Unreachable AU (M/L) CC/UC *updated* Chapter 13 [05/23/24]

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Unreachable AU (M/L) CC/UC *updated* Chapter 12 [05/02/24]

Post by LovelyPOM83 »

**Thank you for the feedback and changed some parts with a rewrite, here's a new chapter. Enjoy!! **

Chapter 12: You’re a beautiful disaster

[Liz’ House 8:00AM]

Max’s POV

Waking up this morning was different; I didn’t have a normal night to tell you the truth. I couldn’t sleep knowing that the amazing Liz Parker was asleep in my arms. Her words still rang in my ears. I wonder what a jerk like Kyle Valenti was still doing with Liz for all these years. But then again, I was still with Tess.

I wonder if this was the way things were supposed to happen, we were supposed to believe we were in love with them, so they could break our hearts so we could find each other. Maybe...It does sound reasonable.

I read the clock it read 8AM, I knew I should get up...but I couldn’t bring myself to. Anyways I wasn’t supposed to be at the hospital until 11:30; Liz should be awake by then. There’s no reason why she shouldn’t, she didn’t drink that much.

The phone rings but it doesn’t stir Liz one bit. I wonder how much of a deep sleeper she is? A marching band could probably play beside her and she still wouldn’t wake. Is that a good or a bad thing? I don’t know really, I guess I’ll find out with time.

The machine picks up and it’s Sean, asking where she was. She was supposed to be there an hour ago. Shit. I cursed as I quickly got up from the bed just as he hung up the phone. But wait what am I suppose to do, I would cover for her myself but I can’t. I have to work at the hospital, but I can call in a favor, but whom exactly?

It took me a moment to think then came up with the perfect person, who I knew wouldn’t let Liz or myself down, but I did know for sure that I would be in his debt, a big debt. I wasn’t doing this for Sean but for Liz.

Dialing the familiar number and it only took a couple rings to hear the voice on the other line.
“Morning, Look its Max and I need a really big favor...” I smirked because I had a feeling I was going to be paying for this for a really long time.

[Liz POV--10AM]

If there was ever a day I hated sunlight, today would be the day. It took me a good two minutes just to open my eyes, and boy was I sorry once I did.

“Oh, why are the curtains open?” I whined as I threw the covers over my head. Mainly because I thought I was alone, well that was until the memories of last night came flooding back to me.

“God, why the hell did I have to drink? I should have took those freaking’ chaser pills Maria took last time.” My head was throbbing like someone was hitting a drum.

I looked at the clock it was mid morning, I was supposed to help Sean open. At least I think so. I do know that I was supposed to work today, but the throbbing in my head is not helping me concentrate right now.

“I should get up.” I whispered to myself, because even my own voice hurt my head. As my legs reached the ground, I noticed that I didn’t have a shirt on but still in my jeans from the night before.

I stood up only to fall back on the bed.

“Just how much did I drink last night?” Thinking that I’m alone only to hear a voice that I didn’t somewhat expect to hear in my room.

“Oh, about five of Maria’s Margaritas.” I winced and shielding my eyes from the sunlight that was cascading through the blinds. This is why the curtains should be closed.

“Max?” I wanted to make sure he was really here or if I was dreaming.
He came closer to me carrying a tray.

“I made you breakfast, or should I say brunch?” He laughed as he placed it on the table besides the bed and helped me back in bed.

I was about to question him being here until I remembered that I asked him to stay last night—and that I was all over him, I tried to hide my sudden embarrassment. Which, by the why was really hard.

“Max, you didn’t have to stay—I-I mean, if I-said anything...Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have drank any of those stupid margaritas.”

He laughed as he came closer to me, and handed me two aspirins and bottled water. He looked so relaxed, almost as if he wanted to be here, and he wasn’t just doing this simply for the fact that I was drunk.

I smiled at him sweetly, as he came and sat down next to me on the bed.

“Thank you Max but you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” I wanted to make sure he knew that I wasn’t always going to be like this.

He held his fingertips to my lips, just that slight touch made me shiver and I wanted my lips pressed against his, but the throbbing in my head stopped that thought quickly.

“...Don’t worry about it, if there’s anyone worth going through all this for...it’s you Liz.” He is so sweet...who really goes through all this trouble for one girl. Really, does a guy of this nature really exist?

“Really?” I asked as I tried my best to keep that silly little school girl grin off my face.

“Yeah.” He whispered as he swept his thumb against my cheek, we had a small moment. Lost in a world of our own but Max quickly changed the subject before things got a little out of hand, and he knew that I wasn’t up for anything quite yet.

Glancing at the clock again, I quickly stiffened up, and silently cursed to myself in being that stupid.

“Don’t worry about your shift” Max spoke up rather quickly.

“How did you know I was thinking about my shift?” I was curious to figure out if he was psychic or not.

“Earlier Sean called, saying that you were late for your shift today. I knew you wouldn’t be up for it, so I called in a favor. I would’ve gone myself but I have to work at the hospital, and working with Sean probably isn’t the best thing to do.” I smirked knowing what he meant, but wanted to know his reason behind it.

“And if you didn’t have to work would you’ve gone?” I asked eagerly.

“Without a hesitation.”

“Why? You can’t stand Sean.”

“I’d do it for you; I’d do anything for you.” I felt my cheeks blush a crimson red; no one has ever told me that before.

I closed my eyes as his hand cupped my cheek and the smoothness of his fingertips against my skin sent me overboard. I wanted to sink more into his touch, and let his hand reek havoc on me.

But I couldn’t because my head was still pounding like a sledge hammer crashing into my skull.

“You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now, but my head won’t allow me to.” I laughed as he motioned towards me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I brushed his bangs out of his eyes and touched the side of his face as my fingers ran slightly down his neck and rested on his chest.

“Thank you, Max. You really didn’t have to go through all this trouble just for me, I could—“ He cut me off as his fingertips rested against my lips, and that quickly shut me up, not because he wanted to talk but because of his touch. I don’t know how else to describe it.

“Liz, don’t worry about it, you’re worth it. You will always be worth it. Now get some rest, and I’ll give you a call later. Don’t worry about work or Sean just go in when you feel better. I really wish I could stay but I can’t, I have to be in the hospital in about an hour or so. I’ll call you. I promise.” And with that he kissed my forehead and then my lips. I wanted him to stay and kiss me forever, but I knew that was impossible.

“Bye Max.” I whispered as he left the room, he didn’t turn back to mainly because my eyes started to drift close again, letting my sleep consume me and I still had a silly foolish grin on my face, and was half glad he didn’t turn to wave to me. That would’ve been embarrassing.


[The Crash down 12:30 PM]

Alex POV

Alex c’mon you can do this...only a little while longer...remember you’re doing this for Liz. You’re best friend Liz Parker that’s been through so much, and you haven’t been around for a really long time. This is how you can make it up to her. Just try to ignore Sean as best as you can.

“Hey Alice in Wonderland...Stop day dreaming, these orders aren’t going to serve themselves.” I cringed, hey I can’t help it, that’s like the fifth time he told me that just within the past hour.

I’m going to hit him, I swear...wait, but think about Liz—it’s her cousin. But then again I’m sure she won’t mind. It’s not like they’re really close, and it’s not like I’m going to knock him into next year.

“Hey Alice, do I have to go all Mad Hatter on you to get you over here?” Damn it!! This is going to be a long day.

“Shove it Sean, will ya? This place is packed. I can’t be in five places at once.” He held his hands in surrender and shrugged it off and returned to taking orders.
Great just what I need, I noticed at the door was none other than Michael, Maria, and some girl I’ve never seen before. But I think the heat I would get from Michael and Maria would be enough for one afternoon.

Now, I am really glad that I stuck to my guns and didn’t wear the traditional uniform and settled for just a T-shirt, and Sean trying to bully me into it, which was Liz’s uniform by the way.

“Hi, welcome to the Crashdown. Table or Booth?” I asked with a friendly smile on my face, it was a routine but still tried to make it as genuine as I possibly could.

I watched as they desperately tried to stifle their laughter but failed horribly, and to make matters worse we hadn’t moved an inch, and they didn’t answer my question.

So I had to repeat myself, “I’m sorry, now did you want to be seated in a Table or a Booth?”

“Booth please.” The petite brunette told me as Michael and Maria couldn’t bring their voices to answer, I was glad for it because who knows how long we could’ve been standing there. With Michael and Maria combined it was hard to say.

“Alex, what are you doing here?” I waited until they were seated to answer Maria’s question.

“Well, Liz still has a bit of a hangover from last night, so Max called me this morning and practically begged me to do this favor for him. I don’t know when she’s coming in, the longest I can stay is until three. Which I’ve been meaning to tell you, the band wants to get together with you to go over some material for the performance. It’s going to be at five at Johnny’s house, I’ll give you the address a bit later.”

“That sounds cool.” Maria nodded as she looked at the menu.

“’Ria aren’t you going to introduce us?” I was about to ask the same question. Who was this woman that looked somewhat similar to our Lizzy.
“Oh, I’m sorry guys, where’s my manners?” She quickly straightened up as Michael smirked at her sudden wanting to be formal.

“Miss Serena Twilight, this is my best friend of 17 years. Mr. Alexander Charles Whitman. But we all call him Alex.” Why did she have to use my full name?

“Alex, this is Serena Twilight. She works with Liz and I down at the hospital, we’ve been friends for the past seven years.” She extends her hand to me, and I gladly take it, and smile friendly.

“Nice to meet you, but Maria we’ve actually been friends for 19 years.” I remember it...it was when Max was trying to convince me not to get involved with girls.

“No, you’re wrong Alex. I think I would remember.” Is she kidding me?

“It was nineteen years.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Yes. It was.”



“No, it wasn’t. You didn’t talk to Liz or myself until the Sixth grade—in Mrs. Peacocks Homeroom Class.” What?! No we didn’t, I didn’t even have her.

“What are you talking about it was in Fourth Grade—I remember because I was forced to sit in between both you and Liz and you two wouldn’t shut up about how cute you guys thought that Kirk Cameron was on Growing Pains and was going through your Punky Brewster fazes.”

It took her a moment to think about this...and then it clicks in her head and it’s almost as if a light bulb went off.

“Hey you’re right.”

“Thank you...” I sighed just as Sean was coming over.

“Alice, stops jibber jabbing, and get back to work will ya?” I just looked at him as he walked away from the table causing Michael to start laughing again.

“Shut up will you...” I indicated to Michael and he silently asked what he was doing wrong but I had no intentions of answering him.

“Now, what can I get you guys?”

“Cokes all around.Now do you have any specials today?” I rolled my eyes; she knows the specials she works here.

“Maria, you know what they are—you work here for god’s sake.”

“You never know they would’ve or could’ve changed.”

“Overnight?” I sighed as she didn’t budge.

“Just order, will you?”

Max owes me so big; he’s going to be wishing he never asked me for this favor to begin with. This is not how I pictured spending my vacation.

[Roswell Hospital 1:00PM]


Ahh...intern season, just what I need. Fresh young faces all dying to be doctors, and trying anything to get that accomplished. I’ve done that, and been there and nothing gets past me. I assigned all the Residents a small group of interns, but a couple people called in sick and from what it looks like I got stuck with the Double Mint Triplets that just got out of Barbie Ville. And trying to get them focused on the patients and off of me has been challenging in itself. I’m just glad that whenever I need a break or something, I can just hand them off for a bit.

But that motion never lasts long, this is going to be a very, very long day to tell you the truth.

“Dr. Evans, I don’t mean to get personal but, I noticed that you’re not wearing a ring. So, um...since you’re not married I was wondering if you were seeing someone.” Is she trying to pick up on me? Do I look that desperate?

“If you’re not, I can definitely see us working one on one, if you know what I mean.” Now, she’s trying to seduce me. Where does this girl come off? I’m looking at not only the girl talking to me, but all the girls surrounding me and they all have the same look in their eyes. This has to stop. I’m not even attracted to them, it feels like my sister is trying to hit on me. That alone says a thousand words.

“Baker, I suggest you keep your mind on the patients rather than fantasize on something that will never be.” I made sure to tell her strongly and firmly to let her know that I wasn’t messing around. This was my job and I wasn’t going to lose it just because some Barbie bimbo wants to get laid.

“Listen, all of you. This is not medical school; this is real life and death situations. Real people are going to put their lives in your hands. You all need to get focused on the tasks at hand here. This is not a game, and I shouldn’t have to be telling any of you this. Get your minds out of the clouds, this is reality whether you like or not, this is what it is. It’s either going to make you or break you. Get with it.”

I feel like I’m going to pull out my hair on pure craziness. Is this what my life has become...giving lectures to doctor wannabes?

‘Paging Doctor Evans to floor six, paging Doctor Evans to floor Six’ the intercom rang around the hospital and I felt that someone was finally on my side for once.

When I started to move to the elevator they followed me. I stopped and turned around. “Wait...” I motioned for them to stop.
“Hey Doug, keep an eye on them for me while they continue their rounds.” The smile that beamed on his face was priceless. He looked at the new interns that were surrounding me, and agreed with a quick yes, without another word the girls followed him and quickly forgot about me.

Which I was extremely thankful for, and made my ways to floor six to get the lab results for a patient back in the ER when my phone rang.

Just by the ring tone I was hesitate to pick up mainly because I knew the person on the other line and I knew I would be in for it if I didn’t pick up the phone.

“Hello Isabel.” I wondered what her question would be, but when she answered I noticed that her voice echoed a bit. Speaker…she had me on the speaker.

“Maxi...I’m really glad you picked up I had a feeling you wouldn’t.” I know the feeling and I hate when she calls me that.

And just when I was about to answer another familiar voice popped up.

“Hello honey how’s working going?” This day just keeps getting better.

“Mom, you’re with Isabel. Great.” I muttered the last part, but my mom still caught it.

“What’s that dear?” Shit...c’mon Evans quick.

“It’s great that you two are spending time together did you guys go shopping?” When is this conversation going to end?

“Yes. How did you know that?” They both say in unison.

“It was just a hunch. Look, was there something you wanted to ask me, because I’m kind of busy. You know being a doctor and all.”

“Right, sorry...I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight.”

“Not that I know of.”

“Good.” Okay, I’m not sure where she’s going with this but it’s not like I’m going to know until she continues which she isn’t.

“Okay, what’s good Isabel?” Continue please.

Still nothing...right now I really hope she’s the one driving because I can hear muffled car sounds in the background, at least if she were driving she would have an excuse to this entire conversation.

“Is, I need you to speak in complete sentences.” I gently tell told her as I walked past the front desk and further down the walkway so I wouldn’t disturb anyone.

“Right, sorry. I was just wondering if you could come over to Mom and Dad’s house for dinner tonight. It would really mean a lot to Alex and me.” I could sense the eagerness in her voice, and even though she is my sister and I love her, I honestly couldn’t make any promises.

“I’m not sure is, but I’m going to try.” God please let her accept that answer, and don’t freak.

“That’s good enough Max, but don’t worry if you can’t. Your work is very important, I will understand.” Whoa, where did that come from? Where did my sister go?

...but hey I’m not complaining.

“Max, you should bring that cute Liz Parker by, I’m sure your father and I would like to see her again.”

Great I almost made it to the end of the conversation without bring up Liz. I was to busy thinking...I didn’t answer her.

“Max? Honey? You still there?”

“Yeah Mom...I’ll see. I think she has to work but I’ll get back to you okay?” What?! Don’t tell her that...hang up Max...Hang up...!

“I have to go guys. Love you, bye.” I quickly hung up before they could object. And partly so they couldn’t get the chance to bring up Liz again.

I started to make my way to the front desk when I recognized a familiar voice talking in one of the examination rooms.

I looked at the familiar face as well as voice until we were close enough to speak. I noticed she was talking on the phone.

“Hey Liz, you must be busy—that’s why you’re not picking up your phone but I just wanted to let you know that I’m fine, I’ll be back at the Crashdown in an hour or so. I really hope Sean isn’t wreaking havoc over the place. I love you and I can’t wait to see you tonight. Bye.” I quietly knocked on the door as she snapped the phone shut. This was met with a nervous smile in return.

“Max?” So she does remember me.

“Nancy, you’re a patient here?” I asked in curiosity to what she was doing in the Chemo therapy section of the hospital, but I didn’t ask that.
“I didn’t know you worked here. Liz hasn’t told me anything. But then again...I haven’t talked to her, so I guess I wouldn’t know that either way.” I noticed as she smiled and covered her mouth with her hand, she realized that in a sense I knew what she was doing here it was only a little bit obvious.

Her voice more shaken then before as she started to speak.

“Max, please don’t tell Liz...that I’m here, I haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet. I want her to hear it from me.” There was a silent plea in her eyes, growing up you could always see that sparkle in Mrs. Parker’s eyes and now that I look into them I notice that that same sparkle was gone.

It was heart breaking to see her like this, but then again it wasn’t my secret to tell it was hers.

With a silent nod from myself I knew that this whole experience was getting to her, and even though I didn’t know her diagnosis I thought of her more as a friend, rather than just another patient

“Thank you, Max.”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Parker, I won’t tell Liz.” She smiled and nodded because I had hoped that she trusted me.

In a way, I was glad that she didn’t tell me, partly for when Liz asks me, I can honestly tell her that I didn’t know. Lying to Liz was the last thing I will attempt to do.

“I know Maxwell and thank you.” She offered me a small smile, and I nodded and walked out of the room and back to the front desk, to finish what I came up here to do.

“Hello Ann...I believe you have something for me.” She smiled warmly as she handed me a manila folder.

Only an hour later I saw Nancy leaving the hospital and only hoped the best would happen. Maybe I needed to be there for Liz tonight, rather than with my sister.

I don’t know.


[The crash down 3:00PM]

Seans POV

“Oh, look who decided to join us today…if it isn’t Liz Parker. Who was supposed to be here like seven hours ago? How is Maxi doing?” I know I’m immature, but hey I’ve been here since seven in the morning. I’m itching to get out of here.

“Shut up Sean. I’m here aren’t I? Unless you want me to go back home.” That made me shut up.

“No Liz, I’m sorry. I’ll behave. I promise.” Okay now I’m pathetic because I’m begging.

“You really are a jerk, you know that Sean?” She playfully shoves me as I hug her.

“Yeah, but you still love me. Besides I really want to get out of here.” She giggles as we both turn to the door opening.

The loveliest vision of a goddess came into the room, and it was the same girl from this afternoon that was talking to Alex, and was with Maria and Michael during the lunch rush today. But this time she was alone.

“Serena, what are you doing here?” I heard Liz question behind me, but I was glad that at least I knew her name.

‘Serena’. I was almost singing it like in west side story, but instead of using the name of Maria I was singing... ‘Serena’ it was magical even.

I nudged Liz, to get her attention.

“Liz, aren’t you going to introduce us?” She gave me a sharp glance and smiled over to ‘Serena’.

Yes I’m still singing her name in my head.

“Ser, excuse my ill fully rude cousin.” I smiled as she giggled and blushed. This was a good sign.

“Sean this is Serena—Serena, Sean.” She’s even more beautiful up close. Why are my hands sweating? This never happened before...not even with Tess. Oh God, Tess I forgot all about her. Shit.

“Are you alright?” Serena and Liz ask me in unison—double shit!

“Um, sure.” I shrugged. “Everything’s just fine. Actually Liz, I totally forgot that Aunt Nancy is upstairs she wanted to talk to you.”

“Okay, but who’s going to help the customers?” Smart...no wonder why she was a straight A student in school.

“It’s okay, I can help out.” Serena answers before I can reply.

“And I can stay a bit longer.” I answered, well tried my best to get the words out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop myself.

“Didn’t you say like two minutes ago that you wanted to go home?” Does she always have to be this way I’m trying to do her a favor?

“Yeah, but I can change my mind can’t I? I’m not staying all night...just go talk to your Mom we’ll be fine.” I told her and I gave her a helpful shove to the backroom.

Turning back to Serena—“Where do you want to start?” She smiled at me and picked up an apron and started to take orders.



I rolled my eyes as Sean pushed me in the backroom, was it just me or did I sense a bit of attraction between them. I started to make my way upstairs when my cell went off, I was hesitating to pick up but I was glad once I did.

“Hello Gorgeous.” I smiled at his tone and felt my cheeks blush. I’ve never had that reaction over the phone.

“Hey yourself, how’s your day going?”

“Oh, it’s intern season. It’s really the best time of the year.” I laughed at his sarcasm.

“But how are you feeling.”

“I-I’m great and my migraine went away, so now I’m wonderful.” But I’m only wonderful when I’m talking or around him. But I can’t tell him that.

“That’s good to hear.” He sounds amazing.

“I’m in between breaks and the double mint Triplets are getting on my nerves.” I can tell he’s a bit stressed.

“Double Mint Triplets? Interns...?” I dared to ask.

“Yep.” was all the answer he gave me, and I didn’t pry to ask more.

“What time do you get off?” What? You’re not his girlfriend, you can’t ask him that...Shit! I cringed to see what his reply would be.
“You want to know what time I get off?” I could sense he was enjoying this.

“I was wondering that’s all.” I smiled knowing that he wasn’t going to freak out.

“Well, if you must know at six and only three hours and counting.” I laughed at his not wanting to be there, I would’ve picked him to be a work-a-holic or something in that sense.

“That’s good, maybe you can come by later?” Liz...Stop leading him on...

“Maybe...but it won’t be until probably ten, I have to have dinner at my parent’s house. You’re invited if you want.” Awe...that’s sweet of him, but I can’t.

“I-I’d really love to Max, but I can’t I have to close tonight.”

“I figured as much, don’t worry they won’t be disappointed, but I can still come by and see you right?”

“Right.” I smiled over the phone.

“I’m looking forward to it Miss Parker. I just called to see how you doing.” I can’t believe he actually remembered to call me, all this time when Kyle said he would call me, but he wouldn’t actually do it until two days later.

“Well, Mr. Evans I’m glad that you did so. See you at ten. Bye.”

“Bye Liz.” When I heard the dial tone I rushed upstairs the happiest I’ve been all week, and once I reached my mom and the look on her face, my bright spirit broke.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” She didn’t look like herself; I haven’t seen her in a couple days—but what a difference a couple days make.

“Lizzy, can you sit down...please.” I didn’t argue her but simply did as she said.

“Mom, tell me what’s wrong.” I almost demanded.

“The other day, when you told me to go to the doctors, I went and they found something.” Okay...what does this mean exactly?

“Found what?”

"They found cancer, it's in stage II and they want to start chemo right away to attack it as quickly as possible." It's like the blood drained from my body and it felt like I had the cancer diagnosis.

"Are you going to fight it?" I was hopeful and thankful that she took it upon herself to see what the issue was.

"Yes, I have to. I want to see my daughter get married one day and be a grandma...we will fight it together." I grabbed her hand in mine.

I kissed her hand and got up to embrace her, "It's okay Mama. We will get through this together." I held a brave face for her but I wanted nothing more in that moment than to crumble in a billion pieces and fall.

We talked for 20 minutes and I agreed to come with her to the hospital tomorrow so she could start her treatment. I felt hallow inside, and wondered how I was going to take this on too.

With no more than 10 more additional minutes of talking to my mom, I went back downstairs and helped with the work load and allowed my Aunt lo leave for the day. I need to throw myself in my work, and allow my mind not to think.

I felt like I was holding on by mere strings and it was only a matter of time before they were snipped and all my shit went flying.

This was going to be a long shift.



My shift was coming to a close, I couldn't get my mind off Liz and how she commented on Kyle, it worried me that she would let his words affect her.

I wanted to beat the tar out of him for breaking Liz spirit, I had this family dinner to go to...I couldn't be late. Isabel would literally kill me.

But if I made a house call, if I made it look like it was for work...I think I could get away with it.

I got his address off the systems database, it was still in the out skirts of Roswell.

After driving to the address and trying to figure out what to say...how to frame my argument.

After mustering the courage and knocking on the door, I had my back turned to the door.

"Max?!" With her soft voice that I swore I would never hear from again, I turned to see her face.

"Tess? What are you doing here? Isn't this Ky--" that's when he appeared.

"If it isn't Maxie, what do I owe this pleasure? I heard you were back in town...this new up in coming doctor. " I had to hide my grimace, and seem interested in what he was talking about.

"ENOUGH! No more small talk...Tess why are you back in Roswell?" She didn’t have a chance to respond before Kyle cut in.

"Oh, she didn't tell you, silly Tessy...we're having a baby." My face went blank as I glared at my ex girlfriend, and Lizs ex boyfriend.

"You broke up with me because you were screwing Kyle of all people. You're having his baby--good luck." I was beyond happy that she moved on, therefore; I could move on with my life with Liz.

"Congratulations you two, you gave me the best blessing imaginable". I was grinning from ear to ear.

"Also, Kyle...leave Liz Parker alone. She's going to be my wife. Consider this a warning...leave her alone." With his hands held high like he was to be held at gunpoint, he smirked while Tess looked annoyed.

"Parker isn't wife material." She snarked at him, and she looked the same as in high school. Why was I so blind.

"No, you're not wife Material Tess, that's why you're here with this man whore." I smiled as her face fell.

"Goodluck and stay out of my life" I happily grinned as I joyfully jogged to my car and eagerly went to my parents house because I knew not to long afterwards Liz awaited.

Our first date has to be soon, before this reunion.

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Re: Unreachable AU (M/L) CC/UC *updated* Chapter 12 [05/02/24]

Post by totallizfan »

It's great to have new fics to read.
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Re: Unreachable AU (M/L) CC/UC *updated* Chapter 13 [05/23/24]

Post by LovelyPOM83 »

Chapter 13: Long Overdue

Alex POV 11:30 A.M. Evans House

"Again, Maria Please...please can you please stick to the set list? The guys and I really worked hard on it. It has modern day stuff as well as the classics sprinkled in there, I gave you a run down on it last week remember." The entire time I was talking to her she was nearly ignoring me and making a mocking face, like her annoying aunt was giving her a lecture about staying out too late.

"Ria, are you even listening to me?" She just nodded and continued to read.

"The Eagles?! Really Alex, this isn't a 50th anniversary for a retirement home...who the hell listened to 'The Eagles' in high school? No one...We have to go over again, half of these groups no ones never even heard of. We have to play to the masses and have to current stuff in here--like Billie Ellish." Ellish is she kidding me? We aren't that kind of cover band.

"We aren't doing the top 40 countdown playlist--I refuse to cover Doja Cat" I was met with an epic Maria eye roll and we could sit here for a good hour just arguing about what we could or couldn't do. The guys and I met without her to go over the list because she was at work. So, I get it, that wasn't fair to her...so I can understand her frustration. Plus this time around we were in my mother in laws garage about to rock out instead of my parents house. My parents moved out of Roswell, they still lived in New Mexico but left the city when Isabel and I moved and settled on the east coast.

"I brought drinks!!" Isabels voice rang out as she entered the room with a pitcher of Lemonade. It was refreshing to hear my wifes voice over Marias, no offense.

Maria looked annoyed and bothered as I went to kiss my wife, as she looked at the uneasy situation between Maria and I.

"Whats wrong?" My wife thinks she can solve all my problems, like most wifes' do.

"Just creative differences that's all, we are just trying to figure some stuff out before rehearsal that's all." Isabel looked at me with a quizzable brow and my face and Marias worried look.

"Well, let me see the set list and let me see whose argument holds some truth." I huffed and Maria handed over the piece of paper.

She walked around the garage and took note to everything and started to say something then stopped, and continued to read.

"Well, I can see where Maria' coming from...This is a class reunion from 2002 not a 70's cover band. I know this is what you and the guys like, but is this what you guys were hired to do? I think you should scrap this, what for the guys to come in and go through the popular hits you guys know and decide on something you guys can all agree on. That seems like the only fair option here." She looked at me and gave me a bright smile, the one that I loved and the one that made me melt every time.

"Thank you for being the voice of reason Isabel" Maria went and hugged her and stuck her tongue out at me. Like we were ten years old or something.

"What time are the guys going to be here?" Isabel asked as Maria started to go through her phone and write down song selections.

"Ahh about forty five minutes or so..."

"Do you think they'd be hungry?" I shrugged, seemed like a silly question when regarding a group of guys.

"You know what, why don't we just order a few pizzas...I have a feeling this is going to take a few hours." I loved my wife.

"Maria, do you still eat Veggie?" She gave her a thumbs up.

"Okay, let me order and I will give you guys some space...please don't kill each other." she smiled sweetly at us both, but don't mess with my wife she was not fooling around.

When she went in the house, I forgot Maria said she was going to bring Liz with her to get mind off the some heavy stuff, but I didn't know what this stuff entailed exactly, I didn't want Isabel to hear just in case Maria didn't want her to hear.

"Hey what happened to Parker, I thought you said she'd be coming around?"

"Oh, yeah she had to pick up a shift at the diner and later she's taking her mom to her doctors appointment. I tried to get her to come with me, but it hard when she has a lot of different responsibilities to abide to." I nodded and took in her words. She did have a lot on her plate, she had two jobs and both very time consuming.

"How is her Mom? Did she tell you?" I didn't mean to pry, but Liz could be a little closed off when it came to that sort of thing. So it was understandable that we wouldn't know until it was too late in the situation.

"Not really. She just said its a very important appointment that she didn't want to miss. So, she had to cover Seans shift--so he can cover hers so she could go with her this afternoon. She said she'd catch up with us later." I smiled and went back to the task at hand.

"Lets just make our own lists and when the guys get here we will go over together and hopefully agree to a new set list." We shook hands and started over.


Liz POV-- 2pm Nancy's Doctors appointment

"Liz honey you've just got off work, I'm sure you're tired. I'm sure it wouldn't matter if you missed this appointment." I knew she would do this, normally I would take her up on her offer, but this wasn't a normal situation. But she was always so persistent to get her way...she was my mother and it was in her D.N.A to look out for me, even if she didn't feel good.

"Mom, no. This is too important. I need to be here no matter how much you try to push me away." She gave me a small smile in understanding where I was coming from.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it, in that moment that's when the Oncology nurse walked into the room we were asked to wait in, she was surprised to see me.

"Liz? I didn't kn--I thought you were off?" I gave the younger nurse Courtney a weak smile.

"I am. Courtney this is my mom. I'm here for support." She shook my moms hand and genuinely smiled at her, and I knew she meant it. I knew she was not trying to suck up to me because I am her boss.

"Mrs. Parker, you raised a good cookie here." My moms smile grew to a big grin, and looked at me with a loving twinkle in her eyes, the way that any dedicated parent looks at a child they love to pieces.

"Don't I know it." She picked up the hand that she was grasping and kissed it, and held it against her face in a loving embrace.

"Okay, Mrs. Parker..."
"Oh, Nancy please..." Courtney smiled and nodded and gave her arm a gentle and comforting squeeze.

"Nancy, give me a few minutes to get everything together. Each therapy session is going to be around 90 minutes long, that is until the physician decides that it's working or not. Only then after the first few rounds of chemotherapy, and some testing will we see if you need to up the amounts and length of the Chemotherapy, and the amount of time. Right now because the Cancer is at a low risk, the Chemo will be fairly mild and less aggressive approach. It will be 90 minutes for twice a week for a month, then we will do lab work and see how its progressing. Okay...any questions before I start?" My mom and I looked at each other and shook our heads in unison and both thought her instructions were to the point and very detailed.

"Alight, Nancy and Elizabeth. If you can please follow me into the main room, this is where you will be administering your chemotherapy. This is the common room where all the patients gather to get their treatment. Usually there's multiple people in here--but we wanted to ease you into this setting, but there should be a couple people coming by shortly. Or you can listen to music or read a magazine or a book perhaps." I went to the book stand and picked a juicy romance novel for myself and picked a few magazines for my mom. She was always a more sensible reader, while I went for the dirty trash novels.

It was another five minutes, Courtney then inserted the needle into her vein and checked the machines. and there it started the process and soon enough we were in the room by yourself, over the next 45 minutes we were by ourselves but soon enough there were 2 other couples with us. Every one was pleasant and nice, well enough it was around the one hour fifteen mark that my mom feel asleep, I made sure to situate her blanket so that way she wouldn't get cold.

"I thought I might find you here." I looked up from my novel at the sultry familiar voice.

"I come offering caffeine" I smiled and blushed and took the cup greedily.

"How did you know the way to my heart?" He shrugged as I kept drinking, the yummy vanilla flavored coffee warmed my insides. I almost forgot how cold the hospital really was, when your working and running around you don't think about it you have to sit still for 90 minutes, the cold seeps in.

"Thanks for the coffee, it's exactly what I needed. What time are you off today?" He merely nodded and glanced at his watch.

"In about five minutes." Awe he timed out his work schedule for me, this is an adult relationship.

"Oh really, and you just happened to be passing by the Chemotherapy area with a vanilla flavored latte for the girl you "like", persay." I winked at him, and it was his turn to blush.

"I more than like this girl...shes my dream girl." The look on his face said every thing and then some and it took me back to when we were younger and everything was less confusing, but he had a girlfriend then and he doesn't have a girlfriend now--but yet I was more afraid now than ever before. Maybe it's because we were both single now and more into not straying away from the feelings that we hid from all those years ago.

My mom moved and the chemo machine beeped and I instantly got up and turned off the code, and covered back up with the blanket. The timer had fifteen more minutes left before the first session was over.

"How is she" I pulled my thought away from her and to the man I loved standing behind me, and all my fears went tumbling down the ravine--down to the pit of my soul.

"Taking it like a champ. Max I can't loose her." My cheeks were wet, and I was slowly aware that I was crying. I wasn't a sobbing mess, just a hot mess.

"Oh Lizzie, She's going to pull through. She's strong, she has fight in her. Just you see." His heart had so much ache in his words, it hit me in my core.

He grabbed my coffee out of my hands and put it on the table besides me, and pulled me off the chair so I was now standing in front of him. He was a foot and half taller than me, but his eyes had always had a kindness to them, and it was one of the features that I loved about him. The other being he was so damn handsome, it really wasn't fair to the rest of the men to compare. It frazzled my brain that he would love a plain jane like me of all people, it scared me more than anything else.

Standing face to face he brushed the tears that cascaded down my face in such a loving gentle way. I never knew a mans touch could be that gentle. He embraced me, it felt like pure love and warmth, I never wanted it to end.

"My Lizzie." he breathed and coaxed my nerves with soothing strokes on my back to help calm my nerves. "It's going to be fine, Everything is going to be okay." He whispered these comforting words in my ear and it helped. He always knew the right words to say to calm me down, or it could just be him in general--He had a way with me, that no one could touch before.

He kissed my cheek and continued to hold me. I never felt more safe that in that very moment, I could feel my fears about my mom melt away. While my fears about love and relationships came full force and hit me like a ton of bricks.

Once my emotions eased up, I reluctantly pulled out of his grasp.

"I know you didn't rush to get off work on time, to help this girl not have a mental emotional break down." I tried to pull away from him, but he refused. He kept me at arms length but didn't let me go.

"Look, I don't know what damaging thoughts you had to go through while dating Kyle but you are worth a billion kisses over an entire lifetime." My face with hot with conflict and pure love for this man who wasn't afraid to let me get deeper into my own fears.

He continued to stare into my eyes and wipe away my tears that I wasn't even aware of. "What are you so scared of Liz?" My mouth agape as I repeated his words again in my own head and just shook my head and tried to turn away from him, as I didn't know how to approach this with a reasonable answer. I didn't know how to respond.


Max Pov

I could feel my own question ringing in my head, could it be too much? maybe. It's been said, I cant take it back. I pulled her to me, her forehead rested on mine.

Again I whispered, "what are you scared of?"

If she were to ask me the same question, I would have plenty to say seeing that we both just got out of long term relationships. I had trust issues, and scared about putting my heart out there again. but this was Liz, my Liz and I trusted her more than I trusted myself and regardless if everyone told me it was too soon to get into another serious relationship. I didn't care, I waited too damn long to be with this woman. She was single now and I wasn't going to lose my shot!

I could see the war in her features as she contemplated telling me what I wanted to hear and telling me the truth. The tug of war with her heart was written all over her beautiful face, and all I wanted to do was to ease her ache, she touched my lips with her finger tips and it was like a jolt of lightning that I welcomed with open arms. God I would do just about anything for this woman. That jolt is what I missed, all these years apart--every time we touched there was that jolt and I've missed that. I've never felt that with anyone else, just her...my Lizzie.

"Love." It was one single word, it was barely audible, I know deep down she was hoping I didn't hear her. but that was wishful thinking, but that one word broke me.

"Lizzie." I sighed.

"No, wait...hear me out Max." She had started to pace the width of the patient room, luckily there were a few people other than her mom in the room but they pretending not to pay attention. But it's not like they were keeping their voice down to a whisper or anything, all in all they were polite enough in the current moment.

"I've been in this crappy 'high school wannabe relationship for the past 15 years on and off with Kyle, that's what I'm used to. You were always there, but out of reach but you were taken. Untouchable. It hurts knowing that the one person you want the most is the person you can't have. Especially when he's constantly telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. Now he's here all these years later right back at square one, with you and this maybe mature adult thing that's scary as hell. You matter to me and I don't want my insecurities to fuck this up."

To know that I put this beautiful woman through the ringer was horrible, I felt horrible. She wasn't dealt a nice card, when all of us left to start new lives she was forced to stay and figure out how to pick up the pieces life gave her and make the best of them. It wasn't fair and In that moment I vowed to give her everything and then some, "You aren't going to fuck this up, you can't--it's impossible." I nudged her to look at me and you could tell this was weighing on her mind. This wasn't something new--but a constant fear of hers.

"Love has always hurt me, why should this be any different?" she was doubtful and I could understand that, this was new for the both of us. But we were past the stage of flirting and casual small kisses that we would steal here or there. I was ready to step it up with the next step, and yes that was very scary--a big step for both of us.

"Because I'm not Kyle and you're not Tess. We can't let these toxic people control our happiness. You are my world Lizzie. I'm sorry it took me this long to see it, I've been lied to--I thought I was in the right place and come to find out that I was wrong, and the when I stopped trying to control every thing around me...it led me right back to you. That's fate. You are my destiny, and I'm never letting anything else in my way again." She took my hand and kissed the palm of my hand, there was that jolt again. It was reassurance that I was making the right decision, all my wrong paths always led me to the right path right back to her--to Liz.

"My mind keeps going to back to graduation night, back to Michael's big party--you gave me hope that our distant love for each other could be different. It was the happiest and the saddest I could be all at the same time. Reality has a way to snapping back, and I don't know if I can snap back anymore. I'm not as strong as I used to be Max, it really hurt me. You really hurt me. I know it's not what you intended but it did happen." To see the sadness in her eyes, it sent a jolt of anger through me. knowing that Liz and I could have been happy all these years, possibly together. Who knows we could've been married already with a kid of our own, instead of barely trying to figure out if we should go out.

"I know I messed up, I thought I was with someone that loved me, but it was all a lie. She lied to me Liz, she was pregnant---but not with my kid. Our entire relationship was a lie, I'm more mad at the time me and you lost, if that makes any sense. I meant what i said to you at that party. I had wanted to break up with her, the way she constantly belittled you was annoying and childish. I wanted to be with you Liz, ask Michael--I had planned to transfer schools to California and go to Harvard with you that way we could be together. But she lied to me and I believed her and I had to bury my feelings for you some place deep inside and turn a blind eye and force myself to care about a woman who took pleasure in taking away the only real love I've ever known. Thats evil, and She's not going to win. I refuse to let her. She hasn't grown up yet, she's still in that childish stage. She's still trying to play games, and it's annoying--we aren't in school anymore."

" I know it's a lot to ask, but will you please give me a chance. I know I messed up Elizabeth, and I swear on my life, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Will you go out with me?" She wiped the tears that were now running down her face.

"What about the line of women at your feet? I can't compete with them." she looked liked she was grasping at straws to see where this conversation would lead us.

"No one is asking you to, they don't matter to me...you're the only woman I care about. You're the only woman I've ever cared about. Lizzie, will you go out with me?" She kissed me softly on the lips and nodded yes.

We embraced--I could've deepened the kiss but there would be more time for that later.

"It's about time!" We pulled away from each other to find her Mom and Courtney eyeing us with huge grins.

"Mom?!" Liz exclaimed as she turned ten shades of pink. It was cute. She was adorable.

"I knew you two were perfect for each other! Are you two going to give me grand kids soon?" I couldn't help but laugh, while Liz looked like she wanted to climb into a hole and die.

"That's the plan Mrs. P." I winked at Liz, and Nancy looked pleased.

"Okay, enough you two! Courtney is she finished for the day?" Almost breaking out of a trans, she tried to regain her composer.

"Ah right..Um yes, Just rest when you get home. Drink plenty of fluids, you're next treatment will be on Saturday at nine am." I waited for Liz and Nancy to gather their belongings.

"okay ladies, I'm going to be driving you home." Liz had already started to shake her head no, but I had already grabbed her keys.

"what about your car?"

"I can have Mike pick me up to get it." Knowing how persistent I can be, she didn't argue. Just nodded and grabbed her moms hand to helped her down off the chair and we made our way out to the parking lot.

I knew I was so far gone, and I didn't care in the least.


Tess POV

"Why are you letting this get to you Tess?" I continued to pace in Pam's living room, It's been an eye opening 24 hour period. I havent been able to sleep since Max paid Kyle a visit.

"Yes, I know...but I was supposed to be with Sean, Now he wants nothing to do with me." Pam rolled her eyes.

"Do you blame him? You admitted to Kyle being the dad of your baby. I would imagine that would be a hard pill to swallow." I continued to pace, it seemed to be helping with calming my nerves.

"Pam whose side are you on?" again she just rolled her eyes, I felt like everyone was against me.

"I'm just saying how it is...besides back to Maxie, Why are you surprised? You intentionally kept them apart because you have it out for her. You played the game and lost." My face was red with fury.

"Why her? Out of all the people--Just looking at her makes me so fucking mad! Why would he like a little nerd like her?" Just her smiling face and his smiling face was enough to send me over the edge. This wasn't fair, it boggled my mind how a 25 like Max would like a 12 like Liz Parker of all people. I had hoped that he would grow out of loving her and I didn't care if he dated other women after me just as long as it wasn't her.

"Why does this even matter? Tess, you broke up with him--you are no longer with him. He's free to see whom ever he wants, even if it is Liz. Face it Tessy--She won fair and square." She was laughing at my initial reaction, my hatred for her at this point I really dont care.

"No I refuse! What hurts is not that he liked her or thought she was cute or whatever lame shit. Its' that he loved her then--and he's still in love with her." It felt like my head was going to explode, with all the information that was processing over the last 48 hours.

"yes that may be true, but you lied about Max being the dad in the first place. You overheard him talking to Michael about breaking up with you at Kyles huge graduation party, you were cheating on him then--you didn't even love him, but you knew he would be running to her. So, in spite you made up this lie that you couldn't get out of...now that your out of it, you want back in. I don't understand you. You can't have both." her words hit me like a ton of bricks, with tears in my eyes--it's true I sounded crazy.

"I'm just saying, Tess let him go. Please for the love of god please let go of your hatred for Liz. This obsession isn't healthy."

I scoffed and felt like she slapped me in the face. "Obsession?! for Lizzie Parker?! Seriously."

"Yes, and if you continue, you're going to be that psycho bitch that has a restraining order. Thinking of your kid and let Max go--he's not worth it. Look at your future whether it's with Kyle or without him. Act your age woman and get a grip! Once that kid comes it's going to be a huge wake up call for you, it's going to make you grow up." I let her words sink in and I felt I had to act my age and let go of my jealousy for this woman whom I've always felt envious of, I'm not going to be her friend or anything...but I need to find myself.

The question I ask myself now is...'what now?' hmm...


Michael POV

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I laughed as Max gave me a playful shove me as he got into my rental car. I picked him up from the crash down cafe, no surprise there--with his on going fascination with Parker. I know we all pretty much grew up together, but he's always been fascinated with this girl...and I've been trying to push him to just admit to himself about these feelings he's felt for her since he was like 11 years old.

"I need a ride back to the hospital--to pick up my car. I took Liz and Nancy home from her doctors appointment, I was going to call and ask you to pick me up, but low and behold you were already here." Max smiled as he scrolled through his phone. He was a goner, much like myself--these wonderful women have us like mush in the palm of their hands.

"Well, you got lucky Maxwell--" He glared at me and shook his head, and I rolled my eyes.

"Get your mind out of the gutter please, that's not what I meant. What I was trying to say, is I just dropped off Maria. Today is her off day at the hospital, and she's working a shift at the diner. You know what amazes me?" I was half talking to Max but more so talking to myself, like talking out loud and making myself really take in and understand how amazing this woman is that I love so deeply.

"Huh?" Max unconsciously answered me and yet still managed to ignore me. It was a special art he was a pro at to say the least.

"I'm saying, that Maria and Liz both work as RN's working countless hours a day...sometimes for 2 days at a time, and then go almost right after and work at the diner. Neither complain, they do it to help Nancy, and here I complain when I work at the office for a mere 9 hours." I found myself rambling, I usually did that when Maria was on my mind. Maxwell was used to this, it's probably when he wasn't even paying attention to me. Figures.

"Maxwell?" He looked up with a questionable glare.

"Huh?" He never ever even looked up from his phone.

"Never mind."

"What are you doing" He was so focused..a little too focused.

"Making dinner reservations."



"It's about damn time!"


"What? You know my feelings towards the wanna be she devil."

"Yea, I know...I'm apart of that fan club now."

"Things are moving quickly with Liz, that's a good sign."

"Yeah, well we have all these years to make up for, I'm not wasting anymore time."

"What about yourself & Ria? Are you guys back together yet?"

"Getting there..."

"Who ever knew a reunion would rekindle so many connections, and I'm not even sure I'm going back and I'm not even sure I'm going back. I never thought I'd say this, but I've been thinking about relocating back to Roswell." Max looked at me dumbfounded, almost unsure if I was telling the truth or not.

"Mike, are you okay? You're talking like an adult."

"It's all Maria. It's like we were never apart, this is the person I wanted to be ten years ago. I ran away from him because she pushed me away, and all I wanted was her."

"So, you're staying in Roswell?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"You're talking as if you have a ring box in your pocket--can you really pick up where you guys left off nearly 10 years ago?"

"She's the one. I'm going to stay for her, she's not running--and I'm not taking anymore chances with our story. If she wants me, I'll be here--I'm not going to deny her anything."

"I'm proud of you man, I really thought that the breakup would make you bitter. I'm grateful that you grew up from the experience." Max's' words rang in my ears and yes, I did grow up and I'm glad that she's here to see it.

At that moment I pulled up to the hospital, as much as this male bonding moment was...I was ready to go home.

"Okay, you've reached your destination, now get out of my car! I'm sure I will hear all about your date from Maria." Max laughed as he got out of the car, and walked across the lot and into his own car.

For Maria I was always a goner, but even more now--I was a lost cause that didn't want saving.

"Dear lord please help me get a grip." I laughed and drove off.

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