Resolutions and Revelations (UC,Mi/L,MATURE,1/1) [COMPLETE]

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Resolutions and Revelations (UC,Mi/L,MATURE,1/1) [COMPLETE]

Post by elfangel01 »

Title: Resolutions and Revelations

Author: elfangel01


Disclaimer: It all belongs to THEM...the WB, UPN, Jason Katims, Melinda Metz... you know THEM.

Summary: Just a short little New Years story featuring Michael and Liz....

A/N: I'm sorry if it sucks, I just had to get this out. Please leave feedback, I'd love to know what you guys think.


Thirty more minutes, then all of this will be over with. I looked around the room, taking in the festive alien decorations and couldn’t help but smirk at them; what can I say, my dad’s obsessed. I’m so glad we didn’t have to run from the FBI, I don’t know what I would do if I was away from here. It’s been a year now since graduation and we have all successfully completed our freshman year at Las Cruces University. It turned out that the FBI disbanded the special unit before they could follow through with their plans… we still don’t know why they did it, but I for one am not about to go looking for trouble. We all did enough of that over the past three years. From my spot in a booth away from all the bustling activity, I was free to take in all that was around me; the people, their smiles and laughter, their excitement over a new year. Oh yes, a new year, yippee, I’m just overflowing with joy can’t you tell? I don’t know why I’m so bitter during this particular season… I have no reason to be, plus the New Year means a new start, and I most definitely need one of those. I’m free of Max Evans once and for all; I have great friends, oh yes, so many friends…

But you probably want to know why I Elizabeth Parker and my former ‘soulmate’ Max Evans are no more… I’ll tell you. He’s a scheming, manipulative little bastard who doesn’t deserve any friends he might have and has an enlarged head that swells up even more whenever someone questions his authority. He’s controlling and has a major stick up his ass, no screw that… he has a fucking tree. He would be ready and waiting if anyone ever told him to bend over, or if he drops the soap in the shower… oh, did I just say that? Me, poor innocent Lizzie Parker? Hell yeah, I did… there’s more to me than meets the eye, and if Evans doesn’t lay off, he might find that out soon. Looking up at him, I notice that he’s staring at me again… God can’t this guy take a hint. Glaring at him I notice he wrinkles his nose at something… he looked just like a rodent! Oh my God, Max Evans resembles a rodent! Could it be a gerbil? No that was Tess, I growl at the thought of the manipulative little bitch, do the words murdering whore from hell ring any bells? No, no he’s more of a rat… no wait he’s a mouse! He’s fucking Mickey Mouse… with the big ears and that stupid wrinkling nose; I started snickering as soon as that realization washed over me. My snickering must’ve drawn the attention of Maria because a few minutes later she’s bouncing over to me with all the enthusiasm of a rabid five year old high on pixie sticks.

“Lizzie, you look great!” I looked down at myself; I guess I did look good. I was wearing a black mini skirt that was low slung and my knee high black boots. My top was a black halter top with a red dragon winding around it. I had left my hair down and wavy and my makeup was darker than normal… so I guess I look good, didn’t put much thought into it. Not realizing I had been tuning out Maria, I forced myself to re-enter the conversation, or more precisely her rambling and me nodding when it was needed. “But why are you sitting over here all by yourself? You should be dancing the night away with lover boy over there.”

“I’d rather stab myself in the eye, repeatedly might I add with a straw, than dance or have any thing to do with mouse boy.”

Maria stared at me, blinking owlishly, “Mouse boy? Liz did you and Max have a fight? Babe, you should go ahead and get over it… you two will be back together soon enough anyways, why delay the inevitable?”

Growling to myself I stare at the ceiling, noticing for the first time that we have a speckled ceiling… you know the kind where it’s all puffed out and popcorn like? Ok, maybe that was a bad analogy but it’s all I can think of right now. The pop music playing is turning my brain to mush, plus I’m bored out of my mind. Squashing down the urge to throttle my best friend, I turn once again to look her in the eyes. “Maria, Max and I are over… finite, never again! We are not now nor ever will be together again. Did you get that or do you need me to repeat it slower?”

“God, sorry I was trying to be a concerned friend… I was just trying to help, I mean you and Max have always had the whole stare across the room, soulmate thing going on. I’ll just leave you alone to bitch about whatever crawled up your butt and died.”

Breathing a sigh of relief as she stomped away to go pout or whatever the hell it is she does, I re-commence in my perusal of the room. Hearing the bell jingle over the door to the café I looked up to see Michael walk in. Michael, now there’s a man, I mean he’s gorgeous. The epitome of male perfection; tall, dark, and handsome. He’s like the original rebel without a cause, with the smoldering eyes and devil may care attitude, it’s no wonder I fell for him. Now if only he would realize how I feel and miraculously wake up and realize he feels the same. But that will happen when Santa Clause moves to hell. I watched him look around the room until our eyes met, seeing me he smirked and began to come over. He couldn’t possibly have been looking for me? I mean, why would he want to come hang out with me on this night of all nights? So lost in thought I didn’t realize he had sat down across from me until he cleared his throat and I glanced up at that knowing smirk and those soulful eyes.

“Did you ever notice Max resembles a mouse?” Oh God, I can’t believe I just blurted that out, what was I thinking? I look up to see Michael looking at me startled but he recovers his cool and just looks at me, only this time there’s a twinkle in his eyes.

“Yeah, can’t you see him dressed up as Mickey, with the big ass ears and bow tie and suit.”

He starts cracking up and I eventually follow him, too dazed to really comprehend what just happened. Michael Guerin just cracked a joke, is laughing and it came from something I said… Oh and pigs aren’t flying.

“You don’t look all that happy and joyous Parker, it’s the New Year... what’s up?”

“I’m not,” I sigh, and he looks at me confused.

“Why? Wait, let’s get out of here, you and me… we’ll go have our own New Years away from our exes. You can lay your problems on me when we get to the park.”

I looked at him for a moment, trying to read his expression, but his wall came back in place. He smiled pleasantly enough, but I just would rather know what I’m getting myself into. “Okay, let me just grab my jacket.” After grabbing my stuff, we began to make our way to the park, we chose to walk because it was such a nice night and it gave us more time to put our thoughts together. We walked in silence for a few minutes until Michael apparently got up the nerve to break the silence.

“So what’s bothering you on this glorious New Year’s Eve?”

“I detect sarcasm, Guerin.”

“Don’t dodge the question Parker.”

“Alright, here’s the deal. I broke up with Max as you know…”

“Wait, you broke up with Max? When did this happen and when are you going running back to him?”

I recoiled slightly at his harsh tone and looked up at him, feeling tears gathering. What’s wrong with me? Why am I getting all weepy because Michael Guerin talked that way to me? “I’m not going back to him… God why does everybody assume that I will go frolicking back to Max after a few days?”

“Because that’s what you always do! God, I mean Liz he treats you like shit… hell he treats all of us like shit but you always go crawling back to him. I hate watching what he does to you. Liz he broke you, I saw your spirit disappear a long time ago. Lately you’ve been getting it back, and I’m proud, but I don’t want to get my hopes high if you’re just going to go running back to him.”

I look at him, hardly daring to hope there’s more behind his words, but once again my big mouth gets in the way and I slightly let stuff spill… have you ever wondered what foot tastes like because I can tell you. “Damn it Guerin, I don’t want Max… there’s somebody else.” He looked at me sharply and I almost thought I saw a flicker in his eyes of something…


“He doesn’t know how I feel, I’m to afraid to tell him. It would hurt a lot of people.”

“God Liz, you see this… live for yourself, tell this guy that you love him and move on. Just please remember it was me who convinced you to do this… don’t leave me alone with the others, I don’t know if I could take it.”

Should I tell him? I’m so nervous, what if he rejects me? What if he chooses his family over me… I know he probably would, I’m just some girl. But what if he feels the same? “I don’t know if I should tell him, sometimes he’s an insufferable jackass.”

“Well if you feel that way then why do you love him?”

“Because he wouldn’t ever let me get hurt, he cares about me to an extent. I can be myself around him, no pretending… He sees me for who I am, not who others want me to be.”

“Well damn Liz, it seems to me you should tell him!”

“Fine! I love you Michael Guerin.” I wait in anticipation for him to respond. He doesn’t look like it registered then it seems all the air has left his lungs, like he was sucker punched.

“You love me?”

“Yes, I know we’ll have problems with our friends, but Michael I love you… I want you I’ve felt this way for a long time, I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same.”

“Why me? I’m nothing like Max and he’s prince charming… I’m Quasimodo remember?”

As much as he tries to hide it, I can see it all in his eyes. He wants to know why I want him when Maria didn’t, when Hank beat the shit out of him. He feels like he’s never really been loved by anyone, hell Max and Isabel looked at him like a responsibility. Maria wanted to change him and he’s unchangeable… he’s one of a kind and I wouldn’t take him any other way. He wanted to know why I would give up the supposed fairy tale love for him. “Michael I love you, I know you’re not Max… I love you for you; I don’t want to change you. I don’t doubt Maria loved you, but asking you to change is wrong. You’re one of a kind Michael and I don’t think you’d be you or true to yourself if you tried to change.” I looked up into his eyes and I saw the love he had for me… then before I knew it, I was in his arms. His lips were on mine and I felt heat pour through my body. His hands were everywhere and mine were tangled in his long glorious hair. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and my legs wrapped around his waist. I wanted to crawl inside him and never leave. I never wanted the kiss to end, but soon breathing became a necessity and he released me. I slowly slid back down his body, breathing hard and I rested my head against his chest… listening to his heartbeat. “That’s a good sound.”

“I love you Liz.”

He murmured it so softly in my hair that I almost didn’t hear. He took my hand and led me into the park, looking around in wonder as snow started falling. “Michael,” I waited for him to look down at me. “My New Year’s resolution was to get around to telling you how I feel. Now that I’ve done that and know that you feel the same I have to change it. My new one is to love you until the day I die, to never try and change you, and to make you as happy as I can.” There are tears in his eyes, I’ve never really seen Michael shed tears; it’s a new experience.

“Liz I promise to love you, protect you… even if it gets on your nerves and try to always be there for you. I won’t ask you to change and I’m going to try and make you as happy as I can.”

I looked up at him, surrounded by falling snow and in that moment I knew I would be with this man for the rest of my life. Hearing cheers through the haze we were in I looked at him and smiled, leaning up into him, I kissed him softly on the lips. “Happy New Year Michael.”

“Happy New Year Liz."


Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
-Dr. George O'Malley

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