Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 16 Complete - 7 Mar

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 16 Complete - 7 Mar

Post by Tharos »

Other Paths 2

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters

Rating: Adult

Couples: All CC

Summery: Now 16 years after the birth of the Pod Squads children, an ancient darkness of the Antarian people is rising on earth.

It might be a good idea to read Other Paths 1. The link is in the signature space at the bottom of the post.


Younger members of the family:

Max and Liz’s Children – Richard (16 years old), Mark, Kara and Joanne (13)

Michael and Maria’s Children – Paige, Max (16), John, Stephanie (11), Robert, Laura (9), Steven and Shara (6)

Alex and Isabel’s Children – Philip, Katherine (16), Scott and Caitlin (14)

Kyle and Tess’s Children – James, Shanala (16), Derek, Tracy (14), Trall and Shalara (10)

Rath and Lonnie’s Children – Ziala (17) and Rath Junior (15)

Zan and Ava’s Children – Taran (15), Delara (14), Sharn, Sanila, Zar and Tialna (13 – born on different days over the same year)

Laurie and Andrew’s Child – Matthew (15)


Over the last decade or so, much had changed. Roswell was no longer a
small town but a sprawling metropolis built around what became known
as the Old Town. That section was carefully preserved, right down to the
UFO Museum and a certain little café where a massive event changed the
world. The desert was no longer a desert but vast grass fields.

A new age had begun for Earth and Antar, for Earth - they
were now on the interstellar map. As for Antar, they were now free of
Kivar and while their old home world was a barren wasteland, their new
home on Mars A.K.A New Antar created a new sense of purpose for the

Just two days ago the first of Earth’s new space-ships was
displayed to all the people and shortly after that, Queen Elizabeth Evans
of Antar started to make arrangements for her eldest son and the older of
the Pod Squad’s children. They had lived their lives among Antarians,
yes they’d spent time on Earth with their grandparents but hardly enough
time to fully understand their human halves…if that was even possible. It
was time for them to find out.


During a free period in the morning Ziala, daughter of Rath and Lonnie,
was sitting in the cafeteria with her books out in front of her. By her side
was Kristine, her friend who had slightly more than an intensely personal
relationship with the young and future king of the Antarian Empire.
Ziala and her younger brother RJ were currently the only children of
the royal family on Earth. Her father was named by Max as Ambassador
of the Antarian people, something that Rath promised Max he’d get
payback for.

“I’m telling you, it’s 12 over Pi by the inter-modulation
gradient of the Akashic field,” Ziala said.

“Uh, your uncle gives me a headache,” Kristine said.

“Yeah. Uncle Alex does tend to cause that reaction…even on
Antar,” Ziala said.

“Z, come on, why am I studying the intricacies of cosmic
existence?” Kristine asked.

“You’re the one who asked me to teach you it,” Ziala said.
She looked over to the entrance and saw her cousin standing there.

Many of the students sitting there gasped when they saw him but he held
up his finger to his lips. They all silenced themselves as the crowned
prince of Antar walked across the floor wearing nothing more complicated
than a pair of jeans, a blue sweater and a pair of boots. Beneath the
sleeve of his sweater was his Vor’Tal, it was a golden wristband five-
inches long, etched with Antarian glyphs with a large diamond set in the
centre. A symbol of the Antarian nobility, his brother, his sisters and all
his cousins had them but none with a stone as prominent as his. Ziala’s
held a single ruby.

Richard approached the table and put his hands over Kristine’s
eyes. “Three moons hung over head, a beach of star-blue crystal sand
under a sky like liquid gold. Where am I?” Richard whispered in Kristine’s

“Edarisia. Our first date,” Kristine said.

Kristine pulled his hands away, stood from her seat and turned
around before she wrapped her arms around Richard. He responded and
held her close. His fingers ran through her soft red hair before he kissed

“Uh, excuse me. Rick, you took Kris to Edarisia?” Ziala asked.

“Yes he did. Completely ruined every future date I might
have with anyone but I’m not complaining,” Kristine said.

“Edarisia is a place where humans or anything organic for that
matter literally melts,” Ziala said.

“She was protected,” Richard said.

Ziala folded her arms. “You know one of these days we’re
going to find a limit to your powers,” she said.

“Maybe one day,” Richard said.

“So, what reason does this humble Earth girl have for a visit
from the great prince of Antar?” Kristine asked.

“Oh I go to school here,” Richard said.

“What?” Kristine asked.

“It’s time we spend a little time on Earth. Besides, our parents
went here so…well…we’re here. Well, actually it’s just me, Paige, Max,
Katherine, Philip, Shanala and James. Our little brothers and sisters are
still stuck on New Antar,” Richard said.

“Yeah, they’re not allowed to go to school here until they’re
after the Age of Transition. Antarian tradition, I know, it’ll drive you
nuts,” Ziala said.

“So you’re really going to school here? Well I guess that
makes me a very happy girlfriend,” Kristine said.

“Oi, you two stay away from the Eraser Room. You’re not
getting that happy on my watch little cousin,” Ziala said.

Richard grumbled. “Yes, Z,” he said. “Anyway. The others
are getting enrolled right now but I’m taken care of so how about you two
lovely ladies give me the grand tour?”

“Wish I could but I’ve got Math in five minutes,” Kristine said.

“I guess that just leaves me. Come on cuz, let’s show you
around the joint,” Ziala said. She stood up and packed up all her books
before she turned to Kristine. “Oh, Kris, by the way, I have that item you
were waiting for,” she said.

“Oh, great. I’ll catch you after Math,” Kristine said.

Kristine then left, heading for her class, leaving the two young
nobles there before they left so that Ziala could show Richard around his
new school.


Across campus in the teacher’s lounge, the Principal had gathered most of
the teachers that were available. When his secretary walked into his
office to tell him that the Queen of Antar was there to see him he almost
laughed. Then he saw Roswell High Alumni Liz Parker Evans standing just
outside the office. Principal Killian stood up and straightened out his suit
before he told his secretary to show her in.

Then he almost had a heart attack when Liz told him that some
of the royal family’s children were transferring to his school. Now Killian
stood before his staff and told them.

“They’re coming here? To this school?” Ms Jones asked.

“Why not, their parents did,” Mr Barrows said.

“Yes but for a long time no one knew they were alien and not
royal. Those kids are celebrities in their own right,” Ms Jones said.

“On that note. We’ve been asked to treat them like any other
student. If they fail at anything, they fail. We don’t give them any free
rides,” Killian said.

“Like that would happen. From what I hear they’re just as
smart as their parents, even more in some cases,” Mr Barrows said.

“What about their powers?” another teacher asked.

“They’re following the same rules their parents had when they
went here – only when they absolutely have to,” Killian said.

“Uh, what do we call them? One of them is the next in line to
the throne of Antar,” Mr Barrows asked.

“Like I said. We treat them like every other student, just like
we treat Ziala. Queen Liz told me that it was okay to call them by their
given names but not shortened versions. Prince Richard is Richard, not
Rick,” Killian said.

“What about their security? I wouldn’t imagine that the White
Guard would let them out of their sight,” Ms Jones asked.

“Not to mention the Secret Service,” Mr Barrows said.

“That isn’t our concern. But from what I understand the White
Guard will be handling security with representatives of the Secret Service
working in conjunction. If anything this school is going to be incredibly
safe. But all of you listen, they are coming here because they are half
human and they haven’t spent as much time around humanity in general.
They’ve got a lot to learn and they want to learn it here,” Killian said.


For Kristine, time certainly didn’t fly in her class. Her thoughts were
constantly drifting to her boyfriend instead of the equations on the
blackboard. Just being around him took her breath away, ever since they
first met during that teeny tiny little assassination attempt by one of those
lunatics who affirmatively believed that Earth is for humans and that the
hybrid children of the royals were abominations. One stray bullet. The
assassin didn’t care who he hit so long as he got his target. He failed big
time thanks to Richard.

On that day a bullet literally was one millimetre from Kristine’s
heart until the prince shattered reality, tore apart time and rippled
existence. In other words, he froze each of the bullets in place while
undoing the molecular structure and turning them to dust. Kris almost
fainted then. She literally felt the bullet touch her skin before it was
gone. Richard managed to catch her but there was a little residual
energy floating around him that sparked an immediate connection
between the two of them…a connection made possible by the fact that her
family had been in Roswell, above the Earth Granolith for many
generations and soaking up all that usually harmless radiation just like
Alex’s family.

At any rate, she was saved and the two teenagers couldn’t
take their eyes off each other. Kristine just counted the seconds until the
bell went for the end of the class. When it did she was out of there in a
second and briskly walked down the halls to the girl’s locker room by the
school’s swimming pool.

Kris stepped inside and closed the door, as she walked further
in she heard a click. The young redhead turned around to see Ziala
standing with a box and the door lock glowed.

“There, that will give us some private time,” Ziala said.

“Do you really have them?” Kristine asked.

“Oh boy, do I ever,” Ziala said.

“Where’s Rick?” Kristine asked.

“Checking in on our cousins before heading back to Antar. He
has to do this whole inspection thing for the White Guard that will be
keeping the estate and him safe,” Ziala said.

The two girls moved over to a wooden bench in the middle of
the room by a row of lockers and Ziala put the box on the bench. The
blonde opened it to reveal several pairs of bras and panties. All looked to
be plain white and fairly ordinary.

“Uh…Z?” Kristine asked.

“They may not look like much but these are just the
templates,” Ziala said.

“Templates?” Kristine asked.

“Here, strip off and put them on,” Ziala said.

Kristine looked at her friend and put down her bag. In a
moment she took off her jacket and unbuttoned her blouse. When
Kristine slipped it off her arms, Ziala took the blouse and folded it up
while Kristine unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

Ziala looked Kris over, “I can’t believe your mother still makes
you wear white cotton. I mean, come on girl, you’re too hot and in this
day and age,” she said.

“Uh…I’m not that hot,” Kristine said.

“Oh I wouldn’t say that. My cousin seems to think so,” Ziala

“Z…” Kristine said.

“Anyway. Come on, off with the underwear,” Ziala said.

Without so much as a second thought, Kristine reached behind
her back and unclasped her bra and then took it off. Then she pushed
her panties down her smooth legs and tossed them both to the side.
Ziala reached inside her box and pulled out one pair of panties and a bra.

“Fresh off the patented Princess Ziala manufacturing line. My
own little design and creation…for princess’s only…and their close friends.
One size fits all,” Ziala said.

“You a sales woman now?” Kristine asked. She stood there,
naked as the day she was born and took the clothing from Ziala. “Z…it
just feels like cotton,” she said.

“And it will to any curious fingers other than yours…or any
other interested male company,” Ziala said.

Kristine slipped on the panties and then put on the bra. The
bra didn’t have a catch so Kristine pulled it on over her head. It stretched
to become a little bit more accommodating. The fabric moulded itself to
her body perfectly as though they were tailored just for her.

“Nano-cellular fibres, based on my Uncle Alex’s brilliant work
that I just took in a more intimate direction. Thank you very much.
Anyway, there are sensors that just touch the skin in line with your
spine. Oh and machine washable too. Go ahead…think,” Ziala said.

“Really…I mean it works as advertised?” Kristine asked.

“Really and truly,” Ziala said.

Kristine thought for a moment and smiled. She moved over to
a mirror and closed her eyes. She saw the image in her mind and in a
moment her new underwear changed. Her bra became black lace,
transparent in parts with darker lines moving over the cups. Her panties
changed fabric to match but the rear shifted and became a thong.

“Z…my hat is off to you,” Kristine said.

“Try again,” Ziala said.

Kristine did, the colour shifted and became a shade of red that
matched her hair. Her bra became loose and light fabric extended down
resulting in Kristine wearing a teddy complete with thin silk strings.
Another change brought them to a more simple design but made of silk
and green in colour.

“Hmm, I think this will do for the rest of today,” Kristine said.

“Totally. And the good thing is, if you take them off they
return to the template form. Certain adults back in your home will not be
the wiser,” Ziala said. “Good. They’d string me up if they saw me
wearing anything remotely like this,” Kristine said.

“Well, I’m sure a certain young prince won’t mind seeing you
in these,” Ziala said.

“Z, come on,” Kristine said.

“What? I’m not allowed to have fun with Rick’s girlfriend?”
Ziala asked.

Kristine smiled. She picked up her skirt and was ready to put
it on but Ziala stopped her.

“Oh wait. Try this,” Ziala said. She pulled out two small bands
of fabric and gave it to Kristine.

Kristine raised an eyebrow as she looked at the bands, “Z?”
she asked.

“Put them on. Around your thighs,” Ziala said.

Kristine put her skirt back down and slipped on the thin bands
on each leg, rolling them up high on her thighs. She smiled as she
realised what they were for and in moments dark silk spread out over the
length of her legs to form shear stockings.

“Z, you’re a goddess. I like a lot,” Kristine said.

“I thought you might. They can become tights, stockings,
socks…anything for legs and feet,” Ziala said.

Kristine then got her skirt and put it back on before she put on
her blouse. She then put her old underwear in her bag and took the
other six pairs of underwear from the box.

“One glimpse of these and Rick will be in your bed,” Ziala said.

“Z, I didn’t ask for these to get Rick into bed,” Kristine said.

“It’s only a matter of time, Kris. Every woman in our family
can see the way you two look at each other,” Ziala said.

“This from someone who’s much of a virgin as I am? I know
Antarian biology. You have sex, you’re bonded for life. You’re wedding
ceremonies are just for show and to open the connection to its full
potential. Sex is the true wedding for your people,” Kristine said.

“Yes it is. It’s why we have a ritual for every stage of our
relationships. We make sure we’re with the right person for us before we
even get that close…but you two, you’ve looked into each other’s souls
and then some. Just like aunt Liz and uncle Max. Look, the reason Rick
has never brought up being with you is because he never wants you to
doubt that you made the right choice in having sex. To being bound to
him and him to you…you’re both still young and it’s a huge step even for
humans but him being him makes it a bigger one. And you’ve never
brought it up…well, you’re parents would go through the roof for one thing
and you’ve got it in your head that in no way would you be a good queen
when the time came,” Ziala said.

“Well I was born in Roswell you know,” Kristine said.

“Yeah…uh, Kris…so was aunt Liz,” Ziala said.

“Hmm…good point,” Kristine said.

“Besides, other than the Omniriad, my cousin may be the most
powerful being…you know…ever. But I know something more powerful,”
Ziala said.

“What’s that?” Kristine asked.

“You. Can you think of anything more powerful than the
woman standing next to the powerful human?” Ziala asked.

“No,” Kristine said.

“You’re a queen in waiting. It’s only a matter of time before
you figure that out and let nature take its course,” Ziala said.

With that Ziala walked over to the door and unlocked it with a
wave of her magic finger. Kristine put on her jacket and walked to the
door with the feeling of silk against her skin. Soon they were back
among the students walking in the halls and Kristine had a sly smile on
her face which wasn’t missed by Ziala.


By lunchtime, Richard returned to the Antarian estate on Earth where
Max, Liz and the others once lived before moving to New Antar and to
where they stay when on Earth. Once there he powered up the Arch and
was transported to the palace back home. The crowned prince walked
through the halls on his way to the Hall of the White, the barracks of the
White Guard within the palace and where they trained to the point where
it was almost a religion to them.

Since their founding, there was only one black stain in their
history and they swore what happened with Kivar would never happen

However, Richard soon passed his father’s private office and
the door was open.

“Rick, could you come in here a sec?” Max called out.

Richard stopped dead and looked in through the
door, “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it,” he said.

Max chuckled and beckoned his eldest into the
office. “Actually you did do it,” Max said.

“What’s going on?” Richard asked. He sat down while his
father came out from behind the desk and sat nearby.

“It’s time we told you about something that’s been going on for
a while now. You’re mother wanted to be here but she’s on Earth trying
to keep this quiet but it looks like that isn’t going to work,” Max said.

“Dad, you’re worrying me now,” Richard said.

“Yeah, I wish I could do this another way…but, there’s a
motion going before the Pope tomorrow morning and he seems ready to
ratify it,” Max said.

“The Pope? As in the Vatican Pope? What do I have to do with
him?” Richard asked.

“Over your life, there have been certain events. This motion,
and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, it’s to have you named…as…the
Second Coming of Christ,” Max said.

“WHAT???” Richard yelled.

“Do you remember when you were six months old?” Max

“Vaguely, yes,” Rick said.

“Really?” Max asked.

“Yes, you know - the power of the Progenitors and all that,”
Richard said.

“Well, after the Granolith terra-formed Mars into New Antar,
the effect on Earth instantly neutralised 98% of the planet’s pollution. But
afterward, there were still areas that had problems. One was a place we
took you to, an African coastal town that had overfished and polluted the
area to the point that they couldn’t feed themselves. We just walked,
having our people see what we could do to raise the fish stocks,” Max

“Yeah, I remember that. We were going to use…well
biologically speaking it’s basically to cloning what cloning is to how they
used to dissect frogs in class years ago,” Richard said.

“That’s right. Anyway, one day you were feeling a little hot so
your mother and me took you down to the river to cool down. Liz dipped
you into the water and the next thing we knew was that there was an
explosion of light throughout the water. That night the local fishermen
pulled in a catch bigger than they’d ever had. There was a priest there
and he saw it. He started thinking about those Sunday school stories,”
Max said.

“Christ bringing in the fish…yeah, but still…” Richard said.

“There’s more. That was just enough to get attention.
Anyway, you were three and we went to a hospital. The same thing
happened. You felt hot, there was a flash of light…that day, everyone in
hospitals for one hundred miles were healed. And not just healed.
Amputated limbs regenerated, diseases were gone…and people who died,
even people in the morgue who hadn’t gone through an autopsy were all
brought back to life,” Max said.

“I remember that. You just said that I reached a new level of
my powers and it took me a moment to adapt,” Richard said.

“That was true. But it got more attention. Between now and
your birth there have been twenty-nine incidents that can be seen as
religious in nature. It’s not just the Catholic Church, they are the first but
the leaders of most faiths on Earth started to see you as the next
messenger of god – a Prophet,” Max said.

“I…think…I think I need to sit down,” Richard said.

“You are sitting down,” Max said.

“Oh…okay,” Richard said. “Wait…how are they getting over
the whole god is the father and the virgin birth thing. I’m pretty sure you
and mom were pretty…well, you know, for a long time before I was born.”

“We were,” Max said. “As I understand their theory, your
mother was chosen by the Omniriad. The Omniriad, as the first race to
evolve sentience in the universe, were God’s angels. Especially with the
impressive wing span and natural glowing light they’ve got. They sent
Phoenix to Earth, he went to Liz, Liz was changed and I was sent to her to
create you. A load of rubbish, I know, but it’s how some of the priests
are rationalising it. Basically they’re saying god can choose to send his
emissary’s anyway he wants.”

“Which is true enough but, dad, this is…insane,” Richard said.

“I said that when I found out about it,” Max said.

“And mom isn’t having any luck convincing them of this?”
Richard asked.

“No. Tomorrow the Pope will either ratify it or reject it but
right now it looks like he’s siding with the ever growing group of the ratify
sect. It’ll hit the media some time tonight,” Max said.

“Oh holy…no, scratch that. Poor choice of words. Dad, there
is just no way…no way this is happening. I don’t suppose I could just…
you know…erase the Vatican from history?” Richard asked.

“Rick,” Max warned.

“I know, I know. Don’t mess with established situations on
Earth. God, this blows,” Richard said.

“Totally,” Max said.

“Ughnn…dad. I’m me. Bad enough I’ve got the “next in line to
the throne” thing going on for me but come on. I’m not some god-child.
Incredible power – yes. Devilishly handsome…according to Kris – yes.
Not Christ, not a saviour and not, not, not a particularly big believer in the
big guy upstairs,” Richard said.

“Which is fairly ironic isn’t it? Come on, you’ll be fine. Why
don’t you go up to your room, call Kris. We’ll see later if we can stop this
for sure,” Max said.

“Okay. Thanks Dad, I guess it’s better hearing it from you
than walking into school tomorrow to find people staring more than
usual,” Richard said.

The prince stood up and in a haze he walked the halls of the
ninety story palace to his bedroom.


Richard’s bedroom – perfect for a prince. A wide space with everything
he could need or want for. A large and incredibly comfortable bed which
he just sank into every night under its warm, regal sheets was the room’s
centrepiece. Richard’s intent was to call Kristine. He activated the video
screen and accessed the inter-planetary line. However, he wasn’t
thinking. What his dad just told him was messing up his head and he
needed Kristine so before he even pressed the button to transmit he
heard her voice.

“Rick?” Kristine asked.

“Kris?” Richard said. He looked up at the black screen and
then turned around to see Kristine standing there.

Kristine was dressed in black spandex, she was just about ready to go for her usual mid-afternoon jog. It was a Tuesday and on those afternoons her hour after lunch was available. Technically she was supposed to be studying but she always found that going out for a run helped to clear her head so she headed home, got changed and went out for about half an hour.

“How did you?...” Richard asked.

“You’re asking me? One minute I’m putting on my sneakers and the next I’m with you,” Kristine said.

“I guess I must have teleported you here. Sorry,” Richard said.

“No need to apologise. But I thought you meditated every day so that things like this wouldn’t happen?” Kristine asked.

“Yes but dad just told me something…I was about to call you. I think you better sit down,” Richard said.

“Uh oh,” Kristine said. She sat down on the edge of Richard’s bed and he started to pace back and forth. It took a moment but he started to talk and told her what Max told him. Her jaw hung open. “He said that?”

“There are people out there that think I’m the next Prophet, son of god, whatever the hell they want to call it,” Richard said. He fell backwards, landing flat on his back on the bed.

“That’s just…wow,” Kristine said.

“Wow? That’s it?” Richard said.

“Sorry, I guess I don’t know what to say,” Kristine said.

“Yeah, join the club. You know what the fun part is? I can’t wait to
see how the put my brother and sisters into this. They’re just as powerful
as I am, most of it just hasn’t switched on yet,” Richard said.

“Not to mention Katherine and Philip. Their dad is the most highly
evolved human. Can’t your mom, dad…or anyone in your family do
something?” she asked.

“They’ve been trying. For years apparently,” Richard said.

Kristine’s eyes went wide and moved further around to look at her
boyfriend, “My parents,” she said.

“Oh yeah, they’ll freak all right,” Richard said.

“Freak? Rick, they’re devout Catholics. If the Pope stands up and
says you are the Second Coming then to them you are the Second
coming. They’ll tell me to break up with you,” Kristine said.

“They’ll what? Richard asked.

“Rick, no one, not even their own daughter would be good enough
for you,” Kristine said.

“Like Hell. Kris, I would crawl across the universe, destroy Hell
and storm the gates of Heaven before I rain fire down over Earth before I
stop seeing you. Well, unless you meant it if you told me you wanted to
break-up,” Richard said.

“Ah, such the romantic,” Kristine said. “Mind you…you probably
could do all that stuff couldn’t you?”

“I really hope I never find out. God, religion sucks,” Richard said.

“Uh, Rick, fairly spiritual girlfriend sitting not five inches from you,”
Kristine said.

“Ah, I said religion. Spirituality is great, believing in God…fine.
Organised religion and some old documents written by people - not
deities - people telling other people how to live their lives…it sucks. I
mean take you, your parents are what I would charitably describe as
obsessed with their faith and they’ve raised you the same but you didn’t
buy it. You made up your own mind and saw more in your own sense of
what’s right. If I get named the Second Coming, god help me, then you
make up your own mind about that but people like your parents…they’d
follow the Pope and the same will be said for every other faith. If I am
considered a new Prophet then people will follow their own religious
leaders instead of making up their own minds,” Richard said.

“Well…since I make up my own mind, I guess I decide to help take
you mind off of this for at least a little while,” Kristine said.

“Yeah?” Richard asked.

“Yes,” Kristine said.

Richard moved up onto his knees and sat beside Kristine. He
softly held her hand while reaching up to her cheek with his other one.
Gently he planted a kiss on her cheek and they looked into each other’s
eyes. In a moment they leaned closer and kissed on the lips. Their arms
wrapped around each other as the kiss deepened and the two fell onto
the bed.

Richard let his fingers run through the long red locks and fire
sparked within him. He opened his eyes and Kristine looked to see a
bountiful universe of stars sparkling deep within them. It didn’t scare
her. In fact it drew her in even more and soon she found her tongue
inside his mouth duelling with his tongue.

Kristine felt Richard’s hand let go of hers and slide up her bare
arm to her shoulder. The two teenagers pressed themselves together,
desperately eager for more before Richard broke their kiss.

“We can’t,” Richard said.

“I know,” Kristine said.

“I just…” Richard said.

“Rick, I understand. I do. As much as we both want to, I’m not
ready to be named as the future queen of Antar and you don’t want me
trapped into a role you think I might not want because we let our
hormones get out of control,” Kristine said.

Richard smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. “For the record,
my mom thinks you’d make an incredible queen. Are you sure I can’t
interest you in the ball tonight?” he asked.

“As much as I would like to say yes. I have a report due on
Comparable Human/Antarian biology tomorrow. I haven’t gotten through
as much of it as I would have liked,” Kristine said.

“Are you sure? There’s going to be lots of world leaders there from Antar and Earth,” Richard said.

“Rick…” she said.

“I know, I know. No pressure,” Richard said.

“Rick…there is something,” Kristine said.

“What’s that?” Richard asked.

“If you’re the Second Coming…who is the Anti-Christ?”


The tomb was sealed for over 5000 years. The walls of the ancient room
situated not far from the mouth of Lake Tana in Ethiopia started to
crumble as people hacked at the other side. After days of backbreaking
work Dr Cole’s archaeological team had dug through the rock to this
discovery that they were now breaching. With eagerness the team
carefully worked so that the massive brick they were working on was
loose enough for them to push. With a crash the block fell to the floor

Their mouths watered at the prospect of this but the honour of
going in first belonged to their expedition leader and he approached their
makeshift door. Cole moved in. After years of researching he was not
going to be denied this moment. He switched on his torch and the beam
glanced over everything before they stepped in. Simon, one of Cole’s
assistants, moved to the side where a large, oil-filled dish sat and he
dropped a match into it. The flames roared to life and filled the chamber
with light. Cole pulled out his micro-cassette recorder and started to

“April fourth - I was right. Today we broke through into a
chamber, cubical shape with four central pillars. There are two openings
at the lower corners of the wall adjacent to our entry point from which
water is flowing in and flowing out again from opposite openings. Theory:
Could this place have been constructed as a temple to the river gods?
However there are no depictions of Ankhet or Kneph. The walls are
unremarkable, pale yellow in colour but no hieroglyphs despite the
architecture being distinctly Ancient Egyptian. Correction, there are
hieroglyphs. In the centre of the room between the pillars there is an
artefact. Its dimensions are approximately 5feet high, 2½ wide. Around
the top, there is an outer ring of what appear to be rubies. There
appears to be one missing. The centre of the object is a gold lined
indentation. There are seven small holders, all are empty.”

“Doctor. Check this out,” Simon said. A small black bag hung
on a pillar. He opened it and saw several coloured stones. “I’m not sure
what these are for but there are seven.”

“Seven? There are seven spaces on this artefact.” As he held
each stone in turn Cole said, “Hmm? They feel like they’re all different
weights. Maybe they’re supposed to fit into specific holders.”

“A weight balanced lock? I guess it’s possible, so what’s the
sequence?” Simon asked.

“I have no idea.” Cole looked at the writing around the base
and translated. “By the gaze of Ra, his stare’s true form, bound eternally
his name cursed to be forgotten…the Bringer of Chaos. Ra was the Sun
God, his gaze would be sunlight,” he said.

“His stare’s true form?” Simon asked.

Cole thought for a moment. “Light…the light spectrum?”

“What? Like a rainbow? The stones are all the right colours.
What about this Bringer of Chaos stuff?” Simon said

“Probably some warlord that hacked his way through half of
Egypt before he died. This could be his coffin. We’ll just have to open it
and find out,” Cole said. He put the stones on the holders following the
order of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo but
before he placed the violet stone on Simon stopped him.

“Doctor…” Simon said.

“Look, we just found a buried chamber here at the source of
the Blue Nile. This room’s existence proves the ancients tracked the Nile
back to here; maybe even they tracked back along the White Nile to Lake
Victoria. Either way, we have this room and maybe there are more
hidden but we will be very popular from this day on. Besides God knows
what’s behind these other walls,” Cole said. He placed the violet stone
into place.

Immediately the internal mechanisms registered the sequence
of weights and the small bowl of gold lowered into the stone. A crack
formed right down the side, opening it. The cameras flashed as the
assistants took pictures but all they saw was a dark grey powder pouring
out of a space less than a cubic foot in size.

“Someone buried in a place like this and not mummified?”
Cole said. Suddenly the powder lifted up and span around the room like a
brewing storm. All throughout the chamber, a menacing laugh could be
heard echoing off the walls.

Most of the team felt their throats close up; they were being
strangled with pressure directly onto their windpipes yet no one was
touching them. Cole could do nothing but stand there and watch as they
fell to the floor and passed out from lack of air before they died. Seconds
later blood poured from their mouths and into the water, turning it red.
Within moments everyone in the room fell to the floor dead
and the cloud moved up through the hole.


When school was done, Ziala drove back home to the estate where she
met her parents. Rath, Lonnie and their daughter moved through the
portal that Alex built and in moments they were in the palace of New
Antar. From there they separated to their rooms to get ready for this
evenings ball. Ziala had taken Katherine out to shop for a new dress
shortly before the Earth Star-Ship Phoenix was revealed to the world and
the time had come for the social reception to congratulate the people in
charge of the project – which included Prince/Professor Alexander

Ziala ran into her bedroom in the palace and locked the door
before she stripped off her clothes. She left a trail all the way to her
bedside cabinet where she took her Vor’tal off her wrist and placed it onto
the holder. Ziala then moved into her bathroom.

With the press of a small button on the wall, the bathtub was
instantly filled with hot water. The fragrance of lavender drifted through
the air from the water and Ziala moved into the tub. It was large and
circular, designed to stand up in and more than enough room to be
shared but generally she used it alone. In a moment she was completely
relaxed, the water was at the perfect temperature for her body and as a
result she almost felt like drifting off to float in the water. She stopped
herself from dozing though, but Ziala pressed a button and the water

There was no need for soap, cloths or sponges. The light
swept over her body and removed every trace of grim, sweat and dirt
from her body. The residual effect was a tingling over every inch of her
skin that Ziala just loved.

What she didn’t know was that in her room, her ruby
encrusted Vor’tal started to glow. The blood red stone pulsed and the
light coming from it illuminated the room in an eerie radiance. It lasted
mere minutes and when Ziala came out of the bathroom with a towel,
rubbing her body dry, the light was gone.

Ziala opened her large, very large, walk-in wardrobe. Her
first stop was her underwear drawer. Once she had them on, she made
her selection. She kept the colour white but with a simple thought she
changed the material to silk. They hugged her body, the bra pushed up
her breasts – not that they needed to, and for her legs she chose sheer
white silk stockings.

After that it was time for a dress and the one she had ready
was topaz in colour. There wasn’t a back to it, her skin was completely
exposed down to just above her butt and while the skirt hung down to her
feet, there was a split on the left hand side up to mid-thigh.

Ziala slipped on her bathrobe, there was no point in getting
ready a full hour before the ball was due to start. She still had some stuff
to get done and she was due to meet her fellow princesses soon anyway.
Besides, there was still some of their family missing but not for long…


The spaceport of the Antarian Capitol was just outside of the city. A
massive red spire that reached up into the sky, not quite as high as the
palace but it was still impressive. At various angles, all up the length
were docking platforms sticking out of it and Max, Liz, Isabel, Alex, Rath,
Lonnie, Zan, Ava, Michael and Maria were all there waiting on the upper
most level. Soon there was a rumble in the air and from the clouds a
ship descended. It flew down and moved around the spire until it was
aligned with the platform.

The ship latched on and the engines powered down before the
main hatch opened. From the light inside, six children came running out.
Two, James and Shanala were 16, two more, Derek and Tracy were 14
and the final two, Trall and Shalara had just turned 10. Shortly
afterward, their parents came walking out.

“Kyle, Tess…welcome back,” Max said. He approached the
pair and hugged them one after the other before giving a great big bear
hug to his six nephews and nieces. In seconds the rest of the family were
hugging the new arrivals and welcoming them back to New Antar.

Liz hugged Tess and smiled. “You have been away too long,”
she said.

“Tell me about it,” Tess said.

“How’s Krallen?” Ava asked.

“Sunny as ever, but a bit moist. The burden of living in a
rainforest,” Tess said.

“Nalat Kyle…you look good,” Maria said.

“Thanks oh dear step-sis. Call me Nalat again and I’ll hurt
you,” Kyle said.

“Oh Kyle, it’s your title. Live with it,” Michael said.

“I have. And quiet well for 17 years. So…how is he?” Kyle

“I’m sorry, he’s not doing well,” Max said.

“Then dad is dying?” Tess asked.

Ava’s eyes were moist and hugged her sister, “He’s got about
a week left,” she said.

“Alex, there has to be something you can do?” Kyle asked.

“I wish it worked like that but, no, there’s nothing,” Alex said.

“You’ve helped make the average human life span 107 years,
you can’t…” Tess said.

“Guys, no,” Alex said. “Antarians don’t age the same. It
starts like humans until mid 30s, then it slows down. For 490 years or so
we look like that, ageing maybe 10 years physically then it changes
drastically. The body ages rapidly and the energy diminishes. It hit your
dad three days ago. Trall’s simply dying of old age and I can’t stop that.”

“I know. Sorry,” Tess said.

“Can we see him?” Kyle asked.

“Tomorrow. He wants to see his family then. Today he’s
preparing himself for the Final Ritual,” Ava said.

Tess nodded and Kyle put his hand on his youngest son’s shoulder, he was named after his Antarian grandfather but they had only
met a couple of times. Living on opposite ends of the galaxy caused
problems, even with the special corridor connecting Earth’s solar system
to the rest of the Empire it took time getting between the areas. Add to
that Kyle’s responsibilities as Nalat over a prosperous region of one of the
colony worlds took much of his time.

Once word reached them about Trall, they couldn’t have had
their private ship ready fast enough. Their family was packed and
headed to New Antar, they all looked forward to it despite the reason they
were going.

“Majesty?” the king’s personal aide said.

“Yes Vejan?” Max asked.

“We’re getting an unusual report from Earth,” the aide said.

“What kind of report?” Liz asked.

“It’s odd but some kind of fogbank blew in from the Atlantic,
grew thicker and stopped dead over Roswell,” the aide said.

“What?” Tess asked.

“Okay, contact all Antarians on Earth and make sure none of
them have developed a strange sense of humour. In the meantime, get
someone to look into atmospheric anomalies and make sure this isn’t just
a side effect from our abilities being used in Roswell all that time,” Max

“Yes Majesty,” the aide said.

“But for now, let’s get you lot to the palace and settled in,” Liz

Soon they all left, taking the royal shuttle and flying over the
city toward the palace. The palace staff had their rooms ready, pristine
and maintained since the day they left for their new home on the planet


The sun was setting over Roswell; its light beamed over the mountains as
the Mayor of Roswell stood on the balcony of his office and looked at the
layer of fog that covered the entire first story of the city. He just stood
there with the satellite images of the fog moving over the ocean toward
his town and now here it was, not even moving an inch beyond the city
limits to the west.

“Mr Mayor,” Max said.

“Your Majesty. This is a surprise,” the mayor said.

“I think you said that when you got elected. Mayor Jim
Valenti…better than Sheriff,” Max said.

“You bet your ass I did. Amy damn near had a heart attack,”
Jim said.

“Well you’re the one who decided to run. Anyway, I thought
you’d like to know, Kyle and Tess’s ship arrived 10 minutes ago,” Max

“Yeah? Excellent, tell my son and want to see my grandkids
this visit,” Jim said.

Max smiled, “Count on it,” he said.

“So Max, what’s going on with my town?” Jim asked.

“Not a clue. This is new,” Max said.

“I take it no Antarians have done this?” Jim asked.

“No, I checked when I heard. There is an energy signature
present but while it’s similar to Antarian but not quite there,” Max said.

“Rick?” Jim asked.

“No. It’s still different, none of the kids are a match,” Max said.

“So what we have here is a fog bank, apparently from Egypt
that crossed the Atlantic with Roswell as its destination…why?” Jim asked.

Suddenly the cloud started to move and swirl. “Nuya, aque,
noosa malor,”

The voice echoed in the wind, repeating the same words over
and over again in a chant that seemed unending. Everyone in the city
could hear it before it suddenly vanished.

“Okay. Now I have a bad feeling,” Max said.

“You and me both,” Jim said.

“I’ll have my people study this the second I get back,” Max

“Speaking of which don’t you have a ball to get ready for?” Jim

“Yeah, I will. I’ve got time. What about you? You and Amy
are going to be there, the entire family is,” Max said.

“I can be ready on time and be at the estate to get up there.
As for Amy…” Jim said.

“I’ll have you two boys know that I can be ready when and
where it is required,” Amy said. She walked up behind them. “And
speaking as the mother of Lady Maria Guerin, I shall be there with bells
on long before my daughter has even finished with her hair.”

“Good to know,” Max said.

“We’ll see you there Max,” Amy said.


Soon the time came for everyone to get ready. All the girls were meeting
in Ziala’s bedroom to add the final touches before making their public
appearance. Right now Katherine was sitting in front of Ziala’s mirror
with Ziala putting on a little make-up. Katherine may always be the belle
of the ball but she hated public appearances, she hated the attention that
came with her celebrity as one of the Royals but still she went to them as
her duty as a princess of the empire.

Richard knocked on the door and opened it. He was wearing
his official uniform as crowned prince of the empire. A dark blue, one-
piece suit with a cape that was adorned with the whirlwind symbol. A belt
came down from his shoulder to his left hand side and then up around his
back. “Ladies, ready?” he asked.

“Just about done,” Ziala said. She put the last touches of
eyeliner on Katherine. “There.”

“Wow, sis...you look good,” Philip said. He stood at the door
looking over his sister and cousins, wearing a similar outfit to Richard’s
except that his, like the rest of his male cousins was black.

“Could you sound anymore surprised?” Katherine asked.

“Uh…no. Anyway, there’s such a thing as fashionably late and
outright late so…” Philip said.

“So are you ready?” Richard asked.

“Why yes we are oh great prince,” Paige said. She was
desperately trying to hold back from laughing at the wardrobe her
cousin’s were wearing. At least she and the other girls got to choose.

“Enough. Come on, get those butts in gear before I teleport
you all there,” Richard said.

“Oh you don’t want to do that just yet,” Shanala said.

“Why not?” Richard asked.

“Because there is a surprise for you,” a voice to the side said.

Richard turned and saw Kristine standing there. She was
wearing a golden dress that clung to her body, matching gloves covered
her arms up to just below her elbows. Around her waist was a belt of a
darker shade of the gold and if she was wearing anything underneath the
dress Richard certainly couldn’t tell. Kristine wore her hair was up and a
small pendant, a gift from Richard, adorned her neck. Richard’s jaw hit
the floor.

“I…I…I…” Richard said.

“I think we did good. I’ve never seen him that speechless,”
Kara said.

“You did this?” Richard asked.

“We all had a hand,” Ziala said.

“But I thought you had a paper to do?” Richard asked.

“Oh I do but it’s not due till tomorrow. What kind of surprise
would it be if I said I wasn’t coming but didn’t have a good excuse?”
Kristine said.

“I think this deserves a little punishment,” Richard said.

“Oh, you promise?” Kristine asked.

“Okay…way too much information,” Ziala said.

“So, you like?” Kristine asked. She turned around, the hem of
her dress fluttered up and settled back down when she stopped.

“I like very much. You’re beautiful,” Richard said.

Richard moved in closer and Kristine met him halfway. Their
lips pressed together and as Richard slowly moved his hands up and
down her arms, they melted together.

“Awwwwwwwwww…” all the girls said.

Richard broke the kiss. “I hate my family at times,” he said.

“Oh you don’t really. But damn, I am really good,” Ziala said.
Kristine’s dress was another choice of Ziala’s.

“Good? You’re a Van Gogh,” Richard said.

“We helped too,” Joanne said.

Richard smiled and kissed both of his sister’s foreheads. He
hugged them both before turned back to his girlfriend and held out his
arm. “My lady. First official function as the escort of the crowned prince…
ready?” he asked.

“My prince…more than ready,” Kristine said. She took hold of
his arm and Richard escorted out of the room.

They were followed presently by the rest of the family down
the hall. They walked through the winding corridors until they reached
the Grand Hall where the ball was already underway.


The hall was massive, built between two great towers of the palace and
covered in a roof of impenetrable glass. Above them floated the reason
they were all there, the new Star-ship Phoenix. It was only manned by a
skeleton crew, most of the officers had still to be selected but there was
enough on board to make sure the television cameras had a show when
they looked up.

In the hall people were dancing, talking and enjoying
themselves while Max and Liz did the rounds. To Antarians, these balls
were the equivalent of State Dinners and as the hosts Max and Liz were
constantly engaged with world leaders and the High Council.

Only Trall was absent from the Council but he insisted his family be in attendance instead of tending to him. He knew he didn’t have much time left but he still had to prepare himself in private, only those of trained for the rituals were allowed to tend to him until he was ready to see his family.

As Richard and Kristine walked the hall, they approached his parents who were standing with the current President of the U.S., Lucas Young, and former President Harrison.

“Prince Richard, you’re looking well,” Harrison said.

“Thank you. President Young, President Harrison. May I present
Kristine Adams from Roswell,” Richard said.

“A pleasure, my dear,” Harrison said.

“I’m honoured, Sir,” Kristine said.

“How does it feel to be the envy of so many?” President Young said.

“Envy Sir?” Kristine asked.

“When you get my girls as jealous as they are, I know there’s just about every teenage girl feeling even worse,” President Young said.

“Really?” Kristine asked.

“Really,” Young said.

“I…eh…wow,” Kristine said.

“You do look beautiful tonight Kris. I hope my son is minding his
manners?” Liz asked.

“As always your Majesty,” Kristine said.

“Kris, I thought we had an arrangement? You don’t need to call me or Max Your Majesty,” Liz asked.

“Well, it’s a formal occasion. I figured it would be best. Besides, my mom and dad would kill me is I didn’t call you that and it was caught on camera,” Kristine said.

“Ah, good reason,” Max said.

“Why don’t you two go have and dance. This is a ball after all,” Liz said.

“Uh…dance?” Richard asked.

Kristine turned and looked at him with a smile. “Are you saying we’ve found something you’re not capable of doing?” she asked.

“Ummm…kind of. It’s really not pretty,” Richard said.

“Well, then. I guess I get to teach you,” Kristine said. She took hold of his hand and lead Richard out onto the centre of the dance floor.

The second they did, all eyes on the room were on them and Richard never felt more self-conscious than he did right now. Richard took her hand in his and moved his other hand to her waist. Slowly to the two started to move, Richard’s brain moving fast to absorb every moment
Kristine made to anticipate what to do and for the first time he didn’t stand on his partner’s feet. Everything just seemed to come so naturally
for him.

Back with his parents, Liz took hold of Max’s hand and smiled.

“What’s with our family finding their soul-mates so young?” Liz asked.

“They do look good together,” Max said.

“Remind you of a certain other couple we’re both intimately familiar with?” Liz asked.

Max smiled and held his beloved wife closer.

“What I’m concerned about is that your family seems to meet their soul-mates in life or death situations,” Harrison said.

“Hmm…yes,” Max and Liz said.

They looked at their son and his girlfriend. The young couple couldn’t take their eyes off each other, Richard and Kristine were utterly

“She’s certainly a future queen,” Liz said.

“They’re both still too young for that,” Max said.

“Like we were?” Liz asked.

Max smiled, remembering back to those simple days where a gunshot triggered off the events leading toward his current life. “Well if it
happens, we’ll be there for them both. They won’t need to start it off as
secretive as we had to be,” Max said.

Liz sighed, “Should we tell them?” she asked.

“You’re sure about it?” Max asked

“Yes. The story is being leaked to the press right now. Too bad my vision didn’t kick in sooner,” Liz said.

“Then no. They’ll find out tomorrow. Let them have tonight. Their lives can spin out of control tomorrow,” Max said.

“I can tell you this, whoever it was in Rome that leaked this…they won’t enjoy meeting me,” Liz said.

“Or me,” Max said.

“Oh no. I’m a pissed off mother. I get first crack,” Liz said.

Off to the side, Ziala was sitting with her cousins and watching Richard and Kristine. Soon though, a young man just a few years older than herself walked by the table. As he did so, they both sharply turned their heads and locked eyes on each other. Ziala stared into his eyes and was completely mesmerised and felt her heart beat like a thunderstorm.

“Now, that is a cute guy,” Ziala said.

Slowly he approached the table and extended his hand, he couldn’t
control himself and smiled at Ziala.

“May I have the honour of this dance, Princess?” he asked.

Ziala reached up and took hold of his hand. He held her hand and walked her out onto the dance floor just as many other people went out to dance themselves. They all danced away, Ziala and her dance partner were utterly drawn to each other, like a moon caught in a planet’s orbit and neither could leave.

Richard turned his head, just to make sure he wasn’t going to bump into anyone, but had to do a double take when he saw his cousin dancing and who she was dancing with. Kristine saw the expression on his face change to one of concern and looked over.

“What is it? Is everything okay?” Kristine asked.

“No, no it’s not,” Richard said.

A few minutes later the song died down and they all departed from the dance floor. Ziala’s young man knew that he had crossed a line yet he couldn’t help himself when he saw the princess. He knew he shouldn’t have and that while protocol demanded his presence at the function, propriety demanded that he leave before anything else happened. He took hold of her hand and lifted it to kiss it.

“You’re leaving?” Ziala asked.

“I must,” he said.

Without any more fuss he simply headed for the exit but before he
walked up the white marble stairs to the grand doorway, he turned back
to Ziala and bowed. With that he left.

Ziala returned to her table just as Richard and Kristine were walking up.

“Z, are you nuts?” Richard asked.

“Uh, what? I was invited to dance, so I danced and by the Progenitors he’s cute,” Ziala asked.

“You mean you don’t know?” Richard asked. He then turned to his
cousins, “You didn’t tell her?” he asked

“She didn’t give us a chance to. She was gone in a heartbeat,” Philip said.

“What are you guys talking about?” Ziala asked.

“Z, you need to pay more attention to the politics up here. That’s Lord Jarel. Jarel…as in Kivar’s son,” Richard said.

“What? Oh god,” Ziala said.

To Be Continued…
Last edited by Tharos on Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:06 am, edited 16 times in total.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Post by Tharos »

Sorry, dont know why that cut off like that.

Chapter 2

Ziala sat in her chair blinking. Her dance partner who had made her pulse race, whose simple gaze into her eyes had her drowning and whose touch made her want to forget every one of her Antarian traditional rites by dragging him to her bedroom, he was the son of their family’s blood enemy. Long dead as Kivar was, his name was still hated among the family and the rest of New Antar.

The ball continued around them, Ziala looked to the door where Jarel exited and her leg started to shake beneath the skirt of her dress. Katherine, as close to her cousin as her own sister, placed her hand on Ziala’s shoulder. Katherine saw how much Ziala enjoyed her dance.

“Rick, I didn’t even know Kivar had a son,” Kristine said.

“Yeah, not many Antarians know about it either. From what I heard, after his little coup de tat and the original Princess Vilandra was killed, he hooked up with a woman from the Acaria family. They’re a minor noble family from Kivar’s old home planet. Something happened several years back when Jarel was 10, his mother got him out of the palace and hid him. Now that Kivar is dead, he came back and with him inheriting all Kivar’s old holdings,” Richard said.

“Yeah, I think he made his first public appearance a couple of years or so ago when he had to attend a Council meeting. Before that he was sticking to the background managing his own territories on the planet,” Philip said.

“Wait. He’s on the Council?” Katherine asked.

“Regrettably, yes,” Richard said.

“I think I need to go throw up now,” Ziala said.

“You never know, he might not be like his dad,” Kristine said.

“Kris, that entire family has been bad news for over thirteen centuries. Every generation has been increasing in power and malice until Kivar came along,” Richard said.

“So the movie made about your parents wasn’t exaggerating how much of a bad guy Kivar was?” Kristine asked.

“No. Hollywood got that right,” James said.

“Why would he come to the Ball anyway? If he’s kept out of sight so far…” Ziala asked.

“Simple. Politics. As the current leader of his house then he had to come. It’s protocol. Besides, events like these can always be useful for meeting to faces that can help down the line. More than a few alliances on Old Antar started because nobles met at balls or functions or anything official really,” Philip said.

“Okay. So I danced with him. What’s done is done and hopefully my daddy dearest won’t find out about it and try to choke the life out of him,” Ziala said.

“Amen to that. Uncle Rath would tear apart half the stars of the Ardouris Belt to get to him for so much as looking at you,” Shalara said.

“Why would we ask you to dance anyway?” Philip asked.

Ziala turned to look at her cousin. “What am I, chopped liver?” she asked.

“Cuz, don’t get me wrong. Every teenager on Earth and New Antar probably would kill for the chance to ask you out but this Jarel guy has to know that approaching anyone in the family was a bad move,” Philip said.

“That is a good point,” Richard said. “He certainly knew enough to leave afterward.”

“Maybe he wasn’t thinking. At least not with the brain in his head but with the one in his pants. Z is pretty damned attractive,” Kristine said.

“See, that’s how you should have put it,” Ziala said to Philip.

“Sorry,” Philip said.

“Z?” Richard asked.

“What? I’ve got a hot body and know it. I like to use it sometimes for fun but at the end of the day I know I’m pretty smart and that’s where my talents lie. It’s not like I’m some airhead bimbo you know,” Ziala said.

“Yeah, well…oh…” Richard said. He stopped held his head. Richard was overcome with intense dizziness and he stumbled slightly.

“Hey are you okay?” Katherine asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I just got dizzy. That was an interesting experience,” Richard said.

“Interesting? You’re making it sound like you’ve never been dizzy before,” Kristine said.

“I haven’t,” Richard said.

“Oh,” Kristine said.

Richard walked to the glass wall of the ballroom and looked out as the moon of Phobos climbed over the horizon. The rest of the family in the room were all hit with a wave of concern. All turned their attention to Richard. Max walked over to his son.

“Richard, are you okay?” Max asked.

“I don’t know. Dad…there’s something out there. I’ve never felt anything like this,” Richard said.

“Something? You’ve never been ambiguous before,” Max said.

“Dad, I’ve really, really never felt this before. It’s powerful, very powerful,” Richard said. He then gasped.

“Rick?” Kristine asked.

“Hate…anger…nightmares, so many nightmares. Ancient. It’s so old,” Richard said. “Ahhh…”

With one hand Richard clutched his head as his mind became flooded with so many new things, things he didn’t understand. However, his other hand pressed against the glass. When he pulled his hand back there was a glowing symbol etched into the wall. It was a symbol he had no business knowing, so ancient in its Antarian origin that no living being from that world could recognise. Six interconnected circles, arranged in a ring with a rudimentary line drawing of the Granolith in the middle through which was a bolt of lightning.

“What is that?” Max asked.

“The final word. The Apocalypse, not the end of a planet…the end of everything,” Richard said.

“Are you telling me something bad is coming?” Max asked. He was really hoping he’d never have to deal with another Kivar-like situation again in his life.

“No. It’s already here,” Richard said. The prince turned to his girlfriend.

“What? Not me?” Kristine asked.

“No, but when I told you about the whole Second Coming thing you asked who the Anti-Christ was. I think I just made contact with him,” Richard said.

Nearby, Alex looked at the symbol. The collective knowledge of the Granolith network had once upon a time been downloaded into his mind by the Omniriad. The symbol was a trigger in his mind and from the moment he saw it he felt a deep cold throughout his body.

“Oh god. It’s still alive,” Alex whispered.

Quickly Alex left the room and once he was clear of the ball he ran through the halls to the library. He needed more information, he needed to know for sure.

Beneath the Crashdown, hidden for generations until Liz discovered it, the chamber that housed the Earth Granolith before it fused with the Antarian one hidden just outside of town. It was nothing more than a cold empty space now. The Parkers knew it was down there but they made sure that it was closed should anyone think there was still something special down there. The last thing they wanted was for someone to start digging tunnels beneath their restaurant.

However, something had found its way inside. Drawn by the residual energy, the bank of fog that had come over from Egypt and stopped over Roswell now filled every cubic millimetre of space. Insects, worms, spiders…they were all drawn into the room.

“Yes…yes. Power, there is one with power,” it said.

Suddenly the fog pulled together and formed a dense, almost human shaped cloud. It lasted mere moments before it expanded out again and the creature screamed its frustration out.

“Why? Why am I bound to this form? Why can’t I connect with this power? RELEASE ME!!!”

That night, a 4.8 earthquake was registered in New Mexico by the USGS. Fortunately, with current construction codes modified with Antarian technology upgrades that were rigorously enforced not one building so much as suffered a broken window. They could easily survive a quake 5 times more intense.

A few hours later, Max and Liz returned to their personal suite in the palace once the ball concluded. Their guests departed, either returning to their homes or going back to Earth and their family went to their own rooms. Richard had one more task to do, he personally took Kristine back to Earth. He took hold of her hands and with nothing more than a simple thought they left one planet and arrived right outside her front door.

The young couple said goodbye and Richard kissed her softly before she went inside and he vanished back to New Antar. Both were left breathless by the kiss and wanted nothing more than to disappear for a few hours together. However, her parents were well aware the ball had ended and their daughter was home.

As for the king and queen, the two of them kicked off their shoes and were looking forward to soaking them for a long time. Standing, talking, socializing, being excellent hosts and dancing for most of the night was not a good thing for their feet. Antarians knew well the importance of their physical being in relation to the flow of power throughout their bodies and had many who trained long and hard to relieve any areas of tension. Tonight, the Royal Couple were very tempted to call for those people to come and tend to them.

However, they resisted. Max collapsed onto their sofa after pulling off his socks and wiggled his toes under the night air of New Antar. Liz pulled off her earrings, she always wore ones that were nice and small after learning a long time ago that anything dangly and shiny tended to cause intense discomfort before the social evenings were over with. Also desperate to become as comfortable as possible, she reached to her side and pulled down the zipper of her dress. It fell to the floor leaving her in her underwear – a sight Max would never tire of seeing. Soon she fell onto the sofa, laying out on it with her head resting on Max’s lap. Slowly he stroked and played with her long, dark hair.

“Do you think Rick is okay?” Liz asked.

“He’ll be fine. It’s not every day he touches something unusual. He’s usually aware of more things than anyone else,” Max said.

“Which has me worried. Rick’s powers are so far beyond anyone else’s…if he’s surprised by something…” Liz said.

“I know. I know. But whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. This family is capable of a lot of things when we all stick together,” Max said.

“Well, aside of Rick’s sense of artwork, tonight was a good night,” Liz said.

Max smiled, “Yes it was,” he said. “And aside from looking like a rectangular can with wings, the Phoenix looked pretty good.”

“Hm, Earth’s first interstellar ship. I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. Soon the subspace corridor network will be able to take ships to every star system in this galaxy and not just to the rest of the empire. This is a new beginning for all of us Liz,” Max said.

“Yeah, it is. Speaking of new beginnings…did you see…?” Liz asked.

“Yes I did. Don’t worry though I think Rick had a word with Ziala about it. I know he had to come but what the hell was that boy thinking asking a member of this family to dance?” Max said.

“Max, he’s not his father. Until he does something, we can’t do anything against him. Innocent until proven guilty,” Liz said.

“That’s Earth, Honey. Not New Antar,” Max said.

“I know. Presumed neither guilty or innocent. The facts speak, the investigator follow,” Liz said.

“And to be sure, a telepathic probe is used on order from the appointed case magistrate when and only when sufficient evidence is presented. No doubt, no missing information,” Max said.

“Well, Kivar’s son or not, Jarel should not have asked Ziala to dance. That’s just asking for Rath sticking a red hot poker so far up Jarel’s butt that it comes out his mouth,” Liz said.

“And that’s with Rath being nice,” Max said.

Max looked down into his wife’s eyes. Liz moved her hands up and stroked Max’s strong arm before sliding down to his hand. She brought it over to her lips and she kissed his fingers. Liz then guided his hand down her body, moving to her breasts where he caressed and kneaded the mounds of flesh through the lacy cups of her bra. Max circled around her nipple with a single finger until her breathing was deeper and filled with desire. After so many years of making love to his queen, Max knew everything he needed and more to bring her beyond the peaks of passion.

Slowly Max moved his hand lower, never breaking eye contact with Liz, he started to glide his hand over her tight belly. With a feather-light touch, Max brushed his fingertips over the skin just above her panties. Liz’s breath hitched as he teased her and with a little release of energy from his hand that stormed through her body, Liz rolled her eyes back and smiled.

“You’re mean,” Liz said.

“Am I now? And just who is it who like parading around in her underwear and who comes into my office every night to get hammered on my desk. Oh what about your fetish for doing it on our thrones?” Max asked.

Liz smiled. “Hmm, good times. But if you don’t take me soon oh mighty king…you will not be leaving these rooms alive,” she said.

“A woman who knows what she wants, and how could I ever saw no to you?” Max said.

Max leaned down and kissed her lips just as he slipped his hand down under her panties and cupped her pussy. Liz let out a deep sigh of contentment. Her back arched slightly, Max slipped his fingers inside her and continued to stroke her until she was purring like a kitten. The reaction of her body, the flush of her skin, it all got to Max. Just by watching her he became hard in his pants and Liz felt it against her head.

Soon Max had her moaning wantonly, her hips rocked against his hand to create a little more friction. The fury of a supernova was stirring up from deep within Liz and Max knew it. He loved to see her cum. However, Liz wouldn’t and couldn’t be satisfied until she came from Max being inside her. As much as she loved the orgasms she got from the way he touched her, it was nothing compared to how she felt when they became one.

Liz’s purrs became the growl of a lion as she pulled Max’s hand from her underwear and span up onto her knees. She pulled him in to her and kissed Max deeply. Her mouth travelled elsewhere, leaving a trail of hot kisses in its wake. Liz tasted and teased his lips, cheeks…every last inch of skin on his entire face. Her mouth roamed to his earlobes and neck. While her mouth was engaged, her fingers tugged at his regal uniform. Although it was seamless, she knew where the button was.

She pressed it lightly and the fabric pulled apart down the back as though a zipper had been pulled, allowing it to be removed. Max helped with removing his outfit so Liz could focus on his trousers. All the while, she continued to kiss him through his clothing. Once his top was off, Liz nuzzled her face into the smooth expanse of his chest then she began kissing her way up his body again. When Max leaned forward to try and kiss her, he overbalanced the pair, and the two tumbled to the floor.

Liz rolled Max onto his back, and she claimed her perch on his hips. For several minutes she simply sat there looking down at him as she tried to calm herself. Her pulse was pounding in her veins like a drum and she could feel herself trembling with anticipation. Her nipples strained against the fabric of her bra almost painfully. The nearness of Max’s cock to her pussy was driving her insane and would make her so if she didn’t get it soon.

“Oh God, Max,” she gasped.

She was helpless to control herself any longer. Liz stretched herself out over his body, her hair tickling him as she moved along him. Max moaned softly and jerked about beneath her. With a purr, Liz kissed and licked her way up his abdomen to his pectorals. She traced the ridge of his muscles with the tip of her tongue before she teasingly licked his sensitive nipples.

At the same time, Max was busy kicking off his boots and socks. It took a bit of effort but soon they were flying across the room. One boot almost hit Max’s Nobel Peace Prize but it missed and landed in front of Liz’s prize. Once they were gone, both pairs of hands found their way to his pants and worked to get them off his body. Liz pulled his pants down with determination and Max was left in his boxers. He still preferred them to the Antarian option of male underwear which was nothing much more than a possum pouch. Tugging at the waistband, Liz eased his shorts down his hips.

Liz’s fingers wrapped around his dick and gently caressed his rock-hard length. His eyes fluttered shut as his head tilted back, and he groaned with pleasure. When he reopened them to look at his wife, Liz was looking at him with hunger in her eyes. Liz looked at Max over the head of his cock and licked her lips. She held his gaze as she lowered her mouth over his organ.

Max’s groan echoed throughout their suite as Liz’s lips and tongue bathed his throbbing cock. Liz took him as deep in her throat as she could – he teased her, she was going to tease him. Max pumped his hips forward, forcing his dick deeper into her mouth. The more Max moaned the more Liz wanted to make him moan louder. She probed his cock with her mouth and drove Max wild every time she touched it. With a devilish grin, she bobbed her head up and down with a steady rhythm.

Liz’s every lick had white hot fire shooting through his nerve endings. His toes were starting to curl and he was pumping his hips to meet the downward stroke of her mouth. However, Liz didn’t want him to cum in her mouth. This was just the warm up and after a few more strokes of her mouth she pulled away from him.

Max saw the playful look in her eyes and he smiled in response. He pulled himself so that he was sitting up and pulled Liz to him. They kissed so passionately that the waters of the oceans could have boiled had they been anywhere nearby. Max let his hands wander around to her back and quickly found the catch of her bra. He brushed it aside and ran his fingers up her sides, lightly teasing the sides of her breasts. Max’s hands returned to her back, stroking her until he touched the lace of her underwear.

When Max hooked his fingers around them, Liz lifted her hips and Max pulled them off. As he went, he stroked each inch of her smooth legs.

“You are so beautiful,” he said.

“You say that every time,” Liz said.

“I mean it every time,” Max said.

His hands were moving over her body, smoothing over the flat of her stomach and over the sharp angles of her hips. Max leaned over Liz, kissed her quickly on the lips and then lowered his mouth to her breast. His tongue on her nipple sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her; her body lifted off the floor. Liz was almost delirious as Max’s tongue lapped at her tit, toying with it, stroking it. Before long Liz’s need was in full force. She didn’t want to tease or be teased, she wanted Max inside her.

Liz pushed Max onto his back and quickly straddled his body. She lay out completely on top of Max and kissed him. They could feel how close their genitals were to each other and as Max wrapped his arms around her, Liz rocked her hips and ground their most sensitive regions together. When she broke their kiss, Liz looked deeply into his eyes. Liz leaned back just enough so that she could reach down between them. She took hold of his dick, angled it just so and eased back onto her seat on Max cock.

In no time, she was riding him with all the love and enthusiasm she had enjoyed over the years. The fire burned higher and hotter. Her moans had become needy whimpers again. Her fingers drifted down to her pussy and began stroking her clit furiously. Their lips crushed together in a deep kiss. Liz pressed herself more tightly against Max, her hips thrusting against the length of his cock. Liz glanced down to see the head of Max’s cock disappear between her legs. Max held Liz’s hips and tried not to lose himself in the haze of indescribable bliss. Liz moved up and down on his length, moving fast but soon Max started to thrust up, his own dick needing the relief that only Liz’s body could provide.

He continued to play with her breasts. His hands cupped her mounds but he couldn’t keep them still. Her body always was too tempting. Liz was moving more frantically; her muscles tensed and her moans became hungry growls. She was very, very close and so was he. Liz’s body whipped up wildly and she choked back a shriek as fire seared through her body from every nerve her body had.

As Max pumped her harder, his hands moved from Liz’s breasts to her clit and back again. Her bucking became wilder, her hip thrusts more frantic. He felt a tightening in his own body, felt the fire surging forward throughout her entire being from her soul. Liz thrust herself hard against him over and over again. Every day she enjoyed her husband, everyday she came more times than she could count. Liz’s head whipped back and she started riding Max even harder.


Seconds later, Max forced himself to bite back a shout as his body was consumed in a fiery eruption of pleasure but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.


Into Liz’s womb, Max shot squirt after squirt of his seed. Both froze into position as their orgasms consumed them but after a moment Liz collapsed limply against his body. Max rolled them both on to their sides as his dick slipped from Liz. There, in each other’s arms, they gazed out of their window to the stars. Eventually they moved to their bedroom to sleep. There had been the odd occasion when they first moved to the palace where they forgot about the staff who came to tend to them and their suite in the morning. Finding them naked on the floor resulted in a few red faces but Antarians revelled in the love their monarchy shared for each other, they all smiled. However, Max and Liz hadn’t been caught in a long time. They could do without the embarrassment.

The next morning was fairly busy. The family were saying goodbye to their eldest children. Even though their technology allowed them to be only a footstep away, Richard and the others were moving out of the palace and into their homes on the Antarian Estate on Roswell. For going to school on Earth, it was far easier staying there than in the palace.

Servants had packed their bags, arranged everything in the estate and the White Guard had taken up posts along with the Secret Service to protect their young wards. Still, with all that needed done, it didn’t take long and the newest enrolled students were ready for their first day of an Earth school. However, they couldn’t very well come down to Earth without stopping in on their favourite spot.

Richard opened the door into the Crashdown and saw his grandfather sitting in one of the booths with the accounting books open in front of him. Despite only being Richard’s grandfather, Jeff and the other Earth-born parents of their parents were like grandparents to all of Richard’s generation.

“Hey grandpa,” Richard said.

“Rick, I heard you would be moving down today,” Jeff said. “How are my favourite customers?”

“Grandpa, please…customers?” Katherine asked.

“Like we’ve ever paid for anything. Like you would ever let us pay,” Philip said.

“Well money is quickly becoming the way of the dinosaur thanks to Alex’s little toys that he comes up with. It’s getting so that me doing these books every week will be a thing of the past,” Jeff said.

“Oh you like it,” Richard said.

“Are you kidding? I barely have anything to do these days as it is. So, how are things for you lot?” Jeff asked.

“The usual. I’m on my way to pick Kris up before we go to school,” Richard said.

“And how is the young princess-to-be?” Jeff asked.

“Going to hate you if you say that when she’s about,” Richard said.

“I saw you two on the news last night. You’re not going to make a great-grandfather are you?” Jeff asked.

“Grampy, please. Our family maybe pretty open…thanks to our little telepathic connection, but some things we really don’t need to discuss,” Katherine said.

“Hey, grampy…how is it possible that you are still doing the accounting anyway?” James asked.

“My boy, when your family are the heirs to an interstellar empire a little normalcy is a very good thing,” Jeff said.

“I guess so,” Richard asked.

“Now, how is Kris anyway…I mean after this whole mess I’ve heard about on the news this morning?” Jeff asked.

“She’s concerned. She thinks that if people do start to believe I am…you know, then her parents are going to tell her to break up with me,” Richard said.

“What?” Ziala asked.

“No. They wouldn’t do that,” Katherine said.

“Guys, remember who people think I am? I’m supposed to be above such needs and desires,” Richard said. He shook his head and rolled his eyes when he thought about the situation. Never had he wanted to run and hide beneath a rock more than he had with this.

“Uh, yeah, okay. They’re being a little delusional,” Philip said.

“Anyway, you can relax a little,” Jeff said. “Even if her parents do want it, ultimately the choice to be together belongs solely with you and her.”

“True,” Ziala said.

“And that girl is 100% in love with you, Ricky boy,” Katherine said.

“Yes but she also loves and respects her parents. She may not agree with their beliefs but she does respect them. I can’t ask Kris to turn her back on her family,” Richard said.

“No you can’t. But what you can do is get to school. You don’t want to be late on your first day,” Jeff said.

“Hmm? Oh,” Ziala said. She looked at her watch and saw the time. They barely had enough to pick Kristine up. So Richard told them to get to school and he’d pick Kristine up in his own special way.

“I’ll go and teleport over to Kris’s. I’ll see you all later,” Richard said.

“Okay-do,” Philip said.

“Ah! Not without these you don’t,” Jeff said.

He stood up from the booth and walked over to the counter where he pulled out a bag from near the milkshake machine.

“Lunches for all,” Jeff said.

“Oh thanks grampy. You didn’t have to,” Katherine said.

“I can only imagine what they’re serving in that school and no grandchild of mine is going to actually enjoy their lunch food,” Jeff said. “Now, get going. Oh and Rick, tell your mother we love her.”

“Yeah, sure,” Richard said. In the blink of an eye he vanished and his cousins all poured out of the café to their waiting car. Soon they were being driven to the school.

The young royals weren’t the only ones having a first day. Originally built just outside of town, Roswell University was now surrounded by gleaming towers of glass and apart of the city that had rapidly spread out in the last 17 years. More elite and prestigious than an Ivy League school, the university took in students from all over Earth and attracted many due to their star member of staff – His Highness, Prince and Professor Alexander Whitman.

Today he was escorting the newest member of staff to her office along with her sister.

“I cannot believe you’re doing this,” Lonnie said.

“I think it’s great. Besides, now I get to spend even more time with my beautiful wife,” Alex said. He leaned over to kiss Isabel on her cheek.

“Don’t you ever turn off the Whitman Charm?” Lonnie asked.

“No,” Alex said.

“I certainly hope not,” Isabel said.

“Now…medical department…where’s the medical department?” Alex asked.

“You’ve been working here for five years and you don’t know where the medical department is?” Isabel asked.

“I may have made a few medical toys but I don’t exactly spend a lot of time there. I’m usually in the physics lab, and the math department, the computer lab, engineering, oh and Ancient Studies,” Alex said.

“How is it possible you spend any time at home?” Isabel asked.

“Ah, the beauty and simple delights of holograms,” Alex said.

“Say what now?” Lonnie asked.

“If my classes clash or I need to get caught up with students, their papers or whatever, if record my class material and lecture into a fully interactive Alex-form hologram,” Alex said.

“Alex, your brain, seriously it needs to stop thinking stuff up every second of every day,” Lonnie said. “Hey Alex?”

“Yes?” Alex asked.

“Last night at the ball after Rick did his little vision thing, where did you disappear to?” Lonnie asked

“I…eh…I went to the library. I had some questions for the Granolith,” Alex said.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Isabel asked.

“Yes and no,” Alex said.

The three of them moved down the halls, following signs toward the medical wing of the university. As they went students and professors warmly greeted Alex and the others. Many of the male students turned sharply and looked at the rear of the twined princesses but they were quickly put right when one of the two women picked up on the thought. With a subtle wave of their hands the young men’s heads were sharply turned back around and pushed on down the hall.

“I gotta ask, Iz, why did you go back to medical school anyway?” Lonnie asked.

“Because we did that when we were the first Vilandra. She honestly wanted to do something good and I’ve always wanted to help people. As a princess I may not be allowed to practice medicine but at the very least I can teach the future best of the best and pass on all my glorious knowledge of Antarian medicine,” Isabel said.

“Bet you most of your class is going to be horny young men,” Lonnie said.

“Lonnie. You really need to get your mind out of the gutter,” Alex said.

“This from the couple that has spent every night since their wedding making enough noise to shatter planets,” Lonnie said.

“We totally do not,” Isabel said.

“Isabel, when you’re in your room in the palace…a few decibels higher and they’d hear you on Earth. Besides, we’re both screamers,” Lonnie said with a smile.

“That I can definitely say is true,” Alex said.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” Isabel said.

“What? It is true. If I was anyone else my eardrums would have shattered years ago and I would be deaf,” Alex said.

“Uh Alex…you’re the male equivalent. Your grunts can wake the dead. Just ask anyone in the palace,” Lonnie said.

“Okay, more information than ever needs to be repeated Lonnie,” Alex said.

Just then they came to a hall with the Dean of the university standing outside a door marked with Isabel’s name.

“Dean Stockman,” Alex said.

“Professor Whiman, and Princess’s Isabel and Vilandra,” Stockman said.

“Just Dr Whitman when I’m on the clock, Dean,” Isabel said. Isabel then looked to her sister and nudged her.

“What?” Lonnie asked. “Oh Princess Lonnie is fine for me.”

Both her sister and brother in-law shook their heads. After living in a sewer for the first part of her life, Lonnie certainly enjoyed the princess title these days.

“Well Dr Whitman, it’s a pleasure to have you here and we’ve got a class schedule for you drawn up and this will be your office,” Stockman said. He took out a key and handed it to Isabel.

Isabel smiled and slipped the key into the lock. When she opened the door they all moved inside. Isabel’s jaw hung open.

“Hey, this is better than my office,” Alex said.

“Which one? Here or at Dupree Enterprises?” Lonnie asked.

“Both,” Alex said.

“Well we thought we’d give Her Highness…sorry, Dr Whitman the very best we have available,” Stockman said.

“Dean, really, this is too much,” Isabel said.

“We insist. Besides it’s the very least we can do for your family. We’re already the best in the country. Having Dr Whitman here increases the medical department’s skills a thousand fold,” Stockman said.

“Oh I doubt that,” Isabel said.

“Based on what I’ve seen on Antarian medical science, don’t doubt it. Besides, I’m sure you’re teaching skills are excellent,” Stockman said.

“Based on what?” Lonnie asked. “She’s never taught before.”

“She did come First in all her classes at medical school without patronage due to her station,” Alex said.

“And Dr Whitman has the fullest confidence of her teachers,” Stockman said.

“Good to know,” Isabel said.

“Well, if I don’t get going I’m going to be late for my class of 1st year Computer Science. Honey, have a good first day and I’ll see you at lunch,” Alex said.

“I’ll walk you there and leave Izzy to get settled,” Lonnie said.

“Thank you,” Alex said.

“And I need to get home anyway. I missed it last night but apparently Ziala needs to have a talking to about her choice of dance partners,” Lonnie said.

“Rick already did,” Isabel said.

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t be her over protective mother if I didn’t put my 2 cents in,” Lonnie said.

Isabel shook her head and smiled. Her husband and sister walked off down the hall to his class on the other side of the campus but before they were out of earshot Lonnie asked…

“So Alex, how many of these hot blooded college girls have a crush on their professor?”

Across the city, near the heart of the Old Town of Roswell, there was a nice little house across from the church. That was where Kristine lived with her parents. A brief gust of wind blew over the front door and Richard appeared before it. Quickly he ensured his hair was neat and his clothes where all straight. The Prince of an empire and future king – stone dead nervous whenever he was about to stand before his girlfriend’s parents.

Richard reached up and pressed the doorbell. Kristine answered it and the young redhead smiled brightly when she saw Richard.

“Rick, hey. You’re almost late,” Kristine said.

“Ah, royalty is never late. They are always on time,” Richard said.

“Now wasn’t that a line from Lord of the Rings?” Kristine asked.

“Something like that, yes,” Richard said.

“Come on in. I’ll get my bag,” Kristine said.

Both walked inside. Kristine showed Richard into her kitchen where her mother and father were sitting with her bag resting by the table. Kristine quickly picked it up but the second her mother saw Richard she crossed herself in that little way Catholics do.

“Ah, you’ve heard about that thing going on with the Vatican,” Richard said.

“And something tells me that they believe it,” Kristine said.

“We’ve seen your power and the news was fairly well covering the events over the years. Don’t you believe it?” Kristine’s mother asked.

“If I was *him* I think I would know it,” Richard said.

“Unless your father didn’t want you to know,” Kristine’s father said.

“Um, my dad pretty much tells me every…thing. You weren’t meaning my dad, you were implying God…” Richard said.

“Yes,” Kristine’s father said.

“Okay. My dad is my dad. In every sense of the word. He and mom did everything people do to have children. And the Omniriad certainly weren’t angels, old yes, powerful, they touched every corner of this universe, their bodies were energy, pure light that made them look like birds of fire but hardly angelic,” Richard said.

“Perhaps. Or perhaps you need to have a little faith,” Kristine’s mother said.

Richard looked at Kristine, her eyes begged him to just let it go. Ever one to be lost in those shining blue sapphires that were her eyes, Richard did and smiled.

“Maybe. I don’t believe it. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. I guess only time will tell. I’m just hoping to live as quiet a life as possible before I end up in the throne. I am just hoping a certain beautiful young lady enjoyed last night,” Richard said.

“That she did,” Kristine said.

“Are you ready?” Richard asked.

“Yes,” Kristine said.

“Then my lady,” Richard said. He held out his hand and Kristine took it, “ to school with us.”

A flash of light and the two vanished from the kitchen. Another flash and both appeared at the school gates where everyone was waiting for them. Together they walked in for their first classes of the day. They tried to ignore the throng of students who were watching them and Richard just knew that the Roswell branch of the army of teenage girls in his fan-club were just itching to burst out screaming before swarming over him.

He had no delusions that they were keeping their distance, in part due to the stare of death given to them by Kristine. Ah, yet another reason he loved her so much.

Last edited by Tharos on Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Post by Tharos »

next part


Still, there were some of the family that didn’t go to school that day. There was a much more solemn duty on Antar. Lord Trall, head of his household, member of the Council and father to Ava and Tess was dying. Nothing could be done. It had been expected for a long time and Tess’s branch of the family had been recalled from their home on a distant colony where Trall had given Kyle authority as Nalat – A Duke for his name on that planet.

Between being diagnosed and Tess coming home, Trall had only been tended to by his niece, Shalara, and those of a special Order who prepare those who are dying because of their diminishing powers. Now those preparations were complete.

Trall was responsible for his people who had taken up residence on the twelve island nations of Zartris. They were close together in the equatorial region of the ocean and each one was like a jewel on a bed of blue. Trall’s home was on the central island, a place where bridges were built connecting all other islands to it. In his bedroom, each day he could see the sunrise coming up over the horizon and flood his room with light. A little power-boost each morning to stave off the inevitable.

Tess, Kyle, Ava and Zan both walked into the room. Shalara was sitting by her uncle’s side as he lay in bed.

“Tess, this is a surprise,” Trall said.

“What do you mean? Of course I came,” Tess said. She sat next to him after saying hello to her cousin.

Trall smiled. “You never call, you never write. A father might think his daughter had abandoned him,” he said.

“Funny, very funny,” Tess said.

“Me being…Kyle, what’s that word you used?” Trall asked.

“Uh, hard-ass?” Kyle said.

“Yes, me being hard-assed is one of the few things I have left to let go. And I will be glad of it. I have lived my life for protocol and appearance. An honour to the families from which we were spawned. Then I lost you. My beloved child. Killed by that Torask,” Trall said.

“Torask? That’s a new one,” Kyle whispered to Zan.

“Roughly translated – cursed of the rear,” Zan whispered back.

“Huh?” Kyle whispered.

“Asshole,” Zan said.

“Anyway!” Tess said.

“I got you back, both of you and I couldn’t have loved you more. My beautiful girls. Both so different from the Ava I lost yet still very similar in many ways. I wasn’t going to risk losing you. Protocol be damned. You both found young men to love you and have wonderful children. Regardless if one is human and the children are of two worlds…our family is proud of both of you,” Trall said.

“Dad, you don’t need to…” Tess said.

“Yes I do,” Trall interrupted. “Kyle, come forward.”

“Yes?” Kyle said.

“There have been times I have not been kind to you. I’ve pushed you, made you work harder. For that I am sorry, but there was purpose in my actions. Kyle, the rule of a house is like the rule of the empire. Heirs to power on Earth are traditionally to the eldest male. For us, it simply passes to the eldest and for those joined with another it is a partnership as intimately woven together like the minds of lovers among out people. But in this case my girls are the same age and so I must choose who will lead the house, who will take my place on the Council,” Trall said.

“Wait…you’re not about to…” Kyle said.

“Zan and Ava have already indicated to me that they’d much rather live in the background, supporting their house but without the responsibility. I’ve pushed you because I needed to know if you and Tess would be capable. Each time I did you stood up for your decisions, you challenged me and yet you were never afraid to come to me and ask for guidance. You and she are ready,” Trall said.

“Trall, seriously I think you need to reconsider because there is no…” Kyle said.

“Don’t interrupt when I’m being so generous. Besides, it is my last command of my house and it is already registered with the King,” Trall said.

“Yes sir,” Kyle said.

“I’ve been proud of all of you these past few years. Kyle, Tess, I must know the future of our house is safe before my time comes and I have little time left to me,” Trall said.

Kyle and Tess looked at each other before looking to the other two members of their family. Both Zan and Ava smiled at them. They’d long ago decided that they really weren’t up to running the house much less sit on the council. They had their hands full with their brood, the multitude of Antar Clubs on Earth and frequently helping out with building the agricultural domes on Phobos and Deimos. After the hardship at the beginning of their lives, turning those two dead moons into unending gardens appealed to them and they liked that work.

Kyle held his wife’s hand and looked at his father in-law. “We’ll do it. We’ll take care of the house,” he said.

Trall nodded. His eyes then glazed over and became cloudy white. His last breath left his body and tears filled the eyes of his niece and daughters.

“Daddy?” Tess asked.

Ava came closer and sat on Trall’s opposite side. Shalara rested her hand over Trall’s heart and closed her eyes.

“He’s gone,” Shalara said.

Tess wiped the tear from her eye but as she stood up and moved into Kyle’s comforting embrace, Trall’s eyes collapsed in upon themselves before the rest of his body followed and became a mass of dark green dust. At the foot of his bed, a foot long crystal that glowed white suddenly became black. Across the twelve islands, similar crystals became black and lights dimmed to half power. Every last citizen of those islands and in the Royal Palace as well as the Council Chambers all stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads.

Max had been briefed by Larek and his staff on such things so he knew what it meant when it happened.

“Kyle, Tess, you two need to touch the crystal,” Shalara said.

“I know,” Tess said.

Tess looked into Kyle’s eyes, their fingers interlocked before Kyle whispered how sorry he was into Tess’s ear. Zan and Ava moved away from the bed to give the other two enough room. The Roswell natives moved around to the crystal and both pressed their hands to the surface of it. The crystal became a brilliant white light once more and the image of Kyle and Tess appeared all over the islands. They had taken their place as heads of the house and in that moment the people returned to their homes to begin preparations to mourn their lord.

Still, now the daughters of Trall and their husbands had to tell their children that one of their grandfathers was dead. Every other protocol of the Antarian people could wait a little while. Shalara hugged both of her cousins before she did the duty her uncle asked her to do. She picked up a small blue orb from a shelf on the wall and held it in the palm of her hand.

With a little concentration, her power flowed from her hand and the orb illuminated. Its light spread out and swept over Thrall’s remains, crystallising them into a solid mass which gleamed in the light of the room. It was as though a billion grains of sand had been turned into an intricate glass sculpture. In moments, the most senior members of the household entered the room and carried Trall out of the bedroom to the garden where he would remain in state for the people of the islands to come and visit him until his funeral at dawn the next day where he would be taken to space and returned to his dust form. The interstellar winds of radiation and energy would carry his remains to all corners of the universe.

The start of the day was awkward to say the least. Starting a new school was always troublesome for anyone at the best of times but for Roswell High’s new and old students there was a little bit of an adjustment period. Stares from their news classmates proved to be disorienting and the fact that almost every one of them new about Richard’s new status. Scores of people already believed it yet the Pope’s opinion hadn’t even been mentioned yet. Occasionally students and it has to be said there were a few faculty as well, came up to the young prince and asked for his autograph.

However, everything settled down after a couple of hours and soon lunch was approaching. Granted their education on New Antar was already vastly superior to what they would have gotten anyway on Earth but they didn’t decide to come to school for the education of information. They came because they wanted to understand more about their human halves, what they had missed learning when growing up on New Antar.

As Mrs Lin continued in her lessons on quadratic equations, something the young royals covered when they were 7, there was a knock at her door. A priest marched into the room, in his hands was a large envelope just bigger than A4 in size, and he scanned the students until his gaze locked on to Richard.

“Oh no,” Richard mumbled quietly.

“Excuse me, can I help you?” Mrs Lin asked.

The priest moved over to Mrs Lin and whispered in her ear. After a few moments of a whispered conversation the teacher turned to her students and looked at Richard.

“Richard, this gentleman is here to speak with you,” Mrs Lin said.

Immediately Agent Walter Smith of the Secret Service and Elite Vodrani Cor of the White Guard moved in closer from their positions around the room. The priest walked forward as Richard stood up and indicated to his protectors to hold back for a moment. He might as well heard what the priest had to say.

“Your Highness, I’m Father Santiago. I was sent by his Holiness the Pope. He wishes to extend this invitation to you,” he said.

“Invitation?” Richard asked. He took hold of the presented envelope and opened it.

“As you no doubt are aware, there is…

“Yes. People seem to think I’m next in line to be crucified, stoned, martyred or whatever the modern version is,” Richard said.

“I doubt that would happen Your Highness,” Santiago said.

“Yeah, I’m sure the previous Prophets all had people telling them the same thing,” Richard said.

“Perhaps. But the Pope would like to meet you, to get to know you before he does proclaim you as the Second Coming,” Santiago said.

“Okay. Doesn’t sound so bad. What aren’t you telling me Father?” Richard asked.

“Given the nature of the multiple religious phenomena you’ve generated over the years, if the Pope does believe in your status then he is prepared to call for representatives of all faiths to come and meet with you,” Santiago said.

“Oh no, oh there’s just no way. This is just afew steps from me ending up with my own religion. No way,” Richard said. He handed back the envelope. “Besides anything like this, it goes through my parents.”

“I was told we tried to contact them but they were unavailable,” Santiago.

“Well, someone’s being lying to you then. They’ve been in constant contact with the people in the Vatican bringing this motion to try and stop them. If the Pope called, or anyone using his name, they would have gotten through in five seconds flat,” Richard said. “Look I know there are people who believe this but it’s not like I’m about to part the Red Sea or anything.”

The moment he said it, Richard started to glow and pulse of light spread out from his body.

“Your Highness?” Santiago said.

“Oh no,” Richard said. He shook his head and wanted to hit something.

“Rick?” Kristine asked.

“Uh, is there a television or something around?” Richard asked. He turned to Kristine and looked at her, “I think I just put myself up a creek without a paddle.”

Mrs Lin switched on a computer and brought up the news feed from CNN.

“It happened mere minutes ago. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean suddenly split apart creating a path of dry land across the sea bed. We’ve just received word from out affiliates in Italy. The split extends through the Mediterranean straight to Rome,” the news anchor said.

Kristine turned her head and looked at her boyfriend.

“What? I’m not the Second Coming,” Richard said.

“You didn’t do that deliberately?” Kristine asked

“No,” He said.

“You meditated this morning?” she asked.

“Yes,” Richard said.

“You’re not making it easy for people to believe you’re not,” Kristine said.

Richard held out his hand and on the news everyone watched as the walls of water came crashing back down. He looked around the room and saw that several students were beginning to wonder.

“So…if I do go. Isn’t there some kind of etiquette thing, I’m supposed to give the Pope a gift or something?” Richard asked.

“Yes. A visitor to the Pope usually gives him a gift,” Santiago said.

“Thank you. Something tells me I’ll be stopping by,” Richard said.

“You will?” Santiago said.

“Yeah, once in a while I get the odd impression. Sort of like a bleed through from my mother’s visions of the future. I may not like it but I’ve had a feeling I’d be going to Rome within the next week or so. I always thought it would be a vacation,” Richard said.

Soon the priest left and Richard felt the eyes of the classroom on him.

“Mrs Lin, I think I better let my parent’s know about this. Could I…?” Richard asked.

“Of course. Besides the class is just about…” Mrs Lin said. However before she could finish the school-bell rang out.

“Oh,” Richard said.

Richard nodded and waved his hand. His books and papers disappeared from the desk and appeared in his bag which then appeared in his hand. Soon he left the class along with every other student and as they spread what about Richard’s visitor, the extra-terrestrial phoned home. That joke lasted all of five minutes at the school.

Half an hour later, Richard was hiding out in the Eraser Room. He knew what his family used to use this room for but he just needed a quiet place to think. The rest of his family knew he needed time but Kristine was out on the prowl, looking for her boyfriend. She didn’t know where to begin looking but she just allowed her instincts to guide her. Kristine walked through hall after hall and feeling her heart beat faster as though it was a Richard-Detector.

Then she opened to door to the Eraser Room and saw Richard slumped in between the desk and a filing cabinet. Kristine came in and locked the door behind her.

“Hello. I just heard,” Kristine said.

“I figured,” Richard said.

“How are you?” Kristine asked.

“Pretty much screwed. It’s bad enough I’ve for the fate of an entire empire resting on my shoulders when I take the throne but this…” Richard said.

“Saviour of the soul, teacher of Gods message,” Kristine said.

“Totally the wrong person for the job. I may be a nice guy but I’m hardly whiter than white for the morality stuff,” Richard said.

“Oh?” Kristine asked. She smiled as she looked at him, “Having enjoyable thoughts are we?”

Richard took hold of her hand and kissed it before sliding his other hand to her face. He brushed some of her hair to the side. Kristine didn’t hesitate, she leaned in and kissed Richard. Both gave up any and all resistance and let their tongues dance together inside their joined mouths. Their arms wrapped around each other and Richard pulled Kristine down to sit on his lap.

“No,” Richard said. He broke the kiss and leaned his head down on to her shoulder. “I’m sorry Kris, we can’t.”

“Rick, I love you. And I want you. You may think you’re protecting me from being bound to a single decision but I want to be with you in every way possible,” Kristine said.

“So do I and I love you more than I ever thought I could but if we’re going to continue this then you need to know,” Richard said.

“Rick, I already know everything there is to know about you,” Kristine said.

“No you don’t,” Richard said.

“Rick, you’ve connected to me like a billion times already. Others in your family are already calling us the next Max and Liz…something that I don’t quite understand but I’m more than willing to be honoured by the comparison,” Kristine said.

“My parents, since the day my dad healed mom, each time they touched they connected and opened their minds to each other,” Richard said.

“Okay, that wasn’t in the movie but like I said…I’ve learned all I need to,” Kristine said.

“No. There’s one more thing. My brother and sisters are close to it but their powers weren’t switched on like mine were. Theirs grow over time but mine were from birth. It was probably because they were triplets but, Kris, not even my parents know about this,” Richard said.

Kristine smiled and held out her hand. “Then show me,” she said.

Richard nodded and took her hand. He closed his eyes and then reopened them. Kristine’s jaw hung open as the room flooded with light and she gazed into the infinity she saw. Then it hit her mind. The raw power of the cosmos, the universes essence and she was touching it. Crackles of energy flowed over their hands and the light beamed from Richard’s eyes and into hers. A single tear rolled down her cheek and never in her life had she felt anymore more profound, a feeling that was magnified a thousand fold when she looked even deeper.

“Oh my god,” Kristine said. She wasn’t being metaphorical. If she ever believed there was a true god then right now she was touching that being. Should she live for a billion years she knew she’d never find another way to describe it. In his eyes she saw a galaxy worth of stars, a universe. On and on into eternity, it wouldn’t stop.

In that moment their bodies lit up like Christmas trees, both shining brightly and continually until Richard closed his eyes and everything returned to normal.

Kristine needed to stop and process. She leaned back against Richard and enjoyed the feeling of his arms wrapped around her. They stayed like that for several minutes, silently sitting on the floor before she could speak.

“I’ve never felt anything like that,” Kristine said.

“I know. No one has, but it’s inside me. The Heart of the Omniriad. They touched every corner of the universe and evolved beyond it. They made it apart of them, they became the universe, joined with it and it joined with them. I don’t even fully understand the connection but it exists in me. If we join…” Richard said.

“You think I could get hurt by it?” Kristine asked.

“Yes,” Richard said.

“Then the choice is mine,” Kristine said.

She kissed him again, a kiss filled with every ounce of love she felt for him and he eagerly reciprocated. They had plenty of time. It was the lunch break and both had a free study period that they planned to get together anyway. She kissed him gently, lovingly and felt the tremor which shuddered through his body even as she experienced her own. Richard wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. His mouth and tongue became more insistent as they embraced; both surrendered themselves to the moment. His urgency spurred Kristine on and she met his fire with an inferno all her own. She’d never imagined herself capable of feeling such heat. Her hands wandered down to his shoulders and brushed his blanket aside.

Kristine’s mouth and hands were all too eager to get to know his body. She licked and nibbled on his neck with hunger that couldn’t be satisfied, at least not yet. Richard didn’t mind the heated pace; his head fell back and he moaned softly as Kristine’s hands worked on his shirt. She opened each button before his chest was bared to her. Then her kisses headed down. Her lips worked their way to his chest and her soft red hair tickled his skin. The knowledge and power of the ages were at his command yet nothing felt like this.

Kristine controlled her impulses. The fire may have spurned her on and she was desperately eager to continue but she wanted things nice and slow. Kristine’s hands roamed over Rick’s strong, smooth chest. She soon found that his nipples were as hard as her own and she couldn’t wait for him to find that out. With an experimental lick across the tight buds, Kristine realised they were as sensitive as hers and she abandoned herself to licking and playing with them.

As she continued lower and going down onto her knees before him, Kristine smoothed her cheek down the rippled flat of Rick’s stomach, her hair trailing out so that it brushed Richard as she went. He wriggled with pleasure at the unexpected sensation. When she reached his belly button, Kristine stopped what she was doing and looked up into Richard’s eyes. There wasn’t any hesitation, any doubt. Kristine wanted to do this and Richard saw that in her eyes.

Kristine gently moved her hands over his pants, took hold of the tab and pulled his zipper down. She gulped; she broke eye contact with him to look at her prize. Richard decided to help a little and made his belt disappear. Kristine smiled and undid the button on his pants allowing them to open. After that Richard pushed them down along with his boxers. Curiosity guided Kristine’s hand. She reached out and cupped his dick before wrapping her fingers around his length. The second she did, Richard moaned deeply with undisguised pleasure as his cock grew erect.

Her fingers wandered lower, testing the heft of his sack. Kristine heard his moans as she explored him and her head was drawn in closer. She knew what she wanted to do; she’d never done anything like it in her life and wasn’t going to leave this room until she had.

She proceeded cautiously, flicking her tongue out to test the head. Richard’s organ practically jumped in her hand and his groan rumbled up from the very tips of his toes. The sound of pleasure he made spurred Kristine on with a rush. She continued with lips and tongue, slowly gliding her moist mouth all along the length of him. Richard whimpered with desperation and wanted more. His hips gave a sharp snap, a reaction Kris wasn’t ready for but gratefully took as a sign she was giving her boyfriend an incredible time. Once she had completely bathed his shaft, she poised her lips on the edge of his sex.

Kristine parted her lips and allowed the head to slip inside. Richard sighed with a deep breath filled with longing. The shudder which ripped through his body filled her with a sense of satisfaction. Kristine went down on him a little further. Unexpectedly, Rick’s hips gave a frenetic thrust, pushing his organ deeper into her mouth and for a moment she coughed before pulling back.

“Sorry,” Richard said.

“I’m just glad to know you like it,” Kristine said.

Richard reached down and cupped her cheek before running his fingers through her hair. “You’re incredible,” he said.

Kristine’s only response was to open wide and swallow. She took greater care not to choke herself this time as she let his shaft slide in and out of her mouth. It was difficult to keep from grinning as Richard’s moans filled her ears. She was able to take most of his sizable length into her mouth, what was left she stroked the lower portion of his organ with her hand.

Richard moved his hand to the back of her head and continued to softly caress his hands through the silk of her hair. Kristine delighted in keeping a steady rhythm and soon she started to use her tongue in addition to simply pumping him in and out of her mouth. The movements seemed to come naturally to her and all because Richard’s subconscious mind was screaming in pleasure and using his powers and thoughts to teach Kristine what she need to do. She thought it was nothing more than instinct. Through her own desires, even if she did know what was guiding her, Kristine wouldn’t have stopped for anything.

Kristine started to go faster, picking up the pace of her strokes, the bob of her head and the snake like movements of her tongue. She was able to accommodate the thrust of his hips without losing the rhythm.

“Oh God...Kris...” Richard gasped suddenly. Kristine felt every muscle in his body had gone tense. “If you don’t…stop…I’m gonna…”

Kristine stopped for a moment and took him from her mouth. “I want you to,” she said.

She took him back inside and went just that little bit faster to make up for stopping. His hips thrust forward sharply and Kris suddenly found her mouth flooded with his semen. The surge of it flowed through her and for the briefest of moments her eyes glowed brightly as Richard’s had when he should what was in him. Every nerve ending in her body became alive with pleasure for one split second before she returned to normal.

Kristine may have wanted it but she wasn’t expecting just how much filled her mouth and some fell from the corner of her mouth. With so much in her mouth she couldn’t help but swallow. Richard had been left panting. His erection lost none of its strength as Kristine softly kissed it before she stood back up. Kristine couldn’t believe she’d just done that. As much as she wanted to she’d never done it before, her body just took hold. The young couple looked into each other’s eyes as Richard created a small handkerchief out of thin air. He used it to wipe his juices gently from her mouth before wiping the cloth out of existence as easily as he created. Richard’s arms wrapped around her and they kissed passionately, lovingly and with utter abandon.

Kristine felt his penis pressed against her belly through her blouse. It made her hot, eager for more of what was to come. She wanted to be with him, to be bound and joined with him. All fears the young lovers had were evaporating in the heat their bodies were producing.

Richard’s hands slipped down her body, caressing her back before they came to her ass and he cupped her firm young cheeks. Kristine’s eyes opened wide at the contact but melted back against his warm body. She gasped as Richard’s lips soon found their way to her neck and kissed her skin. Now it was Richard’s turn to kneel before the young woman who would be his queen and he sank to his knees, his hands sliding over her clothed body down to her legs but when he reached the skin left exposed by her skirt Richard moved his hands up.

“You don’t have to,” Kristine said. She felt his hands on her upper thighs, so very close to her panties.

“I want to,” Richard said.

Richard covered the final inches and found her underwear. His fingers hooked around the waistband and pulled them down. Slowly Kristine lifted her right leg, then the left. She allowed Richard to take off her white silk panties and leave them next to his own pants. The silk immediately changed back to their template form but Kristine didn’t care, the feelings she as having right now were foremost on her mind. He then returned his hands to her legs, slowly sliding them up and down before reaching back under her skirt.

Instinctively Kristine leaned back against the filing cabinet, she knew she’d need something to steady herself as Richard lifted her skirt and exposed her treasures to him. She was completely shaved, Kristine learned from a brief connection between the two of them of a small desire he had and she eagerly amended her grooming habits to accommodate that little desire.

Soon Richard planted a kiss on her thigh, soft, gentle but it left her breathing heavier than before. Her nipples strained hard against the fabric of her bra. Richard may still be wearing his open shirt but Kristine didn’t want to be wearing anything. Richard’s mind echoed her desire. He smiled as he planted kiss after kiss on her body over her clothes until he was as high as he could go on his knees. Kristine looked at him as his hands slid up over her stomach. She bit her lower lip as they came to her breasts and then his hands cupped them.

Kristine arched her back slightly, she felt Richard’s thumbs brush over her nipples. Now Richard was the one being guided, he heard her desires, her thoughts, her needs. He acted on each one of them. Richard moved his hands over to the buttons of her blouse and undid each one, working his way down to the very bottom after Kristine yanked the rest out of her skirt.

Richard looked at the length of skin exposed and was lost. He pressed his lips to her belly and with sensuous kisses he worked his way up while wrapping his arms around her waist. Kristine wanted him to see all of her, so with a little thought she reshaped her bra to form a catch on the front. She really needed to thank Ziala again for these little presents. With a smooth, unhindered move, Kristine reached up and undid the clasp. The fabric fell apart and exposed her breasts to her lover.

He smiled and leaned in closer to give the underside of each breast a loving kiss before his hands explored the mounds of flesh. Kristine’s head titled back and her mouth hung open. Richard gently kissed each inch of skin, heading down before he returned his hands to beneath her skirt. He lifted the black material and looked at her slit. It glistened in the pale light of the small room.

Slowly Richard leaned in and with the flat of his tongue he stroked the entire length of Kristine’s pussy. Kristine gasped loudly when she felt his tongue against her clit for the first time. It didn’t take her long to start rocking against Richard’s face but she needed him closer, she wanted him to have more room so Kristine lifted one leg. She placed it over his shoulder and Richard nudged in just that little bit more.

Richard licked again and again. Kristine treasured each and every sensation that came from it. They settled themselves into a delicious rhythm, each time Kristine’s hips rocked and grinded against his face he responded with another lick that brought on the next. Over and over against they did this and sent waves of pleasure through Kristine. She groaned endlessly as her hand ran through her own hair and took a fistful of it. She was overcome with pleasure.

The muscles in Kristine’s thighs clenched, her body tightened luxuriously and all the while Richard stabbed at her clit when he didn’t lick deeply into her pussy.

“Ughnmm…hmmmmmm…oohhhhhh....ughmmmmmmm…ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Kristine cried out. Torrential blasts shot through her like never before, not even when she learned to enjoy her body by herself had she felt like this. It took but a moment but her limp body slumped to the floor.

With a look, the two of them wrapped their arms around each other and kissed before he helped her back onto her feet. Richard held Kristine in his arms. Her forehead had a little sweat on it and her breathing was completely ragged. Both knew what was to come next but neither wanted it to be here, not in this room. It may happen in the future, in fact they were both sure of it but their first time wasn’t going to be anywhere but a bed – his bed.

He didn’t take his hands from her, he didn’t look away, he just thought and the next moment they and their belongings were gone from the Eraser room.

Just then the door opened quickly and a teacher walked in.

“Caught…you,” he said. “What?”

He was sure that he’d heard someone in this room and he was sure the sounds were sure indications of intense sexual activity. However, there was no one in the room. There wasn’t the slightest trace of anyway.

Richard and Kristine appeared in his bedroom at the Estate. The house he lived in had no others and the house was behind a great wall which prevented Kristine’s parents from getting to them. In his bedroom they were safe, they were together and they were removing what little clothing they had left on.

Kristine stood there, gazing into his eyes. With most of their clothes strewn around his bedroom, Richard shrugged his shoulders back and removed his shirt. A thought removed his socks and shoes leaving his naked before his girlfriend with an erection more powerful than that of the ancient gods. Richard having the ability to sustain it longer than anyone else may have had something to do with it.

Still, looking at his strong body had Kristine mesmerised. She was his, her body and soul was all his and she knew that he would gladly accept her precious gift just as he would give himself to her in all things. She needed to be with him, to let him see all of her. Kristine reached to her side and unzipped her skirt. It fell to her ankles and was quickly followed by her open shirt and bra.

They were breathing heavily as they stood before each other, Richard took the first steps forward and wrapped his arms around her. Kristine easily gave herself over to his warm embrace and melted against him. With a kiss that probed every inch of her mouth with his tongue, Richard lifted her up and carried her to his bed – their bed.

Kristine lifted her legs up and allowed Richard to put her down so that she was kneeling on the top of the bed. She crawled on her knees backward to allow Richard to join her and he did. He knelt on the bed, inches from her, her hands smoothly glided over his chest.

“I love you,” Kristine said softly.

He cupped the side of her face and kissed her gently. “I love you too,” Richard said.

Richard kissed her again and the two closed the gap between them. Their hot bodies pressed against each other and her nipple seared into his chest. Their tongues danced as their hands roamed. Eventually Richard sat back against his ankles and pulled Kristine forward. As she moved, Kristine spread her legs and allowed them to wrap around Richard’s back. Soon she was sitting on his lap and all the while their lips were locked together.

Richard moved his hands down and gently caressed her long legs. Kristine had one arm under his, stroking his muscular back with the other arm over his shoulder so her hand could run through the hair on the back of his head. She could feel his erection press against her belly, so close to her yet not where they both desired it.

After a while of making love to each other with their lips, Richard broke their kiss and looked into her eyes with a smile.

“Are you sure? There’s no turning back,” Richard said.

“I’m sure. I want to make love with you and take everything that comes with it,” Kristine said.

Richard kissed her passionately and without abandon, Kristine tightened the grip of her legs around him. He moved his hands around to her back and down to her ass. Both stopped the kiss, they wanted to look into each other’s eyes when they did this. He lifted her up, just enough, and Kristine reached down to his throbbing manhood.

Kristine angled his length and aimed it for her opening, Richard hadn’t lifted her up too far and the tip of his cock brushed the flesh of her pussy. Gently he eased the pressure at his hands keeping her up and Kristine slowly sank down. The tip of his dick eased passed the lips of her pussy, spreading them wide and causing her to gasp before she went down a little bit more. Then came the barrier of her virginity, Richard felt it while his dick was bathed in the tightness beginning to engulf him.

Given everything and the radiant heat being felt by both bodies from each other, they just didn’t notice that once more Richard was glowing. Kristine let herself go and pushed her hips down. Richard’s penis sliced through her maidenhood and slid fully into her body. Kristine didn’t feel a thing as their bodies joined as one and their minds open completely to each other allowing their thoughts to start merging.

Both groaned loudly and couldn’t help it when their lips sought each other out again. Neither moved, they stayed still and just kissed but soon their desires took over. Kristine’s body started to buck slightly, moving against her lover’s body she lifted herself slightly before moving back down. They gasped, moaned as Kristine worked her way into a rhythm. She didn’t allow his dick to go far out of her body before lowering back down. He stroked deeply inside her, his shaft screaming at the endless assault of bliss from the tight embrace of her deflowered pussy.

Together their hands caressed their bodies, feeling and exploring every inch. Fire was storming through their flesh. Richard soon left her lips and nibbled at her neck before moving onto kissing the skin of her throat and upper chest. Kristine’s long red hair flowed down as she titled her head back. The smile she had was as bright as the sun, all the while she gyrated her body.

Kristine couldn’t stop herself and soon primal instinct took over for Richard as he started to meet each thrust with one of his own. Their groins locked together, moving only in short grinds but quickly gaining in speed. Her hands dug into his back, holding onto him each time she cried out in pleasure with his name on her lips. Sweat formed on both, running down their backs and dripping from their flushed faces. Richard brought his hands up, one held her back and the other massaged her right breast.

Up and down Kristine continued to slide on Richard’s dick, pulling her legs closer into a tighter embrace. The idea of either letting go was as alien as the most distant star from Earth. She felt the fire surging inside her, her body feeling more alive than it had ever been. Richard’s body glowed as bright as the sun and with each caress of her body, energy crackled into her. Their eyes were closed tightly, as lost in their love as they were it didn’t stop them from seeking each other for another kiss.

“Uhhmmm…hmmmmmm…Rick…hmmmmmm…ughhhhhhh…hmmmm…” Kristine moaned.

“I love you,” Richard whispered in her ear. “My princess.”

Quickly they moved now, Richard’s dick stroked inside her and they were humping their bodies against one another. The friction of their skin pressed together was beyond pleasure and they continued to grind until they had long passed caring about anything else.

They were free from all things, all that mattered was each other and the faster they went they knew the time was approaching. With a resounding cry, the two screamed their love for each other as Richard’s body became as taut as Kristine’s nipple. He came passionately and loudly as his orgasm hit sending his seed into her body. Kristine cried out at the same instant as she held tightly onto Richard. Both opened their eyes and the light from before in the Eraser Room flooded the room locking the two together – freezing their bodies motionless in that position.

With a blinding flash of light, Richard found himself submerged in water. It took him by surprise and swam quickly to the surface. The powerful waved cast Richard closer and closer to a sandy beach and soon he was washed up onto it. Sand stuck to his naked body as the waves rolled him further up onto the shore.

He climbed up further and was soon out of water’s reach. The taste of the sea was in his mouth but when he looked around he realised where he was.

“What the hell am I doing here?” Richard asked himself. He shook his head and caught sight of something further down the beach. “Kris…god.”

Richard ran down the beach and knelt by Kristine’s side. She was still breathing and he breathed a sigh of relief. How she was here was a complete mystery, this was his place alone. Richard turned her over, she was just as naked as she was when they made love and covered in sand. Richard gently tapped the side of her face to wake Kristine up and when she opened her eyes she smiled.

“Hey,” she said. Then she lost her smile when she felt the waves lapping up over her legs and the sand on her back. Kristine looked around and realised they were on a beach with a tropical forest right behind them. For miles she saw nothing but storm clouds on the horizon. “Uh…where are we?”

Richard helped her onto her feet and stood up himself. “Well…it’s complicated,” he said.

“Complicated? Like how?” Kristine asked.

“We’re in the Bermuda Triangle…in another dimension,” Richard said.

“WHAT?” Kristine asked.

To Be Continued…
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 2 - 15/Dec/07

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 3

Richard and Kristine were standing in the soft golden sand of a beach. They were both naked as the day they were born and arriving on this sun-kissed island the second they came from having sex for the first time was a little disorientating. As Kristine looked around, she saw a tropical jungle just beyond the sand with a large mountain in the distance. Out to sea, there were dark storm clouds churning in the distance. Flashes of lightening crashed out.

“Okay, Rick. What’s going on?” Kristine asked.

“I don’t know how exactly. Someone we’ve been transported to my island,” Richard said.

“You’re island?” Kristine asked.

“You know about uncle Alex’s satellite defence weapons yes?” Richard asked.

“Of course. In a really bad future, he jumped back in time to ancient Egypt. He built the pyramid weapons to imprison the uber-Kivar and then built those satellites which he hid inside the Bermuda Triangle. Which caused the Triangle,” Kristine said.

“You have been studying haven’t you? Anyway, when the satellites were launched and the effect of the Triangle was mostly repaired,” Richard said.

“Mostly repaired?” Kristine asked.

“All over the area there are small dots. They’re little more than the size of a single cell but they lead into enclosed pockets of an alternate dimension. The size of a cell on the outside but inside it could be anywhere from two meters to a hundred miles. I first came here when I was eight. I was meditating and went a little deep. I landed inside here and I used my powers to create something to keep me afloat. I realised that I could use this place to help me control my powers so I created this island,” Richard said.

“You made it?” Kristine asked.

“Every last grain of sand,” Richard said.

To prove it the Crowned Prince held out his hand toward the sea and sand rose from the water and swirled around before it became a small outcrop of rock with a palm tree on it.

Kristine blinked. “Okay,” she said.

“Anyway, those storm clouds out there…they are the physical representation of the dark side of my powers. This island is the light side. My meditations are intended to keep that storm from the island. If they reach here, then in the real world I’ve lost control and if that happens…we’re pretty much in hell,” Richard said.

“Okay. So I’ve learned one more thing about my ever loving boyfriend,” Kristine said. She leaned in, pressed her body against his and kissed Richard. “Now let’s go home.”

Richard nodded and sat down on the sand, he was unable not to take a look at her body. He smiled and so did Kristine, she saw him look and knew there would be plenty of times to do so in the future. Just one time together and she was fantasising about the next. Kristine was completely addicted and stole her own glances.

Richard bent his knees and sat in his meditate pose before he closed his eyes. Then he opened them.

“Problem?” Kristine asked.

“No, no. It’s okay. I just need to…” Richard said. He closed his eyes again.

A moment later he reopened them and Kristine saw the worried look on his face.
“Rick? We’re still here,” Kristine said.

“Something’s wrong. I can’t access the door out,” Richard said.

“Come again?” Kristine asked.

“It’s okay. I figured that something would happen or someone would try to trap me in here so I made a sort of emergency exit. Just one problem. Its half way up the mountain,” Richard said.

Kristine looked toward the mountain. “That is one hell of a trek,” she said.

“Yes it is,” Richard said.

“Well then, how about some jungle trekking clothing?” Kristine said.

“Really?” Richard asked.

Kristine smiled and put her hands on her hips. “As much as I like you looking, walking through a jungle like this would not be good,” she said.

“As the lady requests then,” Richard said with a bow.

He waved his hand over her body but nothing happened. He didn’t smile. “Okay something is very, very wrong right now,” Richard said.

“Rick?” she asked.

“I think I’ve lost my powers,” Richard said.

“But you just made that rock and the tree,” Kristine said.

“Yes, yes I did. Okay, so they’re not gone…oh of course. I made the island. It’s connected to me. I can shape it, manipulate it but anything else…I really need to get out of here. We both do,” Richard said.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash in the distance. The great storm that ringed the island unleashed a thousand bolts of lightning that streaked across the sky.

“Okay, I’m game for a quick run. You?” Kristine asked.

“Oh yes,” Richard said.

Together they ran up the beach toward the jungle. Richard wasn’t about to let Kristine out of his sight, she had no idea just what he’d put on the island and being out there alone was not something that would be could for someone without powers. At least he knew where to avoid.

The second they crossed into the jungle, they both stopped dead. There before them were two statues, entwined as lovers. The female was pressed against a tree, her legs wrapped around the male with his hand pressing hers above her head. It didn’t take too much investigating to realise that the statues were of both of them.

“This is new,” Richard said.

“Oh please,” Kristine said.

“Kris, I didn’t put this here,” Richard said.

“Seriously? It’s not some male fantasy common to teenagers no matter what species they are?” Kristine asked.

“Believe me I want to say yes,” Richard said.

“We do look like we’re enjoying ourselves,” Richard said.

“And then some but no. I didn’t make these. But these statues…they’ve been carved separately but their positions, Antarians could certainly put them together but no-one, no-one, could get here to do it,” Richard said.

“You’re brother or sisters? Or maybe some of your cousins?” Kristine asked.

“No. The Terrible Triple can’t get in here yet. They’re powers aren’t advanced enough yet. I was going to create some islands for their birthday,” Richard said.

“Spoil them why don’t you,” Kristine said.

“We can solve this puzzle later. Let’s go,” Richard said.

“Right,” Kristine said.

They started to run and soon disappeared in among the trees.

Meanwhile, the moment Richard and Kristine were reaching the climax of their energetic activities, the rest of the family were sitting outside enjoying their lunch. Ziala had been at Roswell High since she was old enough to go and everyone was used to her to the point her royal status wasn’t an issue anymore. Now most of the family were there it all came back. Princes and princesses all, and all were drawing attention from the rest of the student body. Especially for those who were interested in a little alone time with one of the girls.

Still they were able to ignore it all, even the press photographers on the other side of the school fence were kept at bay. The group of teens sat and ate, the warm sun was bright and the breeze was nice.

Then it hit them all. A tsunami of sensation that washed over them and caused each of them to stop what they were doing.

“What…what was that?” Philip asked.

“I think…” Ziala said and paused as she took a deep breath. “I think I just figured out where Rick is. And we’ve got a new player on the field.”

“What are you talking about…oh…you think…” Katherine said.

“Oh yeah. I think,” Ziala said.

“So that’s Kris I’m feeling in our little link?” Philip asked.

“Uh huh, and judging from what we’re picking up…Kris is feeling incredible right now,” Ziala said.

“No. No I mean he wouldn’t. They wouldn’t,” Paige said.

“Paige, you’ve seen them together. The only reason they didn’t do it before now was because of whatever issues they had going. I guess they just decided to go for it,” Philip said.

“I guess we have a new crowned princess then,” Philip said.

“Yeah, guys, let’s not talk about this while there are so many ears nearby. If we say something someone recognises then Kris’s life down here will be nothing but press day in day out,” Katherine said.

“You’re right. This is supposed to be private, at least until she goes before uncle Max and aunt Liz to be officially named by them,” Paige said.

“Well, you guys stay here. I think I better stop by the estate and just make sure everything is okay,” Ziala said.

“Z, come on. Leave them alone,” Philip said.

“I just want to make sure. I’m picking up on a little weirdness. You know how sensitive I’ve always been to our link. Something is going on,” Ziala said.

The eldest of the family stood and wrapped her lunch up before sticking it in her bag. Soon she headed over to her Antarian bodyguard and whispered in his ear. He knew all the ways in and out of the school, especially the ways that Ziala would go unnoticed. Before long she was being driven back home. She still had plenty of time to get back before their lunch hour was over.

In the palace of New Antar, Liz walked down a hall with her aides and reading through tomorrows’ agenda.

“Okay, Hala, could you change the greeting dinner for the Obinar representative up an hour. Then reschedule the Lukvar trade meeting for that hour,” Liz said.

“Of course, Majesty, but the trade meeting will likely take more than that hour,” Hala said.

“No it wont. The Lukvar don’t have the time for their usual negotiating tactics. Besides when we put the mining operation in the Nilor chain of planets on the table they’ll be more than willing to accept,” Liz said.

“Very good Majesty,” Hala said.

“Having fun?” Max asked. He walked up behind them with his own staff. Max paused to kiss his wife.

“You know it,” Liz said.

Liz then stopped and her eyes sifted back and forth.

“Vision?” Max asked.

“Yes. Uh…Max, we need to talk,” Liz said.

Max looked around and saw a nearby door into one of the palace’s many rooms. He opened the door and both king and queen slipped inside.

“What’s going on?” Max asked.

“How good a mood are you in?” Liz asked.

“Uh oh. It’s bad. How bad?” Max said.

“Well, maybe not bad…just awkward,” Liz said.

“What happened?” Max asked.

“Richard and Kristine…they’ve…cemented their relationship,” Liz said.

“Oh…Oh!” Max said.

“Yes,” Liz said. “Something’s I could have done without seeing and right now I’m just glad I got headshots but the audio…not good.”

“Well then. We have a daughter in-law then,” Max said. “And I am seriously going to have a talk with that boy.”

“Max, he’s only slightly younger than we were,” Liz said.

“I know. It’s not that. When we got together we didn’t know just how connected we would become. Rick does,” Max said.

“It does take two. Kris knows as well,” Liz said.

“Yeah, she does, doesn’t she? At the very least Kris’s parents can’t ask her to break up with him because of this whole second coming thing,” Max said.

“That’ll only work if they know their daughter is sexually active. At which point Rick will be really glad he’s got powers and bodyguards,” Liz said.

“We better get back to work but I want Rick and Kris to come and see us tonight,” Max said.

“I’ll take care of it,” Liz said.

“Good, good…I really was not hoping to have this conversation with them,” Max said.

“I know but it was inevitable. I’ve known Kris was the next queen since I first saw her,” Liz said.

“Liz...Rick didn’t mess up did he? I mean, they were careful right?” Max asked.

“I couldn’t tell but I hope so. We raised him right,” Liz said.

Max nodded and moments later they returned to their perspective staffs. However, despite how much they trusted their family and in particular their eldest son, they were distracted most of the day.

On Richard’s island, walking on fallen branches and twigs with bare feet was taking its toll on their bare feet. Without Richard’s healing power the cuts were getting worse and eventually they just had to stop.

“Rick, I’m sorry. I can’t go on,” Kristine said.

“I know. God I never thought I would miss my powers,” Richard said.

“I thought you liked your powers?” Kristine said. She sat down on a large boulder before carefully lifting one of her feet.

“I did…do. Sometimes I just wish I wasn’t quite so powerful,” Richard said.

“More so since this religious thing started I bet,” Kristine said.

“Got that right,” Richard said. He looked at her feet and shook his head. “This is ridicules. I’m more than my powers.”

“Yeah, you’re also a pretty face,” Kristine smiled.

“Look who’s talking,” Richard said.

“Touché, oh noble prince,” Kristine said.

“But I do have one hell of a brain in my head,” Richard said.

The young prince looked around, he made this island and formed every last detail. Soon Richard smiled and moved to a nearby tree. He stripped off a good sized piece of bark before grabbing a vine. Richard snapped it open and let the fluid pour onto the bark before he looked around again. There was few yellow orchids growing by Kristine’s rock. He picked one and placed it into Kristine’s hair before he kissed her.

“There, I didn’t think it was possible but you are even more beautiful,” Richard said.

“You know, based on those little chats I’ve had with your mother then she’s really understating it when she says you’re becoming more and more like your father,” Kristine said.

“Yeah? Well I’ve heard worse,” Richard said.

Richard picked another flower and asked Kristine to pick all its petals off. She did so while Richard picked up two rocks roughly the same size as his hand. Both rocks had flat edges and when Richard held out one Kristine put the petals on it. Placing the other rock on top, Richard started to grind the petals between the two stones. Holding it over the length of bark, the ground power of the petals fell out into the liquid from the vine.

“Rick, what are you making?” Kristine asked.

“Something I learned when I was two. Or more precisely, something that appeared in my head. Before my family went public, humans were just beginning to understand what was in plants and flowers. Some drugs were being manufactured from things pulled from the rainforests but even so, those companies weren’t close to fully understanding what they were tapping into. The right combinations in the right proportions…” Richard said.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Kristine said.

Richard smiled as he dropped the rocks and used his finger to mix up the liquid in the bark. “Trust me,” he said.

Kristine looked into his eyes. “Always,” she said.

Richard held out his hand and Kristine lifted her foot. He took hold of it and dipped his other hand into the mixture; he started to coat her foot and covered each cut. Kristine flinched at first, she expected it to sting but all she felt was soothing warmth that wasn’t confined to her foot.

Slowly he started to massage her foot, the liquid was being absorbed into her skin and her bleeding stopped. Soon after there wasn’t any pain at all. Then Richard moved to her other foot and Kristine couldn’t help but lean back against the boulder. Her breathing became deeper as her naked body felt the pleasurable side-effect of the mixture.

“Oh my god,” Kristine sighed.

Richard looked over her body with an evil glint in his eye. Of course he would have preferred her reaction to be solely from his foot massage but seeing her like this was by no means painful to his eye. He watched as Kristine’s nipples became harder and soon her back arched. Richard never stopped massaging her feet but occasionally his hands did wonder up to caress her thighs. It was a move that had her eyes rolling up into the back of her head.

“Uh…hnmmmm…god…Rick…you are a god,” Kristine moaned until she couldn’t speak anymore.

Then Richard stopped once her cuts and grazes had been tended to. The reactions continued to linger in Kristine for a few more minutes before she leaned up and started at her boyfriend.

“You…you…that was…you…wow,” Kristine said.

“I thought you might like it. How are your feet?” Richard asked.

“My feet? My feet are great. Just like the rest of me,” Kristine said.

“Good. You feel up to continuing our walk?” Richard asked.

“What about you?” Kristine asked.

“Oh I’m fine,” Richard said.

Kristine smiled and stood up. She moved close to Richard, so close their bodies were barely a millimetre apart but she quickly pushed him to sit down on the boulder and knelt down before him. Richard didn’t have time to react as Kristine took the remains of the liquid and then started to work on his feet.

She rubbed it into his feet and already Richard’s hands were tightly fisted. However, it wasn’t until Kristine leaned further down and kissed the inside of his upper leg that Richard’s dick grew hard.

“Kris…uh…oh god…ugnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…” Richard moaned loudly.

A second later his dick erupted with a torrent of his seed. It shot out and landed nearby but it left Kristine with wide eyes.

“Kris, that stuff is potent. You could use a millilitre of it just behind my ear and touch me anywhere to get…uh…a happy moment,” Richard said.

“Well…wow. And we so need to market that stuff,” Kristine said.

“Yeah, well that orchid doesn’t exist outside of this island,” Richard said.

He slipped down off the rock and moved onto his knees. Richard wrapped his arms around Kristine and she reciprocated. The two held each other for a long minute before they helped each other stand up and continue on their way – hand in hand.

Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 2 - 15/Dec/07

Post by Tharos »


Isabel’s first day at Roswell’s university was going well, albeit there were a few problems with students staring at her legs and chest instead of the whiteboard behind her. Now that it was lunch time she was enjoying the company of her husband in her office.

“So how many times have you popped in on the kids today?” Isabel asked.

“None,” Alex answered.

Isabel raised an eyebrow and looked at Alex.

“Okay, twice. So what? I just want to make sure they’re okay. Earth isn’t New Antar. They aren’t as protected here as they are there,” Alex said.

“They’re not kids anymore Alex. As much as I hate it to say it, Philip and Katherine…they’re the same age we were when everything started,” Isabel said.

“God help us,” Alex said.

“Yeah, now we know how our parents felt,” Isabel said.

“Remind me to send a ‘thanks for being patient’ card to them at some point,” Alex said.

“Tell me about it. Besides, they’ll be okay. Ziala will watch out for them and you know how pissed that girl can get when someone crossed her or the family,” Isabel said.

“Speaking of which, I hear the school is finally able to re-open that gym next week,” Alex said.

“I can’t believe they closed it. There wasn’t that much structural damage,” Isabel said.

“Iz, Ziala blew out half the brickwork,” Alex said.

“Well that jerk bully did torment her then feel her up,” Isabel said.

“I know. If any of us had been there that building would have collapsed…hell if Rath was there that building would be landing on that idiot’s head,” Alex said.

“Well what can you expect from Pamela Troy’s son? If her bodyguard hadn’t been there…god knows what would have happened he hadn’t pulled that boy from Ziala. He’s lucky all he got was suspension,” Isabel said.

“I would have expelled him, and his family…right into a volcano,” Alex said.

Isabel chuckled and leaned back into her chair. She slipped off her shoes and put her feet up on to her oak desk.

“I still can’t believe they gave you this office,” Alex said.

“Well what can I say? They like me more than you,” Isabel said.

“I teach in like six departments. I’m the resident super brain and I’m a member of the Antarian Royal Family,” Alex said.

“Ah yes but you’re only a member by marriage. I am from birth,” Isabel said smugly.

“Uh huh,” Alex said.

“You know, something occurs to me,” Isabel said.

“What what would that be my beloved princess?” Alex said.

“We’ve christened all of your offices, each and every single last one,” Isabel said.

“And we’ve not christened yours…yet,” Alex said.

Isabel stood up and walked closer to Alex, she leaned back and rested her butt on the edge of her desk. She brought her foot up, running it along Alex’s leg until she pressed it into his crotch softly.

“Then there really is only thing to do,” Isabel said.

“Yes there is,” Alex said.

Alex slowly put his hands around Isabel’s ankle and slipped them up her black stocking clad leg toward her skirt. He lifted her leg and slowly started to kiss his way up. Isabel closed her eyes and tilted her head back, enjoying the feelings that were building.

“So how is Doctor Whitman today?” Alex asked.

“Great…oohkay…fabulous…” Isabel gasped.

Alex’s fingers reached the bare skin right about her stockings and slowly ran his index finger over the fabric. Slowly Alex brought his hands out and pushed Isabel’s skirt further up her legs. Isabel helped by lifting herself up from the desk and Alex pushed it over her butt before taking hold of her underwear. He pulled the black silk off before Isabel spread her legs and Alex kissed his way along her inner thighs. He switched from leg to leg, incrementally getting higher.

Isabel put her hands firmly down on the desk just behind her and leaned back. Alex soon reached his goal and slowly began to lick at Isabel’s pussy. They were going to christen this desk better than they had any of the many desks that Alex sat behind.

Alex stroked his tongue over her slit again and again. Her hips started to buckle against his mouth; she was desperate for more contact, desperate to cum. Slowly he circled her clit and plunged his tongue into her pussy with short, hard stabs bringing her ever closer to the edge.

Alex returned his tongue to the knob of pleasure again and again within her soft folds while stick two finger up into her. Thrusting in and out, Isabel moaned and her head tilted back letting her hair fall down. She shot one hand down and held her hand to his head she pushed him in closer. Alex moved his hand up and joined her other hand, their fingers interlocked.

“Oh ffuuuuck, Alex. I…eat me…I’m coming…I’m commmiiinggg!!” Isabel cried out.

Alex covered her core with his mouth and drank in all of her juices as they poured forth from her. Isabel fell back onto her desk, completely ignoring the uncomfortable ring-binder she was resting on. She felt too good right now. Still their little tryst was far from over and watching Isabel cum so hard had his dick as solid as steel.

Isabel pushed herself up from the desk and quickly started to unbutton her blouse. She just regretted that her fingers couldn’t move fast enough. Alex was the same. He undid his belt and unfastened his pants. They were complete almost at the same moment and when they were done they looked at each other and a hungry fire in their eyes.

The two of them came together and kissed passionately; Isabel wrapped a leg around Alex and pulled him closer. Their hands were all over each other, Alex cupped one of her first breasts while she stroked his dick firmly.

“If you’re not inside me soon I’ll tear this university down brick by brick,” Isabel said.

Alex smiled. “Now that would be one for Dr Mulligan,” he said.

“Who?” Isabel asked. She kissed all over his face.

“One of the new guys at the Anthropology department. He’s interested in inter-species mating habits,” Alex said.

“Then let’s give him something to be curious about,” Isabel said.

With a single fluid stroke he pushed forward and got past her outer lips before sinking in deep into her pussy. Both groaned as Alex started with short stabs, he thrust into her body and made hers jerk forward with each one. His fingers moved in between each of hers and their hands locked together tightly.

Over and over their bodies fused together with gasps and moans continuing to come forth from both of them, their pleasure centres stimulated to breaking point. They were red with flushed skin and dripping with sweat from their exertions. Alex knew Isabel’s body well, after the quick and deep, almost violent thrusts he slowed up and pulled back out but then slammed back into her. He built up a slow rhythm, his hips smacked against her thighs. The throbbing length in her was sliding back and forth, touching her most sensitive skin as she male love to her husband.

Alex was more than willing to give Isabel what she wanted. Both were more than willing to surrender themselves to each other’s desires. Alex rocked his hips back and forth, his sweat dripped from his brow and onto her cleavage. Alex brought his erection out and slid it back in deeply to her soaked pussy, he was pushing himself to the limit, his face was contorted in pleasure, his eyes scrunched up and his balls churning with the need to eject their seed into her.

“Oh god baby...uhnnn…you’re so good,” Alex yelled.

Isabel loved hearing him groan during sex. She started grinding her hips against him, meeting Alex’s thrusts with her own, their speed increased and she could swear that he was going deeper than he had before. They both hoped that the desk was as strong as it looked, otherwise it would soon be a pile of timber on the floor.

“UHHNNNNNNNNNN, GOD…please, Alex, make me cum!” she hollered.

“Do it Isabel, cum for me Honey…FUCKKKKKKKK…god, let it go.” Alex groaned.

“OHHHH, UGNNNN, FFFFuck ME Alex. Let me feel you inside me!” Isabel said.

Alex gave in. He couldn’t have lasted much longer anyway as the stimulating sensations on his cock had reached its end. Alex gave a single sharp thrust into her and held himself there as he spurted his semen into Isabel’s body. Isabel felt him cum and she was close to her own climax. She continued to grind her pelvis, rocking herself hard against Alex and moaning each time his hard dick filled her. He may have been done but Isabel wasn’t and he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her, long and hard, as she continued to move her body.

Soon Isabel broke off the kiss but continued to stare into the eyes of her lover. With one last thrust she came hard and loudly. Her back arched and her tits pointed forward, Alex grabbed each one with his hands. He held her naked body close to his; his dick slipped out and began to lose its erection but soon both collapsed to the floor and both snuggled up into each other’s bodies before he wrapped his arm around her. Alex smiled as he looked into her eyes.

In the estate on the outskirts of the city, Ziala stepped out of the car and walked toward the house where Max and Liz stayed when they were on Earth. During her trip here she felt a stronger sense of Kristine in the link she shared with her cousins but it was growing in strength quickly…too quickly.

As Ziala entered the house she felt a vibration throughout the entire building, it was echoing through the walls. Ziala headed upstairs and approached Richard’s bedroom. When she opened the door, the barrage of light was so intense that Ziala had to close the door immediately.

“Okay…weirdness factor ten,” Ziala said.

Ziala thought for a moment and headed to the bedroom of one of Richard’s sisters. Just a few weeks ago she made them a few pairs of sunglasses and retrieved one of them now. Ziala put them on, after increasing the protective power they had, and then opened the door to Richard’s bedroom. The light was unbelievable and it took a moment for Ziala to be able to focus on the source.

“Holy hell,” Ziala said.

There before her was Richard and Kristine, motionless yet still literally joined at the hip…well, a little lower. The light flowed from Richard’s mouth, ears, eyes and nose and moved to Kristine.

“Okay cuz, some thing’s I do not need to see,” Ziala said.

She took hold of a few pillows and strategically placed them on the pair of lovers. Ziala was worried, she couldn’t explain what was happening and right now she didn’t care. She reached out toward Kristine to try and snap her out of it but just before she touched skin someone grabbed hold of Ziala’s wrist.

She turned quickly and it took her a moment to realise that she was looked at Richard, a tired-looking, older Richard.

“Rick? Oh no, no way. Uncle Max made time travel illegal. You can’t be here, we’re supposed to solve the problems not edit or erase them,” Ziala said.

“Sorry Z, but dad didn’t take everything into account. He had no idea what was going to happen when he made that law,” Richard said.

“Like what?” Ziala asked.

“Like my wife dying for one. If you woke her just now, you would have interrupted the process. A piece of her, an important piece would have been trapped elsewhere,” Richard said.

Ziala looked to Kristine and then back to the future version of her cousin, “What’s happening to her?” she asked.

“She’s becoming what she’s meant to be, what she needs to be. You know what the royal doctors were concerned about when I was born?” Richard asked.

“Yes, uh, your genetics were completely unique. They thought, well they doubted that there would be anyone who could be a suitable match to have children with…to continue the royal line. Even with the Ganderium they didn’t think anyone would be a match,” Ziala said.

“In a little while…there will be,” Richard said.

“So that’s why you broke a huge law and travelled back, just so you could knock her up?” Ziala asked.

“No. Ziala, I need to create a new path. Kris is just a part of it. I’m not going to allow any of our family to die,” Richard said.

“Die…what?” Ziala asked.

“Things are happening, Z. I shouldn’t have ignored what happened at the ball,” Richard said.

“Why, what happened? What did you sense?” Ziala asked.

“The devil. He’s awake,” Richard said.

Ziala’s mouth hung open. She wasn’t able to think of anything to say to that.

Back on the island, Kristine was beginning to notice that time had no meaning here. The sun was always at high noon and she suspected that Richard’s design had something to do with that. As the jungle started to thin, Kristine stopped and looked around.

“Something wrong?” Richard asked.

“Yeah. What’s with the sun?” she asked.

“Hm? Oh right. Well like I said this is a pocket dimension. There was nothing here so…I…”

“No, you didn’t,” Kristine said with disbelief.

“Yeah, I kinda made a sun. Just a small one, besides I second outside of the island is like a year in here. It’s about the size of a tennis ball but it does the job,” Richard said.

Kristine looked at him.

“Why are looking at me like…oh stop, I am not the Second Coming,” Richard said.

“Rick, as much as I love you…even I’m beginning to have doubts about exactly what you are. I mean, come on. Making suns, islands…that whole collection of stars I saw in your eyes,” Kristine said.

“We’re going to need to talk after we get out of here aren’t we?” Richard asked.

“Relax prince-boy, you’re stuck with me for a very long time,” Kristine said. She kissed him and the two continued to walk.

Soon they left the jungle and arrived at the top of a valley. With a river cutting a swath through the island, Richard and Kristine were stunned to see more statues littered over the valley floor. Each pair of statues was intimately posed and there were a lot of them.

“Okay Rick, what’s going on?” Kristine asked.

“I really have no clue. It’s like the statue version of the Kama Sutra,” Richard said.

“And then some. Oh and those statues over there…is that even possible?” Kristine asked.

Both teens tilted their heads and looked at the statues.

“I don’t know but I want to try it. Did I just say that out loud?” he asked.

“Uh huh, but you’re not the only one,” Kristine said.

Suddenly there was a crash of thunder in the sky above them.

“I think it’s time I meditate. I’ve been putting it off since we got here,” Richard said.

“Teach me,” Kristine said.

“What?” Richard asked.

“Hey, I either pace back and forth until your done or I join you. Teach me to meditate,” Kristine said.

“Okay,” Richard said.

He sat down and Kristine sat in front of him in the same position. Richard held out his hands and Kristine put hers in his.

“Close your eyes. Just breathe slowly. In and out. Feel each inhale fill your lungs, feel it spread out inside you. Let it cleanse your thoughts until there is nothing. Not the storm, not even the sound of my voice. All you hear is the sound of your own heartbeat and the sounds of the island. It’s alive, like us, feel that life,” Richard said.

“I hear it…I feel it,” Kristine said softly.

20 minutes later, island time, both teens opened their eyes and gazed at each other. Both felt refreshed and for Kristine she felt better than she ever had…not including when she made love to Richard. As Richard looked up he saw the clouds were rolling away from the island.

“That was…” Kristine said.

“You look like you really got something out of it,” Richard said.

“I did. I feel like I’ve just had a great night’s sleep,” Kristine said. “So, where’s this portal of yours?”

“Not far now. Come on,” Richard said.

Richard and Kristine climbed down the side of the valley and walked between the statues. Each one caused them to stop and look but eventually they made their way up the other side of the valley. Once there, it was a quick walk to the mountain.

Fortunately, Richard at the very least had created a path up the sheer rock cliffs. They didn’t have to take any unnecessary risks in order to get to the portal. Together they walked up and it took nearly an hour for them to reach the plateaux. It was as though the mountain suddenly became as flat as a tabletop and as smooth as ice. In the middle was a ring, formed of marble with the bottom of it resting on the ground. It looked like it could roll away any second but it remained perfectly still.

“Okay…now we have a problem,” Richard said.

“What?” Kristine asked.

“It’s not active. There should be a swirly purple mist type thing in the middle,” Richard said.

“Are you saying we’re trapped?” Kristine asked.

“I don’t…this is impossible. The portal should be active,” Richard said.

“Mom and dad are going to kill me,” Kristine said.

She leaned back against the circle and it suddenly burst to life. The empty space in the middle filled with the purple mist and Kristine jumped back. Richard looked at her and smiled.

“Well I guess I have an answer to that question,” he said.

“What? What question?” Kristine asked.

“I’ll explain later. Let’s go home,” Richard said.

Richard held out his hand and Kristine took hold of it. Together they stepped into the mist and left the island.

In reality they had been only vacant for a few minutes. Ziala was still in Richard’s bedroom with his future-self. She was sitting, trying not to look at the pair as she waited for them to wake up.

“So what happens in the future? Do I hook up with a really cute guy?” Ziala asked.

“No. No you don’t,” Richard said.

“Please don’t say he’s ugly,” Ziala said.

Richard turned and looked at her. “You really want to know?”

“Now I’m not so sure,” Ziala said. “Yeah, okay, tell me.”

“You were seduced,” Richard said.

“Seduced by who?” Ziala said.

“Someone you cared about. He was a pretty nice guy once we got to know him instead of who he’s connected to. Unfortunately he wasn’t himself. He was used to get to you and by the time you realised something was wrong you slept with him. You were bound together. Verask got a part of what he wanted,” Richard said.

“Verask?” Ziala asked.

“The one I told you about before. The devil. When he got you he got a willing mate,” Richard said.

Ziala’s eyes were wide and filled with fear but a moment later the light from the pair on the bed started to blink.

“What happened?” Ziala asked.

“They’re close. It’s time for me to go,” Richard said.

“What…what about them…what about…”

“Relax Z, I’ll be around,” Richard said. “It was great seeing you again.”

The way he said it made Ziala worry just about what kind of future he came from. The future Richard walked to the door but vanished in a flash of light before he reached the hall.

As for his current version, the glow vanished and both Richard and Kristine fell to the bed where they kissed passionately. Ziala took off her sunglasses and cringed, she really didn’t want to interrupt or be noticed but there wasn’t much choice so she cleared her throat.

“Z!” both said. They grabbed pillows and sheets and pulled them around their bodies.

“God Z, what the hell are you doing here?” Richard said.

“Hey don’t blame me. You two are the ones sending out waves of…unmentionable thoughts and sensations to half of Roswell. Just be glad Kris’s parents can’t pick up on it,” Ziala said.

“So you thought you’d just hang out in here?” Kristine asked.

“Well the glowing think kind of caused some concern. Among other things,” Ziala said.

“What things?” Richard asked.

“That can wait until we’re dressed,” Kristine said.

“Yeah, right, of course,” Richard said.

“Now…where are my clothes?” Kristine asked.

She looked around and spotted them but as she leaned down to pick one garment up there was a sudden flash of light from her hand. Her clothes flew toward her and her bra ended up over Richard’s head. He lifted up the strap that was over his eyes and looked at Kristine whose eyes were wide open along with Ziala’s.

“Uh…what?” Kristine said with a high-pitched tone.

To Be Continued…
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 3 - 26 Jan

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 4

With Rick’s bed sheets wrapped around both his and Kris’s naked bodies, they blinked in shock when Richard pulled her bra off of his head. All Kris had done was to reach out for it and suddenly it flew before landing on Richard’s head. Ziala had arrived earlier after sensing a new player in the telepathic link she shared with her cousins and now her mouth hung open.

“Did anyone else just see…?” Kristine asked.

“Uh…yes…but how?” Ziala asked.

“You have powers,” Richard said.

“No, no, no. I mean that doesn’t just happen, not without a power transfer. Your uncle Max healed Liz and she got powers, then Alex…” Kristine said.

“Uh, when I came in you two were lit up like a Christmas tree. It was like looking directly into the sun. I figured you were just enjoying yourselves,” Ziala said.

“We were,” Richard and Kristine said together.

“Yeah…okay,” Ziala said.

“Maybe that’s why we went to the island,” Richard said.

“What island?” Ziala asked.

“What do you mean?” Kristine asked.

“We went, we were there for several hours but only minutes passed here. During it, I taught you everything I did to control my powers,” Richard said.

“Guys, what island?” Ziala asked.

“So now I can do it as well,” Kristine said.

“Oh for the love of the Progenitors, what island?!” Ziala asked.

“Just something in my head…oh, well, our heads I guess it is now,” Richard said.

“Yeah, ours,” Kristine said.

“Okay, enough of the chick-flick moment,” Ziala said.

“I thought you liked chick-flicks?” Richard asked.

“Hey, I can be as sappy as the next girl but your girlfriend…correction, the new princess and future queen has just demonstrated some power. We’ve got to figure this out,” Ziala said.

Right now Ziala felt discretion was the better part of valour and kept Future Rick’s visit to herself. He did say what was happening would keep Kristine alive, he just didn’t mention anything about her obtaining powers.

“Well, before we figure this out, do you think we might be able to do it with some clothes on?” Kristine asked.

“Oh, oh right. I’ll just be…completely oblivious to the fact that there’s still quite a bit of nudity here. I’ll leave you two alone,” Ziala said.

“In fact, Z, I think we better finish this at school. The bell is going to go in about ten minutes,” Richard said.

“What? We can’t get back to school that quickly,” Kristine said.

Both Richard and Ziala looked at her, Kristine then remember just who she’d shared a bed with and nodded.

“Yes, right. I can’t believe I forgot about that,” Kristine said.

Ziala smiled and left. Kristine and Richard slipped out from beneath the covers and had another look at each other’s bodies. To say that they both wanted to forget school and get back into bed was an understatement. It was hard to resist the urge to reach out and touch each other but they controlled themselves.

Together the smiled as they watched each other dress, slipping on their underwear a piece at a time and then the rest of their clothes. Kristine’s smile grew larger as Richard moved closed and held the side of her face in his hand.

“Are you okay with this?” Richard asked.

“We made love, I can feel you inside me…here,” Kristine said. She took his hand and placed it over her heart. “I’m more than okay with this. Besides, having powers just means we get to spend more time together now that I need to be taught how to use them.”

“Ah, a good plan,” Richard said.

Together they inched closer, their mouths opened just a little bit and their hearts beat together like primal drums.

Then Ziala knocked at the door. “We don’t have all afternoon you know,” she said through the door.

Richard and Kristine pulled apart and groaned with despair. “There are times when I really wish I could freeze time,” Richard said.

“I thought you could?” Kristine said.

“Well I can but I’m the only one that remains unfrozen. Not good for kissing,” Richard said.

“But it is for slipping into the girl’s locker room unnoticed,” Kristine said.

Richard looked shocked for a moment, “I have never, ever, done that,” Richard said.

“Relax babe, I know. I’m just teasing. Of course if you did learn how to keep a certain young redhead who happens to look like your girlfriend out of the freeze then maybe things can get interesting,” Kristine said.

“I didn’t know you had such a naughty streak,” Richard said.

“What can I say? One touch and I’m hooked on you,” Kristine said.

“Guys!” Ziala said.

Richard sighed, took hold of Kristine’s hand and together they walked to the door. When he opened it, Ziala was on the other side and leaning against the hall wall with a big smile on her face.

“Shut-up,” Richard said.

“I didn’t say anything,” Ziala said.

Richard held out his hand and Ziala took it. The young prince blinked and the next thing the two girls knew was that they were standing in the middle of one of the school’s hallways.

All around the three arrivals were the herds of students who looked at them. This may have been Roswell High, but despite its history people didn’t appear out of thin air every day. Together, Richard, Kristine and Ziala walked down the middle of the hall, everyone moved out of the way for them. The teachers may have been instructed to treat them like any other student but they weren’t and that didn’t stop other students from seeing them as the alien nobility that they were.

Soon the rest of the family came in the other way and they all looked at Kristine. She couldn’t help but blush – they all knew. Richard wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close.

“So, Kris, how ya doin’?” Paige Guerin asked.

“Paige, let’s not be playful now,” Richard said.

“Why not? You two obviously have been,” Paige said.

“I guess you being in the family is official now. So in that spirit…greetings of great and might princess,” Philip said. He bowed his head and earned a smack on the back of his head from his sister.

“Let’s not make our new cousin blush more than she already is. Besides it’s not like we didn’t know it was coming,” Katherine said.

The bell rang out and instantly the students started to filter away into their classes. The family were in different classes and needed to get there so they started to walk but just as they reached their doors, several Antarians walked into the school and approached them.

“Uh Rick…” Ziala said.

“Oh no,” Richard said.

“Who is that?” Kristine asked.

“Endrin Vor, my father’s advisor for Antarian customs,” Richard said.

“Highness,” Endrin said.

“Yes Endrin,” Richard said.

“Your father and mother have become aware of certain events. Most notably…”

“Something that doesn’t need to be talked about here,” Richard said.

“Ah yes, of course Highness. But the situation needs to be discussed with your parents and they have requested that upon the conclusion of school you return to the palace on New Antar with Kristine if she is available. Also there is the matter of this invitation to the Vatican. It must be discussed as well as other duties of your station that have been disrupted due to your education here,” Endrin said.

“Of course. I’ll be there the second the bell rings,” Richard said.

“Well, you two are busted,” Ziala said.

Endrin turned to leave and walked out with his Antarian procession.

“How would your parents know?” Kristine asked.

“My mom. It’s not just the ability to see the future that she has, but also the events that shape that future and some things that have come before,” Richard said.

“Oh so she saw…” Kristine asked.

“Yes,” Richard said. “Not all the details but enough to know what we were doing.”

“That’s…that is going to be so awkward,” Kristine said.

“Relax, we’ll be okay. Besides my mom loves you,” Richard said.

“Don’t you all have a class to get to,” the school principal said.

“Yes, yes we do,” Richard said.

Everyone quickly dispersed and headed into the classes. The principle looked at the lingered looks between Kristine and Richard, a look he’s seen on many a teenagers face since he started teaching. Teenage love was always true love in the minds of the one feeling it but what he was seeing was a thousand times more intense. For a moment he wondered if another generation if Roswell alumni, the human ones, were going to be joining the ranks of Antarian nobility – if he only knew how they’d spent their lunch break.

On the far side of New Antar, Phobos and Deimos were high in the sky. The Martian moons may have been small, only a dozen or so kilometres in diameter, but shining lights from the agricultural cities built there gleamed in the night. Beneath them on the planet’s surface, one of the younger members of the noble Council was busy thumping his head off his desk.

Jarel, son of Kivar, heir and lord of the lands occupied by the few citizens who escaped Kivar’s home-world, was reviewing reports of the people under him.

“My Lord, is something wrong?” Elmar, his advisor, asked.

“I hate politics,” Jarel asked.

“That is why you have me My Lord,” Elmar said.

“Yes it is. These problems in the Varlia district…” Jarel asked.

“Yes, I believe our researchers think it is due to the high iron content in the soil left after the terra-forming,” Elmar said.

“So while the planet has been changed to more closely match Antar, the iron is problematic to the Antarian crops we brought with us,” Jarel said.

“Yes. The native crops, while similar to what we brought with us, evolved here during the terra-forming. They’ve adapted. It is correctable, the Varlia simply must work harder,” Elmar said.

“Or we could choose to help them. I want the Ilir supply shipment redirected to the Varlia. Compensate the Ilir with an increase to their metal shipment at the end of this lunar cycle,” Jarel said.

“My Lord, this is generous of you but not the way your house or your father…”

“Never mention my father!” Jarel said angrily.

“My lord,” Elmar said. He bowed his head.

“That legacy is dead, the nightmare ended with him. I keep you around because your family faithfully served mine of 2800 years. Elmar…do as I ask,” Jarel said.

Jarel sat back in the chair and waved his hand over the desk corner. With a gentle ting sound, a beam of light came up from the desk and with a thought in his mind he brought up video images. It was recent Earth news footage from Richard and other’s first day of school. More importantly, at least for Jarel, was Ziala walking with them. Jarel waved his hand again and the images zoomed in on Ziala’s face.

“No, let that one go,” Jarel said to himself.

He waved his hand and the system shut down. Jarel stood and walked to the balcony. From the terrace on his bedroom he could see over his lands from the mountain his home was built on to the distance ocean that surrounded their island. It wasn’t much space but he and his people made use of it.

“By the Progenitors, I’m insane…I have to be,” Jarel said.

Jarel walked back to his desk and waved his hand to open a communication channel.

“Yes Lord Jarel.”

“Ready my personal transport,” Jarel said.

“Of course Lord Jarel. And your destination?”

“Earth, Roswell,” Jarel said.

At the same time, the House of Trall was still in mourning for their fallen noble. Kyle was putting his younger children to bed while Tess remained in their bedroom. Soon they would both be taking on control of an entire house. It wasn’t just the people here on New Antar but all the various colony worlds that followed to Trall.

Soon they would have more responsibility than the custodianship of one region of a colony world where they’d spent the last several years. Only Max had more and they certainly didn’t envy him, Zan and Ava saying no many years back without so much as a heads up made Kyle want to drop his brother and sister in-law out his ship’s airlock while in the Mesosphere of the planet.

As Tess prepared for bed, it was well into night on their side of New Antar after all, Kyle returned to their chambers. He moved up behind his wife and wrapped her arms around her before kissing her neck.

“How are you?” Kyle asked.

“I’ll be okay. I just miss him. Strange, I lived most of my life not even knowing he existed and then we were on opposite sides of the galaxy for the rest of it but he was always there,” Tess said.

“I know. Your dad certainly was one of a kind,” Kyle said.

“Same with yours. How are the kids?” Tess asked.

“Sad but okay. James and Shanala are all packed. They’ll join the others in Roswell tomorrow. Are you sure you want them to go?” Kyle asked.

“Yes. They’ve already missed a couple of days because of our arrival and dad dying but they should be with Rick and the others at school. It is what they want,” Tess said.

“Oh, I think you should know. Trall’s aide, well I guess he’s ours now…anyway, he gave me the instructions for the traditions for us to officially take control of the House. Apparently for people our age, they’re supposed to be married as part of the rite but since we already are…the instructions are rather intimate,” Kyle said.

Tess smiled, “Antarians and their sex customs…not that you ever mind,” she said.

“Well…I’m me,” Kyle said.

“True, but I love them just as much as you do. Not that we ever need an excuse to get it on. So what do we do,” Tess said.

“Becoming a contortionist appears to be a must. I didn’t know that position was even possible,” Kyle said.

Tess took the pad from Kyle and accessed the file. The second she saw it her head tilted to the side and her eyes opened wide.

“Okay, I know for a fact that I’m not that bendy,” Tess said.

“Oh I don’t know. There was that time on that beach when the five full moons where overhead. You were very flexible,” Kyle said.

“Kyle we were exposed to the Adrosia mists. If there’s a stronger aphrodisiac then I really don’t want to know. We kept going for twelve days and nights. You couldn’t get it up again for a full week afterward, and I just couldn’t even think about having sex without feeling sore,” Tess said.

“But we’ve never had sex like than in our lives. It was incredible,” Kyle said.

“No doubt,” Tess said.

“And the oil from the Adrosia plants that grew on the beach rocks…hmmmmmm,” Kyle said.

“Yes, the oil did enhance our performance just that little bit extra,” Tess said.

“A little bit? Tess, I could have bent over between my legs and kissed my own butt,” Kyle said.

“Okay, okay. Enough reminiscing,” Tess said.

“Okay, fine, but I think we should tell Rick and the boys when their honeymoons comes up,” Kyle said.

“Not any of the girls?” Tess asked.

“No! None of the girls and least of all any of my daughters are going to that beach, ever,” Kyle said.

“Men,” Tess said. “Okay, when is this ritual supposed to happen?”

“On the first full moon after the passing. Our coming together is supposed to symbolise the renewal and rebirth of the family,” Kyle said.

“On the first full moon?” Tess asked.

“Yes. Why?” Kyle asked.

“Kyle, that’s tonight. Both the moons are full tonight,” Tess said.

“Ah. So tonight, by tradition, on the day your father died we have to make love to take control of the house by his request?” Kyle asked.

“It would appear so. Well that timing sucks,” Tess said.

“Which according to these instructions is something you will be doing,” Kyle said. Then he saw the look in her eyes. “Sorry.”

“I guess we can’t just do it here?” Tess asked.

“No. Down in the basement, in the Star Room. Thankfully, we don’t need to have an audience,” Kyle said.

Kyle held out his hand and his wife took it. Together Kyle and Tess walked out of their bedroom. They walked down the halls, passed the staff who all had their heads bowed. They all knew where they were going.

They arrived in Star Chamber, a room named as such because the walls, ceiling and floor were accurately painted with the locations of the stars around the planet. It was a room all the noble houses stared, a place that marked their world’s place in the cosmos.

When Kyle and Tess entered, the room lit up and each star glistened like it was the real thing. Forward or backward, this room could show the celestial locations of the stars since the dawn of time on this planet to where they were projected to be in the distant future.

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked.

“It’s what dad wanted,” Tess said.

Kyle reached up and brushed some of Tess’s hair from her face. “Shall we?” he asked.

Tess smiled, she reached up to the sash of her robe and pulled it open. Not once, in 17 years of marriage to Kyle had she worn anything to bed and the result was a husband as every ready to enjoy their nocturnal activities as she was. Besides, he wasn’t exactly known for wearing so much as a pair of boxer shorts.

Kyle reached out and slipped his fingers under Tess’s robe. He stroked over her skin, moving up to her shoulders and pushed the robe off her. Tess held her arms straight down and let her robe fell off.

“Absolute perfection,” Kyle said.

“You’re my husband, you have to say that. Besides, I’ll kick your ass if you don’t,” Tess said.

“Still doesn’t mean it’s not true,” Kyle said.

“Well then. You better start showing me how much you love me, and let’s get on with making the two of us heads of the house,” Tess said.

Kyle took off his clothes, stripping down completely until the lights from the stars on the walls glistened off his body, both their bodies. Tess reached out, running her hands over Kyle’s muscles.

“Can you believe how far we’ve come since that first time together in my old house?” Tess asked.

“No. Every morning I think it’s been one hell of a dream…then I see you next to me,” Kyle said.

“Are you sure about this? We could always say no and put it on Zan and Ava,” Tess asked.

“I’m sure,” Kyle said. “I’m not going to have any reason for that old man’s ghost coming back to haunt my ass.”

“He would too you know. Dad believed in us both,” Tess said.

“Then let’s not disappoint him,” Kyle said.

Kyle held up his hand just to the side of him and Tess did the same. Their hands glowed, glowing brighter as their moved them closer until their hands were clasped together. From the middle of the floor behind Tess a narrow platform rose to just under half up her body.

“Got to wonder who came up with this position and why. Not very in line with anything energetic or for comfort,” Tess said.

“I guess it’s not about that. Just us becoming one with each other, joining for the future of the house,” Kyle said.

“We already did that. I remember the labour pains quiet well,” Tess said.

“But it was fun getting there,” Kyle said.

Tess reached down and wrapped her slender fingers around Kyle’s dick. Slowly she started to stroke him, gently squeezing as she moved her hand up and down his length.

“Yes it was,” Tess said. “Take me.”

Kyle had a role to play, words to say, and while he’d studied the language of the Antarians she was far from being able to think in that language. It took a moment to recite the words as clearly as they were meant to be said.

“Ve’as. Mossal calime. Torra Trall, torra Tess era Kyle,” Kyle said.

“Torra Trall, torra Tess era Kyle,” Tess said.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Tess and kissed her, their tongues slipped together inside her mouth. Their hands started to roam. Kyle’s caressed over her ribs before sliding up to cover her breasts. Soon his lips found their way to her neck and Tess gasped. Tess continued to stroke him, getting him strong and hard.

When it was time, Kyle moved his hands around Tess’s back. One hand covered one of her ass-cheeks and the other gently on her upper back. Kyle slowly eased her backward and Tess willing went. She bent back over the platform, spreading her feet out to open her legs to Kyle before planting her hands on the floor. She formed a perfect arch, her hair fell down to brush the floor and in that position she waited.

Kyle stepped forward, moving in between her legs with his dick standing proud from him. He took hold of his length and aimed it straight out for her pussy. When the tip touched her flesh Tess moaned and but it lip as she waited for him to sink into her. Kyle didn’t leave her waiting for long and pushed deep into her with one smooth stroke.

“Ughnnnnnnnn…” Tess sighed.

Kyle leaned down and kissed the valley better her breasts that were pushed out due to her position. Kyle licked from her cleavage as he leaned further over her, moulding against her body. Tess lifted one leg and wrapped it around her mate. Kyle’s hands ran down her arms before he kissed her passionately.

With slight movements, Kyle pulled his dick out of Tess a little before pushing it back in and over and over. The fire inside Tess was building quickly and this position wasn’t doing much to quell it. She wanted Kyle to move faster, she wanted to wrap both her legs around him but their position was tenuous. One wrong move and they could both come tumbling down. Not that she would mind, it would give them a chance to get really into it but this wasn’t about them it was about their House.

Gently Kyle humped against Tess, grinding against her at the only speed he could and made it last so much longer.

“AGHHHHH…UGHNNNNN…YESSSS…UAGGHHHHH…” Tess was constantly moaning and screaming.


Tess’s body began to quiver and tremble as several small orgasms started to spark in her but the more that built within her the closer she came to achieving her climax. Kyle began to thrust hard into her, they were short, sharp but oh so pleasurable. Tess was immediately crying out in pleasure as her helpless body remained under Kyle, accepting everything he was giving her with stars shining down upon them. She could barely move but her hips were free to grind against him.


The stars shined brighter, as did their bodies. This custom was ancient to the noble houses and the new Lord and Lady of this House were going to see it through. It was how it responsibility was passed on from one generation to the next, as proof of their bond and love for each other as well as their willingness to do it for the House.

“UGHNNN…UHGHNNNNN…OH. MY…FUCKKKKKKKKKKK!” Tess yelled louder and louder until her trembling body exploded with her climax.

Kyle was close, his dick was begging him to let go. He slid his body over his wife’s willing one, her breasts squeezed against his chest. Every sensation given to him from her body was god-sent. Tess lifted her leg higher on him, wrapping it around his lower back and holding onto Kyle tightly. In and out his dick moved in her until the pressure was simply too much to bare.

“Ugh…ughnnn…ughnnn…UGHNNN…UGHNNNNNNN…UGHNNNNN!” Kyle grunted.

He pushed into her and held himself there. Kyle’s dick erupted his semen into her as he shouted out his pleasure. As he filled her the starlight was as bright as any sun before they all switched off and the room was quiet. The platform fell into the ground and the two collapsed together onto the floor.

It was done. Symbols all over the house marking it as Trall’s changed and now marked it as belonging to Tess and Kyle. In the council chamber of the Royal Palace, a similar change took place. The people would receive them as they received Trall.

On the other side of the planet, it was approaching dawn and in Roswell school had finished. While many of Richard’s cousins went home to the Estate, he and Kristine, along with Ziala came to the private offices of the king and queen in the palace. Max and Liz had fallen behind – on purpose. There was no harm in a little psychological torture as Richard’s parents. It resulted in Kristine beginning to feel a little nervous while her boyfriend was pacing back and forth.

“Rick…pacing, rug, not good bedfellows if you know what I’m saying,” Ziala said.

“If I wear a hole in it, I’ll fix it later,” Richard said.

“How are you parents, Kris?” Ziala asked.

“They think I’m studying again with you,” Kristine said.

“You know, if that was anyone else their parents would never believe it,” Richard said.

“Got that right,” Ziala said.

“Well, it’s good that you’re here,” Max said as he and Liz came in.

“Mom, dad. Let me explain,” Richard said.

“There really isn’t any need Rick. We’ve known this was coming for a long time,” Liz said.

“Really?” Kristine asked.

“Quite frankly we expected it the night of the ball and not during a school lunch break,” Liz said.

“But given that you are our son, Rick, in hindsight we should have known better. There’s just something about that school,” Max said.

“Oh really, dad, mom, way too much information,” Richard said.

“Anyway, we asked you here to make sure you were both okay,” Max said.

“And that you were both careful,” Liz said.

“Well…” Richard and Kristine said.

“I remember that tone. I think we had it when we told our parents we were having children,” Liz said.

“No!” both said together.

“At least, I don’t think so,” Kristine said.

“So, what happened?” Max asked.

“We noticed something after we…well, watch,” Richard said.

He looked to Kristine and nodded to say it was okay and Kristine held out her hand. Suddenly a pen, a gift from Max’s father when he was settled on the throne, suddenly pulled across the desk toward Kristine.

“I see,” Max said.

“And this happened after…there wasn’t any sign before?” Liz asked.

“No,” Kristine asked.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m here,” Isabel said as she and Alex walked in. “Your family doctor is in the house.”

“What’s up?” Alex asked.

“Well…” Max said.

Alex looked at Richard and Kristine before smiling. “Never mind,” he said.

“He can tell just by looking?” Kristine asked.

“Are you kidding, it’s written all over your faces. That and you two have an aura around you that that I can see. It looks like you’ve either been in the Granolith for about 24 hours at the same time or you’ve made love and bonded,” Alex said.

“Oh and there’s that cute little blush,” Isabel said.

“Stop embarrassing your nephew, Isabel,” Liz said.

“What? It’s fun,” Isabel said. She pulled out a hexagonal device from her pocket. “Okay, let’s see what we’ve got. Kris, just sit still a little.”

“Will it hurt?” Kristine asked.

“Aside from the light, you won’t even know it’s happening,” Isabel said.

Kristine nodded, Isabel held up the device and held it cupped in the palm of her hands. It glowed and a flash of light swept over Kristine for a moment before the device beeped.

“Let’s see what we have here. Uh huh, normal readings there, bone structure looks good, DNA…” Isabel stopped speaking.

“DNA what?” Kristine asked.

“Isabel?” Max asked.

“Alex, you want to give me a second opinion?” Isabel asked. She handed over the device.

“What’s going on? Is Kris okay?” Richard asked.

“She’s fine. She’s better than fine,” Alex asked.

“Then what?” Kristine asked.

“Kristine, you have evolved,” Alex said.

“So it’s right?” Isabel asked.

“Yes,” Alex said.

“If I don’t get an answer soon, god help me, I’ll freak,” Kristine said.

“Kristine, your family has lived in Roswell for generations. We first found this with Alex, after so many generations the relatively harmless radiation from the Granolith effects cellular structures and modifies DNA. It effectively makes it open for a massive evolutionary leap but even so, nothing will happen unless it’s got some power behind it to kick-start the reaction,” Isabel said.

“Oh you mean like when Alex died that first time and you all healed him?” Kristine said.

“Yes, but in your case…the modification made you susceptible to Rick’s power. Quite frankly, what I’m seeing here, you aren’t exactly human anymore. These readings indicate your cells now contain a unique blend of human, Antarian and Omniriad DNA…just like Rick but still quite different,” Isabel said.

“She’s compatible with him now,” Ziala said.

“Compatible?” Kristine asked.

“One of the things we were concerned about is that Rick was so unique, so powerful that no human or Antarian would be genetically compatible with Rick to start a family,” Liz said.

“The two of you have bonded, just more than anyone in history. Like everyone else who has been bonded your minds will remain separate but have the ability to mix your thoughts together when you choose. You can feel each other and even understand each other but unlike everyone else, your bond is so much greater. It’s like your body moulded itself to what it needed to be,” Isabel said.

“Majesty, if I may…” the royal attaché said, “there is protocol to be observed. Now that the young prince is bonded to a mate, protocol now dictated that he be officially named as your heir and crowned high prince of Antar.”

“I thought he was the crowned prince?” Kristine asked.

“Not exactly. As the eldest it is assumed I will take the throne but until I’m married it’s sort of unofficial. Being with you makes it official,” Richard said.

“And of course, the crowning of Princess Kristine as well as the preparation of the princes suite,” the attaché said.

“Uh, oh no, no, no. We can’t do that. My parents would freak,” Kristine said.

“And they’d know…right before killing me,” Richard said.

“Yes, that as well,” Kristine said.

“Okay, we’ll forgo the crowning just now,” Max said.

“But majesty?” the attaché said.

“At least until they’ve had a chance to adjust and explain things to her parents,” Max said.

“Of course majesty. I will still make the arrangements for the adjustments to Prince Richard’s bedchamber,” the attaché said.

“What adjustments?” Kristine asked.

“Well the main thing is a bigger bed,” Max said.

“His bed is five times bigger than mine, why does it need to be big…oh,” Kristine said.

“Trust me, Kris. Whether male or female, it can get quite intense and you’ll be thankful for all the room you can get,” Liz said.

“I cannot believe you just said that. I know we’re very close but come on,” Richard said.

“Relax. Besides, now that Kris has evolved to your level you’ll probably need that same warning,” Max said.

Kristine couldn’t hide her smile and turned to look at Richard. “Oh really?” she asked.

“That look is very scary on you,” Richard said.

Max and Liz smiled but cleared their throats to distract the pair from each other.

“Okay, Kris, this is no doubt going to be hard for you. I remember what it was like for Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle. Richard is going to teach you everything you need to so you can control yourself, wont you?” Max said.

“Already started,” Richard said.

“Good. Now you both know what it means to be bonded. They’ve taught that in US schools for the last 10 years. You’re both married, effectively. It’s done, it’s just not fully official. For that you need the ceremony and something tells me you won’t be going down the aisle for a while. Just take care of each other and watch yourselves,” Max said.

“That’s something you didn’t need to tell us dad,” Richard said.

“Well since we have you here we might as well discuss this Vatican invitation you got,” Liz said.

“I thought we had very specific rules about people approaching our children for any reason, especially for official stuff,” Isabel said.

“We do. Which is why the Vatican is lucky to still be standing right now,” Max said.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Kristine asked.

“No. But at the very least I should hear them out. Maybe I can convince the Pope I’m not really the Second Coming and he can convince everyone else,” Richard said.

“Well you’re “Parting of the Red Sea” bit with the Atlantic wasn’t a good way of convincing him otherwise,” Alex said.

“I didn’t do it. At least not on purpose. It just kind of happened,” Richard said.

“Along with everything else that’s happened over the years,” Liz said.

“I think Kris should go as well,” Ziala said.

“Really? Why?” Isabel asked.

“Oh uh, well, she is now Rick’s equal in every way right? If he is the Second Coming then she’s a part of it, and if he isn’t then she still needs to learn politics, diplomacy and all the future queen stuff. Might as well start now,” Ziala said.

“I’m really going to be having a lot of homework from now on, aren’t I?” Kristine asked.

“You really have no idea,” Liz said.

“Well I made the bed. I guess I better sleep in it…and that was probably almost the worst analogy I could have chosen,” Kristine said.

“But I’ve called the school, you have tomorrow off. We’ll get the Vatican dealt with and back on with your lives as soon as possible,” Max said.

“That would be good. And being able to figure out what I’m going to tell mom and dad is going to be a world of hurt,” Kristine said.

“AGHHHH!” Kristine and Richard both yelled.

“I didn’t mean that?” Kristine said.

A massive, high pitched ringing screamed in their ears. It tore through them like someone had just taken a machete to the side of their heads.

“What the hell was that?” Richard asked.

He didn’t have time to get an answer as the ground started to shake. Not just in the lands of the Capitol, but all over the planet. Every inch of New Antar was shaking, and so was Earth. Two planets were experiencing global-wide earthquakes, trembling as if in fear. The skies above the planet darkened and lightning crashed in the heavens.

“What’s going on?” Max asked.

Moments later, his son and new daughter in-law fell from their chairs onto their knees. Each was clutching at their heads before they reached out for each other. Kristine and Richard embraced each other, as they did so it was like their minds worked together to built a wall between their thoughts and the noise. Soon their laboured breathing slowed and they looked into each other’s eyes.

“Are you okay?” they asked together.

They smiled and nodded their answer before they stood back up. Neither let go of the other’s hand. Then everyone noticed. Outside on the ground outside the city was a massive version of the symbol that appeared on the window during the ball. Seared into the ground by lightning strikes it was there for everyone to see and fear. Reports flooded in, similar glyphs were all over both New Antar and Earth.

Alex saw it and immediately slipped out, heading toward the Granolith chamber he moved as fast as he could before he opened a wormhole from the hall he was in to the chamber. The others quickly noticed his absence and knew there was more than he was letting on about. Richard and Kristine didn’t let go even once, not until they felt the assault on their minds diminish.

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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 3 - 26 Jan

Post by Tharos »


Beneath Roswell, the creature freed from Egypt yelled in frustration.

“That should have worked. My power was greater, I should have joined with his mind, why didn’t it work? What manner of creature is this? So, powerful,” Verask said.

In the Granolith Chamber, Alex exited his wormhole shortcut and stood before the black obelisk. Alex circled the device, never breaking eye contact with the surface

“Okay old friend. I know everything you have is in my head but I need access to it now. Talk to me. Tell me,” Alex said.

Alex pressed his hand to the Granolith but nothing happened.

“It won’t help you,” Liz said.

Alex turned and saw the others standing there.

“Why not?” Alex asked.

“I’m the Caretaker remember, I locked it up. You’ve been keeping something from us Alex, something that is hurting my son,” Liz said.

“I needed to be sure. I had to know before I said anything. I am sorry,” Alex said.

“I know you know something,” Liz said.

“Uh, he knows everything,” Isabel said.

“The problem is the parts that are locked in my subconscious. I know it’s in there, I get a response in my head like a vague dream but I need to get to it. I need to see it more clearly,” Alex said.

Liz nodded and walked over to the Granolith. She rested her hand on it and the Omniriad DNA inside her commanded the device to awaken. Alex apologised again before he touched his hand to it.

“So…what?” Max asked.

“Mordal, edrin vomata,” Alex said.

“And that is?” Liz asked.

“Behold, I come as the destroyer,” Max said. His studies in the languages of his people were a must for someone of his rank.

“It’s the words of Verkask,” Alex said.

“Evil?” Max asked. “It’s an ancient dialect but yeah, that’s evil.”

“Actually…it’s referring to the devil. The Antarian one,” Ziala said.

Alex looked at Ziala. “How do you know that?” he asked his niece.

Ziala looked nervous as she looked at her cousin but relented. “There’s something I need to tell you,” she said.

“Like what?” Richard asked.

“While I was waiting for your little light show to stop this afternoon, I had a visitor. It was Rick…from the future. He looked around maybe 28, 29 and like he’d been through hell. He told me he came back to stop me from interfering with what was happening to Kris. Apparently I interrupted them in the last timeline which eventually caused her to die. He also said I get hooked up with the devil, who is awake and is coming for us all,” Ziala said.

“The devil?” Liz asked.

“Then he wasn’t far off,” Alex said. “Verask is a name. A person so evil and filled with destruction that the Ancient Antarians, 100,000 years ago, used that name for the word evil…and Armageddon. At the time they were similar to medieval Europe.”

“So who is this guy, what’s his story?” Richard asked.

“You all know about H’Ebon,” Alex said.

“Of course. Omniriad gone bad, sent into exile and trapped into the Granolith on Antar. He was the one who put power behind Kivar, to get his family into a position to take the throne,” Max said.

“H’Ebon used selective breeding to increase the power in Kivar’s bloodline. However before that, he took one of Kivar’s ancestors. A woman named Misilia. H’Ebon impregnated her. He took her DNA, blended it with his own, twisted it to his own ends and implanted the embryo back inside her. The child was born, male, and for most of his life he was unremarkable. Then one day it was like a switch was flipped. Within a year of his 18th birthday he was known as a warlord and a tyrant. Within two years, people worshipped him like a god. This was before Antarians evolved their mental abilities, Verask was the first. It gave him an edge that he used to conquer literally the entire planet,” Alex said.

“Why isn’t this in any of the history files we studied?” Isabel asked.

“Because to Antarians it’s nothing more than myth, but the Granolith records everything that happens on a planet,” Alex said.

“But it sounds like what Phoenix did with me,” Liz said.

“Similar, yes. You see Phoenix wanted a person who could genuinely understand and respect the power of the Granolith. To that end he implanted only a small portion of his DNA. Just enough to help you. H’Ebon created a lifeform that was so corrupted at the genetic level it was almost impossible to stop him,” Alex said.

“Almost? So someone did stop Verask?” Max asked.

“An alliance of five warriors, warriors who went on to found the five most powerful of the noble houses. One of Max’s ancestors, one of Michael’s, one of Tess’s and one of Larek’s,” Alex said.

“You said five. That was only four,” Richard said.

“The fifth was Verask’s younger, and purely Antarian, brother. The five of them were closer than family and they fought. They rode on the backs of beasts, noble animals that were sentient in their own way. In fact the records are very similar to dragons. Anyway, the five rallied the people and took back Antar an inch at a time. Verask slaughtered whole towns to stop them but they kept fighting again and again until the five managed to reach his palace. They killed him. Several dozen times. Verask just healed. The five warriors burnt Verask, the reduced his body to ashes but quickly they realised that he was coming back. He was healing. The five sealed the ashes in a stone casket. They then knelt in prayer before the Granolith, then the casket was launched into space,” Alex said.

“And somehow it made its way to Earth,” Max said.

“It crashed and I’m guessing someone opened it,” Kristine said.

“Verask is the origin of the devil, Satan, Sutek, Ahriman…whatever you what to call it, it’s all the same thing. By the time it was on Earth, so was Phoenix. He locked it back up a lot easier than the Antarians did and entrusted the casket to humans. The locked it up in a tomb and erased all references to it. They just hoped Verask would be forgotten,” Alex said.

“So now it’s out there, some kind of Antarian/Omniriad hybrid that’s immortal?” Max asked.

“Rick is unlike any other. He’s more in tune with the Omniriad DNA in his system and by the look of it that makes you more sensitive to this thing,” Alex said.

“And now me as well?” Kristine asked.

“Yes,” Alex said.

“After Verask was gone H’Ebon started again, this time going slower, increasing each generation a little at a time. He kept with Misilia’s family, he left them along for a while but after her youngest son had children H’Ebon started with them. Altering their DNA, choosing a mate for each that would augment his work in the next generation,” Alex said.

“So what went wrong?” Ziala asked.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“Well unless I’ve got it wrong, Jarel doesn’t exactly fit the family profile. He sounds more like that fifth warrior guy you mentioned,” Ziala said.

Everyone looked at her.

“What? I’m just saying, he doesn’t come across as pure evil that’s been building for 100,000 years,” Ziala said.

“I’m not even going to go there,” Max said.

“Well by Kivar’s generation I guess H’Ebon thought his plan was ready to make a move for the throne. He believed Vilandra, the original one that is, would be a suitable mate and give a tie to the throne. Things got screwed up, resulting in our lives and I supposed H’Ebon chose someone different for Kivar to continue the bloodline,” Alex said.

“So Verask is the original plan for Kivar? Only more powerful from the get-go and he’s back,” Liz said.

“I doubt he’d have a physical form. After so long the ashes would have deteriorated so much that there was nothing left to heal. Now he exists like some kind of energy, just particles that drift around growing more coherent the longer he’s out. Right now he’s waiting but soon…” Alex said.

“He’ll be coming for us. Just like my future-self told Z,” Richard said.

“So what are we supposed to do?” Kristine asked.

“I don’t know. We could power up the weapon in Egypt again, trap him in the Oubliette but Kivar found a way out,” Alex said.

“Call the research team we sent there to study the technology, have them start powering it up. Just in case. But Alex, start working on something else. The Ancient Antarians beat this guy once, we can do it as well,” Max said.

“We should also scan Egypt. If Phoenix entrusted the casket to the Egyptians then maybe they wrote the story down somewhere, maybe even where this casket is,” Liz said.

“The Vorlis is in Earth orbit isn’t it?” Max asked.

“Yes, they were running tests on the upper atmosphere monitoring for pollution content,” Alex said.

“Tell then to start the scans. I on the other hand will be putting a call into the U.N and the leaders in North Africa. The Pharaohs ruled over a lot of territory in their day, something tells me it’s not just Egypt we’ll need to search,” Max said.

“What do we do?” Richard asked.

“You stay for dinner then you get back down to Earth. I’m sure you’ve got homework to do,” Liz said.

“Harsh. We just find out the devil is really real and then homework…very harsh,” Ziala said.

“Oh and Rick, we’ll be having a chat about time travel,” Max said.

“But I haven’t done it…yet, okay, I obviously did but it’s the future me that you need to yell at,” Richard said.

Everyone looked at Ziala. “Uh don’t look at me. I don’t know how to find him,” she said.

“Well if he stops by again, point him in my direction,” Max said.

“Yes uncle,” Ziala said.

Much later, Ziala was sitting at her desk in her bedroom. She had returned with Richard and Kristine, and while he took his girlfriend home Ziala decided to get started on her homework. As she worked through her trigonometry questions her bedroom door nudged open just a little bit.

Down on the floor, a small mass of green crystal slipped inside and moved slowly across the carpet until it reached the desk. It moved an inch at a time before it got to one of the legs and soon it started to climb up the wood. Ziala was completely unaware of the crystal’s presence. With Ziala’s hand resting on the desk and her eyes trying to focus on the questions, she shook her head.

“Oh for god’s sake girl, it was not that good a dance. Focus, you just need to focus,” Ziala said.

Then she nudged her hand and brushed against the crystal. Ziala jumped back a little as her heart raced while the crystal moved forward.

“Oh Gara, what the hell are you doing here?” Ziala said.

She picked up the green crystal, holding it softly in the palm of her hand and gently stroked the smooth crystalline surface.

“You know you’re not supposed to be on Earth. Your mother is going to be worried,” Ziala said.

In response the little mass gave off a sound, like crystals being gently knocked against each other. A moment later, Katherine knocked at her door.

“Hey Z, hey, what’s she doing here?” Katherine asked.

“I don’t know. I guess she followed us back. Well you better send her back home before Gandie or Gandar comes looking for their wayward offspring,” Katherine said.

“I can’t help it if she likes it here. Besides, our Ganderium Queen and Ganderial King needs to keep a tighter rein on her,” Ziala said.

“They’ve got 5000 children Z. It’s a bit much to keep track of. Mind you, this one does look a little bigger than the last time I saw her,” Katherine said.

“Can you take her back up? I’ve got to finish this work,” Ziala said.

“Of course. You know, you should visit your pets more often. It might stop them seeking you out,” Katherine said.

“I visit them morning and night. I think that’s pretty impressive given that they’re a few million miles away,” Ziala said.

As Ziala handed over the crystal to Katherine who gently cradled the infant crystal, Katherine spotted a doodle on Ziala’s notebook. It was a small heart with the letter ‘J’ in it.

“Oh who’s J?” Katherine asked teasingly. Then she lost her smile as a memory recalled the only person whose name began with J that got to the princess. “J as in Jarel? You can’t be serious.”

“It’s nothing,” Ziala said.

“Nothing, that dance wasn’t nothing and neither is that. You really can’t still be thinking about him?” Katherine asked.

“Katherine, no. I’m not thinking about him,” Ziala said.

“You’ve never been able to lie well,” Katherine said. “Your dad is going to be pissed.”

“Tell me about it,” Ziala said. “But what am I supposed to do. I’ve spent my life around nobles and gentry, presidents, leaders and what’s left of the fortune 500 after uncle Max’s social engineering. I’ve been around ordinary people from Roswell to Japan and not one person has had an effect on me like Jarel.”

“He’s the spawn of Satan, well Kivar is close enough but come on, after what dad told you today about you know who…evil…big scary evil,” Katherine said.

“He’s really, really cute,” Ziala said. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”

“You know that’s usually the question I ask you. However I guess this needs to be said…again. He is Kivar’s son!” Katherine said.

A moment later they heard a small pebble knock against Ziala’s window. Then came the sound of another and both went to the window. Ziala opened it and looked outside to see Jarel standing there with a handful of pebbles.

“Wow, that really worked. I’ve seen humans do it on those movie things but I really didn’t expect that to work,” Jarel said.

Katherine saw the look in Ziala’s eyes. “Z…” she warned.

“Look, I know okay. Especially after what we found out…oh hell,” Ziala said. She gave up and opened her window fully. She stepped outside and started to climb down.

“You are so insane right now it’s scary,” Katherine said.

“Tell me about it,” Ziala said.

Ziala jumped down and walked over to Jarel before they disappeared into the darkness. Katherine held up the crystal in her hand and stared at it.

“Gara, I know you don’t like flying yet but I need you to keep an eye out for Ziala. Please,” Katherine said.

Gara tingled again and jumped from Katherine’s hand. The tiny green light hovered for a moment before it shot off into the night and followed Ziala.

Richard walked into his own bedroom and immediately collapsed onto his bed. It had been a hell of day and despite finding out about an Ancient Antarian devil wandering around Roswell, he couldn’t stop smiling. His blood pumped harder as he thought about Kristine and what they shared earlier.

His mind filled with thoughts of her and as Richard closed his eyes to begin his meditations he felt a surge through his body. Richard found himself back on his island, sitting on top of a rock on the beach. When he opened his eyes he took a deep breath and looked around.

Richard jumped when he saw Kristine sitting next to him wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her body.

“Wow, that’s intense,” Kristine said.

“How did you…?” Richard asked.

“I guess me being made like you brought me here. I just finished my shower, I was in my room and I started to think about you,” Kristine said.

“I was thinking about you as well,” Richard said.

Richard reached out and took her hand, they looked into each other’s eyes and Richard pulled her in closer to his body. The two embraced.

“You know, I haven’t been tired since we made love today. Something you want to tell me?” Kristine asked.

“I’ve never really needed much sleep. In fact since I hit puberty I don’t sleep. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice and once in a while I let myself go but I don’t need it,” Richard said.

“So I’ll never need to sleep?” Kristine asked.

“I’m not sure. I don’t think so but you will need to meditate like I do. My powers…hm, our powers are kickass if they’re uncontrolled,” Richard said.

“And every time I meditate I’ll come here?” Kristine asked.

“It seems that way,” Richard said.

“Hmmm, several hours of school per day while at night, a tropical vacation with my boyfriend,” Kristine said.

Richard smiled. “I think we’re going to like this,” he said.

“Lot’s of privacy. We can do anything we choose without any interruption. Maybe we can get some ideas from those statues?” Kristine asked.

Richard held her, he wrapped his arm across her back and caressed the skin above her towel.

“You know, since we’re going to spend so much time on this beach this towel isn’t exactly appropriate,” Richard said.

“Well what else am I going to? It’s not like there’s a mall here or anything like that,” Kristine said.

“Kris? Powers…remember?” Richard said.

“Oh right. This is going to be so cool,” Kristine said giddily.

Kristine thought for a moment and smiled. She closed her eyes and Richard watched as the towel changed into a bikini, a very skimpy silver bikini that glistened in the sunlight. As Kristine turned around, Richard saw the bottoms were a thong.

“Wow,” Richard said.

“My mom would never let me own something like this,” Kristine said.

“Oh now see that’s not good. Only a few hours with these powers and they’re already corrupting you,” Richard said.

“That’s funny. But I only plan on being like this with you. The bikini is for here,” Kristine said.

“Well. This is our island, how about I give you the rest of the tour instead of straight through to the mountain?” Richard said.

“Good plan.” Kristine said. “But I have a better on.”

“Oh?” Richard asked.

“Take me to bed. Make love to me again,” Kristine said.

Richard kissed her, pressed against her body and held her so close that they were virtually one body. Kristine wrapped her arms around Richard, clutching to him and never wanting to let him go. Richard opened his eyes and found a perfect little spot on the beach close to them. Under direction from his thoughts the sands started to swirl around like a mini-tornado had picked up the grains.

Soon a bed formed, a plush four-poster complete with wafer thin transparent curtains appeared on the beach. Richard looked over, he was surprise and broke his kiss with Kristine. He hadn’t created white silk-sheets, he hadn’t created a pile of pillows of the finest silks beyond that of Earth or Antar. However, there they were.

Richard looked at Kristine who smiled as she looked back at the bed.

“I felt you make the bed. I’ve always wanted to be with you on a bed of silk but now that I’ve got these powers I thought about taking it one step further,” Kristine said.

Richard ran his finger over the side of her face. Richard lifted her up, holding her just at her butt and he kissed her belly. Kristine giggled as he carried her over to their bed. Richard let her down onto her feet, they looked at each other for a moment before he gently lowered her onto the bed. He joined her and lay on top of his lover.

“I love you,” Richard said.

“I love you too,” Kristine said.

Richard held out his hand between them, Kristine looked curiously at it as his hand glowed. A moment later the glowing stopped and a small golden ring with a diamond set in it appeared. It was connected to a delicate gold chain. When she saw the ring her eyes opened wide.

“Rick…I,” Kristine said.

“It’s already done. We’re bonded. It’s just the ceremony and we won’t do that until you’re ready. Right now…I want you to wear this. Just to make it a little more official, at least for us,” Richard said.

Kristine smiled and nodded. Richard took the chain and as Kristine lifted her head from the pillows he placed the chain around her neck. The ring rested between her breasts and slowly the two lovers started to undress each other before they made love on the beach. They didn’t leave until sunrise in Roswell.

To Be Continued…
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 4 - 7 Mar

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 5

Roswell Reservoir had become quite the little Lovers’ Lane of Roswell. Teenage couples frequented it and now along the sandy beach at the water’s edge Ziala was walking with Jarel. They hadn’t said much to each other on the way out here, they wanted to be sure they were alone.

“So…” Ziala said.

“So…this is unexpected,” Jarel said.

“Uh, correct me if I’m wrong but you’re the one who jumped into a spaceship and flew a few 40 odd million miles? How unexpected could it be for you?” Ziala asked.

“Well one minute I was talking to my chief advisor and the next I’m walking toward my ship,” Jarel said.

“God, my dad would kill me if he knew I was here,” Ziala said.

“Yeah, I figured. My dad’s legacy is going to be haunting my family for generations, if not permanently,” Jarel said.

“Look, Jarel, you certainly got my attention but this really can’t go anywhere. As much as I like you…” Ziala said.

“You like me?” Jarel asked.

Ziala blushed and smiled. She turned away from him and continued to walk but Jarel smiled.

“Princess Ziala, I know we cannot proceed but I can’t walk away from what may be for the wrong reasons. I want you to know,” Jarel said.

“Don’t call me Princess, I mean that’s fine for the protocol stuff and it is fun to tease the guys with but don’t call me that. Anyway…what do you want me to know?” Ziala asked.

“You actually know most of it already. How a fallen Progenitor allied himself with my family and basically twisted my entire bloodline into evil?” Jarel said.

“Of course. Actually he did a lot more if what’s in the Granolith is to be believed,” Ziala said.

“All children born to the family were male, women were selected by the Progenitor on a number of criteria. Each were intended to produce an heir with even more power and malice than the previous generation. In my mother’s case…they chose the wrong sister to impregnate,” Jarel said.

“They what?” Ziala asked.

“The woman they wanted was my aunt. She died a month prior to my father making his move. I guess they thought that her sister was close enough,” Jarel said.

“So what happened?” Ziala asked.

Jarel held out his hand. Ziala knew what he was offering and took hold of his hand.


Ziala found herself looking at a scene in familiar setting. It was a nursery, at least the Antarian version of one, with crystals dotted around the room creating a multi-coloured swirl of light on every wall. While she was raised in the estate, most of her younger cousins had them and was a frequent visitor to them.

Inside she saw a young woman, really only a few years older than herself and holding a small child in her arms. She was Jarel’s mother and all she could do was smile at her son.


This time Ziala saw Jarel, no more than 5 years old, was standing next to Kivar. They were standing on a hill, overlooking a small down on a world distant from Antar. The inhabitants of the town were miners who over-mined the area causing the accidental deaths of three members of Kivar’s family. The three were his cousins, and while he couldn’t care less he couldn’t let it go unanswered.

Jarel watched as his father raised shield over the town and one-by-one they watched the people suffocate. There weren’t any survivors and most of the dead were people crowed at the shield begging for their lives with their last breaths.

Ziala saw Jarel shaking and trying not to show it, or the fear he had of his father. All Kivar did was smile.


Ziala found herself Kivar’s home. Jarel was hiding behind a family portrait in one of the many secret passages throughout the building. He was now 8 years old and 2 hours ago he’d failed his father’s training. Not one generation in the past two millennia had failed to take the life of an enemy of the house and that had just happened.

One of the minor noble houses under Kivar’s rule got a little too big for their boots and started to consolidate power among a few other houses to challenge Kivar. Now that house was in ruins and it’s last surviving member had been taken before Kivar who ordered it son to end the threat.

When Jarel didn’t, Kivar sent him away and called for his mother.

“You have given me a weak son,” Kivar said.

“He’s not weak. He cares,” Jarel’s mother said.

“He is the future of this house, and if that is an example of the future then I will kill him,” Kivar said.

“You won’t,” she said.

Kivar took the back of his hand to her face and knocked her down. “I do as I please,” he said.

“You won’t lay a finger on my son,” she said.

Kivar turned with his hand raised to channel all his power and rage into a single attack. He found her hand already raised and a blast of light shot out. Kivar was thrown across the room and hit against a pillar. He was knocked out and Jarel’s mother went running toward the portrait. She knew Jarel was hiding there.

She pulled the picture from the wall and grabbed Jarel’s hand, the two of them ran as fast as they could from the hall until they reached the chambers of her most loyal servant.

“Lillia, take Jarel,” she said.

“My lady?” Lillia asked.

“Take my son. Leave this planet and hide. I’m entrusting you with his life, please take him and make sure Kivar doesn’t find him,” she said.

Lillia saw the fear in her mistress’s eyes and looked at Jarel. She took his hand and nodded. His mother knelt before him.

“Jarel, listen to me. Lillia will take care of you. She’ll watch out for you and I want you to do as she says and keep an eye out for her as well,” she said.

“I will mother,” Jarel said.

“Lillia, do not let him be found. Not until Kivar is dead,” she said.

“Yes, my lady,” Lillia said.

Lillia and Jarel ran off down the hall. Jarel didn’t know what happened after that, he didn’t see it but the last thing he did see was his mother heading back down the corridor to the hall. Once he and Lillia were outside, there were a series of flashes from the windows of the hall followed by an explosion. Kivar obviously walked away that day. Jarel’s mother didn’t.


A few years later, Jarel and Lillia were hiding on one of the larger colony worlds. With a big enough population they were able to blend in with the people. However, word came that Kivar had located the Royal Four and was making plans.

“Lillia?” Jarel said.

“I’m here and I heard,” Lillia said.

“I guess we can relax for a change,” Jarel said.

“Never think that. Just because he’s distracted just now doesn’t mean he’s not looking. Stay hidden, stay safe,” Lillia said.

“Yes. Okay. Are we ever going to be free?” Jarel asked.

“I hope so. You deserve more than this, Jarel,” Lillia said.

“Thanks to you,” Jarel said.

“No, thanks to your mother,” Lillia said.

“She made me safe. You kept me that way and you gave up a lot for it,” Jarel said.


The last thing he showed Ziala was all the decisions he made lately. Ziala opened her eyes when Jarel closed the connection. She already knew what came next, Kivar attacked and her family won allowing Jarel to come out of hiding. He assumed control of the house and started to protect the people he had under him. The day he took control he swore to himself he wouldn’t go down his father’s path.

“Are you okay?” Jarel asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry about your mother,” Ziala said.

“And I’m sorry about everything my family has done to yours,” Jarel said.

“It wasn’t you. It was the evil, demonic, murdering S.O.B you have as a father. And we’re being watched,” Ziala said.

“We are?” Jarel asked.

“Yes. Gara, come here girl,” Ziala said.

A little green light came flying over from behind a rock and landed on her palm. The crystal formation tingled with a high pitched tone in her hand.

“I’m fine. Go home and tell Katherine I’ll be okay,” Ziala said.

Gara hovered up from her hand and started to fly away but darted back to the pair. Gara moved in front of Jarel and let out a series of tones which was pretty much a growl before flying home.

“What was that?” Jarel asked.

“Gara was telling you not to mess with me or you’ll have to deal with her. She’s got a lot of guts for being three months old,” Ziala said.

“Uh huh, okay, you know if that was any other species I probably wouldn’t be afraid right now but the offspring of combined Ganderium and Ganderial species…yes I think I’ll be increasing security on my house,” Jarel said.

Ziala smiled and held out her hand. “Let’s continue this walk,” she said.

Jarel took it and they walked along the shore.

The next morning, Kristine hadn’t moved an inch since last night. She was still wrapped in the same towel she had put on after her shower and before she was pulled in to Richard’s island getaway. As the sun rose over Roswell, the light streamed into their bedrooms and snapped them both back into this dimension.

Kristine’s awareness went from hanging in a hammock strung between two palm trees, naked with her boyfriend, to sitting before her dressing table. However, there was one new thing. Hanging from around her neck was the diamond ring Richard gave her. When she saw it, she held it in her hand and her smile was brighter than the sun.

A little bit of experimentation was now called for and Kristine was very curious about what she could do. Kristine dropped her towel and looked at herself in the mirror. She bit her lower lip and smiled, with just a though a sexy red dress appeared on her body. It barely touched her thighs with very little material on the back and showed some cleavage.

“Okay, got to remember this one for Rick,” Kristine said.

“Kristine, breakfast!” her mother called up.

Kristine had to quickly make up her mind and settled on a simple pair of grey sweatpants and black tank-top. She could do with a nice little jog before the day began to help her loosen up. Just before she opened her door, she remembered the ring dangling from the gold chain around her neck and quickly hid it beneath her top. Kristine didn’t want to explain it to her parents just yet.

Kristine headed out and jogged down the stairs toward the kitchen where her parents were sitting reading the morning papers.

“Morning Honey,” her dad said.

“Good morning everyone,” Kristine said happily.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” her mother said.

“I had a good night’s sleep,” Kristine said. However, in her mind she continued with “if that’s what we can call it.”

“So what’s on the plan for today?” her dad asked.

“Well, I was wondering if I could get today off school,” Kristine said.

“Excuse me?” her dad asked.

“You know about Rick’s trip to the Vatican right?” Kristine asked.

“Yes of course. A Vatican priest getting off a plane in Roswell makes the local news. Presenting an invite to Richard, that makes international news,” her mother said.

“So he’s actually going?” her dad said.

“He figured he should hear what they have to say. Rick still doesn’t believe it,” Kristine said.

“Do you?” her mother asked.

“No…although the whole parting of the Atlantic like Moses with the Red Sea is a little...wow,” Kristine said.

“Compared to everything you’ve seen him do, that’s what makes you go wow?” her dad asked.

“Yes. Anyway, Rick asked me to go with him and I want to go,” Kristine said.

Both her parents looked at her, “You have an invite to the Vatican?” her dad asked.

“Not exactly. Rick’s considering us a package deal, well me and his parents, he wants to let them speak but he’s not going to be ambushed and he really wants me there for moral support…so can I?” Kristine asked.


“I’ve done all my homework and I’ve even finished a few assignments ahead of time. My classes today are all revision on what I’ve learned already,” Kristine said.

A chance like this for their daughter was amazing. They already knew how close she was to the prince, not including recent physical developments, and her constant visits to New Antar weren’t to be sneezed at but for them, the Vatican, how could they say no?

“Are you sure about this?” her mother asked.

“More than anything. You raised me with this, all he knows is that he isn’t a fan of religion and isn’t open to it. He likes it when I can talk to him about things, actually he likes it when I give advice on anything. If I can help him with this, whether he is or isn’t what people think he is beyond the future ruler of an interplanetary empire then I want to,” Kristine said.

“Then I guess we better write you a note for school,” her dad said.

Kristine jumped up and hugged both of her parents before sitting back down. She tucked into her breakfast and once she was done she went for her jog. When she came back in, her note was waiting for her. Kristine’s intent was to go for a shower but decided to test her powers a little more. She went to her room and with a wave of light washing over her there wasn’t even a trace of grime on her skin. In fact her skin hadn’t been in better condition and was flawless.

At the same time, across town, Ziala was climbing up the side of her house and back into her bedroom. She hadn’t come home last night and despite being able to sneak in and out of the highly secured and walled-in estate, there were just some things she couldn’t hide from certain highly evolved relations.

“Busted!” Richard said.

Ziala was half way through her window, Richard was sitting to the side on her bed and when he spoke Ziala came tumbling in.

“Ouch,” Ziala said. She rubbed her head and picked herself up of her floor. “Rick, you need a bell around your neck or something. God.”

“It wouldn’t work. I’d just suppress the sound or something,” Richard said.

“Yes, of course you would,” Ziala said.

“So…” Richard said.

“So, who ratted me out? Katherine…Gara?” Ziala asked.

“Ziala, the only time you sneak out is when there’s a guy involved. And lately you’ve been broadcasting pretty loudly about a particular guy,” Richard said.

“I have?” Ziala asked.

“Well, loud enough for me to pick up on your thoughts. Even your private ones. Oh and by the by, really don’t need to see the vampire fantasies, you gotta stop watching the Buffy re-runs,” Richard said.

“Tell me you didn’t just dis the Slayer?” Ziala asked.

“It’s ancient TV Z, like when our parents were our age,” Richard said.

“It’s classic,” Ziala said.

“How the hell did we get onto this? Z, you sneaked out and had a whatever with the son of our family’s mortal enemy,” Richard said.

“We walked and we talked,” Ziala said.

“That’s it?” Richard asked.

“That’s it. Not that it is any of your business,” Ziala said.

“Hey. I’m your cousin, I love you and I’m the one lumped with being the future king. Everything about our family is my business,” Richard said.

“That’s sweet. If it was from anyone other than you it would be domineering and creepy with just a hint of megalomania but from you it’s sweet,” Ziala said.

“Look, Z, I don’t have a problem with the guy himself. I don’t know him. But we all know the family and I may be painting him with the same brush as his dad but there is a reason,” Richard said.

“There hasn’t been a good member of that family in countless generations. I know, but Jarel is different. He’s not like his dad,” Ziala said.

“Oh and I suppose he told you this?” Richard asked.

“No. He showed me. We connected and he showed me everything. He may be Kivar’s son but he’s more like his mother than Kivar,” Ziala said.

“You connected? Z, for us you can’t get more personal,” Richard said.

“Actually you can but I’m pretty sure we didn’t connect while having sex,” Ziala said.

“Thank god,” Richard said.

“So, what? Are we done? Or are you going to try and be all lecturing and such?” Ziala said.

“No, not yet. Z, you can’t see him. I mean, seriously, sneaking around is just going to hurt you and when your mom and dad find out…” Richard said.

“I know, I know. And it sucks. He’s a nice guy Rick, since he took control of his house he has tried to make a difference. A big difference,” Ziala said.

“I know, at least as far as his record shows,” Richard said.

“You had him checked out?” Ziala asked.

“Of course I checked him out. The problem is, I haven’t looked into his head…yet. I don’t know if that’s all for show or if he really means it,” Richard said.

“He means it. And one day he’ll prove it to you,” Ziala said.

“I hope so. Until then, I see him, I see his dad. Ziala, I’m asking you to please stay away from him,” Richard said.

“Is this my cousin asking or the crowned prince giving me an order?” Ziala asked.

“I hate to say it but yeah, both,” Richard said.

“Well that’s a bitch. As my cousin I could never say “no” to you, I could choose to ignore you but I never would. And as the prince, I can’t say “no” to you,” Ziala said.

“Still, I’m asking,” Richard said.

“Fine. Besides it’s not like I’m going to rip his pants off and writhe on top of him until I make him pop,” Ziala said.

“Oh for crying out loud, Z…what the hell?” Richard said.

“Just consider that payback for what was in my head when you and Kris decided to cement things. Being able to feel what was happening between you…not so cool,” Ziala said.

“Yeah but I get your fantasies I thought we could be even with that. They never went into the endgame so I could be kept with some relative measure of sanity,” Richard said.

“Like I said, it’s payback,” Ziala said.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me. Mom and dad are coming down today for our appointment,” Richard said.

“Oh right. The god thing you’ve got going on,” Ziala said.

“Don’t say that, that’s not funny,” Richard said.

He walked to the door and left to his own house on the estate. Richard needed to get ready and he already heard the telltale sound of thunder. His parent’s ship had entered the atmosphere and on its way to pick him up before heading to Rome.

Last edited by Tharos on Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 4 - 7 Mar

Post by Tharos »


Three minutes after Richard boarded his parent’s private little planet-hopper, it arrived in Italy and hovered over Rome before descending toward Saint Peter’s Square. Arrangements had been made and space had been cleared for landing among the throng of cheering people.

Once the airlock opened and Antarian royal security, the White Guard, streamed out to join the local guards as Max, Liz, Richard and Kristine came walking out. The crowd screamed and many by the fences tried to reach out for Richard’s touch. He and his father had been known as people with the ability to heal and while there were requests from all over the planet for their services, they had never been crowed for that ability…until now.

It seemed that Richard’s new status called to many that more than being healed came along with him touching them. Richard had his fans, granted they were usually teenage girls who tried to rip his clothes off, but even they weren’t as grabby as the crowd here.

“This is fun,” Richard said.

“I’ve seen worse,” Kristine said.

“Roswell High. When Rick and I went public with our relationship,” Kristine said. “Those cheerleaders really wanted my blood.”

Soon they reached the entrance where a priest waited to show them inside. Through halls of art and intricate decoration, Max put his hand on his son’s shoulder as they walked. A few floors up they stopped before a thick tapestry. Their escort moved forward and pulled the curtain aside. On the other side there was a dark wooden door through which was the Pope.

“Thank you, Marcus. Please leave us,” the Pope said.

“Yes Holy Father,” the priest said. He then left and closed the door.

“Your Majesty. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the Pope said.

“Likewise your Holiness,” Max said.

“And this young man must be the one I’ve heard so much about. Prince Richard?” the Pope asked.

“It’s an honour,” Richard said.

“You know, you can relax. I’m not that scary,” the Pope said.

“You’re not? I mean of course you’re not. It’s just that…well,” Richard said.

“Yes. I have several Cardinals who have seen your abilities and many more priests who do believe that you are the Second Coming of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. What do you think about that?” the Pope asked.

“I think they’re nuts,” Richard said.

“Richard,” Liz said.

“Sorry, but I’m not what they think I am. I am nothing more than a vastly powerful heir to an intergalactic empire. You know…I had a better way of saying that in my head,” Richard said.

“Well, the particular nature of your abilities suggest otherwise,” the Pope said.

“I haven’t done anything that hard. At least not hard if you’ve got the knowhow,” Richard said.

“And a massive reservoir of power cooking in your cells,” Liz said.

“That too,” Richard said.

“Reviving the dead is easy? Parting the Atlantic Ocean?” the Pope asked.

“Well not easy, just a simple application of energies. Co-operation on a sub sub-atomic level that allows for manipulation of virtually anything,” Richard said.

“And I thought your uncle’s work blew over my head,” Kristine said.

{You can do it to,} Richard said in her mind.

“The problem is, we usually work on faith around here. We don’t need evidence, but if you do we have more proof,” the Pope said.

“Proof? You have proof that I’m…” Richard asked.

“Yes. Over here,” the Pope said.

He walked over to a glass case and very carefully pulled out an old almost tattered scroll. The Pope rolled it out onto a table and used paperweights to keep it open. There on the top of the page was a glyph, the symbol the Granolith chose to represent Max and Liz. Beneath it was the symbol for their son along with a massive body of text written in Antarian.

“This scroll is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. We’ve never made it public of course. Along with this scroll was another one written in an ancient form of Hebrew just like many of the other scrolls found in the caves by the Dead Sea. It tells the story of from the Book of Revelations as well as mentioning the Second Coming. It’s not hard to put two and two together. But this scroll we’ve never been able to translate, not even since we learned of Antarians.

“You weren’t meant to be able to translate the scroll. I was,” Richard said.

“What do you mean?” Max asked.

“This scroll is written in my handwriting. I wrote this,” Richard said.

“You what?” Max asked.

“Well not me, me. Future me. For some reason I must have gone back and left this,” Richard said.

“What does it say?” Kristine asked.

“I have absolutely no idea. Except for this bit,” Richard said. He looked over the scroll and his eyes fixated on one small segment of text.

“What is it?” Max asked.

“It’s a DNA chain, Kris’s DNA,” Richard said.

“My DNA?” Kristine asked.

“Yes,” Richard said.

“Why would future you put my DNA on a scroll from 2000 years ago?” Kristine asked.

“Yeah, idea. Your Holiness, this scroll is not what you think it is. Do you mind if we sort of…you know, used it?” Richard asked.

“By all means,” the Pope said.

“Kris, trust me?” Richard asked.

“Al…ways. Oh boy this is going to be bad isn’t it?” Kristine asked.

“No, absolutely not…well maybe…okay, probably,” Richard said.

“What do you want me to do?” Kristine asked.

“Put your hand right here,” Richard said.

Kristine put her hand where Richard pointed while he placed his hand over his symbol. The second their skin made contact the page disintegrated by the writing remained, glowing brightly before the letters floated up.

“I’ve never seen writing do that before,” the Pope said.

“With our lives, you kind of get used to it,” Liz said.

Suddenly the letters came together, interlocking at various angles to form a cube. Two beams of light shot from the cube and straight into the eyes of Kristine and Richard before it stopped and the cube vanished.

“Woah!” Kristine said.

“Are you two okay?” Max asked.

“Woah!” Kristine said.

“Yes, you’ve said that already,” Liz said.

“Rick? Kris?” Max asked.

“Oh, yeah…sorry, I’m back,” Richard said.

“What was that?” Liz asked.

“It’s a quantum matrix. The page was just a page but the writing was a program designed to activate when Kris and I touched it,” Richard said.

“A program that did what exactly?” Liz asked.

“Something I’ve been working on for a couple of years now. I call it the God Code,” Richard said.

The Pope raised an eyebrow and looked at Richard.

“Not because of that. Basically Kris and I just had the learning curve on our powers cut to shreds. All the future experiences with our powers got downloaded into our heads. I started writing it so that when the Terrible Triple I call my brother and sisters get their full powers, I wanted to be able to pass on my experiences so they wouldn’t have to learn it all and risk the people around them. We now know everything we’re capable of and…” Richard said.

“What?” Max asked.

“I wasn’t even close to understanding it,” Richard said.

“And that’s saying something,” Kristine said.

“Uh, Kris?” Richard asked.

“We’ll talk later,” Kristine said.

“Talk about what?” Liz asked.

“Well by myself, uber-powerful. The two of us combined…wow on so many different levels,” Richard said.

“By doing this future Rick has given us a chance against Verask,” Kristine said.

“Telling us how to beat him would have been useful but this helps,” Richard said.

“I’m sorry, just what is going on?” the Pope asked.

“I’m not what you think I am. I’m not the Second Coming, I’m not even close to being a religious leader and I don’t want to be. You can go out there and tell all those people that and I can go back to being a prince,” Richard said.

“I haven’t actually seen anything that wouldn’t make me believe you’re not,” the Pope said.

“Ha, yeah trust me you really don’t want to see the proof on that one,” Kristine said.

“You know?” Richard asked her.

“I know,” Kristine said.

“Shall we go?” Richard asked.

“Oh yes lets,” Kristine said.

Richard held out his hand and Kristen rested hers on top. The moment they touched there was blink of light and a moment later Richard, Kristine, Max and Liz vanished from the Vatican. In an instant their ship outside went from the Square to its spot in the Antarian Capital Spaceport. Max and Liz appeared in the presidential suite of the hotel that had been reserved for them by their staff. Meanwhile, two bright lights appeared in space above the planet.

The two lights danced around each other playfully, Max and Liz knew just what they were. The lights were as bright was the sun, they needed to be to be seen in broad daylight. Still, only Max and Liz knew.

“Should we call them down?” Max asked.

“Oh let them have some fun,” Liz said.

“Rick understands his powers now. And there’s a lot he hasn’t told us about it,” Max said.

“I know he doesn’t want us to worry about him but still, we should tell him we already knew about his abilities. Phoenix didn’t exactly want us to be caught unprepared when he began to manifest,” Liz said.

“I know but Phoenix did make it clear during our lessons that he should learn on his own. If he knew that we knew the extent of his abilities he would try to learn from us and push himself too much too soon,” Max said.

“I don’t think we have to worry about now,” Liz said.

“No, no we don’t,” Max said. “So what do we do while we’re waiting for them?”

Liz smiled and took his hand. “I’ve got an idea,” she said.

She walked her husband into the suite’s bedroom. Liz walked over to the bed, leaving Max by the door and he watched Liz remove her dress. The garment pooled at her feet and Max moved in closer. He wrapped her arms around her, gently caressing her belly while she pressed herself back against him. After a moment she quickly turned in his arms and kissed him hard before she started to strip him.

When he was naked, Liz captured his lips with her mouth and pushed Max onto his back. Max looked up at his love as she straddled his hips and he began to caress her legs through the silk of her stockings. With soft movements Liz wrapped her fingers around Max’s engorged length and pointed it straight up before positioning herself. Max gently stroked her sex through her panties before sliding them to the side and Liz descended down on to him.

Inch by inch, Liz sank down on Max’s dick until he was fully sheathed in her tight warmth. The two lovers didn’t move; they just stared at each other as they gripped their hands tightly together.

“What happened?” Max asked softly, not really caring

“It’s not time yet. You need to be with the guys, let them anoint you like the girls anointed me,” Liz said softly. She didn’t understand the significance herself but she could feel that her union with Max wouldn’t be complete until he was anointed as head male of their group, head of the household.

However, just because that part of their union wasn’t ready yet didn’t mean they couldn’t make love to each other. Liz lifted herself up and slid back down on Max’s length, rocking and circling her hips as she moved. Soon Liz couldn’t say straight up any longer and leaned forward, resting her hands on Max’s chest.

“Hmmmmm…arghhhhhhhh,” Liz whimpered. She felt Max slide deep within her and her body became alive with vibrant sensations.

“God Liz…UGH…I’ll…never get enough of the way you feel around me,” Max breathed out.

Over and over again, Liz raised and dropped herself on Max. With each movement, Max thrust upward, meeting her halfway. Eventually he cupped her breasts through her silk bra and took her nipples between his fingers. The additional sensations to her body caused her to arch her back into his touch.

“MAX…OH GOD…YESSS,” Liz groaned.

“Ugnnn, ugnnn, uhnnnnnnnnnn…OH JESUS LIZ URHHHHHHHNNNNNNNN,” Max called out.

Liz’s body stiffened as she brought her hands up and held onto her hair as she shuddered to her climax.

“Yes, yes, yess, yesss, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,” Liz screamed.

However, Max wasn’t finished. He flipped them over on the bed and held Liz’s hands by her head, their fingers interlocked tightly as the sudden movement created more friction between them, causing them to groan louder.

Liz could never get enough of the way his hard length filled her, that in itself was intoxicating but then there was the feel of his hands and lips on her body. He kissed her nipples, breasts, cleavage, throat, neck and chin - everywhere. Each other’s scent was causing their blood to boil.

“Max,” Liz gasped as he nibbled on her ear.

However, after an hour of teasing each other’s skin, neither could resist the urge to complete their mating much longer. Slowly Max began to move within Liz and with a cry of delight; she wantonly wrapped her legs around Max’s waist. Liz met his gentle strokes with her own movements. Grabbing Max’s hair, she pulled his mouth to hers. She felt her body coiling, straining and arching against him. Liz pressed against him even tighter than before, impossibly tight. He wrapped an arm around her to hold her in place, as his strokes steadily became sharp, quick thrusts that left her gasping and moaning for more.

“Oh god…Liz…Liz…Liz…I…I love you,” Max groaned.

“Max…more…deeper,” Liz cried.

Max moved up onto his knees and grabbed hold of her legs. He lifted them up onto his shoulders and, as requested, he went deeper inside his lover. His thrusts were frenzied.

“OH GOD…MAX…MAX…YES,” Liz screamed louder.


As another orgasm rocked her, Liz’s head tossed back, cutting loose with a guttural, lusty cry, then it snapped forward; she buried her face in his shoulder, biting down on the curve of muscle and bone to stifle her cries even as her nails dug into his back Max’s hips drove into her one final time and everything he had been holding back erupted into Liz’s pussy. His shout rivalled Liz’s in its sheer primal intensity. He continued to piston into her snatch until the last fiery ripple of pleasure faded away. Only then did Max stop moving and wrapped his exhausted arms around Liz, he kissed her hotly, their tongues languorously twining about each other.

Meanwhile back in Roswell, Jarel didn’t leave the town after his evening with Ziala. Instead he stayed and walked the town, in all the years they’d been in this solar system he had rarely left New Antar let alone come down to Earth. His first trip to Roswell was not something he was going to waste, besides in a park near the Estate there was a small obelisk. It stood as a marker to the end of Kivar’s tyranny, the place where he died – finally. Jarel smiled when he saw it. Still seeing the marker wasn’t why he stayed in town.

In the Antarian Embassy across from the Mayor’s home, Rath sat behind his desk and reading through more of the diplomatic papers that came through his office. More and more he wished that Max had named Zan as the ambassador, he simply hated the paperwork…and being diplomatic.

Soon there was a knock at Rath’s door and it opened. Rath didn’t look up from the papers until he heard the footsteps stop and he knew his guest was standing before the desk.

“Yes, what can I do for…you,” Rath paused when he looked up and saw who was in his office. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“My Lord Rath,” Jarel said.

“Quit the lord bit and speak,” Rath said.

“Lord Rath, I have come to you today because it occurs to me that I’m the only one left who can apologise to you. As you are bonded to Princess Vilandra, and who was supposed to be originally bonded to her, it is my place to apologise for my father’s actions that denied you her all those years ago,” Jarel said.

“It all worked out. Lonnie and I are happy and we have great kids. Now if that’s all…” Rath said.

“I’m afraid not. I really came here for another reason. By the bonding traditions, I have come here to ask you for the honour of…what’s that word humans use…oh yes, date. I’m here to ask for the honour of dating Ziala,” Jarel said.

“Ziala who?” Rath asked.

“Ziala your daughter,” Jarel said.

“I’m sorry…my daughter, Ziala. You, the son of the person who has tried to kill this family and do god knows what to her mother or her aunt, wants to date my Ziala,” Rath asked.

“Yes,” Jarel said.

“WHAT?????” Rath yelled.

To Be Continued…
Last edited by Tharos on Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:48 am, edited 6 times in total.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 6 - 3 May

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 6

To say that Rath was pissed, just didn’t cover it. Jarel’s request to date his daughter had come as a blow that he never expected. Most of his daughter’s perspective suitors had turned tail long before they reached the front gate. The fact that he always knew when they were coming and stood at a window over-looking the gate with his arms crossed may have had something to do with it.

Now he couldn’t stop pacing in Zan’s office in Club Antar, ranting away much to the amusement of Zan and Michael.

“So…he really did just come to you and ask?” Zan asked.

“Yeah, yeah he did,” Rath said.

“Kid’s got some stones on him, I’ll give him that,” Michael said.

“That’s the best you can come up with? The kid’s got stones?” Rath asked.

With a wide smile, “Yeah,” Michael said.

“Just wait until it’s one of your girls,” Rath said.

“Have you talked to Ziala?” Zan asked.

“And say what, the son of the man who at one point killed your mother and caused no end of problems for this family would very much like to date you? Yeah, that’ll work,” Rath said.

“Why would he ask now? I mean he shows up to all the events he’s supposed to as one of the nobles but he’s had enough common sense to keep his distance,” Zan asked.

“Oh man,” Michael said.

“What?” Rath asked.

“I think you better have a chat with your daughter,” Michael said.

“What? Why?...oh god no,” Rath said.

“You don’t think they’ve…” Zan said.

“For the benefit of my sanity never finish that sentence,” Rath said.

“No, Ziala’s got a good head she wouldn’t do that. Besides she may not agree with the bonding traditions but she understands them and will go through them. She wouldn’t leap frog it just for…well,” Michael said.

“For the love of the whatever the hell is out there please could we stop making references to a portion of Ziala’s life that will never ever be if I have anything to do with it,” Rath said.

“Wow, there’s denial for you,” Zan said.

“Yeah. Remind me to apologise to the kids grandparents for everything we put them through,” Rath said.

“Been there, done that,” Michael said.

“Uh, okay. Ziala and I are going to be having a very pleasant conversation,” Rath said.

“So Jarel, you’re not going to…” Zan asked.

“Oh hell no,” Rath said.

Rath’s head hung down as he walked out of the office. The other two followed and they stood on the high walkway looking down at the party going on. It was the birthday party of a 7 year old local girl and, like most of the other citizens, she was absolutely nuts for the alien population. Having a party here at the club was a dream come true for her and was having a great time. Zan, Michael and Rath being there was a huge plus yet as the three of them looked down, Rath was having a little problem in not seeing his daughter as she was.

Meanwhile in Rome, Richard and Kristine had enough fun floating around as balls of light in space. They came shooting down toward a back alley and reformed into their human appearance, both hearts were racing and within a moment of looking at each other, Richard picked her up into his arms and kissed Kristine while pressing her against the wall.

Kristine lifted a leg and wrapped it around his waist, all the while she gasped for air as Richard’s lips moved over her lips and neck. Richard moved a hand to her bare leg, slipped it up her thigh and under her skirt. Their blood was pumping hard in their veins and what they’d just been doing had them so turned on they were about to pop.

Nether could stop, neither wanted to. Kristine pushed away from the wall and quickly turned herself around in her lover’s arms. She pressed her hands firmly onto the brick wall while Richard pulled her hair to the side and used his mouth to make love to her neck. Kristine’s eyes were rolling into the back of her head and she couldn’t close her mouth, each breath was a gasp for air.

“I’m so glad to see you two enjoying yourselves,” came a voice from behind them.

Both jumped apart and looked a little down the alley where an older man stood leaning back against the wall. Kristine blinked as she looked back and forth between her boyfriend and the man, her finger pointed in disbelief.

“Are you…and you…wow,” Kristine said.

“God I missed that,” Future Richard said.

“Missed what? Me? How would you miss me? Am I dead?” Kristine asked.

“Honey, you’ve gone into babble mode,” Richard said.

“And yes, he’s me and I’m him,” Future Richard said.

“The fun of time travel,” Richard said.

“But I thought that…you know, the rules. You can’t be in the same time together and meet,” Kristine said.

“We’re an exception, because of our Omniriad heritage we exist outside the normal perceptions of time,” Future Richard said.

“And that includes you now by the way,” Richard said.

“Then you both got the message left, the transformation was completed,” Future Richard sighed with relief.

“Why? What was the problem?” Richard asked.

“Given our uniqueness, pregnancy was never supposed to be possible. Then one day it was. It just happened. And then the next day I lost my wife. An unprepared human body couldn’t take the power,” Future Richard said.

“But that won’t happen now right? I mean, I’m like Rick,” Kristine said.

Future Richard smiled and moved closer to the pair. “No, no it wont,” he said.

“So why are you here?” Richard asked.

“Time’s about to go in a new direction but the problem I faces is still before you,” Future Richard said.

“Verask?” Richard said.

“Yes. You have my message, which by the way took a long time to figure out a place to leave it where you’d get it eventually,” Future Richard said.

“So you figured the Dead Sea Scrolls would be a good place?” Kristine asked.

“Well they survived the first time around, I figured one more wouldn’t hurt,” Future Richard said.

“And the whole Second Coming thing?” Richard asked.

“Oh that’s nothing to do with me. I had to live through that a lot longer than you have so far and even when things went to Hell they still believed in what they thought I was no matter how many times we tried to tell them otherwise. But Verask, he was…influential,” Future Richard said.

“What does that mean?” Richard asked.

“In his current form, Verask can literally reach into people and bring them over to him. He split this planet in two, New Antar could do very little and I couldn’t stop him. At least not before he did irreparable damage,” Future Richard said.

“So what’s the plan?” Kristine said.

“Oh I don’t think so,” both Richard’s said together.

“Like I’m going to stay at home while you go off and try to take on Beelzebub,” Kristine said.

“I lost you once, it isn’t happening again,” Future Richard said.

“Yeah, kiss my butt,” Kristine said.

“I have. Several thousand times,” Future Richard said. He then turned to his younger self, “She’s got incredibly sensitive skin and likes being nibbled.”

“Do not,” Kristine said.

“Do to. Who are you going to trust on this, you or the guy that’s been with you for 10 years?” Future Richard asked.

“He’s got you there,” Richard said.

“You mean you’ve got me there…wow, this could get confusing,” Kristine said.

“Like it hasn’t already,” Richard said. “So, how did you beat Verask?”

“Sorry, it’s not that simple. His heritage is also Omnirian, which means…”

“Which means he has temporal awareness like we do. He’s going to see it coming, prepare for it and it’s now useless to us,” Richard said.

“Temporal awareness?” Kristine asked.

“Think of it like a vague precognition. Like walking down a street and you suddenly get a bad feeling about going left or right so you take the other direction. We have a more accurate sense of it,” Richard said.

“The problem is that you can’t kill Verask. His very nature is complex. The most you can hope for is to imprison him again. I wasted years focusing on finding a way to kill him,” Future Richard said.

“Well this guy came from somewhere? Where is the thing he we kept in before?” Kristine asked.

“Lake Tana, Ethiopia,” Future Richard said.

“It’s a place to start,” Richard said.

“What about you?” Kristine asked.

“I’ve still got a lot of work to do before I return to my own time. I just wanted to make sure you were both on track. Oh and Junior, in about five hours…duck,” Future Richard said.

With a flash of light he vanished.

“What did he mean by that?” Kristine asked.

“No clue,” Richard said.

The prince took hold of Kristine’s hand and they walked toward the street that looked out onto the square. They were just in time to watch the Pope give his speech telling people that Richard was not in any way connected to Christ, just an exceptionally powerful young man. Richard smiled when he heard it and together they pair walked toward the hotel where Max and Liz were waiting.

On New Antar, Michael was sitting on the roof of his own little palace on the equator of the planet. While most of his time was spent in the capitol, he and his branch of the family loved to get away from everything and just chill out by the sea. While his eldest were at school on Earth and the rest of his offspring were attending to their own lessons, he and Maria were taking the day off from everything.

“Babe, why are you up on the roof?” Maria asked.

“Cause I am,” Michael said.

Maria looked around and then shrugged her shoulders before pulling herself up through the trapdoor to the roof. She walked across the crystalline tiles and sat next to her husband and looked out over the sea.

“You’re talk with Rath got you freaked didn’t it?” Maria said.

“Paige is old enough now. If someone comes knocking…aghh,” Michael said.

“You’re gorgeous when you’re being the over-protective father did I ever tell you that?” Maria asked.

“Once or twice,” Michael said.

“Come on, I taught her right. Besides, she’s not going to let some alien noble knock her up like I did,” Maria said, earning a chuckle from Michael.

“You loved it,” Michael said.

“Bet your ass I did. I seem to recall you being very enthusiastic that day,” Maria said.

“Me? You were on fire,” Michael said.

“Hmmm, yes I was,” Maria said.

“When are the kids due home?” Michael asked.

“About 3 hours now. Why?” Maria asked.

Michael smiled, his fingers were gently stroking over Maria’s hand. Maria looked from her hand into Michael’s eyes. She spread her fingers wide and Michael’s moved in between them, their hands locked tightly together. They both stood up and walked to the trapdoor.

They headed down to the garden, to their own private little spot away from everything. Surrounded by large hedges and massive boulders was a natural hot-spring. Steam rose from the waters, heated from a geothermal vent deep below Michael and Maria loved to come here and just be alone. None of the others knew about this place, it was theirs alone.

As they approached, Maria looked over her shoulder seductively at Michael as she touched the side of her silk blue dress just below her underarm. A little trail of light ran down the side of her dress and separating the fabric like a zipper. Michael moved up behind her and kissed her shoulder while moving the shoulder straps off. Maria smiled, she held her arms low and let Michael’s hands slide down them to pull her dress off.

Soon her breasts were bared but Michael didn’t stop until her dress was rumpled up by her ankles. Michael’s hands roamed over her body, stroking up and down her sides, holding her hips and sliding over her belly. All the while he planted soft kisses over her shoulders and neck, he had no intention of stopped and Maria pressed herself tightly back against him.

Slowly Michael started to bend his knees and kissed his way all the down her back until he was kneeling behind her. He hooked his fingers around the waistband of her underwear and pulled then down of smooth, long legs. One by one she lifted her feet and let Michael take them off.

As Michael stood back up, Maria turned around and the two kissed. She wrapped her tongue around his and Michael held her body close to his. Maria’s hands roamed over his chest before heading south to his pants. Michael immediately pulled his shirt off over his head as Maria unfastened his pants. He kicked off his boots and Maria pushed his pants down to his feet.

Maria kissed him again, gently and with the look in her eyes that beaconed him to follow. She walked away from him and walked down the stone steps into the hot water. She swam a little, moving into the middle of the pool before she dunked under to completely soak herself. When she came back up, Maria moved her hands over her hair and squeezed the excess water out.

Looking at his wife, Michael couldn’t have moved faster if he tried. He pulled off the rest of his clothes and tossed his boxers away. Michael headed in to join Maria in the spring. The two circled each other for a moment before coming together. Ripples of water flowed out from them as they caressed and kissed each other. Beneath the surface, Michael moved one hand to hold her butt while she wrapped her legs around him.

The steam surrounded them, the heat was already making them sweat but it was so nice just to soak. However, they wanted to do more than that.

The two of them swam around, neither letting go of the other. Their bodies were buzzing with the need for each other. Michael moved his hands over Maria’s body, cupping her breasts in the strong palms of his hands. Maria purred like a kitten into Michael’s mouth, slowly she moved her leg and brushed her inner thigh against his hip.

Maria looked into Michael’s eyes and bit her lower lip as she reached down under the water. She wrapped her fingers around his dick and slowly started to pump away. She felt him become harder in her hand and she didn’t stop until he was rock hard.

“I need you,” she whispered in his ear before liking it.

“I need you too,” Michael said.

The two moved to the steps into the pool and as they kissed Michael sat Maria on one of the underwater steps. Maria locked her ankles behind Michael’s back and cradled him between her legs. They didn’t break their kiss, they didn’t pause or stop for air. Michael simply pulled his hips back a little, aimed his dick and slid into Maria’s welcoming body.

“Uhn…ugnnn…ugnnnnn…Maaaaria…” Michael wheezed out.

Maria bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. Her breasts were crushed delightfully against Michael’s hard chest; her nipples burned into him, scraping against his skin as he moved up and down over her body, over and over again with his hard rod held tightly within her.

“Hggmmmmmmmmmmm,” Maria gasped. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding on and becoming delirious with the sensations that came with their movements.

Maria’s body was shaking, trembling from a mini orgasm that Michael had stirred in her. Now she could feel another coming and Maria knew it would be a thousand times more intense. While her gaze was fixed on Michael, she could feel it building in the others as well. She was desperate for Michael to take her over the edge and she wanted to look into his eye at the very moment she sent him over it.

“Mi…Michael…OH GOD…FUCK ME…OH YES,” Maria cried.

“Oh yeah…oh baby…cum for…ugnnn…me,” Michael groaned.

Michael pumped his hips forward hard, sliding his dick in and out of her. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. She flicked her tongue across his lips, moaning, and exhaled heavily, her chest heaving against his. The ripples in the water were getting larger and more rapid with each thrust of Michael’s body.

Before long he was ramming into her so hard; she closed her eyes, smiling as she felt a firestorm rise up through her. She began to burn, and she tightened the grip of her legs around his waist. Michael began to fuck her even faster. He felt her juices coating his balls and thighs as they slid against each other frantically. He felt her chest heaving against his. She began to moan in time with his thrusts.

Practically shrieking into his warm mouth, she thrust her tongue into him forcefully. He felt her pussy constrict around him and he felt a burning run up and down both sides of his cock. He began to thrust into her harder and deeper. Still kissing, he groaned loudly into her mouth. His balls tightened and he blasted her insides with his hot semen. He continued to fuck her, his quivering and throbbing cock still sliding in and out of her now much-wetter pussy. His actions finally slowed down and he rested against her sated body.

“Gnnnnn…I needed that,” Maria said. She kissed him on his cheek, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Michael said.

Quickly though they realised the time and that they needed to get home before their younger kids got home from school. They kissed again and walked hand-in-hand out of the spring and dried before putting their clothes back on.

Beneath Roswell, Verask’s chamber was buzzing with energy. Sparks were flying everywhere as the particles of Verask’s body swirled around the room like a miniature hurricane. Faster the cloud moved, creating a point in the middle of the chamber that acted like a small gravity well. When the speed reached critical the gravity in the room peaked and pulled all the particles of Verask into a single point.

With a violent crash of booming thunder throughout Roswell, each part of Verask became one and fell to the floor of the chamber. Verask had reclaimed his body and as he rested on the ground from having his scattered molecules fused together. Soon though he started to move, slowly at first as his charred and flaked skin cracked with each movement but soon Verask was able to stand. After so many years locked inside a box, existing as little more than ash, Verask took a few moments to learn how to walk again.

Moments later, clumps of charred material pealed from the surface of his skin. Each step caused more to fall until Verask stood there with a brand new layer of skin.

“Much better,” Verask said.

He looked over his body and smiled, his eyes were white, completely white but utter malice was visible in them to anyone who looked. Now that he was restored, Verask wasn’t content to remain in this dungeon. He stepped out of the chamber and walked through the sewer system of the town until he found a manhole he could exit.

Verask found himself standing in the shadow of two buildings and from the dark he looked out onto the street as people passed by. He quickly knew he wouldn’t get very far naked as he was. The ancient demon smiled…

Walking down the street, a man in his mid-30s was wearing black leather. He strutted with each step, on his way to meet a young lady, the kind that came out at night and stood on street corners. She was one of the few that were still in business after the new world economy took control and Roswell became the unofficial global capital.

When the man passed the alley, he simply stopped moving as though he was compelled to do so. He turned and looked down the alley and in the shadows he spotted a feminine pair of eyes illuminated by a shaft of light. The eyes were mesmerising and in his mind the man saw a naked woman beckoning him in. He couldn’t help but walk toward her.

She turned her back to him and looked over her shoulder to him, enticing him closer. When he was a few feet from her, she turned and quickly grabbed his head. The illusion was shattered and the man saw a pair of cold white eyes staring at him.

“Nice clothes,” Verask said.

With a rapid push, Verask struck the man’s chest. The blow was so fierce and the grip on his head so strong that the man’s head was severed from his body as the largest portion of him went crashing through the air to a wall.

“Thank you,” Verask said.

He dropped the head and it rolled down into the sewer as Verask walked over to the body and stripped it. He adorned the clothes himself and used his abilities to give them a perfect fit. He took a pair of shades from a pocket and used them to cover his eyes. Verask walked out of the alley and moved around the city freely, his thoughts probed out into the minds of the citizenry where he found someone perfect.

In a building on the outskirts of town, Verask felt the thoughts of several people that didn’t match the rest of those locally. Such violent thoughts, aggressive and vile that were all directed to the Antarian nobles – more precisely, their half-breed children. They were the thoughts of a member of a Pro-Earth group, one of the many organisations that formed after the exposure of the Roswell aliens. Their memberships were small, their people considered as jokes by the rest of the population.

People sought others to blame for their lot in life, blacks, Jews, at some point all peoples had a share of it and for these people this time it was the Antarians.

Verask walked to the building, each door opened before him until he reached his destination. He walked into the apartment and pushed his newest target against the wall.

“I have a task for you to do. A task that will further your cause,” Verask said.

“What task?” he asked.

“Simple,” Verask said. He held out his other hand and showed a very special bullet resting in his palm. “This is a very special bullet. It’s formed from a rare alloy and treated in such a way that will effectively kill the young prince Richard. A special weapon to kill a special boy.”

“Why? What’s this to you?”

“Nothing much. But to you, to show these…abominations for what they are. That they are as weak and mortal was we; that this boy is not a child of god or anything more than one who can manipulate everything he touches. Only we see what he truly is while the world is tricked by all those powers they have. They need to be punished for their crimes,” Verask said.


“In front of a large group…Rome,” Verask said. “But do not do this for all the right reasons. For the preservation of your people’s most treasured beliefs. This upstairs proclaims himself as an heir of god? Heresy, obscenity…punishment must be swift, final and without mercy.”

“I’ll do it,” he said.

Verask smiled, “Enjoy,” he said.

He thrust his hand out and the man vanished from the apartment only to appear moments later in Rome, in a building over-looking Saint Peter’s Square. Verask simply waited.
