Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 32 - Updated - 2/02/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

What a cliffhanger!

Did the New Haven detectives just hear the word alien?

Please come back with more.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 32 - Updated - 2/02/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Who has over heard Maria's mouth now?
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 32 - Updated - 2/02/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Wow! Another cliffhanger! Who was asking the question in the end?

Max... or Jeff Parker... Anyway we don't know...

I really was upset that Maria couldn't accept the fact that Liz was alive! Maria certainly thought that her Little world was going to Change and she doesn't like that! She is married with an Alien and alieness is what made what happened to Liz...

At the end, the one who had to live with it - instead of them - it was Liz!
Liz was the one without Family for so Long... and the one who has the right to be upset, having lost so many years off marriage with Max and their daughter!

Anyway, I always enjoy immensly your updates! Thanks and waiting for more - EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 32 - Updated - 2/02/2018

Post by Natalie36 »

please be max
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Reunion - Chapter 33 - 02/05/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

Forty-five minutes later, “Jake, Elizabeth, where are you?” Maria called as soon as she walked into the Guerin household. “If you’re home, come downstairs right away” she spouted as she vented to herself all she had heard in her conversation with Jim.

“God, what are they doing to me? This is too unreal. Can it really be true? Can she really be alive? Could Max get his greatest love back again? Or Grace get her mother back. But it if it’s true, what does it mean that she has been out there for nearly fourteen years… alone. God, why is my life such a mess? Where is Michael when I need him? I know where he is, he must know what is what by now. And being silent means, it means something.”

“Mom, what is going on?” Jake asked as he came downstairs. He had been doing homework in his bedroom while he was fretting if he was throwing his chance away as Grace was still planning to go out with Dominic the following night.

“Where is Elizabeth?” Maria asked.

“At Uncle Max’s as she and Grace were doing some studying or something,” Jake said. “I think there was a text and said she should be home any minute.”

“Where are your brothers?” Maria asked.

“Some learning event at the library or something like that,” Jake said. “Colin called earlier and said they were going with friends after school. I think Erik’s mother was driving them.”

“Did they need a pick up?” Maria asked.

“Nope, but if that changes they will call. Where is squirt,” Jake asked about his baby sister Belle.

“With your grandmother,” Maria asked a tad distantly and Jake noticed.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” Jake asked as he took a long look at his mother, and sensed this was not a normal mood that he had seen in his mother before and it unnerved him.

“Nothing,” Maria muttered. “Has your father called or Uncle Kyle?”

“Nope, no messages,” Jake said as the acknowledgement of no calls made his mother frown and he wondered what was wrong with his mother who seemed not herself. “Again, what is wrong?”

“It is nothing,” Maria said again with more meaning. “Nothing,” she said carefully. “I am going upstairs but tell me when your sister gets home.”

“Sure,” Jake said as he watched his mother walk upstairs muttering to herself as she dialed her cell phone and began talking into it…

“Michael Guerin, you better call me back as soon as earthly possible. You know why I am calling, and why you need to call me back. And I mean it, immediately….”

Jake could only hear the last words of the conversation as his mother disappeared upstairs, “How am I supposed look Max in the face or Grace knowing what I know….”

“What the heck,” Jake wondered to himself as he walked into the kitchen for a late afternoon snack to await his sister.


“You better call your wife back,” Kyle was telling his friend as they walked into Michael’s hotel room. They had a lengthy conversation with Hanson, and then they waited until they could get access to a copy of Beth’s crash report before they went and got a snack before heading to their hotel rooms to check out the file.

“Obviously, she got Jim to spill,” Michael groaned. “I don’t know how to explain this to my wife given she has such a vested interest in this,” he admitted.

“She’s not going to like another night of silence,” Kyle warned as he knew that Michael had been radio silent since their discovery of Beth’s existence.

“She’s not, and she might have me in divorce court if I do try it,” Michael admitted.

“Then call her,” Kyle advised. “If it was me, I would call. And in fact, I am going to take your wife’s call as a reason to call my own wife and check in with her.

“Can you believe Hanson is now Captain out here?” Michael asked as he looked for a diversion as he opened the case file.

“It’s a shocker alright,” Kyle said. “He deserved it given all that happened before he left Roswell. How he became Sheriff when the town tried to get rid of Dad all those years ago, in the aftermath of the Laurie Dupree fiasco, only to have Dad return and take back the job a year or two later.”

“Being second banana for that long was not going to work given your father is basically a lifer,” Michael admitted.

“That he is,” Kyle nodded. “It’s his calling and the family business!”

“Yet not something you followed in?” Michael said.

“It was not my passion. Sports and teaching is,” Kyle admitted. “But it is funny the coincidence in that Hanson who was around during the aftermath of Liz’s accident and now it just so happens that he is the head of the town that might bring her back in our lives.”

“I am not sure that it is such a coincidence,” Michael muttered to himself as Kyle left the room to go to his own hotel room, so he could call his wife and children. Instead of calling Maria, Michael settled on his bed and focused on the crash report.


“What do you mean you want me to check on Maria,” Isabel was saying as she took a Skype call from her husband. The kids all had a chance to have a moment with their father before they went their own way, so Isabel could have her own moment with Kyle before she turned her attention to making dinner. “I had lunch with her today as a matter of a fact.”

“It means what it sounds like,” Kyle said quietly. “I want you to check on her.”

“She was perfectly fine at lunch. You have to tell me more Kyle, why do you want me to check on her?”

“I can’t explain it. But I just have this feeling that she needs a friend.”

“Isn’t Michael talking to her?”

“They will, but this is something different.” Kyle reasoned as he was coming to realize how much he missed his wife and children. He has never been gone this long, even to sport tournaments and he didn’t know when he would be seeing them again and it annoyed him. “I can’t explain it honey, but please do this for me.”

“Why do I have a hunch you know exactly why, and this is part of the whole scheme of keeping me in the dark. And that maybe Maria now knows more about it, and you still don’t want me to know.”

“Honey I don’t want you to be put in an impossible position,” Kyle said quietly, and Isabel could tell her husband was finally telling her the truth, up to a point.

“What kind of position would I be in?” Isabel asked.

“An impossible one,” Kyle said. “I don’t want you to be forced to have to keep quiet when your first instinct will be to go and tell what you know. Maria is coming to realize this burden. And therefore, I don’t want you to be in it, and it will be much more of a burden for you than it even is for Maria.”

“Why would you say that?” Isabel as she struggled to figure out what was her husband trying to tell her. “Of course, I would keep it a secret if you asked me too.”

“You might promise me that now, but I can say for a certainly it would weigh on you and you will find it an impossible burden.”

“I don’t get it. Why?” Isabel asked.

“Because it’s important we figure out if we have something before more parties are let in it. And those parties that are the most vested parties to this…”

“Is it Max?” Isabel asked quietly. “You don’t want me to be lying to my brother, or my niece?”

“Yes,” Kyle said as he heard a knock on his door and figured it was Michael. “I have to go. We can talk later or in the morning. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Isabel as Kyle ended their call and she stared into her phone and wondered why if she knew the truth that she would have to lie to her brother or niece. And what was so important that they couldn’t know right now.”

“Damn it Kyle,” Isabel muttered as she called her mother. “Mom I have to go out on an errand, can you come over and watch the kids? I won’t be gone long. But because I don’t know how long I will be gone, I don’t want to put Kylie in charge of keeping an eye on her siblings. “Thank you, I appreciate it as I know it’s short notice. See you shortly.”


“I am amazed Beth lived through it,” Michael said as he and Kyle researched their copy of the crash file into Beth’s accident. “And that the babies were able to make it through that kind of trauma. You have to be strong to make it through something like that.”

“If she is Liz or if the twins are Max’s, then we know they have to be strong” Kyle remarked as he whistled when he saw the severity of the crash in the photos in the file. “I can’t believe anyone made it through that kind of crash.”

“They said she was found unconscious away from the exploded car. She was found by a motorist who came across the crash as it was on the outskirts of town. She briefly came around in the ambulance but not enough to indicate who she was, and then she lost consciousness for the next two months before she woke up without any memory of who she was, or her past. The pregnancy was discovered at the hospital.”

“If she is Liz then Max didn’t know she was pregnant. Because we would have heard about it and it would have added to his burden if she had died along with their baby,” Kyle remarked.

“She probably had only recently learned if she even knew. We know from experience that alien human hybrid pregnancies are usually further along even though they don’t look it. The twins were born on Halloween, early because of complications from the crash but then we also know the next generations are usually born earlier than normal children.”

“Because she didn’t have any memory, she started a new life once she was out of the hospital with an official change of name.”

“A name that is so close to Liz’s that it’s scary,” Michael admitted. We were calling Elizabeth Beth in the early days after she was born. Liz was her godmother. Could it be that she remembered the name because of how significant it was to her identity? And Evans is self-explanatory.”

“And because we believed she was dead, no one could be here to help her. And she just gravitated to her new life under the name Beth Evans and gave one of the twins the name Alexandra.”

“I know, which would be another amazing circumstance” Michael admitted as he weighed the fact that unconsciously that Beth gave such a meaningful name to one of her daughters without really realizing it.

“All the pictures match up. The facts past and present match up and therefore you have to think she really is Liz.”

“I know” Michael nodded.

“When do we tell Max?” Kyle asked.

“I absolutely have no idea!” Michael said. “Regardless of what it would mean for him and Grace to know she didn’t die, it is also going to destroy him because of so many lost years, and years they won’t be able to get back.”


“Why is Mom held up in her bedroom” Elizabeth asked her brother shortly after she arrived home from her study group with Sue and Grace at Grace’s home. She had yet to see her mother and she didn’t know why. Usually Maria was in the kitchen preparing dinner, or working on her manuscript while her kids studied.

“I have no idea,” Jake admitted to her sister. “Belle is still at Grandma’s and as soon as Mom got home she holed herself up in her bedroom and refuses to come out. I think it has something to do with Dad. He’s not calling her back, and I hear grumbling coming from her room when I have walk pass it.”

“Why wouldn’t he call her?” Elizabeth asked. “They always talk. Even when they are both in the same town, they call each other.”

“I know,” Jake said as he checked his phone and saw a text from his brother Colin. “Colin and Liam need a pick up, so I am going to go. Go tell Mom that I will be back in a half hour” he requested of his sister and he went and grabbed his wallet, and keys.

“Sure,” Elizabeth said as her brother headed for the door as she went upstairs. Taking her time to walk up, she got to the master bedroom “Hey Mom, I am home. Jake went to pick up Colin and Liam.”

“Elizabeth, come in,” Maria said as she came to the door and opened it. “I could have gone and gotten the boys.”

“Jake offered,” Elizabeth smiled. “What’s wrong Mom, Jake said you have been up here since you got home.”

“I needed time to think,” Maria said as she looked at her eldest daughter, who was just a young toddler when her namesake was taken from them. It had devastated the whole clan, but none more than Max and Maria. The two people Liz had meant the world to next to her parents. It had taken a long time for Maria to come to terms with the fact her best friend, the one she had been friends from kindergarten and onwards into their adult life and to have her taken so brutally from them. Especially after fate had been so cruel to take Alex from them back in high school.

“Are you okay?” Elizabeth asked as she sensed her mother was still a bit distant.

“I really am fine honey,” Maria lied. “But I want you to tell your brother when he gets home to order you guys a pizza for dinner. I am not up to cooking, and I’ll be up here a little while longer. You guys can eat whenever you feel hungry.”

“What is going on Mom? You are scaring me. Is it Dad? Elizabeth asked as she took a close look at her mother, and could sense that her mother was wrestling with a lot of emotion. Not even her brother’s recent adventure caused as much turmoil in her mother as she sensed in her. “Jake said he hasn’t called!”

“No,” Maria smiled. “Your father is fine. I can only assume everything is going as well as can be expected given it is your father’s case he’s working on, and he’s just too busy to call. I just need some more time up here. Okay sweetheart?”

“Sure!” Elizabeth said although she didn’t feel like she believed her mother, but she knew not to press the issue, so she nodded, and left the room, and went down to her bedroom to put her things away before heading back downstairs.


“Where is your mother?” Isabel asked as she walked into the Guerin household and saw a pizza carton sitting on the kitchen table with Jake, Elizabeth, Colin and Liam eating. And where is your little sister?”

“She is with Grandma,” Jake said as he took a piece from the carton onto his plate. “What’s up?”

“I need to see your mother?” Isabel smiled as she looked at her godchildren. “Does your mother know you’re eating pizza?”

“It was her idea. You can find her up her bedroom,” Elizabeth confirmed. “You can go up if you want!”

“I will do that,” Isabel smiled as she looked at the group and smiled as the kids grabbed at the pizza with gusto as she left the kitchen and went upstairs. “Don’t eat too much if I were you.”

Upstairs she reached the master bedroom. “Hey Deluca!” Isabel yelled through the door. “Let me in. We need to talk!”

“Isabel?” Maria said as she came to her door and saw her friend looking at her. “What are you doing here?”

“I am checking up on you on my husband’s instructions. He felt it was important that I come and look up,” Isabel said. “Without so much as telling me why I would need to do such a thing.”

“Because my own husband is hiding from my calls” Maria said flatly. “The bastard!” she muttered darkly.

“And why would Michael do that?”

“Because that alien of mine knows way too damn much” Maria muttered as they walked into the room, and closed the door. “And he doesn’t want to have this particular conversation with me yet.”


“He doesn’t want to lie to me or tell me to lie!”

“Would this be about Liz?” Isabel sighed as she asked.

“Yes” and that was all that Maria said.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 33 - Updated - 2/05/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Thanks for the update!

Who heard the word alien in Valenti's office and how was it explained?

When will we get to see what the twins are up to?
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 33 - Updated - 2/05/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Another great chapter!!!! Wow so Maria knows Liz is alive. Poor Michael dreading to call Maria. Good thing Maria has Isabel to talk to now. Wonder if Maria will tell Isabel. Wonder if Michael will call Maria. Wonder if Michael and Kyle will go see Beth again. Wonder if Beth will remember more.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 33 - Updated - 2/05/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

I am really looking for the truth!

Liz's Kidnapping - in my opinion - was certainly a covert from Aliens, as they are all searching from the truth and the Aliens work behind their back!
Thanks EVE :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 33 - Updated - 2/05/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Hurry back! Got to know what is going to happen next!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 33 - Updated - 2/05/2018

Post by roswell4life »

There's no way they can keep this from Max and Grace now right!? Hope Maria and Isabel say something soon!!! I want Beth to start asking questions about her past!! Please come back with more soon!!! :D
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