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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

I'll take Maria and Kyle :wink:
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Post by madroswellfan »

Thanks faith!
I'll take Isabel all we need is a Michael...
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

I'll play michael if you want to get this started. :D
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Post by madroswellfan »

Yay! Thanks Fehr'sBear! Anyone can start ;)
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: Just a note that I'm posting on all of the RPG's that I'm participating in. My life has gotten a little busy lately and I'm not going to be able to post as often as I have been. This doesn't mean I won't be around, it just means that I will probably only be able to post once a day on average per RP. On my days off of work, I might be ablet to post more but I can't guarantee that. Once in a while, it might even be only a post every other day but more likely once a day. I'm sorry if this is inconvenient or disappointing. I'm one of those rare birds that were posting two and three times everyday per RP and I just don't have that kind of time anymore, especially for all the RPG's I'm in. Thanks for your understanding!
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Post by madroswellfan »

Another boring day of school and so far no sign of any of the guys. But I guess in someways thats a good thing I mean... if two of them were together with me...


I go over to my locker and hum to myself as I get out my books. I know Maria doesn't approve but I mean...its not as if I'm hurting anyone. We're not serious... I'm just... trying to make up my mind.
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: I hope it's ok that I bring Max and Isabel in early. I'm also guessing that it's the beginning of the school day. If that's wrong, let me know and I'll correct my post.


I finish eating my cereal and tell my sister, "You'd better hurry up. I don't want to be late on our first day. I'm going to go brush my teeth and grab my stuff. I wanna leave in ten minutes or less."

After rinsing out my bowl and placing it in the dishwasher, I make my way upstairs to the bathroom. As I brush my teeth, I feel myself getting more nervous about starting in a new school. I'm kind of a shy guy by nature. I had my friends at our old school and we were fine but I've never been one to be really outgoing and make a lot of friends easily and quickly. Most of my friends, I met through other people or by circumstances, sitting by them in class or they were a friend of a friend.

Isabel, on the other hand, is Miss Popularity incarnate. She's always been the more outgoing of the two of us and always seems to fit in anywhere she goes. I wonder if she'll be the Ice Queen today or if her nerves will cause her to thaw out a little. The bad thing is that underneath that cold exterior, I know she has a good heart. I see signs of it now and again.

Shaking my head, I take a last look in the mirror. Stone washed blue jeans, black t-shirt and sneakers. I grab my leather jacket, bag and keys and dash for the door. "Come on, Isabel! I'm not going to wait on you!" I call as I rush past her room with the closed door.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Yeah yeah yeah!" I call down to my brother as I take my petite bag walk down the stairs, not rushing at all. No need to worry about things. Ok, its a new school but so what. I will do perfectly fine. I'll get great recomendations and I will do lots of charity work. No problem.

I walk over to the door. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" And then I saunter over to the car and hop in the passenger seat. I give Max a bored look before turning the other way. "Don't look so worried Max," I state cooly.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


This is not going to be a good day. Pulling on my locker I let out a sigh of frustration. It's stuck...again. I pause my actions for a moment and balance my weight to support my too heavy back pack. I wonder if Liz is here yet. I haven't seen her but that doesn't mean anything. After all she could be canoodling with one of her boy toys in the Eraser Room. The thought alone leaves my stomach uneasy. What she's doing to these guys is just wrong. I would never say she's a player ,but she acts as if their feelings don't matter.

I know that's not the case. Alex who is both our friend is completely devoted to her and yet she just doesn't notice how deep his emotions lie. He's so sweet and innocent in this whole debauchous affair. If she hurts him I won't be responsible for what I do. Then there's Kyle. The popular jock who follows her around. He's like a lost poodle. I wouldn't mind if she dropped him. Then their's Michael. He's aggravating, concieted, smug, and a regular pain in the ass, but he's so unbelievably sexy that he makes up for it with that 'I've got you right where I want you' smile.

I anticpate that he would be none too leased if he found out about Liz's extra curricular activities with various men, but don't look at me to spill because I'd rather not get hurt ,and I have a feeling that the 'Don't shoot the messenger' complex would come into play here. Okay, I know what your thinking. That I must be jealous of all the action my best friend is getting. Well, your right. I wish I could just have a good time with whatever man I felt like having at the moment ,but I can't. It's just not in me.

Sure I date but it never gets serious. I guess I'm just waiting for the right guy and I don't want to waste my time fooling around with all the wrong ones. It just seems pointless to me. Alright I'm going to try this one more time. With one swift pull I manage to fore the locker open but at the same time I lose my balance (stupid backback) and end up flat on my back in the middle of the hallway. This is just great. Ouch, my hand goes up to touch the tender part of my head.

I must have hit it rather hard when I landed. My vision is a bit blurry but I can make out a pair of feet stop right beside me. Now this could be just the concussion talking but before I can censor myself I blurt out, "I like your shoes." :wink:
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Hopping out of my car I grab a book out of the back seat and then pull on my varsity jacket. I lettered in wrestling. Making my way up to the school I only turn around once to admire my 1999 cherry apple red Mustang. She's got cobra rims and an engine that purrs like a kitten. She's my baby. A present from my Dad when I took the football team to state last year. To say she's my pride and joy would eb a understatement. Picking up the pace I contemplate stopping at the water fountain but immediately decide against it. I wouldn't want to be late for remedial science.

I wonder if Liz will want to go to the basketball tournament this weekend. I know she's not really into sports ,but she always seems to enoy watching me play. To be honest I don't remember what made me ask Elizabeth Parker out. I'm really into sports and cars while she's into class and science. Two things I'm not a big fan of. Still I just got caught up in those big brown eyes and now I don't know what it would be like not to have her in my life.

I knew she was a keeper when I took her to play laser tag on our first date and she kicked my ass. Of course I had hurt my ankle at pratice that day which is why a girl beat me but still. She was a good sport. A lot of women want flowers and poems of deep rooted affection. That's just not me ,and Liz knows and respects that. I couldn't have found a more compassionate woman. Everything in my life is just well... perfect. Turning the corner I catch a glimpse of curly blonde hair as it enters a classroom a few doors down. I know I've never seen her before. Must be a new student.

I smile while making my way down the hall. I wonder if Liz is going to stay after school to watch the practice.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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