Broken-A/I short *CHILD* CC ~ {COMPLETE}

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Broken-A/I short *CHILD* CC ~ {COMPLETE}

Post by Biged »

Title: Broken
Author: Biged
Rating: CHILD (I think)
Disclaimer: Roswell and the Characters in this story are not mine. Broken is sung by Seether feat Amy Lee.
Summary: A different take on the episode “Surprise”.
A/N: Some text taken from the show. Things in Italics with ** around them are thoughts.
Feedback: My first fic so please go easy on me.

Scene starts after everybody yells surprise.

EVERYONE: Surprise!
MRS. EVANS: Oh, happy birthday, sweetheart!
ISABEL: Oh, my God! Oh! I could kill you all.
MRS. EVANS: Kill your brother. He's the one who planned the entire thing.
MAX: Happy birthday, old lady.
ISABEL: Max, I can't believe you did this with everything that's happening.
MAX: It's still your birthday.
ISABEL: Max, you're the worst, really. I don't know what to say.
MARIA: Say that you're surprised, 'cause he was totally, totally stressing that you'd figure it out.
ISABEL: I had no idea.
*Had I known I would not have scheduled a date tonight*
MAX: Really?
MICHAEL: Alex told you to come by so he could give you back a book. I mean, what a lame excuse. How could you not figure that out?
ISABEL: Where is Alex, anyway?
(A hand touches Isabel’s shoulder making her jump)
ALEX: Right behind you.
ISABEL: Ah…Alex you scared me.
(Alex grins)
ALEX: Sorry… so were you surprised?
ISABEL: Yea I actually had no idea.
(He looks at what she is wearing and quirks his eyebrows in confusion. A red strapless party dress)
ALEX: Then why are you all dressed up?
ISABEL: Oh…um…
(She doesn’t get to finish that sentence because Grant walks up)
GRANT: Isabel. Sorry I'm late. I didn't know there was going to be a party.
(He hands her some Sterling Roses)
ISABEL: Oh…um…Grant I didn’t know, it was a surprise.
(Isabel looks at Alex and sees sadness in his eyes)
*Oh god, I probably should have told him about my date. He looks like I punched him*
ALEX: Well…I should go see if the rest of the band is ready….
(Maria noticing the look on his face)
MARIA: Yea I’ll go with you.
(They walk off but Alex turns to Isabel)
ALEX: Happy Birthday Iz.
ISABEL: Thank you.
(Alex and Maria in the break room)
MARIA: Alex how you holding up girlfriend?
ALEX: Good…so I think I know what to sing tonig….
(Maria Cuts him off)
MARIA: Alex we don’t have to do this if you don’t feel up to it I mean….
ALEX: No…I want to. And I think I know what song to sing….
(The Guys and Mrs. Evans are giving Grant the evil eye)
*This definitely wasn’t a good idea* Isabel thinks
(The Interrogation is halted when the Whits are ready to play and Maria takes the Mic)
MARIA: Ladies and Gentlemen, in honor of Isabel’s 18th Birthday the Whits would like to play her a song.
(The band starts to play then Alex takes the Mic)

I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

(Alex looks directly at Isabel as he sings)
*Oh my god he is singing to me* (A smile spreads across her lips)

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

(Tears start to well up in Isabel’s eyes)

You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore

*God what have I done, why do I always hurt him…*

(Maria starts to sing)

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

(Alex joins Maria in singing, while trying to put all the feeling he can into what he plays, never taking his eyes off Isabel’s)

Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

(The tears are freely falling down Isabel’s Cheeks as watches Alex intently)
*Why do I push him away, I mean I like him, but why do I keep pushing…*

Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

*When I Broke up with Alex I never gave it a second thought, it was for his own good…If he wasn’t with me he couldn’t get hurt. *scoffs* Lot of Good that did*

Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone

*I need to fix this, I need to tell him that I was wrong that I want to be with him…That I…love him. I LOVE HIM and I just realized it, I NEED TO TELL HIM*
(Alex finishes the song by himself)

You've gone away, you don't feel me anymore

(By the time he was done singing his eyes had tears up)
ALEX: Happy Birthday Isabel. (Alex walked to the break room to leave)
(Isabel Turns to Grant)
ISABEL: Grant I am sorry about tonight, and I also don’t think we should see each other…
ISABEL: I just realized I love Alex.
GRANT: You mean the guy that was sitting with you when I met you?
(With that she runs after Alex leaving Grant standing there)

In the parking lot..

(Alex is about to get into his car)
(He turns to look at her with a sad look still on his face)
ALEX: What…do you need Isabel?
(Even though Alex is hurting, he still was in love with Isabel and if she called him he would come a runnin)
ISABEL: Alex please don’t go I need to tell you so much.
ALEX: I’m listening…
(Tears are falling down her cheeks once again)
ISABEL: First I would like to apologize for the way I treated you, one minute I tell you I can’t date anyone and then I show up with Grant as my date…
ALEX: You don’t need to explain yourself Iz…
ISABEL: Yes I do. I mean I pushed you away regardless of my feeling for you, I pushed so you wouldn’t get hurt…
ALEX: But don’t you see Iz that isn’t your choice, I get to choose if being with you is worth the risk. And to me it is, because I…I love you.
(He reaches up and cups her face using his thumbs to wipe away the tears. He slowly places a kiss on Isabel’s soft lips. Alex goes to pull away but Isabel wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in pushing her lips to his. She runs her Tongue on his lip and Alex opens with mouth as she deepens the kiss. They stay like that for a few minutes until air becomes necessary)
ISABEL: Alex there is something I need to tell you...I love you.
ALEX: Isabel you don’t need to say that…
ISABEL: But its true I realized it today as you sang to me heck I may of even realized it when I went into your dream last year I mean…..
(Isabel was cut off as Alex’s lips pressed to hers)
ISABEL: Mmmmm…
(They break apart at the sound of clapping and cheering. They look over to see their friends Grinning and Smiling at them)
*This is definitely the best birthday party i've had…ever…*
Let me know what you think
Song: Broken by Seether feat Amy Lee
Last edited by Biged on Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.