The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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The Story of My Life - Chapter 36 - 01/22/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

“Did he?” Michael muttered to himself because while he sat annoyed that this was coming seventeen years too later with the knowledge of how much his friend had lost, and was denied, and yet he should at least be happy that it was happening at all, and if they could get some insistence in getting Max back to his wife and daughter. Then he should be taking. “I don’t get why you have waited so long to come to us?”

“I was not Tess I am not anything like her” Serena sat annoyed about her motivations being questioned. Which she supposed was warranted but it was easy to hear or know that she had wasted years and Max could have been home with his family, or they would fail, and it would be all be a wasted effort, and that would stay with her too.

“No one was claiming you are,” Michael muttered as people wanted to say they were lucky for the life they had led. But they had lost too much to think they had been lucky, and have good luck swung in their direction, and he wanted it to finally go their way. “The fact you are not Tess speaks highly of you because no one should be her, as we had the misfortunate to experience her the first time” Michael mumbled as he had no desire to experience that time once again, because they had been lucky to get out it in one piece. And not everyone had gotten it out it, and it had cost them.

“Yeah, I got the same impression upon meeting her too” Serena sighed. “Ava didn’t have the easiest time acclimating in her return to our planet’s surface as she quickly saw that it wasn’t what she had been sold to expect. But she had the one thing that greased her acceptance into society,” she sighed as she thought of the ticket into society that Ava managed to bring from Earth.

“The baby,” Michael muttered.

“Right,” Serena admitted. “In the beginning Khivar was suspicious about then his mood turned into happiness, especially once the kid was born, and they were able to authenticate that he was truly Zan’s heir, and a male, and once they did, Ava soon discovered that she was going to lose her only reason for immunity as the throne started to take control of Zan’s child so that he could stay on the throne, as long as he chose to, and had plans to mold the child in his image. Biology be damned.”

“She had to know that was the deal?” Michael muttered.

“I guess she wasn’t told that being the mother of future king on Antar doesn’t get you far because being a female means you are treated as if they were lower than even the lowest Antarian,” Serena muttered. “We are only needed for one thing, and I learned that the hard way when my mother and I were left without our father.”

“Your father being Kal Langley?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Serena muttered. “I saw how they treated my mother, and even how my father treated my mother therefore because time goes slower on that planet, I had been around a long time, and I even knew Courtney.”

“Courtney” Michael muttered as he thought of the blonde who almost ended any chance of being with Maria, and who had sacrificed herself to protect them from Nicholas. A temptation if there was ever one, and who thought he was more than he was, or wanted to believe it. “You knew Courtney?”

“Yes,” Serena admitted. “As I said, time does go slow up there, and I knew before she disappeared in the evacuation.”

“You didn’t come with us?” Michael asked.

“They only wanted the Royal Four to head for safety, anyone else was sent in another one that wasn’t supported by the families. After Courtney left, I grew even more to take part in the next resistance. The newest resistance to Khivar’s reign. When Ava realized that she had miscalculated, and they did not want her contributions and they were prepared to terminate her, well, she grabbed her son, and she prepared to come back. I was part of those plans. We barely made it off the planet in one piece. Because I wanted off, I came along because I thought if I found you, I could convince you to join us in reclaiming the throne.”

“That is not me,” Michael muttered as he thought of his one and only shot at Max’s job, and it had not exactly been for him because he had hurt a lot of people with his actions, and he knew he should be grateful that Maria came back to him given how he treated her, and others.

“I saw that, once I got here and got a sense of the lay of the land” Serena muttered. “Tess had a better grip on re-entry than I did, because of her human status. I did not have the ability to access any husks,” she grumbled, and Michael winced at his knowledge of how he had been part of destroying those husks. “Ones that would give me form, and it took me time to find a way to survive on this planet. Once I did, it was of course after Tess did what she did… All I can say is that I was lucky to get out of there in the form that I was before they discovered me in that ship, or before the base exploded.”

“Yeah,” Michael muttered.

“It took me a long time to used to this planet. It operates differently than our home one, and I had no ability to help your friend stay out of prison before I started to understand the way this planet operated, and find a form that would work on me, and I went from there, and built a foundation and then I found out that Kal hadn’t been doing his job, and I elected to take over…”

“Why?” Michael asked.

“Because someone had to do it,” Serena admitted. “Kal liked his life. The one he built here on Earth. I suppose I can see why, because it is a different life than the ones we were forced to live under on our planet. Eventually he would die, and I inherited his papers…”

“You could not have done it before?” Michael asked.

“As I said. I could only do what I could do. I saw what Kal did, and I knew the situation had to be rectified, and with Olivia and Zack coming of age, I decided it was time to make my entry into the story.”

“What does they have to do with this?”

“It does happen to mean everything. The truth has to come out” Serena murmured.

“What do you mean by that?” Michael asked.

“You will see,” Serena murmured as she checked her watch. “I have to get back to the job and undertake what else I have to do on this Earth…” she acknowledged. “Good to meet you and I am happy you were able to find a way of life that works for you…”

“What do you want me to do with this information?” Michael asked as what Serena had laid o n him did not make a lot of sense and he could not grasp how he could make it work for Max.

“That is for you to decide,” Serena murmured. “Don’t contact me unless I contact you…” she murmured. “Your friend is on a slippery slope because the authorities would find a way for all of this to fail and keep status quo.”

“They know he wasn’t guilty,” Michael muttered bitterly.

“Your friend confessed, and therefore they had someone to blame” Serena muttered. “If you had only fought it, they might not have done what they did…”

“How do we fix it?” Michael asked.


Michael did not get an answer as he started the drive on back to home. While back in Roswell his wife was dealing with normal duties of being a parent. With her daughter sitting at the kitchen table doing homework after getting off school. Maria had someone else looking after the shop, and knew she was lucky to be able to choose her hours, and on this day. She chose to be close to home because she did not trust either of her children not to do something crazy. While her son was too far gone to worry about on this day, because she did trust that the situation between him and Olivia would eventually sort itself out. Amelia was now becoming a growing concern. She knew what a girl who was smitten looked like, and she also knew their world was complicated enough and the last thing Amelia needed to do was complicate her future with someone older, and someone who was different. Which was a funny criticism for Maria to have given who she was married to, and what their children had the ability on any given day. There was something comforting about normal Sure, she and Liz had not chosen normal, but that was them, and she dd not want her daughter to face the same difficulty in life “Are you sure everything is alright with you and Greg?” she wondered of her daughter and smiled at the eye rolling of her daughter. “I am only concerned?”

“Since you and Dad were never that strong of a proponent of me and Greg to begin with, this switch to being a member of our fan club is beyond obvious and also annoying” Amelia muttered as she knew her parents would rather have her single and concentrate on her studies than dealing with being in a relationship. No matter how good of a guy Greg was, and he was. All American, and the one every parent wanted their daughter to be involved with if they were going to get involved with someone. So, the switch of her mother to being an advocate for her and Greg was startling and hilarious at the same time. Oh Mom

“We would rather you were concentrating on your schoolwork?” Maria muttered because unlike her or Michael’s scholastic achievements. Their daughter had the chance to do something with her brain and do something more than stick around their hometown because they found love with someone who could not leave, or you did not have the funds to go elsewhere. She wanted the world for their daughter. She wanted her to go somewhere, anywhere other than a life in Roswell, unless that was what she wanted.

“I can do that and do other things you know Mom,” Amelia muttered. “It’s not like my schoolwork is suffering because I am up there with Olivia at the head of our class and I don’t have the distractions she does in my life”

“Which is another thing I want you to avoid,” Maria murmured.

“You can count me for wanting to avoid that because Olivia is a show on whole bunch of matters of the route I don’t want to take. Who wants those worries, unless I am older, and settled in my life because Mom I am handling my life in a way you and Dad would be proud of…” Amelia muttered hell do I want my brother’s life or even my parents’ life because she knew how complicated being in love as a teenager was in those days “Greg and I are fine. As I said to Alex, he is coming back for my party. We are good. Nothing is happening between Zack and I”

“I saw you on the back of his bike, and that tells me there is something to worry about” Maria muttered. “Honey, he’s older?”

“Yeah, he is, but that by that much” Amelia murmured. “If I hadn’t been running late and had just missed the bus, then I wouldn’t have taken him up on the offer because I am not looking for anything on that front…”

“We might not want to happen, but it does have a knack of happening whether we want it to happen or not” Maria murmured as she thought of her own life. Michael just appeared and he had been the last one she thought she would want or would want her. “I don’t want you to be dragged down by any angst, honey.”

“You don’t have to worry about that Mom,” Amelia smiled. “Zack is coming into a difficult situation and I am trying to be nice to him and that is all there is…” she sighed. “Everyone else looks like he shouldn’t exist…”

“Honey,” Maria murmured.

“Mom, I know people’s reasons for thinking the way you do. You do not like his birth mother, and Max is in a hellhole, and if he had not been born than Olivia’s parents might have had a better time of it, and you do not like Tess, I get it. I probably would not like her if I had known her, but I grew up in this life. Alex and I both did. We know along with Olivia experience what it means to know what we know, and for someone on the outside, and with blood of being one of us is coming from it from a different place. He was adopted out, and he got a chance to be normal. But he is not normal, and he is now finding out there is more to us than a simple story of a birth mother and father who were too young to keep him. So, all I am doing is being a shoulder for him. I am not looking at him as anything more. I have Greg, and Zack does have a girlfriend too because she’s now in town.”

“He does,” Maria murmured as her daughter had a way of saying things that told them they were right, but also a slap against how they were treating Max’s son. “Really?”

“Yes, I saw her today” Amelia murmured. “They seem to be happy, so no Mom and Dad, you do no have to worry about me. You should keep your worries to Alex and Olivia who need them and leave me alone” she sighed as she picked up her books and stalked away from the kitchen table. Leaving Maria to wonder about her children. Her daughter did have a knack of being able to get a sense of people, and even if Zack was in a horrible situation. Still. it did not mean she wanted her daughter mixed up with him, and so she took the hope that Zack was taken and went back to concentrating on other matters including her son who came into the kitchen.

“Have you talked to Olivia?” Maria muttered to her son.

“She’s fine Mom.” Alex sighed as he walked to the fridge and found a drink. “You don’t have to worry about me because we both have a handle on it.” Ignoring that both were trying to ignore the issue by not talking about it.

“I do,” Maria muttered as she left the room as Alex took his drink and went back to his own room.


Olivia knew she was ignoring her situation by concentrating on everything other than trying to figure out her future. It remained an enigma to her because she was confused, and she did not know what she wanted. She knew she was having the baby, but she did not think of herself of a mother, and she knew two years was a big difference between her and her mother. When her mother faced a similar situation. She knew her mother had been dealt with a lot to put it mildly because of her love for her father, and she and Alex could only know a small fraction of what it must have been like to live those three years.

So as Olivia found herself back at the Crashdown to meet her mother for dinner because she was busy at the office because of the time she had taken off to go court. So, Olivia offered to meet her mother for dinner. And they both agreed on the Crashdown because it was familiar, and they knew the territory for anything they might say. “Grandma,” Olivia smiled as she saw Nancy Parker walked towards her. “Has Mom showed up yet?”

“She called, and she’s running late” Nancy smiled as she showed her granddaughter to a table. Olivia looked around at the packed restaurant. “Are you okay?” she asked as her smile turned to a frown, which her granddaughter was able to register.

“I am fine Grandma, honest” Olivia smiled because the last thing she wanted to do was worry her grandparents or her mother. “Life is normal, and I have been busy with school.”

“If you need to talk about anything, you can come to me you know” Nancy asked. “I could be someone you can talk to you know, if you don’t want to talk to your mother.”

“I know that,” Olivia sighed as she looked around and saw that the restaurant was still so much like it was when her parents met, re-met after the shooting. She knew her grandparents had not done much over the years because it had not been warranted, except an odd paint job and yet they kept it so similar. “I know I have family who loves me, but I am handling it the best way I can for now,” I am not handling it, that is the problem she mused to herself, but she did not go there, or say that as she moved on to another topic. “You and Grandpa once approved of my Dad, didn’t you?”

“Oh, honey” Nancy murmured as she wished her granddaughter had raised any other subject than this one, because it hit a raw nerve on both sides whenever it was brought up. “We love you.”

“I know you do Grandma,” Olivia sighed. “I have never questioned that but at one time you did not think my father was the worst thing to happen to my mother, your daughter?”

“We never said that” Nancy muttered or not those exact words when they did think of it. “Your parents were so young when they were together, and they chose a very difficult road to go down.”

“It’s not like they had much choice,” Olivia asked. “It was picked for them if they wanted to be with each other”

“They chose many of the routes they were forced to take,” Nancy murmured. “All your grandfather and I wanted was for your mother to be safe.”

“She was, because of my father” Olivia asked.

“But it wasn’t always like it was in the beginning,” Nancy sighed as she knew she and her husband gave their son-in-law credit for jumping in and saving their daughter, but they did not give him credit for how it ultimately ended. “We were looking out for our daughter. We were looking at it as her parents. And I am sure, your mother would do the same with you…”

“If you approved of him in the beginning, why couldn’t you see there were reasons for it” Olivia asked.

“Because all we cared was that our daughter was affected. Yes, once, we believed your father loved your mother, and he probably always did but he led her down a road that led to a lot of trouble, and ultimately a lot of pain.”

“But that is growing up,” Olivia asked as she reflected on her own journey. “You can’t get to be adult without the pain?”

“No, but your father caused your mother to be arrested, and she risked the loss of her future if she hadn’t gotten out of it by the skin of her teeth, and that was before even she went to boarding school…” Nancy murmured. “It was a painful situation for all of us. I hope you can imagine being us and having to deal with that, how could we not form a view of your father that was different than that was being held by your mother?”

“Boarding school was not Dad,” Olivia muttered.

“Obviously, your mother has been telling you things,” Nancy wondered.

“Should she not have?” Olivia muttered. “It is my life. It is her life. It is why I don’t have a father, and I wish you would believe that I am here because of the love that my father had for my mother,” she sighed as she was viewing the situation very different now that she knew much of what had happened.

“Honey,” Nancy sighed.

“Mom, you should know by now that is a waste of time” came a voice of Liz who caused Nancy to twist herself around to face her daughter frowning at the anxiety on her daughter’s face. “It is a waste of time to try to turn my daughter against her father?”

“That is not what I was trying to do,” Nancy muttered as she faced her own daughter. “She has questions on why we feel the way we do about her father?”

“Which is your right, but if you would only believe that the story is more complicated and you should not be coloring your granddaughter’s views on her father,” Liz sighed with a heavy heart. “I love you and Dad, but it is our life, and her father saved my life, and didn’t end it, and that what is important in our story” she sighed as she sat down at the booth. “The obstacles do not matter except that it’s keeping him from us,” she murmured as she glanced at her daughter. “Sorry I am late,” she sighed as she smiled at her daughter. “A patient took longer than I thought it would be,” she smiled as she glanced at her mother. “Olivia does not need the stress okay Mom.”

“I understand completely,” Nancy muttered as she handed the menu to her daughter and granddaughter and walked away, and the tension at the table disappeared.

“I am sorry Mom,” Olivia sighed as she hated to see obvious tension between her mother and her parents. She knew her mother got along with her mother and father on a host of issues, and they loved each other, but the one issue that was coloring their relationship was her grandparent’s opinion on her father. Liz was not allowing her parent’s opinion to stop her from loving her husband or wishing that life could bring a different conclusion.

“For what?” Liz asked as if she did not already know.

“I wish Grandma and Grandpa were more supportive,” Olivia asked because on some level she knew why her grandparents were concerned. Given the nature of her parent’s courtship. Any parent had a right to be concerned she mused to herself. But Dad is Dad she told herself as was not easy to see them so rigid in their opinion of her father. She had seen for herself that her father appeared to genuinely love her mother, and she wished her grandparents could hold on that part of the story and knowing there were wacky things in their story.

“They mean well,” Liz allowed as she thought of her parent’s opinion of her husband and knew if the situation were reversed, she would probably be similar, but it was only too easy to rebel against their opinion when she had done it so much when she was Olivia’s age. “I know they love me, and they are only looking out for me. And if you were going through the same thing than I probably would be taking their view,” she murmured as she glanced at her daughter. “So, how I react to you and Alex is based on my own experience,” she said honestly, and Olivia nodded. “You and Alex are a fraction of the intensity that your father and I went through and even Michael and Maria went through. If it were you, I probably would think the same way so I cannot fault my parents, your grandparents but they do not know how it was, to love your father, and to be part of this life. They think they do, but they do not…”

“No one does, unless you live it for yourself?” Olivia asked.

“Right,” Liz nodded. “It has been an unbelievable tale and the fact it only last three years is insanity. I do not want that kind of life for you honey. None of us do with you kids. We did it once, and it was hell, and path was rocky and twisty, and we experience realities that no one should face, and it is not the life you should want, or anyone for that. We lost people.”

“I know,” Olivia murmured. “Alex Whitman, and then Dad”

“Yes,” Liz said sadly as memories of both the original Alex and Max flooded her mind. Two profoundly good guys. The best kind of a boy for two different ways. We were kids, and we should not have had to face what we did, or lose who we lost…

“I don’t think we are going to face what you and Dad faced. What Alex and I are going through is normal compared to what you and Dad faced.”

“But we will always worry because we don’t know what is out there,” Liz murmured as their burgers were delivered, and they started to eat their fries. “You don’t know what tomorrow will be. From the beginning, it always changed” she murmured. “When we believed our lives were in one place, the next day would be different.”

Olivia nodded.

“The future is out there for you to grab, and we don’t want you to be defined what we did when we were your age,” Liz sighed.

“So, how did it go in court?” Olivia asked as she remembered that had been where her mother had been that day.

“We won hurdle number one,” Liz revealed, and Olivia smiled because it was at least as if god were giving their family something, and she knew it did not mean her father would be coming home any time soon, or ever, but it meant something.

“I am glad,” Olivia smiled as for a moment she could dream that this nightmare might end one day. Because something was being given to her mother, and she could only hope it would mean something in the end.

Liz knew this was only one battle. But it was one battle and one win that meant the world to her as it allowed her the possibility to dream. To know she could see her husband. It did allow her to dream that if maybe he visit went well, then maybe it could be a first step. She did not know what the future meant for any of them, but she had to think this was the first step. “It doesn’t mean we will win,” she assured her daughter.

“I know, but it’s something” Olivia smiled. Something that told them they still had a chance in this fight.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 01/22/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Kal Langley's daughter had lots to explain.
Interesting that she was on Tess's return flight.
Nancy and Olivia really got into the family history.
No matter what will happen with Liz and Max's visit, it is still a tough fight.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 01/22/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Looking forward to Liz visiting Max.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 01/22/2021

Post by Superman86 »

totallizfan wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:44 pm Looking forward to Liz visiting Max.
I second that. Max and Liz deserve that special visitation request and I hope the next chapter will be dedicated just for them.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 37 - 01/24/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

It took a week to set up the visit between Max and Liz. To the annoyance of the prison. She elected for an overnight because she wanted more than anything to spend the night with her husband. Regardless of what they might want to do. Because for Liz, to be in the same room, for the first time in seventeen years was something she had dreamt of and did not want to give up on. Their one chance to spend time together. No one bothering them. Because who knows whether they would have another chance at a night together. And knowing the government like I do; something tells me they will be better prepared to interrupt any second chance. So tonight, would be their chance Liz thought.

Max could not believe his good fortunate when Isabel told him of their victory in court, a victory he had never imagined his sister would be able to achieve. Knowing he could have one night with his wife. He of course also jumped at the idea of an overnight. Regardless, the mere victory gave him the will to get through the boredom of the days, and restrictions of being in prison when all he had to picture Liz, and to dream of being able to touch her again.

Olivia spent the week concentrating on her schoolwork and tried to ignore any of her own complications, and she knew time was going by, and her pregnancy was becoming noticeable, and she was due in the fall. So, she did not know what that meant for school. So, she was starting to research her options for the fall. She was still awaiting to hear about a program she had applied to before all this happened. Chances were not high for admittance in it, so she figured she needed to look at others, she found an exchange program that could take her to California for the following school year. Separate from the one she applied to. Which involved time in New York. She was still hymning and hawing over her choices as she was starting to investigate adoption. Overriding all this was that she did not know if her baby would be special one day.

Given that Tess had lied about her father’s child. Which meant her half brother was special in his own way. Sure, she did not know what he was capable of, and he probably did not know either coming into this situation. And knowing her father and aunt were adopted themselves, albeit under unique circumstances. She did not know if she could do that to her child. Put them out in the world and forcing them to be secretive about the way they were. The program was a chance to get out of this town if she chose adoption. She could come back when it was over with new prospective and concentrate on her future, and her mother could concentrate on her career while she was gone. Without worrying about her…

Still the child could be different and gifted. She did not know how she could handle it. So, while her mother was in anticipation of the night with her father. This is a bizarre life I am leading Olivia told herself. Mom is having a night with my prisoner of my father, and it is the best thing in our world she laughed to herself as she was looking at the brochures in the Crashdown over lunch. She was slated to be spending the night with Amelia at her house. Under close supervision she was sure but then she and Alex were broken up, and they would not being going there, even if they had wanted to. She did not want to.

She and Alex had not talked since their breakup. She knew they wee both avoiding seeing each other, and this was the first time since she saw him briefly when she picked up her notes from Amelia the previous week. They mostly stayed out of each other’s sight over the last week. And they were mostly in different classes. So, it was relatively easy. She knew the rumors were starting, but she had not said anything to her other friends. Only Amelia knew what was going on.

She knew she had to talk to her Evans grandparents and let them know. And maybe they would have some advice. After all they had adopted her father and aunt, and the were special kids. Of course, her grandparents had not known for twelve years who they had adopted. So, she put spending time with her grandparents on the To, do list. She wondered if she was getting to the acceptance stage of her denial feast. This sucks she muttered to herself. She would rather concentrate on school, or which future university she was going to apply to, and not dealing with weighty subjects.

Speaking of my aunt, she smiled when Isabel came into the Crashdown. Isabel smiled when she saw her niece at a table. She approached and saw the information her niece was reading, “Can I sit?”

“Busy with work?” Olivia nodded as Isabel sat.

“Taking the afternoon off,” Isabel smiled. “No clients, and the kids are spending the weekend with Kyle’s parents as they are going to the zoo near Las Cruces, as they plan to spoil the kids.”

“So, you are hoping to have the weekend with your husband?” Olivia nodded as she reflected on the times of going the zoo with either set of grandparents because they had spoiled her with their attention while she grew up, until she became too independent for my own good, she mused to herself, and she wondered what would have happened if she had a few more restrictions on he because she would have had the family she always wished for. But she did not, and she knew her mother had tried, but she also had to put food on their table and keep a roof over their heads when they were on their own, and not depending on her grandparents to help out except for babysitting duties. So, it forced Olivia to wonder what her own future she would put her child through to go for her dreams, and knew her family was big and complex, but still…

“That is the plan, so, I have to ask, are you okay?” Isabel asked because she could see the stress on her niece’s shoulders and did not relish it because she had not known these pressures when she was Olivia’s age. She had other stresses, many more dangerous. But nothing like this. It would fall on her brother, but as Olivia reflected and Max even had, it is a quite different prospect to be the one who was carrying the baby. “I wish things could be easier for you?” she asked because thankfully there had not been any repeat trips to the hospital.

“All is fine with me Aunt Isabel,” Olivia promised. “I was finished with my classes for the day, and so I was taking it easy…”

“And reading those?” Isabel asked of the literature, and the name of an adoption agency. “Are you leading one way?”

“I don’t know,” Olivia sighed honestly, I don’t know “It’s just becoming important to decide, soon” she wondered. “I don’t want to this to take over my life.”

“Unfortunately, it has a habit of doing that, and I am sorry for that” Isabel murmured as she wished life were better for her niece.

“I made the mistake,” Olivia murmured. “We used protection, but still, it didn’t take I guess.”

Isabel nodded. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine,” Olivia admitted. “People are starting to notice at school, which is why I am here and not in the library studying for my chemistry mid term next week. And I decided to do some research for the fall”

Isabel sighed. “If you need to talk?”

“Thanks,” Olivia nodded. “I never figured I would be the one who was having to make this decision. I know I am not ready. I am only sixteen, and barely that so I am not deluded in thinking that I don’t have a future, and this child might help me have one, because I know and had plans to get out, and go anywhere and not have to settle unless being here in Roswell was what I ultimately decided” she sighed. “Mom wanted out, and she got me instead…”

“Your mother yes, had that dream” Isabel muttered as she knew was one of her brother’s regrets knowing the sacrifices that Liz had made for him, and because of their little group. “Your father changed that, and she chose the life she wanted. She had a chance to walk away. She even tried it. But she ultimately found that life was too different, and unfortunately, yes, your father was a big selling point in keeping herself around this town. Of course, fate took it out of our hands ultimately,” she mused as she cursed the fate that had befell his brother and the woman he loved. “Are you and Alex like that?” she wondered as she thought of the life her niece was setting herself up for “You still can get out, no matter what choice you make?”

“Alex and I are taking a break,” Olivia murmured. “We had something good there for a while, and I don’t know what we are in the face of this, or what I want. I thought I did, but traveling into the past, and into my parent’s doomed romance tells me that it’s not always going to get you where you want to go, if you love someone so fiercely that you’re forever changed when it doesn’t work out?”

“I know,” Isabel sighed as she could sense her niece was lapsing into a jaded view of love. “Your mother and father were a unique situation than you or Alex. Or me and Kyle, and Maria and Michael,” she sighed. “Sometimes love will take you places, and you can’t help yourselves. You should not try to define yourself by what happened to your parents, because most of the time it does work out, and you are different from either of your parents. We are always different people at the end of the day.”

“Mom has loved only one person in her life. That was my father, and it didn’t work out for my Mom and Dad?” Olivia asked. “Why should I want a relationship or invest one if it’s only going to lead to disappointment?”

“Because it might not, and yes you and Alex are young, and it is probably wise to evaluate your relationship and you two might be better off as friends, if you choose that route, but love can be wonderful too. To love someone can be magical. To get someone. And for someone who really knows all your quirks and appreciates them for good and for bad. I found Kyle. And Maria found Michael, and we have made it work,” Isabel murmured as she hated how Olivia was impacted by the loss of her father, and the ability to see how much her parents did love each other. “Your parents love each other and would be together today if fate didn’t have different plans for them.”

“Well, they aren’t together now,” Olivia muttered. “I know what me having did to my mother’s life Aunt Isabel” Olivia muttered. “She was always working, and I know she loved me, but someone had to pay the bills and she didn’t take help from grandparents, so it was all on her. So, I am not stupid to think if I keep the baby that my life will be simple because I have family support. When not, everyone does…”

“You helped your mother live for the next day,” Isabel murmured as she remembered just how detached and sad when she lost Max, and before she found out she was pregnant. Of course, Isabel knew she was not much better at the loss of her brother. But she had come back to earth more easier once she found away to focus on her studies, but Liz was more of a lost cause before she found out she still had a link to Max, and it had made her want to move on, for her child’s sake. “Losing your father was a big loss, and if she didn’t have you…” she sighed as she could not help but stare into space. “So, I know how much work it was for your mother. She did make it look easy at times, once you were born, but we both know it wasn’t easy and you had to be the child growing up with a working parent, and a missing father” she sighed. “No matter the family support. It doesn’t make up for everything…”

“No, it doesn’t” Olivia agreed. “I was planning on getting out. But now…”

“What does Alex say?” Isabel asked.

“That he will support whatever decision I make” Olivia muttered. “Neither of us really want to have the discussion about what it all means…”

“Your mother and your father were like that,” Isabel commented. “Of course, different situation but it is hard to talk about the future, especially when there is a child involved. You need to make the best decision for the child. It is not necessarily about you, but what is best for the child in the long run.”

Olivia nodded. “Dad chose to give Zack up?”

“Yes,” Isabel nodded. “Truthfully, he spent a lot of time when the baby was away, thinking about keeping him, but in the end, he knew for the best interest of the child, well, it was to give him a chance at a new life.”

“But he made the decision under the misguided understanding that Zack was normal,” Olivia asked. “I know there is s chance my child could be normal because genetics are a funny thing, but with two parents like me and Alex. How can I give my child a normal existence out there if they are indeed special? As we know, our abilities do not suddenly appear at birth. But they come on gradually once we are independent?”

“True but keeping the child because of something you might think will happen is not the answer either, because you will be putting yourself a lot of pressure, only for the child to be normal, and you might have regrets that you did give up on parts of your dreams…” Isabel asked. “When you could go for a road that might bring a lot less stress for you and your child?”

“But having him or her out there unprotected?” Olivia asked. “How can I do that to my child,” she murmured. “I wish I had Mom’s power of knowing the future” she thought of the powers that her mother did not use, because she wanted a normal existence. So, Olivia knew there was possibility that you could renounce your powers, and just not use them. But we know this life, and we know what we are doing she murmured. The baby will not know.

“As with any child, you don’t know what their future will be” Isabel sighed. “You have to take the chance, because of what is best for the child.”
Olivia nodded. “Did it bother you and Dad to know you were adopted?”

“We had questions,” Isabel murmured softly as she remembered the confusion that she and Max had for years. “We never questioned Mom and Dad’s love for us. Sure, we did not know how they would handle the knowledge if we had told them about who we were… But it was a different situation for me and your father Olivia because we were coming to a new land. We were older, and there was so much we didn’t know,” she sighed. “But we got a family to love us, and to give us shelter. To know they loved us that much, to take in two unique children” she sighed. “Not everyone is that lucky” Michael is a prime example of how it could have been for her and Max… Isabel knew she was lucky.

Olivia nodded.

“You are a lot more normal than your father and I are, because of your mother. Same with Alex with Maria’s influence in there. So, there is always a chance the baby will have a completely normal existence, and you will not have the worries that we did, or your mother had when she was carrying you. You should think about next year, or when you graduate or five years from now. Where do you see yourself, and what do you want for the child” she sighed? “We are not like your mother, and we don’t know what the future will bring us. Even with your mother’s powers. We still got jolted by reality. Obviously, your father was taking the chance with your brother, but while your brother is back here now, looking for more, still he looks like had a rather good life.”

Olivia nodded. “So, I guess I have a lot to think about?”

“Yes, you do,” Isabel murmured as she got up. “And I will leave that for you to do, but know I love you, and whatever you choose, I will support you.”

“When you were my age. What would you have done?” Olivia asked.

“I really don’t know,” Isabel murmured as she walked away, and Olivia had a sense she knew what her aunt would have done. She doubted she could have given the baby away because they would not have known. Her own father had gotten misguided information about his child’s status, so it left Olivia still confused, and unsure what she wanted to do as she looked at the pamphlet and she grew irritated when the door opened, and her half brother walked in, solo, and acknowledged her presence with a smile. Oh, great she muttered to herself as Zack took it on him to come and sit down, with permission.

Olivia knew she had to get over the resentment of her brother. Just because his birth mother caused her father to be imprisoned Dad did confess… “Where’s the girlfriend?”

“She has to get back to school,” Zack murmured. “She will be back next month when classes are over, before she has to head home to work” he sighed as he did miss Jennifer. “So, I see you’re making decisions?”

“Yeah,” Olivia muttered. “You might as well sit.”

“Thank you,” Zack said as he did take a seat.

Olivia nodded and knew she should embrace that Zack was family. They might not know each other but she did have dreams while growing up about having a sibling or two and be like Amelia and Alex who had each other. Now she did. It was oddity of a situation, but she should not dismiss him simply because he was a result of an ill-fated and regrettable decision their father made when he was their age. Them both were all a direct result of their parent’s actions “I suppose you have an opinion?”

“Should I?” Zack asked as he could sense the confusion in Olivia.


“So, tonight is the big night?” Maria asked with a laugh as she found Liz not at her office but at home. Alone. Because Olivia was not home from school or doing whatever else she was doing now that she was not always with her son. She could see the nerves on her best friend. “Not every night you get see the husband you haven’t had for seventeen years?”

“Yeah,” Liz said softly as they sat in the living room. She was full of nerves because she had wanted this for years and it was finally coming true, and she did not know how to handle the anticipation. Neither her nor Max were the same people they were when they were eighteen. They could not be and that made it scary, and a little exciting but she tended to see it more on the scary side of things for the moment. “I have wanted this for so long, and for it to happen, well, I don’t know how to handle it.”

“Why don’t you think of it as a first date,” Maria laughed. “Take it slow?”

“Max and I didn’t really have a first date,” Liz murmured as flashes peeked through of that time “Sure, we went out to dinner back in high school and played pool, but it was such an odd time,” she sighed as she thought back to that time and knew they had taken a step back after the events of that night because of everything that was erupting in their little squad. “And then we zoomed right into something more, despite us ultimately waiting…” she sighed. “We were never good at taking it slow.”

Probably because you only ultimately had three years Maria mused to herself as she could see the anxiety in her best friend. “Then do whatever you feel comfortable,” Maria murmured. “That is all you can ask from yourself, and let us face it, Max is going to be grateful simply to have you to himself for a night, that he will take any cues that you send him:” she said as encouragement. “It’s a bizarre situation but it’s also a gift because it’s not every day when you get this chance. So, you might as well take it up when you have the opportunity?”

“It is a gift,” Liz said sizing up the situation. “Yeah, a truly bizarre one, and the knowledge that the government doesn’t like it makes it even more appealing, and yet how do I go there, and be with him, and then come home, and he has to stay there?” she asked. “I hate that part of it.”

“Then embrace that you get to see him at all and leave whatever happens next to sort it out tomorrow” Maria smiled. “You didn’t have this chance yesterday, so embrace that you do have this chance today. You and Max always did have a knack of finding a way to be together, even if the fates had other idea’s”

“I will,” Liz sighed as her stomach still rolled with butterflies because she did not know how this day would go, and what she wanted from it. After all it had been seventeen years since they had this kind of opportunity. “What if he doesn’t want me?”

“Excuse me,” Maria laughed. “Are we speaking of the same man who pined for you from third grade, and when he didn’t even have a shot with you. Liz, that man is head over heels for you, and I am sure he is even more so today, because you always did exist in his dreams, and this is his chance to have you in his eyesight again. You should be relishing that part of it.”

Liz smiled.


While Olivia was still a bundle of nerves and confusion over what to do. Zack could see it and saw the adoption agency pamphlet before his half sister. He was glad he had never had to deal with this idea, because he had always been careful and thankfully there had not been any scares. “It’s not on me to tell you one way or another?”

“You were adopted,” Olivia allowed.

“I was,” Zack said. “You have made a lot of assumptions about why I am here. But know that I did have a good life. I love my parents, and they love me too. And I have a little sister who they adopted years after me, and we have a great family.”

“And yet you ran away at sixteen?” Olivia muttered as she knew she had made assumptions about her half brother’s motives, but she could not ignore the fact that he was here, and not back at home.

“It doesn’t mean I don’t love my family. I wish I could have been at home, and going to school, and being just like every kid. I do not love them any less for leaving. I was different, and I knew it, and I had this need for answers?” Zack asked because he always had desperately wanted to be normal and how he wished he could have loved his life and go for his dreams like any other growing kid. But from an early age, well, he knew he had been different, and he did not have the ability to achieve the answers he so much needed to explain why he was the way he was. So, before it ended up impacting his relationship with his family. It made him go on the road to get those answers. “I had to come and seek out the truth”

“You didn’t wait until you graduated, or turned eighteen?” Olivia asked.

“It does not mean I did not have a good life,” Zack muttered. “I did. My parents were great parents to me. I had the life you dream about, and I know you are resent the fact I had the life that you did not get, and I am sorry for that. But I was different. Growing up made me wonder. My parents could not answer my questions except to tell me the names of my birth parents. All they could say was they were healthy and were too young to raise me. I had to know more, and then I started to look up their names and boy did I learn things…”

“I am sorry,” Olivia sighed. “I grew up in this life. But I did not really get the stories until recently,” she sighed. “They wanted me to stay away from the rough side of our history. Still, it wasn’t easy growing up knowing my father was there…”

“I know,” Zack said as he felt comforted by the fact, he and Olivia could at least come together over their mutual confusion over their birth father’s situation. “Your mother explained some of it. So, it sounds like she tried to shield you from some of it?”

“Yes,” Olivia acknowledged. “At birth she gave me the Parker name as my last name to keep me away from the media. For a lot of years, it kept me safer but as I got older and I got the sense of the world. I learned the truth, especially once the media did one of their “catch up” with the figures of Dad’s story. They put the pieces together and figured out who I was. So, they revealed my connection to Dad. Mom never lied to me about who my father was. She always told me his name, she just did not tell me everything, and so, having the name kept me insular from the mayhem of the story. Roswell after all is a small town. They know me, and they know my mother. Given that she grew up in this town, and because of this place,” she sighed as she referred to the Crashdown. “She is very well known so they kept their talking to out of sight, but it was obvious that they did talk but still we have been able to live here in relative peace, yet I am proof of events that shook this town so many years ago.”

“You still miss him?” Zack asked of their birth father.

“Yes,” Olivia muttered. “And all the shrinks will tell you that some of my behavior has been the direct result of having my family dissolve, and it just being my mother and me. You are right. I have family support. I love my family. They are big and weird, and complex, and it is an odd situation, but still, it’s hard to grow up and not have your father at home, especially when he’s the reason you are the way you are…”

“Because this all comes from him?” Zack asked of their mutual abilities.

“Yes,” Olivia nodded. “It all started with him. I wouldn’t be the way I am without him,” she sighed. “I don’t know where I would be in life if Dad hadn’t jumped in and saved my mother and brought her into this small fraternity of other worlds.”

“You might not have existed?” Zack asked.

“Nope,” Olivia sighed “Mom probably would have gone onto what she was destined to be, before she met my father. Kicking ass in the science world. Dad would have, who knows what he would have done. Because they say, he only wanted one thing. That was my mother. Of course, that is assuming my mother lived that day, and had not died if shots had rung out here, and if Dad had not jumped in and brought her into a whole new world?”

“I wouldn’t have existed?” Zack asked.

“No, you might not have…” Olivia muttered. “They say the shooting opened a huge pandora box, and therefore who knows whether your mother would still have come to this place and maneuvered her way into everything. Because you can also say that the shooting and knowing what they knew in the wake of it, well, it led to the conditions that would have led to Mom and Dad which would have led to your mother, and then to you and to me. If you did not have any of those factors, yeah, we might have not existed…”

“That is some realization?” Zack asked.

“Yes, it is,” Olivia asked. “I wish sometimes Mom could have gotten the other side of the coin, and this wouldn’t have defined her, and she wouldn’t had to give up her dreams for me?”

“You think about that often?” Zack asked as he could not help but think he got the better end of the deal. A happy life with parents who loved him and a bliss free existence outside of this world that seems to be consuming his half sister because she knew too much and had qualms about the life she had been given.

“I cannot help it,” Olivia sighed. “As I have said, the shrinks would have a field day with us. If we could tell the truth, but we cannot, so we have on keeping quiet while the media lies and makes up things that never happened” she sighed. “Or takes events and spins them opposite to what happened.”

“Why not talk to one?” Zack asked.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 37 - 01/24/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Yes....still lots of drama in the kids lives.
I'm still waiting for Liz & Max.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 37 - 01/24/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Olivia has lots of decisions to make.
I'm beginning to feel Olivia and Zack will be close in the future.
Liz is looking forward to her overnight.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 38 - 01/26/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Are you kidding me Olivia said to herself and as much out loud and shook her head defiantly because the idea was ludicrous? In their society. You could not talk to outsiders about the real issues affecting them. At the most they would help with the usual ones that come any teenager. But the real crucks of the situation, no way. You could not tell them you were an alien hybrid even if you were a second generation and was not as inhuman as your family. Are you crazy because that would be disastrous? “That is not going to happen?”

“Why not?” Zack asked.

“Telling the truth in any form is the worse thing for any of us. Because it will make them talk, and do a deep dive into us…”

“They talk about you anyways, and speculate and write stories that are false, or have a grain of truth to them before they take it too far. Why not shut it all down and tell people what you are, then wouldn’t you be taking the table out from under the government?” Zack wondered. “They couldn’t come after you guys if you flood the airwaves with the truth, and explain what happened?”

“You are coming into this from the outside,” Olivia muttered. “You don’t see the realities of it. You feel different and you are different. I am different. Alex and Amelia are different. My other cousins are different. But to really live it and know what people will think when they found out, and they will look at us differently. It would be hard to live in such a small town and have the town talk about us, and question our motives, and who we are…” she sighed. Olivia knew she had grown up wanting to tell the truth about who they were and allowing the truth to come out so they would not have any secrets, but age had allowed her to see the downside of truth, and if they put themselves on the line. It could go all wrong… “Telling the truth is not an option.”

“Why not?” Zack asked. “They may look at you differently, but they already do because what they think you father did, and what happened years ago. Telling the truth might give them a reason to believe in you again and stop talking…” he asked. “They wouldn’t think of your father or even you are a result of a pariah?”

“You are naïve Zack,” Olivia laughed. “That might be a nice dream to have, and really, I had that dream once maybe, but I also came to reality of the situation” Olivia muttered. “In today’s world. Being different is not accepted in any form,” she muttered as she picked up her stuff, and they started to leave the restaurant as Zack came along for the walk. Once they were outside of the restaurant, and away from the prying ears of their town citizens. “If people who are a lot more human than us, and who are different for only how they love, or who they are, and people in these small towns have a hard time accepting them. So, how are they going to look at us, and treat us any differently? In fact, they might be worse because we can affect them, with our actions. We all have different abilities, and they can hurt. Sure, they can help, but they also change the game for people, if they figure that out, well, they are going to be suspicious. They will look at us differently. So, no, they will not accept us any better because they know the truth.”

“How can you know, until you try?” Zack sighed.

“Sure, it might help for a day or two, but then they will look into the past and they will make things worse for our parents. It was not easy days before Dad went down for what they think he did. Sure, we can make people understand he is innocent. Of this. But what about the other stuff, which might be stirred up, and we can’t allow that…”

“Can they really catch you for old crimes?” Zack muttered. “When there is very little proof except for your abilities?”

“I don’t want to even try,” Olivia muttered as they were walking through the park. “Or put it out there as a possibility,” she sighed as she checked her watched, and knew she had to get home. “I have to get home,” she muttered because she knew she should see her mother before she left for her big night, this is some weird life I have. “I would love to scream the truth out if I thought it would help my father, but there are complications that can come from the truth being told” she sighed.

“It’s your life” Zack muttered.

“You are part of it you know?” Olivia sighed.

“You said it yourself. I am coming into this as an outsider and at the end of the day I can go home to a vastly different life. I am in this story because how my DNA matches. You are left to be in this existence. You lived it all these years, and you will continue to live it at the end of the day.”

Olivia nodded although she doubted her half brother could successfully leave this town, and this story and go back to a completely human existence. Being different brought him here. And that had to make her think about her baby, and what she wanted for him or her down the road. When they were old enough to have an opinion. “Thanks for talking to me”

“I should be saying that to you,” Zack smirked. “Look I know you have a lot of discussions to make and I know you will make the right one for you. All you need to know is that I did have a good life. I may have come looking for answers, but it does not mean I did not relish the life I had back in New York. I did, and I hope to go back there when this all over because I do have a family who loves me and accepts me.”

“But do they know you?” Olivia wondered.

“Maybe not the way your family knows you. But they love me, and they accept me for what I am” Zack sighed. “I am still pretty normal at the end of the day. And nothing I find out here has changed that?”

“Then you are lucky,” Olivia muttered as she drifted off, and continued her walk home. While Zack only looked at Olivia as she walked and did not envy her, and was figuring his life in New York was looking better each day who wants this life, and these nightmares?

And yet he was not anxious to leave as he saw Amelia across the street with a bunch of her friends. Neither approached each other, but she knew he was there, and he saw her, and she walked away with her friend.

“This is a bizarre town”


“Are you okay honey” Liz asked as she watched her daughter walk past the living room after slamming the front door after entering their home. “You did not come straight home from school?” she asked as it still marveled her to think that her daughter was now the age that this all started for her and Max and how it was a wakeup call to her to have to deal with this while her own life was getting a very brutal wakeup call with the return of Max into her life, and how she was desperately to spend time with him and finally she would have the chance tonight.

“Super,” Olivia lied as she turned to face her mother as her mother was coming out of the living room. “I am going to go up and do my homework,” she sighed. Among other things she muttered to herself. “When do you have to leave?”

“In a half hour or so, and when do you are you going over to Michael and Maria’s?” Liz asked as it was a bizarre situation all around.

“I am going to finish my homework, and then get changed. I think I am going to drop in on Grandma and Grandpa, and then head over because Amelia is out with friends for little while yet, so I’ll head over there later.”

“Which ones?” Liz asked she asked of her grandparents although she suspected which ones. But she needed confirmation. “Grandparents, I mean”

“Dad’s” Olivia muttered. “I figured I need to tell them. Rumors are starting to roam around school, and this being Roswell, it is going to infest the town before long.”

“I am sorry honey,” Liz sighed as she did not relish that part of living in a small town. Staying in Roswell and raising Olivia in the supportive culture of her family, and Max’s family had allowed her to manage being a single mother at nineteen. Allowing herself to have the support. And both set of parents did not turn her away despite it being an odd situation. They loved their granddaughter when she was born. And the tension of her marriage to Max, and what her parents knew had trouble believing. While the Evans took it all in and loved Olivia because she was a link to their son who they still felt guilty over their part of the story. She did not leave Phillip and Diane out. She involved them in Olivia’s life. She might not have been as close to them as to her parents, and Olivia had more time with her Parker grandparents. But still, Phillip and Diane supported them, and did not lash out on them because they had lost their son. So, for Olivia to tell her other grandparents was probably the best thing for her daughter at this in her life.

“It’s alright” Olivia sighed. “I made this my life” she asked of herself. “I figured I could get their insight you know…”

“On what?” Liz asked.

“They adopted” Olivia murmured. “Who ultimately were special…”

“Not that they knew,” Liz murmured of the one regret she knew Max had. That he had not been able to go to his parents earlier and kept the truth from his parents. Even though Isabel had wanted to tell them the truth, but Max was too afraid of their judgement. “Your father and aunt didn’t tell your grandparents for a lot of years the truth about themselves, although your grandmother had suspicions, but she found it easy to cover it up or to second guess her suspicions that came to her when your father was a teenager, and there was an incident that made her question.”

“What happened?” Olivia asked.

“There was a grease fire that took place when your father and his mother was home alone because your grandfather was away at a conference or something” Liz murmured. “Oil got mixed in with an element while your grandmother was cooking, and to save his mother. Your father used his powers to dose the flames. But the cover up job he tried to get away only rouse the curiosity in the Sheriff. This is before he was told or even before he found out the truth,” she sighed of the anxiety of that time before they had someone on their side. “Your father got away with spinning as simple case of saving his mother. But Jim figured that was odd because it was a grease fire, and your father said he used water…”

“Water does not douse grease fires?” Olivia asked.

“Right,” Liz murmured as the one thing she had taught her daughter from a early age that if she was going to be home alone sometimes, even fore the briefest of times that there was a protocol for household accidents, like fires. Olivia was a quick learner. And nothing really had happened when she was home alone. Which Liz was grateful as she was not happy that she had to allow her daughter to be so independent from such an early age and now it was coming back to haunt her?

“Jim got your grandmother stirred up, and she started to think back to the early days after she and your grandfather adopted your father and Isabel, and it made her question things. Your father stopped her questions, and for a lot of months and even years, we thought they were oblivious to what we were doing. All the adventure, and all the danger. “We were wrong”

“And that is why the started to investigate Dad?” Olivia asked.

“Yes.” Liz nodded. “Once Utah happened, you know…”

“Your time as convenience store robbers” Olivia muttered as she could not believe she had to think of this as her parent’s time as teenagers.

“Olivia…” Liz sighed.

“It’s okay Mom,” Olivia sighed. “I know it was what you had to do at the time, even if it does sound incredibly farfetched…”

“We wish we could have done something else because of what it would set off,” Liz murmured. “Your grandparents did have suspicions that we didn’t think they had. Unfortunately, they had remembered or overheard a lot that we did not think at the time, and they were starting to piece it together, and your grandfather decided to put it into his hands to investigate…”

“Which ultimately got Dad sent to prison” Olivia muttered.

“He feels guilty about that,” Liz sighed. “You should not blame him”

“I do not Mom” Olivia muttered. “I know this is an insane life, and to be innocent and to not know. I cannot believe that Dad and Aunt Isabel believed it was better to keep their parents unknowing when everything as spinning out of control once you were shot, and you were discovering something new every day and taking incredible number of risks. I understand keeping your parents in the dark because they were not part of it. But Grandpa and Grandpa?” she murmured. “Wasn’t it better to have ally, more than Sherriff Valenti?”

“They were afraid of judgement of your grandparents. They thought they would be taking away something valuable from them. The knowledge they had adopted normal kids, and let us face it, what they were, and what you kids are, are different from a normal human being. You have abilities that only a select few could possibility have and therefore they did not know how their parents would react. Roswell was at the time a small town. It still is, and it has small town values. It does not react well to change or upstage the norms of what is expected. Time has allowed our town to become more modern and to accept certain ways of life. But still, back nearly twenty years ago. It was a different time, and they had no idea how your grandparents would react to the news.”

“But they know now, and they accept us” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “Still, they were teenagers, and they were fearful.”

“Maybe Zack has the right idea. Maybe we should just tell all…” Olivia commented without really meaning it because she did know what it would be opening it up for them, but the words slipped…

“What do you mean?” Liz asked a little surprised because as far as she knew her daughter had not warmly welcomed her half brother into her life in their brief association. “Are you and Zack talking?”

“Should we not?” Olivia asked. “It’s still tentative but I can see that he is not his mother…”

“I never believed he was his mother,” Liz sighed as if her daughter was talking about her, but she knew despite the blonde hair and the resemblance to Tess. Still the boy was a reminder of a painful time in his life. But still she was making peace with the idea that he was a reality, and that he was back in their lives. Still though it was not easy Max should be dealing with this…

“I know,” Oliva murmured. “Anyways, Zack was mentioning that maybe we should blow the lid off who we are, because all this silence is only aiding to help the government imprison Dad. Telling the truth might ease things up.”

“Or it might lead to other problems,” Liz asked of the concept. Not that they not had it in the past. They had discussed it over the years. Still though the downsides always outweighed the negatives as they started new lives, and careers that had mean something to them. And having the knowledge out there would not only rock their personal lives but also their professional ones, and they wanted to take that option.

“I know, which is I why tried to naysay it as ridiculous but hearing you talk about Grandma and Grandpa. It makes me think maybe it’s not so bad after all?” Olivia asked. “The truth would be freeing…,” she wondered. “We could live out in the open, and there wouldn’t be anymore secrets?”

“All I can say is that we live in a small town, for better and for worse” Liz muttered as she did not think their town would like them to be unfiltered with their truth as she checked her watch, and knew she had to get going. “I have to get going but say hello to your grandparents for me. I know you have some tough decisions to make. Whatever you decide. I love you and will support you. Just know that adoption is not going to solve everything…”

“What do you mean?” Olivia asked.

“You are going to have to live with whatever decision you make. Having the baby, and then giving up is painful. It was for your father. Of course, most of Tess’s pregnancy was played out in a different hemisphere, but you should not think that it was not easy for your father to give up his son. Emotionally it was hard on him. To deal with the reality of it. Of course, it might be the best thing you decide and if you do. I will not pressure you to think anything else. But you will be having the child out there, and you won’t be part of their life…”

“Maybe I want that?” Olivia asked. “It would be harder to be a part of their life”

“I love you…” Liz murmured as she smiled. “Whatever works for you, but it is probably good that you are thinking of all the options. You will make the best one for you…”

“I love you too,” Olivia nodded as her mother walked away, and was soon driving away from the house and towards her father. Her brain was a muddle of different thoughts, and she went upstairs and tried to finish her homework, but she found herself that she could not focus on the work, so she got changed and headed towards her grandparents.

Wondering what was going to happen now.


While at the same time as Liz drove the distance to the prison. And Olivia ultimately headed to his parent’s place. Max was a bundle of nerves as he paced his small prison cell. He had not gone outside for the time in the fresh air because he did not want anything to get between him and tonight as he waited with a degree of impatience to be taken to his wife.

He knew the warden had not been happy by his sister’s victory in court or the leash put on the prison regarding his treatment. No longer could they do whatever they wanted. They had eyes on them. Which made him happy, but it also made them dangerous because it meant that they could outsource the pain and claim to have hands off because prisons after all are dangerous places with criminals a lot of more violent that Max could ever dream of, even with his powers. Which stayed in their dormant stage while he had been here.

So, he had not wanted to even get them going. So, he stayed in his prison cell and paced and dreamt of his night with his wife. Like Liz, he had nerves about what the night would be bring. Almost like their first time.

Which had been memorable at the time. Newly engaged. Because he had not wanted to flee their hometown without her by his side. Being with Liz was something he never wanted to be, and he often made the worst decisions of his life when he did not have her by her side. She centered him and gave balance and if he had to leave. He wanted Liz with him, and therefore he had kneeled and proposed with a diamond he used his powers to create. They did not know what wanting to be together would bring them.

Fortunately, they got their wedding, and their wedding night. Memorable if only because the next day, it all went to the dogs and they were ultimately were separated for these seventeen years.

And now he was going to have his wife to himself for some precious hours, and he did not know how it was going to go. So, he stayed in his cell and contemplated the upcoming hours.


“We didn’t expect you sweetheart,” Diane Evans was saying to her granddaughter as she arrived after grabbing some pizza on the way over to her grandparents. She knew her mother was still driving and had text to say she was alright after a gas stop on the way. Olivia did not know what to make of the events on top of her own confusing life. So, a visit with her grandparents was something she was looking forward to. “You just missed your grandfather?”

“Where is he?” Olivia asked as she looked around the warm an inviting place. A home her father had grown up in, and a home that Olivia always enjoyed coming to when she grew up. She knew her grandparents looked at her as a link to their son. Especially given her father was keeping them away from him once he was sent up to the big house. It gave her grandparents something to concentrate on, her. And she could spend time with them because her mother had wanted to keep her involved with her grandparents. Maybe not maybe as much as other set of grandparents. But still, she had a relationship with them, and she treasured it and that is why she did not relish having to give up her news and make them disappointed in them.

“He went to pick some takeout for dinner?” Diane laughed. “These days he prefers that to my cooking…”

“You’re not cooking as much?” Olivia asked a little surprised because she knew how much her grandmother enjoyed the craft.

“I do, I just don’t do it as much as I used to. With it just being your grandfather and I, the lure of those meal apps is way too appealing. It gets him out of the house, when he wants to go and pick it up instead of waiting for delivery.”

“I know, they can be appetizing” Olivia laughed because with her mother working. Delivery apps were a fun way of eating different foods, and not having to do much cooking herself. “But I love your cooking.”

“I appreciate that,” Diane smiled as she assessed her granddaughter. Sixteen, and so much like her son. Like everyone in town she saw her daughter-in-law. Daughter-in-law, a weird life I have here. She is married my son, and they do not have a marriage because his son was taken from them.

She knew her husband felt guilty and felt she blamed him for the government having the evidence to back up the confession of their son. And in a way she did, but she also knew she participated. She could have said no, and that they could have straight out asked their children. Sure, she knew her children probably would not have answered their questions, and she knew Phillip had basically asked their son, but Max shut down. And moved out as a result and spent his senior years as a roommate with Michael and just barely come back to them when his own son came back into his life. Making them grandparents. Before he gave the same child up for adoption. And then months later, becoming grandparents again, to a child her own child could not participate in raising because of his actions. They of course were aided by their investigation into their children’s secret life.

Neither of them could have fathom what they would have found out by putting a camera in her daughter’s room after luring her to spend the night during some difficult times with her first husband, and with both of their husband’s being away at a law conference.

It had blown her mind to watch that tape. Then to hear the words come out of their son’s mouth, what they were, and that they were in danger.
And they had helped cause problems for their children, and especially their son and kept their son away from his daughter while she grew up. That child who was now sixteen, and so sure of herself just like both of her parents had been at her age. And yet she was able to live not under the weight of the secret from her family. Only the general public.

So, she stayed and did not leave her husband like he feared because she had been complicit too because she had helped, and because she had wanted the same answers because she had ones building from the time of the grease fire, and when her son was a sophomore in high school, and the queasy thoughts in her mind. She just never imagined any of what would follow, or that they would lose their son.

Because he feared pain for his sister, and brother in Michael, and especially Liz. Because her son had saved Liz’s life, and brought her along for a journey they would never forget. Now she was staring her granddaughter who was now the age her father was when everything started to spin out of control, and ultimately took her son from them. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

“I am fine, I promise” Olivia murmured as she was looking for a way to delay her news. “If I am interrupting your meal, then I could come back another time?”

“We would never turn you away sweetheart,” Diane said with a smile. “We love you, and you are always welcome, no matter the time of day” she murmured. “You could join us you know because we ordered plenty of food. You know leftovers always go well in this household”

“No, that is already. I had a burger on the way over…”

“Where is your mother?” Diane asked. “Is she at work tonight, or an emergency at the hospital?” she wondered because she knew her daughter-in-law had privileges at the local hospital.

“No,” Olivia smiled. “I am headed over to Michael and Maria’s in the little for a sleep over, but Amelia is busy, so I am taking my time to get over there…”

“Is everything alright with you Alex?” Diane asked. “I did hear that you two were taking some time off from each other?”

“That is an understatement,” Olivia murmured. “Yes, we are, but things are fine with him. We are still friends. But Mom will not be home tonight, and therefore she wanted to be somewhere safe, instead of the house, alone.”

“She is,” Diane asked, surprised. Because she was not aware of any trips that Liz was making. Raising her daughter alone had made Liz swear off business trips or conferences. Being in her own practice had allowed some of the pressure of those kind of trips to be off her shoulders, but still she rarely went anywhere without her daughter.

Olivia knew what she was going to say next would startle her grandmother, and she knew she should tell her grandmother the truth until she had to reveal so much more of her current state of mind. “Mom went to see Dad?”

Diane’s face went pale.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 - 01/26/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Olivia and Zack really have lots to talk over.
Maybe NO MORE SECRETS is the answer??
Liz and Max both are anxious over the upcoming visit.
It's good the Evans will know about Liz's visit. What will they think of Olivia's news???
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 - 01/26/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Still waiting for Max & Liz.

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