Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Epilogue - Completed: 06/12/2018

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So Emma and Parker know the truth. And are OK with what Liz told them. So glad that Maria is there for Liz when she needs someone. Oh my god Tess is visiting both Liz and Max. So glad that Tess is trying to get Liz and Max together again. Hopefully whatever Tess has planned will work and Max and Liz will find each other. Will Tess be able to get Max and Liz together? What will Tess plan for Max and Liz to get together? Will Max and Isabel be able to find Liz, Kids and others? What will happen when Max and Isabel find Liz, others? Will Liz and Max be shocked to see each other? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz work things out? Will Max and Liz fall for each other again? Will Max and Liz be together? Will Max move in with Liz and the kids? Will the kids get their parents together? What will the kids do when they see Max and Isabel? Will everyone stay together? Will Max, Liz, kids, Michael, Maria, Isabel, Kyle all go back to Roswell to see their parents? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Texas's ghost is invading dreams now! Talk about nigjtmares!
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

My brain is exploding......so much is happening!
The twins know about their half-brother, can't help but wonder how Max is going to deal with all of this?
Of course all of the parents miss their kids.......
Tess is haunting Liz, and Max. LOL......Alex is trying her case.
News, Zan isn't the rightful heir.......So Tess helps things along getting Max to find Liz for THREE reasons.
Hurry home to Liz, Max!
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by Natalie36 »

wow this is one great story. love how all the characters are playing out
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out if Tess will really get Max and Liz together? Will Max and Liz find each other? What will happen when Max and Liz find each other? Will it be a happy reunion? What will Max do when he sees the kids? Will Max and Liz talk? What will Max and Liz talk about? Will Max and Liz work thing out and be together? Or will Max just visit the kids? Will Max and Liz fall in love with each other again? Will Max and Liz be a couple again. Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max, Liz, kids and others have a happy ending? Will Max, Liz, kids, other go to Roswell? What will happen when the parents see the kids?

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Leaving Normal - Chapter 10 - 04/01/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

“What am I going to do?” Max said moments later as his silence that he had entered as his sister entered his room broke, and stopped the trance like look he was giving and which was scaring Isabel as she watched him deal with the emotional blow once again delivered by Tess Harding that little menace Isabel stewed to herself.

“Keep going,” Isabel suggested as her brain reeled. “How about we get some sleep, and then head off further on our quest to get to Texas.”

“Pam didn’t deserve this,” Max muttered softly. “She got royally screwed by being with me.”

“No, she didn’t” Isabel agreed. “It’s not fair, and it’s not easy to move on… but maybe we should try driving and letting the steam off in your driving, on the road.”

“I guess,” Max sighed. “Tess is dead.”

“Wow, really?” Isabel asked, shocked and a little stunned. “Are we sure as we thought she was dead eight years ago?”

“She appeared to me, and said she was. I think this time, it’s real,” Max said as he sighed over the twists in his life and how it all went back to high school, and the mess he had made with Tess Harding. “She seems to be pushing me at Liz?”

“That’s a new one?” Isabel asked as she chuckled under her breath at the unreal coincidences their lives had taken as she knew Liz had taken in Max and Tess’s son, and now Tess was pushing her brother at Liz. “I wonder why?” she asked Oh I know why…

“She wasn’t very communicative, so who knows what her true motives are…”

“Well Liz pushed Tess once upon a time on you, maybe it’s time to return the favor” Isabel asked. “So, what do you want to do, now?”

“You’re probably right,” Max sighed as he wished his life could be normal as he craved for some semblance of normal and, yet he knew their lives would have never been normal. Not since that day or night when he, Isabel and Michael came out of those pods and discovered an extra-ordinary life that they led them to Liz and Maria. “Let’s get some sleep, and then start driving as we make our track across to Texas.”

“I am sorry Max,” Isabel whispered as she walked around and smiled tentatively at her brother. “I know this was not that life you felt we were going to get back in high school.”

“It’s not,” Max admitted. “And in some way ways our life has been richer, than it might have been if we never got the answers. But then, we lost so much too…”

“One-day Max,” Isabel said softly. “You will get your dreams.”

“I hope so sis,” Max said as he watched his sister leave his hotel room, and he stared at the mirror by the television. “I just want this to end!” he whispered.

“I miss you Liz,” he thought as he fell asleep as he felt at the same time guilty for dreaming of another woman when his wife had just died, but he muttered Liz’s name as he drifted off to dreamland, where the memories were of the extra-ordinary time he had spent with the dark hair beauty who had captured his heart in third grade.


“You look awful,” Maria asked Liz as she saw her friend stagger out of her bedroom as she was walking towards her wing of the house, the part of the house where she shared with her husband and daughters. “You didn’t get any sleep, did you?”

“No,” Liz admitted. “Max kept appearing in my dreams, and even a few of them turned into nightmare and as a result, I barely got a couple of hours sleep. “Are Emma and Parker getting ready for school?”

“Yes,” Maria assured her friend. “Emma is doing some extra prep for a test they have this morning.”

“That girl doesn’t need more prep,” Liz commented with a sigh as she stalked back into her bedroom, with Maria following her friend and saw that the bed was a mess which meant that her friend had been tossing and turning and trying to work through her insomnia.

“She’s a mini you Liz, down to the tee. You always needed to be completely sure before any of our tests.”

“And Parker is more Max,” Liz asked.

“With touches of you. He’s not a slouch by any means, as both can give anyone lessons on academics and smarts. But yeah, he’s definitely more of his father these days.”

“And I see him when I look at Parker,” Liz admitted.

“We all do,” Maria smiled. “Especially Michael!”

“One of these days, those two will be able to see each other again. I know how much Michael misses Max!”

“Those two always butted heads like all brothers do, but yeah, it’s not easy for Michael to be separated from either Max or Isabel. So much of their lives before they met us were together and dealing with the new world together and all that entails,” Maria sighed.

“Yeah,” Liz said.

“Maybe you should reschedule your appointment. Your mind is too overwhelmed with all this, and it’s even going to more so…” Maria said but stopped herself from adding, “when Max comes to town.”

“What do you mean by that I am even going to be more so…”

“Nothing,” Maria sighed and tried to move to the door yet stopped from leaving the room, and turned back to look at her friend.

“Maria!” Liz warned. “What do you know?”

“It’s not my place,” Maria said. “I need to check on the kids. Michael will need some help and Kyle had to head to the work early.”

“What’s going on?” Liz asked again.

“Ask Kyle,” Maria muttered as she left the room. “Take my advice, reschedule and get some rest while the kids are at school. You look like a mess!”

“Thanks,” Liz smiled but frowned at what her friend wasn’t telling her, and whether she really wanted to know anyways and as she stumped to the bathroom and tried to clean herself up, and tried to make herself presentable, yet she was worried Maria was right. Her mind was too fried to even think about taking on clients.

Downstairs, Emma and Parker were being served breakfast along with Amelia by Michael as Evan walked into the kitchen with Michelle…

“Is it true,” Evan asked in direction of anyone in the room as Emma and Parker looked up and saw their half brother walk into the room.


“Your father is my father?” Evan asked Emma and Parker and Michael looked dumbstruck at the turn in the conversation that suddenly was happening within the kitchen. “Why did none of you tell me that?”

“How did you find out?”

“Michelle made a comment about it when we were discussing families, and I mentioned my father, and she made the connection to you guys. Is it true, do we share the same father?”

“Okay kids, this is not exactly the time for this type of conversation. You guys have to get ready for school,” Michael said out loud to try to defuse the high wattage situation. “Emma and Parker go get ready. I see Evan is ready,” he muttered as the twins scurried off to get out of the situation. “I don’t appreciate you Michelle talking about matters that don’t involve you or your sister.”

“I thought he knew,” Michelle defended herself. “I am sorry Daddy.”

“It’s alright,” Michael said. “You’re late, so sit down and I’ll get you some breakfast. Evan, what do you want?”

“The same as Michelle, I guess.” Evans said solemnly. “Why won’t anyone answer my question. Do I share the same father as Emma and Parker?”

“Yes,” came a small voice causing the young boy to turn around and see Liz coming into the kitchen as she struggled for some coffee…


Liz had walked into the thorny conversation and wished she had stayed upstairs but she needed coffee to wake herself up as she tried to figure out what she was going to do for the day. Memories of Max played in her head on loop, and she couldn’t turn off the flashes when she bypassed her kids as they rushed up to their rooms, and Emma let slip that Evan knew about Max being his father and his relationship to her kids.

And now she was forced to awaken to the fact that the little boy needed to know the truth. That he did have two half siblings, and they all did share the same father. “I am sorry Evan.”

“Really,” asked the little boy as Michael gave Liz a concerned face. “It’s true.”

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “Emma and Parker’s biological father is the same man who fathered you.”

“Then why isn’t he here with them?” Evan asked.

“Circumstances, crummy circumstances” was all Liz said and Michael felt for his friend. “We all wish it could be different. But events happened that made it impossible for him to stay with me or be with the twins. He would have wanted to, if given the chance,” she said quietly knowing that he would have come running to her if she had opened up through the alien network and told Max that’s he was pregnant. But knew that would have solved nothing, and maybe led to resentment.

“Do you think it will ever happen?” Evan asked.

“You never know,” Liz said. “You never count out something like that” Oh, how I wish he could be here with me, right now she thought to herself. “I am sorry if you felt lied to.”

“I don’t,” Evan said. “I am just surprised that is all,” the little boy said. “Does he know about them?”

“No,” Liz said honestly. “I didn’t find out about the babies until after he left” she said with a sigh. “Your father did know about you. He doesn’t know your here with me right now, but he did know about you. And he did want you.” to the detriment of our relationship she thought.

“But he gave me away.”

“WHAT!” Liz asked, afraid of what the little boy knew and what Tess would have told the boy about the situation.

“Mom always told me she had to rescue me because Dad didn’t want me and gave me up for adoption. So, she rescued me from the home I was living in as a baby.”

“And yet she leaves you here with us?” Michael observed.

“Mom didn’t always make sense,” Evan admitted as he remembered his childhood. “She couldn’t stop talking about him. And yet she tried to convince me I wasn’t wanted by my father. That he wanted someone else more, and to be careful of who I trust.”

“Tess never did make sense,” Michael sighed and burned us in the end.

“I am sorry Evan,” Liz said. “Your father did want you, but he was very young when you were born, and he felt you had a better chance at a normal life with your adoptive parents. And one of the reasons we separated was because he became worried about you.”

“Really?” Evan asked.

“Yes,” Liz muttered. “You went missing from your new home, and he went looking for you. And obviously he was never able to find you.”

“I am sorry if Emma and Parker missed out having a father because of me,” Evan said softly and sadly that it broke Liz’s heart and soften Michael’s heart even more of the unfortunate circumstance the kid found himself in. “I am not hungry,” he said before rushing out of the kitchen and away from the adults…

“God, what am I going to do?” Liz sighed as she looked at Michael. “Why is this so hard?”

“It’s not your fault Liz, nor is it his fault for Max not being here” Michael said carefully. “Max could have been here if he wanted to.”

“I made the decision Michael. He wanted to be with me, and would have come back to me. But I told him to stay away.”

“It’s on him to stay away,” Michael pointed out.

“He did want to come back to me,” Liz broke down and admitted. “After he was away for a while, and was finding no fruit from his search for his son. I did get a message from Isabel, when we hadn’t even settled here in Austin. He wanted to come home to me, but I resisted.”

“Why?” Michael asked in shock as he had never known that Max had almost come back.

“I had the kids. I didn’t want him to know. It might have been my decision to send him away, but maybe I was pissed that he went along with my hair brain scheme and left and went and searched for the baby he had when he cheated on our love. We might not have been together, but we loved each other. Or he always said he loved me, since third grade and then he goes and sleeps with someone else. Someone who ended up being a killer, someone who killed Alex, and he then wanted to have it all…me…and the baby, and he expects me to be okay with it,” Liz said letting it all out, all the pain and resentment.

“Liz,” Michael begun.

“Don’t Michael, okay, don’t, I know. I went along with Future Max. Max wanted me back, after I left him at the caves after the orbs and went away for the summer and I could have prevented it all from happening. But I knew that if Future Max was right, I couldn’t live with idea that the worse kind of tragedy could have been prevented. So, I pushed my soulmate away, and started all of this… I know I shouldn’t be angry because I went back to him, and even got engaged to him. But then I sent him away, and he stayed gone… because of me.”

“She killed Alex,” Michael said.

“I know,” Liz sighed. “This isn’t fair.”

“No, it isn’t, so, he could have been here?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “I said No and then days later, the threat of the Special Unit was lifted, and we were able to settle here in Austin, and he went off and got married…to someone else.”

“Wow,” Michael whispered.

“Maybe my shrink is right. I keep thinking about Max because I regret sending him away, or allowing him to stay away when he could have been with me all this time. It’s my fault, not his Michael.”

“I am sorry Liz,” Michael said as felt torn over his friendship with Liz, and his family-esque bond with Max and how much clearly it tore on Liz to be separated from Max and the decisions she had to make for the sanity of herself, and for the twins after they were forced to flee Roswell all because of Tess, and the consequences of their association with her and decisions they all made, good and bad.

“Don’t,” Liz said as she turned to leave the kitchen as she muttered to herself, half out loud and half under her breath. “It’s no one’s fault but my own!” she muttered as she took her coffee with her as she rushed off, mere seconds before Maria came into the kitchen. “I started this, Max wanted to only help me.”

“What’s happened? Maria asked as she heard the muttering of her friend and roommate.

“Liz is a mess!” Michael observed. “I don’t know how we can help her…”

“What else is new. When Max saved her life, he also ruined it” Maria muttered as she glanced at her departing friend and was truly worried for her in all this turmoil.

“You really feel that way?” Michael asked, worried that his wife was speaking her inner true feelings about the alien chaos that they had been launched into after the shooting at the Crashdown,

“Yes.” Maria said honestly. “By saving her life, he opened it up in a way that is not the way it should have gone for my friend.”

“She would have been dead!” Michael reasoned.

“I know, and that is why this is so hard Michael. I love you, and I love how that shooting in its own warped way brought you into my life and gave me my dream come true. A soulmate like no other, and best of all, our little family to love and cherish. But, for Liz, this has been a nightmare?”

“How so?” Michael asked.

“Max ruined her life, and just walked away.” Maria bitterly spat. “And now he has the nerve to come back into it, and back here into our orbit”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 10 - Updated: 04/01/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Maria will eat her words when she finds out that Liz told Max to stay away.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 10 - Updated: 04/01/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I'm anxious for Max and Isabel to get to Texas and return to the alien orbit!
Of course it is going to be an emotional event for all of them when it does happen.
Now all of the kids know about Evan's father........
It was time..........where are Max and Isabel now???? Getting close I hope.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 10 - Updated: 04/01/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So Max and Isabel are in Texas. Hopefully Max and Isabel will find Liz and the others. Poor Liz she is really really feeling bad for what happened between her and Max. It seems Micheal is understanding more of what Liz is feeling. Hopefully Michael and Maria can be there for Liz. Agree with Maria Liz needs to rest before Max and Isabel come back in her life.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 10 - Updated: 04/01/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out if Max and Isabel will find Liz, kids and others. Hoping for a happy reunion.

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