Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE) 10/29/15 COMPLETE

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 6, March 8 p.

Post by Roswelllostcause »

This is bad! Very very bad! Liz is in very big trouble if this creep gets his way!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 6, March 8 p.

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my! :shock:

Two crazy together! :twisted: David and Tess... Never thought that she was in your story, she is just a pain in the a.. and let see how Max will react, because in the show... :? :cry: :? :cry: :? he had that much of a temper, especially with her...:twisted: Don't want to remember again! :lol:

Anyway, I am waiting impatiently for more! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 6, March 8 p.

Post by keepsmiling7 »

now we have met Tess.......but I am still curious about Max and the seizures.......
can't wait to see what happens next and who we next meet.
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 6, March 8 p.

Post by saori_1902 »

Omg :shock: Great part!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 6, March 8 p.

Post by dreamon »

Great part!!!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Lethal Whispers - Chapter 7

Post by max and liz believer »

Natalie - Hihi… Thanks :D
roswelllostcause - Yes, he's a very sick man :(
Eve - Haha :D Right you are, Eve. "Two crazies together" :wink:
Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Yeah, there are a lot of introductions and some background to be told before we get into the gritty knitty stuff. But we'll return to Max's seizures shortly…
saori_1902 - Thanks :D
dreamon - Thanks :D (and welcome :) )

Thank you everyone for leaving feedback! It makes me so happy :D


She responded to the chime of the door bell with a generic “I’ll be right there!”

Isabel bunched all the clothes on her bed into one big ball of fabric and threw it into the wardrobe, pushing with her foot to stop the escaping pieces of clothing from tumbling out as she got the doors closed. As she passed the bedroom mirror, she did a double take on her face and sighed. Waving a hand across her lips changed the color of her lips from a striking red to a more subtle pink.

This was not a date, after all.

Pushing a smile onto the lips which color had been ‘magically’ altered, she opened the door and was met with the calm exterior of her guest. “Liz, hi.”

Liz returned her smile and Isabel noticed that the girl looked gorgeous. How she managed to pull that off in a simple white cardigan and a red pen skirt was beyond her. After a careful glance at the girl’s face, Isabel reached the conclusion that Liz didn’t even have make-up on.

Unfair genes.

Isabel gestured with a welcoming hand into her hallway. “Mi casa et su casa.”

“Thanks,” Liz replied and walked past Isabel.

“So what do you want to do?” Isabel asked.

They hadn’t really decided on anything in particular when Isabel had asked Liz if she had any plans for the weekend. Isabel had covered it under the topic of ‘Let’s hang out’. She had a feeling that ‘I want to find out everything about you to discern if my sensation of recognizing you is correct’ would be a worse invitation.

Liz seemed to be at a loss of options. “Um…” The brunette was looking around her in the hallway, really liking the interior.

“We could watch a movie here, go to the cinema… There’s a bar downstairs…”

Liz scrunched her nose while moving closer to the picture frames seemingly randomly thrown onto the wall of the hallway. Isabel took the nose-scrunching as a no.

“I don’t feel that much like going out,” Liz said and paused in front of a photo of Isabel’s brother. “Who’s that?”

“Oh,” Isabel moved up next to Liz and glanced at the photo. “That’s my brother. Max.”


Isabel bit her lower lip, silently observing Liz as she appeared to be scrutinizing every single photo of Max on the wall. “Do you know him?”

As if startled, Liz turned surprised eyes to Isabel, “Know who?”

Isabel hitched her head towards the first photo of Max that Liz had noticed. “My brother.”

“No,” Liz said slowly, dazed, and resumed the observation of the photos. “No.”

“Huh,” Isabel said, mimicking Liz’s non-replies. This was odd. She knew that her brother was a fairly attractive man, but she’d never had a female friend stare so openly at mere photos of her brother. She had experienced the occasional drool fest from some of her female friends upon meeting Max in real life, but that reaction was not connected to mere photo browsing. “Sooo… would you like something to drink?”

“Uh…” Liz voiced, now looking closely at a photo of Max and Isabel as children.

“I’ve got wine, Coke, OJ, water-“

“Wine would be great,” Liz answered while straightening and meeting Isabel’s eyes. Liz’s eyes seemed to have cleared up and there was an apologetical smile on her face.

Welcome back to the world of the living, Ms. Parker, Isabel mused silently. “Wine it is. You can take a look around if you want.”

“Okay, sure,” Liz replied.

Isabel kept an eye on Liz while she slowly perused Isabel’s small one-bedroom flat. The flat was open-planned, so Isabel had no problem keeping her new-found friend in her line of vision.

When Isabel approached Liz to hand her a glass of red wine, Liz looked flustered. Ashamed even. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to ogle your brother.”

Isabel shrugged. “You’re not the first one.”

Liz smiled knowingly, but refuted Isabel’s suggestion of Liz’s interest being fundamentally shallow. “I recognize him. But I can’t place him.”

Isabel felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She hesitated, not knowing if she should share her thoughts or not. But she’d had a good feeling about Liz from the beginning. She had a feeling that the gentle brunette could be trusted. “Kinda like I felt that I had met you before, remember?”

“Hm,” Liz pondered and took a sip of the wine. “That is odd.”

“Maybe we’ve met when we were kids,” Isabel said. “Just briefly.”

Isabel sat down on the plush black sofa and Liz followed her example.

“I do have a very good memory,” Liz said. “Usually I would be able to remember who you were if I had met you, but maybe I just remember partly-“

“Like a normal human would,” Isabel joked.

Liz laughed lightly. “Sorry, I must seem as a boaster.”

Isabel shook her head, sharing in with the laughter. “No no. I believe you. I’ve heard quite a lot about you at work. One cannot learn that many languages and pick up on so many crafts without having some kind of photographic memory. That’s what you have, right?”

“Kinda,” Liz answered evasively. She was used to avoiding full disclosure. “What about you?”

When the tables were turned, Isabel mirrored Liz’s elusive techniques. “Something similar. But I’m better at acquiring information, so to speak.”

Liz raised an eyebrow, a glint of amusement in her eyes. “Manipulation?”

Isabel laughed. She had not known Liz for long, but she already felt a certain kinship with her. “Something like that. Especially men.”

“I can understand that.” Liz placed the wine glass on the TV-table and shuffled up into Isabel’s small sea of decorative cushions. “So, are you from Boston originally?”

“From Roswell actually,” Isabel replied, also setting the wine glass on the table.

“Roswell?” Liz inquired, her interest tickled. “That’s pretty far away. Why the move?”

“My parents. They’re from Boston. They were actually on vacation in New Mexico when they…well, stumbled upon us.”

Liz frowned, an anticipated reaction in Isabel’s perspective. This was not the first time she told this story. Max had warned her that she should be careful about how much she told about their past. It might sound suspicious to the wrong set of ears. But Isabel mostly pushed his fears aside. In her opinion, it would be more suspicious to cover it up.

“Tell me,” Liz said, now completely intrigued.

“It’s quite a story,” Isabel said, slightly self-conscious.


“My brother and I were about four…well, I was closer to five. That’s what they estimated anyway, no one really knows.”

Liz shifted in her seat, saying nothing. Isabel had a feeling that she had Liz’s full attention.

“We were walking alongside a road in the middle of the desert, about ten minutes outside of Roswell, buck naked, completely lost. Both of our memories start about there. Neither Max nor I know how we ended up on the road and where we’d been the years before that.”

Well, that was not completely true. Both Max and Isabel, as well as Michael, had in reality another first memory. A memory of climbing out of individual chambers embedded into the wall of a cave. But this detail Isabel was in agreement with her brother not to tell.

“Oh my God,” Liz whispered, her eyes growing larger by the second.

Isabel couldn’t help but be slightly tingled with the excitement this story always brought. She loved a good story; especially if she was the one telling it.

“That’s when my parents, also lost by the way, were driving down the same road. Apparently, we didn’t put up much of a resistance when they beckoned us into their car and put blankets around us. The desert is pretty cold at night.”

Liz nodded, at a loss of words.

“We couldn’t speak at first. Well, we could speak, we just didn’t know any words. I was the first one to communicate. I immediately felt safe with those people and was hungry for their love. It was different for my brother. He didn’t speak for about four months, not a single sound. Not even to me.”

“He was in shock?” Liz wondered.

Isabel shook her head. “I don’t think so. He seemed calm enough. I think he didn’t trust them. He’s always been wary of strangers and of new people coming into our lives. Major trust issues.”

“Maybe you were abused before… Maybe that’s why you can’t remember.”

Isabel had heard all the suggestions before. Sometimes she gave into them, agreeing with a ‘maybe’, but of course she knew that there hadn’t been a life for them before they left that cave. Their bodies had merely existed, without an active consciousness. Obviously, she couldn’t tell her newest friend that. She would have to stick with the, “Maybe.”

“Did they investigate?”

“Sure,” Isabel picked up her wine glass again. “Our parents were really adamant about finding some answers. But no one was looking for us, no one came to claim us, no one recognized us. It was a dead trail. So our parents legally adopted us shortly thereafter. We had just moved back to Boston as the papers came through. We lived in this rented house in Roswell for about six months in case someone came to look for us.”

“But no one did,” Liz murmured.

“No one did,” Isabel concurred.

Liz shook her head in disbelief and picked up her wine glass, taking a sip. “That’s a very odd story.”

“Yeah, it’s a good one,” Isabel said with a small smile.

“Doesn’t it bother you?” Liz wondered, looking Isabel straight in the eye. “Not knowing where you came from?”

Isabel shrugged. “Not so much. I think it bothers my brother more. He’s never really found his place. He’s something of an introvert, I would say.”

Liz glanced over at the photos of Max. Isabel had plenty. Max was a big part of Isabel’s life.

“He seems sad,” Liz said quietly, a statement that surprised Isabel. Not many people had made that observation. Certainly not from a photo.

“What makes you say that?”

Liz took another sip of her wine and said wistfully, “Something about his eyes.”

The words lingered in the silence between them and Isabel cleared her throat, picking up a remote control from the TV-table to turn on the stereo. As soft jazz music started to fill the room, Isabel turned her attention back to Liz. “So how about you? Your parents are from Chicago?”

Liz nodded, a cloak of sadness coming down across her face. “Both of my parents were born there and so was I. We moved to Boston when I was around five.”

“Why the move?”

Isabel figured out too late that it was a bad question. It was like a light went out in Liz.

“We couldn’t stay in the house after my mom died,” Liz’s voice could barely be heard over the music even though the volume was soft. “It was too painful for my dad.”

“Your mom died?” Isabel breathed and reached out for Liz’s hand. She squeezed it in support. “I’m sorry.”

Liz attempted a smile. “Thank you.”

Because of Liz’s subdued mood, Isabel decided to not ask further how Liz’s mother had died. Instead she asked, “So you’re close with your dad then, I presume?”

Liz’s smile acquired more life. “Very. He’s my everything.”

“Your everything?” Isabel teased, wanting to kill the serious tone of the conversation. “No boyfriend? Fiancé? Husband?”

Liz laughed. “No. I’m not really…open for that.”

“Oh,” Isabel said, afraid that she had stepped on Liz’s toes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were…”

Liz’s laugh grew more honest and it was a nice laugh, Isabel decided. It made Liz bloom back into that beautiful creature she had seen earlier today.

“No no,” Liz got in between the laughter. “I’m not a lesbian. I’m very much into guys, I assure you.”

“Okay,” Isabel let out a fake big breath. “Not that I have anything against gays-“

Liz smiled and took another sip of her wine, “Me neither. Absolutely not.”

“So what then?” Isabel asked. “Have you just come out of a bad relationship or something?”

“Let’s just say that I’ve never found the right one. Men…well, I should say boys, don’t really get me. Once they realize that I’m not just pretty but also intelligent and have fairly high standards on how to be treated, they kinda…lose interest.”

Isabel nodded. Liz was definitely her soul sister. Or something. “I hear you, girlfriend.”

Isabel would find that the two girls had many things in common as the conversation flowed easily into the early hours of the next day. Isabel might just have found a friend for life.


Check back on Wednesday for the next part… / Josephin
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 7 3/15/15 p. 4

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great part! Some how I think that Liz might bend on her no boyfriend thing, when she meets Max! Oh yes Isabel, you did see Liz before a very long time ago. Can't wait for more!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 7 3/15/15 p. 4

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Of course I love this conversation between Liz and Isabel.
Especially the part when Liz admitted ogling her brother. Isabel was truthful when she said Liz wasn't the first.
Isabel's story of her family was sad in a way, but it was very sad that Liz had lost her mother.
I hope these two will find a way to be friends.
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 7 3/15/15 p. 4

Post by saori_1902 »

Great part!!!! :D
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 7 3/15/15 p. 4

Post by begonia9508 »

Great new part! Josephin!

I must admit that, in this part, Isabel is far more convincing about her story as Liz is... because Liz never told Isabel about her real story, the one which costet her parents' lives... But maybe she doesn't remember
or for some reason, doesn't want to tell?

Anyway I am looking forward for more because its really exciting! :D EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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