I Wish You Were Here (CC,M/L,Teen/Mature) Ch. 3 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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I Wish You Were Here (CC,M/L,Teen/Mature) Ch. 3 [WIP]

Post by fadedblue »


Title: I Wish You Were Here
Disclaimer: The characters of “Roswell” belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They’re not mine! “Wish You Were Here”, the song that inspired this story, belongs entirely to Incubus.
Category: CC, FF, primarily M/L
Rating: Teen/Mature
Summary: A future fic! Everything that’s happened on the show holds true. What does the future bring for Max and Liz?
Note: I haven’t written fanfic in a long time. But when I heard this song come up on my ITunes, I couldn’t help but get inspired. I don’t forsee this being a long story, hopefully just enough to make it enjoyable and memorable. Feedback would be much appreciated =). Oh, and song lyrics will be in italics unless otherwise noted.


(Note: Italics that show up in the story are not lyrics, but represent more of secondary thoughts...I think you'll get it when you read it)

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy

. . . . . .

May 2012

It was moments before dusk, her favorite moment of the day. There was something that emanated peace during dusk, those stolen pieces of time after the sun made its dramatic decline surrounded by gradients of color but before the dark blanket of night swept across the sky. Dusk, with its fingers of pink and purple, reaching and fading into a washed out plum.

She breathed.

The only noises around her were of the gently lapping water and the faint noise of children’s laughter. She lay back on the blanket that separated her from the chilly sand. She still burrowed her toes into it – the damp grains felt nice on her feet. An odd quirk of hers.

Liz Parker closed her eyes.

This was her ritual. It was much like the days of her youth, when she would spend her nights on the balcony, eagerly writing in her journal of the extraordinary events in her life. Of love. Of pain. Of Max. These days it was a mental journal – it was much too dangerous to keep any written accounts after they left Roswell. They’d agreed on that much. But her thoughts and memories…those were things that could never be taken away from her. And as Liz closed her eyes, finding that page of her memories was as easy as opening an old, well-read book.

The first vivid imagery that spilled across her mind were of her and Max, on that beautiful May morning when they were married. They were so young, and so happy. Liz couldn’t help but smile when she saw the emotion bursting forth from her husband’s eyes. Undeniable, indescribable love for his wife. How many times had she agonized over losing that moment with him, losing that future the instant Future Max dissolved into thin air? Fate played a funny game.

They drove that van to Phoenix, followed closely by their friends, and just like Future Max had divulged, they danced all night. Oh, how they danced. Liz remembered doing a double take in that dive when “I Shall Believe” sounded softly over the speakers. It seemed fate had decided to give back her lost wedding dance as well. There were glimpses of Maria and Michael dancing, Isabel and Kyle smiling and laughing skittering between the solid images of the young Max and Liz, swaying to the music, aware of only each other. Liz mentally marked in the corner: One of the best nights of my life.

She briefly opened her eyes again. The sky had indeed taken on its usual velvety blackness, dotted with the light of brilliant stars. But it was appropriate, she supposed. The darkness somehow made it easier for her to work through and absorb the next part of her story.

. . . . .

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here

. . . . .


Sorry for the shortness, but I guess it is a prologue. I'd really like to hear some feedback on what you all think :D. I feel a bit rusty, but I guess that's why this is only going to be a few parts. I'm aiming to get the next part out for sure by next week, maybe earlier. Thanks again for reading!
Last edited by fadedblue on Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by fadedblue »

begonia -- Eve, thank you for being the only one to read this fic =P. I could tell you what happens since you're the only one here, haha, but I think I'd rather have you find out gradually. All in good time.

A few quick notes: I'll say it again -- I'd really love it if I could get a bit of feedback on this, haha! But whatever, I'll keep writing, even if I don't :). I also decided to change the title slightly from 'Wish You Were Here' to 'I Wish You Were Here' because I discovered there is another fic on the board with the same name -- guess that happens when you use the identically named songs as title inspiration! All the same disclaimers apply. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors!

Here's chapter 1, and I've made a banner for this fic. Enjoy.



Chapter 1

I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy
With holes punched in it
I'm counting UFOs
I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy...happy

. . . . .

January 1st, 2009

The snow was falling softly outside the window of the small apartment, the kind of snow that covers the ground like a warm blanket. Inside, there was comfort and silence. Metallic streamers hung from the walls, and a cutout sign reading ‘Happy New Year 2009!’ hung crookedly from the doorframe. Empty cups were scattered across the countertops, remnants from the celebration the night before.

Liz awoke slowly, blinking away the fuzzy edges of sleep as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She glanced at the wall clock. 4:03 AM. Inwardly, she groaned. Still so early. But now that she was roused, she found it hard to slip back into the peaceful sleep that she’d enjoyed only moments before.

Carefully and quietly, Liz extracted herself from Max’s embrace. She smiled when she saw her husband still sleeping, small snores escaping from time to time. They had fallen asleep on the couch pretty soon after their New Year’s party. Even though they’d been on the move for the past six years, they still made it a point to have some normalcy in their lives. That meant making the effort to enjoy each birthday, holiday, or special occasion that came their way. It helped to keep things sane.

They had left Roswell quickly after their wedding, setting out on the road with Michael, Maria, Isabel and Kyle. After their close call with the FBI, they were determined to stay out of Roswell to keep both themselves and their families safe. That meant traveling from city to city, never staying in one place more for 6 months. The aliens’ powers came in handy for their journey. With practice, Max, Michael, and Isabel were able to effortlessly transform their looks in public, morph fake identification cards and papers, change the form and color of their rusty old van, and keep their heads above water with some alien created cash. Only within the privacy of wherever they were staying would they reassume their own looks and act naturally in the company of their small, eclectic family.

After a lot of complicated planning, they were also able to devise a way to communicate with their loved ones back at home through coded snippets in the ads section of the Roswell Gazette. It had been particularly difficult the first couple of years, not being able to talk to their parents. Max and Michael would pore over the online websites of the Roswell newspapers every day – as long as familiar names didn’t come up, they could assume that they were safe. It was a particularly joyous day, however, when they stumbled upon a small wedding announcement for Amy DeLuca and Jim Valenti. Maria and Kyle had spent the entire week alternating between pure happiness and good-natured ribbing because of their newfound sibling status.

Those first few years were also particularly difficult for Isabel. She was the only one out of their group who had to leave behind a significant other; it was a fact that had honestly racked the other two couples with unspoken guilt. Kyle tried to be as loyal and constant a companion, but it was obvious Isabel couldn’t stop thinking about her husband. Jesse had stayed in Roswell for a year after their departure before moving out to Boston to work. Isabel never really knew the reason, whether he just decided not to wait, or if it was just a change of scenery. They made a stop in the Boston area during their endless travels in 2005. Isabel spent that entire trip out in the city, secretly watching Jesse. When she returned to the group, she seemed changed – calmer, stronger. She never did say what happened or what she saw, and the others knew better than to pry. As long as she was all right, then that was all that mattered to them.

It was a strangely fulfilling experience, being on the road with each other. All of them had been trapped within their tiny bubble of existence in Roswell and suddenly a whole new world was laid out in front of them, affording them experiences they never thought possible. Everywhere they stayed, the girls made it a point to take a part of it with them. Usually it was a postcard or some kitschy knick-knack from the local gift shop. They had filled a small suitcase full of pieces of their journey and their goal was to collect something from every state and major city. Liz smiled internally when she remembered Michael’s chagrin and successive outburst over the ludicrous idea. It was one of those normal things. Ironic that they found it easier to be normal on the run than they’d ever felt at home in Roswell.

Liz slipped on a sweatshirt and quietly padded over to the kitchen. Grabbing a mug and a tea bag, she filled the cup three-fourths full with hot water from the electric kettle. A soft snort grabbed her attention. Chuckling, Liz shook her head as she watched Michael quickly shift on the armchair he lay asleep in, his arms wrapped tightly around Maria, who was curled in his lap deeply asleep. She wrapped her hands around the mug firmly, soaking in its warmth, and tiptoed over to the frosty window overlooking the street.

Liz sighed. It was another year, another beginning. This was their 3rd month in New York, holed up in a small apartment in the heart of Brooklyn. The good thing about New York was that it was easy to lose yourself, and become just another nameless face in the crowd. Whenever they passed through, Ava made it a point to drop by wherever they were to say hello. They never quite knew how she knew they were there…it was probably an alien thing. She never stayed too long – Ava knew that her presence would inevitably remind them of Tess – but she was always kind and helpful, not saying too much, but giving them tips on where to stay next before she disappeared into the fog. Liz was always grateful for those visits. She sipped a bit of her cooling tea as she lost herself in thought.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?”

Liz nodded. She wasn’t surprised by the new voice. Isabel had joined her by the window without a sound.

“Can you believe it’s a new year?” she continued, wistfully. Isabel sat down on the sill, running her hands through her blonde hair.

“I know what you mean.” Liz sat down on the opposite edge, her response soft and thoughtful. “Sometimes I forget we’ve been on the road for so long…it’s easy to lose track of time.”

“Yeah.” Isabel looked down at her hands and shivered. She tightened the wool blanket she had bought with her around her shoulders. “Liz?”

The brunette cocked her head and looked at her sister-in-law. “Yes?”

“Do you…” she bit her lip, trying not to let her nervousness show. “Do you think we’re safe now?”

Liz was silent. The same train of thought had gone through her head plenty of times before. It had been almost six years. There hadn’t been any reports of the FBI in Roswell for four years. Jim Valenti, using his resources at the police department, had been able to follow the going-ons within the FBI through a few sources he had in higher places. There had been a few attempts to recreate the Special Unit, but they were never able to get the same following they had in the days of Agent Pierce. Stricter governmental policy had passed because of the public drama caused by this extra, covert branch of intelligence, and a even stricter bureau chief put into power, one who did not approve of the wasting of the people’s tax dollars on “hunting little green men.”

On top of that, they haven’t had a single alien connection in years. There were a few straggling skins who managed to cross paths with them, but it was nothing the aliens couldn’t handle. Her and Max had always talked about the possibility of the group splitting up if they could be sure there were no more threats of danger looming over their heads. As much as they loved being with their friends, their family, it was also unfair to ask them to spend their whole lives tied to this endless journey. It was unfair to Kyle. It was unfair to Isabel.

“Oh Izzie,” sighed Liz. “I really really hope we are.” She reached out and held Isabel’s hand, looking straight into the other girl’s eyes. “I know how you must feel.”

Isabel shrugged, breaking off the stare and looking out the window. “You know I love you Liz. I love all of you. I just…” Her shoulders sagged a little. “I just can’t help but wonder what else there is out there for me, you know? I love being here with you guys, and with you all, I know I’m safe. But I’m stuck too. Kyle and I both feel the same way.” Her cheeks flushed. She hadn’t meant to bring Kyle into it.

Liz smiled knowingly. “Oh Iz, I know. I know you’re also nervous about bringing it up to Max, but if you can believe it, we have talked about the possibility. It’s been six years. We haven’t had any signs of danger, no suits around the corner, no aliens coming for war.” Her smile grew more encouraging. “It might be time for us to move on with our lives. And if it’s true, I can’t wait for you and Kyle to go out and experience what you deserve to experience.”

A soft sigh escaped Isabel’s lips and she moved forward, embracing her sister and friend in a tight hug. “Thanks for saying that.” Liz returned her hug with the same fierce emotion.

“I’m not just saying it. I mean it.” Liz pulled back a bit. “We can talk about with the others in the morning. Well, in the real morning.” She giggled.

Isabel shared in Liz’s chuckle. “Yeah, I think it’s about time we had this conversation with everyone.” The two of them smiled and resumed their silent thinking, gazing out the window into the winter sky. The stars twinkled back into their eyes.
. . . . .

“There’s something I’d like to talk about today…” Liz started from her perch on a kitchen stool. The rest of the room quieted immediately, only the clanks of forks on plates and chewing sounds reaching her ears. She glanced at Max, who gave her an encouraging smile. They had discussed the topic before breakfast started and he agreed with her plans, letting her take control of the discussion. He may be the genetic leader, but as his Queen, Liz commanded the same kind of attention and respect he did.

“I know this is something that we’ve mentioned in passing in the past, but I thought we should take the time to discuss it seriously.”

“Just spit it out, Liz,” Michael drawled from his corner, pausing from shoveling another forkful of pancakes into his mouth. Maria slapped his arm, and he smiled at her slight scowl.

Liz grinned at his antics with Maria. She loved that they had barely changed from the couple she knew and loved in high school. They had only grown closer and funnier with time. She cleared her throat. “Thanks Michael. Anyway, we’ve been on the road for almost six years now. We’ve taken every possible precaution with our travels and lives and goodness knows I couldn’t have survived this all without you all beside me.” She saw similar sentiments reflected in the eyes of her friends. “Max and I have talked about it, and I was able to speak to Isabel about it tonight, and we’ve decided that if we agree the danger has passed, we could think about the option of splitting the group up.”

Max stood up next to his wife, wanting to give some more clarification. “We’ve had numerous confirmations from Jim that we’re not being hunted anymore. We haven’t encountered an alien in the same amount of time. If the world is safe enough for us to live in, then Liz and I want you all to be able to have your lives back. Go out and live the world. Settle down and live in a little house with a white picket fence. Have children. Find love.” He glanced at his sister when he uttered those words. Her eyes shone with a hint of tears.

Michael was the first one to speak up again. His voice was tentative, but there was no anger. “I know you guys mean well, but…can we really be sure there’s no danger waiting out there for us?” Maria stroked his arm softly as he spoke. “Sure, it’d be great to actually go out there and…not have this living out of a suitcase existence, but I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you guys while we’re separated.”

“I’ve committed myself to this life, we all did the moment we stepped into that van together,” said Maria. “I wouldn’t want to be separated unless we needed to be.”

“We don’t need to be. But at the same time, if the option arose that we didn’t have to be together like this…wouldn’t you want to take it?” questioned Liz.

Isabel and Kyle exchanged a meaningful look. Liz knew what they were thinking. She continued. “It’s a new year. A new beginning for opportunities. We can put it to a vote…and don’t take it like I’m sick of you guys or anything,” Liz laughed. “but I want us to make the best decision for where we are right now. Not where we were six years ago.”

“So,” she said briskly. “Who’s in favor of going our separate ways?”

Liz and Max had their hands up, steady and unmoving. After a beat, Isabel and Kyle both rose their arms high into the air. Michael and Maria looked at each other and whatever objections they had blew out of their bodies with one shared sigh. They looked back at their group and nodded their agreement.

Each person in the group looked at each other in silence, trying to soak in what this meant. Isabel was the first one to break the silence with a happy sob and ran to her brother, arms stretched open for a hug. Max returned the affectionate move, and soon the others crowded around, tightly embracing one another in a goofy group hug. It was a new beginning, with new opportunities just like Liz said. But it didn’t change the fact that it would be painful being apart from one another. They all wanted to soak up the feeling of closeness and family for as long as possible.

And in this moment I am happy – happy

. . . . .

Evening had fallen upon New York, and another blustery wind blew through the street, rattling the apartment’s windows. After the morning talk, they had each descended into a mad bout of planning, mapping out logistics for communication after separation and making plans for final destinations, later reunions, the works.

The stars shone a bit brighter, as if able to sense the emotions that emanated from the little Brooklyn apartment. Imperceptible to the naked eye, the constellations began to shift and rotate in the sky. Venus and its blinding light moved lower, settling when in line with Aries.

If the group had been looking out the window, they may have seen the V-constellation, the mark of Antar glittering outside their window. If they had been looking out at that moment, they made have noticed how everything flickered for a split second, as if the V had sent out a pulsing signal into the night sky, hurtling towards the unknown depths of space. If only they’d known.

. . . . .

I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by fadedblue »

whoo! excited to see new readers! you don't know how much it means to me to know you're reading and actually somewhat enjoying my writing! :D

Dreamer 4 Ever

to my three new readers, thanks for stopping by!
So many questions already?! In your banner you have 'Liz Parker Evans' shown but where the story begins in the future (2012) she addresses herself as simply 'Liz Parker' even though in 2009 she is married to Max. Obviously she and Max are not together in 2012 (well I am assuming since your title is Wish You Were Here) but they didn't get divorced did they?! Where is he? And why is she 'happy' in this situation?

I told you, so many questions.
and bigears, i absolutely love your questions! so many of the things you bought up were things i was hoping would come up as questions! so you definitely deserve a gold star. ;)

anyway, here's another part. this one is shorter and more transitional but necessary the way it is i think...like i mentioned at the start of the fic, this was meant to be a shorter piece, so after this part, we'll start driving full speed towards the conclusion. until then, enjoy reading and if it so strikes your fancy, leave some feedback!

(for those of you reading my other piece, stranglehold, thank you so much for checking it out and i'll probably be posting another part there in a few days!)



The world's a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying:
I wish you were here
I wish you were

. . . . . . . .

June 2009

Liz stood silent in thought, staring critically at the wall in front of her. The kitchen wall was covered in numerous squares of distinctly different colors. Poppy Red. Dusty Blue. Lemon Meringue Yellow. Mint Green. Rose Pink. Tangerine Orange. The palette of possibilities seemed endless. After fifteen minutes, Liz couldn’t help but let out an angry sigh. Nothing looked good. Her wall was covered in twenty different colors. And now she had the most colossal headache.

Liz had originally approached the idea of completely renovating the apartment with bubbling enthusiasm. Two months later, it had become something varying from a simple nuisance to a complete aggravation on her already fraying nerves. But Liz was not deterred – she was determined to make this home the most cozy, comfortable, loving, normal place Max Evans would ever live in. The only thing that made the job even tolerable was that alien powers made redecorating a hell of a lot easier than the old-fashioned human way. With an angry wave of her hand, the wall melted back into white.

“Miss me, baby?” A pair of strong arms encircled her from behind, warm and inviting. Max. She sighed. Max’s love surrounded her so completely, his touch dissolving any last remnants of negative thought.

“You don’t know even know the half of it,” she breathed, turning around quickly and circling her arms around his neck. Liz arched in closer for a kiss, but he tilted his head away, eliciting a huff of exasperation from his petite wife. Max’s glittering amber eyes danced between mirth and passion.

“Who said I was talking to you? I was talking to the baby!” His hands slid over to Liz’s slightly bulging belly, which glowed softly as Max connected to his child. She giggled as she felt the tickles of his energy tentatively touching their baby. “Not even two months along and she’s already the most spoiled little thing on Earth.”

“Jealous?” He bantered back with an infectious grin, and another wash of euphoria covered Liz.

She loved how easy and natural it was being husband and wife and simply enjoying each other. She hoped the others were experiencing the same thing, as her mind drifted to thoughts of her friends. Shortly after the group agreed to split, everyone ended up headed in separate directions. Michael and Maria, as much as they wanted to be close, decided they’d head back to the southwest, a place where they both were significantly more comfortable. According to their last phone call, they ended up settling into a small house in Arizona. Kyle was a bit more restless and wanted to travel, trying out a few cities before deciding where to settle down. An email they’d received last week mentioned Chicago. Isabel personally wanted to stay in the New England area and had moved to Boston almost immediately. The group had justifiably been concerned at first, worried the location choice might have been influenced by Jesse’s presence, but she had silenced their concerns with firmness – that part of her life was behind her and she only wanted to start over. And apparently she was, taking classes at the local community college and throwing herself into her studies.

Max and Liz ultimately decided to stay in New York, moving to a slightly larger apartment in the Brooklyn borough. The move had been precipitated by the news of the baby, which was shocking but joyous news to the entire group. Liz knew her pregnancy reminded Max of Zan, and at times she’d catch him lost in thought, probably wondering where his son was, and how he was doing. But she knew he was completely enthralled and dedicated to this new child – the moment they discovered she was a girl, he had let out a series of uncharacteristic and rather undignified ‘whoo!’s before whisking her back into the bedroom for a long night of lovemaking. Liz’s cheeks flushed with the memory and turned to her husband with one purpose in mind.

“And if I am?” She slinked her body closer, her curves fitting perfectly into his. He bit back a groan as his body quickly reacted to her sensual advances.

Max growled a warning, “Liz…” His hands were roaming across her body, barely skimming the surface, but leaving behind trails of heat that warmed her to the core. She fluttered her lashes at him flirtatiously and his eyes darkened with passion. “If you don’t stop that, there’s no telling what I’ll do to you. Right here in this kitchen even.”

Liz arched one delicate brow in mock thought. “What an interesting proposition, Mr. Evans. Do continue.”

He didn’t need to use words. In one quick, fluid motion, he had Liz breathlessly lying back on the kitchen table. Max planted his hands on the table, trapping her between his arms as he lowered himself over her body, catching her lips in a slow, languorous kiss. His fingers had been deftly unbuttoning her top when the phone rang shrilly, shocking them both out of their passionate haze.

Max gave a disgruntled sigh as he reluctantly removed himself from Liz’s embrace. “I’m not done with you yet, Mrs. Evans,” he said quite seriously as he walked over to the phone. Liz laughed in response, lounging on the tabletop, watching her husband’s moves. He smiled at her as he took the phone off its hook and leaned against the wall, answering the call.

“Hello?” Max said easily.

In mere seconds, his body stiffened, and he turned quickly, shielding himself from Liz’s scrutiny. Whoever was on the other line obviously didn’t have good news. Liz could feel the emotion coming off of Max in waves, his fear, shock, and anger becoming palpable presences in the small kitchen. She had a feeling he was blocking most of it, trying not to scare her, but the mere fact he was trying to obstruct their connection worried her even more. He slammed the phone back into its holder,

“Max? What’s wrong?” She slowly slid off the table to stand next to Max, trying to ease the waves of tension.

He leaned against the wall, eyes closed, as if still trying to process whatever he had heard on the phone. After a few moments of silence, he opened his eyes.

“They have Kyle.”

Liz bit her lip, not sure what Max was trying to say. “What do you mean they have Kyle?” Her question was hesitant. “Who has Kyle?”

“The skins.”

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by fadedblue »

hello patient readers! i apologize for my long absence...august and its transition to september have been extraordinarily busy. i finished up a summer term at my university at the beginning of august, which segued into a long vacation, which then segued into starting school again. i think i'm almost adjusted and i have more coming along, fic-wise, i promise :). thank for still reading and commenting and supporting!

anyway, here's the second part of chapter 2. something about it bothers me and it's not my best writing :? BUT i wanted to post it anyway just to get it out of my hair and keep the story going.



September 2009

The irony wasn’t lost on Liz. She was weary, exhausted, her face streaked with dirt. An incredulous laugh escaped hoarsely from her throat. It seemed that destiny still had a few cards up its sleeve. Like bringing the end of the world six years ahead of schedule.

“Are you okay?” Max whispered urgently, his arm around her shoulders tightening. “Is it the baby?”

Liz shook her head, trying her hardest at a reassuring smile. Her hands came up to her swollen belly and she bit back tears. She was almost six months pregnant with her and Max’s child and it seemed that the very invasion she tried so hard to prevent as a teenager was going to stop her chance at a normal life anyway. Stop it! Liz chided herself inwardly. This was no time for her to indulge in selfish thoughts. Damn hormones.

“We’re almost there Liz, just hold on one minute longer,” Max whispered, his eyes darting back and forth across the desert floor. The couple was partially crouching within the middle of a larger group – shapeshifters. They paused, waiting for some invisible signal.

“Sir, we can proceed, but we must be quick.” A serious faced man with arms as thick as Liz’s head waved them ahead, pointing towards a blinking light that had appeared suddenly, hovering in the air. Max pulled Liz close to him and the two moved quickly towards the light. A bright flash engulfed them, momentarily blinding them from their surroundings, As the whiteness ebbed away, they were able to make out the interior of their new base. The furnishings in the main room were sparse, with enough familiar furniture to make it seem habitable.

“Liz!” Maria’s voice cried out from across the room. The blonde ran across the room and wrapped Liz in her arms. Liz breathed a sigh of relief knowing her friends were safe for another day. Max gave Maria an awkward hug as the others gathered close behind – Isabel, Michael, and Ava.

Ava had been the one to inform them about Kyle’s capture. Although the other dupes had always perceived her as the weakest of their four-square, she was smarter than she’d be given credit for, establishing connections with the Royal-supporting factions on Antar shortly after Lonnie and Rath decided to join forces with Nicolas and Kivar. It was the only way to guarantee some sort of protection for herself and other four-square in Roswell. Because of her ties, she was able to keep tentative tabs on Kivar’s plans, though the news was always limited, because of the difficulty in communications. Unfortunately, the plans for Kyle’s abduction had been received too late, and Ava had no way to stop the kidnapping without any reinforcements. After receiving the devastating news, they reconvened with Isabel, Michael, and Maria in Roswell – it was a dangerous move, but it seemed safer to plot on their home turf. Upon their return, they discovered Ava was already waiting for them, with a veritable army of Antarian loyalist soldiers who had transported to earth in order to protect the Royal Four and the citizens of Earth.

It had been an endless series of battles since the first news of Kyle’s abduction. For better or worse, the conflicts had been contained within Roswell, but that situation, like any war, had the potential to explode and create more widespread danger on Earth. Kivar’s intentions were politically motivated, as usual. Because Kyle was a valuable bargaining chip, he kept him alive, collateral to a bigger endgame. A tense meeting between representatives of Max’s faction and Kivar’s army of skins had ended with an ultimatum from the rogue king: The deaths of the Royal Four in exchange for Kyle. Only a guarantee of power for Kivar would sate his thirst for fighting and death. Liz remembered feeling disgusted, sick to her stomach the alien’s heartlessness. Communications remained silent ever since.

“We’ve gotten some news about Kyle,” Michael said tiredly, reluctantly interrupting the reunion. “The spies we have within Kivar’s base confirm that he’s still alive, but very weak. I’m afraid if he’s kept for much longer, he might not…” His voice trailed off, as if unwilling to complete the thought.

Liz looked at Max, squeezing his hand in support. His jaw was grinding, eyes set in deep thought. If this was difficult for them, it was even more difficult for Max. It seemed that no matter what solutions they perused, someone would end up losing badly. If they, Max, Michael, Isabel, and Ava, denied their birthright, they would be abandoning their responsibility to the people of Antar. If they accepted going to their deaths, Liz, Maria, and Kyle be alone to cope with the devastation and loss. They didn’t have enough troops or power to go on the offensive, and their energy was quickly waning staying on the defense. She laid her head against his chest, her small arms wrapping around her husband’s broad body. He let out a soft sigh, his hand unconsciously going to her stomach and connecting with their unborn child. There was so much at stake.

“Why don’t we just all get some rest,” Max commanded quietly. “We’ll regroup after we’ve settled a bit…no need to exhaust ourselves so soon after arriving to the new base.” The others nodded mutely. Even Michael had come to follow Max’s commands with little fighting. Each person headed off to a different wing of the base, under the sharp eyes of their assigned alien bodyguards. Liz allowed Max to guide her towards one of the bedrooms. He smiled gently at her as she sank into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

“You rest first, baby,” Max said quietly. “I’m going to meet for a bit with a few of the shifters and I’ll be back soon.”

Liz nodded sleepily in response as he stroked her hair. She felt a little unsettled at him leaving her so soon, but the need for rest, for both her and her baby overrode the nagging feeling of doubt that kept twisting in her heart.



Liz shot straight up in bed, her body slicked with sweat. She looked around frantically. The room was darkened and empty.

She awkwardly pushed herself out of bed and walked as best she could over to door. Before she could hit the button for the door to slide open, it was already shifting of its own accord.

“Where’s – ”

“Liz, I’m – ”

Liz nearly crash-collided with Isabel, who was looking as distraught as she was. She grabbed the blonde by the shoulders, her grip painfully tight. “Isabel, where’s Max?”

She looked down, her eyes obviously filling with tears and unable to look Liz in the eye. “Liz, he’s gone to Kivar. Alone.”

“No…” Liz whispered, her hands going immediately to her stomach. “Isabel…” She reached her hand out to her sister before feeling herself crashing down to the ground, her world going blissfully black.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by fadedblue »

ahhh! i suck at updating regularly. i'm sorry wonderful readers :(! but i come bearing a part!! it's way too short, and not beta-ed, but gets me past the hump of this story. i'm in the middle of cramming for a big midterm for a class i have not paid attention in for about a month now so pardon the rushed feeling of this post. i know i'm crazy behind on feedback too. *bangs head*

but you all still rock. thanks for reading this!
youre my dreamgirl
Michelle in Yonkers
-- btw, I love your comments. I definitely will address them later!
...and all the lurkers!



October 14, 2009. 10:34 PM.

Liz was tired of all the bowing.

While the fact that Liz was carrying the possible heir to the throne of Antar within her was kept in the strictest of confidences lest the news leaked to Kivar – thus her almost perpetual state of house arrest within the wretched silver walls of whatever base they were at – it was no secret that Liz was Max’s chosen mate and was to be considered queen to all Antarian subjects. The full blooded aliens made their disgust for Tess quite obvious; it seemed if there was one thing Antarians treasured next to their royalty and freedom was the concept of loyalty. And at every meeting, the aliens would bow deeply in respect; all she wanted was for them to leave her alone.

It had been a month since Max had left her, quite unceremoniously in the middle of the night to give himself over to Kivar. In order to not endanger the safety of the baby, Liz had been put on mild sedatives to keep from getting too emotional. The scare after she had fainted dead away the night Max disappeared set everyone on base with their guard unnaturally high and their collective presence turned unbearably insufferable – at least to Liz.

If there was anything that kept her sane, it was the knowledge that despite all of the turmoil happening outside, her baby girl was thriving gently within her womb. That perfect combination of Max and her safely shuttered away from the chaos of the war that raged outside. It was through her little girl that she could feel the strength of Max’s spirit, his soul – knowing he was not injured and alive kept her going.

Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. She wished so much to be able to touch him, to feel his fingers in her hair, his broad, safe hands on her stomach, his lips brushing against her brow to let her know everything was alright. The spies within Kivar’s camp were not able to get close to the chambers Max was being held and communication had been sparse. But if there was one good thing to be had from the situation, it was the fact that Kyle had been returned shortly after Max disappeared.

It was difficult seeing Kyle again – the skins had shown him little mercy, raping his mind of his memories so all that was returned was a bare husk of him. The best of Antar’s healers all worked on rehabilitating him and repairing the extensive damage, but it was a slow process. It was another confusing tactic for the Antarians to decipher – why would they go through the trouble of torturing Kyle, who was the least valuable bearer of information, but not lay a finger on Max? The unpredictable actions of Kivar and his camp were constant worries for the aliens, hybrids, and humans alike.

Kivar enjoyed sending cryptic messages to their side, taunts most likely about the fact he had Max, their king. His latest message had only a few words:

October 15
The end.

Liz groaned at the memory of that message. There were very few meanings one could gain from such wording, but the tacticians on their side had been fairly confident that Max was still guaranteed some degree of safety from the danger of death. The matter-of-fact way they relayed their findings had done nothing to soothe her fear, given that the fifteenth was only a few hours away.

A quiet knock on the door distracted Liz from her endless tumble of thoughts. She turned wearily and called out, “Come in.”

The door slid open and Ava strode inside quietly, giving Liz a small smile. “Liz, you oughta be sleeping.” The petite hybrid sat down next to Liz and took her hand with her own. “Gotta conserve your energy for the baby and for Max.”

“I know,” Liz said, biting her lip. “But you know as well as I that there’s no way I could sleep tonight. Not knowing whether Max will be returned back to me, dead or alive.”

Ava’s bright blue eyes pierced into Liz’s dark brown ones. The hybrid bit down on her bottom lip nervously, toying with her lip ring in agitation. “Liz, they don’t want me to tell ya, but you’re my queen and my friend, and you just gotta know what’s going down.” She lowered her voice to a murmur. “A bunch of us have been ordered to create and launch a contingency plan to counter Kivar. Since we don’t know what he’s plannin’, our own plan can only be set to counteract a few possible outcomes. One of Antar’s best scientists has traveled to Earth to help us in execution – Serena.”

“Serena…” Liz breathed, the name immediately sparking recognition within her mind.

“You know her?” Ava asked, her brow wrinkling slightly.

Liz nodded slowly. “Yes…um…when I was contacted by the Max of the future, he told me someone named Serena would be my friend. I got the impression she knew a lot about the granolith.” Her eyes perked up. “Is she here to do something with the granolith? Do you think she can save Max?”

Liz frowned as Ava ran a nervous hand through her multi-colored locks, her eyes darting around the room as if someone was going to burst in at any minute. But she quickly regained her composure and firmly grabbed Liz’s hands within hers and begun to speak, obviously not willing to answer Liz’s insistent questions.

“We may need you Liz. Out of everyone involved, your connection to Max is the strongest and could be his saving grace in this war with Kivar. But I need to know – will you be able to let Max go, if we can’t save him, for the sake of saving your child and this Earth?” In the darkened interior of the room, Ava’s eyes seemed to glow, her countenance eerie but unreadable.

Liz stared at Ava with wide eyes, her hands tightening around the other woman reflexively. A million thoughts rushed through her mind – thoughts of Max, her unborn child; memories of the promises she had made Future Max, the stories of the deaths of their loved ones and friends in a future that seemed so far from her own; thoughts of the aliens and hybrids that had risked their lives for a war that tore their world apart and for a king they barely knew; thoughts of what Max had done already and what Max would do if he were in her place.

Wordlessly, she nodded.

“Good,” the words slipped through Ava’s lips in a fervent whisper. “Then we can begin.”