The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 41 - 02/02/2021

Post by Superman86 »

Finally Max and Liz together, reunited after 17 long years apart . Of course Max didn't wanna talk :wink: I hope that Liz is wrong about her chances of getting pregnant. They deserve to be together Max free from prison and beginning anew life with hopefully a new baby added...fingers crossed here's to there future. To be new grandparents and newborn parents at the same time, lol :P That'd be something for Max and Liz
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 42 - 02/04/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

While Max and Liz continued to ignore the realities of their situation and revel in each other. The world still went around, and everyone else had to figure out what that mean for them as Olivia sat in Amelia’s bedroom. They had watched a movie before going up to the bedroom. It was dark in the house. She wanted so much to think of her as a normal teenager. Even if you ignored her most recent situation. She knew she was not normal, not by the long shot as she looked at the laptop, she brought with her. Amelia was asleep and was able to sleep without worry. While Olivia had too many things going through her head. She wished she could have had a normal life. While she loved her abilities, and being herself, still, she wished she did not have the worries that she did. Ignoring a new email alert, she closed it up, and she went to get some milk or something that would allow her to sleep.

And to dream normal dreams.

Everyone was asleep, or so she thought as she went down to the kitchen and found someone unexpected in the kitchen. “You couldn’t sleep?” she asked.

“No,” Alex shook his head with surprise to see Olivia coming into the kitchen, in her pajama’s. Alex knew that everything was different between now that they had broken up, or taken the pause, and things were complicated. “Amelia’s bedroom was dark?”

“I was using my computer for a night light” Olivia replied. “Can I join you?”

“Sure,” Alex nodded. “This place is just as much as your home as it is ours. You have spent enough time here over the years” he murmured because this was the house that the twins had known since their parents moved into it, when they were toddlers when they outgrew the apartment they were and gotten help and support from Maria’ mother and stepfather to buy it. Alex knew that Olivia grew up in this place, just like they had… which made it hard to believe the twists in their families. “Are you okay?”

“Couldn’t sleep, that is all” Olivia murmured.

“I know we have not talked much since you know…” Alex sighed as he knew had been a coward to stay away and his mother was disappointed in him because he had stayed away. Not that Olivia was asking for his help, but he should have been taking some of the burden off Olivia’s shoulder as he knew she had too much on top of her world turning over the developments over her parents, and especially her father.

“We took time apart” Olivia smirked as she chose diplomatic wording.

“Yeah, right” Alex chuckled. “I am sorry I have been leaving it all to you?”

“It’s not like you can do much about it, except support me, and I know you have the support at the end of the day” Olivia murmured. “It’s on me, but I do appreciate it.”

“Are you any closer to a decision?” Alex asked.

“No,” Olivia admitted. “One minute I think I am and then the next minute I am not,” she sighed. “I wish it could be easy as knowing I have a future, and I do, and I want to go for it. I am not planning on letting myself or my mother down and letting this define me. Regardless of what I choose. I am planning on getting my education,” she sighed. “Just like Mom did with me, but she was older, and I am not, and I know this will be a huge decision should I keep it or even if I choose to give it to a family who will love the child”

Alex nodded.

“If I was someone ordinary, then it might not be much of a choice because I know I am too young, and we are too young. Both of us have futures and we should not be having to go about it the hard way, because unlike my parents. I do not think either of us see marriage as something we want anytime soon.”

“I would you know…” Alex asked.

“What?” Olivia asked.

“Marry you if you want to?” Alex asked. “Next month when I turn sixteen, I mean…”

“No,” Olivia was quick to say as she was reminded once again that they were too young for this. “I appreciate the offer you know, and I love you know but we are not my parents, and we are not even your parents. I do not want to get married because of this reason. I want it because we love each other, and we know we do not want anyone else. Which was the case for our parents and right now, neither of us can say that, can we?” she asked. “I love you, but…”

“But we’re only sixteen,” Alex nodded. “We do not know what the future holds”

“Right,” Olivia smiled. “Still though Alex, you and I deserve a chance at a future, and not to hold ourselves and I don’t want you committing to me because of a baby We deserve a chance to figure out where we are led. Still, though, we are different, and I worry about what that means for our child. If I choose to give him or her away, then am I putting him in the position of where my half brother is coming from? We both know that he was given up for adoption, under the assumption he was human, and look where he is, coming back seventeen years later, wanting to know why he is different.”

“And yet our child could be normal” Alex asked. “We have more human qualities than our fathers do…”

Olivia nodded. “Which is why I don’t know…” she sighed because she knew her mother was different so that gave more chances of it being passed down to her child.

“If you don’t think you can be a mother to our child than why are you even thinking about keeping him or her?” Alex asked. “You don’t want that resentment do you. Down the road, do you want our child to resent us for keeping them if we were not able to provide them a life without regret? We have seen too many of are classmates and even friends have rocky home lives because of their parents, and how they view them. Do you want that for our kid?”

“I don’t,” Olivia admitted. “But I do have feelings for this child. I do not know if it is love but I worry about them, and I want to be apart of their life and then on the next level, I do not. We created the child, and I sense I could be a good mother to the child.”

Alex nodded.

“Which is why I am confused,” Olivia sighed. “I wish this could be so easy?”

“But it’s not,” Alex wondered. “But it sounds like you are closer to a decision than you think…”

Olivia nodded as Alex got up, and left the kitchen, and left Olivia to stare into space and wonder about her future as she checked her phone and was shocked by an email, Congratulations Olivia it said as she read that had been the alert before she left Amelia’s bedroom.

And the email changed everything, and made it seem like she knew the choice as she went upstairs and was able to fall asleep.

But it was a hard one.


“She’s beautiful,” came Max in the early hours of the night. Neither were able to fall asleep as if it would take precious time from each other just as neither did they feel tired. They felt energized by being with each other and soaking the ability to be with in each other’s company. Liz finally brought out her phone and was showing pictures of Olivia through out the years that she had loaded onto her phone. Some she always had, but others, she had loaded on for this occasion because she knew Max needed to see images of the occasions, he had been forced out on, and he continued to be amazed by the technology. The burner phone he had been left was older technology so not to rouse the warden. Therefore, Liz’s phone was newer, and the ability to carry pictures with unbelievable resolution amazed him.

He was taken away when cell phones were still in the infancy, and much bigger. It amazed him of the stuff that they could do on them these days. “I know” Liz murmured as she knew Max still was geeking out on the phones. “I am amazed every day. To me, she has grown up in a split of a second, and I am constantly surprised by it. Even when I know I should not be” she asked. “This was at Christmas, with your parents?”

Max stopped at the sight of his parents. Two people he had not been able to see for seventeen years, but he missed every day for these years. Two people who had rescued him and given him home. Otherwise, who knows, maybe he and Isabel would have been like Michael. Thankfully, Michael was able to escape a worse of it, but it was hell of a decade for him before he found Maria and found love.

Thanks to his parents. If only I knew I could trust them. He should have known his parents would have been there for them. They were not people who were fearful. They would have loved them, and if only they had told the truth to them before the end, then a lot of this could have been avoided, and he might have been able to be a family man instead of an inmate. I might be a lousy son, but I do love them he told himself. Liz could see the inner conflict in her husband as he viewed the picture taken when Olivia was thirteen. “They love her Max. They are the best grandparents to her, but they miss you.”

“I miss them” Max muttered as if this was the first time he was forced to think about his parents. “I do love them you know…”

“I know you do,” Liz murmured with a touch of her husband’s hand as she supported his unease and grief over the separation from his parents, by his own choice. She knew this was no place for family. Even if she suspected Phillip and Diane could deal with it. Still, it was a lot to come and visit your son in here, knowing he was innocent and partly convicted on basis of evidence that you had collected for other reasons…

“You do know that I am not keeping them away out of revenge. I know seeing me in here would ruin them, and I do not want that pain for them” he said softly as he looked at another picture of his parents from the same gathering. “They are okay, right?” he asked as he felt guilty about not even asking Isabel about their parents.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “Thankfully, they are. Your Dad has basically retired, although he is known to go into the office once and awhile, but Isabel has taken over the business. So, he spends most of his time with friends or at home with your mother. Unfortunately, he does feel guilty over what happened, you know…”

“He should not be” Max murmured. “He is not guilty. I am.”

“Max…” Liz sighed.

“We should have trusted them. Isabel wanted to tell Mom especially, and we did have the chance to tell them. Especially after that grease fire, and with Jim on the hunt, and sparking my mother’s curiosity which got her to dig in the memory banks and remember, but still, I made her feel guilty for suspecting something that she was on the nose about. I told her she was wrong, and she would be hurting me by keeping up with her beliefs about who I was. We should have told her the truth, and I do feel guilty because they love us, and have shown no judgment over who we are… They did not send us away. They helped us, and we forced them to take the actions they would undertake because we did not tell them”

“They still feel guilty because they could have done it differently” Liz murmured.

“We still wouldn’t have told them even if they had known and they had asked us point blank. We would have still found a way to lie to them. So, getting the proof they did was probably the only way they would ever have found the truth. Unfortunately, there were consequences to that. They didn’t know Tess would come back and change our worlds, and set the government on us…”

“And find the evidence?”

“And they would find out about Utah, and then Vermont” Max muttered. “Utah didn’t look good even if they hadn’t found the evidence board in Dad’s office. Vermont was just asking to be discovered because we left a mess when we came home.”

“Yeah, we did,” Liz nodded. “No wonder Dad did not get a refund”

Max nodded.

“They love you…” Liz smiled. “Your mother loves telling Olivia about you…” she sighed as she was not happy to know she had not been fond of telling their daughter about her father until recently. She hated knowing others had to fill in their daughter when she should have been the one.

“Keeping them away did not mean I did not love them” Max sighed. “Same with you. Keeping you away from here was about making sure you had a chance at a life. Knowing now you had Olivia to look after. It makes me know I made the right decision. It would not have been a life for you and Olivia to come up every week on visiting day. To know I cannot go home with you. It is bad enough you are going home in the morning without me. I did not want seventeen years of that. To think that you were giving up on your life.”

“You would not have had to rely on these photos Max,” Liz said as she pulled Max for a kiss that took their breath away. “You would have had a chance to see her grow up?”

“Behind glass or using a telephone to talk” Max muttered. “That is no life for a growing girl to get to know her father. It is bad enough now, but she is old enough to understand the implications. To think of her at five, or ten on the other side of the glass…”

“No one is ever old enough to understand it truly,” Liz murmured. “I am a heck of a lot older today than I was at the time, but still, I wish there were some way to break you out of here. No one really wants to come to this place. Still, we should have had that chance. Staying here unseen behind cement walls leaves a lot of people behind, just wanting a sight of you…”

“It was no life for you, or for my parents” Max muttered. “I dd not want that life for you…”

“I would have been with you” Liz sighed. “Anything would have been good enough for me. Whether it was an hour or just five minutes. Max, I married you for better, and for worse and to death do us part. We have conquered death you know in the past. Both of us. So, whose to say we would been able to conquer this too?”

“I love you,” Max sighed as they leaned for another kiss, and a kiss that rocked their souls, and flashes came of them of their first kiss and then their wedding kiss.

“Then let me love you, and do not keep me away” Liz asked as he pushed Max back against the pillows, and they loved each other even more as the hours were ticking down.


“I will love you forever,” Max murmured one last time as the moments ticked away before the door reopened, and she was forced to leave him, and he would be escorted back to his home away from home, or his hellhole as he referred to it to her as they relished every last second they could spend together as finally their was a knock on the door, and the unlocking of the door, as they both smiled because they knew it would have been so easy to override the lame security they had one the door. If they had wanted to make a break for it. But neither had because they had only wanted each other.

“I love you,” Liz whispered as they kissed one last time as the guards came in and smirked because they had been hearing noises coming from the room all night long, and these two looked like the same lovey dovey people they did the night before. “Time’s up”

“We know,” Max muttered.

“The guard will escort you out Mrs. Evans” the other guard stated, and it was a reminder of how Liz did not share her husband’s name nor did their daughter. She wished she could have been wearing the name, or for their daughter to have it but she was Liz Evans in her heart, and in the paperwork. One day fate might allow her to the take the name, because she would wear it with pride if only, she could.

“Parker,” Liz said softly as the guard nodded as she had a last look at her husband who watched her walk away.

“Fun night,” came the guard.

“You are an ass,” Max muttered, not ready to play nice because he almost missed his wife and wished they could have made more than 12 hours today, as they walked back to his cell and he was reminded once again that they held the upper hand when he heard the slam of the door of his cell.

While Liz was escorted through security, and to the front door. “You don’t look like someone who would stand by her man?”

“I love him,” was all Liz said.

“Then that is your loss…” the guard said as he watched Liz walk to her car and disappear.


While at the same time Olivia was letting herself into the house after leaving the Guerin’s house. She knew her mother was not expected until just before lunch time, so she had time for some alone as she got a quick set of texts, first from her mother to indicate that she was headed home. And then from her father, that offered the same information as Olivia laughed to herself that it was weird to think she had two parents who wanted to warn her to know to expect her mother home.

While Liz spent the morning in the car on the drive home from the prison. She reflected on the evidence. She did spend it talking to Maria through her car system, who laughed at the bliss she heard in her best friend’s voice. “You should face it, Liz, you are one of those people” Maria remarked at the stunning change of events, and how her friend was going with the flow of it and did not bat and eye when it was a movie, and not a life they should be watching unfold.

“Those people who inspire the sickly devoted. Max is not one of those people Maria. He’s Max, and he in innocent,” Liz muttered as she had over the years laughed and found it amazing that people could love someone in prison. When they knew they would not be coming home to them, and yet she was one of those who was standing by her man. Not caring that he was in prison. Max is not one of those people “You should have seen him. So brave…”

“Those who attract those kinds of people insist they are innocent too,” Maria smiled. “Just saying, but seriously, I am joking Chica seriously, I know Max is Max. He is not one of those people,” she sighed as she thought of her old friend in prison. She and Max had bonded, and it had cut her just as much as it did Michael and especially Liz to lose Max from their life. She had to sit and watch Michael and Isabel ache to have that bond back again, and to know they could not see him and while she had very vocal opinions on how Max had treated her best friend and her husband, still she did not wish these years on her old friend “They are taking it out on him, are they not?” Maria asked from her side of the phone. She had heard from Isabel, and seen some of the pictures that Isabel had taken of Max. So thin, and underweight. So, unlike the Max she had known for those three years before life went to hell, and Max and Michael seemed to go through a body transformation. Or a “soul” one. Michael became the upstanding family man. While Max was one in a jail cell, and then in prison.

“The bruises were sickening,” Liz muttered as she still winced at the memory of them “I fear it’s going to be worse before we have any chance of making it better for him.”

“He has the ability to defend himself?” Maria answered even if her brain told her why Max was not using his abilities to aide in his safety.

“That opens too many questions,” Liz sighed. ‘Therefore, he is a sitting duck. Those bruises were so ugly Maria….”

“Not that you two cared, huh?” Maria smiled as she could just imagine that neither let that ruin their night. “So, you didn’t have to worry, huh, which is what I knew of you two” she laughed. “You two could never keep your hands off each other”

“No,” Liz smiled as laughed at her worries because Maria was right. The nerves and the worries were all for naught because when she was with Max, she only saw him, and they also had the ability to know how be with each other. The reality of it got too much for them, but they always did a connection and all they had to do was concentrate on that connection. And they had, and therefore she had memories to hold her in her battle to get him back home with her and Olivia as she saw the turn off that she had to take, towards Roswell. “This is my turn off, and minutes from home. So, I have got to go but we should meet for drinks or a family dinner?”

“Call me when you are home and settled,” Maria sighed as she saw Angelica looking at her for help out front. “Business beckons,” she sighed. “I am happy you know Liz that you got last night, but now that you have had last night. The withdrawal will be even more stark…”

“I know,” Liz sighed as she turned off the car, and continued with the drive as a half hour later she was letting herself into the house. She saw the bag that her daughter had not taken up to her room, so she knew her daughter was home. “Olivia?”

“Mom,” Olivia called as she came from the kitchen. “You are home”

“I just got in,” Liz murmured as she hugged her daughter as she was happy to be home, and back in her normal life if only she wished she could have Max back with her. But one day, her dream will come true. She would make sure of it. For her sake, and for their daughter’s sake. They would have Max home with him. “How was your night?”

“Probably not as enjoyable as yours,” Olivia laughed. “I am good.”

“That is good,” Liz sighed as she adjusts back to being back in reality, and away from the bubble that she and Max had put allowed themselves to enter for twelve blissful hours.


While Liz and Olivia enjoyed lunch together at the house. Max was dealing with being back in his small cell after a semblance of freedom. It was chilling to know this was his home away from home. Weariness had overwhelmed him once he entered his hellhole, and immediately felt his eyes close as sleep took him because he had barely gotten any the night before because he had not wanted to miss any of the time he had with his wife.

Liz had been the same. Now his eyes reopened, and he did not feel rested. Instead, he felt tired, tired of this whole story. Seventeen years of self-inflicted pain to cover for even more bracing pain if the government had their way with them and found out their secret. He was nearly forty and he did not feel young and invincible anymore. Memories flooded of his glorious twelve hours with his wife.

She wanted out of this place. Wanted to be home with his wife, and his daughter. With his family. Those pictures Liz had showed him of his family had brought pain to him as he knew how much he had lost and had missed out on. Seeing his parents. Knowing what they were faced with…

Sure, he was happy they had gone on with their lives. And were still alive to be able to tell his daughter stories of days that had gone right before it had gone all wrong. Still, he wanted to be there to tell his daughter the stories. Not here, in this place. But this was his punishment for being the good guy.

“Rest time is over,” came a call. “You have a visitor?” said the guard as he opened the cell door, but Max was not eager to get of the cell. Instead, he wanted to stay and reside in the misery and remember what he had given up. But the guard was not having it and banged on the bars. “Come on, wake up, you are being requested…”

“Who wants me?” Max asked wearily.

“How should I know?” came the guard. “They only pay me to escort you to visitor’s lounge. So, get up, and let us get going because I have places to be…” he muttered as Max did come towards the bar, as he was handcuffed, and led back to a destination that he had been constantly led to in recent days. This time, he did not know who he would be seeing as they walked the distance to the circus.

Once they entered, he was pointed towards the last booth. All the others were filled with families. Girlfriends, boyfriends who wanted to visit their love one. Max now realized it gave the people here some hope when they saw a love one.

He had kept them all away from himself, and now they were starting to force their way into his life. But he could not think of anyone who would want to visit him. Everyone had lived that did not include him, and her had just experienced a miracle with his wife.

And then he stopped and felt faint, as he saw those eyes when he got to the last booth, like when he met his daughter for the first time. This time it rattled his core because he saw those eyes and nightmares came to him.

Those blue eyes.

They led his memories back to only one person. One blonde who had changed his destiny and forced him on a route away from the life he wanted and dreamt of.

He saw Tess… Alive and sitting and staring at him.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 42 - 02/04/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Olivia and Alex still have a big decision to make.........but the email gave Olivia the answer......
Good to hear Max admit he should have trusted his parents.
Big surprise visitor Max..........
Can't wait to see how this turns out!
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 43 - 02/06/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

But it was not Tess. Max was not delusional, despite being sleep deprived which is something he got quite used to in this place. So, he knew Tess was dead. Rolling around in her grave probably thrilled to death that she had cause what she had wanted from them, chaos. Heartache, and pain and suffering all the while she went out in a blaze of glory that had taken them down. They had not liked her when she was alive, and so they took them down with her. Or him at least.

Everyone else was able to capture a piece of life. But not him, because she had taken him down with her. Of course, she had given this sentence to himself, but his sister was right. She had to know what she was doing to them with her actions. Still, she did them. Now she he was facing a reckoning from numerous fronts into his past.

The blonde hair brought the nightmares back. If only things had worked out differently. If he had not been so foolish. To believe Tess had said or not to grief the loss of Alex in the way he did. If he had only been strong enough to restrain himself, and to see that Tess wanted something from him. But No, he had fallen into her trap, and it had led to a creation that none of them could anticipate.

Except maybe Tess because it had been her plan all along. Drilled into her by Nascedo. Not caring that led to changed destinies. Sure, they had been teenagers and so stupid. Felled by hormones even when they knew better.

“You,” Max said softly as he looked at the eyes that stared at him. Memories of a long dead blonde. The blond hair was exactly like his biological mother. He had been warned he was in the state, but he had forgotten and maybe wanted to forget because he did not want to face the reckoning on this.

“Yes,” said Zack as he stared at the man who had helped create him and gave him up for adoption. He knew it was Max’s signature on the adoption papers and that his biological mother was dead by that time. Now he was staring at the man who was so important to this story. “I couldn’t resist. And it was true Zack could not because on a lark when he woke to more flashes of a life he did not know. Caves and a lot of destruction, he could only think they were memories of when he showed up on this earth. Everything he wanted to believe in told him he was normal. But he knew he was not, and those dreams told him that unlike his half sister. He was not born on this planet.

Somehow, he had shown up here, and given up for adoption. On the outside, he was normal. But on the outside, he was not, and he wanted answers and so he got on his bike and went for a ride, and that ride brought him here. It was a long ride on his bike, and he could have turned back and gone back and caused disruption with Olivia or even Amelia than siting in his motel room, but he showed up here, and found his way into this place. He added a year to his age with his ID, and told the prison that he was 18, and not seventeen he was until his next birthday. Being 18 years old or older gave you instant permission.

Now he was in here and staring into the eyes that had created him and Olivia and he did not look like the monster the media painted him to be and could see the man who had a lot of angst in his soul and his face, and knew he had to be looking into the past. Because he had seen others do it as well. “I thought we should meet,” said Zack. “Sorry, if I ruined your day by coming here.”

“No,” Max said softly. “It is a surprise, that is all…”

“So, I can stay?” Zack asked.

“Yes.” Max nodded it is not like I have a choice. “Why come?”

“You are my father, are you not?” Zack asked.

“Yes, I am” Max nodded because it was not like he could deny it because of the blond hair, and the essence that spoke so much like Tess but the essence that he was not his mother, but his own person. For good, and for bad and Max prayed he could craft a life that would not revisit the sins of the father, or the mother.

Unlike Olivia. Zack had a lot of destruction in his genes because of his mother, and her ability to create chaos with her abilities and even a bit because of who and what Max had done in his life, that meant he could go down different roads. Max could only pray once again that it would lead his son down a better road than the one his mother went down. He had to hope the ability to have a normal life would have help lead him to the right choices. “You came, why?”

“Answers,” Zack muttered. “Might as well see the missing piece in this story. I have my biological mother’s word, whether it is faulty and that is open for debate or if it is only her side of it. But I need to know your side, and who you are?”

Max nodded.

“You didn’t want my mother?” Zack asked bluntly, and Max was forced back into the past. “And yet you got her pregnant?”


While Max dealt with the past coming back to haunt him. Liz and her daughter were having lunch together back at their home in Roswell. She could sense something was on her daughter’s mind since she returned home. Once they were finished eating, she finally braved enough courage to ask what was on her daughter’s mind because being sixteen, so many things could be on her daughter’s mind and Liz was a little afraid of what her daughter could be thinking about…

Olivia was not sure how to phrase it, but she went with the easiest news but maybe it was not the easiest of news because it would make her decision for her. “I got in…”

“What,” Liz asked startled because the words did not compute, and she had to change the state of mind. “What are you talking about?”

“You know that exchange program that I applied for before Christmas, and before all this” she sighed as she could not believe how confusing these last few weeks had been. The one in New York, a six-month exchange starting in October, and would give me credits and I would get to study writing, with a three month internship at one of the newspapers in New York,” she said with a smile as she liked investigating, and she liked writing, and she wanted to see if that was her future. She had applied before everything went to haywire with Alex. Not believing she had even a shot.

“There were only ten people being accepted from all over the country, and I got one of them”

“Wow, honey, Congratulations” Liz said with a lot of shock and awe because this has been what she had wanted for her daughter. A brilliant future, and knew her daughter to be a talented writer, and knew she had some dreams about exploring the craft, and then those teenage pains started, and it made Liz doubt whether her daughter could not repeat the path she had taken, and could instead leave town limits, and grab her future, and then the reality struck her. “What do you think about it?”

“What do you think about it?” Olivia asked challenging her mother. She knew what it meant, and knew what her mother would think…

“It is your accomplishment,” Liz smiled. She knew how her daughter had slaved over the application process. “It means…”

“Yeah,” Olivia acknowledged. “I had been thinking about it, and now…”

“You want to take this chance?” Liz asked. “This is the sign you have been asking for?”

“This has been a dream since I won that writing contest last year,” Olivia whispered. “It’s everything I have wanted for so long, and I want to see whether it’s my future or not, or if there is something else out there for me?” she asked. “Yet, I know what I am telling myself to do, and it is confusing?”

“It is your decision honey. It is not mine. It is only on me whether to let you go or not. But you will have to live with this decision you make, and the lasting implications of it,” Liz said softly. “Whatever you decide I will support you,” she sighed as she wanted this for her daughter. She wanted Olivia to have the chance to get out of Roswell and explore the world. And not feel like she must stay because of choices she made at sixteen, and even younger as her mind crystalized with an idea, that it did not solve everything, but it would certainly allow her daughter the option to see the world, and to experience outside this Roswell bubble. “I actually think I have a way you do not have to worry and go for you worries?”

“What do you mean? Olivia asked a tad warily because she had no idea what her mother might want to say.

“I know you are worried about the status of this child, when he or she is born” Liz murmured because it was a worry. And one they should not ignore it. None of the kids born to their parents in their society were normal. They all had some kind of ability, so you had to wonder if it would continue in the next generation, so yeah, they did not know what kind of life Zack had, and while she sensed it was a bright one, and he was smart enough to be wary of his abilities, and not to explore them, and place risk on showing the outside world what he was capable and had come to seek out the answers he craved. Which was credit she was willing to give him because Tess would have been different. She would have used her abilities to gain an advantage. Max nor any of them were like that. They used their abilities, but with caution. So, yeah, they truly did not know what her grandchild would be capable of, because of the result of both her daughter and Alex. “Your father and I were talking about it....”

“You and Dad were talking about me?” Olivia asked, feeling unsettled by this new state of their family. To know that she did have a father who now knew who she was, and what was going on in her life, or as much as either parent would know what was going on in their teenage daughter’s head or body.

“Why wouldn’t we. You are our daughter, and we love you” Liz murmured. “I know that hasn’t been something that has happened much these last sixteen years, but it’s going to be something that starts now, and something we can look forward in the future, no matter where it does take us. Your father wants to be apart of your life, and I plan on letting him, and it will be up to you if you want to be an apart of his life, now that you are old enough to know him, and to decide for yourself.

“So,” Olivia asked.

“So, I am going to offer, that because we do not know what this child will be like in a decade, or eighteen years. But today, you want a chance at a future, and I want you to have that chance. You might one day decide to settle down here in Roswell, but I want you to know what there is out there, and to make a choice and not to feel like you have to settle because of choices you made when you were sixteen that changed your life at that age,” Liz sighed. “You know a lot about the history of your father and me, and the choices I made. Some good ones, and some with lasting complications. I do not want that for you, and your father does not want that for you either. So, why do not you give the baby to me, to raise…”

The instant the words came out of her mouth, it shocked both of and change the dynamic of the room. “You heard me,” Liz said softly as her daughter fell into silence and did not know how to respond. “You are right. You are not ready to be a mother. Neither of you nor Alex are ready to be parents. Both of you deserve a chance at a life. You guys are not your parents. Your father and I had an instant connection. I knew early on that your father was the one for me. I did not know the path it would take us on, and same with Alex’s parents. Despite their seesaw of a relationship. They knew that they only had eyes for each other. You and Alex do not have that, at this point” she muttered as if she knew her daughter would bulk, and Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “You might have it one day. But you do not have it now, and you both deserve a chance to know what you want. And not to be weighed down by responsibilities to a little life that will be depending on you?”

“Mom.” Olivia whispered.

“You heard me,” Liz smiled. “I can provide the child a comfortable life. We can make it legal or down the road, if the time comes, and you want to take the child, you might want to do that. But you have a chance to go for your dreams, and you should take it. When I was younger, I did not take them, and there are days I regret it, even though I do no regret loving your father or taking a chance on him, despite what was fated for us, because it did lead to you. But I was a little old. Still too young, but eighteen and nineteen with having experienced those three years with your father. You are not me, nor are you your father despite your abilities. So, no, I do not what that for you and Alex,” Liz murmured as she knew she had given her daughter a lot to think about and it would be a decision that would be changing their family forever, no matter what choice was taken. “So, how about it?”

“I do not know what to say?” Olivia asked because she did not. She knew her mother was a saint with how she was supporting her, but she had never expected this of her mother. This would be the big leagues of helping her, and like Liz, she knew how it would change their family, and in ways neither could think of today. “Mom…”

“You think about it and get back to me” Liz murmured. “Talk to Alex…” she sighed. “Talk to your aunt and get her legal advice. I love you, and I love this baby. You have a chance at a future. We do not know the future, but we do know the past and know you can never take anything for granted. This will allow you a chance to be a normal teenager and to graduate with your friends, and to go to university, and not have to do it, it the hard way because I did that, and it was not easy, and I do not want that for you and for Alex” she said as she came in for a hug with her daughter. “You take the time to really think, and we can figure out how to go from here, okay?”

“Okay,” Olivia whispered because she was still shocked. She still did not know what to say. It was like answering her prayers.


While his wife was changing the very foundation of their family. Max was in the past and reckoning it with his son who he had given up for adoption. And had not thought about at all in these seventeen years. Some part of him felt guilty over that and knew a father should want to know his son. And knew so much of his actions back when he was a junior and senior in high school was with the intention of raising only for Tess’s words to change his future and allow him to take another door. By saying their son was human, well, it allowed him to think about what was best for his son. To give him away. To not raise him.

Because he knew how dangerous their life was and that was before all hell broke loose and he was taken from the world he knew. Now that son he had given away was back seeking answers into who he was. Questions that Max had at one time, and knew they were universal but not universal in the way they were, and their abilities. “Your birth mother and I had a very complicated and complex relationship” was all Max could say that was diplomatic about his former flame Tess Harding. “We were too young?”

“But you did not want her?” Zack asked. “You wanted someone else, and you stepped out on her to be with my mother?” he murmured, and Max sighed because there was so much story to him and Tess, and even the triangle that change lives.

“It was complicated,’ Max sighed. “I was with my girlfriend before I ever knew your mother’s name and would still have been with her if she hadn’t come to town. Although Liz did become overwhelmed because of everything that was going on since we started dating. We broke up, and she pushed me away, so we were not together when I went to next level with your mother. I did not cheat on my girlfriend. Still though I should not have gone there…” he murmured because he did know how the wording sounded and how it must sound to his son. “Sorry but that is the truth. Your birth mother and I were not some love story. We got together, one night, out of weakness for me and agenda for her, and there were consequences.”

“Me,” Zack muttered as it still hurt to know that he was a consequence or part of agenda on a night that his birth father regretted. “You did not love my birth mother?”

“No,” Max sighed with a degree of honesty that was the truth. “I only ever loved one woman. That was my future wife, who is still my wife to this day. With your mother, yes, we had a past and most of it I do not remember, but we did have one, and I acknowledge this, and it did give a springboard to creating you, but there was someone else by the time she came back into my life. I gave her the time of day because of who she was, because she was like me, and I should not have, and I am not going to sugar-coat that…”

“I didn’t come here to hear sugar-coating words,” Zack muttered. “A candy-coated version of a world I would have wanted. I came for the truth. I came to see the man you are today. You gave me up for adoption, and I did have a good life. Your wife and daughter tell me I would have had a drastically different life if I had stayed here, and things had gone as they were fated to, but I did not and I had a good life, and I thank you for that…”

“I am glad,” Max muttered as he hated the picture he was giving to his son. “I am sorry I could not be a more conventional birth father for you. That I could tell you that I loved your mother, and that you were created in some semblance of love, and that we were too young, and too inexperienced. But your mother and I were one night. Only one night. She told me she was pregnant, and I wanted to be there for her, and was planning on it. To the detrimental of my other relationship, and my future. But she chose the course she would take. I would have wanted to be apart of your life, but she chose differently, and then when you came back into our life. Reality told me you deserved a better life. A life I could not give you at eighteen and yes, if you had stayed with me, and my life still had ended up how it would have gone. You would have gotten a vastly different growing up experience than the one you obviously were able to have, and I am glad you had a happy life, even if that doesn’t solve everything…”

“Right,” Zack muttered. “It doesn’t solve everything. I am different, and I know it, and that is why I came here to know why I am different?” he asked. “Although I hear you were told something different, and that is why could be part of the reasoning in giving me away?”

“Yes,” Max murmured. “I was under the impression that you would have a very normal life, and you wouldn’t have certain abilities” he said hesitantly because he knew they were in an open forum, and under surveillance. So, there was only so much he could say. “If I had known, decisions might be different?”

“So, would you have kept me?” Zack asked.

“I didn’t have to make that choice,” Max sighed at the central question because he knew what his son wanted to hear, but also knew it was not a choice that he did make. “I was given the impression you would be able to have a normal existence, which is something that was not afforded to me or my sister” he sighed. “You would have had a chance at a life we would not have given to you…”

Zack nodded.

“I am sorry this is how we have come to meet,” Max muttered as he wanted to change the subject a little. “You have questions, and I know it must be hard to reconcile the images that the media will tell you of me, and contrast that with the side and stories that my family will tell you?” Max asked. “It gives a very confusing but complex picture for anyone, and you will find that Olivia is asking the same questions as you are. I wish it could be easy for both of you?”

“Is it ever easy?” Zack asked.

“No,” Max conceded. “It wasn’t for me when I was your age and my sister, and our friend Michael and I had very similar questions to our own existence that you have because you have a unique start to life,” he muttered. “As you have indicated, I know you are aware of my wife, and my daughter?”

“Yes,” Zack sighed. “I have met them. Olivia tells me she didn’t know you until recently?”

“No, my wife didn’t tell me about Olivia” Max sighed. “It was only recently did that change, and we have had a chance to get acquainted.”

“Why not?” Zack asked.

“Because I did not want my family to come here, and to see me, and therefore I didn’t allow my wife to tell me of Olivia’s existence and I am sorry for that, because I know how much growing up in this kind of life without guidance can lead you to choices in your life, and I am sorry for that but then of course I would not have been a very good role model for her…” Max muttered. “Or you, because you know, I was here?”

“Right,” Zack nodded. “They seem to think you are innocent?”

“What do you think?” Max asked.

“I think that you can force yourself to believe what you want to believe,” Zack muttered. “Your wife certainly tells a story that makes one believe that you might be innocent. So, if you are, why confess, why put you through all this?” he wondered. “Why would anyone want to spend life in prison for something they did not do?”

“Because to do anything else brings only pain, and by doing what I did. I saved lives,” Max muttered. “A vastly different life would have occurred if I hadn’t done what I did. I was not willing to sacrifice lives…”

“So, you sacrificed yourself?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded.

“And all this leads back to my birth mother?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded even if evidence was starting to be collected that Tess might not totally at fault for the explosion. “Actions she undertook did change everything for everyone, and while it wasn’t all her because they did find evidence…”

“Of you and your eventual wife?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded. “It wasn’t what the government made the court believe, nor the media but it is not like we could right to narrative, and unfortunately it only added ammunition that would lead me here…”

“You would never have hurt her?” Zack asked.

“I hurt her in many ways, but I would have wanted to hurt her in that way” Max murmured. “I would not be alive today, if I had done harm to her, of my own free will…” he sighed. “I still have a hard time knowing the events that did happen, and my conscious is never clear because I have done things wrong in my life. But never in a million years would I want to kill Liz, or bring that kind of harm to her…”

Zack sighed because it was not easy to know that his birth father loved someone so much that he would want death than to bring pain to her, and it was not his birth mother he was talking about, but someone else.


“Are you kidding me?” Maria asked as she arrived at her best friend’s home. Amelia was upstairs with Olivia doing homework. Maria came along because the store was closed and Michael was busy with a case, and Alex was off with friends, so she did not want to be home and she was curious to hear how her friend was holding up since the big visit with Max. She had not expected to be told of her friend’s offer to take custody of their mutual grandchild when the baby was born. “What possessed you to offer this?” she uttered in shock. It was shocking yet when she really thought about it, maybe it was not because there were circumstances to the baby, they needed to deal with in weighing any decisions.

“To tell you the truth,” Liz conceded. “It was spur of the moment,” sighed. “I did not think it through except that when Olivia told me off her acceptance into a prestigious exchange program for the fall. Which if she took part, then it would further her future. I knew what she would end up doing, and already knew she had doubts about it because if she did not, she would have already decided by now…”

“The baby’s genetics?” Maria asked. Which was something all of them were forced to deal with in some form.

“Yes,” Liz acknowledged. “We all know the pressures that come with raising a child that has abilities, and that comes from knowing the situation. Allowing the child to go out there in the world brings too much uncertainty, and I know my daughter was worried about it and therefore I offered…” she sighed. “It looks like we got lucky with Max’s son, but then we do not know what kind of life he had behind closed doors.”

“What did she say?” Maria asked as she knew her friend was right about Max’s son. Zack seemed very well adjusted despite the circumstances and yet they did not know what his life had been like to grow up with powers, that Tess had lied to them about, and Max certainly had not known when he chose adoption. Olivia would have to weigh the risk of having one of them out there in the world, unprotected. Assuming the child was special. And they would not be able to know for years. It was not something that comes up on a routine pregnancy test in a doctor’s office. Or a scan, no, it was something that would only come up when the child was older, and able to have control and independence, and that was scary. Even if as a mother of someone too young to face the concept of parenthood, it was not easy to know this…

“She is going to think about it,” Liz murmured.

“It will change your life Liz?” Maria said softly. “Are you ready for this?”.

“I know, but if it were the alternative, then yes, I can handle the change to my life. My daughter is too young to deal with it. I am not, and I can give the baby a life that the baby should have, and Olivia meanwhile can go out and conquer the world,” she sighed. “You know that spending last night with Max framed the decision. Because knowing nothing could come from our encounter…”

“Oh,” Maria murmured as she knew of her friend’s medical problems when Olivia was a baby. The inability to have more children. Not that her friend had wanted that possibility when she lost Max from her chance. She had gotten a miracle with Olivia, but still it was a big loss for a woman to know, there was little chance of it happening it again. “This is a chance to have one last link to Max” she asked. “I admire that, but you are asking a lot from your life for the next eighteen years or more, when you are almost there with Olivia?”

“You are right, but I can provide the baby something my daughter cannot, and that is the overriding motivation, and I don’t have Max in my life, and with my daughter gone one of these days, maybe I need more than my job to come home to at night” she sighed. “I am older, and I can give this child something my daughter cannot right now…”

Maria nodded.

“Would you and Michael be okay with this?” Liz asked because it was situation that needed approval from her friends. Papers would eventually have to be signed.

“Of course,” Maria murmured, and she would be lying to herself if the thought had not crossed, her own mind. She had not raised the issue with her husband. She and Michael got lucky with the twins and had not wanted more children because two were enough, and one of each was the dream so they had not wanted to break the tie they had going in the house. But the idea had risen in her mind in recent days as it looked like adoption was becoming more of an option for Olivia. But this allowed them to have a chance to know the child, and to love the baby, and it would allow both of their kids to have a chance at a future. “It allows both a chance at a future and will allow us all a chance to know what kind of person the child would grow up to be, and to accomplish. You are a saint you know?” she laughed of her friend. “Olivia is very lucky to have you for a mother”

“She has a chance, and I want her to have that chance,” Liz smiled of her daughter. She knew her daughter was too smart to settle for something less than she deserved or wanted. It would do no one any good if the child years from now felt the resentment in their mother. This kind of decision will allow all involved to move on, and to grab what they want from their life “Alex deserves one too, and this will enable them to have it”

“Thank you,” Maria smiled as they continued to the chat about the situation before turning to her friend’s night with her husband. “You are certainly a movie of the week, are you not?”
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 43 - 02/06/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Welcome to the Movie of the Week.
Zack needs answers and Max gave him the truth.
Yes, he fell into Tess's trap.
Wow, a special opportunity for Olivia in New York.
We are all surprised at Liz's suggestion.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 44 - 02/08/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Upstairs, Olivia was discussing the developments with Amelia as they were doing their homework. Amelia was astonished at both the acceptance to the New York program, even though she had known her friend had applied. Neither of them had thought that Olivia had a chance. Coming from a small town in New Mexico, and then of course what Olivia’s mother had offer. “Wow,” she smiled as she concentrated on the life changer of an offer. “Are you going to accept your mother’s offer?”

“Mom told me to think about it, and I am, and to talk it over with Aunt Isabel” Olivia sighed because she could not believe this chance she had gotten. A chance at grabbing her future, and to know her child would be well taken care of. She knew her mother would be a better parent than Olive could be. At sixteen, she was too young to be a mother. While her mother was well equipped to handle to demands. And professionally in a much clearer place than her daughter “I never would have dreamt that Mom would offer it?”

“It would solve everything,” Amelia smiled as it was the answer to both her best friend and her brother’s prayers. Neither were ready, but she did know how unusual the situation would be for Olivia most of all “Although, could you handle seeing the baby every day, knowing it was yours, and not really your sibling?” Amelia asked.

“That is something to think about, I guess” Olivia conceded. “It would be a unique set of circumstances, but New York would help the adjustment period I would think” she allowed. “But I know I cannot be a mother, not right now. And Alex is not ready. We have too much to look forward in the rest of our high school careers to be dealing all this…”

“It would be a chance for you. I do know you are a talented writer,” Amelia smiled. “We would miss you…”

“I’ll miss you guys too, but it is months before I leave if I do go” Olivia laughed. “It would be nice to see some places other than the state of New Mexico?”

“I hear New York is very lively” Amelia smiled as she thought of her own dreams to get out of New Mexico and see the world. She did not know what she wanted. She knew she was not the writer her friend was, but still she had plans for herself, and everything she did in school was a steppingstone because she knew her parents wanted something, anything for her and it was not to settle here in Roswell before she saw what the world had to offer. She knew that was her mother’s dream for her because her mother had not been able to get it for herself because she loved her father and had been a parent too early.

Not becoming their parents had been big within their clan, and both girls wanted something from their lives, and both knew they had the ability to get there if they kept on the path they were, and his offer for Olivia allowed her re-entry to that path. Olivia would be crazy to give up on it, to stay here in Roswell because she might not have that chance again. “You are going to take that offer, because the cards that are stacked up for you, and you would be crazy not to take it” she laughed as a sudden thought came to her mind “Maybe you can get advice from Zack because he lives in New York, does he not live in New York?”

“He does,” Olivia muttered as she had forgotten that her half brother was from New York. “Maybe it will not be a good time, after all?”

“Oh, stop it,” Amelia laughed. “Zack is not so bad you know?”

“I know,” Olivia conceded as she wondered Zack was up to as they got back to their homework.


“It is not an easy life,” Max conceded as he and Zack continued to talk as Max knew his time was ticking down, but it was his chance to spend time with his son. He could see that his son had been raised right and had a chance at a normal life despite not being normal. “It takes a little bit of you to know who we are?”

“Why?” Zack asked,

“The secrecy,” Max sighed. “It not easy to know what we know, and to keep it a secret. We can do some unbelievable things with our abilities,” he sighed although he had not been able to do much these last years. “Or at least in my old life. The older you become, the responsibility that comes with the abilities can weigh on you and force you down paths you did not see coming, and you have been blissfully unaware of this?” he sighed. “Sometimes I wish I could be that person again, not knowing…”

“Then why keep up the charade?” Zack asked. “I asked this of your daughter. Olivia seems overwhelmed by it, and the others I do not know well enough to assess,” he murmured even though he knew Amelia was comfortable in her skin, and okay with the state of her life. But Olivia was quite different.

“My daughter has the burden that others do not have, as it’s not easy to live down me for a father” Max muttered I have only known her for a few weeks, but she has sixteen years of knowing that I am her father. “I am pretty notorious, and even if I was some absentee father, still there is a burden that comes with having to keep on your toes, and not make waves and be the upstanding citizen so that people do not suspect”

“Then why not tell the truth?” Zack wondered. “Would it not take a lot of stress of your shoulders?

“It would,” Max conceded. “But it would be put so much more on. People will look at us differently, and especially if they get a wind of our abilities. They will look at us suspiciously, and question our motives, and look back into the archives and dig up some of the stuff we did that does not look good under the glaring light of today. Even if we could deal with it, and a lot of it is sitting on almost 2 decades, so there is not going to be a lot they could prove, but still the stress will still be there. It will be newer, and graver because there are others, whose lives would go under the microscope if they knew” he allowed as he though of Jim Valenti, and all he had for them. He lost his job because of them once before, and fortunately was able to get it back but not without having the climb the ladder and getting the town to trust him. “I do not want that on our shoulders.”

“But it will not give them the satisfaction of coming after you?” Zack asked as he could understand why the secrecy. “Change the narrative?” he asked. “If your abilities allowed your wife to be saved, and you did not hurt her…”

“I still hurt her, it might not be me, but I still hurt her,” Max muttered. “It doesn’t take away all the bad that happened by telling the truth.”

“But telling the truth and allowing people to know there were others who did the crime, and you only pinned it on yourself to protect your love ones.”

“Then they will paint us all with the same brush. A few bad apples then we must all be bad, and we should be locked up. I hear today is not as enlightening on human rights, as it was even two decades before, and even then, people who were different were not welcomed with open arms. It won’t make things better to come clean” Max murmured as he truly wished they could come clean. It is never easy to keep the truth from people, and to lie about who you are.

“There will be complications, but who knows, the weight off your shoulders might be freeing?” Zack sighed.

“You are a creature of today. You are coming into this without experiencing what it truly means to be one of us, and I am glad for that because I wish every could have the experience of a life without burden and obviously you are exploring your origins and learning more about it because your birth mother was at best misinformed when she told me that you would be someone different than what obviously you are today…”

Zack nodded as he saw a guard coming as he refocused his attention on his birth father. A man who was different from what his media presented. He did not know if it were because it has been nearly seventeen years or the media spinning the events in their own way, but it was obvious that Max was not the man he had come to Roswell believing, and Zack still did not know that would mean in the long run. “I guess time is up?”

“Yeah,” Max muttered as he also saw the approaching gods, and the clock on the wall, and knew time was indeed up. “I wish this were not where we would be having our first meeting. But I do appreciate that you did come. It was good to meet you, and to know you did have a good life...”

“I did, and that was because of you. You did make the right choice because my parents did love me, and I have younger sister, and I am happy,” Zack murmured as he was coming to terms with his life. “I guess I wish you would have had the ability to have some happiness yourself…” Zack murmured because he was coming to understand that he had been lucky to be put up for adoption, and to live away from the atmosphere of Roswell. It would make it easier to know that his birth father gave himself a chance for a better life by choosing adoption. Except Max was then fated to a lot of pain.

Max laughed personal happiness is overrated he mused to himself. “I find that I am only happy if my family can have their happiness, all of them. It makes all my decisions worth it” he muttered even if it meant sacrificing himself. He did not regret it, because he always only wanted Liz to be happy. And she had gotten a chance to have a life, and to experience what she had deserved. Being a doctor, even if it was the hard way. And knowing she was the parent their daughter needed.

Zack nodded. “I know, time is up” he muttered as guard approached as he stood up and faced his birth father one last time. “Good-bye”

“You too, good-bye Zack” Max said as he watched his son walk away and could see that his son was nothing like his biological mother, and he was thankful for that as he stood up and was led back to his cell and a reminder that he led a different life than his children.

And he was they did have a chance… as he was led back to his cell, while a prisoner nearby got an envelope pushed between the bars of their cell. “You know what to do? said the guard.

As the prisoner nodded and took the envelope and counted the money, and then hid it under his mattress.


Alex was walking down the street after finishing up with the basketball game he and his buddies had been into on the public courts nearby. Prepared to go home and watch some television, as he walked up the pathway of his family home. He was surprised to find Olivia sitting on the porch, waiting for him to come home. Looking up, he could see the house was dark. Which was not a surprise because he knew his family had other plans. “Olivia, what are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you?” Olivia muttered because once Amelia had gone up to meet up with her friends to go the movies. Maria was still visiting with her mother, and Olivia needed to get out of the house, and go for a walk, and she ended up here, and she knew she had to tell Alex of her mother’s offer and get his approval.

She suspected she would have it. It was not like Alex wanted to raise the child. Both were too young for that. Her mother’s plan was in the best interest of the child, and for them also, but he needed to be aware and have input into it…

“Obviously, so what is up?” Alex asked as he unlocked the door. “I thought you were with my sister?”

“Your mother is still with my mother, and Amelia had a movie date with friends. I did not want to go, and so I ended up here…” she sighed as she had given up on the idea of a night out with friends to deal with his matter. Being an adult can get in the way of your social life she was finding, but this was the right place to be, because she and Alex needed to have this talk. It was long overdue.

“Why?” Alex asked.

“We have to talk…” Olivia murmured because she knew finally that they needed to chat. About their relationship and of course about the baby. She was feeling finally on settle ground and needed to act on it so that she could firmly land, and make plans “Where were you?”

“A game with friends,” Alex muttered as they walked into the kitchen. Taking my aggression out on the court, and with friends. No one was home. He knew his father was preoccupied with the case lately, and his mother was with Olivia’s, so they had the house to themselves. Something they had done countless times before, and always found a way to have fun. The perks of being young and in love, and they learned the downside of having fun and now they were over.

So, today was different.

“So,” Alex asked.

“So,” Olivia agreed. “I have been doing a lot of thinking, and first off, I know we have been taking a breather these few weeks?”

“Yes,” Alex nodded as she could see the shift in his ex-friend or girlfriend. Since their status was murky at best. He though sensed this was the chat that had been long and coming since the hospital which is why he had been staying away so that they could delay the inevitable. “Is this about you and me?” he asked because he could sense that Olivia had a lot on her mind. “We do not have to settle on anything you know. We can continue to take time away from each other.”

“I know,” Olivia nodded. “I love you, you know that, right?” she murmured because she did not know how to say what she was going to say. She did love Alex. He was sweet and loving and perfect, and yet she knew it was not enough. Not now. Maybe in the future, but not today, and not tomorrow.

“I love you too, you know that don’t you?” Alex asked of his vanishing act that he had been doing these weeks, and he did not want her to think he did not care. He did, but… “My parents might think I am not being supportive and putting all this on you, but I do care, and I wish things could be different you know…”

“I know,” Olivia nodded. “I know I have your support. We do not have to be together every second of the day to know you would be there for me if I asked, and I do appreciate that you have listened to me and stayed away. It is that we are young, and we are not our parents?”

“No, we are not” Alex agreed. “Both sets had an intensity from the start, and even then, we only have to rely on stories of their connections even if I have Mom and Dad with me, always…” he sighed as much as he relied on his parents. It was clear that his parents had a soulmate connection that was rare, and he had spent the last two years trying to get that from his own relationship with Olivia. It might be there, but he was not sure if it was there today. Being young sucks when you are in love.

“And I only have my mother,” Olivia sighed as she wished she could have had a mother and a father growing up. She heard the stories and could sense that her mother was a lost cause without her father, and that she would never remarry or find companionship with another man even if she went away to university, and moved out, and moved on. She knew her mother was a one-man woman for good and for bad. And from the few visits with her father, she knew her mother was the one for him too. It made her know that she knew she did not want that.

Not now and may not in the future. But not now. The last few weeks of hearing stories about her parents told her that. “I love you…” she murmured once again.

“But you do not want us to get back together?” Alex asked. “You want us to be finished, for good?” he asked. “You are not looking at a time in the near future at least that you want us to get back together?”

“Yes, right” Olivia muttered. “Maybe in five or ten years it will be different. But now, I am not ready to settle down. If the one thing this situation has told me, and listening to the story of my parents, and our family’s origin story is that I want time to explore. I want to know what the future is and not to be settled on one person. You should not want that either?”

Alex nodded because she was saying the truth. They were not their parents and it was fruitless to try to be them.

“We love each other, but we do not love each other enough to want to settle down and to try defy the odds that are against us succeeding despite having two sets of parents who loved each other as teenagers, and one set who made it, and one set whose fate was decided by outside forces, but they still love each other. That is not us, not yet anyways, right?”

“We cannot know what the future holds?” Alex asked. “No one can know…”

“No, we do not, unless we have my mother’s powers, and even then, there is a degree of flexibility in them, and it is obvious that we do not want to raise this baby together, right?” Olivia asked. “And try to defy the skeptics who think we are too young?”

Alex nodded.

“I thought so,” Olivia murmured as she was finding her feet in their conversation. “I am finding out that I do not want to settle down into a relationship with anyone right now, and you deserve a chance to find someone else if there is someone out there for you. I do not want you to wait for me, because I do not know when I will be ready for something,” she sighed. “We were friends, and then we were not, and it was so sudden and so second nature, like it was right.”

“But eventually it becomes too real,” Alex asked.

“Right,” Olivia nodded. “And on top of this, I got into the program in New York for October” she said softly as Alex eyes went wide with surprise. “I know, only ten slots, and I got one of them. And it has made me think, because I want this chance, and I want this shot to see if I can do it.”

“You can do anything you set your mind to,” Alex murmured as he had known she had applied but neither of them had anticipated that she might get selected for the program. And finding out about the acceptance, she could see the writing on the wall, and knew this offer would solve their other issue. “So, does that mean?”

“It would, but….” Olivia nodded.

“But what?” Alex asked.

“I was all set to decide on adoption, and take the chances that the odds are for this baby to be normal, but then Mom decided… and if I were to take her up on the offer, then I would need you to approve, but then I need your approval anyways”

“Decide what?” Alex asked, confused by what Olivia was trying to say.

“Mom wants to raise our baby,” Olivia announced, and Alex jaw dropped. “I know, I was shocked when she told me. She knows how much that I worry about the status of our child. She wants to raise him or her, and give them a life that you and I, we can’t provide.”

“Did you say yes?” Alex asked.

“No, not yet. She told me to think about it, and I have. She also told me to get advice from my aunt, but the more I think about it. The more right it sounds because it would solve everything. You and I would get a chance at a new chance and a new future. We would know the baby was safe, and sound, and we would know if one day if the baby does have abilities and we can help them deal with them and they would not be unprotected out there in the world,” Olivia murmured as she said the downside of her mother’s offer. “Even if they would be loved regardless. Still, if we did this and took up my mother’s offer. We would have to get used to seeing the baby grow up and knowing that we are not their parents?”

“But not all kids are loved for their differences,” Alex murmured as he thought of his friends who were not like him, but they were different, and they did not always have supportive families. “It would be unique alright…” he thought of the idea of seeing the child because their families were so interconnected, and yet know they would call someone else Mom and so he nodded. “It would be weird?”

“Yeah, I know, but it sounds right to me,” Olivia murmured as she thought of what their new normal could be once the baby was born. She knew her relocating would help with the transition. But that was only six months, how would the rest of her life be like. And for Alex to be here and know. “Look I do know what it means to make this choice, but my mother can provide the baby a life we cannot, and it would be unfair to take that chance away from our child,” she sighed. “I wish this were an ordinary situation and we did not need to be bailed out by either of our families, but this is going to be a unique child regardless. I would love to be able to give them to a family who would love them. Like my father and aunt found in my grandparents. But know the downside from them how hard it was to raise someone like us, and to not know until late in the process. This gives a chance for our son or daughter. “So, do I have your support on this. Will you say yes.”

“I need to think about it,” Alex murmured as he struggled to piece together some thoughts on the subject. “You know, talk it over with Mom and Dad?”

“Which is what I expected,” Olivia said as she did not expect a quick yes, because Alex did have investment in this situation and needed to talk it over with his parents because they were his guardians until he was old enough to make his own decisions. “I think this would be the best decision for the both of us,” she asked. “We would still know the child, and they would be able to know us?”

Alex smiled and nodded.

“I am sorry…” Olivia sighed as they stepped close to each other, and she lightly kissed him “I will always know that we had something special. Even if we end up being friends in the future, which is what I hope we end up being…”

“Of course, we will always be friends” Alex confirmed. “Our families are too interconnected for us not to be…”

“Which is probably why this is for the best,” Olivia murmured as she turned to leave as she knew it was best for both to quickly leave, because it did would help them to stay. “Let me know what you decide.”

“I will,” Alex nodded as he watched the girl, he did love to leave him behind but knew it was for the best they broke up before anything else happened that had the capacity to confuse their lives.


As across town Michael was entering a room, and waiting as the darkness of the night fell, he did a little cursory investigation to make sure everything was still the lay of the land in the room, and that they had not missed anything else out. He wanted to be home, and some semblance of normal to take back their lives again but then he knew he would not rest until his best friend was home again, with his wife and daughter.
They might not be able to reclaim the last time. But Max did not deserve to be in a prison that other people’s crimes had bought him.

The door opened, and the light turned on and curses were exchanged. “I was waiting?” was all Michael said.

“You do know that this is not your room, right?” came the voice. “That you are not welcome to come in as you like it, and if you did, then you are trespassing. Maybe I should call the town Sheriff on you?”

“He is on my side but let us not bring him into this” Michael murmured because the last thing they needed to do was get Jim involved. It would do no good for the town Sheriff to be embroiled in controversy once again. Because he knew how much knowing their secret cost their ally and his father-in-law. “Of course, but I was waiting for you, so where were you. There were no signs of you all day?” came Michael’s voice, that was one mixed with tension, and irritation as he had checked all the locations the kid was known show his face, and none of them materialized.

“What does it matter to you?” Zack asked. “Do I have to report to you?” he asked before spilling. “But in this case, I was visiting dear old Dad,” came Zack as he came face to face with his intruded, someone he did not want in his own. “As if it were any of your business. So, why can someone not get some privacy in their room?”

“I would love to give it to you, but you are part of this” Michael muttered as he felt the surprise that Zack had gone to see Max. “And why would you do something like that?”

“You mean, visiting my birth father. Why would I not do it” Zack asked. “He’s part of why I am the way I am. Anyways, I ask once again, why are you here? If this to try to dissuade me from spending time with your daughter. If it is, you can leave. Amelia and I are only friends.”

“You better be,” Michael responded with true irritation coming through in the tone of his voice at he thought of his daughter and this punk. The last thing he wanted was his daughter to get mixed up with someone like Zack when she had the potential to get out of this town, and to make something of herself, and he knew he would battle every day to make that to happen because his children were not going to have to settle for anything less than what they deserved. “Because if I find out you did anything more with my daughter than you will find that the next time you find me here waiting for you. I will not be civilized. I will find you, and kill you because my daughter is only fifteen and you are way too old for her…”

“I am only seventeen?” Zack muttered.

“That says it all,” Michael muttered. The last thing he wanted was for someone older to get involved with his daughter. The motorcycle was already confusing the situation, and he wanted his daughter to be the opposite of him or Maria. “I will not say it again. Leave Amelia alone”

“Something tells me Amelia can handle her own life, but she is she not seeing someone, and I am seeing someone too, so you do not have to worry about your daughter Mr. Guerin. We are only friends. She is being nice, and welcoming. Which is more than I have gotten from the other corners of your gang.”

“You are new,” Michael muttered “We do not like new” which was an understatement because none of them took to newbies, whether they had alien blood or not. Zack was new, and a distinct change after years of trying to make peace with the state of their lives.

“I gather,” Zack muttered as he once again looked around the room and saw Michael’s searching technique had been employed once again. Disturb everything to make sure you did not miss anything, whether it was small or big. “So, what do you want?”

“We have to talk…” was all Michael would say because by coming to his town. As much as he wanted the kid to leave Roswell and head back to his normal life, all American family in New York. Michael knew that could not happen yet. Because Zack was an important ingredient to their story, and he could not be ignored, even if he had wanted to, and he did but this was Max’s son. One of them. Biologically, he was part of this clan, and they would have to make it work.

If they wanted to get Max back home…


In the recesses of an office building in Las Cruces. Because Roswell was too small for these professionals. So, they operated under the bigger city lights of Las Cruces, even if they were talking about a case involving Roswell citizens even if the prisoner they were talking about, was not a resident of the town anymore, and had not been one for nearly seventeen years. Still, he was a topic of discussion.

“I do not care what you do. You are not to give those people anymore wins. It’s bad enough you got a judge so lenient to a confessed army base bomber, that she allowed a visit, overnight which is even worse, between the prisoner and the woman he abused” came the voice into an office across town via a telephone speaker. “You have allowed them to see each other, and now Evans will be determined to spend more time with his wife, and visa versa for his wife, which is a hell of a lot worse. It gives him hope. You are not to let that happen; do you have me?” came the voice across the phone line within the office.

“I understand,” came the chastened government agent as he was surrounded by others, as they were listening to the directive coming across to the senior agent.

“Good, then I expect to hear you pushing back against Evans request at the next hearing into the case, and you actually prevailing” came the voice to the one next the agent, the lawyer. “You are to do something to prevent another visit, anything, do you hear me?”

“Yes,” came both the lawyer, and the government agent. “But you know, he is innocent you know…” came the agent.

“I do not care,” the voice muttered, “I will not have the media making mincemeat of us because we let someone with his convictions walk all over us. Do you hear me?”

“You only got the conviction, because you threatened his family?” answered the lawyer in the room, as he was well versed in the case lore, and knew the media might find themselves on Evans side if they knew half of what the true story was… Especially if it was known how they had even coerced the confession out of Evans by concentrating their attention on those who Evans clearly loved. And the case against the suspect on the basis of the wife was flimsy when they did not even have the victim wanting to press charges, and yet they pressed on, even when the victim said they had the story wrong. And their side had also edited the footage to make it worse for the accused.

“His attack on his wife was not good enough. I needed more, and I will not let you them override my greatest victory, do you read me?”

“I read you,” came the agent so that your senate campaign will not fail he muttered as he disconnected the call and looked at his secretary once the call ended. But I have my orders “Find me anything you can on the judge, so that we can get this case moved to someone else.”

“Yes sir,” the secretary nodded and left the agent and the lawyer in the room to talk.

“This will come back on us you know, because the forces are amassing, and they will do something if we prevent then from seeing Evans at least. If we allow them something. At least one thing they want. Which would be more visits than they might not press for more, to revoke the confession?”

“If they try anything, then the media will be on our side?” came the agent.

“At what cost?” said the lawyer. “You have already separated a man from his family for nearly two decades when you know he was innocent and saved his wife’s life on that tape. We saw the footage. We even saw her bringing him back to life.”

“I have my orders,” agent muttered. “Plus, I have already started the process…”

Not eager to find out exactly what had been started, a new warning was established. “I am just giving you fair warning that this will not be pretty in the end if you do not reign in that man. Something tells me Evans family will not let it rest, and something tells me that we are all should be thankful they have not acted before now…

The agent did not care because he had his orders and knew too much was at risk if he went with his conscious.


THANK YOU all for your interest in the story so far. To those who are leaving great thoughts. It's great to know what you are thinking. And I hope you continue to enjoy it. And thanks to those who are just lurking and reading. All is welcome. We have a ways to go. And knowing that. We we have now come to the end of Act 1. With Act 2 beginning very soon. where there will be significant twisty action to come. With people coming together, apart maybe, and futures in significant distress some by their own actions. There will be a Act 3. So, there is still some significant roads to go down...

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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 44 - 02/08/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

What will Olivia decide to do???
I am glad she discussed this with Alex.
Interesting visit between Max and son. Wonder how this will play out in the future?
Typical father Michael....Leave Amelia alone!
It appears we are getting ready to shift gears in this story??
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 44 - 02/08/2021

Post by Superman86 »

Excited to see what's in store. I just hope Max and Liz won't have to go through much more pain and separation much longer.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 45 - 02/12/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Over the next weeks, and month. Things started were starting to settle down once Olivia and Alex agreed to the give the baby to Liz to raise. Life was also starting to calm down and both teens were starting to believe they could have a future, and that what was being done for the baby was the for the best, because they had no idea what the future held, but they knew they wanted to have one, and wanted the best for their baby, even if that life was not destined to be together…

And now they sat in Isabel’s office and looking down at the copy of the agreement. Isabel was operating as both of their counsels, with permission from both clients to share the same lawyer. Everyone knew Isabel was looking out for the kids. They also had the approval of Michael and Maria who knew this was the best choice for their son, and their grandchild. And Liz was filled with determination to do this for their grandchild, and for her daughter so that she could have a chance at a future. Still, they left the final decision to the kids.

And Olivia and Alex knew they were making the right one. “You know what this mean?” Isabel asked of the two, and both Olivia and Alex nodded and gave their consent in unison, “Yes,” the each said as they both read over the agreement one final time.

The agreement formalized that Liz would be to be given custody until Olivia and Alex were eighteen and they were of age to convert it to be a formal adoption if Olivia did not change her mind in the future, when she was older and if she wanted to raise the child. Olivia did not envision changing her mind. She knew this was the best decision for their child because she knew she wanted a future. She anticipated going away for school, but no one knew right now what the landscape would be in two years, and so they settled on this solution. Alex agreed to it because he and his parents knew this was the best decision they could make because they would know the child. And see him or her grow up.

And Alex could also have a shot at a future. “We know,” the teens agreed in unison and Isabel nodded as they both signed the papers for the baby to be given Liz at birth.

They both knew their lives were already different.

Because the rumors, neither denied nor confirmed were all over school. It was uncomfortable for Olivia to attend school in the closing weeks of classes, so she was on independent/on-line study for the remainder of the term. She preferred it to be in school and seeing the glances. On-line classes were better for her, for the time being.

She had accepted the New York exchange offer, and she was planning on leaving October 1st. She already had reservations to fly on that date.

The baby was due sometime in September. She wanted a chance at her future. She did not know what it held, or what it could be, but she wanted to see what it meant to leave Roswell, and not be just like any other teenager in a bigger city. Instead of defined by who her parents were, and what she had lost out on.

The twin’s birthdays were only days away. A party was set. True to his word, Greg had flown into town just that day, and was in town until the day after the party. Amelia was thrilled to see him, and thoughts of Zack vanished the moment she saw her boyfriend smiling at the door of the Guerin’s house.

Greg was staying at his grandparent’s place with his mother, who also came into town. “You look beautiful,” he was saying to Amelia as Alex just shook his head and walked away as he had gotten home from Isabel’s office. His breakup with Olivia was now official, and therefore he was a free agent, weighted down by their experiences, so he was spending more time on the basketball court, and with friends.

It had been a few days after Christmas when Amelia last saw Greg before he had to leave. Time had changed them, they both knew, but they wanted to be with each other. They only had a few days together, and they wanted to make the most of them as Maria watched as Amelia head off with Greg.

“Nice to see you again Greg,” Maria called out after them just shaking her head at how committed her daughter could be. How can she seesaw between two guys at once, amazing but Maria wanted that for her daughter because she did not want her daughter to commit to one person too early? Not that I want Zack to be an option She saw the weight on her son’s face and the knowledge the future would be different for both Alex and Olivia.

She and Michael were happy with the decision the kids had made. They knew they were too young and experienced to take on parenthood at their agent. While she might rue those three years in high school. But they had tested her and Michael, and made them strong, and durable to be still standing nearly seventeen years later. And while the fates were not as kind to her best friend and her soulmate. Still, she knew her friend was tougher and tested to take on the unknown when she was forced to wake up alone two days after her wedding, without her husband, because he was sitting in jail, and prison which would follow.

“Back at you, Mrs. G.” Greg cracked as he and a laughing Amelia rushed off together. Maria shaking at her head and wanted her children to have a safer, and easier life than what she was facing when she was their age.

“Did I hear Greg?” Michael asked as he came out of the cave, he had been most of the time he was in the house over the past month. He is planning something. But he is not telling me, and I hate that, but she kept on the silence because she knew once she knew, there would be no going back to it.

“Amelia just left with him,” Maria smiled as she closed the door and focused on her husband. “Refreshing to see them together,” she muttered as Michael just smirked. “Yeah, I know I am being a hypocrite, and I proud to be one, given the circumstances.”

“Because, yes, I remember a time when you were not high on Greg either,” Michael remembered because neither of them wanted Amelia to be dating, even if they trusted her, still it gave him nightmares to know he was the father of a young girl who was only days away from turning sixteen. To much of his life has in denial over the fact the kids were growing up, and it made him more wary because Amelia could find a bad way so much easier than Alex could, and knowing how much he had changed Maria’s life when she was the same age. So, it was funny to see his wife so obviously wanted things to stop in time, and not to progress. “Is it because you do not want Zack anywhere near our daughter?”

“You cannot tell me that you want him near our daughter?” Maria asked. “Did you not tell me you gave Zack a warning to stay away from Amelia?”

“Yes, I did” Michael admitted and had told his wife of the warning. Maria had just shaken her head and warned her husband if they were that blatant in keeping their daughter apart from Zack than they might be in the same situation they were facing with their son and Olivia. Of course, the problem with Alex and Olivia escalating of their relationship. We did not put ANY barriers on them and look at them Michael muttered to himself. But knowing their daughter. If they tried to place of them, she was at the right age to repeat the scenario that had happened with her mother at one time. She would jump over those barriers, and rebel even more than she was now. Because their daughter did seem to want to make it work with Greg.

“So, you do not want him anywhere near our daughter as well” Maria asked. “Yet, you are working on some mission with him?”

“The old adage Maria, keep those you do not trust close to you” Michael remarked.

“So, you do not trust Zack?” Maria asked.

“Yes, and no,” Michael confirmed. “I do not know him. And not knowing runs a risk to us all, as he came in town last month, but he has stayed around, and so I might as well use him if I want to get Max out of that prison”

“Isabel is working on that,” Maria muttered even if she knew her friend had been butting herself up against the bureaucracy of the federal government, and the knowledge that they did not what their little girl to have any wins. Since that night, Liz had lost out on all the requests that she had made to have another visit. Worst yet, they had the case reassigned to a new judge, and one not favorable to them, and Isabel as a result was butting heads against the wall. And their limited success had run its course, so her friend had been concentrating her time on her practice, and Olivia.

When they all knew she wanted to see Max. Because her exposure to him made their continual separation even worse for them to bare. Maria hated that for her friend.

“We both knew that Isabel is not going to win from the front. So, we might as well bend some rules, and go out our way…” Michael muttered because the truth of their situation was becoming all to clear, and he was not about to give the authorities a way to win.

“It will not help Max,” Maria asked. “It might make it worse…”

“Who cares. The government has known he is innocent, and they do not especially care that we have now have evidence that points to some one else. Maria, Isabel has shown that all we have figured out about Kal being in Roswell,” Michael muttered at the magnitude of the evidence they had been able to find that showed that there was someone else who had motive to go against the government. But unfortunately, he was dead, and therefore, the government would rather keep their sacrificial lamb that Max gave them when he confessed.

Even though they showed that Kal had a grudge against the same army base because of experiments they did on unsuspecting newcomers to Roswell back in the forties in the wake of their spaceship crashing. Rounding up people who were different, branding them aliens, and doing experiments on them. Like the witch trials. Of course, the evidence they gave was slightly fudged to make it like their theory had an aura of truth when the true story was so much more complicated. But then that was what they were still doing in the 90’s and early in the new millennium when they wanted to find who they did not trust, and who were different. “The government do not want to admit they were wrong and to get eaten alive in the press, and it will cost the district attorney his senate seat quest next year” Michael muttered because they were not stupid and they knew what the district attorney aspired to be, and his candidacy will seek if was seen as losing such a high-profile case. Or worst tainting a case by convicting an innocent man. Confession or no confession. There were holes in the case to begin with given they were looking for a blonde woman, and not a man, so they should have not taken Max’s confession as worth a grain of salt, which was lucky that he could clamp down on the pressure of his family, but the government should not have gone with it.

“So, what are you doing about it?” Maria muttered.

“It is still in the planning stages,” Michael admitted because there was only so much, he wanted to admit to, especially in giving Maria details when she would rather be planning their children’s birthday party. “But I do know we have to pick up our steps because they are beginning to take it out on Max. Our efforts to get him free, and that won’t be good in the long run, so we have to act now…”

“Just do not get hurt, okay?” Maria muttered as she was not stupid because she could see how hyped her husband up for doing something illegal, and something that would change all their lives. So, she had a sense of what Michael was planning, and was only going to dissuade him a little by reminding of the greatest threat “The media will take the government’s side you know…”

“Unless we present them with the truth,” Michael muttered.

“What are you going to do?” Maria asked.

“Hell, if I know,” Michael admitted. “I do not know what the fallout will be, but I am working on what I can control.”

“Just be careful, okay?” Maria asked once again.

Michael nodded and gave his wife a kiss, before heading back into his office cave to continue to plan while Maria knew she rather deal with the love lives of her children than deal with whatever her husband was planning, because the fallout was going to be immense.


Olivia was wearing headphones and dealing with her on-line classes in the back room of her grandparent’s restaurant, The Crashdown as she wanted to be away from the crowds who looked at her suspiciously whenever she walked into the restaurant these days. She knew she was the warning that parents were giving their teenagers. Look at what happens, and who can blame her given who she has for parents, as they let her roam free without any barriers, she muttered to herself even thought her mother was awesome mother, but if she had tried to put limits on her daughter. Olivia would have overridden every one of them, just like her mother would have done when she was Olivia’s age. Olivia was coming to realization since she was becoming more aware of her parent’s love story. So, yes, Olivia would agree with that assessment. She did not believe she could be one of those girls. She was living up to her potential, and was headed Ivy League if she wanted to, but then she detoured, and the shrinks would say and put the blame on her father.

But Olivia knew she made these choices herself, and she could not blame her mother, or not having a father during those formative years or being the criminal, he was branded, with sketchy evidence. She had plenty of love and support. Still, she hid out here in the backroom of her grandparent’s place because she did not want to see the stares. She knew enough of them will be on her when she went to Amelia and Alex’s party on Saturday night. She was showing, but not much, still, it was enough to get the looks.

She was completing an exam on-line, when she finally looked up and saw her mysterious half brother looking at her. “What?” Olivia snapped. She did not like the stares from people she knew, so why would she want them when she was getting some peace and quiet. “Should you not be working?”

“I am,” said Zack as he came out of the kitchen and put a plate of burgers and fries in front of her. “I figured you would be hungry; you have been intently on your computer for hours now” Zack muttered as he was impressed that given everything that was going on with his sister that she could concentrate on her schoolwork. Whether she was going to the high school or not. He knew it was him, he would be far away from schoolwork. Finding different ways to avoid the schoolwork that awaited him, and he was in Roswell, and not in school, finishing his education.

“I did not ask for that,” Olivia muttered as she did not admit that she was hungry. It still surprised her that Zack of all people would be working here at the restaurant as a short fry cook. In the kitchen, and she had been doubly surprised at her grandfather for offering her brother the job. Zack figured he was going to be around here that he needed to make a living to pay the rent on his motel room he still resided in.

Yes, Olivia had been surprised when her grandparents had offered the job. Because she knew they were looking at him suspiciously because of the situation. But her grandfather seemed pleased by the work Zack was doing. Liz was happy that her grandfather was giving Zack a chance. She was still was trying to make peace with the fact her husband’s illegitimate son was back in their lives.

Although Zack and Olivia had come to a tentative truce over the weeks, he had been in town. Neither showed any hostility to each other, but both knew whatever bond they shared was tenuous and could snap at anytime and at the same time Zack was seeing for himself what it meant to be a child of Max Evans. Whether or not he had been adopted out and had grown up across the country. Once the word got around town of his relation to the story. He started to get the suspicious stares as well as the ones always directed at Olivia, not only for her situation, but because of who her father was.

So, Zack could now relate to how it must be for his half sister and her mother to live in this town. A town that was so judgmental. The seventeen-year-old in him did not understand how they could last in this town, when most of the town were against them because of one person. Their biological father. So, the ice was thawing between siblings. Slowly, but it still it was thinning. And Zack had seen his sister immersed in her studies since he came on shift. “I know, but I figured you know, you need it.”

“Thank you, I guess” Olivia muttered as she accepted the offer of the food.

Zack nodded. It had shocked him to hear that Olivia’s mother was going to be taking care of the baby when it was born, and maybe adopt it one day if Olivia did not change her mind. He did not know a parent could be that generous. Sure, he knew the superseding suspicions of the genetics of the child played a role. But he did not know how Olivia could see her own child every day and know someone was the parent I guess I got lucky to be raised elsewhere.

To Zack that was a big ask for a family but knew Olivia’s mother seemed to really love her daughter and was willing to do anything to help her reach for her future. He knew not every parent would be that generous. “You do not have to attach any meaning to it,” he murmured.

“You do not have to worry because I won’t” Olivia smiled as the door the restaurant swung opened, and for a moment they both saw Amelia coming through the doors of the restaurant with Greg next to her. Therefore, Zack lost his concentration on his sister and turned to focus. “Who’s that?”

Olivia could not help but laugh I need this as she got up out of the table, and went to the window in the door, and both looked through the glass. Olivia had known Greg was due back but did not know he was in town. When in fact Amelia and Greg were out front, taking a booth, and looking at the mem. “Who is that with Amelia?”

“Her boyfriend, Greg Simpson” Olivia murmured. “He’s been out of the country this semester with his parents and is back for Amelia’s party.”

“That is a long way to come back, for simply a party?” Zack muttered.

“They are into each other,” Olivia laughed. “And it’s Amelia’s sixteenth. A big deal”

“Was yours a big deal, are you not already sixteen?” Zack asked.

“Sure, Valentines’ Day” Olivia murmured. “But Amelia is not notorious by the very mention of her name. Because as you have seen that since I have grown older. The name Parker is only a superficial covering of who I am, so, naturally mine was a little lower key” she murmured. “Which is how I wanted to it,” she assured Zack so that he did not get the impression she had missed out. She wanted the day she had gotten. “Amelia is different. She wants the party.”

“Really?” Zack asked. “You wanted a low-key birthday,” he asked because he did sense Amelia liked to be a social butterfly, so a party would be almost second nature for her. He thought of his own sixteenth birthday. Also, low key, but then he was on the road not far after that, so that was how he wanted it to be.

“You have seen how the town folk look at my mother and me, and that is before you add you knowwhat to the conversation,” she murmured of their mutual birth father “So, I was just happy to have a day with my mother, family, and a few friends” she smiled. “Amelia wants it to be a bigger deal, and that is why Greg is town”

“Are they happy?” Zack asked as he looked at the preppy guy who was sitting across Amelia. A type he did not think Amelia would want to go for, but he barely knew Amelia, so who knows what she went for…

“You would have to ask her,” Olivia laughed as she left the door, and went back to her burger and fries. “By the way, you should stay away from Amelia” she muttered as she thought of the way the way her half brother was looking at her best friend.

“You have already told me that,” Zack muttered. “I have a girlfriend”

“Then listen to me Zack. Truly listen to me. Greg is someone good for her, and he’s normal, and she does not need angst in her life because believe me, angst is not always as it is advertised, so leave her alone” Olivia muttered, and she exchanged in a stare down with her half brother because she was not convinced Zack and his girlfriend Jennifer were going to last. While she could not judge because she had not had any interaction with them as a couple, but still, eyes had a way of wondering when they were across from each other. Sure, Jennifer had been here for a few days, but she had gone back to school. How could you have a relationship when there was a distance between you and your significant other

“Amelia is a big girl, who can make her own decisions” Zack answered as he walked back into the kitchen and went back to work as Olivia only shook her head.


Amelia was a big girl, and she was sitting out front with Greg. As they had been talking about the differences between Roswell and London where he was based for the semester. Amelia was finding that it was indeed different to have Greg back, after four months of not seeing each other every day. They had only Skype and other methods of checking in, but it was entirely different to be sitting across from him, and knowing he was back. Even if he would be gone again on Monday.

“London is really cool,” Greg was commenting, and Amelia smiled. “So many old buildings. School was a bore in the beginning, but it’s been picking up some.”

“I am glad,” Amelia smiled. “It must be very different from here in Roswell?” she asked. She had always wanted to tour the world. And yet she loved their little town, despite the judgment one could get from the people around her. She was always seeing it at how her best friend, and her mother was being viewed. Still, she loved it. It was home. But she always did have the dream, and she could not wait until they graduated, and she could leave Roswell, and see the sights of the world. Which is what was unique about Zack because he was seeing the open sky, and the open roads before he somewhat settled here in Roswell.

As Amelia did not know how settled Olivia’s half brother was, but he was here now, and she knew he was working here at the Crashdown as he looked across the restaurant into the kitchen, and saw Zack delivering a plate to the open window, for delivery. “Maybe, I can see it sometime?”

“You would really like it,” Greg smiled as he saw Amelia’s glance over in Zack’s direction. “Who is that?” he murmured as he saw some guy looking across the restaurant at Amelia, and Amelia looking across into the kitchen at him. “I do not recognize him?”

“You do not know him, as he only came to town last month” Amelia murmured as he thought of Olivia’s brother, or brother in blood only although they were tentatively making a go of some kind of bond Amelia could see in the weeks since Zack initially came to town.

“How do you know him?” Greg asked.

“He’s Olivia’s half brother. Same father, different mothers. Olivia’s father put him up for adoption before everything went south, you know…” she murmured because Greg grew up in this town, so he knew of course how notorious Olivia’s family, and how tight the inner circle was. It did not bother him, but she knew he heard of in occasionally from his family.

“Before he went to prison,” Greg asked as he saw Zack as he went back into the kitchen, “That is strange because I did not know she had a half brother?”

“Only our families did,” Amelia admitted of how secret it had been “But it was not really confirmed until he showed up in town wanting to know more about his origins.”

“And so, he is sticking around?” Greg wondered.

“For now,” Amelia nodded as she went back to looking at the menu. “Hard to know what the long term is for any of us, and especially for him” Greg nodded. “Before we order anything, I see Olivia in the back,” Amelia muttered as the door opened again to the back when Jeff Parker came out to talk to a friend he saw. “I have to ask her something, so I will be right back…” she murmured as she got out from the booth and walked through the doors.

Greg watched her walk away and saw Zack’s eyes follow Amelia as he was going on break. Greg and he just stared at each other, neither saying anything as Zack who had been planning to head to get some fresh air since he only had a ten-minute break. When he noticed Greg’s cellphone ring, and the teenager pick it up, and frown when he heard the voice. “No, I have not told her. We just saw each other for the first time four months Mom,” he muttered. “I will tell her when I am ready…”

Zack was immediately suspicious as he wanted to eavesdrop further but knew Greg would spot him. So, he continued with his pursuit out of the restaurant, and wondered what that was all about.


While up north, at the prison that housed Max. A fire alarm was pressed, when a guard showed up at a prisoner’s cell, and found that a prisoner was on the ground, unconscious. “Prisoner down,” he called as he pressed the button near the cell, and alarms when around the prison as other prisoners could not help but notice the commotion. The cell had been too quiet and given the recent record of it in recent weeks, it made the guard suspicious and came to check on Max, only to find collapsed onto the floor, and the door locked shut. So, there was no evidence of foul play yet.

“What is going on?” Scotti asked as she came on the scene but saw many guards around a certain area. Shit she muttered when she realized that Max’s cell was in that area of the prison, and knew from the rumors around the place, and the buzz, that someone was going to make Evans pay for waking up the conviction and for trying to take the government on. Which is why she had been on Michael’s case to get going on whatever he was going to do. She had not expected the play to come this soon, and she did not like the looks of the situation.

She could only stand and watch as more commotion was commenced “What is going on here?” the warden came to the proximity of the danger zone and knew what prisoner they would be dealing with and did not like it because any issue with this prisoner was going to bring his lawyer into the situation, and they knew Evans was already mad as hell at getting interference from the court. His aggravation had increased in recent weeks, and they knew that was bad news Still she had not expected this to have happened. “Which prisoner is it?”

“Who do you think,” came a prisoner near the warden. “There is only one prisoner residing down there,” they said as the guard saw the warden and came forward. “Yes, it is Max Evans as we just found him unconscious” came the guard down the laneway from Scotti was only observing.

“What happened?” the warden asked as he did not want complicated and knew this was going to be as complicated as they come.

“We do not know,” came the guard. “This came on sudden, no warning”

Or no warning that you were going to interfere with Scotti muttered to herself. You assholes were trying for this day to come she muttered to herself because she knew that one of the side benefits to being who they were was that they did not get sick, and so she knew this was more than simply the flu, or exhaustion. She knew it was more sinister. Especially as she was quick to discover in her time at the prison that the guards were always getting payoffs to stay away from certain danger. The prison knew that people were causing problems for Max, with the bruises, and the recent altercations. But the guards took the money to keep their mouth shut.

“Is he alive?” the warden asked.

"Yes, but barely” came the guard. “Looks like he was beat up”

What else is new Scotti told herself. “Get him to the infirmary,” said the warden and Scotti despite her anger at the situation. She was smart enough to know this might be their way of working the situation.

Assuming Max lived.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 45 - 02/12/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Okay, decision is made. What's best for the baby.
Greg back on the scene, and Zack is curious.
Surprise, Zack is working at the Crashdown.
Greg's mysterious phone call???/
Max collapsed........
Hurry back!
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