Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 62 Pg 22 - 12 / 29 [COMPLETE]

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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 46 Pg 8 - 8 /

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max is an addict......please someone help him.

Everyone should read "The Librarian" that Misha wrote,
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 46 Pg 8 - 8 /

Post by Misha »

Hey!!! Thanks for coming back to read! I promise, it won't be too long now :mrgreen:

keepsmiling, thanks for the review!!! It was awesome 8)

Journal entry #22, still September 2nd, 2011

I think this is the moment of no return.

Back in January, when I was first introduced to a world where aliens walk the Earth, I had two equally viable choices: stay or leave it alone.

Now my choice is the same, but the stakes are exponentially higher: Stay here with Max and see this play out to whatever awaits us at the end—Or leave Max alone, go out into the rain and drive myself back into the security of my life, knowing full well I'll never see Max again.

I know which one Max wants me to choose.

I know he's hoping I won't choose it anyway.

And I kinda like that feeling.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Rain and nothing but rain was all she could hear, sitting by the window, feeling time slow to a crawl. John had to arrive any minute now, she kept telling herself, while the yellowish light from the parking lot illuminated their room, casting eerie shadows across Max's face.

At least his even breaths were an assurance that he was well and alive. She stared at the walls, at the window, at the carpet, but most of all she stared at him, wondering at his life, wondering at his future. Wondering at what to do once he woke up.

Her eyes went to the window as lightning struck nearby. Outside, the world was falling down, and it was only a matter of time before it fell down in here, too.

Stop it. You don't need this right now. He doesn't need this right now.

She looked back at Max, only to realize his eyes were open and staring at her. She caught herself from saying anything as her instinct of fight or flight paralyzed her: He was looking at her not like a friend, but as prey.

She'd never seen a man looking at her like this. So determined, so calculating. So cold.

She ran. She turned to the door and ran from a stranger who wore Max's face but not Max's intentions. She'd moved faster than she ever had before, and yet he was between her and the door before she could even blink. He was everything in her vision now, unmoving and uncaring, terrifying.

"This is how this is going to be," he said, not hiding the fact that she was not going to like it. "You're going to call Whitman, you're going to tell him to contact the base, and they're going to get me my dose."

She stared at him, his words hardly sinking in.

"You—you what?"

She'd been thinking along the lines of please don't hurt me, but now that had changed to please don't hurt yourself. This wasn't happening. Max was not asking to go back to that hell.

I'm an addict, his words echoed in her mind, painfully real now that he had reached for her phone and was offering it to her. I'll do anything—anything, to get my dose.

"No," she said with far more conviction that she was aware of. "I won't let you do that."

"It's not a suggestion, Parker. I'm just being nice here and letting you talk to Whitman in a nice calm manner. If I have to call Frank from your phone myself and let you rot in a military base for the rest of your life, that's your problem."

He meant that. He truly meant that. They would trace the call to her cell phone, and she would be forever marked as knowing too much. She wouldn't rot in a cell, she wouldn't even be alive long enough to be in a cell.

"You—you wouldn't," she whispered, faltering as his eyes looked at her with impatience. He was being nice, but he wouldn't be for much longer.

"They should be here in about twenty minutes. And I can hardly wait."

He placed her cell on her palm, and looked straight at her soul. Guess we found out what I have that your addict mind wants.

For one insane moment she thought about crashing the cellphone to the wall, breaking it so Frank and the Base and the whole damn thing would stay out of Max's reach. If only there weren't any more phones in the entire motel. If only Max's frighteningly clear mind couldn't come up with something else. He was going to get his drug, she had no doubt about it, and as she pressed redial and the international call connected to Alex, she consoled herself with the idea that once Max was back to himself, they could be back to planning how to get him off this.


"A—Alex, you're not going to like this."

Max arched an eyebrow in amusement, and then relayed everything Alex needed to do to call the base and get them to the motel.

"What? WHAT?!"

"Alex, listen. There's really no choice. He needs it, okay? We're too far away to drive back. The only way he's not—not going to die is if they pick him up and take him back to the base by helicopter. Trust me, he's thought about it long and hard."

"But what about you?"

Max took the phone from her hand.

"She drives until the sun comes up. No one will ever know she was here. There are no cameras, no way to trace her. Whitman, I won't let anyone hurt her, you hear me?"

Whatever Alex answered, she didn't hear it. She was stunned at how Max-like that had sounded, and more stunned when Max took the car keys from the nightstand, shoved them into her hands and turned her to the door. Once Alex called them, she had to be nowhere to be found.

"Make the call in ten minutes," Max warned, "so the satellites won't pick her up as easy. And Whitman? Thank you."

He hung up, and then proceeded to take apart her phone. "Don't put the battery back until you're a hundred miles away, you hear me? Parker, do you hear me?"

She nodded numbly. This wasn't happening. He wasn't going back. My God, he might never stand in front of me again.

"It was never going to work," his words came out like a knife to her hopeful heart. "I'm never going to be off this thing. They know it, I know it, you know it. Get out, Parker, go have the life you're meant to have, without me in the middle of it."

He opened the door and pushed her out. She turned, one last desperate attempt to do something.



He shut the door on her. He shut the door on his present. On his future. On everything and more. The hell I'm going to let you!

She raised her hands, ready to beat down the door, the storm pouring behind her fueling her anger. I did not find you, drag you, drive you all the way here just to lose—

Her hands never made contact with the door. Out of the shadows, a man stopped her. Her heart jumped to her throat at realizing they had been found, that all was lost, that Max was alone and—

"John…!" she shouted in relief to his chest, her voice so muffled no one could have heard her over the storm. She wanted to shout her frustration. She wanted to hug him. She wanted to cry. Most of all, she wanted him to break that door down and knock some sense into Max.

Instead, he grabbed her shoulder and walked her to the next room, opening the door with a wave of his hand. It was as shabby as her previous sanctuary, but the curtains here were green.

"He's going into withdrawal," she said as soon as he closed the door, "and he's just talked to Alex to call the Base—John, they'll be here in twenty minutes."

"Then we don't have much time." He didn't wait for anything else. He just opened the door and went straight to Max's room.

A moment later, she ran after him, only to have the door slammed shut before she could get out, thunder and rain drowning all sounds. She was effectively sealed in.

"Open this door!" she yelled while she beat the door with her fists, "John! Max!" with no real hope that anyone would let her out. "You can't just—GODDAMN IT OPEN THIS DOOR!"

The whole room vibrated, and then the entire window exploded. She screamed and fell to the floor, protecting her head from shattered glass and rain.

She'd always known Max could do extraordinary things. She'd also known that John was better at it. But seeing this raw power up close and personal was a whole new level of unknown. It drove home how little she knew.

A tense calm descended as she dared to look at the window, suddenly realizing she was free to go. She scrambled over the shattered pieces and out to the next room. It never occurred her to run for her car. It never occurred her to stay back. All she needed was to make sure both men were alive.

The door to Max's room was blown away along with its window. Inside, it looked as if a tornado had had fun with the furniture, adding a hundred new colorful stains to the walls.

Between the two beds, John had pinned Max against the wall, and was slowly letting him slide to the floor, barely conscious.

"Wha—what did—Max?!"

"It's okay, he's okay—I think…"


"He's okay!" John said, rattled and trying to cover it. "I wasn't expecting this, that's all."

"What did you do?"

"Told him I had his fix," John said as he pointed to a syringe on the floor. "When he realized it wasn't his fix, he wasn't happy… Man, you pack a punch."

Max didn't answer, the anger in his eyes evaporating.

"What did you give him?"

"A sedative. I figured if he was running away from the base so close to his fix day, I had better be prepared."

"Okay, okay. Let's get him to my car and let's get out of here!"

John didn't follow her instructions. Instead, he placed both his hands on Max's temples, his eyes already glazed.

"Now, Max, tell me the whole story—no, don't try to talk, think about it. I'll get the picture."

"John…?" she asked, feeling every second weighing on her. Max had said twenty minutes, but it could be longer than that—or shorter.

"That bastard…" John hissed at whatever he was picking up from Max. Finally releasing him, he lifted Max up and three him over his shoulder.

"Let's go."

"What did you see?" she asked, getting out of the room and to her car. The three of them were soaked in seconds.

"A whole bunch of nastiness. Samuel drugged him so he would tell the truth about me, about his escape plan—Look, it doesn't matter. They're on their way here, and you need to get going."

Liz opened the passenger door and froze at that.

"What do you mean I need to get going?"

In went Max, now fully unconscious.

"I'm staying behind, taking his place."


"Yes. Go to my wife. She won't be thrilled but she knows how to deal with this."

"John! You're coming!"

"They expect to find Max. I expect to go back. Liz, you're really running out of time, and I still have a few things to fix here. Alex knows where to get you. Now go!"


"Either you go, or we're all going to the base!"

Her heart sank. What was it about these two men that left her feeling so powerless? John turned and went back to the room, leaving her in the rain, leaving the choice to her.

Six minutes later, she was back on the road, back with Max by her side, and back looking for Mrs. Hershel. Except a piece of her soul had died, knowing she'd left a friend behind.
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 /

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I can't imagine what Max is actually going through.......needing that fix desperately.
At least John showed up with a sedative, but how long will that work?
Liz is feeling so helpless at this point.....will she be able to pull through what lies ahead?
Great story,
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 /

Post by dreamon »

John taking max's place, now that's a risky move! I hope everything goes to plan.

Can't wait to read more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by dreamon »

Missing this!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh Misha, I missed this story so much! I was so thrilling to see how everything went down and I was quite sure Max would go back, only to satisfy his drug addiction!

Now, John go back, replacing Max and I wonder what will happens to both of them; we can't let the military treats people from USA like this, no?

Wondering what Liz will do with Max, once he wakes up, and will he be addict again and menace LKiz's life...

So I am waiting impatiently for more and thanks! Eve
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by Misha »

Hey girl!

I'm still plotting this story, just need a little bit more time to put it together :)

Thanks for sticking with it!!!! I promise you'll get an ending :mrgreen:

"There's addiction, and there's Roswell!"
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by fadedblue »

I miss this fic too! Glad to hear there's more in store soon!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by dreamon »

Can't wait to read more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Of Journals & Journeys (AU M/L, YTEEN) Ch. 47 Pg 9 - 9 / 2

Post by begonia9508 »

It has been a Long time, since we hear something from you... and I am really looking for more and especially what will happened to this Max...

Thanks in advance! EVE :wink: :mrgreen:
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