Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 62 Pg 22 - 12 / 29 [COMPLETE]

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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 51 Pg 12 - 6 / 30

Post by keepsmiling7 »

has Max really turned Liz away.....for good??
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 51 Pg 12 - 6 / 30

Post by Misha »

AN: I can't promise a chapter tomorrow, but at least the bunnies are happy writing this :mrgreen:

For once, keeping count doesn’t seem important anymore.

I’ve always had a purpose in life: get the test done, the mission accomplished, keep everybody happy with my progress. But most importantly of them all: survive.

I’m not sure John’s new purpose is going to exclude that last clause.

Chapter Fifty-Two

It was never about me, Max realized as John walked straight to the ship. Buying the labs, contacting Parker, none of it was about me. It was always about the ship.

John chuckled darkly. If I hadn’t cared about you, I would have come down here the first time we switched places, little bro.

Someone shouted at John to stop. Something about contaminating the area. He ignored the warning, knowing full well that what he had come to do here need neither subtlety nor finesse.

I always kept an eye on the base, but every plan I had to destroy the ship always ended up with me locked up and the ship intact. I knew of you, and it pained me, but you were never my responsibility.

Max had only seen the spaceship on a screen weeks ago. Now, as John got closer, the sheer size of it made him feel small, insignificant even. Whoever had created him had stood on that ship. Chances were good that Max himself had been created there.

He’d never really stopped to think about the implications of his alien origins, but for the first time, he marveled at the idea that part of him had truly come from the stars—had traveled inside an alien spaceship through the vast universe. Someone had had a purpose for him, and John, and the brothers and sisters he’d never met.

If Frank had told him this, if he’d been allowed to come here, Max would have become addicted to discovering its meaning, no question about it. It was so easy to see himself in John’s place, spending hours and days craving information, unwilling to be separated for this ship, the only connection he had to his alien heritage.

The idea on how to get here actually came from Liz, John said, as Max’s fascination amused him.

Parker told you to do this? Max asked, confused.

Someone threatened to shoot if John didn’t stop. He walked on.

When are you going to call her by her name? John asked, genuinely interested. He sighed inwardly when Max didn’t answer. The first time Liz saw me, she thought I was you. And for the first time, the most obvious way to get in slapped me in the face. All I had to do was pretending to be you. It was just a matter of being sure you weren’t going to walk right into my plans.

In John’s mind, Max saw memories of the ship, the interior, the strange crystals and silver orbs that had been salvaged decades ago.

The symbols were the key, John explained, and through the open memories of his life, Max saw row upon row of alien ciphers, mostly coming from a metal book that no one had been able to decode. In John’s younger hands, Max felt the weight of twin looking orbs, their smooth, cold texture refusing to yield their secrets. Do they look familiar to you? John asked, curiously.

The swirl symbol tugged at Max’s mind, but it was the V formation that awakened some deep longing in him.

What does it mean? he asked, holding his breath for the answer.


The word was both familiar and strange, like the name of a character in a childhood book long forgotten. It stirred a sense of duty inside of him, along with a deep sadness.

The guards fired while the technicians ran for cover. Bullets bounced off John’s shield, a perfect green sphere that took but a thought to project. Max had never been capable of doing something like that.

Or to be more precised, John continued as he extended a hand towards the ship, the Royal Seal of Antar.

The door to the ship opened, while the security alarm came alive, along with the red and blue lights of an intruder alert.

You see, Max, one of us has this symbol in our brain to prove we are the legitimate successors to the throne of Antar. I don’t know if that’s you or me, but I figured that being the disposable king is just as bad.

Inside, the ship hummed as the panels came to life, red and yellow and blue lights welcoming its new master.

And no matter how fancy it all sounds, I’m not going to wait for a planet to come pick me up and end my life as I know it, let alone throw me into a civil war involving five planets and one sadistic usurper. And I doubt you want that, either. So I’m doing both of us a favor.

I don’t understand—

You don’t have to,
John said, seeking the main controls by swiftly passing his hand around the bridge. Right in the middle, a handprint answered his call, illuminating a hidden dashboard. Ask my wife, she knows the story... John trailed off, his attention going to the woman who was trying to help Max back at John’s house. If I survive, she might still kill me, he mused with a sad chuckle, for a moment doubting his entire mission.

And then he refocused, pushing thoughts of her away, trying to push Max away as well. But Max refused to let go.

The ship vibrated when John placed his hands on the console, and the vessel moved a few inches to the right, and a few inches up, stopping altogether after that. It hovered menacingly while chaos had erupted outside its curved walls. John narrowed his eyes, pressing harder against the controls.

It became clear to Max that John had never actually flown this thing, and he had only a vague theory of how to do it.

It also became clear that the only way John was leaving this base was through the roof.

What are you going to do? Max asked, and right before John shoved him out of his mind, he mischievously answered:

What I always end up doing: improvise.
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 52 Pg 13 - 7 / 1

Post by dreamon »

Loving all of these updates! Also, I was wondering are Max and john clones?
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 52 Pg 13 - 7 / 1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

improvise......that's always a good choice,
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 52 Pg 13 - 7 / 1

Post by clueless »

Thanks for another great part! Can't wait to
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 52 Pg 13 - 7 / 1

Post by Misha »

All right! CampNano is on and the bunnies want to finish this story :mrgreen:

dreamon, I'm following Roswell canon, where all the podsters are clones of their human donors and their royal counterparts. So, yeah, they're clones ;)

Thank you guys for reading and reviewing! I miss this so much 8)

Journal entry #25, September 3rd, 2011

How is it possible to be so close and yet so far away? How can Max be essentially free and still a prisoner of his body?

How can I be next to him, and yet unable to reach him?

How do I bring you back, Max?

Chapter Fifty-Three
Far Away

Max was not waking up.

He’d stopped destroying the lab twenty-three hours ago and then had fell into unconsciousness, which had been a relief right then, but as time went on, Liz had started to worry.

Questions plagued her: What if something seriously wrong was keeping Max from waking up? Or worse, what if he woke up just to demand to go back to the base? Or what if he lost control over his powers again, bringing the whole house down this time?

And then she would think about John. Was he still alive? Was he being drugged? What was she going to say to his wife if he never came back?

Round and round she went, hour after hour, watching the sunlight and the shadows chase each other through the basement’s narrow windows.

It was so absurd that she was thankful that the house wasn’t shaking anymore. She was also fighting a losing battle against sleep. She hadn’t slept for the better part of two days, and she’d already fallen asleep twice, waking up from nightmares too scary to contemplate. And yet Max was not waking up.

Anne Herschel had left to work on the formula from her actual lab. With half her basement lab in ruins and the possibility of Max finishing the job, she’d told Liz she had a better chance to finish at work. She’d warned Liz to leave the house as well, but Liz had argued she couldn’t just walk away from a sick man.

It won’t matter if you’re dead! Anne had argued, but before Liz could argue back, it had stopped. Max had stopped, and the silence that had followed had been full of dread.

Now, as she tiredly watched over him, she made sure his chest was rising and falling. As long as he was breathing, she could deal with this.

Besides, the silver lining in this whole nightmare was that Max wasn’t suffering.

She reached his forehead with tentative fingers and measured his temperature. He’d been running a low fever for hours, and she was seriously debating if she should try to wake him up and make him drink something. She nervously bit her lower lip.

How do I help you, Max? And what are you going to do when you wake up?

The doorbell rang on the first floor, and she ignored it. It was a small miracle that the neighbors hadn’t come to check out the house. Max had cracked the counters and broken dozens of test tubes and any glass-made equipment. She could only imagine how all of that must have sounded to the outside.

The door rang again, insistently this time.

She looked up, and wondered if the government had found them. She had absolutely no escape plan—no kind of plan whatsoever—beyond waiting for Max to wake up, and the thought paralyze her. If they had been found, then that was the end of it.

“Elizabeth Parker, you better be in there!” Alex’s voice came muffled, and her heart soared. She got up in a hurry, ignoring her aching body, and threw the door open.


He hugged her and she hugged him back, tears running down her face. She wanted to let go and properly greet him, but she couldn’t. Letting go of Alex was like letting go of a lifesaving vest. She held him tighter, and he didn’t complain.

“Hey…shh… It’s okay, we’re going to be fine,” he soothingly held her, placing his head over hers. She had no idea where to start, how to explain, not even how to be properly grateful to him. Having him here broke a dam that had threatened to break for hours now, but she didn’t have the luxury of falling apart when Max had already fallen ill.

Alex walked them into the house and closed the door.

“Okay, first things first: are you okay?” he asked, his eyes serious. She nodded, wiping out her tears with the back of her hands.

“Good. Is he okay?”

She shook her face, unable to find the words to elaborate.

“Not good,” he said out loud, shaking his head with hers. “Where’s John’s wife?”

“She’s—she’s at the lab,” she whispered, fresh tears coming down.

“She’s working on the cure?”

“She's making Max’s drug,” she answered, a little bit louder. “She went to her lab yesterday and hasn’t come back.”

“You’ve been all alone all this time? With Max?”

She nodded again, swallowing a sob. “I’m—I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m such a mess,” she apologized, furiously wiping more tears.

“Liz,” Alex said, holding her gently by the shoulders. “You’ve just been through hell, and a good part of it was Max’s fault. You have every right to be emotional right now.”

“Max is the one going through hell,” Liz protested, the familiar anger at the people who did this to Max bubbling up.

“That might be true, but it doesn’t diminish your own experiences in the least. You need to start thinking about you, Liz. Not because he doesn’t matter, but because you matter more, okay? You can’t help someone when you’re barely walking yourself.”

She nodded.

“Good. Now that we’ve established your priorities, how’s Max?”

“He had some reaction and started breaking things with—with his powers. And then he stopped. Just like that. He’s been unconscious since yesterday and now he’s running a low fever. He hasn’t moved ever since.”

“Okay, okay. I can deal with that. Now, you do look like a mess. You need to go lay down, eat something, take a shower, anything other than keeping watch over Max.”

“But what if he wakes up?”

“What about it?”

“What if he starts demanding going back to the base, or wakes up blasting his powers and hurts you?”

Alex raised his eyebrows, not amused. “Because you’re better at dealing with those scenarios than I am? If I remember correctly, I’m the one who called the base, and I’m the one who got you here. I think I can think of something, Liz. But you won’t be able to think about anything if you’re falling asleep on your own feet.”

She felt herself sagged. The idea of leaving Max scared her, but her more rational side told her that Alex was more than capable of dealing with this crisis.

Plus, Max is not going to puff out of existence without saying good-bye.

She shook her head at the thought.

“Okay,” she finally relented. “But if anything changes, anything at all—”

“I’ll wake you up. No problem. Now, go!”

She found a guest room and laid on the bed. For the longest moment, she thought she was not going to be able to let go and fall asleep. And then, she didn’t know a thing about the world for a long while.
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 53 Pg 13 - 7 / 13

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is a real concern........Max just won't wake up!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 53 Pg 13 - 7 / 13

Post by dreamon »

Great part! Can't wait to
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 53 Pg 13 - 7 / 13

Post by begonia9508 »

Wow! Back after two months because of a Virus... I never checked RF and then, fantastic discovery: two new parts!

That's crazy that both Maxes have quite the same Problem: but it makes sense, they are both not from this world and the same DNA even if ten years in between them...
I will go back and check for more - I am a Little bit lost...

Thanks EVE :wink:
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 53 Pg 13 - 7 / 13

Post by Misha »

Oohh! Actually it's 6 or 7 new parts XD Check out from page 11 :)
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