Despite the Pain (M/L Adult...Ch. 6 10/11/06)[WIP]

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Despite the Pain (M/L Adult...Ch. 6 10/11/06)[WIP]

Post by Temptation_K »

Despite the Pain
Author: Temptation_K
Rating: MATURE…Okay fine…ADULT
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of the characters!!! I wish I did…But I don’t! So here you go! Take my pride!!!
Summary: Takes place right after Liz leaves the Valenti’s when her and Max got into the argument about Tess killing Alex. “Baby it’s You”. Max gets pissed at Liz when she leaves and decides he is going to settle this once and for all.
Author’s Note: I AM A DREAMER!!! This fic is for all dreamers, however, the first part is totally not dreamer material. But, I promise, if you bare with me, it will end in delight.

Chapters 1-5

Alright guys I’m back… here’s Chapter 6. Please do not hold back on the criticism. Just keep it constructive.

Chapter 6

Max’s POV

The desert air feels cold. Even though the sun’s rays are shining bright and the warmth of spring is far from absent, I still can’t shake the shivers that course through my body. What have I done? I’ve been sitting here on this rock for hours now. Just blankly staring into the direction that Maria’s car left in earlier. I’m still nauseas at the sight of Michael carrying her limp body out of the cave. How could I have done all that? And at the same time, why do I feel no remorse? I feel like there are to people inside me. One feels horrible and the other feels accomplished.

‘I’m the King…’

Suddenly I see a car in the distance. Am I imagining this? The car gets closer and I hear the engine. Nope, this is real.

Maria’s car stops abruptly at the bottom of the cave. Michael and Isabelle get out and make there way up to me. Michael is the first to speak.

“Max, what the hell happened?” He takes his place next to the cave entrance and leans against the wall. Isabelle just stands in front of me.

I look at the ground, Afraid to meet their glares.

“Max! What the hell happened? Did you do that to Liz?” His voice grows angry, “We need to know what went on!”

I close my eyes and rub my head. My mind tangles with what to say.

“It was horrible,” I say dryly, not even sure I heard myself correctly. “I got here early this morning, after he did it to her.” This is easier than I thought.

I look up as Michael walks away from the entrance. “What do you mean ‘he’,” he asks quickly, “Who is ‘he’”?

What kind of lie am I telling? I know exactly who did this! I did this! But, at the same time, I know she got what she deserved! She had to be punished. My mind is once again taken over by the fighting.

I look up and meet the eyes of Michael, “I went to talk with her last night, but when I got over to her house she wasn’t there.” I switch my gaze to Isabelle, to see if my story was sticking. “When I was at her balcony I got this feeling like she was in trouble,” I look back at Michael, “So I came out here, and that’s when I found them and I-I-I…” my voice was thick with tears, I hadn’t know what a good actor I was. Isabelle placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Max, it’s okay. Try and tell us what happened.” She removes her hand from my shoulder and places it on my hand.

I clear my throat and continue. “When I got here I noticed the cave door was open, that’s when I knew there was trouble.” I turn my eyes to the cave, “I ran up to the entrance and looked in, and that’s when I saw the shape shifter.” I look down and let the tears fall.

Michael steps over to me, “Max, did you get a good look at him? Did you know who he was?” I sniff and look up.

“He was me,” I say quietly. “He looked just like me.” I stand up and walk to the cave entrance and put my head against the stone. Isabelle stands up with me.

“Max,” she says quietly.

“I ran into the cave but as soon as he saw me he blasted me backwards with this power shield,” I say as I turn to Michael. “As soon as I was able to get back on my feet, he was out the door.” I look across the desert floor. “I was about to go after him, but when I saw Liz laying there, I knew she needed me,” My gaze never leaves the desert.“She was unconscious when I got to her. I healed as much of her as I could,” I look back to Michael, “but my powers gave out. And that’s when I called you.”

Michael looks around the desert, clearly at a loss of words. Isabelle is the first to break the silence. “God Max, we thought it was you,” She says abruptly. I turn to look at her. Michael is quick to break up the moment.

“This doesn’t add up Max,” Michael says, stepping closer to me. “When we got here you were outside and looked guilty as hell. Why the hell weren’t you in there with her?” His words sting the air, “Why are you still here and not with her now, making sure she’s okay?”

“Jesus Michael,” Isabelle walks in between us, “Don’t you think Max has been through enough. He doesn’t need you accusing him right now. He’s clearly taken aback by all this, I’d be confused as hell too!” She turns to look at me, “Come on Max, let’s get you home.”

I look at the ground and nod my head. This was a lot easier than I thought. I’ll play along with this for a while, until I talk to Liz. Hopefully she hasn’t run her mouth yet.

Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
Even doves have pride