The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult)*Complete*4/4/15

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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 8/26/14

Post by begonia9508 »

I was looking for an update when I saw your answer to my FB!

Of course, it made sense why she is acting so brutally with Max... it is another Liz who never meet max, right? And he needs her but I am not really clear about why he does...

So, waiting for more! 8) :mrgreen: EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/14

Post by jake17 »

Thank you so much for your thoughtful fb, so sorry for the long absence.

Chapter five

“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever.”
by Jane Austen

Liz felt disoriented, dizzy, nearly faint as she stood shifting nervously from one foot to the other staring at the source of what seemed to have once again triggered a memory, a small bottle of Tabasco sauce.

Max watched idly by caught within the fleeting seconds between what he should do and what he wanted to do.

To mindwarp her, to set her free, or drag her into the past where he lived and breathed alone, isolated in the darkness of a time he could not escape.

To release her, to save her from the pain of the past, or to let her see, to remember all that they were, all that they had.

The decision had already been made, years of sacrifice had left the notion of black and white, right and wrong blurred as he inched closer to her.

Stammering softly, almost hypnotically her words hung in the air, pulling at the tender part of his heart that had long ago turned to stone.

“... who are you?”

It was obvious somewhere in the beautiful far away glint of her dark eyes that she had stepped back into their past.

His voice deepened with urgency, almost hardened by the passage of a life wasted.

“You know who I am… what I am.”

The words left his mouth so easily, like a truth demanding to be heard.

He was astonished how effortless it was, and as selfish as it might have been there was a part of him that felt it was well deserved, even justly earned.

A stay of execution for a crime that had well served its time.

Tomorrow he could sacrifice it all again, shut it all down, eviscerate his heart, but tonight, this night, he would have what he should’ve never had to let go.

Her stare was focused, insistent, pushing, searching desperately trying to punch a hole into the wall of deceit that he had placed there tragically so long ago.

Tearing himself away from her he grabbed the bottle and calmly placed it back in the door of the fridge biting his time before the cracks in the carefully placed walls began to fall.

Breaking out of her spell she charged towards him not wanting to lose the thoughts that were connecting in her mind.

“No, wait, that… means something. I need to look at it again, maybe if I - “

Blocking her, he towered over her forcing her backwards against the wall.

She hissed softly, shocked by the weight of his stare as his hands ghosted over her skin, cradling her face, edging her gaze up to look into his eyes.

“Stop, just let it come… remember me.”

Gone was the gentle ease of that teenage boy as he released her pressing his palms against the wall, trapping her against him as memories passed between them like live electrical currents leaving them both breathless, shivering bracing in the wake of a reality that refused to be silenced.

Scene’s of their past flickered wildly behind her eyes as she struggled to get past him only to be pushed roughly back, finding all too quickly that the insecure, shy boy she knew was now a hardened man, a man who had nothing left to lose.

“No, there’s no turning back now.”

“T-This … this isn't real.”

Brushing his lips along her neck he was unable to hold back feelings that for an eternity devoured him leaving nothing behind but blood and bones.

Grasping her hand he pressed it against his heart free of all guilt, demanding she feel what was left after the fallout that nearly broke him.

“This, Liz… is very real.”

Tears stung her eyes as she curled her hand recoiling it from his pounding chest.

“This is a trick, you've drugged me!”

Severing the spark of the connection rushing between them she ducked under his arm and ran towards the door.

“You’re working for Dr. Dexton, manipulating my mind, using the information I gave him about the man in my dreams, how else would you have those tapes!“

Panting he rested his forehead against the wall as his fingers turned to fists pushing off the hard plaster.

Desperate to feel her love again, to feel anything, he took off blinded by a taste of a time when he was whole, when he was everything to her.

“Don’t rationalize this into some bullshit fiction that makes it easier for you to swallow, it’s insulting, and honestly we both know you’re smarter than that.”

With four long determined strides he was behind her covering her small frame with his massive muscular body slamming his hand over the door.

A shaky whimper left her parted lips as he slid his hand slowly over the lock melting the steel leaving her cheek hot as the crimson glow lit her face dispelling her theory that this was anything but real.

He wanted to take his time, let her adjust, but it was impossible not to be drawn to her and all that she had become.

No longer a young girl full of innocence and uncertainty, she was graceful, seductive without effort, with every subtle move more alluring than the last. it all hit him like a speeding train, so unexpected it shattered his self control to dust.

Starved, he surrendered to her, breathing her in, molding himself to her, forcing the connection to continue, unwilling to stop, falling, descending deeper into the abyss of the woman she had become.

With lightening speed the moments they shared ripped into her, drifting over her diving threw her, inside her.

Shaking her head she winced stopping his hand as it moved with obvious intent along the curve of her hip.

“Please, I don’t understand what’s happening.”

Gripping her at the waist now he pulled her close as the tips of his fingers skimmed beneath the hem of her sweatpants.

“Yeah, that won’t work. You see, I feel what you’re feeling. It’s all there, right before you, you can’t shut it out any longer, you can’t deny what we were, what we still are.”

His touch was fire, burning a trail along her skin that had long been left unsatisfied, empty, numb to all that dared enter that realm of intimacy with her.

Failed relationships, the end of a marriage, it was all becoming clear, he was the ghost that lingered inside her, holding her hostage, a love that couldn’t be forgotten no matter the strength of the power that held it back.

In a haze she leaned back into him gasping at a body vibrating with energy, carved from years working the land, surviving on his own, striving each day to forget her, the evidence of that failure pressed against her waiting impatiently for permission to take her.

Unfair was the bond that seized her heart as it jumped the timeline throwing her into a whirlwind of emotions.

A reckless leap into a frozen river, a tender first kiss on the balcony of her parent’s home, the echo of a bullet screaming inside her and the unbelievable moments that were to follow.

Her dark eyelashes fluttered as the flashes mercilessly came one after the other only growing in strength, vivid and real, so authentic there was no room to question their truth.

Bright red strawberries falling to the floor, a cool desert floor, a sky full of stars, each kiss, every embrace striking her harder, faster as she heard a quiet ‘yes’ pressed urgently to her ear.

Long lost secrets drifted to the surface evoking feelings that were not in her control as she covered his hand with her’s.

Max shuttered with surprise as she led him between her thighs knocking him from his focus forcing him to release any control over what she would witness.

One touch and he was gone, entirely at her will, helpless to stop what was to come as she rocked against him.

Releasing his hand, allowing him to take over, she braced herself against the door furrowing her brows as the bitter end began to reveal itself.

Dazed, driven to distraction, Max was consumed with her, by her, as he brought her to a place she had only dreamed about so many times.

Pleasure and pain collided within her as she cried out his name in an effort to escape from his grip.

It was ironically that moment of pure elation, of exquisite release that she witnessed her last moments with him.

Splattered with the blood of the many innocents that she now knew led back to them, she could see herself as a third person, a voyeur standing beside them in the desert night.

The horror of that moment seemed to bring the entirety of their time together, solidifying everything that had been ripped away, without her knowledge or consent.

Liz watched her younger self fall away into a darkness full of lies as he mindwarped her against her will, without choice or consent.

Her dream was in reality nothing but a nightmare.

Breathless, Max still spinning from the very depths of her, all velvet soft beneath his fingers, collapsed over her.

“Liz... you have no idea how long I've waited, how many times I've - “

Stifled by a sharp pain across his cheek he stumbled backwards as she approached him once again delivering another punishing slap to his face.

“How could you! You had no right!”

Startled by her reaction his defenses rose up in defiance of her rage.

“I had no choice! I saved you, I gave up everything for you!”

Shaking her head in disbelief, stunned by his blatant arrogance she pounded her fist against the door.

“Get me off this mountain.”
Last edited by jake17 on Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Carrie welcome back!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. So Liz finally remember. I think she should have punched Max. Now what is Max going to do? Will Max let Liz off the mountain? Will Max and Liz talk about what happened? Will Liz stay mad at Max? Will Max and Liz be safe? Will Max and Liz stay where they are? Will Liz calm down and talk to Max? Will Max and Liz fall for each other like they did in high school? Will Michael come back? What will happen when Michael comes back? Will Max and Liz be together? Will Max let Liz leave? What will happen to her life she had before? Is Max and Liz safe? Will Max and Liz get together? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Liz have kids? Will Max, Liz and Michael have a happy ending? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by begonia9508 »

Hey Carrie,

I read the start again! So Max left b4 graduation and they never married! But it's still the same Max, right?

That part wasso painful, but so beautiful, in the same time... He did not take the easy way, by showing her what had happened to him, but was a little naiv, thinking it won't be without risiko and that she would understand all of it... :?

EVE :( :mrgreen:
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by keepsmiling7 »

You have been missed Carrie! Thanks for coming back.

Well, that didn't go well, did it??
After Max wondering whether to se Liz free.......or to drag her back into the past.......
No turning back now....Liz thought she was drugged......
Then wanted to get away from Max.
What a confused mess we have here now.
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by sarammlover »

Um wow....quite an intense and telling update. I feel bad for Liz. She lost everything and now its all back in one I can see where her anger would come from. Luckily I don't think Max has any intention of letting her off that mountain! I can't wait fore more!!!
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great part Carrie! Max now has to deal with a very pissed off Liz! Hurry back please!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by saori_1902 »

Welcome back! Great part :D
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by AlysLuv »

Nice. I'm glad she's not forgiving him easily. I know he was doing what he thought was right. But she's right, she should've had a choice.
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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/13/1

Post by dreamon »

Love all of your work and this is no exception!!!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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