A Different Beginning (CC,A/I,MATURE) Pt 4C - 10/19/04 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:56 pm

A Different Beginning (CC,A/I,MATURE) Pt 4C - 10/19/04 [WIP]

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part One.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

This is my first Roswell fanfic so please let me know what you think, thanks.

Part 1
Isabel woke with a start. After visiting Alex’s dream she couldn’t believe that with all he was going through with Liz and Maria that it would be she who he was dreaming about. She began to feel a fluttering in her stomach, so this is what those brainless friends were always talking about, she Isabel Evans, was having flutterings for Alex Whitman. Right this second she decided that Alex could be trusted, she would be the one to talk to him; she would be the one to share their secret. For the first time in her life Isabel was beginning to understand Max’s feelings towards Liz, for she too was beginning to see that there were those who could be trusted, who they could form relationships with, want relat5ionships with because she was beginning to want Alex Whitman, she only hoped that once she revealed their secret he would still want her.

Evans Residence 7:30am
Isabel was getting ready for school, she chose a red sun dress as Roswell was still suffering through a heat wave and she discovered red was Alex’s favourite colour on her.

Max walked in as Isabel was fixing her hair. “Did you dream walk Alex last night ?”

Isabel blushed and Max quirked an eyebrow. “Yes I dream walked Alex last night. Everything was fine. I want you to leave him alone, he is not a threat to us. I will take care of him today.”

Max was even more intrigued by knew by the look on her face that Isabel didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Ok, let’s go.”

West Roswell High 8:00am
Max and Isabel walked into school together, both heading towards Liz and Maria’s lockers. As they arrived they could see students pairing up all over the school and making out, the heat wave was having a weird effect on everyone. As they approached their destination they could only see Liz. Max was the first to speak, “Hi Liz.”

Liz returned his greeting, “Hi Max, hi Isabel.” Liz could tell by the look on her face that something was up with Isabel, this was confirmed when Isabel asked Liz to accompany her to the bathroom. As they made their way away from Max he again wondered what was going on with Isabel but decided it would be best to go find Michael.

Once the girls reached the bathroom, Isabel checked to make sure that they were alone and then locked the door. Liz didn’t know whether to be scared or intrigued. “Liz I wanted to talk to you about Alex. I don’t know whether Max told you or not but I can go into people’s dreams and last night I went into Alex’s.” Liz looked .like she was about to get angry so Isabel quickly continued, “ Now I know I shouldn’t but I needed to make sure we were safe, that he wouldn’t tell Valenti anything. I was surprised by what I saw, Alex was dreaming about me, but not like most boys, he didn’t just want to sleep with me, he was so romantic.” Liz smiled as she watched the expression on Isabel’s face. “I decided that I want to tell Alex the truth but you can’t tell Max or Michael about this. This is my decision, I want him to know. I need to know what class he has before lunch and I need you to tell me.” After her speech Isabel looked up and saw the smile on Liz’s face.

“You like him don’t you?” At Isabel’s nod Liz continued, “I will only agree to go along with this if you promise not to hurt him. Alex has liked you for a long time and I won’t help him if you are just going to play with his feelings, he has been hurt enough by all of this.”

Isabel looked hurt at Liz’s last comment. “I’m not going to hurt him, I care and I think he deserves to know the truth.”

Liz smiled again, “Alex has computers in the lab before lunch.” With that the warning bell rang and Isabel unlocked the door, both girls hurrying to get their books and head to class.

Outside the computer labs 12:30pm
Isabel waited next to the door as the class packed up their books and left. Alex was one of the last out and was joking with a couple of the other boys in the class. As he left the lab Isabel called out to him, “Hey Alex have you got a minute?”

Alex looked up, shocked that Isabel Evans, most popular girl in school was talking to him. He was a little weary considering everything that had happened in the last few days. “Sure, what can I do for you?”

Isabel smiled, trying to reassure him, she had seen the worried look on his face. “I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me, just the two of us.” Seeing the hesitation in his eyes she quickly moved to ensure him, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to pressure you about what happened. I just want to have lunch with you.”

“Okay, sure.”

“Great I know the perfect place where we won’t be disturbed.” Again she saw the look of hesitation, but quickly took his hand and led him to a secluded tree near the football field where they would not be disturbed or seen.

“I wanted to start by saying sorry about what you have been put through over the last couple of weeks. I wanted to explain some things to you and I hope that when I’m finished we might be able to start over. First, I don’t want you to blame Liz and Maria, it really wasn’t their secret to tell you and I’m making the choice now to tell you because I think we can trust you.”

“I’m sure you know that in 1989 the Evan’s found Max and I walking naked down the highway.” Alex nodded and Isabel continued, “What you probably don’t know is that about a week later Michael was also found wandering naked. Max and I saw Michael on the night Mom and Dad found us, he got scared when he saw the car coming and ran away from us. We didn’t see Michael again until the first day of third grade. When we were found we couldn’t talk, we didn’t know how to do anything, but somehow we were able to communicate with each other. What very few people, not even our parents, know is that we were not dumped by our parents but that we were born that night out in the desert.” Alex had an unreadable expression on his face as he listened, he didn’t know whether to believe Isabel or whether she was just creating some fairytale.

Isabel reached over and took Alex’s hand. “What I’m about to tell you, you won’t believe, I can see you already have doubts but I can prove it to you. You see Max, Michael and I were born that night but we think we were on the spaceship that crashed in 1947, it was real, there was no whether balloon.” Isabel gripped his hand tighter. “I’m going to show you something, but you can’t tell anyone okay.” Alex just nodded. Isabel picked a thistle from the ground and held it in the palm of her hand, her hand glowed and when she opened her hand again Isabel was holding a blood red rose. Alex didn’t know what to say. To say that he was stunned was an understatement but Isabel opened the hand she had been holding and placed the rose in it.

“We look like humans but our blood is different, that is the reason we needed your help, Liz and Maria knew they could trust you but we have always had to hide all our lives. If the wrong people found out then we would be locked up and experimented on. Ms Topolski was working undercover investigating Max because Liz really was shot and Max healed her because he couldn’t bare to live in a world without her. When he healed Liz, Michael and I were so angry at him for using his powers out in the open because we were so afraid, you see we have this policy of hiding in plain sight and now we, or at least Max is being investigated by the FBI.”

“When Valenti started investigating the shooting Michael wanted us to leave immediately but Liz came up with a plan to help through him off. She had to tell Maria because Maria wouldn’t leave her alone about the blood on the order book. As you can imagine Maria ran screaming into the street and Liz had to catch her but she helped us. You helped us by replacing Max’s blood at the hospital, we found FBI agents snooping around trying to get a sample but we managed to switch the samples before they could get to it. You saved us Alex, twice.”

Alex smiled. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have believed you if I hadn’t seen you change that thistle into a rose.”

Isabel interrupted before he could continue. “Alex before you say anything else there is one thing that I need to tell you and I don’t think you’re going to like it. See we each have special gifts, as you realise, Max can heal, now Michael, he can blow things up and I can dream walk. That means that I can go into a person’s dreams while they are sleeping to see what they are dreaming about. Usually I only do it to entertain myself when I’m bored but we were worried what you were going to tell Valenti so last night I dream walked you. I realise now that it is wrong but we needed to know.”

Alex tried to stand up but Isabel pulled him back down, “What I saw last night was incredible, do you know I dream walked Maria before she talked to Valenti after our accident and she saw us as horrible creatures but she had Michael dressed in a tuxedo and looking perfectly human. But what I saw last night, it touched me here.” She took his free hand and placed it over her heart. “Most boys who I have visited in their dreams dream about nothing more than sleeping with me. But you, even in your dream you treated me with respect. You wanted to get to know me. As you know, I’ve been on a lot of dates …” Alex frowned, but Isabel would not let his hand move from over her heart. “… but none of those hold a candle to your dream date last night, so even though I was never supposed to see it, I want to say thank you.” Isabel released the hold on Alex’s hand and he removed it from her chest, but he surprised her when he took her hand in his.

“Right now I don’t really know what to think. Is it real, am I still dreaming? I am glad that you came to me, I wish maybe you had told me after I gave my blood for your brother and not just because Valenti is asking me questions. I will always be glad that Max saved Liz and I understand why they couldn’t tell me. I don’t know how to react to you invading my privacy because on the one hand I am angry, especially because it could have been one of those other type dreams you talked about …” he blushed as Isabel smirked. “… Although in my dream we would be making love not just having sex …” Isabel’s smirk turned into a heartfelt smile and squeezed Alex’s hand “… but maybe if you hadn’t seen my dream then you wouldn’t be talking to me now. I guess I can be thankful that I can get my two best friends back but there is something I need to explain to you. You see, the dream you saw, it’s one I have often, I look at you, look in your eyes and I can see something there, it makes me want to get to know the real Isabel. Of course I would never have thought that you were …” he lowers his voice, “… an alien. Still I want to get to know you but we are such different people and not just because of where you come from. You are the most popular girl in school and I’m a geek.”

Isabel stopped him. “You may be a geek but you are also the only guy I know who wants to get to know the real me. I have to admit that before everything happened and we were discovered I didn’t think much about you, I knew your name but I probably wouldn’t have talked to you but things are different know and not just because we share a secret. As I said, I have been on a lot of dates and as you said I am one of the popular people but do you know why? It’s because it is easy to hide amongst people who don’t care about anything more than skin deep; they care about appearances and popularity. It was the same with the guys I dated, they were never serious and I didn’t get the ice princess reputation for nothing. What I saw last night made me feel things I’ve never felt before, I can’t even begin to describe them but they scare me too. I need to know how you feel about me being different because this has never happened to me before.”

Alex sat in contemplation for quite a while and Isabel began to think she had made a mistake when Alex finally spoke, “I don’t think you being different changes who you are ...” they both chuckled at that, Alex continued “… but the question remains, if everything hadn’t happened and you had randomly picked my dream to enter, would you still be sitting here with me now?”

Isabel looked away and Alex began to loose hope, quietly she answered, “The truth is I really don’t know because so much has changed. The big difference being that I now have people who know the truth and aren’t afraid, hell Liz has fallen head over heals for Max and something strange is going on between Michael and Maria. Before now I never thought about letting anyone in so the answer would probably be no. But things are different now, I have people who I can trust, and I really hope you are one of those people because I really want to try. Would you let me try something please?”

Alex looked weary, “What?”

Isabel whispered, “Would you kiss me?” Alex was shocked, tentatively, he leant across and grazed her lips with his. The kiss started out gently at first but as Isabel began to loose herself she deepened the kiss. Alex was in heaven, he was kissing the girl of his dreams, granted he had just learned that she was an alien but it really didn’t seem to matter. When they broke apart both had their eyes closed, savouring the feel of each other. Finally Isabel spoke, “Well, what do you think now? Does it really matter why I want to try this?”

Alex had to think, the kiss was amazing and there was no doubt that they had both felt something, he could feel the tremors in the hand that he still held. “If we take this slow, I really want to try Isabel.”

Isabel smiled, “Slow is good, very good but there is one thing I have to ask?”

Isabel saw the irritation return to Alex’s eyes, “I’m not going to say anything Isabel.”

Isabel looked shocked at first, then smiled, “That’s not what I was going to ask, although I am glad. I was going to ask you to kiss me again.”

Alex let out a short laugh but the grin would not leave his face. He released her hand and stroked her cheek, cupping it he replied, “There is nothing that I would like more.” With that he leaned in close and their eyes closed again as lips touched, Isabel couldn’t believe it, she felt like she was melting.


Liz and Maria had met for lunch and Liz told Maria about the conversation with Isabel in the toilets. Maria was shocked, to say the least and she was also angry, she didn’t want to see her friend hurt anymore than he already had been by their involvement with who she was now calling, the Czechoslovakians. “Now just calm down there a bit Maria, I was concerned too, but you didn’t see the look on her face when she was talking about what she saw. I don’t think Isabel was expecting it. Let’s just go find them and keep an eye out for any trouble.”

Liz had to restrain Maria once they found Alex and Isabel. Both were shocked as they watched from a distance, “Man, she sure works fast.” Maria commented bitterly as they watched the couple share a kiss. Liz tightened her grip a minute later as she saw Alex start to look angry but smiled when she saw the grin return to his face as he cupped Isabel’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her again. Just then the bell rang and they quickly hurried to class.

Alex and Isabel never saw the two friends watching them nor did they end up eating lunch but neither seemed to care as they gathered their things to head back to class. Alex was careful not to forget his perfect rose. “I wish I could do something like that for you too.” He sounded disappointed but that quickly changed when he asked, “Do you think since neither of us had any lunch we could go to the Crashdown together after school?”

Isabel smiled, “Sure I’ll meet you at my locker after class ok.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips before they headed off to their separate classes. This was going to be a problem she thought, because she was quickly becoming addicted to those lips and those wonderful kisses. She smiled, yeah definitely a problem.
Last edited by catjh2001 on Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:47 am, edited 9 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:56 pm

Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Two.

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Two.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

Thanks to Mt Gazer for edting form me. She has been Americanizing my Aussie spelling. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement.

Chapter 2
Isabel’s locker 3:00pm
Isabel was busy packing her school books in her bag waiting for Alex when Max and Michael walked up. “Max I’m catching a ride with Alex so you don’t need to wait for me, I’ll see you at the Crashdown later.”

Michael’s uninterested face suddenly became angry, “What do you mean your catching a ride with Alex? Why with everything going on would you catch a ride with him?”

Isabel tried to get Michael to calm down. “Like I said, I’m catching a ride with Alex and you will leave him alone. He is not a problem for us, he is not going to say anything to Valenti and we are going to the Crashdown since we kinda missed lunch today.”

Max let out a chuckle and the smirk didn’t leave his face. “What do you mean you kinda missed lunch ? What were you doing? And together?”

Isabel slapped Max, “Get that silly smirk off your face Max. We were talking, I was explaining a few things to him and we kind of lost track of time.” Michael growled, “What do you mean you were explaining a few things?”

Max could see Michael ready to attack, “Cool your jets Michael, this isn’t the place to discuss this. You and I both know that Isabel wouldn’t do anything to put us in danger.” Max gave her a look half-questioning, half-supportive. “That’s right isn’t it Isabel?”

Isabel smiled her thanks, “Yes, there is no danger, now I would appreciate it if you let me make my own decisions about who I see since you both seem to have found Liz and Maria. Here comes Alex, so be good little boys and get lost.”

Michael grumbled, “Yes boss.” Giving her a ‘This is not over look’.

Alex approached cautiously as he could see Isabel having a serious discussion with Max and Michael. Michael looked his usual angry self but Max had a contemplative look on his face. “Hi Isabel, you ready to go ?”

Just then Isabel’s stomach growled, she flushed “On that note I think we better get going. I didn’t realize I was that hungry …” Max and Michael laughed. “… Oh shut up. Come on Alex.” They left together and both boys noticed that Alex’s hand gravitated towards Isabel’s and both were surprised when she actually took it.

Michael spoke his mind, “You know this is going to lead to trouble don’t you ? First Liz, then Maria and now Alex. Too many people know.”

Max sighed, he knew Michael was not going to like what he had to say, “Michael I don’t think Alex is going to be a problem, in fact I think he might be good for us. Did you see Isabel ? She looked different. I noticed it this morning when we were getting ready for school but I didn’t know what it meant. I think it’s safe to say that Alex might just melt our Ice Princess yet.”

Michael groaned, “That’s just what we need, Isabel getting involved with someone. This is a mistake I tell you, a mistake.”

Max started to look angry, “Oh just shut up Michael, we both know something is going on between you and Maria and if you just stop fighting it, something good might just come from it. But I’m telling you, leave Isabel alone and stay away from Alex. You know the consequences of pissing of Isabel.” Michael chuckled, “Yeah no sleep for a month.”

The Crashdown, 10 minutes later
Liz and Maria had arrived and dressed in their uniforms before starting work. They looked through the diamond window in the break room door and both had to look again upon spotting Isabel and Alex entering together. They took a booth in Maria’s area but both girls headed to take their order, “Remember, be nice. Alex knows now, don’t upset him by pissing off Isabel,” Liz whispered to Maria as they made their way across the diner. Maria gave a little nod in answer. As they arrived both girls smiled and said, “Hey guys, what can we get you ?”

Isabel and Alex laughed and Alex said, “Wow, did you guys practice that ?” Both girls shook their heads no and waited for their order. Isabel looked at the menu and ordered, “Ok, I’ll have a Will Smith Burger and Saturn Rings with a Cherry Coke. Alex ?” “Yeah, I’ll have the same but with an orange soda.”

Liz went to get their drinks while Maria placed their order. Both girls returned to the booth with the drinks and sat down with Alex and Isabel. Liz was the first to break the silence, “So Isabel told you ha ? What did you think ?”

Both girls noticed Alex reach across and take Isabel’s hand. This seemed to a pattern with them, one that Isabel was beginning to like quite a lot if the small smile she was sporting was any indication. “Well at first I didn’t know what to think when Isabel said she wanted to have lunch with me and I really didn’t want to believe her when she said they were …”

Maria quickly interrupted, “Czechoslovakian.” When both Isabel and Alex looked at her in confusion and Liz just laughed, Maria explained, “It’s a code word for you know what.”

“… Oh. Anyway, yeah that but it’s a little hard to dispute when she picks up a weed and changes it into a perfect deep red rose.” Both girls sighed as Alex continued. “After Isabel explained that she also explained about their …” he whispered, “… special powers and what she had done. Well I was a little upset as you can imagine and Maria, horrible creatures ? Really ?” Maria started to retort but Liz kicked her under the table and she had the good grace to not say anything. “Anyway, I realized that how can I be angry when my dream gave Isabel the inspiration to give me a chance.”

Liz smiled while Maria looked at Isabel and saw her smile get bigger; she just had to ask, “Just what were you dreaming about Alex.”

He started to answer but Isabel answered for him, “That’s private.” Maria went to reply but again Liz kicked her under the table.

Just as she was about to speak José called, “Maria, order up.”

While Maria was getting the food, Liz took the opportunity to speak, “Alex I just wanted to say I’m sorry that we couldn’t tell you but I’m glad that you know and I hope we can get our friendship back.”

Alex smiled. “I understand now why you couldn’t tell me and I was only ever worried that you and Maria were in trouble but thanks. Isabel told me about Maria’s response.” They all laughed as Maria delivered the food with a huff. Liz got up, “Well we’ll leave you alone now.”

Alex released Isabel’s hand and they ate their food in a companionable silence. Alex was the first to break it as he watched Isabel put Tabasco sauce on everything and even in her drink. “What’s with all the hot sauce ?”

“Huh, oh, it’s a dietary quirk I guess you could say. We need to have all our food extremely sweet or extremely spicy to have any flavour.”

Alex replied with a quiet, “Oh.” The finished their meal and Alex asked Isabel. “What were you talking to Max and Michael about at your locker ? Michael looked pretty angry.”

Isabel sighed, she knew that there was going to be trouble between the boys but she hoped that maybe, just maybe she could keep the two issues separate but now she wasn’t so sure. “As I told you at lunch, we have always kept our secret and up until Liz was shot, no-one knew it. While Max is really happy to share this secret with Liz and you knowing makes things easier between us if we have a relationship, well Michael still doesn’t think anyone should know. He would rather run, he’s scared that we’re going to be captured and experimented on. I haven’t exactly told them that you know because I would rather do it somewhere more private because I know he’s going to yell. You don’t have to worry though I’ll make sure that he understands. You and I are going to try this and nothing I mean nothing is going to interfere. I’ve never done this before but I really want to.”

Again Alex took Isabel’s hand and gave it a squeeze, “I’ve never really done this before either and I don’t mean just dating a Czechoslovakian either, so we’ll work it out together.”

Just then Max and Michael walked into the Crashdown. Upon spotting Isabel and Alex, they went over to join them. Isabel looked aggravated and quietly growled, “Why is it everyone has to come and sit with us ? Can’t they see we are having a private meal ?”

Max looked surprised while Michael only grunted in response. “Sorry, didn’t know we were interrupting. If you want we can leave.” Max apologised.

Isabel sighed, “No, we have to talk, but we need to go somewhere more private. Mom and Dad are still at work. Why don’t you both go and say hello to Liz and Maria and then head to the house, we’ll meet you there.” Max and Michael shared a quizzical look but both got up to leave, Michael grumbling about knot going to like this. Once the boys left Alex paid the bill and they got up and left.


Max and Michael went over to the counter where Liz and Maria were currently standing having been watching the interaction between Alex and Isabel. Liz was the first to speak, “Hey guys, can I get you anything ?”

Max smiled at Liz, “No thanks, we can’t stay. Isabel wants to talk to us in private.” At Liz’s raised eyebrow, he asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know what that’s about ?”

Liz sighed, “Maybe, but I can’t tell you. You’ll find out soon enough. At this Max looked worried and Michael growled. Liz and Maria shared a worried glance.

Maria chose to end the silence, “So Spaceboy, do you have anything to say ?”

Michael looked at her. “I’m not going to like this am I ?” He questioned her quietly. She looked at him with a smirk, “Probably not. But it’ll be good in the end. Don’t worry so much.”

Michael’s gaze softened; in fact it looked like he might have even cracked a small smile. “Ok Maxwell, let’s go see what trouble lies ahead. By Maria, Liz.” Maria was speechless and Liz gave a chuckle and deadpanned Michael’s serious tone, “By Max, Michael” At that Michael frowned and Max and Maria laughed.

Max smiled at Liz, “By Liz, I’ll talk to you later.

Max ands Isabel’s House 20minutes later
Isabel is pacing nervously in the living room while Alex watches her. “You have to calm down Isabel, there is nothing they can do you, they can’t change anything. I for one am glad you told me. How else would it be possible for someone like me to go out with someone like you ?” Alex finished with a grin.

Isabel looked up at his final comment, “Oh so we’re going out now are we ? When did this happen ? How did I miss that ?” Isabel replied in a teasing tone. Alex looked slightly hurt as Isabel approached him. She touched his cheek, making sure he was looking directly at her, she said more seriously, “I don’t remember you asking me out on a date.”

Alex sighed, then smiling he copied her action and cupped her cheek. “Isabel would you please go out with me.” Isabel’s smile was bright as she replied, “I would love to go out with you.” Alex sighed a happy sigh and leaned in to kiss her.

As the kiss deepened they didn’t hear Max and Michael come in until Michael yelled. “And just what the hell is going on here ?” As they broke apart, Max had to restrain Michael and Isabel looked to be getting ready to fire back.

“What’s going on is that I told Alex the truth …” Max was having a harder time controlling Michael, “… before you out your two cents in. I trust Alex. He helped us twice with no explanation and yet when approached by both the FBI and Sheriff Valenti , he didn’t tell them anything. Now, about what you just witnessed, well that’s none of your business. Who I date is my choice, not yours and I won’t have you telling me what I can and can’t do. If you got your heads out of your asses, you would see that there are two girls out their who would very much like to go out with the two of you all though God knows why.”

By the time Isabel had finished Michael was growling, “Are you quite finished? You know that if I had my way no one would know about us but you two can’t seem to keep your mouths shut. We have enough trouble with Valenti and the FBI. I said when Max first healed Liz that we should leave but would either of you listen ? No.” He turned to Isabel, “Now you I would have thought would know better. You were just as angry as I was when Max told Liz the truth. Now here you are telling us you’ve told Alex and I’m not supposed to get angry. We had rules, the most important being not to reveal our secret to anyone. We had these rules for a reason – to keep us safe. This situation is getting more out of control everyday.”

Max had stood quietly through both Isabel and Michael’s tirades but now he had something to say, “Yes we had rules to keep us safe and I’m sorry that I broke them but I can never be sorry that I healed Liz, she was going to die and I couldn’t bare to let that happen. I know the more people who get involved, the harder it becomes to be safe but maybe Isabel is right Michael. Alex helped us when he knew what were doing was wrong just because Liz and Maria asked him to. That is trust, real trust. I think that together as a group we can protect each other. And really, what could be more normal than going out on dates, having relationships. Sure it might be hard to explain why West Roswell High’s Ice Princess started dating Alex, but they do say opposites attract.”

Michael chuckled while Alex looked hurt. Isabel didn’t look too happy either at the way Max had described her relationship but it was Alex who finally spoke. “While I can’t say that I have been in your shoes, I do understand your fear simply because I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to any of you. Max you saved Liz’s life, you have no idea how much that means to Maria and I, she is our best friend, things just wouldn’t be right without her. Michael, you bring out the spitfire in Maria, and though I admit you have some weird kind of thing going on between you, I have never seen Maria react more over a guy. Finally that brings me to Isabel, it’s no secret that I have liked Isabel for a long time and I will do everything I can to make sure that no harm comes to her. Please, I am asking you to give the three of us a chance, we care about you, Liz and Maria were willing to give up their life-long friendship with me to keep your secret safe. If that doesn’t prove it to you nothing will.”

Max smiled, “We know that you will keep our secret. I am truly sorry that we didn’t tell you earlier Alex but we have been on our own about this all our lives. It’s hard for us to suddenly start trusting people. When I healed Liz, I did it for purely selfish reasons, I didn’t want to live in a world without her and now we are all in danger. I know it hurt you when the girls wouldn’t confide in you, but they just couldn’t. I’m learning that there are those who would do anything to protect us and I’m glad that you are one of those people. Michael, there is nothing that can be done to change what’s happened, but for once we may have a chance to make real friends, maybe even more with people who know our secret and accept us anyway. I want to try Michael, please give it a chance.”

Michael grumbled, “Fine, but don’t expect me to like it. I’m out of here.” With that he left slamming the door.

Isabel turned to Alex, “It may not seem like it but that was an improvement for Michael. I think he’ll come around … eventually.” She took his hand, “It’s been a long day, Mom and Dad will be home soon. I think maybe we should call it a day. I’ll see you tomorrow at school and we’ll talk about that thing we discussed ok.”

Alex smiled, “Yeah, I’d like that.” He leaned in and kissed her. What started out as a gentle kiss goodbye quickly turned passionate and Max, feeling embarrassed at witnessing this intimate moment between his sister and Alex quietly left the room. Alex and Isabel continued to kiss for several minutes, not having heard Max leave. They broke apart when air became a necessity. “Wow,” Alex sighed and Isabel blushed.

“Yeah wow.” Isabel walked Alex to the door where they said their goodbye and enjoyed one more, quick kiss. Isabel watched Alex drive away and waved. “Yep, definitely addicted to those kisses.” She sighed as she went in search of Max. Isabel knocked on Max’s open door, “Hey, can I come in for a minute ?”

Max sat up on his bed, “Sure, What’s up ? Did Alex leave ?”

Isabel sat down next to Max, “ Yeah, he just left. I wanted to say thank you for supporting me out there Max. I know I came down hard on you when you told Liz and you could have easily done the same to me about Alex.”

Max smiled, “Yeah well … I think Alex is good for you. It hasn’t even been a day and already I can see a change and it’s a good change. Anyway, if that kiss was anything to go by, you wouldn’t have listened to anything we said. That must have been some dream Alex had last night huh ?”

Isabel blushed, “Yeah, but that’s not something I’m going to discuss with you little brother. I like Alex, this one might just go somewhere yet. There’s one problem though.” Max quirked an eyebrow as he took a sip of water from the glass next to his bed, “I think I’m addicted to his kisses.”

Max choked, “Jeez Iz, did you have to tell me that.” Isabel laughed as she got up and left. “Don’t repeat that to anyone Max.”
Last edited by catjh2001 on Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Alex And Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part 3 24/3/04

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Two.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

Thanks for all the great feedback. I'm sorry but I'm not good at responding to individual feedback but if you PM me I will respond. Thank you to those who sent their best wishes. My Dad is doing much better, while not completely healed he is back at work again so things have pretty much returned to normal. A special thanks to Mt Gazer who has been editing for me, I've used most of what you suggested but a couple of things I left the same. So ... here's the next chapter.

Part 3
8:00am West Roswell High
Alex stood by Isabel’s locker waiting for her to arrive. He didn’t know how he was supposed to behave around her; did she want to keep their relationship a secret? Were they even in a relationship? Isabel put his fears to rest however when she walked up and gave him a nervous smile before giving him a gentle quick kiss.

She blushed, “Hey Alex.” Alex smiled, “Hi Isabel,” he was surprised when she reached across and undid the top button of his shirt. At his quirked eyebrow she replied, “It looks better that way.”

“Oh, okay.” Alex took a breath, “I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to act around you, I didn’t know whether you wanted to keep us a secret.” Isabel frowned but before she could reply he continued, “I’m glad that you don’t want to keep it a secret. I was wondering if you might like to go to the party at the soap factory with me on Friday?”

Isabel was shocked, she didn’t even think about keeping their budding relationship secret. Now that Alex knew their big secret she was looking forward to having her first real, open relationship. She took Alex’s hand, “Alex, this is my first real relationship. I want to take it slow but I don’t want to keep it a secret. I want to be able to hold your hand …” she gave his hand a squeeze, “I want to sit and eat lunch with you and most importantly, I want to kiss you. I don’t care what anyone says because this is my choice and I choose you.”

Isabel began to worry when Alex didn’t say anything, but slowly a smile began to appear on his face, he squeezed her hand and cupped her face before leaning in to give her a long passionate kiss. When they broke apart they realised they had drawn a crowd of onlookers. “I’m glad to here you say that Isabel. I like being able to kiss you and hold you hand anytime I like and I would love to have lunch with you." With that he kissed her again. “You know, you never answered my question. Will you go with me to the party on Friday?”

Isabel smiled, “I’d like that Alex.” She opened her locker and got her books for her first class as the first bell rang, “I’ll meet you at your locker for lunch. Bye Alex.” She gave him a quick kiss before heading for class. Alex called to her, “Bye Isabel,” then headed in the opposite direction for his first class.


Alex and Isabel’s friends had stood with mouths agape looking at the couple. Isabel’s friends were shocked and appalled especially after they had caught her waitressing at the Crashdown last month. They were seriously rethinking being friends with her. Meanwhile, Alex’s friends were also in shock but rather than being appalled, they were wondering how Alex had drawn the attention and affections of West Roswell High’s Ice Queen.

When Alex reached class, his friends surrounded him wanting to know how he had drawn the attention of West Roswell High’s most elusive sophomore. Alex was hesitant to say much due to the true reason behind Isabel’s affections. All he would say was that maybe she was looking for more than just looks in a guy. The questions ceased when the teacher entered the classroom.

While Alex was being questioned about his relationship with Isabel, Isabel was also being interrogated by her friends about her sudden interest in Alex. Rather than the congratulations that Alex was showered with, Isabel received a lecture about the consequences of dating a geek like Alex. Isabel was angered be her shallow friends’ reactions to her relationship with Alex, and she responded, “Who I choose to date is my business. I’m sick of all the brainless jocks you choose to date who are interested in nothing more than sex and boosting their own egos. Alex cares about me, about what I think and what I want. If you have a problem with that well then too bad.” They responded by telling her that if she continued with her recent strange behaviour then they would have to reconsider their relationship and their friendship with her. The discussion came to an abrupt halt when the teacher arrived and called for silence.


By the time Isabel met Alex at his locker she had become quite angry, she ranted internally. “How dare they tell her who she can and can’t date. And just because she had helped out for one night at the Crashdown, her behaviour was considered strange. She was helping out a friend whose grandmother was dying dammit!”

When Alex approached his locker, he was smiling brightly and seeing Isabel waiting for him only made it brighter. Upon seeing the look on Isabel’s face as he got closer, his smile instantly disappeared and he began to worry about what had made her so angry. “Hey Isabel, what happed?” Isabel then proceeded to tell him about her morning.

Alex quickly opened his locker depositing his books and grabbing his lunch. Seeing Isabel had already collected her lunch, he took her hand and led her to their secluded spot from yesterday. Once there they sat down Isabel quickly leaned in and kissed Alex. When the need for air became urgent they broke apart and Isabel smiled, “I really needed that.” She took a breath, “I was just so angry, I could have hit them Alex. It wasn’t just my relationship with you they were talking about either, they actually told me they were reconsidering being friends with me because I helped out at the Crashdown when Liz’s grandmother was dying. Because they saw it as beneath them to serve others.”

“I sure would have liked to have seen you working at the Crashdown, I bet you looked sexy in the uniform.” Alex teased. Isabel blushed, “Alex be serious.” Alex gave her his most sincerest, ‘I’m innocent’ smile, “I am being serious.” Isabel laughed and leaned in to give him yet another kiss. When they broke apart, both were breathless. “What was that for?” Alex asked. Isabel smiled, “Because I wanted to and because I can.”

Alex laughed, “Well OK then.” His expression became serious, “I am sorry that I’m the cause of problems with your friends. I wish there were some way that we could avoid all this. If you don’t want to go to the party we could do something else, just the two of us.” Both were silent for a moment, Isabel contemplating her choices and Alex studying her face. Alex broke their silence, “If we did something just us then we wouldn’t have to deal with your friends and their comments, we could enjoy being ourselves. I could take you out to dinner or we could have a picnic. We could dance or go to the movies.”

Isabel smiled thinking of the possibilities as Alex offered ideas for their date, “Alex all that sounds like a great idea for a date but I don’t want to hide us. I want to go to the party with you, I don’t care what anyone says. You’re the only one who knows the true me and you still want to go out with me. We’re going to that party and we will have a good time with our friends and the rest can go jump off a cliff.

Alex gave a short laugh, “Go Iz!.” He leaned across and kissed her, a long, gentle kiss. Both pulled apart when breathing became necessary. Together they ate lunch in a comfortable silence, happy just to be in each other’s company.


Meanwhile, Liz and Maria had witnessed Isabel and Alex kissing before school and had heard the gossip all morning during class. Both had been asked a couple of times about the new relationship between their best friend and the Ice Queen but answered with, “Alex hasn’t said anything to us”. As they were returning books to their locker and gathering their lunch, the girls witnessed an angry looking Isabel waiting for Alex at his locker. Alex arrived and Isabel’s mood seemed to instantly change as she smiled and leaned into kiss him. When the girls met Max and Michael for lunch, they found them in a heated discussion about Alex and Isabel.

“They’re the bloody talk of the school Maxell, how is that staying under the radar. They’re going to get us caught and nobody seems to give a damn.” Michael angrily rambled on.

“Michael keep your voice down or you’ll be the one getting us caught.” Max hissed, in a calmer voice he continued, “Isabel is dating, that’s not going to get us caught. So what if people are talking; let them talk. We have to act normal and normal for sixteen-year olds is dating. Let Isabel make her own choices, you know she’d never do anything to put us in danger.”

Liz and Maria walked up and could sense the tension between the two Czeckoslovakians, “Het what’s going on, the temperature feels like it’s dropped ten degrees over here. Are we going to need to separate the two of you?” Maria asked in her usual tone. Both guys looked over to the approaching girls, Max smiled at Liz and if you looked carefully you could see the very beginnings of a smile on Michael’s face as he looked at Maria.

Liz broke the silence after returning Max’s smile, “So how’s your morning been? I see Alex and Isabel are the talk of the school, a couple of people asked us about it but we just said that Alex hasn’t told us anything yet.” Liz looked over to Michael when she heard him growl.

Max gave a short laugh, “Yeah, Isabel and Alex are the talk of the school and Michael here isn’t too happy. He thinks the sudden attention is going to get us caught.”

“Yeah well, I still think she’s playing with fire.” Michael grumbled, sitting with his arms crossed.

Maria sat down next to Michael and put an arm around his shoulder, “You know, this could be a good thing. Alex won’t tell anyone your secret and he could be a great asset to you, he’s really smart with computers, he hacked into Topolski’s computer for us.”
Liz sat down next Max, “Yeah, and he seems to be making Isabel happy. We saw her looking really angry at the beginning of lunch and look at her now.” Liz pointed over Michael and Maria’s shoulder to Isabel, laughing and smiling as she and Alex walked back towards the school building. “Look Michael, I know that you don’t trust us but we haven’t let anything happen to you yet and we’re not going to now.”

Last edited by catjh2001 on Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:56 pm

A Different Beginning New Chapter 4A

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Four A.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

As I said in my AN, this chapter has four parts, one part for each couple and with them all together. I will try to write faster and I think I’m scheduled to pick my Mum up this week so hopefully my muse will return. As always thnks to those who have sent feedback and theanks to Mt Gazer, I’ve used most of your edits.

Part 4A

Friday 7:00pm Evans’ Residence
Isabel was going through her closet trying to find the perfect outfit to wear on her first date with Alex, even if it was for a party at the old Soap Factory. As Max looked in Isabel’s room he had to laugh, the room looked like a hurricane had hit; clothes were strewn about having been discarded when Isabel deemed them to be not good enough for her date. Max was beginning to get worried as she took out yet another outfit and rejected it; he had never seen Isabel this flustered before. “Is it really that hard to pick something?”

Isabel jumped not having heard Max enter her room. “Jeez Max, don’t you knock?” She gave him an evil glare before turning to continue her rummage through the closet.

Max smirked, “Would you have heard me if I did? What’s up Isabel? I’ve never seen you have this much trouble getting ready for a date before?” He chuckled, as he watched his flustered sister.

Isabel sighed, “I’ve never cared this much before Max. When I saw Alex’s dream date with me, I was amazed. He really cares Max, and not just about my looks either. He has helped me so much over the last few days, especially with how my so-called friends have been treating me. You know he even offered to take me somewhere else tonight, just the two of us so I wouldn’t have to face them. I told him no, I’m not going to hide or stop seeing him just because they don’t like it.” She pulled out a red dress covered in dark red roses and her leather jacket. She held them up show Max, “What do you think of these?”

Max was shocked, “You really must like Alex, you’ve never asked my opinion on what to wear before Isabel. I think you’ll knock him dead.” He nodded approvingly.

Isabel smiled, “Well I don’t want to kill him, but I know what you mean, thanks Max. And yeah, I really do like him. I think I’m beginning to understand how you feel about Liz and I want to say sorry for the way I’ve treated you about you feel for her. So … are you taking her tonight?”

Max sighed; he had told Liz that they couldn’t be together because it was too dangerous but things where different now. He was learning that they were stronger all together. Even Michael seemed to be stronger when Maria was with him. That was proved at Atherton’s house; Michael couldn’t get a vision from the key but when Maria placed a hand on his arm and encouraged him to try again, he was successful. “We’re going to meet there but this is not a date for us. I told her we couldn’t be together because it was too dangerous, but after seeing you with Alex and how good Maria is for Michael even if he won’t admit it … I think I was wrong.”

Isabel gasped, her eyes wide, “My brother admitting he was wrong about something?” Teasing him as she playfully slapped his shoulder, “Is the world coming to an end “Seriously, I think you’re right, they are good for us. Alex makes me happy and I know just being in Liz’s presence makes you content? …” Isabel’s mouth slowly twisted into a teasing smile. “… Either that, or you’re addicted to the food at the Crashdown.”

Max smirked, “Now, if we could just convince Michael that Maria is good for him. Tonight though, I’m just going to focus on talking to Liz, tell her that I was wrong, and see if she’ll give me a second chance. Michael can wait for another day. I better leave you to get ready and go get ready myself.”

Max stood up to leave but Isabel stopped him, “I hope you get what you want Max, Liz is crazy about you, I’m sure she’ll give you a second chance. You deserve it after looking after us for all these years. I hope we all can have a nice normal night out.”

With that Max left Isabel’s room to get ready. Twenty minutes later he heard the doorbell ring, from Isabel’s response he could tell that Alex had arrived.

Isabel heard the doorbell ring from her place on the couch. She quickly got up, Alex was exactly on time but she hadn’t expected any less, so far he had been perfect. Isabel opened the door to find Alex holding a half-dozen multi-colored roses and fidgeting nervously. He looked so adorable; she couldn’t help but reach out and pull him into a passionate kiss. Startled at first, not having realized Isabel had opened the door, Alex did not respond. Just as Isabel was about to pull away Alex began to respond and pulled her in close. When they finally pulled apart all Alex could say was, “Wow!” They laughed and Isabel responded, “Yeah. Wow!” Alex looked down and remembered the roses he had bought for Isabel. He handed them to her and she breathed in their sweet scent. “I bought these for you. I didn’t know what you liked and you changed that weed into a rose so…”

Isabel cut Alex off before he could continue to ramble, “They’re beautiful. Thank you Alex.” She leaned into give him a gentle kiss, then leaned back and undid the top button of his shirt. Isabel smiled, “You know you should really wear your shirt like that, it looks much better. I’ll just go put these in some water.” Alex waited in the front hall while Isabel took the roses into the kitchen. She returned a minute later with the roses in a beautiful vase and placed them on the hall table. Grabbing her leather jacket from the back of the couch, Isabel joined Alex at the door, “Shall we go?”

Alex held the door open for Isabel, “After you.” Once Isabel exited the house Alex followed and placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her to his car. Isabel was shocked by the gesture but remained silent, instead choosing to turn her head and smile at Alex.

Alex blushed, opened the car door for Isabel and in his best English accent said, “Your chariot, My Lady.”

Isabel laughed as she sat down in the old Toyota, “Thank you, kind Sir.” Once Alex drove into the street, Isabel placed her hand over his on the gear stick, “I’ve been looking forward to tonight Alex. I’ve been out with a lot of guys before but I’ve never been on a proper date where you worry about what to wear and the guy knocks at the door with flowers and escorts you to his car. That is, until you. You know, no one has ever brought me flowers before. Thank you Alex.” Isabel squeezed the hand she was covering and Alex took his eyes from the road for a second to meet her gaze and smiled.

“I’m glad Isabel because this is my first real date too. I never thought I’d have a chance with someone like you Isabel and since you’re the only girl I’ve ever really been interested in, I’ve never bothered to date much. Besides with Liz and Maria for best friends, who needs to date when you’ve got those two?”

Isabel laughed, “Yeah, I guess it’s kind of the same with us, especially having to hide who we really are. We each handled hiding ourselves differently, Max spent all his time staring at Liz, Michael became a loner and I became the ‘Ice Queen,’ part of the popular crowd and that included dating the ‘popular’ guys. With you though, this is different, I don’t have to be the popular Ice Queen, I can be myself. You, Liz and Maria have given the three of us a greater gift than you could ever imagine, not just by accepting us but also by wanting to have actual relationships with us. You have no fear, even though you know we have powers. Alex you can never know what it means to me that you want to have a relationship with me Isabel Evans, not popular Ice Queen Isabel or alien freak Isabel, just me.”

Alex pulled off the road at the soap factory, he turned to face Isabel and took her hand in his to stop her speech, “Isabel I could never think of you as a freak and I think your powers just make you even more special. To me you will always just be a beautiful person, woman, who has thoughts and feelings, I don’t see you any differently than I see Liz and Maria except …,” He turned a bit shy as he continued, “… I see myself falling in love with you. You have such beauty, inside and out. How many people do you know who would help someone as you did when one of their most loved relatives was dying, I certainly don’t. I know all you did was waitress at the Crashdown but you helped to take the pressure off Liz and Maria both. I see how protective you are of Max and Michael and it amazes me every time I think about how you chose me to be a part of your life, never mind to possibly have a romantic relationship with.” Isabel had been staring at their joined hands as she listened to Alex, he removed one of his hands that were encasing her’s and gently lifted her chin to find silent tears coursing their way down her cheeks. Thumbing away the tears, Alex cupped Isabel’s face and gently kissed her lips, “Oh Isabel, I never meant to make you cry, I never want to make you cry. You know in the week that I have spent close to you, getting to know you, the real you has only deepened those feelings. You are special and not just because you have these special gifts but because you are special to me.” With that he leaned closer and kissed her again, this time however, Isabel reached up and placed her arms behind his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. They pulled apart only when the need for air and the discomfort of kissing over the car console became too great.

Isabel smiled, “You’re special too Alex, in the short time I’ve really gotten to know you I’ve seen how you care for those closest to you. I know how worried you were when you thought Liz and Maria were involved in something illegal and how you’re always trying to make things better for all of us. You didn’t hesitate getting involved with us when you found out what we are, and with me even after I confessed to invading your most private thoughts. Just this last week you have treated me with more respect than anyone I have ever known, you listen to what I have to say, we actually have proper conversations and when any other guy would jump at the chance to take me to this party to be seen with me, you … ” She cupped his face, “…You actually offered to take me to some place, just the two of us so I wouldn’t have to face my friends and their ultimatums. I can already feel myself falling in love with you Alex Whitman and it’s one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.” By the time Isabel finished, she was crying happy tears again and looking at Alex she could see some tears falling on his face also. They reached out to wipe away each other’s tears and kissed gently before Isabel wiped a hand over both their faces to remove any trace of their tears. “Let’s go inside, I want to dance with you like we did in your dream.” Alex quickly got out of the car, racing around to open Isabel’s door. He gave her a hand to help her out and she exited the car, they shared a final gentle kiss before walking into the party, each with an arm around the other and Isabel’s head leaning on Alex’s shoulder both wearing matching contented smiles.

Last edited by catjh2001 on Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:56 pm

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Four B.

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Four B.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. In this chapter I have used several references from episodes leading up to and including Heat Wave and I have used some of the dialogue from the Pilot Episode. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

AN: I know it's been a long time between chapters but I have been working on this chapter and the next simultaneously and I am about 3/4 finished the next chapter. I remind you that this chapter focuses solely on Max and Liz and the next on Michael and Maria. Thanks again to Mt Gazer for her editing and comments and to those who have left feedback. Thank you all for your wonderful comments.

Part 4B
Hearing Isabel leave, Max quickly finished getting ready and left. As he drove towards the party, Max thought about what he would say to Liz; would she give him a second chance or would he blow it? It was funny Max thought, he always believed that it would be enough just to be able to watch Liz from afar but now he couldn’t fathom what he would do if she didn’t give him another chance. Max fell in love with Liz the first time he saw her, there was just something about her that drew him in. But never did he believe that she would return those feelings especially if she ever discovered what he truly was because no matter what Max looked like on the outside, he would always be an alien. So when Liz still wanted a relationship with him after finding out the truth, of course saving her life might have had some effect on her acceptance of he and the others, but he never expected that she would return even a fraction of his feelings for her.

Seeing Isabel so happy these last few days with Alex was such a shock, Max still wondered what it was about Alex that Isabel saw but there was just something about these three human friends that had the aliens acting in ways they had never contemplated before the shooting. Isabel and Michael were always warning him about his obsession with Liz but it was this obsession that had caused the sudden bloom in the aliens, no longer were they just existing but they were actually living. If given the choice of continuing like they were before the shooting, or being hunted by Valenti and the FBI, Max would choose being hunted because he had a chance with Liz, even if he had blown it and Michael and Isabel were beginning relationships, real relationships with people.

Max pulled up to the soap factory and could already hear the loud music coming from inside, he was not used to being in these types of situations but if it gave him another chance with Liz then it was well worth it. As he approached the entrance he could see her coming outside, and as their eyes locked she smiled and waved. Max felt his heart skip a beat and everything faded but the sound of his heartbeat in his ear, this was it, his last chance. He approached her, “Hey Liz.”

Liz smiled at Max, he seemed nervous, “Hi Max. What’s up?”

Max took a deep breath, “Do you think we could go for a walk?”

Liz looked back at the party quickly before replying to Max, “Sure.” She noticed that he seemed to relax when she agreed, as they began to walk away from the factory he remained silent, “So what’s on your mind Max?”

Gathering his courage Max began, “So much has happened to us in the last few weeks, so much has changed. How are you doing with everything?”

Liz was surprised, she hadn’t expected Max to want to talk about this; she had been secretly hoping that he had been having second thoughts about saying no to getting involved. Liz understood the danger that was involved with having a relationship with Max but the only danger seemed to stem from him healing her and the FBI investigating them. Didn’t Max see that they were in just as much danger whether or not they were in a relationship or not and if that were the case, she would prefer to be in a relationship with him.

“Did you know that Maria was teasing me only a few minutes before the shooting; she kept telling me that you were staring at me again…” At this Max blushed. “… But every time I looked you were you were looking elsewhere and I kept telling her that but she wouldn’t listen. I tried to remind her I was going out with Kyle, I told her that he was loyal and steady and that he appreciated me – Do you know what she said? She told me I sounded like I was describing a poodle…” Max laughed, it was such a sweet sound, one Liz rarely heard but he was just begging to be hit for that response so she slapped him lightly across the chest laughing along with him.

Liz continued, “Then when you saved me Max, when you told me what you are, I was scared but then you reversed the connection to me and I saw the way you see me … through you’re eyes I was beautiful. I look at you and do you know what I see?” She cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand, “I see a gentle, caring man trying so hard to stay safe, stay hidden, to stay in the shadows. Yet you risked everything for me … me, Liz Parker. When I look at you, I don’t see an alien, I just see you.”

Removing her hand from his face, Liz turned and stepped away from Max, “Before she died, I talked to my Grandma Claudia about you; we were talking and she was asking me if I was seeing anyone, I told her I was dating Kyle but I couldn’t see myself marrying. She said that was ok, that not every guy I dated was going to be my soulmate. Then I asked her, what if I thought I had already found my soulmate; she asked me if I had and I told her that I thought so but it was complicated. Grandma told me that if it wasn’t complicated, then he probably wasn’t my soulmate.”

Liz turned back to look at Max, “I wish you had the chance to meet … really meet Grandma Claudia, I think you really would have liked her and I know she would have loved you. Did you know Grandma was the one who got me interested in science, she was an archaeologist, specializing in ancient Native American artifacts, she had just published her latest book before she died. Grandma gave me my first journal because scientists keep journals, not diaries. Liz finished earnestly.

Max laughed before becoming serious, “She sounds like a great lady, I’m sorry that I couldn’t do more for her…”

Liz stopped Max before he could continue, “Max you gave me a gift I could never repay, you gave me the chance to say goodbye, something that I never would have had if I had I not known you. You have given me so much Max … without you I wouldn’t be alive today and hey, how many people can say they’re friends with an alien.” Liz looked up to see the serious expression on Max’s face even after her admittedly lame joke. “You know I was only joking Max. I would never tell anyone your secret, I only told Maria because she had my order pad with the blood on it and was threatening to go to Valenti …”

Max stopped Liz’s babble with a gentle touch to her arm, “I know you would never tell anyone Liz, it’s just … the shooting … I almost lost you Liz. I’ve spent my life hiding, afraid that someone would discover my alien origins but that day … I didn’t care about being found out, I saw you lying on the ground, all I cared about was the thought of loosing you.” He smiled, “Sure I barely even talked to you except when we worked together in biology but I was content to watch you from afar because I knew that there could never be anything between us. But living without you … I just couldn’t do that.”

Max took a deep breath, “You know it’s funny, for years Michael and Isabel have been telling me that I can’t get involved with you. They were so angry that I healed you and then when they found out I had told you the truth about us, they were ready to leave Roswell but look at them now. I found Isabel with clothes strewn about all over her room and she was asking me for fashion advice, she’s never acted like this before, especially over a guy. And I have no doubt that Maria will win over Michael’s defenses, especially if the last few weeks are anything to go by…”

Liz laughed, startling Max, “Yeah, I went down stairs to the Crashdown to get a snack while Maria was closing up and I saw them in a very steamy make-out session through the door window.”

Max chuckled, “Yeah, I saw them sneaking out of the eraser room …” Becoming serious again, “… We all saw what happened when Maria put her hand over Michael’s at Atherton’s house. Now if Michael could just admit there’s something there. I think that healing you is the perhaps the best thing that’s happened to us other than being found by Mom and Dad, it has brought you, Alex and Maria into our lives.”

Max moved toward Liz and cupped her face in his hands, “Liz I was wrong, so wrong to push you away when you learned the truth about us. I thought I was doing the right thing for everyone. But the truth is, together we have discovered more about where Michael, Isabel and I come from in the last few months together than we ever did in our years of searching alone. Liz, I don’t know why we were sent to Earth and I don’t know whether we will ever have to go back … what I do know is that I have loved you nearly my whole life, from the first time I saw you in third grade … Liz what I’m asking you is, can you forgive me for my stupidity and give me a second chance please?”

Liz smiled and nuzzled Max’s hand, “Max I know we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, I even know it might be dangerous to be together but I don’t care. I want to be with you Max. When I told Grandma Claudia I thought I had found my soulmate, I was talking about you Max; when you reversed the connection with me, you showed me your soul, and it was beautiful, you’re beautiful, alien or not. Mmph…”

Max cut Liz off, gently covering her lips with his. The kiss was tentative at first as Max wanted to be sure but when Liz responded, he deepened the kiss. Moving one hand to the back of her head and the other to her lower back, he pulled her closer; Liz placed her hands first on Max’s broad chest before snaking them up to play with the hair at the back of his neck. They only broke apart only when the need for air became too great.

Looking into Max’s eyes, Liz knew, this was it for her, she laughed and Max quirked an eyebrow, “ Who’d of thought I would find my soulmate at the age of 16 and that he would be literally out of this world?”

Max laughed aswell, “Yeah, but what about me? I had to come from another planet to find you.” They both laughed before Max swooped in to kiss her again; when the kiss ended he pulled back to look into her eyes, You own my soul Liz … You own my soul.”

Liz reached up cup his face, “You gave my soul life Max, my soul belongs to you.” Liz pulled Max’s face down and kissed him passionately until they were both at risk of passing out.

Liz swayed and Max pulled her closer, kissing her forehead, “I could definitely get used to this, no wonder Isabel said she was addicted to Alex’s kisses.”

“What?” Liz laughed.

“It was after the confrontation with Michael at our house; we were sitting on my bed talking and she told that she was addicted to Alex’s kisses. Unfortunately for me, I had just taken a sip of water and nearly choked but she told me not to tell anyone so you can’t repeat that.” They both laughed.

“I love to hear you laugh Max, you should do it more often.”

Max kissed the top of Liz’s head before replying, “For you Liz, I’ll try. Come on, let’s go find the others.” They kissed again before going back to the soap factory.
Last edited by catjh2001 on Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:56 pm

Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Four C.

Post by catjh2001 »

Title : Alex and Isabel ~ A Different Beginning Part Four C.
Author : Catjh
Rating : Mature
Category : A/I with C/C takes place after Isabel dream walks Alex in Heat Wave
Disclaimer : I do not own Roswell or any of the characters, they belong to Regency and Fox, I am just borrowing them for my story. No infringement intended.
Summary : What if Isabel handled things differently after she dream walked Alex.

AN: Well, it's been a while since I last posted and my story got relegated to The Dead and Buried page. Please be warned that like the last chapter which focused only on Max and Liz, this chapter I'm posting today is focused only on Michael and Maria. For those Candy fans reading my story, I hope I do justice to the characters and to my Star Gazer fans, I apologize in advance because you might find this chapter dry. Also be warned, this chapter has not had much editing. Also, anyone looking to help cowrite my next chapter, please PM or email me at catjh2001@yahoo.com
Thanks, I hope you enjoy.

Part 4C
Michael surveyed the crowd inside the soap factory from the doorway; he couldn’t believe he was actually here but then he had done a lot of things he couldn’t believe in the last few weeks. Not least of these was his sudden involvement with Maria.

Who would have thought they would ever have something in common? Certainly not Michael, but after she listened to his hopes of one day going home, to having a real family out there, Maria had told him that she too held the secret wish that her father would one day return to take she and her mother away from Roswell, to be a proper family. In that moment, for the first time in his life, Michael felt a connection to a human and not just any human but this blonde spitfire, Maria.

Somehow during their shared history assignment and being stuck together in the hotel room they seemed to develop an understanding with each other and Michael didn’t know how to feel about that. He had been on his own all his life except for Max and Isabel. His foster father Hank only kept him around for the monthly check.

First Max, then Isabel, had broken the rules they had made to protect themselves, letting humans in and now he found himself wanting to break the rules for Maria too. What was it about these three humans that made the three aliens want to break the rules? Michael wanted to say attraction but it was more than that. If it was just attraction then there would be no need to let them in on their secret, no pain and remorse at the thought of one day leaving the planet. This heat wave they were experiencing wasn’t helping; the aliens weren’t the only ones being effected either. All around him people were engaging in heated lip locks.

Michael wasn’t immune to this effect either, he too had shared several heated make-out sessions with Maria but his natural instinct was to pull away. Michael could see that Maria wanted something more but he had always used his alien status as an excuse to remain a loner, his only friends Max and Isabel. And then it was because of the bond they shared as aliens that caused him to even form a bond with these two. Opening up to others is just something he doesn’t know how to do, except for some strange reason when it came to Maria. Maria challenged him to be honest. This assignment they had was a prime example, sure he could have just told her a load of crap but for some reason he found himself telling the truth and even quoting Ulysses when Maria didn’t believe him. Could it be that Michael had finally met his match in this little blonde spitfire? If he had, the question remained, would he let her in? Watching how Max and Isabel had opened up to Liz and Alex had been hard for Michael, he was scared to trust and now Maria wanted him to do the same with her.

Michael had often wondered over the years how different things might have been if he hadn’t run away from Max and Isabel that night, if he too had been found by the Evans.’ But he hadn’t, instead he had been placed in the foster care system eventually landing with Hank Guerin, an abusive drunk as his foster father and living in a trailer park rather than the nice Evans’ home. Many nights Michael had escaped to Max’s bedroom floor to get away from Hank. It was such a regular occurrence that Max didn’t ask questions, he just left the window unlocked and a sleeping bag in the closet.

When Michael took Liz’s diary, he got to see a different side to both Max and Liz. Rather than being angry that Liz had written down everything she had learned about the aliens, he found himself feeling jealous of the feelings she expressed about Max. What was it about this girl that could influence their lives so profoundly; Max had taken one look at her on the first day of third grade and he never looked twice at another girl again. Liz would do anything to protect Max and by extension Isabel and himself. Michael admitted to himself that he was furious when they discovered that Liz had told Maria but then when both she and Maria were willing to risk their friendship with Alex to keep the aliens’ secret, his opinion of these two changed again. Michael at least knew the reason behind Liz’s willingness to protect them but, why was Maria willing to risk her friendship with Alex? Could he dare to hope that maybe she really cared for him?

When they were at Atherton’s house and the key he found in Valenti’s office didn’t unlock the door, and then he couldn’t get another vision after coming all that way he had been so disappointed thinking that it had all been for nothing. Not Maria though, even after he had effectively kidnapped her and blown up the engine in her mother’s car, she just placed her hand over his and told him to try again. To Michael’s surprise, he received a vision about a secret room. They found a lot of stuff about aliens in that room but they didn’t have much time because whoever had been following had caught up to them. So they quickly gathered what they could and escaped. Unfortunately, they didn’t get to go through any of it, because it was stolen from Max’s room where it was being kept. All they had left was the necklace with the symbol that the three aliens all recognised but didn’t know why. If it hadn’t been for Maria though, they might not even have had that.


Maria stood in the shadows watching Michael as he observed the crowd. He seemed deep in thought and she wondered if he was having doubts about getting involved with her. Afterall, one minute they couldn’t stand each other and the next they’re sharing intimate details about themselves with each other in a hotel room. Then, as if that wasn’t strange enough, suddenly they can’t stop making out. And boy! Were those kisses hot. Maria hoped that Michael would give them a chance, she could see how happy Alex was with Isabel and she was sure that Liz and Max were working their way towards being together, especially now that Liz was no longer with Kyle. Maria knew that Michael didn’t trust humans but she hoped that seeing his two best friends and fellow aliens happy with her two best friends and fellow humans, that he would give her an opportunity to prove that she could be trusted.

When they were at Atherton’s house in Marathon and Michael couldn’t unlock the door with the key he stole from Valenti, she could see his disillusionment at having to ask Max to unlock the door with his powers. Then, when he failed to get a vision from the key the first time he tried, it was like some instinct had told her to cover his hand with hers and to get him to try again. She could see and feel his confidence return to him when he got the vision of the secret room. That had to mean something didn’t it? Sure, her earlier opinion of him hadn’t been that friendly but there was something, she could just feel it, drawing her to this moody alien. There was something between these two groups, something pulling them together and maybe there was a reason for that, maybe they had just needed a catalyst to bring them together. Now if she could just get her brooding Spaceboy to see that maybe he did need them, her.

Maria decided to end her misery, so she quietly walked up to Michael, “Hey Spaceboy, those must be some pretty deep thoughts you’re having.” She laughed as she saw Michael jump, having not heard her approach.

“Dammit Maria! You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that. Don’t you know I could have hurt you?”

“Well hello to you too Michael.” She took a breath before continuing, “You’re right, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that. So, what had you deep in thought?”

“I was thinking about the last few weeks and everything that has happened. If you had told me a couple of months ago that I would be attending a party at the old soap factory and talking to humans, I would have told you to go sniff some seder oil. But then again a few months ago I didn’t know that you sniffed seder oil.”

Maria laughed, “Those were your deep thoughts?”

Michael scowled, gruffly replying, “No, I was also thinking about the shooting; Max healing Liz and their sudden involvement; about Isabel and her impulsive relationship with Alex and about what’s been happening between the two of us.”

Maria placed a hand on Michael’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t joke. And yes a lot has changed, but they’ve been good changes. Other than Valenti and the FBI, I think the changes have been changes for the better, I mean look at how happy Isabel Alex and Isabel are. And I don’t think it’ll be long before Liz and Max get together either, especially since she broke it off with Kyle. Then there’s the two of us, I know we didn’t get off to the best start and I am sorry about that but I think there’s something between us too.”

Maria looked at Michael carefully to gauge his reaction to what she had said, he seemed to stiffen slightly at her words but otherwise showed no reaction so she continued, “I know you don’t trust us Michael but you can, we won’t tell anyone about you, we care too much about you to let anything happen to you.” When he didn’t respond she continued, “I know you want to go home Michael, but what if you never find a way home? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life alone? Because Max and Isabel sure don’t look like they want that. I admit you and I are like fire and ice, but we do seem to have something and all I’m asking is for you to give me a chance, give us a chance. I know you might leave, but not tomorrow.” Maria finished, the wind having been blown out of her sails by Michael’s facial expression.

Though his expression did not change, Michael had listened to everything Maria said and a part of his heart welcomed her words. Yet, there was still this deep instinct telling him to protect himself, that humans could not be trusted, they would only hurt him. Michael was at war with himself, he so desperately wanted to reach out and grasp what was being offered to him by Maria and by extension from Liz and Alex. Was Maria right? Did he really want to be alone forever if they couldn’t go back? Watching Max and Isabel reaching out to Liz and Alex was making it clearer to Michael than it had ever been that Earth was their home, not wherever he was searching for. Sure they wanted to know where they came from and why they were sent here and now the time had come for him to decide where home was for him. Is it here with Max and Isabel, the only family he has ever known? Or is it out there on another planet with family he has never met? Looking up to see the defeated look on Maria’s face, Michael realised what his heart had already decided while waiting for everyone to arrive, this was his home, Earth was his home and Maria may very well be his future.

Just as Maria was about to walk away she felt Michael grasp her wrist. She turned but any angry words she had, died on her lips and she was left breathless by the look of pure intensity on Michael’s face. Maria tried to speak but could only whisper, “Michael?”

In an uncharacteristic move, Michael pulled Maria toward him and cupped her cheeks in his hands, “You’re right Maria, I don’t know where my home is, and I may never know where I came from. I’m not like Max and Isabel and I know I’ll never have a relationship like they have with Liz and Alex but if you still want me … then I want to try Maria.”

When Maria didn’t answer, Michael began to worry that he had waited too long but when he felt the dampness of Maria’s tears he began to panic. “Maria I’m sorry ok. I didn’t mean …”

“Don’t. Don’t you dare tell me you didn’t mean it Michael Guerin. I’m not crying because I’m upset. That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. I know you’re not like Max and Isabel Michael. But I’m not like Liz and Alex either. I happen to think you’re fine just the way you are, maybe a little rough around the edges, but I want this Michael, I can’t explain why, but I want this.”

Michael wiped away the remnants of Maria’s tears, “I was going to say, ‘I didn’t mean to make you cry.’ I meant what I said Maria, it might not be perfect and we’ll probably fight a lot but I want us to try.”

Maria leaned in and kissed Michael; unlike their previous frenzied make-outs, this was a gentle kiss, one that held the promise of something deeper. “Well you know the best thing about fighting?”

Michael removed his hands from her face and pulled her into a loose embrace, “No. What?”

Maria kissed him quickly, “Why making up of course.”

Michael smirked, “Oh yeah.” He pulled Maria in for a passionate kiss, only pulling back when the need to breathe became a necessity.

As they broke apart, Maria noticed Isabel and Alex arrive. “Hey there’s Alex and Isabel, I wonder what’s keeping Max and Liz?”