Live to See Another Day (Angel XO UC Mature) Complete 7/9/05

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Live to See Another Day (Angel XO UC Mature) Complete 7/9/05

Post by elfangel01 »

Title: "Live to See Another Day"

Author: elfangel01

Pairing: Liz/Doyle (What can I say I guess I have a thing for really unconventional couples?)

Rating: Mature

Summary: Ok bear with me... A lot of it you'll just have to read and see because it's hard to summarize. Liz and Angel share a connection, but neither know the other. Liz starts having these dreams and then her and Kyle leave to go visit L.A. where Doyle has a vision and they end up all meeting and things are slowly revealed. Hope that didn't majorly confuse anyone...

Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or Angel, if I did I can honestly say Angel and Buffy wouldn't have ended in heartbreak; Alex wouldn't have died, basically a whole lot of crap would've been avoided. It all belongs to the WB, UPN, Jason Katims, and Joss Whedon...


Thanks to Traitor for being my beta and for also making this amazing banner!


CH. 1

Pain, blood, bodies; there was horror everywhere. A man stood before her clothed in brown breeches, a flowing white shirt, and a green vest. He had the face of an angel one moment and the face of a demon the next. The woman with him appeared to be very beautiful, but appearances can be deceiving for her heart was really black as night. Her vision faded and the figures were becoming hazy as darkness claimed her. The last thing she heard was, “Good night my sweet little Beth.”

Liz shot awake with sweat pouring off her body and the sheets clinging to her skin - her shirt and boxers were soaked all the way through. Her heart was pounding wildly and she could feel the adrenaline rushing through her system. She moved her hand to her neck and massaged it, trying to relieve the tenseness and pain. She was alert and her senses were on overload. Something primal was growing inside, waiting to be freed. It was clawing its way to the surface and it was getting stronger every night. She could feel something inside of her growing and she felt it could be dangerous, she didn’t know what was happening and it was freaking her out. The dreams had been going on for two weeks and they didn’t show any signs of stopping. For the past fourteen nights, Liz had been dreaming of a time, place, and people she didn’t know. Gulping in ragged breaths of air she darted her eyes around the room taking in everything and nothing all at once. Everything seemed sharper, there was no dullness to any of her senses, it seemed as if she could see, hear, smell, probably even taste and feel better. Once she felt her body start calming down she glanced at the clock, the glowing red numbers showed it was 6:15, about fifteen minutes before she normally got up to go for her run and get ready for school. As she slipped into her running shorts and top, she caught her reflection in the mirror. She was slightly more toned now than when she had left back in May. Over the summer she had developed a slight work-out routine to keep her in shape for whatever lay ahead. Whether it was the FBI or evil aliens, she wanted to be ready.

She slipped downstairs without disturbing anyone and breathed in the crisp November air. While running, she began to reflect on everything that had happened in the last year. Max had saved her life last September and, subsequently, she and her two best friends had been thrown headfirst into alien conspiracies and lies. Thank God for Maria and Alex, she thought, otherwise I may have lost what sanity I have left.

She had believed that she loved Max, but looking back, it had been nothing short of hero worship on her part, the naïve girl she had been, wanting an adventure. Tess had saved her from any more of that by coming along at the right time, but Max was stubborn and wouldn’t let her go. She and Tess had recently become good friends and now that they both knew where each girl stood, Liz was currently trying to help Tess get Max.

On the other Evan’s front, Alex was still chasing after Isabel and she was still running. Sooner or later Isabel is going to realize that gangly musician best friend of mine is perfect for her, and I hope I’m around when it happens. I just hope he doesn’t get his heart broken while waiting on her to wake up.

As for Maria, she and Michael were still on again and off again, but you could sense there was a deeper connection being formed. No matter how much they argue, they’re perfect for each other and will always be together, mused Liz.

And Kyle? Well Kyle had found Buddha in light of the recent revelation that aliens walk among us. Liz smirked to herself, Kyle’s probably more freaked out that he’s becoming friends with the aliens rather than coming to terms with the “intelligent” life out there. In spite of his Buddha obsession he was becoming a great friend, they were actually closer now than they were when they were dating. He was actually going with her to check out colleges in Los Angeles; she was still in awe of how they managed to work it out with their parents.

I just hope these dreams go away, two weeks of almost no sleep is enough.

They had been occurring since her seventeenth birthday and she was tired of them, although considering she got no sleep she was looking the best she had in years. She glanced up and realized she was back in front of the Crashdown; she had been so lost in thought she hadn’t realized she was back. She bounded upstairs to get ready for school and finish packing for L.A., she and Kyle were leaving after school. Stepping out of her shower she rummaged through her closet and found a pair of low slung jeans, a brown baby tee, and her brown docs. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders in soft waves and she had light make-up on her face with little silver hoops in her ears. Grabbing her bag, she walked downstairs to get something to eat before Kyle showed up to pick her up for school. Rounding the corner and going into the Crash, she found her parents already there setting up and eating breakfast. “Morning mom, daddy,” she smiled as she grabbed a muffin and some milk.

“Morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” asked her dad from his post at the coffee maker, he didn’t notice Liz tense slightly at his question.

“Yeah, I slept ok.”

“That’s good honey. You all packed for L.A?” asked her mom.

“Yep,” she answered as Kyle pulled up.

He walked in and waved hello to her parents, “Morning Lizzie, your chariot awaits.”

Liz snorted, “Kyle the day your Bronco becomes a chariot is the day I stop drinking Mountain Dew.”

“Oh no, we can’t have that,” said Kyle sarcastically as he ushered her out, nodding to her parents who were snickering to themselves.

Liz called laughingly over her shoulder, “Bye guys!”

Once the Bronco pulled away, Jeff and Nancy looked at each other. “The dreams have started, do you think we should tell her?” he asked.

“No, it’s too soon. She needs to find out on her own. It’s better if they find out together.”

“But we’re not going to give her any forewarning at all? She’s walking into this blindly, and why are we allowing Kyle to go? What if something goes wrong?”

“I think Kyle may help her more than we know. We just have to trust that everything will work out correctly,” replied Nancy as she turned to walk upstairs. Jeff looked after his wife and sighed, moving to flip the sign to OPEN. He just hoped his little girl would be ok.


A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to let those of you reading "GotF" that I'm still updating it and working on it, I just had to get this story started because it's been nagging me. I have a lot written for both stories so I'll be dividing my time between the two. Right now my muse is shooting inspiration for both so... I hope you guys enjoy this story, it's been in the back of my mind for a while. Feedback is always welcome... hint hint :wink:
Last edited by elfangel01 on Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:11 pm, edited 32 times in total.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 2

As Kyle and Liz were pulling into the school, “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” came on. Liz started singing along and soon Kyle laughingly joined in.

So I saddle up my horse and ride into the city,
I make a lot of noise because the girls, they are so pretty,
Riding up and down Broadway on my old stud Leroy,

They pulled up next to Max’s jeep “Bob” and jumped out still singing, or better yet shouting out the lyrics to the amusement of their friends.

And the girls say save a horse ride a cowboy,
Everybody says, save a horse, ride a cowboy.

They looked at each other and started cracking up. Their friends looked at them with varying degrees of interest and Isabel sniffed disdainfully. They had also received the attention of various peers at their impromptu duet.

“You two are happy this morning, aren’t you?” asked Tess, smiling at her quasi-brother and sister.

“We are so pumped!” exclaimed Kyle while pumping his fist in the air to emphasize his point.

“Why?” asked Max, trying to conceal the jealousy burning in him because Liz was so carefree and happy without him.

“Because they’re leaving today, duh,” said Maria, hooking her arm through Liz’s and turning towards the school, she turned and motioned for Tess and Isabel to join them. “Chica, I am so jealous,” her voice could be heard fading into mix with the other students.

“Where are they going?” Michael directed his question towards Alex because Kyle had already left to catch up with the girls.

“They’re leaving to check out colleges in L.A.,” said Alex as if it were common knowledge. He looked at Michael and Max quizzically, “Didn’t you guys know that?” At the shaking of their heads he just shrugged his shoulders and moved into the building.

Later on that day, before lunch, Michael found Liz by her locker and moved to corner her but was stopped by a finger to his lips. “Don’t even think about it Michael. Kyle and I are going, end of discussion.”

“Damn it Liz, you know we have to be careful with the Skins out there. I’m not going to stop you, because I know I can’t, but promise me you’ll be careful and that you’ll check in with me,” growled Michael.

Liz looked up at him shocked that he hadn’t argued, she saw the sincerity in his eyes, along with the fierce protectiveness he felt for all of them. “Fine Michael, we’ll check in with you. How about every night at six?” she asked hoping he’d give in.

“Alright,” he relented, “now let’s go to lunch. I’m starving.”

Liz laughed at him and gave him a playful shove, “You’re always hungry. You were probably hatched hungry.”

Michael mock glared at her then playfully shoved her back, as they made their way to the quad to meet their friends.

“Is that Michael and Liz?” asked Maria. “Oh my God, are they laughing and goofing off together? It’s the end of the world! Evil aliens are invading aren’t they? We’re about to be sucked in to the eighth ring of hell and pigs are flying!”

“Do you really think the eighth ring of hell would have flying pigs?” asked Kyle.

“I would’ve thought they’d have flying monkeys like in the Wizard of Oz,” replied Alex.

“Really, what if they had both?”

“They can’t have both. I think I read somewhere that the pigs are in the seventh ring of hell, so the monkeys must be in the eighth. See it all works out perfectly.” Alex looked up and saw everyone staring at him and Kyle. “What?”

“GUYS!! I’m being serious!”

“Maria, calm down! Here sniff some cedar oil, and anyways we’re already in the eighth ring of hell… school, so the scenery won’t change that much,” joked Kyle.

“Then where are the flying monkeys?” asked Alex.

“Flying monkeys? I take it back, I don’t want to know…. so are you guys ready for lunch? Hey why is Maria hyperventilating?”

Maria wheezed, “You, Michael, laughing, happy, joke…”

A chorus of ‘what’s’ were heard around the group of friends until Liz said, “Oh.”

“So I guess you know what she said?” asked Tess.

“Of course she does, she decodes Maria talk all the time,” smirked Alex. “Ow! Maria that hurt,” he exclaimed while nursing his now tender head.

“So what did she say?” asked Max.

“She was in shock over mine and Michael’s display of friendship, more specifically Michael’s apparent bout of happiness,” said Liz nonchalantly.

“Oh, is that all?” asked Kyle.

“Is that all?” sputtered Maria. “Did you not see them - him? With the shoving and the laughing and the smiling?”

“Move on Maria or we’re not going to have time for lunch,” pointed out Michael.

“Fine,” she huffed as she stomped away to the gang’s normal spot.

Michael followed her calling, “Maria c’mon. I’m sorry. Maria, I didn’t mean to make fun of you. Baby, come back.”

The others started cracking up as they watched Michael follow Maria around the quad trying to apologize all the while gaining the attention of their fellow classmates. Michael finally got fed up and snagged Maria around the waist, spinning her around to plant a deep kiss on her lips. He pulled back to the cheers of their classmates and was dragged away by Maria to even more cheers and a few “go Guerin’s”. The others just shook their heads and smirked at Michael and Maria’s classic behavior.

“Ok guys, let’s eat. I’m starving,” exclaimed Liz, her rumbling stomach testifying the statement.

“All right Liz, let’s get you fed,” laughed Tess. She held out her arm and looked expectantly at her, “Shall we?”

“We shall.” The two girls set off across the quad with Kyle, Isabel, Alex, and Max trailing behind them.

“Good Lord Liz! Are you eating for your own personal army?” asked Isabel after seeing Liz’s tray. “With the amount of food on your plate, you could probably beat Kyle in an eating contest.”

“Hey! I resent that,” mumbled Kyle through a mouthful of food. “I can still eat more than her.” He ignored Isabel’s wrinkling nose in disgust and continued chowing down.

“I said I was hungry didn’t I?” asked Liz around her own bites of food.

“Yeah, but Liz you never eat this much,” said Max concernedly.

“I’m fine, just hungry. Besides things change,” she bit back at Max, ignoring the hurt in his eyes, and feeling the same reaction in her gut as she did every night when she woke up from her nightmares.

“No need to bite his head off Liz, he’s just being a concerned friend,” scolded Tess.

“I’m sorry. Look I haven’t been sleeping well and I’m not feeling that perky, happy, groupiness vibe right now so I’m going to go before I say something I’ll regret. Kyle, I’ll meet you tonight at the Crashdown like we planned ok?” At his affirmative nod Liz grabbed her stuff and walked away, needing to get away before she couldn’t control herself and did something she really would regret, like killing Max. I have to get control of this… or else I don’t know what will happen.

song was "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" by Big and Rich

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 3

“Hey, what was up with earlier?” asked Kyle as he watched Liz run around and grab last minute items for L.A. Items, which also included food items for the Bronco, apparently this included her Mountain Dew.

“I’m sorry Kyle. I don’t know what came over me earlier, but I don’t want to talk about it,” she said firmly before Kyle could open his mouth. “I’ve just been really irritable lately and it probably has to do with my lack of sleep.”

“How long have you not been sleeping well?”

“Since the night of my seventeenth birthday.”

“Two weeks?! You haven’t slept decently in two weeks? Liz, that isn’t healthy. Maybe we should postpone our trip until you’re feeling better.”

“No! I’ll be fine; I don’t want to postpone it. Kyle, I have to get out of this town. I don’t know what it is, but I have to escape even if it is only for a little while.” She turned her best puppy dog eyes on him and waited for him to give in.

“Fine,” he relented, running a hand over his face wearily. “We’ll go, but the first sign of trouble and we’re coming straight home, deal?”


“Now, you ready to go party it up in L.A.?” asked Liz giddily, at Kyle’s look she amended that question. “Along with deciding our future place of collegiate residence of course.”

“Excuse me, party? No, no, no… I told you’re parents I’d keep an eye on you, and that doesn’t include partying. Even though I’d love to,” he said wistfully.

“Kyle, we are two healthy teenagers who happen to be best friends, going to L.A. for a week without any parental supervision, and you are going to pass up on a chance to party?” She noticed the struggle playing on his face and continued her wheedling. “Besides, I can take care of myself, I’m not that innocent…. shut up,” she giggled at the devilish grin lighting up his face.

“Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse? After all you did point out that we are two healthy teenagers, but we will not be telling your parentals about this.”

“Great. Now that that’s settled, are you finally ready to go?” Liz began making her way to the café to meet her parents. “Kyle, c’mon we need to get a move on, geez you’re so slow!”

Kyle stared after her in disbelief, “Women,” he muttered.

Liz walked up to her parents as they took stock of what was needed in the café. “Bye mom, daddy, I love you and I will see you when we get back from L.A. And yes, I will call you as soon as we get into the hotel.” She hugged both her parents and then they all turned to Kyle.

“You’re going to take care of my baby right?” asked Mrs. Parker.

“Yes m’am, she won’t get into any trouble with me,” grinned Kyle.

After saying her goodbyes to her parents, Liz walked outside to the Bronco, only to be confronted by all her friends. “Hey guys, what are you doing here?”

“We came to see you off,” exclaimed Maria as she ran over to her friend. At Liz’s still confused look she elaborated, “Chica, you didn’t honestly think we were going to let you and Kyle go off to L.A. all by yourselves for a week and we weren’t going be here to say bye to you guys?”

“Yeah, we’re here to be your goodbye committee and when you get home we’ll be your welcoming committee,” exclaimed Tess. “You better bring me home something; I deserve it since you two are abandoning me with these insane asylum rejects.”

“Hey Sprite, watch it,” growled Michael.

“Sprite? What the hell Bigfoot?”

“She’s not Sprite, she’s Blondie. Geez Chewbacca, you’d think you’d know that.”

“Maybe all the hairspray and gel he uses finally killed all his poor brain cells,” smirked Alex.

“Hey human two by four, watch your mouth,” growled Michael.

“It must’ve been a mercy killing, nothing else explains it. They all probably started screaming thank you before their grizzly end,” laughed Tess.

“Yeah, because they aren’t being used for anything, why be bored in Guerin’s deranged brain? Who knows what horrors lurk up in that mullet,” grinned Kyle impishly.

“What is this gang up on Michael day?” grumbled the tall alien. “And it’s not a mullet!” he growled.

Max walked over to Liz as she watched Tess and the others picking on Michael. “I hope you have a good time,” he said softly. “Maybe when you get home, we could try again.”

Liz looked into his pleading eyes and sighed, “Max, we’re over. We’ll never be together again, you need to accept that and move on with Tess. She’s your destiny and she cares about you.”

“I don’t love Tess like I love you!” argued Max quietly. “And what do you mean she cares about me? Do you not care about me anymore?” he felt hurt and loss shot through his heart.

“No, I still care about you, just not the way you want,” said Liz, trying to let him down as easily as possible. “Try to move on and be happy.”

“I’ll never be happy with anyone but you, Liz. I’ll still be here when you get home.”

Liz sighed as she turned and walked away from him, “You may be here, but I still won’t come back to you.” She looked up as she heard Kyle calling her. “What?”

He looked like a little kid again, boyish delight shone from his eyes. “Listen.” He moved to turn up the volume in the Bronco and waited for recognition to hit her.

Brother and sisters,
We are here for one reason, And one reason alone
To share our love of music
I present to you, Country music without prejudice, hey

As the song registered with Liz she started cracking up. The others all looked at her strangely until Tess also recognized it. “Do you guys have some ‘Big and Rich’ fetish that we should know about?”

“No…” at the other’s disbelieving looks she added on quickly, “it’s just they’re hilarious and Kyle got me hooked on their music.”

Charlie Pride was the man in black
Rock and roll use to be about Johnny Cash
Yeah whatcha think about that
Well I'm a crazy son-of -a-(bad word)
But I know I'm gonna make it big and rich
Yeah im gonna let it rip

Maria and Isabel looked at her as if she’d grown another head, “You actually like this?” they asked in unison. “How can you stand to be on a road trip with him, while listening to this?” Isabel asked.

“This is nothing. I fear for my sanity when he puts on the boy bands and other shit like that.” They all stared gape mouthed at her this time, “What?”

“Did, did you just swear?” asked Max.

“Did I stutter?”

“No, but Liz, I’ve never heard you, hell none of us have ever heard you swear,” said Michael slowly, once he came out of his apparent daze. “Well damn, Parker. I’m proud.”

“She’s not that innocent,” cackled Kyle, he looked to Alex whose face lit up with amusement.

“Really? Not that innocent, huh?” He looked at Kyle and they began to sing a high-pitched, off key rendition of Britney Spears’ pop hit, motions and all.

Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

“God save us!” pleaded Maria, “You two leave now before it gets worse.” She started pushing Liz to the Bronco. “I hope this is what you have to listen to on the way over. It’ll be just punishment for leaving me here.”

“Maria, I’m only going to be gone a week. I’ll be back before you know it.” The two girls embraced and Liz climbed into the Bronco where Kyle was already sitting, listening to the Spice Girls. “What have I gotten myself into?” she muttered as he started the engine and they pulled away from the Crashdown. Turning back to wave at her friends she got a sinking feeling that this would be the last time she saw them, regardless of her words to Maria.

lyrics were "Rollin'(The Ballad of Big & Rich)" by Big & Rich and "Oops... I did it Again" by Britney Spears[/b]

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 4

They had been in L.A. for almost their full week now and had done the required campus touring and sightseeing; now Liz and Kyle were ready for partying. Kyle himself wore regular blue jeans and a gray shirt that clung to his muscles, while black Docs adorned his feet. He walked into Liz’s room as she was finishing getting ready. “Woo Liz, if you don’t mind me saying, you look hot! Spin for me darling!” He watched as Liz spun in a circle, giggling and jutting her hips out as if she were on a runway. She was dressed in low slung, skin tight, black jeans, black Docs and a black halter top. Her hair was pulled back in a messy clip and her make-up was dark and smoky. She had on a silver chain belt and a…

“What the hell is that?!” exclaimed Kyle.


“That!” he said pointing to a design on her shoulder blade. It looked like a trinity symbol within a trinity symbol within a circle, “That, what is that?” he demanded.

“Oh, the tattoo,” Liz shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s the Celtic symbol for peace.”

“It’s the Celtic symbol for peace,” mimicked Kyle. “Is that all you would care to share with me?”

“What’s your problem? What do you want to know? Stop asking your questions in circles and I might be able to answer you,” shouted Liz in frustration.

“Where the hell did you get a tattoo?” exclaimed Kyle.

“I don’t know,” replied Liz. She put up her hand before he could blow up again. “You want to let me explain?” When Kyle nodded and appeared to calm down a little bit, she continued. “I’ve always had it, for as long as I can remember. My parents have never said anything about it, but it’s part of my heritage. Yes, I’m from Ireland. No, no one else knows this. I don’t know why my family kept it a secret, but they did, I guess it’s because I’m adopted. Yes, I’m adopted let’s all have a freak out fest at that tidbit of information shall we?” She looked at Kyle and sighed. “I didn’t purposefully keep the adoption thing a secret, it’s just a gut instinct that I have to keep it from as many people as possible, which until you was… everybody. I’ve always kept it hidden with body make up. Does that answer about all of your questions?” At his dumbfounded nod, she smiled. “Well I guess it’s time to go then. Kyle, are you coming?” she hollered back to him as she began making her way to the elevator.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” he muttered to himself as he raced after her.

“Hey Doyle, how’s it going? You pick up any good looking Irish girls that I need to approve of?” smirked Cordelia.

“Delia, just because I think of you as a sister, doesn’t mean you have to…. ARGH!!! Bloody hell!” screamed Doyle as he slumped in his chair, his head banging off the desk. The poor Irishman had suffered another vision from the Powers that Be and was currently undergoing the after affects- mind numbing pain. He looked up as Cordelia rushed back in the room with Angel-and water and painkillers.

“Doyle, are you ok? What did you see?” asked an anxious Angel. The brooding vampire had been on edge lately, having nightmares of a time long ago. A time he wished he could forget. He could feel something was coming, he just didn’t know what.

Cordelia held the water bottle that was unceremoniously thrust back into her hands and sniffed disdainfully, “God Doyle could you be any more ungracious, I mean I know you have these mind splitting visions, but still.”

“Cordelia please be quiet,” growled Angel.

“Fine, you don’t have to go all grr on me, I’ll just sit over here and wait…”


“Sorry geez, what crawled up your butt and died?”

“Angel, I saw two teenagers, a girl and a boy outside of ‘Celts’. Vampires were attacking them. They were holding their own, but it’s only a matter of time.” He grabbed his friend’s arm as he went to grab stakes. “Angel she felt familiar, and I’m coming with you.”

“Doyle, I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” started Angel.

“I need to go, I don’t know why, but I feel like I have to be there. Please don’t argue with me, mate. I’m coming with ya, whether you like it or not.”

At the look in his friend’s eyes, Angel didn’t argue again. He turned to Cordelia, “Get ready for company, I have the feeling they may be staying with us.” With that he turned on his heel, duster flapping out behind him. “C’mon Doyle,” he shouted back.

“G’night ‘Delia,” he said affectionately. “We’re off to slay some more big bads.”

Cordelia sighed as she watched them walk out of the hotel that was their base of “Angel Investigations”.

“Yet another night of evil stopping for them and me being bored out of my mind stuck back here,” she muttered.

Once the two men were in the car and on their way Angel spoke. “Doyle, what’s going on? You never make it a big deal to come with me. I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but this feels different.” He glanced at the Irishman out of the corner of his eye. “Doyle?”

Doyle seemed to shrug out of the zone he was in and looked to the vampire. “Aye, this is different. I don’t rightly know how to explain it, but I felt a connection to this girl. She knows us Angel, both of us. She may not recognize it now, but she is a big deal. Whatever is happening with her is a big deal.” He said no more and Angel let him be as he sunk into a daze over this girl.

Angel had never seen his friend this way over a vision, and could only hope things would work out fine. “We’re here,” he stated as they pulled up outside of ‘Celts’. “Do you think she’s Irish? Normally this place doesn’t get many who aren’t Irish.”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out sooner or later. I’d rather it be sooner and us save her than later and lose her.”

“All right let’s go. Don’t make a move until you see them in the situation from the vision, or in another state of danger. We don’t want to scare her off.”

The two men made their way into the packed club, even though it was normally only graced by those from Ireland or with Irish heritage, they still did well for themselves. Some of the college students came by on nights when they wanted to deviate from the normal club-hopping scene and apparently this was one of those nights due to the crowd packed inside. Doyle scanned the throng of people, looking for the brunette from his vision. It was hard to see through the writhing bodies dancing along to the music. The crowd parted and he saw her in the center of the dance floor, dancing with the blonde boy from the vision. He watched her hair fan out behind her as she moved from side to side, then she turned and their eyes connected. Doyle felt a surge go through his body at the contact and he sucked in a breath, he saw hazy recognition in her eyes as well. He turned to the vampire as he was bumped and shaken out of the trance she had put on him with just one look. “Angel, that’s her… that’s the girl.”

“I know,” said the vampire grimly. “Whatever just happened to you, happened to me too. I feel like I should know her from somewhere.”

“What do you think it was?”

“I don’t know, but keep an eye out.”

They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty
But I don't give a damn
Getting boys is how I live

Liz danced up a storm to the music; her body had luster to it from the sweat she’d built up. She grinned up at Kyle as he danced in front of her. She was having the best time in her life. “Let’s show these stuck up city kids our stuff, eh?” She grinned mischievously up at Kyle and noticed his eyes dart around as well to the crowd that had built up to watch them. He wrapped his arms around her possessively at the leers Liz was gaining from the men in the club. He didn’t think about her as any more than a great friend, but he didn’t want these guys to get the wrong idea. They were quite the pair out on the floor, they moved in sync with each other and flowed together like they were one body. She looked around again and stopped dead at the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. They captured her attention and held it. She sensed a spark of recognition and it was suddenly gone as his attention was pulled from her. Looking up at the man who’d come to stand next to him she felt her heart stop at the warm brown eyes hidden behind shadows flickering around the room. She felt a kinship with this tall man. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt like she should know him. She looked back to Kyle who was calling her back from the trap she’d been in. Snared by eyes across a dance floor, how cliché.

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
that's my prerogative

“You ready to dance?” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing the two men to flee from her mind for the moment. Letting her body go and just flow to the music and the form Kyle set for her she let everything just leave her mind. Grinding her hips into Kyle’s she ran her hands up through her hair and grinned up at him, daring him to take their dance farther. He smirked back at her and bent her backwards, running his hand down the valley of her breasts; he felt a giggle leave her mouth from the tickling sensation. As the pulsing beat from the speakers continued, she felt Kyle dip her. He ran his hand up her back to tangle in her hair and when he pulled her back up she spun out, flinging her arms wide as if embracing the city and all it had to offer. She giggled as he jerked her back in, her leg wrapped around his waist with his hand gripping her thigh and both of them breathing hard as the song ended. Cheers erupted around them from all those who had watched and it was at that moment Liz remembered the two men. She looked around and not seeing them began dragging Kyle out of the club. “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought we were having fun in there.”

“We were. It’s just I saw something…. someone and now I need to see if I really did recognize them. Damn it! I don’t know where they went! C’mon.” Liz grabbed Kyle and ran around the corner of the building.

“Liz, I don’t think going down a dark alley in L.A. is your brightest idea ever,” joked Kyle hesitantly.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to protect you,” smirked Liz.

“Heh, that’s funny but you don’t instill confidence. No offense.”

“None taken.”

The two friends spun around as they heard footsteps. They turned to see five men with funny, bumpy faces and glowing eyes. “Liz, what the hell is that?” whispered Kyle. “Hey guys, we don’t want any problems, we’re just passing through,” he called uncomfortably.

“You might not want anything,” snarled the apparent leader, “but we do. We want the vessel of peace.”

“The what-tel of what?” asked Kyle confused.

“Kyle, they’re vampires. Don’t piss them off.”

“Huh? How the hell do you know that? Liz, you’re crazy! Vampires don’t exist!”

“Tell that to them. I don’t know how I know, but I do… get behind me.” When he didn’t move, just looked at her incredulously, she physically shoved him behind her. “Stay back there,” she growled. Walking forward towards the vampires, she watched as they began circling her. “Boys can’t we work this out? I don’t know what you want, but we most certainly aren’t going to get in your way.”

“Don’t try and play games…. we want you. His blood will also do nicely to fill us for the moment,” snarled one of the vampires as he charged. Liz lunged out of the way as her eyes changed color, they were bright yellow now, and she hissed at the vampires as they swung at her. She ran up the wall and flipped behind two of them, crashing their skulls together and hearing a satisfying crunch. While she was preoccupied with those two, a third came up and grabbed her around the neck, holding a knife to her throat. He exploded in a cloud of dust and Liz turned to see Kyle huddled behind the two men from the club; the brown-eyed one had his arm still extended from whatever he had thrown. The blue-eyed one came over and plunged stakes into the two that she had cracked and they watched as the last two vampires fled. Liz turned to face the men, enraged that her kill had been taken away. She lunged at the brown-eyed one, adrenaline pumping through her system and releasing the beginning of what she had been feeling in her dreams. She could feel the primal instincts kicking in and was ready to tear anyone who got in her way apart, but she was grabbed around the neck as she came within arms reach.

Angel took in the girl before him, he sniffed her and she seemed familiar. “You’re not a real vampire, but I don’t know what or you are. Although you do smell familiar,” he growled as she continued struggling. He pushed the hair out of her face and looked into brown eyes, identical to his own. “Beth?” he whispered in shock.

Liz stopped struggling as the name struck a chord in her; she looked up at the man who held her around the neck. Looking into his eyes, she felt all the strength leave her, “Liam?” she croaked, and with that she passed out.

lyrics were "My Prerogative" by Britney Spears originally by Bobby Brown

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 5

She was nearing consciousness again. She could hear muffled voices around her although she couldn’t distinguish any of them. Cracking her eyes open she looked around the room she was in. It was unfamiliar and panic shot through her. Where was Kyle? What had happened last night? Did she really fight vampires… what the hell was happening to her? She heard a voice, this one distinctly male, “You’re awake, that’s good,” the voice was filled with relief and had an Irish accent to it. As she rolled over croaking for water, she looked into the blue eyes from last night. This time she could clearly see his face and the beauty that shone through was more breathtaking than she had imagined. He had unruly black hair and slightly pale features with high cheekbones, a strong nose and kissable looking lips. His facial structure only set off his ice blue eyes even more…and they were gorgeous.

“Are you ok?” the man asked, concern present in his voice.

“Where’s my friend?” croaked Liz, her throat still not soothed.

“The blonde? He’s ok, he’s asleep over there on the couch,” said the man pointing across the room. He felt a pang at the thought that this gorgeous creature might be with the boy. “My name’s Doyle. Well technically Doyle’s my last name. My full name is Allen Francis Doyle, but you can just call me Doyle. What’s your name?”

Liz sat up, already feeling better than she had just a few minutes ago. “My name’s Liz, Liz Parker, but I feel like there’s more to me than that. I feel like half of me is missing. Maybe your friend can help me. I feel like I should know him from somewhere. What’s his name again…?” she blushed as she trailed off, realizing that she had been rambling. Here she was in front of this gorgeous man, who’s probably taken, she thought gloomily, and she was asking about his friend. She must look like a moron. She looked up and saw him grinning down at her, causing her to blush again and duck her head.

Doyle’s grin grew to a smile as he stared down at her. “My friend from last night? The big broody looking brunette? His name is Angel.”

Liz stared at him in confusion. “I remember him, but I know that’s not what I called him… I called him Liam. Why does that name sound familiar? Damn it, I feel so lost, and I don’t know what to do or who I am.”

Doyle sat down next to her on the bed and opened his arms in silent invitation; he wanted to offer comfort of some kind. He knew what it was like to feel between worlds and not know how to exist. He never dreamed Liz would move over and snuggle into his embrace. He closed his arms around her and leaned back against the headboard as he felt her sigh against his chest. He just lay there holding her until the silence was broken by her small voice. “Where are we?”

“We’re at the ‘Hyperion Hotel’. Angel owns it, and it’s our base of business - we run an investigation company. It’s called ‘Angel Investigations’ because he’s the boss and does the most footwork.” He glanced down as he heard a small, sleepy “oh” come from Liz.

“Doyle, what’s happening to me? How did I fight those things last night and why did I attack Angel?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out. You would be better off asking Angel these things, but we’re going to do all we can. If you and your friend want to stay here until things get worked out then you can. We all live here in the hotel, so there’s plenty of room. besides I think your friend already took care of you guys’ stuff.”

“Thanks Doyle, that means a lot and his name’s Kyle.” At his confused look she elaborated by pointing to her snoring friend, “His name is Kyle, and he’s one of my best friends. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” They both looked up as a knock sounded on the door.

Kyle grunted and shot awake, looking around the room panicked until he saw Liz lying on the bed with that guy Doyle. He had found out a lot of information from Angel last night on the way to the Hyperion, after getting his and Liz’s stuff from the hotel they had been staying at. However he wasn’t sure how he felt about the close vicinity they were in… hey Liz was his best friend, he had a right to worry. “Well, glad to see you awake, dear friend. You had me worried, and what would I tell our other friends if I let something happen to you here? Michael and Alex would probably kill me, and Tess, Maria and Isabel would castrate me. And Max, well I don’t rightly give a damn about him. He can continue to moon over you all he wants,” smirked Kyle. “By the way, don’t worry about the door. By all means, let me get that for you two. Don’t strain yourselves.”

“Glad to see the trauma of last night didn’t affect your mouth or sense of humor,” stated Liz wryly.

Kyle fluttered his eyelashes dramatically as he threw the door open, “Well hello there. Liz, it’s our kind host Angel. Kind host Angel, officially meet my dear friend Liz.”

Angel nodded a greeting as he walked into the room, followed by Cordelia. He noted how comfy Liz and Doyle seemed and felt something stir inside of him, it seemed…. protective? “Hello Liz, Doyle. Are you alright from last night?” he asked Liz.

“Oh yeah, she’s fine after being attacked by vampires and turning all grr herself…” exclaimed Cordelia sarcastically.

Grr?” asked Kyle skeptically.

Liz glared at him then turned to Angel. “Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s a little fuzzy…yep, definite overkill with the fuzziness, but other than that I’m good. I don’t know what happened to me or why I did the things I did, let alone how I could do them. Wait… I called you something different than Angel, and you called me Beth. Why?”

Angel sighed and ran a hand over his face, sending a plea up to the Powers that Be that whatever was happening would work out. “Do you know what I am?” he asked her first.

“Yes, you’re a vampire.” She looked at Doyle and Kyle’s dumbfounded expressions, “What?”

“How did you know that darlin’?” asked a bewildered Doyle. “Nobody can ever figure out what he is, and when they do it’s normally to late.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know until he showed me and it was freaky!!” exclaimed Kyle. “And again the question of ‘how do you know these things?’ comes up…”

Liz looked frustrated. “I don’t know… it’s all part of this missing piece of my life. I feel like I should know him, but it’s coming as a blank.”

Angel spoke up again. “I am a vampire, but a good one. My name is Angel, and I have a soul. When I was first turned my name was Angelus, that’s the demon inside of me and what comes out if I lose my soul.”

Liz interrupted him. “Your real name isn’t Angelus, it’s Liam. I called you that last night. I remember.”

Angel looked startled yet again. This was the most distracted Doyle had ever seen him. “Yes, my mortal name was Liam, but there hasn’t been anyone alive in over two centuries to know that, how do you?”

“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “But you called me Beth. Why?”

“Beth was my little sister. We were closer than any one else. I loved her more than life itself, but when I was turned, the demon came in and took over. I killed Beth by draining her dry. She was only seventeen.” Angel looked down at the carpet, staring hard and trying to keep the tears back.

“Hey-Seventeen. Isn’t that when you started having the nightmares?” asked Kyle.

Angel looked up sharply. “Nightmares?” What if they were the same ones he had been having? What the hell was going on? Liz suddenly looked pale as she recalled her nightmares. She glanced back up at Angel and gasped as she connected his face to her nightmares. “What, what’s wrong?”

“You,” she said shakily, “you are in my dreams. But it’s not you, it’s a bad version of you, and it’s not this time…. I’m so confused; I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Cordelia spoke up again, “Maybe she’s this little sister of yours reincarnated…. What?” As everyone continued to stare at her strangely she elaborated. “It makes sense doesn’t it? Liz or Beth here starts having nightmares of you on her…. seventeenth birthday?” she looked to Liz for confirmation. “All right seventeenth birthday, which happens to be the same year you killed her back then. Doyle just happens to have a vision of her so you two go galloping off into the sunset, or lack thereof, to save her.”

Liz interrupted and turned to Doyle, “Vision?”

“I’ll tell ya later.”

“Can I continue, please?” glared Cordelia. When everyone was silent she finished. “You two save her after she has gone all grr,” she glanced at Kyle as she said this and noticed a smirk tugging at his lips. “But she’s really not all grr. She can go out in the sunlight, so obviously something is going on. Is there anything else we should know about, from anyone?”

Angel cleared his throat. “I’ve been having nightmares too…” at Doyle and Cordelia’s shocked looks he went to continue. “They’ve been about Beth, and the night I killed her…”

“Two weeks right?” asked Liz quietly. Everyone turned to look at her “That’s how long I’ve been having my dreams, since my seventeenth birthday about two weeks ago, and they’ve been about me as Beth dying.”

“See, it only proves my point more,” exclaimed Cordelia triumphantly. “But if you are Angel’s reincarnated little sister then why are you here, now?”

“She doesn’t know Delia,” said Doyle, still at his place holding Liz.

“Maybe it has something to do with that tattoo you have Liz,” exclaimed Kyle.

“What tattoo?” asked Angel sharply.

Liz moved away from Doyle, to expose her shoulder blade. “I’ve had it for as long as I can remember, it’s the….”

“Celtic symbol for peace…” breathed Doyle and Angel in unison. “Wait your Irish?” asked Doyle, noticing her accent flowing out.

“Yeah, but I was raised in New Mexico so it doesn’t come out very often, only when I’m really pissed or around others who are Irish.”

“Oh good Lord, save me!” exclaimed Cordelia. “Now I’ve got three Irish people to deal with instead of just two.”

Angel was still scrutinizing Liz’s tattoo when he suddenly turned for the door, “I recognize that symbol as more than just the tattoo; I’ll be right back.”

After watching him walk out, Liz turned back to Doyle. “So visions huh? Like of the future? That’s how you saw me and Kyle?”

“Yeah, they’re not all that great though. They’re mind-numbing and can bloody hit at any time. Sometimes the after affects last longer than others. Like this one for instance. Seeing you… my head still hurts from that one. The more important the message, the longer the pain can last. So I guess you’re pretty important,” he smiled at her. “What are you doing?” he asked as she raised her hands on either side of his head.

“I don’t exactly know, but trust me, please…” At the look in her eyes, Doyle just nodded his acquiescence; he did trust her, even though he’d only known her for the past few hours. “Keep your eyes focused on me,” she instructed “and breathe deeply.” As they connected they got flashes of each others lives, when they pulled back Liz sucked in a deep breath, regaining her slipping consciousness, damn apparently I did get powers from Maxwell.

“My pain’s gone,” exclaimed Doyle. “Whoa, wait a second… ANGEL GET YOUR BLOODY ASS BACK IN HERE NOW!” he hollered.

“You saw what I am?” asked Liz expectantly.

“I saw who you are, learning what you are would take far too much time… But it’s time I want to have.” He smiled down at her, feeling his heart start thundering in his chest when she smiled back up at him.

Angel came rushing back in the room with what appeared to be a heavy book in his hands. “What? What is it?”

“Angel, she healed me and when she did I got these flashes of her life. She’s Beth man… she’s your little sister, I can’t explain why she’s here now or what’s happening, but she is Beth.”

At the confirmation of what had been swirling in both their heads, Liz and Angel moved hesitantly towards each other. Joy was filled with cautiousness as to the fact that they barely knew each other but as soon as they both mumbled their old names their memories came flooding back and they leapt at each other. Tears were streaming down their faces as they embraced after two centuries of being apart. Angel kept muttering, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” And Liz just soothed him and held her big brother in her arms once again.

“Maybe we should give ‘em some privacy,” suggested Doyle as he watched his best friend hug his newfound little sister. He herded Kyle and Cordelia out of the room, knowing there would be time for what was to come. Quietly he shut the door on the siblings, and walked down the hall.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm lovin' the fact that you are all lovin' this story!! I'm really enjoying writing this story so I hope to get more parts out soon... :D I'm lovin' the feedback and I can't wait to see more... I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for reading this and hope you enjoy the next parts. I hope this chapter cleared up some of the questions over the Liz/Angel connection... I'm just glad I had you confused... it makes me all warm and fuzzy to be able to pull off something like that.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 6

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Liz looked up at her… big brother. She couldn’t believe it; she was here with him, after two weeks of dreaming about him, fearing it was all that, a dream, she was here. She didn’t know what was happening because it turned out that things couldn’t possibly be normal for her, but she finally felt whole. “What do you want me to call you, Liam or Angel?” she asked hesitantly.

“Whichever you want, everybody else calls me Angel. And what about you Liz or Beth?”

“Well, I’ll call you Angel, until you’re in trouble,” she smirked mischievously. “Everybody calls me Liz, but it doesn’t matter.”

“I’ll call you Liz for now, and Beth when you’re in trouble,” he smirked back at her. “See it works both ways.” He paused, “I think we still have things to discuss, like your tattoo, so we should probably go back downstairs,” he said reluctantly.

“Yeah, there are things to be discussed, like…. oh shit!”

“What? And you shouldn’t be using language like that…”

“You’ve been my big brother for all of thirty minutes and you’re already criticizing my language uses,” muttered Liz. “Kyle and I are supposed to leave and go back for Roswell today. Our week has expired. She looked up as a knock sounded on the door.

Doyle poked his head in. “Boss, we’ve got company. They say they’re Liz’s parents.” At Liz’s startled look he just shrugged.

“All right well let’s get downstairs and find out what’s going on,” sighed Angel. “And be ready for anything that might happen. I’m not losing my sister after I’ve just found her.” The three walked out and began their way downstairs, Liz in the middle.

Reaching the lobby, Liz looked around in awe of the beauty of this hotel. Turning she saw her parents, “Mom, daddy, what are you doing here?” She looked up as she heard Angel growling softly beside her.

“They’re Watchers.”

“Watchers, what the hell is that?” asked Liz.

“Elizabeth Parker, watch your language. We didn’t raise you to speak that way,” scolded her ‘mother’.

“You shouldn’t have raised her at all,” growled Angel. “It should’ve been me. You should’ve given her to me. I’m her brother!”

“Yes, let’s give her to you. Back when you were living in the sewers, or in Sunnydale when you were preoccupied with the slayer, or maybe when you were sent to Hell? Tell us exactly when you would’ve found time to care for your little sister,” said her ‘father’ drolly. His easy going, bored appearance disappeared as his face turned hard. “Don’t cross us Angelus. We have been around long before you and so has this prophecy. You don’t always get what you want and this is one of those times. Be grateful you get your sister now.”

Liz growled low in her throat. “Don’t threaten my brother.”

“Aw gods save us, she’s turning already, becoming more and more like him,” exclaimed Jeff.

“Leave her alone, and let me speak,” scolded Nancy. “Besides the point of this was to get her to change, she has to be ready.”

“Umm… Mrs. Parker, what’s going on?” spoke up Kyle hesitantly.

“I’m about to explain what I can if you would all hush!”

“First off Liz, know this, we only did what we thought was best for you. As for what’s happening, we can only tell you what we’ve been allowed to tell you. You are the reincarnated Beth. Because Angelus drained you over two hundred years ago, there are some interesting side effects to this reincarnation…” she was interrupted by Liz.

“His name’s not Angelus, it’s Angel.”

“Very well, Angel,” she strained, and then continued talking to Liz. “You are half vampire; in essence you have all their strengths with none of their weaknesses. You will crave the fight and kill but not necessarily the blood, however that cannot be foreseen… sometimes the thirst takes over and you have no choice. You can go out in daylight obviously and not be adversely affected. All the normal things like crosses and what not don’t affect you. However should you take a stake to the heart, you will die, as would any mortal. Now as for you staying with… Angel… as I’m sure you want to. We called your school and got your diploma. See? It pays to be studious. Anyways you have officially graduated early and are free to stay here.”

Liz looked like Christmas had come early. “I can stay here? You mean it?

“If it’s all right with… Angel,” said Jeff.

“She’s staying,” stated Angel, his tone brooked no discussion or argument.

“One thing… Angel… you have to teach her how to control her strength. You must teach her how to fight; she will be used as a champion in the end. She will fight alongside you and the slayer and she must be ready.”

Both Liz and Angel interrupted at that.

“Whoa end fight, champion? Excuse me?”

“There’s no way in hell I’m subjecting her to being used as a puppet.”

Jeff’s voice boomed out, “You have no choice Angelus, she will fight or she will die. It was preordained and you don’t get a say in the matter. She is the peace bringer, whether for good or evil is still to be decided. You, Angelus have no choice in which side she chooses… let’s just say it’s a test, and if she passes she will fight alongside you, if she fails, you will fight against each other in the end.” He nodded curtly at everyone then turned, “Liz, I’m sure everything will be explained to you.”

“Does this have something to do with her tattoo?” asked Cordelia.

“Oh yeah, and the fact that those vampires last night called her a weasel of something…” added Kyle.

Liz looked at him, eyebrow arched in disbelief, choking back her laughter she schooled her features and asked coolly, “You mean vessel?”

“Yeah, that’s it,” he smiled proudly.

“The vessel of peace?” asked Doyle. At her nod he whistled low, “Well I’ll be damned, I always thought that was just a fairy tale.”

“You mean like vampires and demons?” smirked Cordelia.

“Yeah, well y’know…” he trailed off.

“So what’s a vessel of peace?” asked Liz expectantly.

“It’s the symbol of your tattoo,” replied Angel slowly and unsurely. “The bringer of peace to the universe would have it branded on their skin.”

“So that means I’m good right?”

“Not exactly… if the vampires wanted you then that may mean they think you’re their vessel. There are no set perimeters to this prophecy. You could be used for good or evil, as Jeff said.”

“But I’m good, you’re my brother and you’re good, and Doyle’s good and so is Cordelia… you’re all good, and I’m good so I’m good,” she rambled hysterically.

“Shh… it’s ok. You’re good, you don’t have to be evil it’s your choice.”

“In a manner of speaking,” said Jeff.

“What does that mean?” asked Angel, glaring at him.

“As I said, there is a test, if she passes she will fight alongside you. If she doesn’t well… I have all faith that she will pass.”

“I guess I’m buddy-less on the way home, and actually once I get home,” said Kyle brightly to break the tension. At Liz’s look he amended his comment. “It’s ok Liz, I was just kidding. I will miss you but this is more important, and I guess I have Tess.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I mean I obviously can’t tell the others back home about this, but it’ll be cool.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about the others… Kyle you can’t tell them where I am or what’s happened. If you do Max will probably come and tear apart the city trying to find me. I don’t want them anywhere near me while I’m here.”

At Liz’s tone both Angel and Doyle looked at her. “Who’s Max?” they growled, both for different reasons. Angel glanced sharply at his Irish friend, but let it go.

“He’s my asshole ex-boyfriend,” said Liz. “I left him and he can’t accept that. He wants me back.”

“I won’t tell any of them,” swore Kyle. “But I need to be going; it’s a long trip back. I’ll miss you Liz,” he said as he came over and pulled her into a huge bear hug.

“I’ll miss you too Kyle,” she said tearing up slightly.

“No tears, you’ve cried enough lately. Besides what do you have to cry about? You just found your brother and two new friends and I’ll call you every chance I get.” He released her and turned to walk outside to the Bronco. However, he was stopped by Cordelia calling out to him.

“You should come visit soon. We can get to know each other,” she smiled at him.

He smiled back, a slow easy smile that spread across his face. “I’ll get back to you… bye Liz. Angel, Doyle, take care of her.”

“Hey I don’t need people to take care of me…”

“Yeah, yeah, I know you’re ‘not that innocent’” he darted out the door smirking dangerously.

“Do I want to know?” asked Angel.


“All right, now that everything seems to be taken care of, I believe we will take our leave as well,” said Nancy. “Liz, behave. Take care of your brother in his old age,” she smirked. “And remember to trust in those around you.”

Liz waved goodbye and turned back to her brother and new friends. “Well guys, teach me!”

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 7

(Roswell One Year Later)

Liz, pain, creatures, two men and a woman with blonde hair fighting. Death, the smell of it is everywhere, darkness, faceless people. Screams, fire, blood…

Tess shot awake as she came out of the dream, something was wrong with Liz and Kyle was damn well going to talk now. She had put up with his lame ass excuses and attempts to make them believe he didn’t know where Liz was for a year now, but when one of her friends was in danger she wasn’t going to take it anymore. “Kyle!” she screeched, storming into his room. “Kyle, wake up! I’m calling the others over and we are going to talk NOW!”

“Damn Tess, can’t a guy get some sleep? What’s wrong?”

“I just had a nightmare, maybe a vision, it sure as hell felt like one, involving Liz, so I’m calling the others and you are going to tell us where she is…” growled Tess. She left Kyle struggling to get out of bed and stormed into the kitchen to call the others. After arguing with Max and Michael over the phone, she got them to agree to come out. For Max it wasn’t that hard, he was still head over heels for Liz. For Michael, she played on his protector spirit and when she called Alex he instantly agreed. She figured Max and Michael would get Isabel and Maria there so she didn’t worry about calling their cell phones. Kyle came stumbling in about the time she was finishing coffee for everyone and the others all arrived. Sometimes living in a small town comes in handy; at least the Sheriff is out of town with Amy. She let the others in and they all staggered into the living room, crashing on various pieces of furniture and inhaling the coffee placed in front of them.

“Alright,” grumbled Michael. “We’re all here. Now what the hell is going on that was so important to call a meeting at five in the morning?”

Tess stood up. “I just had a horrible nightmare, it involved Liz, and I don’t know if it was the future or not, but I had a terrible feeling after it finished.”

Maria began to panic and sniff cedar oil. “Oh my God! My best friend is in trouble and we don’t know where she is!”

“Yeah, Maria has a good point,” muttered Kyle, avoiding Tess’s glare. “We don’t know where she is.”

“Well we have to find her. I won’t let her stay alone when she is in danger,” vowed Max.

“No, no, Kyle you aren’t getting off that easily,” growled Tess. “WE may not know where she is, but you do. You came back without her but never seem worried when she’s brought up. You have to tell us where she is. We need to go save her.”

Kyle groaned and tipped his head to the sky as everyone’s eyes turned to him, some hurt and some accusing. Liz, please forgive me… “All right, I know where she is. But you don’t have anything to worry about, I know who she’s with and she’s completely safe. The people she’s with would never let anything happen to her. Plus, she’s completely capable of taking care of herself.”

“What?!” shrieked Maria. “You’ve known where my best friend is this entire time and you never said anything? How dare you keep something like this from me, from us!”

“Hey, I only did what she asked of me,” defended Kyle. “She didn’t want you to know and I respected her wishes.”

“You should’ve told us. No one else should be responsible for the well being of members of our group. We’re a family and we should stick together. You shouldn’t have covered for her, you should have brought her home with you; she could get hurt out there. She doesn’t know what to do out in the world. What if she gets in trouble?” said Max quietly but firmly.

“You have no idea what you’re saying Max. If you knew even half the Liz I know, you wouldn’t be saying shit like that. And what about the real world, are we not allowed to go live in it because you say so? Because you’re too scared to step up, we have to suffer with you? I don’t think so… Liz got out of your grip, she moved on and you can’t stand it. She’s with people she loves and who love her back, people that aren’t you, and it’s destroying you. Get over yourself Max; grow up like the rest of us have. We no longer have to bow to a boy king like we once did, besides even though I have powers now doesn’t mean you’re my king,” snarled Kyle. He saw the punch coming from Max and blocked it easily, pushing him away he spat, “Sometimes I wish you weren’t so damn predictable.”

“Kyle,” murmured Tess. “Kyle please take us to Liz. I really am worried about her. This dream; it felt real… it felt close. I can’t lose one of my best friends. Please take us to her.” She looked into his eyes, imploring him to bow to her request.

Kyle looked into her tear filled eyes; she was honestly scared for Liz’s well being. “Fine,” he muttered. “Fine I’ll take you to her, but I’m calling her first and warning her. I don’t want her to flip out when she sees you guys. God knows how much damage that could do. Go home and get ready, I’ll call her and we’ll leave later today. I only hope she’s cooled down enough by the time we get there.”

“Jesus Kyle, you sound like she’s dangerous,” gasped Maria.

“You have no idea,” he mumbled under his breath. Seeing the others out, he turned to Tess, “I hope this doesn’t end in blood and flames. I don’t really want to be there when she sees you guys, but I guess I’m going to have to be. She’s changed Tess, and I’m afraid about how the others will react.”

Watching Kyle walk away Tess turned to her own room, remembering her dream. I hope this doesn’t end in blood and flames too.


“The game is up guys, they’re coming to L.A.,” sighed Liz, as she turned to face the others. “Kyle said Tess had a vision of some sort and is worried for me. He gave in and said he’d bring them.” She leaned back into Doyle as he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t know what we’re going to do when they get here. It will be kind of hard to hide something of this magnitude from them.”

“Don’t worry love, we’ll figure out something,” comforted Doyle as he placed a soft kiss in her hair. “Bloody aliens and their freaky voodoo.”

“Yes, but things are getting especially dangerous for us. Something’s coming for me and I don’t want them here when all hell breaks loose. I don’t doubt that we can handle ourselves, but what of them? They don’t have the faintest idea what’s happening everywhere in the world around us, even with their ‘freaky voodoo’.” She looked down for a minute before it registered what Doyle had said, “Hang on, how can you say that they have freaky voodoo when you see what goes on around us all the time, and I’ll have you know that my life was saved by that freaky voodoo. I may not like it but it’s true, if you remember.” She turned and smirked at Doyle before burying her head in his shoulder as he stroked her back soothingly.

“Liz, we’ll figure something out, don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you or your friends, everything will be taken care of,” said Angel, wishing he could do more to comfort his little sister. Over the past year the two had gotten extremely close as had Doyle and Liz, he thought with dismay. He knew there was nothing to be worried about with the two of them, Doyle was his best friend, but those overprotective big brother genes couldn’t help it. He figured it was a shot for him to make up for the past, atonement for that sin. However, they were now sharing a room and that brought surges of over-protectiveness welling up. Of course, Liz never let him get away with it and there had been plenty of blowouts over her being mature and him being immature. He didn’t want to deny his best friend or his little sister happiness but did they have to find it with each other? “Why don’t we all just go out tonight - skip training and just relax. Your friends will be here tomorrow and there will be plenty of time to worry then.” Cordelia began looking around suspiciously and Angel looked over. “What?”

“You want to go out and relax. I’m just looking for pigs in flight and volcanoes to come suck us into hell.”

“Been there done that,” said Angel dryly.

Liz started snickering, she couldn’t help it. At the others looks she spoke up through her laughter. “I’m not laughing at what you said,” she consoled her brother at his put out look. “I’m laughing because Kyle told me about a conversation he and Alex once had over flying pigs vs. flying monkeys and the rings of hell.” She had told Cordelia, Doyle and Angel all about her friends from Roswell, and she wanted them to meet, she just didn’t expect it to be this soon.

“All right. So if munchkin is done laughing, I guess we’ll be going out,” smirked Angel.

“Hey I’m not short, you’re just overly tall.”

“No darlin’ you’re short, but it just makes it easier for me to kiss you that way,” smiled Doyle as he leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the lips. He pulled back and watched the smile slide easily over her face.

“Uh gross, please save the PDA until my man is back in town,” grumbled Cordelia good-naturedly as Angel was making gagging gestures on the way up the stairs.

“Ah-hah! I knew something happened between you and Kyle last time he was down here, and Liam O’Brien don’t think you’re going to get away with being an immature ass!” exclaimed Liz in triumph over Cordelia and irritation at her brother. She began dancing around singing. “Cordelia and Kyle sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G…. Wait I wonder how you got in the tree…”

“Doyle do something, anything to make her stop!”

“Anything?” he asked mischievously.

“Anything. I’m going to get ready.” Cordelia began to beat a hasty retreat as Liz continued her song.

Doyle pulled Liz around to him and crashed his lips down on hers. He slid his tongue over her lips asking permission to enter her mouth and at a groan he dove right in. Twirling his tongue around hers and caressing every corner of her mouth he finally pulled back gasping. He looked down at her as she rested her forehead against his chest, trying to regain her breath. She finally looked back up at him, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling, “Feel free to stop me like that anytime.” He leered down at her and grinned rakishly, making her giggle and push him back some. He snagged her wrist and began pulling her upstairs to get ready.

Twenty minutes later Angel and Cordelia were standing back down in the lobby, waiting on Liz and Doyle when they ran downstairs, flushed and out of breath. Angel looked at Cordelia and began walking outside, muttering to himself, “I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know.” Over and over again, it was like his mantra, anything to keep him in denial.

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 8

The next day everyone was on edge, but no one more so then Liz. She knew the others were supposed to come in today, she just didn’t know when and Kyle hadn’t contacted her again since the first phone call. She wasn’t going to hold back who she was just to shelter her friends, they had to learn to accept her the way she was. She was happy now with Angel, Doyle and Cordelia; hell, she had gotten a blood brother in Angel and an almost real sister in Cordelia. The three of them were her family and she wasn’t going to leave them or give them up without a fight. She knew that her friends might have some problems with Angel and Doyle’s… special side, as well as her own, but they are aliens damn it, they better not freak out. She glanced up briefly from her pacing as Cordelia walked downstairs.

Cordelia came to sit next to Angel and Doyle who were both watching Liz pace. The three shared looks of concern and turned back to watch her. “How long has she been doing this?” murmured Cordelia.

“Almost an hour and a half,” replied Doyle, never taking his eyes off of Liz.

“She’s about to drive me insane. I know she’s worried, but she has to stop. We’ll have a hole in the floor soon if she keeps this up,” commented Angel.

“A hole? We’ll bloody well have a trench! We could probably fight a war in here and, thanks to her pacing, we’d be safe.”

“That’s it. This has to stop. Why don’t we do something to take her mind off of this? We obviously can’t go out to ‘Murphy’s’, but there must be something here we can do,” said Cordelia exasperated. ‘Murphy’s’ was a small bar downtown, it was well known with the Irish community and the four of them frequented it, with three of their group being Irish, it made sense. Liz loved it there.

Angel stood and called to Liz. When she didn’t look up or respond he strode over to her. He stood right in front of her and waited until she ran into his chest; startled she looked up. “Liz, you’ve got to stop pacing and worrying like this. You’re making yourself sick and you’re driving us insane. Why don’t we train? It’ll take your mind off of this and relieve some of the stress you’ve been building up. You and Doyle go get changed into your sparring gear and meet me back down here.”

Doyle walked up to stand next to the siblings. “That sounds like a great idea, help us get rid of the jitters jumpin’ ‘round in us.” He looked at Liz. “You ready to get your ass beat again love?” he smirked.

“You’re just doing this to make me stop pacing and worrying. You think you can bait me into doing this?” asked Liz slightly amused. She turned to run upstairs. “You’re right!” she called laughingly back at them. She shrieked as Doyle gave chase after her.

Angel smirked after his sister and Doyle as he turned to clear the lobby. “Cordelia, you want to get the c.d. player? We’ll need “Drowning Pool” I believe. It is, after all, the best adrenaline pumper.” He smirked, already feeling the adrenaline coursing through his system.

“Oh Lord, if you three beat the hell out of each other, don’t come crying to me,” said Cordelia with disdain. This was a regular occurrence for the two vampires and demon; they would beat the shit out of each other to keep in shape and to keep their minds sharp, they also seemed to find sick pleasure in it. As much as she protested it, she couldn’t help but be entranced by the way the three moved. It was almost like a dance, it was beautiful and deadly, just like the three of them.

“You know you’re going to sit here and watch and cheer, so give up on the ‘I can’t believe they go all grron each other’ face. It won’t work on me. Anyways, vampires and demons heal fast remember? You’d think after working for me for two years and knowing me before that you’d remember that,” muttered Angel as he turned to go into his office and change into his black linen fighting pants; loose fitting, they were perfect for sparring and training. He stripped out of his shirt and flipped his shoes off. He came back out just in time to see Liz come leaping down from the second floor. Landing perfectly with her legs spread she dropped one knee on the ground and looked up, she stood and assumed her fighters stance, grinning at him with her eyes alight with mischief. Angel looked her over, she was in a worn tank top, tied in the back to keep it stretched taught, and black running pants, she was also barefoot and had her hair pulled back. Doyle came next; only he chose to walk calmly back down the stairs, muttering ‘show off’ under his breath. He was barefoot as well and wearing nothing but black, linen pants, loosely hanging around his hips, kept up only by a drawstring.

“You ready get your ass kicked dear brother?” smirked Liz, already circling Angel.

“Actually sister dear, it’ll be you that’s gettin’ your ass kicked,” replied Angel, his Irish brogue coming out as the thrill of the fight washed over him.

“Are you two pansies ready to fight?” smirked Doyle.

Liz turned and growled at him, a smile crossing over her face at the twinkle in his eyes. “Let’s go boys.”

As the fight started, Cordelia hit play and the loud throbbing music washed over the room, fueling the three’s adrenaline rush and primal instincts.

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Angel swung first, and Liz ducked, she spun around to catch Doyle with a left hook and watched him go down only to come flipping back up and charge at her. She twisted out of the way as she sensed Angel coming up behind her and allowed Doyle to ram into him. She heard grunts at the impact and smiled in satisfaction. Turning she was caught by a sweeping kick administered by Angel and went down with grunt. Smirking she rolled to the side and brought down Doyle next to her. The momentum of her body swung her back up to face Angel once again. Smirking, the two circled each other. Liz dodged a right uppercut served by Angel and he nodded his head in approval.

Can't take much more
Here we go, here we go, here we go
One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

She charged Angel and took him down with the momentum of her body. She pinned him down and sat astride his chest. Snarling she looked down at him, her eyes flashing yellow and his responding in kind. “You ready to give up old man?” she smirked.

“Not when you need to be taught a lesson,” retuned Angel.

“Oh bloody…. stop your yappin’ and let’s get back to the fightin’,” said Doyle giddily.

Liz looked back to Angel and smirked as she got off of his chest turning to Doyle. “I’m comin’ lover,” the lilt in her voice making an appearance as the fight got heavier.

“I could be back in Sunnydale with Buffy fighting demons instead of watching three Irish delinquents beat each other within an inch of their lives,” muttered Cordelia. She knew that when Angel and Liz reverted back to their accents all hell was about to break loose. “Wait, what the hell am I saying? Go back to the Hellmouth, where everyone is all grr-ie? I don’t think so,” she continued to watch, casually filing her nails, flinching when an especially nasty move was pulled.

Now, Let the bodies hit the floor
Push me again, This is the end
Skin against skin blood and bone
You're all by yourself but you're not alone
You wanted in now you're here
Driven by hate consumed by fear
Let the bodies hit the floor

Liz took off running for Doyle and leapt into the air, hitting him with a flying sidekick. She landed on her feet and went running towards the wall. Running up, she flipped backwards and landed behind her brother as he spun around to face her once again. “Very good,” he murmured in approval.

“I learned from the best,” she smiled. Throwing a punch and having it blocked she then aimed a well-placed kick at his stomach she sent him flying backwards. Spinning around to regain her balance after the powerful kick, she looked at him, “And the student surpasses the master.”

“Eh, what are you doin’ quotin’ “Star Wars” in a fight like this?” asked Doyle amused as he charged her once again. He flew backwards before he reached her and was slammed against the wall by Angel.

“This fight has now become between brother and sister, just a bit o sibling rivalry,” he growled, slapping his friend lightly on the shoulder. “A’ight, munchkin it’s just you an’ me,” he smirked. “Show me what you got.”

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Liz and Angel began circling each other. Their muscles rippled as they moved and their eyes shifted to yellow. Charging each other, they were flung apart before they could hit. “What the hell?” snarled an enraged Liz. She looked up to see Kyle and the others standing in the entry. Kyle was trying to get Max’s hand back down as quickly as possible, and the others appeared to be in shock. “Stay out of this,” she growled as both she and Angel stood, shaking themselves out. “Let’s finish this,” she said to him, smirking.

“Liz don’t you think you two should stop with the ‘Braveheart’ worthy fight and put on your fun faces?” asked Cordelia.

“Oy, Delia, we’re Irish not bloody Scotch….” grumbled Doyle from his place next to her. He stood ready to jump in against the Roswellians if the others needed it.

“Let’s just say I need closure,” she growled.

They flew at each other, arms and legs a flurry of motion. Sweat was pouring off of their bodies and harsh breathing could be heard around the room as the song ended and the next one started.

Yeah, you've been living on the edge of a broken dream.
Yeah, that's the only thing you'll ever take away from me.
I'm never gonna stop, I'm never gonna drop,
Ain't no different than it was before. So take some good advice,
You better stop and think twice,
Before you take your first step, Out that door.

Angel pinned Liz to the floor, smirking down at her. “You ready to give up?”

“Not a chance in hell,” spat Liz, grinning dangerously as she flipped them and landed herself securely on top of Angel. She pinned his arms and sat upon his legs, looking down at him. “You ready to give up? I can go all day,” she asked a feral smile spreading across her face.

Angel flipped her off of him and jumped to his feet, circling her like a predator. She in turn began to slowly back away until she was next to the weapons cabinet. She turned and opened it, pulling out a sword. She tossed it to Angel and he caught it soundly. She then pulled one out for herself and tested its weight by tossing it hand to hand. Grinning at the lightness of it, she began spinning it around her body, hearing the blade cut through the air.

“Liz, are you sure that’s safe?” asked a worried Maria, momentarily coming out of her trance.

“I know what I’m doing,” snarled Liz in reply. Bringing the blade slicing back to her side in a downward arc, she mentally appreciated the power and danger of the blade; it may be light but when sharpened, it was the sharpest metal on earth. It could easily cut down an opponent. She glanced at Angel and smirked; pulling the sword up to the side of her face at eye level she bowed slightly to him, acknowledging that she was now ready. She saw him bow back and then drop into his fighting stance. Assuming her own they then rushed each other again.

If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down.
You had your chance to walk away.
Live to see another day.

The clang of metal reverberated throughout the room and sparks flew as Angel and Liz brought their swords together again and again. They moved fluidly, anticipating each other’s moves and blocking them. In Cordelia’s mind the dance had just become more beautiful and more dangerous. She knew they could handle themselves and wouldn’t intentionally hurt each other, but she still couldn’t help but worry. She flinched as Angel began to use his advantage of height and weight against Liz.

“Give up, Beth…” he growled while smirking at the obvious strain she was under to keep him off her.

“Hell no! Just because you’re bigger than me doesn’t mean you’re about to win.” She stepped back and knelt bringing the butt of her sword up to connect with Angel’s groin.

“That’s dirty,” he gasped as pain rushed through him. Liz knocked his sword away and brought the point to his neck. Watching as he hit the ground “What can I say?” she smirked. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” She gasped as Angel brought his leg up and around to kick the sword from her hands.

“You’re slackin’ off Beth. You shouldn’t let your guard down like that,” he wheezed, moving to tackle her once again.

Gaining leverage on the floor, she flipped them over and landed on top of him, pinning him to the floor as best she could, “It won’t happen again brother. You just got a lucky shot in.”

And now you've crossed that line...
You must be out your mind…. Go.
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down).
If you wanna step up (step up),
You're gonna get knocked down.
You had your chance to walk away.
Live to see another day.

“That’s what I like to hear,” he grinned, flipping them backwards and once again landing on top of her, hearing the air leave her body in a whoosh. Liz threaded her legs through his and spun them around so they were both lying interlocked in each other’s legs. “I think it’s a tie,” she said panting for breath, as they both struggled to free their legs without giving the other an advantage.

“I think you’re right,” said Angel gasping. Disentangling themselves from each other they rolled to lie on the floor next to each other, both sucking in air and laughing. “I think you should go see to your friends, make sure they’re not too scarred.”

Liz flipped herself back up onto her feet and turned to help Angel up. He accepted her hand gratefully and got up groaning. “I told ya you were getting old,” she smirked.

“I’m not too old to beat you Beth,” said Angel irritatedly.

“Don’t start with me Liam; I guess after two hundred years you start to lose your touch. I just beat your ass. Very nicely I might add.”

“She did at that mate,” laughed Doyle. “What would the others say if they knew you were gettin’ beat by a girl?”

“Buffy beat him all the time back in Sunnydale,” spoke up Cordelia.

“No need to take a trip down memory lane Cordelia. Besides I hate that road,” growled Angel.

“I think it’s getting to the point where I need to really sit down and talk with Buffy,” smirked Liz. “Any other girl who can take down my brother, well she’s a friend.” Liz had gotten to know the older girl a little bit when she had come to L.A. to help with something. They didn’t get that much time to bond though. It’s most definitely time for us to get together again. Although it may come sooner than I’d like, especially for this particular reason.

“Beth,” growled Angel again.

“Liam,” she mocked.

“Are you two done yet? I mean, damn, if I didn’t know better, I’d think the two of you got even more of the sibling bickering thing down since I’ve been gone,” exclaimed Kyle. “What happened to all the nice hosting that happened last time I was here? You’re losing your politeness Lizziebeth… you’ve been hanging out with these two for to long.” He casually walked down the stairs to embrace Liz and shake Angel and Doyle’s hands, he then walked over to Cordelia, “Hey darling, these Irish punks aren’t driving you to crazy are they?”

“Never, I know how to handle them, they know that if they ever go to psycho grr-iethen I’ll make a call to Wesley,” she smirked at the others loud exclamations of protest with involving the ex-watcher turned “rogue demon hunter”. “Now give me some loving, I missed you.”

“Good Lord Angel! And you call me and Doyle disgusting?” asked Liz as she stared at her best friend and Cordelia devouring each other’s faces. “Hey if you two are done sucking each others faces, I could use your help with these statue impostors.” She turned to her friends and moved to make introductions. “Guys, we’ve got enough decoration here… snap out of it. I’d like you to meet some people. This is my brother Angel, my boyfriend Doyle, and one of my good friends Cordelia, who is currently hoovering Kyle’s face. They already know who you guys are,” she said, addressing the Roswell group. She looked at them, expecting something, anything, but got nothing - no reaction at all. “Guys, you ok?”

“Brother?” asked Maria hesitantly.

“Yep,” she grinned. “’Tis him indeed, my old brother” she smirked, emphasizing the word old.

“Where the hell did your accent come from?” asked Michael. “And where did you learn to fight like that? I thought you called him Liam earlier. What’s up with your eyes?”

“Bloody hell, can’t you ask one question at a time?” asked Doyle. “We’ll answer your questions, but first you have to know the back story.” He came up and wrapped his arms around Liz, Angel moving to her right side and Cordelia and Kyle who finally removed themselves from each other long enough, came up on her left. They presented a united front and the Roswellians realized it might be harder to bring Liz home than they had originally thought.

Max spoke up from his place in the front of the group. “Liz, I’m sure you can tell us all about it on the way home, but for now we need to leave. You’re in danger.”

“Hell Max, did you see the way she was just fighting? I think she can take care of herself,” spoke up Alex.

“No, we came to get her and now we’re taking her home. She doesn’t need to stay here. She should be home, safe with the rest of us.”

“SHE is right here, and you can go home and be safe, but for me I am home,” growled Liz.

“Liz, you’re not thinking rationally. Chica, you have to see we only have your best interest at heart,” sniffled Maria.

“If you have my best interest at heart, then you’ll leave now before you get hurt.”

“Liz, is that a threat?” asked Tess, hurt shining in her eyes.

“No, it’s not a threat, but I don’t want you here because I don’t want you to get hurt. Doyle, Angel, Cordelia and I are equipped to handle what’s coming. You guys will just be a distraction.”

“Liz, we are, you know… special. We can protect you better than they can. What have you learned here, just how to fight? That won’t protect you from our enemies,” insisted Max.

“God Max, there’s a saying… ‘There are those who are silent and thought to be ignorant, and then there are those who open their mouths and remove all doubt.’ Well you seem to constantly remove all doubt. Did you ever stop to think that maybe there’s more to it than your enemies? I have my own battles to fight and they don’t involve you. Not everything revolves around all things alien.”

“Liz!” gasped Isabel in shock. “You don’t have any right to tell them about us!”

“I don’t have any right? The hell I don’t! None of what is happening to me involves you four, except for the nifty powers that I seemed to have developed, but that’s not important,” she glared at them, daring anyone to say anything against her. “I didn’t ask Max to save my life and I sure as hell am not going to keep something like that from my brother. There’s more to the three of us than meets the eye, never question us again. I have my own enemies to deal with, I fight them everyday and they are a hell of a lot more dangerous than yours.” She sighed and looked wearily at them. “Now, if you want to know why I’ve been here then sit down this will take a while, but know this, I’m not leaving with you. I’m staying here with my family.”

“But…” began Max.

“No, sit down now, and shut up,” she snarled. “Angel, d’ ya want to tell them this or d’ ya want me to?” She nodded as Angel motioned for her to tell her friends, he had told her yesterday to tell them everything so she prepared to tell them their stories, including his history as Angelus.

Hesitantly the others came and sat on the furniture that had been moved back into the lobby. They all turned expectantly to Liz, almost appearing as children during story time.

“This may take you opening your minds, can you do that? And try to hold yer questions until the end,” she asked sarcastically. At their nods, she continued. “First off you’ve seen the movies about vampires and such… garlic, stakes, crucifixes, etc. The basics about vampires are true, but the rest not so much, because everyone knows the movies are shit… happy endings don’t always come and more often than not the battles rage on long after the screen dims. Plus there are other things that go bump in the night… some of them much worse than vampires.” At the others confused looks she decided to try and explain everything. “My name as you know me is Elizabeth Parker and you call me Liz, my original name was Elizabeth O’Brien and my family called me Beth. We lived in Ireland in the 1700’s; my older brother Liam, by ten years was a wayward son and the black sheep of the family, but we were closer than anyone else in the family, hell the town. One night Liam met a woman named Darla, she was a bitch who tricked my brother and turned him into a vampire. Now when you are turned into a vampire a demon possesses you. They don’t get your soul because that’s long gone, but instead they get your body. Liam and Darla came to the house one night and I invited them in thinking that my brother had been returned to me by the grace of God. I was wrong, Liam killed me, us, he killed the entire family. I was seventeen then. Fast forward two hundred years, and Liam who had become known by Angelus, the ‘Scourge of Europe’….”

“That was you?” asked Maria shocked. When Liz and the others glared at her she squeaked, “Sorry, it’s just we learned about you in my mythic history class.”

“As I was saying, he became the most fearsome and cruelest vampire the world had ever known. He and Darla terrorized Europe until gypsies cursed him. He had killed their tribe’s favorite daughter and in vengeance they restored his soul. From that point on he has been known as Angel, he is a champion for good, and has fought along side the Slayer, Buffy, the chosen one to fight against vampires and other dark creatures.”

“That’s a nice story Liz, but you can’t honestly believe we’re buying it… I mean please, vampires aren’t real and you are not over two hundred years old,” sighed Max in disbelief.

Liz glared at him, “If you would let me finish my fucking story, you might learn a thing or two,” snarled Liz in irritation. “I play into this by having a prophecy written about the favored sister of the angelic one. You’re right, I’m not two hundred years old, but someday I might be, if I live long enough. The night of my seventeenth birthday I began having nightmares of my death. The Powers that Be ordained that I would be reincarnated and be a champion for good, fighting in the end battle with Angel and Buffy. There’s more to it, but even we don’t know what’s going to happen. We’ve come to learn that the forces of evil seem to think that I’m their champion. We don’t know what’s going on or where they got that idea. Information has been short in coming and sketchy in detail, but there’s been talk of a window. No one knows what this window is or what it will be used for. I’ve stayed here the past year, training and getting to know my brother. Training came because the prophecy stated I would be a hybrid, the most powerful of the vampires, even greater than my brother. I am blessed or cursed whichever way you want to look at it with all of a vampire’s strengths and none of their weaknesses.” She stopped and looked to her friends trying to gauge their response. They all seemed catatonic.

Maria seemed to snap out of it until she started laughing hysterically. “Vampires, that’s a good one Liz. You almost had me going for a minute there, but like Max said, everyone knows vampires don’t exist. And what is he supposed to be, this ‘boyfriend’ of yours? By the way what are you trying to pull, we all know you still love Max. You must have paid this guy to pretend, right?”

“I’m a demon,” said Doyle plainly.

“Oh, a demon…ooh scary,” smirked Max, finally getting his nerve back now that Maria seemed to be on his side.

“You guys seriously don’t believe her?” asked Kyle, astounded. “Oh yeah, and little green men and women from Mars don’t exist either!” he snapped irritably.

“Kyle, these things don’t really exist. I don’t know why you bought into it; I thought you were smarter than that. But don’t worry, it’ll be ok,” said Isabel comfortingly.

Cordelia looked at her three friends and the hardened looks in their gaze. “Guys, please don’t do this. We don’t need them running out of here screaming.”

“Do what?” laughed Max, “bite us?” He made fang motions with his fingers at Maria and started snickering again. “C’mon Michael, Tess, Alex you guys don’t believe them do you?”

Tess looked at Michael for a minute before answering. “Yes Max, actually I do. I had the dream, nightmare, vision… whatever the hell it was, remember? Anyways what motive does she have to lie to us?”

“She’s my best friend and I’ve listened to everything she has to say, she’s not lying. What reason would she have for it, and why make up a story as elaborate as this… there’s no other explanation than it’s the truth,” said Alex.

“I agree Maxwell, she’s not lying, anyways like Kyle said… hell look at us.”

Kyle looked at Liz and the others also after what Cordelia said, “Ah man, c’mon guys don’t… we really don’t need this.” At their resolved looks he sighed, “At least give me one shot to convince them… Guys, they’re not lying. You’re not going to like it if they show you the hard way. You’ll freak out and it will be worse than when Maria found out about the aliens. You saw her and Angel fight, how can you doubt?” At their stubborn faces he sighed, “All right, I warned you.”

Max, Maria and Isabel stood their snickering still about the insanities of vampires and other hokey legends when Liz called for their attention again. They turned and came face to face with three very unfamiliar ones. Liz and Angel’s faces had shifted into vamp mode, ridgey, snarling and yellow eyes, with fangs elongated. Doyle’s had shifted into his demon form. He was a Bracken demon on his father’s side so he now had green, spiky skin, and red eyes. At the sight before them all three passed out.

lyrics "Bodies" and "Step Up" by Drowning Pool

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Post by elfangel01 »

A/N: Some of you might recognize a certain part from "Hero"... I changed it around a little to fit my story... like the whole Doyle didn't die thing.

CH. 9

Once the others had revived Max, Isabel, and Maria, Liz and the others commenced the process of trying to ease them into their world. The Roswellians were still skeptical at some things, especially Max who didn’t like the fact that Liz had apparently moved on with not only a new boyfriend, but also her brother. He didn’t like that she was in danger whether or not it was her ‘destiny’ and he continuously mentioned it. “I don’t understand why you can’t just come home and hide with the rest of us,” whined Max at one particular lull in conversation. Liz looked up, her eyes flashing yellow in irritation. She growled a low warning in her throat but Max, as usual, chose to ignore it. “I mean, I know you want to stay with this brother of yours, but how can you honestly think he can protect you against these so called enemies? Yes, he’s got the muscle, but what else does he have and how is this Doyle guy going to take care of you? We all miss you, I just want you home, safe with me, we take care of each other remember? We’re a family.”

Snarling, Liz grabbed him around the throat and slammed him against the wall. “First off, don’t ever talk about my brother like that again; he’s got two hundred years of experience on you. Secondly don’t talk about Doyle like that again; our relationship is none of your business. Thirdly I am not some weak pathetic little girl that you have to take care of; I’m eighteen as of tomorrow and have been living with my real family for a year now. I have my enemies and problems, but they’re just that… mine. Don’t you dare presume to know me, the real me, when you won’t even open your eyes to the fact that I’m not the Liz Parker you once knew. For all those here in L.A. and Sunnydale that know me, I’m Liz O’Brien, Angel’s little sister. You’re pathetic, you know that Max? I used to respect you but you lost that a long time ago.” She let go of him and watched him flop against the wall, as if all his strength were gone. Sighing in disgust she stalked away to sit in Angel’s office with him, Doyle, and Cordelia. The four of them were holding a meeting, while the Pod Squad held their own over what to currently do with all the new information.

Maria looked up as Max made his way back over to them. “You shouldn’t have pushed her,” she said quietly.

“She needs to realize that she doesn’t belong with these freaks,” sighed Max running his hand through tousled hair. “She belongs back in Roswell with us.”

Kyle snorted not so much in amusement, but in disgust. “Freaks? That’s the pot calling the kettle black if I’ve ever heard it, Evans. If they’re freaks, and by they I mean Angel, Doyle and Liz, because she’s as much a part of this as they are… hell she has her own prophecy about how much of a freak she is, then what does that make you four? I mean, you are still aliens aren’t you? The not homegrown of this earth variety?” He looked around as the others all fell silent at what he had said.

“Does she hate us?” asked Tess timidly.

Kyle smiled softly at her. “No she doesn’t hate you. Well she’s closer to hating Max than anyone else.” He sighed at Max’s choked sob. “Oh get over it you big baby. She doesn’t hate you and she doesn’t want to hate you, but you have to understand, you guys are over and she isn’t going to take shit lying down anymore. She’s not a fucking doormat to be walked over. She’s strong… the strongest person I know, and I don’t mean just physically. She doesn’t want to be with you Max, and you’re just going to have to accept that. Be happy that she still wants to try and be friends. She has a life here, with her family, with people who love her and whom she loves, she’s not going to give this up. She also doesn’t want to be harsh, but you guys just came intruding into her life with no warning and she doesn’t want you guys to get hurt; this is serious shit that’s going down. If she lets you stay, you’ll see things you never even dreamed of, the things nightmares are made of,” he shuddered as he thought of the things he had seen and fought alongside the others.

“How long have you known about her?” asked Isabel.

“I’ve known since the beginning. Vampires attacked us outside a club and Liz, amazingly, held them off. Angel and Doyle came soon after the fight started and helped. You see Doyle gets visions of the future and he saw Liz and me in trouble. None of us knew about the others at the time, but Liz passed out and they brought us back here. Discussion ensued and revelations abounded… Buddha would’ve shed a tear had he been here,” sniffled Kyle running his finger down his face to show tears.

“Please spare us the Buddha crap,” pleaded Alex.

“Fine,” he huffed. “Anyways, almost everything was revealed and Liz has been here since.”

“What about the Parkers, do they know what’s going on?” asked Maria.

“They’re watchers… don’t ask, because I don’t want to explain. Just know they watch over everything supernatural… specifically slayers, hence the name Watchers. Isn’t it funny how things just come together like that? Anyways, they were the designated care takers of Liz until she turned seventeen.”

“Is what we saw of Liz earlier all she can do?” asked Michael eagerly, always the soldier.

“That’s not even a percentage of what she can do,” stated Kyle. “I’ve seen her pissed, especially when Doyle was taken a few months ago by demon supremacists.” At everyone’s odd looks he elaborated. “They are like demon nazis, they don’t believe any demon race should exist unless they’re pure, and Doyle’s half Bracken demon, so... Well, they took him because he’s Angel and Liz’s link to the Powers that Be… the supreme ‘good guys’. They send him visions and he tells Angel and Liz, who then go out and save the day.” Looking at the other’s eager faces he decided to continue… better for them to learn now rather than later, they’ll be better prepared. “Basically any race that’s been mixed with human’s needed to die, so considering vampires are supposed to be the lowest form of demon hierarchy you can imagine how pissed they were when she and Angel attacked. Of course they believed they could defeat her, so hiding Doyle from her was a big no, no. She literally began tearing the demon world apart to find him, and then the shit hit the fan. However alls well that ends well, and every demon was wiped out, funny that the same race who was trying to wipe out half breeds was destroyed by two of the most powerful half breeds ever…. Huh, I guess they had bad karma. It’s a bitch huh? What?” he asked, blinking owlishly at the looks the others gave him.

“Anyways, Liz is extremely strong. She has super fast reflexes and can basically just kick ass. Her senses are all stronger than that of a normal vampire and she can go out in the daylight. Crucifixes don’t bother her, neither does holy water or garlic. She’ll obviously die if she takes a stake to the heart, but I firmly believe she’s too good to let that happen. The only downfall to all this is as we all get older and die, she’ll basically stay this way forever. Doyle and Angel will be with her of course, assuming we all survive the final battle, but in the end all the mortal friends she makes won’t be around. Oh, she also has to fight the thirst… sometimes it’s harder than others, but I’ve yet to see her drain an animal or another human being. Then again,” he mused… “Angel has a fresh supply of blood always on stock here at the hotel for them, and I’ve seen her drink that when it gets to be too much.”

The others looked sick and Alex finally spoke up. “She drinks blood?” he asked, his face turning slightly green at the thought.

“Not all the time, normally she can curb her cravings, but sometimes she can’t control it anymore and her body has to have it.” After a moment of silence, Kyle spoke again. “Can you guys handle all this? Liz wants you to accept who she is, and what I’ve told you isn’t even the beginning of what’s happened in the past year, nor is it the end of what you will probably see while here. I don’t know how long they’ll let us stay, but for now can you behave and not push?” he looked pointedly at Max. At the others grudging agreements to give Liz her space he smiled and clapped his hands together. “Yea!! Now maybe we can go to ‘Murphy’s’… be right back, I’m going to go ask Liz and the others.”

“What’s ‘Murphy’s’?” asked a puzzled Isabel.

“How the hell should I know?” exclaimed an aggravated Max.

“God, sorry I asked. Go be a butt munch somewhere else.”

“What d’ya think they’re talkin’ about in there?” asked Doyle as Liz walked through the door.

“I hope they’re talkin’ about leavin’,” exclaimed Liz. “They have no idea what they’re gettin’ into and I can’t be worryin’ about ‘em. We have our own shit to deal with. And Max? God, he’s really startin’ to get on me nerves. His self-righteous attitude is really wearin’ thin on me patience.” She looked around the room and growled; shooting her fist out it made contact with the wall and continued through it. She pulled her cut up and bleeding hand out of the hole she had just made and grinned ruefully down at it.

“That’ll teach you to not take your anger out on my wall,” smirked Angel. “Now c‘mere and let me see it.” Liz walked slowly over to him and he took her hand, looking it over and turning it gently, he sighed. “You’ll be fine, it will heal shortly but don’t go punching walls anymore… this is what happens.”

“Liz, they really only have your best interest at heart,” placated Cordelia. “They’re your friends and they’re worried about you… give them some time to come around. Hell it took me almost two whole years to come to terms with Buffy and the others, and we weren’t even friends.”

“C’mere, darlin’.” Doyle opened his arms as Liz walked into them, wrapping her up in his embrace. She nuzzled her head into his neck and sighed. He softly kissed the crown of her head and slowly stroked her back; looking at the others they communicated their worry for her with their eyes. “Are you goin’ to be all right to be around them? You won’t throttle Max in his sleep?” He felt her giggle against his chest and the sound warmed his heart.

“I promise not to kill Max in his sleep,” she swore… at their looks she held up her hand. “Scouts honor.”

“You were never a scout Beth,” chuckled Angel.

“It’s the thought that counts…” she grumbled good-naturedly. Her happiness restored after the short time with her family. “But if Dumbo out there gets a feather and mysteriously flies off the roof, it’s not my fault.” At the other’s looks she started cracking up… “You guys should see your faces! I’m just kidding. I’m not going to do anything to Maxi pad in there.”

They all turned as the door flew open, Kyle was standing there looking giddy…”Guys, can we please go to ‘Murphy’s’? Please, please, please! It’ll be a good chance to slowly integrate the others into your life and what better way than at a bar? Plus it’s your turf…”

“Turf? You make it sound like we’re a gang… Don’t say a word Valenti. Besides, you just want to go get wasted.”

“Hey I just want to have fun and if I happen to get trashed while I’m at it, all the better… I don’t want to listen to the others any more than you do. Just don’t kill any of them unless I’m around to see it,” he smirked mischievously.

“All right, fine… I’m up for going to ‘Murphy’s’, what about you guys?”

“Hell yeah, let’s go,” exclaimed Doyle.

“Ok, we’ll go, but tell them that they’re under our orders if anything happens… while you do that, we’re going to go get changed,” sighed Angel.

“Yea!!,” exclaimed Kyle… giddier than anyone had ever seen him. “I’m happier than a kid in the ball pit at McDonald’s!”

“Kyle I recall you getting trapped in the ball pit at McDonald’s on the way to L.A. last year,” snickered Liz.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered as he made a quick exit to inform the others of what was happening.

Liz and the others exited the office and began to head upstairs to change. They were stopped by Max calling out to them. “What the hell is ‘Murphy’s’?”

“It’s an Irish pub,” said Liz, as if that were all the explanation he needed. “Don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back,” she said sarcastically, waving her injured hand at them in parting.

“What the hell happened to her hand?” shrieked Maria.

“I don’t know, but I’ll heal it for her when she gets back,” said Max, thinking it would be a way to connect with her and show her how he felt, show her what she was missing.

“It’s a pub,” mimicked Isabel. “How the hell does she get into a pub?”

“Well we have fake ids,” said Kyle in all innocence. “I highly doubt Angel’s going to object to her drinking.”

“They’ve corrupted my best friend,” wailed Maria as they waited on the others to return.

“Like hell we have,” exclaimed Cordelia in outrage. “Liz doesn’t let anything or anyone influence her decisions. She’s happy here and you need to learn to accept that. Be a part of her life or don’t be, but you aren’t going to change her mind or her attitude.”

“You guys ready to go?” asked Liz as the three descended from the second floor, Liz in the middle yet again… This seems to be a recurring theme in my life… Walk down all cool and intimidating three across… what have we been smoking? “What?” she asked in irritation as the others all stared at her.

“It’s nothing,” stuttered Tess. “It’s just we’ve never seen you dressed in anything except jeans and a t-shirt. You look good Liz, the change… it was good.”

Liz looked down at herself, not understanding what the big deal was. She was in baggy black cargos and a green baby tee that was cut off so a large expanse of skin showed through between the top of her pants and the bottom of her shirt. Her tee was green and had white lettering on it: ‘It’s not Celtic punk, it sham-rock’, the outfit was completed by her black and white low top converse and the knee length black leather jacket that Angel had bought her. Her makeup was natural and her hair was pulled back in two braids. She looked to Angel who was in his classic all black; black pants and a black shirt that hugged his muscles and his black leather jacket. Doyle was wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt with black docs.

“Liz, give me your hand?” demanded Max.


“Because I’m going to heal it. It’s all cut up and bloody.”

“I don’t need you to heal it.”

“Stop being stubborn and let me heal it, if you don’t let me heal it, it’ll take weeks to get better.”

“I’m not being stubborn; it’ll be healed by the time we reach ‘Murphy’s’.”

“Liz, that’s impossible. It can’t heal that fast.”

“Hello, vampire healing… yes it can heal that fast… now leave me alone and let’s go!”

“Well if you’re done ogling, let’s go…” said Cordelia. She was halted however by the phone ringing. “Angel Investigations, we help the helpless,” she stated in her official business tone.

“Angel Investigations?” snickered Isabel, amused. “That sounds like a rejected kids show title.”

“Well we were going to go with the Power Rangers,” snarled Liz, “but it was already taken.” She looked over at Cordelia as she hung up rather loudly, letting the phone fall back to the cradle. “Cordelia, are you ok?”

“Yeah… yeah, I’m good. That was umm… Buffy. Giles discovered something and she’s about to leave and come here. She said it’s about you Liz. It’s about the prophecy.” The three of them crowded around her as she sank heavily to the chair. She waved them off and continued. “She didn’t say if it was urgent or not, and she told us to continue with our plans because she won’t be here until late tonight or tomorrow, but I’m worried. Something felt off… I don’t think we should go out.”

“NO Damn it! We’re going out; I’m not hiding from this. If it wants me, it can come and get me. I’m not giving up what’s normal for me in order to run away like a scared little girl. Angel didn’t teach me everything I know just so I could run,” she looked to him and whispered, “Our parents didn’t raise us to run from our problems.”

Angel looked at her for a minute and sighed. “She’s right… we should go out. We deserve it and it will be a chance to relax before whatever’s coming hits. Get your stuff. We’re going to ‘Murphy’s’.”

“What the hell? You guys are just going to leave and go out on the town when Liz’s life is in danger?” asked an enraged Max. “What if something happens to her? It will be all your fault. No, no, I refuse to go out when she’s in danger.”

Liz snarled at him, her face changing as his disgraceful words against her brother registered. Her fangs elongated and her eyes shifted to yellow, “I thought I told you not to disrespect my brother. I also thought I told you I can take care of myself. Hasn’t it been made abundantly clear to you that you’re in uncharted territory? Just sit back, relax, and stay out of our way. You take our orders when it comes time and you just might live. But don’t ever cross me or my family again, you understand me?” she growled. She looked at all of them and waited for their nods of agreement.

“Now that that’s settled, let’s go get wasted!” said Alex enthusiastically.


After reaching ‘Murphy’s’, Liz’s group stood outside waiting on the others to finally show up. Watching the Bronco and Bob pull up, Liz finally turned on her heel and began to make her way inside, not waiting for the others to catch up. Entering the bar with the others who had rushed to stay with her was interesting. Locals called out hellos to her and she responded in kind, slapping them on the back and carrying on. Moving to the bar she spotted the owner and bartender. “Well look what the cat drug in! Boys I do believe our little Lizbeth has come once again to grace us with her radiant presence,” laughed Aidan. “Whatever you want it’s on the house, darlin’.”

Aidan Murphy was one of the nicest guys Liz knew outside of her own circle. He started the pub as a refuge for both new and old in the local Irish community. It was a place to escape and feel like you were back in Ireland. They played the majority of Irish punk, and also threw in classic rock. Liz loved it here and the gang came often, so often in fact that they had become friends with Aidan, especially when he called them for help on a case. He was half demon as well and distantly related to Doyle. They were given VIP treatment anytime they came in, even though this place was so casual it didn’t have official VIP treatment, but they hadn’t been in a while... to tied up with other things.

“Oy, get your own girl Aidan and stop comin’ after mine,” joked Doyle good naturedly as he wrapped his arms around Liz and stuck out one hand to grab Aidan’s. “It’s good to see you mate.”

“Love, when are you goin’ to leave this bloke and find yourself a real man?”

Liz just chuckled and shook her head good naturedly at Aidan’s harmless flirting. “I don’t think anything could keep me from Doyle.” She looked into his eyes and smiled, kissing him softly

“A’ight you two, here’s your first round. Oh and we’ll be doing your song soon if you want to jump on up here,” smirked Aidan.

“Bless you Aidan, you are one hell of a friend,” laughed Angel. He grabbed the tray full of drinks and took them over to the table that everyone was at.

“I never would’ve imagined you in a bar Liz,” said Alex in wonder as he began to drink, coughing and sputtering as the brew went burning down his throat. “What the hell is this? This isn’t normal beer!”

“First off Alex, I never knew you drank,” smirked Liz. “And secondly this isn’t regular beer; it’s Irish whiskey-the best in the city. If you don’t like it now, it’ll grow on you. Now whether that happens before or after you get wasted is up to your tolerance level.”

“So Liz, you going to lead the boys in here in song?” asked Cordelia amusedly. She was currently cuddling with Kyle. He had his arm slung around her drinking from his own mug and she was leaned into his body.

“I might,” she said slyly. “I haven’t done it in a while…”

“They probably miss you love, you should do it.”

“What song? And why do I get the feeling this is going to be interesting?” asked Maria, finally seeing that she didn’t really know this Liz and wanting to make peace. “Liz, I wanted to say I’m sorry for earlier… I was shocked. I want to start over and get to know the new you and you three,” she said nodding individually to the others.

“Oh it will be interesting, but you’ll just have to wait and see. And no problem Maria, I knew you’d come around… and sorry for coming across so harshly. I’m just very… protective.” She glared at Cordelia and Kyle as they snorted. “I heard that… and it’s not true.” At their looks of disbelief and the others looks of curiosity she elaborated. “Frick and frack over here said my being protective is an understatement, it’s more of overprotective. Ok,” she gave in… “Maybe it is a little bit of an understatement. I personally would like to thank the vampire genes for that; it makes us really possessive and protective,” she smirked, raising an amused eyebrow at Michael as he downed the rest of his mug and poured himself some more. “You going to be okay there sparky? I never took you for a drinker. You sure you can handle that?

“I’m good, we all built up an immunity to alcohol after Maxwell’s little panty sniffing, light show, experience…” chuckled Michael. “It should take a while before we feel the effects.”

“Ah yes, but you all have never had Irish whiskey before have you? Everything Irish is stronger, remember that or else you’ll be hurtin’ tomorrow mornin’.”

“How is that you don’t appear to have to worry about alcohol tolerance?” asked Isabel curiously, Tess nodding her head to show her curiosity as well.

“The vampire in me helps to control it. It takes a long time for us to get wasted, but if we do we recover quickly… you know, no hangovers in the morning. We also have faster healing,” she glared at Max, showing him her now completely healed hand.

“Lucky,” muttered Kyle as Aidan shouted out for the bar to quiet down.

“Oy, shut the fuck up!” he shouted when nobody responded. “That’s better. Now for those of you who are regulars, you know about our little song.” Cheers went up from around the room and glasses were raised high in acknowledgement. “Yes, yes well you also all know that it’s been a while since our little Lizbeth has led a good ol’ round of it… and we all miss her don’t we boys?” More cheers went up as they all turned to Liz, who was smirking fondly at all of them. “So how about we get her up here on the bar to lead us all in a fine tribute? Eh, what do you say Ms. Lizbeth?”

Liz looked around the room at all the familiar faces and even some unfamiliar ones. Glancing at Doyle she noticed the glint in his eyes at the idea of seeing her up there. “Go on darlin’, it’ll be fun… it has been a while since you went.”

“Yeah Beth, go on… please your adoring public,” smirked Angel his smirk turning into a grin as Liz gave him the finger.

She turned once more to face everyone and slowly rose to her feet to a torrent of cheers and applause. Scattered whistles and hoots and hollers were thrown in for good measure. She heard a ‘your shirt kicks arse’ come from some where in the room and smirked. Making her way slowly up to the bar she heard whispers from some of the unfamiliar men and women in the bar of what was she up to. She also heard her friends questioning Angel, Doyle, Kyle and Cordelia as to what she was doing. She walked up to Aidan and noticed him grinning like a fool at what was about to happen. Jumping up on the bar she turned to the people crowding around, clearing her throat she looked at them… “I’ve missed you guys.” Cheers thundered through the room. Waving her hand she motioned for silence. “I know it’s been a while since I’ve led this, but you all remember how it goes don’t you?” At their ‘ayes’ she smirked and called for silence once again… “All right, well I’ve got some friends in from out of town… they don’t know anything about this so how about we show ‘em how it’s done Irish style?” She looked to Aidan who started a chant for her until she began singing.

well i stumbled in at 2 a.m. all drunk and full of smoke
my wife said i have had enough, im sick, thats it, get out!
so i stumbled down to kellys pub across the edge of town
and i told the boys me story and we had another round

“You boys are always around for me stories aren’t ya?” she shouted. They all shouted and grinned back at her as she worked the crowd and began walking up and down the bar. She knelt down and grabbed the closest man, who turned out to be Kyle-he had moved up to sing along. She looked at him and grinned and they both chorused together.

we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
and if i see a pretty girl, ill sleep with her tonight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!

She winked at Doyle as she continued on with the Irish Drinking song, noticing her friends all looking at her in shock… well they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. She held her hand to her heart and gravely sang the next part, smirking the entire time.

and mary mcgregor, she was a pretty whore
she'd always greet you with a smile and never lock her door
but on the day she died, all the men in town did weep
for mary mcgregor finally got some sleep

“All of you would weep, wouldn’t ya?” she shouted out and all the men in the bar bowed their heads in mock respect, the newbies were being slapped by their wives or girlfriends at the enthusiasm they showed … they all came back in again together on the chorus.

we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
and if i see a pretty girl, ill sleep with her tonight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!

“We bloody do drink and fight don’t we boys?”

well i once loved a girl, a child im told
i gave her my heart and she gave me a cold
so now i sit standing here out in the pouring rain
ill stumble back to kellys pub and cry away me pain

“It’s what we’re here for! Cry away me pain boys… we all cry away our pain! Here in ‘Murphy’s’ everybody’s a family and we all do what…?”

we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
and if i see a pretty girl, ill sleep with her tonight!
we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!

As Liz finished and hopped down from the bar with Kyle, cheers came from all over and everyone wanted to talk to her. She slapped mugs with everyone in her path until she came back to the table and plopped down in her chair, her eyes sparkling and cheeks flushed with happiness. “God it’s been a long time since I’ve done that and it felt damn good to get up there again.”

“I can’t believe you just did that Liz… that was insane, and you were so good. You had the entire bar wrapped around your finger,” said Tess amazed.

“She’s right, teach me… “ pleaded Maria.

“Another round if you please Aidan,” shouted Doyle over the roar of the crowd… “My girl deserves it!”

They all sat around, drinking and being merry for the rest of the night until the Roswellians became to inebriated and they headed back to the hotel. Walking through the doors they saw Buffy sitting there. Shaking her head at all of them as Doyle, Angel and Liz continued to sing the drinking song, very loudly as they too were drunk she looked at them all wryly. “I may not know all of you but for those of you I do know… go sleep it off, you haven’t been this drunk in a long time. You look like you had fun and they’ll be time for Giles’ cryptic later.” Sighing she moved to help them get upstairs.

lyrics "Irish Drinking Song" by Flogging Molly, originally Buck-O-Nine

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)
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Location: 'finding my way back to sanity... again'

Post by elfangel01 »

CH. 10

Staggering down the stairs the next morning the Pod Squad, Maria and Alex came to a sudden halt at seeing the others all spread out in a circle, clothed in all white and doing what appeared to be meditation. There was Doyle, Liz, Angel, the blonde woman from the night before, Kyle and Cordelia. There was nothing but the sound of steady breathing coming from the circle and the Roswellians stood in awe of the power that seemed to emanate from their circle.

Tess motioned for the others to back up and go out in the courtyard with her, everyone followed but Max, he was loath to leave the sight before him. Liz looked so peaceful and she looked beautiful. Her hair was neatly pulled back from a face devoid of makeup and scrubbed clean, her white wifebeater and white linen pants showed off her creamy sun-kissed skin. He didn’t want to give up looking at her. However he was pulled away at the insistent sound of Michael softly calling to him. Turning he walked out to join the others. “What is it? What’s going on?” he asked sharply, irritated at being called away from watching Liz.

“You know brother, Liz doesn’t want you anymore. She’s with Doyle… so I don’t think stalking her is a good idea,” smirked Isabel. She noticed the pain in Max’s eyes and cringed slightly. She hated to see her brother hurt, but he had been an ass, and Liz was happy now. She wanted to atone for her reaction the day before, so she was going to talk to Liz later.

Tess spoke up before anything else could be said; she didn’t know how to approach the subject so she just blurted it out. “That blonde woman in there is the one from my vision. The one who was fighting with Angel, Doyle and Liz.” At the others shocked looks she just shrugged.

“What do you think she’s doing here? Do you think this means that what you saw will happen soon?” asked Maria.

“I don’t know… I wish I did, but for now I think we should learn more about her and try to do what we can.” She looked at the others, “We all agree that Liz is ok here, right, we believe her? I mean look at what we’ve seen. We shouldn’t try to force her or talk her into going back to Roswell… not that we could force her,” she muttered. “Basically all those in favor of staying and helping say aye.”






“Maxwell, what the hell is your problem, you don’t want to help Liz?” asked Michael enraged.

“I think we should help her,” said Max, trying to calm them all down and take the murderous looks out of their eyes. “I just think we should take her back to Roswell. She’ll be safe there with us,” he said reasonably.

Maria glared at him, her eyes flashing in irritation… “You are an insufferable, moronic, no good, piece of shit idiot!” she screeched. “You can’t take Liz back to Roswell if she doesn’t want to, what are you thinking? I hope I’m there when she kills you.”

“Maria,” placated Max, “All we have to do is get Michael or Tess to knock her out harmlessly with their powers and then we’ll sneak back home. She’ll thank us when she’s not around this corrupting influence.”

“HELL NO!” shouted Michael and Tess at the same time.

“Maxwell, you’ve lost it. There’s no way on heaven, Earth, or Antar that you’re going to convince me to do that. I think Liz is better off here and as of right now… man, you’re on your own,” he sighed in disgust.

Tess wasn’t as rational in her approach, she walked up to Max. “You want me to knock her out with my powers?” At his affirmative nod and smile, thinking he had her on his side… “What if I did this instead?” She reared back and punched him square in the nose. Blood started pouring from his face as they all heard the sickening crunch of cartilage.

“DAMN IT TESS!! That was my fucking nose!” he screamed.

“I know. Max you’re retarded and you should be taken out back and beaten, but I’m not going to do that, I’ll leave you to Liz, Angel and Doyle. If you’re not careful you’re going to lose all of us. Did you ever take a minute to think why we’re all on Liz’s side and not yours?” With that she turned and flounced back inside leaving the others to follow after her and Max stunned, still trying to stop the flow of blood.

Walking back in blindly Max began to realize that whatever the others had been doing, they were now done. He sat down heavily and finally was able to concentrate enough power to heal his nose. Touching it tenderly he grinned when he realized it was fixed. He looked up to see the others all glaring at him. “What?”

Liz arched her eyebrow at him. “What happened to your nose?” she asked snickering.

“Tess punched me,” he whined, hoping to get on her good, compassionate side.

“Get over it. You probably deserved it and anyways you healed it.”

“He did deserve it,” growled Tess. “And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“Wow, Blondie’s feisty. I like that,” smirked the blonde.

“Who the hell are you?” asked Max.

“Yo, King Nothin’… you got no backin’ for demandin’ answers. I’d shut my mouth if I were you,” said Doyle.

“Hey that’s Metallica! You like Metallica, Doyle?” asked Michael.

“Aye, they’re good… I’m partial to the ‘Black Album’ and ‘S&M’,” he leered at Liz as he said the second title, and she swatted him giggling.

“Too much information,” groaned Angel. “I don’t need those images in my head!” He looked at Doyle and glared. “I’m going to kill you.”

Doyle smiled at him cheekily… “I was just kiddin’ mate. Liz and I aren’t into that kind of stuff.”

“And even if they were, you have no right to meddle!” exclaimed Buffy. “Yes, she’s your sister, but it’s her life… then again you never could let anyone live their own life, could you Angel?” she asked bitterly as she turned from him and looked hard at the wall, trying to keep away the burning tears that reminded her of the pain and agony her relationship with him had caused.

Silence settled over the room. “So Buffy, what did Giles find out?” asked Liz, trying to break the tension.

Buffy smiled at her gratefully for the change in topic and motioned for everyone to come closer. She turned to Max, who visibly flinched from her icy stare. “First off, I’m Buffy… I assume your Max from the mouse like complexion and Dumbo ears… and the king complex. Me and mine don’t really have any business with you. You came of your own free will and heard what Liz had to say, so you can either sit back relax and try to survive the ride or get off this flight right now. Let me tell all of you this,” she said turning to address the rest of the Roswellians. “This is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. You’ll all probably be dragged through hell and back again if you survive… I know you all care about Liz, but she wants you safe. If you think you can handle it stay, but stay out of our way. If you can’t take orders then leave now, because from here on out that’s all you’ll probably here. We were made to fight and that’s what we do best. You’re not prepared for it at all, even you Michael, not on the scale I’m talking about.

“Now,” she turned to the others. “Giles didn’t really give me more than what he was able to decipher from more of the prophecy and it also happens to align with what one of the Bringers I killed the other night said… he decided to ‘instill fear’ by letting slip some of the plan.”

“The Bringers?” asked Cordelia… “What would they have to do with this?”

“The First wants me…” muttered Liz. “That’s the only explanation; otherwise they wouldn’t be involved in whatever the fuck is going on.” She visibly shivered at the thought of the First wanting to get its non-corporeal hands on her. Doyle placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and she visibly stiffened. He’s in more danger now; I don’t want to see him hurt. He’s better off without me, and I won’t be the reason he’s killed. I love him too much, I’ll just have to let him go, them all go. I’m the one the First wants. When they’re all asleep, I’ll leave… keeping my family safe is my main priority. She looked up, concentrating on what Maria was saying.

“What’s a first?”

“THE First is the first evil… the thing that created evil. It can’t be stopped, at all… right now there’s a fine balance between good and evil but if something were to tip the scales in evil’s favor the results would be catastrophic. We can only hope that it doesn’t get its hands on Liz,” said Buffy, looking empathetically at Liz.

“When darkness rules the heart of man
Hope renewed shall bring forth light
A shattered soul will find peace
The destiny of all will be decided in the window fate”

“That’s it? That’s all we have? What the hell does that mean?” exclaimed Tess.

“I take it you’re all staying?” asked Buffy wryly.

The others all nodded. Alex spoke up for them all. “Liz is our friend and we don’t abandon our friends.”

“The first line is obvious, the second line is about me… Hope is my middle name and renewed can be another form of reincarnated. I don’t know about the third line, it could be referring to Angel and myself being reunited. The fourth line is also explanatory… the window is the time where I choose my destiny. Good or Evil. Whichever I choose, the fate of all will be decided.

“Wait a second, let me get this straight. Liz is in mortal danger of some big bad and we’re doing almost nothing about it?” asked Max outraged. “What kind of friends are you when you do nothing? I thought you all were supposed to be superhuman, have this predestined crap going on where you save the world…”

He was cut off by Liz’s hand closing off his windpipe and pinning him to the wall. “This is the last time I tell you,” she growled. “If you ever talk bad about my family again, I will kill you. You have no right to badmouth them; you have no idea what we’ve gone through. We were chosen before the world began to be champions for good. Apparently for me I’m destined to choose. If you ever threaten or talk bad about Angel, Doyle, Cordelia, or Buffy again, you’ll live to regret it… but you won’t live very long. Now the question remains, can you take orders and stay in line? If you can’t then get the hell out, I should kick you out anyways, but I’ll give you the choice. If you stay here, you take our orders, it doesn’t matter whose. If Doyle orders you to do something then you do it. Max, we’re at war and we can’t afford unrest in the ranks. You may have been a king on Antar but here you’re nothing but a teenage boy. Don’t put your foot in your mouth by talking about things you know nothing about.” She snarled and released him with her eyes flashing yellow as a warning.

Max nodded his hesitant agreement to follow orders and backed up to stand with the others while Liz and her family began talking once more. “What do you think is going to happen?” He looked at the rest of his family and they all shrugged, not knowing anymore than he did, but all hoping they would make it out of this all right.

“Well that was interesting…” trailed off Buffy uncertainly.

“What do we do?” asked Cordelia.

“Why don’t we run?” asked Max. Liz sighed and glared at him as he held up his hands in surrender. “I’m serious. I don’t understand why we don’t just run… or at least you guys.”

“We don’t run because we just don’t… that’s how it works. We face our problems head on and more often than not, beat the shit out of them,” said Buffy.

“We go all Power Rangers on them,” said Liz dryly while looking at the others.

“Power Rangers? I’m assuming you’re the pink ranger…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, but I always saw us as more of a “Scooby-Doo” meets “teenage mutant ninja turtles” kind of group. You know with the mysteries meet the slayage?”

“That is a good point…”

“Can we please get back on topic?” sighed Angel. “As riveting as that side conversation is… I think Liz’s life is a little more important.”

“Chill tall dark and broody one… a little stress relief is sometimes necessary,” smirked Kyle.

“Ooh yeah, can Liz and I spar against one another?” asked Buffy giddily. “It’s been a while since I had a challenge.”

“What about me?” pouted Angel. “Am I not good enough for you to beat the shit out of?”

“Nope,” smirked Buffy unrepentantly. “Oh come on you big baby… you know Liz is more powerful than you… as much as you hate to admit it. When it comes to kicking ass she’s more of a grr Dracula figure and you’re grr cat figure.”

“Didn’t you fight Dracula?” asked Liz curiously while smirking at her brother. She knew this was a sore spot for him because of his feelings for Buffy. “I remember him. He was sexy… tall, dark, handsome.”

“Oy, tall, dark, and handsome… I’ll show you tall, dark, and handsome!” exclaimed Doyle while Liz was giggling at him.

“Yep, he’s really charismatic and strong and…”

“Creepy?” asked Angel. “The guys overrated, creepy, smells funny and he owes me money.”

“You know Dracula?” asked Tess stunned.

“He’s really not all that great,” shrugged Liz. “So he can do the misty thing and the bat/wolf thing.”

“Ooh there’s also the mind control, don’t forget the mind control,” added Buffy. “Anyways, the point is, I want to spar against Liz. We have to be on top of our game.”

“She’s right mate. If we want them to be in prime condition then they need to fight each other. The best against the best… you know.”

“Fine,” growled Angel. “What music do you want?”

“Yes!” shrieked Liz and Buffy, both girls looked at each other and burst up laughing as they automatically began stretching. Liz walked over to her brother and handed him c.d. before moving to the center of the room. She turned to Max before the music started. “By the way, we can’t run because we’re like homing beacons. We can sense evil and they can sense us. There would never be any escape… so we stay and fight the good fight.”

“Or we run and hide until the good fight is over with,” smirked Cordelia… “I’m sorry I think I channeled Xander.”

Buffy and Liz dropped into their fighting stances as the music started; it was slow and catchy and the others looked at each other not understanding how this could do anything for them.

Sometimes I feel you’re not listening
Sometimes I feel you don’t understand
But I think I’ve got the answer
Already know what you’re gonna say

Buffy charged first, throwing out her arm to clothes line Liz and was blocked by having her arm ripped around and twisted at the small of her back. She struggled as her arm was pulled farther up her back… she began to feel the pain shooting through and brought her leg around to trip up Liz. They both fell to the floor with a grunt, Buffy landing on top of Liz and pulling her arm around in time so as not to be broken. They rolled away from each other and once again began circling; trading punches and kicks when they were open. Smirking they locked eyes as the music sped up.

‘Cause I’m just a little girl you see
But there’s a hell of a lot more to me
Don’t ever underestimate what I can do
Don’t ever tell me how I’m meant to be

Dancing back and forth, always dodging and moving Buffy finally placed a well aimed kick to Liz stomach and sent her flying into the wall. Everybody flinched at the sickening crunch her body made; Max made to run over to her but was stopped by Angel. They all watched in fascination as Liz stood up and shook herself off. The impact alone should have kept her down and out for the next few days, but she managed to stand and brush herself within seconds. She looked at Buffy and cracked her neck first one way then the other. Nodding she made her way back over to the center of the room and dropped to her fighting stance once more.

You say I’m just a little girl, just a little girl
How can I compare? What do I know?
What have I got to share?
But there’s nothing in this world, nothing in this world
That could hold me down, can’t you hear me?

Liz continued to block attack after attack, never moving to begin her own offensive, she just remained on defense and took hit after hit. Their fight began to become more and more fluid, they seemed to be moving gracefully together like in water. There’s wasn’t a dance like Angel, Doyle and Liz’s. There’s was interpretation, defense, and attack from two of the best fighters on the planet. Liz spun around twisting her body to avoid Buffy’s uppercut and backed away at the sign of an impending round kick. She grinned at Buffy’s look of frustration at not being able to hit her and at not being able to go on defense but constantly staying on offense. As the music sped up once more Liz began a barrage of attacks.

‘Cause I’m just a little girl you see
But there’s a hell of a lot more to me
Don’t ever underestimate what I can do
Don’t ever tell me how I’m meant to be

She continuously pounded on Buffy, leaving her panting and staggering to keep up her guard. Buffy had never felt anything like this. Either she was losing her touch, which was impossible, or Liz was stronger than anyone realized. Soon Liz became a blur to everyone and all they could see was Buffy attempting to stave off Liz’s attack. Before anyone could blink again, as if by magic Buffy was on the ground and Liz was standing over her arms up in a fighting position and legs spread with knees bent so as to be ready for action. Buffy smirked up at her breathing heavily. “Damn you’re good. You’re faster than anything I’ve ever seen and stronger than anything I’ve ever fought against. If the First tries to take you by force I’d hate to be on your real receiving end.”

“Hell, I’ve never seen you move that fast Liz…” said Kyle shocked. “When did you get that good?”

“I don’t know,” she said a bit shakily. “I just felt something in me waiting to be released and I started letting it go in the middle of the fight. I never gave up complete control… I’m scared to give up complete control.” She walked over to Doyle and buried her face in his chest. He looked down at the top of her head and felt her start shaking.

“I’m goin’ to take her upstairs for a little relaxin’.” He looked at Angel pointedly, showing his concern. “If you need us, we’ll be in our room.”

lyrics "Just A Little Girl" by Amy Studt

Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

Check out my stories :)