Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 54 - Updated - 4/05/2018

Post by roswell4life »

Come back we need all these people to finally come back together!!!!!! :D Can't wait!!!!
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Reunion - Chapter 55 - 4/10/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

“I can’t believe you persuaded your grandfather to allow you to work a few hours this afternoon,” Elizabeth was asking as she and Grace walked to their first mutual class. “I mean you had an easy pass for taking the time off, and why couldn’t you just spend the rest of the week doing things you don’t get to often when you work so often.”

“Because not working is making me go crazy,” Grace muttered as they walked into the classroom. “I am doing stupid things, and I need my equilibrium back again and I need to do something that is normal.”

“And normal is working?” Elizabeth asked.

“For me it is,” Grace smiled. “I enjoy it. And these past two weeks that I have had off has been an eye opener to what it is like to have too much free time.”

“You can’t blame yourself,” Elizabeth said.

“Yes, I can,” Grace said as they sat in their seats next to each other. “I am making stupid moves and I need time to myself where I just concentrate on the task at hand and that is work. Although Grandpa insists I can only work today’s shift and he doesn’t want me back to work after today until Monday.”

“That is wise,” Elizabeth said. “Just take it easy and spend time relaxing because once you’re back at work, you don’t get enough of it.”

“Doing nothing is what has gotten me so out of wack,” Grace asserted. “I don’t see how most of everything that has happened would have happened if I was working my normal shifts. So, I am looking forward to it.”

“You are trying to hide,” Elizabeth warned as she just wondered what was going on with her friend and seeing Grace in such turmoil was very confusing because her best friend always seemed to be a rock, and now that rock was crumbling.

“Maybe you’re right but given all I have going in my life then maybe I do need to hide,” Grace sighed as she tried to grab on to some stability in her life.

“Maybe you think you do but you don’t because that is not the right way to deal with it because you need to confront it and let it fall like it may,” Elizabeth said.

“That is easy for you, but I am not you.” Grace sighed.

“No, you’re not but you’re still pretty formidable if you wanted to be, so don’t count yourself out.”

“I never do,” Grace said as she got out her books and opened them. “How is Jake?” she asked as they waited for their class to begin.

“I was beginning to wonder when you were going to ask about him!”



“Someone is at the door,” Alexandra asked from the bathroom of their motel room. The twins were waiting for their mother to stop by and pick them up as they were meeting the Sheriff at the station to discuss matters. “Maybe it’s Mom.”

Carrie went to the door and opened and saw a woman standing there, “Yes” and the woman was surprised and could tell this was not the girl she knew so she suspected Alexandra’s family had arrived.

“Is Alexandra here?” the woman asked

“She’s in the bathroom, who are you?” Carrie asked.

“Detective Sandra Casper, she knows me.” Sandra said. “You are her sister, right?”

“Yes, Caroline or you can call me Carrie, Carrie said warily. “How does my sister know you?”

“The Sheriff wanted me to keep an eye on your sister because of her circumstances yesterday. I am also new in town, although I am headed home and I thought I would come by and say good-bye.

“Detective Casper,” Alexandra said as she came out of the bathroom. “Hello, good morning.”

“Good morning,” Sandra smiled. “So, you have your family here now?”

“Yes, they got in last night. Mom is down the way, and Carrie was rooming with me last night. Carrie, this is one of the detectives investigating Mom’s case out our way. She works in New Haven at their police department.”

“She is,” Carrie asked as she looked at the detective in a different way as Sandra came into the room and closed the door.

“Yes,” Sandra smiled. “My partner and I were the ones who entered your genetic sample into the system and started this rolling along with another tip. I am glad that you, your sister and especially your mother are finally able to get some answers.”

“Well my sister and I are but our mother isn’t too thrilled at the moment.” Carrie admitted.

“It would be very hard for anyone to face the past, but in the case of your mother I would imagine that it would be harder than most as she has no memory of this prior life and she’s being forced to come to terms with it so suddenly,” Sandra smiled. “I bet you are as raring to go as your sister on this case?”

“Usually I am the wild one so for my sister to be the one who lured us out here was surprising,” Carrie admitted as there was a knock on their door, and it opened and in walked was their mother. “Mom!”

“Good morning girls,” Beth smiled and frowned when she saw the woman in the room with her girls. “I didn’t think you would have company and you are?”

“Ms. Evans,” Sandra turned to shake Beth’s hand. “I know you don’t know me. But the Sheriff wanted me to keep an eye on Alexandra last night before I head out of town. I knew the circumstances of your case so...”

“You are...”

“Oh, my name is Detective Sandra Casper out of the New Haven police department...we are the ones who started the ball rolling on your case, and involved the authorities out there with a visit. I am sorry if we all intruded on your privacy.”

“You didn’t try to contact me?” Beth asked.

“No and I am sorry about that, but my captain wanted my partner and I to check on the facts here and the ground and when we did, it all went speeding down the track before we could come back and seek you out.”

“It has been quick,” Beth admitted but was wary with the detective. “So, I guess I should thank you for keeping an eye on my daughter for me.”

“It’s was really no problem,” Sandra smiled. “When the Sheriff asked me, he knew I was staying here and he didn’t expect you last night, but I am glad Alexandra has been able to have you and her sister by her side even though it has to be hard on you. How are you doing with all this?”

“It is life changing to have the wall blocking my memory kicked down. So, I assume your investigation has led you to the same line of thinking as the other detectives.”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since testing has confirmed my identity.” Beth muttered.

“So, you are this woman?”

“Yes,” Beth nodded. “I just don’t know who she is or who I am?


The restaurant was pretty busy that morning Max thought as he arrived at the Crashdown, even at half service was very bustling which was good for Jeff and Nancy and their ability to keep the business going as they finished up the last of the renovations. He saw a familiar face head towards him, smiling at Amy who came to greet him, “Hey.”

“Max,” Amy smiled. “What brings you here this morning? Is it a business meeting or a late breakfast?”

“No, I was fortunate enough to be able to have breakfast with my daughter this morning before she headed off to school and I don’t have a client yet, so I was hoping if Jeff and Nancy were around this morning as I needed a word or two with them?” Max asked.

“They are off the floor this morning, as they are up at the apartment, so they can clean up from the renovations that the flood forced upon the apartment as well as the restaurant, so it’s been chaos up there and they needed time to straighten it up.”

“The work is done, right?”

“Up there in the apartment the renovations are finished and it’s now just down to the final touches down here. They are hoping to re-establish full service by the weekend.”

“That will be good for business although it doesn’t look like you lack for that at the moment.”

“Yeah it doesn’t look like we changed much about our service at all does it?”

“Nope,” Max said. “Grace has gotten Jeff to agree to allow her to work some hours this afternoon.”

“I guess I am not surprised,” Amy smiled. “That girl can’t sit still.”

“No, she can’t,” Max smiled as they headed for the kitchen and he thought of how stressed his daughter was at the moment and as a father he wished she would stay home and take it easy, but he also knew his daughter and it probably wouldn’t help matters to tell her that and maybe the work will help distract her from the emotions swirling around in her these days. “If you need them for anything, I am headed up.”

“Go right on up,” Amy nodded as Max disappeared into the back of the restaurant and she refocused on the tables when the door opened, and Jim came in and she smiled at her husband. “Morning!”

“Morning,” Jim smiled as they exchanged the kiss. “I am sorry I was out of the house so early this morning, but it does seem like things are almost back to normal.”

“Almost,” Amy smiled. “Max is heading up to walk to Jeff and Nancy, do you know why?”

“Yeah, I do,” Jim sighed.

“So, he is going to tell them?” Amy asked.

“Yes, the time has come, and we can’t keep it from them and especially not since Beth is now in town and it has the capacity to all come out anytime now.”

“Oh god,” Amy muttered.


Meanwhile upstairs Max stood outside the Parker apartment as he remembered the times he would be up here with his wife before they married, but it was almost coming from the roof top outside her bedroom and he couldn’t help but smile at the memories of all their memorable moments and, yet the memories only reinforced how he needed to talk to Jeff and Nancy, so he knocked on the door.

“Yes,” came a voice and the door open. “Max, what are you doing here?” Nancy Parker asked as she saw her son in law at the door. She couldn’t help but smile because even though years have gone by since they lost their daughter, Jeff and Nancy still treated Max like their son and were to this day grateful they were able to spend so much time with their granddaughter.

“I was hoping to catch you and Jeff, and I figured we needed to talk. Is he around?”

“Sure, he’s cleaning up in bathroom,” she smiled. “The workers finished up here yesterday and so Jeff and I were taking the morning to clean up as we try to get everything back in order.”

“I am glad it wasn’t too impactful on the business as I feared when Grace told me of your troubles,” Max smiled.

“We got lucky, the damage wasn’t as severe as it looked in the beginning” Nancy smiled. “Jeff honey, Max is here. He wants to speak to us.”

“I’ll be right out,” Jeff called from the bathroom.

“So how is my granddaughter,” Nancy smiled. “We haven’t seen her much lately because of the closure and the need to use the older employees who needed the hours over our teenage force.”

“She is definitely finding out how difficult it is to be a teenager and how impossible growing up can seem at her age. I would love for her to take it easy but that is not my daughter’s personality which I shouldn’t be so surprised about given that Liz was the same.”

“What is wrong?” Nancy asked as she sense concern on her son-in-law’s face. “And yes, sitting still wasn’t exactly in my daughter’s nature either.”

“I don’t feel comfortable talking about it as it’s her own life to live,” Max acknowledged. “But the last few weeks have been tough ones for her.”

“The teenage years can be an unfortunate time in all our lives,” Nancy smiled.

“I do have to apologize for everything Liz or I did that may have caused you and your husband pain, and I do know some of our conduct were doozies.”

“It definitely wasn’t an easy time when you and my daughter were teenagers and we all know how brutal it got but I trust that Grace won’t see a repeat of it or if it dares to that you will be able to guide her past those bad patches.”

“I am trying every day,” Max smiled as Jeff came out of the bathroom. “Hello Jeff.”

“Hello Max, did I hear that you were talking about our granddaughter,” Jeff asked as he approached his wife and son-in-law.

“Yes,” Max nodded.

“I ended up running into her last night at the hospital and I couldn’t help but get the impression that our granddaughter is going through a lot right now, and being sixteen is only one of the factors. Am I, right?”

“It hasn’t been easy,” Max acknowledged as he figured that they needed to know about Jake and Grace or at least the accident. His daughter’s love life was her own, and he didn’t feel like gossiping on that nature of family business when they other earth-shattering business to discuss and, yet he couldn’t help but stall. “I don’t know if you’ve run into Maria or not?”

“It probably been since the weekend” Nancy smiled. “I assume she’s busy with the kids and her manuscript.”

“She’s busy alright. Jake got himself injured the other day.”

“What” Nancy asked as she frowned as she though of the teenage boy. The Guerin kids were in the restaurant as much as Grace most weeks, and Jake and Elizabeth were usually the usual suspects. “Is he okay?”

“It was pretty serious, and lucky we escaped how serious it could have gotten because he could have been in the hospital recovering as we speak.”

“Then, why isn’t he?” Jeff asked.

“Elizabeth’s quick thinking which I don’t know whether it was brave or smart of her, but we were able to intercept any true damage. But he’s right now in a wheelchair.”

“Are you serious?” Jeff said.

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “He needs surgery on his leg and in the meantime, he’s benched at home.”

“How did any of this happen?” Jeff asked as he knew how close his granddaughter was to Jake at the moment and he couldn’t help by wonder if it was another factor in her emotion state being on the more fragile side at the moment.

“It was a fight with another kid at school. It took place in the park the other night and I would rather it not get around restaurant or the town the true circumstances of how Jake’s injury came to be especially once he gets back to school.”

“Who was it? Nancy asked as Jeff’s blood pressure rose as he could see the hidden rage in his son in law’s face.

“Tommy Ellis,” Max said, and Jeff’s eyes perked up at his recognition of the name and he could see his blood pressure rising. “It shouldn’t have happened, but it did, and we can’t stop it except to hope that the fallout doesn’t get worse.”

“Tommy Ellis, he is the fellow I saw Grace visiting at the hospital last night when I stopped by with you to visit Marian Nancy,” Jeff said asked as she remembered back to the night before and he worried for his granddaughter. “She indicated that it was one of her classmates at school.”

“Yes, he is,” Max sighed.

“Was the fight warranted?” Jeff asked quietly. “Grace seemed especially emotional as she is visiting Tommy and from a snippet of conversation I walked in on I gather something happened between the two of them that she doesn’t wishes to talk about, am I, right?”

“Yes,” Max said. “I wouldn’t push her on the subject unless she wants to talk about it.”

“I won’t,” Jeff nodded.

“You should know though it’s not the fight that caused the injury to Jake, it is actions that Grace undertook with her powers that caused the incident that led to Ellis’s being in the hospital and Jake being hurt,”

“Oh, my god,” Nancy asked with a horrific understanding as she and her husband knew as well as the others what it meant for the powers to be used. “Grace used her powers?”

“Yes,” Max said. “She was trying to stop the fight and in turn led an unforeseen set of events. “She’s not taking it well.”

“What does that mean?” Jeff asked given the notion of powers had always been a sensitive subject among the clan and its many branches since today’s grandparents learned the truth back when their kids were graduating high school and barely made it out of a battle with the FBI’s Special Unit and yet neither Jeff or Nancy had known there to be display of them up to their point in the younger generation.

“It means that Grace is feeling guilty and it’s why we’re trying to keep the news of the injury on the down low because the injury to Ellis is not worth crying about but she’s feeling a burden very much over injuring Jake.”

“I assume Jake doesn’t blame her.”

“No one does,” Max admitted. “But she can’t help but feel it.”

“Is it wise for Grace to come to work this afternoon?” Jeff asked.

“I can’t stop her. She feels like the diversion is needed and there might be some truth in that given what she’s being forced to deal with at the moment and if she can concentrate on her job than she doesn’t have to think about Jake...”

“Is there something going between them?” Nancy asked warily. “Other than the injury I mean. We all see it. No one is blind to whatever bond they have at the moment.”

“That is their business,” Max sighed. “They both realize how complicated acting on any feelings are and how messy it can get so they don’t need us trying to interfere unless there is a reason to and right now there really isn’t because we have other matters we should be more concerned about and we do have one that is very much your business. In the last few days something has come to our attention and it’s another factor in why the world is spinning out of control in Grace’s universe because it has something to with her mother.”

“Liz?” Jeff asked eyes rose at the mention of their daughter who they all missed terribly even now fourteen years later.

“Yes!” Max nodded.


“We definitely need to get going,” Beth was telling her daughters as they were in the twin’s motel room. Sandra Casper had left to catch her flight after talking for a few minutes about the case with Beth and getting a better understanding of the events to be able to report to her boss upon her return. She also left thinking they had finally solved the missing Jane Doe’s identity especially now that Beth had revealed she had genetic testing done and it had confirmed her identity. Sighing at the mess of turmoil she was under Beth looked at her daughters who were both reading a book for school. Alexandra had been grateful that her sister had come with school work and Carrie had only shook her head in amusement that her sister would be so gleeful to accept the homework while she recoiled from the mere idea of doing homework when they had so much searching to do. So, while Beth talked to Sandra, the girls started reading.

“We’re ready,” Carrie said as she and her sister prepared to put down their books and reach for their jackets when there was a knock on the door and Beth went open it.

“Yes,” Beth said opening the door.

“Is this the right room as I am searching for a teenager whose name I think is Alex... Oh my god Liz, is that you?” squeaked a raised voice as she recognition of who she was staring at came rocketing through her and she couldn’t finish the name she was citing.

Beth instantly wary of the name that was requested looked at the woman standing in the doorway “Can I help you?”

“It’s me, Maria!” came a very surprised and shocked Maria as she stood outside the motel room and faced memories of fourteen years before face to face only to also see the confusion in her Liz’s face.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Oh my god Maria is the first to see Liz /Beth. Boy it seems to be shocking for both of them. Understandable what poor Grace is going through. Now Nancy and Jeff are in some shocking news too. Will Beth and Maria talk? Why is Maria there to see Alexandra? Will Beth see anyone else? Who will Beth see? What will happen when Beth sees the others? Will Beth start to remember things? Who will help Beth remember? Will Max and Beth try to get to know each other? Will Max, Grace, other except Beth, Alexandra, Carrie? Will Beth and girls stay in Roswell or go home? Will Beth, Alexandra, Carrie, Max, Grace have a happy ending together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out what Maria wanted. And who is next to recognize Beth.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Liz meet your best friend Maria "hurricane" DuLuca. Don't fear she will tell you everything about your life.
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I could just kick Max.......he talked about everything in world except that Liz is alive with her parents.
Is it easier to talk around things or just jump right in with the facts.......??
Maria must be very disappointed that Beth didn't recognize her.
Fifty-five chapters, and still no Max/Liz meeting face to face!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

What was Maria doing, going to Alex's hotel room? I thought the sheriff told the front desk to let him know if anyone asked about Alex. Hopefully Beth's encounter with Maria doesn't scare her off.

Max needs to tell the Parkers everything.

Looking forward to more.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my, obviously nobody has the Courage, to tell all the families - the truth about Liz being alive!!! But it must be an impossible Situation, trying to tell the truth to People who maybe don't want to hear it, for whatever reason!

It will Change their lives and maybe they don't want that.. :roll: .

Looking for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

begonia9508 wrote:Oh my, obviously nobody has the Courage, to tell all the families - the truth about Liz being alive!!! But it must be an impossible Situation, trying to tell the truth to People who maybe don't want to hear it, for whatever reason! Even Maria can't believe it!

It will Change their lives and maybe they don't want that.. :roll: .

Looking for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 55 - Updated - 4/10/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait for Max, Beth and kids to see each other.

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L-J-L 76
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Reunion - Chapter 56 - 4/14/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

“Do I know you?” Beth asked as Maria walked into the motel room and took a long look around and saw two young teenagers sitting on their beds and looking up on the stranger to come into the rooms. It felt surreal for Maria to see two mini versions of Grace, and so much of Max in the faces and then look into their mother’s eyes and Liz so many years after they believed they had lost her and for Beth there was this underlining current like she should know this woman and that she seemed familiar.

“I am sorry for barging in here,” Maria smiled as she worked to try to keep her emotions low on expectations because she could see the confusion in their mother’s eyes. “I was looking for your daughter Alexandra who I assume is you,” she asked the two girls and correctly identified Alexandra.

“Hey, how can you tell us apart?” Carrie piped up.

“I am a mother myself and I am a pretty good investigator but in this case, I was told that your sister had longer straighter hair so unless she has gotten her hair done I figured I had to be close.”

“It was a good guess especially since Carrie’s hair is straighter today,” Alexandra said. “I am Alexandra....Oh my god… you…you are Maria Deluca Guerin?”

“You know me?” Maria asked surprised and Beth looked at the situation with curiosity.

“You are the author of Shock and Awe. I love your books, I have all of them. Wow, I can’t believe you know my mother.”

“I am honored that you read and enjoy my books,” Maria smiled tickled pink that there was such a connection between her book and the younger generation and if it did turn out that the twins were Max’s daughters than it one more instance of karma giving one back to her after taking so much.

“I absolutely love them,” Alexandra giggled as Carrie rolled her eyes in amusement at how gushy her sister was getting. “I can’t imagine how you can think of everything the stories on based on.”

“You have no idea how easy it can come,” Maria smiled in response as she took a look at Beth. “I am sorry for barging in on you, but I heard of your daughter’s presence from my husband and stepbrother and I couldn’t say away.”

“Guerin,” Beth asked. “Are you related to Michael?”

“He is my husband, and Kyle Valenti who you also met back home is my stepbrother as his father, the town Sheriff, is married to my mother.”

“Wow, small circle.” Beth muttered.

“You have no idea,” Maria smiled as it hurt her to see the blank stare in Beth’s face as they looked at each other. “I can see from your face that you think you don’t know me, and I am not here to pressure you with any memories unless they come on their own, but I just want to let you know you were a very good friend of mine when we were kids and I am glad to see you after all these years.”

“You and Mom were friends?” Carrie asked.

“The very best,” Maria smiled as she looked at Beth. “And it hurt me deeply to lose her all those years ago,” she sighed softly. “I even know how you got your name,” she said to Alexandra.

“You do,” Alex piped up as she became charmed by her favorite author.

“You do,” Beth said quietly as she took in the image that this woman knew who she had been, and she was trying to be friendly and engaging and yet for Beth it still seemed so like a blank slate.

“Liz and I had a best friend and his name was Alexander Whitman and the three of us were extremely tight for years but unfortunately he passed away when we were juniors in high school. It hit the both of us pretty hard, and the devastation was very real and that is where you got your name as Alex could never be forgotten, no matter how we might have wanted to forget the circumstances of his death.”

“I saw him,” Alexandra said quietly.

“You did!” Maria asked. “But how, he’s dead.”

“Yeah, he said that,” Alexandra admitted to the shock of her mother. “I was talking to him or his spirit as he told he called himself when I ended up revealing myself to Max and little by little it all got spilled.”

“Oh my,” Maria muttered. “That is how he found out?”

“Yeah,” Alexandra smiled. “I am sorry if my presence is hurting your friends.”

“It’s just a surprise that is all,” Maria assured the teenager. “He had to know, and it was always going to have to come out and knowing our group it was going to be as spectacularly as possible given so many people knew before he or his daughter did.”

Beth sighed at the knowledge that nothing was coming back. The memories just weren’t there and the talking about the past wasn’t stirring anything and she could sense that there was great happiness in the woman who had come to visit them and, yet she couldn’t share that as she checked her watch, “I am sorry for interrupting, but we are needed at the station as I promised to meet with Jim Valenti.”

“Oh, I am keeping you,” Maria said as she kept up her chipper attitude. “Do you have a car?”

“No, I didn’t think of that when we arrived and had to take a taxi into town. I checked the map and I don’t think it’s much of a walk, or is it?” Beth asked.

“It’s a fair enough walk especially if you don’t know the town streets so why don’t I drive you.”

“You don’t have to,” Beth said. “We can figure it out.”

“No, let me take you,” Maria said as she jumped at the opportunity. “I need to see my stepfather also as there is some family business to deal with thanks to my kids and I might as well deal with it right now.”

“Your son was injured, wasn’t he?” Beth asked as he and the girls collected their stuff and walked out of the motel room.

“Yes, he was,” Maria nodded. “And my eldest daughter couldn’t help but get into the mischief.”

“How is he?” Beth asked. “How old is your daughter?”

“He is much better today,” Maria smiled. “Elizabeth is fifteen and approaching sixteen with every day to the chagrin of her father and I but luckily we have a six-year-old daughter to temper out any anxious moments we have with our other four kids. I have heard about your memory, so how has it been dealing with these circumstances.”

“You named your daughter Elizabeth?” Beth asked as she understood the symbolism of the name even if she didn’t feel the connection between the names.

“We mattered to each other and while you, I mean Liz, gave Grace my name as a middle name I couldn’t resist when Michael and I had our first child together and it was a girl, so we named our little creation Elizabeth Amy after you and my mother and we were calling her Beth as a baby and then when you were lost to us we went back to Elizabeth as a tribute, and it’s stuck to this day.”

“Beth?” Beth asked as the twins exchanged a ‘Wow’ look at each other.

“Yes, she had just turned two years old when you died or left us,” Maria nodded.

“That is certainly an interesting coincidence,” Beth muttered as her brain dealt with the newest information and she felt like a ping of recognition to the name Elizabeth Amy like it was registering in her and it was the first clue to maybe all this wasn’t a terrible hoax and she might actually be this person especially with the story of how the name Beth came about, and of course the name Evans.

“I don’t think it’s much of a coincidence,” Maria smiled with a cheery attitude because to her seeing Liz was a miracle coming true regardless of any downside that might come and whether the reunion could ever be complete because they all had a second chance. “It’s fate.”

“Maybe for you but time will tell and yet being here hasn’t been that illuminating for my memory,”

“It’s new for you so maybe in time and really you haven’t met Max yet.”

“Wouldn’t that that be worse for me if I can’t remember him?”

“I wouldn’t worry because while it’s going to be harsh for both of you to try to figure out the path forward, but he always has this way of helping and he could definitely help you see the past if you want the help,” Maria smiled.


“You could say he has this special talent for it,” Maria said as they walked to the car and Carrie and Alexandra looked each other with a knowing glance and their interest was further peaked in their father.


“What is going on Max,” Jeff Parker asked his son-in law as they sat in the living room of their apartment and both he and his wife could tell their son in law didn’t have the most pleasant news for them and there was a lot of tension within Max as he took in the apartment and was overcome with memories of all those years before when they were so young and in love. “What is this about Lizzie?”

“I wish I didn’t have to tell you this?”

“What is it?” Nancy asked as she could also sense the tension in Max and she couldn’t imagine what would be so pressing that clearly was agonizing for their son in law.

“There is no easy way to tell you except to be blunt.”

“So be blunt,” Jeff said.

“Some discrepancies have come up that make us question certain facts about Liz’s crash,” Max said softly in trying the lower key option.

“What are you talking about?” Jeff asked as his mind went back to the night he got the news and the devastation on Max’s face as he came to tell his wife and himself along with Jim. “Lizzie died in a car crash and the cause went down as weather related. You tried to save her, but the body was too burnt from the nature of the crash.”

“I did everything to bring her back and we did believe it to be a car crash and deep down I still wish I could believe it today rather than sit here and tell you and Nancy that there is are questions being raised that make us question the circumstances of that day,” Max said softly.

“What kind of circumstances?” Jeff asked as he felt a tight squeeze as his wife’s hands took his hand.

“Questions are being raised about whether Liz actually really died on that day,” Max blurted out. “And whether she might still be alive today.”

“What the hell,” Jeff and Nancy said in unison. “That is impossible.”

“Jeff how I wish I didn’t have to tell you this or how I wish I could to deny it all I want but last weekend certain facts came to Jim’s attention when some cops were in town investigating connection to a case out there in their hometown of New Haven, Connecticut.

A woman, five days after Liz’s crash had her own crash in that she barely survived but she woke up two months later from a coma with no memory. The woman Jeff looks almost exactly like Liz would today I am told.”

“That is impossible,” Nancy said as she got up from the coach and paced the space between her husband and son in law. “Our daughter is dead.”

“I want to believe that too and initially believed that we were facing a terrible prank but unbeknownst to me until yesterday Michael and Kyle went to New Haven to investigate the matter and they met with the woman in question and they came back thinking it’s true and that there is no reason to think it’s all a lie. And before you say that they are only telling me this because they went in believing it because they wanted it to be true well they didn’t. Jim is the only one who was aware of the suspicions and so Michael and Kyle went in blind and came out thinking it is true after meeting the woman in question without any bias because I am told the resemblance is uncanny.”

“But you haven’t seen this woman?” Jeff asked.

“No,” Max shook his head as he knew he was only delaying the enviable, and eventually a first glance would take place, and feared of the event that would make that possible. “Only Michael and Kyle have”

“So, if she didn’t die then what happened to her?” Jeff asked as she stunning realization started to sink in of what Max was trying to tell them.

“We think she might have been grabbed, and the body replaced and then kidnapped and when she became a liability they tried to kill her away from Roswell but this time she survived yet without any memory, so she couldn’t reach out to us, or we couldn’t reach out to her.”

“We used dental records?” Nancy cried as she insisted “You know as well as we do Max because they couldn’t make an identification of the body, but they did when they used her dental records.”

“If it was pre-meditated than whoever did this planned it to detail and conned us with the dental records, so we would believe she was dead when in reality she survived,” Max said softly. “We are trying to come up with a reason for this to have happened, but I can’t deny that Michael, Isabel and I had enemies when we were young, and they might have wanted to strike back at me through my wife or kids.”

“But to actually want to go to this kind of lengths to get their revenge on you?” Jeff asked.

“I know how it sounds and I wish I could say that it is all a hoax but we’re still in the early stages of this and I wanted to come to you, so you could be on the lookout especially as it is part of what is causing Grace’s turmoil these days is this latest news about her mother and you needed to know for you own sakes as well as ours as a family.”

“Grace, how is she handling this news?” Jeff asked.

“You know Grace, she can handle a lot, but this is one thing too many right now, and I would rather it not be on her plate given all she had to deal with it but if it’s true than we ALL have to deal with it as a family.”

“Oh, god Max,” Nancy said as she tried to come to terms with what was being said. “This can’t be true, can it?” she asked quietly.

“I am sorry Nancy,” Max said solemnly. “As I said, I wished I could tell you differently.”

“How are you dealing with this?” she asked as she came in for hug with her son in law. “This can’t be easy for you?”

“It’s a lot and I don’t know if it’s really sunk in yet, and maybe it hasn’t yet but it something unreal and given my luck, it’s something that isn’t that farfetched when it should be.”

“It isn’t,” Jeff said. “Farfetched… if it’s true....”

“I know,” Max nodded. “But there is more to the story.”

“What more can there be?” Jeff asked weary as he didn’t want to believe, but almost had to and he didn’t like that feeling. For nearly fourteen years they had been living with their daughter death and they felt they had finally come out the other side only for these questions to the pierce the shield around the pain of that loss.

“You will be surprised but there is another reason why we we’re not being punked and that reason is because of Grace’s recent trip with Jake when she ended up being hospitalized for her appendix,” Max lied.

“You told us she’s okay. She is, right?” Jeff asked stricken at the thought of their granddaughter being hurt.

“She’s perfectly healthy Jeff. I promise you of that, but it turns out that when her blood was put through the system it got red flagged.”

“Red flagged?” Nancy asked. “You mean in regard to your status?”

“No,” Max shook his head. “It turns out there are someone out there she matches and it’s pretty surprising.”

“Does she match this woman?” Jeff asked.

“Not at the moment but not because they didn’t match but I don’t think they thought to try but she matched someone else.”

“Whom?” Nancy asked. “How could she match as you guys don’t like to do much that registers your blood with the authorities?”

“We would rather not have our blood analyzed or on file but in this case, it couldn’t be helped,” Max thought back to his daughter’s hospitalization in New Haven when she was revealed to be pregnant and then ended up losing the baby and how that simple act of teenage defiance in skipping town with Jake had turned all their lives upside down and the ramifications were still unraveling as they sat here.

“Should we be worried?” Jeff asked.

“Only in the sense that it adds more to the story as it turns out the woman we believe to be Liz ended up giving birth to twin girls five months after her crash.”

“Are you telling us?”

“Yes,” Max nodded. “If Liz is alive than she gave birth to twin girls and those girls when they put their sample into the system to analyze their genetics, they ended up matching Grace...”

“Grace” Jeff and Nancy’s voice rose in unison.

“And you!” Max said softly to Jeff whose eyes opened wide as he took his wife’s hands once again and squeezed tight. “You also came up as a match for the twins.”

“Me?” Jeff asked....

“And that kind of match would only happen if you were their grandfather.”



“So, this is Roswell?” Carrie asked they walked parked nearby the Sheriff’s department as they piled out of Maria’s car. Beth took it all in and wondered in the daylight if anything was something she could remember and so far, she was batting zero while the girls thought of this as a wild adventure.

“It is,” Maria said as walked down the street and gave a tour as they walked and talked. “Most of this has been built up over the years, with new stores and restaurants going in but nothing has stayed with the times as much as the Crashdown Cafe,” she smiled. “You can see it across the street.”

“The Crashdown Cafe?” Beth asked.

“It’s a cool place. The Sheriff took me there yesterday after I came to town. It plays on the alien myths that this town holds,” Alexandra smiled as they looked across the street at the entrance to the cafe that had a huge spaceship as a sign.

“That it does,” Maria laughed as they stood and watched the action outside the restaurant. “But what he probably didn’t tell you Alexandra is that your grandparents own it.”

“They do!” Alexandra stopped in her tracks and glanced at Maria. “We have grandparents?”

“Yes, you do,” Maria smiled.

“Did you hear that Mom,” Alexandra asked as she watched her mother’s reaction to the news and he face was going pale.

“Yes,” Beth nodded as she struggled to deal with a flash that was coming to her of the same space ship that stood as the sign to the establishment.

“Yeah, your parents Beth,” Maria said as she bit her tongue on the urge to say Liz’s name but knew that wouldn’t be needed right now. “Jeff and Nancy Parker. They have owned that place since we were kids.”

“Wow,” Carrie and Alexandra whispered as they looked at the restaurant with Alexandra looking at it with a whole new appreciation from how she looked at it the day before as both girls always wanted grandparents and the idea they had them was amazing for them to learn.

“You also have grandparents on your father’s side who are also still with us; Phillip and Diane Evans.”

“Wow,” Carrie and Alexandra said as their eyes perked up at the thought of more family. “How big is our family?”

“It’s pretty big but not your traditional family but you do have an aunt who is your father’s sister and she and her husband have three kids of their own, and other honorary family.”

“Wow,” Carrie whispered again as she looked at her mother again and saw her mother’s face go even paler. “Mom, are you okay?”

“Liz...” Maria whispered as she saw the change in Beth’s face. “I am sorry, Beth!”

A space ship was blaring “Crashdown” and two teenagers were sitting nearby in a jeep with tears running down their face as they sat in a jeep and talking...

“Just tell me one thing, do you love her?” the girl said heartbroken as she stared at her true love.

“Not like I love you,” the boy said truthfully...

.... And they leaned in for a bittersweet kiss.

“Beth, come back to us,” Maria demanded as Carrie and Alexandra looked at their mother with anxious eyes.

“Mom!” the girls said in unison.

“Max,” Beth whispered with full recognition.


“How would they be able to know I match?” Jeff asked awestruck at the possibility that his little girl could still be alive, and that they might have other grandchildren, yet he still couldn’t get his head around the idea of the ability to match the girls with him.

“You had trouble when you were younger?” Max asked quietly. “Legal trouble?”

“Oh, my god,” Nancy said as she remembered the time Max was asking about which was something she hadn’t thought of in years since she told her daughter the story of her husband and why he was so fearful when Max and Liz had been going through some rebellious times against their families and the system in their senior year of high school. “Jeff!”

“Yes, I did,” Jeff said as flashes to his time as a teenager came flooding back. “It was a very dark time for me.”

“Liz told me the story,” Max said softly. “So, we don’t have to speak of it now, but Jim told me that your prints came up in the database once Roswell was put within the country database and when the twins were entered, you came up as a match.”

“I had forgotten that that with the advance of technology that Roswell did connect to the country wide database and while no charges came from my troubles, it did come close and it really started the path I took to clean up my life when I got together with Nancy and then we had Liz.”

“People often do forget, and because you didn’t have any warrants or charges that were outstanding there was never any need to worry about the database. I am told after the accident they tried to match this woman and then the babies, but no linkage came from the attempt and for some reason the DNA of the twins were run again recently, and a match came up.”

“So, for them to match me, then it has to mean that Lizzie is alive?” Jeff asked. “There is no other way.”

“Unless you have another child out there that we didn’t know of?” Max said quietly as memories of the baby that he almost had with Tess and how lucky for him that it turned out to be another man’s child and how the child was now being raised by his paternal family away from New Mexico and while he got lucky, the incident was always served to be a reminder of how close he came to having a second child and if he had proved to be the father than he and Liz might not have patched things up and they wouldn’t have had Grace, and the idea of his life with Grace, that was very upsetting.

“God,” Jeff said as the possibility sunk in. “Liz was our only one.”

“I am sorry for how this is dredging up memories,” Max said.

“If our daughter is alive we deserve to know,” Jeff muttered as the full weight of it all sunk in.

“Can you tell us more Max, of this woman? If she’s our daughter, is she okay?” Nancy asked suddenly open to the fact that their only child might actually be in this world.

“She’s a doctor,” Max said carefully.


“Are you okay?” Maria asked quietly to Beth as she started to come back to reality and realized where she was, and how much that flash bothered her as there was some real recognition to it.

“I think so,” Beth said as she came back and saw that Maria and her girls were staring at her with a look of grave concern. “I am fine,” she assured her daughters.

“You said a name?” Carrie said.

“Whose?” Beth asked.

“Max,” Alexandra said as she saw her mother back in reality and was no longer zoning out. “What happened?”

“I went somewhere?” Beth admitted, and she saw the sign of the Crashdown flashing not the same flashy as it was in the flash because it was now daylight and she knew the flash took place at night.

“Where?” Maria asked.

“I was younger. I was with someone and we were talking in a jeep and it was awkward between us, bittersweet, and it like he was leaving and was with someone else and our hearts were breaking as we spoke to each other...”

“Oh god,” Maria said. “You were thinking back to when Max almost left Roswell....” Maria said. “And the planet” she thought to herself as she cut herself off from spilling that little tidbit. “You told me about it.”

“Did he leave?” Beth asked.

Maria shook her head with a smile “You saved him in the nick of time from making the worse mistake of his life.”

“We loved each other?” Beth asked.

“You both were soul mates” Maria smiled “Max was a goner for you from that moment in third grade to right now and there was no one but you.”

And with those words Beth was finally realizing she might actually be this Liz person.


Jim was now back in his office doing paperwork and he hated doing paperwork but it was the duty of the Sheriff even if he tried to delegate some of it to his deputies when the times were slow for actual cases, and times were slow at the moment but still dealing with the legalities of a case was seen as a diversion at the moment from wondering how it was going with Jeff and Nancy as they learned that their daughter was very much alive, and wouldn’t remember them if they were to meet. Sighing to himself he heard the door open and looked up and saw his son standing there... “Hey”

“Hey,” Kyle smiled. “Paperwork, wow you must be bored” he laughed because he knew how much his father hated that particular duty of his job.

“You are not back at school?” Jim asked.

“They don’t know I am back, and it feels like a shame to go back when the teams are being run for the week by someone else. It would be superseding their game plan for the game, so I’ll head back when I was scheduled to go back, Monday.”

“So, you’re taking it easy?” Jim asked.

“Yes, Isabel went into the store and I was on chauffeur duty for the kids for once.” Kyle smiled. “I thought I would come over and see how things were.”

“Beth is in town.”

“Is she? Kyle asked.

“They arrived last night,” Jim smiled. “I haven’t had the chance to see her yet or the kids, but they could be here at any time.”

“It’s got to be a lot for her to process,” Kyle said.

“How is she son?” Jim asked. “Is she the Liz we knew?”

“No,” Kyle shook her head. “The resemblance is there but the memory issues that came from her New Haven crash have allowed her to craft a very different life.”

“That is what I am afraid of for Max, Grace, Jeff and Nancy.”

“Well her memory could always come back,” Kyle said. “She has told me that she’s had some flashes in the past and if she’s here then the provoking of the past might bring out more and more awareness of the past and especially if Max helps it along. But even if her memory does come back then they will have to reconcile the fact she been gone fourteen years.”

“Yeah,” Jim said. “Just like when your mother came back into your life?”

“She was never dead, but she left me and while I was better off with you yet still having her back in my life brought about a major adjustment and while we came to terms and we loved each other we both knew that we could bring back what we missed.”

“Max is telling Jeff and Nancy as we speak,” Jim sighed.

“God, I hate the pain that this will cause for them or for Max and Grace,” Kyle muttered. “As you saw, Isabel took the news badly”

“The past is always tricky,” Jim said as the intercom buzzed from out front and he picked up his phone, “Yes, oh, okay send them in” he said he put down the phone and stared at his son. “Beth and her kids are here along with a surprise guest in Maria!”

“Wow!” Kyle said.

“Yes,” Jim nodded as moments later the door opened to his office and Maria walked in. “Maria!”

“Jim....oh, hey Kyle,” Maria smiled as she saw her stepbrother.

“Are they here?” Jim asked.

“Yes, they are,” Maria smiled as mere seconds later Beth walked in with her two daughters following her and Jim felt like he flew decades in the past as he recognized the woman walking in.

“Welcome to my town,” Jim said. “My name is Jim Valenti and while I do know Alexandra I might be a stranger for the other two of you,” he said to Carrie and Beth. “I am the Sheriff of Roswell and you’ve met my son, Kyle”

“And I guess I am Elizabeth Parker Evans, and well, I am alive!”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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