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Post by liason »

Title: A New Day
Author: Aly
Category: Liz's Pov
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing
Rating: MATURE
Summary: Liz's thoughts On what happened Late S2

Part 1

He Said Forever.

That was what he told me when he said he would Love Me Forever. Well You Know what? Forever dosnt apprently last.The funny thing is I can't neccesarly put the blame on Him entirely.

I Have my share of the blame too. I am No Saint either.

But I didnt get anyone Pregnaut with a Child out of wedlock. Nor i didnt Turn My back On Him so cruelly when Alex died.

He did all that. All By his lonesomeself.

I dont Know How it all went wrong. how did we lose that Boy and That Girl that fell In Love that day In the Crashdown.

Oh wait. I take that back I do.

The day were Destiny came blowing into town,

And My life hasnt been the same.

Now I Know I pushed him t her many times, that it was a wonder it took so long for Him to fall into temptation. i shouldnt be so suprised. After all that is what i wanted right? That was what Future Max had wanted? So why am I so pissed at Him for doing something I wanted.

I Guess I had always believed that what we shared would always weather whatever was coming our way. After all he said Forever.

I Guess I had counted on him knowing me. After all we saw into each other's soul? So how could he believe that I would be able to do something like that. i Guess we werent Soulmates after all.

But what is Funny though is I could forgive him for sleeping with the bitch, but what is hard is the Cold way he treated me after My Best friend was murdered.

And the Irony is was he slept with the killer.

I Hate Him. That's Right Ladies and Gentlemen, Liz parker HATES Max Evans. After what he turnred after Alex. How can I still love someone like that? How can i go back to someone that selfish? That Egotistical? That someone pathetic.

Max Evans is Nothing but a Shallow Little freak boy who dosent even belong on this Fuckin Planet! I sorta wish that maybe i didnt go Out to the Chamber that day to try and save them.

But Then i Realsie that this is My anger talking. And as Much as that I take confort from. I Know It is Not good for me to hold on to.

I Need to Move on. I Need to let Go, Max Took Tess as his first lover, Gave Her His First Born, And what have I ever gotten from him? Sure He savved My life and Forever I will be thankful for that. but how many times do i have to be grateful? Should He be able to do anything he wants and expects for Me to take his ass back?

I Dont think so!

This is a New Day. A new begining some shall say. And They are Right.

This is The day Liz Parker lets go of Max Evans. Im not saying forever. Cuz I cant say I havent stopped Loving him , That would be lying.

But I Need to be me. i Need to Find what I want and who I want to be with. Maybe I will take Max back. Someday when I can Look at him with Respect. With trust. because Right now I don't. And to Even have a Friendship with that man, Those two have to come hand in hand.

And Maybe Someday That Max and that Liz from two years ago can have Thier Happy Ending.

The End!