The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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The Story of My Life - Chapter 27 - 01/02/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Why am I still here Zack did not know the answer, and still did not know why he was still in this town despite learning his whole existence, or that of his biological father belonged in a cult classic television or movie. None of it made sense and yet it did in the weirdest of ways and so here he was still in this town when he could have gone back to normal. Back to his family in New York and been comforted by the notion that his parents and little sister was normal, and it was all so sane to be in that life compared this one, and this town.

And yet he did not know he was not normal, and he did not have all his questions answered whether that was even a possibility after all he learned or not. Seeing Amelia smiling at him and knowing that someone who was like him thought this was a laugh a minute was almost comforting because when he looked at his mysterious half sister, he got the sense that this life was so much more complicated. Olivia has her own complications he mused to himself. Very human ones, but not so on the other hand if she was anything like him, he reflected because he had yet to come to terms with how special he was, and yet here Amelia and Olivia lived in a town that had forced them to comfort them from early on. “You don’t seem confused by any of this?” he asked as Amelia could only smile back at him.

“As I have said before. It’s been my life since I was old enough to know,” Amelia admitted. “Although I can see how it would feel like an ambush for someone new to come into this life, and to learn everything you have learned, and even then, you don’t know everything…”

“Do you?” Zack asked.

“Enough,” Amelia smirked. “Sure, there is a lot of it that I don’t know, and I am not crying out for that knowledge either because I am sure most of it doesn’t matter to me, but it does to Olivia, and I guess to you too, because I can’t imagine coming into the life, with a blank slate.”

“It’s like a blast of the past, and yet I feel it matters so much more than I can imagine?” Zack muttered.

“Yeah,” Amelia nodded. “I am sorry for that because I can’t imagine knowing you were adopted, and coming for a simple look for your biological parents, and finding all this…”

“It doesn’t help knowing my biological father is in prison?” Zack acknowledged.

“For something he didn’t do,” Amelia allowed.

“So, they say” Zack muttered. “The media though is very persuasive in the other direction” he allowed. “It’s hard to think they got it so wrong?”

“They were fed the government’s version of things because there is only so much Max could say of the situation. Aunt Liz said it herself. A sane person would not believe their version of things even if they could have told it. So, they took the government’s spin of the situation because it did look bad for Olivia’s father, and plus, Max did confess to that other thing, and that is on him, but he did it for the purest of reasons.”

“And that was?” Zack asked. “How can someone confess to an army base explosion when they had nothing to do with it?”

“Because they didn’t want my father, or your aunt to get swept up in it, and same with Olivia’s mother” Amelia allowed as she could see that the mere concept was still rattling Zack. “He had people to protect and took the blame, when it was someone else, because you could not really blame your biological mother because she was dead.”

“It’s actually pretty easy to blame a dead woman?” Zack muttered as he though of that was what was being down now. “All of you think it was my biological mother who did it, so you’re doing it yourself. Blaming a dead woman?”

“A dead woman who had a track record in our group” Amelia acknowledged. “Even then I don’t know exactly what happened back then. Olivia is more up to date than I am, but the collective we knew enough to blame Tess, but the government didn’t want to blame a dead woman so they grabbed onto a confession that your father gave them because they were coming after our parents, and if they had caught up to them, then who knows what havoc and mayhem would have ensued.”

“She killed your mother’s friend, or so they say?” Zack asked.

“They do say,” Amelia muttered.

“I checked you know. Alex Whitman death went down as an accident” Zack asked. “My biological mother wasn’t implicated officially…”

“Could you put someone like us behind bars?” Amelia asked.

“They put my biological father behind bars, and he hasn’t done anything to cause problems all these years?”

True Amelia was forced to muse to herself. But something tells me Max would not also cause a rampage from behind bars. Tess Harding was a different story. “Your biological father has enough sense to stay on the right side of the prison bars,” she allowed. “From what I hear, Tess Harding wouldn’t have the same compulsion and she could have caused a lot of pain and suffering if they had locked her up for Alex’s death.”

“You’re blaming a dead woman?”

“A dead woman who has a track record,” Amelia sighed because she knew how it had to be hard for Zack to reconcile the image of his biological parents. They were not June and Ward Cleaver who gave him up to have a better life because they were too young to be parents, and they went on to have rewarding lives. No, it was the opposite for Zack to reconcile with, and she did not want to be on his side of things because he liked the family, she and Alex had been able to have all these years. “Of course, on the other side of things, if they had locked your mother up for Alex’s death than she wouldn’t have been able to do half of the other things she did?”

“And I wouldn’t be here?” Zack asked.

“I am sorry, but yeah” Amelia said struck at the knowledge that yeah that Zack would not have been born if only they had locked Tess Harding up for Alex Whitman’s death. Max and Liz might have had a better time it, and yeah, Max would not have slept with Tess and created Zack. “It’s a sucky situation for all involved?”

“Yeah,” Zack admitted as he hated to know this was his life story. Biological parents who didn’t love each other, or whose father didn’t love his mother, and had a biological mother who had been made out to be a calculating murderer and a biological father who had confessed to a bombing to save lives so they say, but was also convicted of attacking his wife before she became his wife, but they tell him that he was actually possessed by a dead man, and he hadn’t really done it of his own volition, but had sacrificed his life for the love of his life, who was the one to bring him back, but who wasn’t his mother. Some life I have he muttered to himself.

As the door opened, and they both saw Liz and Olivia walk in, and they noticed Amelia and Zack and continued into the back room, because they had come to have dinner with Jeff and Nancy.

“Yeah, I don’t know why I stay?” Zack sighed. “No one wants me here…”

I do Amelia wanted to say but did not because she knew she should be concentrating on the relationship she did have because despite the distance. Greg was a good guy, and she did not need the difficulty to getting mixed up with someone like Zack who did not know his history and did not know even half of what it took to live in their circle each day. Greg was blissfully unaware, and Amelia enjoyed the freedom that came with being with someone who did not know. There might come a time, where that changed. But right now, she took it in because it does cause trouble to know.


“Are you okay honey?” Nancy asked her daughter a few hours later, after dinner they had shared in the upstairs apartment that the Parkers had lived in since they moved into the diner when Liz was a child, and they took over the business, and it had been Liz’s home and she had loved it and worked in the restaurant once she became of age to be able to work. It was where she met the love of her life. Max, she mused to herself. Downstairs, when she should have died, but he brought her back.

Olivia had announced to her grandparents that she was pregnant. Jeff and Nancy were both supportive of their granddaughter and did not react as negatively to the concept of their teenage granddaughter being pregnant as Olivia feared, and now Olivia was downstairs with her grandfather monitoring the dying hours of the restaurant for the night, and Liz had stayed up stairs to talk to her mother. “I am fine Mom seriously…”

“Are you, I can’t imagine what you’re going through” Nancy asked. “I talked to Diane you know. I know Olivia saw her father?”

“Oh god,” Liz muttered. “Mom…”

“It’s your life, and your marriage,” Nancy smiled. “Your father and I have always been supportive of you…”

“You have,” Liz muttered as she knew her mother had been a saint all these years with how she accepted and went with the flow of everything that had happened. While her father had not been as silent in his views, “But Dad hasn’t been…”

“He loves you and loves his granddaughter” Nancy smiled.

“I have never doubted his love for me, or his love for Olivia, but I know he wanted me to leave Max, and to divorce him” Liz muttered. “He has never accepted that I wanted to stay married to my husband?”

“Most wouldn’t honey,” Nancy allowed. “I mean, staying married to man who will never be able to come home to you or his daughter,” she muttered because she did not think her daughter to be someone who would be in love with someone who was in prison, and behind bars and was never coming home. “There is that bit about what happened to you in Vermont?”

“Mom, I told you what happened there,” Liz sighed because while the town did not know what defined herself or her daughter, and their friends and their abilities. But when she first left town, and before she was forced to come back, she had sent her diary to her father, and therefore he was able to read, and to know what happened in those months and years before she was forced to flee town.

Jeff mostly accepted the diary, and while he was grateful that his daughter did not die when she was fifteen. Still, once Max was arrested on charges related to the treatment of his own daughter, Jeff could not grasp that, and a part of him could not, even though Liz had told him the version of things that was not in her diary about what really had happened in Vermont. That Max had not been Max, the man she married that night. He had been someone else. Someone quite different. Still, it was a movie plot, and hard to believe and so a part of Jeff could not cope with that, and so once Max was convicted. Jeff began advocating for his daughter to divorce Max, but Liz always refused to do so, but fortunately it had not messed up their relationship as they always tried to rise above it for Olivia’s sake, and for their family.

“Anyone would have trouble accepting it?” Nancy allowed.

“I know,” Liz acknowledged. “I love Max Mom, and I know chances are that he won’t be coming home to me, but it should be obvious by now to you and Dad and to anyone who passes judgement on my decision to stay that I do not want to leave him or wish to divorce him. When I married him, I took my vows seriously, and I still do”

“It is still a lot to deal with, and to know he won’t be coming home?” Nancy asked.

“We’re trying to change that…” Liz muttered.

“Honey,” Nancy asked.

“You may think I have limited myself these years, maybe I have, maybe I haven’t but I don’t regret anything that has happened except that if only certain things had gone differently, then I might have had my husband with me all these years, and Olivia would have had her father to love and raise her…”

“How is Max dealing, with finding out about Olivia” Nancy asked changing the subject because she had long known that her daughter loyalty would always be too her husband, and nothing would change that, nor her father’s opinion on the matter would change that for their daughter and still her daughter has been able to achieve some remarkable achievements despite her circumstances and her marriage. Nancy just wished that she could be happy at the end of the day.

“It’s adjustment,” Liz allowed. “But he doesn’t blame me for not telling me.”

“He shouldn’t,” Nancy muttered. “He’s very lucky you have stayed with him, and given him a chance to know his daughter at all”

“Mom,” Liz said in annoyance.

“Fine, I’ll stop,” Nancy murmured. “Olivia is holding up a good front, but how is she really dealing with this honey” she wondered. “With everything…”

“Barely,” Liz admitted.


“I hope you don’t hate me,” Olivia asked as she was helping her father clean up in the kitchen. Something she had done countless times over the years, and that summer she had always thought she might work for him, but now given her circumstances chances of that happening was dimming as she decided to proceed with her pregnancy. She did not know what she would end up doing, but still she was moving on to each day.

“I can never hate you,” Jeff remarked every day that his granddaughter and daughter for that matter could put their foot in front of them and walk through the world with the burden Max had given them. As Nancy knew. Max would always have his thanks for saving his daughter, but anything else he felt for his imprisoned son-in-law was decidedly mixed despite both his daughter and his granddaughter believing differently. “I just wish you didn’t have to go through this, at your age?”

“Me either,” Olivia muttered. “I hope you don’t hate Alex.”

Now him I can have an opinion on Jeff muttered to himself but did not dare say it because he knew his granddaughter still had feelings of love for the boy, and despite their breakup. “Where is he?”

“He supports me,” Olivia muttered as she sensed her grandfather’s disapproval. She knew she and Alex barely had it in the first place because the one thing all her grandparents, on all sides could agree was that she had been too young to be with Alex. That their parents should have stopped it when they could have before it got to the state it has now progressed. But the parents knew from experience. If you say, no you cannot be with him or her than Olivia and Alex would have rebelled and gone there months and years before they finally did, and of course none of them wanted what happened to happen but they knew if they had tried to stop, then that would not have helped anyone. Liz knew it more than anyone. Because her own parents had done that to her and Max. Of course, trusting your kids had its downside, as it was evident that the circumstances had escalated. Still Liz would not have done anything differently because she knew how it could have gone… All they could do was support their kids. And she planned to do such. “Grandpa, I am the one who wanted this break. He still wanted us to be together. I didn’t, or at least now right now”

“You shouldn’t be dealing with this, all by yourself.”

“I am not,” Olivia muttered. “I have all of you, and Mom. Mom has been great. And I am sure my other grandparents will be the same when they know…”

“Your mother loves you,” Jeff muttered as the one thing he was proud of how incredible a mother his daughter was.

“Mom says that Dad loves me too,” Olivia smiled but saw the frown on her grandfather’s face. “Grandpa”

Max Jeff muttered.

“You shouldn’t be hard on him,” Olivia muttered because she knew that was rich because of how hard she had been on her father, but that was before she knew her father had sacrificed everything for her mother. She did not know how to handle the other piece of the puzzle that her mother could have died because of him, but she believed everyone when they said that her father had been possessed.

“Honey, you don’t know everything?” Jeff sighed.

“I know more than you think I do,” Olivia allowed. “I know it’s ugly, and I shouldn’t believe in him, but Mom has been filling me in on some of what happened, and it’s only her side true, but I believe in Mom, and I know when she saw I can trust Dad than I can. I might not understand it completely, and I might in the end have my own view of it, and I might decide I cannot trust him, but I do not know the man he is, as I only have stories. Still, he is the reason I am here, so I might as well get to know him?”

“You shouldn’t have to?” Jeff muttered.

“It’s my life,” Olivia sighed as she heard a text come in on her phone, from her aunt, setting up their visit to Max, and asking if she was available the next day. She responded with, tell me the time, I will be ready

“What was that?” Jeff asked.

“Aunt Isabel,” Olivia asked. “She’s taking me to visit my Dad tomorrow” she smiled as she saw the frown on her grandfather’s face. “Grandpa, I need to see him. You can’t prevent me from seeing the bad side of life, all my life,” she smiled. “I need to form my own opinion of the man he is today, now that I know a bit of what happened years ago.”

“I still don’t like it,” Jeff muttered although he supposed knowing Isabel would be there would lessen the blow for his granddaughter.

“You don’t have to,” Olivia smiled. “He’s Mom’s husband, and most of all, he is my father…” she sighed. “I need to visit him and get some of the insight of his own side, and plus, he has dealt with some of what I have to deal with these days, and so I will be good to get his side since his son, my half brother is back in town.”

“What?” Jeff asked shocked.

“You didn’t know, yeah, Dad’s son, the one he gave up for adoption is back in town. So, I figured, there is a lot to know of my father’s side of the story” she smiled.

“Does your mother know?” Jeff asked blown away.

“Of course,” Olivia nodded. “There is very little you can keep from Mom” she sighed as she wished her mother did not have to deal with the revelation her father’s illegitimate son was back in town.


“You can just accept him into Olivia’s life?” Nancy asked as upstairs, she was also blown away to find out that Max’s son was back in town. One more thing to sour on Max Evans was to know he had cheated on their daughter and had a son with Tess Harding. Liz explained that they had not together at the time, but it was another strike on Max’s image with his in-laws.

Hearing her daughter described the boy Nancy had come to realize she had seen the boy around Amelia Guerin in recent days. She had not known his identity. Now she did, and it amazed that her daughter could just accept it.

“It’s a fact of life Mom,” Liz muttered. “I have always known he was out there. Sure, I did not expect that he would come back, especially with Max where he currently is, but I suppose it was going to happen because the boy was going to have questions one of these days. The same ones that Oliva has in her own way. So, he would want to seek them out, and come to this town. Now he has, and I need to make peace with it, and I have, and he and Olivia are in the process of trying to figure it all out.”

“How can you look at him and know” Nancy asked.

“Know what?” Liz asked if she did not already know what her mother was talking about, but she pleaded ignorance.

“He cheated on you?” Nancy asked aghast that her daughter could be so accepting.

“We weren’t together Mom,” Liz muttered. “Do I hate it, yes, do I wish he didn’t exist, probably, and I definitely don’t like the reminder that I did not give Max his first-born child or the fact he was with someone else. But we were not together, and therefore he could be with anyone he wanted. He chose Tess. It happened, and I cannot change it. As much I wish I could flick my wrist and erase the past, I cannot because my actions played a part in it. He wanted me, and I walked away, and pushed him away, and when I wanted him back, I had to make peace with parts of his past that existed because of the fact he moved on, away from me, for a time” she sighed as she knew her parents knew a lot but still there were parts of the story that hadn’t been in her diary, or very brief

“Honey” Nancy sighed.

“Mom, to love Max I had to accept that there were parts to his past that I did not like, just as he had to make accept the same with me. We made decisions, but we loved each other, and I wanted to marry him, and I do not regret it. It is not easy and has not been easy. But I love Max, and that has not changed. He saved my life otherwise I would have been dead at fifteen. I can accept that he has flaws. Because I do have them too, but seriously Mom, for my sake, and especially for your granddaughter’s sake, You and Dad need to make peace with my husband because I am planning on doing everything in my power to bring him home again.”

“What are you planning to do?” Nancy asked.

“Anything, and everything” Liz muttered. “He made mistakes, but he doesn’t deserve to be in prison, and therefore I am planning on finding a way to bring him home to Olivia and myself.”

“You’re only setting yourself up to be hurt honey,” Nancy asked. “The government won’t allow that to happen.”

“Well too bad,” Liz muttered.

“He confessed honey,” Nancy muttered.

“To protect me, Isabel and Michael” Liz muttered as she had long come to know just what her husband was protecting when he confessed. If the government had gotten their hands-on Michael and Isabel or even herself, who knows what mayhem would have been unleashed “I wish you and Dad would give him some credit for doing whatever he could to save me…” she sighed as she shook her head as she knew that her parents only saw what the world saw, the video tape of Max nearly killing her. No matter the assurances that the truth was something different. Or Max was a different person all together. Jeff and Nancy could not see it. Which is why she had not told them that she had powers, and Oliva had kept that part of herself to herself too. Only the Evans knew the whole story. Because she had not written about it in her dairy because she knew by then, that there were parts of the story that could not be in the diary. Since her return to Roswell, behind the brick of her wall had been a hiding place, but one could not trust that the diary would remain there, but she knew, it still was there, to this day…
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 27 - 01/02/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Glad that Isabel has arranged for Max to have visitors.
Maybe he will finally let all his family visit him.
The young ones do deserve answers to all their questions.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 27 - 01/02/2021

Post by Superman86 »

I love Liz's determination in getting Max out. I hope Olivia can be even more convinced once she visits her father. She needs to see what great guy Max really is.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 27 - 01/02/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Is Zack beginning to question his decision to stay in Roswell??
Amelia him to stay.......wonder how this will develop?
I'm beginning to wonder if Max will ever be free?
I agree, Olivia needs to see her dad, and hear his side of the story.
Jeff and Nancy got surprise news from!
Hurry back, can't wait to see how the prison visit goes.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 28 - 01/04/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

“What are you talking about?” Max was asking his sister the next afternoon as he sat in the room he had been escorted to when told his lawyer was on the premises. He had not wanted to come, but because the guard did not want to be keeping Isabel from her client after she went to court and made a fuss and therefore Max had truly little choice but to comply with the demand and now, he sat and watched as his confident and determined sister rocked his world.

Because having his pictures of his wife and daughter back did not mean he was coming back to the idea of getting out of this place because while the bruises were slowly starting to heal. Still, he knew if they went against the government then Liz and Olivia would be hurt if he tried to change his plea or revoke his confession.

Like that was even a possibly? Max mused to himself. No judge is going to see my side of things because they will always side with the government.

Trying to say he was trying to save his family’s life with his confession was not going to be amount to a hill of beans when he was also convicted of trying to kill his wife. No amount of persuasion was going to change the tape evidence of the flight out of the tower window. He could not very well say that he had not tried to kill her, because it was his face, and the evidence of the green shield was wiped away Although how was that going to play into my defense except to admit that I am an alien Max muttered to himself, and had outer worldly powers, and I was possessed by a human mad man. Especially if I tried, it would lead to Maris Wheeler. I am extremely lucky they did not link that death to me, despite it being on the premises.

Fortunately, the camera in the building was not working that day or another death would be on his count… Good luck trying to convince that you have been possessed your body and the spirit was the one who nearly killing your girlfriend, and yet somehow the dead man’s wife ended up dead in the library on campus. It was a downright miracle that they did not connect the crimes.

It was bad enough that he had on his conscious his treatment of Liz. Liz never blamed him because she knew the truth, and they had the ability to create a new chance, but to everyone else, she was an idiot for staying with him, and staying married. Max hated that was the view of his wife. So, he stayed away and thought if people knew she had not seen her husband that she could have a life.

He had not known that they had created someone special before they were separated. Now, he sat in front of his sister and wished so much could be different. “I wish you hadn’t come back?”

“I am your lawyer now Max, so you cannot get rid of me how much you try” Isabel smiled as she felt relieved that the bruises were at least starting to soften at least but knew there were many others that she could not see. “How are you doing?”

“I am living,” Max muttered as his head rang from the earlier disclosure. “Tell me this again. Are you saying my son is back?” he whispered. “Zan?”

“Yeah,” Isabel acknowledged and knew how hard it was for her brother to hear. “His name isn’t Zan anymore because he goes by Zack Mason now,” she sighed. “Zack was raised in New York, but he showed up in Roswell in the last week looking for answers.”

“What kind of answers?” Max asked softly, as he had not expected this news. That the child he always knew he had but put up for adoption months before all hell broke loose, to have a better life, now was back in Roswell. He did not know how to take the news because for so long he had chosen to ignore that part of his history with Tess. Because he knew his son was likely having the life, he wanted for him, to be normal, and to be away from the insane reality that followed them in Roswell.

Now he was back in their orbit.

“What do you think?” Isabel admitted. “He’s trying to reconcile all he has found out about his biological parents and therefore it hadn’t been an easy adjustment for him, but he’s trying, and then he also came to town with some other information.

“What kind of information?” Max asked.

“Information he says that was sent to him,” Isabel muttered as she had spent since she returned from her weekend away with her family researching the stuff Michael had found in the possession of the boy. “It reveals some stuff you might not like…”

“What?” Max asked What could I not like about this situation…

“There was reason to believe that Kal Langley might have been in the vicinity of Roswell back you know when all this was happening?” Isabel revealed, and Max’s mouth dropped open his mouth in surprise. “Yeah, I know but Michael and I still haven’t figured out what it all means or why Zack was given the information, except he was the baby that started this all…”

“The one in the spaceship?” Max asked as he remembered back to the town when Tess returned to their planet with the baby and surprised them. She had also caused insane amount of carnage at the time within the army base, and brought the heat on them, after succeeding for so long to blend in. Tess brought the focus on them, and everything bad that happened from then on could be traced to her, and there was had been no ability to get away from it despite trying to leave town and run to safety.

Isabel nodded.

“I don’t know what Tess was thinking?” Max muttered.

“She believed she needed to get away from Khivar, and from the death chamber up there…” Isabel muttered at the concept of their former home planet wanting to get rid of them for fear of what they might want to due. Even if women did not rule, but Tess’s Ava was the type to not last long for fear of uprising. “I am not sure any of us would do anything differently if we had the choice?”

“Are you identifying with Tess?” Max asked surprised

“No, of course not, Tess could have done so much differently, and she caused so much hurt, and she took Alex from us” Isabel sighed I will never feel kindly about a woman who took Alex from us, and me as she thought back to the boy who had loved her, and while she had many conflicting feelings still though Alex was special, and he didn’t deserve the fate he was given, and had been given by Tess because all he wanted to do was help them decode the book. Little did he know, that was the worst thing that could have happened.

“Yes, she did,” Max said gruntingly because if he had not been so fooled. Liz and I might have had more of a chance than we ended up having he sighed But, we did get a chance, and we did have some special for a moment there So much might have been different, but then his son would not have been born. “Back to Kal, are you saying he was here in Roswell?”

“It looks like. I was able to verify the ticket information that Zack has on him,” Isabel muttered. “It’s not easy to go back to that time and figure out what exactly time. Technology has come far but accessing information from that time isn’t exactly easy.”

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “So…”

“So,” Isabel conceded. “Kal was here Max. Around the time of the army base explosion. Around the time of Tess and Zan’s return to this planet.”

“Are you saying they are connected?” Max asked.

“I don’t know,” Isabel conceded. “You told us when you saw Kal in senior year that he was not especially high on any of us, right, and he didn’t seem to care much about Tess?”

“He stayed away,” Max nodded. “He indicated he knew what was going on with us, but he didn’t step in at any point once Nascedo was taken from our lives. Still, he was surprised that I went there with Tess?”

“So, he knew there was a kid?” Isabel asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded. “He hated me by the end…”

“You didn’t feel like you had much choice,” Isabel sighed as she remembered back to that time. “Maybe you could have done it differently, but you were looking for your son. Kal was just upset that he was forced to give up on the life he had developed when he was supposed to be keeping an eye on us.”

“I still changed him back to his old state,” Max said as he did feel guilty. I was trying anything to find my son. “He had worked hard to gain some humanity in him, and I forced him to give it up, so I do feel guilty.”

Isabel nodded.

“So, are you saying he either framing me, or caused the army base explosion himself?” Max muttered as he tried to figure out his sister’s logic from that time. “Why would he do it?”

“He hated you…” Isabel allowed. “You said it yourself?”

“Enough to do something like that?” Max asked. “Frame me?”

“He was probably trying to clean up Tess’s mess,” Isabel asked. “He was our watcher, right, and our protector so shouldn’t he have wanted to help us?”

“But ended up putting the law on us…”

“Truthfully, Max, he couldn’t have known that you would have confessed” Isabel muttered No one could have thought that would have happened “Maybe he was cleaning up Tess’s mess. Leaving no witnesses and trying to delete the evidence trail…”

“But he didn’t count on Dad’s information, or the videotape?” Max muttered as he remembered that time when they found out the way their parents had gotten the scent of who they were, by spying on Isabel when she was having trouble in her marriage to Jesse. The information that had been found in Phillip Evans’ office and then that videotape that they found when they came and raided our family home. “Liz drove Tess to the army base, and she saw the explosion?”

“She didn’t see Tess actually go in or commit it Max,” Isabel reasoned. “She saw the explosion, and the flames, but she didn’t see it actually being committed?”

“Why would have Kal killed Tess?” Max asked.” Okay, so, what if you are right, and he came to this town to clean up Tess’s mess once he realized what was happening. He saw the manhunt on the national news, and he came to figure out how to clean it up for us, and he did not know about the additional information nor that they would find out about Vermont. Or that I would end up confessing to save all of us,” he sighed. “Still, they found Tess’s body, and they identified her body. Or her ashes,” he muttered of the faint traces that they had located to be able to firmly identify that Tess had been in the building and was now dead.

“Maybe she was causing too much damage and putting us all in peril. Like Nascedo. She had to be eliminated. She was going there to sacrifice herself or so she made Liz think and to take down the army base, and he just beat her to it, and allowed her to die in the inferno.” Isabel offered. “Or maybe she was up to other mischief, and Kal was saving us the trouble.”

“Still…” Max sighed.

“I don’t know about any of this,” Isabel muttered as she had not thought her theories much, and they were coming to her brain on the fly, and she could be completely off base, or she could have hit the nail on the head. “I could be completely wrong about this, but…”

“Still, he allowed me to stay here all this time…” Max muttered.

“He hated you, and you were the perfect patsy to blame it all on. And plus, with you here, you were safe, and the government would not be coming after us, and we would be safe. I don’t know the guy, as you were the only one to see him, so I don’t know if that is in the range of what he might have done, but still, it’s a thought?”

“Yeah, it is,” Max muttered as he remembered back to his impression of Kal Langley Ruthless and cunning and would do anything to get his way “How will it help me, if true?”

“I haven’t gotten to that part of the story yet,” Isabel sighed.

“I hate this,” Max muttered.

“I know you do, and I am sorry about that, as I wish that it could be easier for you and this could be all so easy to get you out of this place. But even if my theory is true, does not mean it is going to get you out of this place. Kal is now dead. We can’t blame a dead man without evidence.”

“No, we can’t?” Max sighed. “Back to my son… Is he…” he asked unable to express his thoughts?

“I have only met him a few times, but he seems okay” Isabel murmured as she hadn’t had much of an opportunity to gage an opinion of her nephew except that gave a aura that was all her brother, and fortunately for them, not at all like Tess. Thank the lord but she knew they still did not know the boy, and Tess did have a side that could fool a lot of people, but still she sensed Zack was very real and decent “Olivia has seen him more…” she sighed.

“Olivia knows him?” Max asked surprised and a little stung that he had left them to have to deal with this, and he was stuck here and unable to help.

“Yeah,” Isabel acknowledged. “I can only explain it as he decided to introduce himself to her, and so far, they have talked, but still, it’s awkward.” “What does he know?” Max asked.

“Some,” Isabel allowed. “Liz has told him a little bit…” she sighed. “Olivia knows more of the gritty details, but she did tell Zack some, and I am not sure how much of a believer he is, but he does know it’s not simple.”

“Liz,” Max asked shocked again. “How is she handling it?”

“It’s not easy,” Isabel allowed. “Zack looks a lot like Tess just by the virtue of his blonde hair, but fortunately so far, he has shown no evidence of any of his biological mother’s tendencies. Still, he says he has a good life, but he wants to know answers to his questions about where he came from, which is not so different than your daughter’s questions or ours for that matter back when we were teenagers?”

“I hate this for her,” Max murmured. “I never wanted to hurt Liz, and I never wanted this burden to be on her.”

“I know you don’t,” Isabel murmured. But you confess bro, so it couldn’t be helped “I have to go and make a phone call. A client is expecting my call, and time is flying, but I’ll come back as it shouldn’t take long but I figured you might want something to bring you out of your depression.”

“I am not depressed?” Max muttered.

“Yes, you are,” Isabel smiled because she could see a lot of conflict in her brother. “But I have a remedy for it,” she smiled as she knocked on the door, and moments later, they saw Olivia walked through the door and Max was shocked because he had not known his daughter was here to see him, and Olivia had been waiting while Isabel conducted business.

Now she was walking in…

“Hello, Daddy” Olivia said softly, and it made Max’s day.


Dad Max never got tired of hearing those words, and unfortunately, he knew he had heard them too infrequently because of circumstance. Still, it was magic to hear them and to look into the eyes of the girl who had awoken a dream in him by simply visiting and letting him know that his dream girl had given him a special gift. If only he had the freedom to enjoy such a gift, he would muse to himself. Still, it was a miracle to look into the eyes that brought memories of the girl who he loved, lost but still called his wife.

“Sit down,” Max said softly as Isabel smiled as she let herself out of the room and warned the guard that she would be back as the guard nodded and groaned. Isabel did not mind it at all as she went out to make her call. While Max and Olivia could only look at each other with a glance of almost not believing this was happening.

Olivia had been waiting while her aunt visited with her father, and she had taken time to text with Amelia about the seminar that she had skipped out on. Amelia responded that it was boring, but she had taken notes, and Olivia promised to stop by the house when she got home even if it meant she would likely have to see Alex. It kept her mind off the upcoming talk, as she could see the glances of the guards as they disapproved of her being there.

Kids visited their imprisoned parents all the time. But most did not have a notorious parent, or an aunt who was going toe to toe with the prison and flexing her muscle. She admired her aunt even more than she already did. She had worked to be top in her field, just like her mother, and she knew she should want to be like them when she was older. And she did. Still, she wished she did not have to be here, but she knew after all the stories she had been fed in the past week since her defiant visit here that woke up the beasts for her family, well, she knew she had to see for herself, the man who had helped her mother create her, and whether he was truly a good man.

She wanted to believe he was, so he concentrated on her text messages while she waited for her aunt to be finished, and then finally she was given all clear to the approach the dreaded room. The previous visit had been behind glass, and over a phone but this one would be face to face. The first time she would be physically in the room with her father and she did not know how to handle it. Still, he relished the opportunity, and she was not going to turn it down, as Isabel smiled as she saw her and gave her an encouraging smile as she walked into the room and saw her father.

She saw the shock in her father’s face. Max had not expected this, she knew, and she could tell that her aunt had not told him in advance that she had been waiting to pay a visit. She winced to see the bruises on her father’s face, and she knew he had to be hurting because he would not be able to heal himself, and she wished she could. But facades had been given to most of the world. Only a few people really knew what she was capable of…

Not even her grandparents on her mother’s side because she knew they would have a fit about it and would be another strike against her father, for changing their daughter when he saved her life. She knew her grandparent’s acceptance of their imprisoned son-in-law only extended to appreciation that he saved their daughter’s life when she was fifteen. He did not get credit for much else in their minds. Only her grandmother was slightly more receptive to her son-in-law, but only barely.

“How are you?” Olivia asked quietly as she did not know how to approach this once the door closed, and it was clear they were the only two people in the room. She had such hopes, and such a brave face, and now she was here, and facing reality.

Awkwardness reigned in the room. Max did not know how to the handle this reality either. “Fine,” Max said softly as this was the first time since he found out that he was a father to this girl, and that his wife had given birth to his child. “I hope you didn’t have to wait long?”

“I handled it,” Olivia smiled. “I spent it checking in with Amelia about school?”

“Amelia…” Max said still unsure of the relations in their clan.

“Michael and Maria’s daughter, you know, Alex’s twin” Olivia smiled. “All of us, we have been friends since we were babies?”

“And you and Alex ended up…” Max muttered as she did not like a reminder of the fact his daughter was a teenager and that he had missed it all and it is not like he could come down on it since he face similar worries when he was close to his daughter’s age, and for Olivia, it was much more normal or so he hoped.

“Yeah, we ended up…” Olivia acknowledged. “But I don’t know if anyone told you?” she sighed because she did not want to say it.

“I know,” Max muttered at the new reality. “Your mother was here with me when she got word about your trip to the hospital,” he sighed as he knew at no age was it easy to be what his daughter was facing, and for any parent, whether they could call themselves a parent or not. Because he knew Liz had that role, and he had been only part of the creation and had abdicated his role as a parent when he chose the route he would take, which was away from Liz and ultimately their daughter. Still for any unofficial parent, it was not easy to know what their child was facing “Are you okay?”

“Super,” Olivia nodded with a smile that was all Liz Max mused “I only got a little stressed out,” she allowed even if that was stretching it “Everything piled up at once, and it became too much and so I needed to slow down for a minute or two, and so, yeah, I am taking it easier” she sighed as she didn’t like realizing that her father knew the truth about her condition and she felt a rush of need to protect and defend her mother. “I hope you don’t hate Mom or think she was a bad mother,” she asked. “She’s not, because while I don’t always show it. She was a great mother who was always by my side and helping me whether I wanted her to be or not.”

“I know she is,” Max smiled at he imagined his wife. “I would never blame your mother for anything?”

“Really?” Olivia asked as if she could not believe it.

“She was only dealing with the life I dealt her, and I could have given her the chance to tell me or to be part of my life these years but as I said back then, there were reasons why I wanted her to stay away?”

“Yeah,” Olivia asked.

“Yeah,” Max smiled. “I am really glad your mother was there for you and supported you through whatever you had to go through and will continue in the future” he sighed as rush of memories flooded his mind. “I know how hard going through something like this can be for a person, and I was going through it from the other side of it and didn’t have the pressure on me that I know would be on you,” he murmured because he knew he had it easier that Tess would have had to face, or any female would have to face. “So, I do hope Alex is there to support you?”

“He’s supportive,” Olivia agreed as she was reminded that yes, her father had gone through something similar. “But we’re taking a break right now” she allowed. “Which pleases Mom and Alex’s folks” she sighed.

“You are?” Max asked as he was surprised because she was so adamant of the relationship during their prior visit, and it was only a matter of days later…

“Yes,” Olivia agreed. “It came to be too much, and I needed time away from our relationship. I don’t know what it means for our future, but I know he will be there for me” she acknowledged. “But it’s something I have to do, for right now, at least” she murmured. “Alex knows it and is there for me, but he’s staying away at my request.”

“That is a mature decision at least,” Max nodded. “Sometimes life decided to wake us up to new realities, and we have to figure out how we’re going to deal with them?”

“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?” Olivia asked. “Mom told me you know?”

“Told you what?” Max asked.

“That you had a kid with someone else. That I have a half brother that you ended up putting up for adoption?” Olivia muttered as she could see the surprise cross her father’s face. “So, I have to ask, how could you do that to Mom?”
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 28 - 01/04/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Great part.
Max is depressed, and should probably be more so soon.
Zack is now front and center.
And what.........Kal is involved......
Loved it when Olivia asked her dad "how could you do that to mom?"

How could you stop there????
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 29 - 01/06/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Yeah, how could I do that to Liz Max muttered to himself as he faced the reckoning of his youthful decisions in the face of his daughter. Someone who was on the edge of her future and making decisions that would last a hell of a lot longer than a fling you have when your mad at the love of your life for pushing you away. That was what Max was facing as he glanced at the confusion in his daughter’s face. A face that was in many ways a replica of his greatest love. Liz, he muttered. Whenever he looked at Olivia, well, he saw her mother. “You will never know how much I regret that Olivia?”

“Do you?” Olivia muttered. She knew there was another side to the story of her life. There are always two sides of the same story. Her mother had one, and she knew her father had another version of from his side and because for so long she had heard the one that came from her mother or any other family members, and yet she knew there was another side of it, and it came from the other side of her, her father. The story is too far out she told herself as she knew not to take it out on him because she did believe her mother when she said that she had caused it. As much as she wanted to blame her father, she knew she could not do it “You don’t have to take the blame or even tell me that Mom started it because I know she did. Mom takes the blame. She told me that she pushed you away?”

“She should not,” Max muttered as he knew one thing was true, no matter what came from their life, he would never be able to blame Liz for any of it, even if she did have some part of it. “The fact is I betrayed her with someone else isn’t on her and no matter what actions she might have undertook before I went there with Tess. We loved each other, and I hurt her. She was only doing what she thought was for the greater cause. She knew what I would have done, and she could not handle it or at least she could not bear having it on her conscious”

“She says a future version of yourself came back from the future to tell her to push you into the arms of Tess Harding?” Olivia asked.

“It must sound crazy?” Max asked as he still could not believe that subplot of his life had happened.

“Only a touch,” Olivia smirked and for a moment Max saw his daughter’s smile and it was rare and it was beautiful. “So, is it true?”

“When your mother told me later, after everything went down, yeah, I had a hard time believing or thinking it made sense. In many ways, it still does not make a lot of sense to me, but I know your mother was under a lot of stress back then because of the world that I had exposed her to, and I am sorry for that. The one thing I will never forgive myself is for bring a world to her, that caused her pain” Max murmured I am sorry Liz because he remembered how back when this all started. The one thing he did not want to do was hurt Liz. And it was heart wrenching to know he did hurt her and brought his wife pain and grief.

“You loved her, and you still went there with someone else?” Olivia asked. “How could you do that Dad. Because you profess to wanting her back, and then the next moment you go there with someone else?” she wondered. “No matter how much she was pushing her away?”

“I was your age Olivia. You should know by now that we make decisions every day that are based on our hormones, and they are not rational and if you just stopped yourself and restrained yourself than you might come out of the other side of it without screwing things up. I was a teenager, so, yes, I made mistakes. Truthfully, your mother was always stronger than me,” Max smiled softly as he remembered back to his dream girl. “I love that about her. She came into a world that she did not understand, and she took it all in, and she helped me, and she was there for me, and I will always be grateful for her and I wish I had not taken her for granted. Still, I was sixteen when we really started to get serious. She was my dream girl. Someone I finally had a chance with her, and I loved her but at the same time from the beginning, we were starting to find out some seriously life changing stuff that we didn’t know before that day when I brought your mother…”

“Back to life?” Olivia asked as she still could not believe this was the story of her parent’s romance, and the origin story that would lead to her own creation. Hearing her father speak, she felt seduced into believing that he had really loved her mother. That she was really his one and only, and there was no one else, but she knew the reality. There had been someone else. “You brought her back, and then later…”

“I almost ended it?” Max muttered as the he cursed the videotape. “I know you were told the story that world is believing?” he asked.

“It is on tape for the world to see Dad,” Olivia asked. “So, it would be easy for someone to believe it?”

“Do you?” Max asked.

“I did,” Olivia conceded as the video was incriminating and she should not want to believe any of what had been told to her because it was so insane, and yet here she was spending time with her father who was in prison for choices made because of these bizarre parts of their life. “Mom told me her side of it, and that I shouldn’t be hard on you. I mean, everyone tells me that you wouldn’t hurt Mom like that if you were of your right mind?”

“That is right,” Max agreed. “I would have died before I did something like that to your mother, and I wouldn’t have wanted to be saved if your mother wasn’t in this world for me to return to it. Your mother is why I wanted to fight to come back. The other side wanted her to die. I wanted her to live. I wanted her to kill me if that kept her alive…”

“You even say you did hurt Mom?” Olivia murmured.

“I gave her pain. Yes, I did hurt her, and I will regret it every day. But Olivia, I wanted her to live. That is why I brought her back to life in the first place. As I said, she was my dream girl. Someone I did not think I had a shot with, and I jumped in save her life when it could have backfired on me, because I needed her to live. You really think I would have wanted to give that up?” he murmured with pain on his face that made Olivia believe for one minute at least that he did really love her mother, and that he was honestly believing what he was trying to sell her. “I wanted to die if it meant she lived?”

“They did tell me that you tried her to get her to kill you?” Olivia muttered.

“I knew what that bastard wanted, and I couldn’t do it, and I was trying to come out of that state, but I knew it was either her, or me and I wanted it to be her, and therefore I pleaded with her to take the opportunity. She didn’t want to, but I convinced her…”

“And that led to going out the window?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Max muttered. “Do you really think that when she was originally shot and I jumped in at the expense of my secret that I would want to kill her, only two years later. Sure, yes, we all change. Of course, we were not the people we were at fifteen anymore, but still, I am not kind of person Olivia. I hope you can believe that of me,” he murmured softly as he saw that his daughter was looking at warily as if she didn’t know whether to trust him or not. “Look, I know you do not know me but believe me when I tell you that I would never have wanted her to die. I wanted her to live. I gave her a chance at life, and I would never have wanted to take that way from her,” Max promised. “I was ready to die to make that happen. Fortunately for both of us, and the creation of you, your mother did not want that to happen, and so she brought me back to life, and we took the chance until we were once again separated by misconceived notions of what went down on that day.”

“And you confessing to a crime everyone says you couldn’t have done?” Olivia muttered.

“Believe me, if I could have saved your mother, or Michael or my sister some other way than I wouldn’t have confessed. Confessing changed my life, and their lives, and I hate that for them. I wanted to be with your mother. We had just gotten married, and we finally had our chance to be happy, and if we had known, I would have been able to be a father to you…”

“If you had known, would you still have confessed?” Olivia asked.

“As much as I want to say no,” Max admitted. “No, probably not because then I would have only been thinking of protecting your mother, and you because I would never have wanted your mother to be picked up and treated like a lab rat.”

“She is human, right?” Olivia asked. “Why would they have wanted Mom?” she sighed because she did not think this story was rational, and she did not understand how she could believe it despite knowing the abilities she had and also knowing that meant she was a normal human being, so it shouldn’t be as outlandish as it did sound to her ear.

“She was, and she still is…” Max acknowledged. “But she loved me, and I know only too well how much they would have loved to poked and prodded someone who had been with me, and especially your mother who I had saved, and brought back from certain death. And we would find out, was changed.”

“Mom’s gifts?” Olivia asked. “She doesn’t do much with them?”

“Still, she was different,” Max sighed. “I wish in many ways I could have prevented that from happening to her because I know what happens to your life when you’re special?” he muttered. “So, I did not want that for your mother, and I would have done anything to prevent that kind of pain. She did not deserve. None of us did, but because she was human, and she had been with me, well, they would have found it too irresistible not want to test her and see what had come from being involved with me.”

“Yeah,” Olivia nodded wincing at the mere idea of it…

“Right,” Max sighed as he thought of the ramifications of Olivia being his daughter. She is very much like Liz in her appearance but… he knew what it meant to have a child given who he was, “Because I knew they would have loved to have picked her up, along with your aunt and Michael and experimented on, to see how different they were. Given, they had already a sense of how different we were, but they could have done so much more if they had gotten the three of them.’

“Mom told me that they kidnapped you?” Olivia muttered.

“It was hell,” Max shuddered. “I don’t want to think of that time but believe me that you wouldn’t want them to have experienced that, and because I had, then I knew what it meant to go through that, and so I felt like I didn’t have any other choice to protect them but to confess”

“Why couldn’t you let them pin it on Tess?” Olivia asked.

“No proof,” Max muttered.

“She was dead, right?” Olivia muttered. “Why not let them pin it on her because that was who they were looking for in the first place. Why give them you when they could pin it on someone else.”

“It saved so much by doing so,” Max muttered as he knew their time was ticking down.

“How so?” Olivia asked.

“The government was coming after us because they found evidence. We no longer could say it as someone else, or that it was Tess and not any of us. They found evidence that put them on the scent of us…”

“Grandpa’s evidence on you, and Aunt Isabel?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Max admitted as he felt for his parents, and the guilt he knew they felt, especially in his father. Sorry Dad “You should not blame you grandfather for spying on us because we gave them no other choice because we couldn’t tell them or be honest. Your aunt wanted to tell them years before we did, but I did not know how we would be judged by them and we did not want them to be hurt. So, I could not be honest with them, and enough suspicion started to pile up and therefore as much as it pained me at the time to know they were spying on us, and could not trust us, well, we did it to our selves, and I don’t blame your grandfather for wanting to know what was up”

“He blames himself,” Olivia commented.

“He should not,” Max muttered as he felt for his parents. “They would have found some other way to come after us, and they would have won somehow. So, he should not take it on himself” he sighed as he thought of the totality of his life, and how it had come to this, and knew his daughter was as burdened due to it as he was at her age. “We have a very complicated origin story Olivia?”

“I know,” Olivia muttered as she saw the clock on the wall, and knew their time was ending. “I know we don’t have too much time left, but it is pretty clear that we have a crazy life” she sighed. “You and Mom had some real adventures together?”

“Yes, we did, have a lot of ups and downs, and mainly downs but we had something special. I will never love someone like I loved your mother…”

“And yet you were with someone else?” Olivia wondered as she still could not connect with the fact her parents loved each other so much, and yet life had other plans for them, and still it went back the warts of her parent’s love story, and life changing events.

“We all make mistakes,” Max murmured. “One never gets through life without making them. Mine were doozies. I wish I had the restraint that your mother did when she was faced with a similar temptation, but I have always been weaker than she is because obviously she was able to get her medical license while raising you….” he murmured of the jealousy he had felt at one time when Sean Deluca showed an interest in Liz. Yet he knew because he had seen it, and she had told him, that Liz had her chances, but she had not gone there but he had with Tess, and he would always have to regret that…

“You have to be pretty strong to take the blame for something you didn’t do, and sentence the rest of your life to be in cell you clearly don’t belong in?” Olivia muttered. “And to put up your son up for adoption?”

“That was a right decision Olivia,” Max murmured as his thoughts came back the boy that was out there in the world and now, he was told over in Roswell investigating his own origins. Harkening back to that time when he, Isabel and Michael would have done anything to find answers, and they had not, and those answers changed the world for them. “I could not have given him the life he needed, and he had a chance to get it with another family and live a life away from the mayhem that our lives always seemed to descend into, and I know it was right decision.”

“You believed he was human?” Olivia asked. “Did that make the decision for you?”

“Yes, it was one of the factors,” Max allowed as he could see the confusion and the conflict on his daughter’s face as she dealt with a similar situation. “But by the time I had to make the decision. I knew I could not be a father to him, not then, and he would have a better chance if we found another family who could love him, and obviously we did.”

“But if you were not forced to be here, and luck had been on your side and you were still with Mom, I would have come less than a year later. Would you have been ready?”

“I would have had your mother, and I know we could have done it together” Max admitted as he could say that one was never ready for that kind of change in one’s life, but he supposed those who were not seventeen might be better prepared, and able to handle it. Still, he sensed that if he had only Liz in his life, and to come home to than they could have made it.

“You don’t know if Mom would have been there if you kept my brother?” Olivia wondered and she could see the answer on her father’s face. “So, you don’t know if Mom would have still been there for you?”

“I sense you have asked your mother the same question?” Max asked. “What did she say?”

“She says she doesn’t know,” Olivia admitted.

“Which is probably true,” Max allowed. “I would have been asking a lot from her, and we were graduating from high school and she had a chance to go to university, and she would have been crazy not to take that to stay with me and raise a kid that wasn’t even hers” he sighed. “But we had gone through what we had in Vermont. So, we now had a real shot at a chance together. We had been given a miracle. So, who knows what we would have done or chosen?”

“So, you are sure you did the right thing with your son?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded because he knew he had done right by the boy and could tell that his daughter was thinking of her own situation. “To know he was safe. That was all I could ask for, and I knew I couldn’t give that to him, not at that time in my life, and as you can see, the future was not going to be on my side of life to even be a part of his life, and I would have been asking a lot from your mother, and I am glad I didn’t have to ask that of her, and so, yes, of course, I made the right decision.”

“You believed he was human?” Olivia asked once again.

“Yes,” Max admitted.

“So, you didn’t know Tess likely lied and he had powers” Olivia asked as she saw her father’s jaw drop open, I take that as a no “Okay, so you didn’t?” she murmured. “Then I am sorry to have to spring that on you?”

“What are you talking about?” Max asked as the door decided to open, just as Isabel thought it was time to come back into the room. Unfortunately, she did not know what she was walking back into, “What did I miss” she asked as she entered the room and spotted her brother in one of his shellshocked glances Oh god, what now?

“What does Olivia mean by my son having powers?” Max asked as he wanted to get up from the table and pace around but knew he could not because of his situation. “Did you know?”

Damn it Isabel cursed herself. Thank you, Olivia, she muttered out loud.

“We were talking, and it came out.” Olivia admitted as he knew from the expression that her aunt did not wan to be dealing with this subject.

“I bet it did?” Isabel asked and to a degree she did believe it, but she also knew her niece probably was angling for that tidbit to be released.

“Is she right?” Max asked again as he faced his sister and took his glance off his daughter who did not how this decision was going to end. “What is going on with my son. You told me he was in town?”

“That he is,” Olivia muttered because she knew she had not made peace yet with the fact she had a half brother, and he had been absent all his life but now was back in town wanting to know what the deal was with his origins and knew from the gossip that her brother did have gifts contrary to what had been believed at the time of the adoption. “I am sure he will want to meet him for himself.”

“I’ll have to think that through,” Max muttered because he had thinking that his children had to see him in prison as that had never been impression he would want to give and he had already had to deal with it, with his daughter and she grew up in this life. The child he had given up for adoption had not had that opportunity. “What do you know?”

“All we know at the present time is that there is evidence that Zack does have some kind of gifts and that he isn’t completely human” Isabel muttered as he had not wanted to tell this to her brother because she knew how this would get him upset about the route, he had taken based on Tess’s word. “Anything more, we do not know for a fact?”

“So, obviously Tess lied?” Olivia asked.

“Lying was Tess’s specialty,” Isabel spat as the wounds still ran deep of what Tess had ultimately done to their group.

“Isabel,” Max muttered.

“Don’t Max, do not defend her” Isabel sighed as she had known she had just a short time ago gave the woman the benefit of the doubt, but that was all erased by what Tess had done to them, and who she had ultimately taken away from them. “She ruined your life, everyone lives, and she wanted to out as a martyr and she by departing this soil all she did was ultimately give us chaos and ruined the very lives we were trying to make for ourselves.

“You said it yourself, we don’t know if she did it?” Max sighed as he knew he had conflicting feelings for the blonde. While, he could never forgive losing Alex from their lives, but he did not think Tess was all that bad, and she was his son’s biological mother. Which meant they were connected, whether she was dead or alive. As painful as it was live through, still it was tie he would always have with Tess whether he wanted it or not. “We don’t know her motives?”

“Even if Kal is the one who took down the army base. Still, she was prepared to create havoc, and she had to know it was going to come down on us?” Isabel muttered.

Max knew why Isabel had no love for the girl, and it was justified yet Max had to think that his one-night fling was not rotten to the core. She was influenced by a mad man who raised her from the time she came out of the pod. With Nascedo as a guide, how could you know what was right? “She didn’t know the information Dad had on us or that the government would come down on us like they did…” Max murmured and knew one minute he was thinking Tess was the worse thing to ever happen to him, but the next… But also knew, there were others, out there that were far worse.

“What do you think was going to happen if she had succeeded in blowing up the army base and creating so much more carnage than what she already had done when she landed on this planet” Isabel asked. “She knew the government was on her tail. So, choosing to blow up the place paved a straight line to us, and if it hadn’t been then, one of those days, they would have been come gunning for us?” she muttered. “And it was all because Tess had to come back to this planet to save her skin.”

“I guess you’re right,” Max muttered because as Isabel and Jesse did know that the government already had their eyes on them and were looking for a way to get at them and blowing up the army base gave them the way to do it. “

“I know I am right, but time is definitely up, and those goons out there will be in here before long and I have to get you Olivia home because your mother won’t like it if you don’t get home in time to do your homework,” Isabel muttered as she hated having to leave her brother. “Plus, I have to talk to her about something?”

Not liking the look on his sister’s face because he had seen it too many times growing up, and knew mischief when he saw it “Isabel, I hope you’re not planning something?” Max asked as he knew he did not want to see the determination on his sister’s face.

“Of course, I am planning something,” Isabel smiled. “You are my brother, and even if it is the life work of the rest of my days. I will be getting you out of this place okay, because if we are right that Kal is the guilty party than you should not be doing his crime,” she sighed as Olivia glanced between her father and aunt and didn’t know what they were talking about but just was happy to have this moment because for so long she had been denied this opportunity.

“He’s dead,” Max muttered. “All of the guilty parties are dead?”

“Still, there has to be some way of getting proof,” Isabel smiled. “If there is, I will find it,” she said with determination but knew this was her time for her exit, as she knew she would have more opportunities to come and spend time with her brother. “I will give you a moment or two to have your good-byes?” she muttered as she left the room.

“She didn’t answer my question about your brother,” Max commented as Isabel disappeared.

“She is talented at dodging the subject?”

“She is, isn’t she?” Olivia asked as she checked her watch “I guess it runs in the family,” she sighed as she knew their time was coming to an end for this day. “I hope I can come back?”

Max was feeling like it was a dream come true to spend some time with his daughter, and to know she was not looking at him like a monster but someone who she could trust, and he prayed they got the opportunity to spend time together. Even if he was destined to be in here because he did not trust that there was a solution in getting him out of this hell hole. “I hope you do too,” he allowed and knew for once maybe he could act like a father, and not someone who did not have a right to be apart of her life. She had come did she not she wanted to be here “In the meantime, please take it easy because being someone like we are, well, it can be stressful, and I don’t want that for you” Max murmured. “You already have too much on your shoulders?”

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Olivia promised for she knew her situation was better than her fathers because she could go home at night. And this was her father’s home, and it shouldn’t be, that was one thing she was sure of at the moment “You need to worry about yourself?” as she still winced at the scars on her father that she could see.

“I am an old hand at this Olivia,” Max commented as he hated how his daughter was seeing the brutal nature of being in prison. It was not easy; not should it be. It is a burden to be in here because most of the time, you must have done something bad to get sentenced to one of his places. He was innocent this time. Unfortunately convicted of the crimes he had no part or was unwilling in taking part of he sighed because there were crimes he could have been convicted of and had not. The nature of the system he supposed that sometimes they catch you for something you did not even do, when they could have caught you for something else, and they would have been right to. “It’s the life I signed up for when I vowed to protect my family”

“We can handle ourselves,” Olivia murmured. “We just want you to be part of it. You can play martyr all you want Dad, but at the end of the day, we want you to be at home. We don’t want the bad guys to win?”

“Neither I do,” Max sighed.

“You’re allowing them by giving in under the disguise of protecting us. Because we do know how to fight you know,” she sighed. “We’re all very capable of it, and we want to there for you if you would let us, or allow Mom to if you don’t want me involved” she sighed even though I am involved in this, whether I want to be or not

“Thank you for the advice,” Max smiled as Olivia nodded as the guard knocked on the door and opened, and Olivia grumbled but left the room. Leaving Max to be alone with his thoughts, and to savor the fact he got to spend time with his daughter as the guard came back, and the guard was not one of the bad ones. In fact, it was the one who had left the picture in his cell.

“Good visit?” came the guard as they walked up the stairs to where his cell was. As his thoughts of his daughter, and knowing he was created something special with his wife in that girl. And knew Olivia had a good head on her shoulders and would deal with her situation a hell of lot better than he had.

Even if he did not regret the fact, he had chosen adoption for his son because he had been in no shape to be a father back then, and the boy needed a loving home instead of the mayhem that would have ensued back here in New Mexico. Now his son was back, and he might have abilities Tess lied again and he had believed her yet again Why Max were you always dense when it came to that blonde he muttered. Why could not you have seen that she had an agenda. Because that had been how she can come to town after all, screwing things up for him and Liz had a blissfully intense time for them when he believed they might have a chance. Tess had come to town, and worked her magic, and a con game, and he fell for her games repeatedly.

“Your sister and daughter, huh?” came the guard, interrupting Max’s time of reflection.

“How did you know?” Max muttered. “My lawyer that is?”

“Not hard to see why she is such a dog with a bone on your treatment and fight the prison. I am sure if was some other stranger. She might be causing trouble sure, but only family makes you want to go the next level?”

“But how did you know?” Max asked as he walked back into his cell, home sweet home, yeah, right? he muttered. “She’s been using her married name?”

“It’s my job to know,” said the guard.

“No, it’s not,” Max sighed. “I know word about my daughter has raced around the prison as gossip, but no one knew who my lawyer is, and you do, why?” he asked. “Not even the warden knew, until she was causing trouble the other day.”

“When you get the court involved, you find out” the guard tried.

“No go,” Max muttered. “What’s up?”

“Fine Zan, you should know you’re being watched” came the guard and being called by his alien name totally shut down Max as he had to quickly reassess the situation as well as a guard who was now into a new stage of their mission here at the prison as neither knew what to expect from the other as Max was quick to figure out the truth of the guard’s skin “Wait, you are a woman. What are you doing here in a male prison?”

“Making sure they don’t get you,” came the response. “The name is Serena Scott,” came the guard as she turned to face Max, and made sure they were alone, which was not hard because Max kept in a portion of the prison where there were very few prisoners these days, and so often there was privacy, which Max had lived to regret occasionally.

“Who are you?” Max asked. “I don’t know any Serena Scott?”
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 01/06/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Good to know Max has Serena watching his back.
As I have said before..... a lot going on.
Thanks for the update.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 01/06/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Finally Olivia gets her dad's side of the story.
Max admits many regrets.
Discusses half brother....Max still thought adoption was right way to go.
Surprise......guard knows who he is.
Serena to the rescue.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 01/06/2021

Post by Superman86 »

Dun, dun, duuuunnnn! Who is this Serena Scott? Well, could she very well be the Serena that was gonna be a friend of Lizs one day, mentioned by future Max... I cant wait to find out more. And what does Isabel have planned?
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