Fics by Luvtruche

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Fics by Luvtruche

Post by Luvtruche »

Hi all!!

Changing Faces
Rating: R for now


Category: M/L

Starts off from the end of Destiny, but with a twist. Changes. Everybody needs them. So many things have happened in Liz Parkers’ life within the span of a year, and coping is hard. Leaving Roswell, a hard choice is the one decision she is glad she made. But when things start to go crazy in her new city, she realizes that no matter where you are, the ones you left behind will all ways come back to you. The ones that have caused you the most stress are the ones who will turn around to just increase your stress level…what do you do? How do you forget the ones you love the most?

ETA: I made a banner..I'm not that good at it, but I decided to give it a try.

Angela Bassett's character is Agent Vardek.

Paul Walker is PAUL!!!

The Second fic:

When the Lights Go Out

Rating: TBD


Category: M/L

Summary: This story is based loosely on The Day After Tomorrow, in terms of the ocean crasing into New York, and Freezing over. None of the Clan knows each other (with the exception of Kyle, who is engaged to Liz), until they all come together in times of need. This is everyone's point of view. Everyone's different lives until they finally come together.

Work in process -- haven't even posted the first chapter yet it's all on my notebook waiting to be typed in. I actually started writing it on the train to work this morning. I'll probably need some help on this one, but we will see.

Thanks for looking!!
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