The Experiment Series (ML, CC / Mautre) (Complete)

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Chapter 10

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 15

They have all chosen their human mates proving that genetic coding
can be overcome. This part of the experiment is complete. Now, on to the next phase.

Max’s decision to have Liz stay with him had a silent, but definite impact on the rest of the group. Although nothing was discussed, Maria moved in with Michael and Isabel was really glad to get away from Tess and into Alex’s tent. It was like all of them had waited for Max to take the first step in defying their destinies.

Max hadn’t really thought his idea to keep Liz with him through, but all he knew was that he wanted her near so he could at least try to protect her. Yes, that was all. It had nothing to do with the fact that waking up with her had been a lifelong fantasy of his. No, this was only for Liz’s protection…

When he was finally satisfied that she was relatively okay, he had left her on his spare bed with Maria and Alex as company. Liz would still not tell him anything about her experience and got agitated if he pressed the issue. The remnants of the incredible anger that had slammed through him at the thought that Tess would want to hurt Liz were still present and he needed to get away to calm down or he would burst.

Getting in his Jeep, he took off into the desert, his hands gripping the steering wheel fiercely. He had to do something to protect Liz from other attempts to remove her from his life. Also, he needed help in protecting her. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t be with her every second of every day. Driving around the desert aimlessly, Max could come up with only one solution to his problem…


Maria was sitting with Liz’s head in her lap, while Alex was giving her a foot massage. Neither of them were having any success in getting Liz to talk about what had been going on in her dreams. Maria had tried everything she could think of: best friends should help each other, Tess should die, Pam Troy was a bimbo, Max without a shirt… Nothing. Liz talked to them about everything but the topic they wanted to discuss.

Maria finally decided to use her trump card. It was low, but she had nothing else to use. “Lizzie, you should have seen Max when we couldn’t wake you up. He was so out of his mind. I think he was crying. You really scared him!”

This made Liz sit up and rub wearily at her eyes, where tears were starting to form again. She would never forget that look on Max’s face. She knew he loved her, but the desperate fear of losing her that he exhibited today was absolutely scary. Never again would she doubt the depth of his feelings for her.

Alex put his arm around his friend. “Liz, you have to talk to Max. It’s going to kill him if you keep stuff from him. He wants… no, he needs to help you.” Liz leant into Alex, into the embrace she knew so well from many years of comforting each other. She wanted to talk to someone, but not Max. She knew how he would feel if she told him what had been happening in her head. Yes, she needed to talk to someone, but before that she needed to do something special for Max tonight. To show him how much she loved him back.

“Maria, could you help me with something? I need tonight to be special with Max.”

Alex jumped up and held up his hands. “Whoa, I don’t think I wanna be hearing this! And you better not be talking about… you know what, missy!”

Liz smiled sunnily for the first time that day. “No Alex, don’t freak. I just really want some alone time with Max and after how I scared him today, maybe I could try and make up for it, you know.” She grabbed Alex by the arm when he tried to leave. “You must help me. Keep Max out of here until we’re ready.”

Alex sighed dramatically. Since he’s been friends with these two, he always ended up being pulled into their schemes. “Whatever. But I’m not promising anything. That guy is scary when he wants to see you and people try to stop him!”

Liz hugged him. She knew he would come through in the end. She turned to Maria after Alex exited. “Okay, let’s make some magic!”

“Hmmpf!” Maria grumbled. “We need the alien magicians for that!” But she dutifully sat down to listen to Liz’s plan.


In the end, Alex didn’t have a tough task. Max only came back after lunch and then he went to see Nick in his tent. They stayed in there talking for hours. When he came out, he was cornered by Isabel who insisted on trying to get the contents of his meeting with Nick out of him. (Alex had enlisted her help.) Apart from saying that Nick was fine with the new sleeping arrangements, Max was tightlipped about the rest. Isabel couldn’t even get him to react so that she could surmise whether the meeting had been positive or negative.

Finally Max had had it. “Izzy, could you stop. I haven’t seen Liz all day and I want to make sure she’s all right.”

Just then, Maria walked in and took over from Isabel to delay him. She explained Liz’s day in great detail. From how long she slept, to what she said and what she had for lunch. She only stopped when she saw that Max was starting to get worried. Glancing surreptitiously at her watch, she let Max go.

Michael intercepted Max on the way to his tent. Max was starting to feel like screaming. Was he never going to see Liz again?

“Hey Max, Liz is still sleeping.” Michael was lying through his teeth. “I grabbed some of your stuff so you can have a shower.” He didn’t even wait for an answer, but dragged Max off.


It was dusk by the time Max finally reached their tent. He pondered for a moment on how wonderful that sounded. “Their” tent. He had dreamed of having a home with Liz one day, but this will have to do until then. He rubbed his hair with the towel Michael had given him. Although, he had to wonder how Michael was able to so successfully organize a clean set of clothes for him.

He stopped in his tracks when he entered the tent. Candles were scattered throughout the room, giving the interior a golden glow. A table had been set to one side, two place settings adorning it. But his attention had only been half-fixed on all the trappings. His eyes had found her immediately. She stood next to the table and she took his breath away.

Liz was wearing a white tank-top with spaghetti straps that molded to her upper body. With that she had on a long, slim, white skirt that fell to her bare feet and had a slit that came up to mid-thigh on one side. The candlelight lovingly painted her skin with gold. She had a hesitant smile on her lips and Max couldn’t get a word out.

Liz was getting worried when Max just stood there, staring at her. The heat in his eyes told her that he was happy with her attempt at romance, but she needed him to say it out loud. Putting her hands behind her back, and trying not to notice how this made Max’s eyes drop lower from her lips, she cleared her throat. “Hey.”

Max finally dropped the towel that was still in his hand. It was Liz’s turn to be struck dumb. He always looked sexy in jeans, but tonight he was wearing a white shirt over it that was left unbuttoned.

“If you keep looking at me that way, we’ll never eat.” Max’s gruff voice interrupted Liz’s helpless inspection of his bare chest. She pulled her eyes up hastily and hoped he couldn’t see her blush.

“Uhm... yeah. I just thought we could have a quiet dinner. Together. I mean…” Liz was stammering and feeling more and more like a love-struck teenager. What she and Max had was so much more, but when he looked like this, hair mussed from the shower, shirt hanging open and that gorgeous half-smile that he kept only for her, she was lost. “Would you like to eat?” She ended lamely.

“Only if you kiss me first.” His voice was low.

Liz didn’t need a second invitation, but walked over to him slowly, enjoying the feel of his dark eyes watching her progress. She marveled at how one look from Max could make her feel sensual and loved.

Max watched in fascination as her movements gave him tantalizing glimpses of her bare leg. “You take my breath away.” He whispered in awe.

She reached him. “I love you.” Standing on tiptoe, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers. The kiss was long, deep and gentle. It was an affirmation of their love for each other and a promise of so much more to come.

They pulled apart, sharing a smile. Neither of them wanted this quiet and tender moment to end. Max threaded his fingers through hers and led her to the table. He pulled out her chair and sat down across from her, taking her hand again. They didn’t really notice what they ate. It didn’t matter as long as they were together. They talked about school, what was going on with their friends, how Maria had threatened Michael with death to get him to co-operate with Liz’s little scheme.

Liz basked in each smile from Max. They were precious to her because they were so rare. She knew he must be worried about a lot of things and she didn’t want to add to his burden. Instead, she wanted to be the one person that could help him lighten the load.

She waited until Max had finished eating and slowly stood up to round the table. Max pushed back his chair to get up, but Liz stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him provocatively while sliding onto his lap. “Okay, Mr Evans. Dessert is on me.”

Max’s last thought before her lips finally touched his was that his day was getting better with every passing minute.

Chapter 11 coming up.
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Post by LoveIsForever »

Thank you I will wait until it gets all posted here.
The One Thing That Never Dies Is Love.

My Roswell Challenges

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Chapter 11

Post by LivE »


Liz sighed into his mouth, a small, satisfied sound that they could finally be together like this again. He tasted like heaven. His mouth was warm and soft and did magic things to her body. She pulled away slightly when he tried to deepen the kiss. Tonight it was her turn to seduce Max and she intended to make the most of it.

Licking her lips slowly and allowing him to watch every movement, she kissed him again. But these were teasing little kisses, feather-light touches on his lips that ended as soon as they began. Max was starting to have trouble breathing and Liz enjoyed the feel of each hot gasp against her lips. She leant in again, her lips a hairbreadth from his and let her tongue drift over his mouth, tracing the contours. Max made a strangled sound and brought his hands up to cup her face, pulling her to him and plunging his tongue into her. The kiss was hot and frantic and told her that Max had been keeping a hold of himself for quite awhile now. She gloried in his closeness, running her hands through his hair and shifting on his lap in an effort to get closer.

Max felt like his heart was going to explode with all the emotions and needs crashing around in it. This wisp of a girl in his arms could do more damage to him with one touch than any alien war could with weapons. He wondered if she knew how much power she really had over him. Did she know that he would kill to be with her like this? That he would go to the ends of the earth to just hear her voice?

Liz was in her own little Max world. That place that he created each time he was near. It was a place where everything was perfect and she felt safe and loved. It was a place their connection made even more special, because right now she could feel how much Max wanted to be with her. It made her giddy with happiness.

When Max was satisfied that she wasn’t going to torture him with those half-kisses again, he removed one hand from her face and cupped the knee that was peeking out from the slit of her skirt. This caused Liz to squirm on his lap even more and he dragged his mouth away from hers with every intention of chastising her for trying to drive him insane. But as soon as his lips left hers, Liz started to kiss a path down his jaw to his neck. She slid one hand over his bare chest, running her fingers over the hills and valleys of his body. Max could only close his eyes and ride the storm. As she moved lower, her hair brushed over the skin of his stomach, creating such a riot of lust in his body that he feared he was going to faint.

He allowed her to caress him until he couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up with her in his arms and fused his lips to hers again. He was getting drunk on her taste and her smell. He lifted her into his body with one arm, letting her feet dangle off the floor. His other hand cupped her head, arching her neck to allow him deeper access to her mouth.

Liz was floating. Being plastered to every inch of Max was exciting her beyond belief. The heat was coming off him in waves and his skin burned her fingers wherever she touched. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and Max managed to shrug out of it by shifting her from one arm to other. Neither of them wanted to let go of each other for too long. Liz ran her hands over his shoulders and his back, enjoying how his muscles contracted at her touch. He truly was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. A groan against her mouth told her that Max was privy to her feelings through their connection.

Lifting her higher against him, Max flattened one hand between her shoulder blades and pressed his mouth into the hot skin of her throat. She was making those small helpless sounds again and he felt the vibrations of each one under his lips.

Liz threw her head back, causing her long hair to stream down her back like a dark waterfall. She needed to be even closer to Max and she unconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist. The feeling of having the insides of her naked thighs in contact with his skin was electrical.

Max didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stay upright. One of the thin straps of her top had slid down her shoulder and left him with a tantalizing amount of skin to caress. And he didn’t need an engraved invitation. Her warm legs wrapped around his body were exquisite torture and he couldn’t stop himself from cupping her rear with one hand. She was amazingly small and fitted into his one hand. Like she was made to fit him.

“Max.” The hunger in her voice was his undoing and he walked blindly to the bed. Any bed. The nearest bed. When he finally lay her down gently, he didn’t join her immediately, but stood staring down at her. She looked absolutely ravishing… and ravished. Her hair was streaming over the pillow, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her top was peeling off her one shoulder. Her skirt had ridden up and showed her calves and an arousing portion of her one smooth thigh. She was Max’s fantasy come true.

He was just as breathtaking to Liz. His skin was bronze in the candlelight and his eyes told her that he was the one man that could and would eventually fulfill every dream she ever had. She held out her hand to him, inviting him closer. He took it slowly and reverently, and joined her on the bed.

Propping himself on his elbows, Max lowered himself carefully until his body covered hers. Their bare stomachs pressed together and heightened the flames in their eyes. He watched her face in fascination while she ran her hands down his spine, her fingers finding the indentation and following it to the top of his jeans. He saw her eyes grow larger when her slight pressure on his lower back brought her into closer contact with his arousal.

He gently brushed his forefinger over her lower lip and looked at her seriously. “Liz, honey, don’t be scared. You know I would never… I mean, I really love you and I really want to… uhm, make love with you, but not now. Not under these circumstances. So… don’t’ worry, okay?” Liz had watched him earnestly throughout his speech and by the end he could see a small smile start in her eyes.

“Max, I trust you with my life and my heart, why would I not trust you with my body? I know you. I love you. This will happen when it should. Don’t think I’m worrying about you losing control or something every time we’re together. I’m not. I’m just… yeah, I guess I’m just still surprised sometimes that you feel this way about me.”

Max had closed his eyes in reaction while she was talking, but his eyes snapped open at the last statement. “Okay, have you not noticed that I can barely keep my eyes or my hands off you?” he joked. “Liz, sometimes I want you so much I can’t see straight, but I need for us to be sure of where we’re going before we take that step. And I also need you to know that it’s really hard for me to stop sometimes, so you’ll have to help me. Making love is something precious and I don’t want us to just get into it hastily. Besides, I think we have proven that there are some really fun ways of being together without actually being together.” The corners of his mouth were curled in a sexy grin by now.

“I love you even more now, if that’s even possible.” Liz was starting to smile widely. She pulled his face down to hers and purred: “Soooo, show me some of those fun things, Max.”

He happily complied.


Max was woken sometime during the night by a whimper coming from Liz. He had never made it to his own bed, instead his body was wrapped around Liz’s, her skirt tangled around their legs. Liz made another distressed sound and Max jerked upright. “Liz! Wake up, love!”

For a frightening moment there was no reaction and then her eyes flew open. “Max!” she cried, her voice filled with fear.

Max hauled her against his chest, rubbing his hands over her back, trying to comfort her. “Shh, its okay. I’m here.” He waited until she lay in his arms quietly before he moved away so he could see her face. She avoided his eyes and he grabbed her chin, lifting her face to his. “You have to tell me sometime. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me, love.”

Liz just nodded mutely, but said nothing.

He sighed and hugged her close again. “Let’s get you into some pj’s. We can’t sleep in these fine clothes all night!”

He found her pajamas on her suitcase and pulled her up from the bed. She just stood there obediently as Max slid her skirt off her and held the drawstring pants for her to step into. He gently fastened them around her middle before grabbing the hem of her top and pulling it over her head. His jaw clenched and he had to take deep breaths to keep his hands from shaking as he helped her pull on her nightshirt, covering her nakedness from his thirsty eyes. The task completed, he picked her up and slid her into the bed between the sheets that were still warm from their earlier occupation.

He quickly stripped of his jeans and pulled on sweatpants. Turning back to her, he didn’t know if he should join her again or not, but she looked so lost lying in the middle of the bed, that he couldn’t get himself to stay away.

Liz snuggled closer to his warm chest as soon as he was in bed with her. She rubbed her cheek over his skin, taking deep breaths and willing the demons that chased her in her dreams to stay away.

Max hugged her close. “I’m going to stay right here.” He kissed the top of her head. “And when you feel ready, you tell me what is bothering you.” He kept up the rhythmic caresses on her back and soon Liz drifted into sleep again. Max couldn’t sleep. He watched over her and wondered what she saw when she slept that scared her so much.

He also wondered what she would say if he told her all that he had planned with Nick today. Nick baffled him. He didn’t even flinch when Max made it clear that Liz was never leaving his side again. And he seemed almost helpful with the rest of Max’s plans. A smile curved his lips at that thought. Yes, he was going to make Liz Parker very happy, very soon!

Chapter 12 next.
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Chapter 12

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 16

The tension levels have dropped dramatically since the change in pairings. Training has improved and I am hoping the second phase of the test does not affect this. Their bonds seem strong, but so much of it is built on a fickle emotion. An emotion that is as foreign to us as it is accepted by them.

Liz came awake reluctantly the next morning. She had been dreaming of Max whispering sweet nothings in her ear and she didn’t really want to face reality yet. She kept her eyes closed and wished she could return to her dream world. How was she supposed to get up and go to work when she was feeling this mellow?

“Hey, lovely sleepyhead.”

Liz started in surprise and her eyes finally flew open. She wasn’t in her bed at home. She didn’t need to get up to serve the breakfast crowd at the Crashdown. She was very much in bed with Max Evans, who, by the way, had his one hand under her shirt on her bare stomach. She looked up at him suspiciously. “How long have you been awake and what have you been doing to me in my sleep?”

Max was propped up on one elbow, watching Liz who was lying on her back. He grinned. “Hmmm, wouldn’t you like to know? But I’ll say this, I now know that you have a birthmark on your—”

“Hey!” Liz was mortified. And then she saw the mischief in his eyes. “You jerk! You’ve been the perfect gentleman, haven’t you?”

“Yeah. But I’m willing to change that now if you like…” His voice had lost some of its mirth and was a few octaves lower. Liz felt the change reverberate through her body.

He shifted closer to her, slinging one leg over hers and effectively pinning her to the mattress. He trailed his lips over hers softly, rubbing their open mouths together without deepening the kiss. “I love you,” he whispered against her mouth. “I wish I could wake up with you like this forever.”

Liz smiled. “Me too.” She put one hand on his chest, letting her fingers trail over his skin while she enjoyed his gentle exploration of her lips. He was absently moving his hand back and forth over her stomach, creating a tingling sensation deep in her body. She couldn’t stop herself from arching up into that magic touch. She heard him inhale sharply as he reared away from her.

Liz caught his hand and pressed it against her firmly, just above the edge of her pants. “Do you even know how you make me feel sometimes?” She looked up into his eyes, seeing the gradual darkening of desire there.

“Tell me.” His voice sounded strained, even to his own ears.

Liz swallowed. How does she explain the things happening in her body without sounding cheesy or trashy? Her gaze fluttered away from his, embarrassed. But he has given her so much, she owed it to him to at least try to explain. “I burn.”

Max had been waiting patiently for her to overcome her sudden bout of shyness. But he wasn’t prepared for the maelstrom her words would create in his body, in his mind, in his soul.

Liz continued, a blush creeping over her cheeks. “I ache here.” She pressed his hand down on her stomach again. “And…” she took a deep breath, waiting a few beats before moving his hand to her breast. “And here.”

Max felt like he had been hit by lightning. Liz seemed unaware of the havoc she was creating. She was determined to give him this gift of honesty and was concentrating on telling him how she felt by finding the right words.

She suddenly looked up at him again. Her brow furrowed. “Max, how is it possible that I know that you would make me feel complete? That only you could fill this… this hollowness inside my body?”

Max could hardly speak, but she was looking at him with such solemnity that he had to try. “The same way I know that being inside you would complete me too.” She nodded, accepting his explanation.

Curving his hand around her breast, he leant in and kissed her with furious passion, hurling them both away into a place where the only thing that mattered was the sensations they created for each other. Liz arched into his hand and threw her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down on hers more firmly. She kissed him back with a ferocity that dazed him. Her tongue glided against his as she fought him for entry to his mouth. He finally gave it to her with a groan.

Liz shifted, allowing Max’s thigh to slide between hers. She pressed against him and the feeling was incredible. It lessened the ache in the pit of her stomach momentarily, only to bring it back thousand-fold immediately thereafter.

“Maxwell!” Michael’s voice was an unwelcome intrusion in their little heaven.

“Oh my god! Michael! Did I not tell you not to come in here unannounced?” Maria was dragging Michael out of the tent, casting an apologetic glance over her shoulder.

Max rested his head on Liz’s shoulder with a sigh. “We really need to get a house far away from them one day!”

Liz was still having trouble grasping reality since Max has not removed his hand from her breast yet. She tried taking deep breaths to calm herself, but the only thing that accomplished was to accentuate the feel of his hand on her heated skin.

Max finally lifted his head, smiling at her ruefully. “You make me lose my head sometimes. I’m sorry I got so… out of hand.”

Liz ran her hand over his jaw. “I loved it. You have my permission to do it more often!”

“I don’t think so! It will be the death of me.” He watched her in silence for a few moments before pulling away from her and rolling onto his back. “Would you mind leaving me here on my own for a while? I need to… to get my breath back.”

Liz smiled. ‘Get his breath back indeed!’ “Yeah, I’ll go shower.” She gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”


It was like old times. The six of them around a table. Maria bickering with Michael. Alex being attentive to Izzy’s every need. And Max and Liz having silent conversations with their eyes.

The other camp inhabitants watched all of this from the sidelines. The loving looks and touches were something foreign to them and they wondered at the emotions that drove humans to such actions.

With breakfast over, the three aliens departed for some more training with Nick, but not after they said goodbye to their respective other’s. It was such a relief not to keep from physical closeness in the presence of other members of the camp.


Journal Entry 17

Love remains a confusing concept. What does it mean to love someone? How far would you go for that love?

Liz felt a little lost as her two friends went off to their respective “jobs” at the camp. She wandered around aimlessly for a while before Jans found her.

“Hi.” He looked at her closely. “Are you okay?” He was obviously referring to the incident yesterday morning.

Liz blushed, sure that by now the whole camp knew of her trauma. Not to mention the scene Max made after it. She couldn’t believe it at first when Maria told her that Max had basically thrown Jans across the tent for just being near her. That so did not sound like Max!

“Yeah, I’m fine now. Sorry about yesterday.”

Jans just smiled. “I can see how he gets that way about you…” His gaze was intense and Liz squirmed under the weight of it.

“So…” She began, not really knowing what to say.

He seemed to snap out of his trance. Oh yeah, Nick asked me to keep you occupied while… Max is away. Is there something you would like to do?”

A kernel of a thought was taking shape in her mind. She turned to Jans with a determined look. “Yes, actually there is.” She explained to him what she needed and almost laughed at the surprise on his face.

Jans overcame his surprise quickly and then he had to fight to stop himself from grinning contentedly. She was playing right into their hands. And he was going to spend a lot more time with the lovely Liz Parker from now on.

Chapter 13 next.
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Chapter 13

Post by LivE »


Max was in the showers by the time Liz got back that night. Her whole body ached, but the smile returned to her face when she saw the single white rose lying on her bed. He was so sweet, but goodness knows what Max used to create the flower with in the middle of the desert!

When Max returned, he found Liz lying facedown on her bed and his first reaction was complete panic because something had happened to her. He ran over to her bed and turned her over, causing her to wake up. Liz was instantly shocked from her groggy state by the look on Max’s face.

Max hugged her close. “Don’t ever scare me like that again!” He fought to breathe normally again. “Are you okay?”

Liz rubbed her hands over his arms in a comforting way. “I’m fine. Just really tired.” She cupped his face and looked up at him pleadingly. “Max, you have to stop worrying about me like this. You can’t go around wondering what’s happening to me every time you leave me alone somewhere. You have a very important job to do and you need to focus.”

He looked at her seriously. “You’re asking me to stop breathing.” He stared at her quietly for a few moments. “It would help if you tell me what happened the other night…”

Liz swallowed. “Max, its over now. I don’t want to talk about it, please.”

“Honey, you were really upset again last night. I need to know what Tess did to you. This… whatever this is, will continue to bother you until you talk to me… talk to someone about it.” His voice held a pleading note that tugged at her heartstrings. He truly was the most gentle man she knew.

“I’ll try and talk to Isabel tomorrow. Now will you let me get cleaned up so I can sleep?” Liz was trying to placate him and change the subject, but the slight narrowing of his eyes told her that Max wasn’t falling for it.

He brushed a soft kiss on her cheek and pulled away. “So, what have you been up to Ms Parker?”

She smiled, relieved that he wasn’t pushing the issue. “Oh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Nothing important anyways.” But she couldn’t hide the wince of pain as she got up.

Of course Max, who was watching her intently, didn’t miss the small sign. He jumped up. “What have you been doing to yourself?”

“Max, relax! I just carried some heavy stuff. Nothing terrible.” Liz was grinning at him. He was so cute when he got all overprotective.

Max failed to see the humor, but he didn’t really know what to say without sounding like he was trying to control her free time as well. He tried for a joking attitude instead. “Tell whoever you were helping that you need to be rested for when your leader comes home at night!” That only earned him a slap on the shoulder as Liz breezed out of the tent to the showers.


Journal Entry 18

Unknown elements. Testing the strength of the original elements.

Maria nudged Liz during dinner, making sure that the guys were involved in a discussion that diverted their attention. “Liz, this is like déja vu! That Jans guy hasn’t taken his eyes off you the whole night! Only I liked the way Max stared at you…”

Liz looked up only to see Jans drop his eyes to the table. “Maria, don’t panic over nothing. And above all, don’t make Max panic over nothing. He’s just helping me with some stuff.”

Maria looked unimpressed. “There’s something weird about that guy, I’m telling you. And may I remind you that I also told you there was something up with Tess? And that I was right! What happened to her anyway?”

Liz shuddered. “I don’t know and Max freaks out when I talk about her. Maybe you could find out.”

“Oh yeah, like Spaceboy is going to tell me anything! Maybe we could pump the Ice Queen for answers.” She looked speculatively at Isabel, causing a frown on Alex’s face. “I’ll try later. We are on the verge of being dragged off to their caves!” The last part was said in a stage whisper, obviously aimed at annoying Michael who was leaning over to grab her hand.

The others just smiled as the two went off, holding hands while arguing.

Liz turned back to Max and caught him looking at Jans with an unreadable expression in his eyes. She stepped closer to him, brushing her body against his in an effort to get his attention. As usual, it worked instantaneously. “Let’s go home.”

Max smiled at her unconscious use of the word and turned her around in his arms so that her back was pressed against his chest. Keeping his arms around her, he marched her out of the tent, their steps matching instinctively. His thoughts went back to what he had just witnessed. Jans had been staring at Liz with an almost hungry look in his eyes. And the smile that he had on his face also disturbed Max. He wondered if he was just being paranoid. Maybe he didn’t like the guy because he spent so much time with Liz. Nick had said that he would ask Jans to look after Liz when Max was out of the camp and Max had agreed reluctantly. He still had a very vivid memory of Jans hanging all over Liz.

Back at the tent, Liz plopped down on her bed and took out her journal. Max grinned at her. She looked so cute sitting cross-legged on the bed and frowning in concentration. “So, am I ever going to get to read that?”

“Maybe if you’re really good.” She bit her lip, pretending to think about it. “Its not as if there’s much in here that you don’t already know. See, here I wrote ‘I love Max’. And here I put ‘Max is gorgeous’.” Liz burst out laughing at his obvious discomfort. She closed the book, deciding to rather talk to him about his day.

They had and awkward moment getting ready for bed later, not knowing whether or not to undress in front of each other. Max solved the issue by turning his back on Liz and giving her some privacy. That only solved one of his problems, because he could still hear her movements and his mind was supplying the visuals from last night to go along with them.

When they finally faced each other over the expanse of the tent, the awkwardness returned. Again it was Max that broke it. “I can’t imagine you sleeping anywhere but in my arms. Ever again.” That was all Liz needed to cross the divide and snuggle into bed with him.

Max caressed her cheek and kissed her gently. He looked serious when he ended the kiss. “Liz, I need to talk to you about something. Actually, I need to ask you something, but… its serious and I want you to have time to think about it. Could you make sure that you could meet me tomorrow night at six? I’ll come get you and we could go for a drive.”

Liz sensed his nervousness and wondered what could be so big that he could feel that way. “Max, if this is about the other night—”

He stopped her with a finger on her lips. “No, it’s … it’s something else. I don’t want to scare you, but I need to make sure…” He didn't know where to begin without pre-empting the talk of tomorrow night. He saw the fear in her eyes and all he could think of to say to take it away was: “I love you. Always.”

Chapter 14 next.
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Chapter 14

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 19

This is an irreversible step for our race, for theirs, for the two of them.

Both Max and Liz nearly overslept the next morning. They had been lying awake most of the night, worrying and thinking, pretending that they didn’t notice the other one was doing the same thing.

Max worried about many things, not the least of which was the issue he had to discuss with Liz tomorrow night. It felt like a fist was twisting in his gut when he thought about how she might react. Although nobody probably knew Liz as well as Max did, they had only been together for a short while and uncertainties still plagued him sometimes. He had held her in an unconsciously tight grip, afraid that she might take flight.

Liz could feel the tension in Max’s body and wondered what serious thing Max had to ask her. He was obviously in a state about it and she desperately wanted to make things better for him, but that was impossible if he didn’t tell her what it was. This led to another unpleasant thought. Maybe Max was right. She would never recover from her awful experience if she didn’t get it out in the open. She took a deep breath, deciding that she really would talk to Isabel in the morning.

Liz woke first from her uneasy doze. Her face was inches away from Max’s on the same pillow and she enjoyed the few minutes of watching him sleep. His long eyelashes rested on his cheeks and his perfect lips were slightly open, making her want to kiss him. He looked restless though, his mouth moving as if he was talking to someone. She rubbed his arm, draped heavily over her stomach, in an absent attempt to calm him down.

His words suddenly became distinguishable. “Nooo… Liz. I can’t… don’t go…”

His voice was filled with such pain that Liz slid closer to him, hugging her arms around his waist. “Max! I’m here!” Her eyes were filling with tears at his tone. It reminded her of the flash she saw from when he was with Pierce. He had been filled with an indescribable, searing heartache that nearly doubled her over when she felt it too. She knew he had been reacting to a blurry picture that Pierce had been showing him, but she couldn’t make it out clearly and he wouldn’t tell her what it was.

His eyes popped open the same time his arms nearly squeezed the breath from her. He pressed his face into her neck and mumbled: “Please don’t ever leave me!”

Liz threaded her fingers through his hair soothingly. “Hey, it was only a nightmare. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

He didn’t answer, but only kept up his crushing grip on her. She realized he was trembling so she pushed his face away from her neck, looking in his eyes and said: “I love you. Nothing will ever change that.”

He rolled her over and kissed her. The kiss was filled with such force and desperation that it shocked Liz a little, but she knew immediately that she wanted to help him ride out this storm. So she opened her mouth wider, allowing him to plunder its depths and fight this demon chasing him. His one hand twisted in her hair, arching her neck as his lips moved down to her throat. His mouth was hot and hard and it felt like a brand on her skin. She kept her hand in his hair, pressing him closer still.

The despair that filled Max when he dreamt of Liz walking away from him just now was lifting little by little, and with it came the realization that he was being rough with her. He pulled away to apologize, but seeing her eyes shut in ecstasy seared away the guilt. Instead, her expression caused such a kick of desire in his body that he knew he had to get out of that bed fast. He rubbed his lips over hers one last time and sat up, trying to ignore Liz’s sound of protest.

“If we don’t get up now, they’re going to come look for us again.” He tried to sound light, but he couldn’t look at her. If he did, they would never get out of here. And then tonight would never come. The knot in his stomach returned full force. Tonight…


Liz cornered Isabel after breakfast. “Could I… could I talk to you please?”

Isabel looked confused for a minute. Why was Liz talking to her and not to Maria? “Yeah, sure.” She followed Liz into the tent, still frowning.

Once inside, Liz started pacing. Isabel watched her for a while until the pacing started getting on her nerves. “Liz, my brother is besotted with you. And yes, he can be real controlling sometimes, but if that’s why you guys fought—”

Liz had turned around to stare at Isabel. “No! We haven’t fought. It’s not that.”

Isabel sighed dramatically. “Then what?”

Liz came over to sit on the bed with her. “Its… its about the other night. When Tess… I need to talk to someone and Max…”

“Will just make things worse, right? It has something to do with him, doesn’t it?” Isabel looked at her closely, seeing how Liz paled at her last statement.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“So tell me.”

“It was horrible, Isabel. She kept showing me these images of Max… dead.” Liz barely heard Isabel’s gasp. “He died over and over again. In different ways. Every time it was something I did that caused it… I couldn’t get away from it.” Tears were running down her cheeks. “It was so real. I could see his blood. And I had caused that. I… All I wanted to do was never wake up so that all those things could never happen to Max.”

Isabel hugged her. “Liz, the only thing that would hurt Max, is not having you with him.” Her words eerily echoed Max’s plea of this morning. “And Tess, well, she’s lost and desperate. All she’s ever known was that Max was hers, and you were a threat to that. She wanted YOU to give up on Max, because she saw very quickly that she would never be able to get Max to give up on you. She talked to you before the cave too, didn’t she?”

Liz nodded. “She said that if I really loved him, I’d let him become who he really was. That he was someone very important to your people and that I weaken him by loving him. That I take his focus away.” She bit her lip, the pain of that moment coming back to her.

“You see. She was trying to get you to leave Max.” Isabel smiled. “I’m glad she didn’t succeed totally. He was a real pain to be around after you left.” Secretly she thought that Max would be livid if he knew Tess was behind Liz giving up on them at the cave too. “I want you to know one thing, and remember that this comes from the person who used to gag watching the two of you together, Max was lost when you were gone. Your love makes him stronger.”

The light was starting to return to Liz’s eyes. “I hope you’re right… So where is she? Tess, I mean.” Liz was almost afraid to ask.

“She’s still here. But Max instructed Nick to keep her away from us all or there’d be hell to pay. Max has never been angry with you, so you won’t know this, but he can be really frightening when he’s furious. And believe me, Tess was lucky to get off so lightly. He wanted her to leave completely, but apparently she is needed for the cause or something. He put the fear of the devil into her, she’ll leave you alone now.”

Liz hugged her and whispered ‘thank you’. Izzy waved it off. “Hey, you’re the reason I have Alex.”


The hours dragged by with leaden feet for Liz. She was worried about tonight. Particularly after Max had fairly bolted from their tent this morning. She was working with Jans again today, but she couldn’t concentrate on her self-imposed task. She also had to admit that Jans was starting to bother her too. He kept touching her and looking at her in an intimate way. She even caught him staring at her breasts once. Damn, Maria for putting these doubts into her head. If she didn’t need him for her project…

When she finally got back to camp it was still relatively early, so she went for a shower and lay down on her bed. It felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest with nervousness about tonight. She got up when she sensed Max was near, not wanting to scare him like last night. She stopped dead in her tracks when she realized what she just did. She sensed Max. What was happening to her?

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on Max. Yes, the Jeep just stopped near the dining tent. Liz ran outside holding her breath and sure enough, Max was getting out of the Jeep with Michael. He turned around to stare at her with wide eyes, obviously aware of what had just happened.

Max went to her immediately. He pulled her into his arms not knowing what to say. He felt her reaching out to him to pinpoint his position just now. How had she done that? And was she scared about this development? “Liz?”

Liz saw the concern in his eyes. “What just happened, Max?”

“I don’t really know. I just know that I’ve been able to feel your presence ever since we came here. I knew you were in the camp before Nick even told us. I’m not sure why it’s happening to you too, though. Are you… does it bother you?

Liz wondered why a desperate note was creeping back into his voice. “Its weird, but no, it doesn’t bother me.” She rubbed her nose against his neck. “Does that mean I could check on whether you’re gracing some other damsel’s tent with your presence?”

He only smiled half-heartedly. “Yeah. Like that would ever be something you’d have to worry about.” He disentangled himself from her. “Let me go get cleaned up. Why don’t you go have something to eat before we leave?” His eyes were avoiding hers again.

Liz wanted to scream: ‘No! Tell me what is going on!’ Instead she dutifully left to go to dinner.


The ride in the Jeep was filled with a tense silence. Max was clutching the steering wheel like it was a life raft and Liz felt her nails bite into the palms of her tightly gripped hands. She had had an awful dinner and ended up leaving not having eaten much. Their friends were nowhere to be seen and neither was Nick. Only Jans had sat in his usual place, staring at her.

Max cast a sidelong glance at Liz. His dream girl. He didn’t need to be drunk to acknowledge that fact now. He tried to swallow past the lump in his throat. He didn’t know what he would do if she didn’t…

He stopped the Jeep abruptly. Coming round the front, he helped Liz out silently. His fingers closed around hers in a crushing grip for a few seconds before he could finally get them to relax. He turned away from her, frowning. How was he going to do this when he was a mess just thinking about it?

Liz tugged him back around. “Max, if you don’t talk to me now, I’m going to have a heart attack. Please, I can’t take this anymore!”

Max knew he couldn’t postpone this any longer. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. “Liz, I love you. More than life.” He stopped, trying to gauge her reaction.

She was staring up at him fearfully. “Max, please… don’t ask me to leave.”

Max looked stunned for a few moments. “What! No, never!”

Liz looked momentarily relieved. “Then what?”

“I want… no, I need to make a commitment to you. Somehow. And since we’re too young to get married, I thought…” How was he going to explain all of this? “I talked to Nick. I said I wanted you to be my wife. In our sense… I mean my race’s sense. There’s a ceremony…” He suddenly found he couldn’t stop staring at Liz. She was starting to glow with an inner happiness that nearly blinded him.

“Liz, please say yes. I know I’m asking a lot. But I love you and I can’t bear losing you again. We’ll get married for real someday, I prom—”

But Liz had thrown her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. “Yes”, she whispered into his waiting mouth.

Chapter 15 next.
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Chapter 15

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 20

It had to be done. There was no other way.

Their kiss was filled with joy and promises for the future. There were so many things to say and so few words to say them with. Max was running his hands through her silken hair. How he loved to do that! And how afraid he had been that he would never be able to do it again. Her lips tasted like honey and like home, the home he had always been looking for. And her body, that fit so perfect against his, promised him heaven.

Liz was floating. This was a moment she had always dreamed of. Well, not exactly this, but this was so much better. Marriage could come later, right now she would be Max’s mate. His chosen destiny.

Max reluctantly pulled his lips from hers. There were many things still to discuss. Staring into her eyes, he wished he could freeze this moment in time forever. To be able to see the sparkle that he put in her eyes over and over again. He touched his fingers to her lips reverently. How amazing that he had to travel across several galaxies to find the person that completes him in a small town named Roswell…

Liz waited silently, sensing he had more to say. But as he opened his mouth, his eyes caught something over his shoulder. Liz turned her head to see what he was looking at, but there was nothing but desert shrubs behind them. His attention was on her again when she turned back.

“Liz, I want you to know that I’m doing this because I love you. I’ve been dreaming of marrying you since I saw you that first time. But this is not how I wanted it to be. I wanted—”

Liz shut him up with a soft kiss. “I don’t care.”

If ever there were words that had the power to weaken Max Evans, those three were it. I don’t care. Those words that had started his hope so long ago that Liz could love him back some day and now they meant that she loved him. And that she didn’t care what the costs of that love were.

Smiling, he attempted to get the discussion back on track. “Liz, there are always going to be people that want to hurt you because of me. I can’t always be with you and if you’re my mate… my bride, you will have a whole race of people looking out for you. I need to know that you’re safe, that your safety is the concern of other people too.” He regarded her seriously. “And I want you to know that this ceremony is a promise for the future. A promise that I will marry you one day, because… because that’s the human way.”

Liz was trying not to cry, but his words were spoken with such determination and tenderness that they went straight to her heart.

Picking her up unexpectedly, he carried her back to the Jeep. “Where are we going?” Liz wanted some more alone time with him. “Are we going back already?” Her disappointment could be heard in her voice.

Max just hugged her closer for a few seconds, hiding his smile in her hair so she couldn’t see it. He set her down in her seat and kissed her forehead before moving around the front of the car to get in himself.

Liz frowned when he drove in the opposite direction of the camp. What was going on now? It didn’t take long to become clear. The Jeep rounded a group of boulders to reveal all their friends and Nick. They were all wearing flowing, white robes and smiles.

Liz started trembling and turned to Max. “Did you…”

He just nodded, love shining from his eyes.

Maria and Isabel were at her side and pulling her from her seat. “Come on. We have some work to do to get this show on the road.”

They dragged Liz away from the guys and Max watched her go, his heart in his throat. He was startled from his thoughts when Michael slapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Maxwell! You always have to do everything first, don’t you.”

Max smiled at his friend of many years, but Michael jumped in before he could say anything. “I know, I know. Because it’s Liz.” Michael shook his head. “Anyway, let’s get you into the tux before she comes back.”

Max’s mouth fell open. “Tux!”

Alex was laughing by then. “He’s just joking! Come on.”


Journal Entry 21

I have performed many bonding ceremonies in my life. They were all done to establish units for procreation. My final words always completing the unit. But this time, the bond was already there. I only made it official. I could feel their link and its power was awe-inspiring. How is this possible? They have not been intimate. They are not genetically coded for each other. They are from different races. This experiment becomes more important for my people by the day.

Her beauty stole his breath, his heart and his soul. She was a vision in white, her long hair flowing like silk across her shoulders and her eyes shining like the sun.

He was the most magnificent man she has ever seen. Her hero. The white material of his shirt falling loosely over his strong body. His beautiful eyes filled with love for her.

They faced one another, surrounded by a circle created by the linked hands of their friends. Nick was conducting the ceremony. No words were spoken. He put a hand on Liz and Max each, causing sensations and images to fly through their minds. They were not supposed to touch until the end, but Max couldn’t stop himself from taking Liz’s hands. It caused Nick to falter for a few seconds, thrown by the strong connection flowing between the two young lovers.

They stared in each other’s eyes, seeing images of their past together. Memories of shared kisses, shared pain and shared pleasure. Then they saw the promises for the future. Their hopes and dreams. Among them there were dark-haired children that made Liz gasp and Max grip her fingers more tightly.

Nick ended the ceremony by putting his hands on both their heads. ‘Now you are one.’

He stepped away, but Max and Liz didn’t even notice. Max raised his hand to press it over her heart and waited while Liz mimicked his gesture. “Liz, I love you. Always.”

“And I love you. Forever. My Max.”

They stared at each other for long moments, before Alex’s voice broke the silence. “You may now kiss the bride!” Isabel swatted him on his arm, but the onlookers were all relieved for the lightening of the mood. They had all been fighting lumps in their throats.

Max kissed Liz’s smiling lips softly. Soon that wasn’t enough and he lifted her up against him with an arm around her waist. Their open mouths melded together hungrily until they started lacking oxygen and the comments from the onlookers finally broke into their haze.

“Are you two going to be even worse now?” But Isabel was smiling when she said it. She went over to hug her brother when he finally let Liz down to the ground again. “I’m so happy for you.” She whispered in his ear.

Liz was being surrounded by Maria and Alex, while Max still hung onto her one hand. Maria hugged her tightly and Alex kissed her on top of her head. “Thanks for doing this, guys. I love you both so much.”

Alex was still grinning. “Yeah, the leader wanted us here, its not like we had much of a choice! And this after I told him you were going to say no…”

“Alex! You didn’t!” Liz hoped this was the normal Alex banter and that he didn’t really do it, because it would have played right into Max’s nightmares.

“Sheesh, relax. I’m not a complete idiot. I’ve watched you moon over the guy for months, I knew you would say yes before he even finished his question!”

“So does this mean you two will be having… you know, a honeymoon now?” Trust Maria to home in on the most important issue.

Liz felt Max’s hand tighten around hers and she knew he had heard the question even though he was still talking to Michael and Isabel. “Uhm… yeah, I think we’re going to wait with that…”

Looking at Max she found him staring at her with heated eyes. Or maybe not…

Chapter 16 next...
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Chapter 16

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 22

It was much too soon, but we had no choice.

It was dusk when they drove back to the camp. Max and Liz were alone in the Jeep, the others having decided that they needed some private time. Max had trouble concentrating on driving. He held onto Liz’s hand tightly and only let go if he had to shift gears. He couldn’t let go of her hand even if he tried, but the flashes that came with the contact were heating up his blood unbearably. He had trouble deciding whether they were from him or from Liz. They held images of the two of them tangled together in passion and unleashed desire. Fighting for a normal breathing pattern, he glanced at Liz, trying to discern if she were seeing the images too. It was a mistake and he realized it immediately. Her head was thrown back against the seat, her eyes closed and her breath coming in gasps through her slightly parted lips. His eyes traveled lower helplessly, coming to rest on the agitated movement of her breasts.

Liz was rudely plucked from her daydream when the Jeep screeched to a halt. It took her a moment to gather her wits before she could turn to Max. The question in her eyes died a quick death when she saw the look in his. It felt like flames were burning her skin everywhere his eyes touched and she watched him entranced, unable to look away. He looked hungry… for her.

The spell was broken momentarily as Max got out of the Jeep and rounded the hood. Liz could only watch in helpless fascination as he finally reached her side and pulled her legs round so that she sat facing him. His hands slid from her ankles over her calves under her skirt, the material bunching on his wrists as his hands moved higher. Reaching her knees, he curved his hands round the backs of her legs and pulled her towards the edge of the seat. Staring into her eyes, he stepped closer, his hips slipping between her thighs. Liz was powerless to stop the low moan that erupted from her throat and she reached up to clutch at his shirt.

The initial touch of his mouth was surprisingly soft, but the timbre of the kiss changed as soon as Liz parted her lips. Max accepted the silent invitation by thrusting his tongue into her mouth causing passion to explode between them. They kissed hungrily, desperately.

Max slid one hand from her knee over the silken skin of her thigh to cup her bottom. The movement removed the impeding material of her skirt and Liz wriggled forward until she could wrap her legs around him. The strangled sound torn from Max’s chest was music to her ears.

Max tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her head back so his lips can reach her neck. He ran his tongue over her skin, tasting her as he went lower. Liz’s put her hands on his shoulders, leaning backwards to give him access. The heat of his mouth caused an achy feeling of need in the pit of her stomach. How much she needed Max to make love to her…

Max stopped when he reached the barrier of her top. He desperately wanted more, but wasn’t sure how Liz felt about it. Meeting her eyes, he saw the answer there and it nearly brought him to his knees.

Still watching her intently he moved back a bit and caught the edge of her top in his hands. Liz lifted her arms, allowing him to pull it over her head. Max sucked in an impeded breath as she was revealed to him. She was gloriously beautiful. ‘And mine.’ The thought was intoxicating and arousing.

Liz stared at him breathlessly as he slowly lifted a hand to cover the lace of her bra. The heat of his hand seared her skin and caused a rush of sensations in her body. She arched into his hand involuntarily, silently begging him for more. “Max…” His name was a moan, a plea, a prayer…

Max gathered her close to him once again, the need to kiss her overpowering him. Their open mouths clung together, their tongues mimicking the most intimate of connections. Max kept up his caresses on her skin, teasing her with soft touches until she was writhing against him in reaction.

Liz tore her mouth away, breathing raggedly. “Sh… shirt. Take off...” The words wouldn’t come out right. It felt like her mind had left her body, as if he had somehow stolen her reason from her. She urgently started pulling at his buttons, her fingers clumsy and trembling.

Max shrugged out of the shirt as soon as she completed her task, letting it drop carelessly to the sand. He dragged her back into his arms, both of them sighing with the contact. He tightened his hold on her until they were pressed together from shoulder to stomach. He used one hand to slowly rub their torso’s together, causing a delicious friction of skin on skin.

Liz arched her neck, closing her eyes in ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around him again, instinctively rubbing their lower bodies together and producing a tortured sound from Max.

‘I want you.’

The thought was simultaneous and shared through their connection.

Max encircled her with his arms, hugging her to him in a tight embrace. He was fighting for control over his body and he felt Liz doing the same. Their hearts thundered in their ears and their breathing was harsh and labored. They stayed like that for a long time, slowly coming back to earth.

Max finally pulled away. “Let’s go home.” His eyes were saying what his mouth couldn’t. Tonight, everything was going to change...


Journal Entry 23

Let the second phase begin…

They arrived back at the camp to find a large crowd waiting for them. All the inhabitants have gathered together and Max could only hope they didn’t see the state he was in. He was really desperate to be alone with Liz. It had not been his intention with the ceremony, but somewhere during all this he had given up on waiting before they make love. He felt like he had married her today and it felt right like nothing in his life ever had. She completed him, she made him happy… and she made him human.

Liz also had trouble hiding her disappointment when they were confronted with the crowd. She gripped Max’s hand for she couldn’t bear not touching him right now. She caught Maria’s eye and was mortified to see her friend’s knowing grin. Apparently it was obvious what she and Max had been up to before they came back.

A silence settled over the crowd as Max helped her out of the Jeep and they stood side-by-side in front of his people. Liz felt his hand tighten on hers and she clutched his arm with her other hand, pressing her body against his in nervousness. What are they going to do?

Then, as if following a silent signal, the crowd bowed in unison.

Liz stared at the sight, unable to comprehend what was happening. She looked up at Max and saw the relief in his eyes. He stepped away from her slowly, gently disentangling himself from her and leaving her alone in front of the crowd. Liz watched in awe, as it became clear that they were honoring her. Not Max, but her! She turned back to Max, tears filling her eyes. This was so much more than she had ever hoped for. She had basically stolen their leader from his intended wife and they still reacted this way. Not knowing what she should do, she did the only thing she could think of. She said: “Thank you.”

Heads lifted up in the crowd at her soft words. A soft clapping started and soon, the applause was thunderous. Liz stood quietly throughout the display, her head held high. The only sign of her nervousness was the hands gripping her skirt at her sides.

Max never felt prouder of her than right now. His heart was about ready to burst and he had trouble keeping himself from going to her and kissing her breath away. But this was her moment.

Nick went to Liz and presented her with a carved wooden box, bowing low before her as she took it. His expression seemed faintly sympathetic, but Liz didn’t have time to ponder this before she was surrounded by people. She also didn’t see the two people standing at the edge of the crowd, regarding the scene with cold eyes. Jans and Tess were both upset with this development, but for very different reasons.

Liz was starting to get overwhelmed by all the people trying to touch her. Maria and Alex arrived, herding her away from the crowd and towards her tent.

Safely inside, Alex bowed low before her, trying very hard not to laugh. “So, my Queen, why were you and our fearless leader so long in returning to the castle?”

Liz blushed. “Shut up Alex!”

Alex folded his arms. “I don’t think that is appropriate language for someone of your standing, young lady!”

Maria shoved him in the ribs before turning to her friend. “Wow, Lizzie! This is all so surreal! One day I’m teasing you about the quietest guy in school staring at you all the time, and now you’re basically married to him and being treated like a queen! I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.”

Liz sighed. “Yeah, me too.” She frowned. “Where is Max?”

The topic of her question came into the tent as if conjured by her thoughts. His face looked grim and Liz felt a cold shiver going down her spine.

Alex and Maria had also seen Max’s expression and quickly left the tent.

Liz swallowed, wondering why he wouldn’t meet her gaze. “What’s going on, Max?”

Stopping in front of her, he took her hands. “Liz… Love, I’m sorry. I… I have to leave.” Hearing her shocked gasp, his eyes finally lifted to hers. “It’s a crisis. I have to go, I’m sorry.”

Liz could barely get the words past the constriction in her throat. “When?”

His eyes pleaded with her to understand. “Right now.”

Liz was suddenly gripped with an unnamed fear that threatened to overpower her. Something was going to happen to Max if he left, she just knew it…

Chapter 17 to follow.
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Chapter 17

Post by LivE »


Journal Entry 24

Physical contact for procreation and mating. Our people never needed more. Yet, it means so much to humans. I wonder at this need of theirs to touch. Does it create a closer bond than we could ever manufacture?

“Max, please!” Liz clung to his hand and her eyes filled with tears. She knew she should try to be strong, but this fear was clawing at her with icy fingers. Maybe if she didn’t let him leave, nothing would happen…

Max turned back after closing his bag and embraced her. “Liz… Honey, don’t cry. What is wrong? You know I’ll be back.”

But that’s just it, she wanted to scream, what if you don’t! Instead she bit her lip and tried to climb into his body. Into his welcoming, loving warmth that she couldn’t live without. “Please… please be careful.”

Max felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He never coped very well with her tears or pain. It was even worse when he was the cause of it. What was going on with Liz? She was normally so strong.

He caught her chin in his hand and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. They were wet and fearful. “We have to go see Nacedo. Something went wrong with his project or something. He said we must meet him tomorrow morning and its really far to drive… Liz, please! I can’t leave you like this.”

A small part of her wanted to cry even harder, to force him to stay, but she knew she could never do that. So she swallowed back her tears and nodded weakly. “I’m okay. I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She flung her arms around his neck, hugging him desperately. “I’ll miss you! Max, I love you so much.”

Max lifted her up with one arm, so her face was on the same level as his. He gently cupped her cheek. “I love you too. I’m sorry I have to leave you tonight… of all nights.” His eyes burned into hers before he slowly met her lips. He poured all the love he felt for her into that one kiss. Communicating the depths of his feelings for her without words.

Liz was crying by the end of the kiss. It felt like she was kissing him goodbye forever. She had to force herself to let go of him as he finally slid her back to the ground. She stifled her sobs and bit her lip again, trailing behind Max out of the tent, her hand still gripped in his.

Max could feel the tension and distress from Liz bombarding his senses. He had trouble propelling his feet forward to the group waiting at the Jeep. Michael, Isabel… and Tess. Max felt Liz start to tremble when she realized who was going with him. He didn’t know what to say to her. She couldn’t still be worried that he would leave her for Tess, could she?

He stopped a few paces away from the others, the fact that a lot of the camp’s people had gathered to watch them leave was barely registering. “Liz.” But he didn’t finish his sentence. Because in Liz’s eyes were fear, not jealousy or doubt. Pure unadulterated fear. His breath caught in his throat as he realized she was scared for him. “Honey, I’ll be fine!” He tried to sound as reassuring as he could. “We’re only meeting him and coming back. I won’t be gone for more than three days. I promise!”

Liz brushed the wetness from her cheeks hurriedly. She could see Tess watching her emotional display with disgust. The blonde girl obviously thought Liz was overwrought because Max was leaving her alone for a few days. She bowed her head and whispered: “Be careful. Please.” She prayed that Max would loosen his death grip on her hand, so she could run back to the tent and break down in private, but he didn’t. Instead he pulled her with him to the Jeep, seemingly unwilling to loose contact with her too soon.

Max flung his bag into the Jeep and checked that everyone else was ready. Michael and Isabel said quick good bye’s to their respective loves and got in the Jeep with Tess. Max looked at Liz. She looked so small and vulnerable that he had trouble not breaking down and staying. She was rubbing silent tears away again, trying very hard to be brave. He caught her in a bear hug, pressing his face in her hair. “Oh god Liz, this is killing me.” He kissed her neck and shoulder and every place he could reach, eliciting soft gasps from the crowd. His lips finally traveled over her beloved face, gently covering her eyelids and nose, before he brushed her mouth in a heartachingly sweet kiss.

Liz clutched at his shirt, kissing him back with unexpected passion. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, her movements full of urgency. She pressed her body into his, hoping his heat would burn away the cold fear in her heart.

“Uhm, Max. I’ll take Liz now.” Alex’s voice was low and apologetic. He had inched forward after getting a look from Isabel that he needed to break up this make-out session. He took a step back when Max glared at him after lifting his mouth from Liz’s. He looked like he wanted to hurt whoever tries to take Liz from him.

Liz was shivering. Partly from the reaction of her body to Max’s kiss, but mostly from fear.

Nick appeared next to Max. “You must go now.”

Max had trouble getting his eyes to look at anything but Liz. “I love you.” His voice was strong and sure. Leaning down, he placed another lingering kiss on her lips, before he pressed her into Nick’s arms. “I hold you responsible for her safety.” His gaze was saying the rest. She is my heart. If anything happens to her, you wouldn’t want to live.

“Max.” Liz couldn’t say anything more. His name has always been her mantra for warding of evil. Without thinking, she clung to Nick’s arm in an effort to stop herself from running back to Max.

Max got in the Jeep and drove off, not looking back at Liz. If he did, he would turn back around…

After a few miles, he stopped the car. “Michael, please drive.”

Michael looked at him in surprise. Max seemed truly upset. In fact, he looked like he had tears in his eyes. It was on the tip of Michael’s tongue to say that Max should get over it, he was only leaving Liz for a few days, but Izzy’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Settling himself in the passenger seat, Max clenched his hands into fists. They were separated by miles of desert sand and he could still feel her emotions. He hated leaving Liz like that! Nacedo better have a real emergency or he would definitely hurt the guy.


Liz stood staring at the place where the Jeep disappeared for a long time. She didn’t even notice that she was still clinging to Nick, or that he seemed at a loss as to what to do with her now. Neither did she notice the quizzical glances from the people still milling about.

Alex and Maria eventually came over and took Liz from Nick’s arms. She seemed dazed and Maria looked worried. “Okay Liz, you are freaking me out here. What’s up with the tears? Prince Charming will be back in a few days.”

Tears welled up in Liz’s eyes again. “Oh Maria, I have this terrible feeling about him! Something’s going to happen while he’s away.”

Maria hugged her tightly, looking at Alex over her shoulder. Alex only shrugged, he was at a complete loss as to what was going on with their friend. They ended up taking her to the tent and helping her to bed, staying until she fell into a restless sleep.


Liz was dreaming of Max. He was smiling at her and holding her hand. She felt enveloped in his love and was drowning in the warmth of his eyes when unseen hands suddenly ripped him from her side. Liz screamed as she ran in the direction she had seen him last. “Max!”

Comforting hands smoothed over her brow, chasing away the terrors of her dreams. Max was back in her dream as if he had never left. His voice calming her down and promising a beautiful future. Liz felt her fears diminish as she snuggled closer to Max. Her rock and her other half…


Max had woken up with Liz’s cry for him ringing in his ears. He was shaking in reaction, the fear in her voice was something he never wished to hear for real. He hoped it was just his reaction to her emotional state this afternoon and not one of those shared dreams of theirs. But he suspected he was hoping in vain.

Isabel was driving now, while Michael and Tess were sleeping in the back seat. A silent agreement between Isabel and Michael kept Max and Tess from sharing the same space in the Jeep.

Max rubbed his face tiredly. He closed his eyes again, picturing Liz as she had looked this afternoon during the bonding ceremony. Every time he thought she couldn’t be more beautiful to him, he ended up being proven wrong. He sighed. Was he ever going to get a normal life with Liz? A house in the suburbs and kids? Could he even have kids? What would happen if he made love to Liz? He had been ready to throw all caution to the wind earlier today. All those years of wanting Liz Parker and she finally were his. How was he supposed to live through this without losing his sanity or the girl he loved more than life itself?


Nick continued running his hand over Liz’s hair until she seemed peaceful. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on shaping her dream. When he was satisfied that she was okay, he sat back on his haunches next to the bed and watched her sleep. This frail-looking girl who had bewitched his leader. This girl who was much more powerful than she realized. Who was so much more important to his people than she knew. No, she was not just important, she was vital.

18 next.
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Chapter 18

Post by LivE »


The four neared the spot where they had to meet Nacedo with dawn breaking over the horizon. Max had barely slept all night, his mind occupied with Liz’s reaction to him leaving. He had never seen her so scared in his life. At least he didn’t experience more horrifying dreams with her, so it meant she had slept well.

He turned the Jeep off the road and drove into the desert again, trying to make out landmarks to the spot they had to find. What was up with Nacedo and his project? And why doesn’t he come to the camp? Why couldn’t the other aliens see him? Was he afraid he would be followed? Max shifted in his seat uncomfortably, he was starting to share Liz’s bad feeling about this…

The other three were also starting to wake around him in the Jeep. Michael was being his usual morning ray of sunshine and Izzy was fixing herself with her powers. In no time she was back to looking like the perfect Isabel Evans. Max hid a small smile. No wonder other girls hated his sister!

Finally arriving where they were to meet Nacedo, they got out of the Jeep to stretch their legs. They were about an hour early and Max and Michael took the time to investigate the area. There was not a single living thing in sight. Max eventually sat down on a boulder a little way from the other three who were now unpacking their breakfasts. His mind automatically wandered to Liz. It always did. He missed her. He missed waking up with her. He grimaced. How was he ever going to go back to living in Roswell in his parents’ house and not sleep with Liz? She was his wi— He stopped himself. No, she was only his wife on some other planet.

“Earth to Max! Get off Planet Liz, would you!” Michael yelled at him from the Jeep, snapping him out of his reverie. His eyes caught Tess’ and for a moment he saw anger reflected there. Max stood up. Whatever. He couldn’t care less what the girl felt after the way she had treated Liz.

He was halfway to the Jeep when a blinding white light engulfed them all…


Journal Entry 25

We watched her closely. She felt the disturbance in the connection more strongly than I have ever seen. It’s all up to her now…

Liz felt remarkably refreshed when she woke up. She couldn’t remember having nightmares, which was amazing in light of the nauseous feeling that immediately returned to her stomach when she got up. She was sick with worry about Max.

Sitting back down on his bed, she picked up one of his T-shirts and hugged it to her body. She could smell his distinctive scent in the material and it made her heart ache with longing. Where was he now? Was he safe? She closed her eyes and concentrated on Max, seeing if she couldn’t by some miracle sense something.

The ache in her heart increased suddenly. Max! He was missing her! She could feel it! Her eyes flew open in disbelief. How was this even possible? Wasn’t he many miles away? She shook her head. It was just wishful thinking on her part…


Maria looked at her sympathetically when she arrived for breakfast. “You know Lizzie, the oversized look is so ten years ago!” But her eyes said that she understood why Liz was wearing one of Max’s shirts. They were all missing their aliens.

Nick was sitting alone at breakfast, keeping an eye on Liz. His reasons were twofold. To ensure her safety and to watch her reactions…

Liz was lifting her glass when it suddenly felt like the life was being sucked out of her. She paled and started to tremble, gripping the table to stay upright. “No…” she whispered. The world was getting blurry around her. “Max!” This cry was louder, startling her friends.

Maria and Alex jumped up, catching Liz as she slid to the ground, white as a sheet. “Chica! What is it?” Maria sounded hysterical.

Nick was at their side immediately. Liz was clutching her heart, the one that had stopped beating when her connection to Max was suddenly severed. Tears were running from her unseeing eyes uncontrollably. “Max…”

Nick lifted her up and put her in a chair. He gently pushed her hair from her face and lifted her chin. “Liz, what happened?”

“Max. Something happened to Max…” Liz was trembling so much she could barely speak.

“Can you still feel him?” Nick’s question resulted in shocked expressions from Maria and Alex.

Liz shook her head numbly. “No… Oh Max! No…”

Nick took her face in his hands. “You have to concentrate. We need to know if he’s still alive!”

Liz felt a blackness trying to overpower her. A void of emptiness the likes of which she had never experienced. Was this what her world would feel like without Max? Her breathing became erratic as despair flooded her.

“Please Liz!” Nick’s voice intruded into her little world of pain. “He needs you to help him. So that we can help him.” Liz still seemed dazed, so Nick tried again. “Liz, Max! Max needs you!”

Liz stiffened at the beloved name. “Max.”

Nick was on his knees in front of her now. “Yes! Max. Is he alive?”

Liz curled her hands into Max’s shirt. She gulped in air and bent her head, trying to concentrate. It was very difficult with all the emotions crashing through her at the same time. How was she supposed to find Max with all these distractions? Max… her heart and her soul. He couldn’t be… dead! No, that would be too cruel.

She tried to picture him, the way he had looked at her when he left. His eyes telling her that he was leaving part of himself behind with her. Pleading with her to be safe.

She finally opened her eyes, looking at Nick desperately. “Nothing. I feel nothing…”


Michael was the first to come to. He scrambled to his feet drunkenly, his eyes searching for the other three. Tess was lying next to the Jeep. He felt for a pulse and found one, she was fine. He found Isabel in the driver’s seat of the car, slumped over the steering wheel. Michael gently lifted her out and laid her on the ground. Her eyes fluttered open as soon as she heard her name.

“Michael, what happened?” She seemed confused for a moment. Then she felt it. The absence of a connection that she had lived with her whole life. Her brother. Max. She grabbed Michael’s hand. “Where is Max!”

Michael looked worried. He had felt it too. “I haven’t found him yet.”

Isabel jumped up. “No… nonononononono…”

They searched the area, but there was no sign of Max.

“He’s dead.” Tess’ voice stopped them in their tracks.

Isabel swung towards her, fury in her eyes. “Don’t ever say that! How can you say that? He is NOT dead! He is—”

Dead!” Tess yelled. “I feel it. We had a genetic connection. There is nothing now. He is dead…” Her voice trailed lower. “I’m sorry, but it’s true.”

Isabel crumbled to her knees. She felt it too. Max was gone…

19 to follow.