Just Another Conversation (M/M,CHILD,1/1)

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Just Another Conversation (M/M,CHILD,1/1)

Post by art_junkie »


Title: Just Another Conversation
Author: art_junkie (aka sparkintherain)
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to its creators.. yada yada yada..
Pairing: Michael/Maria
Rating: child
Summary: Just a small one-shot I came up with when I was bored..


"Come on.."


"Michael, we are ready for this."

"Are you insane? We live in a TWO bedroom apartment! There is no space in this place."

"Well maybe we should get a bigger-"


** 2 minutes and 13 seconds later **




"Maria. You're busy 24/7! When are you going to get time to look after it? It will poo and it will wail, and it will be in my bed all the time!"

"First of all, it is not an it. It'll be a he or a she. And second of all, I'm going to ignore what you said about your bed for a second, and concentrate on the more insulting part of that sentence."

"Which is..?"

"Which is?! Michael, you just implied that it would be all my responsibility! It's going to be part of us you know! We're going to be a family. The perfect family.. It will be wonderful, you'll see. Michael. Michael!"

"Maria! Stop that, give me my food back. I'm hungry! Maria!"

"Michael, we are doing this. Oh my god. I know what this is about. Don't worry, you'll be great."

"I will??"

"Yes. You're scared that you won't be able to handle it. But it's okay, I'll help you."

"Good-fucking-Lord. Maria. That's not it, there really is no space in the apartment anymore! Look around! Stuff everywhere. No s-p-a-c-e."

"But sweetieee.. You know how much I love you! And I know how much you love me, and Michael, remember just the other day you said you'd do anything for me."

"But not this."

"Stop looking at me like that. We have to do this someday! You can't run away forever you know. And what's wrong with expanding the family? Hmm?... Okay, lets make a deal. You allow me to have this, and I'll let you do that thing to me in bed later. Whenever you want. Don't look at me like that, youn know what I'm talking about. You know, the thing that I don't like because cleaning up after takes ages, I mean the syrup gets on everything! You know that day Liz was telling me that with Max she had to-"

"Okay okay. Stop. I'm bleeding from the ears here. I think I know more than necessary about Max's sex life. God you girls yap too much."

"Urgh! Michael you are such an ass!"

"You love it."

"No I - whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I want this! And it's my choice!"


"Our choice! You know I'm going to get stuck with it sometimes!"

"So what? You can't step away from all your eating for five minutes to feed-"


"WHAT is it?!"

"Michael. Sorry Tess, Michael's just being a big baby. Afraid of commitment and all. I thought we got past this, but nooo-"

"I do NOT have commitment issues! This is about the space!"

"Oh really, well buster I'll just-"

"Guys? Sorry to break up another exciting episode of the Michael and Maria banter-slash-foreplay-slash-kill-me-now, but Jasmine is crying."

"See this is what I mean! We can't have anymore living things in this house."

"Michael, finish eating. Maria; Jasmine. And I'm going home to Kyle now. Night guys. Try not to be too loud.. and I'm not just taking about the screaming. We live downstairs you know."


"Hey honey.. want some milk do you, Jas? Here's your bottle. Aren't you the prettiest little 2-year-old ever? Isn't it funny that your daddy and I have been together for 6 years, we have this amazing-albeit, slightly cramped-apartment, and we have you, the most gorgeous little baby girl who, okay, can't understand a word of what I'm saying, but that's not the point. ALL that and he's still totally freaking out about me wanting to get a dog! Men, really!"

Hehe. The End. :mrgreen:
Last edited by art_junkie on Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.