Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by NotYourChick »



Based on the movie Tuck Everlasting. The Evans have lived forever. 500 years ago they drunk from water near a tree. No one really knows about them. They never let anyone see who they really are. One day Max meets Liz. The two do not like each other at first. Maria who is married to Michael likes Liz and trust this young girl. She plays match maker with Max and Liz.

The Evans are: Phillip, Diane, Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess.

Must have: Michael and Maria married. As for kids you pick.
- Amanda
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Michelle17 »


Rating mature to adult
With Alien

Ok I had this idea. It has to do with 4 aliens in a baby. What if baby Zan was really Liz. In the past Liz and Tess were really close sisters. In their past the war started on antar. Tess was the only one out of the family who knew for she was pregnant. Max sort of knew back then but didn't at the same time. Max main concern was protecting Liz and the kingdom as always. Michael was still Max right hand man. He always made sure he was protect. Michael was always a complicated man the only who could get threw when Max couldn't was Maria Liz main counsel. Isabel was the still Max sister. Alex took care of the tech stuff on antar.

Now for the present

I want for Max and Liz still having trouble trusting each other. It doesn't when Tess comes back with the baby. I want Tess to actually be the protect of the baby. I want the many serects that future told Liz start to come light. Liz powers have start showing. I want for Liz and Maria to Leave roswell for bit but come.

Happy ending

Special thanks too

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by CrashandBurn8321 »

Without Aliens
Rating: Don't care. What ever works with the way it's written.

Okay, I was cleaning up my room and putting stuff in plastic tubs and came across these books that I read like 15 years ago called 'Girl Talk' and thought that one of them would make a good Roswell challenge. I took the general idea from the book, everything else is purely me.

In the books, they are in junior high, but for the sake of the challenge they are in high school.

Basically, Max, Liz, Isabel, Alex, Michael, Maria, Kyle, and Tess (plus the entire 11th grade) have to take a year long computer class. The first semester of the class is them learning all the computer stuff. The final for the class is going to take the entire second semester. Each class will be split up in to groups of 4 or 5 (depending on number of students in class) and each group has to come up with a computer program using everything that they learned first semester. The teacher has to approve the projects of course.

The girls are in a group together, because they want to get a good grade, as are the guys. You can add other characters to the story if you like.

The girl’s project is going to be a computer dating program. You know how those go, you answer a bunch of questions and they match you up with who you are most compatible with. Now, it’s been a few years since I’ve been in school so I don’t remember the type of questions but you can make some up.

The teacher agrees to have the class take the test and after the results are given to everyone, they will take a field trip to the movies or some other date type thing to see just how well the program worked. Each person is paired with the person that they scored the highest with.

All our fave couples are paired together (M/L, Mi/Ma, I/A, K/T). Other than that, if you have other people that can be paired how ever you want them.

Max and Isabel Evans-brother/sister
Michael and Liz Parker-brother/sister
Tess Harding-Michael and Liz’s stepsister
Kyle and Maria-stepbrother/sister
Alex Whitman-Maria’s cousin

~The title of the book is ‘The Perfect Match’ , but it’s up to you what the title will be.
~They learn the BASIC language (computer stuff).
~Learn to use and analyze programs---You don’t actually have to know the stuff and write about it, just mention it. I don’t recall the book going into detail about it.
~Michael is a year older than Liz, but was held back by their mom in kindergarten because he wanted to stay with Liz.
~The girls are all best friends and have a girls night/sleep over every Saturday night at Isabel’s
~The guys all play a different sport
~Liz is the not so popular girl in school and is secretly in love with Max
~Maria using the phrase “That’s it! I'm never going to understand this stuff. I’m doomed.” or something else along those lines at some point about the project. That's the phrase in the book, I think.
~Liz and Michael’s dad married Tess’s mom in the 9th grade and moved to the rich part of town where their friends live.
~At one of the girls sleepover they go skating in the back yard (they have a small building in the back with a rink), Max invites the guys over to spy on the girls to figure out what they are doing for the project and Michael trips Liz while she’s skating and Max catches her before she falls.

Yeah, that’s about all I can think of. Add what ever else you want. I have this posted over at Write On under Roswell_4_Life, I didn't steal it, honest.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

#329 taken by Cheery-O
Last edited by dreamon on Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Zanity »

#330 AU w/ Aliens M/L

Ok rules...

--No shooting
--No wars
--No kings


Max, Isabel were found wandering in the desert and adopted by the Evans. Michael also alien hid and was later found and put in foster care. (You can have Tess around if you want but if you do she and Max have no interest in each other except as friends.)

Max falls in love with Liz in the third grade. (I know cliche but I'm going somewhere with this.)

So Max spends his time obsessing over the girl he can't have because of his alien status.... until Liz and Kyle start dating.

Kyle isn't the Kyle from the show... his dad is the sheriff and as such he can get away with just about anything. He's the stereo-typical arrogant jock/jerk that still manages to have girls falling all over him.

Jeff Parker is an observant parent.

He knows Max has it bad for his daughter and based on the fact that Liz puts up with all his staring without calling him on it, as well as overheard conversations between Liz and Maria where Liz indicates she believes Max is out of her league: he believes Liz has feelings for Max too.

Jeff Parker does not like Kyle Valenti. He knows Kyle is bad news and doesn't want him around his daughter. But Liz is blind to Kyles darker side and won't listen to her father's disapproval of Kyle.

So Jeff decides to do something about it...

Jeff Parker and Philip Evans are friends and Jeff knows Max is a good kid so he starts trying to set Max and Liz up. He starts pulling strings and manipulating events to get Max and Liz to spend as much time together as possible and starts dropping hints to Max about things Liz likes.

Max would like nothing better than to win Liz's heart and keep her away from Kyle. He knows Kyle is bad news to and doesn't want Liz anywhere near him.

But Max is bound by the Pact he made with Isabel and Michael (and Tess?).

He's also afraid of Liz's reaction if she ever learned the truth about him.

But despite Max's misgivings and attempts to keep the distance he can't hide his true feelings completely and Jeff Parker's plan starts to work. Liz and Max start getting closer and closer.

Kyle is not happy about this and starts bullying Max.

Eventually Kyle attacks Max with a knife while he's out with Liz. Max dodges and fights back... in the fight Kyle accidentally stabs Liz and runs away.

The stab wound would be fatal except Max heals her. Afterwords he tells Liz the truth about himself.

The other aliens are upset with Max. Telling him he needs to stay away from Liz.

Now that Liz knows the truth and hasn't turned away from him Max refuses to give her up... Arguing that she already knows and saying away now would be like closing the barn door after all the animals are gone.

Kyle starts to get suspicious about what happened when Liz shows up with no sign of the injury he knows he inflicted. His family has always been obsessed with aliens and when he incidentally sees the silver hand print on Liz right where he stabbed her. He believes he may have found one and tells his dad.

The sheriff and Kyle begin investigating Max.

More Rules...

--Must have Jeff Parker find out the truth about Max at some point
--Jeff Must be instrumental in the final solution of ending the Valenti's investigation into the aliens.
--Dreamer Ending
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Cheery-O »

dreamon wrote:#329 AU with Aliens
Rating at least mature

What if Nasedo was only able to get 3 pods to saftey. In this challenge, Nasedo was able to get Isabel's, Michael's, and Tess' pods to saftey but he was caught by the FBI with Max's pod. So the FBI take Nasedo and the pod and they transfer them to their facility in florida or something. So Isabel, Michael, and Tess emerge from the pods and the three are found by the Evans and they get adopted by them. The Evans and theValentis are old friends so they make Valenti the godfather to their kids. (Its up to you if you want the parents to know if they kids are aliens or not)

Tess (is not evil), Isabel ,and Michael grow up embracing their human sides and you can come up with how liz, alex, and maria find out about their alien status...Maybe Maria gets shot and Micheal heals her and Tess is able to mindwarp people so they don't see Micheal healing her. (Max has Michael's blasting power and Micheal is the healer)

As for Max he grows up in the FBI facility where he is treated like a lab experiment basically. One day Nasedo is able to escape with Max from the facility but Nasedo dies telling Max that there are others like him and that earth is his home, etc. So Max at the age of 14 is terrified of humans and left to fend for himself. He's smart since the FBI wanted to test his abilities etc, so they let him read and get an education etc. Yet, now that he's outside the faciltiy and alone in a world that he doesn't underestand Max has to survive. So he's basically homeless and eating out of trash cans, etc.

One day at night Jeff's brother who also has a restaurant on the beach sees Max on the beach from time to time all alone, skinny looking and scoundering for food. So he approached him and gives him food etc. But is terrified of him at first since all he has known is pain from humans. But he slowly turns around and trusts him...he doesn't keep on taking charity from Jeff's brother and instead asks for a job. So he does get a job at the restaurant doing small things like cleaning the tables taking the trash out etc. Jeff's brother asks him where his parents are, why doesn't he go to school etc, but max doesn't give him an answer. And Jeff's brother also tells Jeff about Max.

One day Jeff's brother is trying to help his sone with his math homework but he can't figure it out but Max comes up and explains it to him...They're surprised that Max new how to even do it since they all thought that he never went to school. So Max has basically been working at the beach restaurant since. Max since he was experimented on has fears and flashbacks when se sees certain things...for instance he freaks out one day at the restaurant when he sees knives...he can't go into the freezer because it remends him of the coldness of the ice baths that he was forced to take, etc. Max is also ubale to normally socialize since he doesn't know how to..he keeps to himself etc. He's been robbed of a normal life for instance he hasn't done such simple things as even seen a movie at a theater, been to an amusement park, eaten popcorn, etc. (Liz and the gang can take Max to his first amusement park etc)

Now during the summer of her senior year Liz who got accepted into Harvard goes to visit her uncle and she sees the guy (Max) who her uncle has been taking about all these years. Now its up to you on how Liz finds out that Max is an alien...maybe he gets hurt sevearly and pleads with Liz to not take him to the hospital. So Liz later eitherShe convinces Max to go to Roswell with her to meet Isable, and Michael, and Tess or the Evan's come and see Max.

Tess does not have feelings for Max instead she's dating Kyle. Liz falls in love with Max and her parents think that she shouldn't waste her life on someone like Max who's homeless and doesn't have a future, etc.

Max and Liz do get together but their are issues in their relationship and they do have thier fights...Max gets jealous, he feels hes holding liz back and not worthy of her and that she can do better than him, he has intimacy issues, etc. Liz also gets guys hitting in her in college saysing that shew can do better than MAx bu going out with a rich and successful guy instead of wasting time on a low life like Max...Max one day sees a guy telling her just that

MAx eveantually gets a GED and goes to college himself and he eventually marries Liz.

You can go from here and add anything that you would like to...I would like this to be angsty but with a happy CC ending. Its up to you if you still want to include the skins, khivar, etc. or anything else.
I'm still pretty new here and I mostly just lurk :oops: but I'd love to take this challenge.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

Cheery-O wrote:
dreamon wrote:#329 AU with Aliens
Rating at least mature

What if Nasedo was only able to get 3 pods to saftey. In this challenge, Nasedo was able to get Isabel's, Michael's, and Tess' pods to saftey but he was caught by the FBI with Max's pod. So the FBI take Nasedo and the pod and they transfer them to their facility in florida or something. So Isabel, Michael, and Tess emerge from the pods and the three are found by the Evans and they get adopted by them. The Evans and theValentis are old friends so they make Valenti the godfather to their kids. (Its up to you if you want the parents to know if they kids are aliens or not)

Tess (is not evil), Isabel ,and Michael grow up embracing their human sides and you can come up with how liz, alex, and maria find out about their alien status...Maybe Maria gets shot and Micheal heals her and Tess is able to mindwarp people so they don't see Micheal healing her. (Max has Michael's blasting power and Micheal is the healer)

As for Max he grows up in the FBI facility where he is treated like a lab experiment basically. One day Nasedo is able to escape with Max from the facility but Nasedo dies telling Max that there are others like him and that earth is his home, etc. So Max at the age of 14 is terrified of humans and left to fend for himself. He's smart since the FBI wanted to test his abilities etc, so they let him read and get an education etc. Yet, now that he's outside the faciltiy and alone in a world that he doesn't underestand Max has to survive. So he's basically homeless and eating out of trash cans, etc.

One day at night Jeff's brother who also has a restaurant on the beach sees Max on the beach from time to time all alone, skinny looking and scoundering for food. So he approached him and gives him food etc. But is terrified of him at first since all he has known is pain from humans. But he slowly turns around and trusts him...he doesn't keep on taking charity from Jeff's brother and instead asks for a job. So he does get a job at the restaurant doing small things like cleaning the tables taking the trash out etc. Jeff's brother asks him where his parents are, why doesn't he go to school etc, but max doesn't give him an answer. And Jeff's brother also tells Jeff about Max.

One day Jeff's brother is trying to help his sone with his math homework but he can't figure it out but Max comes up and explains it to him...They're surprised that Max new how to even do it since they all thought that he never went to school. So Max has basically been working at the beach restaurant since. Max since he was experimented on has fears and flashbacks when se sees certain things...for instance he freaks out one day at the restaurant when he sees knives...he can't go into the freezer because it remends him of the coldness of the ice baths that he was forced to take, etc. Max is also ubale to normally socialize since he doesn't know how to..he keeps to himself etc. He's been robbed of a normal life for instance he hasn't done such simple things as even seen a movie at a theater, been to an amusement park, eaten popcorn, etc. (Liz and the gang can take Max to his first amusement park etc)

Now during the summer of her senior year Liz who got accepted into Harvard goes to visit her uncle and she sees the guy (Max) who her uncle has been taking about all these years. Now its up to you on how Liz finds out that Max is an alien...maybe he gets hurt sevearly and pleads with Liz to not take him to the hospital. So Liz later eitherShe convinces Max to go to Roswell with her to meet Isable, and Michael, and Tess or the Evan's come and see Max.

Tess does not have feelings for Max instead she's dating Kyle. Liz falls in love with Max and her parents think that she shouldn't waste her life on someone like Max who's homeless and doesn't have a future, etc.

Max and Liz do get together but their are issues in their relationship and they do have thier fights...Max gets jealous, he feels hes holding liz back and not worthy of her and that she can do better than him, he has intimacy issues, etc. Liz also gets guys hitting in her in college saysing that shew can do better than MAx bu going out with a rich and successful guy instead of wasting time on a low life like Max...Max one day sees a guy telling her just that

MAx eveantually gets a GED and goes to college himself and he eventually marries Liz.

You can go from here and add anything that you would like to...I would like this to be angsty but with a happy CC ending. Its up to you if you still want to include the skins, khivar, etc. or anything else.
I'm still pretty new here and I mostly just lurk :oops: but I'd love to take this challenge.
Sure, its yours!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

Taken by Drogyn
THis challenge was at first taking by Lena7...which as you know got I'm putting it back out here

All Human

Ok first off let me say that there is NO bad guy/girl in this story.

Now.....Kyle and Liz dated all through high school and were childhood sweethearts.But sadly upon graduation that all ended.Liz got a scholorship to a school far away and Kyle was stuck in town.The two talked it out and both knew that long distance relationships never work.So the two broke up....but on good terms,they both went their seperate ways but still see each other now as the best of friends.

It's a few years later and now Liz is dating Max.She met him at school or something like that.She is now bringing him home to meet her family and friends.Tess moved to town not long after Liz left and met Kyle the two have been dating and a couple ever since.

Now here's the drama.

Like I said Liz and Kyle still see each other as good friends so when Liz and Max get to town the two are huggy and happy too see each other.For them it's just old friends stuff but Max and Tess start to get a tad jealous over how close the two act.Liz and Kyle don't notice their partners discomfort for to them they're just spending time with an old friend.

Some kind of party where Max and Tess end up at the bar and comment on how close Liz and Kyle still act.Both know what the other is thinking and hinting around about.

Finally at some point Tess talks to Kyle and Max talks to Liz and points out how the two have been acting and how it makes them feel seeing the person they love acting like that with someone else.

Both Max and Tess getting the evil green eyed jealous monster attack.
Last edited by killjoy on Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Drogyn »

killjoy wrote:331#

THis challenge was at first taking by Lena7...which as you know got I'm putting it back out here

All Human

Ok first off let me say that there is NO bad guy/girl in this story.

Now.....Kyle and Liz dated all through high school and were childhood sweethearts.But sadly upon graduation that all ended.Liz got a scholorship to a school far away and Kyle was stuck in town.The two talked it out and both knew that long distance relationships never work.So the two broke up....but on good terms,they both went their seperate ways but still see each other now as the best of friends.

It's a few years later and now Liz is dating Max.She met him at school or something like that.She is now bringing him home to meet her family and friends.Tess moved to town not long after Liz left and met Kyle the two have been dating and a couple ever since.

Now here's the drama.

Like I said Liz and Kyle still see each other as good friends so when Liz and Max get to town the two are huggy and happy too see each other.For them it's just old friends stuff but Max and Tess start to get a tad jealous over how close the two act.Liz and Kyle don't notice their partners discomfort for to them they're just spending time with an old friend.

Some kind of party where Max and Tess end up at the bar and comment on how close Liz and Kyle still act.Both know what the other is thinking and hinting around about.

Finally at some point Tess talks to Kyle and Max talks to Liz and points out how the two have been acting and how it makes them feel seeing the person they love acting like that with someone else.

Both Max and Tess getting the evil green eyed jealous monster attack.
I'll take this one.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

332#taken by RosDude

M/M,K/T,A/I and M/L
Kind of a Roswell version of Omega Man/I Am Legend.

Most of the world's population has been killed off due to germ warfare.There are a small few who are immune to the bug but they are very rare.These 'lucky' ones roam the wastelands once called the US looking for food,sheltar while trying to hide and keep one step ahead of the Mutated.

The Mutated are humans who were not immune to the bug but weren't lucky enough to die quickly like most of the world's population.Sadly they were mutated into blood thirsty,mindless killing machines....think rabid dogs

Michael was a US Special Forces Soldier when the bug hit.Lucky for him he was immune.He spends his time riding his motorcycle across the back roads of USA trying to survive.He roams from ghost town to ghost town finding supplies when he can.If he does see the rare immune person they leave each other alone.

All that changes when Michael,low on gas,rolls into Roswell.Expecting it to be a ghost town like all the rest Michael is shocked to find a good size population still living there....Jim,Amy,Kyle,Tess,Alex,Isabel,Max,Liz and can add a few others if you want.Michael is not used to being around this many people and feels uncomfortable.But the townfolk are happy to see him and offer him a deal.

They have tons of supplies that they saved from the town.Only problem is that they've been fighting off attack after attack from the nearby batch of Mutated.If Michael will stay and will use his special forces army skills to help them kill of the Mutated that are trying to over run the town than he can leave with all the free supplies he can carry.

But will Michael,a loner since birth,stay and risk his life for a bunch of strangers? And what is it about that Maria girl that keeps getting under his skin?
Last edited by killjoy on Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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