Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 16 Complete - 7 Mar

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 11 - 29 Sep

Post by Tharos »


Through their crystalline dust, Max and Liz ascended through the atmosphere before reaching space. On solar winds, the pair moved through the void near the speed of light to New Antar. The once red planet glistened in the sunlight as Max and Liz entered the atmosphere. The royal couple descended down and entered their throne room within the palace before the dust came together and they reformed.

“I can’t remember the last time I felt like this,” Liz said.

“I can. Last Tuesday night,” Max said.

Liz smiled. “That was a particularly intense bath,” Liz said.

“Now, where’s that boy of ours,” Max said.

“I don’t know. I assumed he’d take up the throne in here,” Liz said.

“It was a safe bet. If you didn’t know what I do,” Richard said from behind them.

Both turned around and immediately Richard attacked. A massive lightening storm reached out from Richard’s hands. The stone of the walls seared with heat and headed straight for Max and Liz. Richard didn’t hesitate in his attack and Max didn’t hesitate in his defence. His hand shot up and his green shield formed but this shield had an outer layer of crystal.

The lightening hit the shield with the force of a small nuclear weapon. The blast shattered every window in the palace and pushing the brickwork out slightly. Richard laughed, he watched the cloud of debris drift around as he turned to walk away but he heard the hum of his father’s shield.

Richard turned and saw the continuing glow through the dust. Richard waved his hand and everything blew away, allowing him to see his parents still standing there behind the shield.

“You’ve found some help,” Richard said.

“I’ve never had to spank you in your entire life. I hate having to start now,” Max said.

“You’re welcome to try,” Richard said.

“Well how about I try?” Liz said.

Liz thrust her hand up and a billion tiny shards of crystal darted to her son. Richard took the assault, he stood there smiling as the shards scrapped over his body and shredded his skin. After each cut, the blood pulled back into his body and the tear sealed without leaving so much as a blemish on his skin.

“Mother, shame on you. I think that comes under child abuse,” Richard said.

“Not something any of us made jokes at before,” Liz said.

“Things are different now. I am different. Compared to you I am a god,” Richard said.

“No I think the elders would come under gods. You’re just an amped up child with a superiority complex,” Max said.

“Oh dad, it’s really not a complex,” Richard said.

“No? Neither is this,” Liz said.

She put her palm out flat and all those crystal shards pulled up. The stuck to Richard and built up layer by layer until the completely encased Richard. Suddenly the crystal shattered and the shards blew everywhere.

“Don’t you get it? You can’t stop me, you can’t capture me and you can’t do anything to me,” Richard ranted.

They didn’t need to do anything, the crystal implants in their minds already told them what Jarel and Ziala were up to. They just needed to buy time and distract Richard long enough for their niece to do what she needed to do. The only question they had – could they last long enough?

And so battle began, attack was followed by attack as the two parents did everything they could to draw this out but survive it as well.

On the shores of Lake Tana, the family arrived. Ziala led the way and she used her vision to guide her until she found a mound of loose earth. When she found it, the princess pushed her hand into the soil.

“You all might want to stand back. This will be messy,” Ziala said.

They all moved back, Jarel didn’t. He moved in closer but Ziala didn’t know it when she released every kilowatt of power she had into the earth. The soil blasted back, the entire chamber that Verask collapsed began emptying out in a torrent of dirt that would have hit Ziala if Jarel hadn’t raised a shimmering green shield in front of her.

“You can make shields?” Rath asked.

“What? You thought that was reserved for the king?” Jarel asked.

Eventually, all the dirt was out and turning the area of the lake behind them brown. They looked down the shaft and saw the yellow brickwork a short distance away. Ziala turned to Jarel after realising she wasn’t as covered with muck as she thought she would have been.

“Thank you,” she said.

The look in her eyes was unmistakable and Jarel desperately wanted to kiss her. Rath clearing his throat ended the moment. Both looked at Ziala’s father to see his arms crossed as his eyes looked back and forth between them.

Ziala looked down the passage and climbed in, followed by Jarel and then everyone else. Together they stood in the chamber built by the ancient Egyptians and took in the beauty of it all. Even the channels of water running along the edges of the room were running clear. The bodies of those who freed Verask littered the room, all of them were around the stone vessel in the middle of the room.

“Is that it?” Ziala asked.

“That’s it,” Jarel said.

“Verask came here in that?” Katherine asked.

“Not much, I know,” Jarel said.

“So how does this help with Rick?” Lonnie asked.

“It doesn’t,” Jarel said. He walked over to it, tip toeing between the bodies until he reached the vessel. Jarel pulled off each of the small balls from the top. “These will.”

“Okay, now I’m lost,” Ziala said.

“Verask was defeated by an alliance that formed the noble houses. Those people gained their power by working with a breed of animals of animals on Antar that were magnificent,” Jarel said.

“Yeah, my dad told us this story. He said he could only describe them as dragons,” Philip said.

“They were big, reptilian, could fly and produced a massive amount of energy that they could manipulate. Dragon is what I would call them,” Katherine said.

“Anyway, before these creatures vanished from our world, they gave our ancestors seven eggs to use the power in them to seal the vessel. Didn’t work out that way but the eggs were split, the cores were used on the vessel but the main part, they were given to the nobles as a reminder of the alliance,” Jarel said.

“Wait...given to the nobles? The gems we took from the museum?” Ziala asked.

“Museum? What museum? The museum?” Rath asked. “Ziala!”

“Grounded right?” Ziala asked.

“Oh yeah,” Rath and Lonnie said.

“And then some,” Rath said.

“So the cores? Those are these balls?” Ziala asked.

“Yes. I think you should step back, remember what happened when we last touched them,” Jarel said.

Ziala smiled but quickly remembered they had company and took a step back, trying to hide the look on her face from her parents. Jarel knelt down and opened the bag before he spilt the gems onto the floor. Carefully he lined them up and placed each ball on the gems matching their colour. In moments, the balls melted into the gems.

Expecting a bright flash, Jarel closed his eyes. Nothing happened. He opened one eye and peaked out.

“Huh,” he said.

Then it came. The blinding flash boiled the water but nothing else was affected. The gems glowed as they lifted off the ground; they circled the chamber and started to move faster leaving streaks in their wake.

“I think we should leave...now,” Jarel said.

No one hesitated and they piled out of the temple one by one. From the shoreline, they could see the light inside. It moved around and around, each second brought another colour. Then each one blasted out of the cave, knocking everyone onto their butts like they’d just been caught in the backwash of a jet engine. High in the air the gems separated and exploded.

For long minutes nothing, not even gust of wind, happened. Then the ground shook, the sky turned bright orange and a funnel of water reached up from the lake. Suddenly, a massive blue reptile like a snake with wings flew from the lake and flew around them.

Another one, this time a purple one plunged down from a cloud and danced around the blue one. The ground burst open and a green creature came out, slithering across the ground and circled the family before joining the others. From out of the sun, a yellow came flying down before from the shadows an indigo one flew up. An orange dragon flew in, followed by violet one. Fire burst from deep underground and a red creature came out.

Each one was a colour of the rainbow and the gems. Above the family they flew, interweaving with each other in a perfect circle. Each one then flew down and rested by the lake, staring at the family. The red creature, rested its head on the ground as if it was waiting for them.

“Way, way cool,” Ziala said.

“No, you’re not keeping them as pets,” Katherine said.

“Did I say anything like that?” Ziala said.

“You were thinking it,” Philip said.

“Still...it would be very cool,” Ziala said.

“I’ll say,” Paige said.

“What do we do now?” Ziala asked.

Jarel walked toward the indigo dragon. The creature lowered its head and Jarel climbed up onto it. Sitting behind its head, Jarel placed his hands on it just behind its ears. The two closed before the indigo raised its head and cried out. When it came back down, Jarel smiled.

“Thank you for not rejecting me,” Jarel said.

Each dragon lowered their heads and waited.

“Well, we’re already living lives out of a sci-fi novel, what’s a little fantasy with sorcery,” Rath said.

Ziala immediately headed for Jarel’s ride when Rath stepped in front of her.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Rath asked.

“I’m going to...yeah, climb on the back of whatever animal you’re going on and sitting between mom and you,” Ziala said.

“Good girl,” Rath said.

Ziala looked at Jarel and shrugged her shoulders. They both looked disappointed. The family gathered onto the backs of the dragons, each of them found themselves drawn to the beasts and once they were on the dragons took off. They left the ground and flew off, the moment they were high enough bubbles of light surrounded them and they darted through space to New Antar.

Back in the throne room, the room lay in tatters with debris strewn everywhere. The crystal outer layer of Max’s shield had cracked while cuts, sweat and bruises covered Richard’s skin. He wasn’t healing anymore. Parents and child were completely exhausted but they had no choice but to continue.

“Rick, stop this,” Liz said.

“No!” Richard said.

The young princes’ blood boiled, he wanted this over and done with. The ground started to shake, water rippled violently in the pools and lakes with birds in the trees taking flight on mass. Everyone’s eyes looked around.

“What was that?” Liz asked.

“No clue,” Max said.

“What have you done?” Richard asked.

“This one wasn’t us,” Max said.

“This entire planet just reacted. WHAT DID YOU DO?” Richard said.

Richard turned to leave the room. He’d finished with this problem and wanted to move on to whatever just happened. Neither Max or Liz could let their son leave, they looked at each other and Max thrust his shield out into an orb. The green energy shot forward while Liz took the crystal layer and sealed over all exits. Max’s shield enveloped Richard in a small bubble; the energy was so concentrated that Richard’s powers were less effective against it.

“How long can you keep it going like that?” Liz asked.

“Not long,” Max said.

Liz put her hand in her husband’s, together they watched their son act like a crazed animal as he launched attack after attack at his spherical prison.

“Let’s do this,” Max said.

Liz nodded, they walked forward and each placed a hand on the bubble. They closed their eyes and tried to link with their son. Their thoughts probed through Richard’s mind, searching through his memories of recent days trying to get to their true son deep within. However, each path they took sent them back out with force. Each time it was as though they were punched hard.

“Oh my god. It’s inside him,” Liz said.

“How?” Max said.

“I don’t know,” Liz said.

“So you know now. The Omniriad were smart to seal of all those primitive, negative human instincts in someone with my power. Even smarter that they implanted a reset should the seal be broken,” Richard said.

“Verask put himself inside you to keep it broken,” Max said.

“And together...we really are unstoppable,” Richard said.

His eyes turned jet black, hardly different given his Antarian heritage but the black fire that rose from his eyeballs was unusual. It caused his parents to step back, Richard stood up and the bubble around him burst. Max reacted quickly to put his shield back up around himself and Liz before Richard attacked.

At the furthest edge of the solar system, a distortion formed in orbit of Pluto and the Phoenix appeared. The ship flew in and immediately changed course into the heart of the system, to Earth. On the bridge, Alex lifted his hands from the power core and the energy started to drop.

“Our momentum should be able to get us home soon. How’d the anomaly?” Alex asked.

“Your containment field is stable,” one of the engineers said.

“Still no communication with anyone else?” Alex asked.

“No. No ships, no colonies, nothing. And we’re not picking up any energy readings from Earth or New Antar. Whatever hit us has obviously hit them,” the engineer said.

“Whatever hit us, hit everywhere Lieutenant,” Alex said.

“Your family?” the engineer asked.

“I’m not sensing anything from them at all,” Alex said.

“I’m sure they’re fine Professor,” the engineer said.

“I hope so,” Alex said.

Beeping rang out and everyone turned their attention to one of the monitors.

“What is it?” Alex asked.

“We’re picking up seven signals moving from Earth to Mars space quite fast,” the engineer said.

“Ships?” Alex asked.

“I don’t think so. Professor, I think you should take a look at it this,” the engineer said.

Alex looked at the screen and his eyes went wide. He saw the dragons slithering through space with the majority of his family riding on their backs and he blinked.

“I really shouldn’t go away for so long. The world makes less sense when I do that,” Alex said.

“Are those...I can’t even say the word,” the engineer said.

“The Antarian word is Parcarna but yes, they are the closest thing to dragons in reality,” Alex said.

“Professor Whitman please report to the bridge, Professor Whitman to the bridge,” the Executive Officer’s voice called over the intercom.

“I better get going. Keep tracking those animals and try to get a better reading on their destination,” Alex said.

“Yes sir.” The engineer said.

Alex ran through the halls and took the ladders up to the bridge. All use of the elevators was banned to conserve energy. It took a few minutes but he was able to traverse the large ship and reach the bridge.

“Professor, since when are dragons real?” the captain asked.

“Since today but those creatures are ancient, from Old Antar. Something is going on and we need to get there quickly,” Alex said.

“Even with our energy reserves topped up, we’re losing power rapidly. If I push the engines we could lose life support,” the captain said.

“But not before we reach one of the planets. We can land safely at which point life support won’t be an issue and if need be, I’ll plug myself back into the engines for a few minutes. If whatever is going on isn’t sorted out then this ship’s capability to move will not matter,” Alex said.

The captain nodded, “X.O, full power to the engines and take us to New Antar,” he said.

“Yes sir,” the X.O. said.

The ship’s thrusters pulsed and grew brighter. The ship flew through space faster and locked in on New Antar’s spaceport.

Max was down on his knees, Liz behind him with her hand on his back as she fed power into him. Max struggled to keep his shield as Richard kept a constant blast directed at his parents. The raw power was chaos, disrupting all the natural laws of the universe and disrupting Max’s ability to protect himself.

Max’s crystal barrier tried to repel the attack but the energy couldn’t be adapted to or predicted from one moment to the next. Suddenly, the shield cracked and fell. Max and Liz were blown back and landed like rag dolls on their thrones. Richard laughed. The crystals poked out of their foreheads, fell to the floor before they turned dark, and crumbled into dust.

“They should have sent you more power than that pittance,” Richard said.

Richard raised his hand and it glowed but a sonic boom shook the palace. The atmosphere was breached and as Richard walked to the window to see what was happening, he gulped. The seven dragon flew around the tower of the palace before crashing their heads into the throne room and breathing out energy in the form of fire, filling the room and engulfing everything...

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 12 - 21 Oct

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 13

Through all the rooms and corridors, a spiralling wave of dragon fire filled the palace. The raw power that sparked in ancient Antarians seared through the palace yet nothing burnt. The fire spiralled around the royal family and all those within the palace, all but one.

Max looked around as colour surrounded him. The air should be gone, consumed by the flames but they could breathe without any problems. Soon a scream drew his attention. At the other end of the hall, through the flames, Max could see his son under attack from the flames.

Richard’s body seized and stiffened, his arms shot out to his side. He lifted up from the ground. Richard screamed and as he cried out his voice changed, echoed like two voices overlapped.

Then suddenly, Richard flew across the hall and hit the wall. The incorporeal form of Verask remained where he stood. The dragons closed their mouths, their fire cleared from the palace and Richard fell to the floor. He looked up to see the swirl of black dust forming into a faint image.

“We’re not done boy, not by a long shot,” Verask said.

“No!” Richard said.

The prince picked himself up from the floor and his hands glowed with the fury of a sun. Richard ran at Verask, his hands outstretched but a split second before Richard made contact, his enemy vanished. All that remained was Verask’s mark on the floor.

Richard’s family stood around the room, the dragons pulled their heads from the windows and flew off toward the city outskirts. Richard stood there but fell to his knees. His power started to manifest the turmoil in his mind and as he looked to his hands, he saw blood appearing. So much blood it quickly started to drip onto the floor and pool around him.

Richard looked up, seeing each member of his family and Kristine. Everything he did was as fresh in his mind as he only did it moments ago. Liz stepped forward but Richard recoiled from her.

“Rick,” Liz said.

Richard had never been sick a day in his life, not even the slightest hint at Antarian flu. He hadn’t even thrown up but right now there was so much inside Richard that he wanted out that he had trouble stopping his last meal coming back up. Richard focused and made it go away.

The others all knew Richard was back. His eyes told them that much but as they tried to get closer to him, he just slid back across the room away from them. He wouldn’t even look at Kristine as he remembered the last time she visited their island. Richard shook his head and smashed the palms of his hands together.

He vanished but his last act sent a shockwave straight to the Granolith. All the damage he done was undone and the power returned to the stars.

“Where did he go?” Ziala asked.

“Imagine you’re Rick for a minute and you’ve just done all that. Where would you go?” Kristine asked.

“Where I could be alone, very alone,” Liz said.

High in the Andes, Verask appeared in the snow-capped peaks. His body, flesh once more, seared with burns but they healed quickly. Richard never made contact but the fury of his powers and the dragon fire left a scorching effect.

“You can’t get me that way. Not again. You hear me? Never again!” Verask cried out up into the sky.

Verask thrust his hand into the rock of the mountain. Everything started to shake and an avalanche crashed down the side. Soon the rocks loosened and shattered, the mountain collapsed. The entire range of mountains fell into a pile of rubble and a cloud of dust spread out over half the South American continent. Verask went down with the mountains but remained standing. He walked away, smiling.

“Just a little something to remember me by,” Verask said.

Every member of the staff searched the palace, no sign of Richard. Staff of the noble houses around New Antar searched the entire planet and nothing. There wasn’t even the slightest hint of his energy signature throughout the range of their scanners. However, none of them even had the capability of even understanding where Richard was; let alone how to find him.

Mark, Joanne and Kara looked at each other but they saw Kristine shake her head at them. While the family tried to find Richard and focused themselves on that, Kristine slipped away from the throne room.

A minute later, Alex walked in.

“Hi guys. Uh...there’s some great big reptiles in the field outside the city. Did I miss something?” Alex asked.

Isabel marched up to her husband and pulled him into a tight hug. Alex wrapped his arms around her and held her. He felt like he hadn’t seen her in years and didn’t want to let his beloved wife go. However, he did and looked into her bloodshot eyes.

“What happened?” Alex asked.

“It’s Rick,” Isabel said.

“What about Rick? Is he alright?” Alex asked.

“Verask took him over. He...he did things,” Liz said.

“The power loss onboard the Phoenix, that was Rick? What else?” Alex asked.

“A lot. Too much,” Max said.

“We got Verask out of him but then he just disappeared,” Ziala said.

“We can’t find him. Even through our link,” Katherine said.

“You can’t. Not unless he wants you to find him,” Alex said. He knew Kristine wasn’t in the room and where she was going.

“Alex is there anything you can do?” Max asked.

“I’m already working on it. On Verask at any rate,” Alex said.

“What did you find out there?” Isabel asked.

“A chance to beat this guy, a long shot at best,” Alex said.

“Uh...everyone. I don’t know where Rick is but I think I just found Verask,” Philip said.

Everyone approached his screen as he accessed one of the defence satellites orbiting Earth. It showed the collapse of the Andes and everyone stared in disbelief as the cloud spread out. Dust covered the rainforest turning a vast portion of the green land to grey.

“I thought the dragons could fight this guy?” Ziala said.

“I guess he’s more tolerable than the last time they fought,” Jarel said.

“Does that mean they can’t kill him?” Isabel asked.

“They couldn’t kill him before. All they did was turn him to ash,” Jarel said.

“So how can they help us win?” Max asked.

“They got Verask out of Prince Richard didn’t they? It’s not everything but it’s not nothing,” Jarel said.

“You’re right,” Max said.

“To be honest, I think there is only one person who even has a shot at it,” Jarel said.

“Rick,” Max said.

Jarel nodded. “He is superior to anyone out there. Assuming he can get his mind focused,” he said.

“Hey. My cousin has just been through hell and hurt a lot of people. Which, in part, was your fault,” Katherine said.

“I know,” Jarel said.

Ziala’s hand slipped reassuringly into his own and he smiled at her.

“And I’m sorry but this thing is too powerful for us,” Jarel said.

“Then we need to find him and help Rick as best we can,” Liz said.

“Someone’s taking care of that,” Alex said.

Kristine came to the door at Richard’s bedroom, the one place in the palace she knew without getting lost. Although her navigational skills had increased since her bonding with Richard, ever since then there was nothing. Kristine pushed her hand against the door and it opened. The staff searched the room but all anyone would see is Richard’s normal room. Kristine wasn’t just anyone.

As the door opened, Kristine saw a ripple over everything. She pushed her hand forward and as it passed through the threshold of the door, there was a glow around it. Kristine stepped forward, passing through the barrier.

Richard sat at his desk, his head propped up by his arm. The entire room was dark but that quickly changed when Kristine lifted her hand. The lights came on but immediately switched off. Kristine switched them on, Richard switched them right back off.

“Rick, you know I can do this all day,” Kristine said.

He didn’t turn around. “I don’t want you to see me. I should have known you’d be able to get in here. You’re learning quickly,” Richard said.

“Creating a bubble of time, isolating your bedroom a few hours out of synch with everything else was good. Too bad I know you like I do. Rick, look at me,” Kristine said.

“No. Kris...leave,” Richard said.

“Like hell,” Kristine said. “Now, look at me.”

“I can’t! Not after...not after I did that to you on the island. If you hadn’t left when you did...” Richard said.

Kristine walked over to Richard and knelt by his chair. She reached out and put her hand over his. “It wasn’t your fault,” she said.

“Yes it was,” Richard said.

“No,” Kristine said.

“It was. Verask didn’t possess me. He didn’t make me do anything, I was still in full control,” Richard said.

“Rick, I know you better than anyone...except your parents,” Kristine said.

“No you don’t! I didn’t even know. It was in me, all of that...it is in me,” Richard said.

“Yeah, like everyone else. We all have those feelings and instincts. The Omniriad didn’t block them out completely, they just suppressed them and Verask pulled down the barriers. You are a good person,” Kristine said.

“How many people did I kill? A hundred...a thousand?” Richard asked.

“And you just brought them back. You undid it all. Anyone that was hurt are all better now. Everybody except two,” Kristine said.

“Two?” Richard asked.

“You and me. I’ve never felt so...cold. You’re not just keeping our link closed, you’re trying to rip it apart. Even with Verask in you, I couldn’t feel you but this...” Kristine said.

“You don’t want to be with me anymore,” Richard said.

“Oh so you can still see my thoughts without our connection?” Kristine said.

“I wouldn’t want to be with me anymore. That’s why, when the time-bubble collapses around my room in three hours...I’m not leaving,” Richard said.

Kristine stood up, her eyes wide open, “That’s suicide,” she said.

“I know exactly what it is. When the bubble ceases to exist, so will I,” Richard said.

“No...you can’t. Rick, you can’t,” Kristine said.

“You should leave now,” Richard said.

Kristine looked around, she could see the edges of the space had already contracted a few feet. “If you die, I die,” she said.

For the first time since she entered, Richard faced Kristine. “Don’t be stupid. I did this, not you. Get out of here,” Richard said.

Kristine examined the room, her eyes fixed onto his bed. She’d been in this room frequently since she met Richard but his bed was now double the size, even bigger than a king size bed and golden silk bed-sheets covered it. Still, it reminded her of the true extent of their link. She had an idea.

“Rick, after we made love. Your dad’s aide said something about preparing your bedroom for us. Is that why you now have gold sheets?” Kristine asked.

“The royal sheets. Like mom and dad’s, and everyone else that’s married in the family. I’m sorry we never got to use them,” Richard said.

“Don’t be. Because we will,” Kristine said.

“You want to have sex now?” Richard asked.

“We lost ourselves in each other once. You left something inside me so special it linked us. We’re going to do it again and this time I’m going to give you what you gave me. I’m not letting you go,” Kristine said.

Kristine touched his shoulder, her fingertips danced on the skin left bare by his shirt. Richard wasn’t exactly in the mood so she needed to increase his libido. A soft, warm glow spread from her fingers into Richard and she began to manipulate his hormones. Richard suddenly felt warm, very warm. As his dick began to swell in his pants, Richard shifted himself in his chair and unbuttoned the top button to let some cool air in and the heat out.

Kristine didn’t stop, she tinkered a little here and there, pushing his hormones to just that special little limit where he’d be desperate to take her on the bed that was prepared for them. She smiled, watching the effect she was unnaturally having on him. She watched as the bulge in his pants grew larger. Kristine let go of Richard and took a step back. She inched her way to the bed. Mesmerised, Richard couldn’t help but follow.

Richard moved in closer, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Both melted together, giving themselves to each other completely as their hands caressed each other. Richard slid his hands over the silken soft skin of her arms. His hands glided up to the shoulder straps of her dress and pulled them off. Kristine shirked the dress from her body and it fell to the floor leaving her wearing nothing but a thin, pale blue pair of panties.

Richard started to undo his pants but Kristine stopped him, she put her hands gently onto his clothes and made them disappear. Kristine’s breath hitched at the sight of his smooth, bobbing erection. She needed this as much as he did, she wanted him back in every way. Kristine gasped with excitement when his warm hands closed over her hips as she stood still. Knowing he was completely naked against her scantily clothed body was intoxicating to her.

Richard pressed closer to Kristine and wrapped a strong arm around her waist before he glided his other hand down her belly and then to her panties. He briefly cupped her sex through her soaked panties, causing her to gasp loudly and then hooked his fingers under the elastic to tug the thin fabric off. He could feel her desperation and held her more firmly against his torso. Richard placed one hand on her bare, dripping pussy.

Kristine whimpered as her body was invaded so delightfully, her anticipation was building quickly as he started to thrust his fingers gently in and out of her, pausing every so often to rub his palm across her slippery folds and massage her clitoris. She felt her hips rock with a mind of their own in time with his hand. He wanted Kristine to experience pleasure, her eyes tightly closed as her inner muscles started to clench on his digits.

“Hmm…uh…uhhh…Ricckkk…hmmmmmm,” Kristine hummed.

Sensing her impending orgasm in the way her muscles coiled tightly, Richard abruptly let go of her. As she whimpered and undulated with urgency, the prince guided and moved her so that she lay down on the soft silk bedding. The two melted into thick sheets of their bed, the gold light engulfed the lovers. He got onto his knees, knelt before her and spread her legs as he leaned down; he pressed his face into her hungry sex. Richard savoured her sweet taste as he began to lap and suck.

Kristine’s hips kept moving faster and faster, moaning and tossing her head back into the pillows, her fingers grappled onto the sheets. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Richard to maintain contact. He held onto her hips, pushing his face into her wet folds and thrusting his tongue into her hot, slick tunnel as far as he could. She couldn’t take it for very long.

They stared into each other’s eyes and saw nothing but love. Grabbing hold of his rock-hard cock, he plunged in smoothly and deeply until he was fully sheathed in her. The sensations took Kristine into complete bliss. It was electrifying. She screamed out her pleasure, arching her spine and pushed her upper body against her lover’s hard chest as the fire that had sparked in her body started to rage out of control. Richard gently started caressing her body, his hands moved over her breasts.

The erotic heat that surged from her quivering tunnel was overwhelming, engulfing both their senses in with utter bliss. Richard held still for a moment as her pussy constricted around his dick, he buried the hilt of his cock inside her as she rode out the intense pleasure she felt from the initial penetration and whimpered with bliss. Richard smiled as he looked down at her, her eyes closed and face flushed, panting for breath as she came down from the euphoric high.

He slid his hands sensually over her body to knead her breasts. Richard leaned down and kissed her shoulder as her eyes opened. He slipped himself slowly back, almost pulling out before he gently eased back in when he felt her thrusting hips seeking him. Resting on his forearms by her shoulders, he started to pump in and out with long, slow strokes that had Kristine grasped tighter onto the rug. Kristine’s legs spread the little bit wider; the inside of her thighs slid against Richard and let heat spread between them.

Richard’s warm, filling cock slid outward again and then back in. Each time was teasingly slow to Kristine and Richard smiled as he watched her slender body writhe under his. Each thrust accompanied a gentle groan of under contentment from both the prince and the soon-to-be princess.

“Ugn…Rick…Hmmm…ughhh…ughnnnnn” Kristine sighed.

She let go of the sheets and ran her hands over Richard’s biceps. Suddenly, two intense beams of white light shot from Kristine’s eyes into Richard’s eyes. They linked completely and didn’t stop moving.

“Kris…aghhh…aghn….aghnnnnn…Kris,” Richard said.

Richard leaned down, both pressing their bodies together as their mouths joined. They kissed passionately, never stopping the primal ruts of their bodies and moaning into each other’s mouths. When the mounting heat within her began to burn, Richard felt it through her, through his awareness that focused on her; he could feel everything because of his touches.



“God…uhhnnnn…ughnnnnn…so good…ughnnnnn,” they moaned together.

Richard knew he couldn’t last much longer and picked up the pace. Kristine matched him thrust for thrust, raising and lowering her pelvis as the hard length filled her and then withdrew. Richard’s groin started to bump again Kristine’s clit, she nearly shrieked at the electric fire that raced through her core and instinctually she shifted under him to feel it again as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his body.

Richard realized they were hitting her spot and did his best to keep up with her as she went wild beneath him, they were both caught up in each other and gave themselves over to the animal passions that had a hold on that that wasn’t letting go. The fierce grip of her trembling tunnel and Kristine’s cries of ecstasy as she moved on his pole were more than he could withstand, Kristine used the additional leverage of her legs behind his butt to increase his thrusts. With the time bubble around the room, they could scream enough to alert the planet but no one could hear.

They moved together, rutting away, moving in and out to let the continuous fire burn through their bodies.

“Ughhnnnn…yesss…Rick…Rick…hnnmmmm…ughnnnn,” Kristine sighed.

“Kristine…GHnnn…ghnnnn…ghnnnnn…GHNNNN…KRIS…GHHhnnnna,” Richard moaned.

Richard forced himself down into her, into her, and held her hands tightly, going deep into her body as he could. He pumped his seed into her willing body.


“OH GOD RICK…OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Kristine screamed as her orgasm hit, both coming together.

They held each other tightly; only their hands moved as they slightly caressed each other until they looked up and into each other’s eyes. “I love you.” They both said together and smiled. They snuggled together, wrapping themselves up in each other.

Kristine and Richard lay in bed. The gold sheets barely covered their bodies with Kristine’s exposed leg draped over Richard’s legs. Their hands slowly caressed each other as the beaming light from their eyes died down. Richard guided his hand down Kristine’s soft body to her hand. Their fingers locked and their hands glowed softly for a moment.

Their fully restored link bonded their thoughts and Kristine used her powers to follow all those thoughts back to the dark places Verask opened. She gave herself to him, pushing every positive thought and emotion she had through his mind to overcome the negatives. Still, it wasn’t that easy.

The memory and guilt of what happened would always be with Richard. Today just helped him cope with it, to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. There was still the rest of his life to deal with the remaining fallout.

Cleaned, dressed and fully refreshed, Kristine walked with Richard back into the throne room. As they passed the door, Isabel put her hand on Max’s shoulder. He turned away from the screens to his sister and followed her line of sight straight to Richard. The young prince looked down at the floor, refusing to look up at any of his family.

Max and Liz marched right over to him. Richard felt their approach and gulped. He saw their feet stop inches from him and he blinked, slowly lifting his head. Almost immediately, both Max and Liz wrapped their arms around their son. Liz looked over to Kristine and mouthed, “Thank you”, to her.

“Are you okay?” Max asked.

“No, but I’m better,” Richard said, glancing at Kristine. “At least, a little.”

Richard saw his family move in, each happy beyond belief to have him back and each hugged him. Then he saw his little brother and sisters.

“Hi Rick,” Mark said.

“Hi you three. I think I you for me being back. Going to the Council, that was dangerous,” Richard said.

“It was you,” Kara said.

Richard pulled his siblings close and they all smiled.

“How did you even know about them...when did you get your powers?” Richard asked.

“A while back but only when we’re together can we do big stuff,” Mark said.

“For now,” Joanne said.

“And apparently they’ve also visited the island. When we’ve been there,” Kristine said.

“Uh...not good. How much have they...?” Richard asked.

“Everything,” Kristine said.

“We kind of left when things got really interesting,” Kara said.

“More like disturbing,” Mark said.

“So, what do we do now?” Isabel asked.

“We kill Verask,” Richard said.

No one missed the tone in Richard’s voice – pure hatred, revenge. Within moments he turned and marched out of the throne room. His departure resulted in a shield forming around all the entrances and exits. Kristine could follow, the others couldn’t.

Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 12 - 21 Oct

Post by Tharos »


Richard left the palace and walked straight out to the dragons, with a little help from his powers he cut out a mile or two. The large reptiles rested in the field, their snake-like bodies slithered in the grass. Each stopped moving when they sensed Richard’s approach and turned to face the prince.

“Thank you,” Richard said.

The dragons bowed their heads. They looked up just as Kristine approached.

“You walked really fast,” Kristine said.

“You’re out of breath?” Richard asked.

“It’s a long way and I didn’t think you’d zap yourself out here before I caught up,” Kristine said.

Richard suddenly felt very bad, “oh, sorry. I guess I got a little single minded there,” he said.

“Yes, now why are we with the really big dragons? Which, by the way, is seriously cool,” Kristine said.

“It’s time,” Richard said.

“Time? Time for what?” Kristine asked.

Richard turned to her and Kristine worried when she saw the look in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“Rick? Rick no,” Kristine said.

Richard stepped forward and closed his eyes. His entire body glowed with light so bright, it even forced Kristine to close her eyes. The light generated by his body changed colour, shifting between the colours of the dragons. He lifted off from the ground and hovered, the change of colour quickened.

Kristine recoiled; her body illuminated by the light as she fell to her knees and tried to crawl back. She tried to watch, to take small glances at Richard but even those few attempts caused pain unlike anything she had felt. Around her, grass, bushed and plants all died. They weren’t burnt, it was as though the very life was sucked from them. Kristine felt the same happening to her, had she not taken Richard as a lover resulting in her body evolving she would have died the moment he started.

Likewise, the dragons remained unaffected. All they did was glare at Richard, his light reflecting off their eyes. Suddenly and with a violent crash that shook the city, Richard was gone. He split himself, where he floated coloured orbs of light hung in the air and flew off to the dragons.

The orbs entered through their mouths, the light passed down their bodies until it faded. Kristine could look up and she saw the beasts writhe in pain on the ground. Their heads arched back, at an almost impossible angle as their roars echoes over the city. All of a sudden, their eyes turned white and they collapsed onto the ground.

Slowly the orbs of light crept out of the dragons and lifted off into the sky. Kristine stepped up to the nearest dragon and rested her hand on its scales. She felt the subtle movement and sighed with relief. The dragons slept soundly.

“Kris,” Richard said.

Kristine turned around. Richard stood, unsteady on his feet he moved back and forth slightly. He fell forward and Kristine caught him. She helped ease him onto the ground and lay him on her back.

“Rick, what did you do?” Kristine asked.

“Ouch,” Richard struggled to say.

Kristine put her hand over Richard’s heart and closed her eyes. She funnelled her energy into Richard, not a lot, just enough to give him more strength. Still, it took a few minutes for him to absorb it so she returned them both to the palace.

Richard’s shield preventing his family from leaving collapsed when he did. When Kristine returned them both to the palace, they were on the verge of leaving. Richard’s light show earned a lot of attention. With their appearance back inside the throne room, the family stood around the pair of young lovers. Moments later, Richard’s eyes snapped open.

“Rick?” Ziala asked.

“Yes?” Richard asked.

“Just what exactly did you do with my dragons?” Ziala asked.

The entire family looked at her.

“Your dragons?” Jarel asked.

“Well I was instrumental in them being born,” Ziala said.

“You’re not keeping them as pets,” Rath said.

Ziala looked disappointed but then this wasn’t exactly the first time the word ‘no’ had been used in relation to her menagerie of pets that she cared for.

“I just want to know what he did,” Ziala said.

“Damn near killed himself is what he did,” Kristine said.

She hoped what she did for Richard pushed those thoughts from his mind, at the very least locked them away in that dark corner with the instincts Verask let loose. Now she wasn’t so sure. Kristine reached down and clasped his hand with hers as her other hand softly stroked his forehead.

“I did more than that,” Richard said.

Richard closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He glowed, Kristine’s energy spread throughout his body and restored him. Right afterward he hopped up onto his feet like nothing had happened.

“The dragons are sleeping. They’ll wake soon,” Richard said.

“What did you do?” Liz asked.

“The same thing that was done to you,” Richard said. “When Phoenix created you, he grafted his own DNA into the mix. You know, when Grandma and Grandpa...you know.”

“Rick...images,” Katherine complained.

“Anyway, he made you part Omniriad. I did the same. I duplicated a piece of my DNA that came from Phoenix and bonded it into the dragons. They need more juice if they’re going to take on Verask again,” Richard said.

“But that would mean...” Isabel said.

“The Omniriad equivalent of dragons...Phoenix dragons,” Liz said.

“Oooh... fiery,” Ziala said.

“Mom, dad...would you be overly concerned if I used my full powers?” Richard asked.

“Why would you think we would have a problem?” Max asked.

“No...I mean the powers that Phoenix trained you to train me not to use,” Richard said.

“Whoa, Rick...bad idea,” Kristine said.

“Rick, Phoenix taught us those things to protect you and everyone around you,” Liz said.

“That and it’s an Uber-bad idea,” Kristine said.

Max and Liz looked back and forth between the pair. “You’re talking about something specific,” Max said.

“Yes,” Richard said.

“How risky?” Liz asked.

“Like end of the world risky,” Kristine said. “We’re not that desperate Rick. I know you want him gone. I can feel how much you hate what happened to you but you can’t do something like this.”

“Yes I can,” Richard said.

“If you think I’m going to let you go on some kind of revenge kick you’ve got another thing coming,” Kristine said.

“And she is only the first block you’d have to get through,” Liz said. Her arms crossed and she looked adamant.

“He’s got to go down,” Richard said.

“And he will,” Liz said.

A massive flash of light penetrated the windows causing everyone turned and looked outside. The dragons woke and took off into the sky. Each one circled the palace. Although they appeared the same as they did before, they left fire in their wake and even appeared to have massive wings of pure energy.

In the palace, Richard watched and held Kristine’s hand. The beams of light illuminated the sky as far as they could see and all over the city, the people bowed before the ancient beasts.

“On Old Antar, those dragons bonded themselves with our ancestors. Antarians absorbed their energy and sparked an evolution that caused our powers. They beat Verask and sealed him away but he’s had a long time to adapt to them. Now they will kick his ass,” Richard said.

The family grew closer to the window and watched as the dragons rose up. Their scales glistened with a fiery blew light and their eyes glowed gold. Richard stepped forward, passing through the window as though it wasn’t there and he floated toward the dragons. Each bowed before him and recognised the Omniriad within him. Richard glowed and shot off up into the sky with the dragons following close behind.

The force of them leaving the atmosphere of New Antar sent a blue shockwave over the entire planet.

“He’s not going to take on Verask by himself is he?” Ziala asked.

“If you were him and that pissed, what would you do?” Philip said.

“Go on a severe revenge kick,” Kristine said. “But he’s not doing this himself. Not if I have anything to do with it.”

Kristine clicked her fingers and everyone vanished in a flash of light.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 13 - 24 Nov

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 14

From Antar to Earth in the blink of the eye, the family appeared in their estate. The press stood at the gates, cameras flashed and questions were shouted through the gates. The world demanded to know what was going on and now that the power was back on, the press were all too eager to oblige. As much as he loathed the cameras, Max walked toward the gate and through the bars he announced everyone in the Empire that a being they pegged off as a mythological demon was in fact very real.

Max told them how Verask possessed Richard, how that was overcome and that Verask was now responsible for the destruction of the Andes mountain range. To say that people were afraid didn’t quite cover it. The Antarian devil was on their planet and had already exerted power over the crowned prince. No one thought that was even possible for anyone to do, unless they were family or a certain Roswellian redhead.

As word spread throughout the empire, something else happened. Ship after ship took off and entered conduit network and from across the empire an entire fleet carrying those from the noble houses to students headed to Earth. They were going to stand by their king, their queen and their prince.

While Max dealt with the press, the rest of the family stayed with Kristine. Soon after their arrival it became clear that there was someone not here.

“Kris, where is Rick?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, he’s not here. I thought you were taking us to him?” Katherine asked.

“No, Rick’s busy. Besides, I don’t want our butts kicked by Verask and us being used against Rick,” Kristine said.

“Busy? Doing what?” Michael asked.

“Picking a fight,” Kristine said.

“Okay, that doesn’t sound good,” Ziala said.

“So what are we doing here?” Max asked. He finished with the press, even though they hadn’t finished with him and continued to shout questions at the family.

“Setting a trap that I doubt Rick has the time to do,” Kristine said.

The family headed inside. Kristine needed to access the family’s computer mainframe down here. All the power and knowledge Richard gave to her with their bonding, now she was going to use it and the Earth Granolith the best way she knew how. She lead the family into Max and Liz’s house in the estate and as she passed through the threshold, the sensors in the doorway that scanned all people entering for medical reasons sent readouts to Isabel’s hexagonal device.

The beeping caught Isabel’s attention and pulled the device out of her pocket and examined the readings. Everyone was fine, but as the holographic display showed everyone it zoomed in on Kristine’s abdomen and displayed text next to it.

“Oh...wow,” Isabel said.

“Problem?” Max asked.

“Uh, no not really but yes,” Isabel said.

“What’s going on?” Alex asked.

“Kristine’s pregnant,” Isabel said.

Kristine suddenly stopped and turned to face her lover’s aunt. “What?” she asked.

“You’re pregnant. It looks like it just happened as well. Two hours, three...four at the most,” Isabel said.

“No, no. Because I remember Antarian biology 101, hands that glow. That’s the sign that it’s happened and there were no glowy han...oh,” Kristine said.

It took a moment, she was feeling incredible when it happened and hadn’t actually noticed it then but now she remembered.

“I guess you and Rick need to have a little chat,” Liz said. “And we’ll talk later.”

“I guess so,” Kristine said. Her eyes remained wide like an animal caught in the headlights as she turned and continued her way to the mainframe.

The Andes could easily now be called the South American wasteland. Rock and dust from the former mountain range coated most if not all of the continent. Roofs collapsed, the rainforest was smothered and precious little remained intact. Verask smiled as he walked the land, surveying his latest work of art.

People saw him, walking like a god through the debris. In fact many bowed down before Verask, paying homage in the hopes of being spared. As much as he enjoyed seeing the people cower, he wasn’t merciful. Each person he passed aged and turned to dust in mere moments.

Verask laughed but stopped when he heard an all too familiar roar. From the skies, the seven dragons flew down and released their increased power against Verask. Richard followed and summoned hundreds of lightning bolts to strike his enemy. It wasn’t even as though a bee had stung him, but then none were striking at their full potential. Still, a bee sting is annoying.

“Stupid boy. Haven’t you learned yet?” Verask asked.

“You won’t get away with what you’ve done,” Richard said.

“Oh really? Done to whom, to your precious little primates or to you?” Verask asked.

Richard attacked again. His entire body glowed and shot the purest light from his hands. The power washed over Verask, burning away at his flesh. When Richard stopped, Verask healed.

“Now. That one hurt,” Verask said.

“Then you’ll love this,” Richard said.

The dragons responded with their breath, spiralling around Verask and stripping away a layer of him an inch at a time. They stopped, Verask healed and then they started again. They repeated over and over again, each time made Verask angrier. When Verask came out, he struck with a force that sent a shockwave across the land carrying a cloud of dust from the region and causing a tsunami across the lower Pacific.

Richard acted quickly and raised a barrier in the ocean, preventing the wave from reaching too far. The prince and demon traded blow after blow, on and on. Even when his ribs snapped and his legs broke, Richard didn’t stop hurting Verask. In part, it was revenge for what Verask did to him but the rest was the fact that Richard needed this creature to be as angry as possible. That past of his plan, that was the scariest – even to him.

Kristine sensed it, all the family and all the Antarians in the system felt Verask fuming rage. She silently prayed that Richard knew what he was doing and as she did so, she touched her belly and smiled. In the mainframe room of the estate, she typed away and input code after code into the shielding program protecting the estate. When she was done, she returned to the Granolith outside with the family just as Alex returned with his little newborn universe.

The glowing mass swirled and glistened in the sunlight. Everyone was mesmerised by it. A few minutes later, Kristine got a call on her cell. It was Jarel and Ziala, they had secured their task and were ready to return home. Kristine snapped her fingers and the two returned, in two was the stone that held Verask for eons.

“You shouldn’t tax yourself like that,” Isabel said.

“I’m fine,” Kristine said.

“She’s right Kris. From this moment on, you keep your power usage down to a minimum. If need be, that’s not a request from your father in-law. It’s an order from your king,” Max said.

“But I’m from Earth not Ant...however, bonding with Rick puts me into your family and subject to Antarian law. Consider it done, your majesty,” Kristine said with a bow and smile.

“Good girl,” Max said.

“Powers can be draining, Kris, and we’re a long way from finishing this,” Liz said.

“Yes, I guess you’re right,” Kristine said.

“So how is this going to work?” Max asked.

“Simple. Verask comes, the modifications I made to the shields will prevent him from leaving. Also Rick, if he doesn’t leave in time,” Kristine said.

“Why?” Liz asked.

“Because anyone with an Omniriad energy signal will be contained, which is why you, Mark, Kara and Joanne have to leave. Like, now,” Kristine said.

“What about you? That includes you now,” Ziala said.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be within the shield perimeter,” Kristine said.

“You’re sure?” Ziala asked.

“Totally,” Kristine said.

“Okay. And this is all Richard’s plan?” Max asked.

“Mostly. I’m just improvising a little to make sure Rick can get here in time and won’t have to set anything up before Verask comes. The shield and Verask’s old prison is my idea,” Kristine said.

“What are the odd of this working out okay?” Michael asked.

“Thinking of laying a bet in Vegas again?” Max asked.

“No, never again. But it’s still nice to know,” Michael said.

“Well, I can’t be a hundred percent sure. Best guess...50/50,” Kristine said.

“Why did I know you’d say that,” Tess said.

“It’s just...there’s so much about Verask’s powers that we just don’t know,” Kristine said.

Suddenly, everyone looked to the south.

“What on Antar was that?” Jarel asked.

“Someone is very, very pissed,” Kristine said.

The battle had moved from the Andes and reached Rio De Janeiro where a blast of dragon fire had melted Verask’s arm away. It took over three agonising minutes for the limb to grow back. Verask struck back by thrusting out both his hands and striking the throat of the beast that hit him. The dragon screamed in pain before Richard swung his arm and sent the dragon hurling though the sky into space.

Richard looked at the others and subtly nodded. The remaining six looked toward the path their complain flew in and took off as quickly as they could.

“Your beasts are weak, boy,” Verask said.

“They’re the last of their kind. Self-preservation is very strong in their minds right now,” Richard said.

“They would do you no good. I have grown stronger and after being inside you, I’m even stronger,” Verask said.

Verask lifted his hand, he pulled Richard to him. Even though Richard’s feet were firmly planted in the ground, he couldn’t stop himself from moving. Once Richard was close enough, Verask wrapped his fingers around his throat and squeezed hard. Richard tried to suck in air, not that he needed much compared to the rest of humanity but it wasn’t just that he was being choked. Verask’s powers, the molecules of his very being were seeping their way in through the pores on his skin.

Richard latched his hands onto the sides of Verask’s head. He released his energy and they crackled over Verask like he was being electrocuted. Verask tossed Richard away like he was a rag doll and the prince fell to the ground. His body was battered, broken and in so much pain that his head was fuzzy. Blood trickled from his nose, and it wasn’t an act.

Richard forced himself to stand up; all his weight was on his left foot. The bones in his right leg were almost powder contained in a sack of flesh. With a glance to the skies above, Richard raised a storm with beams of light coming down like rain that seared the ground.

Each beam dropped down and the many that hit Verask melted through him again and again. Verask swept his arms though the air, trying to divert the beams closest to him before they hit but many more reached him.

“GrrrrraaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Verask screamed.

Verask thrust his hand into the air and with a resounding punch, the clouds dissipated. He looked around to find his plaything had vanished, Richard was nowhere in sight.

“Hahahaha. Is the little prince-ling afraid? This isn’t over boy. I’m going to find you,” Verask yelled.

Richard appeared at the estate and ran, with large amounts of pain searing through his body, toward the Granolith. He stopped when he saw his family standing there.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Richard asked.

“We’re here to help you. Look everything is set up and now we’re waiting,” Kristine said.

“No, no, this is wrong. You all need to get out of here right now,” Richard said.

Kristine looked at Richard and crossed her arms. “You better not still be on that suicidal, sacrificial lamb kick,” she said.

“Excuse me?” Max asked, stunned. He couldn’t have imagine the word suicide being used in the same sentence with his son.

“I’m going to put Verask back in his prison and he’s never going to bother anyone else again,” Richard said.

“Oh my god, you are,” Kristine said.

“I have to end this,” Richard said.

“No, what you have to do is stay safe and take care of your family,” Max said.

“Uh, I kind of thought that was your job,” Richard said.

“I’m not talking about me and the others,” Max said.

Richard glanced around with a questioning look.

“I’m pregnant, Rick,” Kristine said. “I just found out.”

“I...I...” Richard stammered.

“I can tell you this right now Richard Evans. I am not raising our baby without you,” Kristine said.

“You need to get out of here. Dad, please just all of you leave now. I’m not looking to die, Kris. You took care of that. I just have to finish this...even if it means locking myself in that prison with him to keep him there,” Richard said.

“Rick, you and I are going to have a long chat,” Max said.

However, that talk would have to wait. The looks rocks on the ground vibrated, the skies darkened and animals in the area ran as fast as they could.

“He’s here,” Ziala said.

From all around the estate, the ground rippled like water and rose up like a tidal wave that prepared to crash down on them. The press may have wanted a story, but they’re hardly willing to stick around this close to Armageddon. The ground grew higher and started to crash down on the estate. Max raised his hands and his family all channelled their energy into him.

His protective shield formed around the estate and the earth collapsed down on it. Max pushed his hands up, the shield moved forward and tipped the soil back down onto the ground. Richard looked at his son and Richard nodded. Max lowered his shield.

“Time to go dad,” Richard said.

Richard didn’t give his family a choice and made them leave. Vanishing into thin air, Max and the others soon found themselves with Liz and her other kids back on New Antar. The only person he couldn’t make leave was Kristine. She walked up beside him and put her hand in his. Their fingers interlocked as they looked at each other.

“Kris, please leave,” Richard said.

“We’re doing this together,” Kristine said.

Kristine glanced back at the Granolith and it lit up. Verask arrived in a blazing fury that caused the tress, plants and grass to die all around him. He stepped forward and looked at Richard.

“This ends now boy. But the gift of your female is most appreciated,” Verask said.

“In your dreams,” Kristine said.

“Oh I think I’ll start with your dreams first my dear,” Verask said.

“Just try it pal,” Kristine said.

Verask took one step forward and the Granolith pulsed, activating the shield emitters around the estate. The shield formed and Verask immediately felt his powers contained within this place. Soon though, the shield started to contract and shrink subtly, slowly. Verask rushed to the pair, he could see Richard could barely stand. This wouldn’t take much, and without Richard it would be long before he destroyed the shield around him.

“Are you sure about this?” Richard asked.

“Always and forever,” Kristine said.

The two of them raised their hands.

Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 13 - 24 Nov

Post by Tharos »


Deep in space, the Great Council sat in their chairs and looked into the centre of their hall where images of what was happening on Earth were displayed.

“Such weak minds. To be scared by nothing more than the invasion of that parasite,” one said.

“It wasn’t the invasion. It was what he did while under the influence,” the gold-skin said.

“The boy had no control, he was not responsible.”

“It was his powers, his body,” the gold-skin said.

“But not his will. As I said...weak minds. And this is the one you hope will inherit the chair of the Omniriad?”

“He is young and has much to learn,” the gold-skin said.

“He will age, wither and die. All races in this council have reached the evolutionary point of being free from the constraints of their physical traits.”

“Traits that his presence in the Antarian and human gene pools will accelerate their developments. We can help prepare their race for inclusion in this council,” the gold-skin said.

“They are many generations from that.”

“But it is far sooner with their inclusion into the bloodlines of those worlds. We can help him prepare his heirs. Would you deny that we have a responsibility to the Omnriad?” the gold-skin asked.

“Of course not. Many of our races, my own included, would not be here today without their intervention.”

“This boy and his mate are their heirs. Their plan can succeed if Richard was not as injured. Without that strength they will die. We must act to preserve the lives of the Omniriad legacy or would you prefer their legacy to be held by Verask,” the gold-skin said.

“It will expose us to the younger races before they are ready. One family of Antar is a breach that we could tolerate. How many of them will come to us for our benevolence?”

“Many, I would suspect. But they would have to find us first. We are the higher beings of this universe. The first races to evolve and survive. Our younger cousins simply do not understand,” the gold-skin said.

“Are you prepared to accept the repercussions?”

“Yes I am,” the gold-skin said.

“Then proceed!”

On mass, the council changed into their energy forms and floated away from the chamber. Each returned to their own worlds, scattered across the stars and hidden from all races that weren’t at their level. Two minutes later, it was as though the entire universe convulsed. Every race, everywhere, couldn’t help up look up at the stars. Although no one saw anything, they felt as though the stars themselves were watching a distant point of light.

Max’s return to the palace came with the news that the Antarian armada had entered the system. The family went to their private ship and joined the fleet as they took up positions around Earth. After transporting down, a total of fifteen thousand Antarians stood outside of the estate, their hands outstretched and transferring their powers and good will into the shield.

Kristine channelled her powers through her hand and into Richard. The damage to his body was extensive and while trying to stave off Verask, she tried to heal Richard. She was only able to do that because Richard was using his full might against Verask.

The power of the two beings met between them, creating an orb of energy that expanded. Each time it grew, a wave was release that cracked the brickwork of the walls. The metal of the gates warped and twisted before they were ripped off their hinges and flew straight to the orb. In moments they didn’t exist anymore.

With all the Antarians present, the press moved back in. Their cameras surveyed the alien race before moving in on the battle. The record of the event was sent over the globe.

Richard held fast as blood dripped from his nose and the veins in his head swelled under the skin to become visible. Verask smiled, his power seemed inexhaustible. He took steps forward, forcing himself closer to the pair and the closer he became the stronger the impact of his powers. Through it all, the shield drew closer.

“Richard, please...you have to stop. This is killing you and it’s not working,” Kristine whispered.

“No...just a little more,” Richard said.

“Rick, we can’t do this alone,” Kristine said.

“We’re not alone,” Richard said.

From the ground beneath them, the seven dragons burst from the soil and released their fire against Verask. Verask had no choice but to change his position, he moved around the estate as much as he could. That was when he saw it, his old prison, standing before the Granolith. He smiled.

“You think that can contain me again?” Verask asked.

“It’s worth a try,” Richard said.

“No. It’s not,” Verask said.

Verask threw up his hand and twisted his wrist. Richard’s neck snapped around and he fell to the floor. Each of the dragons roared with a scream that shattered the windows. Kristine fell to her knees and cradled Richard, tears fell from her eyes.

“No,” she said.

“Too weak. Now...my dear, to deal with this shield,” Verask said.

Verask threw all that power focused by his attacks and Richard’s into the shield grid, only to have it bounce right back at him. Verask was thrown across the estate into the wall of Max’s house. He looked up, dazed and confused before searing light filled the sky. Everyone watched on as multicoloured light descended to the ground and formed into the members of the Council. Each one stood on the wall around the estate, looking down. The moment they were seen, everyone knew who they were and everyone who watched through the cameras knew as well.

They didn’t do anything but look and stare at Verask. When Verask stood, he stared back.

“No. This is forbidden. You can’t interfere with worlds at this level,” Verask said.

“We do not interfere with them. We interfere with our Omnirian cousins, more precisely – their heirs,” the gold-skin said.

The council moulded the shield more intricately than Kristine’s little playful attempt could. The shield bent around Kristine and Richard before shrinking much faster than before. Verask tried to move and attack the shield, the Council didn’t permit it. They kept him frozen on the spot, unable to move by the slightest inch. Verask launched an attack that quickly frizzled out.

“I won’t allow this!” Verask yelled.

“Too bad,” Kristine said.

Kristine stood and faced Verask before she changed into an orb of light that smashed against Verask. Over and over she did it, passing in and out of the shield but it didn’t take long for Verask to realise that he wasn’t healing. She passed back through and returned to Richard before she carried him out of the field to the roof of his house.

She looked down at Verask, but she didn’t look long before her attention to Richard. Kristine held his limp hand, she couldn’t care less what was happening to Verask.

The Council did watch. Only when the shield perimeter touched him did they remove their hold on him. They watched as Kristine’s modified shield push Verask, preventing him from leaving, and herding him into the centre of the estate. The smaller the shield became the less space Verask had to work with but the closer to his old prison he became until he had no choice. This shield could contract to a size where a microbe would find it cramped and so Verask released his human body and returned to the mass of particles.

As the shield became tight, Verask retreated into his prison. The shield closed in, covered the prison and sealed the hatch. Once closed, the locking mechanism sealed up. Each member of the council walked along the wall to where Richard lay.

“It is done, child,” the gold-skin said. “It’s time to wake.”

Richard’s eyes snapped open. His body became rigid and the shattered bones in his limbs suddenly snapped back into place before knitting together. Richard gasped for air and his pulse started again.

“Aghhhh...that hurt,” Richard said.

“Okay, how are you alive right now?” Kristine asked with wide eyes.

“There is much you still need to learn about your gifts,” the gold-skin said.

“Is he gone?” Richard asked.

“Not yet. My part of the plan is done. Yours needs to be done,” Kristine said.

“Then let’s do it,” Richard said.

Kristine helped Richard up and both jumped down to the ground. The stood before the prison and Richard waved his hand over it, fusing the stone to keep it sealed permanently. Still, it wasn’t enough. With another wave, soil and pebbles flew up from the ground and coated the prison.

One last task remained; he walked over to the proto-universe and thrust his right hand into the energy mass. A crack formed along the edge, a crack that Richard pulled open wide. For one second it felt like a black-hole was sucking the planet into it but the Council stopped that. Kristine pushed out her hand and threw the prison into the crack.

It span around and around, appearing to shrink the further into the universe it went until Richard closed the wound and restored it. Almost immediately inside, the prison started to attract rocks and ice. It became a comet streaking through the new heavens until eventually becoming trapped in the orbit of a star. More rocks came, the comet grew and eventually became a planet with a capsule buried at its core where no one would ever find it.

On the outside, three minutes passed.

The Council approached and made the universe disappear.

“We will take it somewhere safe, where it can grow in peace,” the gold-skin said.

“Thank you for helping us,” Richard said.

“We had our reasons young prince. But they can wait, for now I suspect you could use some rest,” the gold-skin said before she and the council vanished.

Immediately, their family rushed into the estate and hugged Richard and Kristine.

To say that what followed was a party was to say a high school prom is a night out. The celebrations were far and wide with only two absentees. Kristine put Richard into bed and didn’t let him leave until he was 100%, much to his disappointment she stayed on top of the covers. Still, being wrapped up in his gold sheets as all those little injuries he had were healed was very relaxing.

Max and Liz made their apologies for their son’s absence. Given everything, everyone understood. Ships arrived, carrying delegates from every nation almost every half hour. As the drinks were served, the palace catering staff felt like the moon had just fallen on their heads. So much to do in so little time and it was only getting worse.

However, despite all the partying, most of the heads of state wanted to know what the hell just happened and the full extent of Richard’s involvement. Max tried to explain it but really the only thing he could compare it to was demonic possession. He couldn’t believe he said it anymore than the people he spoke to believed they were hearing it. Everything he told them was the truth and held nothing back.

After that, the Royals got down to some serious enjoyment but Max and Liz didn’t stay long. From across the ballroom, their eyes locked and both sought out the nearest door. They slipped out without being noticed, at least by anyone outside the family.

A few corridors down, a flight of stairs up and they met. Slowly they approached each other, Max reached his hand out and brushed a lock of Liz’s hair from her face.

“Is it my imagination or has our son been having more sex than we have lately?” Liz asked.

“No. It’s not your imagination. Ziala too. Man, Rath must be pissed,” Max said.

“Gotta say, I never thought he’d be having Kivar’s son as a son in-law,” Liz said.

“So. Everyone is taken care of in the party. Kris isn’t leaving Rick’s side anytime soon and our bedroom is very close,” Max said.

“Sounds to me like there is really very little reason why we can’t have some alone time,” Liz said.

Max hand slide from her face, down her arm and took hold of her hand. With smiles and like teenagers, the king and queen of Antar ran through the remaining corridors to the nearest elevator. They were so fidgety that they almost didn’t make it out of the box but their will power won out. The two made it to their suite.

The second their door opened, Max took Liz into her arms. He pulled her close and kissed his wife. Their hands were all over each other, their heads moved from side to side as their tongues twisted around each other. Liz lifted a leg and wrapped it around Max, hands slipped around to cup her ass through her thin dress. Max pushed her closer to him with his dick straining in his pants, rubbing against her.

Liz waved her little finger and the door slammed shut. She reached down to Max’s chest and took hold of his top’s cloth. She ripped it open and felt the heat of his body. Her hands slid over his chest before heading south, she found his pants and pulled them open. Liz pulled out his dick and stroked him a couple of times, Max’s eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Leaning Liz against the wall, Max hoisted Liz up and she wrapped both legs around Max. The tip of his cock pressed into her underwear, pushing the fabric a little into her pussy but both needed more. Max thrust, hard. The sound of fabric tearing was unmistakable. One good thing about manipulating the molecules around them as an Antarian can, using hands is simply a matter of conscious will and direction. Any bodily appendage can easily be used. Getting through flimsy cloth was just as easy as getting through solid stone for that ability.

Another hard thrust and Max slid completely into Liz causing them to both grunt while holding tightly onto each other. Max pulled out a little and pushed back in, Liz’s back practically climbed the wall each time he entered her and all she could do was lock her ankles behind him to prevent him from leaving her too much.

Max reached up and cupped Liz’s cheek, she whimpered before Max pulled her head closer and kissed her again. Soon Liz started to rock her hips, brushing her clit against Max’s abdomen and bouncing on Max’s cock to meet him thrust for thrust. Liz moaned into Max’s mouth with such lust that Max sore he felt his dick become harder.

Liz pushed herself from the wall. With the momentum, Max span around yet Liz remained wrapped around him in his strong arms. They kissed long; their tongues were restless as they probed each other’s mouths. The tip of Liz’s tongue licked the length of the underside of Max’s tongue. However, despite his strength, Max couldn’t remain standing.

The two fell. Fortunately, Max had been able to carry them into their bedroom. They landed onto their bed and both laughed. Liz rolled them over so that she straddled him. She reached down to the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head. Max’s hands caressed her thighs before sliding up to her breasts. He gently massaged them, his fingers tweaking her nipples and caused her to moan.

Liz pressed her hands to Max’s open shirt and sent a glow over his clothes. They melted away, along with her panties, leaving them both naked. Liz lifted herself up and slowly slid back down onto Max’s length. Once more they started to build another rhythm, not wild bouncing but smooth, flowing movements of her hips. Her hands were firmly pressed onto his chest and she leaned over him as she moved, her hair hung down with her flushed giving her a glow.

Max slid his hands around to her back and pulled her down. The two of them looked into each other’s eyes with heat. Max pushed his hips up, sliding further in before he rolled their sweating bodies around putting him on top.

Liz spread her legs wide; Max pushed himself up onto his knees. Max thrust in and out of her as he stroked her lower legs. Liz’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, her hands stroked the length of her body from her belly to her hair. The sweat dripped down her forehead down to their bed.

They screamed together, their bodies surged with energy as Max’s dick slammed into Liz and sending their nerve endings into a frenzy. Max leaned over her, grunting away with his balls churning. Liz lifted her legs and wrapped them high around Max’s back. Max pushed in hard and deep just as he came inside her while Liz became a quivering mass of flesh.

They pressed themselves together, neither ending the feel of their bodies being so close.

A few floors way, the heirs to the throne lay in bed.

“Something’s a son should not know about,” Richard said.

“I think it’s beautiful,” Kristine said.

“I guess we only have ourselves to blame for being so sensitive to feelings like that,” Richard said.

“You know it could be worse,” Kristine said.

“How?” Richard asked.

“They could have mistaken their suite for yours like that time...”

“Ah...no. Memories like that are buried for a reason. Of course, they could be replaced by other memories,” Richard said.

“Nice try Bub. You’re having a little bit of a crash course in abstinence until you are back on your feet. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t have my fun,” Kristine said.

She lifted the sheet and her head disappeared beneath. Richard just sighed.

To Be Continued...

While i'm not a big Christmas fan, Happy Holidays to everyone.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 14 - 20 Dec

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 15

Richard lay in bed, fast asleep for the first time in what seemed like forever. Kristine lay next to him, her head propped up by her arm as she lay on her slide looking at her prince. Her other hand gently stroked over Richard’s chest leaving trails of soft golden light on his bare skin, each moment she fed a little more of the energy he planted in her back into him.

Kristine made sure it was slow and gentle, she made sure what she did helped him fully heal and not be detrimental to Richard. Through her touch, Kristine saw his dreams and she could help but smile. Some of those dreams she promised she’d make a reality.

As the moons crept over the sky, Kristine stopped and lifted her hand away when she was sure Richard had enough. Afterward, she moved her body further down the bed so she could rest her head on Richard’s shoulder. On cue, Richard wrapped an arm around her and held Kristine close. However, she wasn’t tired but she was overly curious.

Kristine lifted up the bottom of her tight, red tank top and exposed her belly. One hand she placed on her skin, the other she held palm up. Instantly a glow formed and she projected an image of the embryo nestled deep within her. Her baby. She couldn’t believe it but there was the evidence right before her.

“Better than hypersonic imaging,” Richard said.

“How long have you been awake?” Kristine asked.

“Long enough to see we’re going to have one beautiful kid,” Richard said.

“Oh please, it’s just a cluster of cells right now. You can’t even tell if it’s going to be a boy or girl. Sorry babe, but your mother’s the one with foresight,” Kristine said.

“Hey now, I'm going to be a father. I think I have the right to view my baby is perfect at any stage of their development,” Richard said.

A bright smile covered Kristine’s face, “More than a right,” she said.

Kristine closed her palm and the image faded. A moment later she flung herself around and straddled Richard. They locked eyes onto each other and smiled.

“Feeling a little horny?” Richard asked.

“Like you wouldn’t believe. But you are still healing, so anything more energetic than a little oral fun is out of the question,” Kristine said.

“Are you sure about that?” Richard asked.

Richard slid his hands up her denim covered thighs and slowly unbuttoned her jeans. He slipped his hands inside, hugging her skin until he pushed beyond the waistband of her panties. Slowly Richard started to stroke her, Kristine closed her eyes and sighed. Her hips gently started to grind against his hand.

“I want nothing more than to feel you back inside me. To rip off this sheet and hold your dick up so I can push down on it...again, and again, and again. But no,” Kristine said.

Still, she couldn’t stop her hands roaming over his hard chest. Kristine’s blood boiled but she took hold of his wrist and pulled his hand out of her underwear. However, there was still something they hadn’t discussed and they both knew it. Despite being fully clothed, Kristine felt naked without it.

“You know...my little trip to the dark side caused some problems between us,” Richard said.

“It wasn’t you. It was Verask. We all have things in us we’re not proud off. You had to face yours head on,” Kristine said.

“That’s not what I mean. Our bond was ripped to shreds,” Richard said.

“I know. I watched the ring you gave me crumble to dust,” Kristine said. She bowed her head and wiped a tear from her eyes.

“Give me your hand,” Richard said.

Kristine held out her hand, palm up, and Richard lay his hand over hers. Their joined hands glowed and the lights around them, throughout the palace became brighter. Everyone questioned it but those in the family just smiled. When the glow stopped, Richard pulled his hand away and revealed a brand new ring identical to the old one in every way but one. As Kristine stared at the diamond, she could see all the way into its heart where she saw the two of them making love on their island’s beach.

“Will you marry me?” Richard asked.

Kristine leaned down and kissed Richard, a kiss more passionate than even when they had sex. The ring vanished from her hand and appeared on her finger. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t need to as she lay out on top of Richard. Their bodies pressed together.

“Are you sure?” Richard asked.

“More than sure. Besides, I think Antarians like the parents of their future kind and queens to be married as much as they do on Earth,” Kristine said.

“That is a very good point,” Richard said.

“But I’ve got a better idea,” Kristine said.

“I thought you weren’t letting me make love to you?” Richard asked.

Kristine playfully punched his chest, “Not that. Let’s get married tomorrow,” she said.

“Tomorrow?? My dad has pull but I don’t think even he could make the arrangements or for Aunt Isabel could to a wedding in a few hours. And you know she’ll be pissed if she doesn’t. The church alone...”

“I don’t care about a church. I want you. We could do this in a registry office in Antarctica for all I care. Besides, we should do this traditional style...Antarian tradition that is,” Kristine said.

Richard smiled, “I know a lot of people who’d like that and all of them are advisors to my dad,” he said.

“So we’re doing it?” Kristine asked.

“We’ll tell my parents tomorrow morning, we’ll do the rituals by tomorrow afternoon and by the evening you will be Princess Kristine Evans, eternally beloved of the me,” Richard said.

“Do you think they’ll have a problem?” Kristine asked.

“Only with the fact that it took us this long,” Richard said.

“In the mean time, oh might and mighty, Prince of Antar, you need your sleep so shut that brain of your down right now,” Kristine said.

“On two conditions,” Richard said.

“You’re not in any position to negotiate,” Kristine said.

Slowly Richard slipped his hands up Kristine’s legs, inching closer to her heat but pulled back at the last moment. She sighed with disappointment and frustration.

“Are you sure about that?” Richard asked.

“Okay, maybe a little negotiation,” Kristine said.

“Okay, first. You take off your clothes, all of them, and you get into bed. We sleep together,” Richard said.

“No sex!” Kristine said.

“None, until tomorrow night if you want to wait all those cold and lonely hours before we go before the Granolith,” Richard said.

“We will wait and deal. Next?” Kristine asked.

“Let’s take a look at our baby again,” Richard said.

Kristine hopped off the bed and stood by the side. Richard watched with unyielding interest. Kristine pulled off her tank top, very slowly. For someone adamant there wouldn’t be any sex this evening, she mercilessly teased Richard. Inch after inch of flesh came into view, she pulled the top up to just under her breasts when she turned around quickly. Kristine took off her top, dropped it on the floor and left Richard with a view of her glorious naked back.

Kristine looked over her shoulder; her jeans were already undone thanks to her fiancé and pushed them down. She bent forward, putting her butt closer to Richard for a moment before she stood back up. Richard bit his lip and slowly chanted ‘mud’ in his mind. It didn’t prevent the gold sheets from tenting around his waist. Kristine walked seductively around the bed, pushing off her panties with each step until they had travelled the length of her long legs to the floor.

Richard pulled back the sheet and Kristine slipped in next to him before pulling the sheet over her body. The two moved closer together, their legs intertwined and they lay their heads down on the pillows. Richard wrapped an arm over her and both loved the feel of each other’s body heat.

Kristine put her hand back on her belly, Richard slipped his hand over hers but Kristine lifted her other hand and projected the image again. They two lay in each other’s arms and looked at their child.

Then the cluster of cells split right down the middle. Both lifted their heads from the pillows and looked at each other with shock and wide smiles.

“Well, twins run in your family,” Kristine said.

A moment later, both clusters split again.

“Quadruplets are new,” Richard said.

“I don’t think my body could handle another split,” Kristine said.

Both watched intently, never taking their eyes off the projection. The seconds seemed to tick by longer and longer. Nothing further happened and both lay their heads back down.

“Four kids. I think we can handle that,” Richard said.

“Yeah, well, you won't be the one delivering them,” Kristine said.

For at least another thirty minutes, neither did anything but look at their children. Eventually though, Kristine lowered her hand and they fell asleep.

The next morning, Kristine and Richard walked into the throne room and they were immediately assaulted by Richard’s cousins. All were happy to see him back on his feet. Max and Liz approached and pulled their son into a fierce hug. Liz couldn’t help but kiss Kristine’s forehead as a thank you for taking care of her son.

“Now, you’re both okay? Nothing odd happening?” Max asked.

“We’re both fine,” Richard said.

“But we do have something to tell you all. Richard and I are getting married...today,” Kristine said.

Isabel’s eyes widened. “WHAT?!” she yelled.

Max and Michael cringed and shook their head at the young man.

“There is just no way I can make the kind of plans I need to plan. Well, there is but you two are coming with me right now,” Isabel said. She started walking.

“Yes mine fuhrer,” Richard said.

Isabel stopped and turned. “Did you say something?” she asked.

“Nein...I mean no,” Richard said quickly.

“You two, right behind me...this instant,” Isabel said.

“Isabel, you’re on scary mode again,” Alex said.

“Besides, you’ve already done the planning,” Liz said.

“I have?” Isabel asked.

“Yes, I had a vision a few years back. You were about to burst a blood vessel during it so I wrote it all down so you’d freak less and celebrate more,” Liz said.

“Oh. Right. Thank you,” Isabel said.

Liz called for one of her aides and sent the young woman off to find the file Liz placed into storage.

“Well then, I guess we better call our parents and send out the announcements to make sure the whole family is here,” Max said.

Kristine briefly lost her smile but before she could recover it, Liz noticed.

“Are you okay Sweetie?” Liz asked.

“It’s just...the whole family won't be here. Two will be missing,” Kristine said.

“Your parents?” Richard asked.

Kristine nodded, Richard held her hand. Liz looked at everyone in her generation in the family and all of them nodded. There was a matter that had long been ignored for Kristine’s sake that now needed to be dealt with. With everyone in agreement, and with Max’s final seal of approval, Liz pressed a series of buttons on the side of her throne. Arrangements were made for a very quiet trip to Earth.

Across the hall, another couple were having a chat with parents. For the first time Jarel and Ziala had a chance to properly speak with Rath and Lonnie, not once did Ziala’s hand didn’t leave Jarel’s.

“So, you two did very well over this incident. If it wasn’t for those dragons, I don’t know where we’d be right now,” Rath said.

“That being said, however, you’ve broken into the museum and taken certain liberties with each other,” Lonnie said.

“Yes. You both knew we had our concerns about this relationship yet you slept with Jarel just like that,” Rath said.

“I wouldn’t say it was just like that. Jarel went through a lot of pain for that ritual thing that purged the bad aspects from his DNA,” Ziala said.

“And we didn’t do much sleeping,” Jarel said.

The sound of Rath’s teeth grinding could easily be heard. Ziala and Lonnie both cringed.

“Uh, babe...that’s an Earth term for taking someone into your bed. It’s the delicate and nice way of putting it. Probably created by a father in denial,” Ziala said.

“Like some people we can mention,” Lonnie whispered.

“What?” Rath asked.

“Didn’t say anything. Just hiccupped,” Lonnie said.

“Jarel, you once said you would give up everything you’ve inherited from your father. Is that true?” Rath asked.

“Yes Lord Rath it is. I like to think I proved that when I purged myself of him, even though it didn’t have the effect I intended,” Jarel said.

“And his lands and people?” Lonnie asked.

“I would give it all away for Ziala. The house, the resources...everything,” Jarel said.

“But you’ve been using all that to undo some of what your dad did,” Ziala said. “Dad, you can’t make him give that up. Yes it was Kivar’s which isn’t good but Jarel is making it good.”

“I know. That is why, when you two marry, when you move into his house, I will send one of your mother’s most trusts aides to be your aide, Ziala. In part, she’ll be there to help you and the rest of it will be to make sure I know if Jarel is becoming like his father. She’ll report to me for one year, after that, if you want her to return to the palace then so be it,” Rath said.

“When we marry? Does that mean...?” Ziala asked, smiling between her lover and her father.

“It means, I may be leaning, slightly, very slightly, in favour of allowing you to continue to see Jarel,” Rath said.

“Oh daddy!” Ziala said, jumping up and grabbing her dad into a tight hug.

“Oh, Jarel, for the record,” Rath said.

“Yes sir?” Jarel asked.

“Screw up in even the slightest way and I will ensure the end of Kivar’s bloodline by personally ripping off the necessary parts with my own bare hands,” Rath said.

Jarel gulped and knew that Rath meant it not as a threat but very, very literally. Despite the fact that there was no longer a trace of Kivar’s DNA inside him, Jarel knew better than to correct Rath’s statement. Ziala’s put her fingertips at the corners of Jarel’s mouth and brought them up into a smile. She then put her hands on his shoulders, turned him around and together they walked away.

The family dispersed throughout the palace. Much work needed to be done for preparation of the wedding since there was still some superficial damage that needed to be fixed. Michael walked the circumference of the palace, examining the walls as far as he could see up them. As he walked through the gardens, he found Maria on her knees, leaning over and digging in the soil.

“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Michael asked.

“What does it look like?” Maria asked.

“You’re digging a hole in the ground. Although, I have to admit, I'm enjoying the view,” Michael said.

Maria smiled and sat up. “Michael dearest, I'm here replanting this cedar tree you and I planted on our first anniversary of moving here and all you can think of is my ass?” she asked.
“Well, it’s a very nice ass,” Michael said. “Oh wait, the tree fell down?”

“Yes, honey, the tree fell down. But this little thing is strong, a little TLC and rich soil and it’ll be fine. Especially with my little gardening touch,” Maria said.

“Here, I’ll help,” Michael said.

Michael kneeled down next to Maria and put his hand over the hole she created. In a shower of dirt heading away from Maria, he considered it going over her but decided that wouldn’t be as funny as he thought it would, the hole became deep enough for the tree that was nearly as old as their firstborns.

“Thank you,” Maria said.

Together they lifted up the tree and stuck it into the ground. Maria went to the ground and pushed the loose soil back into the hole. She patted it down hard; Michael disappeared around a corner and returned with a bowlful of water. He poured it around the base of the tree and together they stood up to admire their work.

“There, all better now,” Michael said.

“We do good work,” Maria said.

“Always have, always will,” Michael said.

“So you like my ass huh?” Maria asked.

“Always have, always will,” Michael said.

“Then why don’t you get busy and rip my clothes off?” Maria asked.

“Really?” Michael asked.

“Well we’ve got a few hours before Kristine ends her reign as a free woman,” Maria said. “And if you make even one crack about Richard having a ball and chain psychically attached then you won't be getting any for at least a year.”

“Honey, you can’t hold out for longer than 48 hours,” Michael said.

Maria titled her head and acknowledged that little fact.

“Too bad you can’t go without for longer than 48 hours before you get all fidgety,” Maria said.

“Guess that makes us the perfect couple, at least as far as sex goes,” Michael said.

“Hey, when was our last little roll in the hay?” Maria asked.

“Actually, I think it was 46 hours ago,” Michael said.

“Huh. No wonder,” Maria said.

Instantly Maria turned to face Michael. They looked into each other’s eyes and she almost growled while ripping open Michael’s shirt. Maria attacked his bare chest with her lips and scrapped her teeth over his skin. Michael’s eyes rolled up.

“Hmm...such a demanding wife,” Michael said.

“Such a sex obsessed husband,” Maria said between nibbles.

Together, both simply gave up staying standing and fell to the grassy floor. Michael’s hand slipped down Maria’s back and grabbed hold of her top. Michael stretched the fabric completely out of shape as he ripped it from her body. Maria moved up her husband and kissed him passionately, the bare skin of their chests rubbed together while their hands dropped to each other’s pants at the same time.

When they tried to push them off, both had to stop and laugh as they fumbled their goals. Each separated long enough to get rid of their own pants before they kissed again. Michael’s dick strained in his boxers, Maria pressed her hand firmly against the length of flesh and instantly his boxers burned away.

“Careful,” Michael warned.

“With this...always,” Maria said as she stroked him.

This time it was Michael’s turn to growl. He took hold of her panties and tore them from her body. The scrap of silk was tossed against their tree. The two looked over each other, their breathing was hard and laboured. Michael took hold of Maria and turned her around, Maria eagerly lowered herself to her hands and knees. Michael moved up behind her and stroked her from her backside up the smooth length of her back.

Michael took hold of his dick and aimed it for her slit. He pressed the tip against her slick opening and thrust his entire length into her at once. Their pleasure centres stimulated to breaking point. Slowly Michael pulled back out but then slammed back into her. He built up a slow rhythm, his hips smacked against her ass and sweat began to drip from their bodies.

“Do you like this Maria…tell me how you like it!” grunted Michael.

“Ughnnn…I…ohh god. I love it Michael! I want….ummmmm more. Give it to me…ahhhh…harder, please,” Maria moaned.

The throbbing length in her was sliding back and forth, touching her most sensitive skin as she mated with her husband. Michael was more than willing to give Maria what she wanted, he was devoted to her in every way and long ago she’d give her what pleased her most. If she wanted it harder then that’s what she got.

Michael rocked his hips back and forth, his sweat dripped from his brow and onto her back where it pooled in the curve of her spine. Her own sweat ran down to the same spot where it mixed. Michael brought his erection out and forced it back in, he was pushing himself to the limit, his face was contorted in pleasure, his eyes scrunched up and his balls hit of the back of her legs.

“Oh god baby...uhnnn…you’re so good!” Michael yelled.

Maria loved hearing him grunt and moan during sex. Her head was drooping forwards; her hair was moist from her sweat and was hanging evenly over her head. From her vantage point she could see down the length of her body, between her breasts and saw Michael’s dick disappearing inside her and then back out. The sight filled her with even more passion.

It inspired her to take a little more action and give Michael a little help. She lifted her hands and placed them on their tree; when she had a firm grip on the bark she used the leverage to her advantage and began to thrust her ass back. Maria was meeting Michael’s thrusts with her own, their speed increased and she could swear that he was going deeper than he had before.

“UHHNNNNNNNNNN, GOD…please, Michael make me cum!” she hollered.

“Do it Maria, cum for me my…FUCKKKKKKKK!” Michael reciprocated.

“OHHHH, UGNNNN, FFFFuck ME Michael. Let me feel you inside me!”

Michael gave in. He couldn’t last any longer as the dulled sensations on his cock had reached its end. Michael spurted his semen into her body. Maria felt him cum and she was close to her own climax, after an hour and a half of him continually thrusting into her she was finally ready. She continued to thrust back and forth, Maria use her powers to hold Michael in position and wouldn’t let him leave her.

Michael leaned down onto her body, wrapping his arms around her. One across her breasts to tease them and another went up under her arm to bring her head around to face him. He may have been done but Maria wasn’t and he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her, long and hard, as she continued to move.

Maria broke off the kiss and moved her head back. She crossed her arms on the edge of the tree and rested her forehead on them. With one last thrust she came hard. Her back arched and her tits pointed forward, Michael grabbed each one with his hands. He held her naked body close to his; his dick slipped out and began to lose its erection. The two moved to each other and embraced for a few minutes. Soon, they remembered how public they were and that anyone could come around at any moment. Together they quickly dressed and continued with their work after a kiss goodbye.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 14 - 20 Dec

Post by Tharos »


After arriving on Earth, Liz slipped out of the estate in her father’s old car that she kept there. The press didn’t know it, and there were many exits to the estate that they couldn’t find. One mile from the estate, in the side of a hill, a section of the ground pulled in and parted before the car drove out and headed for the road before closing up.

Liz drove into Roswell, no security, no Secret Service or the Royal Guard, just herself. She actually thought of it as a novelty that she simply loved. She hadn’t been this alone since Max and the others were exposed on international television when they saved Alex. She was pleasantly surprised that she still remembered how to drive let alone drive stick-shift.

As she pulled into Kristine’s street, she parked up on the curb and left her car before walking up the drive to Kristine’s parent’s house. One of the neighbours, the kind who liked to look out of the window by peaking out through the side of the curtain, immediately recognised Liz and was instantly on the phone.

Liz knocked on the door, it opened and Kristine’s mother was on the other side. Her eyes popped out.

“May I come in?” Liz asked.

“I eh...oh of course,” Kristine’s mother said.

She opened the door further and let Liz inside.

“So what can I do for you, your Majesty?” Kristine’s mother asked.

“You already know that Rick and Kris slept together,” Liz said.

“Yes, I do,” she said with distain.

“They’re getting married today. Kris would like you and her father present,” Liz said.

“I'm sorry, that won't be possible. Kristine has made her choices,” she said.

“Oh for crying out loud, what the hell is your problem? You did far worse during your time at school,” Liz said.

Kristine’s mother felt her heart stop for a moment. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

“Oh yes you do. Did you honestly think we wouldn’t recognise you? I mean, having your genes altered, hair and eye colour changed. Bone structure a little different to change the shape of your face, longer legs, changed your name but that’s still you in there Pam,” Liz said.

“Pamela Troy moved from Roswell a long time ago and hasn’t been seen since then,” Kristine’s mother said.

“Come on. Didn’t you think the Secret Service or the White Guard to run a security check when Kris started dating Rick? Even when we met that time we knew who you were, all of us. You know it’s funny really. You’re daughter achieved through love what you couldn’t do after throwing yourself at Max like a whore. Just how many on the football team did you screw during High School? I mean senior year alone must have been a big number,” Liz said.

“And you and the rest of that family of yours put it up in those movies and TV shows for all the world to see. I was humiliated. I had to leave and change just so I could walk down a street and not be looked or laughed at,” Pam said.

“We did write those things. We were asked questions and every word out of our mouths was the truth. Hell we weren’t even the only people they asked. They went through everyone we were at school with and they gave you up sooner than we did, even your friends. Some embellished their stories but we didn’t. We even connected to the writers to show them what happened directly,” Liz said.

“Oh and I'm sure they were responsible for all those lies?” Pam asked.

“That’s honestly the way you want to look at it? They were lies? I’ll agree they were over the top and there was more than a little poetic licence but I don’t remember outright lies. You were responsible, you were the only one who ever was,” Liz said

“Well, well. The little mousy bookworm got some stones pretending to be queen. Max had no idea what he missed out on. I would have given him the ride of his life,” Pam said.

“It must have freaked you out when you met a guy from Roswell. He didn’t recognise you but after getting married he got a job and moved right back into town. You found a little religion and put high school behind you. Good for you. You moved on and had a beautiful daughter,” Liz said.

“A daughter who like someone else I know, acted like a whore for an alien prince,” Pam said.

“Acted like a whore? We fell in love with incredible young men with unbelievable destinies and you call that acting like a whore. Well...I guess it takes one to know one. Maybe you never did leave school behind,” Liz said.

“Oh I did. And then your son had to go and seduce my little girl,” Pam said.

“All they did was meet. Oh and for the record, Richard wanted to wait. He did want Kris to be bonded to him when she was so young in case she regretted it. She made the first move and she’s not going to look back. You know, your husband must be a saint. Kris certainly didn’t inherit personality aspects from you,” Liz said.

“And I can’t believe I even thought for a moment that your son was actually the Second Coming,” Pam said.

“He is,” Liz said. “Maybe not religiously or through the divine but Rick is born with a connection to the most ancient race. The first race this universe ever gave birth to. Max’s influence realigned the empire and many civilisations around us. An era of peace has been born that is unsurpassed in the history of the empire. This is its golden age. But Richard and Kris, I’ve seen their future. They are going to touch countless races across the stars and the empire is going to expand. This galaxy will be unified and spread out across over fifty galaxies in the first seven years of their reign. Your daughter is going to be loved by everyone who speaks her name.”

“Maybe you should throw off the queen title and proclaim yourself as a profit,” Pam said.

“I’ve been able to see the future since high school, Pam, it’s nothing new. I'm sending a car for you in a few hours. You can use the portal to reach the palace and attend your daughter’s wedding. If you send the car back without you, fine. Kristine doesn’t need to know I was here,” Liz said.

With that, Liz left the house. The door swung shut with a wave of her hand and avoided the massive throng of press that arrived outside after word spread of her visit. Liz marched straight through the crowd and went straight for the car. Moments later, she was driving off leaving the press wondering why she was here in the first place.

By the time Liz returned to the estate, the teenage daughters of the family had taken up residence in her home. It had been a long time since she’d seen this ritual yet the sensations of it were fresh in her mind. However, this wasn’t a part of her generation, it was up to her daughters and nieces to take Kristine into their family. With Ziala being the oldest, she led, and Liz wished her soon to be daughter in-law a happy acceptance ritual.

Liz returned to New Antar and Ziala took the girls down into the basement and further into the caverns under the estate. Once upon a time this was an emergency hiding place that the New York Four’s guardian set up. Now, being truly concealed and intimate, the family used it for each of their weddings.

Kristine knew what to expect. She grew up learning about Antarian rituals and after being with Richard, she studied up on the wedding ones. Each girl that entered the lavishly furnished caves, she welcomed them all with a warm hug.

“So, ready?” Ziala asked.

“Bring on the robes,” Kristine said.

Ziala already had the robes waiting in boxes down here. Without delay, everyone took off their clothes and slipped on their robes. Each were tailored to fit each of them perfectly, the hem covered each of their butts but only just. The open front covered most of their breasts but left some visible flesh as the edges came down into a V that closed the robe just under their belly buttons.

Kristine felt so excited that she could barely keep her feet still. The girls who would be her cousins and sisters didn’t hesitate in baring themselves or putting on the skimpy robes. This entire ritual involved a level of intimacy that would only be surpassed by what she shared with Richard. It was a test of her readiness for that and that of her would be family to become closer than they already were.

“So, you’ve studied this...right?” Ziala asked.

“Yes,” Kristine said.

“Good, and all of you as well know what you’re doing?” Ziala asked.

“Of course we know. Kris is about to have one of the single greatest orgasms of her life,” Katherine said.

“Wait...what? That isn’t in the books,” Kristine said.

All the girls smiled, “This is ritual is personal. We don’t want everything to be open for impersonal study by people it doesn’t involve,” Paige said.

Ziala led everyone into the bathing chamber. Kristine heard that this places was right out of an Arabian Nights fantasy but hadn’t expected this. Several cushions lay around the tub, with the white cushion for Kristine in the middle. As each girl entered, they picked up a small vial. They moved around the pool of water, each knelt on their velvet cushions and placed their vials directly in front of their cushions.

As the bride, Kristine was the last to kneel but they all remained on their knees facing each other. Kristine reached down to the sash of her robe and the other girls did the same. The human untied the sash and took off her robe, exposing her full naked body to her friends, her family. In moments, all others from the youngest to Ziala, the room was filled with naked female flesh.

“Okay ladies, vials,” Ziala said.

The girls picked their vials up again, they pulled off the cap and filled it with a little of the fluid inside the containers. Following Ziala, one by one, they spilled the contents of the cap into the pool and the water began to swirl around. The colour changed through the colours of the rainbow before eventually settling down and returning to its calm state.

Ziala looked at Kristine and nodded. Kristine stood up and stepped into the water, she went straight to the middle. The water line hadn’t changed in nearly two decades but while the elder women of the family were taller than they once were, once more teenagers were here and the underside of Kristine’s breast just grazed the water.

Kristine knew she had to be completely wet and dunked her head beneath the water. When she emerged, Kristine ran her fingers through her darkened red hair, stroking it back down and off her face.

“I'm ready,” Kristine said.

Furthest from the branch of the family that Kristine was entering, Tess and Ava’s daughters. The six young teenagers slipped into the water and one after the other they hugged their new cousin with Kristine hugging them back. Each whispered their congratulations to Kristine. They collected their vials, cupped a hand and poured a liberal amount of oil from the container.

Before returning the vials to the pool edge, they poured the rest of the oil onto Kristine’s shoulders and breasts. Slowly the six girls massaged the oil into Kristine’s skin, covering every inch of her exposed body in a thick layer making her skin gleam.

Kristine felt her body temperature rise as the oil soaked in. The sensations of the six siblings running their hands over every inch of her skin and her breasts were incredible. When they were satisfied that the areas of Lonnie that were above the surface were suitably coated they took a deep breath and dived under the water. They started on her feet, rubbed up her legs and gently rubbed more of the thick oil onto her belly, her ass and her back. The oil wasn’t lighter than the water and didn’t float to the surface, it remained on Kristine like a glue but much more enjoyable.

When they were done they returned to the surface, gasping for breath. Both noticed how heated Kristine’s skin was as she breathed heavily from the sensational contact that her friends had just administered.

“Okay, I really enjoyed that. More than I should. But still not near what I’d call the single greatest orgasm of my life. I’ve had Richard turn my body into jelly,” Kristine said.

“Kris, Kris, Kris. That was just the beginning,” Shanala said.

Kristine couldn’t believe that here, now, she was becoming horny. She couldn’t stop thinking about Richard taking her body and could only assume it was the oil...or her teenage hormones, or her pregnancy ones. The six sisters and cousins hugged Kristine, their young breasts all pressed firmly against Kristine’s before they released her and swam back to the edge.

Next came the daughters of Michael, Maria, Rath, Vilandra, Isabel and Alex. Each entered the water and swam toward Kristine. Each added their oil to Kristine’s warm body, massaging the fluid into her skin. Last came Richard’s younger sisters. Kara and Joanne swam to their new big sister and couldn’t resist hugging her tightly before they joined in her massage. Kristine had been primed, she was more than ready and her body couldn’t wait for the rest.

Everyone but Kara and Joanne pulled themselves out of the water and knelt on their cushions. The sisters remained closed to Kristine while the other girls all leaned over and placed their left hands into the water. As they did it, the water began to glow. Kristine’s skin began to flush, the energy flowed through the two sisters and when they embraced Kristine again, it flowed into Kristine. Her arousal skyrocketed through the roof as she suddenly climaxed. Kara tightened her grip on Kristine and Joanne held her waist, both were barely able to keep Kristine on her feet as her eyes closed and her lower lip quivered.

“I so need to meet a guy,” Kara said.

“Not until you’re at least sixteen Sweetie,” Ziala said.

“Is she really going to be horny until she and Rick...you know, fulfil the deed?” Joanne asked.

“Uh huh,” Katherine said.

Everyone swam in, gathered around Kristine and helped ease her back into reality. Ziala circled the ground and stopped once she faced Kristine.

“Kristine of Roswell, you have been prepared to join with our cousin and brother Richard. Do you all deem her worthy of our family?” Ziala asked.

All nodded their acceptance of Kristine into their family.

“Acceptance has been given. Kristine, do you take Richard as lover and mate?” Ziala asked.

“Before the Granolith, I will take Prince Richard as my husband. On this night we will be one soul,” Kristine said.

Once she was clear minded again, albeit constantly needing the touch of Richard, the girls left the pool and dried themselves. Each put their robes back on, all except Kristine who remained naked. With the bride in the middle, the group walked into main room of the caves. There, a white Antarian gown lay waiting. Ziala presented the gown to Kara and Joanne, each of whom had a little help from the other girls to place it over Kristine’s head.

Ziala moved behind Kristine, and gently placed small gold earrings in her ears. All hugged Kristine and smiled at the blushing bride.

“Time to go,” Ziala said.

“Party time,” Kristine said.

While Kristine underwent her ritual and were beginning to take their clothes off, Richard began his preparations in his bedroom. Tonight he would be a married man, still in school but then that was his choice. When someone knocked at his door, he opened it and let the male members of his generation in the family enter. Jarel was the last to enter.

“Thank you for including me in this,” Jarel said.

“Yes, well, Ziala believes in you and you did prove yourself lately. Consider this my olive branch,” Richard said.

“Olive? The nasty things that go on pizzas?” Jarel asked.

“There’s more to them than that but it’s meant as a piece offering,” Richard said.

“Then I accept it, greatly,” Jarel said.

The two young men smiled and shook hands before Richard pulled off his shirt. He kneeled down in the middle of the room while the rest of the family drew a symbol around him. Kristine had no male relatives, other than her father, but Mark filled in for that role. Mark dipped his finger into a jar containing ink and started to draw symbols and lines all over Richard’s back, chest and arms. Everyone else picked up the small jars of oils and one by one poured the contents over Richard’s head. As one bottle was emptied James rubbed the oils into the skin. By the time the final bottle was emptied the ink markings faded away and was taken into the prince’s body with the oil.

Soon Richard was feeling the effects of the oil and his dick started to swell with his arousal. Soon, he was ready for the next part. Everyone put their hands on Richard’s head and opened a very small connection to him. This part was for judgement. They could feel Richard open his mind to them so everyone could feel his feelings for Kristine and his commitment to her, not that it was needed. Every day since he met her they could feel his feelings. When they backed off Mark touched the symbol on the floor and it started to glow.

“Judgement is done. Preparation has begun. Do you accept Prince Richard as mate and husband to Kristine of Earth?” Mark said loudly.

As he looked around everyone in the room each of them nodded in acceptance. When Richard looked up at his little brother, Mark helped him back onto his feet.

“Richard, you have been deemed worth of Kristine. This night, will you take her as lover and wife?” Zan asked

“I will take her as my wife before the Granolith. This night we will be bonded,” Rath said.

“Then prepare yourself,” Zan said.

Mark led the others out of the room. Richard removed the rest of his clothes and dressed in the white garments they prepared earlier. He pulled the pants on and then a sweater-like top, both could easily be removed by Kristine when the time came.

The group headed downstairs just as Kristine and the bridal precession appeared from the basement. The two lovers looked at each other before they clicked their fingers. Everyone disappeared and went to the palace for the official bonding, and Kristine’s ascension to Princess of Antar.

First came a little private alone time for Kristine and Richard. On the upper floor of the palace, before the Granolith, they undressed each other. Neither had more desire to see each other naked than they did right now. Although they didn’t need the Granolith’s power to fully expand the potential of their bond, their innate power took care of that, but this was part of the ceremony and ritual. Both wanted to honour that.

With nothing but air between them, Kristine stepped toward her groom and laid her hands on his chest. The two looked into each other’s eyes with longing, Richard’s hands glided down to her hips and they kissed. Richard lifted Kristine up and she wrapped her legs behind his back. She reached down and took hold of his dick, aiming it before she lowered down onto him.

As Richard held her while she moved on him, they kissed and the Granolith glowed with the fury of the sun. Neither noticed it. They were wrapped up in each other. Only when they were sated, when their bodies cried out their release, did the granolith return to normal. The two redressed and hand in hand, they returned to the down stairs for the final ceremony.

They found the throne room empty, they didn’t need to look far before they found them standing around the palace’s pool. The family, the royal council and representatives of every noble house were in attendance. Max stood at the head of the pool, he was the most senior member of the empire so who better to marry off his own son. Once upon a time, his mother did this for many of the family and now it was his turn.

“From the time the Granolith was found those of our race were bonded by it. Their minds merged, their souls became as one. Today I am pleased to unite my son with his chosen in matrimony. Richard, Kristine, take each other’s hands,” Max said.

They did so and as Max placed his hands over theirs, he felt Richard and Kristine create a pair of wedding rings on each other’s fingers. He smiled at them both before continuing.

“By tradition of our people who have been bonded by the Granolith, Kristine, you have taken my son, the crowned prince of Antar to be your husband. On this day I bestow his title onto you. You are now Princess of Antar and future queen. Please, step into the pool,” Max said.

Max let go, Richard and Kristine turned and walked down the steps into the swimming pool. Max smiled at his youngest son and Mark stepped forward with another vial of oil. He poured out the liquid into the water and the fluid, moving like it was alive, went through the water and circled the pair. Max plunged his hand into the water and the trail of oil burst into flames. The water around Richard and Kristine swirled around, not flowing down but heading up and engulfing the pair in a column of water.

Richard and Kristine reached out and held hands. Within the water column, light shot out and made it almost impossible for the people outside to see them. Suddenly the light vanished and the water collapsed back into the pool. Everyone in the audience clapped and the newlyweds kissed.

“The union is complete, the bonding is done,” Max said.

Richard and Kristine left the pool. Everyone congratulated them and the family embraced them, after they dried off.

“So, have you two thought about a honeymoon choice?” Lonnie asked.

“I was thinking...our little island. Only us fully there not just our minds,” Richard said.

Kristine smiled, “An island, a constant and unending golden beach and a beautiful ocean with a little cabin where we can be all alone,” she said.

“I take it that’s a yes,” Richard said.

“It’s a yes. Just so long as certain brand new little sisters and brother doesn’t decide to visit and watch,” Kristine said.

She looked at Mark, Joanne and Kara who all looked a little guilty but they smiled back and nodded. However, Kristine caught sight of someone at the back of the crowd. She saw a couple of faces slip away through a side door. Kristine whispered in Richard’s ear and he nodded.

Kristine walked away as the family and guests disappeared into the throne room for the reception. She found the two wayward guests walking down a hallway toward one of the portals to Earth.

“So, you come without a word, don’t say hi and then you just slip away?” Kristine yelled down the hall.

Both stopped, Kristine’s parents turned around and faced their daughter.

“You look beautiful, honey,” her father said.

“Thank you,” Kristine said.


“Stow it mom. You’ve made it quite clear what you think of this. Why did you come?” Kristine asked.

“We came because you’re our daughter,” her father said.

“Without me even knowing your here?” Kristine asked.

“We thought you’d prefer it that way,” Pam said.

“No...no I wouldn’t. You’re my parents and that’s never going to change. I love Rick and he’s my life but you’re the ones who practically kicked me out of your house,” Kristine said.

“We were angry, upset,” her father said.

“Not an excuse,” Kristine said.

“No it’s not,” he said.

“So...what? You want us to try and fix this?” Kristine asked.

“Do you want that?” Pam asked.

“What you said...it hurt me. It just about killed me,” Kristine said.

“And I'm sorry about that,” he said.

“You won't cause any problems for me and Rick? You’ll be happy for us?” Kristine said.

“As much as I can be,” he said.

“Then come on. You are now the parents of the future queen, you have to make that real for yourselves and now is a good start. Rick and I have a party before our honeymoon,” Kristine said.

Kristine didn’t give them a choice after creating a force-field blocking their original path. She led them into the throne room. For another hour, they had fun at the reception before Richard and Kristine left to have their own fun.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 15 - 17 Jan

Post by Tharos »

Hi everyone. Sorry this chapter was late but i've been caught up writing my book. It's done! Well, not done done, it needs polishing before i hopefully, very, very hopefully find a publisher. But there is one thing. Those of you who know, know that i'm modelling the book on the premise of Shadow and Light but the title i had - Moon Peak Chronicles - apparently isn't good. It gives the impression to publishers that this is the first in a series and they wont take that risk on a new author. So, i need a new title. Any and all suggestions you have, welcome.

Meantime, enjoy the last chapter of Other Paths 2.

Chapter 16

Between two newly grown palm trees on either side of a pond, a hammock swung to and fro in the gentle breeze. Slowly a naked thigh lifted over the edge and hung down into the cool water of the pond. Kristine’s toes flicked in the water, splashing it around as she and her new husband baked under the sun during their honeymoon.

Both lay naked in each other’s arms having fully enjoyed their marital liberties to the full. Virtually every feature of their island had been christened and now they simply had to rest. They may be here fully in body and not just in mind but with no one every able to get here they didn’t even pack a back. Their island was their own private little nudist resort.

“You know, I think we should take this hammock home with us,” Kristine said.

“As much as I agree, I think the people might frown if we don’t use the royal bedding,” Richard said.

“Hmmm...pity,” Kristine said.

“But there’s nothing to say that one of stately homes or even on the estate couldn’t have a hammock or two,” Richard said.

“There’s my genius of a husband,” Kristine said.

“I like the sound of that,” Richard said.

“Me too. Speaking of which, how are Mr and Mrs Evans going to handle school?” Kristine asked.

“You mean how are the Crowned Prince and his beloved Princess Kristine going to handle school? And my answer, screw them. Our relationship only matters to us and our family,” Richard said.

“Good answer,” Kristine said.

“Look, we may get weird looks but everyone knows how serious we are about each other. Teachers may frown but it’s hardly unusual in our family, besides, they’ll just be jealous of you,” Richard said.

“I’ve gone from virgin to princess and expectant mother very quickly. Frowns don’t cover it. Are we even going to be allowed to go back to school on Earth?” Kristine asked.

“Sure. For a while at least, then we may want to relocate to New Antar when these guys get bigger. The royal houses are a little fickle when it comes to the future of the family and will want to make sure you get the very best before you give birth,” Richard said.

“So a few months down in Roswell then we move to the palace. I can live with that,” Kristine said. “But, I’ve been thinking.”

“Uh huh?” Richard asked.

“Our little island here is little bare. As much as I love laying out here in the sun, if we’re going to stay here for a few weeks we’re going to need a little something,” Kristine said.

“A home...no, a cabin,” Richard said.

As he spoke the ground nearby suddenly flattened and all the trees, rocks and plants vanished. Log after log appeared, lying upon each other and stacking high until four walls formed. Soon more logs appeared to cap the structure with a roof.

“We need windows, facing out onto the ocean,” Kristine said.

Instantly chunks of log disappeared and large, protruding windows took their place.

“Upstairs, it needs to be intimate, a bedroom for us and a nursery. We’ll add more rooms when the kids get older,” Kristine said.

“And in the living room, an open stone fireplace,” Richard said.

The building reshaped itself and the floors, rooms and fireplace appeared. Each thought they had, the cabin adapted and changed to their desires. A large garden even appeared behind the cabin. Soon the entire cabin was perfect. Their home away from home, another of many but this was theirs. Additionally, in front of their fireplace, there was a large sofa that was big enough to stretch out on for both of them.

Both looked over at their work and smiled. Richard slid his hand over Kristin’s body and held her close.

“There’s something else missing though,” Richard said.

“Oh. I know,” Kristine said.

Kristine waved her hand over the horizon and three massive lumps of rock burst from the cresting waves. They were the same size as their island but completely flat and featureless. Not even a mountain.

“For your little brother and sisters,” Kristine said.

“And left plain so they can make each one their own,” Richard said.

“With a ban on anything that can let their curious little minds see over to our island,” Kristine said.

“Clever,” Richard said.

“Well I do plan on having a clothing ban on this island. I want you naked all the time,” Kristine said.

“The feeling is mutual,” Richard said.

He leaned down and kissed Kristine as his hand slipped up from her belly to cup her breast. Her tongue snaked into his mouth and both lay there, swinging in the breeze.

“Now, I have plans for you right now,” Kristine said.

“Would making love to you until we both can’t take anymore be the plan?” Richard asked.

“No. Making love until pieces of our anatomy ache like they’re about to shrivel up and die,” Kristine said.

“That doesn’t sound like a good plan?” Richard said.

“Yes but our highly adaptive, restorative bodies might just change to improve endurance, stamina, sensitivity and make this god-like body of yours into a true god,” Kristine said.

“Hmmm, always so conniving. I like it, of course we can only expect both our bodies to go along those lines,” Richard said.

“Oh of course,” Kristine said.

Kristine reached around and kissed Richard while stroking her hands over his body. Soon they rolled over, Kristine’s legs spread and Richard found his place between them. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he slipped inside of her. Together they made love, neither stopping, neither relenting and both keeping the pleasure coming without cumming themselves. Twelve long, delirious hours passed before they did and when they did, they started again.

Meanwhile, in orbit above Earth, a space-station slowly moved around the planet. In truth, this was the docking station for Earth’s brand new star-ships. All were docked and all had queues of crates lining up through their airlocks. Alex brought Isabel up into a private view area looking out onto the first three of the new fleet.

Together, Isabel and Alex sat at a table with champagne glasses – non alcoholic, watching the ships. The queues then disappeared into the ship and the loaders left.

“It’s almost time,” Alex said.

“Got to love a society that has an official launch and an actual launch,” Isabel said.

“Well some of the supplies weren’t ready in time. They’re fully loaded now. The people onboard won't see Earth for at least two years,” Alex said.

“How many of them have families?” Isabel asked with concern.

“All of them. Iz, they’re not military ships. They may be armed to the teeth but every crew member with immediate family has them on board and they’re all volunteers,” Alex said.

“So, they are the Enterprise then?” Isabel asked.

“Izzie...” Alex said.

“Sorry babe, just having fun,” Isabel said. “So why isn’t everyone else here?”

“I thought this one should be private. I put a lot of me into those ships and from here on out Earth makes their own. A nice little private goodbye. God, if I'm like this with ships what’s it going to be like with Katherine and Philip move out?” Alex said.

“I was wondering that myself,” Isabel said.

They watched as the ships airlocks sealed and docking systems retract into the station. Each of the three ships pulled away, their thrusters powered up and took them from the station. Alex and Isabel stood up and quietly toasted the end of his little project.

Then everything began to tremble. The station shook as each ship powered their engines and shot off into space. When they vanished from sight, everything that wasn’t nailed down floated into the air. Isabel looked at Alex.

“Little side effect. When the engines kick in a full force, any artificial gravity field in 400 metres are nullified,” Alex said.

The two of them floated and the champagne floated from their glasses in globs. Isabel reached the roof and pushed herself down, but at a slight angle that took her to Alex. He caught her and she smiled a smile that Alex knew all too well.

“When was the last time we did it Zero-G?” Isabel asked.

“Years and years ago. I don’t even think the kids were out of diapers,” Alex said.

“Ooh, so long. We have so much time to make up for,” Isabel said.

As they floated around the room, they each worked to unbutton their tops. Floating over to a wall, Isabel found she was pressed up against the surface with her leg wrapped around Alex’s. However, he pinned her arms to her side and then backed off. A look was all it took, Isabel smiled at him as she reached up under her skirt and pulled them down her legs. She tossed her underwear to Alex and he put them in his pocket.

Alex rushed at Isabel and kissed her. His hands moved over her body, cupping her breasts as they kissed before sending one downward and under her skirt. He caressed her thigh and as his hand moved up so did the fabric. When he stopped Alex pulled Isabel’s leg and placed it up against Alex’s hip.

In seconds Isabel jumped up and wrapped her long legs around him. Her hands slipped down to his pants and both heard the sound of his zip being pulled down. She reached inside and pulled out his already engorged cock. Gently she lowered herself onto him, taking Alex deep inside her. Both groaned deeply. As Isabel started to move her hips on his dick, Alex started to slowly thrust into her as he pulled a shoulder of her blouse away to reveal her breast.

As he sucked on her tit Alex started to thrust harder into Isabel with his dick going deeper and deeper inside her, sliding against her velvet walls. Their hands locked and fingers intertwined, Alex’s rough tongue trailed over Isabel’s nipple. He eventually came up for air but then kissed Isabel.

Isabel was moaning in time with the wild thrusts of her hips. Alex then pulled her away from the wall and flew across the room to the other side. Alex then pounded into Isabel, one hand covering her breast the other was on her hip. Every thrust of his cock brushed against her hot spot and every time her whole body quivered slightly. She bent her legs a little more and let Alex further into her enflamed body.

Alex then grabbed her legs and placed them on his shoulders, her ankles locked behind his neck as they drifted up to the ceiling. All the while Alex never stopped moving inside her. She was so tight around him that Alex thought he would pop with each thrust but he continued to hold back. Then Isabel started to squirm beneath him, her body bucked with each thrust and Alex knew she was close to her climax.


Then with a few more deep thrusts Alex held Isabel close to his body, his dick spewing his hot seed into her waiting body. Both were spent and breathing heavily. Their cheeks pressed together and they could feel their lover’s breath against their ear.

“I needed that,” Isabel panted.

“I know,” Alex said.

Alex pulled himself up off her body. He pulled his dick out of Isabel and put it back in his pants before he helped Isabel reach the ground gently seconds before the gravity switched back on. They looked at each other and kissed with passion that over-powered Isabel and made them both feel dizzy.

“I love you,” Alex whispered.

Together they straightened themselves up and hugged each other. They couldn’t help but touch each other and were eager to be with each other again but they knew that that wouldn’t happen. Soon they left the gallery and returned to the planet.

Upon the highest tower of the palace, the roof was capped with a dome but there was access. A trapdoor opened up and Ziala climbed out onto the roof, followed by a shaky Jarel.

“Ziala...Ziala this is insane and being in my family...I know insane,” Jarel said.

He kept himself low, holding onto the smooth roofing while Ziala walked tall.

“We’re not that high,” Ziala said.

“This place is the tallest building on New Antar and Earth. There are very few mountains that are taller. We’re high,” Jarel said.

“We’re almost at the clouds. We can see without anything blocking us,” Ziala said.

She looked out over the horizon, her sight lost among the scenery. Jarel reached her as she stood close to the steep edge and then he stood behind her.

“It is beautiful. But nothing close to you,” Jarel said.

“Smooth talker. So, are we going to talk about this?” Ziala asked.

“About what?” Jarel asked.

“I live on Earth. I go to school there and you have your responsibilities here. Long distance relationships may not have our bone but it’s still a hell of a trek,” Ziala said.

“I do have my responsibilities, and you’re the first among them,” Jarel said.

Ziala smiled and turned around. “You think we can make it work?” she asked.

“If I understand correctly, you’ve got a year of human school left. We can last that long on weekends and quick visits. When you’re done, I’ll take you to our home and we’ll take care of those under our leadership,” Jarel said.

“Bonded together, unable to resist even touching each other...weekends aren’t going to cut it. I'm a hot-blooded teenage Antarian/Human hybrid. My hormones are so completely out of control that I might be able to wear you out in thirty seconds,” Ziala said.

“You already have. You just kept going and didn’t notice,” Jarel said.

“Really? Wow I'm more gone than I thought. But see what I mean?” Ziala asked.

“I do. So I have an idea. I am going to request that your uncle Alex install one of those gates. We’ll connect a door in my chambers to your bedroom. We’ll spend every night together,” Jarel said.

“You you thinking you’ll be getting that lucky?” Ziala asked.

“Yes. As you said, you’re a hot-blooded Antarian/human hybrid with hormones. However, so long as we’re together in the same bed holding each other, I can sleep fine,” Jarel said.

Ziala smiled and put her hand in his. She leaned close and rested her head against his shoulder.

“Can we please get off the roof now?” he said hurriedly.

“No,” Ziala said.

“And I thought members of my family were evil,” Jarel whispered.

Ziala punched his upper arm playfully.

“When do you have to return to Earth?” Jarel asked.

“Before sundown, Roswell time,” Ziala said.

“Then, my princess, how about I take you to tour your future home?” Jarel asked.

“A tour?” Ziala asked.

“Yes. Everything in my lands ending in my house,” Jarel said.

“You mean ending in your bedroom?” Ziala said.

“Yes,” Jarel said, gently stroking the side of her face.

“Oh good god, yes,” Ziala said.

She turned and went straight for the trapdoor. She let Jarel go first but as his head was about to dip down into the palace, she stopped him.

“Jarel, did you offer the tour to make love to me or to get off the roof?” she asked.

“Yes,” Jarel said and quickly pulled his head down.

Ziala scrunched her eyes and folded her arms before shrugging her shoulders. She followed him down and took his personal ship to his lands.

One year later and the great hall of the palace was alive with activity. A party was in full swing with screens following the news around them. Tonight was the vote on the monarchy’s performance as instituted by Max when he first returned to the throne. The media were covering the hall and as the votes from the people came in, the nobles of the council delivered their results once they came in. Only one regional noble remained, the last given his relationship to Kivar, but Jarel waited nervously for his aide to arrive with the results.

“You okay?” Ziala asked.

“No. My people have never exactly been popular for the last few decades, they may blame the king through the vote. I do not want to be the one delivering that kind of news to my new uncle,” Jarel said.

“We’re not married yet Bub. We’ve still got three days,” Ziala said.

Jarel smiled and put his finger under her chin. He lifted her head and kissed her. In moments their kissing brought steam to the windows of the hall, well...almost. Rath walked past the pair and cleared his throat. The pair parted.

“Hi dad,” Ziala said.

“Jarel, I thought we had a deal,” Rath said.

“I know and the deal is intact. Ziala and I haven’t shared a bed in two long, long weeks,” Jarel said.

“And we both know how tempted you are when you two kiss,” Rath said.

Jarel relented and held Ziala’s hand. Both waited.

Across the hall, four of the newest arrivals to the family were being doted over by their mother and virtually every woman in the family. Kristine gave birth to four children, two boys, two girls she and Richard named Matthew, Tyrus, Malia and Sara with Malia the oldest and heir to the crown after her dad, Richard.

Richard and Kristine couldn’t take their eyes off any of them as their tiny hands waved in the air. Max and Liz looked at their grandkids and smiled, Max placed his hand on his son’s shoulder.

“How does it feel?” Max asked.

“Eh...I could look over every inch of this universe and not find the words,” Richard said.

“Yeah, that about covers it. And how are you doing?” Liz asked Kristine.

“Adamant that a certain person isn’t coming near me ever again,” Kristine said.

Max and Liz rolled their eyes. They remembered well when Liz said that on the day Richard was born. It didn’t last.

“I give them two days,” Liz whispered.

“You’re on,” Max said.

Across the hall, Max saw Jarel’s aide enter the hall. Jarel saw him as well and stood up straight. Ziala kissed his cheek for luck and Jarel went off to speak with his aide. The older man presented his lord with a pad and Jarel switched it on. He read the results. The entire palace was watching the young man read through the data before reaching the top-sheet results.

Jarel handed the pad to his aide, who handed it to Max’s senior aide. He plugged it into the system and the information began to upload into the main database where everyone could see it.

Jarel walked down the centre of the room, Max and Liz each took their place on their thrones while Richard and Kristine stood by Max’s throne. Their younger brother and sisters stood to the side of Liz’s throne. On one knee Jarel knelt before the thrones.

“Your Majesties. I who speak for my people carry their word and intent,” Jarel said.

“And what is their word?” Max asked.

He may have hated the protocol but he still kept with it.

“By a majority of 78%, my people...consent to the continuation of your rule,” Jarel said.

The entire palace clapped their approval and bowed before their king. Jarel’s result was by no mean the highest of the nobles but it was far better than they expected. In moments the computer finished correlating the data and calculated that Max received 91.5% approval of his people.

Jarel stood once again, bowed, and returned to Ziala. From then on out the party really kicked in to full force. Liz then had a smile on her face, a smile Max recognised. She left the hall and went out into the garden. Max knew she was having another vision of their descendants and liked to view them in private. He’d join her soon.

First thought, Max walked from his throne to the nobles who’d gathered in a circle. One by one he took their hands and they bowed to him.

Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 15 - 17 Jan

Post by Tharos »


In Richard and Kristine’s royal suite, they sat on the floor with their legs crossed and their children between them. Both had rattles in their hands and shaking them above their faces. There was a knock on the door and Max entered, with a bottle of very old whiskey.

“Hi dad. And what’s with the bottle. No one on this planet drinks Earth alcohol. They can’t take it,” Richard said.

“We need to talk and I want you both drunk enough to miss me when you try to kill me,” Max said.

Kristine and Richard looked at each other, the stopped shaking the rattles and looked up at the king before they picked their children up. They walked over to Max and stared at the nervous king.

“Dad?” Richard asked.

“So how are they? They look great,” Max said.

“Changing subject,” Kristine whispered.

“This is bad,” Richard said.

“How about I pour us each a glass and let’s get hammered?” Max asked.

“A glass?” Kristine asked.

“Not a sip? This is really bad. This isn’t that Second Coming thing again. I know there are still people out there who believe it and their groups are going but...,” Richard said.

“Okay, I'm just going to say it. Richard, Kristine, Liz and I are retiring. Congratulations, you’re the new king and queen,” Max said. “I’ll be running away now.”

“WHAT?” Both asked.

“Why?” Kristine said.

“Dad, you’ve got years ahead of you,” Richard said.

“And I’ve ruled for years, twice. Once as Zan before Kivar and the other as myself. We’re in a golden age; at least that’s what people are calling it. This is a new time for our people and it’s time for some fresh blood on those chairs,” Max said.

“Dad, we can’t do this. I mean...agh,” Richard said.

“Of course you can. You’ve been raised for this. Every part of your education has been preparing you to be king. Believe me, you’re more ready than I was,” Max said.

“Holy shit,” Richard said.

“Hey, language!” Kristine said. She tilted her eyes down to their children, warning her husband about the superior mental capacity and memory they no doubt inherited from their father.

“Oh sorry,” Richard said.

“When is this happening?” Max asked.

“The staff is working on a statement just now. We’ll get everything ready and your mother and I plan on spending a month down in Roswell. Maybe the day after tomorrow,” Max said.

Richard gulped and looked down at his children. He nodded and looked at his dad. “Okay. I'm ready,” he said.

Max smiled and hugged his son. “You’ll do great,” he said.

Downstairs, Max walked out into the garden where his wife sat watching the birds. In her hands was her journal that she scribbled away in.

“I haven’t seen you write in that for a while,” Max said.

“Well I figured it might help to write a few things down. Help out the future generations whenever we can. Besides, you never know how history will make out all of our lives. This will keep them straight...I hope,” Liz said.

“Well. I told him,” Max said.

“And the building’s still standing. Wow,” Liz said.

“Fatherhood has mellowed him,” Max said.

“Yeah, right,” Liz said.

“We’re almost done,” Max said.

“You make it sound like we’re dying. Max, we’re retiring and spending time down on Earth with our parents. Oh by the way, we’ve got a parent/teacher conference in a week,” Liz said.

“Well, that’s what we get for letting the other kids go to Roswell High,” Max said.

“They wanted to go and we couldn’t very well say no after letting Richard and the others go,” Liz said.

“Think about it. You, me and a nice little estate out by crystal lake. Nobody around for miles and that’s after a month of dodging press on Earth,” Max said.

“Hmm...” Liz sighed, leaning against Max.

“No aides, no politics, just visits from the family,” Max said.

“Oh stop. You’ll make me think we’ll be able to go skinny-dipping in the lake,” Liz said.

“Who knows, we might have a shield around the estate keeping any press out completely. One that gives warning when we’re going to have visitors,” Max said.

“Seriously? We can actually enjoy ourselves outside of our suite?” Liz asked.

“Only the best for my wife,” Max said.

He kissed her, Liz closed her journal and hand-in-hand they walked into the palace. Together they toured every floor before making their way to the lounge where they spent time with the rest of their generation. All were envious of their retirement, and something they planned to do as soon as they could but some of their responsibilities couldn’t be passed on just yet.

The announcement was made, the people accepted but they did protest. They didn’t want to see their beloved king and queen step away from the throne but they certainly couldn’t stop them. Nor did they want to. Young though he was, Richard was ready to take the throne and like his parents, he had been through some hard times of late.

Max walked around the Granolith on the top floor in the palace. His hand glided over the smooth black surface and felt the vibrant hum of the ancient device. Liz came in and joined him waved her hand. From the blue floor a bench formed and rose up for them to sit on.

“How are they?” Max asked.

“They’re fine. They’re getting ready for the anointment ritual,” Liz said.

“How many times has Kris tried to relax him?” Max asked.

“The twelfth bout of grunts stopped about four minutes ago and I think it’s Richard that’s trying to relax her,” Liz said.

“I’ve been thinking about the old Granolith Chamber down on Earth. I don’t think we’ve been there in nearly a decade,” Max said.

“I know. Not since we showed the kids,” Liz said.

“I think we should spend some time there. Just the two of us. We can camp out and be completely alone,” Max said.

“Afraid not. The Roswell Tourist Trust took over the site five years ago. It’s one of their biggest hits after the Crash, the school, the odd person trying to get a sneak peak at our parent’s houses, the New York Pod Chamber and the estate,” Liz said.

“Really? Damn,” Max said.

“Still, I think arrangements can be made. After all, they may look after it but it does belong to us,” Liz said.

Max smiled and took hold of his wife’s hand. They looked into each other’s eyes, Max held the side of her face and brought her in for a kiss. Max and Liz held and caressed each other. Max m lay her down on the surface of the bench.

Max was hard as a rock and quickly divested Liz of her dress before removing his own clothes. Max was delighted to see she wasn’t wearing underwear today. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. Their hands caressed every inch of skin but then Liz pushed herself up and put Max onto his back. Liz grabbed his dick and stroked him a couple of times before she moved up and straddled his waist. Max put his hands on Liz’s thighs as she raised her hips up and put his dick at her opening.

The couple locked eyes as Liz lowered her body and took him inside her. Liz tipped her head back, her mouth opened wide as she felt him fill her again. Liz placed her hands on Max’s chest and she started rocking her hips, moving her sex around his dick. Both were getting into it but it wasn’t as slow and tender as it was before. Their son was on the way up and knew he was close. Max wanted to expel his seed into Liz and she only wanted it inside her body.

“UHGHNNNNN….” Liz groaned.

Liz was continuing to ride Max and his dick. She was sliding on and off his dick, taking him deep within her. Max reached up and held her breasts, massaging them and playing with her nipples. Liz ran her hands over his chest as they rocked together. Max looked down and watched as his dick disappeared and reappeared from her body.

“Ughnnn…oh god Max…” Liz groaned


“Give it to me Max…ugnnnnn…please….”





“UGHNNNNNNNNN YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” They cried together, Max shot his seed into his wife.

Liz collapsed on top of Max and they held each other close. Liz eased herself off Max and together they stood from the bench. When they heard their son and Kristine climb the stairs into the chamber, both rushed for their clothes. Liz pulled her dress on over her head and Max threw on his clothes as quickly as he could.

Richard and Kristine arrived barely seconds after Liz straightened her dress, still the two hyper-aware teens knew what had just happened. Kristine simply held Richard’s hand tighter, telling him to move it from his mind, that and they’d be doing the exact same thing.

“Are you ready?” Max asked.

“As ready as I can be. I’ll make you proud dad,” Richard said.

“You don’t need to. I’ve always been proud of you,” Max said.

“We’ve both been proud,” Liz said.

“So, you’ve gotten in enough...practice. I guess it’s time,” Max said.

“Practice, is that what it’s being called these days?” Kristine asked with a smile.

“Kristine,” Richard said.

“What? Is it my fault Antarians put sex as a key aspect of their rituals? I'm just fully incorporating myself into my adoptive culture,” Kristine said with a smile.

“Perfectly reasonable and understandable given that I did the same thing,” Liz said.

“Uh...women,” Max and Richard said.

“Gotta love ‘em,” Max said.

“It’s a good thing you finished that sentence right,” Liz said.

“Ditto,” Kristine said.

“So,” Max said.

From under his shirt, Max pulled out the second symbol of Antarian noble power. The amulet carried etchings of ancient Antarian lettering along the edge. Max pulled it from around his neck. Max held it flat in the palm of his hand; Richard placed his hand over it.

“Richard, my son and heir to the throne. My time is done, yours begins,” Max said.

“I ascend to the throne. All those of Antar, I will protect and rule with the power, wisdom and light you have given me,” Richard said.

The amulet glowed, both removed their hands and the amulet floated in mid-air. The amulet approached Richard and slammed into his chest without causing even the slightest blemish on his skin. The chain lifted and moved over his head before the Troken appeared. While descended versions were in every home of Earth and New Antar, this ancient computer, the prototype built by Alex and sent back through time arrived to anoint the new king.

“I haven’t seen that in a long time,” Max said.

Richard knelt before the gold pyramid and rested his hand upon the etching of the all-seeing eye. Richard said his name and the Troken began to glow. The Royal seal passed from Max into his son became visible. The Troken sent swirls of gold energy around Richard. Soon both he and the device started hovering over the ground. After a couple of seconds Richard was a clear seven foot above the ground and the Troken moved into his hands which he held up high above his head.

His parents and wife felt wind rattle through the enclosed space until it felt like a storm was blowing. Energy continued its trail around Richard at a speed so fast it almost looked like a solid sphere with an occasional view into see Richard.

“Ill ar Kalm,” Richard yelled in Antarian.

The energy stopped circling Richard and gathered at the top of the device before shooting up into the sky and through space in a single stream of energy. On every world connected with Antar and on Earth, images started to appear of King Richard.

Slowly Richard descended back to the ground and small crackles of the golden light travelled his body. As his eyes opened they too were glowing with the energy but disappeared after a second and he fell back to the ground. Kristine knelt by him and helped Richard stand. Liz kissed his forehead.
“We’ll leave you two alone. Good luck,” Liz said.

Kristine ran her hands over Richard’s chest, gently pushing him back until he backed up against the bench. He sat down on it, staring up into Kristine’s eyes. Richard raised his arms and Kristine pulled off his shirt before tossing it to the floor. The amulet dangled from his neck and Kristine trailed her fingernail along his skin around its edge.

Richard stroked his hands up and down her legs slowly, always creeping up higher with each gliding caress. Kristine reached up to her shoulders and pulled off the straps of her dress. The white silk fluttered to the floor leaving her wearing her underwear. She knelt on the floor and with a flick of her wrist his pants became undone.

“So much for me not letting you touch me for a while,” Kristine said.

“Are you okay for this?” Richard asked.

“Just try and stop me,” Kristine said.

Kristine tugged his pants and underwear down his legs. He opened his legs slightly and Kristine moved between them. This time it was her turn to stroke his legs, she pressed herself close to his body and her fingers danced up to his dick. She wrapped her fingers around his soft length and slowly began to stroke him. Quickly blood gorged into his dick and he grew harder.

Richard pulled her closer and sighed before kissing her. His arms wrapped around her, his hands caressed her back until they met on the back of her bra. He pushed the fabric, unclipping her bra and pulled it from her body. Kristine continued to move her hand, she pressed her breasts against his chest and felt her nipples stab into his skin.

Richard’s hands slid down, he cupped her ass before sending one hand down between her legs and started to stroke her slit. Each time she stroked, he stroked. They matched their movements precisely. Kristine broke the kiss and released his dick. It stood proudly from between his legs and slowly Kristine got up onto her feet. When she stood, Richard reached out and took hold of her panties. He slowly pulled them down her legs and let them drop to the floor.

Kristine straddled Richard, both her feet were firmly planted on the other side of the bench as she lowered herself down. Richard held her hips and felt the heat of her pussy approach his dick. When she made contact, both closed her eyes and sighed as she sank. Richard filled her and once fully sheathed, she wrapped her arms around him and they embraced.

“I'm never going to stop loving you,” Kristine whispered into his ear.

In response, Richard kissed her neck and throat. Kristine smiled, tilted her head back and let his lips dance over her sensitive skin. His dick swelled inside her body and twitched, it called to them both to get on with some movement. Within moments, Kristine’s hips bucked against his body. She writhed against him, sliding his dick in and out of her hungry body.

Richard delighted in thrusting gently up into her. His arms kept her body close to his, neither wanted to be apart. Her breasts slid against him, he kissed her and their tongues entangled. Kristine wrapped her legs tight around him and their hearts beat faster.

Her hips moved faster, his dick stabbed into her again and again. Both moaned into each other’s mouths and their skin flushed. Sweat dripped from them. Neither let the other go and eventually, Richard, knowing they had to be downstairs soon, relented. He thrust deep into Kristine and released his seed, Kristine let out a very contented sigh but didn’t stop.

She continued to ride his dick for another few moments before her body tensed up and trembled. Richard held her close and simply let her enjoy sensations.

When she looked up from his shoulder, she smiled brightly. Her sweat soaked hair stuck to her forehead and Richard kissed her passionately. Kristine unlocked her legs and stood up, his dick plopped out of her. He stood and they kissed again before dressing. With slight touch ups they removed the lustful appearance of their tryst from their faces. It was only cosmetic, just enough so they could appear respectable when they went to their crowning, they wanted the rest of it right where it was until they bathed with each other tonight. They left and went downstairs.

Kristine and Richard walked into the throne room of the palace. All of them bowed their heads, family and all. Ziala and the other cousins were taking care of the new generation. The new king and queen took a deep breath then marched forward the thrones. The crowd of gathered nobles parted, leaving a path up the middle up the room. Max and Liz were there, neither sitting on the thrones but both stood beside them. When they reached the chairs, Richard released Kristine’s hand. They turned and sat on the thrones.

It was done. One by one, the leaders of the noble houses approached and knelt before their rulers. Richard tried not to smile when his uncles Michael and Kyle, aunts Maria and Tess knelt before him. Both couples saw the subtle smirk and promised to have a chat with their nephew later. Jarel also knelt without hesitation. Soon he’d be married to the king’s cousin and he’d allow nothing to get in the way of spending his life with her.

With the last noble stood, each walked Max and Liz from the hall. The two were escorted by the nobles; their belongings were pack and loaded onto their ship to last a month. More were sent to their estate by the lake to spend some alone time before they returned to the palace in many months. It was their home after all and they still had three other children to raise.

On Earth, Max and Liz were welcomed by their parents and the press but they were able to sneak away. They reached the Crashdown, sat in a booth and enjoyed a ‘blood of alien smoothy’ together. Just like old times.

In the now empty throne room, the king and queen sat in their thrones. Richard’s eyes glanced over the various doors before looking at Kristine.

“Do you think we have to spend all day here?” he asked.

The End