just say the first thing that comes into your head." Liz iterated calmly.

"The first thing, right." Isabel stated before closing her eyes and taking a big breath of air. She opened her eyes and gave Liz another smile. "Thanks."

"No problem, now come on, you have an interview to do." Liz told her as she guided the both of them out the swing doors.

"And here she is folks, Roswell's new sweetheart, Isabel Evans." Johnny announced as Isabel came down the aisle. "Guys, you should head over to the Crashdown Café to see what a knockout she is. Can't make it well, let me just give you an idea, Marilyn move on over, there's a new blonde bombshell in town. So, Isabel, you're telling me that you don't have a boyfriend?"

"No, not at the moment."

"Well, we're going to change that when you introduce you to your dream guy. Let's begin. Dark or light hair?"

Isabel sneaked a glance at Alex, he looked so cute with this forlorn expression on his face as Liz gave him a free orange soda. What was the DJ talking about? "Light hair!" She blurted a bit too loudly, "Sorry," she told him flashing him a wide smile, "light hair is good." Crap.

He gave her a light shrug to indicate 'whatever' and moved on to the next question, "Okay, guy next door or the troublemaker?"

Alex is really a good guy some one I could introduce to Mom. He's not - "a troublemaker." Did I just say that out loud? 

"Ah, she's looking for a rebel. Hear that guys, All American boys need not apply." He gave her a reassuring smile, "Okay, last question, looking for a commitment or some fun?"

Isabel licked her lips; she had completely messed up, but wasn't about to admit it on the radio, so might as well take a dive and finish this farce. "I just got out of a relationship, so I think I want a little fun."

"All righty then, we're looking for a light-haired, rebel, who's looking for a good time." He announced as Isabel threw a cautious look at the booth across from her, to where Alex and Michael were sitting. Alex looked heartbroken by her answers, and something in Isabel broke as well. What had she done?

"I'm screwed!" Alex proclaimed for the fourth time. It had been an hour since the radio people had left and Isabel had retreated back into Liz's room with Tess, and Alex was still drowning his sorrows into his sixth refill of orange soda. "What was I thinking? I never had a chance with Isabel."

"Alex it's not that bad. Tell him Kyle," Michael stressed. He was trying not to fidget but he realized that Maria's shift would be starting in about 15 minutes and if she saw Alex like this, there would be hell to pay.

"Umm," Kyle shot Michael a look expressing his distress in finding an appropriate answer. "Alex, she didn't say she wanted to marry the guy."

"It doesn't matter!" Alex exploded. "Don't you guys get it? Liz got over 100 phone calls from different guys. 100, and this is Liz, why do you think Isabel is hiding in Liz's room? So she won't have to listen to the endless stream of calls from the desperate and hopeful guys in Roswell. And I'm just talking about the jocks and geeks from our school. I'm talking about college guys from Las Cruces, smart guys, athletic guys, classy guys. Heck, I bet if you and Max didn't show up drunk, that Doug guy would have gotten at least a second date from Liz."

His exclamation kept the other two boys quiet as he hunched over the counter again cradling his drink. Then he continued his rant. "You heard her, she wants a guy with light hair, do I have light hair? Did Grant have light hair? No."

"Well, there you go, she's looking for a change." Michael started. He was rewarded by a glare from Alex..

"As I was saying, she told them she wanted a light-haired rebel, who isn't looking for a commitment, she's looking for.." He stopped and suddenly straightened up. "Oh my God!"

"What, what?" Michael asked thinking that Alex injured himself.

"She chose another you!" He proclaimed staring at the hybrid next to him.


"No, no, I'm right, why didn't I see it before-"

"Alex what are you talking about?"

"Think about it, light haired, well, Michael, your hair is a lot lighter than mine. A trouble maker, you have a record, don't you?"

"Um, Alex."

"And looking for a good time, Michael, before Maria, did you have any intention of staying in a relationship? Besides you have that whole Rath/Vilandra issue, and you never worked that out. Let's face it, I don't have a chance in hell."

"What have I done?" Isabel groaned for the fifth time. "It was just a stupid little interview and all I had to do was be honest. Instead, I gave the DJ the exact opposite."

"Isabel, it's not that bad." Tess tried to comfort her friend as Isabel fell back on to Liz's bed.

"Not that bad? Tess, I basically told all of Roswell that I wanted some guy with a juvie record to come on Friday."

"Okay, I think that's a bit extreme."

"And do you know what the worse part of this whole mess?" Isabel asked when she removed her hands from her eyes.


"I'm hurting Alex."

Jadeling's Notes: Sorry, sorry, sorry, RF being down meant that I'm short on inspiration.