Izzy's stories

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Izzy's stories

Post by Liz_PR_Evans07 »

If you want to know what happens with all the gang, with Roswell and all the questions that not have answer, you have to read this: http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopic.php?t=6107

Title: What Happens Now...?

Authors:IzzyEvans2201_PuertoRico(Zor) and Liz_PR_Evans07(Monica)

Category: Max and Liz, also some CC couples

Rating: Goes from G to NC-17 and everything in between, lol.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. I have no affiliation with Roswell, Jason Katims, the WB, UPN or anyone else asociated with them.

Summary: It starts a year after they left Roswell in season 3. Everything that happened in the show applies. Life had been going pretty good for them this past year but something happens that threatens to destroy their hiding ritual, damaging it so bad as to maybe having to go back to Roswell. There's gonna be some serious angst between all of them as things they never thought could be real happens in front of their eyes without having found a way to control it or better yet stop it. Can their relationships towards their loved ones and themselves last? Or will they be another one of their problems?
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