This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 29 COMPLETE 7/28

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 21 5/6

Post by starcrazed »

Part 21

January 2018

Two weeks ago she had sat surrounded by her family, in warmer weather nonetheless. They were moving on from the sad truth that Earth was doomed to failure. Their aliens had not responded with the orbs and Kal had more than made certain Brody Davis had died.

So while the birth of Ava and Kyle’s daughter was a cause for celebration and absolute joy there was a tinge of sadness in the air because they all knew that it was only a matter of time before all of it ended. A much shorter amount of time than any of them had thought.

Amelia Hope Valenti was born with ten perfect tiny fingers and toes and a wisp of blonde hair just like her mother. It was too hard to tell yet who’s blue eyes she had inherited, but they were definitely the most mesmerizing pair Liz had ever seen. Her birth fell two days before Christmas giving all of them the perfect excuse to spend the holidays together.

The new year had come and Liz watched as Kyle and Ava stared lovingly at each other while holding Hope between them and Maria laughed, gripping Aiden in a hug while her gaze betrayed her lifting to the stars overhead. Liz watched her family as she wiped the rolling tears off her cheeks. She still found it hard to believe she was here right now. When Kal had told her back in September that Brody had died, she was certain she would be the next to go.

But her friends, her family made sure that didn’t happen. And grudgingly Liz let them save her. Last week when she was surrounded by them she was glad she did, but now wrapped up in her afghan staring at nothing but snow and ice out her window she almost wished she hadn’t.


She looked up and took the offered mug of hot chocolate that Sebastian was offering her and forced a smile. He grinned telling her without words he appreciated her efforts.

“Avery left about an hour ago. She wanted to say bye, but you were asleep and she didn’t want to disturb you.”

Liz nodded she wasn’t surprised, she found anytime she was napping now no one disturbed her. Probably because they knew she wasn’t sleeping at night.

Her voice hoarse she whispered into their silent surroundings, “I can’t believe Chase was right.”

Sebastian laughed a full body chuckle that startled Liz and had her hot chocolate sloshing over the rim of the cup.

“Sorry." He glanced to the mug briefly before meeting her eyes again, "You don’t really think she believes we bought her excuse of just having to see Hope do you?”

“Ava and Kyle’s baby is absolutely adorable. The cutest baby I’ve seen since Aiden, but no body gets that worked up and nervous over a baby. No offense to Hope.”

“Well all I have to say is it’s about damn time. I thought she’d never figure it out.”

Liz sighed, her thoughts already taking her away from the conversation wondering why it took her so long to figure it out.

“Thanks for the hot cocoa, Bastian, do you think…?”

“Sure sweetie, get some sleep tonight.” He dropped a kiss on top her head and shut her bedroom door on the way out knowing very well she wouldn’t be sleeping.

Liz put her hot chocolate on her night stand and turned her eyes toward the sky, picking out the few stars visible to her, lining up her gaze with her thoughts that managed on their own accord to find a way to the stars where her love was now and forever lost.


Kyle walked around their small kitchen holding Hope in his arms. Marveling at the small life so precious, and perfect, and totally dependent on him. In awe every moment of her, of her mother, hell even of the small house they now lived in together. It took next to little convincing for Liz to erase the line dividing the southern half into east and west, telling them to find a house somewhere in the middle and to be happy.

Granted, the house was definitely leaning more towards his side then hers, but they didn’t think Liz would care all that much.

As it was Ava was currently scheming of ways to get Liz to give up on their systems current design in favor of a centralized form of figuring stuff out. One that involved all of them living very close together. For instance, Kyle knew the house across the street was empty and there was one right down the block practically next door to the newest base camp they had set up that would be perfect for Liz.

Earth was doomed. Why should they waste whatever time they had left miserably separated struggling for just a few more days?

“Can we have another one?”

Ava moved aside her lists of reasons to present Liz getting up and heading to the adjacent sitting room knowing Kyle would follow. She settled onto the couch and he sat next to her, handing over Hope before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling both of them infinitely closer.

“Not right now.”

He kissed her temple. He had been asking her for the past week and that was her response for the past week. She was hoping eventually the all-nighters would get to him and he’d stop asking because Ava knew she wouldn’t be able to keep resisting the need to see as many beautiful creations that were the result of her and Kyle’s love.

They watched over Hope until she drifted asleep in Ava’s arms feeling that she was safe and loved.


He had accepted the fact that he would never get to meet his father.

It sucked, but there were tons of kids out there who would never get to know their dads either.

What he couldn’t accept was the growing look of despair in his mom’s eyes everyday.

Right now she was talking to Kal about something only the adults needed to be concerned with so he was a distance away blasting rocks.

To vent his anger and to ensure that he wasn’t trying to eavesdrop which he hadn’t done since at least…last week.

He was so focused on blasting away his anger that he didn’t notice Blake until the guy dropped his hand on the teens shoulder.

“Easy there bud, you’re not gonna leave us any mountains to live in at this rate.”

Aiden ignored the jest and blasted the largest boulder in their sights. Shards of rock scattered on the layer of snow that had fallen throughout the day.

“Whoa…Aiden what’s wrong man.”

Again Aiden ignored him because Aiden knew he wasn’t the only one to notice the growing sorrow in Maria’s eyes. And he wasn’t the only one who was pissed off by it, but Blake getting mad because of it just served to piss Aiden off even more.

It may have taken him awhile, granted he was only a kid, but the other day he finally realized how much in love with his mother Blake was and like any child who grows up with one parent, Aiden was protective over his mom. Even more so now knowing what they did about the lack of help that was on the way.

“Just leave me alone Blake.”

Aiden didn’t want to accidentally hurt Blake, but now everything was all messed up. He didn’t know if Blake was his friend because he was his friend or because all of it was always aimed at winning over his mom.

Blake removed his hand and nodded before heading over to Kal and Maria to inform them that Liz and Sebastian were on there own currently because of Avery’s ‘vacation.’ Kal rolled his eyes at their childish antics, but Maria laughed and hollered with joy for Chase’s final success.

Her laughter set Aiden off and as all the surrounding trees violently shook a moment before exploding, Aiden stomped away and Maria ducked behind Kal’s protective shield looking worriedly after her son.

Luckily, everyone had left him alone after he barricaded himself into his room and he was just falling asleep when his eyes snapped open as the hairs on his arms stood at attention. Without a thought he was pulling on his shoes and throwing on his coat. He was hopping down the hallway digging in the dish by the front door for the car keys when Maria joined him.

“Aiden where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“Control base, I gotta talk to Kyle. It’s an emergency.”

Maria looked at her son for moment before nodding her head, “Give me two seconds to change.”

Aiden huffed but agreed. His nervous energy had Maria moving much faster than she normally would have been considering it was the middle of the night.

Maria drove them much to slowly for Aiden’s liking but he didn’t complain. They were traveling in the middle of a snowstorm after all. His leg bounced up and down in the passenger seat, moving faster the closer they got to his destination.

She barely had the car parked when Aiden was out the door and waving a hand over the locks to let himself into the base where the communication line lay within.

He dropped his hand on the main panel and with a surge of energy he heard his mom gasp as the whole building lit up. Ignoring the normal method he had seen Blake do a hundred times he picked up the landline. The lights flickered as he redirected his energy. Punching in the recently memorized numbers he held his breath as the phone on the other end rang.

When Kyle finally mumbled something into the phone, Aiden ignore the comments about first nights sleep since Hope was born and cut straight to the point.

Never once breaking eye contact with his mom as he allowed the joy to show for the first time in the smile that covered his face and the anticipation that danced in his eyes,

“Uncle Kyle, get to the Pod Chamber. They’re home.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 22 5/14

Post by starcrazed »

Part 22

The desert sand had settled a few hours ago, but as Kyle hit the brakes turning the wheel at the same time the sand kicked up once again and when the car came to a complete stop at last and Kyle hopped out, he coughed waving his hand frantically trying to get the dust to calm once again.

Even being the closest to Roswell it still took him two hours to get to the Pod Chamber. Two hours at a steady one hundred miles per hour. It was the first time Kyle could remember being grateful that they’re weren’t enough people left to enforce such things as traffic laws.

The blue currents that had skated across his skin continued to flicker, as he stood dumbfounded at the bottom of the incline. Kyle closed his eyes missing the beautiful oranges and pinks with the sunrise as he took deep calming breaths. Inhaling through his nose and exhaling out his mouth. After a minute the blue electricity was gone, but he knew from experience he couldn’t get into the chamber and the chances of them hearing him if he banged on solid rock where nil.

So hypothesizing briefly what Liz would do before thinking of Ava’s approach, he realized the only real option was a Maria reaction.


He ran a few steps up the incline of the cliff side to get a better view of the surrounding area.


With no answer he even ran around to the other side of the Pod Chamber hoping they were over there.


Returning to the front side of the cliff Kyle looked up the once well-worn path that would lead him to the Pod Chamber, now only visible in his memory. Huffing as he climbed, not from physical exertion but due to excitement and nerves and curiosity. Kyle longed to be in his bed still with Ava wrapped in his arms each of them bribing the other to attend to a crying Hope and then both of them fighting over it when they actually reached her small pink room.

Reaching the spot where he thought the door was he tried yelling for them again. He even banged on the solid rock a few times ignoring the jolting pain that ricocheted through his hands. It was as he rested his forehead against the still cold barrier that he noticed the silver glint reflecting from under his head. Wasting no time to marvel why suddenly he had access to the Chamber he removed his hand before waving it in front of the silver handprint. Frozen as the door slid open for him, it is only the hum of energy inside that shakes him out of his stupor and has him hesitantly ducking through the door to the still glowing, empty pods of his friends.

Crawling through the lower left one where he knew from stories the Granilith lay behind. Kyle tried not to pull back in disgust as the dried webbing in the pod tangled in his hair. He allowed the increasing sound of the energy to lead him forward. As he got to his feet the black shiny door hissed open and Kyle’s mouth dropped open not when he saw the Granilith cone flashing blues and purples and still spinning furiously, although gradually slowing down. His mouth was open because next to the Granilith stood Michael Guerin with his hand raised as he studied the intruder. And at Michael’s feet were Max unconscious and Isabel who Kyle realized was bleeding badly.


“Hey Guerin. Welcome home.”

Michael moved his hand touching the Granilith and the lights immediately faded and the spin came to an abrupt halt. For the first time he seemed to notice Max and Isabel on the ground. With a quick glance behind him he saw Gavin steadily climbing to shaking feet.

Kyle too noticed the movement behind Michael, but ignored it as he dropped back to the ground and put one hand over Isabel open wound on her side the other on her head.

“What are you doing Valenti?”

“Healing her, unless you can wake Evans up or you want her to die?”

Kyle and Michael’s eyes met in a dead lock challenging each other.

Isabel’s painful moan finally broke their staring contest and Michael joined Kyle on the floor to see if she was okay.


At the sound of her nickname Isabel smiled, a smile so bright Michael was sure he hadn’t seen it since before they left Earth. Gavin was awed that despite being covered in filth and bleeding to death his aunt could manage such a beautiful smile. Turning eyes clouded with pain to Kyle Isabel started the connection and mentally shoved Kyle to get a move on in healing her. Focusing behind the pain for a moment she felt his amusement, but as he was healing her, she finally passed out into complete unawareness barely managing to send Kyle a welcoming feeling of gratitude.

Michael and Gavin watched as Kyle fell back from the trance and his hands stopped glowing, the blue veins fading. A minute later Kyle tried to stand and with a little help from Michael he managed just fine.

“We should get out of here. My trucks outside.”

Michael nodded distracted and Kyle finally turned his attention to the other person who was lingering in the chamber obviously a sixteen year old just like his nephew.

“I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced.”

“You’re Uncle Kyle.” Gavin bestowed the shy smile Max Evans was known for while taking Kyle’s offered hand.

“Okay, well then I guess only you haven’t been properly introduced.”

“I’m Gavin.”

“Well Gavin, how about you give me a hand with your dad and will leave Spaceboy over there to tend to Isabel?”

“Spaceboy?” Gavin asked amused, already shifting Max’s body so he and Kyle could lift him through the pod.

“Not another word Valenti.”

Kyle chuckled under the dead weight of Max and looked across to Gavin, “I’ll tell you later bud.”

Gavin’s smile lit up as Michael growled from behind them, Isabel secure in his arms as he followed, “Don’t even think of it Kyle. And if you call me that again I will hurt you.”

“Ah yes, you forget though I have some alien juice of my own now.”

Michael smirked at Kyle’s cocky tone, “Fine then I’ll just tell Maria and she could deal with you.”

Kyle’s steps faltered and Gavin struggled to keep Max from dropping down as Michael passed them up with Isabel.

Calling out sheepishly for a truce as he began to walk again. Somehow the three of them managed to maneuver the unconscious Evans siblings out of the Pod Chamber and down to Kyle’s truck. With the help of some molecular manipulation Isabel and Max were secured in the bed of the truck and Michael turned back to look at Kyle.

“How the hell did you know we were coming Valenti? Larek said his host was gone.”

Kyle grabs a water bottle and offers one to Gavin ignoring Michael, and watching over Isabel who’s still unconscious, but groaning in pain despite her healed injuries.

“His host, Brody. Don’t act like you didn’t know the guy Michael." Kyle tells him pointedly as he shakes his head in disapproval while looking distantly at the horizon.

"As for how I knew you would be here. Let’s just say a little birdie told me.”

Kyle exclaimed defiantly as his blue eyes finally met Michael’s.

“Where is he Kyle? Where are they?”

Whether it was from the exhaustion or because for the past sixteen years he saw that same look in Maria’s eyes that was now glaring at him from a towering Michael Guerin, Kyle exhaled a breath, releasing with it any resentment he had stored up since the aliens had shipped off. He stopped putting up a fight because at this point denying Michael this knowledge would probably end up hurting all of them. He couldn’t even bother to find the energy to be surprised that Michael apparently knew about his son.

“She’s on her way.” He couldn’t help but smile at the relieved grin that split Michael’s face. “They left this morning. Right after Aiden called me informing me, in an excited babble nonetheless, that his dad was back.”

Even having only been a father for technically a month, Kyle could definitely understand the tears that came to Michael’s eyes.

Awed Michael spoke staring out at the road, into the direction that would bring him Maria, “I have a son.”

Kyle finishing his water, gave Michael’s shoulder a squeeze, “Congratulations. He’s…” Kyle stopped deciding he’d let Michael figure it out on his own. Maria always claimed Michael was a smart guy so he should be able to handle it.

“When…” he cleared his throat, “when will they get here?”

“Probably not until tomorrow, although Maria might just let Aiden drive this time, considering the circumstances.”


“Yeah, how bout we get these two out of the sun?” Kyle waved at the two prone forms of the Evans. “The Crashdown’s in pretty bad shape, so is my dad’s old house. I dunno what your apartment or their house looks like.”

Michael didn’t say a word just went to the passenger side door opening it so Gavin could climb into the back before he got in and slammed the door closed too. Kyle just rolled his eyes before hopping into the driving side.

“Once they wake up we can get out of here and head back to my place.”

Gavin for the most part was studying the interior of the truck fascinated by its vast difference from Antarian transportation. Michael was staring out the window ready to get lost in thoughts about his son, but Kyle’s offhanded remark stopped him.

“You don’t live in Roswell anymore?”

“Nobody lives in Roswell anymore.”

“What happen?”

Kyle let out a long breath. “I think it’ll work better if I only have to tell the story one time, once everyone’s awake. “

Michael remembering that he was no longer a Commander in charge of an army, but that Kyle was his friend he managed to ask what he hoped was nicely. Granted, it came out as more of a menacing growl, Kyle really wasn’t expecting much from them at this point.

“How about you give us the cliff notes version.”

“Cliff notes version, about what happen?” Kyle asked as he sped up along the empty highway into an abandoned Roswell, recalling his trip back here that started all this. Michael nodded impatiently only earning another sigh from Kyle before he answered.

“I think it’s safe to say, the end of the world is happening. Hopefully now we can stop it.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 23 5/19

Post by starcrazed »

Part 23

Due to Aiden’s excitement of his middle of the night realization and because of Maria’s disbelieving nervous energy filled with hopefulness, they had gotten into their car and headed towards Kyle and Ava’s house without a word to Kal or Blake. But more importantly without a call to Liz.

As Kyle slid out of bed rubbing sleep out of his eyes and pulling his pants on Ava became more fully awake and Kyle told her what Aiden had said and where he was going. But a moment later Hope was crying and Ava barely had time to kiss Kyle goodbye as she tried to get Hope back to sleep. Even if she wanted too their phone only received phone calls so still exhausted Ava crawled back into her warm bed on Kyle’s side burying her head into her pillow and not bothering to call Liz or anybody else to tell them the possible news.

So it wasn’t until eight o’clock the next morning that Liz was startled awake from a peaceful slumber filled with dreams of swirling galaxies and shooting stars. The tingling at the back of her neck did more to annoy her than fill her with a sense of excitement and as she gazed blankly past her cooling oatmeal she couldn’t for the life of her remember the last time she had felt that nerve wrecking tingling.

She couldn’t remember mostly because after Kal had told them Brody was dead Liz put up a nice big block of a brick wall between all her memories that would entice her from time to time offering her a glimpse of her love and happiness that was now forever lost. So it wasn’t until almost lunch time that Sebastian found Liz, still sitting in the cafeteria with the forgotten oatmeal pushed aside and Liz’s eyes glazed over in thought.

Sebastian called out to her, even snapped his fingers a few times in front of her features, and finally decided to shake Liz out of it before Liz blinked a few times and looked up to him.


Liz nodded to show that she was with him now.

“I have to tell you something.” Sebastian stopped and Liz looked at him expectantly, “There’s a car ready and I’ll drive you okay?”

“Drive me where?”

“I was just talking to Chase, he just got off the phone with Ava who said Kyle went to Roswell.”

The brick wall barrier crumbled as memories washed over Liz and she suddenly knew exactly what the tingling at the back of her neck meant.


Sebastian’s eyes widen in slight surprised, “Aiden called Kyle in the middle of the night. That’s all I know.”

Liz was already standing and headed towards the door, “Don’t you want to pack a bag or something?”
Sebastian hurried after Liz who didn’t say a word as she got into the passenger side of the car idling out in front.

“That’s what I figured,” Sebastian tossed Liz’s bag into the trunk of the car. He looked up over at Isaiah, the supplier assistant, standing in the doorway watching them get ready to leave.

“There’s enough supplies in the car, for all of us? And you’ll be okay here?”

Trying not to show that he was overwhelmed with being left in charged when usually the job would be going to Sebastian, Isaiah nodded answering the questions. “I’ll be fine. I’ll keep in touch with the other quads while the four of them are off vacationing again.”

“Don’t do any work nowadays do they?”

Isaiah chuckled slowly backing up into the building as the cold winter wind bit at his exposed flesh.

“Nah, they’re all slackers. And something tells me it’s about it get worse.”

Sebastian smiled opening the door and sliding in, “I hope so.”


Kyle had assumed Maria and Aiden would wait until morning to leave, after all he knew about the horrible snowstorm they were in the middle of. However, that was not the case as the second Aiden hung up the phone they were back in the car headed for Kyle and Ava’s house. And once they were clear of the snowstorm they more then surpassed the posted speed limits, putting Kyle’s law breaking to shame.

And what was naturally a twenty-hour car ride at the speed limit with allotted breaks for fueling up and restroom breaks became a thirteen-hour car ride. Neither wanted to stop for a bathroom and with Aiden’s capabilities they didn’t have to stop to refuel, even if the abandoned gas stations did so happen to still have fuel. It was only a little past five o’clock the last few rays of sunlight fading and the winter chill increasing even more when they pulled up to he small cottage that was home to Ava, Kyle and Hope.

Ava was immediately out the front door to greet Maria who after a quick hug charged to the front door,

“Where are they? Is he in there? I’m gonna hurt him. I swear to…”


She stopped short spinning on her heel to face an amused Ava. “They're not here. We’re going to Roswell.”

“Like hell we are.”

Aiden’s mouth dropped open, “But mom…”

“Why do we have to go to Roswell?” Maria demanded cutting off Aiden’s pleading.

“Kyle said he had a surprise.”

Without another word Maria stomped past Ava and Aiden and got back into the car slamming the door.

“Aiden, help Ava with Hope and her things.”

With Hope now in the car Maria actually did the posted speed limit and the three hours between where they were and Roswell drew out tortuously slow as the miles before them seemed endless and the miles behind them were littered with washed out memories and dulled pain.


Kyle put the phone back on the Evan’s kitchen wall nodding his head in thanks as Michael dropped his hand from the wall. They rejoined Gavin at the center island, silence engulfing them once again with nothing to say until the others woke up or the others arrived, which ever happened first.

The creak from the hallway had them all looking up to see Max standing hesitantly in the doorway.

“You have no idea how freaky it was to wake up in that bedroom.”

Gavin was up immediately giving his dad a hug. Max closed his eyes marveling that he was really here. Not only on Earth but in his childhood home. He released Gavin as he pulled away and saw Michael nod to him from across the kitchen.

“Maxwell.” He had no time to react to the nickname of so long ago before somebody else was speaking to him,

“Evans, I was wondering if we were gonna have to start calling you Sleeping Beauty.”

Max turned, finding a smirking Kyle sipping a glass of water.


Kyle rolled his eyes at Max’s flabbergasted expression, setting down his glass and walking over giving him a manly hug that involved lots of patting on the back.

“Welcome home Evans.” Albeit surprised, Max returned the hug shocking Michael and Gavin as much as himself. Then he opened his mouth,

“Where’s Liz?”

Kyle closed off instantly pulling away from Max and going back to his water. Max looked to Michael for an answer, but Michael only shrugged his shoulders. Changing the subject Kyle told them what was next on the agenda.

“Once Isabel’s awake we can go over to the Crashdown like you said Michael.”

“They’re meeting us at the Crashdown?” Max asked trying to catch up on what he missed while unconscious.

”Where’s the Granilith? Michael, what happened?”

“Chill Maxwell, the Granilith is fine. I’ll explain everything later. Right now we have some work to do before the others get here.”

“They’re coming? All of them?” Max questioned, turning remorseful eyes to Kyle pleading for an answer.

Giving up his anger at least for the moment Kyle sighed again, “I don’t know if she’s coming. Ava said she passed the message on, but there’s no telling if Liz will come here on her own free will. She hasn’t been back here in…she hasn’t been here in a long time.”

“What time is it?”

Michael looked around for a functioning clock, but Kyle knowing better just checked his wristwatch, “A little after one o’clock.”

Gavin continued to sit, just watching the interaction between the three men.

“Do you know what time they’ll be here?”

Kyle shook his head.

“Well then,” Michael clapped loudly setting his glass in the sink from habit not because it would actually get washed with no running water, “We should get to work so we’re done when they get here.”

“What about Isabel.” Kyle asked, but standing all the same. “You just going to leave her here?”

“Course not, Gavin can stay with her until she wakes up then they could meet us at the Crashdown.” Michael stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Although if it’s in as bad condition as you say maybe we should bring the kid, he has a lot more energy then Max at this point. Or we could just leave Isabel a note.” Michael scratched his eyebrow trying to figure out the best and safest plan. He was saved the trouble when Isabel came in asking,

”A note about what?” Then she saw Kyle and forgot all about her question as she lunged at him.

“It wasn’t a dream. It really wasn’t a dream. You’re real?”

She pulled back looking into this eyes. He grinned at her, “How’d you feel.”

She returned his grin nodding in approval, “You do good work.” Remembering the conversation she interrupted she asked again, “A note about what?”

“Telling you to meet us in the Crashdown I guess.” Max explained still trying to catch up to what was going on himself.

Rolling her eyes, “Expected, but I’m not going to complain because I’m starving.” As if to prove the point her stomach chose that moment to announce itself.

Her smile faded as she noticed their expressions, “What?”

Michael ran a hand though his hair’s grown out length, thankful that it was now longer then the super short style he had kept on Antar, but more comparable to his spiked up hairstyle days. He was guessing too with all the stress at the knew information it wouldn’t be long before it was standing on end either from the numerous times he’d run his hands though it.

Kyle sighed and gestured to the stools around the island for Max and Isabel, “I guess I better explain a little before you see it.”

So Kyle told them all about the start of the war and how the Crashdown eventually met its end. He told them how Amy died, and how they had lost contact with both their parents and the Whitmans, didn’t even know if they were alive at this point. Told them all about there grand efforts of fighting off the evil aliens and saving Earth from total destruction only to realize they couldn’t. The heard about Kal and the other allies, they learned how they became new people, and they listened as Kyle explained the different quadrants too them.

The sun barely visible as it dropped behind the other abandoned houses Kyle looked up breaking off his tale as if listening for something the others couldn’t hear.

“Shit…Michael if you want to do this we’re gonna have to go now and they’ll be here in three hours.

With the exact time of when Maria and Aiden would be there Michael suddenly found it impossible to move.
Isabel and Max had both been unconscious so he didn’t know what Kyle was talking about.

“Do what?” Isabel asked, Max still absorbing everything Kyle had told them.

“Fix the Crashdown.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 24 6/3

Post by starcrazed »

Part 24

Isabel was sitting in the back corner booth resting from the drain on her powers after such a big injury. She was also remembering. Remembering and letting the tears finally fall after so long from her closed eyes.

Gavin who had been in charge of repairing broken chairs and glass was taking the time now to admire all the outlandish paintings and depictions of aliens. Finally having a setting for some of the stories he had heard and seeing where such life changing events happened for his dad.

Max was leaning up against the counter breathing deeply too regain his energy as he stared at the spot on the floor almost seeing a fallen Liz with ketchup smeared across the floor.

Kyle was telling a story for all of them, one of the more entertaining ones recently about Hope and Ava, but even he realized they were only half way listening if at all. When he felt Ava finally pull into Roswell he smiled and could have sworn he saw Michael’s back go rigid with tension and apprehension

Minutes later at the sound of the engine Michael stood up ready to haul both of them out of the car, but Kyle grabbed his arm shaking his head, “Just wait.”

Michael pulled his arm free but didn’t move another step. He watched the door, the darkness outside making it harder to see any discernable features of the approaching figure until he opened the door and was bathed in the light from within.

Aiden’s mouth dropped open in shock. He had seen pictures of the Crashdown in his mom’s albums even had a few flashes of it over the years from her, when he focused really hard he knew he had memories of running around here as a toddler. But the last time he was here, it didn’t look like the Crashdown.

It didn’t look like anything really, and the devastation coming from Aunt Liz and his mom at the destruction told him it wasn’t anymore. Even if he was too young to understand it then.

He briefly noticed the blonde apparently asleep in the back corner booth. Their booth.

He saw the boy around his age staring back at him in fascination.

He took in the man leaned up against the counter, recognizing in him the same sense of responsibility and grief that followed his Aunt Liz.

Some part of him realized Uncle Kyle was there too, but by then he allowed himself to focus on the standing figure in the middle of the room that was entreating for his attention since the bell overhead rung announcing his entrance.

Without knowing how it happened he found himself colliding with his dad and hugging him for the very first time in his entire life. He felt his father’s arms wrap around him and the tension filled body he collided into relaxed as relief and joy flooded over and the amazement finally took precedence.

Before the bell rung a second time Aiden could already sense the charged sparks in the air and when he felt his mom enter hesitantly he was already pulling away as his dad’s arms let him go. “I love you Aiden. Don’t go too far.”

Aiden did as he was told only going so far as to hug Max and offer a small wave to Isabel who’s eyes had opened with a soft poke from Kyle while Michael and Aiden were hugging. Then he leaned against the counter and watched just like everybody else.

(A few moments prior)

“You go ahead Aiden, I’ll be in a minute. I just have to talk to Ava.”

Aiden gave her a suspicious look, but the lure of the Crashdown with his father within it was too much and a second later he was out of the back seat and shutting the door headed for the front door of the Café.

Before Maria could even open her mouth Ava turned on her quickly and spoke just as rapidly.

“I don’t care how scared you are Maria. And I know I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now, but if you miss this first meeting. The first time Aiden meets his father and Michael lays eyes on his son, you’ll never forgive yourself because whatever your feeling right now it will pass Maria.”

Hope gurgled from her car seat as Ava finally took a breath. Maria presented her with a smile before diving out of the car towards the Crashdown doors that had just shut behind Aiden.

She pulled the door open not even noticing all the repairs Max, Michael and Gavin had worked so hard on the past few hours. All she could see was Michael and Aiden clutching each other in a bear hug. Even with Michael’s eyes closed she could still detect the wonder and awe he was feeling along with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

So enthralled was she at the sight of the two people she loved most in this world, in this very room, meeting for the very first time she failed to notice the tears that tickled her eye lashes. Even when she blinked in disbelief the warm moisture of her tears that slid down her face went unnoticed.

Suddenly Michael’s eyes snapped open locking with hers with such intensity the simple task of taking air into her lungs became even more difficult then it was a moment before. He slowly pulled back from Aiden and said something that was completely beyond Maria’s comprehension at this point. The mounting fear, anger, worry, and anticipation that she had felt in the car a second ago was threatening to build once again as Aiden moved away from his father and hugged Max.

But that was outside Maria’s grasp as Michael stalked over to her like a mountain lion hunting his prey, the intensity of their stare never breaking.

Maria forgot about all the yelling and crying and hitting she was planning to do if she ever saw Michael Guerin again. She forgot her son, her stepbrother, and two of her oldest friends were in the same room watching her and Michael. She watched as an observer as Michael stopped in front of her and in slow motion her arms swept up his defined biceps to curve around his neck, her fingertips lost in his hair. As his warm hand reached up to the side of her neck, his thumb tilting her head up just slightly more. She was flooded with a vision of the December heat wave so long ago and couldn’t believe he was real.

On their own accord her eyelids fluttered closed and in the next breath Michael’s hot, moist mouth had completely covered hers. Time sped up and Maria was no longer an observer with no control over her actions because the instant his lips made contact with hers Maria was really alive again for the first time in sixteen years and now she couldn’t breath for entirely different reasons.

Contact was all too fleeting because just as Maria was getting reading to stand on her toes or even wrap her legs around his waist feeling like a teenager again, he was pulling back and her eyes were struggling to open out of the daze he had induced upon her.

Studying her for a reaction, for her feelings, for her thoughts, for permission to continue and never ever stop, Michael saw all the pain in her eyes and all the hardships that would follow in the days to come as they tried to work this out, but above all was an understanding so strong and a love so deep his body shuddered as he pulled Maria to him in a hug.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 25 6/9

Post by starcrazed »

Part 25

Ava watched from outside, despite the cold. Hope was bundled up so Ava couldn’t bear to go through the door and interrupt the embrace of the two reunited souls. She vaguely recalled a back entrance before she turned around and headed around the building. Her hand glowed as she unlocked the back door and with a slight bump of her hip the swinging door was moving on its hinges to allow her entrance.

Max had raised his hand at the sounds of an intruder, but the sight of Ava with the baby tore through him making him sick. His clutched his stomach as he bent over hacking up bile. Ava cringed as Michael and Maria pulled away from each other at the sound and in concern for their friend. Kyle wrapped an arm around Ava kissing Hope’s forehead.

“Guess I shoulda used the front door.”

Holding up a hand Max pushed Isabel’s hands away and shrugged off Michael’s hand from his shoulder. Without a word he fled to the bathroom slamming the door closed behind him. Isabel and Michael turned their gaze to Ava for the first time now that Max was out of the room.

Isabel took an involuntary step back gasping for breath, as Ava’s resemblance to Tess was even more obvious without the punk style of their youth. Michael crossed his arms over his chest glaring at the woman, but Maria poked him hard in the chest seeing his reaction.

“Michael.” She glared at him for a moment before joining Kyle and Ava across from Michael and Isabel. Michael dropped his arms rubbing his chest momentarily and saw the line Maria clearly drew between them if that was how they were going to react to Ava.

Aiden just sat down at one of the restored tables that was situated between two parties who were at a standoff. Gavin looked at his aunt and uncle and the distrust that covered their faces, but then he saw Ava. His curiosity got the better of him and he approached them causing Isabel to react.


He turned the amber eyes of her brother towards her, glancing briefly at Michael his gaze filled with reprimand it had taken Max years to perfect.

“I love you both, but you’re being ridiculous. Just because she looks like my mother…” Gavin shook the images out of his head, “She’s been down here fighting the same exact fight you were up there. They obviously trust her with their lives. I don’t see the problem.”

None of them noticed as Max slipped out of the bathroom until he drew their attention by speaking. “He’s right and you both know it.”

Max rubbed his neck and slowly approached Kyle, Ava, and Maria. Standing in front of them he inclined his head to Kyle requesting he step down from the defensive position he had taken in front of Ava, his child, and Maria. As Kyle slid over a half of foot Max turned to Maria grinning, opening his arms to her. She giggled as she bounced into his arms in a welcoming embrace. “I missed you girlfriend!”

“Ria…It’s so good to be back here. Do you know… never mind.” Max tried to wave the unasked question away shaking his head as he pulled away from her hug.

Maria laughed and even though he wasn’t looking Max knew there was a smile on Michael’s face.

“If I knew Max I’d tell you, but as soon as Aiden said you were back we came straight here. Didn’t call anyone. Didn’t tell anyone…didn’t tell anyone…oh shit Kal’s gonna have a heart attack.”

Maria moved away from Max and back towards Michael intending to pace, but Michael grabbed her hand stilling her at his side, “I’m sorry.”

Squeezing his hand back to show that she forgave him she whispered back, “I’m not the one that needs the apology.” Michael nodded, but didn’t make a further move except to spin Maria’s back to his chest wrapping his arms around her stomach and resting his chin on her shoulder as he leaned against the table booth nearest Aiden’s seat.

With Maria elsewhere and Kyle standing off to the side Max offered a hesitant smile to Ava’s tentative gaze.

He held out a finger towards Hope, “May I?”

Ava nodded once and Max gently traced her nose before softly caressing her tiny hand and watching as Hope gripped his finger tightly. “I’m sorry for my reaction Ava. It was very unfair to all of you and I didn’t intend to hurt you. It just…it brought back a lot of painful memories. I hope you can forgive me that we can be friends one day.”

Smirking, Ava looked over at Kyle from beneath her eyelashes merriment dancing in her blue eyes, “Why didn’t you ever warn me that Duke was as cornball as the Commander?”

Kyle just laughed returning to Ava’s side and taking Hope from her arms to give Ava a rest. She pecked his cheek swiftly in thanks before gliding over to the booth Isabel had returned to momentarily bypassing Gavin and his eyes filled with questions.

“I know it don’t mean nothing coming from me, probably wouldn’t matter coming from her either. But I am truly sorry for all the pain she caused you taking him away from you. I know it’s not easy and it’s a lot to ask, but I hope one day we can be friends too. That you can look at me and not see her.”

Isabel ignored the tears in her eyes surprising all of them as she stood up and pulled Ava into a hug.


Pulling back with a blush she promptly changed the topic; “You didn’t possibly bring any food with you?”

“Uncle Kyle you didn’t bring any food?” Aiden exclaimed sounding heartbroken, “I was counting on you to remember the food. You always remember the food.”

Kyle sighed, “I take it that means you and your mom didn’t grab anything?”

Maria shrugged completely content for the moment in Michael’s arms, not caring if they all starved to death. “Sorry Ky, I kinda had other things on my mind.”

Ava cleared her throat pointing to the two bags she had dropped right inside the door that had gone unseen in the drama of reuniting. “It’s not much, but it should tied us over until we can get more supplies.”

“When will that be?” Max asked realizing for the first time how bad the situation was on the planet they left behind.

Michael’s position prevented him from seeing the devilish glint in her eye, but the tone of her voice and the smile of Aiden’s face gave him a clue to it as Maria responded to Max’s question.

“When Liz gets here.”

Isabel laughed, “It always comes back to her doesn’t it?”

Hope started fussing and Kyle started rocking her back and forth to calm her as he answered Isabel’s rhetorical question.

“It sure works out that way, more often then not.”

“So we just wait then?” Michael asked, still not a patient person after all these years.

Ava nodded, “What do you think Ria, sometime tomorrow evening?”

Maria nodded dragging Michael into the booth that Ava and Isabel were in grabbing Isabel’s hand in a welcoming squeeze before giving Max a look which he interpreted correctly as a moment later as he dragged over a table to connect to the booth’s. Gavin, Aiden, and him pulled up chairs sitting down, while Kyle continued to walk around the Café close to his friends rocking Hope to sleep.

“That gives us plenty of time don’t you think Ava?”

“I think so, Aiden how about some Cherry Cola’s and Tabasco.”

Without a word of complaint Aiden got up retrieving enough glasses for everyone and an empty Tabasco bottle. With a single wave of his hand the Tabasco bottle was refilled and there were eight ice cold Cherry Cola’s on their table.

Maria took in Michael’s proud expression, “Not bad huh Spaceboy.” He smiled briefly, but it didn’t last long as soon Gavin was laughing followed quickly by Kyle.


Liz stared aimlessly out the window watching as the scenery changed into mountains and then flatten out to depleted cornfields. Long forgotten acres for crops lay empty as they drove through the Midwest and eventually the snow lessened as the turned southwards. Sebastian drove on not engaging in conversation to which Liz was grateful, but she almost wished he would distract her from her thoughts.

After the numbness had faded Liz was able to keep the memories at bay focusing outside the window and then even turning her thoughts to the Granilith and hoping they had learned enough about it to be able to help them now. Otherwise she might have to figure something out and who knew how long that would take.

When those thoughts had faded she tried not to panic because her thoughts now had nowhere else to turn too. She had mentally recited the Table of Elements before moving onto childhood memories of her, Alex and Maria willingly engaging in a different kind of pain to avoid the hurt of Max Evans.


“Yeah Olivia?”

“I have to tell you something before we get to Roswell. Something about my past.”

“Jasmine and Jade have already made sure over the years that we knew all about the hybrids that left you guys back in high school. You don’t have to rehash all that pain.”

Turning away from the landscape her window provided the corner of Liz’s mouth turns upward as if to smile, “I appreciate that, but there are some things that might get a little confusing if you walk into the Crashdown blindsided.”

“Like what.”

“Like what our real names are.”

She switched the heater of the car down to low as her palms began to sweat, slightly nervous at revealing the details they had kept hidden for so long hoping there enemies wouldn’t realize the connection Maria, Kyle, Ava, and she shared to the Royals bent on taking back there planet. Had she realized that even with her fake name Khivar and the others had known her importance to Antar’s former king she just might have reverted back then.

“When this thing all started, we thought it would be safer if who we had been…if the connection we shared to the Royal Four was unknown.”

Sebastian nodded in comprehension recalling the earlier days when earth first started its self-destruction when the enemy aliens had littered the planet and spies had intercepted discussions concerning the activities of the Royals back on Antar. He had questions but waited silently for her to continue.

“I’m Liz Parker, seventeen years ago I died and Max Evans brought me back. He told me that he was different. He wasn’t from around here. My best friend was suspicious so I had no choice but to tell her. Maria DeLuca went screaming from my bedroom. But after her first freak out she has never once turned her back on them, on me. My boyfriend at the time became really upset when I started keeping secrets, started falling for Max and even though I broke up with Kyle Valenti he still wouldn’t leave us alone. Just like his dad Jim he wanted to know what secret Max was hiding.”

The sounds of the tire on the road below them was the only thing either heard for a while before Liz started speaking again.

“Maria and I we had another friend, Alex, but Tess, she was Ava’s duplicate. Tess killed Alex in her plan to translate the destiny book that would tell them how to get home. When the war ended and Khivar had made his intentions for Earth known, I thought it would be better if we were different people. So Ava waved her hand over our ids and Maria was forced to drop the Guerin off of Aiden’s name, Ava and Kyle had to pretend they weren’t married, and Liz Parker stopped existing.”

“So you used to date Carter? That’s Kyle right? And he and Jasmine…uh Ava are actually married. I mean not like that part is all that surprising. He doesn’t really strikes me as the type to be anything other than a complete gentleman. Very old-fashioned you know?”

Nodding Liz smiled seeing that Sebastian wasn’t really to caught up in all of it, didn’t seem hurt or upset that such a large part of them had been kept a secret.

“When we get there then they’ll call you Liz and Jade will be Maria again and Kyle and Ava will return to there real names as well.”

“I think we were waiting until they got home before we returned to our true selves. If that isn’t loaded with all kinds of psychological crap I don’t know what is.”

Bastian laughed noting the Welcome to New Mexico sign lying horizontal up ahead.

“Are you ready for this Liz?”

It was a shock hearing her name spoken by someone other than Maria, Kyle, Ava, or Kal. Even Aiden hardly ever called her Aunt Liz when they were at Czech’s Café.

“I’ve been waiting for it since they left and I still don’t think another seventeen years would prepare me for it.”

“Well for what it’s worth I’ll be there. I have your back. And you know the others do too. No matter what Commander.”

Liz nodded as they passed the Welcome to New Mexico sign that lay broken to the side of the road. The butterflies of nervousness increasing with the tingles of awareness at the back of her neck.

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 26 6/18

Post by starcrazed »

Part 26

Max stared at the ceiling of his bedroom. His mind playing Counting Crows songs of long ago even though Isabel had followed him into his room and left with his four cds. He couldn’t help but smile as he fell back to his bed and crossed his arms under his head. It was the middle of the night and the house was quiet.

Hope had woken up a couple minutes ago, but either Kyle or Ava had gotten up because the house was once again silent. Getting up Max crept out of his room glancing down the hall to Isabel’s room he could hear her steady breathing and the soft snore from Gavin. His parents’ old bedroom was shut but he could make out the muffled footsteps in the carpet as Kyle whistled under his breath to a sleepy baby. He couldn’t help but smile at his family so close to him.

Most of his family anyway.

At the bottom of the stares he almost tripped over Michael seated on the last step watching Maria and Aiden slumbering peacefully on the hideaway bed.


“Couldn’t sleep.”

Michael grunts out as he slides over on the step and Max sits with him.

“Me neither.” He whispers back.

“I don’t know why, everything in the world I want is right there.” Michael waved to the couch, Aiden on the far side his hair sticking in ever direction as he lays on his stomach, mumbling out of the corner of his mouth while Maria was closest to them curled on her side facing Michael. Even in her sleep there was a happy smile on her face.

“She’s getting closer.” Max offered trying to ease his own butterflies, not knowing how to help Michael.

Redirecting his attention to Max, Michael studied him for a second, “You seem almost surprised.”

Max nodded. “We hurt them Michael. All of them. And while Kyle was all defensive and protective, Maria folded right into your arms like you never left. I can’t even imagine how Liz will react.”

“If it makes you feel any better I think that was only phase one of Maria’s reaction.” Max couldn’t help but chuckle as the note of fear crept into his best friends voice.

“I have no doubt about that. But once Maria’s done yelling and hitting you, after the tears she’ll fold right back into your arms and probably never leave again.”

Michael wasn’t to sure about that, but it was definitely what he was hoping for. “And you don’t think Liz will be that forgiving.” His inflection told Max what he thought about Maria’s type of forgiveness.

“None of them have hardly said anything about her so I don’t know what to expect. She probably hates me because of Gavin and Tess, and who knows if she’s moved on or not?”

“Maria would have mentioned that. And Liz wouldn’t hate you because of Gavin and the Tess thing…It’s been a long time Maxwell. I’m sure it still hurts, but I think she has to have forgiven you by now, otherwise I don’t think we’d be here right now. I don’t think Earth still would be.”

Shaking his head Max stood up and fled to the kitchen, Michael followed behind him. “Liz would never do that. She wouldn’t make the Earth pay because I’m a prick.”

Michael smirked at Max’s heated admission. “You’re not always a prick. Actually you haven’t been a prick in a long time. Controlling and stubborn as hell sure, but so is she. And your both the most caring, forgiving people I’ve ever met. Almost brave and loyal to a fault. She will forgive you Max. She loves you too much not too.”

Marveling at his friend’s kind, insightful words Max had to ask, “How do you know that Michael even if we pretend it hasn’t been almost twenty years since we’ve been on this planet. You and Liz were never close.”

It was true Michael knew as he grabbed one of the last clean cups and waved his hand like he had seen Aiden do earlier to get some orange juice mixed with Tabasco. He finally muttered something when Max continued to burn a whole into the back of his neck with his vision.


“I was the one who took her journal okay Maxwell,” pausing a beat to wave Max’s retort away he went on, “And yeah it was before all that shit were both of you were hell-bent on seeing which one of you could destroy the other one first but…you guys just need to talk to each other. Be honest for the first time since Tess and that bastard Nasedo showed up and everything will work itself out how it’s supposed to.”

“Thanks Michael.”

He shrugged it off, gulping down the rest of the juice before going back to the doorway to watch Maria and Aiden, “All of us have been in a lot of pain for a long time now Maxwell. It’s time to heal. To be with the ones we love and stop hurting.” He rubbed at his face forcing the tears not to rise as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

Max squeezed his shoulder as he slid past him in the doorway and back up the stairs to his room. Pausing briefly he detoured to Izzie’s and grabbed the stack of cds from her nightstand smiling triumphantly for a moment.

Back in his room, Max collapsed once again onto his bed eventually dozing off as the tingles at the back of his neck steadily increased.


Isabel’s eyes snapped open and it took her a moment to accept once again it wasn’t all just a dream. She smiled pulling the covers down and grabbing a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. With a burst of her powers she had enough water to brush her teeth and splash some water on her face before changing and heading down the stairs.

She carefully maneuvered her way around Michael who had his cheek plastered to the wall in the stairway his feet stretched out in front of him and his arms wrapping himself in a hug. She looked over to the couch to see Maria watching Michael. And couldn’t help but chuckle at the expression on her face.

Maria’s eyes shot to Isabel at the soft noise realizing she was no longer alone and blushing furiously. “I was going to cover him.” She exclaimed defensively, trying not to wake Aiden.

Isabel just shrugged moving closer, “You want to talk about it?” Maria opened her mouth, but closed it again and shook her head. “I wouldn’t know where to begin.” She whispered helplessly.

Taking her hand for a moment Isabel smiled, “Well when you do…if you want.” Maria nodded in understanding and smiled a thank you for the other woman.

Isabel went to the kitchen in search of a cup listening carefully to Maria’s movements as she slid out of the bed. She waved a hand over the sink full of dishes and smiled happily as the sparkled with cleanliness. She pulled one out and tried to remember how Aiden had conjured up Cherry Cola’s for all of them yesterday before fixing herself some cranberry juice.

Sipping slowly she did nothing to stop herself from eavesdropping on Maria.



Isabel heard Maria’s throaty laughter before she tried again, “Spaceboy come on.” Isabel moved quietly over to the doorway of the kitchen, careful to remain hidden.

She watched as Michael rubbed at his eyes and cracked his neck as he tried to gain his bearings. He stood up and moaned from the soreness of his body as Maria continued to tug at his arm.


“Shush.” Maria slid back into the pull out bed gently shoving Aiden over who amazingly complied in his sleep. She tugged Michael down and his sore exhausted body caved in with one more, “Spaceboy.”

Turning on his side to face Maria she carefully pulled the covers back up. She smiled at Michael who was struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Sleep Spaceboy. I gotcha.”

Isabel smiled as Maria kissed Michael’s lips before pulling back and taking his hand. She turned onto her back and closed her eyes and a few minutes later Isabel was sure the entire family was sound asleep once again.

She crept passed them to the front door. Shivering briefly in the morning chill before stretching her legs out and starting off on her morning jog. Letting her body automatically take her down the route she had run in her youth. Taking in all the changes of her town and letting her mind go numb as the workout consumed her.

It had been too long since she had been able to run just to run. To long since running was a way to clear her cluttered thoughts. On Antar it was too dangerous. Plus the environment wasn’t exactly conducive to mile jogs for recreational purposes.

When she suddenly found herself in front of the Whitman’s house her steps faltered and she tripped. Tumbling to the hard concrete below her hands went forward to break the fall ending up scratched and bleeding. Isabel rolled over onto the grass after removing the pebbles embedded in her skin. She looked at the smoky blue sky wishing it were nighttime so she could see the stars.

Not because she longed to know where she came from any more. Or because she was searching for a family and a home she didn’t have here. She wanted to see the stars because they reminded her of the one person who wasn’t a part of this happy reunion.

She could look up at the stars and pretend for just a moment that Alex was really there. Sighing she closed her eyes wincing as her palms stung as she rested them on the dying grass.

“Aunt Izzie?”

Isabel’s eyes snapped open and instead of seeing the blue of the sky overhead she was met with the concerned gaze of not one, but two nephews. Eyes identical to her brother and best friend, but still so young.

She pushed herself up wincing again at the sting.

“You’re hurt?” Aiden asked as she stood up.

“Just my hands. It’s fine.” She focused for a minute and the dots of blood on her palm vanished and the ripped open skin mended.

“See.” She held them up for their investigation. “What are you two doing out and about so early?”

“Aiden’s showing me around, giving me the tour of what he remembers.” Isabel lifted an eyebrow towards Aiden.

He recognized the movement that Ava and his mom did when they were suspicious or poised to ask a question.

“I haven’t been here since I was like ten. And it’s changed a lot since then.” He shrugged pointing to the house.

“What you doing at Alex’s?” Gavin’s eyes flashed to the house before turning back to his aunt in curiosity.

“Just…remembering I guess.”

Aiden nodded in a mature understanding, “Mom remembers too when she plays his guitar in the mornings.”

“She still has his guitar?” Isabel asked somewhat surprised and breathless.

“Yup.” Aiden shrugged, “There are some things mom doesn’t go anywhere without. Alex’s guitar, a napkin holder, an alien head key chain, and a set of Scooby plates that we can’t eat off of.”

Isabel laughed having heard the story of Michael’s last night on earth in one of their darker moments up on Antar. Changing the subject Isabel asked, “Was anybody else awake? Did you tell someone you were both going out?”

“Did you?” Gavin returned the question.

“I’m an adult.” She defended even though she knew Max and Michael would indeed be less then pleased if they woke up before she returned. “Besides Maria saw that I was going out for a run.”

“We told Ava, she was up with Hope.” Aiden answered not wanting to upset his aunt.

“How about we finish up Gavin’s tour. I can fill in details you don’t remember?” Isabel offered not ready to go back to the confines of the house.

Gavin and Aiden both seemed delighted at the offer and so they continued trekking through the empty streets of Roswell. Isabel watching as her nephews got to know each other and sharing with them the less painful parts of her past.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 27 7/3

Post by starcrazed »

Part 27

Sebastian slowed the car down as they approached the Welcome to Roswell sign. He pulled to a stop and turned to Liz, “Where do you want to go?”

Liz blew out a long breath the movement ruffling the hair that had fallen into her face. “The Crashdown.”

She watched as his face crinkled in confusion, “Don’t worry I’ll give you directions.”

“It’s not that, I thought it was basically rubble nowadays? That’s what your parents said when they came to visit a few years ago.”

Smiling at the picture of her mom and dad chatting it up with Sebastian and Avery Liz shook off the memory before addressing his concern, “It was. They’ve been here for a whole day now though. I’m sure they fixed it up.”

“Why would they do that?”

Liz shrugged her shoulders, “It’s what any of us would have done if we could.”

“To the Crashdown then?”

She pointed ahead of them not sure if the butterflies or the tingles were more disturbing at this point.


For the past twenty minutes Max had become quiet as they sat gathered in the Café. Ava, Gavin and Hope were sitting in one booth with him and Kyle while Isabel was sitting with Michael, Maria, and Aiden at the counter. They weren’t doing much of anything just getting to know each other again as they waited.

When Maria finally heard the car she squealed in delight and jumped from her seat running to the doors and out onto the street, Ava got up quickly too, also concerned for Liz. She briefly touched Max’s shoulder before moving outside to join Maria.

Kyle only went as far as the door watching through the glass as Maria pulled Liz from the car hugging her and Ava wrapped her arms around both of them. He nodded in thanks to Sebastian who got out of the car slowly taking in his surroundings and trying to see past Kyle to the figures standing within.

Max was holding his breath. He had forgotten how beautiful she was or his memory had failed to do justice to her image. Because there was no way his memory had captured the strength she exuberated. The bravery in her stance and care in her eyes had faded with time in his memory. But now as she stood in front of him everything flooded back and Max failed to remember that breathing was necessary. He was sure the tingles at the back of his neck were visible to everyone at this point because they were shocking him in their force.

But a moment later when Liz pulled away from Maria and Ava’s embrace and looked around outside before turning towards the door of the Crashdown their eyes locked and the tingles were nearly unbearable.

Ava and Maria pulled Liz inside her eyes never moving from his.

Not when the bell overhead rang.

Not when that man Max didn’t know put his hand on her lower back.

Not when Kyle hugged her softly and kissed her check.

Not when Aiden called out a welcome and waved to her.

Max didn’t tear his eyes away from hers either.

He watched her glide through the doors. Flinching when the other man touched her, fighting the surge of jealousy that still surfaced when Kyle hugged her wishing that he could remember how to talk himself so he could call out her name like Aiden did.

Both of them vaguely aware of their family moving around beside them.

Kyle looking at Ava in concern before turning back to watch them.

Ava trying to offer Kyle reassurance that everything would be okay, but still holding tightly to Hope not knowing if her friend would ever recover from this encounter.

Isabel extremely comforted by the fact that all of her friends and family were here now and hoping that her brother would survive this.

Gavin marveling at the difference the different reunions had provided. This one most definitely being the most intense and probably the most volatile despite the stories he had already heard of Michael and Maria’s history.

Maria mentally trying to figure out which one would break the spell, debating which one to watch as she moved her head back and forth between the two mentally urging them on.

Michael tried not to be sick as the nauseating feeling overwhelmed him as the air suddenly changed and he felt the connection spring to life.

Aiden saw the fulfillment of hope in Liz’s eyes and he smiled. Probably the only one gathered who knew without a shadow of a doubt everything was going to be okay.

When the connection burst forth Max had barely time to float in the blissfulness it provided before Liz was yanking her eyes away from his and the connection that a moment ago had the potential to flourish was ripped in two.

Blinking slowly Liz looked around the Crashdown her hand coming up to cover her mouth before her eyes once again met Max’s briefly this time before looking to Michael and Isabel.

“Thank you so much. Thank you for coming back.”

Liz finished straitening her back, searching for her bravery.

Isabel smiled walking slowing to Liz and opening her arms to hug the smaller woman. Liz hugged her back albeit a little stiffly.

Meeting Isabel’s eyes as she pulled away quickly, “It was always our intention to come home.” Liz nodded reading the underlying message Isabel tried to portray.

Before anyone knew what was happening Michael had moved Isabel aside and had pulled Liz into a hug lifting her off her feet crushing her arms into her sides. While Max and Kyle’s mouths dropped open in surprise, Maria, Ava, and Isabel laughed, as did Gavin and Aiden. Sebastian merely studied the group still not sure what to make out of the newcomers.

Michael set Liz down and looked into her eyes that held an ounce of humor beyond all that other stuff swirling that he couldn’t interpret.

“Thank you Liz.” He looked significantly past her where Aiden and Maria stood. “You really are a good friend…even if you never did change those locks.”

The reference confused her for a moment, but once she placed it her eyes widen and she looked startled to Max before looking back at Michael.

“Yeah I told him. Not what it said, just that I took it.”

When Michael finally moved from in front of Liz she saw Gavin. And this time it was Liz’s turn to forget to breath.

His eyes, his smile, his height and build were all identical to Max. His hair was a bit lighter and his nose was different plus his ears were smaller. The evidence of his connection to Tess was hard to pick out unless you looked for it, while his relations to Max was glaringly obvious.

Gavin hesitantly stood in front of her and offered his hand to her. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Gavin.”

Liz smiled for the boy pushing down her nerves to take his hand, “I’m Liz, it’s…” but that was all she got out before the flashes she tried to prevent with Max flooded her mind from Gavin’s touch.

* Max holding onto baby Gavin, a feeling of love and safety flows steadily between them. *

*Gavin coloring a picture of their family and giving it to a confused Max as he points to the figure with long brown hair and the other one with green eyes, asking who they are. “Home” is the small boys simple reply smiling with pride as joy shines in his fathers eyes. *

*Gavin wondering what’s out there as he watches his dad looking up to the stars overhead. *

*A younger Gavin tugging on Michael’s sleeve, “Unca Rath, what’s a Liz?” The small boys confusion growing at Michael’s fond smirk. *

*The explosion of hope reflected in Max’s face as Gavin tells him the rumors are true about the orbs. *

*The set of determination in Max that Gavin admires as they try to finish the war to get home. *

*The barely noticeable shake of Max’s hand as he inserts the crystal to the Granilith for the return trip. *

*Gavin holding back a smile as he hears the first thing his dad asks, “Where’s Liz?” before looking away at the overwhelming sense of need reflected in his fathers eyes. *

Liz finally manages to pull back with a barely audible gasp. She can almost see the ripple of concern the travels through the Crahsdown with the movement.

She shakes her head, to ward off their advances and to rid herself of the images and emotions in her mind.

“It’s fine.”

She tells them from habit not knowing if it is or if she will be. Her gaze skirted between Max and Gavin before settling on Isabel who stands between them. Biting her lower lip in hesitation as she sees the plea in Isabel’s eye. Without looking she can sense the disappointment in Maria and the resignation in Ava.

Releasing her lower lip and holding back a sigh she approaches Max her eyes still skating around so as not to meet and make a connection. Much to soon for her liking she finds herself staring at Max’s chest and can’t help but be oddly fascinating as she watches his breathing slowing become more labored.

Gulping one last time Liz finally allows their eyes to meet again for a minute before she’s on her toes wrapping her arms around his neck.

The stiffness in her form has Max moving hesitantly and only with the realization that she could pull away in a second has him wrapping his arms around her waist as he inhales the scent of her hair, already feeling her pulling away.

Wiling away the built up tears in his eyes as they hold hers for an instant Max flashes Liz his shy smile and while her lip twitches she doesn’t return it. Merely nods once in acknowledgment of his gesture before calmly, coldly stating, “Welcome home Max. I’m glad you’re all safe.”

Before her words can permeate his brain she is already backing away from him closer to what he can only assume she considers safe. He wants to open his mouth and protest. Ask a question. Tell her a story. But it seems at least for the present time Liz doesn’t care about the personal stuff.

“Everyone, this is Sebastian.” She grabs him by the elbow, somehow pulling the much larger frame towards the center of the room with her. “Sebastian, this is Michael, Isabel, Gavin, and Max.”

Max is trying to determine from the others reactions if the hitch in her voice when she said his name was real or imagined so he misses Sebastian’s greeting as well as whatever it is that Michael and Isabel say after it. It’s only the hand on his shoulder that pulls him out of his thoughts.

“Are you okay dad?”

Blinking slowly Max finds Kyle, Sebastian, Michael, and Aiden out at Liz’s car bending over the trunk and pulling out boxes. He vaguely notices Ava, Maria, and his sister outside with them, giving orders and holding the door open. Last he sees Liz standing removed from all the others as she closely watches him and Gavin. As if realizing Max is also watching her now, Liz blushes slightly before turning to watch the others.

He can’t help but smile at her reaction before tearing his gaze away from her to catch Gavin’s look of concern as he nods.

“I will be.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 28 7/16

Post by starcrazed »

Part 28

“Who’d you leave in charge?” Liz asked without looking up from her notes.

“Dustin.” Kyle mumbles out around a mouthful of food that had come with Liz’s arrival.

“Really? That’s interesting.” Maria comments as she reaches across Liz's hunched over form for the bag of chips, her favorite.

She flashes a smile to Michael who is sitting at the counter with Isabel and Max. The three of them observing the four of them as if it is some high school experiment. Aiden and Gavin perhaps the only smart ones in the situation as they sat closer to the back playing with a gurgling Hope.

Ava snatches a few chips from Maria before smirking, “Not really. With Avery there it’s really the only viable option.”

“I almost forgot she was there. How are those two?”

“Nausating.” Kyle mutters under his breath while Ava leans over the table resting her elbows on it and resting her chin in her hands. “They actually remind me of this couple I’ve heard endless stories about.”

Michael leans closer to the booth they’re sitting in when Maria blushes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Ava casts a sideways glance to Michael who’s on the edge of his seat before turning back to Maria. Maria eyes narrow in suspicious as she detects the hint of mischief in the amused blue eyes.

“How’s Blake?”

Michael falls off the chair as Maria’s mouth drops open and she turns and even brighter shade of red. Ava turns to the counter and meets Isabel’s eyes, the taller woman looks concerned for her almost brother but Ava’s teasing wink reassures the other female hybrid.

Isabel crosses her arms and leans back to watch the show and tries to ignore the heated stare coming from her brother aimed at Liz.

Liz who is still looking at her notes, planning, as if the rest of them aren’t even there.

“Ava, leave Maria alone about Blake you know it’s just a crush.”

Michael’s mouth flaps as he tries to ask a question, but Liz ignores him continuing with her process.

“This could work. Granted, I’m not going to order them to it so they all have to agree, but we could restructure ourselves to stay together.”

Max spoke up for the first time.

“All of us?”

Liz looks up briefly to look in their direction without actually making eye contact with any of them.

“Most of us.”

Before Max can protest Ava and Maria beat him too it, “Liz that wasn’t the deal.” However they don’t get very far before Liz stops them.

”Deal? There was no deal. The human race is a stake here. We can’t take short cuts just so we’re all happy.”

Isabel puts a hand in comfort on Max’s shoulder as his face saddens, but Maria seems to gloat and Ava smiles self-assured. Kyle for the most part ignores all of them as he continues to watch Michael who appears to be giving himself a very large headache as he tries to determine if he has to hurt Blake because he has a crush on Maria or because Maria has a crush on him.

The collective silence however does break Liz away from her notes again, “What?”

She asks Maria who’s gloating is the most obvious.

“You admit it.”

“Admit what?” Huffing as she turns the paper over to start a rewrite without the scratches and arrows everywhere.

Maria points to the counter, “They make you happy.”

Ava nods, as Kyle turns confused to Liz then Ava speaks, “Yup, because we know from experience you wouldn’t make anybody else but yourself stay away from them to benefit the greater good.”

Liz ignores both of them and the looks coming from Kyle and Max. “Do you want to hear what I’ve come up with or not?”

“Sure Parker, not that it matters what we think. I’m sure you’ve already perfected it.” Kyle leans back into the booth grabbing at the last chocolate bar on the table. He barely has it opened before Ava snatches it from him breaking it in half and giving some to Maria.

He shakes his head but merely pays no heed to their triumphant smirks.

“Grace and Hayden can stay where they are now. I’ve think they’ve shown they can handle the area with Ava gone.”

She looked up checking with Ava who nodded before breaking off the smallest piece of chocolate and offering it to Kyle who turned away from her and the offer causing her to glare at him.

“Dustin can move up to the northwest region with Blake and Kal can remain there also. Probably closer to the border of the southwest region to keep in touch with his…charges.”

Michael opened his mouth to protest, “I don’t think the shape shifter gives a…” he casts a glance to the teens and more specifically baby Hope before finding a new adjective, “He doesn’t seem to have a vested interest in us.”

Kyle grinned, “He doesn’t. She meant the kids.”

Isabel and Max chuckle slightly at Michael’s offended expression. “Right. Carry on Liz.”

“Okay, so I’ll move down to the southeast with Grace and Hayden and Chase can move out to the northeast with Sebastian and Avery while the rest of you stay in the southwest.”

Quiet so far, happy and very interested in watching their interaction Sebastian spoke out loudly before the rest had comprehended Liz’s plan more designed for self preservation than world leading.

“Sorry Commander that doesn’t work for me. And I’m sure your family would have to agree with me.”

Liz turns in her seat almost forgetting that Sebastian was there with them. “What doesn’t work for you Bastian?”

He ignored the annoyed challenge in her voice. “Well for starters we’ve already established that Grace and Hayden are more then capable of running a quadrant themselves and if they aren’t you can send one of the couples to do it. You don’t have to isolate yourself from your family. You’ve been doing that for long enough.”

His announcement shocks Liz into silence and has the others perking up in interest. Maria, Kyle, and Ava happy to have another person on their side.

“Secondly, I thought the four of you were discussing dissolving the quadrant system anyway?”

Isabel nodded in agreement remembering Kyle having brought it up in one of their many conversations they had while waiting for first Maria and then Liz.

“I have a question.” His serious tone had all of them focusing on Michael, “Who’s Blake?”

Aiden laughed from his spot by the back door, his and Gavin's guise of ignoring the adults in favor of watching Hope change the color of her blocks effectively ruined. He turned to watch his son's reaction so Michael missed Maria's exasperated huff and glare aimed at Ava who turned innocent all the sudden.

“Michael, I hardly think…” Isabel didn’t get to finish, “Me either when Ava brought it up, but Liz was the one who said…” He stopped not willing to repeat the words.

“Dad it’s okay. Mom doesn’t feel the same way he does.”

Maria spun in the booth to gape at Aiden, “You know how he feels?”

“Feels.” Michael repeated much more concerned then he was a moment ago.

“Mom, I think everyone knows he’s in love with you.” He said carelessly as he turned the blocks back to there original color and showing Hope how to change their shape so her blocks became rounded.

Maria’s eyes widened and all the others held their breath watching Michael for a reaction. The stillness of the environment even had Liz finally looking up from her final copy of the new plan just in time to notice the glass frames of the photos behind him shatter before he stormed out of the Café.

Isabel got up to follow him, but Maria grabbed her arm, “Let me.”

She paused by the door feeling someone behind her, “I’m sorry mom.” She turned giving Aiden a hug, “It’s okay sweet heart.”

“I didn’t mean…”

“I know you didn’t. Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”

As the bell rang a second time the others looked cautiously at each other. “Well as important as it is that we figure out who is going to be living where and doing what. Shouldn’t we be worrying about getting the Granilith to fix the Earth so there is somewhere for us to live?”

Liz turned her notes to the next clean sheet, “Kyle’s right that is our number one priority now that you’re here with the Granilith.” Her focused scrawl prevented her from seeing the hurt look in Max’s eyes. Years of experience had Isabel seeing it though and the others knowing what they did about Max and Liz felt the knife twist in his gut just a little bit more at Liz’s near thoughtless words.

“So where do we start.” Ava tried to move them along knowing that Max and Liz didn’t need to hash out their problems in front of all of them. And it was a realistic concern.

“I just hope you guys learned enough about the Granilith while you were on your home planet because I don’t think there’s enough time for us to figure it out now.” Liz stated coldly. No one missed the emphasis on home planet either.

Always over protective Isabel stood angrily, “We hardly learned a damn thing about it while we were on our home planet. It’s a transportation device with the power to destroy a lot of lives. That’s all we learned on our home planet.”

Isabel emphasis was even more obvious, but Liz was so busy being Commander instead of being Liz that she missed it. At least she appeared to miss it.

“And we know it’s capable of time travel.” Half way through the statement her brain started screaming at her, but she couldn’t figure out why because she had noticed Isabel’s implication of where exactly their home planet was and while she didn’t necessarily disagree, it was true that the Granilith had destroyed all their lives.

Twice now for her.

“We know what?” Max whispered, his voice eerily calm, it frightened his sister who hadn’t heard a voice that detached since the first year they had spent on Antar.

“Aiden why don’t you and Gavin take Hope to the park down the block. I think some fresh air would do you all good.”

Ava rushed out in a breath, looking concerned between Max and Liz who now were almost glaring at each other.

Aiden picked Hope up and tilted his head to Gavin and they exited wordlessly out the back door running into Michael and Maria.

“Ewww. Mom! I’m gonna be scared for life.” Aiden closed his eyes as his mom pulls herself out from between the brick wall and Michael.

“Aiden…where are you going?” She wiped at her mouth, her melted brain moving slower than normal.

“Aunt Ava sent us to the park after Liz said something about time travel.” Gavin supplied as Aiden was still shaking his head with his eyes closed.

“Oh my god.”

Michael scratched his eyebrow, “Time travel?”

Gavin shrugged as he pulled Aiden towards the street, Michael watched them grow smaller until he shrugged his shoulders and followed after a panicked Maria back into the Café.

Max didn’t move an inch after his statement. He ignored the movement in his peripheral vision as Michael and Maria came back inside and he hardly heard the rapid whispering coming from Maria directed at Ava who only shook her head as she continued to watch Liz.

He didn’t care that Kyle had taken Liz’s notes and was scratching things out. He didn’t care that he could feel Isabel and Michael grow more and more on-edge because of his behavior. All he saw, all he cared about was that look in Liz’s eyes.

A look filled with so much self-righteous arrogance it made him sick. It was completely out of place on her features so unimaginable that Liz would ever feel either one of those things let alone both of them so strongly. He continued to stare and the intensity of it burned his own eyes but she wavered. Just barely but it was enough for him. In that instant there was a flicker and in that flicker he saw what Liz was trying so hard to hide behind the fake look of pompous superiority.

She was good. It was why she was able to lie to him so well for so long all those years ago. That flicker though gave him a glimpse of the suffocating guilt and regret mixed with doubt.


He wasn’t sure if she could hear it. Not even sure really if he said it aloud, but as her eyes continued to stare back at him and the forced emotions in her eyes faded away to reveal her true feelings he knew she had and it almost broke his heart with what he saw.

“It was that fall, before you all left.” Liz gulped looking from Max to Michael and Isabel reading the confusion written across their faces. “It’s why I pretended to sleep with Kyle.”

She didn’t need to see them to know Michael and Isabel had just caught up. Kyle wrapped an arm around Ava and Maria wrapped her arm around Michael’s arm trying to get him to loosen his defensive stance just a bit and listen.

“I changed all of our lives that night and for a long while after that, even now, I don’t know if I succeed in doing anything more than breaking my heart while I crushed yours.”

Sorrow filled her gaze as she locked on his for a moment before continuing, her voice hoarse as she tried to control all her emotions.

“I cost us a wedding in Vegas.” Liz met Isabel’s gaze briefly, “I cost Alex his life.”

Taking a steady breath she went on, “All we have to show for it so far is three more years then he had, but the world still looks like it has met its end.”

“Who?” Michael asked for the three of them. Isabel and Max both in too much of a stupor to voice anything.

“Max. A version of Max from 2014 who wanted me to get Max to fall out of love with me and help him get together with Tess.

She was supposedly vital to your success in the war. The four square wasn’t strong enough without her and she had left because Max and I were together in that time line. So when your enemies came Earth was taken over.”

“How are we supposed to react to that?” Isabel’s voice shook from all her conflicting emotions.

Michael looked out the window in the direction of the park where his son was and decided in that split second that he would be grateful because right now the hardships they had gone through seemed pretty worth it to him. He had a son, he was with the love of his life, and Earth wasn’t doomed, he could sense it.

Max was looking at Liz without seeing her, his mind taking him back to those fateful days that destroyed his beliefs and changed who he was.

“I don’t know how you react Isabel. Be angry, sad, hate me and yell at me. Throw things and break things. That’s what I did. Cry a lot and curse the universe. Never speak to me again and beg fate to take it back and give us another chance to do it one more time so it doesn’t turn out like this.”

Besides the flashes she had shared with Gavin it was the most emotion the three of them had seen from Liz since her arrival.

“I killed Alex, I destroyed humanity, I drove you three from Earth, and the world’s still ending.”

Max cleared his throat quietly, but it was enough to draw all their attention to him and away from Liz,

“Tess killed Alex. Humanity is a species that survives as evidence by its growing numbers despite Earth’s condition. Tess’ lies drove us from Earth and I’m pretty sure the world’s not ending. I’m actually quite certain of it.”

While most the others looked relieved, Liz was still too caught up in her actions of so long ago to really let anything Max was saying to register. The others waited patiently for Liz to catch up not saying a word and holding their own responses in check.

“Liz, the Granilith crashed because as soon as it entered the atmosphere it began relocating its energy to aiding the Earth ecosystems. Even if we didn’t learn a thing about the Granilith while we were on Antar it wouldn’t matter because it’s fixing Earth’s problem itself.”

“You would think something like that would be worth mentioning. Oh I don’t know when you woke up?” Kyle fumed from his seat in the booth, Ava’s hand doing little to calm him. Max saw he was lucky Kyle was stuck in the booth and he turned to see Maria’s disappointed look before turning his focus back to Liz.

If anything she had withdrawn even more with this new information.

Isabel as always rushed to defend her brother. “We didn’t know that’s what was happening alright? And it’s not like you asked about the Granilith as soon as you saw us. We all got caught up in seeing each other again. Max how are you so sure that’s even what it was?”

“It was something Oda, the head scientist, said before the party. He warned me that if Earth was really as bad off as some of them expected the Granilith would recognize the need Earth had for energy and automatically redirect itself since it spent 50 some years here. It could have resulted in a much more fatal crash.”

“You didn’t tell us this?’ Michael asked turning to face Max’s “Would it of made a difference?”

Isabel sighed her emotions everywhere from everyone’s recent revelations, “You should have told us Max.”

“I know, but I didn’t. I’m sorry, but I knew it wouldn’t change any of our decisions and I knew it would only worry you both more.”

“I think that’s enough for one day.” Ava ventured cautiously, “Maybe we could take a break for the rest of the day continue catching up with everyone?”

The others agreed quickly, but as soon as she was out of the booth Liz went for the door.

“Liz?” Kyle called out watching her mad dash.

“I have to check in with the others.” She answered without turning around, without risking making eye contact with any one of them. Making sure that none of them could see the truth in her eyes.


Michael asked feeling the tension from stress and worry double in Maria’s body as Liz pushed her hand against the door.

“I’ll meet up with you all later. You’re staying at the Evans' right?” She pocketed her other hand hoping no one would see the shaking.

“For now yeah.” Kyle answered her question, but he had hardly finished before she was out the door.

At once Max, Sebastian, and Maria moved to the door.

“Well?” Ava asked when they saw each other all having the same intentions.

“Maxwell stay here. Give her some time.”

Maria was the first to back down, “All she’s had is time Michael, maybe he should go.”

Still Max and Sebastian stared at each other. “I can help her contact the others quicker and get her back here.”

Max sighed giving in, not about to explain to a complete stranger all the things he could do for Liz that no one else would ever be able to.

“We should go get Hope from the boys.” Ava said to Kyle.

“Might as well all go to the park,” Isabel added, “It’s not like we have anything else going on right now." She paused briefly before rushing on before Maria had left, "Maybe once we figure out where we're all gonna stay and things settle a bit, we could look for our parents?”

Maria paused her hand in Michael's as he held open the door, she thought of the Parkers' hiding away in the south east and of the Sheriff's never ending love and support for all of them. She remembered her mom and how broken she was at the loss. Looking at Isabel's hopeful eyes she couldn't help but smile softly before nodding her head. She'd put Kal on it, make sure he did everything he could to find out what happen to Mr. and Mrs. Evans.

After Isabel returned the smile Maria and Michael were quick to follow Ava and Kyle out the door. Max and Isabel followed after them more slowly.

“You okay Max?”



“Isabel, it’s a lot to deal with alright! For all of us. I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

She smiled, years ago, heck even a few months ago she never would have gotten that much out of him. Liz Parker really was good for him, even when the girl refused to speak with him.

“I was just going to ask if were positive that’s what caused the Granilith to crash. Maybe we should check?”

Smirking at his sheepish smile as he nodded in deep though she threw an arm around his shoulder, “Well get through this Max. We’re home now, that’s all that matters.”

“Home…we’re not there yet Izzie.”

Understanding she nodded, “Don’t worry Max, you’ll find it.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 29 7/28

Post by starcrazed »

destinyc: Me too!! I love that analogy!! With a little help Liz will realize all the changes going on
Timelord31: Thanks.
Natalie36: You can say that again!
keepsmiling7: You're right there is a lot to be said, but first Liz has to admit that. And after that I'm sure it will take a lot of time, but they'll get there.
twilight: Sooner then you think!

Thank you so much for all your feedback and support throughout this story. I really enjoyed writing this one and it means a lot to know you've all enjoyed it too. Oh! Almost forgot to add, I borrowed some dialogue for this part-it is not mine, but you'll know it when you see it. Thank you once again!

Part 29

Liz was almost to the end of the block, the opposite direction of the park the kids had gone too, before Sebastian finally caught up to her. For a while they just walked in silence. Liz huffing next to him her anger fueling her quick steps while Sebastian kept pace due to his long legs alone. Occasionally he would glance down at Liz and try to read her facial features but for the most part he just distracted himself with the childhood town of his Commander.

He imagined it was a far cry from the tourist trap it used to be, most cities and towns were, but the faded green aliens painted on to almost every surface of buildings they passed gave him a vague enough idea.

“You gonna follow me all day?”

“Yup.” He answered without looking at her, knowing her enough to pick out the challenge in her tone at the hints of sadness, desperation, and hope all mixed in one.

She didn’t responded just kept walking and he followed along. Before long she had slowed her pace, but still she traveled to what appeared to him, aimlessly.

They never did make it to the makeshift command center to contact the others that day, but Sebastian knew that could wait. The others were all capable of seeing after things. Eventually they made it to the residential area. First they bypassed apartment complexes in varying degrees of structural quality. Bastian wasn’t too sure either what of that was caused by the war and which buildings were how they always had been, worn down.

“That’s where Michael lived after he got emancipated.”

“Why’d he get emancipated?” Sebastian asked the most natural question after her statement. She looked at him debating with herself for a moment before dropping some of the left over hostility in her stance.

“His foster father wasn’t very nice.” Sebastian understood what that meant by the look in Liz’s eyes. He nodded in acceptance, not needing any further explanation. He watched as she studied the building her eyes clouded with memories before she closed them for a longer span of time and then being walking again.

Sebastian waited a breath checking his watch before trailing after her once again. “This was Maria’s neighborhood.”

Two blocks later Liz had stopped again and Sebastian found himself looks at a one story cozy little home with a wrap around porch.

“We used to play on the porch all day long and sleep out there during the summer time. Amy hated it because of the bugs and she refused to let us sleep out there by ourselves.”

He noticed the hitch in her voice when she mentioned Maria’s mom, he squeezed her hand briefly for comfort but let go before Liz could pull away and establish even more walls for distance. They cut over a few blocks and crossed what he imagined used to be a busier street.

“That’s where…the Valenti’s lived.” Sebastian wondered if the pause indicated their constant slip of calling Jim, Sheriff, or if her thoughts had gone darker remembering the other girl who looked like Ava…Tess who had once lived there an even horrible idea crossed his mind, but it was too much for even him and he never knew Alex.

Liz wiped at her face and Sebastian was almost happy to see the façade she had put up wasn’t holding under the weight of her memories. With the little she had already told him he could almost see a small town girl hiding beneath the Commander, just as stubborn and fighting to be set free.

They walked for a long time stopping for a while at another empty park. Liz sat on the swings and without a word Sebastian pushed her a few times. He smiled, watching as she closed her eyes and leaned back in the swing. She looked free of all the pressures fate had given her in this life for that one moment.

When they set off again from the park she ignored an area that Sebastian could see as being quite wealthy back when she was in high school. However, the green veins sparkling in her hands told him it was a good thing they kept on walking.

“Alex lived in this area too. I guess I never realized how close they lived to each other.”


Liz pointed to a house a few doors down Sebastian saw the lights inside and could only assume it was the others they had left in the Crasdown earlier that day.

She sat down on the curb answering his unasked question, “That’s the Evans’ and Alex’s house was a block down, two over.”

“That is close.” He joined her on the curb.

“Thanks for walking with me.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“And thank you for not making me talk.”

“I think we’ve known each other long enough for me to realize you need time to yourself without actually being by yourself, but I do want to say one thing.”

Pushing her hair behind her ear she rests her cheek on her knee looking up at him. In the moonlight she looks so much more innocent and childlike.

“I know you’ve heard it before from Maria and Ava and Kyle and probably even Kal, but please just listen.”

Liz didn’t move only sighed lowly, “I suppose if I hear it enough it will eventually sink in?”

“That’s probably along the lines of what we’re all thinking, granted this will be the first and the last time I ever bring it up. Promise.”

“Go ahead Sebastian, I’m not going run away if I don’t like what you have to say. I'm done running. Tired of it.”

She whispered the last of it, her exhaustion evident.

“See I want to believe you, but evidence of the past 17 years since they left probably proves your statement to the contrary, despite how tired you may be. And I know I really have no place in saying any of this since I’ve never been in love, wasn’t even a witness to what you and Max had, all I know is you now. Who I imagine you’ve become from a necessity to protect your family, but more than that, the drive of self-preservation we all have. Nobody ends up like this without striving very hard for it for a long time."

Liz took a deep breath letting his words wash over her.

“You’re one of the most intelligent woman I’ve ever met Liz. You’d have to be to accomplish what you did here, saving Earth,”

“I didn’t…”

“Shush, you know what I mean. The thing is though your all head, no heart. Not really. If we watch carefully we can see glimpses of it when you’re with your family, but it’s not enough Liz, not for anyone. Especially not a woman like you. “

“What’s that mean.”

“Inside you Liz Parker is this wall. It keeps you focused and determined, lets you get your job done the best way possible, but it inhibits you because it stops you from feeling. Let that wall fall down Liz and you’ll burst with emotions. It’s a terrifying thought, but worth it. I’ve never felt anything near as strong as what I’m sure you and Max used to have but I can’t understand how anyone would close off from that because all the pain’s still there. It’s that love, that all powerful, consuming love that gets us through the hard stuff.”

Looking up at the stars Liz ignores the tears dropping from her eyes. The warm moisture conflicting with the chilling air around them.

“I don’t know how.”

Sebastian holds his breath, knowing these words are what they’ve all waited for, what her family has hoped for since forever ago.

“I put that wall up a long time ago Bastian and I’ve spent so long keeping it up just to survive the day that I have no idea how to get rid of it now. I’m so tired. Tired of this war and missing half of my family. Tired of hating Tess and missing Alex. Tired of not getting to love Max. Tired from not feeling anything and tired from maintaining that wall, but I don’t know how to stop, I don’t know if I can or if I’d survive without it.”

“You can survive anything. You’re the strongest woman I know Liz Parker.”

Sebastian turns as Liz jumps up to face Max.

“I should go.” He offers but sees that their eyes are locked together and they’ve most likely already forgotten that he’s standing there. Standing up from the curb Liz looks away from Max to squeeze Sebastian’s hand,

“Thank you.”

He smiles rubbing his thumb over her knuckles already seeing a battle going on behind her pools of brown that has nothing to do with him and everything to do with her and Max.


Gesturing to the curb they both sit down and listen to Sebastian’s fading footsteps, watching the stars overhead both of them thinking a hundred different things about those stars. When they blur together Liz closes her eyes and rests her head on Max’s shoulder.

He doesn’t dare move as her smell invades his nostrils and her warmth seeks his out. With one last shaky breathe she opens her mouth, keeping her eyes closed, and her head tucked on his shoulder.

“I missed you Max. I miss us.”

Without jostling her head he slides his arm around her waist ignoring the pleasurable zaps shooting up his arm as he expands his body’s contact with hers.

“Me too. I hate what we became before I left. Those two people hurting each other, lying and keeping secrets. Almost as much as I dislike the emotionally challenged droid I’ve become. I don’t know…don’t know what I would have done differently to stop all the pain, but starting this moment I’m going to do whatever is in my powers to earn your forgiveness. To help you trust me again, trust us.”

Unfolding her arms from around herself Liz reaches for Max’s other hand; the one not wrapped around her and holds it, drawing lazy circles on it with the other.

“I forgave you a long time ago, Max. That’s what love is and despite everything I said and did that ever made you doubt it, I do love you. I always will no matter how much I try not too.”

Kissing the top of her head, he can feel the connection pulling at him begging to be joined and complete, but he holds back seeing the fragile look in Liz’s eyes.

“I’m sorry for hurting you too Max, I can’t say it wasn’t my intention because its what I thought I had to do, but I never wanted to. I never wanted to destroy your faith in this. In us.”

"Liz. You really are the strongest woman I know and together we can get through this. Even when you weren’t there up on Antar you’ve gotten me through so much and now you’re here. I can see you, smell you, touch you, taste you.”

He smiles when she ducks her head trying to hide behind her shorten hair strains. “I can love you now Liz how Future Max got to love his Liz. We have a chance now to really make our own destinies.”

Standing up and offering her a hand, Liz hesitates a second before determination takes over and she reaches up willingly for his hand and smiles, her eyes full of emotions.

“What’s my destiny, Max?”

Chuckling and cupping her face between his warm hands, her breath hitches as his words tickle her mouth before he lets the connection roar to life between them catching her lips with his.

“I only know the part I’m hoping for.”

The End
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories