Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 16 Complete - 7 Mar

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 6 - 3 May

Post by Tharos »


In Rome the crowds were out in force, while many accepted that Richard was not their next saviour, many more did not but still the fans of the alien nobility were the largest number. It was time to go home and since they were such high profile guests, sneaking away simply wasn’t an option. It had to be a very public exit. After meeting with Max and Liz in their hotel room, the four of them headed down to the lobby and out to Saint Peter’s Square.

“Uh didn’t we park the ship right here?” Max asked.

“Oh I put it back in the hanger on New Antar,” Richard said.

“So we get home…how?” Liz asked.

Richard looked at Kristine and both smiled. The police and Royal Security pushed the crowds apart making a walkway for the four. They moved into the heart of the square and as light began to emanate from them, Kristine lost her smile.

“Oh no,” Kristine said.

As her mind flashed with imminent foreboding, she turned her head sharply and looked up to a nearby window. The gunshot echoed out throughout the square and the bullet sped through the air. As the crowds ducked and started to run, Richard looked to where Kristine looked and held up his hand.

He glowed brightly and sent out a wall of light intending to wipe that bullet from existence before it hit anyone. However when the energy and bullet connected – nothing happened. The bullet continued, it shot through Richard’s hand but thanks to the movement of his body before the bullet hit, it didn’t hit his head but became lodged in his shoulder.

Richard went crashing to the ground. His blood poured from his wound as his parents and girlfriend rushed to his side. The Royal Guard ran toward the building where the shot came from. Max put his hand over the bullet hole to heal it but his powers didn’t work, not for this wound.

Fire burned throughout Richard’s body. The pain was so much that Richard thought that every nerve he had was screaming in agony. His body glowed, intermittently like a light-bulb about to burn out, in an attempt to heal itself but nothing was happening.

In that moment a new light came on. Kristine, kneeling next to Richard, began to shine brightly almost as bright as the sun. No one could look at her, they had to look away and as tightly as they closed their eyes they could all see nothing but that white light. Those seeing it included all the television cameras in the area that were broadcasting all over the world.

Kristine reached out her glowing hand and touched Richard’s wound. The bullet popped out as the muscle and flesh started to heal from the inside out. With a clink the bullet rolled off him and hit the floor, and then Kristine got mad. Her white light didn’t only look like the sun; it became just as furious as it. Flicking like fire over her body the light burned her footprints into the ground beneath her. She stood and looked to the building, through the walls she saw the guard looking for the would-be assassin but she saw him first.

Like tentacles of an octopus, wisps of light stretched out from her body. One shot out and pierced the building’s structure. It went straight for him, wrapped around his leg and tripped him as he ran down the stairs. Kristine held him upside down, suspended by an ankle and prepared to strike.

Richard woke up, with the bullet gone his own regenerative abilities kicked in and restored him to full health in a matter of moment. He sensed Kristine’s rage, and combined with her new powers it was not a good combination. Richard quickly stood, the only one able to see anything through the light, he took hold of her hand. Richard pulled her into his arms and Kristine sighed with relief that he was okay.

Kristine’s light died down, but both glowed with a pulsating aura of warmth that spread out filling all those around with an overwhelming sense of peace. The assassin fell on to the ground when Kristine let go and was quickly apprehended by the Guard.

“You okay?” Richard asked.

“Me? Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Kristine asked.

Richard looked over and saw a camera staring at them. “You do know you’re going to have a chat with your parents now?” he asked.

“Yeah. Boy that’s going to suck,” Kristine said.

“Let’s get out of here,” Richard said.

In a ball of light, Richard, Kristine and his parents flew up from the ground to return to New Antar.

About 8,000 light years away, the Earth ship Phoenix was travelling through a corridor that was currently being formed. After their mission to connect Earth’s solar system with the colonial planets of the Antarian Empire had been completed their assignment was to explore the regions of space that the Antarians hadn’t been to.

“Status,” Captain Combs said.

“The corridor is stable sir, initial formations are occurring 800 meters from the bow of the ship,” the navigator said.

“Good. So, Velicia, any idea what to expect at our destination?” Combs asked one of his three Antarian crewmen.

“Very little. This region of space is too far from Antar for any practical exploration beyond unmanned probes,” Velicia said.

“Excellent, it might be a little more fun since no-one has been out there,” Combs said.

“Oh I don’t know about that Captain. I’m sure there will be a few races, we may be near the galaxy’s edge but that doesn’t mean it won’t be populated,” Velicia said.

“And we get to be the first from our neck of the woods out here,” Combs said.

As he sat in his chair, looking out of the window before him. Suddenly the entire ship shook, a vibration built up and all members of the crew could feel it. As they continued down the corridor the lights started to flicker on and off, promptly followed by computer failures on most terminals.

“Report,” Combs said.

“We’re picking up power fluctuations all over the ship sir.”

“This ship is less than a week old. This isn’t exactly the time for malfunctions to kick in,” Combs said.

With a violent jolt the corridor suddenly collapsed and the Phoenix was expelled into normal space.

“All stop, shut down the engines and hold this position!” Combs ordered.

The pilot immediately complied and pressed several buttons that kicked in the forward thrusters and slowed the ship before he shut everything down.

“What the hell was that?” Combs asked.

He stood from his chair and went to a nearby terminal to look at the readouts.

“Sir, we’re not picking up anything locally. There’s nothing to explain this.”

“A design flaw?” Combs asked.

“Not likely. Prince Alex wouldn’t have made mistakes like this,” Valicia said.

“He may be superiorly evolved but he is still human,” Combs said.

“Yes but still,” Valicia said.

“Valicia, you’ve got engineering experience yes?” Combs asked.

“Yes captain, but only with hyperdrives. The corridor generators are many generations beyond what my people have been using,” Valicia said.

“Still, see what you can do. My people may be trained for this technology but we’re still new out here,” Combs said.

“Yes captain,” Valicia said.

A moment later the arms went off. “What now?” Combs asked.

“The alarm originated on deck 8, section 22. It’s adjacent to one of the energy conduits to the emitters for the corridor generator.”

“Get a report,” Combs said.

“Sir, internal communications are down.”

“Fine, I’ll check it out myself. Lieutenant, you have command. Valicia, you’re with me,” Combs said.

Together they left the bridge of the ship. They walked toward an elevator and headed down toward deck 8. Once they arrived near the location of the alarm, they saw several flashes of light coming from a room. Several members of crew were standing outside staring in.

“Sergeant?” Combs asked.

“It just appeared in there sir,” the sergeant said.

“What just appeared in there?” Combs asked.

Combs moved around and looked through the door. Inside the room there was a swirling sphere of light and energy. A bubble no bigger than a meter across yet it was putting out enough energy to breach the shielding of the ship’s power systems to cause significant problems.

“Okay. That wasn’t in any of the briefings I got from Whitman,” Combs said. He looked to Valicia and she shrugged her shoulders.

“Sir, we’ve been scanning this thing but nothing in the database even comes close.”

“Let me see?” Valicia asked.

She was handed the scanner and looked over the results.

“Captain, what’s that word that your people use to describe trouble…also for excrement?” Valicia said.

“Uh…crap?” Combs asked.

“Yes. Thank you. Oh crap,” Valicia said.

“Something you want to tell me?” Combs asked.

“If this is what I think it is then there are 3 Antarian vessels that have encountered this phenomenon in the last millennia. All of which didn’t survive. The crews managed to reach the escape pods but the ships were utterly decimated,” Valicia said.

“There has to be some way to get out of this?” Combs said.

“None that I know of,” Valicia said.

“Why isn’t it in the database?” the sergeant asked.

“Because, technically, this doesn’t exist,” Valicia said.

“It does exist, it’s right there,” Combs said.

“And that’s why we never solved the problem,” Valicia said.

“In that case, we better request a house call,” Combs said.

“We could easily launch a hyperspace probe with a message beacon on it. Earth will learn of this in about 6 hours or so and that should be more than enough time,” Valicia said.

“Do it. Let’s hope the young professor can get here in time,” Combs ordered.

Back on Earth, Kristine was standing on her front porch and taking a deep breath before going into her house. Her little display of power would have been played on the news by now and that means her parents would have one or two things to say. They knew well that it had been a long since the Antarians learned just how much energy it took to heal without transferring powers so that excuse was out, also she hadn’t been in any life or death situations lately…aside from Rome, that would have given the opportunity. The truth was something she simply wasn’t ready to discuss with her very conservative parents.

Kristine inserted her key and opened the door. She really wanted Richard by her side but told him to stay away for this, besides he had another family matter to take care of back on New Antar. Kristine brushed a lock of hair from her eyes and stepped inside where she saw her parents sitting in the living room sitting silently.

“Hi,” Kristine said.

“Well? What happened? How did this happen?” her father asked.

“It happened, I have powers. Does it matter how?” Kristine asked.

“Of course it does. How can you even ask that?” her mother said.

“Because at the end of the day nothing has really changed. I just have one or two little tricks up my sleeve,” Kristine said.

“Little tricks? That’s what we’ve seen on the news? That light, they were a lot like Rick’s powers,” her mother said.

“That’s because…they were,” Kristine said.

“And how did you get them, and how did you learn to control them so quickly?” her father asked.

“You’re not going anywhere until you tell us,” her mother said.

“Mom, dad, everything is fine. I’m better than okay, I can heal instantly, my chances of getting sick are way down and I have a great boyfriend,” Kristine said.

“The fact that everything is okay is not the issue. Something obviously happened that we don’t know about now what is it young lady?” her father asked.

“We made love okay!” Kristine blurted out. She immediately closed her eyes in regret. “We made love.”

“What?” her mother asked softly.

“Didn’t we teach you anything? We raised you right, how could you do this?” her father asked angrily.

“Because we love each other,” Kristine said.

“Love each other, you’re 17, you don’t know what love is,” her father said.

“I seem to remember telling you no sex before marriage,” her mother said.

“You barely ever said that word before. I got more from watching TV shows than I got from that talk, and for the record sex to an Antarian is marriage…sort of. It’s kind of a big stage of bonding and we bonded, I can feel his thoughts, I can feel him every second,” Kristine said.

“And you think that makes this okay?” her father asked.

“Look, I know this isn’t how you would have preferred this to happen but it did happen and I couldn’t be happier. I love him,” Kristine said.

“Well, you can love him away from this house,” her father said.

“Wha…what do you mean?” Kristine asked.

“He’s not welcome in this house. And while you keep those powers…” her mother said.

“You’re kicking me out?” Kristine asked.

“We’re telling you to get rid of those powers,” her father said.

“I can’t. They’re a part of me now. You can’t just pull off an arm and reattach it…well these days you can but that’s not the point. I can’t lose these abilities. And what’s going on here anyway, like 12 hours ago you two thought he was the Second Coming? Don’t get me wrong, I know at some point you would have told me to leave him because it wasn’t appropriate but why now?” Kristine asked.

“Because you’re human, not some…” her mother stopped.

“Not some alien freak? Is that what you were going to say?” Kristine said.

“No, of course not. We like Richard, he’s an excellent young man but he is only part human,” her father said.

“So you don’t want me permanently bonded to someone who won’t give you fully human grandkids. Well guess what, too late,” Kristine said.

Both her parents’ eyes went wide.

“No, I’m not pregnant. But I am bonded to him and this particular bonding can’t be undone,” Kristine said.

“Then I guess, everything’s been said,” her father said.

Kristine nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I guess it has,” she said.

She couldn’t believe it had come to this. Kristine left in a blinding flash of light, and her room was completely emptied of all her belongings. She decided to go to the one place she knew for sure she’d be welcome.

At the same time, the entire family had gathered in the throne room of the palace. Max and Liz were sitting on their thrones and Rath had a chat with them about the situation. None were amused. Max sent a message, an invitation that was more like an imperial order than anything else. Jarel could not refuse to attend the meeting. Larek was also there, he just had to watch this.

“Are you sure about this?” Max asked Rath.

“Totally. I want the fear of god in him…but since he’s not available you’ll do,” Rath said.

“This sucks,” Ziala said.

“Ziala,” Lonnie said.

“He just asked if he could date me,” Ziala said.

“He’s Kivar’s son!” most of her cousins said at the same time.

“I’ve connected with him. He’s not like his dad,” Ziala said.

“Are you okay?” Liz asked Richard. He stood next to her throne and had been feeling something.

“Yeah, Kris is upset about something. She’s trying to keep me out,” Richard said.

“Well, we’ll deal with this first then you can go and see her,” Liz said.

“Thanks mom,” Richard said.

“Your Royal Majesties and highnesses, my lords and ladies! I present Lord Jarel,” the palace announcer said.

To the side Maria put her fingers in her ears and shook them a little as she mouthed “ouch”. “I can’t believe we haven’t done something about that guy’s voice and the echo in here after 17 years,” she said.

“You get used to it after a while,” Liz said.

Jarel walked into the hall, his head held high and eyes filled with confidence. At least that’s what he was showing; he hadn’t expected the entire royal family to be here.

“Majesty, I am at your service,” Jarel said with a bow.

“Really. So that’s why you asked to date my niece given our family history?” Liz asked.

“I can’t help that. History can’t be changed Majesty,” Jarel said.

“Unless you’re a member of this family,” Isabel mumbled under her breath.

“No, not it can’t. But you are still his son, and from what we know virtually all of your bloodline were verging on being complete psychopaths,” Max said.

“It wasn’t always that way. We became one of the great houses eons ago and all five were the greatest of allies who formed the first stable planetary alliance,” Jarel said.

“You know your ancient Antarian history, I’ll give you that,” Max said.

“After I went into hiding I got curious if my family were nothing but the vile monsters I thought they were so I looked back along the family tree,” Jarel said.

Max jumped up from his throne and circled Jarel. “And what you found was that many thousands of years ago your family was pretty decent but your family were indeed monsters. One of which killed me, my family and when we were living peacefully on Earth he tried to attack this planet and do it all over again. Even got it into his head to try and get my sister…again,” he said angrily.

“I know and I’m so sorry,” Jarel said.

“And you expect us to potentially let you bond with Ziala. What could you possibly say to us that would even let us consider that,” Liz said.

“Belak. Noran dor sha,” Jarel said.

Larek’s eyes opened wide as he looked at the young noble.

“I’m sorry what?” Maria asked.

“You can’t be serious,” Larek said.

“I’m completely serious,” Jarel said.

“Uh, Larek, help me out here?” Max asked.

“It’s a ritual, a very dangerous one with a very low chance for survival,” Larek said.

“Uh come again?” Ziala asked.

“It basically uses large quantities of a unique energy form to strip away DNA. It targets key elements, in this case I’m guessing from the parts inherited from the paternal side. He can effectively erase large portions of himself while simulating more from the maternal side. Or, if he’s in the mood to be even more suicidal, realign the paternal side to track back to when his family weren’t selectively bred,” Larek said.

“That sounds a little crazy,” Liz said.

“It is. No-one, no-one in the history of us having this technology has lived through it. Well, there was one case but it was one in a million,” Larek said.

“I’ll take those odds. This family curse, getting rid of it, I’ll take those odds,” Jarel said.

“I can’t allow that,” Max said.

“It’s my choice. Besides, why take the risk that my children would be just as dark as my father. This will be like hitting a genetic reset button,” Jarel said.

“One that you won’t live through,” Ziala said. “No way.”

“You’re willing to do this…to date my daughter,” Lonnie said.

“Among other things but yes,” Jarel said.

“No,” Ziala said.

“Yes,” Jarel said.

“No. Didn’t you hear Larek, its suicide,” Ziala said.

“It is not, there’s like a one in a million shot,” Jarel said.

“That’s like saying you’re going to fly toward the sun because there’s a chance you might not get cooked,” Ziala said.

“Is it me or are they acting like they’re already married?” Katherine asked.

“No, it’s not you,” Richard said.

“I’m doing this. In fact, I’ve set up an appointment for it to happen tomorrow at high sun,” Jarel said.

“You’re not even remotely going to consider not doing this,” Ziala said.

“No,” Jarel said.

“This is nuts, you’re nuts. You know what? That crazy part from your father’s side…you got it,” Ziala said.

“Then you’d better go,” Max said.

“Uncle Max, you can’t let him go through with this?” Ziala asked.

“I can’t stop him. As far as I know this isn’t illegal,” Max said.

“It’s not. Just…a really bad idea,” Larek said.

“Are you saying that if Kivar was your father you wouldn’t go through with it?” Jarel asked.

No one said anything.

“By your leave your Majesty,” Jarel said. He bowed and left leaving a very frustrated Ziala behind.

“Uncle Max? Mom…Dad…anyone????” Ziala asked.

“Uh, I need to go,” Richard said. He suddenly felt Kristine’s presence in his bedroom and everything that happened back at her place became clear.

“Everything okay?” Liz asked.

“I think Kris’s parents just kicked her out,” Richard said.

He quickly left the room and ran to the other side of the palace where his room was. The moment he found her the two of them embraced and he held her tightly as she cried.

To Be Continued…
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 7 - 30 May

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 7

In his bedroom, Richard held Kristine tightly. She didn’t need to tell him anything of what happened, the moment they touched Richard saw everything in his mind. Richard didn’t know what to say so he opened his thoughts to Kristine and she felt the entirety of his love for her. It helped but not much.

After being kicked out of her home by her parents for having powers and sleeping with Richard had left Kristine completely stunned. On the surface they’d always been supportive of Kristine’s relationship with the young prince but now their true opinions were clear. They’d figured it wouldn’t last and that one day Kristine would settle down with a nice home-grown human. It was obvious to them that wouldn’t be the case now.

“I wish I knew what to say. I can’t believe they did that,” Richard said.

“Neither can I,” Kristine said.

“Maybe if I go down to Earth and talk to...”

“No. They wouldn’t listen. They want their perfect little human girl back,” Kristine said.

“Well...I could, if that’s what it takes, I could make you the way you were,” Richard said.

“What?” Kristine asked.

“I can take your powers away. I can make it like it never happened. Your parents...”

“No, Rick, no. I made my choice. I may not have known I’d get your powers and become like you but I knew what it meant for you and me when we made love. I want to be with you. We’re together now and that’s the way it’s meant to be,” Kristine said.

Liz knocked at the door and stepped inside her son’s room. “Rick, could you leave us alone for a minute?” she asked.

Richard looked back and forth between his mother and Kristine before he nodded. Richard hugged Kristine and held the side of her face before he walked out of his bedroom. Kristine looked around and sat down on the edge of Richard’s bed while Liz sat on a chair.

“I’m sorry. I just didn’t know where else to go,” Kristine said.

“No, Sweetie. Believe me you were right to come here,” Liz said.

“Thank you,” Kristine said.

“Now, show me what happened,” Liz said. She held out her hand and Kristine took it. Together the two women opened their thoughts and Kristine showed Liz everything.

Liz could only sigh in her disappointment in her son’s new in-laws.

“I take it you didn’t see this coming?” Kristine asked.

“I wish I had, but my prophetic powers don’t exactly tell me everything,” Liz said.

“So, can I staying here?” Kristine asked.

“Not exactly. Until you under-go your anointment as the Crowned Princess you can’t. You can stay at the estate however and you are not going to quit school,” Liz said.

“Bummer,” Kristine said with a smile.

Liz smiled as well, “Just don’t get your hopes up on sleeping with Rick every night,” she said.

Kristen blushed but could help her smile becoming brighter.

“Relax Kris, I’ve been there myself,” Liz said.

“Yeah, I watched the movie...and the TV show and the animated series,” Kristine said.

“I still can’t believe they turned our lives into a cartoon. I half expected an Acme Rocket most of the time,” Liz said. “Anyway, after you move in it won’t take long for people to put two and two together so if you and Rick are intent on keeping the depth of your relationship a secret then I suggest staying in one of the other houses.”

“I guess it would keep all those groups who are going to scream as loud as they can quiet,” Kristine said.

“Yes it would. And I’m sure Katherine or Paige wouldn’t mind some company outside of their twins. Maybe even Shanala now that Tess and Kyle have moved back home,” Liz said.

“It would give me a chance to get to know her better. I’ve only seen Shanala when her family is on the news coming to New Antar for a vacation,” Kristine said.

“Good, but I’ll ask the others and let you know. Right now, I’ll send Rick back here...not that it will take long since he’s been listening in right outside the door,” Liz said.

“Busted,” Kristine called out.

“Yeah,” Richard said. He stepped into the room with guilty smile on his face.

“I’ll leave you two alone but dinner is nearly ready. Please, don’t be late,” Liz said.

“We won’t mom,” Richard said.

As Liz left, Richard and Kristine remained on the bed but nothing happened. Together they leaned back and held each other close. Richard figured Kristine could do with a little break from everything and together their minds disappeared to their island.

A few hours after a dinner in which Kristine sat quietly despite the reassuring feelings coming from her boyfriend and the others in the room, Kristine was taking up residence in Alex and Isabel’s house on Earth. Katherine was more than happy to have her. Kristine’s new bedroom was right across the hall from Katherine’s but both of the young Whitman’s took it upon themselves to soundproof their bedroom walls...just in case a certain crowned prince shows up in the night.

Kristine was slowly unpacking each of her things, not out of a suitcase but out of the ether. She simply waved her hand over the drawers and all her belongings that she took from her parent’s home when she flashed out of there. Still, Kristine couldn’t believe she was here like this. She figured she’d be moving to the estate at some point now that she’d slept with Richard but this, it wasn’t what she expected.

“Howdy do,” Ziala said.

She was standing at the doorway along with Katherine, both girls entered and immediately hugged their friend.

“Are you okay?” Katherine asked.

“Not really,” Kristine said.

“You will be. This can all wait. Right now, you’re coming with us,” Ziala said.

“Where?” Kristine asked.

“Downstairs. We’re having a girl’s night in,” Ziala said.

“Yeah, the others are already waiting,” Katherine said.

“Guys, thanks but I’m not the best company right now,” Kristine said.

“Yeah...that’s the point. Come on, there’s a smile hiding on that face somewhere...ah...it’s nearly there,” Ziala said.

Kristine couldn’t help but smile and her friends, her new cousins, each took a hand and dragged her out of the bedroom. They went downstairs into the living room where Shanala and Paige were already waiting.

“We have chick-flicks, ice-cream and popcorn,” Paige said.

“You guys...you’re great,” Kristine said. “No sisters?”

“Nah, they’re all stuck up on New Antar. They’re stuck in lessons of protocol,” Paige said.

“Ah I remember it well,” Katherine said.

“And your brothers?” Kristine asked.

“Like I said, girl’s night in,” Ziala said.

“Tonight you get to forget about your parents,” Shanala said. “Besides I would like to hear a certain story on how my cousin, who is normally very restrained because he has to be, ended up in bed with you.”

“Oh that’s not a subject for discussion,” Kristine said.

“Why not?” Ziala asked.

“Because, it’s not,” Kristine said.

“Coward,” Paige said.

“Completely,” Kristine said.

“It’s not like you got it on in the Eraser Room,” Katherine said.

Kristine looked very guilty and couldn’t look at her friends in the eye.

“You are kidding,” Paige said.

“What is it with that room? Damn,” Ziala said.

“Okay, okay. We can tease Kris with this...you know, forever. But not tonight,” Shanala said.

“Yes. Thank you but something tells me teasing is going to be an understatement,” Kristine said.

“Oh you know us so well oh great and future queen,” Ziala said.

“Okay...don’t do that,” Kristine said.

“Well, we have movies and enough junk food to make us put on five tons of weight...if we were fully human,” Ziala said.

“Hmm...another benefit of being like Rick,” Kristine said.

They all sat down while Ziala clicked her fingers and the television switched on. All of the movies they selected were already loaded in and waiting to be played.

“Oh and speaking of Rick, my parents have this rule. No boys. And Rick has already been told he can’t sneak in when he wants to,” Katherine said.

“Oh,” Kristine said.

“Of course, if you were to sneak out and find your way to his house during the night then...” Ziala said.

“Now, now. I’m sure Kris would never do such a thing,” Katherine said. “But in case you do the gutters and pipes next to your bedroom window are very strong.”

Kristine smiled. She could easily teleport over to Richard’s room now that she had that power but having her friends telling her how to sneak out, for a moment, made her forget her troubles.

“Speaking of boys, and distractions, what’s this I hear about that Jarel guy?” Kristine asked.

All eyes looked at Ziala.

“Why are you looking at me? I have absolutely no interest in that moron,” Ziala said.

“Okay...try that again and this time say it like you mean it,” Paige said.

“Jarel is a complete and total moron,” Ziala said.

“Oh not that part. The part in having no interest in him,” Kristine said.

“I have no interest in suicidal idiots. He...if he wants to kill himself he can go right ahead and leave me out of it,” Ziala said.

“Hmmm...” Shanala said.

“Hmmm what?” Ziala said.

“What’s that phrase...oh yeah, ‘me thinks the lady does protest too much’,” Shanala said.

“That’s B.S,” Ziala said.

“Such language from a princess,” Kristine said.

“Ha ha. Stop the funnies,” Ziala said.

“Okay,” Paige said.

“Z...there is a chance. He could walk out,” Shanala said.

“Shan, don’t. I mean thanks but don’t. Jarel is making his choice and at the end of the day, he is Kivar’s son. It wouldn’t happen,” Ziala said.

“Well this is more of a downer than we had planned,” Katherine said.

“Yes. Bring on the ice-cream,” Ziala said.

“Here, here,” Kristine said. “So what’s the first movie?”

“We have lots of movies but...Max and Liz: The Early Years? I didn’t select that one,” Ziala said.

“I’ve never heard of that one,” Kristine said.

“Yeah it was made by that joke of a TV company that became CW. They almost damn near killed the stories way back after our parents were exposed,” Paige said.

“Oh right. Well we know that story...oh I know, Pirates of the Caribbean 12,” Kristine said.

“Tell me you’re joking?” Ziala said.

“It’s a classic,” Kristine said.

“And don’t tell me you don’t like it either Z, I know you’ve got the poster hidden somewhere in your house,” Paige said.

“Okay, number 12 here we go,” Ziala said.

Together the four girls sat around the room and watched the movie while gorging themselves endlessly on ice cream and popcorn. They joked, they laughed and Kristine forgot her troubles. Mission Accomplished.

Alex was wondering around his office in the palace. He was going over his notes for tomorrows lecture at the university but was having trouble coming up with a way of explaining what he needed to so that his students would understand it. As he worked away, Alex’s communication terminal started to beep.

“Receive incoming transmission,” Alex said.

The beeping stopped and a massive block of text appeared on his screen. Alex read over it and immediately got a frown on his face.

“Hello my prince. You are well on your way to being late for the opera,” Isabel said.

“I was just planning on finishing my lecture. I would never be late for the opera. At least, not when I had you, my dearest, for company,” Alex said.

“Alex, it’s a charity thing, if you don’t want to go you don’t need to,” Isabel said with a smile.

“It is opera, but miss you wearing those dresses of yours, looking like a billion dollars...”

Isabel slipped into his lap. “Hmm, gets you hot doesn’t it?” she asked.

“Better believe it,” Alex said.

“No wonder we always end up on the floor the second we get home,” Isabel said.

“That and you are insatiable,” Alex said.

“What can I say, I love my husband,” Isabel said. Then she turned to his screen. “A message from the Phoenix?”

“Yeah. Apparently they’ve become stuck in space,” Alex said.

“I thought all the bugs were worked out of the system?” Isabel asked.

“They were. I would never let a ship out of the docks unless I was sure,” Alex said.

“So what’s up?” Isabel asked.

“Some sort of anomaly has set up home in one of the ship’s bays,” Alex said.

“I take it they don’t know much?” Isabel asked.

“Enough to be worried and what they’ve sent me...they should be outright terrified,” Alex said.

“I guess the opera will have to wait. Put your professor cap on and get your butt out there. I’ll pass your apologies to the Chairman,” Isabel said.

“Uh, Iz...forgetting my classes tomorrow there’s you and the kids,” Alex said.

“The kids aren’t kids anymore Alex, and I’m not pregnant so I don’t need you nearby. It’s safe for you to cross universes without being worried I’m going to die like last time,” Isabel said.

“Yes, but then we didn’t have an assassin targeting the kids,” Alex said.

“That was one lunatic in Rome. Security here and in Roswell is impossible to breach. You have a ship full one thousand people who need that brain of yours,” Isabel said.

“Are you sure?” Alex asked.

“It’s a no brainer Alex. Now kiss me and go pack a bag,” Isabel said.

“Yes Princess,” Alex said.

He kissed his wife and quickly the pair built in heat as their tongues duelled. Isabel broke from him and said goodbye before walking seductively from the office. All Alex could do was groan before hitting his head against his desk. Afterward he returned to his room and packed his back along with any gear he needed. He went to his own ship, a private little thing that he and Isabel used frequently for a little Zero-G fun. Within 30-minutes, he was well on his way and following the Phoenix’s course.

Isabel proceeded to get ready for the opera and choice an outfit for the evening that would get Alex hitting his head again once his ship picked up the news feed. She knew the second he got back that neither would be out of their bedroom for a good long while. Isabel couldn’t wait, but she would have to.

As the sun rose over the New Antarian landscape, light streamed in through a window. The room of stone bricks was alone on the outside of the city, a building that existed because it was tradition, no-one ever thought it would be used – that is until Lord Jarel sent word.

Jarel arrived immediately after his meeting with Max and the family in the great hall. Now, he knelt in the Hall of Whispers. Each sound uttered echoed around the room and sounded like a whisper, each whisper was said to be the words of a thousand generations of the Antarian who was present. Since Jarel was here, most of those words he wished he didn’t hear but one voice came through loud and clear.

With his shirt off, every half hour an Antarian wearing thick brown robes entered and painted glyphs onto his skin. Layer upon layer of green ink appeared on Jarel’s chest, arms and back while he waited. He obeyed every ritual, every tradition. Jarel hadn’t eaten or drank anything other than water, his contact with others was the bare minimal. There was no contamination.

Suddenly the door burst open and in walked Ziala with her mother right behind.

“Okay, I know I’ve said the before but I’m saying it again anyway. This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas,” Ziala said.

Jarel stood up. “Ziala, you can’t be here,” he said.

“Shut-up your lordship,” Ziala said. She paused when she saw his bare chest, his strong arms and she felt her breathing stop a moment before her body remembered that it needed air. “I...uh...hi.”

“Hello, and might I say that is a better beginning,” Jarel said.

“Okay. I’m back to shut-up you crazy, suicidal whack-job,” Ziala said.

“Princess Vilandra, is your daughter always like this?” Jarel asked.

“Only when she’s pissed,” Lonnie said.

“Hey, I’m right here,” Ziala said.

“Ziala, I’m doing this,” Jarel said.

“This is suicide. You are going to come out of that room there in a body bag,” Ziala said.

“Please, have a little faith,” Jarel said.

“Faith? In what? The fact that the unluckiest person alive has a better chance of winning the lottery than you have of living through this,” Ziala said.

“Ziala, I have to shed myself of this. I need to purge myself of everything put into my bloodline and be the person I can be without worrying about me going dark and being genocidal like my father, my grandfather and Progenitors’ know how many more before that,” Jarel said.

“Wait...no...tell me you’re not doing this for me,” Ziala said.

Jarel simply smiled and reached his hand out to brush some of Ziala’s blonde hair from her face.

“No. No, don’t...don’t do this. Walk away now,” Ziala said.

“You’re at the top of a very short list. But the other reasons I have are just as valid. Ziala, I want to be free. Once there was a time our families were close and then...my father killed your parents once, tried to do it again along with the population of Earth. I’m walking into that room. I’ve made the announcement to my people and then I’ll see you later,” Jarel said.

Just then, six people in the brown robes walked into the hall and surrounded the young lord. Each looked at the unexpected arrivals before turning to Jarel.

“Are you prepared my lord?” the lead robed man said.

“I am,” Jarel said.

“Even if I get my dad to know you out and drag your ass out of here you’d still come back wouldn’t you?” Ziala asked.

“Yes,” Jarel said.

“And Rath wouldn’t do it anyway,” Lonnie said.

“What? Why? Just because you want to be completely rid of Kivar?” Ziala asked.

“Kivar is still a part of him. One way or the other, we and Jarel will be free of him,” Lonnie said.

Behind Jarel the wall split open and a purple light flooded in from the other side. Jarel looked into the room were a pool of purple ooze waited for Jarel. Steam rose from the fluid and occasionally bubbles rose up from deep under the surface. Each of the robed Antarians pulled out metal discs from their robes and planted them over Jarel’s body.

“It is time.”

Jarel looked at Ziala and spotted moistness on her eyes. “I’m going in now. Will you be here when I come out?” Jarel asked.

A couple of tears fell down her face and Ziala nodded. Jarel turned to face the chamber and took a step forward.

“Ah screw it,” Jarel said.

He turned back and quickly grabbed onto Ziala. Jarel held her close and kissed her hard and passionately. Ziala held on tight, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jarel’s waist. Lonnie’s eyes went wide, very wide as she watched her daughter.

“That is not a first ritual kiss...that’s way, way over the 10th,” Lonnie said quietly.

A minute later, Jarel broke the kiss and Ziala put her feet back on the ground. The two didn’t move away from each other until Jarel kissed her forehead. He didn’t say anything else and slowly, hesitantly, walked into the purple chamber. Jarel walked around the pool and stepped inside the liquid. He was in it up to his neck, Jarel and Ziala kept their eyes on the other until the door resealed itself.

“It begins,” the leader said.

“AGHHH...AGHHHHHH...AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Jarel’s screams couldn’t be contained by the thick stone walls and echoed everywhere.

Ziala immediately turned back and moved into her mother’s arms, Lonnie held her tight.

Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 7 - 30 May

Post by Tharos »


Roswell High, another day, another lesson. Students were bustling everywhere and once more, with the arrival of their regal classmates, the doors burst open and in walked the Secret Service along with their Antarian counterparts. Richard and the others were walking in surrounded by their guards. The other students knew by now to spread out and make a path, in fact most made sure they were clear of the entrance at the right time.

Today was not the usual day however, today was the day after Kristine’s little display of power in Rome and there wasn’t one person who wasn’t looking at her. Yes, they had been used to the abilities of their classmates but as far as they knew nothing had happened to account for her gifts. Already there were two betting pools going in the school, one among the students and another with the teachers.

“We’re not going to tell them right?” Kristine asked.

“Of course not,” Richard said.

“It’s just, I know how you boys like to brag,” Kristine said.

Richard just looked at her.

“Right, sorry, I forgot who I was talking to,” Kristine said.

“And the others won’t say a thing. So unless you want to tell them,” Richard said.

“I’ll just say I had the odd paper cut here and there and you healed it. Due to my family being in town for generations, the Granolith changed me enough to keep the energy until it manifested in me,” Kristine said.

“We really need to get better at our cover stories,” Richard said.

“We totally do,” Kristine said.

“I suppose it will hold up. Unless your parents say something,” Kristine said.

“And risk tarnishing their image, that their good little girl has sullied herself...not likely,” Kristine said.

“What do you have first today?” Richard asked.

“Double Interstellar politics,” Kristine said.

“Ouch,” Richard said.

“Well, I’m the one who did decide to date you. Besides, your uncle Alex really went all out to get an Antarian to come down here and teach anyone that wants to learn it,” Kristine said.

“Yeah, wants to. Some of us have to,” Richard said.

“Aw, poor baby,” Kristine said.

“I suppose I do need to learn this stuff anyway. Going to have to deal with empires and alliances spanning dozens of systems and thousands of light-years,” Richard said.

“Hey, your highness, you already got me. No need to impress me,” Kristine said.

It was then that they passed another bunch of students each of who stared intently at them. It got to Kristine who stopped and looked back at them. “Stop staring at me!” she said.

“For the record...I would stop. She has a temper. Seriously...she pulls hair,” Richard said.

Kristine smiled and tried to turn away while she prayed not to laugh. “Everyone, I’m not dangerous or anything...well I could rip reality to shreds but I didn’t exactly kill that guy in Rome. I just caused him just a little bit of pain,” she said.

“He’s in a coma Honey,” Richard said.

“Yes but he’ll wake up in 67 hours and 3 minutes,” Kristine said.

“You made it that precise huh?” Richard asked.

“Well I made it a very exact nightmare and I didn’t want him to wake up until it was done. That’s what he gets for trying to kill you,” Kristine said.

“Ah my beloved. You probably do realise that’ll cause just a touch of fear right?” Richard asked.

“All the better to keep Elsa Troy’s hands off you. She’s had an eye on you for years,” Kristine said.

“Really?” Richard asked.

“Get that smile off your face right now,” Kristine said.

“Hey, I’m just saying that she’s a Troy. After the problems her mother gave our parents, you don’t think she’d actually try something?” Richard asked.

“Like mother, like daughter. But if she did...I would be pissed,” Kristine said.

“Yeah...okay, we’re going to class now,” Richard said. “And where is Z today?”

“You might now want to know,” Kristine said.

Ziala waited in the chamber. She paced the length of the hall, sat in a corner, anything to take her mind off the unending screams. She felt each pain filled cry tear through her into her soul. Ziala wanted to run and hide but she promised Jarel that she’d be here when he got out. Still...those screams.

After an hour, the screaming stopped and Ziala looked up at the door. For long minutes there was nothing and for a moment she feared the worst. Ziala stood and walked to the middle of the room. She waited for the door to open and when it didn’t her fears grew worse.

“Please, no,” Ziala whispered.

The doors opened and Ziala’s body was illuminated by the purple light. Those that entered the chamber with Jarel walked out with their heads held tow. As Ziala’s eyes adjusted to the light, she saw that the middle two were carrying a stretcher. Jarel was on it, his eyes closed. The procession moved into the middle of the room and stood before Ziala while a stone altar rose up from the floor.

Placing the stretcher carefully on top of the altar, each of the robed Antarians removed the discs they placed on Jarel’s body. Afterward they just walked away without a word being said. Ziala inched closer until she was standing over Jarel. There wasn’t a single movement of his body, not even the slightest wisp of breath.

Jarel shot up and with a desperate gasp he took in as much air as he could before he leaned over the side of the altar. Nearly a litre of the purple fluid poured out of Jarel’s mouth before he fell back against the altar. Ziala’s smile was like the sun and the very second Jarel sat back up he found her arms wrapped around him.

“Hey,” Ziala said.

“Hello. You stayed,” Jarel said. He wrapped his arms around her.

“I said I would,” Ziala said.

“And I said I would get out of that room,” Jarel said.

“You did,” Ziala said.

“Yes I did,” Jarel said.

“Did it work? I mean...are you what you want to be?” Ziala asked.

“One way to find out,” Jarel said.

Jarel eased off the altar and Ziala helped him stand. During his treatment it felt like every cell in his body was on fire but now there was still a dull ache that throbbed from every part of his body. Ziala could only help by acting as a crutch, helping him walk around a little until the flow of blood was back and he could stand by himself.

He walked to a wall and pressed the palm of his hand to it. Above the altar a hologram of his DNA appeared. The inbuilt computer system tracked his genetics through his ancestry. The part of himself he inherited from his mother, the one parent he actually cared for, was intact but everything from Kivar’s bloodline had been stripped away and reconfigured back to a time before the selective breeding took hold.

“I did it. I’m actually free,” Jarel said.

“Long die Kivar,” Ziala said.

“Amen to that,” Jarel said.

“Now, Lord Jarel of the House Jarel...about that kiss,” Ziala said.

“Oh that...well given the risk...”

“You figured, what the hell,” Ziala said.

“Had I died, I would have gone happier knowing you like I know you now,” Jarel said.

“That was some kiss,” Ziala said.

“I’ll say,” Jarel said. “But right now...if I don’t get something to eat I’m going to pass out. That took a lot out of me.”

“Yeah, Larek said something about that. Come on, we’ll go to the palace,” Ziala said.

Together the two of them walked out of the room and the doors to the purple room sealed up. Outside, Lonnie had sent their family’s private transport back to the building after she returned to the palace. Ziala helped Jarel inside and then headed off to the palace where Ziala had the chef prepare a suitable meal to get Jarel back on top form.

That afternoon, after a particularly gruelling P.E. class, the girl’s locker room was filled of students washing and getting ready to head out. Kristine had the benefit of having a free period next so she languished under the shower and let the hot waters soothe her body.

“Hey Kris, you coming? Some of us are heading down to the Crash.”

“You go ahead. I’ll catch up in a while,” Kristine said.

“Cool. See ya.”

Kristine closed her eyes and with a wave the water rushed out, almost like a waterfall, before sticking her head under it. She used the water, manipulated and twisted it until she could feel two hands move over her body like Richard’s. Kristine couldn’t help but purr in satisfaction. Any tension she had was dripping away with each drop of water.

“Beautiful,” Richard said.

Kristine quickly turned around and covered herself before she realised who it was. “Rick, what the hell? This is the girl’s locker room,” she said.

“I heard you call, so I came,” Richard said.

“I didn’t call,” Kristine said. She dropped her arms, she wasn’t exactly bashful when Richard saw her body.

“Kris, you need to be careful with your telepathy. Projecting is very easy to do,” Richard said.

“Oh. Care to teach me how to control myself?” Kristine said.

Richard smiled, “Oh you’re bad,” he said.

“Only when I’m with you,” Kristine said.

She pushed her hand out and every single last threat of Richard’s clothing vanished. Richard looked down over the length of his body and then back at Kristen.

“Feeling a little horny are we?” Richard asked.

“Water hands just don’t quite feel as good as yours,” Kristine said.

“I’ll always do as my princess asks,” Richard said.

He quickly moved into the shower cubicle and joined Kristine. The water pelted over them and as their hands reached out to start caressing each other; Richard decided to alter the scenery. One by one, the lockers became trees, the floor became a bed of grass and the ceiling was an open sky. Only the cubicle remained.

Richard just hoped beyond hope this wasn’t the one his parents once used when they went to Roswell High. The problem was it was the one, and Max and Liz left a very intense psychic impression on those tiles.

Slowly Richard eased Kristine back against the wall, the shower head adjusted automatically and kept the water on the pair. Richard’s hands roamed over Kristine’s midriff while her hands trailed over his arms and chest. Their heads moved closer and soon they were kissing. Their bodies squeezed together and Kristine’s hard nipples pressed into Richard’s chest.

“You feel incredible,” Richard said, sighing into her ear.

Richard moved on to kissing her neck and Kristine’s breathing grew heavier as his lips touched her skin. Kristine couldn’t resist the urge to take his dick into her hand. At the same time, Richard reached out brushed his fingertips over her upper thigh before disappearing in between her legs. The moment the two of them connected like that they flashed.

Both saw back 17 years, through the many trysts Max and Liz had in this locker room yet neither Richard nor Kristine could stop. Together they felt the emotions left by Richard’s parents all those years ago. It emotions surged through them and coupled with their own, Richard and Kristen each reached out and grasped each other’s hand. Their fingers interlocked and they held each other tightly.

“God...” Kristen sighed.

Richard, without letting go of Kristine’s hand, started kissing down her body. He languished over her breasts, kissing her generous mounds and sucking on her nipples until her head was tipping back over the edge of the cubicle. Her hair fell back and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Soon he continued down, he kissed her belly while his free hand moved around and cupped her butt.

Kristine gasped as Richard’s lips moved ever closer. She lifted one of her legs and draped it over Richard’s shoulder. Seeing she slit before him, Richard licked his lips and couldn’t hold back. He pushed his face in and gave her a long, drawn out lick before he started lapping away. Kristine’s hips started to rock and she grinded her clit against her lover’s face.

Richard kept licking until her moans were constant and filled with her desire. Each sound she made fuelled his own lusts and his dick was hard in no time. Richard kissed her thigh while he stroked his hand up and down her leg from her ass to her foot. Kristine’s toes curled back as Richard stood up, brushing the entire front of her body with his own.

With their bodies so tightly against one another, Richard’s dick easily found her pussy and since he didn’t stop moving until he stood straight he slipped inside her. Neither moved, their connection flared and their bodies screamed for more and more until they couldn’t take any more. They looked into each other’s eyes, Kristine reached up and held his face.

Richard slowly pulled out until he was almost free of the tight embrace of her pussy, but he kept the tip of his dick inside her. He pushed forward again and Kristine leapt up each inch he pushed in and was able to wrap her long legs around his waist. Kristine’s arms wrapped around his neck and the two kissed as passionately as they ever had.

Soon he was thrusting in and out of Kristine. Both moaning and grunting in time with each other and both completely revelled in their instinctual rut. Richard ran his hands over Kristine’s thighs; caressing them and making her feel incredible.

“UGHNNNNN…fuck me Rick…Yeahhhhh…come on…ughnnnnn…” Kristine groaned.

“Aghnnnn…yeah…Kris…so good…so gooood…ughhnnnn! I love you,” Richard moaned.

Her body jerked up and down from him slamming his dick in to her.


“Ghhnnnnn…oh yeah…ghnnn…juuuuuuuuu…”

In and out, hips circled and thrust without end. Richard and Kristine reached out at the same time and their hands connected, both held onto each other’s hands tightly until they felt the impending climax of their coupling. Kristine quickly leaned back, her back was leaning over the edge of the cubicle and brought her ankles behind Richard. The prince started fucking into her body even harder as he ran his hands over the length of her legs but not once did she not feel Richard’s love for her. He wanted that ring he gave her to be on her finger and not around her neck, but there was time for that. All the while she pushed her hips down onto him as hard and as fast as he was moving.

Richard growled and slammed his dick in and out of her wet pussy. Both of them moved back and forth, rutting away like animals in heat and both wanting to get off to relieve the tension that built in them. Kristine could already feel the hard meat inside her swelling and with each blissful moan of the would-be queen it just got bigger.

“UGHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” Richard cried out, and shot his cum into her.

“AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Kristine yelled with a long drawn out scream that almost breached Richard’s illusion to the people in the hall outside.

Richard fell on top of her and they held each other for a few seconds as their bodies twitched with sharp juts to their hips. Both were breathing hard and fast and both were sated from their orgasm. Together they slipped down into the cubicle and held each other while the shower sprayed over them. Richard’s little illusion faded and the features of the locker room returned.

It was several more minutes before they dried, dressed and returned to the crowds outside but not for one minute did they stop smiling. Soon though, they had to get on with their classes.

Alex’s ship burst back into normal space and headed straight for the Phoenix. The first ship built by Earth was getting larger in Alex’s view screen and soon he piloted his way into the Phoenix’s hanger bay. As soon as his ship was docked, Alex headed out and was greeted by Valicia and Captain Combs.

“Your Highness,” Valicia said.

“It’s Professor today Valicia. It’s good to see you again. How’s the trip?” Alex asked

“Interesting so far, Professor. I have the latest readings from the anomaly,” Valicia said.

“Thank you. Captain, let’s see if we can get your ship out of the mud,” Alex said.

All three left the hanger and went down to the cargo bay. Alex looked around the energy field and took his own first hand readings. He hummed away as he tapped on his pad, checking over each kilobyte of data that came in until he stopped.

“Ah,” Alex said. “Well...it’s not what you thought Valicia.”

“Then what is it?” Combs asked.

“That is the initial formation of a quantum bubble. It’s a universe, newly born,” Alex said.

“You’re kidding me,” Combs said.

“No. Although it does have an unstable structure. These things form all the time but usually burn out in a few minutes. And they usually don’t appear in normal space. They exist outside our normal space-time so they don’t affect us,” Alex said.

“Well this one is,” Combs said.

“Yes. I’m guessing the corridor you were generating passed through a weak spot in the fabric of our own universe allowing this to be pulled in. It being here, now, is subjecting it to our own time which is why it’s lasting so long,” Alex said.

“And because of the gravitational anomaly it generates between itself and our own universe we’re stuck,” Valicia said.

“Right, it’s like putting something between two magnets with identical polarities,” Alex said.

“So how do we get rid of it?” Combs asked.

“Carefully, Captain, very carefully,” Alex said. “And we might be able to use it. I can disrupt its hold on the ship to allow us to leave but I’ll need a Granolith to handle this. Set a course back home.”

“Yes Professor,” Combs said.

The captain gave the order while Alex placed his hands on the field of energy. Everything glowed as sparks shot from his hands and removed the effects of the bubble. Soon the ship took off and reversed course back to Earth space, hardly the maiden voyage of the Phoenix the Captain envisioned.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 7 - 30 May

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 8

On one of their rare days that Max and Liz had neither public appearances, diplomatic engagements or dealing with the details of galaxy wide empire running, they sat upon their respective thrones. They were leaning back with their legs up on the armrests and using the opposite rest as a very comfortable pillow. Their shoes were neatly placed at the side of the regal chairs and both monarchs were barefoot, their toes were gently brushing against each other. They hadn’t much to do so right now, above their heads, were two holographic screens that glowed green.

“B-5...12, by 35,” Max said.

“Damn it Max, that’s my war cruiser,” Liz said.

“Just lucky I guess,” Max said.

“Or you’re linking into me and looking through my eyes,” Liz said.

“Ah love of my life. I would never do that,” Max said.

“Hmmm...X-57, 10 by 93,” Liz said.

“Oh come on Liz. You just blew up my luxury liner. You just killed 250,000 civilians that were on vacation,” Max said.

“Damn it to hell,” Liz said.

“A-1, 22 by 2,” Max said.

“Miss. A-9, 59 by 4,” Liz said.

“No, Liz...you downed my Star Cruiser. You win. I hate you,” Max said.

“Aw, baby. Don’t you like to lose?” Liz said.

“Now that you mention it...no,” Max said.

“Then I guess I’ll have to make it worth your while,” Liz said.

The queen swung her feet around and stood up before walking over to her husband. Liz planted herself in Max’s lap, leaned down and passionately kissed him.

“Hm, I think I might like losing,” Max said.

“We do have so much fun when one of us does,” Liz said.

“Why do I have the feeling you want to look out those silk scarves and tie me to the bed again?” Max asked.

“Or maybe for you to tie me up,” Liz said.

“Is it just me or are you getting a little more kinky since you turned 33?” Max asked.

Liz smiled, “No more than you Romeo,” she said.

Max gently eased Liz down and soon her head was resting on his shoulder. The two of them simply held each other. Max reached down and pressed a button on the side of his throne. Immediately the roof became transparent, allowing the pair to look up at the distant sun.

“Beautiful,” Liz said.

“Yes it is, even if it is a little smaller than on Earth,” Max said.

“So...” Liz said.

“So?” Max asked.

“How long do you think it will take for Kris to start spending her nights with Rick?” Liz asked.

“Oh I’m guessing they’ve already taken advantage of Kris’s circumstances and that she’s now living on the estate. I’d be surprised if she doesn’t have storage space in Rick’s room already,” Max said.

“I suppose we should look out the old nursery stuff,” Liz said.

“Don’t go thinking that just because the future king and queen of our little empire are just as insatiable as we are that they’ll be parents before they’re twenty. Besides, they’re not planning on having kids yet,” Max said.

“Oh like Rick was planned,” Liz said.

“So our hormones were messed with by the Granolith...still, we enjoyed the results,” Max said.

“Oh god, did we ever,” Liz said.

“But you think that Kris and Rick are going to make us grandparents soon, don’t you?” Max asked.

“Well it’s just a feeling, not a vision or anything, but yes I do,” Liz said.

“Then I guess we better look out the nursery stuff,” Max said.

Liz looked at him with a smile.

“I learned a very long time ago to trust your visions, and your instincts,” Max said.

“It’s strange though. I’ve had clearer insights before that always left me unsure but this...it’s so unclear but I’ve never been surer,” Liz said.

“Maybe this is just a little wishful thinking on your part,” Max said.

“No...maybe it’s just an awareness thing. Kris still has a human reproductive cycle and her fertile time is coming up. Maybe it’s just a matter of her and Rick...you know, at the right time,” Liz said.

“Yes well, let’s not talk about what our son is up to with his girlfriend. And the fact that, apparently, they have a tendency of following in our footsteps. The shower in the girls’ locker room springs to mind,” Max said.

“They haven’t...”

“In the same cubicle we first enjoyed,” Max said.

“Oh my god...I don’t think I’m ever going to be looking him in the eye again,” Liz said.

“Come on Liz, it’s not like Rick didn’t know. He gets impressions from almost everything he’s around and it’s not like there’s a lot of parents in Roswell that we didn’t enjoy,” Max said.

“True...actually, that’s very true. Wow we were seriously horny in our time,” Liz said.

“In our time? Liz...we still are,” Max said.

Down on Earth, Rath was sitting in his study trying to right a speech for the opening of another club. This one was in Hawaii and everyone was invited, and they were looking forward to it. Not that they ever needed an excuse for a vacation but the last time they were in Hawaii was when the kids were very small and it was a business trip to build one of Alex’s Star-crystal power stations to provide energy to the entire Pacific region. Now they can make a proper holiday of it, but that was still weeks away.

As Rath ripped off another sheet of paper, scrunched it up and turned it into a smouldering pile of ash, the door opened and his wife walked in.

“Hi Lon,” Rath said.

Lonnie walked up behind Rath and slapped him on the back of his head.

“Owi...what the hell?” Rath asked.

“We need to talk,” Lonnie said.

“Okay, find...no need for the pain,” Rath said.

“I needed your full attention,” Lonnie said.

“Well, you have it,” Rath said.

“Ziala and Jarel,” Lonnie said.

“That’s a conversation we’re not having,” Rath said.

“She’s in love with him,” Lonnie said.

“Oh no she’s not. She barely knows him. She’s a teenage girl with a crush,” Rath said.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Lonnie said.

“Funny,” Rath said.

“So are you? Let them date I mean?” Lonnie asked.

Rath sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I don’t know, Lonnie. I just don’t know. On one hand, he isn’t like his father. On the other, he is Kivar’s son,” he said.

“He also went through that thing and lived. Not to mention endured god knows how much pain. And I don’t care what anyone says, he did it for Ziala,” Lonnie said.

“I know, I know but he still came from that son of a bitch,” Rath said.

“Not anymore. At least not if I understand that thing. He’s now the son of his mother and his great, great, great, great, about a million more greats, grandfather. Weird. Anyway everything from his father’s line has been reset,” Lonnie said.

“Lonnie, I love Z more than my own life...I just can’t see her with Jarel,” Rath said.

“Yeah, you didn’t see that kiss,” Lonnie said.

“Kiss? What kiss?” Rath asked.

“Oh...uh...I didn’t tell you about that did I?” Lonnie said.

“I’ll kill him. I’m just going to flat out kill him,” Rath said.

“Rath chill. It’s not like he pressed against the wall and had sex with her,” Lonnie said.

“Lonnie, no. Bad image, please,” Rath said.

“She’s not just our little girl anymore. She’s growing up and she’s the same age we were. Besides, Laurie thinks they look cute together. She saw them dance at the ball,” Lonnie said.

“When did you speak to Laurie?” Rath asked.

“Please, I speak to your sister every week,” Lonnie said.

“And what do you talk about?” Rath asked.

“Oh anything, everything. Our kids, the family...our unending, overly passionate and incredible sex lives,” Lonnie said.

“You’re not serious,” Rath said.

Lonnie smiled.

“I should have known shouldn’t I?” Rath said.

“Yes pretty much. But back to Ziala...” Lonnie said.

“Yeah. Okay, the rituals are in place for a reason. They let people get to know each other, their real selves before things get too far,” Rath said.

“Is that a yes?” Lonnie asked.

“It’s a yes...to a point. He’s done a lot for her so I’m willing, but they take things very slow and I’m taking a snail’s pace...no, slower. Slower than it would take an amoebae to get from one side of this planet to the other,” Rath said.

“I think that can be arranged,” Lonnie said.

“I hate this. She’s not old enough to be dating,” Rath said.

“Uh...yes she is. She’s old enough to dance, date, kiss, caress...” Lonnie said. She smiled at Rath’s expression.

“Okay, not one more word,” Rath said.

“Rath, she’s strong. We raised her to be that way. She’s not going to be manipulated, coerced or anything like that,” Lonnie said.

“And if anyone tries they will end up neutered. Either by her powers...or bare-handed,” Rath said.

“Or by you,” Lonnie said.

“Damned straight,” Rath said.

Lonnie smiled and kissed her husband before she left the room.

Across the estate, in the Evan’s home, the young prince was putting on a little breakfast for his generation of the Roswellians. He and his cousins, along with Kristine, had gathered in his home’s dining room. As they all sat down, they looked at the variety of foods Richard had prepared for them and looked at him.

“So what’s the purpose of this?” Katherine asked.

“I just thought it would be nice to get together and have a nice breakfast,” Richard said.

“Yeah, not buying it,” Ziala said.

“Look, on Antar we ate every meal together but since we moved down here we’ve been eating alone,” Richard said.

“Well that’s true,” Philip said.

Richard sat down at the head of the table, opposite Kristine and both looked at each other with a gentle smile.

“So who’d you have to cook this? Palora? Vodran?” Paige asked.

“Actually, Rick cooked it himself,” Kristine said.

“Seriously?” Paige asked.

“Floating around my brain is the collective knowledge of thousands of species. Knowledge that includes their culinary skills. It’s about time I used them,” Richard said.

“It looks great,” Ziala said.

They started to eat, each taking a sample from the dozens of plates that represented worlds from across space. Each of them were enjoying themselves and talking with each other.

“So, Philip, how long before your dad gets back to Earth?” Kristine asked.

“About a day. The ship can’t do better than 50% power to the engines without causing problems for that thing they found,” Philip said.

“If they do, there will be an explosive shock wave that would spread over half this galaxy,” Katherine said.

“I’ll tell you this though, he sounded like a kid on Christmas morning,” Philip said.

“I would sound like that too if I’d just found a baby universe,” Ziala said.

“Any idea on what he wants it for?” Kristine asked.

“No clue,” Katherine asked.

“Maybe Uncle Alex has found a new pet,” Shanala said.

They all chuckled.

“At least he’ll be home soon. And then mom can stop climbing the walls,” Katherine said.

“They don’t like being separated, huh?” Kristine asked.

“None of our parents do,” Richard said.

“Our families are so interconnected, it’s hard for any of us to be separated but it’s more difficult when the connection is so...intimate,” Katherine said.

“Oh really?” Kristine asked. She smiled brightly while looking into Richard’s eyes.

“Yes,” Richard said.

“Well then. I guess there we really shouldn’t wait then?” Kristine said.

“I was thinking the exact same thing,” Richard said.

“What are you two talking about?” Ziala asked.

“You were right Z, we had an ulterior motive for asking you all for breakfast. We wanted to make this a family event for all of us,” Richard said.

“And that would be?” Philip asked.

Richard took a sip of orange juice before he placed the glass back on the table. He stood up and walked around the long wooden table toward Kris. Richard stood behind her, his family staring at the pair of them as he kissed the top of her head. Richard’s hands glided over her shoulders to the back of neck where he unclasped the delicate golden chain that hand down between Kristine’s breasts.

From beneath Kristine’s blouse, her diamond ring appeared to the wide eyes of everyone around the pair. Richard let the ring he created slid off the chain before he returned it to Kristine’s neck. Promptly after, he knelt down on one knee and Kristine held out her hand. Richard slipped her ring onto her finger.

“Ta da,” Kristine said. She held up her hand and showed everyone the ring.

“You are kidding,” Katherine said.

“How is it possible you kept this a secret from us?” Ziala asked.

“Well...we’re god-like,” Kristine joked.

“I asked Kris to marry me after we...cemented things. It was done after all, we just need the ceremony,” Richard said.

“Rick, this is not good. Secrets like this do not bode well for family relations,” Philip said.

“I agree. This requires punishment Rick, severe punishment,” Ziala said.

“I could take care of that,” Kristine said without thinking.

Everyone looked at her but she just smiled.

“I...really shouldn’t have said that,” Kristine said.

“Something else you two want to share?” Katherine asked

“No, a world of no,” Richard said.

“Uh huh,” Ziala said.

“But yes, punishment. I think we need to come up with something truly unique for this infraction,” Max Junior said.

“We’re not going to like this are we?” Kristine asked.

“No. They can be quite...ruthless with their punishments,” Richard said.

“Hmm, could be interesting,” Kristine said.

“Not really,” Richard said.

“Okay, Rick, sit your butt back down and let’s finish this meal,” Katherine said.

“While the rest of us plot and scheme a way to make your lives a misery,” Ziala asked.

“Joy,” Kristine and Richard said.

The royal grounds of the palace on Antar was a garden for as far as the eye could see. Beyond that was the capital but inside the grounds it was a lush, green paradise. Maria and Michael were walking through the gardens, hand in hand. Thousands of small pools, interconnected with waterfalls filled the area with a relaxing sound of utter contentment. All in all, this was a place on New Antar where there was nothing but peace. Both Michael and Maria were looking considerably glum.

Max and Liz had seen them from their suite in the palace. They came out of the palace and soon found their best friends.

“Hey you two. You look...lost in thought?” Max said.

“No. No just enjoying the day,” Maria said.

“With those faces? Not likely,” Liz said.

“Well, it’s just about all we can do,” Michael said.

“What do you mean?” Max asked.

“Well, I’m the head of a house, the duties of which are taken up mostly by my brother. I just sit on the council,” Michael said.

“And once upon a time I was going to be the wacky friend of a world famous scientist. Now you’re a galaxy famous queen and incredible diplomat and I’m still the wacky friend who hangs around the house all day,” Maria said.

“Tell me you two don’t honestly believe that,” Max said.

“That’s completely untrue,” Liz said.

“Of course it’s true,” Maria said.

“Guys, we would be insane and stress freaks if it wasn’t for you two,” Max said.

“You can’t think that?” Liz asked.

Both Michael and Maria looked at the ruling couple of Antar, their depressed faces became brighter than life.

“Nah, we’re just having fun,” Michael said.

“You should see your faces right now,” Maria said.

“Oh you’re...Michael...I am going to kick your ass so hard,” Max said.

“Yeah I know but it was still fun,” Michael said.

“So what are you two doing out here?” Liz asked.

“Contemplating the meaning of life and the fact that the kids are growing up. Rick’s only the first, now there’s Ziala and that Jarel guy. They are getting serious. Paige and Max Jnr is only a matter of time,” Maria said.

“Now you know what it feels like,” Amy said.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” Maria asked.

“I had nothing to do today so I thought I’d pay a visit to my lovely daughter,” Amy said. “Besides I was hoping there’s some of that fruit around. The Balunra fruit. I just can’t get enough of that stuff and the Crash does sell out of it when they make the pies.”

“I think we might have some lying around. It is just coming into season,” Liz said.

“And we’ll make sure there’s enough to take home to the Crash. I’m sure Jeff wouldn’t mind having a healthy supply,” Max said.

“Too bad the Balunra trees don’t transplant to anywhere outside the southern islands of Luthra,” Michael said.

“It would be handy to have them growing in other places,” Amy said.

Maria took hold of her mother’s arm and all of them walked toward the palace. “So, tell me, how’s Roswell?” Maria asked.

“You mean, how’s your father? Jim’s fine, but he would like you and Kyle to pay a visit now and then,” Amy said.

“You know, as mayor, the good Jim Valenti can delegate once in a while and pay a visit himself,” Maria said.

Together they all went inside and spent a while talking. When Amy returned to Earth, Michael and Maria found themselves just itching for a little private time.

Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 7 - 30 May

Post by Tharos »


Maria walked into one of the many lounges in the palace, although this one was her favourite. With the right light, the walls seamed to glisten as the quartz reflected the sunlight. Then there was the view, Maria could never get enough of that. As Maria walked in, she went across the room to a small circular table. On the table was an outcrop of rich orange crystals. Maria waved her hand over it and a gentle chime rang out.

Music started to fill the room and Maria’s body gyrated in time with the melody. Michael leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed and smiled as he watched his wife move. He was completely intoxicated. To Michael, Maria’s body was like a bottle of whiskey to an alcoholic. He simply couldn’t get enough. Michael loved every inch of her from her toenails to every synapse in her brain that made her Maria.

Michael stood straight and walked into the room while the door slid closed behind him. He moved up behind Maria as she danced, Maria smiled as Michael kissed her shoulder. Michael bent his knees; slowly he caressed her silken-smooth legs up their entire length until his hands were under her skirt. Another kiss on her neck earned Michael a moan of contentment from her lips.

“Hmm, I love that,” Maria said.

“I know how you do,” Michael said.

Maria swayed her hips back and forth, rubbing her body against his. Michael stroked his hand across Maria’s belly, following the waistband of her underwear.

“Do you want me?” Maria asked.

“Always,” Michael sighed into her ear.

Maria turned around and sank down. As she went, due to the position of Michael’s hands, her dress slipped up her body. She raised her hands up and Michael pulled her dress off her. Maria’s hands immediately went to Michael’s trousers. She undid them and slipped her hand inside his boxers to fish out his dick.

The two of them looked into each other’s eyes. Maria moved her head in closer and kissed his manhood softly before taking a lick. With a single, swift movement, Maria took him into her mouth. Michael closed his eyes and sighed as Maria’s tongue snaked around his dick while her head slowly started to bob back and forth. Michael’s hands stroked through Maria’s hair, and held her head close while still giving her the freedom to move.

Michael’s dick engorged with blood and sprang into a powerful erection inside her mouth. She sucked on him, sending pure fire through his entire body to the point that he wanted to yank her off her knees, put her on the sofa and have her as hard as she could take. However, he resisted. Michael never failed to make Maria beg for more and he wasn’t going to stop now. They’ve had many years together and many more to come and every day for as long as they would live, Michael would make sure her pleasure came first. Of course, Maria had the same goal and a little completion developed between the pair to see who could make the other cum first. It was always fun to see who won, and the second prize wasn’t by any means less enjoyable.

Soon, Maria’s head was rocking back and forth as fast as she could. She was attacking him with gusto and Michael was moaning blissfully. However, the last thing Michael wanted was to cum now and he wasn’t that far off. He wanted to be inside her when he exploded.

Michael quickly lifted Maria up onto her feet and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her, her tongue snaked into Michael’s mouth and entwining with his own. Michael’s hands moved down and cupped her ass, Maria pressed her body against his and moved ever so gently. It was just enough to have his dick grind against her tight, trim stomach.

Michael caressed his way up her back and found the catch of her bra. He undid it and pulled it off her chest. It soon found itself on her dress but neither stopped kissing. They broke their kiss; they looked at each other with the primal fire that called to them both and in response Michael pulled off his shirt while Maria removed her panties. Soon Michael’s trousers were off and when both were naked, they wrapped their arms around each other again. Their kiss was nothing short of explosive.

Michael reached down and picked Maria up. She was cradled in his arms. Maria still kissed her husband while he carried her over to the sofa. Michael gently lay her down on the sofa, knelt on the floor and started to kiss his way down her body. With his hand, Michael gently eased her legs apart and placed one of her feet on the ground so he could have complete access.

With relish, Michael darted in and latched his mouth onto her. At first he sucked on her clit a little before he started licking her out. Maria sucked in the air around her with every breath as she put one leg over his shoulder and tipped her head back. Her blond hair cascaded back as her hand stretched out and grabbed onto a cushion. She gripped it tightly as her body convulsed with each flick of Michael’s tongue up the length of her slit and brushing over her clit. Then he reached up, moved his hand over her belly and cupped her breast. Michael squeezed the pliant mound of flesh through the cotton; he could feel her nipple and moved his thumb back and forth across the bump.

“Ughnnn…yess…Michael…ughnnn…eat me…oh god don’t stop,” Maria moaned.

What Michael was doing was making her wet and ready for him, not that he ever needed to do much work to get her like that. Her body was sensitive to his touch to the point that the slightest of his caresses could make her need him like nothing else on this planet or any other.

Michael hummed against her slit, sending waved of vibrations through her that sparked the pleasure centres of her brain to delirious levels. She moved her hips in continuous circles, grinding herself against Michael’s face. Michael was enjoying himself immensely, her taste, her moans, the feel of her skin made him hotter than the sun and was getting desperate to slide his cock into her very willing body. Maria felt it as well, every time she was with him she could almost feel the primal emotions boiling inside him and she couldn’t deny that she longed for his hard dick to fill her up.

With that, she reached down and cupped his cheek in her hand. Maria pulled him away from her pussy and slid up her body. The two looked into each other’s eyes, Michael slid his over her body. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his body as he pushed his hips toward the apex of her thighs lowered her down. Maria felt the tip of his dick press against her pussy and then enter her body. She held onto Michael tightly as millimetre by millimetre their bodies joined as one and her pussy engulfed his engorged manhood.

“Ghnnnnnn…” both lovers sighed out deeply with utter contentment.

For a couple of minutes neither moved, they simply let themselves enjoy the sensations of their coupling. Her skin was pressed blissfully against Michael’s chest and he started to move. He moved his hips back and forth gently; sliding his penis in and out of her just a little, just enough to build up a friction that caused them both to give off little gasps of pleasure.

Maria moved her hips just as gently but in time with Michael’s slow thrusts into her body. As they looked into each other’s eyes Maria moved one hand behind his head and pulled him closer to her head. She licked his lower lip with the tip of her tongue before she kissed him again; their bodies moved together as they breathed heavily and shared the very air from their lungs. Michael was in heaven as he slid one hand up the length of Maria’s thigh. He held her hip and felt the smooth skin, the heat from her body was radiating into his own and Maria felt the heat from his warming her, even more so when his soft thrusts picked up in pace.

The two of them rocked and rotated their pelvises together, sliding against one another as sweat started to form on their skin. They slid as they thrust, Michael’s dick was throbbing inside her convulsing pussy and every muscle inside her was quivering with delight. She could feel Michael press against the utter most depths of her body with each powerful plunge into her. Her legs were locked tightly behind his butt and as he moved faster and faster his pants began to fall down his legs. The two of them worked their bodies together, bringing each of them to the heights of pleasure they knew themselves capable of and brought themselves to as often as possible.

Over and over again, Michael thrust himself into her body, thrusting in and out while moving faster and harder as their bodies cried out. The sensations of Michael so deep inside her sparked over every inch of her body and created storms of fire throughout her veins that were filling her soul completely. She met her mate’s thrusts, baring down upon him each time and cried out in rapture.

“UGHNnnnnn…MICHAEL…FUCK ME MICHAEL, FUCK ME,” Maria begged. She could sense her body being sent to their heavens.

Michael complied all too eagerly and did fuck her, moving like a set of pistons in an old style engine room. He moved inside her rapidly and they both held on to each other for dear life. Michael cupped one breast and squeezed her nipple.

“Uhghhn…god baby, you feel so good…AGH….UGHHHH…cum for me…UGHNNNNNNNNN…FUCKKKKK MARIA…” Michael grunted.


Michael’s dick began to swell even more and he could feel his seed churning in his balls, eagerly awaiting their escape into Maria’s body. Maria was wracked with fire, every muscle in her body convulsed over and over again as she felt her own impending orgasm was ready to overcome her. They moaned and pounded their sweat soaked and flushed bodies together. It was only a matter of time and neither could wait for that final glorious feeling that they both sought to give each other.



Then they felt it, with one resounding declaration Michael and Maria cried out…”UGHNNNNNN…I LOVE YOU!”

Michael poured his seed into Maria’s pussy. The muscles inside her seized up and quivered over his length as they both froze. Michael collapsed on top of her, for a moment they lay like that before rolling onto their sides and held each other. The two of them were panting desperately as they held each other close. Michael reached up and brushed a clump of damp hair from across Maria’s face as his softening cock slipped out from her body. Both groaned but couldn’t stop holding each other. They lay together and kissed while caressing each other.

After Jarel had eaten his way through what was effectively a 12-course meal in less than 30 minutes, he returned home and slept. He could barely make it to his bedroom; Jarel didn’t even make it onto his bed before he collapsed onto his floor. He was dead to the world. Right now, the planet could tear itself right down the middle and he’d sleep through it.

Hours passed, sunrise on his part of New Antar was approaching and the light from the two moons streamed into his window. His body glowed in the light but as time passed; his sleep became increasingly restless. Jarel started to toss and turn. His body convulsed, he jerked and seized for over an hour before crackles of energy leapt from his body.

Each bolt from his body streaked out through the microscopic gaps between the bricks of the walls and through the windows. Above the house clouds started to form, they rolled in and churned above Jarel’s lands before thunderous booms echoed throughout the countryside. In his room, Jarel’s back arched. He almost split himself in two because his movement was so violent.

Jarel floated in the air, sweat coated his skin and soaked his clothes. His eyes opened wide before he crashed back to the floor.

“What’s wrong with me?” Jarel asked.

Every nerve was on fire and Jarel crawled across the floor. He tried to reach his computer terminal to call for help but he couldn’t even lift his finger more than a little off the ground.

“Foolish boy. You think you can be free of me?”

“Who are you?” Jarel asked.

“Ha hahahahahaha. How quickly you forget me.”

“No. You’re dead. You’re gone,” Jarel said.

“You opened the door, boy. You let me loose.”

“No!” Jarel said.

He forced himself to stand on his feet. He forced his steps through into his bathroom where he activated his sink. Water filled up the basin and Jarel cupped his hands before splashing some on his face. He looked up into the mirror and there he saw Kivar’s face, along with Verask’s standing at the doorway.

Jarel turned around. No one was there.

“Father, please...”

“There is more of me in you than the blood you renounced. Traces far beyond the sequences of life that made you, that you so blindly cast off. I am with you always,” Kivar said.

“No. I’m free,” Jarel said.

“You are never free! And now, you seek to take the daughter of the sewer whore as mate. A weak choice but still one of the royal blood,” Kivar said.

“Your soul is of the god H’Ebon, you are his design for his glory and ours,” Verask said.

“You are ours. Now, and forever,” Kivar said.

“No,” Jarel said.

“Yes boy. You are the heir of the line. The door is open,” Kivar said.

“And you don’t have a choice,” Verask said.

Jarel flew out the door, across the room and landed flat against the wall above his bed. The walls were seared with Verask’s mark as Jarel screamed. He was tossed from wall to wall, each time he slammed hard against the stone before he was finally allowed to drop to the floor. Jarel carefully moved onto his knees and looked up at the moons though his window.

Slowly he got back onto his feet. Jarel pulled his sweat-soaked shirt off his head and tossed to the side. He walked back to the bathroom and started to splash more warm water onto his face before looking at his reflection. He smiled, and laughed.

“Forgive me father. Time to start having fun,” Jarel said.

“I couldn’t agree more, child,” Verask said.

“Don’t call me that...old man,” Jarel said.

Ziala was walking along the hallways of the school with Richard and Kristine. More than a few students were taking not of Kristine’s new piece of jewellery but more just dismissed it as a gift from her boyfriend, even though many knew fine well what those sort of rings meant.

Suddenly Ziala stopped walking, she felt queasy, unnerved. She felt dizzy and almost stumbled but Richard quickly caught her.

“Z? You okay?” Kristine asked.

“Yeah...I’m...no. Something’s wrong,” Ziala asked.

“Wrong...where?” Richard asked.

“I don’t know. I just feel...” Ziala said.

Richard took Ziala’s hand and placed his free hand on her head.

“What?” Kristine asked.

“She’s got a connection forming...there’s something that’s ripping through her like...” Richard said.

Ziala suddenly took off and slipped into a nearby girl’s bathroom. Kristine was about to go after her but Richard stopped her. Inside the bathroom, Ziala paced in frustration before turning on the faucet and splashing water on her face. As she looked into the mirror, she watched the wall behind her distort. Future Richard stepped through the wall and the wall returned to normal.

“Hi,” Future Richard said.

“What the hell is going on?” Ziala asked.

“You know what’s going on,” Future Richard said.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t want him to go through that thing but I thought it would protect him from falling like this,” Ziala said.

“It happened the same way before. I couldn’t stop it, my goal was to save you. Jarel would have been a bonus but I had to protect you,” Future Richard said.

“So now what? Now that you told me what happened before, he can’t control me?” Ziala asked.

“You have a slight connection to him. You care about each other too much not to have it. Besides, that kiss...you’re not bound to him, Ziala. I couldn’t save him but maybe you knowing what he is now, maybe you can be enough to save him,” Future Richard said.

“Me? If Verask has him...”

“He’s in there somewhere. It may be possible to suppress a person’s true nature but it can never be erased. Who he really is, that is locked up somewhere in his mind,” Future Richard said.

“How bad is this going to get?” Ziala asked.

“I’m changing history here. I don’t have specifics anymore. My advice regarding your boyfriend – keep your clothes on and your legs closes. But it will be bad Z. Very bad,” Future Richard said.

“Oh nice advice Rick, but...like how bad?” Ziala asked.

Future Richard looked at her; turned his head to the wall and started to walk away.

“Rick?” Ziala asked.

“Wait five minutes,” Future Richard said. He walked through the wall and vanished.

“If that wasn’t so cool I’d kill him,” Ziala said. “Hmm...I can kill my Rick.”

Ziala headed for the door and stepped outside. Richard was there with Kristine, waiting.

“We need to talk,” Ziala said.

“About?” Richard asked.

“Your future...or more precisely, future you,” Ziala said.

Kristine and Richard quickly stood up straight and paid attention. “What happened?” Richard asked.

“Well he...”

Ziala couldn’t finish her sentence as the school started to shake. The building rattled, the windows cracked before shattering completely and there was significant structural damage. Everyone was knocked off their feet, all but Richard and Kristine. The lights flickered on and off for a while but quickly sorted themselves out.

“Was that an Earthquake?” Kristine asked.

“Couldn’t be. There hasn’t been an earthquake in ten years, not since the tectonic stabilisers were installed in the main global fault lines,” Richard said.

“He said wait five minutes,” Ziala said quietly.

“Hey everyone check this out!” a student called from a classroom.

Students poured into the room where the student had the news brought up on his computer.

“We’ve now getting extra-ordinary footage from a traffic helicopter over Houston, Texas. You probably felt the earthquake, it was felt as far from the city as Los Angeles and New York but what we’re now seeing...it’s unbelievable,” the anchor said.

On the screen, the camera panned around Houston. A massive crack circled the city creating a chasm that the city started to sink into. However, the crack didn’t stop. It darted out, heading toward the Texas Gulf and destroying town after town in its way. When it did the waters rushed in. The chasm filled up and the water travelled toward Houston. The city streets flowed with water until the city was submerged.

“My god,” Kristine said.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:43 pm

Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 8 - 4 Jul

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 9

Everyone in the classroom stood transfixed on the screen that showed the cataclysm. Houston was sinking into an earthquake with seawater from the Atlantic rushing in through a vast trench to submerge the city. The world watched, the entire solar system watched. They all knew that what was happening couldn’t be natural. There hadn’t been such devastation for over fifteen years.

“What could have caused that?” Philip asked.

That one phrase has everyone present scared, if the resident genius, the son of Alex Whitman, didn’t know then god help them.

“Rick?” Philip asked.

He didn’t get an answer, Philip turned around and saw his cousin missing. Everyone looked around but no one saw the crowned prince. They looked to Kristine; she smiled and then looked to the screen.

“We’re getting reports now...there’s some kind of white light that’s just appeared over the city. We can’t make out...that’s, I’m not sure but I think that’s Prince Richard of New Antar,” the News Anchor said.

“Well, Kris, looks like your boyfriend is going hero,” Ziala said.

Above the flooding streets of Houston, Richard appeared. His entire body had an aura of blinding light surrounding him. It raged around Richard like a storm yet anyone who looked at him couldn’t help but feel that light deep within themselves and be moved to tears. Richard focused all his power; he could feel a presence here and chilled him to his core.

Raising his hands high above his head, the water suddenly stopped rushing in. Richard pushed his hands out and the waters started to spiral around, the pressure of the flow worked to push the water back along the crack and out to sea. For miles around, people looked up to see a massive hurricane of water spiralling around Houston.

The water drained from the streets; flowing back until the sun could touch each building, each vehicle and each body. Richard’s light also touched them and those killed snapped back to life with a desperate gasp for air. With the water in Houston greatly reduced, the time came to seal the quake, to force the land back together but as Richard smashed his hands together. With beads of sweat on his brow, the thunderous shockwave spread out from Richard toward the crack.

Nothing happened.

For a moment, a sharp pain hit Richard. He fell a little and all that water he was forcing out came rushing back in. He caught himself and pushed it back out but still, the moment he stopped all the water would come back in through the crack that wouldn’t go away.

“What the hell?” Richard asked. What he did should have worked; he didn’t understand why it didn’t.

“Feeling a little tired are we?”

Richard turned around, on a nearby rooftop Jarel stood looking out over the people beneath before looking over to Richard.

“Jarel, what are you doing here?” Richard asked.

“Having...fun, my prince,” Jarel said with a bow.

“You did this? Jarel...”

“Oh Jarel isn’t here anymore. Jarel was weak, powerless...useless. Jarel was removed,” Jarel said.

“Then who are you?” Richard asked

“I am Kivar,” Jarel said.

Richard’s eyes went wide, just behind Jarel’s eyes he could see the darkness that was Kivar.

“And I am Verask,” Verask said, appearing at Jarel’s side. “So, this is the boy deity, a child of the Progenitors like me.”

“Like you? You’re a genocidal freak,” Richard said.

“I haven’t killed that many. Only 50 or 60 million. But my young heir here, he’s only just beginning and he’s come up with something so elaborate just to get you here,” Verask said.

“Me?” Richard asked.

“You cannot stand against me,” Verask said.

“I can try,” Richard said.

“You’ll fail, especially with my heir here. Our power is greater than yours so why not join us?” Verask asked.

“Join you?” Richard asked.

“Together the three of us will raise an empire that will blaze across the stars. You can even keep that human concubine you’ve become so attached to,” Verask said.

“Okay, believe me when I say that if Kris ever hears you calling her a concubine, she’ll tear you apart barehanded,” Richard said.

Verask laughed. “Oh I don’t think you’ll want her to stay clear of that. What I would do to her...well let’s just say there wouldn’t be much of her left for you to enjoy,” he said.

“Of course, if you don’t join us, that may be her fate anyway. Along with the rest of this pathetic world,” Jarel said.

“You wouldn’t,” Richard said.

“No?” Jarel asked.

“Ziala,” Richard said.

“Ah yes. A lovely creature. I’m sure I will enjoy her greatly,” Jarel said. “Of course I would prefer Isabel’s daughter, Katherine. She is a closer heir to the throne but Ziala is no less pleasing. Perhaps I will just take both of them.”

Richard looked at Jarel, his fist clenched tighter. Before, he knew that Jarel would never have suggested such a thing but looking at him now Richard knew Jarel meant it.

On New Antar, Liz rushed into Max’s office. She’d heard what was going on when she was half way across the planet on route to Larek’s for a briefing on her next diplomatic visit. When word came, she turned around.

“Max, is it true?” Liz asked.

“Yes. Rick showed up a few minutes ago and did his thing but then stopped,” Max said.

“Stopped? Why?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know. But right now it looks like he’s talking to someone but there’s no one there,” Max said.

Liz looked at the screen, Max was right. There was her son in all his powerful glory and he was talking to someone but there was no one else visible. However, as she looked closer she saw a shadow pass over the screen and felt fear well up from deep inside her.

“He’s there,” Liz said.

“Who’s there?” Max asked.

“Verask. I can feel him, he’s there with Rick,” Liz said.

“You can? Liz, what does he want?” Max asked.

“To watch us burn. He hates everything, literally everything. H’Ebon created him to create chaos, to destroy and rebuild everything to worship H’Ebon. An empire founded on him with the Granoliths watching everything,” Liz said.

“That’s what H’Ebon wanted? But the Omniriad are all gone now. The ones that didn’t die out are off living on a higher plane,” Max said.

“Verask wont stop, he’ll just take H’Ebon’s place,” Liz said.

“Great. An ancient Antarian, the equivalent of the Devil and he’s got himself a god complex. Hmm...sounds familiar,” Max said.

“We do seem to run into them don’t we,” Liz said.

“And now it’s Rick’s turn to deal with it,” Max said.

“Forget that. Someone messes with our son, we deal with it,” Liz said.

“Got that right,” Max said. “But we don’t have that kind of power. How long before Alex get’s back?”

“The ship has to travel at 1/3 speed to keep the stabilisation field intact around his little discovery so maybe another day or two,” Liz said.

“Then I need that little bit of you that’s Omniriad to hack into the Granolith. We’re going to go digging through whatever reports the Omniriad left in there,” Max said.

Liz looked at Max, “You know what you’re asking?”

“I know. We’ve always been afraid of you getting lost in all that information and programming but we can’t let Rick handle this alone. If there’s something in there we can use...” Max said.

Liz nodded, her hand slipped into her husband’s and together they watched their son on the screen. They would go to the Granolith later, after Liz had a chance to prepare herself.

Kyle and Tess was oblivious to what was happening. Right now, they were too hot to care. Against a wall in one of the many corridors of their home, Kyle had Tess in his arms and kissing her. Tess’s hands scrapped down Kyle’s back until she cupped his ass; with a tug, she pushed his groin against hers. Her leg was up at his waist and slowly Kyle caressed her bare flesh while roaming up higher under her skirt.

“Kyle, we’re out in the hall,” Tess said.

“Like that would be the first time,” Kyle said before nibbling on her earlobe.

Tess gasped, tilted her head back and let Kyle have his way with her neck and throat. She was in absolute bliss with tingling deep inside her, yearning for her husband. Kyle felt it, needed it. He needed to be inside her, to feel her body gyrate against his own.

“That was in the night without the halls filled with staff,” Tess said.

Tess put her leg down, pushed Kyle from her and he landed against the opposite wall. Tess had a wicked smile on her lips, she sauntered over to Kyle and kissed him hard. Her hand snaked up the wall and she pressed her hand to the wall. The door to their bedroom slid open and both fell inside before it closed.

Kyle landed on his back and Tess straddled his waist. She leaned down over him, her hair tickled his face and she kissed him. Kyle let his hands roam over her body, up her dress to cup her firm breasts before he rolled the pair of them over so that Tess was the one on her back. Tess locked her legs behind Kyle’s back, she gripped onto him like a vice but he was able to lift the pair of them up just enough to reach the bed.

“If you don’t get me out of this dress in the next two minutes you’ll be wearing it everywhere you go for the next two years,” Tess said.

Never one to keep his lady waiting, Kyle smiled, he propped himself up onto his knees and took hold of the straps of her dress. Kyle yanked it, exposing her upper body to him but tearing the dress down the middle. Not that she minded, her blood was boiling. Tess pulled her smooth legs away before lifting her butt up. Kyle yanked her dress off and tossed it away.

Tess certainly wasn’t going to waste time. He waved her hand and disintegrated Kyle’s clothing. Kyle looked down his naked body and then looked back at Tess with a raised eyebrow.

“Those were my favourite pants,” Kyle said.

“They were in my way,” Tess said.

Tess glided her foot down his chest and slowly, gently, massaged Kyle’s dick. Her painted toes danced over his skin. Kyle hissed, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth together as he felt himself become erect.

“Ughnmm...you are evil,” Kyle groaned.

“Only when you want me to be,” Tess said.

Tess pulled herself up, facing Kyle with their heated body’s just inches apart. She looked over his face and kissed him before turning around. Tess looked over her shoulder at Kyle, her hand seductively rubbed up and down her thigh.

“I want you...now,” Tess said.

She lowered herself onto all fours, presenting herself to Kyle who didn’t hesitate. He moved up behind her. Kyle ran his hands over her ass, moving slowly before he probed her slit with his fingers. Tess whimpered, gently pushing her hips back. His arm slowly moved upward, under her top and firmly latched on to her left breast. Tess moaned into his mouth as his fingertips teased the flesh but the loudest moan came when Kyle’s hand left her head and moved down to her crotch.

He entered her with a slow, long stoke that was intended to drive her crazy and that’s what it did. Kyle looked down at her as she turned to face him over her shoulder. Her face was bright red; her skin glowed in the light as sweat formed and soaked her hair and caused it to stick to her body. Slowly he began to move, his hips thrust gently, sliding his cock in and out of her but gradually he began to increase his rhythm.

Tess arched her back, bringing her head up to the necessary height to kiss Kyle before returning her hands to the bed. They moaned, their voices melded together in an erotic song. He entered her and she gripped him tightly each time. Soon he was pounding into her, each thrust was filled with electricity that elevated them both toward heaven.

Neither of them stopped, their bodies worked together in time to unseen music. It was a continual movement that increased their body heat to a raging inferno. Neither wanted to stop, neither were going to stop. Kyle continued to thrust and Tess continued to push back, each time was godsend.

“God…Kyle. I’m so close…don’t stop fucking me!” Tess screamed.

Tess knew that he was close; she could feel it and Kyle also knew. He could feel her walls tightening around him. His frantic pace increased, moving one of his hands from her hips he returned to her clit and pinched it. It was enough to send them both over the edge. Tess pushed herself back up, pushed her arms back and clutched onto Kyle’s head. They kissed passionately while Kyle thrust and fingered into her pussy. She screamed out loud and then Tess collapsed onto the bed while she could feel Kyle’s seed spurt deep inside her. Kyle pulled out and lay himself on the bed next to Tess. The two held each other.

Outside their bedroom, one of their aides pressed her hand to the door. A chime rang inside the room and Kyle and Tess looked at each other. Together they quickly pulled their sheet up over their naked, sweat soaked bodies and covered themselves while trying to put on innocent looking faces, even though there is no way their aide wouldn’t know what they had been doing for the last few hours.

“Come,” Kyle said.

The door slid open, their aide walked in. “My lord, my lady,” she said.

“What’s up?” Tess asked.

Kyle and Tess saw concern on her face.

“There’s an incident on Earth. His Highness, Prince Richard is there now. You should come and see, I think you should both come and see as soon as you are prepared,” she said.

Their aide bowed her head and left. Kyle and Tess got out of bed, they put on their robes and quickly went into an adjacent room with a monitor. They switched it on and watched before Tess received a signal from the palace on the computer. The family was gathering.

In Roswell, Kristine shook her head as she watched the television. Ever since Future Rick’s download into her and his heads, she knew every aspect of Richard’s abilities and she knew he should have cleaned up that mess before now.

“Something’s wrong,” Kristine said.

“Are you sure?” Katherine asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Kristine said.

“It’s not like we can do anything, even through our connection he’s still there and we’re here,” Ziala said.

Kristine stared at the screen, her lover, someone who held a piece of her soul and could make her feel so alive with nothing but the simplest touch.

“Get that idea out of your head right now,” Paige said.

“What?” Kristine asked.

“Don’t say that. You’re apart of us. We know what we think and we know what you think so forget that idea now,” Ziala said.

“No,” Kristine said.

“Kris,” Philip said.

“We’re in this together...now, until...” Kristine said.

“You are the future crowned princess, the future queen. Like hell are you doing this,” Ziala said.

“Those titles, not going to mean a thing without Rick,” Kristine said.

With a smile, Kristine changed into a ball of brilliant light. She shot up through the roof without leaving a blemish on the tiling. Everyone watched as she vanished.

“Uh...just how much power does she have?” one student asked.

“Let’s just say you really shouldn’t make her mad,” Philip said.

Richard’s shirt was almost soaked through. He could feel powerful minds trying to invade his own and the strain of keeping them out while holding back the water was becoming too much. Even with the resurrection of the Houston citizenry, it would take too long for them to get out of the way from the water if he was to let it go. Without the ability to seal the earthquake, he had no choice but to continue for as long as he could.

“Jarel...stop this,” Richard said.

“No,” Jarel said.

“You really should join us boy,” Verask said.

“No,” Richard said.

“Just what is it with your bloodline that makes it impossible for you to agree with such a simple proposition?” Verask asked.

“Just stubborn I guess,” Richard said.

“Well, I’ll take care of that,” Verask said.

Verask threw his arms forward and a wall of black fire streaked through the air toward Richard. Richard moved similarly, he was in the process of controlling water right now so he figured he might as well use it. From the spiralling column of water circling the city, two arrow-like streams rushed out to extinguish the flame. The water made contact with the flame resulting in a ring of steam rushing over the city.

Still, the fire didn’t stop and continued straight to Richard. The prince couldn’t stop it, not with his attentions split. He simply closed his eyes and waited for it to hit, assuming he was able, he’d deal with it when he came out the other side.

All of a sudden his light doubled in intensity as an orb of energy darted down out of the sky and stopped right in front of Richard. The fire hit but burst out to the sides.

“Kris?” Richard asked.

“Ta da,” Kristine said as she returned to her human appearance.

“Get out of here. They’re insane,” Richard said.

“Do you honestly expect me to leave you right now? We can both hold back the water, and both take them on,” Kristine said.

“Hmm...have I told you how much I love you?” Richard asked.

“Not today you haven’t. But we can take care of that later,” Kristine said.

Together the two of them changed into balls of light and headed straight for Jarel and Verask. Their powers were divided between the tasks but the two could handle the strain together.

Verask and Jarel focused their might and were ready to strike. Battle began.

The two glowing orbs blurred through the sky and shot two screaming beams of light out at their enemies. Kristine and Richard aimed, thanks to Future Rick’s little trick of sending the instructions back in time they knew their full capability. Rick’s learning curve may have been exceptionally steep but even he couldn’t learn all he needed to in time to survive against this ancient creature.

Verask lifted up his arms and called both beams of energy to him. They struck, hitting the palms of his hands with such cataclysm that buildings everywhere in the city collapsed and the people in the streets became targets of fast moving rubble. Verask smiled as building after building fell, moving out in a ring of devastation leaving nothing left of the city save for the one building he and Jarel were standing on. The hurricane of water that Richard created blasted out, creating a rain shower everywhere for all over 50 miles from the city.

Kristine floated around, she moved so fast she left a trail of light in her wake. She sent out multiple tendrils of light that whipped around. Kristine grabbed onto Jarel, her tendrils wrapped around his arms, legs and throat. He struggled to get way, to aim his hands and fight but Kristine wasn’t letting him move and inch.

“Help me,” Jarel screamed at Verask.

“Earn your power boy,” Verask said.

Jarel screamed as Energy crackled over his body. In a surge of light, he vanished. Kristine knew Ziala was going to be pissed; still there wasn’t much of a choice.

“What did you do to him?” Richard asked.

“Sent him to the cells beneath the Imperial Guard Headquarters,” Kristine said.

“Ouch,” Richard said.

“I’ve let the guard know. They’ll keep him locked up and safe...sort of,” Kristine said.

“In those cells, sort of is not exactly the right term,” Richard said.

“Are you finished blabbing yet?” Verask asked.

“Oh yeah. We’re done,” Kristine said.

“Then...let’s end this,” Verask said.

“Fine with me,” Richard said.

Richard looked at Kristine and they nodded. Both darted away from each other, curving around to outflank Verask. The Antarian Devil thrust out his hands and dark energy shot out, it spread around the two orbs like river water flowing over rocks. It didn’t slow either of the two lovers down as they smashed into Verask. Their energy spread out, encompassing Verask and merging with each other.

Verask’s human body started to age and decay in seconds. Around them the damage started to reverse as buildings rose from the ground, the debris and dust flew together until the buildings were once again whole. People rose up around them as the city returned to its normal elevation. The earthquake was sealing up, closing and forcing the waters back out to sea. In less time than it took to destroy, Houston was as it should be.

“Nice,” Kristine said. “My hero.”

“You mean that wasn’t you?” Richard asked.

“Uh...no. It wasn’t you?” Kristine asked.

“Not this time...aghhhhhhh,” Richard said. He clutched his chest in pain.


Richard’s light faded and returned it his normal human looking body. He could feel it, something tearing, clawing at his soul and he cried out in pain.

“My powers...they’re weak. They were drained to repair the damage, I didn’t do it but I did. I don’t get it,” Richard said.

The pain was intense, fire flowed through his veins and he couldn’t focus on anything. The city was restored but Richard wasn’t. He looked at Kristine; their eyes locked and in that instant she knew, something was gravely wrong. Richard’s eyes closed and he fell.

Kristine chased after him, she caught him moments before he smashed into the ground. Richard would have left a crater if he hit, fortunately Kristine managed to lay him on the ground softly.

“Rick? Rick?” Kristine asked.

She lifted his eyelids, his eyes didn’t move. She checked for a pulse, she couldn’t feel it. Kristine begged Richard to wake up but he wouldn’t. He didn’t respond in the slightest and where she felt his mind since they first slept together, all she felt was emptiness.

By the corner of a skyscraper in the heart of the city, Future Rick stood and looked over toward Kristine as she screamed at Richard. Her tears cascaded down her face, trying to wake him while the flashing blue lights of an ambulance reflected off the walls until it stopped nearby. Future Rick smiled and turned to walk away, and with each step he laughed manically.

“Now it starts,” he said.

A moment later, a yellow glow surrounded him and vanished as the timelines changed.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 9 - 30 Jul

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 10

With Houston restored to glory and everyone back from the dead after suffering earthquakes and resulting torrent of water flooding in all the way from the Atlantic, emergency services rushed to the scene of the battle. Blue lights flashed as an ambulance pulled up next to Richard. He lay unconscious on the ground and nothing Kristine did could wake him.

When the paramedics arrived, one helped Kristine up so they could both get to work. However, with Richard’s distinctly different biology, it was all they could do to give him a once over before loading him into the back of the ambulance.

Three minutes later the paramedic wheeled Richard, with Kristine and an army of doctors accompanying him, in through the E.R. Half the hospital staff pressed themselves against the glass doors as they tried to look into the Richard’s room. Kristine refused to leave him, but she did stay out of their way in a corner. Her face was covered with tears, she couldn’t stop crying.

Doctors worked, they started hooking him up to their machines but the moment they did everything shorted out. The equipment practically exploded, smoke piled out of the air vents before Richard’s entire body started to glow.

“What’s happening?” the doctor asked.

Kristine looked closer, her eyes went wide. “Back off. All of you back off now!” she said.

They did, Kristine held up her hands and second later a violent storm of energy let loose from Richard. All of it was contained in a field Kristine generated but the magnitude of Richard’s power was such that she couldn’t keep it up for more than a few minutes.

“Come on Rick...keep control,” Kristine said.

For long, strenuous minutes, Kristine did her best but the power Richard was creating seemed to grow stronger, not weaker. There was no way she could hold it off for much longer, so she did the only thing she could. She shaped her bubble, created a funnel less than a millimetre in diameter and pointing straight up. Richard’s energy flowed out of it like water through a fire-hose. It went up, creating a hole in the ceiling, floor after floor and continuing up through the sky and into space. The beam continued, unending, unrelenting.

Seven minutes later, the Antarian starship Laguria reported sighting the beam and the complete destruction of the planet Uranus. Fragments of the planet hurtled in all directions. Laguria exhausted its firepower by taking out any serious threat by the debris to Earth or New Antar.

Richard’s powers quieted during it, and Kristine dropped her shield. It let the doctors go back to work. They couldn’t do much, but they did take several blood samples. They knew his family doctor was on the way, the least they could do was give her a head start.

“Miss, are you okay?” a nurse asked.

Kristine felt unsteady on her feet. Her t-shirt was practically soaked through with sweat and she admitted she could really do with a gallon or two of Red Bull. Still, she refused to leave Richard so the nurse brought her a chair to rest on. All Kristine could do was to wait and see.

Richard’s family didn’t wait, their personal ship was waiting for them long before they arrived in its hanger and didn’t observe any formal greetings by the administrator after their ship landed on the roof of the hospital. Every one of them walked briskly to Richard’s room, most waited outside while Max, Liz and Isabel went inside. Liz immediately hugged Kristine as Max stood at his son’s bed-side and Isabel went to work.

“Are you okay Honey?” Liz asked Kristine.

Kristine shook her head, “I can’t feel him anymore. Ever since we...it’s like he’s right next to me but now, he’s just not there,” Kristine said.

“We can close the link at times. Especially when we’re pain’s involved. That way you don’t feel it,” Max said.

“No, it’s not that. When Rick did that before, there was always a buzz in the back of my head letting me know he’s there. He’s completely gone, no buzz, nothing. If I couldn’t see him there I wouldn’t even know he’s in the room,” Kristine said.

The three adults looked at each other. The concern on their faces was unmistakable as Max looked at Liz before Isabel turned to Richard’s current doctor.

“Dr Whitman, I have some test results,” the doctor said.

He handed Isabel the file and Isabel looked at it. “This is all?” she asked.

“Every time we hook up a scanner, it blows,” the doctor said.

Isabel examined the file more closely, looking back and forth between the paper and her nephew.

“Isabel?” Max asked

“This doesn’t make any sense,” Isabel said.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“These results...they are completely messed up,” Isabel said.

“I thought Rick’s biology was always odd?” Kristine asked.

“It is. But this is even more out there. It’s like...if I didn’t know any better I’d say his DNA was being rewritten,” Isabel said.

“So what’s odd about that? It happened to me,” Kristine said.

“Honey, you were human. After you and Rick...well, afterward you were altered. Now, you and Rick, your DNA is infinitely complex. Changing this, it’s like reordering the structure of the universe – it can’t be done,” Isabel said.

“I need to get my head around these,” Isabel said. She turned to the doctor, “Is there an office where I can work?”

“Of course Doctor, this way,” the doctor said.

“Iz?” Max said.

“Max, I promise I’ll do my best I just need to get a handle on these reading,” Isabel said.

She followed the doctor out of the room. Liz sat down next to her son and took hold of his hand. Max stood nearby, pacing. There wasn’t one day of sickness, not that anyone in the family ever got ill but still, looking at his son now scared Max almost to death. He remembered his time in the hospital after the crash on a dirt road; it was the last thing he hoped to see his children endure. With his son’s powers, he’d been lulled into complacency. Nothing could touch Richard, now something had.

Michael came in, “Max, are you okay?” he asked.

“No. Michael, call the palace. Archival department, I want full information from as far back as the records go. I want this bastard nailed to the wall. And get what you can from Jarel,” Max said.

“Consider it done,” Michael said and left.

The family sat down and prepared themselves for the long haul. Kristine, Max and Liz stayed close while Richard’s brother and sisters stayed close to the window looking in while Maria kept them company.

On Antar, the prison Richard sent Jarel was as still as a graveyard. Antarians didn’t have much crime but those who did break the law were all sent here. All were quiet. The cell on the fifth floor kept them that way. Even the guards were afraid to go near it.

Jarel knelt in that cell with black fire circling him. All countermeasures in the prison designed to cancel out Antarian abilities should be working, they were for every other prisoner yet Jarel’s weren’t only working – they were thriving.

All Jarel did was laugh and the prisoners cowered in their cells, shaking with abject terror. They couldn’t explain it, it was as though the very air carried fear into them. Even nearby animals were afraid, they kept their distance from the prison but howled, squawked and cried at the walls. Any Antarian nearby looking on knew to stay away. Through the power of their minds, looking at the walls of the prison, they saw a dark shadow pass over the region.

While the Secret Service and Antarian Royal Guard were securing the hospital, Richard’s cousins had gathered. Rath and Lonnie were keeping an eye on them but they weren’t doing much to calm them. Pacing back and forth, they were as nervous as everyone else and as reassuring as they tried to sound their thoughts they broadcasted were anything but reassuring. Michael and Maria had the task of trying to distract the young prince’s brother and sisters with lots of sugary snacks. The three of them refused to be far from their big brother’s room.

“It’s okay you guys, Isabel is the best. She’ll get him back on his feet and then we’ll have him back on New Antar before you can blink,” Lonnie said.

“Why isn’t he up there now? I mean the medical tech down here is still low compared to what’s up there,” Ziala said.

“Rick’s too unstable to move right now,” Philip said.

“Even going through one of dad’s wormholes could cause more problems,” Katherine said.

“Can...can any of you hear him?” Ziala asked.

All of the teenagers looked at each other and shook their heads.

“I overheard Kristine. She told aunt Liz that she lost her connection to Rick as well,” Shanala said.

“If Kris lost it...oh god,” Ziala said.

“All of you relax. Rick will be fine. He’s hurt a little but this is Rick remember, he’ll heal,” Rath said.

“Tell that to Uranus,” James said.

“Rick’s powers have been beyond strong but I didn’t know he could wipe out whole planets like that,” Ziala said.

“Are you kidding? Rick could annihilate stars with a single thought,” Katherine said.

“So how do we help him? There’s got to be a way right?” James asked.

“Uh...there might just be,” Philip said.

“What? How?” Katherine asked.

“The Granolith in the palace. It’s the central one from the Omniriad homeworld. It has all their collective knowledge. If there’s an answer, it might just be in there,” Philip said.

“Yeah but Aunt Liz is the only one who can control that thing. Uncle Alex can but only so far,” Ziala said.

“Well let’s go speak to her,” Paige said.

“No. The answer wont be in the Granolith,” Katherine said.

“What do you mean?” Ziala asked.

“Why didn’t Future Rick mention this? He fought against Verask in his timeline so why didn’t he know about this happening?” Katherine asked.

“What are you saying?” Paige asked.

“I’m saying what if he wanted it to happen? What if he wanted it sooner than it happened in his timeline?” Katherine asked.

“What? He comes back in time for this. To ensure Kristine’s change and god know what else for what exactly?” Philip asked.

“I don’t know. But I think I know someone who does,” Ziala said.

“Who? Oh...you’re boyfriend,” Katherine said.

“He’s not my boyfriend...at least the person locked up in that cell isn’t and that person isn’t Jarel. It maybe his body but it’s not him,” Ziala said.

Ziala didn’t wait, not for her cousins or her parents as she headed up to the ship and hitched a ride to Roswell. Rath quickly followed, like hell was he going to let his daughter enter that prison without her. From there father and daughter used the portals in their home to return to New Antar.

Likewise, Kristine wasn’t content to sit by her boyfriend and wait. She needed to help and if she knew anything about Richard was that if anything there was only place she could be assured of finding him. Sitting next to Richard in his room, Kristine closed her eyes and let her mind float free. In moments, she found herself surrounded by water.

Tossed around like a ragdoll, thrown back and forth by the crashing waves until she thrown up on the beach. Kristine planted her hand on the ground to push herself up by she pulled her hand back sharply in pain. The skin of her hand was bleeding, shredded with multiple cuts and as Kristine looked around, she saw each grain of sand was razor sharp metal granules.

Kristine stood up and a tear dropped from her eye as she looked at what was a tropical paradise. The golden beach was dark and grey, the skies filled with storm clouds with lightening crashing everywhere. The jungle was no longer lush and green, each and every tree was dying, rotting away from the inside out. The single mountain at the heart of the island where Richard kept his emergency exit portal was now in the middle of a cataclysmic volcanic eruption.

Red-hot lava spewed out of the mountain and poured down its side while a black bellowing cloud covered the sky. As the lava flowed down the west side of the island, it seared the land before moving out into the ocean. The water didn’t solidify it into rock, it didn’t even cool it. The lava rolled out in an unending river and set the ocean on fire. Kristine was lucky to have left the ocean when she did.

“Rick?” Kristine called out.

She started walking, looking for something – anything that could help. There was nothing but chaos for as far as she could see. Kristine then came across a field of the statues depicting herself and Richard in various sexual positions. All were destroyed, all but one. In the middle of the field stood one statue, Richard taking her from behind, the look on his face was pure animal. The look on her statue’s face, Kristine could see fear, sorrow and pain.

Until this moment, not once had she ever even been afraid of Richard. Every aspect of his mind was an open book to her and while they both willingly gave themselves over to their carnal sides, they were never afraid of it. Seeing this statue and the look on Richard’s face, it made Kristine shiver.

“What’s going on here?” she asked herself.

All of a sudden there was a violent tremor, knocking Kristine off her feet. From the mountain, two cracks formed – one headed north, the other to the sound until the island split in two. Only the mountain connected the halves.

“Kriiiiistine,” came a voice from the mountain before laughing.

“Rick?” Kristine asked.

“Sort of,” the voice said.

“Rick, what’s going on? Where are you?” Kristine asked.

“I’m everywhere and you...you are all alone.”

“Rick, please come back to me,” Kristine said.


Kristine flew backward, she couldn’t stop herself until she slammed back against a tree. Still, she couldn’t move, not even a twitch from her finger would happen. She heard breathing, it seemed to come from all around her but then she felt a hand caress her body. Nothing was there, at least nothing she could see. Suddenly, violently, her shirt was ripped open. Her clothes started to shred as though a wild animal was clawing at her. Her skirt, shirt and underwear ripped off her body and left in tatters on the ground.

“Rick god, please don’t do this,” Kristine begged.

Quickly she found herself thrown forward, bent over a rock. Kristine quickly closed her eyes and she vanished from the island.

By Richard’s bedside, Kristine snapped awake and immediately gasped for breath before crying.

“Kris, what happened? Are you okay?” Liz quickly asked.

“I think...I think he was going to rape me,” Kristine said.

“What?” Max asked.

“Kris, there’s no way Rick would...” Liz said.

“I know what happened. I know Rick wouldn’t but something was very wrong with him. I swear,” Kristine said.

“It’s okay, Honey, we believe you,” Liz said. She held Kristine close and didn’t let go as she cried.

Much later, Isabel returned to the room. As if a signal called them, the family gathered outside, all but Rath and Ziala. Isabel checked the latest results before turning back to her family.

“Well?” Max asked.

“Well...these results were much simpler than I thought. It’s was just happening too chaotically. It’s like a switch has been flipped in his brain. His body is fine but the DNA relating to his mental functions has been warping,” Isabel said.

“Warping into what?” Liz asked.

“I don’t have a clue. Whatever it is, Rick’s had it locked away in his mind for years. Possibly since he was born,” Isabel said.

Max and Liz looked at each other.

“Do you think?” Max asked.

“It’s possible. They’re just as violent a race as anyone else. They wouldn’t take the chance of letting that power go out there with someone dangerous,” Liz said.

“What are you talking about?” Kristine asked.

“The Omniriad. Specifically, Phoenix. He knew the power Rick would have. He taught Max and me what to do to teach Rick how to control it but he wouldn’t want the power in the wrong kind of person,” Liz said.

“So what are you saying? That all of Rick’s dark side is locked up somewhere is his mind and now it’s out?” Kristine asked.

“Can you fix it?” Max asked.

“No, but I think we all can. If Kristine connects with Rick and we all connect with her, her can channel ourselves into Rick’s mind and re-establish his control,” Isabel said. “And I do mean all of us.”

Max opened the door and the family came inside. They all circled the bed and placed their hands on each other’s shoulders, linking them all the way to Max and Liz who each placed a hand on Kristine’s shoulders. The future queen rested her hand, the one adorned with her engagement ring, onto Richard’s chest, right above his heart. Everyone closed their eyes and reached out to the fallen prince.

Throughout the hospital, lights flickered on and off before they started getting brighter. Clouds churned in the sky and everything started to shake. Each member of the family glowed; ripples of energy passed through all, moving down the line until they moved through Kristine and into Richard.

Time passed, doctors and nurses watched from outside, trying in vain to understand what was happening.

Then it happened. With a sound like a meteor bursting into the atmosphere, a flash of light spread out from the hospital room through the entire country. The family looked at Richard and his eyes snapped open.

“Rick?” Liz asked.

He didn’t say anything as he sat up in bed. He looked at each of his family before getting out of the bed.

“Woah, woah...wait. You shouldn’t be getting up yet,” Kristine said.

Richard looked at her. He flung up his hand and sent her crashing to the far wall, followed up everyone else who found themselves pressed against a wall, the floor or the ceiling. Richard walked up to Kristine, ran his hand over her legs, up her thigh, and stroked between her legs.

“I look forward to finishing what we started on the island, my love,” Richard said.

Richard left her and walked to the window. He pressed the tip of his forefinger to the glass and a massive force blasted the entire section of wall away. A gap was left in the side of the hospital. Richard turned and looked back at the others.

“Thank you so very much for waking me up,” Richard said.

With that he turned into a ball of light, albeit one that was distinctly darker than usually, and flew off into space. Once he was gone, everyone fell to the ground and all were silent.

Richard descended on to New Antar like the wrath of god. His orb of light crashed down on the palace and landed inside the Granolith Chamber. The shockwave generated by his arrival spread over the entire planet, shaking the very mountains. The Fire-falls, New Antar’s number one tourist spot in Larek’s domain stopped flowing. Ever since the terraforming of Mars into the Antarians’ new home, an unending stream of molten rock flowed from the side of a mountain, down into a lake of lava and with great pressure sucked it back out into lava tube that created a never ending circle of fire. Today, it was blocked.

Inside the Granolith Chamber, Richard walked up to the ancient device. He pressed his hands to the surface and closed his eyes. On the jet-black surface, lights started to flash in the colours of the rainbow. Repeatedly they lit up, getting faster until an aura of red light surrounded the Granolith.

In other star systems, each one that contained a Granolith, the devices glowed. When Richard let go, all the Granoliths everywhere across the universe, sent out a pulse of red light. Candle light, fires, electrons, power systems everywhere from primitive worlds filled with cave dwelling people to the most advanced civilisations found themselves without power of any kind. They simply cancelled out.

Across Earth and New Antar, light bulbs switched off everywhere leaving both worlds in darkness. Even Alex’s crystal power stations shut down. Cars stopped in the streets, elevators broke down mid-floor and more importantly – every last Antarian found that they couldn’t use their powers any more. The energy they generated was gone.

Richard lifted his hand and a chair formed from the same blue crystalline material that lined the walls of the chamber. He created a throne far grander than Max’s. Richard sat down in it. He leaned back in his throne and the chair slid back across the ground. The back of it connected with the Granolith.

“I will rule forever,” Richard said.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 10 - 28 Aug

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 11

Earth and Antar were dead, at least as far as power was concerned. Every power system no longer carried a current and even Alex’s power stations were shut down despite energy production being peaked. The power simply never left the stations. In hospitals, it was all the doctors could do to keep their patients alive. With Richard sitting on his throne and hooked up to the Granolith, he took control of everything he could see and with his mind, there wasn’t a limit. Richard sat in his new throne, staring at an image of the Earth projected just before him.

“Dead,” Richard said.

In Houston, people were walking around the city when all of a sudden everyone who was there during Verask’s little disaster stopped. They started to coughed, they choked and in moments water poured out of their mouths. They fell to the ground, each drowning where they were.

“Dead,” Richard said.

In a coastal African town, one made prosperous after a famine and toxic water that Richard put an end to just by touching the waters when he was much younger, people felt their skin dry. Their stomachs clenched and tightened, they became weak...so very weak that whatever they held they dropped before they too fell to the ground. They were unable to stand and soon they all shrivelled up. Each one was a victim of starvation and thirst.

“Dead,” Richard said.

All over the globe, people who happened to be in hospitals when Richard visited and who were healed as a result suddenly found their ailments had returned. Amputees whose limbs regenerated suddenly found them vanished, cancers were back at full force along with viral infections.

“Dead...dead...dead...dead,” Richard said.

Richard took back everything he gave. Not one person who was alive thanks to him was still that way. In total, in the space of a few minutes, nearly 27,000 people dropped dead all over Earth from various causes and mass panic spread all over the planet. There was nothing anyone could do.

Through all of this, Ziala had arrived on Antar just before the blackout. The prison wasn’t too far from the spaceport, Ziala easily walked the distance and entered the prison. While all the guards were keeping their distance from the cell, Ziala went straight for the cell and looked through the bars. Normally there would be an energy field in place over the bars, but with no power there was no field.

“I apologise for the condition of my current quarters. The guards seem unable to come near me. Must be the abject terror I suppose. I can be such a pain,” Jarel said.

“Understatement much Jarel,” Ziala said.

“My name is Kivar!” Jarel said.

“You are Jarel. You are that freak’s son...not him,” Ziala said.

“I am my father’s son. Everything he is, is in me. Everything. I am Kivar,” Jarel said.

“Fine. Kivar. Son of a bitch who got killed how many times?” Ziala asked.

Jarel stared right at her.

“So, what did you and Verask do to my cousin?” Ziala asked.

“We simply let him out to play,” Jarel said.

“Quit the games. Talk to me,” Ziala said.

“Talk to you...hmmm, as what? The one who would kill your entire family, or the one you would willingly take to your bed?” Jarel asked.

“You really are a son of a bitch. How did this happen? You went through that ritual crap in that room and it was supposed to help you,” Ziala said.

“But it did. It opened so many doors in my mind, letting me free. How interesting that because I loved you, this is made possible,” Jarel said.

“You...you loved me?” Ziala asked.

“Oh yes. Jarel loved you quiet much. How is it that humans put it...love at first sight? He felt it in every cell in his being, every bone right down into his soul. In fact, the day after, he planned to go to your father and mother and officially ask for permission to undergo the rites with you. But then...this happened,” Jarel said.

“Well then, now I know I shouldn’t have come here,” Ziala said.

“But you did, dear princess,” Jarel said.

Jarel pushed himself off the ground and stood on his feet before swinging his hands out. The bars bent and suddenly Ziala shot inside before the bars returned to normal.

“How’d you do that?” Ziala asked.

“Our new king was kind enough to make an exception in his little power outage,” Jarel said.

“Then why are you still in here?” Ziala asked.

“I was hoping someone would pay a visit. Oh and look...here you are my princess,” Jarel said.

“Stay the hell away from me,” Ziala said.

“As you wish, for now,” Jarel said.

“PEOPLE OF THE EMPIRE!” Richard’s voice boomed.

Jarel and Ziala looked out of the window to see a giant, almost transparent Richard standing high over the mountains. In fact, he appeared to every city on every planet across the stars within the Antarian Empire.


In moments his hologram faded.

In Richard’s hospital room, his devastated family were standing by the blasted out window after looking at Richard’s holographic message. Richard was no longer the young man they all knew and loved. He had become a monster willing to use his vast powers for his own pleasures.

“What happened?” Maria asked.

“We’ve lost him,” Kristine said. Her eyes filled with tears as she sat back on the bed. Then she felt it, the ring Richard gave her, the one he brought into existence for her, crumpled into dust and fell from her finger.

“No!” Mark, Richard’s younger brother, said.

“We can help him,” Joanne said.

“I want to save him too but I don’t know how,” Kristine said.

“We do,” Kara said.

The thirteen-year-old triplets stood close to each other and the entire family looked at them.

“How?” Max asked.

The three of them simply smiled before the vanished.

“Hey, when did their powers switch on?” Michael asked.

“Forget that. Where did they go?” Katherine asked.

Within the Antarian Granolith, Richard’s eyes flashed open. He felt a surge of power from Earth and worried. He’d cancelled out everything from batteries to Antarian powers, even Kristine’s. He knew it wasn’t her, the feel of it was wrong – different, yet nothing could generate a shockwave like he was feeling.

Richard leaned back into his throne, closed his eyes and linked his mind into the Granolith behind him. His thoughts took off and drifted through the stars, following the wake of the energy pulse clear across the universe. He followed, for thousands...millions of light years, far from Earth and anywhere known to the Antarians. No one from their little neighbourhood hadn’t even sent probes out this far.

Then Richard lost the trail. Only, he didn’t just lose it. In his mind, a blinding flash of light that sent him hurtling back the way he came hit him. Richard went flying from his throne; he flew across the room and landed against the wall before falling flat on the floor. When Richard looked up, he saw his throne had been shattered into a dozen large chunks that melted into the crystal lining of the chamber.

Richard was furious.

“Impossible!” he said.

Richard stood and straightened his clothes before he held out his hand. When Richard tried to recreate his throne, the energy backfired back onto himself and once again he found himself smashed against the wall. Richard’s eyes shifted back and forth. He looked over the room, looking for a sign of anything else in the room but saw nothing. There was only one possibility.

“You wouldn’t...you couldn’t go there,” Richard said.

In the family’s private ship, they tried to start the engines but didn’t have any luck. They couldn’t even return to the estate in Roswell. Less than an hour ago they could travel from one planet in this system to the other in the blink of an eye, now they couldn’t even get far beyond the city limits in less than a day.

“I can’t believe this. My son’s gone to the dark side and the triplets are god knows where,” Liz said, her eyes quickly went wide.

“We’ll get them back,” Max said, holding her hand.

“Where would they go?” Isabel asked.

“God knows where,” Liz said.

“You’ve said that,” Max said.

“No. God,” Liz said.

“You’re not about to tell me they went to...” Michael asked.

“No, no, not that. The beliefs for supreme beings come to races the good old-fashioned way of people trying to understand things that they’re too primitive to understand so usually tribes and cave people draw or carve their idea of god or gods into things around their communities. However, most if not all god-forms on thousands of worlds are given more credence when they get visited by superior alien races. Hell, if an ordinary human takes an Uzi back to ancient Greece and there would probably a statue of him with fire or thunder coming from their hands,” Liz said.

“Liz, what are you talking about?” Maria asked.

“I have a bad feeling I know where Mark and the girls went to get help,” Liz said.

“Why a bad feeling?” Max asked.

“Because of whom they are going to see. And they do not like being bothered,” Liz said.

“And that would be?” Max asked.

At the heart of the universe, at the very point where the Big Bang banged, a nebula of red and gold, blue and green gases mixed in a violent storm of creation where stars were born and exploded. Here was where a single planet remained hidden at the very centre of the cloud. On that planet was a single building, a hall of a thousand chairs of varying designs circling around the walls. They over looked a vast pit, a tunnel leading down into darkness but had a walkway leading over it like a gangplank on a pirate ship stopping in midair.

Max, Kara and Joanne arrived in a flash of light in the middle of the walkway and looked around.

“We really shouldn’t be here,” Mark said.

“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Joanne asked.

“Back home,” Mark said.

“Look, mom and dad wouldn’t even be allowed in here,” Kara said.

“Oh yeah, like we would be allowed too,” Mark said.

“We’re in aren’t we?” Kara asked.

“Yes because we sneaked in through the back door,” Mark said.

Suddenly, everything started to shake.

“Somebody’s coming,” Joanne sang.

“YOU – DO NOT – BELONG!” a voice boomed.

“Uh...take us to your leader,” Mark said.

“Mark...seriously?” Kara and Joanne said together.

“What? I choked,” Mark said.

“YOU – DO NOT – BELONG!!” the voice yelled again.

“Okay, bye bye,” Kara and Joanne said.

They turned to walk away but Mark flicked his wrist and the two girls were instantly by his side again. From the walls, mists and energy of varying colours poured into the room. They moved around the great hall like phantoms, rushing at the triplets only to either pass through them or veer off at the last moment.

“We need your help,” Mark called out.

Suddenly, all the varying colours solidified into a thousand individuals and each one from a different race. They all sat down, only one chair was vacant. The triplets stood there, under the intense scrutiny of these people. One, a creature of grey skin with insect eyes and three fingered claws, stood. He vanished, only to appear before Mark and the girls.

“I don’t know how you entered this hall or even knew that it existed but we do not interfere with the affairs of such young races,” he said.

“Tough. We need help,” Mark said.

Another stood, this one had flowing blue hair, skin of gold and twelve arms. Her eyes were constantly a burning flame. She transformed into three wisps of blue energy that streaked through the air toward the walkway before she reformed.

“Such bravery from a youngling, and from such a primitive race. You are human are you not?” she asked.

“Kind of,” Kara said.

“Anyway, my colleague is correct. This council is of the higher races. We govern the affairs of beings and worlds on a scale you cannot begin to imagine. Your arrival is unusual, so please leave this hall. We cannot help you,” she said.

“Wait,” another said.

Mark, Joanne and Kara looked up to see one of them sitting in a chair on the roof. It was nothing more than a mass of white crystal, a crystal that grew larger until it reached the ground. Then it started to contract so that it stood before them.

“These creatures aren’t human. I see Antarian in them...and Omniriad,” the crystal said.

Both the grey-skin and the gold-skin looked to the empty chair before looking back at the triplets.

“Oh yeah, our mom is human and part Omniriad. Our dad is Antarian,” Mark said.

“Which explains how they entered this meeting hall,” she said.

“It does not matter. They are children from lesser races. We cannot interfere with their societies,” he said.

“But it’s our brother. He’s not well,” Joanne said.

“Unfortunate, but irrelevant,” the grey-skin said.

“What is wrong with your brother, child,” the gold-skin asked.

“There was this Omniriad called H’Ebon,” Mark said.

“We know of H’Ebon and all his works. He betrayed his people and the covenant of this council. That matter was resolved, H’Ebon was exiled,” the crystal said.

“So you know about Verask? Well he was stuck on Earth but got free and Rick fought him. Now he’s gone bad...real bad,” Kara said.

“He’s plugged himself into the Granolith and is causing problems. Even his girlfriend is scared,” Joanne said.

“And Rick’s powers can be very scary,” Mark said.

“The anomaly,” the crystal said.

“The what?” Mark asked.

“We sensed a distortion wave originating in the Omniriad’s Granolith network affecting all the lower races,” the crystal said.

“It still does not concern us. The matter involves their level, not ours,” the grey-skin said.

“How long before it does?” Joanne asked.

“The youngling is right. They have demonstrated ability to enter our hall; if that is any indication then we must assume their brother is equally advanced. It would appear that our Omniriad brothers did not leave their chair empty without a successor after all,” the gold-skin said.

“You cannot be serious. Even if their species continues along this path for another twenty million of their years, they won’t be suitably advanced enough to sit in that chair. They know of this place, we should put them in the pit and ensure none of their level learns of this hall,” the grey-skin said.

Mark looked at his sisters and all three looked down into the pit.

“What is down there?” Kara asked.

“We are the guardians, the keepers of the prison dimensions to which our most destructive criminal elements are imprisoned,” the gold-skin said.

“Okay...I really wouldn’t do well in prison,” Joanne said.

“They are heirs of the Omniriad. That at least allows them to be heard and heard they have been. The Council must now decide,” the crystal said.

“So be it,” the grey-skin said.

“What do you think happens if they don’t want to help?” Kara whispered to her brother and sister.

All three looked at each other, then looked down the pit and gulped.

Ziala paced in the cell, keeping close to the cell doors even though there wasn’t an escape should Jarel choose to attack. Of all the things running through her mind, she couldn’t wrap her mind around everything that was happening. Ziala wanted to reach inside her cousin, rip out his spine and smack some sense into him.

“You know, if you really want to waste some time you could always decide to kneel before me and help me enjoy you,” Jarel said.

Ziala knew what Jarel was meaning and her eyes drifted to the bulge in his lap. “I’d sooner suck on diseased rhinoceros tail but thanks anyway. At least I know you’re still male at least,” she said.

“Physical pleasure is one of the few things we do actually have in common with those apes on Earth,” Jarel said.

“There’s more than that, a lot more. Oh and by the way I was born before mom and dad had their DNA restored to Antarian so part ape here,” Ziala said.

Suddenly a sharp pain seared through Ziala’s mind and she doubled over in pain. Ziala clutched her head and she screamed, still the guards didn’t come. Jarel looked at her before she collapsed to the ground. A moment later, she stood again.

“What happened?” Jarel said.

Ziala looked at her hands and smiled. “Nothing,” she said.

“Don’t give me that,” Jarel said.

Jarel stepped closer and in that moment Ziala thrust out her hands, she placed one on his heart and the other over his forehead. Jarel felt a mass of consciousness push into his mind and he’d let his guard down. He didn’t expect Ziala to have her gifts and he couldn’t raise his mental barriers to protect himself.

“No....” Jarel said.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 10 - 28 Aug

Post by Tharos »


Jarel found himself looking over a rocky precipice, lightening flashed in the sky as storm clouds churned. Everywhere around him was nothing but dark rock and desert. Tornados wracked the land, messing everything up and keeping it the desert in flux.

“ZIALA!” Jarel yelled.

“Hi,” Ziala said.

Jarel turned and saw her behind him. She stood with her arms crossed, looking confident, self-assured and completely pissed.

“Now how did you do that?” Jarel asked.

“Beats me. I guess I’m just lucky,” Ziala said.

“No one’s that lucky,” Jarel said.

“Well, oh...bugger,” Ziala said.

“What?” Jarel asked.

“Either someone gave me my powers back or I got some serious luck on my side from dad knocking my mom up with me at the Granolith on their wedding night. It was an old wives tale that it was supposed to be lucky,” Ziala said.

“Hmm. Granolith resonance signal implanted into your cells in the moment of conception. Making you adaptable to its influence like building up immunity,” Jarel said.

“Well then, isn’t Rick going to be pissed,” Ziala said.

“Indeed,” Jarel said.

“But it also means that I can call the shots. In here at least, inside your head. So...Kivar. Where is Jarel?” Ziala asked.

“You think I’m going to tell you?” Jarel asked.

“No. I think you’re going to run and hide by the time I’m through with you. I’ll chase you into whatever dark corner you slithered out of and Jarel will be free to come back,” Ziala said.

“Give it your best shot,” Jarel said just as an area of the desert behind him distorted with his anger.

Ziala smiled. “Gotcha. You’re too easy to piss off,” she said.

Ziala ran off, moving through the desert as quickly as she could with Jarel in hot pursuit. Ziala threw everything she could into Jarel’s path, slabs of rock shot up from the ground, dust clouds and pebble bullets all of which Jarel defeated.

Ziala leapt at the distortion just as Jarel was about to grab her and she landed in a soft bed of grass. Ziala turned around to find herself under a bright and warm sun with the scent of flowers filling her nose. Ziala stood up and looked around.

“Jarel!” Ziala yelled.

She couldn’t see him anywhere, there was nothing on this small oasis but a mound of earth.

“No way,” Ziala said.

She ran up to the mound and punched her hand into the loose soil. Ziala felt something warm inside and grabbed onto it. She pulled as hard as she could and used her other hand to brush the soil away. Ziala pulled up a very dirty Jarel who coughed up soil as he gasped for air.

“Ziala,” Jarel said.

Ziala helped him out, dragging him onto the grass she pulled him so that he sat up. “Hey. How are you”? she asked.

“Not sure. What happened?” Jarel asked.

“Long story,” Ziala said.

“Never mind,” Jarel said.

He looked and saw the edge of his little oasis where his other self stood.

“Hello dad,” Jarel said.

Ziala helped him stand up and instantly his hand slipped into Ziala’s. A slight spark arched between the skin of their hands and they both gasped before they looked into each other’s eyes.

“Ready?” Ziala asked.

“Yes,” Jarel said.

Together they marched toward the edge. When they reached it, Jarel let go of Ziala and stretched his hands out through the barrier. The other Jarel, Kivar, reached out as well and the two grabbed onto each other. Each tried to throw the other into the small pocket that was currently the grassy oasis. When the other Jarel entered it suddenly transformed and became the desert while the outside of it became coated with grass.

On and on the two switched and the ratio of their surroundings changed accordingly. Ziala stepped out of the pocket and when her Jarel was out there with her, she focused all her power into a single concentrated burst that blasted the other Jarel from hers. The other Jarel flew further into the pocket and the true Jarel thrust up his hand. The pocket shrank, folding in on itself repeatedly as Jarel focused his mind on the last moments of the ritual that was to purge him of Kivar in the first place.

He was finishing it once and for all. Jarel shrank that pocket into non-existence.

In the prison cell, Jarel and Ziala’s eyes opened and they looked at each other as Ziala lowered her hands.

“Hi,” Ziala said.

“Hello,” Jarel said.

“Are you, you?” Ziala asked.

“I think so. Are you?” Jarel asked.

“Why would I be different? But are you really you?” Ziala asked.

Jarel snapped forward and captured her lips in a molten hot kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other and moved their heads from side to side. A connection opened between them and Jarel allowed Ziala to see clearly so that she was sure, Ziala reciprocated with her own thoughts. She wanted him to know her, each one desperate to feel closer to the other until they came up for air.

“Does that answer your question?” Jarel asked.

“Yes,” Ziala said softly.

They looked into each other’s eyes as though they were looking into each other’s souls. Without any hesitation, they kissed again with even more passion. Ziala ran her hand up the side of Jarel’s face and through his hair as they descended to their knees. The two held each other close, the energy their cells generated surged and flooded through their systems to where their skins touched. The connection that formed between them brought their thoughts to each other and enraged their hormones.

Ziala couldn’t believe this was happening but certainly had no intention of stopping. The eldest of her generation of princesses made her choice and enjoyed herself in making it.

Jarel’s hands weren’t idle, they danced over her arms and soon found the bare skin exposed by her sleeveless top. As Ziala’s tongue probed into his mouth, Jarel’s hands slipped down to the bottom of her top and pulled it off her exquisite body. As the cool air hit Ziala’s completely bare upper body, she pressed herself closer against Jarel for the warmth of his body. Jarel wrapped his arms around her, his hands slid over the flawless skin of her naked back.

Slowly he brought his hands around, following the line of her lower ribs and held her body. Ziala leaned back, she wanted Jarel to see her and see her he did. Jarel had never seen anything more beautiful than the vision before him now. He held his breath for a moment, then Ziala put her hands over his and guided him up to her breasts.

Jarel gently squeezed and massaged her breasts; he made love to them with his hands before he leaned in and started to kiss her chest. Ziala snaked her fingers through his hair to the back of his head and held him there. She smiled as her eyes fluttered shut, new sensations flooded her body and she wanted more. However, more than that, she was desperate to feel his skin against hers. Ziala reached down and took hold of Jarel’s shirt. He felts her and leaned back, Ziala pulled his shirt off over his head and together the two pressed their bodies together.

The fire of their naked flesh touching as they kissed spurred them on to new heights of pleasure. Together, the two of them explored each other’s bodies with their hands. Jarel started to kiss his way around Ziala’s face to her chin and then to her collarbone. He moved lower with his lips and Ziala started to lean back, her long blonde hair fell back and tickled the floor while Jarel kissed over her entire chest.

In moments, Ziala leaned so far back that she laid herself on the floor and Jarel continued to kiss all the way down to her belly button. Ziala gasped, her skin flushed red and her eyes rolled back into her skull. She felt Jarel’s hands rub over the denim coving her upper thighs and move slowly to her groin. Jarel hadn’t had much experience with human clothing so he didn’t even try to work out how buttons and zippers worked. He brushed his hand over the fastenings of her jeans and the fabric separated.

Jarel looked into Ziala’s eyes, she lifted herself from the floor and Jarel slowly tugged her snug jeans from her body. Once they were away from her ass, Ziala lowered herself and lay there in her excitement while Jarel bared more of her body. When he brought her jeans to her ankles, Jarel pulled off her shoes and then leg by leg he pulled off her jeans leaving her in her panties.

Jarel couldn’t resist and threw himself down over her. He pinned himself up on his strong arms and leaned his head down to kiss her. Ziala wrapped her arms around Jarel’s back and kissed him back with every ounce of passion in her veins. Then, feeling a little playful, Ziala span the two of them around and she sat up, straddling his waist while her hands roamed over his torso.

The two of them locked eyes; Ziala leaned down and didn’t break eye contact until the last moment when it was her turn to kiss his chest. Her tongue ran over his nipples and kissed her way down to his pants. Ziala planted her hand firmly over the bulge she found there. For the first time she felt his manhood and she smiled with the radiance of the sun. Her hand glowed and the fabric split away from his skin, she pulled off his pants and was presented with his throbbing erection.

Jarel propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch. Ziala glided her hand over his hard dick, she breathed hard, her young, firm breasts raised and lowered with each breath – a sight that caused Jarel’s dick to swell. Ziala wrapped her fingers around his length and slowly stroked up and down before she kissed the tip of his dick. It was Jarel’s turn to gasp and then his breathing became heavy as Ziala’s mouth descended over his length.

She took him into her mouth and her tongue snaked around his dick. Neither cared they were in a prison cell; they gave themselves to each other and weren’t turning back. Ziala’s head bobbed up and down in long, slow strokes while her tongue slathered his dick.

After a few long minutes of incredible pleasure, Jarel reached down and stopped Ziala. He lifted her head from his penis and with a heated glance they kissed again. Jarel eased her back onto her back and caressed her smooth legs, moving up and inch at a time until he hooked his fingers around her panties. Jarel pulled them off and for the first time they were naked together.

Jarel kissed her ankle, then moved down her left legs with kisses that sent pulse after pulse of pleasure through her veins. Jarel soon reached her thighs and kissed before he moved just that little but higher. He lapped at her pussy with his tongue and Ziala’s back arched from the metal floor. Her hard nipples begged her contact and as Jarel looked up her body, he couldn’t help but send his hand up.

Jarel’s tongue delved deep into her body while his hand tweaked one nipple and then the other. Ziala reached down and took hold of his hand; she kissed his fingers before sucking on them and then returned his hand to her breasts. With a final kiss to her pussy, Jarel leaned up. Ziala looked up sharply, she couldn’t believe Jarel just stopped what he was doing but smiled when he started to crawl up over her body.

Ziala spread her legs wide while Jarel moved over her. He moved over her, their bodies were inches apart and his dick brushed over the soft, bald flesh of her groin. Neither said anything, they didn’t have to, they kissed each other and with gleaming eyes Ziala slowly ran her foot over the back of Jarel’s leg and caressed his waist with the silken flesh of her inner thigh. Soon she brought her leg up and wrapped it behind his butt, pulling him in closer.

“I love you,” Jarel whispered in Ziala’s ear.

“I love you as well,” she replied.

As Jarel pulled back a little, Ziala reached down. She took his erection into her hand and aimed it for her moist, eager pussy. Jarel eased forward, probing her entrance with the tip of his dick and he watched her lower lip tremble with anticipation. Jarel entered her; he pushed in just a little and met the resistance of her virginity. Ziala released his dick and moved her hand along Jarel’s side to his face. She cupped his cheek, Jarel kissed the palm of her hand and left a slight glow that spread through her veins.

Jarel pulled out a little and then pushed back in, spearing though her barrier and filling her pussy with every inch of his dick. Jarel blocked the pain; she felt nothing but bliss as her eyes opened wide. Jarel never felt more alive and more content than he felt right now. The curse forced onto whatever future he had thanks to his father was cast off and he now walked his own path.

Their joined bodies stayed still, neither could imagine it better than this single moment nor did they want it to end. Then instinct took over.

The urge to continue was far too strong and Jarel pulled back. He didn’t leave her body, but enough to create a single long, delicious friction along his dick and the inside of her pussy. Jarel pushed back inside slowly, filling her up completely. He did it again, then again and again while Ziala caressed his body. Soon their bodies were rocking together each time he thrust into her.

They kissed; their tongues duelled together as Ziala lifted her feet from the ground and brought them up behind Jarel’s ass. Ziala rolled her hips, grinding herself against Jarel each time he thrust in and their groins touched. They kept going, each touching the other in ways no one else could.

Their exertions made their skin burn red and sweat caused them to glow in the light streaming in from the window. With one of Jarel’s thrusts, the pleasure was so intense that Ziala gasped loudly and latched onto his body with her arms. As much as they wanted to draw this out, the explosion waiting to erupt in them grew stronger.

They grunted, the groaned and they gasped for each breath as the union of their bodies created a union in their minds. Their mental link grew stronger and more intense with each passing moment until they started to feel the emotions and sensations of their lover within themselves. Ziala leaned up, pressing her breasts against Jarel’s chest. Her nipples scrapped into his flesh and brushed against his own hard nipples.

Their bodies heaved together and Jarel’s thrusting became faster. His pelvis sent his dick into Ziala like pistons in an engine. He leaned down over her and kissed her, the full body contact was more fuel to the fire and they kept going. Jarel ran his hands over her body and along her arms to her hands where their fingers interlocked on either side of her head. Not once did they stop kissing.

Then Jarel just had to call out. The pressure building in his dick was undeniable and it fed through their bond into Ziala.

“Uhhh...hhummmmm...cum inside me...uhnnnnmmmmm...let it go,” Ziala whispered, her mouth mere millimetres from his ear.

“Ghnnnnnnnn...aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Jarel grunted.

He thrust hard and slammed his dick into Ziala where he held himself there. Jarel released his seed into her womb while her body jerked and quivered with her own orgasm. The moment she felt him cum, she came. Her open mouth pulled in air while she held onto his body until they both collapsed together.

The two young noble lovers held each other tightly as they basked in the glow and heat from each other’s bodies. Jarel gently stroked the side of her face and never broke eye contact.

“I love you,” Jarel said.

He’d said it before but Jarel never felt like this and just had to say it again.

“I love you too,” Ziala said.

Then her lips burst open with laughter.

“Why the laugh?” Jarel asked.

“Of all the places I imagined losing my virginity...a prison cell was not even on the list,” Ziala said.

“Tell me about it. It wasn’t on mine either. But at least I got the part about ‘who with’ right,” Jarel said.

“Kiss me again,” Ziala said.

Jarel complied most willingly. He leaned down and latched his mouth onto hers for an incredibly gentle kiss. Ziala slipped her hand over his sweaty upper body and wrapped her arm around his back pulling his body closer to hers.

“I think thought...telling your dad about this won’t be a good thing. We did just jump one or two dozen bonding rituals,” Ziala said.

“You don’t want me to tell my dad I’ve bonded myself to you?” Ziala asked.

“Well telling your dad means telling your mother,” Jarel said.

Ziala smiled with disbelief, “You’re afraid of my mother?” she asked.

“Without a doubt. Don’t get me wrong, your dad is scary but your mom...princess Vilandra is known for having a temper and with me given that I’ve done some recent bad things and my family’s history...well need I say more?” Jarel asked.

“No,” Ziala said.

“I want nothing more than to take you home. To make love to you for as long as we could manage,” Jarel said.

“I wouldn’t say no,” Ziala said.

“I know but there’s work needing done,” Jarel said.

“Yes...right,” Ziala said. However, Jarel didn’t move, he didn’t even blink as he stared into her eyes. “You need to get off me now so we can get dressed.”

“Yes I do...don’t want to though,” Jarel said.

However, he nodded and slowly pulled his dick from Ziala’s body. They both sighed deeply. Jarel stood up and took her hands to help her up. Together they watched each other cover their skin as they dressed. They used their powers and opened the cell doors. They left the prison, the guards didn’t stop them. They could feel the difference in Jarel, they didn’t feel so much as a little fear.

Still in the royal shuttle, the family were sitting as Philip and Katherine did what they could with the inheritance from their father – specifically, his brains. They spent their time under the engines trying to rewire the thing and basically reinvent the technology so that it could work given the new circumstances. They didn’t succeed.

“It’s a no go,” Philip said.

“Well thanks for trying,” Max said.

“So what’s next?” Liz asked.

“There is nothing next. There’s no power,” Isabel said.

“Liz, you’re part of those Omniriad. Rick has it because of you and you’re telling me there’s not so much as watt of power in that body of yours?” Michael asked.

“No, there’s nothing,” Liz said.

“He’s cancelled me out as well and that’s not easy. Rick made sure there wasn’t anything that could attack him even close to his level,” Kristine said.

“Except his brother and sisters,” Maria said.

“Well until an hour ago we didn’t even know their powers had switched on so I’m guessing Rick didn’t know either. One little oversight,” Max said.

Max held Liz’s hand, both hoping that their three other children were safe.

“And what oversight would that be?” Richard asked.

The family all moved to the other side of the ship when they saw Richard standing at the door.

“Rick...” Max said.

Richard flung up his hand and his father’s head was knocked back against the back metal wall. Max fell down, unconscious.

“Max!” Liz said. She moved to her husband’s side and sighed with relief to find a pulse. “Richard, stop this now,” she said.

“Sorry mother but no,” Richard said.

“You think you can honestly do this and think we wont do anything?” Liz said.

“I think there isn’t anyone alive who can stop me. And believe me when I say that my beloved parents can’t do anything. What do you think you can do – lock me in my room?” Richard asked.

“Or take you over my knee. You’re not too old for that,” Liz said

Richard smiled and swung his hand up again. Before he could do anything thought, every single family member in the shuttle vanished. The residual energy was unlike anything Richard had encountered, yet it was familiar to him.

“No. It can’t be,” Richard said.

In the nebula of the great council, Max, Liz and their family appeared on the walkway over the pit. Mark, Kara and Joanne were standing there. Max suddenly snapped awake and looked around at the colourful forms surrounding them. Still, neither he or Liz let that stop them from tightly hugging their three youngest children so tightly it almost cut off the air.

“My god, you three scared us half to death,” Liz said.

“Sorry,” all three said.

“Uh...where are we?” Isabel asked.

“SOMEWHERE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED!” the grey-skin’s voice boomed.

“Don’t worry about him. He likes to yell,” Joanne said.

The grey-skin took his corporeal form and walked toward the family. “You are the creatures responsible for these three younglings?” he asked.

“We are,” Max said. “I am Max Evans, king of the Antarian Emp...”

“A small title for a small race. Neither are of interest to us,” the grey-skin said.

“Who are these people?” Michael asked.

“They’re the Great Council. Each member is of a race almost as old as the Omniriad. The govern the higher affairs of the universe. Where we are...our galaxy, it’s as important to them as a microbe on a blade of grass,” Liz said.

“So, you do know of us,” the gold-skin said as she approached.

“Phoenix told me before he left. Well, not told but left the impression that you were out here. He made sure I knew not to come here,” Liz said.

“Then why are these three here?” the crystal asked.

“I didn’t know they could come. We were under the impression their powers hadn’t developed yet,” Liz said.

“Then it is your duty to ensure they and no one else from your level of existence ever comes here again. That is our order,” the grey-skin said.

“Just hold on a minute. She’s my wife and the queen of Antar. You can’t talk to her like that,” Max said.

“Max, believe me...this is their way of being polite and yes they can speak to any of us like that,” Liz said.

“Do you know why your offspring came here?” the crystal asked.

“Our oldest son,” Max said.

“Their request for intervention is denied. You will all leave us and never return. Should they come back, they are aware of the consequences. This council is being generous on not imposing it now,” the grey-skin said.

“But before you go...” the gold-skin said. “It is agreeable to meet with an heir to the Omniriad.” She approached Liz and held out one of her many hands to Liz’s.

Liz took it and the gold-skin clenched her hand tightly. None of the council saw a gentle glow. “We regret that we cannot help in this matter. This solution must come from you alone and we wish you well. Live and honour the memory of the ancient Omniriad whose blood flows in you,” she said.

The gold-skin left and returned to her energy form. She flew through the air and returned to her chair. The crystal approached and looked at their three initial guests.

“You’ve heard our warning. I recommend that you heed it and do not return,” the crystal said.

Mark, Kara and Joanne all looked visibly hurt they couldn’t get the help they came for but they nodded and stayed close to their mother. The crystal returned to the ceiling while all other aliens in the room returned to their natural states and vanished from their meeting hall. The family were transported away.

To Be Continued...
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Other Paths 2 (All CC, Adult) Chapter 11 - 29 Sep

Post by Tharos »

Chapter 12

Of all things Antarians treasured, only one thing surpassed their love for the Royal Family – The Museum. Never was it empty, never was it left unguarded. Antarians viewed this place as holy ground itself. The museum is the storehouse of the few relics that they could bring with them on their great exodus from their old home world.

A building over one mile long near the equator of New Antar, it’s walls made from the strongest metals known to the Antarians with a security system designed by Alex and then installed by him after making sure that even he couldn’t circumvent it. Criminals willing to steal the artefacts within may have been rare on New Antar but Earth was another matter. There were people on Earth who would pay anything and could pay anything for even the least valuable of the relics, getting to Antar is easy, a would-be thief of Antarian trinkets could get to the planet but getting passed the security was another matter that no one achieved.

Today, a day that Ziala certainly didn’t expect to be visiting the museum, she and Jarel climbed the stairs onto the eighteenth floor. As nobles of the empire, and as Ziala was a princess of the Royal house, getting passed the guard was as simple as saying hello. Ziala’s smile certainly brightened their day and they much appreciated it.

“Jarel, what are we doing here?” Ziala asked.

Jarel walked so fast, Ziala couldn’t keep up simply walking at a gentle pace. He looked through exhibit after exhibit, glancing in through the casing.

“If we’re going to save your cousin, we’re going to need help in kicking Verask’s ass. I used that word correctly right?” Jarel asked.

“Yes but we’ll talk about that later. What help?” Ziala asked.

“Power, the original source of Antarian power,” Jarel said.

He stopped when he saw a rainbow shining against the far wall. Jarel ran to it and Ziala followed. Together they paused in front of a case with seven gems of varying colours, light passed through them and they seemed to glow.

“The gems of the fifth king Cryas?” Ziala asked.

“They’re much more than that. Much, much more and far older than Cryas,” Jarel said.

“And you know that more than their protectors...how?” Ziala asked.

“I don’t know. I just do. Ever since the re-sequencing I’ve been having impressions, almost like memories. I know more about the ancient days than I should,” Jarel said.

“Genetic memory is nothing new. Sometimes we remember things our parent’s did. Believe me, there are flashes no daughter should ever get no matter how close they are,” Ziala said.

“Yes but that’s parent and child, not a space of over a thousand generations,” Jarel said.

“But that gap is closed now, at least slightly. The ritual did reset your DNA back to your ancestor before H’Ebon’s little selective breeding experiment, maybe it’s close enough. So, what are they?” Ziala asked.

Jarel reached out to open the case but the moment his body produced energy in even the slightest degree, blue lightning surrounded the case and stuck Jarel. The power threw Jarel back several feet. When he landed, a small wisp of smoke left his mouth.

“Ouch,” he stained out.

“Jarel!” Ziala said.

She ran to his side and helped him to sit up where he groaned.

“That hurt,” Jarel said.

“Uncle Alex is really careful, precise and very good with this sort of thing,” Ziala said.

“Understatement,” Jarel said.

Ziala helped him stand up, but once she let him go he collapsed again. Jarel stood, shook his head and clumsily walked back to the case.

“Jarel?” Ziala asked.

“Yes?” Jarel asked.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” Ziala asked.

Jarel looked at Ziala and blinked. “Twenty nine,” he said, knowing the answer was impossible.

Ziala, who kept her hands by her side the whole time, just shrugged. “Close enough,” she said. “Just how important are these gems?”

“It would be bad without them,” he said.

“How bad?” Ziala asked.

“Dear Progenitors help us, we’re all going to die horribly bloody deaths of which nothing will remain,” Jarel said.

“Yeah, that’ll do it,” Ziala said.

Ziala walked across the room and looked around until she found a casing with a notch cut out. A single flaw in an otherwise flawless collection, it was the way Alex intended it. Ziala traced the cut with her finger, passing over a scanner that detected her royal DNA. A pedestal shot up from the floor, a column of metal with a rhombus shaped keypad.

“You’ll have 7 seconds,” Ziala said.

Ziala tapped in a thirteen-digit code and pressed her palm over the entire pad. A red flash went off and Jarel swept his hand across the case. The gems flew through the glass, cracking it but then restoring before the gems gathered in his hand. A blue flash signified time was up and the pedestal went back into the floor.

“Not bad,” Ziala asked.

“Why 7 seconds?” Jarel asked.

“I only know the test code. It shuts down the system and runs a seven second diagnostic,” Ziala said.

“Well, we got the stones,” Jarel said.

“What’s so special about them?” Ziala asked.

She reached out to touch one, as she did a crackle passed between them through the red gem. Jarel called for her to stop but he didn’t say it in time. The crackle was the match to a fuse – a very short fuse. Neither could control themselves as Jarel pushed Ziala back against a wall.

With a moan, she rushed him, slamming her lips against his, wrapping her arms and one leg around him. Their tongues fought inside his mouth as Ziala tugged at his shirt, lifting the tight top over his head. Growling, she clawed his chest, running her hands across his muscles.

Jarel’s hands ran over her thighs and moved up under her dress before he dipped his hand into her panties. As soon as he brushed against her hot pussy, she exploded in an orgasm. Ziala never knew her body was so sensitive but she relished it none the less. Jarel pressed his mouth against hers in an attempt to muffle her cries, no point in letting any of the guards know there was a show on. As his hands danced across her pussy, her orgasm kept on soaring through her and wrought havoc on her body with convulsions. She lost touch with reality for a moment, only able to concentrate on the hot fire blazing through her.

“That looked like fun,” Jarel whispered in her ear.

“You have no idea,” Ziala said.

Jarel kissed her again, his hand reached over her breast and squeezed her flesh through her dress.

“I can’t believe how much I need you right now,” she growled.

Ziala lowered her leg she wrapped around Jarel and reached up her dress. She pulled her panties lose and let them fall down her long legs before kicking them off. Jarel couldn’t stop playing with her breasts, covered or not he was lost in the delights of her body.

Jarel pressed his full body against her and wrapped his hands around her waist. Ziala pressed firmly back against the wall as she pushed his pants down to his feet. Her eyes lit up as she took in the sight of his cock. With his hands on her hips, Jarel lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him. He urged his hips forward, finally finding her wet entrance with the head of his cock.

With a need-filled groan, he thrust forward, burying his entire cock in her. Ziala’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and her face became radiant with a bright smile. It took little prompting, nothing more than a soft moan, for Jarel to start fucking her in earnest. He pumped his hips forward hard, sliding his dick in and out of her. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. She flicked her tongue across his lips, moaning, and exhaled heavily, her chest heaving against his.

Ziala couldn’t get over how much he stretched her, or how much full she felt with him inside her. Every time his hips thrust forward, she felt the head of the young noble’s cock reaching her depths and each time she felt like raging fire aching to explode. Jarel pulled back, leaving little more than the head still in her pussy, before he pushed back in. He could actually hear his cock slamming into her pussy. As he pulled back again, she tightened her muscles, gripping him hard.

“You're gonna make me come again,” Ziala cooed in his ear.

Jarel wasn't taking time for foreplay but nonetheless neither cared and she was on the verge of another climatic explosion. He was ramming into her so hard; she closed her eyes, smiling as she felt warmth rise up through her. She began to burn, and she tightened her legs around his waist.

Jarel began to fuck her even faster. While one hand gripped onto her soft thigh, his other one move further up and cupped her bare ass. Jarel felt her juices coating his balls and thighs. They slid against each other frenetically. He felt her chest heaving against his. She began to grunt in time with his thrusts.

“Oh Jarel...oh Jarel, oh...oh...oh...ughhhhnnnnnnmmmmm!” He covered her mouth with his.

Practically shrieking into his warm mouth, she thrust her tongue into him forcefully. He felt her pussy constrict and quiver around him; he felt a burning run up and down both sides of his cock. Jarel shoved his dick into her, hard and deep, each time eliciting a moan of bliss from her lips. Still kissing, he groaned loudly into her mouth. His balls tightened and he blasted her insides with his hot semen. He continued to fuck her, his quivering and throbbing cock still sliding in and out of her now much-wetter snatch.

His actions finally slowed down, until he was just standing on the balls of his feet and leaning up into her, his cock still buried in her. Ziala kissed Jarel’s cheek and the two simply held each other as their hearts slowed. Jarel slipped gently out of her and Ziala returned to her feet as Jarel pulled back. She wiped the sweat and some damp hair from her brow and smiled, they both did.

“Wow...that was intense. I always wondered what a quickie would be like” Ziala said.

“The stones are...well...” Jarel said.

“Yeah,” Ziala said dreamily.

“They mix our energy and the result is potent,” Jarel said.

“I’ll say,” Ziala said.

Ziala pulled her underwear back up her legs and straightened her dress. She felt so tingly that she wanted nothing more than to take Jarel to her bedroom and lock the door. Still, there was something more important they needed to do so she put her libido in check.

“So, what now?” Ziala asked.

“These aren’t complete. They’re only half, we need the remaining stones and that’s a problem,” Jarel said.

“Why? Where are they?” Ziala asked.

“Verask’s vessel. The one he was exiled from Old Antar in and I don’t know where it is,” Jarel said.

As the two walked to the stairs, Ziala suddenly fell to her knees. Jarel, immediately concerned, wrapped his arm around her while Ziala held her head in pain.

“Ziala?” Jarel asked.

Ziala gasped as an overpowering force surged through her mind. Her eyes darted up, a bright golden glow surrounded her and everywhere that Ziala looked all she could see as a gold-skinned woman. A moment later, Ziala was shooting through space on the way to Earth. She fell, on and on through the atmosphere over Africa and down onto the Egyptian region before cutting south to Ethiopia. She crashed down onto the shore of Lake Tana.

When the glow stopped, Ziala fell onto her side. Jarel placed his hand over her heart and connected long enough to ensure she was still alive. Her mind quickly switched back on and she gasped for air when she woke.

“What the hell was that? I’ve never felt that kind of energy,” Jarel said.

“Neither have I. And speaking as someone related to a person with power...that’s saying something,” Ziala said.

“So...?” Jarel asked.

“I think we’ve got more help. I know where to look. We need to get to Earth,” Ziala said.

“How?” Jarel asked.

“We’ve robbed a museum...feel like breaking into the palace?” Ziala asked.

“Well...I guess I do take after my father then,” Jarel said.

“Bite your tongue,” Ziala said before she leaned in and planted a smouldering kiss on Jarel.

The two of them left the museum with the gems. Despite there not being even a drop of power, there was one sure method of cross planet transport on New Antar. On the nearby mountains, a station for gliders stood. Jarel and Ziala’s powers were intact from Richard’s power outage; they could use their powers to keep the gliders high until they reached the palace.

In the estate on Earth, Max and the family arrived back from their audience before the highest authority in the universe. The Council of Elders sent the family back to their homes on Earth and in the grassy lawn in front of Max and Liz’s home they stood with their three youngest children looking very disappointed that they couldn’t get the help they needed to save their big brother.

“Well that was a bust,” Mark said.

“Totally,” Joanne said.

“Actually maybe not totally,” Liz said.

Liz held her hand out and revealed a crystal imbedded into the skin of her palm. Her hand glowed in the sunlight; the crystal pulled itself out and jumped to the ground. The crystal started to grow rapidly, layer after layer formed and sprouted out before a smaller version of the crystal being from the council formed.

“Child of Omniria, I have passed this message to my associate because you out have been incinerated if you were to touch my full form. King and Queen of Antar, you and your empire are of no concern to us but your offspring is. At least to some of us. The chair of the Omniriad sits empty and would do so until the end of this universe. One day your species may take a chair but your offspring will hasten that anointment. That, and the fact there are those among the council who have an obligation to the Omniriad. A debt we must repay,” the crystal said.

“How?” Liz asked.

“You must be prepared,” the crystal said.

The crystal being changed shape, it split right down the middle and formed into two darts. Within moments those darts shot out and pierced into Max and Liz, it shot straight into their foreheads. There wasn’t any blood, no damage and even the hole from the impact vanished in less time than it took to make. Max and Liz stood frozen in shock as every vein in their bodies popped up from the skin, luminous green in colour, before they returned to normal. Their family surrounded them but after a minute they started to move.

“Holy god,” Liz said.

“Are you two alright?” Maria asked.

“We’re fine,” Max said.

He lifted his hand and looked at it before looking at Michael.

“Stay here, all of you stay here. You know what I’m asking right?” Max asked.

“Yes. I’ll take care of everything. Where are you going?” Michael asked.

“You know where,” Max said.

Without saying anything, Max and Liz did the impossible – at least as far as their friends knew was possible given their powers. They turned into clouds of crystal dust and vanished into the wind.

“What was he talking about Michael? What have you to take care of?” Maria asked.

“You, the family, the throne...everything. Neither of them is sure they’re making it back. And as far as the throne goes, Zan takes over until Mark is old enough,” Michael said.

The look on everyone’s faces was pure pain. They looked in the direction the dust vanished and they wondered if they would see either of them again.

Everyone in the estate had dispersed into their own homes, after everything and not being able to do much else, they decided to freshen up. Michael hit the kitchen and started to put some burgers on the grill. He smiled as he remembered the last time he did this in the Crashdown when his kids, nephews and nieces decided he need to prove that he could actually do it. He quickly lost that smile when he thought of everything else.

Soon, the children emerged into the backyards and sat around. Katherine felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and she knew something was a little off. Suddenly the arches, the portals connecting the estate and the Royal Palace, powered up. On New Antar, Ziala and Jarel breached the palace by sneaking in through the sewer system – an event Ziala promised never to repeat – they used the network of secret passages and chambers to circumvent security. When they reached the arches, both used their powers to switch them on and get to Earth.

From the wall of mist, the couple emerged. Every one of the teenage slept from their chairs and panicked when they saw Jarel. Philip and Paige quickly raised their hands and they crackled with energy before Ziala jumped in front of Jarel.

“No!” Ziala said.

“Z...get out the way,” Philip said.

“No. He’s better. Bad Jarel gone, completely impotent,” Ziala said.

Jarel quickly leaned in. “Could you perhaps rephrase that?” he asked.

“Is now really the best time to complain about my word choices?” Ziala asked.

“Hey, something’s are universal and that word you used is high on the list,” Jarel said.

Katherine, looking back and forth between the two, stood up straight and with a look of utter disbelief said, “Get out!”

“What?” Ziala asked.

“Oh my god, you did didn’t you. What happened to the girl who said that she wouldn’t take that step without talking to me?” Katherine asked.

“Well...” Ziala said.

“Z! He’s the bad guy,” Katherine said.

“Not bad. Good. He’s the good guy. Jarel’s nice, and all the bad thoughts are gone. I did it myself, believe me he’s good,” Ziala said.

“And just what exactly are you going to tell your parents?” Katherine asked.

“Forget them. How about telling us?” Philip asked.

“Or you could just tell us all at once,” Rath said from the doorway with Lonnie right beside him.

“Okay...uhmmm...Prince Rath, Princess Vilandra,” Jarel said with bow.

“Tell me right now why I shouldn’t drag your ass you jail,” Rath said.

“What happened with me and Prince Richard was a legacy from my father taking advantage of the fact I tried to get rid of him,” Jarel said.

“It’s not exactly new that Kivar took control of people. Remember Maria’s cousin,” Lonnie said.

“Regrettably, yes,” Rath said.

“And what Katherine’s talking about?” Lonnie asked.

“Katherine, care to share?” Rath asked.

“Not without going into therapy for a few years,” Katherine said.

Lonnie didn’t take long to twig on to what was happening and closed her eyes while bowing her head. “Oh god,” she said.

“What?” Rath asked.

Lonnie looked at him. Ziala slipped her hand into Jarel’s and Rath started to shake his head.

“No,” Rath said.

“Ohhh,” the teenagers all said together. With their dulled powers, they couldn’t sense any other thoughts floating around their psychic network.

“No,” Rath said.

“Yes,” Ziala said.

Rath bowed his head and groaned. “Okay forget jail. I am going to kick his ass and then kill him!” Rath said.

“Daddy!” Ziala said.

“Don’t, not one word young lady. We’ll talk later. Right now, he’s dead,” Rath said.

Rath marched over to the pair but Jarel stood his ground.

“Kivar is dead and not coming back. I love Ziala, and I intend to bond with her,” Jarel said.

“You’re making me want to hurt you more not stop,” Rath said.

“I also plan on doing what I can to save Prince Richard,” Jarel said.

“Oh yes, like what?” Philip asked.

“It’s complicated but I know where to get help,” Jarel said.

“Tried that. The big high and mighty ones consider it beneath them,” Paige said.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about but I mean the original power that helped imprison Verask back on Old Antar,” Jarel said.

“And what you did to my daughter?” Rath asked.

“Dad, I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do and I do love him,” Ziala said.

“Teenagers. Ugchhh,” Rath said.

“Uh didn’t you guys go a little nuts when you were our age?” Ziala asked.

“We didn’t screw the son of Satan,” Rath said.

“No, if memory serves, you two spent a little time trying to kill my aunts and uncles,” Ziala said.

“Their balance was a little off,” Jarel said.

“And so was yours, Jaral,” Ziala said.

“Your Highness...Highnesses I mean. Richard’s current condition is partly my fault. At least let me try to correct it,” Jarel said.

“Alright,” Lonnie said.

“Alright?” Rath asked.

“Yes. If Jarel wants to have a shot, then putting this family back together is a good start,” Lonnie said.

“Which is why he’s going to tell me everything I need to do to get my boyfriend back,” Kristine said.

“Actually, it’s not so much of what we need to do but where we need to go,” Jarel said.

“Where?” Rath asked.

“Lake Tana, Ethiopia,” Ziala said.

“Verask’s prison,” Jarel said.
Last edited by Tharos on Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.